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MY TOP 10 MY TOP 10 FAVORITE PROGRAMS usagi drop aniplus Daikichi, seorang sarjana berumur 30 tahun, bertemu dengan seorang gadis berumur 6 tahun saat pemakaman kakeknya, yang tanpa ia tahu bahwa gadis bernama Rin tersebut adalah seorang anak haram dari kakeknya. Daikichi memutuskan untuk mengadopsi Rin. Kemudian, mereka pun memulai menjalani gelombang kehidupan. the book of life into the storm fox movies premium hbo Manolo, seorang pemuda yang bingung antara memilih memenuhi harapan keluarganya atau mengikuti hatinya, menjalani sebuah petualangan yang mencakup tiga dunia yang fantastis, di mana ia harus menghadapi ketakutan terbesarnya. Pelacak badai, pencari sensasi, dan warga kota sehari-hari mendokumentasikan tentang serangan tornado yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, yang kemudian tornado besar pun mendarat di kota Silverton. amazing wedding cakes 100 miles from nowhere starworld dmax Acara yang mengkhususkan untuk membuat kue unik yang akan ditayangkan setiap minggunya. Acara ini berikut juga dengan masing-masing kelompok dengan pertemuan awal dengan klien, thap mendesain kue, memanggang kue dan merancang kue. Kue pun tidak terbatas hanya pada kue pengantin, tetapi juga permintaan klien mulai dari kue ulang tahun sampai kue pertunangan. Ikuti para petualang, Matt Galland bersama kedua sahabatnya, Danny Bryson dan Blake Josephon, dalam perjalanan mereka ke tempat-tempat berbahaya. Dalam 4 hari, mereka menjalani track sekitar 100 mil dengan perjalanan yang mengancam jiwa, seperti pegunungan yang curam, gurun yang panas, dan lembah-lembah yang dingin. Mereka berpetualang mencari tempattempat paling ekstrim di bumi. 4 MY TOP 10 treasure quest one chance di lepas pantai Brazil, terletak sebuah pulau yang meninggalkan legenda tentang sebuah peninggalan harta karun para bajak laut yang hilang dan berpotensi bernilai jutaan. Sayangnya, bagi mereka yang ingin mencari harta karun tersebut harus mengahadapi ribuan ular berbisa yang mematikan penghuni pulau tersebut. Sebuah kisah nyata tentang Paul Potts, ia merupakan seorang pemalu, yang juga bekerja sebagai penjaga toko pada siang hari dan seorang penyanyi opera amatir pada malam harinya yang akhirnya menjadi fenomena setelah ia terpilih dan memenangkan “Britain’s Got Talent” pada tahun 2007. discovery channel fox family movies Mom’s time out lifetime Serial “Mom’s Time Out” di Lifetime memasuki musim ke-2, dimana memperlihatkan 3 keluarga yang berasal dari Asia. Ketiga keluarga tersebut sengaja ditinggal liburan selama 5 hari oleh sang ibu, sehingga suami mereka harus bertanggung jawab menggantikan posisi ibu rumah tangga. Pada episode pertama, Bram seorang pengusaha dari Indonesia, baru menyadari bahwa menghabiskan waktu bersama anak-anaknya ternyata sangat berarti. breathe in the ant bully Keith Reynold adalah seorang guru musik yang menikah dengan Megan dan tinggal di kota kecil di pinggiran kota New York. Keith merasa frustasi dengan hidupnya, ia tidak menyukai pekerjaannya sebagai guru. Ia ingin kembali tinggal di kota New York, bekerja sebagai musisi tetapi Megan menolak dan menganggap profesi yang ia inginkan berpendapatan tidak pasti dan tidak menyukai dengan gaya hidup di kota New York. Lucas Nickle, seorang anak laki-laki berumur 10 tahun yang merusak sarang semut dengan mainan pistol airnya. Salah satu semut penyihir bernama Zoc, mencoba untuk membalas Lucas. Pemimpin koloni semut pun memutuskan untuk membuat ramuan untuk membuat Lucas berukuran sekecil semut dan menghukumnya. (CND/IND/CND/NDR) hbo family fx 5 ON THE SCREEN Restoran dan masak memasak sudah mendarah daging dalam diri Jamie Oliver. Apalagi ketika Jamie beranjak dewasa, orangtuanya sukses mengembangkan pub/ restoran di Clavering milik mereka. Di usia 16 tahun, Jamie menyelesaikan pelatihan formalnya di Westminster Catering College. Kini ia tinggal bersama istrinya, Jools, yang dinikahinya pada tahun 2000 di kota London dan dikaruniai 4 anak, Poppy, Daisy, Petal dan Buddy. Teks: Indrie Pratiwi S. Serial ini berlatar belakang di sebuah tepi kota fiksi dari Storybrooke, Maine. Dimana semua penduduknya merupakan karakter dari berbagai macam cerita dongeng. Cerita lain pun di transportasi ke dunia nyata dan merampas ingatan asli yang mereka miliki oleh The Evil Queen Regina, dengan menggunakan kekuatan kutukan yang diperoleh dari Rumplestitskin. Teks: Cindy Putri Indriyani P Premieres Friday, 25 September 6.05 pm enduduk Strorybrooke, dimana Regina yang menjadi pemimpinnya, memiliki kehidupan yang tidak berubah untuk 28 tahun, namun mereka tidak menyadari bahwa umur mereka semakin lama semakin berkurang. Kota ini hanya mempunyai harapan dari seorang wanita yang murah hati bernama Emma Swan, ia merupakan anak dari Snow White dan Prince Charming, yang dibawa dari Enchanted Forest atau disebut 6 D i serial “Save With jamie” musim kedua, Jamie akan menunjukkan bagaimana cara mengolah makanan dengan dana terjangkau, namun dapat dinikmati layaknya hidangan seorang raja. Mulai dari shopping smart, cooking clever dan wasting less, supaya uang “jatah” belanja sehari-hari tidak terlalu membebani keuangan keluarga. Dalam setiap episodenya, Jamie akan membocorkan rahasia kemampuannya untuk memaksimalkan bahan makanan yang telah dibeli, agar tidak terbuang sia-sia. Contohnya, Jamie memperlihatkan cara memotong seekor ayam yang benar, agar tidak ada daging yang terbuang. Begitu juga dalam membeli ikan, Jamie membuktikan bahwa ikan beku pun sama lezatnya dengan ikan segar. Bahkan jika masih menyimpan sisa salmon di kulkas, Jamie memberikan ide mengolah salmon tersebut menjadi dua buah menu yang lezat, yaitu salad Vietnam dan taco Meksiko. Saksikan kemahiran Jamie di dapur, hanya di channel TLC. HEAD OF CREATIVE HEAD OF CREATIVE Indrie Indrie Pratiwi Pratiwi Suryaningtyas Suryaningtyas (CND/IND/CND/NDR) Premieres Tuesday, 22 September 9 pm juga Misthaven, ke dunia nyata sebagai bayi, sebelum penduduk Storybrooke dikutuk. Sepertinya, hanya Emma yang bisa mematahkan kutukan dan mengembalikan ingatan yang hilang dari penduduk Storybrooke. Emma mendapat bantuan dari anaknya, Henry, yang telah kembali bersamanya, setelah mereka terpisah karena memberi ijin adopsi pada saat kelahiran Henry. Dan buku yang dimiliki Henry “Once Upon a Time” adalah kunci untuk mematahkan kutukan tersebut. Pada serial keempat ini, Sebuah alur cerita yang baru menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari cerita Frozen, ketika perjalanan waktu dari sesi sebelumnya mengarahkan pada kedatangan Elsa yang tidak disengaja dari Enchanted Forest dari masa lalu untuk hadir di Storybrooke. Saat ia mencari adiknya Anna, dengan bantuan Emma, mereka menghadapi Snow Queen di Storybrooke. Sementara itu, Regina berusaha mencari penulis dari buku Henry “Once Upon a Time of Fairy Tales”, agar ia dapat merubah alur ceritanya sendiri sehingga memiliki akhir yang bahagia. Namun, Mr. Gold, dengan bantuan dari Cruella De Vil, Maleficent dan Ursula, memiliki rencana mereka sendiri untuk menulis ulang aturan yang mengatur semua pahlawan dan penjahat. Henry dan Emma berusaha mengembalikan realita dan kebenaran sebelum berubah berbalik menjadi permanen. (CND/IND/CND/NDR) 7 DESIGN && LAYOUT LAYOUT DESIGN Fiona Fleurette Fleurette Fiona Carissa Nova Carissa Nova Michael Henry Goeinawan Michael Henry Goeinawan Rizky Fachritama Cindy Putri Indriyani PRINTING PT. INDONESIA PRINTINGPRINTER Isi diluar tanggung jawab PT. INDONESIA PRINTER percetakan Isi diluar tanggung jawab percetakan EDITOR OFFICE Berita Satu Plaza 10th Floor EDITOR OFFICE Jl. Jend. Subroto 35-36, BeritaGatot Satu Plaza 10thKav Floor Jakarta 12950 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 35-36, Jakarta 12950 @viewmgz On The Screen QUANTICO Premieres Monday, 28 September 9 pm Bintang utama serial terbaru “Quantico” ini diperankan oleh artis Bollywood sekaligus mantan Miss World, Priyanka Chopra sebagai Alex Parrish. Teks: Fiona Fleurette Pada musim pertama “Treasure Quest”, Discovery Channel membawa tim yang diketuai oleh Greg Stemm dalam pencarian barang-barang peninggalan bersejarah yang karam bersama kapal dagang atau kapal perang di dasar laut. Kali ini Discovery Channel membawa tim pencari harta karun lainnya, yang terdiri dari Cork Graham, Kapten Keith “Cappy” Plaskett, Jeremy Whalen, Mehgan Heaney-Grier dan Dr. Bryan Fry. Teks: Fiona Fleurette M ereka berlima akan pergi ke lepas pantai di tenggara Brasil. Dengan dipersenjatai teknologi canggih, tim Discovery Channel ini harus menggali dan memecahkan sejumlah petunjuk rumit yang menunjukkan posisi harta karun, yang selama berabad-abad tidak tersentuh. Berawal dari abad ke-16, saat Portugis memotong jalan melalui hutan Brasil yang belum dipetakan dan dilaporkan bahwa berhasil mencuri emas Inka. Sejak itu, banyak orang yang meninggal, desa-desa dibakar untuk menghindari para perampok bajak laut yang ingin merebut harta tersebut. Hingga akhirnya menghilang dalam sejarah. Pencarian harta karun legendaris yang diperkirakan bernilai ratusan juta dolar ini, dikenal sebagai “Treasure of Trinitas”. Bukti-bukti yang telah terkumpul membawa Cork Graham dan teman-teman ke sebuah pulau terpencil bernama Queimada Grande atau disebut juga Pulau Ular. Para penduduk mengenal pulau tersebut dihuni oleh ribuan ular yang berbisa. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) S erial TV ini menceritakan tentang sekelompok orang yang telah direkrut menjadi seorang FBI. Tetapi sebelum mereka lulus bergabung dengan FBI, mereka harus menjalani pelatihan di Quantico, Virginia. Namun, para penonton tidaklah perlu menunggu lama untuk menyaksikan siapa yang berhasil lolos menjadi FBI. Serial ini mempunyai alur cerita yang bertempo cepat, yang disertai kilas balik dan memiliki twist yang menarik. Salah satu rekrutan yang telah lulus dari akademi pelatihan Quantico tersebut ternyata dicurigai menjadi dalang serangan teroris terbesar di kota New York sejak tragedi 9/11. Padahal, awal perekrutan telah melewati penelitian dari latar belakang setiap personil dan mereka adalah salah satu yang terbaik. Serial “Quantico” ditulis oleh Joshua Safran yang juga menjadi produser eksekutif ke-13 episode di musim pertamanya. Ia berharap di musim depan akan membangkitkan perdebatan antara rekrutmen FBI itu. Selain Priyanka Chopra, serial bertemakan drama, action dan thriller ini turut dibintangi oleh Jake McLaughlin sebagai Ryan Booth, Aunjanue Ellis sebagai Miranda Shaw, Yasmine Al Massri sebagai Nimah Anwar dan Johanna Braddy sebagai Shelby Wyatt. Jadi, siapa sebenarnya teroris di antara mereka? Bahkan Alex pun menjadi orang yang pertama dicurigai di awal episode. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) Premieres Monday, 21 September 10 pm 9 HIGHLIGHTS F Bagaimana jadinya jika karakter dari cerita dongeng ternama di dunia tergabung ke dalam satu cerita dan secara tidak sengaja jalan nasib mempertemukan mereka? Teks: Carissa Nova Premieres Saturday, 26 September 8 pm ilm “Into The Woods” diadaptasi dari buku serta drama musikal yang ditulis oleh James Lapine dan Stephen Sondheim. Disutradarai oleh Rob Marshall, yang sebelumnya juga sukses menggarap “Chicago”, “Memoirs of a Geisha” dan “Nine”. Diperankan oleh nama-nama besar seperti Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, James Corden, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Lilla Crawford, Daniel Huttlestone, MacKenzie Mauzy, Billy Magnussen, dan tak ketinggalan, si aktor kawakan, Johnny Depp, juga akan unjuk kemampuan menyanyi mereka di film ini. “Into the Wood” sendiri punya empat bagian cerita dongeng, yaitu “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Jack and the Beanstalk” dan “Rapunzel”. Masalah bermula ketika Mr. Baker dan istrinya mendapati bahwa The Witch, seorang penyihir kejam, telah menaruh kutukan pada rumah mereka, kutukan yang hanya dapat dihapus jika mereka dapat mengumpulkan empat buah benda: sapi seputih susu, jubah semerah darah, rambut sekuning jagung, dan sepatu semurni emas. (ICA/IND/ICA/NDR) Magic S In The Moonlight Drama romantis yang berlatar belakang era’20-an di Perancis, yang mempertemukan dua insan manusia dengan latar belakang berbeda. Disutradarai oleh Woody Allen dan diperankan secara apik oleh Collin Firth dan Emma Stone. Teks: Carissa Nova Premieres Thursday, 3 September 11.45 pm eorang pria Inggris bernama Stanley Crawford bertemu dengan rekannya sesama ilusionis, Howard Burkan, sosok yang kemudian meminta bantuan kepadanya. Howard ingin agar Stanley pergi ke Perancis Selatan untuk bertemu dengan seorang gadis bernama Sophie Baker, yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat masa depan dan masa lalu dari seseorang. Stanley yang tidak percaya dengan adanya hal semacam dunia gaib, mengatakan bahwa gadis itu hanyalah seorang penipu yang akan mengambil uang dari keluarga Catledge. Apalagi Brice, anak lelaki dari keluarga Catledge ini telah jatuh cinta kepada Sophie. Awal pertemuan keduanya dipenuhi dengan saling mengejek sinis. Namun, seiring waktu kecurigaan Stanley kepada Sophie pun perlahan memudar berubah dengan perasaan kagum. Sifat positif dan senyum manis dari Sophie mampu meluluhkan keangkuhan dari Stanley. Tanpa disadari, hubungan yang pada awalnya hanya teman pun ikut berubah. Keduanya saling jatuh cinta. Bagaimana Stanley menghadapi perubahan yang terjadi di hidupnya ini? (ICA/IND/ICA/NDR) 10 11 HIGHLIGHTS Sebuah sekuel film dance yang merupakan seri kelima dari “Step Up”, rilis pada tahun 2008 yang lalu. M enceritakan tentang sulitnya mencari pekerjaan di Los Angeles, bahkan dengan crew yang sempat terkenal dengan sebutan “The Mob”, tidak mampu berbicara banyak di Los Angeles. Hal ini membuat para anggotanya ingin kembali ke Miami, namun tidak dengan Sean. Ia bersikeras untuk menetap di Los Angeles. Sean yang tinggal di tempat berlatih dansa yang dimiliki oleh paman dari Moose, menemukan sebuah lomba dance yang diadakan di Las Vegas. Sean mengajak sahabatnya, Moose, untuk membentuk crew baru. Namun tak disangka ternyata grup baru Sean yang diberi nama LMNTRIX lolos ke babak semifinal dan berhadapan dengan The Mob, yang berisikan crew lama milik Sean. Para sahabatnya di The Mob merasa kesal dengan Menceritakan tentang seorang polisi bernama Alex J. Murphy, yang dirubah menjadi seorang cyborg atau manusia setengah robot. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan O ld Detroit adalah sebuah kota yang memiliki angka kriminalitas sangat tinggi, sehingga membuat kepolisian dibebani tugas berat secara terus menerus. Menyadari bahwa dibutuhkan sebuah robot untuk memberikan bantuan bagi para polisi tersebut, Omni Consumer Product (OCP) berencana mengganti Old Detroit menjadi Delta City, dengan cara membuat robot sebagai pengganti para polisi. Penemuan robot ED-29 yang dipimpin oleh Dick Jones berbuah petaka, karena robot tersebut justru membuat kesalahan yang amat fatal dan membunuh eksekutif junior OCP saat melakukan Teks: Michael Henry Premieres Saturday, 5 September 8 pm demonstrasi terhadap robot ED-29 tersebut. Akibat kegagalan ini, ketua OCP yang disebut The Old Man, lebih memilih untuk mengembangkan program cyborg yang dipimpin oleh Bob Morton dan program tersebut diberi nama “Robocop”. Polisi veteran Alex Murphy yang menjadi korban dalam baku tembak para kriminal, tertembak tepat di kepalanya. Pada saat tiba di rumah sakit, Murphy dinyatakan meninggal dan kemudian membuka langkah OCP untuk memanfaatkan tubuhnya demi menjalankan program “Robocop”. Program tersebut membuat Murphy menjadi manusia setengah robot. Mampukah OCP mengendalikan Murphy? Ataukah Murphy gagal dan menjadi seperti ED-29? (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 12 perilaku Sean yang tidak memberitahu mereka tentang keikutsertaannya dalam acara ini. Begitu pula dengan Sean yang tidak ingin menghubungi mereka karena dianggap mereka telah menyerah. Kini, seluruh bintang dari film sebelumnya berkumpul dan tampil di atas panggung untuk memperebutkan hadiah di Las Vegas. Tim manakah yang akan menang? Tentu tidak mudah, karena mereka akan berhadapan dengan yang terbaik. Mampukah mereka menciptakan gerakan tarian yang baru dan luar biasa demi meraih kemenangan, yang bisa menentukan impian dan karir mereka? (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) Premieres Wednesday 26 September 7.20 pm 13 tuesday 10:00 Silicon Valley S207: Adult Content 10:30 Silicon Valley S208: 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 supernatural: the animation @ SYFY 17.40 wib 01:35 The Hangover Part III 03:15 Confessions Of A 05:00 06:50 08:55 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:50 16:40 18:20 20:00 21:40 23:00 Shopaholic Moscow On The Hudson World Trade Center The Expendables 3 Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 The Fan Diana It Takes Two Grown Ups 2 Brick Mansions Scary Movie 4 Stonehearst Asylum 11:40 13:05 14:35 16:00 17:25 19:00 20:20 21:55 Ernest Goes To Jail Contest Wiener Dog Nationals Spymate Are We There Yet? The Legend Of Sarila Home Run Showdown Nicholas Nickleby 11:40 13:40 15:00 17:05 19:30 21:00 22:40 The Bad Guys Biker Boyz Hard Eight Sound Of My Voice Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Donnie Brasco Son Of Batman The Caine Mutiny The Avengers (2012) Coneheads This Is The End Four Brothers Crashbox S2 01 06:00 M.I. High S701: The Mayze 07:30 08:00 09:40 10:15 10:50 13:00 14:45 16:20 18:00 19:35 20:55 22:30 23:00 Frankenstein The Next Step S233: Danger Zone The Next Step S234: Rewind In God’s Hands M.I. High S703: The Man Who Drew Tomorrow M.I. High S704: Revenge Is Sweet Les Miserables (1998) Enchanted A Cinderella Story The Shaggy Dog One Direction: This Is Us Rugrats In Paris: The Movie The Golden Child Hollywood On Set 610 Without A Paddle 01:50 The Hobbit: The 04:35 06:15 07:45 10:05 11:45 14:00 15:50 17:40 20:00 21:35 23:10 Desolation Of Smaug Double Team Planes: Fire & Rescue First Knight Earth To Echo X-Men: Days Of Future Past Big Hero 6 The Tourist The Amazing SpiderMan When In Rome Hancock Terminator Salvation 04:15 06:10 07:45 08:45 10:15 21:00 21:30 22:00 Secrets (S1) 03:00 Revenge 01:00 Mr PTA 05:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 02:45 I Think I Do 04:30 Just For Laughs: Gags 06:30 Baggage Battles (S3) (S14) 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 05:00 Crimes Of The Mind 08:00 Right This Minute 06:55 Knife Fight (S2) 09:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 07:25 The Good Wife (S6) 08:20 Law & Order: Special 10:30 Baggage Battles (S3) Victims Unit (S12) 11:00 Remember Sunday 09:15 Romantically Speaking 12:40 Baggage Battles (S3) 11:00 Merlin (S4) 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) 11:55 I Think I Do 13:40 Rookie Blue (S6) 14:00 Arranged (S1) 14:35 Suits (S5) 15:00 The Amazing Race Canada (S1) 15:30 American Dream Builders (S1) 16:00 Unforgettable (S2) 16:25 Law & Order: Special 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Victims Unit (S12) 17:20 Mothers Of The Bride 19:00 Law & Order: Special 07:15 09:00 10:30 12:15 14:15 16:15 17:50 18:15 20:00 22:00 Klumps Malavita Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Suspect Zero The Cat’s Meow 3 Days To Kill Austenland Hollywood On Set 610 Blankman Hairspray 8MM 01:45 The Bling Ring 03:20 Closer 05:00 Bobby Jones Stroke Of Genius 07:15 Bernard And Doris 09:00 Carnivale S210: Cheyenne, Wy Show (S12) 18:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) Victims Unit (S16) 19:30 Hoarders: Family Gags (S6) 20:30 Lachey’s Bar 21:00 The Amazing Race 19:55 Just For Laughs: 20:25 Knife Fight (S3) 21:25 A Wish Come True 23:05 Knife Fight (S3) Secrets (S1) Canada (S1) 22:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) 23:00 Right This Minute 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 15:40 16:05 17:00 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Mistresses Suburgatory Cougar Town A To Z New Girl Suburgatory Mistresses Masterchef Junior US Suburgatory Cougar Town A To Z New Girl Mistresses Empire Welcome to Sweden Devious Maids Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Cougar Town A To Z New Girl Parenthood Devious Maids Empire Scandal New Girl Devious Maids 00:40 Wipeout (S7) 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 09:40 12:05 12:55 13:45 14:35 15:25 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:55 23:50 Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Total Blackout (S2) Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Falling Skies (S5) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) Falling Skies (S5) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Exit Killjoys (S1) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Killjoys (S1) Exit 01:45 The Cat’s Meow 03:45 Suspect Zero 05:30 Nutty Professor II: The 00:55 Doggie Boogie 02:20 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Incredibles Yours, Mine & Ours One Direction: Reaching For The Stars (Part 2 Of 2 Dear Dumb Diary Moto X Kids 20:00 01:40 You Got Served 03:15 The Evening Star 05:25 Crashbox S201: 07:00 05:05 06:55 08:35 10:00 19:00 23:00 06:30 M.I. High S702: 01:15 Strike Back S405 02:15 High Moon 03:35 The Good Guys And 15:25 16:50 White Hat/Black Hat Veep S403: Data Veep S404: Tehran Rome S107: Pharsalus Ballers S110: Flamingos The Brink S110: There Will Be Consequences Real Women Have Curves Life Support Lee Daniels’ The Butler Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 Togetherness S101: Family Day Togetherness S102: Handcuffs The Newsroom S303: Main Justice Carnivale S210: Cheyenne, Wy 02:00 Hoarders: Family 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 01:30 Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 02:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) 03:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 03:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 05:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S1) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 07:00 The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 08:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) 09:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 09:30 Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 10:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 11:00 The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 12:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 12:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 13:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 13:30 Strangers In Danger 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Ghost Mine (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) Mimic 3: Sentinel Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S2) Eureka (S5) Ghost Mine (S2) The Sand Haven (S4) Supernatural: The Animation The Paranormal Zone (S3) Face Off (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Supernatural: The Animation Sink Hole Dominion (S2) Haven (S4) Face Off (S1) 00:00 Right This Minute 01:00 Arranged (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) The Coolest Places On diana @ hbo 14.50 WIB Earth (S1) 02:00 19:00 The Coolest Places On 03:00 Earth (S2) 04:00 20:00 Broke Bites: What The 05:00 Fung?! (S1) 06:00 21:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 06:50 22:00 The Coolest Places On 07:50 Earth (S1) 08:40 23:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) 09:40 10:30 11:30 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:00 House (S8) 03:00 Just For Laughs: 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:50 17:40 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 06:00 Just For Laughs: 18:40 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:20 08:00 23:20 Gags (S7) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:50 Gags (S7) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Law & Order (S15) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S15) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Jaws 2 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:55 Police Women of 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Broward County Alfred Hitchcock Presents American Crime Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Endgame Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents Endgame CSI Police Women of Broward County My Strange Addiction The Listener CSI Perception Endgame Law & Order: Criminal Intent Tru Calling CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Megastructures Building Wild Cabin Fever Megastructures Hooked Megastructures Building Wild Cabin Fever Megastructures Bad Trip Alien Deep With Bob Ballard Taiwan: Island of Fish Megacities Food School Bad Trip Ultimate Survival Alaska Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Wicked Tuna Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Ultimate Survival Alaska Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna 00:00 Ride n’ Seek 00:30 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 00:10 The Good Wife (S3) 01:00 Wake Up Call Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Wipeout (S5) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Face Off (S3) Alias (S2) Wake Up Call Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Bloopers Wake Up Call Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Bloopers Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Alias (S2) 08:30 09:00 Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Kings Of Restoration (S5) Ancient Aliens (S5) America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) All You Can Eat (S1) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S5) All You Can Eat (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Storage Wars (S7) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S7) 01 SEP 2015 hancock fox movies premium 21.35 WIB 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes Tethered (S1) Unearthed How Do They Do It? (S5) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Tethered (S1) Fighting Tuna Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Fighting Tuna Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) 00:20 Match Point 02:30 The Kings Of Summer exit axn 20.05 WIB this is the end cinemax 21.00 WIB 04:10 Arrested 05:30 06:20 07:15 08:05 09:25 10:20 11:15 12:10 13:35 14:30 15:20 16:10 18:15 20:10 21:00 21:30 23:40 Development Archer Mad Men Conan Arrested Development Archer Mad Men Conan Arrested Development Archer Mad Men Conan August: Osage County Chef Complications Schitt’s Creek Jobs Web Therapy 15 welcome to sweden starworld 10.15 WIB wednesday 18:30 The Paranormal 00:00 02:15 02:45 05:00 07:30 09:00 the amazing spider-man @ fox movies premium 23.45 WIB 01:00 02:55 05:00 06:50 08:25 09:55 11:35 13:15 14:45 16:30 18:00 20:00 21:30 22:30 23:30 The Fan Flesh And Bone Diana The Out-Of-Towners (1999) Monster House Grown Ups 2 Brick Mansions The Brothers Solomon The Truman Show Looney Tunes: Back In Action Transcendence Final Destination 3 Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 Empire State 00:25 Band Of Brothers S109: Why We Fight 01:20 Band Of Brothers S110: Points 02:20 High Moon 03:40 Excessive Force II: 05:05 06:40 08:25 10:15 11:45 13:35 15:00 16:45 17:15 18:45 21:00 22:00 23:35 01:10 02:40 04:10 05:40 07:40 09:30 10:55 12:30 14:00 16:45 18:20 20:00 21:45 23:45 00:05 01:35 03:05 04:40 Force On Force Last Passenger The Mask Mcvicar Coneheads Four Brothers Excessive Force II: Force On Force Countdown Hollywood On Set 612 Jade Silverado Strike Back S405 A Return To Salem’s Lot Jack The Giant Slayer Bark Ranger Befriend And Betray Don’T Look Back Robocop (2014) Big Hero 6 Ice Age When In Rome Dragonball: Evolution The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Hancock Earth To Echo Playing It Cool The Book Of Eli The Amazing SpiderMan Dear Dumb Diary Contest Home Run Showdown Shipwrecked 06:15 07:40 09:10 10:35 12:30 13:50 15:35 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:35 Wiener Dog Nationals Saving Shiloh Spymate The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Legend Of Sarila Side By Side The Incredibles MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn Contest Dear Dumb Diary Wiener Dog Nationals 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:45 17:25 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 American Hustle Hollywood On Set 610 Lee Daniels’ The Butler Hemingway & Gellhorn Real Women Have Curves Carnivale S211: Outside New Cannaan The Newsroom S303: Main Justice Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 True Blood S303: It Hurts Me Too Inside Llewyn Davis Bad Country Good Luck Chuck True Blood S304: 9 Crimes Rome S107: Pharsalus Silicon Valley S209: Bidding Arbitration Silicon Valley S210: Two Days Of The Condor The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S104 Carnivale S211: Outside New Cannaan 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:30 10:50 12:20 13:50 15:10 15:45 16:20 18:00 19:55 21:15 22:55 A Cinderella Story In God’s Hands Are We Done Yet? Hollywood On Set 609 M.I. High S703: The Man Who Drew Tomorrow M.I. High S704: Revenge Is Sweet Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S201: Pinocchio Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S202: Thumbelina One Direction: This Is Us Rugrats In Paris: The Movie The Golden Child Are We Done Yet? The Cat In The Hat M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games M.I. High S706: The Beginning The Lego Movie The Princess Diaries Dinosaur Without A Paddle Gifted Hands 00:00 Blankman 01:45 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 03:30 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Malavita Austenland Hollywood On Set 610 Hairspray 3 Days To Kill 8MM The Pacifier Hollywood On Set 609 Suspect Zero Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 20:15 The Pacifier 22:00 Malavita 23:45 The Cat’s Meow 05:00 06:45 08:20 08:45 10:45 12:45 14:45 16:20 16:45 18:30 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 Mistresses Empire Scandal Suburgatory Mistresses Masterchef Junior US Empire Scandal Mistresses America’s Next Top Model Royal Pains Devious Maids Suburgatory Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Parenthood America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera New Girl Devious Maids Ghost Mine (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) Sink Hole Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S2) Eureka (S5) Ghost Mine (S2) Mimic 3: Sentinel Haven (S4) The Paranormal Zone (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) Face Off (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Paranormal Witness (S4) World Records (S3) 20:05 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 21:00 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) 21:55 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) 00:05 Law & Order: Special 01:00 02:35 04:10 04:35 05:00 07:20 07:50 08:40 09:30 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:30 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 18:10 Wipeout (S7) 19:05 Totally Insane Guinness 22:55 NCIS: Los 17:00 00:40 02:20 04:00 05:30 06:00 Zone (S3) The Sand Dark Matter (S1) Haven (S4) Face Off (S1) 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:00 Victims Unit (S16) The Memory Book The Heart Of The Matter Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) John Grisham’s The Rainmaker Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) My Gal Sunday Hottest Home Baker (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) A Wish Come True How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Status: Unknown Knife Fight (S3) Angeles (S6) 23:50 Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 00:00 The Amazing Race 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:40 Wipeout (S7) 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:00 12:00 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:25 16:25 17:15 Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Total Blackout (S2) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Exit NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) Killjoys (S1) Canada (S1) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Unforgettable (S2) Remember Sunday MasterChef Australia (S7) Lachey’s Bar Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Lachey’s Bar Ticket Out Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Coming Home (S2) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) MasterChef Australia (S7) Child Genius (U.S.) Smile (S1) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 01:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 02:00 The Coolest Places On 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 Earth (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flipping Vegas (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) jack the giant slayer @ cinemax 23.35 wib Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 11:00 The Great Australian 06:00 Kings Of Restoration 12:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 12:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 13:00 The Coolest Places On 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New Bake Off (S1) 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S5) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) (S7) 00:10 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:50 07:50 08:40 09:10 09:40 10:30 11:30 12:00 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 Intent (S4) House (S8) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Law & Order (S15) Cold Case (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S15) Caught On Camera (S2) Jaws 3-D Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Wizard Wars (S1) Caught On Camera (S2) 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:10 18:40 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:20 22:50 Good Wife, The (S3) Wake Up Call Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Face Off (S3) Alias (S2) Wake Up Call Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Bloopers Wake Up Call Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Bloopers Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 02 good luck chuck hbo signature 17.25 WIB 00:50 The Last Alaskans 01:45 Yukon Men (S2) 02:40 Bear Grylls: Breaking Point 03:35 Unearthed 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S5) 05:00 Man, Woman, Wild (S2) 06:00 Bear Grylls: Breaking 06:55 07:50 08:45 11:40 09:40 10:35 12:10 11:30 14:00 00:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 12:25 16:00 13:20 00:50 Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather 18:00 14:15 19:00 15:10 01:40 Drugs Inc 19:55 16:05 02:30 Wicked Tuna 21:55 03:20 Alien Deep With Bob Ballard 16:30 22:45 04:10 Ultimate Survival Alaska 17:00 23:35 18:00 05:00 Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather 19:00 20:00 06:00 Monster Fish 21:00 06:55 Wicked Tuna 07:50 Ultimate Survival Alaska 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 08:45 Nazi Underworld 22:00 Intent 23:00 09:40 Caught In The Act 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 10:35 Money Meltdown 23:55 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 Ultimate Airport Dubai Presents 12:25 Aftermath 02:45 Endgame 13:20 Nazi Underworld 03:35 Perception 14:15 Danger Decoded 05:15 Tru Calling 15:10 Science of Stupid 00:10 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock 16:05 The Border Presents 01:00 17:00 Somewhere In China 07:05 The Listener 18:00 Ultimate Airport Dubai 02:35 04:45 07:55 Body Of Proof 19:00 Money Meltdown 05:45 08:45 Perception 20:00 Danger Decoded 06:35 10:25 Tru Calling 21:00 Science of Stupid 07:25 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 22:00 The Border Presents 23:00 I Wouldn’t Go In There: 08:15 WW2 Special 09:05 11:45 Body Of Proof 09:55 12:35 CSI NY 10:45 13:25 Seconds From Disaster 11:35 14:20 Tru Calling 12:30 15:10 The Listener 13:20 16:00 CSI NY 14:10 16:50 Perception 15:00 18:30 Body Of Proof 19:20 Law & Order: Criminal 00:00 Storage Wars: Canada 16:40 Intent (S2) 18:20 20:10 Line of Fire 20:00 01:00 Photo Face-Off 21:00 CSI NY 21:00 02:00 Counting Cars (S2) 21:50 Seconds From Disaster 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S5) 21:30 22:45 Line of Fire 04:00 Storage Wars: Canada 22:00 (S2) 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock 22:50 Presents 23:40 05:00 Counting Cars (S2) 23:20 York (S1) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Photo Face-Off Ancient Aliens (S5) Counting Cars (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Photo Face-Off 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S2) Ancient Aliens (S5) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men World War II: China’s Forgotten War The Pickers (S7) SEP 2015 Point River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End JFK: The Lost Tapes Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) From Dusk Till Dawn You’re Next Fifth Estate, The Arrested Development Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan John Dies At The End Hairbrained Kings Of Summer, The Ray Donovan Web Therapy Schitt’s Creek Conan Homeland Conan 17 the amazing race canada (S1) lifetime 00.00 WIB looney tunes: back in action hbo 16.30 WIB the pacifier hbo hits 14.45 WIB thursday 00:00 Mindscape 01:40 Men, Women & 03:40 05:00 07:15 09:00 10:00 the american baking competition @ FYI 07.00 wib 01:00 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:00 09:30 11:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:45 18:15 20:00 21:30 23:50 The Firm Paulie The Honeymooners The Spectacular Now The Brothers Solomon Ivory Tower Transcendence Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 Losing Isaiah Zoom: Academy For Superheroes Collateral Damage Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Some Velvet Morning 04:05 05:35 07:10 08:30 09:55 11:30 13:00 14:25 16:00 17:25 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:30 Dear Dumb Diary Home Run Showdown Ernest Goes To Jail Moto X Kids Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn California Dreaming Doggie Boogie The Biggest Fan The Legend Of Sarila Flubber Lilo & Stitch MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Saving Shiloh Home Run Showdown 00:25 Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up 14:00 15:00 17:20 17:45 19:30 21:00 22:40 Blade II Kick-Ass 2 Jade Jack The Giant Slayer Hollywood On Set 613 Silverado A Return To Salem’s Lot Beast Of The Bering Sea Band Of Brothers S109: Why We Fight The Wild Bunch Hollywood On Set 613 The Big Chill Outside The Law Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist After Earth 02:05 The Railway Man 04:05 The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug 06:50 The Longest Yard 08:45 Peeples 10:25 Mr. Peabody & 12:30 13:00 13:50 15:40 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 21:10 22:50 His Family The Replacements Hollywood On Set 610 M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games M.I. High S706: The Beginning Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S203: Puss In Boots Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S204: The Pied Piper The Princess Diaries Dinosaur Gifted Hands Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up Stuart Saves His Family The Replacements Turtle Power: The Definitive History Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles One Direction: This Is Us The Winslow Boy Space Jam 01:35 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 09:30 11:15 12:50 13:15 15:45 17:45 19:30 22:00 23:45 Hollywood On Set 610 3 Days To Kill Hairspray The Bourne Ultimatum Parkland All Is Lost Changing Lanes Hollywood On Set 610 The Last Samurai The Score All Is Lost The Last Samurai Changing Lanes Magic In The Moonlight 03:35 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:55 11:15 12:45 14:20 16:00 18:00 19:40 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 America’s Next Top 22:30 23:25 Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Mistresses Styled to Rock UK America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Mistresses Masterchef US Royal Pains Devious Maids Suburgatory Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Parenthood Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model New Girl Devious Maids 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 Ghost Mine (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) Dominion (S2) Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S2) Eureka (S5) Ghost Mine (S2) Chupacabra Haven (S4) Dark Matter (S1) Face Off (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Dark Matter (S1) 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 21:35 Mimic 3: Sentinel Continuum (S3) Haven (S4) Face Off (S1) 00:05 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 00:55 Revolutionary Road 03:00 Deadly Daycare 04:35 Just For Laughs: 05:00 06:40 07:10 08:00 10:05 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 02:00 Stuart Saves 01:25 03:20 05:00 06:30 08:25 08:50 11:00 12:35 11:00 12:00 Children Powder Room Truman Inside Llewyn Davis Carnivale S212: New Canaan, Ca The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S104 Rome S107: Pharsalus Silicon Valley S209: Bidding Arbitration Silicon Valley S210: Two Days Of The Condor True Blood S304: 9 Crimes Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street Nightingale Atonement True Blood S305: Trouble The Newsroom S304: Contempt Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 Carnivale S212: New Canaan, Ca 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 20:20 20:45 23:10 Gags (S6) Family Reunion Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) The Bourne Identity Suits (S5) Top Chef: Texas (S9) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Final Recourse Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Suits (S5) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S14) The Terminal Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 14:35 15:25 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 20:05 21:00 22:50 23:50 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:30 22:00 00:40 Wipeout (S7) 23:00 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:05 12:05 12:55 13:45 Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Total Blackout (S2) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) I Spy Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Child Genius (U.S.) Smile (S1) Unforgettable (S2) Ticket Out MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) A Daughter’s Nightmare Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Smile (S1) Child Genius (U.S.) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Right This Minute 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Fix This Yard (S4) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 07:00 The American Baking Competition Sherman 12:05 Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian 13:55 The Tourist 15:45 Terminator Salvation 17:45 X-Men: Days Of Future Past 20:00 The Maze Runner 21:55 The International 01:00 Shipwrecked 02:35 Saving Shiloh anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy @ hbo 20.00 wib Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 08:00 Mikie Saves The Know About (S2) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New Date (S1) 09:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) 10:00 Outback Nation (S1) 11:00 The American Baking 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Competition Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Fix This Yard (S4) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Best New Restaurant Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Best New Restaurant York (S1) 00:10 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:50 08:40 09:40 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:00 16:00 16:50 17:40 00:25 Law & Order: Criminal 01:15 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Jaws 3-D Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S15) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S15) Criminal Minds (S8) Chicago PD (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Forgotten War Ancient Aliens (S5) Photo Face-Off Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S2) Ancient Aliens (S5) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Mountain Men (S4) My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Mountain Men (S4) 03 dark matter (S1) syfy 11.45 WIB 00:50 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 01:45 JFK: The Lost Tapes 02:40 Countdown To Collision 03:35 Unearthed 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S5) Collision 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 Disaster 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 Presents Body Of Proof Perception Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Gang Related Homicide Hunter Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents Gang Related CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire The Listener CSI NY Homicide Hunter Gang Related Law & Order: Criminal Intent Life on Mars CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents 08:00 Museum Men 09:00 The Pickers (S7) 10:00 World War II: China’s 05:00 Man, Woman, Wild (S2) 06:00 Countdown To 13:20 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 23:20 Intent 00:55 Seconds From 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 18:40 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:20 Good Wife, The (S3) Wake Up Call Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Bloopers American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Bloopers Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Bloopers Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) SEP 2015 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Danger Decoded Science of Stupid The Border I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Caught In The Act Danger Decoded Science of Stupid The Border I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Danger Decoded Beast Hunter (aka Beast Man) Wild Russia Megastructures Unlikely Animal Friends Wild Scotland: The Western Isles Beast Hunter (aka Beast Man) Engineering Connections The Border Malaysia From Below To Catch A Smuggler 90s Greatest: Football Moments Youtube Revolution The 2000’s Greatest Tragedies Mega Bridges I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Youtube Revolution 00:00 Museum Men 01:00 World War II: China’s Forgotten War Top Shot All-Stars (S5) Ancient Aliens (S5) Storage Wars (S7) Counting Cars (S4) Kings Of Restoration (S5) 06:00 10 Things You Don’t 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:55 Mythbusters (S10) 07:50 Insane Pools: Off The 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Deep End JFK: The Lost Tapes Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End JFK: The Lost Tapes Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Inside Out: Rise Of Smart Tech Culinary Asia How We Got Here Medical Anomalies Inside Out: Rise Of Smart Tech Culinary Asia street fighter: assassin’s fist cinemax 21.00 WIB space jam 00:30 02:35 04:15 05:10 06:25 07:15 08:05 09:20 10:35 11:25 12:15 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 17:35 19:45 20:35 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:50 Match Point Hairbrained Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Chef Jobs Conan Schitt’s Creek Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan 19 hbo family 22.50 WIB x-men: days of future past fox movies premium 17.45 WIB friday 14:15 16:00 18:30 20:15 22:00 All Is Lost The Last Samurai The Bucket List Magic In The Moonlight The Bourne Ultimatum 00:00 Tim’s Vermeer 01:25 Dead Poets Society 03:30 Without Warning: The 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 Haven (S4) Dominion (S2) Face Off (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Dominion (S2) Super Cyclone Supernatural: The Animation 22:40 Haven (S4) 23:30 Face Off (S1) James Brady Story sister act 2: back in the habit @ Fox family movies 19.00 wib 01:15 01:40 03:15 05:00 05:25 06:50 09:00 10:45 12:15 14:35 16:35 18:10 20:00 21:30 23:00 Hollywood On Set 612 As Above So Below Losing Isaiah Hollywood On Set 612 Zoom: Academy For Superheroes The Expendables 3 Collateral Damage Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Freedom Writers Just Like Heaven A Million Ways To Die In The West Gravity As Above So Below I, Frankenstein 00:20 Delta Force 2: The 02:10 05:00 06:45 07:15 09:05 10:35 12:15 13:55 15:00 16:50 17:20 19:00 21:00 22:55 00:00 02:00 04:00 05:50 07:25 09:00 10:40 12:15 14:05 16:25 18:15 20:00 21:45 23:25 Colombian Connection Camelot The Big Chill Hollywood On Set 613 Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Outside The Law After Earth Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Band Of Brothers S110: Points Robinson Crusoe On Mars Hollywood On Set 613 Striking Distance Paycheck Escape Plan R.I.P.D. The Book Of Eli The Longest Yard Vampire Academy When In Rome Earth To Echo Baby Geniuses Hancock Big Hero 6 The Amazing SpiderMan Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian Playing It Cool Oldboy Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans The Maze Runner 01:05 Dear Dumb Diary 02:35 Magic The Talking Dog 04:10 Tom Sawyer & 05:45 07:20 08:50 10:20 11:50 13:45 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:50 22:15 00:15 00:45 02:20 04:05 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:40 11:25 13:15 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:35 21:15 23:05 Huckleberry Finn Shipwrecked Contest Saving Shiloh MXP: Most Xtreme Primate The Incredibles Nicholas Nickleby All She Wishes The Biggest Fan Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Ernest Goes To Jail Streetdance All Stars Hollywood On Set 610 Freaky Friday Sleepless In Seattle Mona Lisa Smile M.I. High S707: Return Of The Dark Wizard M.I. High S708: Free Runner Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S205: The Twelve Dancing Princesses Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S206: The Golden Goose Turtle Power: The Definitive History Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Winslow Boy Sleepless In Seattle Treasure Planet Space Jam One Direction: This Is Us The Last Mimzy Freaky Friday Radio Herbie: Fully Loaded 01:30 Call Me Crazy: A 03:00 04:45 06:15 08:15 08:45 10:30 12:00 Five Film The Bucket List Parkland The Score Hollywood On Set 610 Magic In The Moonlight Parkland Pacific Rim 05:00 Lee Daniels’ The Butler 07:10 Veronica Mars 08:55 The Leftovers S101: 00:05 Law & Order: Special 10:00 Veep S403: Data 10:30 Veep S404: Tehran 11:00 The Newsroom S304: 01:00 Crimes Of The Mind 02:45 Romantically Speaking 04:30 Just For Laughs: 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:20 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 10:05 11:00 11:55 Pilot 16:50 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 Contempt Show Me A Hero S105 Show Me A Hero S106 Tim’s Vermeer Without Warning: The James Brady Story Dead Poets Society True Blood S306: What Do You Know About Love Togetherness S101: Family Day Togetherness S102: Handcuffs The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S105 Girls S403: Female Author Girls S404: Cubbies The Leftovers S101: Pilot 12:25 13:20 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:45 22:35 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 Masterchef US 02:45 America’s Next Top 21:35 22:30 22:55 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 Ghost Mine (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) The Sand Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S2) Eureka (S5) Ghost Mine (S2) Sink Hole 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 20:40 14:35 15:25 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:00 23:45 Investigation (S14) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Wipeout (S7) Total Blackout (S1) Ebuzz Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Minority Report Hannibal (S3) Victims Unit (S12) 23:05 Model Suburgatory Mistresses Styled to Rock UK Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Mistresses Amazing Wedding Cakes Royal Pains Devious Maids Suburgatory Scandal Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Once Upon A Time Masterchef US My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amazing Wedding Cakes Scandal New Girl Benched Devious Maids 13:45 CSI: Crime Scene Gags (S6) Final Recourse Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Crimes Of The Mind Rookie Blue (S6) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) The Hot Flashes Top Chef: Texas (S9) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Perfect On Paper Rookie Blue (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 00:00 MasterChef Asia (S1) 01:30 F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis 02:00 Unforgettable (S2) 03:00 A Daughter’s Nightmare 05:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 06:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 14:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 (S7) Unforgettable (S2) A Sister’s Nightmare Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) My Haunted House (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Right This Minute 00:40 Wipeout (S7) 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:05 12:05 12:55 Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) Total Blackout (S2) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Total Blackout (S2) Wipeout (S7) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) Hannibal (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Fix This Yard (S4) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 07:00 The American Baking Competition 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 the maze runner @ fox movies premium 23.25 wib 08:00 Broke Bites: What The 05:00 The Pickers (S6) 06:00 10 Things You Don’t Fung?! (S1) 09:00 Midnight Feast (S1) 10:00 Best New Restaurant 11:00 The American Baking 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Competition Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Best New Restaurant Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Fix This Yard (S4) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) 00:10 Good Wife, The (S3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:50 08:40 09:40 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:00 16:55 17:50 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 18:50 01:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:00 Just For Laughs: 19:40 20:30 21:20 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 22:10 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 06:00 Just For Laughs: 23:10 Intent (S4) Gags (S8) Intent (S4) (S4) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Flipping Out (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) Gags (S8) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 09:00 Chicago Fire (S3) 10:00 Criminal Minds (S8) 11:40 Just For Laughs: 00:00 The 2000’s Greatest 12:10 13:05 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 02:30 Youtube Revolution 03:20 Wild Russia 04:10 The 2000’s Greatest Gags (S8) Law & Order (S15) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Supernatural (S1) Chicago PD (S2) Supernatural (S1) Tragedies 00:50 Mega Bridges 01:40 I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 08:45 Intent 09:40 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 10:35 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11:30 02:45 Gang Related 12:25 03:35 Homicide Hunter 13:20 05:15 Life on Mars 14:15 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 15:10 07:05 The Listener 16:05 07:55 Threat Matrix 17:00 08:45 Moonlighting 18:00 10:25 Life on Mars 19:00 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 20:00 Presents 21:00 11:45 Threat Matrix 22:00 12:35 CSI NY 23:00 13:25 Seconds From Disaster 14:20 Life on Mars 15:10 The Listener 16:00 CSI NY 16:50 Moonlighting 18:30 Threat Matrix 19:20 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:00 20:10 Dog Patrol 00:30 21:00 CSI NY 21:50 Seconds From Disaster 01:00 22:45 Dog Patrol 02:00 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock 03:00 Presents 04:00 Tragedies Mega Bridges I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Youtube Revolution The 2000’s Greatest Tragedies Science of Stupid Hard Time Classified: Terror/ counter Terror Inside Perilous Journeys Science of Stupid I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Paranatural Hard Time Perilous Journeys World’s Most Extreme Locked Up Abroad The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) Ancient Aliens (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Know About (S2) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Mountain Men (S4) Special Forces (S1) Texas Rising Ancient Aliens (S5) The Pickers (S6) My Mosque Special Forces (S1) Mountain Men (S4) Texas Rising My Mosque Ancient Aliens (S5) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Texas Rising Shootout! Museum Men 04 SEP 2015 gravity hbo 20.00 WIB 00:50 How We Got Here 01:45 Medical Anomalies 02:40 Inside Out: Rise Of Smart Tech 03:35 Unearthed 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S5) 05:00 Man, Woman, Wild (S2) 06:00 Inside Out: Rise Of 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Smart Tech Culinary Asia How We Got Here Medical Anomalies Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Culinary Asia How We Got Here Medical Anomalies Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made (S2) Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science 00:40 From Dusk Till Dawn 01:30 Chef 03:25 The Kings Of 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:00 17:10 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 Summer Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Fifth Estate, The Hairbrained Homeland Conan Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 21 r.i.p.d. cinemax 22.55 WIB the leftovers s101: pilot hbo signature 23.00 WIB the bourne ultimatum hbo hits 22.00 WIB saturday 18:00 Togetherness S101: Family Day 18:30 Togetherness S102: 19:00 20:30 21:00 22:45 Handcuffs Cinema Verite Hollywood On Set 610 Bessie Winter’s Tale 00:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 00:55 Operation Cupcake 02:30 The Memory Book 04:05 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 05:00 I Think I Do 06:50 Baby Bonus 08:30 Escape From 00:15 Amazing Wedding 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:30 06:55 07:45 08:35 10:15 terminator salvation @ fox movies premium 18.00 wib 00:30 02:00 03:20 05:00 06:55 08:35 09:50 11:15 12:45 14:35 16:20 18:05 20:00 21:50 The Spectacular Now The Ladies Man Matilda Multiplicity It Takes Two Sophia Grace And Rosie’s Royal Adventure Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist Gravity A Million Ways To Die In The West Click What A Girl Wants 47 Ronin Step Up All In Blood Diamond 00:00 Tom Sawyer & 01:35 03:20 04:50 06:35 08:05 09:40 11:25 12:50 14:20 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:45 Huckleberry Finn Side By Side All She Wishes Short Circuit 2 Saving Shiloh Home Run Showdown Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit The Legend Of Sarila Lilo & Stitch Against The Wild Flubber Contest Justin Bieber’s Believe Nicholas Nickleby Side By Side 14:45 16:30 18:30 20:15 22:00 Magic In The Moonlight The Bourne Ultimatum Changing Lanes All Is Lost The Last Samurai 00:10 01:50 03:30 05:00 06:25 08:10 The Purge: Anarchy Gimme Shelter Cold Comes The Night Life Support The Tuskegee Airmen Dark Light: The Art Of Blind Photographers You Don’t Know Jack Ballers S101: Pilot Ballers S102: Raise Up Ballers S103: Move The Chains Ballers S104: Heads Will Roll Ballers S105: Machete Charge Ballers S106: Everything Is Everything Ballers S107: Ends Ballers S108: Gaslighting Ballers S109: Head-On Ballers S110: Flamingos The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S104 Show Me A Hero S103 08:45 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 00:30 01:55 03:45 05:05 06:45 08:10 09:35 11:10 13:05 14:55 15:20 17:05 18:45 19:15 21:00 22:50 01:20 03:30 05:30 07:45 09:15 11:15 13:10 14:50 16:20 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:45 Alien Raiders Romeo Must Die Night Of The Scarecrow Striking Distance Sound Of My Voice Alien Raiders R.I.P.D. Paycheck Escape Plan Hollywood On Set 613 Back To The Future Part II America’s Sweethearts Hollywood On Set 612 Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome G.I. Joe: Retaliation The Calling (2014) Saving Mr. Banks The Book Of Eli First Knight Bark Ranger The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Alice In Wonderland Mr. Peabody & Sherman Dragonball: Evolution Earth To Echo Terminator Salvation Are You Here The Fog Paradise 00:45 02:45 04:25 06:00 14:55 16:45 18:05 20:25 22:05 Mona Lisa Smile Treasure Planet Blankman M.I. High S709: The League Of Mata Hari M.I. High S710: Sad Men Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S207: The Little Mermaid Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S208: Goldilocks Educating Peter The Last Mimzy Radio Barnyard Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Battle Of The Year The Cat In The Hat Seabiscuit Herbie: Fully Loaded Stepmom 00:00 01:45 03:30 06:15 08:00 10:00 12:15 Changing Lanes Family Weekend The Last Samurai All Is Lost The Score Pacific Rim The Last Samurai 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:35 10:10 12:00 13:30 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 11:05 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 22:30 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 Cakes A To Z Glee Scandal A To Z New Girl Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Empire My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Once Upon A Time Scandal Empire Suburgatory Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Candidly Nicole Scandal Ghost Mine (S2) Warehouse 13 (S2) Mimic 3: Sentinel Eureka (S5) Sink Hole The Sand The Paranormal Zone (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) Dark Matter (S1) Super Cyclone The Paranormal Zone (S3) Sink Hole Continuum (S3) Bigfoot The Paranormal Zone (S3) Dark Matter (S1) Polygamy Perfect On Paper Status: Unknown Revolutionary Road Mr PTA Merlin (S4) Hottest Home Baker (S4) 19:00 Knife Fight (S3) 21:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) 23:45 The Terminal 10:05 11:45 13:25 15:30 17:10 18:05 00:35 01:05 01:35 02:25 03:15 04:05 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:10 07:40 09:40 10:35 12:20 14:05 15:50 18:30 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:00 The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) 01:00 My Haunted House (S2) 02:00 Unforgettable (S2) 03:00 A Sister’s Nightmare step up all in @ hbo 20.00 wib Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Ebuzz Total Blackout (S1) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) The Blacklist (S2) The Voice (S5) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Total Blackout (S1) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Exit I Spy Blue Bloods (S5) Sherlock (S2) Minority Report Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Killjoys (S1) Hannibal (S3) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Sherlock (S2) 05:00 The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) 06:00 Right This Minute 07:00 Jo Frost: Extreme 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:40 12:00 13:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Parental Guidance (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S1) Right This Minute #popfan Baggage Battles (S1) The Cheating Pact Baggage Battles (S1) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) Right This Minute MasterChef Asia (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Red Hot Design (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Fix This Yard (S4) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Best New Restaurant Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Picker Sisters (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) Best New Restaurant Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Picker Sisters (S1) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 05:00 Supernatural (S1) 07:00 Jaws 3-D 09:00 Caught On Camera (S2) 09:55 Wizard Wars (S1) 10:45 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) 11:35 Supernatural (S1) 13:20 Caught On 14:15 16:10 18:00 19:50 20:45 Camera (S2) Jaws 3-D Cold Case (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) 21:40 Cold Case (S2) 23:30 Jaws 3-D 00:00 Intent 01:00 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 02:00 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 03:00 04:00 02:45 Threat Matrix 05:00 03:35 Moonlighting 06:00 05:15 Dog Patrol 07:00 06:05 Line of Fire 06:55 CSI Miami 08:00 09:25 My Strange Addiction 08:30 10:15 Tru Calling 11:05 Line of Fire 11:55 Dog Patrol 09:00 12:45 Life on Mars 10:00 13:35 My Strange Addiction 11:00 14:25 The Listener 12:00 18:35 CSI Miami 13:00 21:05 Perception 14:00 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 15:00 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 00:00 Good Wife, The (S3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:50 07:40 08:30 10:10 11:50 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 20:20 21:10 22:50 23:40 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S4) Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Desperate Hours Platinum Hit (S1) Flipping Out (S7) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S2) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S2) Platinum Hit (S1) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Necessary Roughness (S3) Sherlock (S2) Flipping Out (S7) Desperate Hours The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad Hard Time The Happenings Paranatural Megastructures Mega Bridges I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special Money Meltdown Ultimate Survival Alaska Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Youtube Revolution The 2000’s Greatest Tragedies Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Exploring Malaysia Science of Stupid Danger Decoded Building Wild Cabin Fever 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:20 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:20 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 Texas Rising Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Shootout! Ancient Aliens (S5) Mountain Men (S4) The Pickers (S6) The Pickers (S7) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Texas Rising Mountain Men (S4) Lost In Transmission Helicopter Heroes Photo Face-Off Storage Wars:Canada (S2) The Pickers (S7) Mountain Men (S4) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S7) Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Photo Face-Off Texas Rising 23:00 23:55 Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) How Stuff Works Unearthed How Do They Do It? (S5) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) River Monsters (S7) Saltwater Heroes Inside Out: Rise Of Smart Tech Insane Pools: Off The Deep End The Last Alaskans River Monsters (S7) Life Mythbusters (S10) Saltwater Heroes How We Got Here River Monsters (S7) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Ice Cold Gold (S3) Untamed China With Nigel Marven Medical Anomalies Saltwater Heroes 00:30 02:40 04:15 05:10 07:15 11:25 13:05 14:35 16:40 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:50 Jobs You’re Next Louie Archer Mad Men Hairbrained It’s A Disaster Match Point Jobs Complications Conan Schitt’s Creek Homeland Conan Ray Donovan Conan 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23 05 SEP 2015 g.i. joe: retaliation cinemax 21.00 WIB battle of the year hbo family 14.55 WIB lilo & stitch fox family movies 12.50 WIB killjoys (s1) axn 21.00 WIB sunday 22:10 Continuum (S3) 23:50 Paranormal Witness (S4) 02:10 The Hot Flashes 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) 05:00 Law & Order: Special 06:50 07:20 09:00 10:40 12:20 14:25 16:00 finding nemo @ hbo 15.00 WIB 00:10 01:40 03:40 05:00 06:40 07:05 08:50 10:50 13:10 15:00 16:40 18:20 20:00 22:10 00:35 01:05 02:40 03:10 05:00 06:40 07:50 09:40 11:25 13:10 15:00 16:30 18:35 19:05 21:00 22:30 03:50 05:25 The Brothers Solomon 07:00 Pain & Gain 09:10 Spirit: Stallion Of The 10:55 Cimarron 12:30 The Little Rascals Save 14:05 The Day 15:40 Hollywood On Set 612 What A Girl Wants 47 Ronin Blood Diamond Step Up All In Finding Nemo Invincible Brick Mansions Iron Man 3 Pain & Gain Hollywood On Set 613 Last Passenger Hollywood On Set 612 Wes Craven’s New Nightmare America’s Sweethearts Son Of Batman White Chicks Back To The Future Part II Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome The Calling (2014) Blind Fury Firefox Hollywood On Set 613 Romeo Must Die Good People Deja Vu 17:30 19:00 20:40 22:00 23:30 00:10 02:10 04:25 06:00 07:25 08:45 10:15 12:20 14:10 16:30 18:15 20:00 21:35 23:30 Huckleberry Finn Shipwrecked Magic The Talking Dog Nicholas Nickleby Side By Side Flubber Justin Bieber’s Believe The Biggest Fan Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Lilo & Stitch Wiener Dog Internationals The Legend Of Sarila MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Wiener Dog Nationals Big Fish Finding Forrester Poseidon Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas The Cat In The Hat Barnyard Stepmom Battle Of The Year Seabiscuit The Winslow Boy Enchanted Lassie I’ll Do Anything Finding Forrester 00:30 Pacific Rim 02:45 Call Me Crazy: A Five Film 04:15 06:00 06:30 08:15 09:45 11:20 11:45 13:30 15:15 17:30 20:00 22:00 23:45 00:45 02:50 05:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:30 14:30 17:00 19:00 19:30 21:00 22:40 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 Magic In The Moonlight Hollywood On Set 610 Falling From Grace Parkland The Bucket List Hollywood On Set 610 Magic In The Moonlight All Is Lost Pacific Rim The Last Samurai The Bourne Ultimatum Magic In The Moonlight Family Weekend Se7En The Fisher King Miss Evers’ Boys Rome S107: Pharsalus Veep S403: Data Veep S404: Tehran Show Me A Hero S103 Show Me A Hero S106 Cinema Verite The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers The Da Vinci Code Winter’s Tale Hollywood On Set 611 The Gathering Storm Into The Storm American Hustle 04:00 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 11:05 11:55 12:45 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 New Girl Cougar Town Suburgatory Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Super Cyclone 02:10 Paranormal Witness 03:10 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:05 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 Amsale Girls Welcome to Sweden 16:50 Million Dollar Listing LA 18:30 A To Z 20:10 (S4) The Sand Bigfoot Mimic 3: Sentinel Dominion (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S3) Continuum (S3) Chupacabra Bigfoot Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) The Sand Pinocchio 01:20 Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans 02:55 Are We Officially 04:30 05:55 07:50 10:00 12:00 13:55 15:35 17:10 19:00 21:25 23:05 Dating? Ice Age Alice In Wonderland Saving Mr. Banks Are You Here Make Your Move Baby Geniuses Fun With Dick And Jane The Tourist Divergent The Giver The Counselor 00:30 Short Circuit 2 02:15 Tom Sawyer & the tourist @ fox movies premium 17.10 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 18:35 19:30 20:25 21:20 21:50 22:15 22:45 23:40 Victims Unit (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S6) A Wish Come True Chasing Leprechauns I Think I Do The Bourne Identity Operation Cupcake Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) Merlin (S4) How Do I Look? (S10) Hottest Home Baker (S4) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S14) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Rookie Blue (S6) Final Recourse 01:45 Exit 02:40 Totally Insane Guinness 03:10 05:00 05:30 07:10 08:50 11:15 12:05 12:55 13:45 14:35 16:15 16:45 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 World Records (S3) Blue Bloods (S5) Total Blackout (S1) Sherlock (S2) Blue Bloods (S5) Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Killjoys (S1) Falling Skies (S5) Hannibal (S3) American Ninja Warrior (S5) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S3) Exit I Spy NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Falling Skies (S5) Killjoys (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S5) 00:00 King (S1) 01:00 Little Women: NY (S1) 02:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 17:05 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 02:00 America’s Book Of Child (S2) Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (S1) Coming Home (S2) The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Arranged (S1) Chasing Nashville F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Lachey’s Bar The Amazing Race Canada (S1) King (S1) Whitney Bad Ink (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Unforgettable (S3) Revenge Of The Bridesmaids Bad Ink (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) 18:00 19:50 21:40 23:30 03:00 Museum Men 04:00 Blood And Glory: The 03:00 The Ghost Inside My 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:40 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:40 23:00 00:00 Mikie Saves The Date (S1) 01:00 Best New Restaurant 03:00 Broke Bites: What The 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Fung?! (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Best New Restaurant The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Best New Restaurant Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) (S2) 03:10 Just For Laughs: Gags (S7) 04:30 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 05:00 Wizard Wars (S1) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 07:00 08:50 10:40 12:30 14:20 16:10 (In Vegas) Supernatural (S1) Cold Case (S2) Jaws 3-D Criminal Minds (S8) Cold Case (S2) Wizard Wars (S1) Secrets (S3) Civil War In Color 05:00 Pawn Stars (S15) 06:00 World War II: China’s 06 SEP 2015 Forgotten War 07:00 Storage Wars: Canada 00:05 My Strange Addiction 00:55 Life on Mars 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:45 Law & Order: Criminal 06:55 09:25 13:35 14:25 15:15 18:35 21:05 23:35 Intent CSI Miami The Listener Tru Calling Police Women of Broward County Seconds From Disaster CSI Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 01:30 03:10 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:00 12:00 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:50 17:30 18:00 20:05 21:45 23:50 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 01:20 Caught On Camera (In Vegas) Supernatural (S1) Criminal Minds (S8) Jaws 3-D Supernatural (S1) 15:10 16:05 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 Nashville (S2) Desperate Hours Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Flipping Out (S7) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S1) Good Wife, The (S1) Alias (S1) Face Off (S4) Science of Stupid Danger Decoded Building Wild Cabin Fever Exploring Malaysia Science of Stupid Danger Decoded Building Wild Cabin Fever Ultimate Survival Alaska Megastructures Exploring Malaysia Youtube Revolution The 2000’s Greatest Tragedies Building Wild Cabin Fever Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Science of Stupid Danger Decoded Dog Whisperer Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna 9/10: The Final Hours Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather 00:00 Mountain Men (S4) 01:00 The Pickers (S7) 22:00 23:00 (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Photo Face-Off Helicopter Heroes Pawn Stars (S15) Museum Men Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Storage Wars (S7) My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Lost In Transmission Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey 1942: The Sook Ching Massacre Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Lost In Transmission pacific rim hbo hits 15.15 WIB 00:50 River Monsters (S7) 01:45 Inside Out: Rise Of Smart Tech 02:40 How We Got Here 03:35 Medical Anomalies 04:30 How Do They Do 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 It? (S5) Yukon Men (S2) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Culinary Asia How We Got Here Ice Cold Gold (S3) Fighting Tuna River Monsters (S7) The Great Human Odyssey Cathay Pacific Signature Series Colossal Squid Naked And Afraid (S2) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Colossal Squid Culinary Asia Yukon Men (S2) Colossal Squid How We Got Here firefox cinemax 16.30 wib i spy axn 19.10 WIB 00:40 Fifth Estate, The 02:50 John Dies At The End 04:30 The Kings Of Summer 06:10 Hairbrained 07:50 It’s A Disaster 09:20 Arrested Development Louie Chef Out Of The Furnace Conan Complications Web Therapy Breathe In From Dusk Till Dawn 23:30 Homeland 10:35 12:25 14:20 16:15 19:35 20:25 21:00 22:40 25 lassie hbo family 20.00 WIB MONDAY 18:00 20:15 22:00 23:45 Pacific Rim Changing Lanes Family Weekend The Score 00:55 02:45 03:15 05:00 Insidious Chapter 2 Hollywood On Set 610 Peggy Sue Got Married Bringing Down The House American Hustle The Leftovers S102: Penguin One, Us Zero Rome S107: Pharsalus The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S105 The Newsroom S304: Contempt True Blood S306: What Do You Know About Love Into The Storm Places In The Heart Mindscape True Blood S307: Hitting The Ground Veep S405: Convention Veep S406: Storms And Pancakes Girls S405: Sit-In Girls S406: Close-Up Silicon Valley S209: Bidding Arbitration Silicon Valley S210: Two Days Of The Condor The Leftovers S102: Penguin One, Us Zero 06:45 09:00 10:00 11:00 knife fight (s3) @ diva 18.00 wib 10:30 Nicholas Nickleby 12:40 Wiener Dog 00:20 01:50 03:15 05:00 07:25 08:50 10:30 12:15 14:25 16:25 18:25 20:00 21:30 23:40 00:35 02:00 03:25 05:00 07:05 08:30 10:25 11:50 13:25 15:00 16:25 18:00 19:45 21:00 22:50 01:05 02:40 04:15 06:10 08:20 10:20 11:55 13:50 16:10 18:10 20:00 21:35 23:15 00:55 02:30 04:00 05:35 Anna Nicole A.C.O.D. Money Train Into The Wild Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Brick Mansions Invincible Iron Man 3 Phenomenon Eight Below Aeonflux The Remaining Captain Phillips Rescue Dawn Vacancy Threshold Secret Window Firefox Blind Fury Romeo Must Die Vacancy Secret Window Good People Dinosaurus! Blades Of Glory Page Eight Son Of Batman Howard The Duck Blade Nymph Russell Madness Obsessed Saving Mr. Banks Robocop (2014) Fun With Dick And Jane Alice In Wonderland Divergent Are You Here The Day The Earth Stood Still National Security Playing It Cool Oldboy Shipwrecked Dear Dumb Diary Home Run Showdown Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn 07:10 Magic The Talking Dog 08:45 Side By Side 14:20 15:45 17:15 19:00 20:35 22:10 23:40 Internationals The Legend Of Sarila Justin Bieber’s Believe Short Circuit 2 Justin Time Ice Castles 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Against The Wild 12:00 13:00 13:55 15:30 17:20 19:00 20:00 20:30 01:45 The Shaggy Dog 03:20 Happily Ever After: 03:50 04:20 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:50 11:45 13:30 15:20 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:05 20:45 22:45 Fairy Tales For Every Child S209: The Fisherman And His Wife Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S210: Aladdin Norbit M.I. High S711: The Problem Probe M.I. High S712: We Need To Talk About Kortex Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S209: The Fisherman And His Wife Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S210: Aladdin Enchanted I’ll Do Anything Lassie The Winslow Boy The Shaggy Dog The Haunting Hour S1 S101: Really You Part 1 The Haunting Hour S1 S102: Really You Part 2 Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 The Lego Movie Godzilla Blankman 01:30 The Bucket List 03:15 Falling From Grace 05:00 Call Me Crazy: A 06:30 08:15 10:00 12:30 14:30 16:15 Five Film Changing Lanes Falling From Grace The Last Samurai The Bourne Ultimatum Falling From Grace Magic In The Moonlight 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 Masterchef US 01:55 America’s Next Top 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Mistresses Styled to Rock UK Masterchef US Once Upon A Time Mistresses Suburgatory Royal Pains Devious Maids Suburgatory Masterchef US Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Parenthood Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Benched Devious Maids 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 23:05 23:55 Continuum (S3) Face Off (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Continuum (S3) The Philadelphia Experiment Paranormal Witness (S4) The Paranormal Zone (S3) Haven (S4) Face Off (S1) 16:15 16:45 17:15 18:10 19:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Ebuzz Total Blackout (S2) Exit Wipeout (S7) XXX: The Next Level (Aka State Of The Union) CSI: Cyber (S1) Wipeout (S7) CSI: Cyber (S1) The Voice (S5) 00:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 01:20 Status: Unknown 02:55 Mr PTA 01:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 04:35 Just For Laughs: Gags (S14) 02:00 Coming Home (S2) 05:00 Escape From 03:00 Revenge Of The Polygamy Bridesmaids 06:35 Knife Fight (S2) 07:05 The Good Wife (S6) 07:55 Law & Order: Special 05:00 MasterChef Australia 08:45 11:05 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia 12:00 13:00 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:15 Victims Unit (S12) The Terminal American Dream Builders (S1) Knife Fight (S3) The Bourne Identity Hottest Home Baker (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Knife Fight (S3) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) The Hot Flashes Knife Fight (S3) (S7) 06:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:30 20:30 21:30 23:00 (S7) Unforgettable (S2) A Wife’s Nightmare Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Arranged (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Right This Minute 00:40 American Ninja Warrior (S5) 01:30 Sherlock (S2) 03:15 The Voice (S5) 04:05 American Ninja Warrior 00:00 (S5) 01:00 05:00 Total Blackout (S2) 02:00 05:30 Ebuzz 03:00 06:00 Wipeout (S6) 04:00 06:50 The Blacklist (S2) 07:40 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 05:00 08:35 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 05:30 09:30 Total Blackout (S2) 10:00 Wipeout (S7) 06:00 10:55 I Spy 07:00 12:45 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 13:40 CSI: Crime Scene 08:00 Investigation (S14) 09:00 14:30 The Blacklist (S2) 15:20 Wipeout (S6) 10:00 Best New Restaurant Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) The American Baking Competition Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Best New Restaurant 00:40 Bigfoot 02:20 Sink Hole 04:00 Paranormal Witness 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 (S4) Warehouse 13 (S2) Eureka (S5) Ghost Mine (S2) Dominion (S2) Haven (S4) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time godzilla @ hbo family 20.45 wib 11:00 The American Baking 02:20 Good Wife, The (S1) Competition 04:10 Flipping Out (S7) 12:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 05:00 Ghost Whisperer (S1) 12:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 05:50 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 13:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 06:40 Alias (S2) 13:30 Strangers In Danger 07:30 Flipping Out (S7) (S2) 08:20 Face Off (S3) 14:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 09:10 Everybody Loves 15:00 Best New Restaurant Raymond (S9) 16:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 10:10 Alias (S2) 17:00 Flip This House (S5) 11:00 Real Housewives Of New York City, 18:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) The (S6) 19:00 Outback Nation (S1) 20:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 11:50 Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) 21:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 12:50 Face Off (S3) 21:30 Waterfront House 13:40 Flipping Out (S7) Hunting (S1) 14:30 Good Wife, The (S3) 22:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) 15:20 Ghost Whisperer (S1) 23:00 Outback Nation (S1) 16:10 American Ninja Warrior 04:05 Wizard Wars (S1) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 06:00 Just For Laughs: 22:10 (In Vegas) 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Supernatural (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Cold Case (S2) 00:05 Moonlighting 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Threat Matrix Homicide Hunter Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener American Crime Perception Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents American Crime CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol The Listener CSI NY Perception American Crime Law & Order: Criminal Intent My Strange Addiction CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents 23:10 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Civil War In Color 14:00 1942: The Sook Ching Massacre 15:00 America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) 16:00 Ancient Aliens (S5) 17:00 Kings Of Restoration 20:00 21:00 Of New York City, The (S6) Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) Wildest Weather Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna 9/10: The Final Hours Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Money Meltdown Doomsday Preppers Big, Bigger, Biggest Megastructures Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather The Great Serengeti (aka Serengeti) Wild Case Files Megastructures Building Wild Cabin Fever Years of Living Dangerously Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Megastructures World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Megastructures 00:00 The Pickers (S7) 01:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 02:00 Texas Rising 03:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 04:00 Storage Wars (S7) 05:00 1942: The Sook Ching Massacre 06:00 My Mosque 06:30 Ride n’ Seek 00:40 Face Off (S4) 01:30 Platinum Hit (S1) Massacre Philippines With Jaime Dempsey 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07 SEP 2015 11:00 Ancient Aliens (S5) 12:00 The Pickers (S6) 13:00 Blood And Glory: The Raymond (S9) 00:00 Wicked Tuna 00:50 JFK: The Final Hours 02:30 Richard Hammond’s 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:55 Civil War In Color 09:00 Texas Rising 10:00 1942: The Sook Ching (S4) 18:50 Real Housewives 19:40 20:30 21:20 York (S1) 08:00 Blood And Glory: The 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 17:00 Face Off (S3) 17:50 Everybody Loves 00:25 Supernatural (S1) 01:20 Cold Case (S2) 03:10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 07:30 Storage Wars: New 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:20 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:20 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 11:55 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S1) Pawn Stars (S15) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Pawn Stars (S15) How We Got Here Fighting Tuna Mythbusters (S10) Saltwater Heroes Medical Anomalies How Do They Do It? (S5) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Magic Of Science Magic Of Science (S2) Life Fighting Tuna Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Magic Of Science Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) Unearthed Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made (S2) The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Tethered (S1) Fighting Tuna Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes Tethered (S1) Fighting Tuna captain phillips hbo 21.30 wib blades of glory cinemax 16.25 wib divergent FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 13.50 WIB 00:20 02:25 04:00 05:30 06:20 07:15 08:05 09:25 10:45 11:35 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:50 17:30 19:35 20:05 21:00 23:00 23:30 Don’t Come Knocking You’re Next It’s A Disaster Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Breathe In Match Point Web Therapy Homeland Ray Donovan Schitt’s Creek Complications 27 cougar town starworld 17.55 WIB tuesday Two Boats And A Helicopter 10:00 Silicon Valley S209: Bidding Arbitration 00:15 Law & Order: Special Two Days Of The Condor Veep S405: Convention Veep S406: Storms And Pancakes Rome S108: Caesarion True Blood S307: Hitting The Ground Cinema Verite Real Women Have Curves Dead Poets Society True Blood S308: Night On The Sun The Comeback S201: Valerie Makes A Pilot The Comeback S202: Valerie Tries To Get Yesterday Back Togetherness S103: Insanity Togetherness S104: Houston We Have A Problem The Newsroom S304: Contempt The Leftovers S103: Two Boats And A Helicopter Bad Words 01:05 A Wish Come True 02:50 Chasing Leprechauns 04:30 Just For Laughs: 10:30 Silicon Valley S210: 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 My Fair Wedding with David Tutera @ starworld 12.45 wib 19:00 Khumba 20:25 Sister Act 2: Back In 01:45 Ivory Tower 03:15 Manhattan Murder Mystery Just Like Heaven Eight Below Click The Remaining Captain Phillips Aeonflux Freedom Writers The Lone Ranger (2013) 20:00 Step Up All In 21:50 Collateral Damage 23:35 The Best Man Holiday 05:00 06:35 08:35 10:20 11:50 14:00 15:35 17:35 The Habit 22:15 Smooch 23:50 Wiener Dog Internationals 01:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:25 10:55 12:45 14:20 16:20 18:00 20:00 22:05 Night Of The Scarecrow Jack The Giant Slayer Encrypt Page Eight Dragnet Jack The Giant Slayer Son Of Batman Night Of The Scarecrow Encrypt Moment To Moment Hollywood On Set 613 Howard The Duck Escape Plan The World’s End Three Days To A Kill Are You Here Just Go With It The International Divergent Paradise The Day The Earth Stood Still National Security The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty The Giver The Book Of Eli Spider-Man Are You Here 01:15 Side By Side 03:00 MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Nicholas Nickleby Smart Cookies The Legend Of Sarila Justin Bieber’s Believe Against The Wild Flubber Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn 15:55 The Biggest Fan 17:25 Justin Time 04:30 06:40 08:10 09:35 11:10 12:45 14:20 16:50 19:00 19:50 20:30 21:00 21:30 00:20 01:55 03:35 04:05 06:00 06:30 07:00 00:45 02:05 03:55 05:30 07:15 09:00 10:55 12:10 13:30 15:00 16:50 17:15 19:05 21:00 22:45 13:50 15:25 07:30 08:00 09:05 10:40 12:20 14:25 15:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:40 21:00 22:40 Poseidon Norbit Hollywood On Set 611 The Replacements M.I. High S713: The Last Stand Crashbox S201: Crashbox S2 01 The Haunting Hour S1 S101: Really You Part 1 The Haunting Hour S1 S102: Really You Part 2 Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 Blankman The Lego Movie Godzilla Crashbox S201: Crashbox S2 01 The Replacements The Haunting Hour S1 S103: Dead Body The Haunting Hour S1 S104: Nightmare Inn Sky High The Cat In The Hat Poseidon Leonard Part 6 01:45 Call Me Crazy: A Five Film Family Weekend The Bucket List Magic In The Moonlight All Is Lost Changing Lanes The Score Hollywood On Set 611 The Last Samurai Parkland Call Me Crazy: A Five Film 20:00 The Score 22:00 Pacific Rim 03:15 05:00 06:45 08:30 10:15 12:00 14:00 14:30 17:00 18:30 00:00 Real Women Have 01:25 02:45 05:00 06:30 06:55 09:00 Curves Powder Room A Few Good Men Joe Dirt Hollywood On Set 611 The Perfect Storm The Leftovers S103: 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 00:45 01:35 02:25 04:05 05:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Mistresses Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Mistresses Styled to Rock UK Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Mistresses Empire Royal Pains Devious Maids Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Parenthood Devious Maids Empire Scandal Benched Devious Maids Victims Unit (S12) 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 14:20 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Gags (S6) Baby Bonus Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Perfect On Paper Merlin (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Rookie Blue (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) American Dream Builders (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Knife Fight (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Nanny Cam Knife Fight (S3) 00:00 F WORD OUT LOUD 00:30 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 23:00 Investigation (S14) with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Unforgettable (S2) A Wife’s Nightmare MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis The Craigslist Killer Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S12) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Amazing Race Canada (S1) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 03:10 Wipeout (S6) 04:00 The Blacklist (S2) 05:00 The Amazing Race (S23) 05:50 The Voice (S6) 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 07:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 08:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 01:30 Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 09:20 The Amazing Race (S23) 02:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) 10:10 American Ninja Warrior 03:00 Sugar Stars (S1) (S4) 03:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 11:05 XXX: The Next Level 04:00 Flip This House (S5) (Aka State Of The 05:00 The Coolest Places On Union) Earth (S1) World Records (S1) Competition 12:55 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 13:50 CSI: Crime Scene 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) Investigation (S14) 07:00 The American Baking Competition 14:45 The Voice (S6) 16:25 The Amazing Race 08:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S1) (S23) 09:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 17:15 CSI: Cyber (S1) 09:30 Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 18:10 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 10:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 19:05 Totally Insane Guinness 11:00 The American Baking 20:05 Exit 12:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 21:00 Killjoys (S1) 12:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 21:55 Totally Insane Guinness 13:00 The Coolest Places On Ghost Mine (S2) World Records (S1) Earth (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) 22:55 Killjoys (S1) 13:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) Bigfoot 23:50 Exit 14:00 Outback Nation (S1) Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S3) Eureka (S5) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Pinocchio Haven (S4) Supernatural: The Animation Face Off (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Supernatural: The Animation Firequake Dominion (S2) F Word Out Loud with Anne Curtis Haven (S4) @ lifetime 10.30 WIB Face Off (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:00 11:50 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 01:00 03:00 17:00 17:50 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Jaws 3-D 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 00:00 01:00 York (S1) 08:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 00:00 World’s Most Extreme 00:50 Building Wild 01:40 Engineering 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 06:55 Intent 07:50 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 08:45 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 09:40 Presents 10:35 02:45 American Crime 11:30 03:35 Perception 12:25 05:15 My Strange Addiction 13:20 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock 14:15 Presents The Listener Endgame Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents Endgame CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction The Listener CSI NY Perception Endgame Law & Order: Criminal Intent Tru Calling CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling Alfred Hitchcock Presents 07:30 Storage Wars: New 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 Ghost Whisperer (S1) Alias (S2) Face Off (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Alias (S2) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Face Off (S3) Flipping Out (S7) Good Wife, The (S3) Ghost Whisperer (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Good Wife, The (S3) Alias (S2) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S2) 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Connections Megastructures Big, Bigger, Biggest World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Megastructures World’s Most Extreme Bad Trip Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna Monster Fish Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Bad Trip Ultimate Survival Alaska Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Exploring Malaysia Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Ultimate Survival Alaska Airport Security: Colombia Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:20 02:15 04:25 05:15 06:30 07:20 08:10 09:00 10:15 00:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 11:10 With Jaime Dempsey 12:00 13:15 00:30 Counting Cars (S4) 14:05 01:00 Lost In Transmission 15:00 02:00 Aussie Pickers 15:50 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S5) 18:00 04:00 America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) 20:10 21:00 05:00 All You Can Eat (S1) Good Wife, The (S3) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 21:30 American Ninja Warrior 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 23:10 (S4) 23:45 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 22:00 23:00 With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S5) All You Can Eat (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S7) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes Tethered (S1) The Great Human Odyssey How Do They Do It? (S5) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Tethered (S1) Fighting Tuna Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Fighting Tuna Ice Cold Gold (S3) Saltwater Heroes The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made (S2) The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) 08 SEP 2015 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty fox movies premium 14.20 WIB XXX: The Next Level axn 11.05 WIB escape plan cinemax 19.05 WIB Chef The Fifth Estate Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Fifth Estate, The Jobs Complications Schitt’s Creek Breathe In Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn 29 bear Grylls: Breaking Point discovery channel 23.00 WIB wednesday 01:30 The Pursuit Of Happyness 03:30 The Out-Of-Towners 05:00 07:00 08:30 09:00 11:00 12:30 14:20 16:00 17:55 20:00 22:05 23:35 (1999) Flesh And Bone Happy Gilmore Hollywood On Set 613 The Mexican A.C.O.D. Collateral Damage Summer In February Step Up All In The Blind Side The Expendables 3 A History Of Violence Grown Ups 2 04:10 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:40 11:05 12:25 14:35 15:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 20:05 22:30 00:10 01:35 03:25 05:00 06:30 07:00 09:05 10:55 11:20 13:10 15:00 17:10 17:35 19:05 21:00 22:25 23:50 Saint Sinner Fire In The Sky A Return To Salem’s Lot Path Of Destruction Hollywood On Set 613 Deja Vu Escape Plan Hollywood On Set 612 Fire In The Sky The World’s End The Sea Gull Hollywood On Set 613 Three Days To A Kill G.I. Joe: Retaliation Child’s Play 2 Sound Of My Voice Sliver 00:05 01:40 03:55 05:55 07:35 National Security First Knight Robocop (2014) The Giver The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Make Your Move The International Spider-Man Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Life After Beth Robocop (2014) Divergent 09:35 11:30 13:35 15:40 17:15 20:00 21:35 23:40 17:25 19:00 20:25 21:55 23:45 The Biggest Fan Magic The Talking Dog Flubber Against The Wild Space Dogs Smooch Short Circuit 2 Justin Time Khumba Wiener Dog Internationals Justin Bieber’s Believe A Tiger’s Tail All She Wishes Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Nicholas Nickleby 00:05 Les Miserables (1998) 02:20 Only You 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Empire Scandal Mistresses America’s Next Top Model Royal Pains Devious Maids Welcome to Sweden Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Parenthood America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Benched Devious Maids 11:00 Hottest Home Baker (S4) 11:55 Just For Laughs: 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Nanny Cam How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) The Reluctant Nanny Knife Fight (S3) (S 4) 00:15 02:45 04:45 06:30 09:00 10:30 12:30 14:45 16:30 18:00 19:45 22:00 23:45 01:20 02:55 05:00 05:30 07:30 09:00 09:50 10:50 11:30 12:00 12:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 13:00 01:35 03:10 04:45 06:20 07:55 09:25 11:00 12:45 14:20 15:45 Battle Of The Year Crashbox S202 Crashbox S203 The Haunting Hour S1 S103: Dead Body The Haunting Hour S1 S104: Nightmare Inn Sky High Leonard Part 6 The Cat In The Hat Les Miserables (1998) Crashbox S202 The Winslow Boy The Haunting Hour S1 S105: The Red Dress The Haunting Hour S1 S106: A Creature Was Stirring Big Fish The Amazing SpiderMan 2 Only You 18:00 01:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) 19:00 The Last Samurai 00:20 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 02:20 CSI: Crime Scene 20:00 The Bourne Ultimatum 01:10 Warehouse 13 (S3) Investigation (S 14) 21:00 Changing Lanes 02:10 Firequake 03:10 The Voice (S 6) 22:00 The Last Samurai 04:00 Eureka (S5) 05:00 The Amazing Race Call Me Crazy: A (S 23) 05:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) 23:00 Five Film 07:00 Eureka (S5) 05:50 Wipeout (S 6) The Bourne Ultimatum 08:00 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 06:40 The Voice (S 6) Pacific Rim 09:00 Bigfoot 07:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) The Bucket List 10:40 Haven (S4) 08:25 Leverage (S 5) Call Me Crazy: A 11:30 The Paranormal 09:20 The Amazing Race Five Film Zone (S3) (S 23) 00:00 Changing Lanes 12:25 Paranormal Witness 10:10 American Ninja Warrior Pacific Rim (S4) (S 4) 01:00 All Is Lost 13:15 Face Off (S1) 11:05 Exit 02:00 The Bourne Ultimatum 14:55 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 12:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) 15:45 Eureka (S5) 12:55 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) 03:00 16:35 Haven (S4) 13:50 Leverage (S 5) 03:30 17:25 Paranormal Witness 14:40 Wipeout (S 6) 04:00 (S4) 15:35 The Voice (S 6) 05:00 18:15 The Paranormal 16:25 The Amazing Race Repentance Zone (S3) (S 23) 05:30 Dead Poets Society 19:05 Pinocchio 17:15 Killjoys (S 1) Hollywood On Set 611 21:00 Medium (S1) 18:10 American Ninja Warrior 06:00 Se7En (S 4) 22:40 Haven (S4) 07:00 Cinema Verite 23:30 Face Off (S1) 19:05 Totally Insane Guinness The Leftovers S104: World Records (S 1) 08:00 B.J. And The A.C. 20:05 Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) The Newsroom S304: 21:00 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) 09:00 Contempt 21:55 Totally Insane Guinness The Comeback S201 World Records (S 1) 00:10 Law & Order: Special 10:00 The Comeback S202 Victims Unit (S16) 22:55 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) Togetherness S103: 01:05 Escape From Polygamy 23:50 Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) 11:00 Insanity 02:45 Revolutionary Road Togetherness S104: 05:00 Operation Cupcake 12:00 Houston We Have A 06:55 Knife Fight (S2) 12:30 Problem 07:25 The Good Wife (S6) 13:00 True Blood S308: Night 08:20 Law & Order: Special On The Sun Victims Unit (S12) 13:30 Winter’s Tale 09:15 Status: Unknown 00:00 The Amazing Race 13:50 15:45 Inside Llewyn Davis 17:30 Cold Comes The Night 19:00 True Blood S309: Canada (S1) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Unforgettable (S2) The Craigslist Killer MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Perfect Husband Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Coming Home (S2) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Child Genius (U.S.) Smile (S1) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) The American Baking Competition The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The American Baking Competition Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Everything Is Broken 20:00 Rome S108: Caesarion Game Of Thrones 21:00 S501: The Wars To Come 22:00 The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S105 23:00 The Leftovers S104: B.J. And The A.C. 23:55 Bad Grandpa 0.5 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 Mistresses Empire Scandal Welcome to Sweden Mistresses Styled to Rock UK UNDERWORLD: RISE OF THE LYCANS @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 15.40 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 14:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) 15:00 Broke Bites: What The 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Flip This House (S5) Bondi Vet (S5) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:00 11:50 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:00 Just For Laughs: 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 17:00 17:50 05:00 06:00 18:50 Gags (S8) 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 21:55 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Caught On Camera (S2) Jaws: The Revenge Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Wizard Wars (S1) Caught On Camera (S2) 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Ghost Whisperer (S 1) Alias (S 2) Face Off (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Justified (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Face Off (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Good Wife, The (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Good Wife, The (S 3) Justified (S 5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Justified (S 5) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50 The Last Alaskans 01:45 Yukon Men (S2) 02:40 Bear Grylls: Breaking (S2) 00:00 Good Wife, The (S 3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior (S 4) 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Storage Wars: Canada 09 SEP 2015 ALL IS LOST HBO HITS 22.00 WIB Point 03:35 The Great Human Odyssey 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S5) 05:00 Man, Woman, Wild (S2) 06:00 Bear Grylls: Breaking 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 00:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska 12:25 00:50 Airport Security: 13:20 Colombia 14:15 01:40 Drugs Inc 22:45 02:30 Wicked Tuna 15:10 23:35 03:20 Hunter Hunted 16:05 04:10 Ultimate Survival Alaska 16:30 05:00 Airport Security: Colombia 17:00 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 06:00 Monster Fish Intent 18:00 06:55 Wicked Tuna 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 07:50 Ultimate Survival Alaska 19:00 20:00 08:45 Nazi Underworld 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 21:00 09:40 Caught In The Act 10:35 Money Meltdown 02:45 Endgame 11:30 Ultimate Airport Dubai 22:00 03:35 Perception 12:25 Somewhere In China 05:15 Tru Calling 23:00 13:20 Nazi Underworld 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 23:55 14:15 Danger Decoded 15:10 Science of Stupid 07:05 The Listener 16:05 The Border 07:55 Body Of Proof 17:00 Somewhere In China 08:45 Perception 18:00 Ultimate Airport Dubai 10:25 Tru Calling 19:00 Money Meltdown 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 20:00 Danger Decoded 00:35 21:00 Science of Stupid 11:45 Body Of Proof 22:00 The Border 12:35 CSI NY 02:30 13:25 Seconds From Disaster 23:00 Airport Security: Colombia 04:15 14:20 Tru Calling 05:30 15:10 The Listener 06:50 16:00 CSI NY 07:40 16:50 Perception 08:30 18:30 Body Of Proof 09:45 19:20 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10:40 00:00 Storage Wars: Canada 11:30 20:10 Line of Fire (S2) 12:20 21:00 CSI NY 13:35 21:50 Seconds From Disaster 01:00 Photo Face-Off 14:50 02:00 Aussie Pickers 22:45 Line of Fire 15:40 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S5) 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 04:00 Storage Wars: Canada 16:30 05:00 Counting Cars (S2) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Photo Face-Off Ancient Aliens (S5) Counting Cars (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S7) Photo Face-Off 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 1942: The Sook Ching Massacre The Pickers (S7) 18:25 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:50 23:45 Point River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) River Monsters (S7) The Last Alaskans Yukon Men (S2) The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S10) Factory Made (S2) The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) OUT OF THE FURNACE GOD BLESS AMERICA Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan OUT OF THE FURNACE TRIALS OF CATE MCCALL, THE Ray Donovan Web Therapy Schitt’s Creek Conan Homeland Conan 31 BAD GRANDPA HBO SIGNATURE 23.55 WIB ROYAL PAINS STARWORLD 10.15 WIB FLESH AND BONE HBO 05.00 WIB thursday Crashbox S2 05 07:00 The Haunting Hour S1 01:15 Hollywood On Set 613 01:40 School Ties 03:30 Alan Partridge: Alpha 05:00 06:30 08:25 10:30 12:00 13:50 16:00 18:20 20:00 22:10 Papa The Ladies Man The Fan The Expendables 3 I, Frankenstein Diana The Blind Side Into The Wild Ride Along The Mummy Returns Her 01:25 Someone To Watch 03:10 05:00 07:15 07:40 09:20 11:10 13:05 15:00 17:05 19:00 19:30 21:00 23:20 02:05 03:50 05:45 07:15 09:20 10:55 12:55 14:30 16:35 18:20 20:00 22:00 23:45 Over Me Biker Boyz The Outlaw Josey Wales Hollywood On Set 614 Flightplan Harry And The Hendersons Romeo Must Die White Chicks The Caine Mutiny Kingpin Hollywood On Set 614 Passenger 57 The Avengers (2012) Simon Sez The Fog Alice In Wonderland Bark Ranger Spider-Man Fun With Dick And Jane The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Life After Beth Robocop (2014) The Day The Earth Stood Still Peeples Are You Here Oldboy The Giver 07:30 08:00 10:05 12:25 14:05 15:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:30 00:15 17:30 19:00 20:55 22:30 Everything Is Broken 14:00 Dead Poets Society 16:10 Tim’s Vermeer 17:30 Real Women Have Curves 19:00 True Blood S310: I Smell A Rat 21:00 21:40 22:10 22:35 23:05 10:50 Oh Shenandoah 11:45 The Comeback S201: 13:30 Valerie Makes A Pilot 15:10 The Comeback S202: 16:00 Valerie Tries To Get 16:50 Yesterday Back 17:40 Veep S405: Convention 19:20 Veep S406: Storms And 21:00 Pancakes 22:40 The Leftovers S105: 23:30 Gladys Family Weekend The Score Hollywood On Set 611 The Missing Chicken Run Wedding Crashers Getaway 300 Hollywood On Set 611 Punch-Drunk Love Chicken Run Wedding Crashers Punch-Drunk Love Getaway Edge Of Tomorrow 02:45 My Fair Wedding with 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 01:15 Tim’s Vermeer 02:35 And The Band 05:00 06:45 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Played On Gimme Shelter The Fisher King The Leftovers S105: Gladys The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S105 Rome S108: Caesarion Game Of Thrones S501: The Wars To Come True Blood S309: 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 David Tutera Welcome to Sweden Mistresses Styled to Rock UK America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Mistresses Masterchef US Royal Pains Devious Maids Welcome to Sweden Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Parenthood Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Benched Devious Maids 00:20 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 01:10 Warehouse 13 (S3) Space Dogs 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Justin Bieber’s Believe Justin Time A Tiger’s Tail Tarzan The Biggest Fan Smart Cookies Ice Castles Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Space Dogs The Incredibles Smooch Sheeba 01:05 03:15 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:45 23:20 01:30 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 10:05 11:00 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 20:05 21:00 23:00 THE BLIND SIDE @ HBO 13.50 WIB Victims Unit (S12) Save The Last Dance Final Recourse The Hot Flashes Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Deadly Daycare Top Chef: Texas (S9) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Operation Cupcake Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Dear Viola Catch Me If You Can Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:15 00:20 01:50 03:40 04:10 Space Jam Battle Of The Year Hollywood On Set 611 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 06:00 Crashbox S204: Crashbox S2 04 06:30 Crashbox S205: Dominion (S2) Eureka (S5) Warehouse 13 (S3) Eureka (S5) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) The Philadelphia Experiment Haven (S4) Medium (S1) Face Off (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Eureka (S5) Haven (S4) Medium (S1) Bigfoot Continuum (S3) Haven (S4) Face Off (S2) 00:10 Law & Order: Special Model 01:45 03:30 05:30 06:00 08:15 09:45 11:45 13:15 15:05 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:30 22:00 23:30 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 20:00 The Newsroom S305: 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 America’s Next Top 13:00 01:55 03:25 04:55 06:30 08:05 09:30 11:00 12:35 14:05 15:40 S105: The Red Dress The Haunting Hour S1 S106: A Creature Was Stirring Big Fish The Amazing SpiderMan 2 Herbie: Fully Loaded Space Jam Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas The Haunting Hour S1 S107: The Ghostly Stare The Haunting Hour S1 S108: Walls Barnyard Open Season (2006) Are We Done Yet? Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Sleepless In Seattle 23:55 (S 4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) The Voice (S 6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Amazing Race (S 23) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) The Other Guys Breaking The Magician’s Code: Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:0 0 20:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Child Genius (U.S.) Smile (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Perfect Husband MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Wuthering High School Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Smile (S1) Child Genius (U.S.) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) The American Baking Competition Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) The American Baking Competition Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Flip This House (S5) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 00:30 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:20 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 06:00 Just For Laughs: 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 THE AVENGERS (2012) @ CINEMAX 21.00 WIB Gags (S8) 11:50 Everybody Loves Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Jaws: The Revenge Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S8) Chicago PD (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Body Of Proof Perception Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Gang Related Homicide Hunter Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents Gang Related CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire The Listener CSI NY Homicide Hunter Gang Related Law & Order: Criminal Intent Life on Mars CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 Good Wife, The (S 3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:00 (S 4) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Justified (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Raymond (S 9) Face Off (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Good Wife, The (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Good Wife, The (S 3) Justified (S 5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Justified (S 5) 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 Danger Decoded Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Caught In The Act Danger Decoded Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Danger Decoded Beast Hunter (aka Beast Man) Wild Russia Youtube Revolution 90s Greatest: Football Moments To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E The 2000’s Greatest Tragedies Mega Bridges I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special To Catch A Smuggler 90s Greatest: Tragedies 9/10: The Final Hours China From Above I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special 9/10: The Final Hours 10 SEP 2015 LIFE AFTER BETH FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 12.55 WIB 00:50 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 01:45 You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun 02:40 Countdown To Collision 03:35 The Great Human 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 York (S2) Museum Men The Pickers (S7) 1942: Philippine Resistance Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off Daredevils (S1) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S2) Ancient Aliens (S5) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Mountain Men (S4) 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:35 02:30 04:10 05:25 06:20 07:10 08:00 09:20 10:10 11:05 11:55 Museum Men 13:15 1942: The Sook Ching 14:10 Massacre 15:00 1942: Philippine 15:50 Resistance 18:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 19:40 Storage Wars (S7) 20:30 Counting Cars (S4) 21:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 22:00 10 Things You Don’t 22:50 Know About (S2) 23:50 Odyssey How Do They Do It? (S6) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun The Great Human Odyssey Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Cathay Pacific Signature Series Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Colossal Squid Culinary Asia How We Got Here Body Bizarre (S2) Colossal Squid Culinary Asia THE INCREDIBLES FOX FAMILY MOVIES 19.00 WIB HERBIE: FULLY LOADED CHEF BREATHE IN Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan JOBS BREATHE IN Conan Schitt’s Creek Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan 33 HBO FAMILY 12.25 WIB WEDDING CRASHERS HBO HITS 09.45 WIB friday House 05:00 Dead Poets Society 07:05 Real Women Have 08:30 09:00 09:55 10:25 10:55 11:50 12:30 13:00 FAILURE TO LaUNCH @ HBO 14.25 WIB 00:15 02:30 04:30 05:00 06:45 08:10 09:45 11:50 14:00 14:25 16:00 18:10 20:00 21:40 23:20 Sabrina (1995) Phenomenon Hollywood On Set 613 Losing Isaiah Soccer Dog: European Cup Ride Along Her The Mummy Returns Hollywood On Set 613 Failure To Launch Phenomenon 3 Days To Kill Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Brick Mansions Pain & Gain 09:50 11:15 12:50 14:25 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:50 22:25 The Mask Son Of Batman Child’s Play 3 Kingpin Jade The Mask Eraser Passenger 57 Simon Sez Hello Down There The Avengers (2012) Red 2 Mortal Kombat Good People 02:00 03:50 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:30 10:55 12:40 13:10 13:40 15:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:25 21:00 22:50 01:25 04:00 05:50 07:35 09:35 12:20 14:20 16:45 18:25 20:00 21:55 23:35 Prisoners Vampire Academy A Guy Thing Just Go With It The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Are You Here Divergent The Giver National Security 22 Jump Street Wer The Day The Earth Stood Still 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:35 22:00 22:30 23:00 07:30 00:40 02:20 03:30 05:00 06:55 08:25 10:10 12:05 13:30 15:00 16:40 19:05 21:00 22:40 Khumba Smooch Justin Bieber’s Believe Justin Time Smart Cookies Tarzan Return To Oz Against The Wild Magic The Talking Dog 14:00 15:35 17:35 19:00 Radio Norbit Hollywood On Set 611 Crashbox S206 Crashbox S207 The Haunting Hour S1 S107: The Ghostly Stare The Haunting Hour S1 S108: Walls Are We Done Yet? Open Season (2006) Sleepless In Seattle Crashbox S206 Crashbox S207 Barnyard Radio The Haunting Hour S1 S109: Game Over The Haunting Hour S1 S110: Alien Candy Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Enchanted Oz The Great And Powerful 23:55 Curves Hollywood On Set 611 The Leftovers S106: Guest Veep S405: Convention Veep S406: Storms And Pancakes The Newsroom S305: Oh Shenandoah The Comeback S201: Valerie Makes A Pilot The Comeback S202: Valerie Tries To Get Yesterday Back True Blood S310: I Smell A Rat The Gathering Storm Elizabeth Life Support True Blood S311: Fresh Blood Togetherness S103: Insanity Togetherness S104: Houston We Have A Problem The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S106 Hollywood On Set 611 Girls S405: Sit-In Girls S406: Close-Up The Leftovers S106: Guest Elizabeth 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 Masterchef US 02:45 America’s Next Top 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 Model Welcome to Sweden Mistresses Styled to Rock UK Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Mistresses Amazing Wedding Cakes Royal Pains Devious Maids Welcome to Sweden Scandal Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Once Upon A Time Masterchef US 19:45 My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Cakes 21:35 Scandal 22:30 Benched 23:25 Devious Maids Internationals Against The Wild All She Wishes Space Dogs Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 00:45 American Ninja Warrior 01:35 02:25 03:15 00:20 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 05:00 01:10 Warehouse 13 (S3) 02:05 Pinocchio 05:50 04:05 Eureka (S5) 06:40 05:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) 07:30 07:00 Eureka (S5) 08:25 08:00 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 09:15 09:00 Firequake 10:50 Haven (S4) 10:05 11:45 Dominion (S2) 13:30 Face Off (S2) 11:00 15:10 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 16:00 Eureka (S5) 12:00 16:50 Haven (S4) 12:50 17:40 Dominion (S2) 13:45 19:20 Jet Stream 14:35 21:00 Supernatural: The 15:30 Animation 16:20 22:40 Haven (S4) 23:30 Face Off (S2) 17:10 18:10 00:15 Law & Order: Special 01:05 02:45 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:20 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:45 21:40 Victims Unit (S12) Baby Bonus Perfect On Paper Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Top Gun Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Baby Bonus How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Crimes Of The Mind Top Chef: Texas (S9) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) The Memory Book Rookie Blue (S6) Deadly Daycare 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:00 23:00 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 01:30 03:00 04:30 06:30 08:00 10:00 11:45 13:15 15:15 17:15 19:30 20:00 22:00 23:30 19:00 Evil Dead The Arrangement 300 Punch-Drunk Love Edge Of Tomorrow Endless Love Chicken Run Wedding Crashers 300 The Missing Hollywood On Set 611 Edge Of Tomorrow Evil Dead Getaway 20:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 The Gathering Storm 01:35 Bernard And Doris 03:15 Bringing Down The (S 4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Amazing Race (S 23) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) Breaking The Magician’s Code: American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Total Blackout (S 1) Ebuzz Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) Mission: Impossible Total Blackout (S 1) Ebuzz MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Unforgettable (S2) Wuthering High School MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Non-Stop Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Unforgettable (S3) MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) My Haunted House (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:30 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 01:30 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 00:05 Magic The Talking Dog 01:40 Wiener Dog 03:25 05:00 06:30 08:00 23:20 Clean House: Search 20:40 Amazing Wedding VAMPIRE ACADEMY @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 04.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 07:00 The American Baking 08:00 08:30 09:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Competition Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) The American Baking Competition Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Flip This House (S5) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Red Hot Design (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S3) 22:45 Dog Patrol 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 Good Wife, The (S 3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:10 11:00 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 17:00 17:50 01:00 03:00 18:50 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 00:55 01:45 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Criminal Minds (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Supernatural (S2) Chicago PD (S2) Supernatural (S2) 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:10 23:10 00:50 01:40 02:30 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:45 09:40 Law & Order: Criminal 10:35 Intent 11:30 Seconds From Disaster 12:25 Alfred Hitchcock 13:20 Presents 14:15 Gang Related 15:10 Homicide Hunter 16:05 Life on Mars 17:00 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 19:40 20:30 21:20 Presents The Listener Threat Matrix Moonlighting Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents Threat Matrix CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars The Listener CSI NY Moonlighting Threat Matrix Law & Order: Criminal Intent Dog Patrol CSI NY Seconds From Disaster 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S 4) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Justified (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Face Off (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Good Wife, The (S 3) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Good Wife, The (S 3) Justified (S 5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Justified (S 5) China From Above Wild Russia 9/10: The Final Hours Wild Russia China From Above Wild Russia 9/10: The Final Hours Science of Stupid Hard Time Locked Up Abroad World’s Most Extreme Perilous Journeys Science of Stupid The Happenings Paranatural 9/11 Firehouse The Miracle of The 9/11 Surfer World’s Most Extreme Locked Up Abroad The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad 00:00 My Mosque 00:30 Kings Of Restoration 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Daredevils (S1) Ancient Aliens (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) The Pickers (S6) 06:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S2) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) Special Forces (S1) Texas Rising Ancient Aliens (S5) The Pickers (S6) My Mosque Special Forces (S1) Mountain Men (S4) Texas Rising My Mosque Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Texas Rising Special Forces (S1) Museum Men 11 SEP 2015 OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL HBO FAMILY 22.50 WIB 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 How We Got Here Body Bizarre (S2) Colossal Squid Cathay Pacific Signature Series How Do They Do It? (S6) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Colossal Squid Culinary Asia How We Got Here Body Bizarre (S2) Cathay Pacific Signature Series Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Culinary Asia How We Got Here Body Bizarre (S2) Cathay Pacific Signature Series Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Colossal Squid Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) 00:40 From Dusk Till Dawn 01:30 JOBS 03:40 TRIALS OF CATE 05:15 05:40 06:10 07:00 07:50 08:40 09:35 10:30 11:20 12:15 13:05 13:55 14:45 15:35 17:05 18:40 19:35 20:25 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 MCCALL, THE Louie Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan IT’S A DISASTER TRIALS OF CATE MCCALL, THE Homeland Conan Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 35 EDGE OF TOMORROW HBO HITS 20.00 WIB DOMINION (S2) SYFY 11.45 WIB NON-STOP LIFETIME 11.00 WIB saturday 06:00 The Haunting Hour 01:25 03:00 05:00 06:30 08:10 10:05 11:45 13:20 15:00 16:45 18:15 20:00 22:10 23:40 00:10 02:05 03:40 05:00 06:45 08:15 09:45 11:45 13:20 15:00 16:25 17:30 19:05 21:00 22:00 23:40 01:25 03:35 05:15 06:55 08:30 10:45 12:25 14:15 16:00 17:55 20:00 21:50 23:55 Neighbors Multiplicity The Spectacular Now Nanny Mcphee 3 Days To Kill Brick Mansions Failure To Launch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Matilda Brave The Fast And The Furious The Equalizer Neighbors Empire State Blade II A Return To Salem’s Lot Grendel My Stepmother Is An Alien Road Trip Outside The Law Red 2 Good People Mortal Kombat Coneheads The Lost Honour Ep1 First Target Con Air Strike Back S406 This Is The End The Purge Saving Mr. Banks Peeples Big Daddy Russell Madness First Knight Peeples Pompeii Rio 2 22 Jump Street Spider-Man Let’s Be Cops Lone Survivor Life After Beth 08:00 08:30 09:55 12:00 13:30 15:05 16:25 18:10 20:10 21:45 23:20 01:00 03:15 04:45 06:30 08:30 10:00 12:15 14:15 16:05 16:30 18:45 20:15 22:00 02:00 03:10 05:00 07:05 08:45 09:20 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 00:00 01:35 03:10 04:40 06:05 07:35 09:10 10:35 12:00 13:45 15:30 17:05 19:00 20:30 21:55 23:15 Ice Castles Smooch Smart Cookies Spymate Tarzan Against The Wild Moto X Kids A Tiger’s Tail Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Wiener Dog Internationals Justin Time The Incredibles Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Khumba A Tiger’s Tail Space Warriors 01:05 Norbit 02:50 Poseidon 04:35 The Cat In The Hat 13:30 09:00 The Paranormal Wicket The Brink S108: Who’S Grover Cleveland? The Brink S109: Just A Little Crazy Talk The Brink S110: There Will Be Consequences The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S105 Show Me A Hero S103 Togetherness S103: Insanity Togetherness S104: Houston We Have A Problem Temple Grandin Gia Tim’s Vermeer You Don’t Know Jack 10:00 Paranormal Witness 14:00 The Brink S107: Sticky S1 S102 14:30 S1 S103 The Haunting Hour S1 S104 The Haunting Hour S1 S105 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Oz The Great And Powerful The Ant Bully Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Rugrats In Paris: The Movie Enchanted Godzilla A Cinderella Story Freaky Friday Poseidon 15:00 15:30 07:00 The Haunting Hour 07:30 Tweet Tweet S1 S101 06:30 The Haunting Hour A Beautiful Mind Evil Dead Endless Love Wedding Crashers Getaway A Beautiful Mind 300 Edge Of Tomorrow Hollywood On Set 611 The Missing Getaway Endless Love 300 Baghdad Er Insidious Chapter 2 61* Barbarians At The Gate No Contract, No Cookies: The Stella D’Oro Strike Wit The Brink S101: Pilot The Brink S102: HalfCocked The Brink S103: Baghdad My Ass The Brink S104: I’Ll Never Be Batman The Brink S105: Swim, Shmuley, Swim The Brink S106: Tweet 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 21:00 22:55 00:15 00:15 Amazing Wedding 20:40 22:30 23:25 Cakes Suburgatory Glee Scandal Melissa & Joey Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Empire My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Once Upon A Time Scandal Empire Suburgatory Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Candidly Nicole Scandal 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Bigfoot Eureka (S5) Medium (S1) Pinocchio 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 Zone (S3) 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) Jet Stream The Paranormal Zone (S3) Firequake Continuum (S3) Vampyre Nation The Paranormal Zone (S3) Medium (S1) 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 Victims Unit (S16) 03:00 The Seven Year Hitch 03:30 Escape From Polygamy 04:00 Just For Laughs: 05:00 Gags (S6) 06:00 Chasing Leprechauns 07:00 00:15 Law & Order: Special 01:05 02:45 04:30 05:00 06:50 08:30 10:05 11:40 13:20 15:30 17:10 18:05 My Boyfriends’ Dogs Burton And Taylor The Memory Book The Reluctant Nanny Save The Last Dance Dear Viola Merlin (S4) Hottest Home Baker (S4) 19:00 Knife Fight (S3) 22:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) 00:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S 4) 00:50 American Ninja Warrior 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:40 07:10 07:40 09:40 10:35 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:55 19:00 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S 4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) The Voice (S 5) Total Blackout (S 1) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Exit XXX: The Next Level (Aka State Of The Union) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Blue Bloods (S 5) Sherlock (S 2) Mission: Impossible The Other Guys Killjoys (S 1) Exit NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) Sherlock (S 2) 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:30 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Parental Guidance (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S1) Right This Minute Hidden Away Baggage Battles (S1) Forever 16 Baggage Battles (S1) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) 15:00 Right This Minute GOOD PEOPLE @ CINEMAX 11.45 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Red Hot Design (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Best New Restaurant The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 07:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 13:25 14:20 00:00 The Ghost Inside My 16:10 Child (S2) 18:00 01:00 My Haunted House (S2) 19:50 02:00 Unforgettable (S2) 20:45 03:00 Non-Stop 05:00 The Ghost Inside My 21:40 Child (S2) 23:30 06:00 Right This Minute 07:00 Jo Frost: Extreme 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:40 12:00 13:40 14:00 MasterChef Asia (S1) Right This Minute Mom’s Time Out (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Intent (S4) Supernatural (S2) Jaws: The Revenge Caught On Camera (S2) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Caught On Camera (S2) Jaws: The Revenge Cold Case (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Cold Case (S2) Jaws: The Revenge 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:45 Threat Matrix 03:35 Moonlighting 05:15 Dog Patrol 12 SEP 2015 RUGRATS IN PARIS: THE MOVIE HBO FAMILY 15.05 WIB POMPEII @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 12.25 WIB 06:05 06:55 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 18:35 21:05 23:35 Line of Fire CSI My Strange Addiction Tru Calling Line of Fire Dog Patrol Life on Mars My Strange Addiction The Listener CSI Miami Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 Good Wife, The (S 3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:30 07:20 08:10 09:50 11:35 12:25 14:05 15:50 16:40 17:30 19:10 20:10 21:00 22:45 23:35 (S 4) Ghost Whisperer (S 1) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Love Crimes Platinum Hit (S 1) Flipping Out (S 7) Nashville (S 2) Sherlock (S 3) Necessary Roughness (S 3) Nashville (S 2) Sherlock (S 3) Platinum Hit (S 1) Necessary Roughness (S 3) Nashville (S 2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Necessary Roughness (S 3) Sherlock (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Love Crimes 06:55 China From Above 07:50 I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special 08:45 World’s Most Extreme 00:50 Life 09:40 Ultimate Survival Alaska 01:45 Naked And Afraid (S2) 02:40 How Stuff Works 10:35 Engineering Connections 03:35 Colossal Squid 04:30 How Do They Do 11:30 Science of Stupid It? (S6) 12:25 Dog Whisperer 05:00 Man, Woman, Wild (S2) 14:15 China From Above 06:00 How Stuff Works 15:10 Wicked Tuna 06:55 Magic Of Science (S2) 16:05 9/10: The Final Hours 07:50 Life 18:00 Engineering Connections 08:45 Naked And Afraid (S2) 19:00 Malaysian Journey with 09:40 River Monsters (S7) Jason Scott Lee 10:35 Saltwater Heroes 11:30 Colossal Squid 20:00 Science of Stupid 12:25 Insane Pools: Off The 21:00 The Border Deep End 22:00 Airport Security: Colombia 13:20 The Last Alaskans 14:15 River Monsters (S7) 23:00 Building Wild 15:10 Life 16:05 Mythbusters (S10) 17:00 Saltwater Heroes 18:00 How We Got Here 19:00 River Monsters (S7) 20:00 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 00:00 Texas Rising 21:00 Ice Cold Gold (S3) 01:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 22:00 Untamed China With Nigel Marven 02:00 Special Forces (S1) 23:00 Body Bizarre (S2) 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 23:55 Saltwater Heroes 04:00 Mountain Men (S4) 05:00 The Pickers (S6) 05:00 The Pickers (S6) 06:00 The Pickers (S7) 07:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Massacre The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad Hard Time The Happenings Paranatural Megastructures ONCE UPON A TIME STARWORLD 15.15 WIB 00:35 IT’S A DISASTER 08:00 My Mosque 08:30 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 02:05 GOD BLESS AMERICA With Jaime Dempsey 03:55 Louie 04:20 Louie 09:00 Museum Men 04:50 Archer 10:00 Texas Rising 05:15 Archer 11:00 Mountain Men (S4) 07:00 Mad Men 12:00 Lost In Transmission 13:00 1942: The Sook Ching 11:15 DON’T COME 14:00 Photo Face-Off 15:00 Storage Wars: Canada 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 300 HBO HITS 12.15 WIB 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S2) The Pickers (S7) Mountain Men (S4) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S7) Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Photo Face-Off Texas Rising KNOCKING 13:20 OUT OF THE 15:15 17:10 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:00 22:00 22:50 FURNACE CHEF BREATHE IN Complications Conan Schitt’s Creek Ray Donovan Conan OUT OF THE FURNACE 37 THE EQUALIZER HBO 20.000 WIB sunday 01:10 02:45 03:10 05:00 06:30 07:50 09:30 10:55 12:40 14:55 16:10 17:35 20:00 22:15 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 The Pretty One Hollywood On Set 613 Diana A.C.O.D. Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Matilda Zoom: Academy For Superheroes The Fast And The Furious The Equalizer The Emperor’S New Groove Over The Hedge The Lone Ranger (2013) Jersey Boys Step Up All In 00:20 Jet Stream 02:00 Paranormal Witness 03:00 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:05 10:55 12:40 THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 19.00 WIB 01:05 After Earth 02:45 Hollywood On Set 614 03:10 Delta Force 2: The 05:00 06:05 07:35 09:00 10:50 11:20 13:10 14:50 15:20 17:20 18:50 19:15 21:00 22:45 23:45 Colombian Connection The Lost Honour Ep1 First Target Coneheads Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Hollywood On Set 614 Con Air After Earth Hollywood On Set 614 Elizabethtown Path Of Destruction Hollywood On Set 612 Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire Strike Back S406 Four Brothers 01:30 The Hobbit: The 04:15 06:05 07:50 09:25 11:05 12:55 Desolation Of Smaug Pompeii Rio 2 Paradise Big Daddy Let’s Be Cops Lone Survivor Masterchef US Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden Grey’s Anatomy 15:00 Are You Here 17:00 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time 19:00 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 21:30 The Maze Runner 23:25 22 Jump Street 02:30 Stepmom 04:30 Gifted Hands 06:00 The Haunting Hour S1 S106: A Creature Was Stirring 06:30 The Haunting Hour S1 S107: The Ghostly Stare 10:45 12:15 14:15 16:30 18:00 20:00 22:00 Chicken Run Wedding Crashers The Missing The Arrangement 300 Wedding Crashers Edge Of Tomorrow 07:00 The Haunting Hour S1 S108: Walls 07:30 The Haunting Hour S1 00:50 02:20 03:45 05:20 06:50 08:15 09:45 11:15 12:45 14:30 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:35 Muppets From Space Moto X Kids Justin Time 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Khumba Space Dogs Smart Cookies Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit A Tiger’s Tail Ice Castles Space Dogs Senior Project Tarzan Smooch Moto X Kids 00:55 Without A Paddle 08:00 08:30 10:30 12:00 13:20 14:55 16:30 18:00 20:20 22:00 00:00 01:30 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:45 S109: Game Over The Haunting Hour S1 S110: Alien Candy Godzilla The Ant Bully Rugrats In Paris: The Movie A Cinderella Story Freaky Friday Gifted Hands The Amazing SpiderMan 2 Without A Paddle Big Fish The Arrangement Edge Of Tomorrow Chicken Run The Arrangement A Beautiful Mind Edge Of Tomorrow 02:30 05:00 07:00 07:55 08:25 08:50 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:50 15:05 15:35 17:20 19:00 20:35 21:00 22:45 Hemingway & Gellhorn Atonement Rome S108: Caesarion Veep S405: Convention Veep S406: Storms And Pancakes The Comeback S201: Valerie Makes A Pilot The Comeback S202: Valerie Tries To Get Yesterday Back Togetherness S103: Insanity Togetherness S104: Houston We Have A Problem Temple Grandin Truman Hollywood On Set 611 The Purge: Anarchy Into The Storm Clear History Hollywood On Set 611 Wit Inside Llewyn Davis 00:15 My Fair Wedding with 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 11:05 11:55 12:45 14:25 15:15 16:05 TARZAN @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 20.30 WIB 17:00 17:55 David Tutera Welcome to Sweden Million Dollar Listing LA Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Suburgatory Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 (S4) Pinocchio Vampyre Nation Bigfoot Dominion (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S3) Continuum (S3) The Philadelphia Experiment Vampyre Nation Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) 10,000 Days Continuum (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) 00:40 Catch Me If You Can 03:15 Crimes Of The Mind 05:00 Law & Order: Special 06:50 07:20 09:05 11:10 12:50 14:25 16:00 18:35 19:30 20:25 21:20 21:50 23:35 Victims Unit (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Nanny Cam Save The Last Dance Chasing Leprechauns Deadly Daycare The Seven Year Hitch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) Merlin (S4) How Do I Look? (S10) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Hot In Cleveland (S6) The Bouquet Top Gun 01:35 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) 03:05 Blue Bloods (S 5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 05:50 07:25 09:05 11:00 11:50 12:40 14:40 16:20 16:50 17:20 18:20 19:15 21:10 22:05 23:00 23:55 (S 5) Sherlock (S 2) Blue Bloods (S 5) The Other Guys NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) Killjoys (S 1) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 5) Ebuzz Total Blackout (S 1) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Exit XXX: The Next Level (Aka State Of The Union) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 6) CSI: Cyber (S 1) Killjoys (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 5) 00:00 Unforgettable (S3) 01:00 Little Women: NY (S1) 02:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 03:00 The Ghost Inside My 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:40 23:00 Child (S2) Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (S1) Coming Home (S2) The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Arranged (S1) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Return To Zero Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute Unforgettable (S3) Five Bad Ink (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) 00:00 Mikie Saves The Date (S1) 01:00 Best New Restaurant 02:00 The Great Australian 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:30 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:30 22:30 23:00 Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Mikie Saves The Date (S1) Best New Restaurant The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) 16:10 Wizard Wars (S1) 17:05 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 18:00 19:50 21:40 23:30 07:00 08:50 10:40 12:30 14:20 Secrets (S3) 03:00 Museum Men 04:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 05:00 Pawn Stars (S15) 06:00 Counting Cars (S4) 06:30 Kings Of Restoration 13 SEP 2015 (S5) (S2) 00:05 My Strange Addiction 00:55 Life on Mars 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 08:00 Storage Wars (S7) 09:00 Photo Face-Off 10:00 1942: The Sook Ching 02:45 Law & Order: Criminal 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 Presents 06:55 09:25 13:35 14:25 18:35 21:05 23:35 Intent CSI Miami The Listener Tru Calling Seconds From Disaster CSI Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 01:15 03:15 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:00 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 16:00 17:40 18:40 20:20 22:00 23:40 Nashville (S 2) Love Crimes Face Off (S 3) Good Wife, The (S 1) Face Off (S 4) Alias (S 1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Flipping Out (S 7) Platinum Hit (S 1) Face Off (S 3) Good Wife, The (S 1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Alias (S 1) Good Wife, The (S 1) Alias (S 1) Face Off (S 4) 00:00 Science of Stupid 00:50 The Border 01:40 Airport Security: Colombia 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 02:30 Building Wild 03:20 Malaysian Journey with Jason Scott Lee 04:10 Science of Stupid 05:00 The Border 06:00 Airport Security: 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 04:10 Caught On Camera (S2) 23:00 05:00 Wizard Wars (S1) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Cold Case (S2) Jaws: The Revenge Criminal Minds (S8) Cold Case (S2) 02:00 America’s Book Of 07:00 Storage Wars: Canada 17:00 18:00 19:00 01:20 Caught On Camera (S2) 20:00 03:10 Just For Laughs: 21:00 Gags (S8) (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) Jaws: The Revenge Supernatural (S2) Colombia Building Wild Ultimate Survival Alaska Megastructures Malaysian Journey with Jason Scott Lee 9/10: The Final Hours Building Wild World’s Most Extreme Engineering Connections Science of Stupid Airport Security: Colombia Dog Whisperer Dog Whisperer China From Above Wicked Tuna The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China From Above 00:00 Mountain Men (S4) 01:00 The Pickers (S7) 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Massacre Pawn Stars (S15) Museum Men Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Storage Wars (S7) My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Lost In Transmission Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey 10 Things You Don’t Know About Singapore Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Lost In Transmission River Monsters (S7) Colossal Squid How We Got Here Body Bizarre (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) Yukon Men (S2) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Culinary Asia How We Got Here Ice Cold Gold (S3) Fighting Tuna River Monsters (S7) How We Got Here Naked And Afraid (S2) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) Culinary Asia Yukon Men (S2) Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) How We Got Here AFTER EARTH CINEMAX 13.10 WIB THE ARRANGEMENTS HBO HITS 16.30 WIB HOW WE GOT HERE DISCOVERY CHANNEL 12.25 WIB 00:45 Conan 01:35 TRIALS OF CATE MCCALL, THE 03:10 DON’T COME 05:15 07:05 07:30 09:15 11:25 12:55 14:35 16:15 17:55 19:35 20:25 21:00 22:55 23:45 KNOCKING GOD BLESS AMERICA Louie Louie JOBS IT’S A DISASTER KINGS OF SUMMER, THE HAIRBRAINED Conan Conan Complications Web Therapy TRACKS From Dusk Till Dawn BREATHE IN 39 JAWS: THE REVENGE UNIVERSAL CHANNEL 21.40 WIB MONDAY 05:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 06:00 Confessions: Animal 00:10 The Gabby Douglas Hoarding (S2) Story 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia Groove Hollywood On Set 614 Money Train The Remaining Step Up All In Jersey Boys The Firm The Truman Show Grown Ups 2 The Kingdom World Trade Center 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 01:35 Losing Isaiah 03:20 The Truman Show 05:00 The Emperor’S New 06:20 06:50 08:30 10:00 11:50 14:00 16:35 18:20 20:00 21:50 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 KICK-ASS 2 @ CINEMAX 21.00 WIB 03:55 Stuart Saves His Family 05:30 Hollywood On Set 611 06:00 Crashbox S208: 01:30 01:55 03:35 05:00 07:00 08:30 09:00 10:40 12:20 12:50 15:00 16:20 17:40 19:25 21:00 22:40 01:20 02:55 04:35 06:15 08:40 10:25 12:00 13:35 16:05 17:55 20:00 22:00 23:50 01:00 02:30 03:55 05:25 06:55 08:15 09:40 11:05 12:35 14:00 15:30 17:05 19:00 20:35 22:00 23:30 Hollywood On Set 612 Missing In Action Sound Of My Voice Elizabethtown Path Of Destruction Hollywood On Set 614 Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Missing In Action Hollywood On Set 612 Deja Vu Dinosaurus! The Pest Back To The Future Part II The Flash Kick-Ass 2 G.I. Joe: Retaliation Befriend And Betray Plush Peeples Divergent Rio 2 Life After Beth When In Rome The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Let’s Be Cops Lone Survivor Hollywood Homicide Anger Management The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Smart Cookies California Dreaming Tarzan Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Ernest Goes To Jail A Tiger’s Tail Moto X Kids Senior Project Khumba Smart Cookies Smooch The Incredibles Give Me A Break Doubting Thomas Space Dogs Ernest Goes To Jail 06:30 Crashbox S209: 20:30 21:00 07:00 The Haunting Hour S1 21:30 07:30 The Haunting Hour S1 22:00 08:00 The Amazing Spider- 23:00 Crashbox S2 08 Crashbox S2 09 S109: Game Over S110: Alien Candy Man 2 10:20 Big Fish 12:25 Crashbox S208: 12:55 13:30 15:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:20 20:55 22:55 00:00 01:30 03:00 05:15 07:00 08:30 10:00 12:00 14:15 15:50 16:15 18:15 20:00 22:00 Crashbox S2 08 Crashbox S209: Crashbox S2 09 Stuart Saves His Family The Princess Diaries The Haunting Hour S1 S111: Fear Never Knocks The Haunting Hour S1 S112: My Dead Best Friend Forever The Cat In The Hat The Last Mimzy Mona Lisa Smile The Winslow Boy Evil Dead Chicken Run The Missing Vampire In Brooklyn Getaway Punch-Drunk Love 300 A Beautiful Mind Vampire In Brooklyn Hollywood On Set 612 Edge Of Tomorrow Endless Love 300 A Beautiful Mind 01:40 03:20 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 00:15 Mistresses 01:05 Masterchef US 01:55 America’s Next Top Model 02:45 My Fair Wedding with 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 22:55 23:25 David Tutera Welcome to Sweden Mistresses Styled to Rock UK Masterchef US Once Upon A Time Mistresses Suburgatory Royal Pains Devious Maids Welcome to Sweden Masterchef US Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Parenthood Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Benched Friends With Better Lives Devious Maids 00:25 02:15 05:00 07:15 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:35 12:00 14:00 15:45 17:25 19:00 Places In The Heart Stalin A Few Good Men Inside Llewyn Davis The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet Rome S108: Caesarion The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S106 Hollywood On Set 612 The Newsroom S305: Oh Shenandoah True Blood S311: Fresh Blood Wit Clear History Conspiracy (Hbo) True Blood S312: Evil Is 00:20 Medium (S1) 02:10 Vampyre Nation 04:00 Paranormal Witness 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:0 0 21:50 22:40 23:30 (S4) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) Face Off (S2) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) The Sand Paranormal Witness (S4) Haunted Collector (S1) Haven (S5) Face Off (S2) 18:00 19:30 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 The Reluctant Nanny Dear Viola Burton And Taylor Knife Fight (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Catch Me If You Can American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Deadly Daycare Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Knife Fight (S3) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Crimes Of The Mind Knife Fight (S3) 20:30 21:30 22:30 23:00 00:00 The Great Australian 01:30 02:30 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:30 11:00 00:45 American Ninja Warrior 01:35 03:20 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 13:00 13:55 14:50 16:30 17:20 17:50 13:00 00:00 The Princess Diaries 01:55 Mona Lisa Smile 20:00 Going On Veep S407: Mommy Meyer Veep S408: B/Ill Girls S407: Ask Me My Name Girls S408: Tad & Loreen & Avi & Shanaz Game Of Thrones S501: The Wars To Come The Leftovers S107: Solace For Tired Feet 18:45 20:30 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S 5) Sherlock (S 2) The Voice (S 5) The Amazing Race (S 23) The Voice (S 6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Amazing Race (S 23) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) The Other Guys NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) Ebuzz American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Anaconda Behind The Blacklist: S3 CSI: Cyber (S 1) The Blacklist (S 2) CSI: Cyber (S 1) The Voice (S 5) (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Megachurch Murder Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Arranged (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Right This Minute 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Bake Off (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Bondi Vet (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) World Food Championships (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Bondi Vet (S4) Flip This House (S5) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) 00:25 Supernatural (S2) 01:20 Cold Case (S2) 03:10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) 04:05 Wizard Wars (S1) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 06:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 07:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 08:10 Law & Order: Criminal 00:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 01:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 02:00 Coming Home (S2) 03:00 Five Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Intent (S4) 09:00 Chicago Fire (S3) 10:00 Supernatural (S2) 11:40 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 12:10 Law & Order (S20) 14:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 22:00 Cold Case (S2) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 00:05 Moonlighting 00:55 Moonlighting 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 00:30 01:20 02:15 04:10 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:55 09:50 10:20 11:15 12:10 12:40 13:35 14:25 15:20 16:10 Presents Threat Matrix Homicide Hunter Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener American Crime Perception Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents American Crime CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol The Listener CSI NY Perception American Crime Law & Order: Criminal Intent My Strange Addiction CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents Face Off (S 4) Platinum Hit (S 1) Good Wife, The (S 1) Flipping Out (S 7) Drop Dead Diva (S 5) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Justified (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) Face Off (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Good Wife, The (S 3) Drop Dead Diva (S 5) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) 17:00 Face Off (S 3) 17:50 Cyril: Rio Magic 18:20 Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New 08:00 09:00 New York City, The (S 6) 10:00 18:50 Real Housewives Of 19:40 Good Wife, The (S 3) 20:30 Justified (S 5) 21:20 Real Housewives Of 11:00 12:00 New York City, The (S 6) 13:00 22:10 Everybody Loves Raymond (S 9) 14:00 22:40 Cyril: Rio Magic 15:00 23:10 Justified (S 5) 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 00:00 Wicked Tuna 00:50 The 2000s: The Decade 19:00 We Saw It All 19:30 02:30 China From Above 03:20 I Wouldn’t Go In There: 20:00 WW2 Special 21:00 04:10 Wicked Tuna 05:00 The 2000s: The Decade 21:30 We Saw It All 22:00 23:00 06:55 China From Above 07:50 I Wouldn’t Go In There: 00:00 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 WW2 Special Wild Case Files Big, Bigger, Biggest Megastructures Richard Hammond’s Wildest Weather Years of Living Dangerously Wild Case Files World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Years of Living Dangerously Seconds From Disaster Construction Zone Chasing Time World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Construction Zone Chasing Time 00:00 The Pickers (S7) 01:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 02:00 Texas Rising 03:00 Storage Wars: Canada 00:20 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 York (S2) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Texas Rising 10 Things You Don’t Know About Singapore Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 10 Things You Don’t Know About Singapore America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Pawn Stars (S15) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Pawn Stars (S15) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey How We Got Here Fighting Tuna Mythbusters (S10) Saltwater Heroes Body Bizarre (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Magic Of Science (S2) Life Fighting Tuna Colossal Squid Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S2) Colossal Squid Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) How We Got Here Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Saltwater Heroes Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) 14 SEP 2015 THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 23.50 WIB A BEAUTIFUL MIND HBO HITS 12.00 WIB (S2) 04:00 Storage Wars (S7) 05:00 10 Things You Don’t THE OTHER GUYS Know About Singapore 01:25 OUT OF THE FURNACE 06:00 My Mosque 06:30 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 03:20 HAIRBRAINED With Jaime Dempsey 05:00 Archer 06:20 Mad Men 07:10 Conan 08:00 Louie 08:50 Archer 09:15 Archer 10:10 Mad Men 11:05 Conan 12:00 Louie 13:15 Archer 14:15 Mad Men 15:05 Conan 16:00 TRACKS 17:55 TRIALS OF CATE MOONLIGHTHING @ FOXCRIME 00.05 WIB 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:00 23:30 MCCALL, THE House Of Lies Web Therapy House Of Lies Ray Donovan Schitt’s Creek Complications 41 AXN 11.05 WIB SMART COOKIES fox family movies 14.00 wib tuesday 19:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 19:55 Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) 20:25 Knife Fight (S3) 21:25 A Bone To Pick: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery 23:05 Knife Fight (S3) 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 FINAL DESTINATION 3 @ HBO 22.10 WIB 00:00 Freedom Writers 02:00 Failure To Launch 03:40 Sophia Grace And 05:00 06:25 07:45 09:20 11:10 12:50 14:55 15:20 16:45 18:10 20:00 22:10 23:40 Rosie’s Royal Adventure Soccer Dog: European Cup Over The Hedge Summer In February The Kingdom Grown Ups 2 World Trade Center Hollywood On Set 614 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Sophia Grace And Rosie’s Royal Adventure Grunge Match The Equalizer Final Destination 3 Failure To Launch 00:55 Space Warriors 02:30 Moto X Kids 03:55 Pudsey The Dog: The 05:25 06:55 08:25 09:55 11:20 12:55 14:25 15:50 17:25 19:00 20:45 22:35 Movie Smart Cookies Senior Project Tarzan Khumba Justin Time Encino Man A Tiger’s Tail Against The Wild Super Capers I Heart Shakey Return To Oz The Legend Of Sarila 03:15 03:40 05:00 06:20 08:05 09:50 11:20 13:05 15:00 17:55 19:20 21:00 22:35 Thunderdome Hollywood On Set 614 Child’s Play 2 The Pest Back To The Future Part II Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome The Flash G.I. Joe: Retaliation Romeo Must Die Camelot Blind Fury Mortal Kombat National Lampoon’s Vacation Con Air 14:55 15:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 20:10 02:35 04:25 06:00 07:55 10:00 12:25 14:25 16:20 18:15 20:00 22:10 Let’s Be Cops Nymph Obsessed Lone Survivor Divergent Hollywood Homicide 22 Jump Street The Maze Runner Playing It Cool Spider-Man 2 Let’s Be Cops 00:00 01:00 01:30 03:15 05:00 06:50 09:00 11:00 Klumps 11:30 04:25 Save The Last Dance 2: 12:00 Stepping Up 13:00 06:00 Crashbox S210 06:30 Crashbox S211 14:00 07:00 The Haunting Hour 15:50 S1 S111: Fear Never 17:20 Knocks 19:00 07:30 The Haunting Hour S1 S112: My Dead Best 20:00 08:00 09:20 10:55 12:35 14:25 22:00 23:50 Friend Forever The Cat In The Hat The Last Mimzy The Winslow Boy Radio Crashbox S210: Crashbox S2 10 Crashbox S211: Crashbox S2 11 Save The Last Dance 2: Stepping Up The Haunting Hour S1 S113: The Black Mask The Haunting Hour S1 S114: Afraid Of Clowns Oz The Great And Powerful Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Battle Of The Year Stepmom 00:15 The Missing 02:30 Vampire In Brooklyn 04:15 Endless Love Edge Of Tomorrow Wedding Crashers Vampire In Brooklyn The Missing 300 Chicken Run The Arrangement Punch-Drunk Love Chicken Run Endless Love 300 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 10:00 00:40 Radio 02:35 Nutty Professor II: The 00:30 Strike Back S406 01:30 Mad Max Beyond 06:00 08:00 10:00 11:45 14:00 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:45 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 Baghdad Er Hollywood On Set 612 Barbarians At The Gate The Tuskegee Airmen Peggy Sue Got Married 61* The Leftovers S108: Cairo Game Of Thrones S501: The Wars To Come Veep S407: Mommy Meyer Veep S408: B/Ill Rome S109: Utica True Blood S312: Evil Is Going On Temple Grandin Cinema Verite Into The Storm True Blood S401: She’s Not There The Comeback S203: Valerie Is Brought To Her Knees The Comeback S204: Valerie Saves The Show Togetherness S105: Kick The Can Togetherness S106: Ghost In Chains The Newsroom S305: Oh Shenandoah The Leftovers S108: Cairo Witches of East End Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Welcome to Sweden Witches of East End Styled to Rock UK Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Witches of East End Empire 00:20 01:10 03:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Royal Pains Devious Maids Welcome to Sweden My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Amsale Girls Devious Maids Empire Scandal Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Vampyre Nation Dominion (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 10,000 Days Haven (S5) Supernatural: The Animation Face Off (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Supernatural: The Animation Tasmanian Devils Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Face Off (S2) 00:10 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 01:05 Nanny Cam 02:50 The Bouquet 04:30 Just For Laughs: 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 Gags (S6) My Boyfriends’ Dogs Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) The Memory Book Merlin (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) The Seven Year Hitch American Dream Builders (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Knife Fight (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 10:10 11:05 12:50 13:45 14:40 15:35 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) The Amazing Race (S 23) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Anaconda NCIS: Los Angeles (S 5) Leverage (S 5) Wipeout (S 6) The Voice (S 6) The Amazing Race (S 23) CSI: Cyber (S 1) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S 1) Exit Killjoys (S 1) The Blacklist (S 2) Killjoys (S 1) Exit 00:00 F WORD OUT LOUD 00:30 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:00 with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Unforgettable (S2) Megachurch Murder MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Lucky In Love Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Right This Minute 00:00 World’s Most Extreme 00:50 Building Wild 01:40 Engineering Connections 02:30 02:55 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:20 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Construction Zone Chasing Time Big, Bigger, Biggest World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Construction Zone Chasing Time World’s Most Extreme Bad Trip Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna Monster Fish Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Bad Trip Ultimate Survival Alaska Airport Security: Colombia Ultimate Airport Dubai Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna 01:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 02:50 Penn & Teller: Fool Presents York (S2) 08:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 00:00 Good Wife, The (S 3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:40 08:30 09:20 10:20 11:10 12:00 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 19:40 20:30 21:20 05:00 Fairly Legal (S1) 05:50 Penn & Teller: Fool 22:10 23:10 Us! (S1) Intent (S4) 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Jaws: The Revenge 00:05 Law & Order: Criminal 00:55 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Intent Seconds From Disaster Alfred Hitchcock Presents American Crime Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Endgame Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents Endgame CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction The Listener CSI NY Perception Endgame Law & Order Tru Calling CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling Alfred Hitchcock 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New (S 4) Drop Dead Diva (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Drop Dead Diva (S 5) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Justified (S 5) Flipping Out (S 7) Face Off (S 3) Cyril: Simply Magic American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Cyril: Simply Magic Face Off (S 3) Flipping Out (S 7) Good Wife, The (S 3) Drop Dead Diva (S 5) American Ninja Warrior (S 4) Face Off (S 3) Cyril: Simply Magic Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Good Wife, The (S 3) Justified (S 5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S 6) Cyril: Simply Magic Justified (S 5) 00:00 World’s Most Extreme 00:50 Building Wild 01:40 Engineering 02:30 02:55 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:20 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:30 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 Connections Construction Zone Chasing Time Big, Bigger, Biggest World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Construction Zone Chasing Time World’s Most Extreme Bad Trip Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna Monster Fish Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Bad Trip Ultimate Survival Alaska Airport Security: Colombia Ultimate Airport Dubai Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Aussie Pickers Ancient Aliens (S6) America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) 05:00 All You Can Eat (S1) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:25 06:55 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) All You Can Eat (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S8) Saltwater Heroes Destroyed In Seconds How We Got Here How Do They Do It? (S6) Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Saltwater Heroes How We Got Here Man, Woman, Wild (S2) Deadliest Catch (S11) Saltwater Heroes How We Got Here Man, Woman, Wild (S2) How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Bear Grylls: Fine Dining Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) 00:20 House Of Lies 00:55 KINGS OF SUMMER, 02:35 04:05 05:20 06:35 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:05 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 15:45 17:25 19:05 19:30 20:05 21:00 22:55 23:30 THE IT’S A DISASTER Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan House Of Lies HAIRBRAINED BREATHE IN Schitt’s Creek House Of Lies Complications TRACKS Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn 43 15 SEP 2015 PLAYING IT COOL FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 18.15 WIB BLIND FURY CINEMAX 17.55 WIB BATTLE OF THE YEAR HBO FAMILY 22.00 WIB PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE HBO HITS 19.00 WIB No. 48/2015 • September Hal.9 Mulan Jameela Raket Nyamuk Hal.6 Suamiku Mencintai Laki-Laki Hal.10 Rianty Cartwright Berenang dengan Ikan Hiu di Melbourne FIND IT ON ISU KHUSUS iPad! C&R 884/THN XVII/05 - 11 AGUSTUS 2015 Pernikahan Nycta Gina dan Rizky Kinos N Dua tahun menjalin kasih dirasa cukup bagi pasangan Nycta Gina dan Rizky Kinos untuk naik ke pelaminan. Mereka pun resmi mengukuhkan janji suci sebagai suami istri dalam ikatan pernikahan di Gedung Arsip Nasional RI Jakarta Barat, Minggu (2/8). Resmi menjadi sepasang suami-istri, Gina dan Kinos melakukan pelepasan balon di tengah pelataran taman Gedung Arsip Nasional sebagai ungkapan kebahagiaan mereka. FOTO: YAYAT RUHAYAT ycta Gina akhirnya bisa bersanding dengan Rizky Kinos. Acara akad nikah keduanya, berlangsung khidmat dan lancar di salah satu ruangan di Gedung Arsip Nasional, Gajah Mada, Jakarta, Minggu (2/8) siang. Acara yang dimulai pukul 12.30 WIB ini diawali dengan pembacaan ayat suci Al-Quran. Gina, begitu dia biasa disapa, dikenal sebagai presenter, penyiar radio, dan sekaligus dokter. Perempuan kelahiran, Jakarta, 3 November 1984 ini, tentu paham, akad nikah begitu sakral dan sekali seumur hidup. Begitu sucinya saat akad nikah, hingga pintu langit terbuka dan para malaikat turun untuk ikut menyaksikannya. Mungkin itu yang membuat para C&R 3 ISU KHUSUS pengantin, terutama pengantin perempuan terharu, kalau tak mau disebut tak kuasa menahan air mata. Dan, Gina, artis yang gemar melempar bahan guyonan di sejumlah acara televisi, tampak terharu. “Saya deg-degan. Saat ijab kabul, saya tak di samping dia. Khawatir dia enggak lancar,” ungkap co host Hitam Putih di Trans 7 ini dengan nada serius. Bertindak selaku penghulu adalah Ketua KUA Taman Sari Jakarta Barat Abdul Syakur. “Saya terima nikah dan kawinnya Rizna Nyctagina binti Imam Jauhari dengan maskawin berupa 50 gram emas dibayar tunai,” ucap Kinos, sapaan akrab Rizky Kinos, dengan nada mantap dalam satu kali tarikan napas. Sah, para saksi dan hadirin pun menyambutnya dengan ucapan itu. Resmi menjadi sepasang suami-istri, Gina dan Kinos melakukan pelepasan balon di tengah pelataran taman Gedung Arsip Nasional. Ini sebagai ungkapan kebahagiaan mereka, yang menjadi simbol lazim dalam pernikahan ala internasional. Gina dan Kinos tak memilih adat istiadat tertentu dalam kemasan acara pernikahan mereka. Saat akad nikah, yang dominan nuansa adat Minangkabau. Kepala Gina berhias suntiang perak. Ini bentuk penghormatan pada adat asal orang tuanya. Meski tidak mengenakan baju kurung Anak Daro, melainkan kebaya modern brokat berwarna broken white, tapi Gina sumringah dan cerah. Sementara, Kinos berbalut busana teluk belanga berwarna senada. Mereka bersanding di pelaminan khas Minangkabau bernuasan putih dan silver yang indah. Saat resepsi di tempat yang sama, acara digelar dengan konsep outdoor. Adat yang dipakai campur-campur. “Kami memang menggabungkan banyak adat sesuai daerah asal orang tua. Dengan tampilan busana dan upacara adatnya,” kata Kinos, pria kelahiran Bandung, 23 Oktober 1985 ini. Mereka misalnya mengenakan busana internasional atau modifikasi saat resepsi, tapi juga menjalankan Malam Bainai sesuai adat di Sumatera, sebelum akad nikah. Akting Humor Pernikahan ini menarik perhatian lantaran sosok Gina yang terbilang unik di dunia entertainment. Sang pengantin perempuan tidak saja dikenal sebagai presenter dan kini aktif penyiar Radio Prambors Jakarta. Gina juga seorang dokter profesional lulusan Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta. Profesinya sebagai dokter umum tak menghalangi kariernya di dunia entertainment. Bahkan, bukan sekadar numpang nampang sebagai model iklan berbagai produk. Gina juga piawai memainkan karakter unik di layar televisi. Jeng Kelin, salah satu karakter perempuan unik yang dihadirkan di Extravaganza ABG di Trans TV, beberapa tahun lalu, membuat nama Gina langsung melejit. Pemirsa disuguhi akting Gina, sebagai perempuan berwajah tebal dengan bedak putih dan bulatan blush on merah di kedua pipinya, layaknya boneka. Dengan rambut bob yang kaku dan berbusana dress serta menyandang tas besar, Jeng Kelin sangat memikat hati pemirsa. Apalagi, perempuan yang sempat dikabarkan memiliki hubungan spesial dengan Deddy Corbuzier ini, mengucapkan dialog sebagai Jeng Kelin dengan suara cempreng sengau yang khas. Kinos mengaku tak keberatan dengan peran yang pernah dimainkan istrinya, yang bagi sebagian pemirsa ‘menjengkelkan’ sekaligus ngangeni dan memancing tawa. “Padahal Gina itu bisa serius lo. Salah satu bukti keseriusannya, dia mau dinikahi saya, hahaha,” kata Kinos yang juga dikenal sebagai presenter sejumlah acara di layar kaca (lihat hal 35). Pembawa acara Mantap antv dan Tour Nusantara Timnas U192014 SCTV ini, justru salut pada bakat Gina. “Saya tidak akan menghalangi Gina untuk tetap berkarier di televisi. Dia jago berakting humor begitu,” katanya. Soal kebebasan ini disyukuri Gina. Tapi dia justru cukup tahu diri akan membatasi kegiatan setelah menjadi istri Rizky Triyantono. Soalnya, sebagai anak tunggal di keluarga, Gina memang sudah lama dinanti naik pelaminan, setelah kisah cintanya yang berujung pahit, sebelum bertemu Kinos. (lihat boks) Gina pun tak mau sesumbar bakal meninggalkan dunia entertainment yang telah membesarkan namanya. Apalagi, Kinos juga berangkat dari profesi yang tak jauh berbeda. Makanya, ke depan, Gina dan Kinos tak mau muluk-muluk angkat bicara konsep rumah tangga seperti apa yang bakal mereka jalankan. “Semua bisa dibicarakan dan didiskusikan. Maskawin saja bisa dinego kok jumlah gram emasnya, hahaha,” tandas Kinos. Telni Rusmitantri C&R 4 ISU KHUSUS Kisah Asmara Jeng Kelin S FOTO: ISTIMEWA etelah hubungan asmara yang dibinanya dengan Rizal Diansyah selama hampir 12 tahun kandas, Gina kembali membuka hati. Tak perlu lamalama bagi Gina untuk bersedih hati. Satu tahun setelahnya, Gina sudah resmi berpacaran dengan presenter Rizky Kinos. Hubungan Gina dengan Rizal kandas disinyalir karena pria itu tersandung kasus hukum penipuan dan penggelapan uang sebesar Rp90 juta. Padahal mereka sudah mengumumkan akan menikah pada April 2012. Kisah asmara Gina dan Kinos diawali secara tidak sengaja. Kinos yang masuk ke dalam manajemen Gina bernaung, jatuh hati pada bu dokter ini. Kinos yang menaruh hati terhadap Gina tak sungkan langsung menyatakan cinta kepada Gina. Gina baru mengenalkan Kinos sebagai kekasihnya di hadapan publik setelah satu tahun pacaran. “Awalnya dia masuk ke manajemen yang sama. Dikasih tahu sama manajemen, ada yang mau kenalan tuh. Aku tanya lakilaki atau perempuan, hehe,” kata Gina. Ketika itu sebenarnya Gina belum bisa membuka hati, tapi Kinos terlalu gencar untuk memikat hatinya. Semakin pasif dirinya, semakin gencar serangan dari Kinos untuk menaklukkan hatinya. “Sebenarnya, awalnya mau sendiri dulu, tapi dia nekat dan ternyata dia seru juga orangnya,” kata Gina seraya tersenyum. “Saya juga sebenarnya nothing to lose saja waktu pertama berkenalan. Enggak ada target dia harus jadi pacar saya. Setelah jalan, ternyata cocok. Ya jalani aja,” kata Kinos yang dikenal juga sebagai pemenang acara MTV VJ Hunt 2008 itu. Kinos menilai sosok Gina banyak memiliki nilai positif. Selain berpendidikan tinggi, Gina juga memiliki rupa yang cantik dan pandai membuat dirinya tersenyum. Dadan C&R 5 Suamiku Mencintai Laki-Laki CURHAT Mengapa aku merasa jijik menyaksikan program televisi tersebut? Karena aku bukan istri-istri dari lelaki pengidap SSA dalam program televisi tersebut. Aku adalah aku. Dan aku tahu persis bahwa ajaran agama secara tegas melarang hubungan antara sejenis yang disebut liwath, karena menyalahi sunah Allah dan fitrah makhluk ciptaan-Nya. Dari ustaz yang menyampaikan tausiyah saat aku ikut pengajian, yang aku pahami lebih kurang empat belas abad yang lalu, Al- Quran telah memperingatkan umat manusia untuk tidak mengulangi peristiwa kaum Nabi Luth. Aku lupa persisnya surat apa dan ayat berapa. Yang pasti di salah satu ayat itu dijelaskan azab Allah diturunkan ke negeri kaum Luth dengan batu dari tanah yang terbakar. Semula aku bahagia sekaligus bangga menikah dengan lelaki muda yang juga vokalis sebuah kelompok musik. Selain tampan dan usianya jauh lebih muda, suamiku juga mengantarkanku sering muncul di layar televisi. Namun, belakangan baru aku tahu, rupanya suamiku penyuka sesama jenis. Mencurigakan Oh ya, panggil saja aku Astrid. Aku pengusaha hotel dan resto berusia paruh baya dengan satu anak. Suamiku, Tony dikenal sebagai vokalis sebuah kelompok musik. Usianya jauh di bawah usiaku. Sebagai istri, aku selalu mendukung karier Tony di panggung hiburan Tanah Air. Bahkan, aku rela menggelontorkan dana untuk memproduksi solo album kelompok musiknya. Termasuk membiayai promosi dari album tersebut. Seperti pasangan suami istri lainnya, semula hidup kami sangat amat bahagia. Cinta serta kasih sayang kami punya. Begitu juga dengan materi. Bukan maksud menyombongkan diri, kami tinggal di sebuah rumah mewah di pinggiran Jakarta, dan beberapa mobil mewah terparkir di garasi. Terus terang, seluruh harta yang aku miliki, hotel dan resto merupakan peninggalan dari suami pertama yang telah berpulang ke pangkuan-Nya. Hingga suatu hari, saat aku tengah hamil, ada yang berubah dan berbeda pada diri Tony. Beberapa kali, Tony melarang aku ikut menemaninya ke acara pesta selebriti yang dihadirinya. Begitu juga setiap manggung, aku tidak boleh mendampinginya. Naluriku mengatakan bahwa Tony, suamiku sedang jatuh cinta lagi. Merasa penasaran, aku mengajak jalan-jalan Tony ke beberapa destinasi wisata yang pernah kami kunjungi, sebelum kami menikah. Sambil mengenang masa-masa indah dulu, kesempatan itu juga aku jadikan momen untuk membunuh rasa penasaran tentang kecurigaanku tehadap Tony. Aku ingin tahu, apakah Tony mempunyai WIL? Ternyata jawabnya tidak. Dan lega rasanya hatiku ini. Namun, setelah aku melahirkan anak pertama, aku melihat gaya bicara dan penampilan Tony telah berubah. Tony seperti lelaki kemayu. Aku pikir itu cuma gaya becandanya saja untuk memancing tawa orang S uatu malam di penghujung Januari 2014, tanpa sengaja, di TV Kabel, aku menyaksikan sebuah program yang mengupas kehidupan kaum lelaki yang punya ketertarikan terhadap sesama jenis, namun tetap menjalani kehidupan berkeluarga, yaitu menikah dan memiliki anak. Dalam program yang ditayangkan televisi satelit TLC, Amerika Serikat itu, para lelaki yang sudah memiliki istri dan anak berbagi kisah tentang pengalaman mereka menjalani hidup sebagai lelaki yang memiliki ketertarikan terhadap lelaki lain. Mereka menyebut istilah Same Sex Attraction atau disingkat SSA untuk ‘kelainan’ yang mereka idap. Program itu juga menampilkan adegan nyata ketika dua narasumber bernama Pret dan Jeff mengajak istri masing-masing, Tanya dan Megan, makan malam di sebuah resto. Tanpa canggung, kedua lelaki berperawakan gagah itu menggoda seorang pelayan yang notabene lelaki tulen. Bukannya tersinggung atau marah, Tanya dan Megan justru terkekeh melihat tingkah suami-suami mereka. Kisah serupa juga dialami pasangan Curtis dan Tera Brown. Bedanya, sang istri, Tera, baru mengetahui bahwa Curtis menyukai sesama jenis di usia pernikahannya yang ke-10 tahun. Atau setelah mereka dikaruniai dua orang anak, lelaki dan perempuan. Awalnya, sang istri Tera Brown terkejut bukan kepalang. Namun, lantaran cintanya yang begitu besar terhadap Curtis membuatnya bertahan. Bahkan tak ingin pula bercerai. Malahan, hubungan mereka kian dekat dan mesra. Seketika aku merasa jijik menyaksikan program tersebut. Secara refleks, ibu jariku bergerak menekan remote control yang ada dalam genggaman tanganku. Memori ingatanku melayang pada sosok Tony, suamiku yang belakangan kuketahui menyukai sesama jenis. C&R 6 CURHAT di sekitar. Rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi membuatku bersikap seperti istri yang tidak punya etika. Ketika Tony telah tertidur nyenyak, aku menyelidiki telepon selulernya. Tetapi tetap saja aku tidak menemukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan, kecuali foto Dodi, sopir Tony dengan berbagai pose. Penasaran Sebagai perempuan yang sudah terbiasa terbuka dan ingin segala sesuatunya berjalan transparan tanpa warna kelabu dalam mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga, aku mulai memutar otakku. Aku meminta salah satu kemenakanku, sebut saja Airin mengintai gerak-gerik Tony saat aku tidak berada di rumah. Airin mengaku curiga, namun sebelum bercerita lebih jauh, Airin memintaku untuk siap lahir batin mendengar ceritanya. Suamiku, dicurigai Airin tengah kasmaran dengan Dodi, dan bukan dengan perempuan cantik yang masih muda. Dodi adalah sopir yang aku tugaskan antar jemput anak sulungku ke sekolah. Rupanya, saat aku sedang tidak berada di rumah, Tony memasukkan Dodi ke dalam kamar. Dan berjam-jam lamanya, menurut cerita Airin, Tony dan Dodi hanya berdua di dalam kamar. Apa yang mereka kerjakan? Aku mencoba tidak mau percaya begitu saja dengan apa yang disampaikan Airin, meski aku diyakini Airin bahwa praktik itu, sesuai keterangan para asisten rumah tangga sudah sering dilakukan Tony. Dan malam harinya, saat menyantap hidangan makan malam dan berada di dalam kamar, aku mencoba bersikap biasa seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa. Rasa penasaran yang membuat aku ingin mengecek sendiri apa yang dilakukan Tony bersama Dodi seperti yang dicurigai kemenakanku. Beberapa hari aku melaksanakan rencanaku. Seperti biasa aku pamit pada suamiku untuk pergi ke tempat usaha untuk meeting dengan para karyawan. Padahal, sejam kemudian aku kembali ke rumah. Mobil sengaja kuparkir jauh dari rumah. Untuk mencapai rumah, terpaksa aku berjalan kaki. Repotnya, aku harus bertegur sapa setiap berpapasan dengan orang-orang yang aku kenal. Rumah sepi, karena anak sulungku sedang sekolah dan si kecil sudah aku titipkan ke saudara bersama pengasuhnya. Dodi tidak ada di pos depan. Aku masuk ke dalam rumah dan meminta para asisten rumah tangga untuk tak membuat kegaduhan. Tujuanku naik ke lantai atas, tepatnya ke kamar tamu, ruangan yang dilihat Airin dimasuki Tony dan Dodi, beberapa hari lalu. Aku pun mengendap-ngendap menuju kamar. Ternyata pintu tidak dikunci, lalu aku FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 884/THN XVII/05 - 11 AGUSTUS 2015 membuka pintu kamar. Sendi ini rasanya mau copot. Aku merasa jijik dan ingin rasanya berteriak sekeras-kerasnya ketika menyaksikan pemandangan di dalam kamar. Duh Gusti, mengapa Tony, suamiku dan ayah anakku melakukan perbuatan terkutuk itu dengan Dodi. Dodi panik dan langsung kabur keluar kamar. Rupanya dia mengemasi barangbarangnya dan pergi meninggalkan rumah tanpa kembali lagi. Tony hanya duduk terdiam sambil mengenakan kembali celananya. Tidak Becus Setelah bisa menenangkan diri, dengan nada datar aku pun meminta Tony segera mengemasi seluruh pakaian dan barangbarangnya. Sejak itu kami pisah rumah. Aku tak mau langsung memutuskan apapun pada pernikahanku. Sementara, Tony seperti tak peduli dan merasa tidak berbuat salah. Selama berbulanbulan pisah rumah, Tony sibuk menjelekjelekkan sosokku ke media massa yang sudah mencium ada yang tak beres dengan pernikahan kami. Dikatakan aku tidak becus dan mempunia sifat pencemburu sebagai istri yang membuat Tony memilih angkat kaki dari rumah. Duh rasanya sakit hati ini. Ingin rasanya aku berteriak pada wartawan tentang kejadian sebenarnya mengapa kami berpisah rumah. Ustaz yang sering kali menyampaikan tausiyah di pengajian yang aku ikuti, menyarankan agar aku menjalankan salat Istikharah. Aku harus meminta petunjuk Allah mau dibawa ke mana rumah tangga ini. Cukup lama aku berpikir antara memaafkan Tony atau berpisah. Bisakah, Tony disembuhkan untuk kembali sebagai laki-laki normal? Ataukah perceraian adalah jalan terbaik? Budi Kusnendar C&R 7 Hal. 20 FIND IT MORE ON iPad! GALERI SELEBRITI C&R 884/THN XVII/05 - 11 AGUSTUS 2015 Saran Anak U rusan dandanan, Nirina Zubir ternyata lebih patuh pada selera anak ketimbang suaminya, Ernest ‘Cokelat’. Buktinya, dia rela mengecat warna ungu rambutnya hanya karena putri sulungnya, Zee yang memintanya. “Suatu hari dia bilang kenapa saya tidak mengecat warna rambut dengan warna ungu. Katanya bagus buat saya. Ya Allah kaget juga karena sebelum menikah rasanya saya sudah cukup rajin gonta-ganti warna rambut. Tapi, ungu belum pernah. Ya sudah demi menyenangkan hati anak,” papar Na, sapaan akrab aktris ini, ketika ditemui di Epicentrum, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, pekan lalu. Zivara Ruciragati, nama lengkap putri sulungnya, memang sudah seperti ‘sahabat’ bagi Na. Di usianya yang baru genap 6 tahun, Zee cukup fasih berdialog dalam bahasa Inggris dengan Na. Termasuk saat mengutarakan keinginannya soal mengubah warna rambut Na. “Dia bilang purple is my favorite color. Ya sudah dicoba, eh ternyata bagus juga ya,” tandas perempuan kelahiran 12 Maret 1980 ini sambil tergelak. Ernest sang suami, untungnya oke-oke saja dengan warna baru mahkota sang istri. Ernest bahkan memuji, Na tambah segar dengan rambut warna ungunya. “Katanya teruskan saja dengan gaya seperti ini. Saya jadi ingat waktu kita belum menikah. Kamu seperti ini kan penampilan (rambut warna-warni). Jadi muda lagi,” kata Na menirukan ucapan sang suami. Ade C&R 8 iPad! Hal. 20 C&R 884/THN XVII/05 - 11 AGUSTUS 2015 FIND IT MORE ON GALERI SELEBRITI Raket Nyamuk Mulan Jameela C&R 9 M emasuki musim panas yang panjang, banyak masyarakat yang tak kuat menghadapi serbuan para nyamuk. Termasuk Mulan Jameela. Penyanyi asal Garut ini sampai kewalahan karena obat nyamuk semprot yang biasa digunakan tak mempan membasmi serangga yang gemar menggigit kulit manusia itu. “Senewen banyak nyamuk. Habis bagaimana ya musimnya sih,” kata Mulan, di sela-sela persemayaman Iwan ‘Nduth’, manajer Ahmad Dhani, di kediaman musisi itu di Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (28/7) dini hari. Demi membuat kenyamaman putri bungsunya Safeea Ahmad, Mulan membekali diri dengan paket nyamuk. Ini semacam alat menyerupai raket bulu tangkis yang bisa menangkis nyamuk yang sedang terbang dengan sengatan listrik di jaringnya. “Jadinya ini di rumah pegang-pegang raket kalau malam hari. Lihat tuh dapat banyak kan korban nyamuknya. Lumayan efektif lo. Ya ini sih demi anak ya,” kata Mulan sambil mengasuh Feea yang sibuk jalan ke sana kemari di dalam rumah. Telni FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 884/THN XVII/05 - 11 AGUSTUS 2015 DIARY SELEBRITI Berenang dengan Rianti Cartwright Ikan Hiu di Melbourne Awal Juni lalu, artis film Kabayan Jadi Miliuner Rianti Cartwright dan suaminya Alfonso Nainggolan berlibur ke Australia. Artis yang melejit lewat film Ayat-Ayat Cinta itu mengaku terkesan saat mendapat kesempatan berenang bersama puluhan ikan hiu di Melbourne. Di Sydney, mantan VJ MTV ini menjajal mengendarai segway. Maka, Rianti pun merasakan kepergiannya ke benua kanguru kali ini sebagai liburan yang sangat mengesankan. L iburan adalah saat kita rehat sejenak dari rutinitas kerja. Bisa juga liburan kita isi dengan menjalankan aktivitas yang sama sekali tak sama dengan keseharian kita. Makanya, suamiku Alfonso Nainggolan mengajak jalan-jalan ke Australia. Kami merancang kegiatan yang cukup ekstrem dan tak pernah kami lakukan di Tanah Air, yaitu berenang bersama puluhan ikan hiu. Itu bisa terjadi karena kami mengunjungi Australia Shark & Ray Centre di Melbourne. Tepatnya di kawasan Princes Highway, Dandenong South Victoria. Di kolam itu ada puluhan ikan hiu, di antaranya ada yang panjangnya hingga tiga meter. Pengelola taman hiburan itu memang memberikan fasilitas bagi pengunjung untuk nyebur ke kolam raksasa dan berdekatan dengan predator terbesar di laut itu. Aku senang berenang, tapi kalau berdekatan dengan ikan hiu, ya deg-degan juga dong. Hahaha. Tetapi pelatih menenangkanku dengan mengatakan semuan aman. Dia mendampingiku berenang. Dia bilang, ikan hiu itu sebenarnya tidak memakan manusia, tetapi memakan anjing laut. Karena manusia itu mengandung terlalu banyak kalsium. Jika ada ikan hiu yang menerkam manusia, karena dikira anjing laut. Ah masak sih? Hiiiii. Ternyata memang aman berenang bareng C&R 10 ikan hiu. Aku berada di kolam selama tiga puluh menit. Puji Tuhan tidak sampai terjadi apa-apa. Tetapi aku tetap waspada sih. Tempat ini bukan sekadar wahana wisata, namun sekaligus lembaga konservasi yang sengaja didirikan untuk melestarikan ikan hiu yang nyaris punah. Hal itu terjadi karena banyak orang yang membunuh ikan hiu hanya ingin mengambil siripnya. Membuat Wine Puas bersentuhan dengan hiu di Melbourne, kami terbang ke Sydney. Suamiku mengajak mengunjungi kawasan Hunter Valley. Tempat ini merupakan kawasan lembah dengan panorama yang indah. Letaknya sekitar 120 kilometer dari pusat kota ke arah utara. Di sini ada Hunter Valley Garden yang luas dan indah. Di taman itu ada berbagai macam permainan untuk wisatawan juga. Misalnya kita bisa mengendarai sepeda berkeliling taman. Ada pula yang memilih naik segway. Itu lo semacam skuter dengan dua roda hitam yang besar. Mungkin kerja alat yang kita kendarai ini seperti otoped yang dimainkan anak-anak. Tapi, kita DIARY SELEBRITI enggak perlu goyes karena Segway bisa jalan sendiri dengan menekas gas di kaki. Aku sempat bermain segway keliling-keliling taman itu. Seru dan berkesan. Nah, saat bermain segway ini kita harus bisa menjaga keseimbangan. Awalnya sih aku tidak bisa. Tetapi setelah lancar bermain, aku malah jadi ketagihan. Rasanya enggak mau berhenti. Hahaha. Ketika naik segway, jika panik, kaki ternyata tidak boleh diturunkan, karena bisa patah. Tetapi harus berusaha menjaga keseimbangan agar Segway tidak goyang-goyang. Kawasan Hunter Valley juga terkenal sebagai daerah penghasil wine dan keju. Di sini ada puluhan pabrik minuman anggur itu. Memang aku lihat, kawasan ini banyak kebun anggur yang luasnya puluhan hektare. Aku mengunjungi salah satu pabrik wine yang legendaris. Wine dibuat dengan cara meletakkan buah anggur ke dalam ember kayu yang besar. Lalu diinjak-injak sampai keluar semua sarinya. Hahaha. Kebayang enggak sih? Baru kemudian difermentasi. Tapi tentu kaki yang menginjak-injak itu sudah bersih dari kotoran ya karena dialas. Pabrik wine itu umurnya sudah puluhan tahun. Dan punya koleksi wine yang usianya sudah bertahun-tahun. Wine yang usianya sudah tua, rasanya makin enak. Wine produksi pabrik itu sangat terkenal dan lebih enak dari wine yang dibuat dengan mesin. Meski demikian, demi memenuhi tuntutan produksi di Hunter Valley sekarang lebih banyak industri wine yang sudah menggunakan mesin. Jarang yang masih tradisional. Oh ya, di pabrik itu dijual aneka jenis wine yang sudah dikenal di dunia, yaitu white wine, red wine, dan dessert wine. Aku mencicipinya satu C&R 11 DIARY SELEBRITI persatu. Wow, nikmat sekali. Aku juga diajari ritual sebelum meminum wine. Misalnya dengan memutar-mutar gelasnya terlebih dulu, kemudian baru mencium aroma wine itu. Katanya, baunya itu senikmat rasanya. Jadi jika baunya segar, pasti rasa wine enak. Selain antusias melihat proses pembuatan wine secara tradisional, di kawasan itu kami juga mengunjungi pabrik keju. Aku dan suami melihat proses pembuatan keju. Dan, konon keju dari Hunter Valley ini juga terkenal sangat enak se-Australia. Pesta Cahaya Kami beruntung sekali, karena saat perjalanan ini ada festival cahaya di wilayah Darling Harbour. Ini salah satu kegiatan ikonik juga di Sydney. Festivalnya berlangsung selama dua bulan. Jadi selama aku menginap di Darling Harbour, setiap malam aku menyaksikan permainan sinar X yang ditembakkan ke gedung-gedung tinggi dan ke angkasa. Bentuknya macam-macam. Ada yang seperti air mancur atau berbentuk kembang api di udara. Suasananya benarbenar indah dan meriah. Pesta cahaya berlangsung selama sekitar dua puluh menit setiap malam. Dan, akhirnya perjalanan kami di Sydney atau Australia ditutup dengan mengunjungi Pantai Bondi. Ini merupakan pantai yang posisinya paling dekat dengan pusat kota Sydney. Wajar dong pantai ini selalu ramai dengan pengunjung. Pantai Bondi terkenal dengan ombaknya yang berukuran sedang. Sehingga di sini banyak orang main seluncur. Selama aku berkunjung di Pantai Bondi, aku menikmati pemandangan pantai dengan pasir putihnya, batu-batu besar, dan batubatu karang yang menjulang tinggi. Aku sempat duduk lama di batu besar di pantai, menikmati pemandangan deburan ombak dan orang-orang yang asyik bermain selancar. Seperti dituturkan Rianti Cartwright kepada Budi Gunawan dari C&R C&R 12 wednesday 01:15 Just Like Heaven 02:50 The Equalizer 05:00 Looney Tunes: Back 06:30 08:15 10:10 11:45 13:05 15:00 16:35 18:25 20:00 22:10 00:25 01:55 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:20 09:50 11:25 13:05 15:00 17:05 17:30 19:05 19:30 21:00 22:00 23:25 In Action Perfect Stranger The Fan The Spectacular Now Scary Movie 4 Grudge Match Just Like Heaven Diana Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Iron Man 3 30 Days Of Night Child’s Play 3 Poison Ivy II: Lily Avalanche Express Blind Fury Romeo Must Die Road Trip Poison Ivy II: Lily Mortal Kombat Con Air The Caine Mutiny Hollywood On Set 614 National Lampoon’s Vacation Hollywood On Set 613 Missionary Man Strike Back S406 Alien Raiders Encrypt 10:50 12:30 14:25 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:20 21:50 23:15 Super Capers The Incredibles Tarzan Give Me A Break Senior Project Stuart Little 2 All She Wishes Doubting Thomas Give Me A Break Best 10:00 The Newsroom S305: Oh Shenandoah 11:00 The Comeback S203: Valerie Is Brought To Her Knees 11:30 The Comeback S204: Valerie Saves The Show 12:00 Togetherness S105: Kick The Can 12:30 Togetherness S106: Ghost In Chains 13:00 True Blood S401: She’s 01:55 03:35 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 10:05 11:55 13:30 15:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 Lassie Space Jam Hollywood On Set 612 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S211: The Shoemaker And The Elves Crashbox S212 Crashbox S213 The Haunting Hour S1 S113: The Black Mask The Haunting Hour S1 S114: Afraid Of Clowns Oz The Great And Powerful Battle Of The Year Lassie Space Jam Stepmom The Haunting Hour S1 S115: My Sister The Witch The Haunting Hour S1 S116: Wrong Number Rugrats In Paris: The Movie Not There 13:55 Veronica Mars 15:40 Life Support 17:05 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street 19:00 True Blood S402: You Smell Like Dinner S502: The House Of Black And White 18:30 19:20 Deaths Of Robert Durst 21:00 S106 22:40 22:35 Hollywood On Set 612 23:30 23:00 The Leftovers S109: 22:00 The Jinx: The Life And 00:05 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 19:20 Stuart Saves His Family 18:50 21:00 Only You 19:45 22:50 A Cinderella Story 21:35 00:00 Hollywood Homicide 02:00 Lone Survivor 04:05 Prince Of Persia: The 06:05 07:55 09:50 11:20 13:10 15:00 16:50 19:00 20:40 22:40 00:00 01:25 03:00 04:45 06:10 07:55 09:20 Sands Of Time Let’s Be Cops The Maze Runner Dragonball: Evolution Anger Management Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian The Tourist Spider-Man 2 The Book Of Life Hitch 22 Jump Street A Tiger’s Tail Against The Wild Streetdance All Stars Doubting Thomas I Heart Shakey The Legend Of Sarila Smart Cookies 22:30 01:45 03:15 04:45 06:45 08:45 11:00 12:30 14:15 16:30 18:00 19:45 22:00 00:00 01:45 03:20 05:00 07:10 09:00 Evil Dead Punch-Drunk Love Edge Of Tomorrow 300 The Missing The Arrangement Endless Love A Beautiful Mind Punch-Drunk Love Vampire In Brooklyn A Beautiful Mind Wedding Crashers Bessie Lackawanna Blues Into The Storm You Don’t Know Jack Temple Grandin The Leftovers S109: The Garveys At Their (S4) Haunted Collector (S1) 10,000 Days Medium (S1) Haven (S5) Face Off (S2) The Garveys At Their Best 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 Mom’s Time Out S2 @ Lifetime 20.00 WIB Iron Man 3 @ HBO 20.00 WIB 20:00 Rome S109: Utica 21:00 Game Of Thrones 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 10:30 10:55 11:45 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 Witches of East End Empire Scandal Benched Witches of East End Styled to Rock UK Empire Scandal Witches of East End America’s Next Top Model Royal Pains Devious Maids Benched Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Amsale Girls America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Tasmanian Devils Dominion (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Vampyre Nation The Paranormal Zone (S3) Haven (S5) Haunted Collector (S1) Paranormal Witness (S4) Face Off (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Paranormal Witness 16:30 The Amazing Race (S23) 17:20 Killjoys (S1) 18:15 American Ninja Warrior 19:10 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S4) 00:55 Burton And Taylor 02:30 Scorned 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 04:30 Just For Laughs: 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 13:55 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:05 Gags (S6) The Seven Year Hitch Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) The Reluctant Nanny Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) You, Me And Dupree Along Came Polly Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Knife Fight (S3) Garage Sale Mystery 2: All That Glitters Knife Fight (S3) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) The Voice (S6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S23) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Exit Hawaii Five-0 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 The Amazing Race 02:00 02:30 03:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Australia (S3) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Lucky In Love MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Toyman Killer Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Coming Home (S2) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Child Genius (U.S.) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 02:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 07:00 World Food 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New Championships (S1) 08:00 The Coolest Places On 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Earth (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Flip This House (S5) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Trashformers (S1) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:55 23:45 00:05 00:55 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Caught On Camera (S2) Meet Joe Black Wizard Wars (S1) Caught On Camera (S2) 08:00 00:00 Good Wife, The (S3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:40 08:30 09:20 10:20 11:10 12:00 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:00 Yukon River Run 00:50 Airport Security: 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 Law & Order 13:20 Seconds From Disaster 14:15 Alfred Hitchcock 14:40 Presents 15:10 Endgame 16:05 Perception 17:00 Tru Calling 18:00 Alfred Hitchcock 19:00 Presents 20:00 The Listener 21:00 Body Of Proof 22:00 Perception 23:00 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 Tru Calling 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Body Of Proof CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling The Listener CSI NY Perception Body Of Proof Law & Order Line of Fire CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S3) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S3) Cyril: Simply Magic American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Cyril: Simply Magic Face Off (S3) Flipping Out (S7) Good Wife, The (S3) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S3) Cyril: Simply Magic Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Good Wife, The (S3) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Cyril: Simply Magic Justified (S5) Colombia Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna Hunter Hunted Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Monster Fish Wicked Tuna Yukon River Run Nazi Underworld Caught In The Act Money Meltdown Ultimate Airport Dubai Somewhere In China Nazi Megastructures Danger Decoded Danger Decoded Science of Stupid The Border Somewhere In China Ultimate Airport Dubai Megastructures China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia 00:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Photo Face-Off Aussie Pickers Ancient Aliens (S6) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 05:00 Counting Cars (S2) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 York (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off Ancient Aliens (S6) Counting Cars (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About Singapore The Pickers (S7) 16 SEP 2015 Senior Project Fox Family Movies 17.30 WIB 00:50 Dual Survival (S5) 01:45 Bear Grylls: Fine Dining 02:40 Bear Grylls: Breaking Point 03:35 How We Got Here 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S6) 05:00 Dual Survival 06:00 Bear Grylls: Breaking 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Point River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Bear Grylls: Fine Dining How We Got Here Dual Survival River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Bear Grylls: Fine Dining How We Got Here Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival Father Of A Nation Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Father Of A Nation Mythbusters (S10) 00:55 Writers 02:40 Trials Of Cate Mccall, 04:15 05:15 06:30 07:20 08:10 09:25 09:50 10:15 11:05 11:55 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 16:10 17:45 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:50 23:40 The Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan House Of Lies Kings Of Summer, The Writers House Of Lies Ray Donovan Web Therapy House Of Lies Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 59 The Book Of Life Fox Movies Premium 19.00 WIB Trashformers (S1) FYI 19.00 WIB Science of Stupid National Geographic Channel 21.00 WIB thursday 00:00 Rescue Dawn 02:00 The Gabby Douglas 03:25 05:00 07:30 09:35 11:35 13:00 14:20 16:10 17:40 20:00 22:10 Story The Little Rascals Save The Day The Firm World Trade Center Rescue Dawn Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron What A Girl Wants Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues The Blind Side Transcendence 05:30 06:50 08:20 09:50 11:20 13:10 14:40 16:05 17:30 19:00 20:45 22:30 A Tiger’s Tail Encino Man Smooch Senior Project Return To Oz Pudsey The Dog: The Movie The Legend Of Sarila Doubting Thomas Smart Cookies Wiener Dog Internationals Streetdance All Stars Against The Wild 00:25 In God’s Hands 02:00 Sky High 03:40 The Amazing Spider- 13:00 Collateral Damage 14:45 Death To Smoochy 16:30 Scooby Doo 2: 11:55 Benched 12:45 Masterchef US 13:35 America’s Next Top 18:00 18:30 20:30 22:00 23:45 15:15 00:00 01:45 03:20 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 13:00 14:00 15:45 17:25 19:00 20:00 06:00 00:55 01:20 03:00 03:25 05:00 06:50 07:15 08:40 10:10 12:00 13:35 15:00 16:15 17:40 19:10 21:00 22:55 Hollywood On Set 614 Wild Things Hollywood On Set 613 Chamber Of Horrors Fire In The Sky Hollywood On Set 615 Vacancy Encrypt Biker Boyz Missionary Man Alien Raiders The Underwater City Splitting Heirs Houdini Howard The Duck Escape Plan Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:20 10:55 12:35 14:10 14:40 17:00 00:35 The Hunger Games: 03:05 05:40 07:25 09:35 11:20 13:00 14:30 16:25 18:25 20:00 21:50 Catching Fire Prisoners Rio 2 Spider-Man 2 The Tourist The Book Of Life Dragonball: Evolution 27 Dresses Hitch Are We Officially Dating? Let’s Be Cops Divergent 00:50 Super Capers 02:25 Against The Wild 04:00 California Dreaming 17:30 18:00 19:35 21:05 22:45 Man 2 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S211: The Shoemaker And The Elves Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S212: King Midas And The Golden Touch The Haunting Hour S1 S115: My Sister The Witch The Haunting Hour S1 S116: Wrong Number Rugrats In Paris: The Movie A Cinderella Story Sky High Stuart Saves His Family Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S211: The Shoemaker And The Elves The Amazing SpiderMan 2 The Haunting Hour S1 S117: Catching Cold The Haunting Hour S1 S118: Pool Shark Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas In God’s Hands The Golden Child 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 21:35 10:35 11:00 12:00 China From Above @ National Geographic Channel 21.00 WIB Monsters Unleashed Hollywood On Set 612 Knocked Up I, Frankenstein Moms’ Night Out Blended 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 United 93 The Gathering Storm Conspiracy (Hbo) Appaloosa Elizabeth The Leftovers S110: The Prodigal Son Returns The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S106 Hollywood On Set 612 Rome S109: Utica Game Of Thrones S502: The House Of Black And White True Blood S402: You Smell Like Dinner It Could Happen To You The Gathering Storm Cinema Verite True Blood S403: If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin’? The Newsroom S306: What Kind Of Day Has It Been The Comeback S203: Valerie Is Brought To Her Knees The Comeback S204: Valerie Saves The Show Veep S407: Mommy Meyer Veep S408: B/Ill The Leftovers S110: The Prodigal Son Returns 00:15 Witches of East End 01:05 America’s Next Top 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:00 03:40 04:05 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Victims Unit (S16) 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 David Tutera 11:55 Cakes 06:05 America’s Next Top Model 07:45 My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Witches of East End Masterchef US Royal Pains Amsale Girls 12:25 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 Gags (S6) Crimes Of The Mind Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Mothers Of The Bride Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Betrayed Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 19:00 Rocky Road 20:45 Junior 22:50 Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) 23:20 Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S23) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Transformers The Blacklist (S2) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Caught On Camera (S6) 23:00 Child Genius (U.S.) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Unforgettable (S2) The Toyman Killer MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Back To School Mom Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Child Genius (U.S.) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Amazing Race Canada (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 00:00 01:45 03:45 06:00 Endless Love Edge Of Tomorrow The Missing Transformers: Age Of Extinction 08:45 The Remains Of The Day 11:00 Knocked Up Gags (S6) 18:00 Clean House: Search 00:55 Text To Kill 02:35 Top Gun 04:30 Just For Laughs: 09:15 11:00 03:35 Benched 04:25 Witches of East End 05:15 Amazing Wedding Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S3) Dominion (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) The Sand Haven (S5) Medium (S1) Face Off (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Medium (S1) Vampyre Nation Continuum (S3) Haven (S5) Face Off (S2) 00:05 Law & Order: Special Model 02:45 My Fair Wedding with 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 22:30 Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amsale Girls Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains 17:30 Just For Laughs: Photo Face-Off @ History 12.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 03:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 04:00 Flip This House (S5) 05:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S2) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S1) 00:00 Good Wife, The (S3) 07:00 World Food 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Championships (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Bondi Vet (S1) Flip This House (S5) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:40 08:30 09:20 10:20 11:10 12:00 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 22:10 23:10 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S3) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Cyril: Simply Magic American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Cyril: Simply Magic Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Good Wife, The (S3) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Cyril: Simply Magic Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Good Wife, The (S3) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Cyril: Simply Magic Justified (S5) 01:25 Fairly Legal (S1) 03:05 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 08:00 08:50 09:40 12:40 14:20 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Meet Joe Black Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S8) Chicago PD (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) 00:05 Law & Order 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Body Of Proof Perception Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Franklin & Bash Homicide Hunter Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents Franklin & Bash CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire The Listener CSI NY Homicide Hunter Franklin & Bash Law & Order Life on Mars CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Caught In The Act China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia China From Above 24 Hours In A&E Mega Factories I Wouldn’t Go In There: WW2 Special 90s Greatest: Tragedies To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E 9/10: The Final Hours China From Above To Catch A Smuggler 80s Greatest The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China From Above China’s Ghost Army The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:50 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 01:45 You Have Been Warned 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:30 01:00 02:55 04:30 05:45 06:10 06:35 07:25 08:15 09:20 10:10 00:00 Museum Men 11:00 01:00 10 Things You Don’t 11:50 Know About Singapore 12:55 02:00 1942: Fighting For India 13:45 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 14:35 04:00 Storage Wars (S8) 15:25 05:00 Counting Cars (S4) 15:55 05:30 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 17:35 06:00 10 Things You Don’t 19:30 Know About (S3) 20:05 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 21:00 07:30 Storage Wars: New 22:00 York (S2) 22:50 08:00 Museum Men 23:50 21:00 22:00 23:00 The Pickers (S7) 1942: Fighting For India Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off Daredevils (S1) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Mountain Men (S4) With Ean Nasrun Father Of A Nation How We Got Here How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Father Of A Nation Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun How We Got Here Dual Survival Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun How We Got Here Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) Culinary Asia House Of Lies Out Of The Furnace You’re Next Louie Archer Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan House Of Lies Breathe In Tracks House Of Lies Conan Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan 61 17 SEP 2015 Deadliest Catch Discovery Channel 19.00 WIB Chicago PD Universal 21.00 WIB Face Off (S4) beTV 17.10 WIB Let’s Be Cops Fox Movies Premium 20.00 WIB friday The Day 20:00 Blended 22:00 Transformers: Age Of Extinction 00:00 01:40 03:25 05:00 06:45 07:10 08:45 Amazing Wedding Cakes @ StarWorld 20.40 WIB 00:05 00:30 03:00 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:45 12:20 14:20 16:05 18:10 20:00 21:45 23:55 00:35 02:45 03:10 05:00 06:35 08:35 09:00 11:10 13:05 15:00 16:18 17:40 19:15 21:00 22:45 Hollywood On Set 614 The Firm The Best Man Holiday The Pretty One What A Girl Wants Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Magic In The Moonlight Transcendence The Truman Show The Blind Side Step Up All In Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Jersey Boys Stonehearst Asylum Executive Decision Hollywood On Set 615 Moment To Moment Houdini Donnie Brasco Hollywood On Set 615 Executive Decision Escape Plan Howard The Duck Destination Inner Space Threshold Salting The Battlefield The World’s End Elysium Simon Sez 09:20 Against The Wild 10:55 Smart Cookies 12:25 Wiener Dog 14:10 15:40 17:25 19:00 20:50 22:15 00:20 01:45 03:45 06:00 06:35 07:05 07:30 08:00 09:35 11:10 12:35 14:30 15:55 10:40 12:15 13:45 15:35 17:30 20:00 21:35 23:25 17:30 Battle Of The Smithsonian When In Rome Paradise Let’s Be Cops The Maze Runner The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Bad Teacher Pompeii Let’s Be Cops 18:00 19:30 00:05 Pudsey The Dog: The 01:35 03:05 04:45 06:05 07:35 17:00 Desolation Of Smaug 06:50 The Railway Man 08:50 Night At The Museum: Movie All She Wishes Super Capers The Legend Of Sarila Tarzan I Heart Shakey 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 16:30 00:15 Freedomland 02:10 Devil’S Knot 04:05 The Hobbit: The Internationals Senior Project Streetdance All Stars Space Warriors The Last Song Khumba I Heart Shakey 10:00 20:35 22:45 01:45 03:30 05:15 07:00 08:30 10:30 12:15 14:00 16:00 17:45 Leonard Part 6 I’ll Do Anything Les Miserables (1998) Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S213: Mother Goose A Rappin’ & Rhymin Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S301: The Three Little Pigs The Haunting Hour S1 S117: Catching Cold The Haunting Hour S1 S118: Pool Shark Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Golden Child Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas I’ll Do Anything Leonard Part 6 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S213: Mother Goose A Rappin’ & Rhymin Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S302: Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves The Haunting Hour S1 S119: Lights Out The Haunting Hour S1 S120: The Perfct Brother The Ant Bully Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 Finding Forrester Poseidon Intersections Collateral Damage Death To Smoochy Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Blended Death To Smoochy Mchale’S Navy (1997) Knocked Up Collateral Damage The Remains Of Clear History Wit Joe Dirt The Tuskegee Airmen Hollywood On Set 612 Cinema Verite Treme S101: Do You Know What It Means Veep S407: Mommy Meyer Veep S408: B/Ill The Newsroom S306: What Kind Of Day Has It Been The Comeback S203: Valerie Is Brought To Her Knees The Comeback S204: Valerie Saves The Show True Blood S403: If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin’? Clear History 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Royal Pains Amsale Girls Benched Scandal Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Amsale Girls Once Upon A Time Masterchef US My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amazing Wedding Cakes Scandal Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains Victims Unit (S16) 17:00 Hot In Cleveland (S6) 17:30 Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) 18:00 Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) 19:00 Coffee Shop 20:45 Mothers Of The Bride 22:25 Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) 22:55 Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) 23:55 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 00:20 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 04:00 01:10 Warehouse 13 (S3) 05:00 02:10 10,000 Days 04:00 Dominion (S1) 05:50 05:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) 07:30 07:00 Dominion (S1) 08:25 08:00 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 09:20 09:00 Tasmanian Devils 10:50 Haven (S5) 10:10 11:45 Dominion (S2) 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:45 14:40 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 19:35 20:05 22:25 23:20 23:50 (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) The Voice (S6) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S23) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) Breaking The Magician’s Code: American Ninja Warrior (S4) Behind The Blacklist: S3 Ebuzz Mission: Impossible 2 The Blacklist (S2) Ebuzz Wipeout (S6) Dual Survival @ Discovery Channel 18.00 WIB 15:40 Closed Circuit 17:15 Wit 19:00 True Blood S404: I’M 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 Alive And On Fire Togetherness S105: Kick The Can Togetherness S106: Ghost In Chains Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play Girls S407: Ask Me My Name Girls S408: Tad & Loreen & Avi & Shanaz Big Love S101: Pilot 00:15 Witches of East End 01:05 Masterchef US 02:45 America’s Next Top 08:35 09:25 Face Off (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Dominion (S2) Arachnoquake Supernatural: The Animation 21:50 Dark Matter (S1) 22:40 Haven (S5) 23:30 Face Off (S2) 00:15 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 01:05 My Boyfriends’ Dogs 02:50 The Memory Book 04:30 Just For Laughs: 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 Model 09:15 11:00 11:55 Cakes Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes 12:25 03:35 Benched 04:25 Witches of East End 05:15 Amazing Wedding 06:05 07:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 13:20 15:05 16:05 Gags (S6) Betrayed Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) My Boyfriends’ Dogs How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S6) Clean House: Search For The Messiest Home In The Country (S2) Deadly Adoption Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order: Special Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Unforgettable (S2) Back To School Mom MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Teen Exorcism Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Unforgettable (S3) MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) My Haunted House (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 01:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Midnight Feast (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Flip This House (S5) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Bondi Vet (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) House vs House (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) 60 Seconds To Sell (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Trashformers (S1) House vs House (S1) 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 00:00 Good Wife, The (S3) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 19:40 20:30 21:20 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 22:10 23:00 Intent (S4) Us! (S1) Dog Patrol CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S5) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 00:55 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Criminal Minds (S8) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Supernatural (S2) Chicago PD (S2) Supernatural (S2) 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 Law & Order 16:05 Seconds From Disaster 17:00 Alfred Hitchcock 18:00 Presents 19:00 Franklin & Bash 20:00 Homicide Hunter 21:00 Life on Mars 22:00 Alfred Hitchcock 23:00 Presents The Listener Threat Matrix Moonlighting Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents Threat Matrix CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars The Listener CSI NY Moonlighting Threat Matrix Law & Order China From Above China’s Ghost Army Mega Factories The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China From Above China’s Ghost Army The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Science of Stupid Hard Time Locked Up Abroad World’s Most Extreme The Miracle of The 9/11 Surfer Science of Stupid The Happenings Paranatural Hard Time Dead or Alive World’s Most Extreme Locked Up Abroad The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad 00:00 My Mosque 00:30 Kings Of Restoration 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Daredevils (S1) Ancient Aliens (S6) Pawn Stars (S15) The Pickers (S6) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) Special Forces (S1) Texas Rising Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) My Mosque Special Forces (S1) Mountain Men (S4) Texas Rising My Mosque Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Texas Rising Special Forces (S1) Museum Men 18 SEP 2015 Supernatural (S2) 00:50 How We Invented The 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 World Body Bizarre (S2) Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) How We Got Here How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) How We Got Here Dual Survival How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) 00:40 01:15 02:55 04:35 05:45 06:10 06:35 07:25 08:15 09:15 10:10 11:05 11:55 13:30 14:50 15:40 16:30 17:05 19:00 19:30 20:05 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 House Of Lies Kings Of Summer, The Breathe In Louie Archer Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan House Of Lies Out Of The Furnace Web Therapy House Of Lies Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 63 Universal 19.00 WIB Special Forces (S1) History 22.00 WIB Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit HBO 20.00 WIB Mission: Impossible 2 AXN 20.05 WIB saturday 01:45 Diana 03:35 Alan Partridge: Alpha 05:00 07:20 08:50 10:30 12:40 14:25 16:15 17:50 20:00 21:35 Papa Into The Wild Monster House The Truman Show Jersey Boys Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Step Up All In The Pacifier Captain Phillips Tammy American Gangster 00:00 01:30 03:05 04:35 06:05 07:40 09:20 11:10 12:40 14:10 15:55 17:40 Space Dogs Give Me A Break Encino Man Smooch Against The Wild Wiener Dog Internationals The Last Song Tarzan Smart Cookies Streetdance All Stars I Heart Shakey Stuart Little 2 12:00 Scooby-Doo! 07:45 America’s Next Top 13:15 14:55 16:15 18:00 20:15 21:50 23:30 08:35 Empire 10:15 My Fair Wedding with Frankencreepy The Lego Movie Dinosaur Herbie: Fully Loaded Finding Forrester Poseidon Norbit Are We Done Yet? 00:45 I Now Pronounce You 02:45 04:30 06:00 08:00 09:35 10:00 12:15 14:00 16:00 18:45 20:30 22:00 23:45 00:00 01:30 03:15 05:00 06:35 Chuck And Larry Moms’ Night Out I, Frankenstein Knocked Up Moms’ Night Out Hollywood On Set 612 The Remains Of The Day Collateral Damage Blended Transformers: Age Of Extinction I, Frankenstein Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Collateral Damage Intersections Model 11:05 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 22:30 23:25 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:40 09:05 10:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 Bad Words 16:00 Bringing Down The 16:50 House 18:30 It Could Happen To You 20:10 Lackawanna Blues 21:50 And The Band 22:40 Played On David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Once Upon A Time Scandal Empire Suburgatory Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Candidly Nicole Scandal 11:00 11:30 Suburgatory @ StarWorld 13.35 WIB 19:00 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect 00:10 01:35 03:35 05:00 06:35 08:05 09:30 11:10 12:55 13:20 15:00 16:05 17:40 19:05 21:00 22:00 Trick ‘R Treat Blade Saint Sinner Salting The Battlefield Threshold Horizon Sliver The World’s End Hollywood On Set 615 A Return To Salem’s Lot The Lost Honour Ep2 Crossfire Trail Simon Sez Jack The Giant Slayer Strike Back S407 U.S. Marshals 20:15 The Biggest Fan 21:45 Super Capers 23:25 Against The Wild The Sacrament Don’T Look Back Bark Ranger Hot Shots! Hot Shots! Part Deux Baby Geniuses The Nut Job Dragonball: Evolution The Bounty Hunter Divergent Spider-Man 2 Gone Girl The Tourist 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 00:25 02:40 04:15 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 01:15 02:55 04:25 05:50 07:20 08:50 10:30 12:00 13:30 15:25 17:50 20:00 22:25 12:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) Vampyre Nation Dominion (S1) Medium (S1) Vampyre Nation The Paranormal Zone (S3) Haunted Collector (S1) Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) Arachnoquake Haunted Collector (S1) Tasmanian Devils Continuum (S3) Mischief Night Haunted Collector (S1) Medium (S1) 08:00 08:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 Les Miserables (1998) Blankman Norbit The Haunting Hour S1 S111: Fear Never Knocks The Haunting Hour S1 S112: My Dead Best Friend Forever The Haunting Hour S1 S113: The Black Mask The Haunting Hour S1 S114: Afraid Of Clowns The Haunting Hour S1 S115: My Sister The Witch The Ant Bully Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S302: Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S303: The Bremen Town Musicians Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 15:30 16:00 16:35 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 21:00 22:45 00:45 Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 02:35 Burton And Taylor 04:05 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 04:30 Just For Laughs: Gags 05:00 06:50 08:50 10:35 12:15 13:55 15:40 17:20 18:15 19:10 22:10 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 06:45 07:15 07:45 08:45 09:40 10:35 12:20 13:15 15:00 16:50 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 23:45 09:00 The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers Silicon Valley S201: Sand Hill Shuffle Silicon Valley S202: Runaway Devaluation Silicon Valley S203: Bad Money Silicon Valley S204: The Lady Silicon Valley S205: Server Space Silicon Valley S206: Homicide Silicon Valley S207: Adult Content Silicon Valley S208: White Hat/Black Hat Silicon Valley S209: Bidding Arbitration Silicon Valley S210: Two Days Of The Condor The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S106 Hollywood On Set 612 Show Me A Hero S104 Togetherness S105: Kick The Can Togetherness S106: Ghost In Chains Game Change Grey Gardens The Gathering Storm 00:40 American Ninja Warrior (S15) The Bouquet The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift Taken Back: Finding Haley Coffee Shop Garage Sale Mystery 2: All That Glitters Text To Kill Rocky Road Merlin (S4) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Knife Fight (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Voice (S5) Total Blackout (S1) Ebuzz Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Caught On Camera (S6) Exit Anaconda Caught On Camera (S6) Blue Bloods (S5) Sherlock (S2) Mission: Impossible 2 Grown Ups (2010) Killjoys (S1) Exit NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Sherlock (S2) 00:00 The Ghost Inside My 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:00 13:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 23:30 Child (S2) My Haunted House (S2) Unforgettable (S2) Teen Exorcism The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) Right This Minute Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Kidnapped: The Hannah Anderson Story Baggage Battles (S1) The Surrogacy Trap Baggage Battles (S1) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) Right This Minute MasterChef Asia (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Little Women: NY (S1) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) 00:00 60 Seconds To Sell (S1) 01:00 Best In Bridal (S1) 02:00 Reno vs Relocate (S1) 00:15 Amazing Wedding 01:05 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 Cakes Suburgatory Glee Scandal Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time TAMMY @ HBO 20.00 WIB 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) Trashformers (S1) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:45 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:45 12:35 14:15 15:55 16:45 17:35 19:15 Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) China Moon Platinum Hit (S1) Flipping Out (S7) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S3) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S3) Platinum Hit (S1) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Museum Men Texas Rising Mountain Men (S4) Lost In Transmission 10 Things You Don’t Know About Singapore Photo Face-Off Storage Wars: Canada (S2) The Pickers (S7) Mountain Men (S4) Photo Face-Off Storage Wars (S8) Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Photo Face-Off Texas Rising 19 SEP 2015 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect Fox Family Movies 19.00 WIB SCOOBY-DOO! FRANKENCREEPY @ HBO Family 12.00 WIB 20:15 Necessary Roughness 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:40 09:45 10:35 11:25 13:05 13:55 16:55 17:45 19:25 20:15 21:05 22:45 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Supernatural (S2) Meet Joe Black Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Caught On Camera (S2) Meet Joe Black Cold Case (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Cold Case (S2) Meet Joe Black (S3) 21:05 Sherlock (S3) 22:50 Flipping Out (S7) 23:40 China Moon 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 16:05 00:05 Law & Order 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 18:00 Presents 19:00 02:45 Threat Matrix 03:35 Moonlighting 20:00 05:15 Dog Patrol 21:00 06:05 Line of Fire 22:00 06:55 CSI 09:25 My Strange Addiction 23:00 10:15 Tru Calling 11:05 Line of Fire 11:55 Dog Patrol 12:45 Life on Mars 13:35 My Strange Addiction 14:25 The Listener 18:35 CSI Miami 00:00 21:05 Perception 01:00 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad Hard Time The Happenings Paranatural Seconds From Disaster China From Above Megastructures Yukon River Run World’s Most Extreme Engineering Connections Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer China From Above Wicked Tuna The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All The Happenings Engineering Connections Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Building Wild Texas Rising Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Special Forces (S1) Ancient Aliens (S6) Mountain Men (S4) The Pickers (S6) The Pickers (S7) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 08:00 My Mosque 08:30 Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey 00:20 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 23:00 23:55 Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) How Stuff Works How We Got Here How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) River Monsters (S7) Saltwater Heroes Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S5) River Monsters (S7) Life Mythbusters (S10) Saltwater Heroes How We Invented The World River Monsters (S7) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Ice Cold Gold (S3) Untamed China With Nigel Marven Body Bizarre (S2) Saltwater Heroes 00:30 01:05 03:15 04:15 06:35 11:40 13:20 15:05 16:45 17:20 19:15 20:05 21:00 22:00 22:50 House Of Lies Jobs Louie Archer Mad Men Breathe In Writers Hairbrained House Of Lies Tracks Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan Writers 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 65 Gone Girl Fox Movies Premium 20.00 WIB Criminal Minds (S8) Universal 17.45 WIB Sherlock (S3) BETV 14.15 WIB sunday 00:05 Perfect Stranger 01:55 Looney Tunes: Back 21:40 23:40 In Action Monster House The Pacifier Click American Gangster Captain Phillips Tammy Looney Tunes: Back In Action Bedtime Stories The Equalizer Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Her Ride Along 00:10 02:00 03:20 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:35 10:05 11:30 13:05 15:00 16:55 17:20 19:30 21:00 22:35 23:35 White Chicks Passenger 57 The Mask Good People Hollywood On Set 615 Crossfire Trail Space Station 76 Passenger 57 Outside The Law Jack The Giant Slayer Paycheck Hollywood On Set 615 U.S. Marshals Stone Cold Last Passenger Strike Back S407 G.I. Joe: Retaliation 03:25 05:00 06:40 08:25 10:55 13:05 14:40 16:10 17:50 20:00 00:15 02:05 04:20 06:20 08:20 10:15 12:40 14:40 16:20 18:10 20:00 22:05 Obsessed Anonymous Hitch The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty 27 Dresses Gone Girl Hollywood Homicide The Book Of Life Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian Let’s Be Cops Total Recall Hitch 01:00 02:30 04:00 05:35 07:00 08:15 09:45 11:10 12:30 14:05 15:30 17:20 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:35 California Dreaming Smooch The Biggest Fan Khumba 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect Senior Project The Legend Of Sarila Stuart Little 2 Give Me A Break Doubting Thomas The Last Song I Heart Shakey Little Loopers Smart Cookies Encino Man Smooch 09:30 11:30 13:05 13:30 15:30 17:45 19:30 20:00 22:00 00:20 02:00 03:35 05:00 05:25 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 01:00 02:35 04:15 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:45 11:30 13:10 14:50 16:25 18:00 19:45 21:20 22:55 01:30 03:00 05:00 06:45 Blankman The Shaggy Dog Only You The Haunting Hour S1 S116: Wrong Number The Haunting Hour S1 S117: Catching Cold The Haunting Hour S1 S118: Pool Shark The Haunting Hour S1 S119: Lights Out The Haunting Hour S1 S120: The Perfct Brother Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy The Lego Movie The Shaggy Dog Herbie: Fully Loaded Are We Done Yet? Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Battle Of The Year Treasure Planet The Last Mimzy Godzilla I, Frankenstein Blended Mchale’S Navy (1997) Transformers: Age Of 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:55 14:35 15:00 16:35 19:00 21:00 23:00 Extinction Blended Moms’ Night Out Hollywood On Set 612 Knocked Up The Remains Of The Day Collateral Damage Hollywood On Set 612 Knocked Up Blended The Purge: Anarchy Repentance Bad Grandpa 0.5 Hollywood On Set 612 Mindscape Rome S109: Utica Veep S407: Mommy Meyer Veep S408: B/Ill The Comeback S203: Valerie Is Brought To Her Knees The Comeback S204: Valerie Saves The Show Togetherness S105: Kick The Can Togetherness S106: Ghost In Chains Game Change Grey Gardens Hollywood On Set 612 The Gathering Storm The Da Vinci Code Miss Evers’ Boys The Normal Heart Bessie 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) Earthfall Continuum (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) 00:00 Law & Order: Special 00:15 My Fair Wedding with 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 11:05 11:55 12:45 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 David Tutera Welcome to Sweden Million Dollar Listing LA Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Suburgatory Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Arachnoquake 02:00 Paranormal Witness The Pickers (S7) @ History 14.00 WIB Stockholm, Pennsylvania @ Lifetime 21.00 WIB 14:20 Mischief Night 16:00 Paranormal Witness 03:00 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:05 10:55 12:40 (S4) 10,000 Days Mischief Night 10,000 Days Dominion (S2) Haunted Collector (S1) Continuum (S3) The Sand Victims Unit (S13) 00:00 Unforgettable (S3) 01:00 Little Women: NY (S1) 02:00 Hoarders: Family Gags (S8) 03:00 The Ghost Inside My Victims Unit (S13) 04:00 Jo Frost: Extreme 00:55 Junior 02:55 Deadly Adoption 04:30 Just For Laughs: 05:00 Law & Order: Special 06:50 Hot In Cleveland (S6) 07:20 A Bone To Pick: An 09:00 10:45 12:25 14:00 15:55 18:35 19:30 20:25 21:20 21:50 World Records (S1) Exit Anaconda NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Behind The Blacklist: S3 22:25 CSI: Cyber (S1) 23:20 Killjoys (S1) 18:20 19:15 21:00 21:55 Aurora Teagarden Mystery Text To Kill The Bouquet Mothers Of The Bride Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) Merlin (S4) How Do I Look? (S10) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Hot In Cleveland (S6) The Bourne Supremacy Secrets (S1) Child (S2) Parental Guidance (S1) 05:00 Coming Home (S2) 06:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 07:00 Hoarders: Family 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 01:35 Caught On Camera (S6) 19:00 03:20 Blue Bloods (S5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 19:30 (S5) 20:00 05:50 Sherlock (S2) 21:00 07:50 Blue Bloods (S5) 09:40 Grown Ups (2010) 22:40 11:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) 23:00 12:20 Killjoys (S1) 13:10 Behind The Blacklist: Secrets (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Arranged (S1) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Unforgettable (S3) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) MasterChef Asia (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute Unforgettable (S3) Stockholm, Pennsylvania Bad Ink (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) S3 13:40 Breaking The Magician’s Code: 14:35 American Ninja Warrior (S5) 00:30 The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 16:20 Ebuzz 03:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 16:50 Total Blackout (S1) 17:20 Totally Insane Guinness 04:00 Midnight Feast (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 05:00 The Coolest Places On 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30 21:00 Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Trashformers (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Trashformers (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The 21:05 Perception 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:00 America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) 03:00 Museum Men 04:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 05:00 Pawn Stars (S15) 06:00 Counting Cars (S4) 06:30 Kings Of Restoration 01:25 03:05 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:00 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 16:00 17:40 18:40 20:20 Nashville (S2) China Moon Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Flipping Out (S7) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S1) Good Wife, The (S1) 20 SEP 2015 (S5) 07:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 08:00 Storage Wars (S8) 09:00 Photo Face-Off 10:00 10 Things You 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 Don’t Know About Singapore Pawn Stars (S15) Museum Men Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Storage Wars (S8) My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Lost In Transmission Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey 10 Things You Don’t Know About Malaysia Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Lost In Transmission Hitch Fox Movies Premium 22.05 WIB 00:50 River Monsters (S7) 01:45 Deadliest Catch: Legend Of The Cornelia Marie (S11) 02:40 How We Invented The The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) @ FYI 18.30 WIB Fung?! (S1) 22:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 23:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S2) (In Vegas) 00:05 My Strange Addiction 00:55 Life on Mars 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:45 Law & Order: Criminal 03:35 06:55 09:25 13:35 14:25 18:35 It? (S6) 22:00 Alias (S1) 23:40 Face Off (S4) 05:00 Bear Grylls: Fine 00:00 Science of Stupid 00:50 The Border 01:40 Airport Security: 09:40 10:35 12:25 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 01:45 Caught On Camera (S2) 03:25 Penn & Teller: Fool 02:30 Us! (S1) 03:20 05:00 Wizard Wars (S1) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 04:10 (In Vegas) 05:00 07:00 Supernatural (S2) 06:00 08:40 Cold Case (S2) 10:20 Meet Joe Black 06:55 13:20 Criminal Minds (S8) 07:50 15:00 Cold Case (S2) 08:45 16:40 Wizard Wars (S1) 09:40 17:30 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 10:35 18:20 Supernatural (S2) 20:00 Criminal Minds (S8) 21:40 Meet Joe Black World 03:35 Body Bizarre (S2) 04:30 How Do They Do 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 18:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 Colombia Building Wild Engineering Connections Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Building Wild Yukon River Run The Happenings Paranatural The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Building Wild World’s Most Extreme Airport Security: Colombia Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer China From Above Wicked Tuna The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Wicked Tuna Intent Law & Order CSI Miami The Listener Tru Calling Seconds From Disaster 00:00 Mountain Men (S4) CSI 01:00 The Pickers (S7) 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:35 01:25 03:00 04:55 06:30 08:40 11:15 13:25 16:20 19:40 20:30 21:00 23:05 23:55 Dining River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Ice Cold Gold (S3) Deadliest Catch (S11) Saltwater Heroes Heirs To The Dare Naked And Afraid (S1) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Last Frontiersmen Revealed - Perak: Malaysia’s Abode Of Grace Bear Grylls: Fine Dining Last Frontiersmen How We Invented The World Conan Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Out Of The Furnace Kings Of Summer, The Jobs Louie Fifth Estate, The House Of Lies Conan Complications Web Therapy Only Lovers Left Alive From Dusk Till Dawn Tracks 67 Strike Back S407 Cinemax 22.35 WIB Good Wife, The (S1) BETV 20.20 WIB Little Loopers Fox Family Movies 19.00 WIB MONDAY 01:20 02:50 05:00 05:25 06:55 09:00 10:45 12:30 14:30 16:05 17:50 20:00 21:50 23:50 01:30 03:35 05:00 06:40 08:15 10:10 11:35 13:25 15:00 16:50 17:20 18:45 19:15 21:00 23:20 The Honeymooners The Equalizer Hollywood On Set 615 Paulie Sabrina (1995) What A Girl Wants Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Her Bedtime Stories Click The Mummy Returns 30 Days Of Night Pain & Gain The Pretty One Donnie Brasco Child’s Play 2 A Return To Salem’s Lot Ninja Iii The Domination Paycheck Stone Cold Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Last Passenger Robinson Crusoe On Mars Hollywood On Set 614 Coneheads Hollywood On Set 615 The Mask The Avengers (2012) Blade II 13:30 14:50 16:20 17:45 Stuart Little 2 The Biggest Fan The Legend Of Sarila 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect 19:00 Disney’s The Kid 20:45 Wiener Dog Internationals 22:30 Flubber 01:00 Only You 02:45 Hollywood On Set 612 03:15 Happily Ever After: 03:45 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:50 12:05 13:40 15:20 17:00 17:30 00:05 01:50 03:20 04:50 The Tourist Don’T Look Back Bark Ranger Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian 18:00 20:00 21:35 23:05 Fairy Tales For Every Child S301: The Three Little Pigs Les Miserables (1998) Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S302: Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S303: The Bremen Town Musicians The Haunting Hour S1 S119: Lights Out The Haunting Hour S1 S120: The Perfct Brother Battle Of The Year Les Miserables (1998) Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Last Mimzy Treasure Planet The Haunting Hour S1 S121: Scary Mary Part 1 The Haunting Hour S1 S122: Scary Mary Part 2 Godzilla The Golden Child Gifted Hands Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 20:15 I Now Pronounce You 22:00 Chuck And Larry 00:50 02:45 05:00 06:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:20 16:15 17:40 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Gia Truman Life Support Hemingway & Gellhorn Treme S102: Meet De Boys On The Battlefront Rome S109: Utica Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play The Newsroom S306: What Kind Of Day Has It Been True Blood S404: I’M Alive And On Fire Grandpa, Do You Know Who I Am? With Maria Shriver Aka Alzeimer’s Project The Alzheimer’s Project: Caregivers The Alzheimer’s Project: Momentum In Science (Part 1) The Alzheimer’s Project: The Memory Loss Tapes Nightingale True Blood S405: Me And The Devil Veep S409: Testimony Veep S410: Election Night Girls S409: Daddy Issues Girls S410: Home Birth Game Of Thrones S502: The House Of Black And White Big Love S102: Viagra Blue 03:50 04:40 05:30 01:10 02:40 04:20 05:50 07:20 08:45 10:10 11:55 The Bounty Hunter The Book Of Life Baby Geniuses Total Recall The Fog Gone Girl 27 Dresses The Cable Guy Bad Teacher Saving Mr. Banks All She Wishes Super Capers Space Dogs Encino Man Khumba Doubting Thomas I Heart Shakey Little Loopers 00:00 Transformers: Age Of Extinction 02:45 I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry 04:45 Scooby Doo 2: 06:15 07:50 08:15 10:00 11:45 14:30 16:00 17:50 18:15 Monsters Unleashed Moms’ Night Out Hollywood On Set 613 Death To Smoochy Collateral Damage Transformers: Age Of Extinction Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed Mchale’S Navy (1997) Hollywood On Set 613 Knocked Up Intersections America’s Next Top Model @ StarWorld 02.10 WIB 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) Face Off (S2) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) Mimic Paranormal Witness (S4) 21:50 Haunted Collector (S1) 22:40 Haven (S5) 23:30 Face Off (S2) 00:00 Betrayed 01:40 Garage Sale Mystery 2: 09:20 The Amazing Race 10:10 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S23) Grown Ups (2010) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) Exit American Ninja Warrior (S4) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid CSI: Cyber (S1) The Blacklist (S2) CSI: Cyber (S1) Wipeout (S6) All That Glitters Haley 03:00 06:40 08:35 10:15 11:55 13:55 15:40 18:05 20:00 21:40 23:15 06:40 The Voice (S6) 07:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 08:25 Leverage (S5) 03:20 Rocky Road 05:00 Taken Back: Finding 00:20 Witches of East End 01:15 Masterchef US 02:10 America’s Next Top Storage Wars: New York (S2) @ History 07.30 WIB (S4) 05:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) 07:00 Dominion (S1) 06:20 07:10 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:50 22:45 23:40 Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Benched Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Once Upon A Time Witches of East End Suburgatory Parenthood Amsale Girls Masterchef US Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amsale Girls Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains 06:55 Knife Fight (S2) 07:25 Covert Affairs (S5) 08:15 Law & Order: Special 09:05 11:05 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:05 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:20 22:40 23:30 Victims Unit (S16) Junior American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Knife Fight (S3) Mothers Of The Bride Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Knife Fight (S3) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Downton Abbey (S6) Eat, Drink, Love (S1) Clean House (S10) Secrets (S1) 01:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 02:00 Coming Home (S2) 03:00 Stockholm, Pennsylvania 05:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 11:00 Social Nightmare 12:40 Baggage Battles (S3) 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:30 23:00 Show (S13) Arranged (S1) Little Women: NY (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Right This Minute 00:10 American Ninja Warrior (S5) 01:50 Sherlock (S2) 03:35 Ebuzz 04:05 American Ninja Warrior 00:20 Medium (S1) 02:10 Tasmanian Devils 04:00 Paranormal Witness 00:00 Hoarders: Family (S5) 05:00 The Amazing Race (S23) 05:50 Wipeout (S6) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 01:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) 02:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 03:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 04:00 The Coolest Places On 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Earth (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) World Food Championships (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Us! (S1) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:15 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Supernatural (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Cold Case (S2) 00:30 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 22:10 23:00 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 Presents Threat Matrix Homicide Hunter Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Backstrom Perception Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents Backstrom CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol The Listener CSI NY Perception Backstrom Law & Order York (S2) 08:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 21 SEP 2015 Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Good Wife, The (S1) Flipping Out (S7) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S5) 11:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 12:00 The Pickers (S6) 13:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 14:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About Malaysia 15:00 America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) 16:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 17:00 Kings Of Restoration 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 00:50 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 00:50 The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All 02:30 China From Above 03:20 Wicked Tuna 05:00 The 2000s: The 06:55 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 00:05 Moonlighting 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock With Jaime Dempsey 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New Secrets (S3) (In Vegas) 04:05 Wizard Wars (S1) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 06:30 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 09:00 Texas Rising 10:00 America’s Book Of 20:30 21:20 00:45 Supernatural (S2) 01:35 Cold Case (S2) 03:15 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! My Strange Addiction CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Decade We Saw It All Wicked Tuna Wild Case Files Big, Bigger, Biggest Construction Zone Chasing Time Seconds From Disaster Years of Living Dangerously Wild Case Files World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Years of Living Dangerously Seconds From Disaster Man Vs Ride World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Man Vs Ride 00:00 The Pickers (S7) 01:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color 02:00 Texas Rising 03:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 04:00 Storage Wars (S8) 05:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About Malaysia 06:00 My Mosque 08:45 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Pawn Stars (S15) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Pawn Stars (S15) Deadliest Catch (S11) Saltwater Heroes Body Bizarre (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Magic Of Science (S2) Revealed - Perak: Malaysia’s Abode Of Grace Deadliest Catch (S11) Dual Survival Magic Of Science (S2) Life Revealed - Perak: Malaysia’s Abode Of Grace How We Got Here Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Clean House (S10) DIVA 23.30 WIB Cold Case Universal 19.00 WIB Pain & Gain HBO 21.50 WIB 01:50 03:35 05:20 06:35 07:25 08:15 09:10 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:05 13:55 14:50 15:40 17:25 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:00 23:50 Writers God Bless America Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Louie Archer Mad Men Conan Writers Only Lovers Left Alive House Of Lies Web Therapy House Of Lies Ray Donovan Complications House Of Lies 69 Veep S409: Testimony HBO Signature 20.00 WIB tuesday 01:30 Anna Nicole 03:00 The Pursuit Of Happyness What A Girl Wants It Takes Two The Mummy Returns Rescue Dawn Hollywood On Set 615 The Firm Eight Below Blood Diamond Tammy The Fast And The Furious 23:20 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones 05:00 06:45 08:30 10:40 12:40 13:05 15:40 17:40 20:00 21:35 01:15 02:15 03:45 05:00 06:40 08:55 11:15 13:00 14:30 15:00 16:50 18:50 19:15 Strike Back S407 Child’s Play 3 The Underwater City Secret Window The Two Jakes The Avengers (2012) The Mask Coneheads Hollywood On Set 615 Tobruk Elizabethtown Hollywood On Set 615 Back To The Future Part II 21:00 White Chicks 22:50 Elysium 05:50 07:25 08:55 10:35 12:05 13:55 15:40 17:15 19:00 20:30 22:05 23:40 Smooch All She Wishes Super Capers Space Dogs Return To Oz Wiener Dog Internationals Justin Bieber’s Believe The Last Song Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Little Loopers The Biggest Fan Khumba 16:00 Dominion (S1) 16:50 Haven (S5) 17:40 Supernatural: The 00:00 01:50 03:20 05:00 06:45 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 00:50 02:50 04:25 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:35 11:10 The Replacements Freaky Friday Lassie Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S304: The Empress’ Nightingale Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S305: The Happy Prince The Haunting Hour S1 S121: Scary Mary Part 1 The Haunting Hour S1 S122: Scary Mary Part 2 Freaky Friday In God’s Hands The Replacements 14:00 15:55 17:20 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Temple Grandin Conspiracy (Hbo) Mindscape Barbarians At The Gate The Fisher King Treme S103: Right Place, Wrong Time Game Of Thrones S502: The House Of Black And White Veep S409: Testimony Veep S410: Election Night Rome S110: Triumph True Blood S405: Me And The Devil Game Change Without Warning: The James Brady Story Wit True Blood S406: I Wish I Was The Moon The Comeback S205: Valerie Is Taken Seriously The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert Togetherness S107: Party Time Togetherness S108: Not So Together The Newsroom S306: What Kind Of Day Has It Been Big Love S103: Home Invasion 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:25 Law & Order: Special 03:00 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 Lachey’s Bar @ Lifetime 20.30 WIB 01:25 The Hunger Games: 03:55 05:55 07:55 09:50 11:40 13:40 15:15 16:50 18:20 20:00 22:25 Catching Fire Just Go With It The Counselor Obsessed Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian Are You Here Life After Beth National Security Dragonball: Evolution Hancock Spider-Man 3 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 13:10 14:45 16:25 18:00 19:25 20:55 22:50 Gifted Hands The Shaggy Dog The Golden Child Space Jam The Ant Bully I’ll Do Anything Lassie 06:20 07:10 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 20:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Witches of East End Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Benched Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Witches of East End Empire Parenthood Amsale Girls My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Cougar Town Melissa & Joey Amsale Girls Devious Maids Empire Scandal Friends With Better Lives Royal Pains 20:25 21:25 23:10 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 16:30 (S4) The Voice 9 Killjoys (S1) The Blacklist (S2) Killjoys (S1) Caught On Camera (S6) 00:00 F WORD OUT LOUD Aurora Teagarden Mystery Scorned Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Coffee Shop Merlin (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Rescuing Madison American Dream Builders (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) The Gourmet Detective Clean House (S10) 00:30 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Victims Unit (S16) 01:20 A Bone To Pick: An 19:55 00:30 01:20 02:10 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 Animation Dark Matter (S1) Mimic 2 Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Face Off (S2) 17:20 CSI: Cyber (S1) 18:15 American Ninja Warrior (S4) NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S23) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid The Blacklist (S2) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:30 with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Unforgettable (S2) Social Nightmare MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Baby Sellers Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Right This Minute 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 01:30 Waterfront House 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House 00:00 Scooby Doo 2: 01:30 03:15 05:00 06:30 08:30 09:00 11:00 12:45 14:15 16:30 00:05 Sheeba 01:40 5 Seconds Of Summer: 18:15 So Perfect 20:15 22:00 02:55 Encino Man 23:30 04:25 Khumba Monsters Unleashed Intersections Death To Smoochy I, Frankenstein Blended Hollywood On Set 613 Knocked Up Death To Smoochy Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed The Remains Of The Day Intersections Blended Collateral Damage I, Frankenstein Moms’ Night Out 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Mischief Night Dominion (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Earthfall Haven (S5) Supernatural: The Animation 12:40 Dark Matter (S1) 13:30 Face Off (S2) 15:10 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Are You Here @ Fox Movies Premium 11.40 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 07:30 Storage Wars: New Hunting (S1) 10:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 11:00 Late Nite Chef Fight York (S2) 08:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines (S1) 12:00 Destination Flavour (S1) 12:30 You Gotta Eat Here (S3) 13:00 The Coolest Places On 00:00 Earth (S1) 01:00 13:30 Strangers In Danger (S1) 02:00 14:00 Outback Nation (S1) 03:00 15:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 04:00 16:00 Bondi Vet (S1) 05:00 17:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 06:00 18:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 07:00 19:00 Destination Flavour: 08:00 Down Under 08:50 20:00 Broke Bites: What The 09:40 Fung?! (S1) 10:30 21:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 11:20 22:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 12:10 23:00 Destination Flavour: 13:00 Down Under 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Penn & Teller: Fool 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:15 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Meet Joe Black 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:00 00:00 World’s Most Extreme 00:50 Building Wild 01:40 Engineering 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 21:50 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 00:05 Law & Order 14:15 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 15:10 21:00 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Backstrom Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Endgame Perception My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents Endgame CSI NY Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction The Listener CSI NY Perception Endgame Law & Order Tru Calling CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling Alfred Hitchcock Presents Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S5) 16:05 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 Connections Man Vs Ride Big, Bigger, Biggest World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Man Vs Ride World’s Most Extreme Bad Trip Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna Monster Fish Is It Real? S3 Bad Trip Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Ultimate Airport Dubai Is It Real? S3 Wicked Tuna Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Drugs Inc Locked Up Abroad 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:25 02:00 04:10 05:05 06:00 07:05 08:00 09:00 09:50 00:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 11:00 With Jaime Dempsey 11:50 00:30 Counting Cars (S4) 12:50 01:00 Lost In Transmission 13:40 02:00 Aussie Pickers 14:45 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 15:35 04:00 America’s Book Of 16:10 Secrets (S3) 17:35 05:00 All You Can Eat (S1) 19:30 06:00 Kings Of Restoration 20:05 (S5) 21:00 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 23:05 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 23:35 22:00 23:00 With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) All You Can Eat (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Destroyed In Seconds Saltwater Heroes How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) 22 SEP 2015 CSI: Cyber (S1) AXN 17.20 WIB Airport Security: Colombia National Geographic Channel 21.00 WIB The Gourmet Detective You’re Next Fifth Estate, The Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Scenic Route Tracks House Of Lies Complications Only Lovers Left Alive Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn 71 DIVA 21.25 WIB Counting Cars (S4) History 18.00 WIB wednesday 02:10 Tim’S Vermeer 03:35 Happily Ever After: Fairy 00:40 The Pursuit Of 02:35 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:45 12:20 14:40 16:15 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:30 Happyness Hollywood On Set 614 Eight Below Freedom Writers The Score The Fast And The Furious Tammy Blood Diamond Matilda Perfect Stranger The Remaining Gravity Neighbors Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist 04:00 04:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:55 11:15 00:35 02:10 03:40 05:05 06:50 07:20 09:25 11:15 13:00 15:00 16:25 18:15 19:35 21:00 22:00 23:25 Flightplan Path Of Destruction Alien Raiders Someone To Watch Over Me Hollywood On Set 615 Elizabethtown Harry And The Hendersons Back To The Future Part II Red 2 Avalanche Express White Chicks Passenger 57 Blind Fury Strike Back S407 Vacancy Pet Sematary 00:55 Bad Teacher 02:30 The Sacrament 04:15 The Hunger Games: 06:45 08:25 10:25 12:20 14:00 16:25 18:00 20:00 21:40 Catching Fire Baby Geniuses The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Freedomland The Cable Guy Spider-Man 3 Fun With Dick And Jane Are You Here Search Party Gone Girl 11:40 12:10 13:55 15:25 15:55 18:00 19:40 21:10 22:50 23:20 Tales For Every Child S304: The Empress’ Nightingale Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S305: The Happy Prince Space Jam Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S306: Henny Penny Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S307: The Frog Princess M.I. High S701: The Mayze M.I. High S702: Frankenstein I’ll Do Anything Tim’S Vermeer Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S306: Henny Penny Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S307: The Frog Princess Enchanted The Ant Bully M.I. High S701: The Mayze Big Fish The Lego Movie Barnyard Turtle Power: The Definitive History Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hollywood On Set 613 Oz The Great And Powerful 01:15 Collateral Damage 03:00 Transformers: Age Of Extinction 05:45 Intersections 07:30 Collateral Damage 09:15 Transformers: Age Of 12:00 13:30 15:15 17:00 19:15 22:00 23:55 Extinction I, Frankenstein Mchale’S Navy (1997) Death To Smoochy The Remains Of The Day Transformers: Age Of Extinction Knocked Up Hollywood On Set 613 16:30 The Amazing Race (S23) 17:20 Killjoys (S1) 18:15 American Ninja Warrior 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:00 The Amazing Race 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 Perfect Stranger @ hbo 16.15 wib 13:55 15:40 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 07:15 09:00 10:30 12:00 13:35 15:25 17:10 19:00 20:30 22:05 23:40 Magic The Talking Dog Smooch Little Loopers Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Wiener Dog Internationals Encino Man All She Wishes The Biggest Fan The Last Song Disney’s The Kid Return To Oz Land Of The Bears Ice Castles Justin Bieber’s Believe Encino Man 00:00 01:55 03:20 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 00:25 Enchanted 13:00 Gia Cold Comes The Night Wit Elizabeth: The Golden Age Game Change Treme S104: At The Foot Of Canal Street The Newsroom S306: What Kind Of Day Has It Been The Comeback S205: Valerie Is Taken Seriously The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert Togetherness S107: Party Time Togetherness S108: Not So Together True Blood S406: I Wish I Was The Moon Grey Gardens Nightingale The Normal Heart True Blood S407: Cold Grey Light Of Dawn Rome S110: Triumph Game Of Thrones S503: High Sparrow Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play Big Love S104: Eclipse 16:00 Dominion (S1) 16:50 Haven (S5) 17:40 Paranormal Witness 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 (S4) Haunted Collector (S1) Earthfall Medium (S1) Haven (S5) Face Off (S3) 14:00 15:00 00:05 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 16:30 17:00 Haley 18:00 01:00 Taken Back: Finding 00:30 01:20 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 06:20 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 20:00 01:05 02:40 04:10 05:45 (S4) The Voice 9 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) The Blacklist (S2) NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Caught On Camera (S6) 21:50 22:45 23:40 Witches of East End Empire Scandal Happy Endings Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Witches of East End America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Amsale Girls Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera New Girl Royal Pains 02:45 Text To Kill 04:30 Just For Laughs: Gags 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:05 (S15) Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Garage Sale Mystery 2: All That Glitters Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) The Gourmet Detective How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Rescuing Madison Clean House (S10) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 12:40 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Mimic 2 Dominion (S1) Warehouse 13 (S3) Dominion (S1) Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) Mischief Night Haven (S5) Haunted Collector (S1) Paranormal Witness (S4) 13:30 Face Off (S2) 14:20 Face Off (S3) 15:10 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S23) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S23) The Voice 9 The Blacklist (S2) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Australia (S3) Lachey’s Bar Unforgettable (S2) Baby Sellers MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar The Good Mistress Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Coming Home (S2) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Right This Minute The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Child Genius (U.S.) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 02:00 Far Flung With Gary 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Mehigan Destination Flavour (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S3) Hideous Houses (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Destination Flavour: Down Under Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Destination Flavour: Down Under Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Trashformers (S1) 17:00 18:00 19:00 New York City, The (S6) 19:30 17:10 Face Off (S4) 18:00 Flipping Out (S7) 18:50 Real Housewives Of Intent (S4) 19:40 Alias (S1) 20:30 Justified (S5) 21:20 Real Housewives Of Us! (S1) 22:10 Flipping Out (S7) 23:00 Justified (S5) 23:00 00:00 Yukon River Run 00:50 Airport Security: 00:50 Dual Survival (S5) 01:45 Alaskan Bush People (S2) 02:40 Bear Grylls: Breaking 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 00:50 Law & Order: Criminal 01:40 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:20 Penn & Teller: Fool 04:10 Law & Order: Criminal 22:50 23:40 Intent (S4) Fairly Legal (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) Chicago Fire (S3) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Caught On Camera (S2) The Peacemaker Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Wizard Wars (S1) Caught On Camera (S2) 00:05 00:55 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Body Of Proof Perception Tru Calling Alfred Hitchcock Presents Body Of Proof CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling The Listener CSI NY Perception Body Of Proof Law & Order Line of Fire CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:00 20:00 21:00 New York City, The (S6) 22:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 Law & Order 18:00 Seconds From Disaster 19:00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 20:00 Endgame 21:00 Perception 22:00 Tru Calling 23:00 Colombia Drugs Inc Locked Up Abroad Hunter Hunted Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) Locked Up Abroad Yukon River Run Nazi Megastructures Caught In The Act Megastructures Ultimate Airport Dubai Somewhere In China Nazi Megastructures China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Somewhere In China Ultimate Airport Dubai Megacities China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Point Saltwater Heroes How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival River Monsters (S7) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) 23 SEP 2015 Avalanche Express cinemax 15.00 WIB Encino Man fox family movies 23.40 WIB 00:00 Photo Face-Off (S2) 01:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 02:00 Aussie Pickers 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 04:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 05:00 Counting Cars (S2) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: New York (S2) 08:00 Storage Wars: Canada 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About Malaysia The Pickers (S7) (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Counting Cars (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 14:00 Storage Wars (S8) 15:00 Photo Face-Off (S2) 16:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 00:25 01:00 03:10 04:40 05:35 06:25 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:05 11:10 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:55 15:45 16:20 18:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:55 23:45 House Of Lies JOBS SCENIC ROUTE Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Breathe In Longest Week, The House Of Lies Ray Donovan Web Therapy House Of Lies Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan Barnyard hbo family 19.40 WIB Knocked Up Search Party @ fox movies premium 20.00 wib 73 hbo hits 22.00 WIB thursday 06:00 07:30 09:05 00:00 300: Rise Of An Empire 10:40 01:40 The Spectacular Now 03:15 Nanny Mcphee 12:25 05:00 The Remaining 14:10 06:30 The Brothers Solomon 15:40 08:00 Matilda 17:25 09:35 Monster House 19:00 11:05 The Lone Ranger (2013) 20:30 13:30 Gravity 21:45 15:00 Nanny Mcphee 16:45 Brave 23:10 18:20 Troy 21:00 300: Rise Of An Empire 22:40 Invincible 01:05 02:40 03:05 05:00 06:45 08:05 09:45 11:30 12:00 Pet Sematary II Hollywood On Set 615 Blade Mcvicar Passenger 57 Hard Eight Four Brothers Hollywood On Set 616 Blind Fury Justin Bieber’s Believe Flubber Smooch Wiener Dog Internationals Disney’s The Kid Land Of The Bears I Heart Shakey Little Loopers Senior Project 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Return To Oz 01:30 03:50 04:20 06:00 08:05 09:35 10:55 Seabiscuit Hollywood On Set 612 Without A Paddle Big Fish Barnyard The Cat In The Hat Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 12:30 The Lego Movie 14:10 Oz The Great And Powerful 03:35 05:00 07:15 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:40 17:15 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 Bad Words The Perfect Storm Grey Gardens Treme S105: Shame, Shame, Shame Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play Rome S110: Triumph Game Of Thrones S503: High Sparrow True Blood S407: Cold Grey Light Of Dawn Wit Clear History Temple Grandin True Blood S408: Spellbound Boardwalk Empire S501: Golden Days For Boys And Girls The Comeback S205: Valerie Is Taken Seriously The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert Veep S409: Testimony Veep S410: Election Night Big Love S105: Affair 21:00 Continuum (S3) 22:40 Haven (S5) 23:30 Face Off (S3) Model 00:00 Downton Abbey (S6) 01:20 Cloudy With A Chance Of Love 03:00 Betrayed 04:35 Just For Laughs: Gags 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:30 18:00 20:45 22:35 23:05 03:00 My Fair Wedding with (S15) Deadly Adoption Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Bound And Babysitting Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) Possessed By Evil Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Downton Abbey (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) Mom And Dad Undergrads Kindergarten Cop Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) 06:20 08:00 Elysium @ cinemax 22.40 wib 13:30 15:00 17:20 17:45 19:10 21:00 22:40 Vacancy The Wild Bunch Hollywood On Set 616 Stone Cold G.I. Joe: Retaliation Mortal Kombat Elysium 00:05 The Cable Guy 01:45 Fun With Dick And 03:20 05:00 06:25 08:50 10:20 11:55 13:55 15:50 18:20 20:00 22:15 Jane Search Party Bark Ranger Spider-Man 3 Beverly Hills Ninja National Security Hitch The Bounty Hunter The Hunger Games: Catching Fire How To Train Your Dragon Star Trek Total Recall 01:10 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 02:40 Short Circuit 2 04:25 The Biggest Fan 16:20 Turtle Power: The Definitive History Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 18:00 Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy 19:15 The Amazing SpiderMan 2 21:40 Seabiscuit 00:30 I, Frankenstein 02:00 I Now Pronounce You 04:00 06:00 07:50 08:15 10:30 12:15 14:30 16:15 18:00 20:15 22:00 Chuck And Larry Knocked Up Labor Day Hollywood On Set 613 The Legend Of Zorro The Usual Suspects The Expendables 3 Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby Rachel Getting Married The Legend Of Zorro Evan Almighty The Expendables 3 00:00 Men, Women & Children 01:55 Clear History 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:50 22:45 23:40 Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Witches of East End Masterchef US Parenthood Amsale Girls Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Empire Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model New Girl Royal Pains 20:00 MasterChef Asia (S1) 21:00 Unforgettable (S3) 22:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) 23:00 Right This Minute 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 David Tutera 03:50 Happy Endings 04:40 Witches of East End 05:30 Amazing Wedding (S7) 19:00 The Amazing Race Canada (S1) 19:00 00:30 Witches of East End 01:20 America’s Next Top Show (S13) 18:00 MasterChef Australia 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 12:00 12:55 15:40 18:15 20:15 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 00:20 Heroes Of Cosplay (S1) 05:00 01:10 Warehouse 13 (S3) 02:10 Dominion (S2) 06:00 04:00 Dominion (S1) 05:00 Warehouse 13 (S3) 07:00 06:00 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 07:00 Dominion (S1) 09:00 08:00 Alphas (S2) 09:00 Mimic 10:00 10:50 Haven (S5) 11:00 11:45 Medium (S1) 12:40 13:30 Face Off (S3) 13:00 15:10 Alphas (S2) 16:00 Dominion (S1) 14:00 16:50 Haven (S5) 15:00 17:40 Medium (S1) 16:00 19:20 Mischief Night 17:00 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S24) The Voice 9 The Blacklist (S2) Transformers Bad Boys II Takers The One The Blacklist (S2) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Caught On Camera (S6) Child Genius (U.S.) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Unforgettable (S2) The Good Mistress MasterChef Australia (S7) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute MasterChef Australia (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Expecting Amish Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Child Genius (U.S.) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 21:00 22:00 23:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Bondi Vet (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) 00:30 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 01:20 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 07:50 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 08:40 Chicago Fire (S3) 09:35 The Peacemaker 11:45 Penn & Teller: Fool 12:35 14:15 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Us! (S1) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S8) Chicago PD (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) 00:05 Law & Order 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Body Of Proof Perception Line of Fire Alfred Hitchcock Presents 07:05 The Listener 07:55 Franklin & Bash 08:45 Homicide Hunter 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 24 True Blood S408: Spellbound 300: Rise Of An Empire @ hbo 21.00 WIB 10:25 Line of Fire 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Franklin & Bash CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire The Listener CSI NY Homicide Hunter Franklin & Bash Law & Order Life on Mars CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:00 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S5) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S5) 00:00 China From Above 00:50 Science of Stupid 01:40 The Border hbo signature 19.00 WIB 02:30 Airport Security: 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 Colombia Caught In The Act China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia China From Above 24 Hours In A&E Mega Factories China’s Ghost Army 80s Greatest To Catch A Smuggler 24 Hours In A&E The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China From Above To Catch A Smuggler 80s Greatest The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China To The World Trekking the Great Wall The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Museum Men The Pickers (S7) Photo Face-Off (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Storage Wars (S8) Counting Cars (S4) Kings Of Restoration (S5) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Museum Men The Pickers (S7) Remembering Jaywick Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off (S2) Daredevils (S1) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Mountain Men (S4) SEP 2015 00:50 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 01:45 You Have Been Warned 22:00 23:00 23:55 With Ean Nasrun Countdown To Collision Saltwater Heroes How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Factory Made (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Last Frontiersmen Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) Last Frontiersmen Culinary Asia 00:35 01:10 03:20 04:50 05:40 06:30 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:00 11:00 11:50 12:45 13:35 14:35 15:25 16:00 18:05 19:30 20:05 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:50 House Of Lies Fifth Estate, The Longest Week, The Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Only Lovers Left Alive Scenic Route House Of Lies Conan Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 75 Empire star world 20.00 WIB Mischief Night syfy 19.20 WIB Takers Axn 18.15 WIB friday 00:25 00:50 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:30 11:20 14:00 15:45 18:05 20:00 21:55 00:25 02:05 03:35 05:10 06:40 08:05 09:35 11:15 13:10 15:00 17:20 18:50 21:00 23:30 00:15 01:55 03:40 05:15 06:55 08:55 10:35 12:15 14:30 16:10 18:15 20:00 22:15 Hollywood On Set 615 The Equalizer Stonehearst Asylum The Fan The Firm Grudge Match Troy Invincible Into The Wild The Bourne Ultimatum 47 Ronin The Equalizer This Is The End Road Trip Last Passenger Encrypt Stone Cold Blades Of Glory Mortal Kombat Jack The Giant Slayer G.I. Joe: Retaliation The Sea Gull Splitting Heirs Deja Vu Scarface Kick-Ass 2 Search Party The Sacrament Life After Beth Heatstroke Are You Here How To Train Your Dragon Hancock Star Trek Heatstroke Hitch How To Train Your Dragon 2 Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time 06:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 13:55 Tales For Every Child 15:50 S309: Rip Van Winkle 17:15 07:00 M.I. High S703: 19:00 The Man Who Drew Tomorrow 07:30 M.I. High S704: 08:00 10:15 11:30 13:05 13:35 15:40 18:00 19:25 21:00 22:55 00:15 01:45 03:15 05:00 06:30 08:15 09:45 11:30 13:45 15:30 17:15 18:45 20:30 22:00 23:45 00:00 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:40 07:10 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 01:00 02:30 04:00 05:45 07:15 08:50 10:15 11:40 13:10 14:25 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:40 22:15 23:50 Justin Bieber’s Believe 12:00 The Biggest Fan I Heart Shakey 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 12:30 Little Loopers Land Of The Bears A Tiger’s Tail 13:00 Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park 5 Seconds Of Summer: So Perfect Give Me A Break Senior Project MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Snow Dogs Ice Castles Justin Time Little Loopers Revenge Is Sweet Les Miserables (1998) Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 M.I. High S704: Revenge Is Sweet Stepmom The Amazing SpiderMan 2 Dinosaur Stuart Saves His Family The Princess Diaries Sky High As Above So Below Empire State We’Re The Millers As Above So Below Rachel Getting Married Bottle Rocket Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby The Legend Of Zorro The Usual Suspects Groundhog Day Empire State Evan Almighty As Above So Below We’Re The Millers The Expendables 3 Miss Evers’ Boys Joe Dirt Good Luck Chuck Wit Hollywood On Set 613 Temple Grandin Treme S106: Shallow Water, Oh Mama Veep S409: Testimony Veep S410: Election Night Boardwalk Empire S501: Golden Days For Boys And Girls The Comeback S205: Valerie Is Taken Seriously The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert True Blood S408: Spellbound 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:55 00:30 01:20 02:10 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 06:20 07:10 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:20 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:55 21:50 22:45 23:40 Miss Evers’ Boys Cold Comes The Night The Purge: Anarchy True Blood S409: Let’s Get Out Of Here Togetherness S107: Party Time Togetherness S108: Not So Together Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me Girls S409: Daddy Issues Girls S410: Home Birth Big Love S106: Roberta’S Funeral United 93 Witches of East End Empire Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Happy Endings Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Parenthood Amazing Wedding Cakes Scandal Empire Masterchef US Amazing Wedding Cakes Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Scandal Empire Scandal New Girl Royal Pains 09:00 10:45 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 Mimic 2 Haven (S5) Dominion (S2) Face Off (S3) Alphas (S2) Dominion (S1) Haven (S5) Dominion (S2) Mimic 3: Sentinel Dark Matter (S1) Haven (S5) Face Off (S3) 06:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 00:05 Law & Order: Special 18:00 01:00 The Fast And The 19:00 03:00 Coffee Shop 04:35 Just For Laughs: Gags 20:00 22:00 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 23:00 Victims Unit (S16) Furious: Tokyo Drift 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:45 22:25 22:55 23:55 (S15) Possessed By Evil Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Rescuing Madison How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) Columbus Circle Eat, Drink, Love (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) Love At The Parade Bound And Babysitting Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Extreme Guide To Parenting (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 05:50 06:40 Alphas (S2) 07:30 Serial Experiments Lain 08:25 Earthfall 09:20 Dominion (S1) 10:10 00:20 01:10 02:10 04:00 05:00 Serial Experiments Lain 07:00 Dominion (S1) 11:05 08:00 Alphas (S2) 12:00 12:55 15:45 17:25 19:35 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S24) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) The Blacklist (S2) Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Ultraviolet S.W.A.T Ebuzz The Blacklist (S2) The Blacklist 3 Breaking The Magician’s Code: The Blacklist 3 Total Blackout (S1) (S7) Unforgettable (S2) Foreclosed Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Unforgettable (S3) MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) My Haunted House (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Hideous Houses (S1) House vs House (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) 60 Seconds To Sell (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Trashformers (S1) House vs House (S1) 00:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 00:00 02:05 04:25 06:00 Stepmom Les Miserables (1998) Stuart Saves His Family Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S308: The Princess And The Pauper 07:00 Tricked (S1) 08:00 Just For Laughs: Gags Columbus Circle @ diva 13.25 wib 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 MasterChef Asia (S1) Unforgettable (S3) Unforgettable (S2) Expecting Amish MasterChef Australia (S7) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:10 15:00 (S13) Chicago Fire (S3) Criminal Minds (S8) Tricked (S1) Law & Order (S20) Chicago PD (S2) Cold Case (S1) 25 SEP 2015 House Of Lies @ fx 19.30 wib 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Supernatural (S2) Cold Case (S1) Supernatural (S2) 18:50 Real Housewives Of 20:00 Blood And Glory: The 19:40 Alias (S1) 20:30 Justified (S5) 21:20 Real Housewives Of 21:00 Texas Rising 22:00 Special Forces (S2) 23:00 Museum Men New York City, The (S6) New York City, The (S6) Civil War In Color Dog Patrol fox crime 20.10 WIB 22:10 Flipping Out (S7) 23:00 Justified (S5) 00:05 Law & Order 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Presents Franklin & Bash Homicide Hunter Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Threat Matrix Moonlighting Life on Mars Alfred Hitchcock Presents Threat Matrix CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Life on Mars The Listener CSI NY Moonlighting Threat Matrix Law & Order Dog Patrol CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) 00:50 How We Invented The 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:30 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 China To The World Trekking the Great Wall Mega Factories The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All China To The World Trekking the Great Wall The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Science of Stupid Hard Time Locked Up Abroad World’s Most Extreme Dead or Alive Science of Stupid The Happenings Paranatural Hard Time Dead or Alive World’s Most Extreme Locked Up Abroad The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad My Mosque Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S15) Daredevils (S1) Ancient Aliens (S6) Pawn Stars (S15) The Pickers (S6) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Mountain Men (S4) Special Forces (S2) Texas Rising Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) My Mosque Special Forces (S2) Mountain Men (S4) Texas Rising My Mosque Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 World Body Bizarre (S2) Last Frontiersmen Saltwater Heroes How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Last Frontiersmen Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Body Bizarre (S2) Saltwater Heroes Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Everything You Need To Know Heirs To The Dare Dual Survival How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) 00:40 01:15 03:10 04:30 05:50 07:00 07:50 09:05 09:55 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:30 15:20 15:55 17:25 19:00 19:30 20:05 21:00 22:00 22:50 23:40 House Of Lies Tracks Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Longest Week, The Arthur Newman Web Therapy House Of Lies Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 77 Justified (S5) be tv 20.30 WIB Museum Men history 23.00 WIB Saltwater Heroes discovery channel 14.15 WIB saturday 00:10 Final Destination 3 01:35 Grudge Match 03:30 The Out-Of-Towners (1999) 05:00 Zoom: Academy For 06:30 08:35 09:00 11:00 13:00 14:55 16:10 17:50 20:00 21:30 23:00 Superheroes Phenomenon Hollywood On Set 615 Eight Below 47 Ronin The Bourne Ultimatum Sophia Grace And Rosie’s Royal Adventure Finding Nemo Iron Man 3 Into The Storm (2014) Final Destination 3 Aeonflux The Expendables 3 @ hbo hits 18.00 WIB 01:10 01:35 02:55 03:20 05:00 06:50 08:15 09:45 11:15 13:20 14:50 15:15 17:25 19:15 Hollywood On Set 616 Child’s Play 2 Hollywood On Set 616 Dragnet Four Brothers Splitting Heirs Missionary Man Good People Deja Vu Poison Ivy II: Lily Hollywood On Set 616 Silverado The Big Lebowski National Lampoon’s Vacation 21:00 Strike Back S408 22:00 The Avengers (2012) 00:15 02:40 04:10 05:50 07:45 09:30 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:25 20:00 22:15 23:55 01:25 03:00 04:30 06:15 07:55 09:15 10:55 12:40 14:15 15:45 17:35 19:00 20:45 22:20 23:50 Gone Girl Don’T Look Back Playing It Cool The Bounty Hunter How To Train Your Dragon 2 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Total Recall Are You Here Spider-Man 3 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Into The Woods Maleficent Are You Here Flubber Senior Project Short Circuit 2 I Heart Shakey Stuart Little 2 Snow Dogs Disney’s The Kid Justin Time Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Return To Oz Land Of The Bears One Chance Justin Bieber’s Believe MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Flubber 02:10 Norbit 03:50 Finding Forrester 06:00 The Haunting Hour Oh Shenandoah 15:55 The Newsroom S306: 06:30 The Haunting Hour What Kind Of Day Has 00:50 It Been 02:30 17:00 Show Me A Hero S105 18:00 Togetherness S107: 04:10 07:00 M.I. High S705: The 18:30 Togetherness S108: S1 S121: Scary Mary Part 1 S1 S122: Scary Mary Part 2 07:30 08:00 09:20 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:25 15:00 16:35 18:30 19:50 21:30 23:45 Shadow Games M.I. High S706: The Beginning Dinosaur Sky High M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games M.I. High S706: The Beginning Open Season (2006) Treasure Planet The Last Mimzy The Princess Diaries Tim’S Vermeer Norbit Finding Forrester Hollywood On Set 613 01:50 Hollywood On Set 613 02:15 Labor Day 04:15 Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby The Legend Of Zorro The Expendables 3 Hollywood On Set 613 Labor Day Empire State As Above So Below The Legend Of Zorro The Expendables 3 Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby 22:00 Evan Almighty 23:45 Empire State 06:00 08:15 10:20 10:45 12:45 14:15 15:45 18:00 20:15 Party Time Not So Together 19:00 The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers 21:00 Nightingale 22:25 Clear History James Brady Story 06:30 Stalin 09:20 Bernard And Doris 11:00 The Newsroom S301: Boston 12:00 The Newsroom S302: Run Main Justice 14:00 The Newsroom S304: Contempt 04:35 05:00 07:00 08:40 10:15 11:50 14:10 15:50 00:30 Amazing Wedding 01:20 03:00 05:30 06:20 07:10 08:00 08:50 10:40 11:35 13:25 14:20 15:15 16:10 18:00 19:00 20:00 20:55 22:45 23:40 00:20 01:10 01:40 Elizabeth: The Golden 02:10 Age 04:00 03:30 The Alzheimer’s Project: 05:00 The Memory Loss 07:00 Tapes 09:00 05:00 Without Warning: The 10:00 13:00 The Newsroom S303: 00:35 The Last Mimzy 15:00 The Newsroom S305: 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 Cakes Suburgatory Glee Scandal Melissa & Joey Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Empire My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory America’s Next Top Model Scandal Empire Suburgatory My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Masterchef US Candidly Nicole Scandal Alphas (S2) Serial Experiments Lain Mischief Night Dominion (S1) Medium (S1) Mischief Night Haunted Collector (S1) Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) Mimic 3: Sentinel Haunted Collector (S1) Mimic 2 Continuum (S3) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Haunted Collector (S1) Medium (S1) 17:25 18:20 19:15 20:35 23:20 After All These Years Taken Back: Finding Haley Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) The Bourne Supremacy Out Of Reach Friend Request Love At The Parade John Grisham’s The Rainmaker Cloudy With A Chance Of Love Mom And Dad Undergrads Merlin (S4) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Downton Abbey (S6) Clean House (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) 00:15 Ebuzz 00:45 American Ninja Warrior 01:35 02:25 03:15 04:05 05:00 06:40 07:30 08:00 09:55 11:45 13:15 13:45 20:05 21:00 21:55 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) Blue Bloods (S5) Caught On Camera (S6) Ebuzz Caught On Camera (S6) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid The One Ebuzz CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) The Amazing Race 27 Killjoys (S1) The Voice 9 10:00 11:40 12:00 13:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 00:00 The Ghost Inside My 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 Child (S2) My Haunted House (S2) Unforgettable (S2) Foreclosed The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) Right This Minute Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (S2) Mom’s Time Out (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 22:00 23:00 Show (S13) I Killed My BFF Baggage Battles (S1) Happy Face Killer Baggage Battles (S1) The Ghost Inside My Child (S2) Right This Minute MasterChef Asia (S1) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Lachey’s Bar Unforgettable (S2) 60 Seconds To Sell (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Destination Flavour (S1) Food Factory (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Midnight Feast (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) Midnight Feast (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Picker Sisters (S1) 00:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Tricked (S1) 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 05:00 07:00 09:45 10:40 11:35 13:25 14:20 15:15 18:00 19:50 20:45 Supernatural (S2) Caught On Camera (S2) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Caught On Camera (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) Cold Case (S2) Criminal Minds (S8) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Cold Case (S2) The Peacemaker 19:15 Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) 20:15 Necessary Roughness (S3) 21:05 Sherlock (S3) 22:50 Flipping Out (S7) 23:40 Speechless 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 00:05 Law & Order 06:55 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 07:50 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 08:45 Presents 09:40 02:45 Threat Matrix 10:35 03:35 Moonlighting 11:30 05:15 Dog Patrol 12:25 06:05 Line of Fire 14:15 06:55 CSI 16:05 09:25 My Strange Addiction 10:15 Tru Calling 18:00 11:05 Line of Fire 19:00 11:55 Dog Patrol 20:00 12:45 Life on Mars 21:00 13:35 My Strange Addiction 22:00 14:25 The Listener 18:35 CSI Miami 23:00 21:05 Perception 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock 21:40 23:20 The Happenings Paranatural Taboo USA Locked Up Abroad Hard Time The Happenings Paranatural Seconds From Disaster China To The World Megacities Yukon River Run World’s Most Extreme Engineering Connections Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Engineering Connections Explorer Science of Stupid The Border Airport Security: Colombia Explorer 00:00 Texas Rising 01:00 Blood And Glory: The 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:45 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:45 12:35 14:15 15:55 16:45 17:35 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Speechless Platinum Hit (S1) Flipping Out (S7) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S3) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) Sherlock (S3) Platinum Hit (S1) Necessary Roughness (S3) Nashville (S2) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 The Pickers (S7) Mountain Men (S4) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Photo Face-Off (S2) Texas Rising 00:20 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) How Stuff Works Heirs To The Dare How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival How Stuff Works Magic Of Science (S2) Life Naked And Afraid (S1) River Monsters (S7) Treasure Quest (2015) Last Frontiersmen Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S5) River Monsters (S7) Life Mythbusters (S10) Treasure Quest (2015) How We Invented The World River Monsters (S7) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Ice Cold Gold (S3) Untamed China With Nigel Marven Body Bizarre (S2) Treasure Quest (2015) 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Presents 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Civil War In Color Special Forces (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Mountain Men (S4) The Pickers (S6) The Pickers (S7) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Texas Rising Mountain Men (S4) Lost In Transmission Hidden Cities (S2) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 23:00 23:55 26 SEP 2015 Justin Bieber’s Believe fox family movies 20.45 WIB The Last Mimzy 00:30 01:05 02:45 04:15 05:05 08:00 10:45 12:40 14:50 16:40 17:15 19:20 20:10 21:00 22:00 22:50 House Of Lies Breathe In Scenic Route Louie Archer Nurse Jackie Tracks Fifth Estate, The God Bless America House Of Lies Only Lovers Left Alive Complications Conan Ray Donovan Conan Breathe In hbo family 15.00 WIB Unforgettable (S2) lifetime 23.00 WIB Picker Sisters (S1) Only Lovers Left Alive @ FX 17.15 wib fyi 14.00 WIB 79 sunday 18:25 Kung Fu Panda 2 20:00 Mission: Impossible - 00:35 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:40 08:00 09:20 11:00 12:35 14:05 16:15 18:25 20:00 22:10 00:20 02:10 03:55 05:25 07:35 09:25 11:00 13:20 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:35 21:00 22:55 23:55 01:55 04:05 05:45 07:20 08:55 10:35 12:15 14:30 16:45 Ghost Protocol Paranormal Activity: The 22:15 Star Trek Marked Ones Zoom: Academy For Superheroes Paulie It Takes Two Sophia Grace And 01:25 Justin Time Rosie’s Royal Adventure 03:00 Land Of The Bears Over The Hedge 04:30 Give Me A Break Finding Nemo 06:05 MXP: Most Xtreme Aeonflux Primate Into The Storm (2014) 07:35 One Chance Iron Man 3 09:20 Chestnut: Hero Of The Blind Side Central Park Tammy 10:50 Return To Oz Pacific Rim 12:40 Snow Dogs Rescue Dawn 14:20 Justin Bieber’s Believe 15:55 Stuart Little 2 17:15 Disney’s The Kid 19:00 Bicentennial Man 21:10 I Heart Shakey 22:55 Senior Project Romeo Must Die Gremlins 2: The New Batch Missionary Man Silverado The Big Lebowski 00:15 The Golden Child National Lampoon’s 01:45 Poseidon Vacation 03:25 Radio The Avengers (2012) 05:15 Sleepless In Seattle Street Fighter: 07:00 Open Season (2006) Assassin’s Fist 08:25 Radio Three Days To A Kill 10:15 Treasure Planet Streets Of Fire 11:50 Tim’S Vermeer A Return To Salem’s Lot 13:10 Educating Peter Alien Raiders 13:40 Sleepless In Seattle World War Z 15:25 Save The Last Dance 2: Strike Back S408 Stepping Up Blade 16:55 Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 18:00 The Ant Bully 19:30 Poseidon 21:10 Nutty Professor II: The Klumps 22:55 The Shaggy Dog Anonymous Heatstroke Fun With Dick And Jane Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 01:15 We’Re The Millers The Cable Guy 03:00 As Above So Below Maleficent 04:30 Bottle Rocket Into The Woods 06:00 The Usual Suspects Dawn Of The Planet Of 07:45 Labor Day The Apes 09:45 As Above So Below Hancock 11:15 Rachel Getting Married 13:00 13:30 15:45 17:35 18:00 19:45 22:00 23:30 00:05 03:00 05:00 05:30 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 13:00 14:25 16:40 17:10 19:00 21:00 22:50 Hollywood On Set 613 The Legend Of Zorro Labor Day Hollywood On Set 613 Groundhog Day The Expendables 3 As Above So Below Groundhog Day Stalin Gia Hollywood On Set 613 Repentance Rome S110: Triumph Veep S409: Testimony Veep S410: Election Night The Comeback S205: Valerie Is Taken Seriously The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert Togetherness S107: Party Time Togetherness S108: Not So Together The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers Nightingale American Hustle Hollywood On Set 613 Elizabeth: The Golden Age Something The Lord Made Bessie Gia 11:35 America’s Next Top 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 20:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 00:20 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:05 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:50 18:30 20:10 22:10 23:50 02:00 Hoarders: Family David Tutera Masterchef US Cougar Town Suburgatory Masterchef US America’s Next Top Model Masterchef US Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden Grey’s Anatomy 03:00 The Ghost Inside My Mimic 3: Sentinel Paranormal Witness (S4) Earthfall Mimic 2 Earthfall Dominion (S2) Haunted Collector (S1) Mimic The Paranormal Zone (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) Dominion (S2) Medium (S1) The Haunting Continuum (S3) Paranormal Witness (S4) 11:30 12:00 David Tutera A To Z Million Dollar Listing LA Melissa & Joey Cougar Town Suburgatory Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera 08:50 Masterchef US 10:40 Amazing Wedding Cakes 01:20 02:10 03:50 04:40 05:30 06:20 08:00 Secrets (S1) Child (S2) 04:00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance (S2) 05:00 Coming Home (S2) 06:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 07:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 08:00 Confessions: Animal 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 13:30 15:10 15:30 16:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:40 23:00 Victims Unit (S13) 01:10 Kindergarten Cop 02:55 Columbus Circle 04:30 Just For Laughs: 06:50 07:20 09:00 10:20 12:25 14:10 15:50 18:35 19:30 20:25 21:20 21:50 23:55 00:00 Trashformers (S1) 01:00 The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Gags (S8) 03:00 Broke Bites: What The Victims Unit (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S6) The Gourmet Detective Downton Abbey (S6) The Bourne Supremacy Bound And Babysitting After All These Years Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S13) Merlin (S4) How Do I Look? (S10) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Hot In Cleveland (S6) Imagine That Possessed By Evil 04:00 Midnight Feast (S1) 05:00 Destination Flavour: Fung?! (S1) 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 01:30 Caught On Camera (S6) 17:00 03:10 Blue Bloods (S5) 18:00 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 19:00 (S5) 06:35 The Voice 9 09:55 The Amazing Race 27 10:45 Behind The Blacklist: 11:15 12:05 12:55 13:45 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol @ fox movies premium 20.00 WIB Hoarding (S2) Arranged (S1) Lachey’s Bar Bad Ink (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute The Amazing Race Australia (S3) A Wife’s Nightmare Bad Ink (S1) Arranged (S1) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) MasterChef Asia (S1) F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis Right This Minute Unforgettable (S3) The Perfect High Bad Ink (S1) Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) 00:15 Law & Order: Special 05:00 Law & Order: Special 00:30 My Fair Wedding with Hoarding (S2) Model 12:30 My Fair Wedding with S3 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Killjoys (S1) The Blacklist 3 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Anacondas: The Hunt For The Blood Orchid NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) The Blacklist 3 CSI: Cyber (S1) Killjoys (S1) 00:00 Unforgettable (S3) 01:00 Confessions: Animal Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 21:00 22:00 23:00 Down Under Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Outback Nation (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Trashformers (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Destination Flavour: Down Under Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Trashformers (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Destination Flavour: Down Under 01:25 Caught On Camera (S2) 03:10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 05:00 Wizard Wars (S1) 06:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! 07:00 08:50 10:30 12:35 14:20 16:10 (In Vegas) Supernatural (S2) Cold Case (S2) The Peacemaker Criminal Minds (S8) Cold Case (S2) Wizard Wars (S1) 27 SEP 2015 Grey’s Anatomy starworld 23.40 WIB The Ant Bully @ hbo family 18.00 wib 17:05 18:55 19:50 21:30 23:35 Supernatural (S2) Tricked (S3) Criminal Minds (S8) The Peacemaker Supernatural (S2) 00:05 My Strange Addiction 00:55 Life on Mars 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:45 06:55 09:25 13:35 14:25 18:35 21:05 23:35 01:25 03:05 05:00 06:40 07:30 08:20 10:00 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:40 20:20 21:10 22:00 23:40 Presents Law & Order CSI Miami The Listener Tru Calling Seconds From Disaster CSI Perception Alfred Hitchcock Presents Nashville (S2) Speechless Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Good Wife, The (S2) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Flipping Out (S7) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S3) Good Wife, The (S1) Good Wife, The (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Alias (S1) Good Wife, The (S1) Good Wife, The (S2) Alias (S1) Face Off (S4) 00:00 Science of Stupid 00:50 The Border 01:40 Airport Security: Colombia 02:30 Building Wild 03:20 Explorer 04:10 Science of Stupid 05:00 The Border 06:00 Airport Security: 21:00 World War II: China’s 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 23:00 Nostradamus: 21st 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Colombia Building Wild Yukon River Run The Happenings Paranatural The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All Building Wild World’s Most Extreme Airport Security: Colombia Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer China To The World Wicked Tuna: Reel Talk 2015 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South Inside Explorer Wicked Tuna: Reel Talk 2015 00:00 Mountain Men (S4) 01:00 The Pickers (S7) 02:00 America’s Book Of 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 20:00 20:30 Secrets (S3) Museum Men Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Pawn Stars (S15) Counting Cars (S4) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off (S2) Hidden Cities (S2) Pawn Stars (S15) Museum Men Texas Rising The Pickers (S7) Storage Wars (S8) My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Museum Men Nostradamus: 21st Century Prophecies Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Forgotten War 22:00 Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Century Prophecies 00:50 River Monsters (S7) 01:45 Last Frontiersmen 02:40 How We Invented The World 03:35 Body Bizarre (S2) 04:30 How Do They Do It? (S6) 05:00 Alaskan Bush People 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:30 01:20 02:55 05:00 06:35 08:30 10:35 12:05 13:40 16:20 19:40 20:30 21:00 22:50 23:40 (S2) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Culinary Asia How We Invented The World Ice Cold Gold (S3) Deadliest Catch (S11) River Monsters (S7) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Naked And Afraid (S1) Mythbusters (S10) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Shaanxi: China’s Great Gateway Alaskan Bush People (S2) Somali Pirate Takedown - The Real Story How We Invented The World Conan You’re Next Don’t Come Knocking Barefoot Tracks Louie Longest Week, The Arthur Newman House Of Lies Conan Complications Web Therapy Bag Man, The From Dusk Till Dawn Only Lovers Left Alive 81 Possessed By Evil diva 23.55 WIB Arranged (S1) lifetime 15.30 WIB Shaanxi: China’s Great Gateway discovery channel 20.00 WIB MONDAY 16:30 Barnyard 18:00 Seabiscuit 20:15 Turtle Power: The 17:05 18:00 19:00 Definitive History Of The 20:00 Teenage Mutant Ninja 20:55 Turtles 21:50 21:55 Enchanted 22:45 23:40 The Winslow Boy 23:40 Suburgatory Young & Hungry Melissa & Joey Suburgatory Young & Hungry Melissa & Joey New Girl Royal Pains 01:15 03:00 04:30 06:45 08:50 09:15 11:00 12:30 14:20 14:45 16:30 18:00 Medium (S1) Mimic 2 Paranormal Witness (S4) Serial Experiments Lain Dominion (S2) Alphas (S2) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) Face Off (S3) Alphas (S2) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Continuum (S3) Super Cyclone Paranormal Witness (S4) Haunted Collector (S1) Haven (S5) Face Off (S3) 01:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 02:00 Coming Home (S2) 03:00 The Perfect High 05:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 06:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S1) 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) Snow Dogs @ fox family movies 20.45 wib 00:10 A History Of Violence 01:40 Moscow On The 03:35 05:00 06:45 07:15 08:50 10:20 12:30 14:10 16:15 17:50 20:00 21:35 23:25 01:50 03:40 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:30 09:55 11:15 12:40 13:10 15:00 16:20 17:45 19:20 21:00 22:55 Hudson Over The Hedge School Ties Hollywood On Set 616 Nanny Mcphee Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist Pacific Rim Tammy The Blind Side Looney Tunes: Back In Action Jersey Boys The Pacifier 3 Days To Kill The Pursuit Of Happyness Blade II Trick ‘R Treat Streets Of Fire Hollywood On Set 616 Three Days To A Kill Grendel Night Of The Scarecrow Alien Raiders Hollywood On Set 616 Kingpin Destination Inner Space Isa Crossfire Trail R.I.P.D. Red 2 Howard The Duck 20:00 22 Jump Street 21:55 Hitch 23:55 The Bounty Hunter 00:25 01:55 03:15 04:45 06:25 07:55 09:30 11:15 13:00 14:25 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:45 22:25 23:55 The Apes Hancock Anonymous Playing It Cool Kung Fu Panda 2 Into The Woods How To Train Your Dragon 13:45 How To Train Your Dragon 2 15:30 Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol 17:45 Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes 02:45 04:20 06:30 08:15 09:50 12:05 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up A Tiger’s Tail Encino Man I Heart Shakey MXP: Most Xtreme Primate Give Me A Break One Chance Disney’s The Kid A Tiger’s Tail Chestnut: Hero Of Central Park Senior Project Justin Time Streetdance All Stars Snow Dogs Land Of The Bears Bicentennial Man 00:45 03:15 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 13:55 15:20 17:10 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 00:35 Stepmom 02:40 Save The Last Dance 2: 22:00 Stepping Up 04:15 The Winslow Boy 23:00 06:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy Hemingway & Gellhorn Barbarians At The Gate Places In The Heart Atonement Treme S107: Smoke My Peace Pipe Rome S110: Triumph Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me Boardwalk Empire S501: Golden Days For Boys And Girls True Blood S409: Let’s Get Out Of Here Life Support Places In The Heart Something The Lord Made True Blood S410: Burning Down The House Olive Kitteridge S101: Pharmacy Hello Ladies S101: Pilot Hello Ladies S102: The Limo Game Of Thrones S503: High Sparrow Big Love S107: Eviction Tales For Every Child S310: The Snow Queen 00:40 02:20 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 01:40 Cloudy With A Chance 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:20 15:05 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:20 22:20 23:10 07:00 08:00 09:35 10:05 10:35 11:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 Tales For Every Child S311: The Steadfast Tin Soldier M.I. High S707: Return Of The Dark Wizard M.I. High S708: Free Runner The Shaggy Dog Educating Peter Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S312: Aesop’S Fables Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S313: Robinita Hood Stepmom Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 The Haunting Hour S1 S101: Really You Part 1 The Haunting Hour S1 S102: Really You Part 2 The Ant Bully 00:30 Witches of East End 01:20 Masterchef US 02:10 America’s Next Top 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 06:20 07:10 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Happy Endings Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Once Upon A Time Witches of East End Suburgatory Parenthood Amazing Wedding Cakes Masterchef US Once Upon A Time My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Amazing Wedding Cakes Show (S13) 14:00 Arranged (S1) 15:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding (S2) 16:00 Unforgettable (S2) 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) 18:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 19:30 F WORD OUT LOUD 20:30 21:30 22:30 23:00 with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) MasterChef Asia (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Right This Minute 00:00 The Great Australian 01:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) 02:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 03:00 Travels With The Bondi (S5) 02:20 Ultraviolet 04:05 American Ninja Warrior 19:10 21:00 21:55 23:45 Sophie Parker 12:40 Baggage Battles (S3) 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Undergrads Friend Request Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Kindergarten Cop American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Bound And Babysitting Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Downton Abbey (S6) Eat, Drink, Love (S1) Clean House (S10) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:00 Unforgettable (S2) 11:00 Taken: The Search For Of Love 03:20 Mom And Dad 06:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 07:30 00:30 Dawn Of The Planet Of The Usual Suspects Empire State The Legend Of Zorro The Expendables 3 Hollywood On Set 614 Rachel Getting Married Empire State Labor Day Hollywood On Set 614 Groundhog Day As Above So Below Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby 19:45 The Legend Of Zorro 22:00 Labor Day (S5) The Amazing Race (S24) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Csi Series Finale Quantico Csi Series Finale Quantico 00:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Bake Off (S1) Vet (S1) 04:00 Destination Flavour: Down Under 05:00 The Coolest Places On 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Destination Flavour: Japan Food Factory (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Hideous Houses (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) We’re Moving In (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) We’re Moving In (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) 00:25 Supernatural (S2) 01:20 Cold Case (S2) 03:10 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Wizard Wars (S1) Fairly Legal (S2) Tricked (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 09:00 Chicago Fire (S3) 04:05 05:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 00:05 01:45 02:45 03:35 05:15 06:05 07:05 07:55 08:45 10:25 11:15 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:35 Supernatural (S2) Tricked (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Cold Case (S2) 03:20 China To The World 04:10 Wicked Tuna: North Moonlighting Alfred Hitchcock Presents Threat Matrix Homicide Hunter Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Listener Backstrom Perception Dog Patrol Alfred Hitchcock Presents Backstrom CSI NY Seconds From Disaster Dog Patrol The Listener CSI NY Perception Backstrom Law & Order My Strange Addiction CSI Miami Seconds From Disaster My Strange Addiction Alfred Hitchcock Presents 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:00 Blood And Glory: The 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 08:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:00 Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Good Wife, The (S1) Good Wife, The (S2) Flipping Out (S7) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S6) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S6) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S6) 21:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 21:30 22:00 23:00 23:30 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 07:00 07:30 00:30 01:20 02:10 03:05 04:00 05:00 06:00 vs. South Inside Explorer Wicked Tuna: Reel Talk 2015 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South Wild Case Files Big, Bigger, Biggest Man Vs Ride Seconds From Disaster Years of Living Dangerously Wild Case Files World’s Most Extreme Building Wild Engineering Connections Years of Living Dangerously Seconds From Disaster Card Shark World’s Most Extreme Yukon Gold Engineering Connections Card Shark 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 Civil War In Color Texas Rising Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) World War II: China’s Forgotten War My Mosque Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color Texas Rising World War II: China’s Forgotten War Nostradamus: 21st Century Prophecies Blood And Glory: The Civil War In Color World War II: China’s Forgotten War America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Pawn Stars (S15) Pawn Stars (S16) 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Lost In Transmission Pawn Stars (S15) Pawn Stars (S16) Deadliest Catch (S11) Mythbusters (S10) Treasure Quest (2015) Body Bizarre (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) River Monsters (S7) Mythbusters (S10) Magic Of Science (S2) Shaanxi: China’s Great Gateway Heirs To The Dare Dual Survival Magic Of Science (S2) Shaanxi: China’s Great Gateway Heirs To The Dare Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Everything You Need To Know Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) 01:45 Arthur Newman 03:20 Breathe In 05:00 It’s Always Sunny In 05:50 07:25 08:15 09:05 10:00 11:05 11:55 13:10 14:00 15:05 16:00 17:40 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 23:00 23:50 Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Breathe In Bag Man, The House Of Lies Web Therapy House Of Lies Ray Donovan Complications House Of Lies 28 SEP 2015 the bag man fx 17.40 WIB Backstrom fox crime 18.30 WIB Flipping Out (S7) be tv 22.10 WIB 00:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South 00:50 Inside 01:40 Explorer 02:30 Wicked Tuna: Reel Talk 2015 Cold Case (S2) Quantico @ axn 21.00 wib 83 universal 19.00 WIB tuesday 04:45 Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy 01:20 Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist 02:50 Sabrina (1995) 05:00 Ivory Tower 06:30 Looney Tunes: Back 08:00 09:35 10:55 12:50 15:00 16:35 18:10 20:00 21:30 23:05 00:40 01:40 02:05 04:35 05:00 06:35 08:00 09:40 11:30 13:25 15:00 16:40 17:10 19:10 21:00 22:40 In Action Just Like Heaven Scary Movie 4 3 Days To Kill Jersey Boys The Pacifier The Little Rascals Save The Day The Kingdom Into The Storm (2014) Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Phenomenon Strike Back S408 Hollywood On Set 614 Scarface Hollywood On Set 615 Crossfire Trail Isa Last Passenger Howard The Duck Red 2 R.I.P.D. The Wackiest Ship In The Army Hollywood On Set 616 Paycheck Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire World War Z 01:50 Hot Shots! 03:20 Dawn Of The Planet Of 23:45 The Apes Peeples The Counselor 22 Jump Street Let’s Be Cops Hitch Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Maleficent Search Party A Good Man Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Star Trek 02:05 03:45 05:30 07:00 08:30 10:05 11:50 13:35 15:45 17:30 19:00 20:45 22:10 23:45 One Chance I Heart Shakey Senior Project California Dreaming Ice Castles Short Circuit 2 Streetdance All Stars Bicentennial Man Disney’s The Kid Land Of The Bears The Derby Stallion A Tiger’s Tail Justin Time California Dreaming 05:35 07:15 09:15 11:10 13:00 15:00 16:35 18:20 20:00 21:45 01:20 Are We Done Yet? 02:50 Mona Lisa Smile 06:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:35 10:55 12:40 14:00 14:30 14:55 16:20 18:00 19:35 20:45 22:40 Tales For Every Child S312: Aesop’S Fables Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S313: Robinita Hood M.I. High S709: The League Of Mata Hari M.I. High S710: Sad Men Educating Peter Seabiscuit Enchanted The Cat In The Hat The Haunting Hour S1 S103: Dead Body The Haunting Hour S1 S104: Nightmare Inn Barnyard Turtle Power: The Definitive History Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Treasure Planet Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy Mona Lisa Smile Are We Done Yet? 00:00 01:45 03:30 05:00 06:45 09:00 11:15 12:45 14:30 16:15 16:45 18:30 20:15 22:00 We’Re The Millers Rachel Getting Married Bottle Rocket Evan Almighty The Legend Of Zorro The Expendables 3 Bottle Rocket Rachel Getting Married The Usual Suspects Hollywood On Set 614 Groundhog Day Rachel Getting Married The Usual Suspects Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby 23:45 Evan Almighty 00:00 01:30 03:25 03:55 05:00 06:30 07:00 09:00 Good Luck Chuck Game Change Hollywood On Set 614 Baghdad Er Closed Circuit Hollywood On Set 614 Appaloosa Treme S108: All On A Mardi Gras Day 10:00 Game Of Thrones S503: High Sparrow 11:00 Olive Kitteridge S101: Pharmacy 12:10 Rome S111: The Spoils 13:00 True Blood S410: 13:55 15:20 17:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Burning Down The House Without Warning: The James Brady Story Bernard And Doris Game Change True Blood S411: Soul Of Fire The Comeback S206: Valerie Cooks In The Desert The Comeback S207: Valerie Faces The Critics Banshee S301: The Fire Trials Boardwalk Empire S501: Golden Days For Boys And Girls Big Love S108: Easter Grey Gardens 08:00 08:50 10:50 11:45 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 06:20 07:10 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Witches of East End Suburgatory Young & Hungry Melissa & Joey Happy Endings Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Suburgatory Young & Hungry Melissa & Joey Witches of East End Empire Parenthood Amazing Wedding Cakes My Fair Wedding with David Tutera Suburgatory Young & Hungry Melissa & Joey Amazing Wedding Cakes Devious Maids Empire Scandal Empire Scandal New Girl Royal Pains 00:05 Law & Order: Special (S7) 06:30 F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis 07:00 Hoarders (S7) 08:00 Right This Minute 09:00 MasterChef Australia (S7) 10:30 F WORD OUT LOUD with Anne Curtis 11:00 Presumed Dead In Paradise 12:40 Baggage Battles (S3) 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 14:00 Arranged (S1) 15:00 The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Victims Unit (S16) 16:00 Unforgettable (S2) 01:00 The Gourmet Detective 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) 02:45 Rescuing Madison 04:30 Just For Laughs: Gags 18:00 MasterChef Australia 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 (S15) Out Of Reach Brooklyn 9-9 (S3) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Love At The Parade Merlin (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) After All These Years American Dream Builders (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Brooklyn 9-9 (S3) Clean House (S10) Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love Clean House (S10) 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 00:20 Alphas (S2) 09:20 01:10 Serial Experiments Lain 10:10 02:10 Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse 11:05 04:00 Dominion (S2) 12:55 05:00 Serial Experiments Lain 13:50 07:00 Dominion (S2) 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) The Amazing Race (S24) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Csi Series Finale Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) Quantico American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Voice 9 Killjoys (S1) Caught On Camera (S6) Killjoys (S1) Caught On Camera (S6) 00:00 F WORD OUT LOUD Phenomenon @ hbo 23.05 05:00 MasterChef Australia Show (S13) 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 00:30 01:20 02:10 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 Alphas (S2) The Haunting Haven (S5) Dark Matter (S1) Face Off (S3) Alphas (S2) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Dark Matter (S1) Jet Stream Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Face Off (S3) 00:30 01:30 02:00 03:00 with Anne Curtis Arranged (S1) Baggage Battles (S1) Unforgettable (S2) Taken: The Search For Sophie Parker Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S7) 19:00 Hoarders: Family Secrets (S1) 20:00 Bad Ink (S1) 20:30 Lachey’s Bar 21:00 The Amazing Race Australia (S3) 22:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) 23:00 Right This Minute 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S2) 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 01:30 Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 02:00 Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) 03:00 Destination Flavour: Japan 03:30 Food Factory (S1) 04:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 05:00 The Coolest Places On 05:30 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) Bondi Vet (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Destination Flavour: Japan Food Factory (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Strangers In Danger (S1) We’re Moving In (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Tiny House Nation (S2) Bondi Vet (S2) Hideous Houses (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Destination Flavour: Down Under Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Destination Flavour: Down Under 00:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Tricked (S1) 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 Star Trek @ fox movies premium 23.45 wib 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Tricked (S1) 08:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 (S13) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S2) Tricked (S1) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Wizard Wars (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) The Peacemaker 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 18:00 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:00 Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Face Off (S4) Flipping Out (S7) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S6) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S6) 00:00 World’s Most Extreme 00:05 Law & Order 00:50 Yukon Gold 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:40 Engineering Connections 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 Card Shark Presents 03:20 Big, Bigger, Biggest 02:45 Backstrom 04:10 World’s Most Extreme 03:35 Perception 05:00 Yukon Gold 05:15 My Strange Addiction 06:00 Engineering Connections 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock 06:55 Card Shark Presents 07:50 World’s Most Extreme 07:05 The Listener 08:45 Bad Trip 07:55 Endgame 09:40 Hunter Hunted 08:45 Perception 10:35 Wicked Tuna 10:25 My Strange Addiction 12:25 Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 13:20 Bad Trip Presents 14:15 Yukon River Run 11:45 Endgame 15:10 Airport Security: Colombia 12:35 CSI Miami 13:25 Seconds From Disaster 16:05 Ultimate Airport Dubai 14:20 My Strange Addiction 17:00 Is It Real? S3 (1 hour) 15:10 The Listener 18:00 Monster Fish 16:00 CSI Miami 19:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South 16:50 Perception 18:30 Endgame 20:00 Yukon River Run 19:20 Law & Order 21:00 Airport Security: Colombia 20:10 Tru Calling 21:00 CSI Miami 22:00 Drugs Inc 21:50 Seconds From Disaster 23:00 Wicked Tuna: North vs. South 22:45 Tru Calling 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 29 SEP 2015 From Dusk Till Dawn 00:50 01:45 02:40 03:35 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 00:25 01:55 04:00 05:15 00:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 06:05 With Jaime Dempsey 07:10 08:05 00:30 Counting Cars (S4) 09:00 01:00 Lost In Transmission (S4) 02:00 Aussie Pickers Drop Dead Diva (S5) 09:50 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) Platinum Hit (S1) 11:00 04:00 America’s Book Of Face Off (S4) Secrets (S3) 11:50 Drop Dead Diva (S5) 12:40 05:00 All You Can Eat (S1) American Ninja Warrior 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S4) (S5) 13:30 Justified (S6) 14:30 06:30 Pawn Stars (S10) Platinum Hit (S1) 15:20 07:00 Storage Wars (S6) Face Off (S4) 15:50 07:30 Storage Wars: New Alias (S1) York (S2) 17:55 American Ninja Warrior 08:00 Ride n’ Seek Philippines 19:30 (S4) With Jaime Dempsey 20:05 Real Housewives Of 21:00 08:30 Counting Cars (S4) New York City, The (S6) 09:00 Pawn Stars (S15) 22:50 Flipping Out (S7) 23:20 09:30 Pawn Stars (S16) 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 19:00 19:30 Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) All You Can Eat (S1) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Counting Cars (S4) Pawn Stars (S15) Pawn Stars (S16) Lost In Transmission Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S5) Counting Cars (S4) Ride n’ Seek Philippines With Jaime Dempsey Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: New York (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars: Canada (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Destroyed In Seconds Insane Pools: Off The Deep End How Do They Do It? (S6) Dual Survival Destroyed In Seconds Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival Deadliest Catch (S11) Ice Cold Gold (S3) Treasure Quest (2015) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival How Do They Do It? (S11) Everything You Need To Know Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7 Specials) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Bear Grylls: Breaking Point River Monsters (S7 Specials) Longest Week, The Don’t Come Knocking Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Only Lovers Left Alive Barefoot House Of Lies Complications Bag Man, The Web Therapy From Dusk Till Dawn 85 fx 23.20 WIB The Peacemaker universal 22.00 WIB We’re Moving In (S1) fyi 14.00 WIB Brooklyn 9-9 (S3) diva 19.55 WIB wednesday 18:30 Haunted Collector (S1) 19:20 The Haunting 21:20 Medium (S1) 01:10 Manhattan Murder 02:55 04:30 05:00 06:30 08:25 09:50 11:40 13:10 15:00 16:30 16:55 18:30 21:00 22:20 Mystery The Pretty One Hollywood On Set 616 Paulie Multiplicity Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Stonehearst Asylum Into The Storm (2014) The Kingdom Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy Hollywood On Set 616 Failure To Launch American Gangster Drunk Wedding World Trade Center 00:05 Law & Order: Special 07:00 M.I. High S712: We 13:55 15:15 17:15 19:00 07:30 20:00 21:00 S313: Robinita Hood 06:30 M.I. High S711: The Problem Probe 00:30 Jackass Presents Bad 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:55 08:45 10:20 11:45 13:10 15:00 17:50 19:25 21:00 22:00 23:30 02:00 03:30 05:15 06:50 08:30 10:45 12:30 14:20 16:20 18:10 20:00 21:55 01:10 02:40 04:25 06:35 08:05 09:40 11:10 12:45 14:15 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:20 00:15 02:30 04:35 06:00 Grandpa Good People Jade Paycheck Biker Boyz Secret Window Stone Cold Grendel Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection Camelot Blades Of Glory Ninja Iii The Domination Strike Back S408 Child’s Play 3 Scarface Hot Shots! Part Deux A Guy Thing Kung Fu Panda 2 Playing It Cool Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol A Good Man Anger Management Hollywood Homicide Pompeii Let’s Be Cops The Drop Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up The Derby Stallion Bicentennial Man Land Of The Bears Justin Time Tarzan Ice Castles Senior Project Snow Dogs Muppets From Space Give Me A Break The Assignment Disney’s The Kid One Chance 14:00 15:00 Of Love 16:00 17:00 04:10 Just For Laughs: Gags World Trade Center @ hbo 22.20 WIB 08:00 09:35 11:25 11:55 12:25 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:25 18:00 19:25 21:00 23:15 01:20 01:45 03:30 05:45 07:15 09:00 11:15 12:45 14:15 16:15 18:30 20:15 22:00 Need To Talk About Kortex M.I. High S713: The Last Stand Treasure Planet Battle Of The Year M.I. High S712: We Need To Talk About Kortex M.I. High S713: The Last Stand Blankman The Haunting Hour S1 S105: The Red Dress The Haunting Hour S1 S106: A Creature Was Stirring Tim’S Vermeer Freaky Friday Open Season (2006) In God’s Hands Finding Forrester Blankman Hollywood On Set 614 We’Re The Millers The Expendables 3 Empire State Evan Almighty The Legend Of Zorro As Above So Below Empire State Labor Day The Expendables 3 The Usual Suspects Rachel Getting Married The Legend Of Zorro 22:00 22:30 Nightingale Se7En Grey Gardens True Blood S412: And When I Die Rome S111: The Spoils Game Of Thrones S504: The Sons Of The Harpy Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me 11:15 12:05 12:30 13:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 00:30 01:20 03:00 03:50 04:40 05:30 06:20 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:40 11:35 12:30 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:05 19:00 20:00 21:50 22:45 Witches of East End Empire Scandal Happy Endings Witches of East End Amazing Wedding Cakes Empire Scandal Witches of East End America’s Next Top Model Parenthood Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model Empire Scandal Amazing Wedding Cakes America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera America’s Next Top Model My Fair Wedding with David Tutera New Girl 01:40 It Could Happen To You 03:20 Gimme Shelter 05:00 Elizabeth: The Golden Age 00:20 01:10 02:10 Someone Would Care 04:00 05:00 10:00 Boardwalk Empire S501: Golden Days For 07:00 Boys And Girls 08:00 11:00 The Comeback S206: 09:00 07:00 The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers 09:00 Treme S109: Wish Valerie Cooks In The Desert 11:30 The Comeback S207: Valerie Faces The Finding Forrester Critics Godzilla 12:00 Banshee S301: The Open Season (2006) Fire Trials Happily Ever After: Fairy 13:00 True Blood S411: Soul Tales For Every Child Of Fire 08:55 10:50 11:45 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 Alphas (S2) Serial Experiments Lain Jet Stream Dominion (S2) Serial Experiments Lain Dominion (S2) Alphas (S2) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Haven (S5) Haunted Collector (S1) Paranormal Witness (S4) Face Off (S3) Alphas (S2) Dominion (S2) Haven (S5) Paranormal Witness (S4) 20:25 21:25 23:10 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:40 13:00 Victims Unit (S16) 01:00 Friend Request 02:35 Cloudy With A Chance 05:00 06:40 07:10 08:00 09:00 MasterChef Australia (S15) After All These Years Knife Fight (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) John Grisham’s The Rainmaker Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) Signed, Sealed, Delivered: From Paris With Love How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) American Dream Builders (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Clean House (S10) The Sweeter Side Of Life Clean House (S10) 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Clara’s Deadly Secret Baggage Battles (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Coming Home (S2) The Amazing Race Australia (S3) Unforgettable (S2) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) MasterChef Australia (S7) Child Genius (U.S.) Mom’s Time Out (S2) Unforgettable (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show (S13) Right This Minute 00:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 01:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 02:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 03:00 Destination Flavour: Japan 03:30 Food Factory (S1) 04:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 05:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 05:30 Strangers In Danger (S1) 06:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 07:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 08:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 00:40 American Ninja Warrior 01:30 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:55 13:50 14:45 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 (S4) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Leverage (S5) Wipeout (S6) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) The Voice (S6) Falling Skies (S5) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) The Amazing Race (S24) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Voice 9 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Falling Skies (S5) The Voice (S6) The Amazing Race (S24) Killjoys (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Voice 9 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) The Blacklist 3 NCIS: Los Angeles (S6) Caught On Camera (S6) 09:00 Destination Flavour: Down Under 10:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 11:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 12:00 Destination Flavour: Japan 12:30 Food Factory (S1) 13:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 13:30 Strangers In Danger (S1) 14:00 Destination Flavour: Down Under 15:00 Broke Bites: What The Fung?! (S1) 16:00 Bondi Vet (S2) 17:00 Flipped Off (S1) 18:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Trashformers (S1) Buy It, Fix It, Sell It (S2) Tiny House Nation (S2) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Waterfront House Hunting (S1) 23:00 Trashformers (S1) 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 00:05 Just For Laughs: Gags 00:00 The Amazing Race 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 Australia (S3) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Unforgettable (S2) Presumed Dead In Paradise MasterChef Australia (S7) Bad Ink (S1) Lachey’s Bar Hoarders (S7) Right This Minute Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S13) 01:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 03:00 Tricked (S1) 04:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 05:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 06:00 Tricked (S1) 08:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S13) 09:00 Caught On Camera (S3) 10:00 Wizard Wars (S1) 10:50 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) 11:40 Tricked (S1) 12:30 14:10 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 21:45 Law & Order (S20) Cold Case (S2) Chicago Fire (S3) Caught On Camera (S3) Law & Order (S20) Tricked (S3) Housesitter Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (In Vegas) 22:35 Wizard Wars (S1) 23:25 Tricked (S3) 16:20 American Ninja Warrior 13:00 Storage Wars: Canada 17:10 Face Off (S4) 18:00 Flipping Out (S7) 18:50 Real Housewives Of 14:00 Storage Wars (S8) 15:00 Photo Face-Off (S2) 16:00 10 Things You Don’t 19:40 20:30 21:20 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S4) 22:10 23:00 00:05 Law & Order 00:55 Seconds From Disaster 01:45 Alfred Hitchcock 00:00 Presents 00:50 02:45 Endgame 03:35 Perception 01:40 05:15 Tru Calling 02:30 06:05 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 03:20 07:05 The Listener 04:10 07:55 Body Of Proof 05:00 08:45 Perception 10:25 Tru Calling 06:00 11:15 Alfred Hitchcock 06:55 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 18:30 19:20 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 Presents Body Of Proof CSI Miami Seconds From Disaster Tru Calling The Listener CSI Miami Perception Body Of Proof Law & Order Line of Fire CSI Miami Seconds From Disaster Line of Fire 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 New York City, The (S6) Alias (S1) Justified (S6) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Justified (S6) Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Drugs Inc Wicked Tuna: North vs. South Hunter Hunted Yukon River Run Airport Security: Colombia Monster Fish Wicked Tuna: North vs. South Yukon River Run Nazi Megastructures Caught In The Act Megacities Ultimate Airport Dubai Somewhere In China Nazi Megastructures China From Above Science of Stupid The Border Somewhere In China Ultimate Airport Dubai Megacities China To The World Science of Stupid The Border (S2) 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 08:50 09:40 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Drop Dead Diva (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Justified (S6) Platinum Hit (S1) Face Off (S4) Alias (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Real Housewives Of New York City, The (S6) Flipping Out (S7) Face Off (S4) Platinum Hit (S1) Alias (S1) Drop Dead Diva (S5) (S2) 02:40 Bear Grylls: Breaking Point 03:35 Insane Pools: Off The Deep End 04:30 How Do They Do It (S7) 05:00 Dual Survival (S2) 06:00 Bear Grylls: Breaking 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 00:00 Photo Face-Off (S2) 01:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 02:00 Aussie Pickers 03:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 04:00 Storage Wars: Canada (S2) 05:00 Counting Cars (S2) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration 30 00:50 Dual Survival (S5) 01:45 Alaskan Bush People 16:30 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 American Ninja Warrior Know About (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Photo Face-Off (S2) Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: New York (S2) The Pickers (S7) Museum Men Hidden Cities (S2) SEP 2015 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:55 Point River Monsters (S7 Specials) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S2) River Monsters (S7 Specials) Dual Survival (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S2) How Do They Do It? (S11) Everything You Need To Know Insane Pools: Off The Deep End Dual Survival (S2) Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Fire In The Hole You Have Been Warned With Ean Nasrun Countdown To Collision Mythbusters (S10) Rachel Getting Married hbo hits 20.15 WIB Game Of Thrones S5 hbo signature 21.00 WIB (S5) 07:00 Storage Wars (S6) 07:30 Storage Wars: New York (S2) 08:00 Storage Wars: Canada 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 (S2) Storage Wars (S8) Photo Face-Off (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Counting Cars (S2) 00:10 00:45 02:20 04:10 05:00 05:50 07:00 07:50 09:00 09:50 11:00 11:50 13:00 The Drop @ fox movies premium 20.00 WIB 13:50 14:50 15:40 16:10 18:05 19:30 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:50 23:40 House Of Lies Arthur Newman God Bless America Louie It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Episodes It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan Episodes It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Nurse Jackie Conan House Of Lies Tracks Scenic Route House Of Lies Ray Donovan Web Therapy House Of Lies Conan From Dusk Till Dawn Conan 87 Tim’S Vermeer hbo family 15.00 WIB Scenic Route fx 18.05 WIB EYESPORT PARA LEGENDA TELAH PERGI MENINGGALKAN KLUB YANG MEMBESARKAN NAMANYA Bagi penggila sepakbola, tentunya memiliki sebuah klub kesayangan. Di setiap klub itu pula pasti terdapat seorang legenda yang dipuja oleh para penggemarnya. Hilangnya beberapa legenda klub yang telah menjadi ikon dalam satu dekade terakhir, telah terjadi di tahun ini. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan T ahun 2015 merupakan kejutan bagi para penggemar sepakbola. Terutama bagi para penggemar klub tertentu seperti Real Madrid, Barcelona, Liverpool, Bayern Munich dan juga Juventus yang ditinggal salah satu pemain, yang telah menjadi legenda klub tersebut selama satu dekade terakhir. Keputusan Iker Casillas yang hengkang dari Real Madrid menjadi salah satu daftar legenda sepakbola yang meninggalkan klub tempat kariernya meroket. Selain Iker Casillas, masih ada Xavi, Steven Gerrard, Bastian Schweinsteiger dan juga Andrea Pirlo. Iker Casillas, sang penjaga gawang Real Madrid ini tak tahan membendung air matanya saat membacakan salam perpisahan di hadapan media. Dalam tangisan, ‘San Iker’ mengatakan sangat berterima kasih untuk fans yang selama 25 tahun telah memberikan dukungannya. Pemain berusia 34 tahun tersebut sempat digadang-gadang akan mengakhiri karir bersama El Real sebagai legenda. Namun nyatanya ia harus pergi meninggalkan klub yang telah ia bela sejak berusia 9 tahun. Kini Casillas yang telah meninggalkan Real Madrid, siap mengukir rekor bersama FC Porto di liga Portugal. Nasib Casillas sama dengan Raul Gonzales dan Fernando Hierro, kedua pemain tersebut hengkang dan mengakhiri karirnya di klub lain. Barcelona, salah satu rival bebuyutan dari Real Madrid juga kehilangan kaptennya, Xavi Hernandez, yang pergi menuju klub asal Qatar, Al Sadd. Sebenarnya berita tentang Xavi akan meninggalkan Barcelona sudah muncul sejak musim 2014-2015. Namun dengan berbagai alasan, akhirnya Xavi memilih untuk bertahan dan membantu Barcelona memenangkan treble di musim 2014-2015. Xavi sudah masuk ke akademi sepakbola Barcelona sejak usia 11 tahun mengakhiri petualangannya selama 24 tahun bersama Barcelona. Hampir mirip seperti Iker Casillas yang ditepikan oleh Real Madrid, kini giliran kapten Liverpool, Steven Gerrard, yang merasa penampilannya semakin dibatasi oleh pelatihnya. Brendan Rodgers sempat mengatakan bahwa ia tak bisa lagi menjamin posisi Gerrard di skuad inti musim depan. Keputusannya semakin bulat untuk meninggalkan Liverpool, ketika dirinya tidak masuk sebagai pemain inti dalam laga Champions League melawan Real Madrid. Ia baru masuk menggantikan Lucas Leiva di menit 70, dan hasilnya Liverpool harus kalah 0-1 di pertandingan tersebut. Kini Gerrard meninggalkan Inggris untuk menuju ke Amerika dan bermain untuk Los Angeles Galaxy. Di sana ia akan bertemu dengan 88 pemain veteran lainnya seperti Robbie Keane, Frank Lampard, David Villa, Thierry Henry, Tim Cahill, Alessandro Nesta dan lainnya. Seperti Xavi, keputusan Schweinsteiger untuk meninggalkan Bayern Munich adalah murni untuk mencari pengalaman baru. Setelah 17 tahun membela Bayern Munich dengan memberikan 15 titel domestik, memenangi triple historis dan banyak lagi titel lainnya untuk klub tersebut, perpisahan ini memang terasa berat bagi Schweinsteiger. Philipp Lahm, kapten Bayern Munich, menjelaskan bahwa selama satu dekade terakhir, ia telah menjadi pemain kunci bagi lini tengah Bayern. Kehilangan Schweinsteiger tentunya menjadi pukulan bagi Bayern Munich, namun Lahm menyebutkan bahwa pemain lain akan mampu mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan oleh Schweinsteiger. Andrea Pirlo, sosok maestro lapangan tengah yang dimiliki oleh Italia, menghabiskan 10 tahun karirnya di AC Milan dan didaulat menjadi salah satu legenda klub tersebut. Namun pada tahun 2011 ketika ia tidak memperpanjang kontraknya dengan AC Milan, banyak yang merasa ini adalah akhir dari karir Pirlo, ternyata melepas Pirlo dengan status bebas transfer merupakan blunder besar yang dilakukan Milan. Sejak Pirlo pindah ke Juventus yang kembali ke Serie A, selama 4 tahun berturut-turut ia memberikan 4 titel Serie A, 1 Copa Italia dan 2 Piala Super Italia. Tak dipungkiri kini Pirlo menjadi salah satu sosok yang dihormati di Juventus bersama dengan Gianluigi Buffon dan Giorgio Chiellini yang lebih lama berada di Juventus. Kedatangan Pirlo adalah salah satu kunci meraih kembali masa kejayaan Juventus di Serie A dan Eropa. Menjadi legenda klub mengingat hasil yang telah ia berikan bagi Juventus dalam waktu singkat. Kini Pirlo akan bermain bersama dengan Lampard dan David Villa di New York City FC. Selain para pemain tersebut diatas, ada juga Petr Cech yang kini menyebrang ke Arsenal. Cech telah bermain selama 10 tahun untuk Chelsea hingga akhirnya posisi kiper utama berpindah kepada, Thibaut Courtois. Tentunya perpindahan para legenda ini membuat sedih hati para penggemarnya, akan tetapi kita juga harus memberikan respek dan mengapresiasi terhadap hasil yang pernah dipersembahkan oleh mereka untuk klub. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 89 COVER STORY EMILIA CLARKE 90 BLOOPERS father always said, “ My ‘Never trust anyone OOOPS! Scene whose TV is bigger than their book shelf’ - so I make sure I read Kesalahan kecil maupun fatal dalam film yang terjadi dalam periode waktu yang singkat “ - EMILIA CLARKE - Di ajang bergengsi Emmy Awards tahun ini, Emilia Clarke kembali menjadi salah satu nominasi “Outstanding Supporting Actrees in Drama Series” melalui serial TV “Game of Thrones” milik HBO, setelah gagal membawa pulang piala Emmy untuk kategori yang sama di tahun 2013. Tak hanya itu, para penggemarnya pun bertambah banyak. Hal ini semakin diperkuat dengan bertambahnya follower di akun instagram @emilia_clarke akhir bulan Juli lalu, yang mencapai angka 1 juta! Maleficent [ 2014 ] Angelina Jolie Elle Fanning Sharlto Copley Ketika Aurora dibawa ke sebuah pondok di dalam hutan, ia terbungkus kain. Ketika ketiga peri memberinya makan, tampak selimut mungil muncul secara tiba-tiba, menutupi kain tersebut. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. Bayi Aurora dibawa ke pondok di tengah hutan oleh 3 peri baik hati 1 Tidak tampak adanya selimut yang membungkus bayi Aurora 2 Tiba-tiba muncul selimut mungil membungkus bayi Aurora 3 Dari jauh, selimut mungil menggantikan kain 4 K etika namanya diumumkan sebagai salah satu nominasi Emmy, ia sedang berada di ruang tunggu dokter. Kabar gembira yang diterimanya melalui telepon tersebut, hampir membuatnya loncat kegirangan. Awalnya, artis yang dibesarkan di Berkshire, Inggris, ini menggantikan Tazin Merchant, untuk berperan sebagai Daenerys Targaryen di serial “Game of Thrones” musim kedua, ketiga dan keempat. Karakter yang diperankannya tersebut merupakan ibu dari segala naga. Ia merupakan satu-satunya anak dari Aerys II Targaryen yang terselamatkan dari sang pembunuh, Ser Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau). 91 Tawaran untuk memerankan sosok Sarah Connor di film layar lebar “Terminator Genisys” (2015) pun menghampiri dirinya setelah sukses memerankan Daenerys. Ia pun belajar menggunakan senjata dan latihan fisik agar dapat mendalami perannya sebagai Sarah. Berbeda dengan karakter Sarah Connor yang diperankan Linda Hamilton 31 tahun yang lalu, Emilia harus dapat memerankan Sarah yang merupakan sosok perempuan tangguh, yang tak segan menenteng senjata dan melawan musuhmusuhnya. Emilia bercerita tentang masa kecilnya, yang sering berada di belakang panggung teater London, menemani ayahnya bekerja sebagai sound designer. Oleh karena itu, ia sudah mempunyai cita-cita menjadi seorang aktris sejak usia 3 tahun. Mengetahui cita-cita anaknya, orangtua Emilia mendaftarkannya ke sekolah khusus untuk belajar drama di usia 11 tahun. Namun Emilia justru ketakutan. Ia menyaksikan teman-teman sekolahnya terlalu serius, bahkan cenderung “kelebihan” dalam mempelajari pelajaran di sekolah. Maka ia memutuskan untuk daftar ke sekolah umum saja, dan jika ketika ia lulus masih ingin mengejar cita-citanya, barulah ia melanjutkan ke sekolah akting. Ia pun harus merasakan bagaimana bertahan hidup dahulu setelah lulus, yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan akting, seperti menjadi pelayan restoran di London. Emilia yang mempunyai rambut asli berwarna cokelat merasa beruntung harus memakai wig selama syuting serial “Game of Thrones”. Ketika ia ingin berjalan-jalan, jarang yang dapat mengenalinya sebagai seorang Emilia Clarke. Semakin tinggi jam terbangnya, Emilia yakin bahwa kedepannya ia akan mencoba berbagai hal baru, seperti genre drama, komedi romantis, 92 BLOOPERS OOOPS! Scene Kesalahan kecil maupun fatal dalam film yang terjadi dalam periode waktu yang singkat Let’s Be Cops [ 2014 ] Jake Johnson Damon Wayans Jr. Rob Riggle hingga film animasi. “Bahkan mungkin menjadi James Bond versi wanita! Siapa tahu nantinya akan diproduksi jagoan wanita versi Inggris” ujarnya dengan logat Inggris yang kental. Di pertengahan tahun 2015, para pemeran karakter serial “Game of Thrones” berkumpul bersama Coldplay, untuk berkolaborasi menyanyikan beberapa lagu dalam rangka mencari dana melalui “Red Nose Day”, termasuk Emilia yang menyanyikan lagu reggae berjudul “Rastafarian Targaryen”. Salah satu penggalan syair yang dinyanyikan Emilia adalah “Got so many names, I’m Queen of the Andals, Queen of da Meereen, yeah, you can kiss me sandals”. Selain akan sibuk syuting “Game of Thrones” musim keenam, Emilia juga disibukkan untuk syuting film layar lebar “Me Before You”, yang diadaptasi dari buku karya Jojo Moyes. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 93 Ketika Ryan bermain bola dengan anakanak di taman, baju yang dikenakannya terdapat tulisan di sisi kiri atas. Menjelang akhir pertandingan, tulisan tersbut pindah ke sisi kanan atas, lalu di adegan selanjutnya kembali ke sisi kiri atas. Ryan bermain bola dengan anak-anak 1 Tulisan baju Ryan ada di sisi kiri atas 2 Tulisan tersebut pindah ke sisi kanan atas 3 Di akhir permainan, tulisan tersebut kembali ke sisi kiri atas 4 YUMMIE ALASAN MENGAPA MUDAH EMOSI KETIKA LAPAR Mungkin Anda pernah memarahi pelayan yang lambat mengantar makanan pesanan Anda. Situasi lapar sering memicu orang marah, tersinggung bahkan melakukan perbuatan negatif lainnya. Keadaan biologis ini sangat berkaitan dengan emosi. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. B eberapa orang yang sedang lapar tidak hanya merasa lemas dan kelelahan, tetapi juga menderita sakit kepala, penglihatan kabur, kebingungan dan pusing. Selanjutnya, kelaparan akan membuat orang benarbenar bertemperamen buruk, mudah marah dan rewel, bahkan perilakunya dapat menjadikannya seperti orang lain. Orang yang mudah sekali marah-marah ternyata berisiko terkena serangan jantung 8,5 kali lebih tinggi setelah ia meluapkan kekesalannya. Menurut penelitian terbaru yang dipublikasikan dalam “The European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care”, disebutkan orang yang memiliki episode marah secara intens akan meningkatkan sampai 8,5 kali terkena serangan jantung dua jam kemudian. Apabila kita dibiarkan lapar dalam jangka waktu lama, maka kadar gula darah di dalam tubuh kita sangat terganggu. Akibatnya, pasokan glukosa (gula) yang mencapai otak menjadi berkurang. Di dalam darah, glukosa dikirim juga ke otak sebagai sumber energi, yang antara lain berguna untuk mengontrol temperamen dan emosi negatif lainnya. Dengan demikian, otak sangat tergantung pada glukosa untuk menjalankan tugasnya. 94 Rendahnya kadar gula darah atau hipoglikemia inilah yang akan membuat amarah seseorang menjadi naik, sehingga mudah tersinggung dan marah. Gula darah rendah juga dapat disertai dengan kecemasan, kelelahan dan sakit kepala. Bila tingkat serotonin dalam tubuh rendah, dapat membuat kita mudah tersinggung dan marah. Serotonin adalah hormon yang berfungsi mengontrol suasana hati, nafsu makan dan tidur, juga merupakan hormon yang membuat kita merasa bahagia dan menghilangkan emosi negatif. Serotonin disintesis dalam tubuh dengan bantuan asam amino yang disebut triptofan. Triptofan tidak terbentuk di dalam tubuh dan harus dipasok oleh makanan. Banyak ahli gizi di seluruh dunia juga merekomendasikan mengatasi amarah dengan makanan yang mengandung glukosa atau makanan peningkat suasana hati untuk mencegah rasa lapar. Diet yang kaya protein, lemak dan serat akan membantu mencegah kelaparan. Para ilmuwan pun percaya bahwa zat kimia tertentu yang disebut alkaloid, ditemukan dalam cokelat, dapat meningkatkan kadar serotonin otak dan membantu untuk mengangkat suasana hati. Cokelat juga mengandung vitamin B dan magnesium, yang keduanya mengontrol produksi energi tubuh. Untuk yang suka makan cokelat dipadu dengan kacang dan karamel yang chewy, selain dapat menikmati rasanya yang enak, tentu dapat membuat lapar hilang sekaligus mengenyangkan dalam waktu singkat. Kini, perpaduan ketiganya dapat ditemukan dalam kemasan Snickers Sharing 70 gram, cocok untuk dimakan berdua. Tak ada salahnya untuk menyimpan Snickers dalam saku atau tas, agar aktivitas sehari-hari tetap berjalan lancar. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 95 SPECIAL COMIC ARTIS HOLLYWOOD yang Eksis di Dunia dan Raksasa industri komik, Marvel dan DC Comics tidak hanya bersaing di dunia komik saja. Kini persaingan mereka bertambah ke dunia perfilman, maka kualitas dan teknologi yang digunakan di dalam film-film mereka pun menjadi sering diperdebatkan masyarakat, yang selalu diadu, antara Marvel dan DC Comics. Salah satu cara untuk menjaga kualitas fim yang mereka produksi, tidaklah aneh jika kedua raksasa industri komik ini tidak mau sembarangan memilih aktor dan aktris berbakat dan berpengalaman dalam film-film mereka. Namun ternyata ada beberapa nama artis Hollywood yang pernah membintangi film di keduanya. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. H ollywood merupakan “gudang” dimana semua aktor dan aktris papan atas tingkat dunia dengan jam terbang yang tinggi berkumpul. Meski demikian, terkadang yang terpilih hanyalah beberapa orang, yang karakternya memang pantas dan tepat untuk memerankan tokoh yang ada di dalam film tertentu. Berbagai alasan dalam pemilihannya tentu bermacammacam, bisa jadi karena pengalaman karena pernah bermain di film superhero sebelumnya, ketepatan karakter pemeran dengan tokoh yang Halle Berry Storm diperankannya, hingga mungkin saja insting sutradara yang memilih mereka saat casting. Hal ini menjadi menarik ketika pemilihan aktor dan aktris ini berkisar antara dunia Marvel dan DC Comics. Walau mereka bersaing di dunia hiburan, terkadang mereka memilih aktor atau aktris yang sama untuk memerankan karakter komik mereka masing-masing. Tentunya membuat para penggemar masing-masing memiliki sentimen, bahwa artis-artis ini seolaholah “berkhianat”. (NDR/IND/ICA/NDR) Ben Affleck Catwoman Daredevil Batman MARVEL: ORORO MONROE/STORM: “X-Men”, “X2: X-Men MARVEL - MATTHEW MURDOCK/DAREDEVIL: “Daredevil” United”, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” DC Comics - Bruce Wayne/Batman: “Batman vs Superman: DC COMICS: PATIENCE PHILLIPS/CATWOMAN: “Catwoman” Dawn of Justice” 96 Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern Hannibal King Deadpool MARVEL - WADE WILSON: “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”, “Deadpool” HANNIBAL KING: “Blade Trinity” DC COMICS - HAL JORDAN: “Green Lantern” Scarlett Johansson Natasha Roma noff Silken Floss Marvel - Natasha Romanoff: “Iron Man 2”, “The Avengers”, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” DC Comics - Silken Floss: “The Spirit” 97 SPECIAL COMIC Natalie Portman James Marden Marvel - Scott Summers/Cyclops: “X-Men”, “X2: X-Men United”, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” DC Comics - Richard White: “Superman Returns” Cyclops Jane foster Evey Marvel - Jane Foster: “Thor”, “Thor: The Dark World” Richard White DC Comics - Evey: “V for Vendetta” Chris Evans Human Torch Captain America The Losers Marvel - Johnny Storm/Human Torch: “Fantastic Four”, “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer”; Steve Rogers/Captain America: “Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World,Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Avengers: Age of Ultron” DC Comics - “The Losers” 98 Hugo Weaving Red Skull vendetta Marvel - Schmidt/Red Skull: “Captain America: The First Avenger” DC Comics - Vendetta : “V for Vendetta” Tommy Lee Jones colonel chester Phillips Two Face Marvel - Colonel Chester Phillips: “Captain America: The First Avenger” DC Comics - Harvey Dent/Two-FacE: “Batman Forever” 99 SPECIAL COMIC Michael Fassbender Sir Ian McKellen Marvel - Erik Magnus/Magneto: “X-Men: First Class”, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” DC Comics - Burke: “Jonah Hex” Magneto Magneto ne Reinhardt La Marvel - Erik Magnus/ Magneto: “X-Men”, “X2: X-Men United”, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, “X-Men: Days of Future Past” DC Comics - Reinhardt Burke Lane: “The Shadow” Samuel L. Jackson Zoe Saldana the octopus Gamora Nick Fury Marvel - Nick Fury: “Iron Man”, “Captain America”, “The Avengers”, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”, “Marvel’s: Agents of Aisha S.H.I.E.L.D”, “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” DC Comics - The Octopus: Marvel - Gamora: “Guardians of the Galaxy” “The Spirit” DC Comics - Aisha: “The Losers” 100 Idris Elba Heimdall Moreau Roque Marvel - Heimdall: “Thor”, “Thor: The Dark World”; Moreau: “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” DC Comics - Roque: “The Losers” Rila Fukushima Yukio & Wolverine Yukio Katana Marvel - Yukio: “The Wolverine” DC Comics - Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana: “Arrow” 101 SPECIAL COMIC SERUPA TAPI TAK SAMA Marvel dan DC merupakan studio penghasil superhero terbesar di dunia. Keduanya seringkali bersaing untuk memenangkan perhatian dari para penggemarnya. Mereka berlomba-lomba untuk menciptakan superhero yang unik dan spesial, namun keduanya seringkali memunculkan kemiripan karakter dengan kekuatan yang mirip. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan HULK! MOVIE ! I can’t see ! 102 P ersaingan dalam menciptakan karakter ini seringkali ditanggapi oleh para penggemarnya, bahwa mereka saling bermusuhan dan ingin menciptakan karakter yang lebih bagus dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya, sehingga muncullah persamaan desain karakter dengan kekuatan yang dimilikinya. Terlepas dari komiknya yang saling bersaing, Marvel dengan DC juga bersaing dalam merilis film-film superhero-nya. Bisa dikatakan bahwa Marvel mengungguli DC untuk film di layar lebar. Terbukti dengan karakteristik Marvel yang membawa selera humor ke alur ceritanya, lebih laku di pasaran, apabila dibandingkan dengan DC yang pernah sukses dengan Batman Trilogi-nya dan Superman Man of Steel. Apabila DC disebut lebih lemah dibandingkan Marvel untuk film layar lebar, maka para penggemar DC bisa mengatakan hal sebaliknya kepada Marvel, yang seringkali hadir kurang memuaskan di film serial televisinya. Sebut saja “Arrow” atau “The Flash” dari DC yang lebih diunggulkan, dibandingkan dengan “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” dan “Agent Carter” milik Marvel. Dengan latar belakang cerita yang berbeda, membuat karakter penggemar Marvel dan DC juga berbeda. Marvel lebih mengutamakan karakter jagoannya yang lebih humoris, dan It’s fun to watch movies together! 103 SPECIAL COMIC seringkali masih menggunakan nama kota yang sebenarnya, seperti Spider-Man dan Daredevil yang berpusat di New York City. Hal ini sangat bertolak belakang dengan DC yang mengutamakan cerita-cerita gelap dan misterius dibalik karakternya, dan juga penamaan kota yang dibuat-buat seperti Gotham City, Starling City dan beberapa nama kota karangan lainnya. Hal inilah yang membuat penggemar Marvel sangat luas, karena bisa dimulai dari anak-anak remaja yang mengagumi kekuatan super dengan latar belakang yang fun sampai dengan orang dewasa sekalipun. Berbeda dengan karakter DC yang lebih digemari orang dewasa, karena latar belakang ceritanya yang lebih gelap dan mengandung misteri tersendiri. Ant-man VS Atom Atom dari DC Comics pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1940, memiliki kemampuan untuk mengecilkan tubuhnya sampai ke partikel sub-atomik. Sedangkan Ant-Man baru muncul pada tahun 1962, dengan kemampuan yang sama dengan Atom, namun dengan mengendalikan gelombang otak, ia juga dapat mengontrol pasukan semut. Siapa yang lebih dulu muncul? Tentu saja Atom yang “lahir” 20 tahun lebih dulu daripada Ant-Man. Namun Ant-Man sudah memiliki film layar lebar dan memiliki kemampuan melebihi Atom, yaitu mengendalikan para semut. Catwoman VS Black Cat Aquaman VS Namor Memiliki kemampuan yang sama, Namor lahir sebagai superhero 1/2 manusia dan 1/2 raja bawah laut Atlantis dan “muncul ke daratan” pada tahun 1939. Sedangkan Aquaman yang juga merupakan 1/2 manusia dan 1/2 raja bawah laut Atlantis, baru “muncul ke daratan” pada tahun 1941. Keduanya bisa bernafas di dalam air, berbicara kepada ikan, dan kemampuan berenang yang sangat cepat. Namor jelas muncul terlebih dahulu, diikuti dengan Aquaman yang memiliki asal-usul yang sama dan juga kemampuan yang sama. Mungkinkah mereka adalah anak kembar? Mungkin saja... Mereka berdua sama-sama menyukai kucing, memiliki karakter anti-hero dan keduanya merupakan pencuri. Keduanya seringkali mengenakan kostum hitam-hitam yang terbuat dari kulit dan juga menyukai karakter lainnya. Catwoman terkenal dengan affair-nya bersama Batman muncul pada tahun 1940. Sedangkan Black Cat yang menyukai Spider-Man muncul pada tahun 1979. Uniknya lagi, ketika tidak menjadi superhero, pasangan ini juga menjalin hubungan dalam kehidupan sebenarnya. Selina Kyel (Catwoman) menyukai Bruce Wayne (Batman) dan Peter Parker (Spider-Man) mengencani Felicia Hardy (Black Cat). 104 Green Arrow VS Hawkeye Green Arrow pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1941 sebagai Oliver Queen, seorang milyarder dari kota Starling City. Hawkeye muncul sebagai Clint Barton pada tahun 1964. Keduanya tidak memiliki kekuatan spesial dan juga menggunakan panah yang dimodifikasi untuk mengalahkan para musuhnya. Green Arrow yang terjebak di sebuah pulau, memaksakan dirinya untuk belajar memanah demi dapat bertahan hidup, berbeda dengan Clint Barton yang memiliki kemampuan sebagai pemain akrobat dan skill-nya dalam bermain anggar. Keduanya juga mahir beladiri dengan tangan kosong, apabila busur dan panahnya terlepas dari tangan mereka. Swamp Thing VS Man-Thing Kedua monster hijau yang hampir tidak ada bedanya ini, sama-sama muncul pada tahun 1971. Namun Man-Thing muncul terlebih dahulu pada bulan Mei, yang disusul oleh Swamp Thing pada bulan Juli. Man-Thing yang memiliki hidung panjang dan Swamp Thing tidak hanya memberikan wujud yang sangat mirip, namun latar belakangnya juga memiliki persamaan. Ketika keduanya muncul, para penggemarnya yakin bahwa Marvel akan menuntut kemiripan karakternya dengan DC yang merilis Swamp Thing setelah keluarnya Man-Thing. Namun menarik, ketika Marvel ternyata tidak menuntut DC ketika monster tersebut dikenalkan ke publik. Apakah memang Marvel dan DC saling melengkapi? 105 SPECIAL COMIC Moon Knight VS Batman Quicksilver VS The Flash Moon Knight yang muncul pada tahun 1975, seringkali dikritik dan disebut sebagai “Batman versi Marvel”. Karena Batman yang muncul pada tahun 1939 dianggap sebagai contoh bagi karakter Moon Knight. Keduanya merupakan superhero yang bekerja pada malam hari. Batman memilih malam hari karena bekerja secara diam-diam, sedangkan Moon Knight mendapat kekuatan dari bulan yang membuatnya menjadi semakin kuat. Keduanya adalah vigilante yang kaya raya, memiliki pelayan khusus dirumahnya, sama-sama bersayap dan menggunakan gadget untuk membasmi lawannya. The Flash sudah mulai berlari pada tahun 1940 dan mulai ditemani oleh Quicksilver sejak tahun 1964. Keduanya memiliki kemampuan untuk berlari yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan pesawat tempur. Dengan kecepatan itu, keduanya memiliki kemampuan untuk berlari di dinding dan juga di atas air. The Flash mendapatkan kekuatannya ketika tersambar kilat. Berbeda dengan Quicksilver, yang memang merupakan seorang mutan. Quicksilver merupakan saudara dari Scarlet Witch dan saudara tiri dari Polaris. Mereka bertiga merupakan keturunan dari Magneto. Mr. Fantastic VS Plastic Man Clayface VS Sandman Keduanya memiliki kemampuan yang sama, yaitu dapat memanjangkan bagian tubuhnya yang seperti karet. Perbedaan karakternya sangat jelas, Patrick O’Brien (Plastic Man) yang muncul pada tahun 1941 merupakan seorang kriminal humoris yang mendapat kekuatan setelah terkena kecelakaan kimia. Sedangkan Reed Richard (Mr. Fantastic) yang muncul pada tahun 1961, merupakan seorang scientist yang jenius dan mendapat kekuatannya setelah terekspos radiasi dalam perjalanannya keluar angkasa. Perbedaan warna seragam biru dan merah membuat kita mudah membedakannya. Clayface mulai berseteru dengan Batman pada tahun 1940, sedangkan Sandman muncul menjadi musuh Spider-Man pada tahun 1963. Clayface merupakan sebutan dari orang-orang yang memiliki tubuh seperti tanah liat dan kemampuan untuk berubah bentuk. Basil Karlo merupakan Clayface orisinil yang menurun kepada Matt Hagen, Preston Payne, Sondra Fuller dan seterusnya. Sedangkan Flint Marko dapat merubah bentuknya menjadi pasir setelah terkena radiasi nuklir yang merubah struktur molekul tubuhnya menjadi pasir dan menjuluki dirinya dengan sebutan Sandman. 106 Wasp VS Bumblebee Kedua karakter ini hampir tidak memiliki perbedaan yang banyak. Namun sepertinya DC harus menahan diri untuk memperkenalkan Bumblebee ke layar lebar, karena Wasp telah muncul terlebih dahulu dalam film “Ant-Man” kemarin. Jika tidak ingin diolok-olok kemiripannya, maka Bumblebee jangan dulu dikenalkan oleh DC ke publik awam. Keduanya mengusung baju yang bertema lebah, namun Wasp memiliki kelebihan seperti Ant-Man yaitu dapat mengontrol serangga lainnya. Sama seperti Ant-Man dan Atom, Wasp dan Bumblebee memiliki kemampuan untuk mengecilkan tubuhnya. Darkseid VS Thanos Darkseid merupakan musuh terkuat bagi DC Universe. Ia adalah penguasa planet Apokolips dan memiliki tujuan akhir untuk menguasai seluruh Universe. Sama seperti Darkseid, Thanos merupakan musuh terkuat untuk Marvel. Pencipta karakter Thanos pun tak malu untuk mengakui bahwa ia terinspirasi dari Darkseid dalam pembuatan karakter ini, maka tak heran apabila wujud mereka berdua sangat mirip. Darkseid mengancam para superhero DC terlebih dahulu pada tahun 1970, kemudian muncullah Thanos dari Marvel 3 tahun setelahnya. Keduanya memiliki kemampuan yang hampir mirip juga, hanya saja Thanos akan menjadi lebih kuat ketika mengenakan 5 cincin kehidupan di tangannya. 107 SPECIAL COMIC Black Lightning VS Electro The Vision VS Red Tornado Sama seperti The Flash mendapatkan kekuatannya, Maxwell Dillon menjadi Electro setelah terkena sambaran petir pada tahun 1964. Electro menjadi musuh Spider-Man dan sempat muncul di film “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” yang diperankan oleh Jamie Foxx. Berbeda dengan Electro, Black Lightning merupakan seorang metahuman yang dapat memanipulasi listrik. Black Lightning yang merupakan karakter superhero Afrika-Amerika pertama, menggunakan kekuatannya untuk berbuat baik. Keduanya memiliki kemampuan yang sama namun digunakan untuk tujuan yang berbeda. Kemiripan keduanya yaitu sama-sama merupakan android, atau makhluk buatan manusia yang memiliki artificial intelligence tingkat tinggi. Keduanya diciptakan oleh penjahat yang memiliki tujuan utama untuk membantunya dalam mengalahkan para tim superhero, namun karena keduanya memiliki artificial intelligence yang tinggi, maka keduanya entah bagaimana justru berpindah memihak tim superhero dan memilih untuk menyerang penciptanya sendiri. The Vision diciptakan oleh Ultron, sedangkan Red Tornado diciptakan oleh T.O. Morrow dan Tornado Champion. Green Lantern Corps VS Nova Corps Doom Patrol VS X-Men Keduanya merupakan “polisi” luar angkasa. Hal Jordan merupakan pilot tes yang diberikan kekuatan oleh Abin Sur, seorang alien salah satu anggota Green Lantern yang hampir mati ketika pesawatnya jatuh di Bumi. Dengan latar belakang yang hampir sama, Richard Rider juga diberikan kekuatan oleh pemimpin Nova Corps dari planet Xandar, yang hampir mati bernama Rhomann Dey. Hal Jordan menjadi salah satu anggota Green Lantern Corps yang nantinya akan menjadi salah satu penemu Justice League. Green Lantern muncul pada tahun 1940, sedangkan Nova Corps muncul pada tahun 1979. Gerombolan pemuda yang memiliki kemampuan khusus dan dipimpin oleh pria yang duduk di kursi roda. Ya, itulah kesamaan antara kedua superheroes ini. Para mutan dari Marvel muncul 3 bulan setelah debut The Doom Patrol pada bulan Juni 1963. Keduanya pun memiliki musuh yang namanya mirip juga. X-Men melawan Brotherhood of Evil Mutants dan Doom Patrol melawan Brotherhood of Evil. Apakah X-Men hanya kebetulan saja atau memang meniru karakter The Doom Patrol? Pencipta Doom Patrol sendiri mengakui terinspirasi dari Fantastic Four yang terbit pada tahun 1961. 108 Deadpool VS Deathstroke Deathstroke merupakan musuh dari Green Arrow dan juga Batman yang muncul pada tahun 1980, memiliki nama asli Slade Wilson. Deathstroke adalah seorang anti-hero dan juga merupakan seorang tentara bayaran, serta menjadi bahan percobaan militer yang memberikan mereka kekuatan super. Deadpool yang muncul 11 tahun kemudian, juga merupakan seorang tentara bayaran dan anti-hero bernama asli Wade Wilson, yang juga menjadi bahan percobaan militer dengan sebutan “Weapon X”. Dengan kemiripan latar belakang dan kesamaan nama belakang, apakah mereka Wilson bersaudara? Bukan! Memang konsep dan desain karakter mereka memiliki banyak sekali kemiripan. Keduanya juga memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik dalam menggunakan berbagai macam jenis senjata. Pada saat desain original Deadpool akan diperkenalkan, salah seorang editor mengatakan “ini adalah Deathstroke dari Teen Titans”. Dengan adanya sedikit perubahan maka Deadpool yang sekarang diperkenalkan sebagai seorang psycho yang sangat sukses dalam penjualan komiknya. Memang DC memiliki originalitas dengan memunculkan Deathstroke terlebih dahulu, namun Marvel mengalahkannya untuk originalitas karakter Deadpool yang dikenal bisa berinteraksi dengan pembacanya. Menurut artikel yang ditulis ini, beberapa karakter Marvel memang memiliki persamaan dengan DC. Namun bukan berarti Marvel adalah penjiplak karakter. Karena terbatasnya kemampuan yang bisa dimiliki oleh para superhero tersebut, maka tak heran apabila terjadi banyak kesamaan dalam penciptaan karakter maupun latar belakangnya. Apabila Marvel dengan DC sendiri saja tidak saling tuntut terkait persamaan karakternya, untuk apa kita yang hanya sebagai penontonnya ikut-ikutan ribut tentang siapa menjiplak siapa? Toh kita semua harus berpikir, baik Marvel maupun DC hadir untuk memenuhi keinginan kita sebagai fans dari film maupun komik superhero. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 109 SPECIAL COMIC B ila saat ini kita membandingkan komik Indonesia dengan komik asing, maka komik asing masih mendominasi dan memenuhi elemen utama rak di toko-toko buku di Indonesia. Angka penjualannya pun jauh melampaui komik lokal. Dengan demikian posisi komik Indonesia sedang mengalami kemunduran yang cukup signifikan, bila kita membandingkannya dengan era tahun 60-an hingga tahun ‘80-an, yakni masa keemasan komik Indonesia. Komik Indonesia memiliki sejarah panjang, bahkan dari jaman kolonial saat Indonesia masih bernama Hindia Belanda. Pada tahun 1930, Kho Wang Gie merupakan nama yang tersohor sebagai komikus di surat kabar Sin Po. Tokoh ciptaannya yang bernama Put On menjadi karakter yang mampu menarik perhatian publik setiap hari Jumat dan 110 PERJALANAN KOMIK INDONESIA Komik di Indonesia saat ini belum mendapatkan tempat yang layak, bila dibandingkan dengan komik asing. Banyaknya komik asing yang beredar di Indonesia dengan beragam gaya gambar dan tema, menjadikan komik Indonesia perlu menunjukkan kembali eksistensinya seperti pada era 1960-1980. Kualitas komik Indonesia pada era tersebut sangat baik, maka dirasa perlu melakukan peninjauan estetis terhadap komik-komik pendahulu dan membandingkannya dengan komik asing masa kini, sebagai pembelajaran untuk perkembangan komik Indonesia yang lebih baik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa estetika komik Indonesia terdahulu tidak kalah dengan komik asing masa kini, karena keterampilan menggambar, bertutur kata yang baik dan pengambilan tema yang sesuai dengan semangat zaman. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. Sabtu. Karakter Put On bahkan mampu menjadi figur populer pada masanya karena karakternya yang jenaka dan kikuk. Masa keemasan komik di Indonesia ditandai dengan banyaknya komikus yang berproduksi dan didukung dengan percetakan yang kala itu banyak menerbitkan komik. Selain itu, hadir juga tema-tema kebudayaan nasional serta nilai-nilai kedaerahan. Di sisi lain, ada juga komikus yang mengangkat perwayangan sebagai medium penyampaian nilai moral sekaligus kisah rakyat setempat. Komik-komik wayang tersebut banyak dikerjakan oleh RA Kosasih (Bogor, Jawa Barat, 1919 – 24 Juli 2012), yang hingga sekarang disebut-sebut sebagai Bapak Komik Indonesia. Selain RA Kosasih, masih banyak nama-nama komikus yang menjadi pelopor kebangkitan komik Indonesia, yang hingga kini masih menjadi panutan bagi beberapa generasi, seperti: Jan Mintaraga, Ganesh TH, Hans Djaladara, Teguh Santosa dan lain sebagainya. 111 SPECIAL COMIC 1. Periode ‘30-an Pada awal kelahirannya, komik Indonesia lebih banyak hadir dalam bentuk komik strip di berbagai surat kabar. Komik-komik karya komikus tanah air ketika itu dapat juga ditemukan pada surat kabar Belanda, seperti De Java Bode dan D’orient, bersanding dengan komik asing, seperti Flippie Flink dan Flash Gordon. Put On adalah karakter pertama komik Indonesia yang merupakan karya Kho Wan Gie yang dimuat dalam harian Sin Po. Ketika itu, Kho Wan Gie yang kemudian menggunakan nama Sopoiku, memulai debut cergam humor yang menceritakan tentang sosok lelaki gendut bermata sipit, bernama Put On, yang suka melindungi rakyat kecil. Selain komik Put On, pada tahun 1939, hadir pula komik Mentjari Poetri Hidjaoe yang merupakan karya Nasroen A.S. dan diterbitkan oleh mingguan Ratoe Timoer, di kota Solo. 2. Periode ‘40-an hingga ‘50-an Langkah-langkah awal kelahiran komik Indonesia ini dilanjutkan oleh komikus-komikus lain, yang antara lain: B. Margono, yang membuat komik Roro Mendut dan dipubliksikan di Harian Sinar Matahari Jogjakarta, pada masa pendudukan Jepang – 1942. Pada akhir era ‘40-an, banyak komik strip Amerika yang dibukukan oleh penerbit lokal. Komik-komik strip tersebut sebelumnya telah rutin muncul sebagai sisipan mingguan surat kabar tanah air. Saat komik Amerika membanjir itulah, Siaw Tik Kwei hadir dengan komik yang berhasil mengalahkan popularitas Tarzan di kalangan pembaca lokal. Diadaptasi dari legenda Tiongkok, tokoh utama komik tersebut adalah Sie Djin Koei. Selanjutnya, komik Djoko Tingkir dan Pangeran Diponegoro, karya Abdulsalam, dimuat di Minggu Pagi, 16 November 1952. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya bermunculan buku-buku komik dengan tema kepahlawanan atau heroisme. Kepopuleran komik Amerika ketika itu kemudian menginspirasi R.A. Kosasih untuk membuat sendiri karakter superhero ala Indonesia. Lalu lahirlah Sri Asih, karakter komik yang merupakan adaptasi dari Wonder Woman. R.A. Kosasih kemudian dikenal sebagai Bapak Komik Indonesia dan karyanya menginspirasi lahirnya karakter superhero kreasi komikus lokal lainnya, seperti Siti Gahara, Sri Dewi, Puteri Bintang, Garuda Putih dan Kapten Comet. Masa ini patut disebut sebagai awal dari masa keemasan komik Indonesia yang pertama. Selain karakter superhero, awal tahun 1950-an menandai kelahiran pertama buku komik Indonesia. Adalah Abdulsalam, salah satu pionir komik tanah air yang membuat komik strip perjuangan dengan judul Kisah Pendudukan Jogja. Komik strip Abdulsalam 112 tersebut terbit di harian Kedaulatan Rakyat hingga akhirnya dibukukan oleh harian Pikiran Rakyat. Komik Kisah Pendudukan Jogja bercerita tentang agresi militer Belanda ke kota Yogyakarta pada tahun 1948-1949. 3. Periode ‘60-an hingga ‘70-an Periode ini diakui banyak orang sebagai era kejayaan komik Indonesia. Banyak komikus berbakat lahir untuk kemudian menghasilkan karya yang melegenda. Si Buta Dari Gua Hantu (Ganes TH), serial Mahabharata (R.A. Kosasih), Gundala Putra Petir (Hasmi), Godam (Wid NS), Panji Tengkorak (Hans Jadalara), Jaka Sembung (Djair), Rio Purbaya (Jan Mintaraga) adalah sebagian dari karakter komik yang popular pada masa itu. Ada 3 tema besar pada periode ini; romance (dimotori Jan Mintaraga), silat (dimotori Ganesh TH) dan superhero (dimotori Hasmi dan Wid NS). Dalam membuat karakter superhero, pengaruh komik Amerika dapat terlihat pada tokoh-tokoh komik yang hadir. Namun gaya Amerika yang dipadu dengan cerita dan nuansa lokal, membuat komikkomik karya komikus lokal digandrungi masyarakat. Komik 113 SPECIAL COMIC Si Buta dari Gua Hantu dan Panji Tengkorak yang diangkat ke layar lebar, berturut-turut pada tahun 1970 dan 1971, semakin mempertegas kejayaan komik Indonesia ketika itu. Di era ini, R. A. Kosasih mulai menggarap komik bertema wayang, dimulai dengan membuat komik Mundinglaya Dikusuma dan Ganesha Bangun. Tapi peruntungannya baru muncul kembali melalui komik Burisrawa Gandrung dan Burisrawa Merindukan Bulan. Dan akhirnya, ia menjadi terkenal karena keberhasilannya dalam membawa epik Mahabharata dan Ramayana. Sukses R. A. Kosasih lewat komik wayangnya menjadi tonggak zaman emas komik Indonesia yang kedua, setelah era komik superhero perempuannya tumpas dibreidel oleh Lekra. Tak mau kalah dengan kiprah R. A. Kosasih, dari bumi Andalas, khususnya dari Kota Medan, bermunculan pionir-pionir komikus dengan keterampilan tinggi seperti Taguan Hardjo, Djas, dan Zam Nuldyn yang mengeksplorasi cerita rakyat Sumatera, yang sangat digemari pada era ‘60-an hingga ‘70-an. Namun mulai pertengahan tahun 60-an, hingga akhir ‘70-an, komik Indonesia kembali terpuruk. 4. Periode ‘80-an Memasuki tahun ‘80-an, masa keemasan komik Indonesia terjadi kembali – untuk yang ketiga kalinya, ketika ragam komik Indonesia begitu kaya dengan tema silat, superhero, roman remaja, komik cerita rakyat, komedi wayang, dan juga komik-komik keagamaan. Nama-nama seperti Ganes Th, Man, Hasmi, Jan Mintaraga, Djair, Wid N. S., Budijanto, Zaldy, Sim, Tatang S., Teguh, Gerdi W. K., Hans Jaladara, dan lain-lain, menjadi nama yang akrab bagi pecinta dan pecandu komik Indonesia ketika itu. Namun berbarengan dengan itu, komik Indonesia juga dimusuhi oleh orangtua dan bahkan juga pemerintah, karena dianggap telah membuat anakanak sekolah jadi malas belajar, sehingga sering dilakukan razia di tempat-tempat penyewaan komik dan taman bacaan. Setelah zaman keemasan itu, komik Indonesia mulai menyurut dengan pesat hingga nyaris mati. Serbuan komik Jepang, Hong Kong dan Eropa (setelah sebelumnya komik Amerika bersaing dengan komik lokal) serta berkurangnya karya komikus Indonesia yang diterbitkan, disebut-sebut sebagai beberapa alasan kemunduran yang terjadi. Kalah bersaing di toko-toko buku, membuat para komikus tanah air ‘bergerilya’ melalui komik strip dan karikatur di harian nasional. Salah satu komik strip yang cukup fenomenal masa itu dan masih setia hadir hingga hari ini adalah Panji Koming (Dwi Koen). Namun di tengah kelesuan dan masa suram tersebut, masih ada komikus yang berhasil menembus pasar komik Indonesia, menjual bukubuku komiknya tidak lewat penerbit besar atau toko buku tapi lewat pedagang mainan anak-anak keliling. Komikus tersebut adalah Tatang S. dengan 114 komik-komik punakawan tumaritisnya (Petruk, Gareng, Bagong) yang dipadu tokoh-tokoh superhero luar negeri, menghasilkan karakter seperti Megaloman Tumaritis, Batman Tumaritis, Spiderman Tumaritis dan sejenisnya. 5. Periode ‘90-an hingga 2000-an Paska reformasi, dengan dibukanya keran informasi sebebas-bebasnya melalui internet, dunia komik Indonesia kembali menggeliat berusaha bangkit. Penerbit besar seperti Gramedia (dengan bendera Elex Media Komputindo) pun mulai mencoba menerbitkan karya komikus lokal, seperti komik Imperium Majapahit karya Jan Mintaraga. Kemudian Mizan Komik juga menerbitkan Legenda Sawung Kampret karya Dwi Koen. Setelahnya karya-karya baru komikus lokal kembali bermunculan, mencoba merebut pasar komik Indonesia. Ada 2 aliran utama yang memengaruhi komik modern Indonesia, yaitu Amerika atau yang lebih dikenal dengan comics, dan Jepang dengan stereotipe manga-nya. Namun belakangan, manga-lah yang lebih mendominasi perkembangan tipikal karakter komik Indonesia. Hal ini tak bisa dihindari, mengingat yang kena pengaruh manga ini bukan cuma komikus Indonesia, tapi bahkan juga komikus Amerika dan Eropa. Menyeberangi abad, banyak komikus Indonesia yang bangkit dan berjuang melawan hegemoni komikkomik dari luar negeri. Mereka berusaha tampil berbeda dengan membuat gaya gambar yang lebih variatif dan eksperimental. Bahkan banyak komikus indie (independen) yang memassalkan karyanya dengan mengandalkan mesin fotokopi. Dengan penuh semangat dan keberanian mereka memasarkan karya-karya mereka di pameranpameran komik, atau bahkan dengan melakukan barter dengan sesama komikus. Bersamaan dengan itu, juga tidak sedikit yang melabeli karyanya dengan ‘copyleft’ (lawannya copyright), yang artinya: silakan digandakan, asal tidak untuk dikomersilkan. Kini, selain berjuang melalui jalur penerbit, para komikus tanah air juga berjuang untuk membangkitkan kembali komik Indonesia melalui forum-forum dan komunitas komik, yang mulai tumbuh menjamur. Forum dan komunitas tersebut menjadi wadah bagi para komikus untuk mulai mengaktualisasi diri dan berkarya. Dalam forum dan komunitas inilah, para komikus mulai menjaring pembaca dan peminat komik. Tak jarang juga mereka menemukan sponsor yang bersedia mendanai penerbitan buku komik mereka. Rencananya, salah satu tokoh komik Gundala Putra Petir akan diangkat ke layar lebar, dan dirilis pada tahun 2016. Dengan demikian, semoga jagad komik Indonesia dapat kembali berkibar, seperti periode keemasannya dahulu. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 115 SPECIAL COMIC MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE Games Online atau yang juga dikenal dengan istilah Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO), merupakan salah satu fenomena yang cukup populer di kalangan gamers. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, namun juga di dunia. Kemudahan yang ditawarkan menjadi salah satu pilihan para gamers ketika mereka tidak mampu membeli games console. Teks: Carissa Nova M assively Multiplayer Online (MMO) dimulai sejak tahun 1969, ketika permainan untuk dua orang dikembangkan dengan tujuan awal untuk pendidikan. Kemudian pada awal tahun 1970, sebuah sistem dengan kemampuan timesharing, yang disebut Plato, diciptakan untuk memudahkan siswa belajar secara online, dimana beberapa pengguna dapat mengakses komputer secara bersamaan. Dua tahun kemudian, muncul Plato IV dengan kemampuan grafis baru, yang digunakan untuk menciptakan permainan untuk banyak pemain (multiplayer games). MMO benar-benar mengalami perkembangan setelah tahun 1995, pembatasan NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network) dihapus, membuat akses ke domain lengkap dari internet. Kesuksesan menghampiri perusahaanperusahaan yang meluncurkan permainan ini, sehingga persaingan mulai tumbuh dan menjadikan games online semakin berkembang hingga saat ini. Mengikuti berjalannya waktu MMO mempunyai beraneka ragam tujuan seperti hiburan, sosial, bisnis, teknologi, dan mash banyak lainnya. Berdasarkan jenis permainannya sendiri MMO di bagi menjadi : MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games), MMOFPS (Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter games), MMORTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy), MMOSG 116 (Massively Multiplayer Online Social Games), MMOBG (Massively Multiplayer Online Browser Games), Simulation Games dan Cross-platform online play. Pada awal mulai liris dipasaran, dari semua genre yang ada, dapat dikatakan bahwa MMORPG dan MMOFPS memiliki pengemar yang cukup banyak. MMOFPS, games dengan genre ini mengusung konsep sudut pandang orang pertama, sehingga seolah-olah pemain dapat berada dalam permainan tersebut dalam sudut pandang tokoh karakter yang dimainkan. Biasanya mengambil setting perang dengan senjata-senjata militer. Contoh permainan jenis ini antara lain “Counter Strike”, “Call of Duty”, “Point Blank”, “Quake”, “Blood” dan “Unreal”. Sayangnya seiring berjalannya waktu dan perkembangan dalam dunia MMO, genre ini mulai surut dan mulai bergabung dengan genre MMORPG. Istilah MMORPG sendiri pertama kali diciptakan oleh Richard Garriott. Richard menggunakan istilah MMORPG ketika dia meluncurkan games-nya yang berjudul ‘Ultima Online’ pada tahun 1997. Sebelum Richard mencetuskan istilah ini, games online dengan genre petualangan yang dimainkan oleh banyak orang ini biasanya disebut dengan MUD. Ketika membicarakan tentang sejarah dari MMORPG sendiri, tentu saja tidak boleh melupakan MUD, karena cikal bakal dari MMORPG adalah games MUD seperti Mazewar (1974) dan MUD1 (1978). Contoh dari games dengan genre ini adalah “Ragnarok Online”, “The 117 SPECIAL COMIC Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar”, “Final Fantasy”, “DotA”, “SEAL”, “Perfect World”. Perlahan namun pasti, genre MMOBG pun mulai menyusul pendahulunya. Games dengan genre ini mulai populer ketika publisher merilis “Kantai Collection” atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan “KanColle”. Sebelumnya memang sudah banyak browser games yang dirilis oleh para publisher games di dunia, namun belum ada yang berhasil mengalahkan fenomena dari “KanColle” ini. Tidak hanya dirilis versi anime-nya pada Januari lalu, namun juga versi manga-nya. Tidak sedikit dari para penggemarnya yang membuat doujinshi dengan mengambil tema cerita dari “KanColle”. Tidak tanggung-tangung untuk bermain browser games ini, mereka harus rela menunggu undian agar dapat bermain di server yang sudah ditentukan. “KanColle” sendiri merupakan browser card battle games yang bercerita tentang pertempuran antar kapal perang di Jepang. Kapal-kapal di games ini tidak ditampilkan begitu saja dalam bentuk kapal perang pada umumnya, tetapi kapal-kapal itu ditunjukkan dalam wujud para wanita cantik dan moe dengan dilengkapi persenjataan kapal induk. Gamers akan berperan sebagai laksamana yang merekrut dan mengatur armada laut untuk melindungi perbatasan dan serangan dari lawan. Menyusul kesuksesan dari “KanColle”, hadir “Touken Ranbu” yang akan menghibur para pecinta anime dan manga bagi kaum hawa. “Touken Ranbu” atau yang disingkat “Tourabu” ini berkisah tentang kehidupan dari para pedang. Namun sama seperti “KanColle”, pedang-pedang tersebut ditampilkan dengan visual para ikemen yang cukup membuat kaum hawa untuk jatuh hati. Meskipun “Tourabu” belum dirilis versi anime-nya, tetapi sudah banyak doujinshi dan merchandise yang dijual baik secara official ataupun yang dibuat oleh para fanbase-nya. Sebuah cafe dengan tema “Tourabu” juga telah dibuka dengan waktu yang cukup terbatas pada bulan Februari hingga Mei lalu di Tokyo dan Osaka. Lantas bagaimana games MMO mulai masuk dan laris di pasar hobi Indonesia? Melalui “Nexia Online”, gamers di tanah air diperkenalkan dengan yang namanya games online. “Nexia” merupakan games online pertama yang hadir ke Indonesia. Games ini dirilis pada bulan Maret tahun 2001 dan sekaligus menjadi pencetus dari kehadiran games online baru lainnya. Meski hanya dibalut oleh grafis yang sederhana, tetapi banyak gamers 118 yang tertarik untuk bermain games jenis ini. Namun sayangnya, umur games ini tidak bertahan terlalu lama. “Nexia” akhirnya ditutup setelah 4 tahun dirilis di Indonesia. Setelahnya hadir “Ragnarok Online”. Era ini merupakan zaman keemasan dari dunia games online di Indonesia. Dari games inilah kemudian warnet mulai bermunculan, pengguna internet dan gamers terus bertambah. Rupanya dari fenomena ini mulai bermunculan dampak negatif bagi para gamers yang bermain “Ragnarok Online”. Dampak negatif yang paling terlihat adalah ketika para gamers kecanduan bermain games online, hingga rela menginap berharihari di warnet. “Ragnarok Online” atau yang dikenal dengan singkatannya “RO” juga hadir sebagai pionir bagi games online penganut sistem “Pay 2 Play” alias P2P, dimana gamers yang ingin memainkan games ini harus membayar terlebih dahulu untuk bermain. Lahan ini lantas digunakan oleh sebagain orang sebagai peluang bisnis tersendiri di kalangan gamers. Berbagai merchandise, fan art, dan komik juga mulai dirilis karena kepopuleran dari games ini. Jumlah publisher games yang tadinya masih dapat dihitung dengan jari pun mulai meningkat. Beberapa games online baru mulai bermunculan seperti “Risk Your Life”, “Gunbound”, “Pangya”, “O2jam”, “SEAL”, “AyoDance” dan “RF Online”. Masing-masing dari MMO ini memiliki fanbase yang cukup fenomenal. “Counter Strike” dan “PointBlank” menjadi udara segar di dunia games online Indonesia, karena games ini hadir ditengah kebosanan akan tipe games RPG yang stereotype. Sempat dikatakan kedua games ini merupakan games MMOFPS pertama yang hadir di Indonesia. Padahal sebelum kedua games ini, games MMOFPS pertama yang hadir di Indonesia adalah “VitalSign”, sayangnya games ini tidak terlalu popular, karena masih sedikit gamers yang menaruh perhatian kepada games online serta kebutuhan spesifikasi komputer yang tinggi juga menjadi hambatan untuk bermain. Antusiasme para gamers di Indonesia tidak terhenti disitu saja. Fenomena dari “KanColle” serta “Tourabu” juga hadir menjadi warna baru. Games MMO Strategi yang berbasis di aplikasi Android serta IOS juga sudah mulai popular, sebut saja “Clash of Clan”, yang mampu mengumpulkan fanbase-nya sendiri. (ICA/IND/ICA/NDR) 119 entertain us Disney Channel menggembangkan film TV yang berjudul “Descendants”, yang merupakan dari kumpulan dongeng klasik buatan Disney. Dimana masih mengandalkan cerita khas Disney yaitu, “bahagia selama-lamanya” dengan kehidupan istana bercerita tentang, para remaja yang penuh humor dan orang tua menaruh harapan kepada anak-anaknya. Film “Descendants” yang memiliki keunikan pada penokohan, twist pada plot dan penuh tawa ini khusus dirancang untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Teks: Fiona Fleurette C erita “Descendants” bermula ketika Ben, anak dari Pasangan Beast dan Belle, siap untuk mengambil takhta kerajaan di Auradon. Karakter Ben yang baik hati ini memproklamasikan kesempatan para keturunan karakter Disney yang jahat untuk menebus kejahatan dengan mengijinkan Mal (anak perempuan dari Maleficent), Evie (anak perempuan dari Evil Queen), Carlos (anak laki-laki dari Cruella De Vil) dan Jay (anak laki-laki dari Jafar) untuk masuk ke Auradon untuk pertama kalinya dan ikut serta dalam persiapan sekolah. Mereka berempat dan bersama orangtua masing-masing telah dipenjara di pulau terpencil, Isle of Lost, selama 20 tahun. Mereka akan bergabung bersama dengan keturunan dari karakter Disney yang baik, seperti Jane (anak dari Ibu Peri), Chad Charming (anak dari Cinderella) dan Audrey (anak dari Sleeping Beauty). Saat persiapan sekolah, mereka akan menemukan kepercayaan diri, kebebeasan memilih, bertanggung jawab, bekerja sama dalam tim, keadilan dan empati. Di sekolah tersebutlah putra dan putri keturunan penjahat klasik tersebut membentuk karakter mereka masing-masing. Akankah mereka mengikuti jejak orang tua mereka atau sebaliknya. Konflik antara baik dan jahat akan menjadi sorotan dari Disney Channel Original Movie. Film ini dibintangi oleh Dove Cameron yang memerankan karakter Mal. Ia ditugaskan oleh ibunya yang diperankan oleh aktris dan penyanyi Kristin Chenoweth untuk mencuri tongkat dari Ibu Peri saat menghadiri sekolah persiapan di Auradon. Mal sangat ditakuti oleh para remaja di Auradon dikarenakan ia mempunyai kemampuan untuk melemparkan mantra-mantra. Akan tetapi, Mal mempunyai seorang sahabat bernama Evie, diperankan oleh Sofia Carson. Evie secara diam-diam pergi ke Auradon dengan membawa cermin ajaib ibunya, Evil Queen (Kathy Najimy), dengan harapan agar menemukan seorang pangeran yang sempurna. Sedangkan pemain perempuan di kerajaan Auradon adalah Brenna D’Amico (Jane) sebagai anak dari Ibu Peri. Ia diajarkan untuk tidak pernah menyimpang dari perbuatan baik, hal ini membuat ia sangat ketakukan atas kehadiran para keturunan penjahat. Begitu juga Sarah Jeffery (Audrey), putri dari Putri Aurora, yang sangat mencurigai Mal. Sangat berbeda dengan karakter yang dimainkan Dianne Doan (Lonnie), putri dari Mulan. Dia lebih terbuka dengan kehadiran Mel, Evie, Jay dan Carlos. Pemeran laki-laki di film ini, antara lain Booboo Stewart yang memerankan sosok Jay. Anak laki-laki dari Jafar (Maz Jobrani) yang lincah dalam hal mencuri. Kelincahannya ia pakai untuk masuk ke bidang olahraga di sekolah persiapan di Auradon. Sosok Stewart 120 121 ©Disney entertain us cukup dikenal di film-film Hollywood, seperti di film “Eclipse” dan “X:Men: Days of Future Past”. Selain itu ada Cameron Boyce sebagai Carlos, sifatnya tidak jauh dari ibunya, Cruella de Vil (Wendy Raquel Robinson), dimana rasa takut timbul bila bertemu dengan anjing. Kemudian ada pendatang baru dari Australia, Mitchell Hope (Ben), yang tidak takut dengan keputusannya dalm memproklamasikan kesempatan kepada keturunan para penjahat masuk ke Auradon. Ia justru merangkul keempat keturunan penjahat itu dengan membantu memperlihatkan tanah kerajaannya. Kenny Ortega, pemenang Emmy Awards dalam kategori director and choreographer dalam film “High School Musical”, ikut terlibat dalam film “Descendants” sebagai koreografer dan produser eksekutif. Ortega juga membawa Paul Becker, teman lamanya sebagai koreografer yang terkenal dalam kompetisi “So You Think You Can Dance Canada”. Sedangkan naskah ditulis oleh Josann McGibbon dan Sara Parriott (penulis “Runaway Bride” dan “Desperate Housewives”). Desain produksi dan set lokasi yang membentuk 2 dunia yang berbeda, yaitu pulau terpencil yang kumuh, Isle of Lost dan kerajaan sempurna, Auradon. Kedua ide tercipta berkat Mark Hofeling, yang pernah sukses mengerjakan film “Teen Beach Movie” dan “High School Musical” bersama dengan Kenny Ortega. Hofeling menjelaskan, bahwa Isle of Lost adalah pulau yang dihuni para penjahat yang dibuang dan tidak tahu bagaimana cara memperbaiki tempat tersebut. Mereka hanya dapat melakukan barter dan mencuri. Mereka terjebak pada tahun 1970an, teknologi yang belum berkembang, dan tidak ada burung berkicau tetapi masih terlihat megah walaupun kelam. Perancang busana, Kara Saun, yang ikut dalam kontestan “Project Runway”, merancang pakaian setiap karakter di film “Descendants” ini dengan memadukan latar belakang, penampilan dan warna. Seperti karakter Mal, yang memiliki garis keturunan yang keras, berjiwa pemimpin dan handal dalam hal mantra, digambarkan seekor naga dengan warna ungu gelap, magenta dan warna hijau beracun. Karakter Evie menggunakan mahkota dan kalung hati dengan warna biru dan hitam. Sedangkan Jay, dimana ayahnya selalu dihubungkan dengan ular kobra, membuat penampilan Jay dari jaket sampai sepatunya ada unsur kobra dan kulit. Untuk karakter Carlos, ia mengenakan lambang anjing dengan warna hitam, putih dan merah yang diambil dari 122 ©Disney Premieres Sunday, 13 September 10 am sang ibu Cruella de Vil. Film “Descendants” semakin menarik dengan adanya drama musikal yang dipegang oleh David Lawrence sebagai komposer. Soundtrack film ini meliputi 6 lagu Electronic Dance Music (EDM) untuk bentuk balada dan urban pop, seperti lagu “Be Our Guest” yang diambil dari film “Beauty and the Beast”. Selain itu, lagu “Evil Like Me” yang dinyanyikan Kristin Chenoweth dan Dove Cameron sangatlah memukau. Kristin menyelesaikan rekaman hanya dalam beberapa jam sehingga total penulisan lagu dan rekaman hanya dikerjakan dalam waktu seminggu. Tak kendilan Andrew Lippa sebagai penulis dibalik lagu tersebut, yang terkenal dengan karya lagu-lagu broadway seperti “The Addams Family” dan “Big Fish”. Beberapa penulis lagu sekaligus produser musik yang ikut serta, seperti Alan Menken, Howard Ashman, Andrew Lippa, Adam Anders, Adam Schlesinger, Johan Alkenas, Peer Astrom, Charity Daw, Josh Edmondson, Nikki Hassman, Sam Hollander, Craig Lashley, Marco Mariangelli, Grant Michaels, Shelly Peiken dan Joacim Persson. Film “Descendants” tayang perdana di musim panas tahun 2015 secara live-action di Disney Channel Amerika Serikat, kemudian diikuti oleh Disney Channel seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia akan tayang tanggal 13 September 2015 pukul 10.00 WIB. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) 123 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE PENGARUH PARFUM DAN AROMANYA TERHADAP DAYA INGAT DAN PERILAKU MANUSIA Pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2015, Unza Vitalis menggelar Vitalis Scentsational Star Press Launch di The Resonanz, Jakarta, dalam rangka memperkenalkan 2 pilihan fragrance baru yang terinspirasi dari aura glamor dengan sentuhan kemewahan bercita-rasa tinggi dengan gaya Hollywood dan Cannes. Teks: Fiona Fleurette W Foto: Cindy Indriany angi atau aroma memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat dengan kesan dan memori. Kesan saat kita berinteraksi dengan orang lain, kita pasti ingin selalu meninggalkan kesan positif yang mendalam. Sedangkan memori bisa dari sebuah tempat atau peristiwa, yang ditanggap oleh otak kita untuk merangsang indera penciuman. Aroma juga mampu membangkitakan emosi yang lebih positif lagi. Misalnya, aroma lemon membangkitkan perasaaan yang menyegarkan, revitalisasi dan sehingga membuat kita menjadi semangat dalam menjalani aktifitas. Lain halnya dengan aroma mawar, yang mempunyai keterkaitan dengan perasaan mewah, berkelas, karismatik, pintar, menawan dan anggun. Sementara aroma white flowers (misalnya, bunga melati, bunga lily dan Gardenia) memberikan kesan extravaganza, mempesona, glamor dan memanjakan diri. Setelah tahun lalu, Unza Vitalis mengeluarkan 4 pilihan fragrance dalam produk Vitalis Eau de Cologne, yaitu Diva, Femme Chic, Magnifique dan Haute Couture. Kali ini, Vitalis mengambil inspirasi dari aura gemerlap dan glamor seperti halnya para selebriti di Hollywood yang ekspresif, kreatif, inspiratif dan punya daya tarik tinggi. Sehingga Vitalis menghadirkan Eau de Cologne “Celebrite” dalam kemasan botol berwarna jingga dengan keharuman lemon yang segar dibalut dengan kemewahan mawar nan anggun dan elegan ditutup dengan gourmand note yang mewah dan berkelas, sehingga membuat para wanita pemakainya menjadi pusat perhatian. Berikutnya Vitalis terinspirasi keanggunan para selebriti di ajang festival film Cannes yang glamor, artisitik, berkarakter dan memiliki selera tinggi. Vitalis menghadirkan Eau de Cologne “Glam Star” dalam kemasan botol berwarna hijau, yang diawali dengan aroma Citrus Mandarin yang sangat energik, menyegarkan dan revitalisasi dipadu dengan white floral yang glamor, extravaganza dan mempesona yang diakhiri dengan woody dan musky yang tahan lama, menyenangkan dan elegan. Dua varian terbaru dari Vitalis ini membantu wanita Indonesia menjadi semakin lebih percaya diri dalam meraih impiannya. 124 Pemilihan fragrance yang tepat akan sangat membantu para wanita untuk tampil lebih menarik dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. “Hal ini memudahkannya dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar, membantu meningkatkan kreatifitas, lebih berani tampil di depan umum, bahkan meyakinkan orang lain. Sehingga peluang untuk mencapai kesuksesan menjadi lebih tinggi.” Ungkap Christina Wilsa selaku Marketing Manager Unza Vitalis. Dalam acara peluncuran produk baru Vitalis Eau de Cologne, hadir juga Psychologist Dra A. Kasandra Putranto yang berbicara tentang keterkaitan parfum dengan ingatan manusia dan kaitan aroma dengan perilaku manusia. Selain itu, hadir juga fragrance expert Anne Sylvie Selezneff menjadi pembicara tentang “Art of Perfumery” yang menjelaskan inpirasi, pembuatan dan komposisi dari fragrance yang ada di dunia, teruma di Indonesia. Selain talkshow dari Ibu Wilsa, Dra Kasandra dan Ibu Anne, terdapat 2 booth untuk mencoba meracik parfum sendiri dengan berbagai jenis fragrance yang berbeda. Setiap booth terdapat 3 aroma yang dicampurkan ke dalam alkohol yang sudah disediakan dalam botol parfum kecil. Ada juga booth untuk tebak aroma yang diletakkan di dalam kaleng tertutup kain tipis, sehingga dapat mencium aroma apa saja di dalamnya. Kemudian acara ditutup dengan fashion show dari perancang busana Mety Choa yang dibawakan oleh artis Firrina Sinatrya dan Putri Indonesia 2011 Maria Selena. Ke-6 aroma Vitalis Eau de Cologne tersebut telah hadir di supermarket dan toko-toko kosmetik. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) 125 GETAWAY GEDUNG PENCAKAR LANGIT MENARIK SEDUNIA Bayangkan betapa menariknya pergi ke puncak gedung pencakar langit tertinggi sembari mengamati kota yang anda kunjungi? Terdapat restoran menarik, pusat perbelanjaan dan berbagai kegiatan lainnya, yang dapat dnikmati keindahannya. Cobalah cek beberapa bangunan menarik di bawah ini, mungkin Anda tertarik mengunjunginya. Teks : Cindy Putri Indriyani Burj Khalifa, Dubai Marina bay sands, singapore Gedung tertinggi sedunia ini mencapai 830 m atau setinggi 2.722 kaki. Di gedung pencakar langit ini terdapat kantor, juga tempat tinggal dengan apartemen sekitar 900 kamar. Burj Khalifa didesain oleh Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) yang juga mendesain beberapa gedung pencakar langit lain, desain dari Burj Khalifa menggabungkan elemen arsitektur Islam. Hotel Armani juga ada di gedung ini menawarkan kamar suite mewah dengan pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Lebih dari sekedar gedung tertinggi di dunia, Burj Khalifa ini merupakan sebuah contoh dari kerjasama internasional, dan merupakan sebuah lambang baru yang dinamik dan menggambarkan kesejahteraan Timur Tengah. Tiga tower berjejer sebagai simbolik untuk gaya hidup urban. Di Marina Bay Sands ini memiliki segala hal yang anda inginkan dalam satu tempat, resort, hotel, kasino, museum, teater, pusat perbelanjaan dan juga restoran. Marina Bay Sands juga mampu menampung sampai 45.000 orang sekaligus. Dan, tentu saja yang paling terkenal adalah kolam berenang di atas ketiga tower tersebut dengan menawarkan panorama menakjubkan yang pernah ada. Empire state building, New York 126 Empire State Building adalah sebuah pencakar langit berlantai 102, yang terletak di Midtown Manhattan, New York City, di persimpangan Fifth Avenue dan West 34th Street. Gedung ini dirancang dengan gaya Art Deco dan dijuluki sebagai salah satu “Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia Modern” oleh American Society of Civil Engineers. Gedung ini ditetapkan sebagai National Historic Landmark pada tahun 1986. Pada tahun 2007, Empire State Building menempati peringkat satu dalam daftar arsitektur terfavorit di Amerika Serikat menurut AIA. The Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur Gedung kembar tertinggi di dunia ini mencapai tinggi 451,9 meter atau 1.483 kaki. Sementara salah satu bangunan ditempati oleh perusahaan minyak, sedangkan gedung kedua dari Petronas Tower ini lebih menyenangkan, yaitu merupakan pusat perbelanjaan Suria KLCC yang sangat mengesankan. Taman disekitar tidak hanya memberikan panorama kota, namun terdapat juga kegiatan yang menyenangkan. 127 GETAWAY Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong Kingdom Centre adalah salah satu pencakar langit di Riyadh, Arab Saudi. Gedung ini memiliki ketinggian 302.3 meter (992 kaki) dan merupakan pencakar langit tertinggi ketiga di Arab Saudi setelah Abraj al-Bait dan Burj Rafal. Kingdom Centre adalah pencakar langit yang memiliki lubang tertinggi ketiga di dunia, setelah Shanghai World Financial Center dan Tuntex Sky Tower. Di samping gedung ini terdapat pusat perbelanjaan, yang di dalamnya terdapat Hotel Four Seasons Riyadh dan apartemen selain itu terdapat juga jembatan sepanjang 56 meter yang terletak di puncak pencakar langit ini. Untuk masuk ke sini dikenakan biaya tiket sebesar 35 Riyal Arab Saudi. Menara ini di desain oleh Richard Tenguerian, yang juga merupakan Arsitek dari Yankee Stadium New York, The Sail di Marina Bay Singapura dan Comcast Center Philadelphia. Bitexco Financial Tower, Vietnam Bank of China Tower ini adalah salah satu gedung pencakar langit yang terkenal di Hong Kong. Gedung yang dibangun pada tahun 1990 ini merupakan gedung tertinggi di luar Amerika Serikat pada saat itu. Bank of China Tower ini banyak menimbulkan kontroversi karena melanggar aturan Feng Shui dengan bangunan sudut tajam. Menurut Feng Shui sudut bangunan gedung yang tajam akan menimbulkan ketidak untungan bagi bangunan yang berada di sekitarnya. Kini, Bank of China Tower ini menawarkan pertujukan, yang merupakan bagian dari acara Symphony of Light di Hong Kong. Kingdom Centre, Saudi Arabia Bitexco Financial Tower merupakan sebuah pencakar langit di Kota Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Konstruksi selesai pada tahun 2010. Tingginya mencapai 265,5 meter, merupakan menara tertinggi di kota ini. Menara ini akan digunakan untuk kantor dan pusat perbelanjaan. Desain Gedung pencakar langit ini pun memiliki bentuk seperti bunga teratai di atasnya, yang memiliki makna religius sekaligus budaya nasional dari Vietnam. Bagian atas yang mejorok keluar sekitar 22 meter tersebut adalah bagian yang paling menarik untuk mereka yang ingin melihat panorama kota dari Bitexco Financial Tower ini. 128 The Shard, London, England The Shard ini sebuah gedung pencakar langit dengan 87 lantai di ibukota Inggris yang paling menonjol diantara bangunan sejarah, seperti Istana Westminster dan St. Paul Cathedral. The Shard ini memiliki deck yang paling tinggi di London, dan memperlihatkan panorama kota London yang luas. Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai, China Gedung ini merupakan gedung yang terdiri dari kantor, hotel, ruangan konferensi, dek pengamatan dan mal. Tinggi total gedung pencakar langit ini adalah 492 meter dan merupakan gedung pencakar langit tertinggi di Shanghai. (CND/IND/CND/NDR) 129 EYESPORT LOTTE MELUNCURKAN PROGRAM ACARA REALITI ANAK-ANAK BERTEMA SEPAKBOLA yang pertama Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2015 – Bertempat di The Ice Palace Lotte Shopping Avenue, Lotte meluncurkan program acara olahraga untuk anak-anak bertajuk “Lotte Kids FC”. Acara realiti yang mengusung tema sepak bola ini akan disiarkan di TRANS7 secara perdana pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2015, mulai pukul 10.30 WIB. L otte Kids FC akan menayangkan 13 episode di musim pertamanya. Lotte Kids FC ini diproduksi dengan tujuan menjadi sarana bagi para anak-anak Indonesia yang berbakat untuk mewujudkan mimpi mereka menjadi pemain bola profesional. Proses pemilihan peserta untuk program acara ini telah dilakukan sebelumnya pada tanggal 2 Agustus kemarin, dalam bentuk mini soccer competition untuk kelas usia 6-9 tahun. Kompetisi ini dimenangkan oleh tim SD Sang Timur Cakung yang nantinya akan menjadi peserta dari program acara realiti olahraga untuk anak-anak pertama di Indonesia. Pemilihan target usia anak-anak 6-9 tahun dikarenakan telah banyak program sejenis untuk target usia di atas 10 tahun. Hal ini dilihat Lotte sebagai suatu kesempatan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada komunitas lokal dalam pengembangan bakat untuk kemajuan dunia sepakbola Indonesia. Lotte ingin menginspirasi anak-anak dan orangtua tentang proses mencapai kesuksesan dan format reality show merupakan medium yang sangat ideal. “Dengan jumlah populasi yang sangat besar dan animo masyarakat yang begitu tinggi terhadap sepak bola, Indonesia menyimpan sebuah potensi yang sangat besar. Lotte lewat program realiti Lotte Kids FC ini berharap dapat menginspirasi para anak-anak, orang tua dan pecinta sepak bola di Indonesia untuk terus bekerja keras dan mempercayai pentingnya konsistensi sebuah proses dalam mencapai mimpi mereka, mimpi untuk sepak bola Indonesia yang lebih baik,” kata Mr. Joseph V. Buntaran, President Director Lotte Shopping Indonesia. Untuk membimbing para anak-anak ini dalam menjalani proses syuting sepanjang 13 episode, Lotte Kids FC telah memilih beberapa mentor. Yeyen Tumena, mantan pemain timnas dan legenda sepak bola Indonesia yang akan menjadi pelatih bagi anak-anak ini. Yeyen akan ditemani juga oleh Putra 130 Maulana, seorang komentator dan pengamat sepak bola nasional. Untuk menempati posisi manager bagi para anak-anak Lotte Kids FC ini akan ada Franda, wanita cantik yang melambung namanya sebagai seorang sport VJ dan memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup luas tentang sepak bola Indonesia. Kehadiran ketiga mentor ini pastinya akan membuat kualitas acara Lotte Kids FC semakin menghibur. Lewat acara ini, para penonton juga akan disuguhkan dengan aksi pencarian anak-anak bertalenta lewat proses open audition, dimana tim akan mengunjungi tim anak-anak berprestasi di berbagai pelosok, melakukan gerilya di tempat pusat keramaian. Tujuannya tentunya menemukan anak yang berbakat dan membantu mengasah mereka agar tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang mampu menghadapi segala tantangan yang menghalang dalam mewujudkan mimpi mereka. Melihat ragam anak-anak bertalenta yang turut serta dalam program ini, para penonton akan bisa merasakan semangat kebhinekaan yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Setelah episode ke-3, para penonton juga akan disuguhkan pertandingan-pertandingan seru antara tim Lotte Kids FC dengan tim-tim lokal dan kemudian mereka juga akan terbang ke Korea untuk bertanding melawan tim unggulan dari Korea. Siapakah yang akan menjadi pemain terbaik setelah menjalani semua proses latihan serta pertandingan-pertandingan itu? Saksikan 13 episode Lotte Kids FC yang akan disiarkan oleh Trans 7, setiap hari Minggu pukul 10:30 WIB. 131 what’s up world Penghargaan tertinggi bagi insan pertelevisian Amerika Serikat, ajang Emmy Awards, kembali digelar untuk ke-67 kalinya yang pemenangnya akan diumumkan pada tanggal 20 September 2015 mendatang di Los Angeles, tepatnya di Microsoft Theater. Teks: Fiona Fleurette P enghargaan Emmy Awards atau sering disebut Emmys merupakan pengakuan atas keunggulan bagi pertelevisian di Amerika Serikat, yang diberikan oleh Academy of Television Arts and Science. Emmys sendiri dibagi jadi 2, yakni Primetime (tayang pada malam hari) dan Daytime (tayang pada siang hari). Tahun 2015 ini, acara TV yang masuk dalam nominasi, yaitu acara yang tayang dari 1 Juni 2014 sampai 31 Mei 2015. Pengumuan nominasinya pun telah dilakukan tanggal 16 Juli lalu. Pengumuman nominasi Emmy Awards ini saja menjadikan topik pembicaraan yang menarik perhatian bagi pecinta serial TV, termasuk di media sosial. Serial fantasi “Game of Thorones” berhasil mengantongi 24 nominasi tahun ini. Sedangkan serial “American Horror Story: Freak Show” menjadi pesaing terdekat dari “Game of Thrones” karena mengantongi 19 nominasi, diikuti dengan serial “Olive Kitteridge” yang mendapatkan 13 nominasi, serial baru yang diperankan oleh Queen Latifah berjudul “Bessie” meraih 12 nominasi serta “House of Cards”, “Mad Men” dan “Transparent” diposisi seimbang dengan 11 nominasi. Pengumuman nominasi tersebut, menjadikan channel HBO sebagai pemborong terbanyak untuk original serial TV yang telah ditayangkan, yaitu sebanyak 126 nomiasi! Tahun ini, Emmys akan dipemandu oleh Andy Samberg, beserta penampilan artis dan aktor yang akan memamerkan busana mereka di atas panggung maupun di red carpet. DRAMA SERIES Better Call Saul Downton Abbey Game of Thrones Homeland House of Cards Mad Men Orange Is the New Black 132 COMEDY SERIES Louie Modern Family Parks and Recreation Silicon Valley Transparent Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Veep ACTOR, DRAMA SERIES Kyle Chandler, Bloodline Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom Jon Hamm, Mad Men Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan Kevin Spacey, House of Cards ACTRESS, DRAMA SERIES Claire Danes, Homeland Viola Davis, How to Get Away with Murder Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men Robin Wright, House of Cards Taraji P. Henson, Empire ACTOR, COMEDY SERIES Anthony Anderson, Black-ish Louis C.K., Louie Don Cheadle, House of Lies Will Forte, The Last Man on Earth Matt LeBlanc, Episodes William H. Macy, Shameless Jeffrey Tambor, Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent 133 what’s up world ACTRESS, COMEDY SERIES MOVIE Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie Lisa Kudrow, The Comeback Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation Amy Schumer, Inside Amy Schumer Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Curtain, Poirot’s Last Case Bessie Grace of Monaco Hello Ladies: The Movie Killing Jesus Nightingale SUPPORTING ACTOR, DRAMA SERIES Jonathan Banks, Better Call Saul Ben Mendelsohn, Bloodline Jim Carter, Downton Abbey Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones Alan Cumming, The Good Wife Michael Kelly, House of Cards SUPPORTING ACTRESS, DRAMA SERIES Joanne Froggatt, Downtown Abbey Lena Headey, Game of Thrones Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones Christine Baranski, The Good Wife Christina Hendricks, Mad Men Uzo Aduba, Orange Is the New Black SUPPORTING ACTOR, COMEDY SERIES Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Adam Driver, Girls Keegan-Michael Key, Key & Peele Ty Burrell, Modern Family Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Tony Hale, Veep SUPPORTING ACTRESS, COMEDY SERIES Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory Niecy Nash, Getting On Julie Bowen, Modern Family Allison Janney, Mom Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live Gaby Hoffmann, Transparent Jane Krakowski, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Anna Chlumsky, Veep ACTOR, LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE Timothy Hutton, American Crime Ricky Gervais, Derek Adrien Brody, Houdini David Oyelowo, Nightingale Richard Jenkins, Olive Kitteridge Mark Rylance, Wolf Hall ACTRESS, LIMITED SERIES OR MOVIE Felicity Huffman, American Crime Jessica Lange, American Horror Story: Freak Show Queen Latifah, Bessie Maggie Gyllenahaal, The Honorable Woman Frances McDormand, Olive Kitteridge Emma Thompson, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Live from Lincoln Center) VARIETY TALK SHOW The Colbert Report The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Jimmy Kimmel Live Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Late Show with David Letterman The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon VARIETY SKETCH SERIES Drunk History Inside Amy Schumer Key & Peele Portlandia Saturday Night Live REALITY COMPETITION LIMITED SERIES The Amazing Race Dancing with the Stars Project Runway So You Think You Can Dance Top Chef The Voice American Crime American Horror Story: Freak Show The Honorable Woman Olive Kitteridge Wolf Hall 134 REALITY HOST Tom Bergeron, Dancing with the Stars Jane Lynch, Hollywood Game Night Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn, Project Runway Cat Deeley, So You Think You Can Dance Anthony Bourdain, The Taste GUEST ACTOR, DRAMA SERIES Alan Alda, The Blacklist Michael J. Fox, The Good Wife F. Murray Abraham, Homeland Reg E. Cathey, House of Cards Beau Bridges, Masters of Sex Pablo Schreiber, Orange Is the New Black GUEST ACTRESS, DRAMA SERIES Margo Martindale, The Americans Diana Rigg, Game of Thrones Rachel Brosnahan, House of Cards Cicely Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder Allison Janney, Masters of Sex Khandi Alexander, Scandal GUEST ACTOR, COMEDY SERIES Mel Brooks, The Comedians Paul Giamatti, Inside Amy Schumer Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live Louis C.K., Saturday Night Live Bradley Whitford, Transparent Jon Hamm, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt GUEST ACTRESS, COMEDY SERIES Christine Baranski, The Big Bang Theory Gaby Hoffmann, Girls Pamela Adlon, Louie Elizabeth Banks, Modern Family Joan Cusack, Shameless ANIMATED PROGRAM Archer Bob’s Burgers Over the Garden Wall The Simpsons South Park (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) 135 ENTERTAIN US Tokyo Love Story D Bagi generasi ‘90-an, serial dorama “Tokyo Love Story” adalah tontonan favorit. Waktu itu, hampir semua remaja jatuh cinta pada ceritanya. Mulai bulan ini, kita bisa bernostalgia menonton “Tokyo Love Story di channel WakuWaku Japan. Masih ingat ceritanya? ©1991 FUJI TELEVISION NETWORK, INC. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. iadaptasi dari manga karya Fumi Saimon, serial dorama yang ditayangkan pertama kali pada tahun 1991 tersebut tak hanya sukses di Jepang. Tiongkok, Taiwan, Hong Kong hingga Indonesia terserang virus “Tokyo Love Story” kala itu, serta menjadi juru bicara budaya pop Jepang, sebagaimana “Winter Sonata” yang memicu tren Hallyu. “Tokyo Love Story” bercerita tentang percintaan antara Nagao Kanchi dengan Akana Rika. Mereka adalah teman satu kantor. Nagao adalah pemuda yang baru datang dari daerah untuk bekerja di Tokyo. Selama di Tokyo dan dalam pekerjaannya, Nagao selalu dibantu oleh Rika. Rika selalu ada dan mendukung Nagao. Rika adalah sosok yang sangat mandiri, energik dan selalu tersenyum dan sangat periang. Nagao memiliki teman sekolah bernama Satomi Segikuci dan Mikami. Tiga sahabat ini dipertemukan kembali di Tokyo. Selama masa SMA, Nagao memendam perasaan cinta kepada Satomi.Tetapi Satomi lebih mencintai Mikami. Mikami adalah sosok laki-laki flamboyan yang senang bergonta-ganti teman wanita. Ini yang membuat Satomi selalu kecewa dengan sikap Mikami. Di saat menghadapi sikap Mikami seperti itu, Satomi selalu curhat kepada Nagao. Nagao selalu 136 SILENT SIREN ada menghibur di saat Satomi dalam keadaan sedih dan terluka. Nagao adalah tempat Satomi mengeluarkan perasaan kecewanya terhadap Mikami. Sementara itu, Rika memiliki perasaan cinta kepada Nagao. Rika menyadari bahwa Nagao sangat mencintai Mikami. Rika selalu bersabar dan tidak putus asa memberikan waktu kepada Nagao dan berharap semoga Nagao bisa mencintai Rika. Tetapi beberapa kali Nagao melakukan kesalahan dan tidak menepati janjinya. Nagao lebih memilih untuk bersama Satomi dibandingkan dengan Rika. Rika akhirnya memutuskan untuk mengambil kesempatan promosi yang diberikan oleh pimpinan di kantornya untuk pindah ke Los Angeles, Amerika, selama 3 tahun. Rika berharap bahwa Nagao akan menahan dan memohon kepada Rika agar tidak berangkat ke LA.Tetapi Nagao dalam posisi bimbang, karena dia berada di dalam posisi sulit untuk memilih bersama Rika atau dengan Satomi. Karena ternyata Satomi akhirnya mengakui bahwa Satomi juga mencintai Nagao. Rika akhirnya berangkat ke Los Angeles, karena dia yakin Nagao pasti akan memilih Satomi dibandingkan dengan dirinya. Dan setelah 3 tahun berpisah, Rika kembali ke Tokyo dengan membawa pulang perasaan yang sama, yaitu mencintai Nagao. Apakah kepulangan Rika akan menyatukan dirinya dengan Nagao? Sosok Rika Akana diperankan amat baik oleh Honami Suzuki. Ia mampu membawakan sosok Rika yang menggemaskan, supel, dan ceria. Kanji Nagao diperankan oleh Yuji Oda, Satomi Sekiguchi diperankan oleh Narimi Arimori, dan Kenichi Mikami diperankan oleh Akiho Sendo. Soundtrack serial “Tokyo Love Story” pun menjadi hits di Indonesia di tahun ‘90-an dengan judul “Love Story wa Totsuzen ni”, dinyanyikan oleh Kazumasa Oda. Lagu tersebut berhasil menduduki urutan ke-8 dalam sejarah penjualan single terbaik di Jepang. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) CHANNEL 340 Live Tour 2014 2015 WINTER CHANNEL 281 Setiap Senin & Selasa pkl. 21.00 - 22.00 WIB MINGGU 6 SEPT Untuk program spesial lainnya, silakan kunjungi 137 14.00 WIB PAUSE
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