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NOW ONi PAD&ANDROI D 2015 I NDONESI A’ SPREMI ER ENT ERT AI NMENT&T VGUI DEMAGAZI NE DE NSI I J ASON STATHAM MANTANATLI TRENANG YANGKI NIMENJADI AKTORHOLL YWOOD PARADEMOBI L EKSOTI KFURI OUS7 PASARKLEWERDIMATA ANNEAVANTI E WAWANCARAEKSKLUSI F PEMERANUTAMA BATTLECREEK MY TOP 10 MY TOP The Knick 10 Cinemax Kisah seputar dokter bedah, suster dan staf di sebuah Rumah Sakit kota New York, pada awal tahun 1900. Dibintangi oleh Clive Owen yang berperan sebagai kepala dokter bedah sekaligus pecandu kokain bernama Dr. John Thackery, dan Andre Holland yang berperan sebagai Dr. Algernon Edwards, membuka praktek untuk pasien yang ditolak oleh rumah sakit tempatnya bekerja. FAVORITE PROGRAMS Eating America With Anthony Anderson The Lego Movie HBO Hits AFC Emmet (Chris Pratt) adalah seorang pria biasa yang hidup di dunia lego. Suatu hari ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis bernama Lucy (Elizabeth Banks). Untuk menarik perhatian Lucy, Emmet mengakui dirinya dapat menyelamatkan dunia. Anthony Anderson melakukan perjalanan ke berbagai festival makanan di Amerika. Mulai dari makanan tradisional hingga yang telah dimodifikasi, semua dicoba. Animax American Chopper: Shaq Bike Diadaptasi dari serial manga, serial animasi komedi romantis ini menceritakan tentang Haruka Kotoura yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk membaca pikiran orang. Namun kemampuannya tersebut menyebabkan pengalaman yang buruk baginya, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk menjaga jarak dengan orang lain. Namun semuanya berubah ketika ia berkenalan dengan Yoshihisa Manabe yang suka berkhayal. Serial ini hadir kembali dengan menggandeng pemain basket legendaris, Shaquille O’Neal. Awalnya, Shaq ingin motornya dimodifikasi sesuai dengan tinggi badannya. Kemudian ia mendatangi bengkel milik Paul Teutul Sr. dan mempercayakan motornya di bengkel tersebut. Kotoura-San DMAX 4 MY TOP 10 Jamie’s Comfort Food Canines On The Loose TLC FOX FAMILY MOVIES Pada dasarnya, “Jamie’s Comfort Food” menghidangkan menu yang sederhana namun terlihat menggiurkan. Bernostalgia dengan tradisi dan kegemaran masa kecil, yang dapat memberi semangat ketika memasak. Lokasi syuting sengaja dilakukan di rumah Jamie sendiri, diantara teman-teman dan keluarga Jamie. Dalam rangka “Easter Special”, maka bulan ini FFM menghadirkan “Canines On The Loose”. Film-film bertema sahabat manusia ini adalah “101 Dalmations”, “102 Dalmations”, “Homeward Bound I”, “Homeward Bound II”, “Pudsey The Dog”, “Wiener Dog Nationals”, “The Adventures of Roborex” dan “Snow Dogs”. Fast & Furious Marathon Universal Bersamaan dengan rilisnya film “Furious 7”, maka di bulan yang sama, Universal Channel menayangkan sekuel sebelumnya secara marathon, seperti “Fast and Furious”, “2 Fast 2 Furious” dan “Fast Five”. Film action ini berkisah tentang persahabatan seorang polisi bernama Brian O’Connor dan Dominic Toretto di dunia balap mobil jalanan. Persahabatan mereka membuat Brian terpaksa menanggalkan lencananya dan berpetualang bersama Dom. Mr. Bean Holiday & Mr. Bean Animated series marathon The X-MEN Chronicles fox movies premium Disney Channel Dalam rangka memperingati April Mop atau April Fools’ Day yang jatuh pada tanggal 1 April, Disney Channel menghadirkan sosok inspirasional yang diidolakan banyak orang, Mr. Bean! Tunggu kehadiran film “Mr. Bean Holiday” dan marathon animasi Mr. Bean. Siapa yang tidak mengenal Wolverine, Jean Grey, Magneto, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue dan Profesor Charles Xavier? X-Men akan hadir setiap jam 8 malam dari 29 Maret hingga 4 April secara bergantian, seperti “X-Men: First Class”, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”, “X-Men”, “X2: X-Men United”, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, “The Wolverine” dan “X-Men: Days of Future Past”. 5 On The Screen Kegiatan karnaval di Benua Amerika tidak hanya memeperlihatkan atribut-atribut menarik di sepanjang jalan raya, ada juga penjual makanan di antara kerumunan orang yang sedang menyaksikan pawai tersebut. Teks: Fiona Fleurette N oah Cappe, sebagai pembawa acara “Carnival Eat” akan memperlihatkan para penjual makanan yang secara khusus membuat masakan baru. Keunikan dari masakan tersebut dilihat dari porsi ukuran makanan, perpaduan makanan yang tidak biasa dengan cita rasa enak yang didapat di antara karnaval atau pameran tersebut, sehingga para penggemar makanan rela mencari dimana keberadaan Premieres Thursday, 9 April 6.55 pm makanan penuh sensasi itu. Di Miami, Florida, tepatnya di Dade Country Fair, Noah Cappe menemukan Chicken Wing Ice Cream dan makanan klasik seperti Glazed Donut Burger yang lengkap dengan kaju dan bacon. Kemudian Noah mencari lobster yang merupakan makanan khas Miami, ternyata di Dade Country Fair terdapat Lobster Roll. Untuk makanan penutup, Noah memesan Kue Red Seishu Handa, seorang kaligrafer terkenal dan berprestasi, merasa terhina ketika seorang pria tua mengatakan bahwa kaligrafinya tidak asli disebuah pameran. Seishu pun langsung marah dan meninju wajah kurator tersebut. Teks: Fiona Fleurette K ejadian ini mengakibatkan Handa dipindahkan dari Tokyo ke sebuah pulau kecil oleh ayah Seishu, Seimei Handa. Sewaktu umur 23 tahun, ayahnya pernah tinggal di pulau kecil tersebut, sehingga ia tahu bahwa anaknya dapat menenangkan dirinya sekaligus meningkatkan keahlian kaligrafinya di sana. Ketika Seishu sampai di pulau dekat Kyushu itu, ia mendapatkan bahwa pulau tersebut memang 6 Velvet Funnel. Sedangkan di Sarasota County Agricultural Fair, Noah bertemu dengan saudara perempuannya yang sedang berjualan Deep Fried Cheesecake dan Fried Green Tomatoes. Penjualan dari saudara perempuan Noah ini ternyata termasuk menu favorit di Miami. Episode berikutnya, Noah pergi ke Oklahoma dan Virginia. Di Oklahoma, ia bertemu dengan seseorang yang merupakan ketururan dari suku asli Indian. Generasi ke-4 suku Indian ini memperlihatkan bagaiamana cara membuat Indian Tacos. Lain halnya ketika Noah berada di Pungo Strawberry Festival, Virginia, dimana semua makanan yang tersedia berupa stroberi dengan ukuran super besar. Seperti Strawberry Shortcake dan on Strawberry Arugula Pizza. Noah berkujung ke California State Fair yang merupakan sebuah karnaval terbesar dan banyak menawarkan produk segar, seperti buah-buahan dan sayur di California. Noah bersama tim “Carnival Eats” menemukan Spaghetti Ice Cream dengan saus strawberi California di atasnya. Masih banyak lagi karnaval / pameran yang dikunjungi Noah Cappe dengan tim “Carnival Eats”, seperti Viva! Vienna! Festival, Contraband Days Festival, Oak Mountain Spring State Fair, Apache Rattlesnake Festival, Portland Rose Festival, Got To Be NC Festival, State Fair Meadowlands, Gardendale Magnolia Festival, Stanislaus County Fair dan Texas Crab Fest. Hingga Noah harus melepaskan ikat pinggangnya agar dapat mencoba perpaduan makanan yang unik dan besar itu. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) sepi dengan penduduk, terasa damai dan tenang terlebih lagi pemandangan laut yang dapat dijadikan tempat inspirasinya. Beruntung sekali Seishu bertemu dengan seseorang yang hendak pergi berkebun sehingga ia tidak perlu jalan kaki dari bandara ke rumah barunya. Sesampainya di rumah baru, Seishu bertemu dengan Yujiro Kido, kepala desa, yang memegang kunci rumah barunya. Rumah yang didapatkannya ternyata tergolong rumah tua, terlihat dari kamar mandi yang masih menggunakan sitem lama. Tidak hanya itu, rumahnya selalu dijadikan taman bermain bagi anak-anak terutama Naru Kotoishi, anak berumur 7 tahun. Naru seorang gadis energik dan selalu menemukan cara untuk masuk ke rumah Seishu. Kehidupan Seishu pun harus berubah dari kota besar ke sebuah desa di kepulauan Goto itu. Bagaimana Seishu menghadapi kehidupan di desa tersebut? Apakah Seishu dapat berkonsentrasi untuk mengerjakan kaligrafi sewaktu Naru menggangunya? Saksikan “Barakamon” di Animax setiap hari Senin sampai Jumat, jam 19.30 WIB. HEAD OF CREATIVE Indrie Pratiwi Suryaningtyas DESIGN & LAYOUT Fiona Fleurette Carissa Nova Michael Henry Goeinawan PRINTING PT. INDONESIA PRINTER Isi diluar tanggung jawab percetakan EDITOR OFFICE Berita Satu Plaza 10th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 35-36, Jakarta 12950 (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) Premieres Monday, 20 April 6.30 pm @viewmgz On The Screen “American Crime”, sebuah serial televisi drama kriminal dengan pusat cerita mengenai pembunuhan yang didasari oleh perbedaan SARA. Teks: Fiona Fleurette S erial televisi ini dibintangi Felicity Huffman (Barb) dan Timoth Hutton (Russ) yang berperan sebagai mantan suami istri, dimana anak mereka seorang tentara veteran, Matt Skokie, ditemukan tewas dan istrinya, Gwen, juga diserang secara brutal. Dalam trailer “American Crime”, polisi di Serial “Game of Thrones” memasuki season ke-5 bulan ini. Perebutan kekuasaan antara 7 kerajaan pun terus diraih oleh masingmasing pihak. Apapun dilakukan demi sebuah kekuasaan. Teks: Fiona Fleurette D i season ke-4, Tyrion Lannister divonis hukuman mati karena terdakwa telah membunuh Joffrey Baratheon. Saat Tyrion menunggu eksekusi hukuman matinya, Jaime Lannister datang dan membebaskannya. Dalam perjalanannya Modesto, California, mendapatkan telepon dari tetangga Matt dan Gwen dimana ia menemukan keduanya terlihat sudah tidak bernyawa di kediaman mereka. Setelah Russ mengetahui bahwa anaknya tewas, ia mencoba untuk memperbaiki hubungan dengan mantan istriya, Barb. Mereka terus bersama-sama menghadapi kenyataan yang pahit tersebut. Hingga mereka harus bertatapan muka dengan tersangka untuk pertama kalinya di dalam persidangan. Di lain pihak, seorang anak muda laki-laki keturuan Meksiko-Amerika bernama Tony Gutierrez ditemukan oleh petugas polisi membawa mobil curian berwarna oranye. Ia pun digiring ke kantor melalui lorong rahasia, Tyrion datang ke ruangan ayahnya. Di ruangan tersebut Tyrion menemukan Shae yang mencoba membunuhnya, Tyrion yang sudah kesal dengannya karena telah bersaksi dusta di pengadilan sewaktu ia diadili, maka Tyrion pun membunuh Shae. Kemudian Tyrion dibawa kabur oleh Varys dan menyeludupkan melalui peti ke atas kapal yang akan berangkat. Kelanjutan di season 5, menceritakan Tyrion dikeluarkan dari peti dan Varys mengikutinya selama perjalanan di laut. Pada trailer season 5, Daenerys berkata bahwa Lannister, Baratheon, Stark, dan Tyrell berada di sebuah roda, 8 Premieres Thursday, 9 April 8.10 pm polisi dan diintrogasi, tetapi Tony tidak mengaku atas perbuatannya hingga Alonzo, ayahnya, membantu polisi dalam mengintrogasi anaknya sendiri. Dari hasil intrograsi, polisi menginvestigasi lebih lanjut kasus tersebut. Ternyata polisi mendapatkan bahwa Tony melakukan kejahatan lebih dari mencuri, sehingga Tony harus masuk dalam penjara. Fakta-fakta terus bermunculan di dalam serial “American Crime” ini, dimana ditemukan hubungan sebenarnya antara Matt dan Gwen, kemudian perjuangan Barb dan Russ, lalu para imigran legal menyalahkan imigran ilegal, disusul dengan para imigran ilegal menyalahkan pengedar narkoba dan para pengedar narkoba menyalahkan pengguna narkoba. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) dimana yang berada di atas akan menggiling yang berada di bawah. Keluarga Targaryen tidak akan memberhentikan roda tersebut, melainkan akan menghancurkan roda tersebut. Sebelumnya Daenerys mendapat cobaan besar ketika mengetahui bahwa Jorah adalah mata-mata untuk Raja Robert Baratheon. Daenerys mengusirnya walaupun Jorah terus meyakinkannya bahwa ia tetap setia padanya. Selain itu, naga-naga Daenerys telah membuat resah para penduduk dengan menyerang desa mereka. Oleh karena itu, Daenerys harus mengurung naga-naganya agar tidak menyakiti penduduk. Pasukan Stannis Baratheon mengikuti Jon Snow yang sudah kembali ke Castle Black. Mereka akan bersiapsiap-siap ke Utara. Saksikan kelanjutan cerita dari ketujuh kerajaan yang berasal dari George R. R. Martin, sang penulis “Game of Thrones” yang diambil dari buku berjudul “A Song on Ice and Fire” ini di HBO. (FIO/IND/FIO/NDR) Premieres Monday, 13 April 8 pm HIGHLIGHTS Premieres Saturday, 4 April 08.45 pm Transformers 3 berkisah mengenai pertempuran final antara Autobots dan Decepticon. Kehadiran Pilar ciptaan pemimpin Autobot sebelum Optimus, Sentinel Prime, memungkinkan terbentuknya kembali Cybertron. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. T ugas Optimus dan teman-teman Autobots lainnya adalah untuk menjaga Pilar ciptaan Sentinel Prime agar tidak jatuh ke tangan Decepticon yang ingin memperbudak manusia dan “membawa” Cybertron ke wilayah Galaksi Bima Sakti. Pemerintah Amerika selama ini ternyata tak sepenuhnya jujur mengungkapkan apa yang telah mereka ketahui. Selama bertahun-tahun mereka mencoba mencari tahu tentang Empat tahun sudah kejadian mengerikan di Jurassic Park berlalu. Siapa sangka, ternyata ada sebuah pulau, dimana para dinosaurus dapat mempertahankan hidupnya dan punya kesempatan untuk bebas. John Hammond yang kehilangan kendali atas perusahaannya, melihat kesempatan untuk memperbaiki kesalahannya dengan mengirim sebuah tim ekspedisi yang dipimpin oleh Ian Malcolm, sebelum tim pemburu yang lain datang. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. S etelah seorang ilmuwan bernama Ian Malcolm menemukan bahwa ada pulau lain yang dipenuhi oleh berbagai jenis dinosaurus, Dr. John Hammond memutuskan untuk mengirimkan empat orang ke pulau itu (termasuk Ian) untuk meneliti kehidupan dinosaurus yang ada disana. Ternyata pengiriman mereka ke pulau tersebut tidak hanya bertujuan untuk penelitian, tetapi ada dua alasan lain yang disembunyikannya. Sementara itu, pihak InGen Bioengineering membangun daerah “B”, dimana dinosaurus dikembangbiakan dan dibawa ke taman. Namun, keponakan Hammond telah mengambil alih perusahaan InGen tersebut dan menangkap dinosaurus yang masih hidup untuk dibawa ke Amerika. Awalnya ide tersebut berjalan sukses, dinosaurus tersebut mampu menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia. Tak hanya itu, taman dinosaurus yang terletak di San Diego tentunya diiringi dengan meraup keuntungan besar. Sayangnya, kesuksesan tersebut hanya berjalan singkat. Dan kekacauan pun tidak dapat dihindarkan, ketika dinosaurus lepas dari taman. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 10 keberadaan makhluk hidup lain selain manusia yang menghuni bumi, namun mereka tak pernah mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya mereka telah memiliki sejumlah bukti. Saat Apollo 11 mendarat di bulan, ternyata para astronot ini menemukan bukti-bukti keberadaan makhluk hidup dari luar bumi. Mereka menemukan bangkai kapal yang ternyata adalah kapal yang mengangkut muatan yang konon bisa mengakhiri perang besar antara Autobots dan Decepticons. Pesawat ini mendarat darurat di bulan dan bangkainya ditemukan oleh para astronot Amerika Serikat. Megatron mengeluarkan ultimatum dengan maksud para Autobots meninggalkan Bumi. Namun Autobots tidak termakan jebakan Megatron, mereka muncul kembali di saat pilar pengendali, yang merupakan pintu gerbang Decepticon masuk ke Bumi, telah tersusun rapi. Bagaimana kerjasama Autobots kali ini dengan Sam, yang juga ingin menyelamatkan Carly dari ancaman Decepticons? (NDR/IND/NDR/ NDR) Premieres Tuesday, 7 April 6 pm 11 HIGHLIGHTS PENTHOUSE NORTH Sara (Michelle Monaghan), seorang fotografer yang kehilangan penglihatannya ketika sedang bertugas di medan perang. Ia kini tinggal di sebuah penthouse bersama Ryan, seorang investor. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. S ara yang semula berencana untuk merayakan pergantian tahun bersama kekasih dan keluarga kakaknya, justru harus berhadapan dengan 2 penjahat yang menginginkan berlian milik Ryan. Kisah ini dimulai ketika Sara membeli champagne, ia ditabrak sepeda dan terjatuh. Pengendara sepeda tersebut tidak tahu bahwa Sara buta karena Sara hanya mengenakan kacamata hitam, tanpa menggunakan tongkat. Sara kemudian ditolong oleh seorang laki-laki, yang tak lain adalah pembunuh Ryan. Film yang disutradarai oleh Joe Russo dan Anthony Russo ini mengisahkan tentang pasangan baru nikah yaitu Carl (Mat Dillon) dan Molly Peterson (Kate Hudson). Di tengah-tengah suasana baru mahligai pernikahannya, mereka kedatangan sahabat Carl, Dupree (Owen Wilson), yang pada saat itu kehilangan pekerjaan, rumah serta mobilnya. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. D upree yang kerap bertingkah konyol dan terbiasa hidup tanpa aturan mulai membuat Molly dan Carl kesal, apalagi perilaku Dupree seringkali membuat Molly marahmarah. Molly benar-benar frustasi dengan tingkah Dupree, terlebih saat Dupree mengajak kencan Mandy, pegawai perpustakaan di sekolah tempat 12 Sara yang belum mengetahui bahwa Ryan sudah terbunuh, tetap melakukan rutinitasnya. Ketika Sara hendak menyiapkan makanan untuk Shadow, kucingnya, ia terpleset. Seketika Sara menyadari bahwa ia terpleset karena darah Ryan yang menggenang. Ketika Sara berdiri, ia tahu bahwa ada orang lain di belakangnya. Sara pun bergegas menuju kamarnya untuk membuka laptop dan mengirim email permintaan tolong ke kakaknya dengan perintah suara. Sara terpaksa menghadapi para penjahat tersebut sendirian. Ia benar-benar tidak tahu keberadaan berlian yang dicari oleh para penjahat itu. Ia tahu bahwa cepat atau lambat, ia pun akan dibunuh. Oleh sebab itu, Sara mengulur waktu dengan memberitahukan tempat-tempat tersembunyi di penthouse milik Ryan. Salah satu penjahat yang bernama Chad menemukan berlian yang mereka cari-cari, namun tidak mau berbagi dengan temannya. Terjadilah baku hantam antar keduanya, yang menyebabkan salah satu dari mereka tertembak. Lalu bagaimana Sara melewati malam tahun barunya tersebut? Apakah ia berhasil menyelamatkan diri dari penjahat tersebut? (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) Premieres Saturday, 11 April 9 pm Molly mengajar. Untuk membuat kencan romantis, Dupree memasang lilin di setiap sudut ruangan, sayang bukannya nuansa romantis yang tercipta, tapi Dupree justu membuat kebakaran besar. Molly benarbenar tak bisa memaafkan Dupree, dan memutuskan mengusir Dupree dari rumah. Carl sendiri bekerja pada Tn. Thompson, yang tak lain adalah ayah Molly. Akibatnya, seringkali Carl ditekan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya. Hal ini tentu saja membuat Carl semakin stres dan tak punya waktu cukup bagi Molly. Di lain pihak, Dupree yang semula selalu membuat onar dan tak disukai oleh Molly, diam-diam justru bisa memahami perasaan Molly. Namun kedekatan Molly dengan Dupree membuat Carl cemburu. Dilema cinta dan persahabatan menjadi hal utama yang ditawarkan duet sutradara Jo Russo dan Anthony Russo dalam film bergenre komedi romantis berdurasi 106 menit ini. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) Premieres Thursday, 2 April 08.50 pm 13 wednesday 21:00 Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Hacker (S1) 14:50 Penn & Teller: Fool Camera Us! (S1) 22:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 19:00 Bates Motel (S3) 23:00 My Shocking Story (S5) 19:55 Fast & Furious 21:55 Fast Five 23:55 Bates Motel (S3) 00:00 Hollywood On Set 590 00:30 House Party: Tonight’s The Night Black Snake Moan Girl, Interrupted Good People Last Man Standing Death To Smoochy Malavita Romeo Must Die Election The Mexican Race To Witch Mountain 20:00 Parkland 21:30 The Apparition 22:50 Blade II 02:00 03:55 06:00 07:30 09:15 11:00 12:50 14:45 16:25 18:25 Parkland @ HBO 20.00 WIB 00:10 The Monkey’s Paw 01:35 Flight Of The Intruder 03:25 They Ran For Their Lives 02:10 04:00 06:00 07:00 05:00 National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins 06:35 Tyler Perry’s 07:30 08:30 08:00 09:30 12:30 10:20 11:50 13:20 15:00 16:30 18:05 19:25 21:00 22:30 Temptations: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor The Hand That Rocks The Cradle The Enemy Within Ike: Countdown To D-Day Soldier Viva Max! The Cable Guy Dead Mine Gothika April Fool’s Day The Thing (2011) 13:45 15:53 16:05 17:30 18:00 20:00 21:30 Herbie: Fully Loaded Fred Claus Crashbox S1 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S113: Princess And The Pea Wolfblood S212: Going Underground Monsters, Inc. King Kong (2005) Slappy And The Stinkers The Evening Star Kobushi S1 S101: Ninjasmin The Gabby Douglas Story Wolfblood S213: The Discovery Frequency Monsters, Inc. King Kong (2005) 08:00 The Comeback S208: 09:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:50 14:20 16:00 17:00 19:00 19:50 21:00 00:55 02:55 04:30 06:20 08:35 10:05 11:50 13:55 15:45 18:10 20:00 22:15 Robocop 2 A Case Of You X-Men The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Paradise A Guy Thing Die Hard 2 Robocop 3 Divergent X-Men X2: X-Men United Machete Kills 01:45 I Dreamed Of Africa: A 03:40 06:00 07:30 09:30 11:00 12:45 14:45 16:30 18:00 19:45 22:00 23:30 01:30 03:05 04:45 06:15 07:40 09:10 10:40 12:20 13:50 15:20 17:05 19:00 20:50 22:20 23:45 A Little Game Soccer Dog: The Movie Return To Nim’s Island Moto X Kids 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Tarzan 13 Going On 30 Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) A Little Game Disney’s The Kid The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Standing Ovation The Duke California Dreaming The Biggest Fan True Story The Great Gatsby Tarzan 30 Days Of Night Not Another Teen Movie After Earth I Dreamed Of Africa: A True Story Insidious Chapter 2 Not Another Teen Movie The Glass House Oz The Great And Powerful Drinking Buddies We’re The Millers 02:00 The Sopranos S106: Pax Soprana 03:00 Silicon Valley S107: 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 07:00 00:30 Nights In Rodanthe 14:00 Keith Barry: Brain 22:00 Chaos Caught On 07:30 Proof Of Concept Silicon Valley S108: Optimal Tip-To-Tip Efficiency Bored To Death S103: The Case Of The Missing Screenplay Bored To Death S104: The Case Of The Stolen Skateboard Temple Grandin Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play 22:30 23:00 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 Valerie Gets What She Really Wants Appaloosa Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 Bored To Death S103: The Case Of The Missing Screenplay Bored To Death S104: The Case Of The Stolen Skateboard The Sopranos S106: Pax Soprana Hollywood On Set 588 Look Who’s Talking Now Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 Normal The Sopranos S107: Down Neck The Newsroom S101: We Just Decided To The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play True Blood S709: Love Is To Die 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Breakout Taste of Tropic: Taiwan Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms Science of Stupid Taste of Tropic: Taiwan Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms 24 Hours In A&E Science of Stupid Jurassic C.S.I. Breakout Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna Wild Amazon Jurassic C.S.I. Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Master of Disaster Wicked Tuna Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Wicked Tuna 00:20 Paranormal Witness (S2) 01:20 Arachnoquake 03:00 Star Trek: The Original Series (S1) 07:00 Ergo Proxy 07:30 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 Paranormal Witness (S2) 09:00 Face Off (S3) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Haunted Highway (S2) 12:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 Paranormal Witness (S2) 16:00 Ergo Proxy 16:25 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) 18:30 Haunted Highway (S2) 19:20 Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse 21:00 Supernatural (S2) 22:40 The New Addams Family (S1) 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 Revenge Glee Empire Benched Grey’s Anatomy Ace of Cakes Glee Empire Revenge Candidly Nicole Masterchef Junior US Grey’s Anatomy Ace of Cakes Candidly Nicole Glee Benched Masterchef Junior US Survive That! (S2) Glee Dual Survival (S4) Candidly Nicole Surviving The Cut Asia’s Next Top Model How Do They Do Candidly Nicole It? (S5) The Apartment: How It’s Made (S12) Celebrity Edition Who Was Jesus? 22:30 Sex and The City My Shocking Story (S5) 23:25 Glee Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) Dual Survival (S4) Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal How It’s Made (S12) Intent (S2) Who Was Jesus? 01:00 Just For Laughs: Alaskan Bush People Gags (S8) (S2) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) Survive That! (S2) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Dual Survival (S4) Intent (S2) Surviving The Cut 05:00 Just For Laughs: How Do They Do Gags (S8) It? (S5) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) How It’s Made (S12) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Who Was Jesus? Intent (S2) My Shocking Story (S5) 09:00 Lie To Me (S3) Chaos Caught On 10:00 Chicago PD (S2) Camera 10:50 Motive (S3) Magic Of Science (S2) 11:40 Just For Laughs: Auction Hunters (S5) Gags (S8) Auction Hunters (S4) 12:10 Law & Order (S10) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 23:30 Haven (S2) 00:00 Alias (S1) 01:00 Criss Angel Mindfreak (S4) 02:00 The Good Wife (S2) 03:00 Desperate Housewives 23:10 (S7) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 Armageddon Outfitters Alfred Hitchcock Presents Red Widow The Listener Backstrom 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:30 05:00 06:45 07:15 08:10 09:05 10:55 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:55 23:35 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Psych Burn Notice The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents Burn Notice CSI Miami Armageddon Outfitters Backstrom Psych CSI Miami The Listener Burn Notice Law & Order: Criminal Intent Threat Matrix CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Law & Order: Criminal Intent 00:00 Liz & Dick 01:40 Raising Asia (S1) 02:00 MasterChef New Zealand (S5) 00:40 Breaking The 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:35 17:25 18:20 19:15 21:00 21:55 22:50 Magician’s Code: Winter Wipeout (S5) Sherlock (S3) Winter Wipeout (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) David Blaine: Beautiful Struggle Falling Skies (S4) The Voice (S8) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Winter Wipeout (S5) The Blacklist (S2) Caught On Camera (S6) Ultraviolet CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Falling Skies (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Falling Skies (S4) 01 APR 2015 Zealand S5 06:00 MasterChef Australia S3 01:00 07:00 One Born Every Minute 02:30 UK S3 04:20 05:10 08:00 Hoarders S6 05:55 09:00 Dance Moms S3 07:25 10:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 08:30 09:20 11:00 A Warden’s Ransom 10:05 12:40 Baggage Battles S1 11:15 13:00 MasterChef Australia S3 12:20 13:10 14:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 14:50 16:30 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres My Kitchen Rules Show S12 18:00 NZ (S1) 20:10 16:00 Dance Moms S3 The Nightmare Nanny 21:00 17:00 MasterChef New Escape From Polygamy Zealand S5 21:30 Just For Laughs (S15) 22:25 19:00 The Ellen DeGeneres The Seven Year Hitch Just For Laughs (S15) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Candid Camera (S1) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs (S15) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) My Boyfriends’ Dogs Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S15) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S15) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) The Cookie Mobster Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S15) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) 03:00 Run For Your Life 05:00 MasterChef New Show S12 The Longest Week All The Real Girls Lilyhammer Dirt Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Dirt Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Quartet John Dies At The End Locke Great Expectations Mad Men Archer Galavant Fifth Estate, The A Little Game FOX FAMILY MOVIES 13.50 WIB 20:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 21:00 Unforgettable S2 22:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 23:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 01:00 Strangers In Danger 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 01:30 02:20 04:00 05:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 00:00 Storage Wars: Canada 01:00 Alaska Off-Road 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Warriors Bamazon (S1) All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars: Canada The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars: Texas (S3) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S5) Titanic: Blood & Steel All You Can Eat (S1) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S5) Titanic: Blood & Steel All You Can Eat (S1) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars: Texas (S3) Storage Wars: Canada The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S7) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Frequency HBO FAMILY 18.00 WIB Normal HBO SIGNATURE 17.00 WIB Gothika Machete Kills @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 22.15 WIB 15 CINEMAX 19.25 WIB thursday 16:15 The Out-Of-Towners 17:45 18:15 20:30 22:00 23:30 (1999) Hollywood On Set 588 The Perfect Storm Vehicle 19 Powder Room The Bachelor 00:25 Deadfall (2012) 01:55 The Sopranos S107: Down Neck 02:45 Six Feet Under S307: 03:30 05:00 06:35 07:00 08:00 Galavant @ FX 21.00 WIB 09:00 10:50 12:00 00:45 02:20 02:45 05:00 07:45 09:00 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:35 17:45 20:00 22:10 23:55 Stuart Saves His Family Hollywood On Set 590 Letters From Iwo Jima Out Of Africa Scooby Doo! Stage Fright Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Parkland Cold Comes The Night Race To Witch Mountain Bicentennial Man American Hustle John Carter Of Mars A History Of Violence Fire In The Sky 01:20 02:45 04:10 05:40 07:10 09:15 11:10 12:55 14:25 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:30 22:30 23:50 Spymate Doubting Thomas California Dreaming Sheeba The Karate Kid (1984) The Karate Kid III Standing Ovation Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) The Duke Space Dogs A Little Game If I Had Wings Glory Road Ernest Goes To Jail Space Dogs 13:30 14:25 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:35 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:30 00:15 Lizzie Borden Took An Ax 01:45 Bad Milo 03:15 G.I. Blues 05:00 Lizzie Borden Took 06:30 08:10 09:45 11:20 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:40 18:30 19:00 21:00 22:30 An Ax Soldier Gothika The Cable Guy Hollywood On Set 591 Here Comes The Boom April Fool’s Day A Big Hand For The Little Lady Twins Hollywood On Set 591 Gridiron Gang Dead Silence (2007) Urban Justice 00:35 Slappy And The 02:00 03:45 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 10:00 12:10 13:40 15:00 15:10 16:35 18:00 20:05 22:20 00:05 01:55 04:05 06:20 08:20 10:10 12:00 13:40 15:40 17:45 20:00 21:50 23:40 Sabotage Jobs X2: X-Men United Safe Haven Robocop 3 Machete Kills Avpr: Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Chef Die Hard 2 X2: X-Men United X-Men: The Last Stand Sabotage The Terminator Stinkers America’S Sweethearts Jerry Maguire Crashbox S1 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S201: Pinocchio Wolfblood S213: The Discovery Frequency The Evening Star The Gabby Douglas Story The Cat In The Hat Kobushi S1 S102: Heavy Ordeal The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Avalon Jerry Maguire America’S Sweethearts 23:30 00:00 00:30 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 Timing & Space The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 Last Days Hollywood On Set 588 Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 True Blood S709: Love Is To Die Grey Gardens The Newsroom S101: We Just Decided To The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 The Sopranos S107: Down Neck Little Nicky Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play An Inconvenient Truth Hollywood On Set 588 The Sopranos S108: Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti How To Make It In America S101: Pilot How To Make It In America S102: Crisp The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 Bored To Death S103: The Case Of The Missing Screenplay 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Discovery Sunday My Shocking Story (S5) Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters: Legend Of Loch Ness 22:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 23:00 My Shocking Story (S5) 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:00 04:25 05:15 06:05 Auction Hunters (S5) 07:45 Auction Hunters (S4) 08:35 Commander In Chief: 09:25 Inside The Oval Office 10:15 Heroes Of Hells 11:05 Highway 11:55 How Do They Do 13:35 It? (S5) 15:15 How It’s Made (S12) 15:40 Who Was Jesus? 16:05 My Shocking Story (S5) 17:00 Chaos Caught On 20:50 Camera 21:45 Magic Of Science (S2) 22:40 Auction Hunters (S5) 23:35 06:30 07:00 07:30 Auction Hunters (S4) 08:00 Commander In Chief: Breakout Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Wicked Tuna Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Ape Man Breakout Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna Secrets Of The Great Escape Revealed Evolutions Engineering Connections World’s Most Extreme Showdown of The Unbeatables Secrets Of The Great Escape Revealed Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Showdown of The Unbeatables Mega Factories: Supercars Revenge Asia’s Next Top Model Candidly Nicole Benched Suburgatory Grey’s Anatomy Ace of Cakes Asia’s Next Top Model Candidly Nicole Revenge Cristela Empire Grey’s Anatomy American Idol Asia’s Next Top Model Benched Suburgatory Empire American Idol Glee Revenge Sex and The City Empire Inside The Oval Office 09:00 Heroes Of Hells 01:15 Hollywood On Set 588 01:45 Oz The Great And 03:50 05:35 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:15 12:45 14:30 Powerful Insidious Chapter 2 Hollywood On Set 588 Escape Plan 8MM The Perfect Storm Hollywood On Set 588 The Bachelor R.I.P.D. 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 Highway How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Who Was Jesus? Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Heroes Of Hells Highway 00:40 Motive (S3) 01:25 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 03:05 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 12:05 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Lie To Me (S3) Save The Last Dance Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Lie To Me (S3) Law & Order (S10) Grimm (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 21:00 Law & Order (S20) 22:00 Grimm (S4) 23:00 Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) 00:20 Paranormal Witness (S2) 01:20 Ghost Mine (S2) 03:00 Star Trek: The Original Series (S1) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 07:55 Paranormal Witness (S2) 08:45 Super Cyclone 10:25 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Supernatural (S2) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 Paranormal Witness (S2) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) Snowmageddon Continuum (S3) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Intent (S2) 02:30 Burn Notice 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Presents 03:25 The Listener 05:15 Threat Matrix 06:10 Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents Psych Moonlighting Body Of Proof Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Psych CSI Miami Body Of Proof Moonlighting Law & Order: Criminal Intent Gang Related CSI Miami Inside Gang Related Law & Order: Criminal Intent 23:25 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 00:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 01:00 Unforgettable S2 02:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 03:00 A Warden’s Ransom 05:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 15:00 00:30 My Kitchen Rules 02:00 03:50 04:20 05:00 06:45 07:15 08:10 09:05 10:50 11:45 12:15 13:10 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:35 23:05 NZ (S1) Out Of Reach Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S15) Garage Sale Mystery Just For Laughs (S15) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Murder In A Small Town The Good Wife (S6) Just For Laughs (S15) Clean House (S10) The Hot Flashes Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S15) Clean House (S10) Candid Camera (S1) Scents & Sensibility Just For Laughs (S15) Clean House (S10) 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 01:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 02:00 Sell This House: Specials (S4) 04:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 05:50 06:45 07:40 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:15 12:05 13:50 14:40 15:35 16:35 17:30 19:30 21:00 21:55 (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Falling Skies (S4) Ultraviolet Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Men In Black 3 Asia’s Got Talent CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Asia’s Got Talent Bake Off (S1) 23:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 00:35 02:15 03:40 05:00 05:50 06:50 07:50 08:50 09:40 10:40 11:45 12:50 13:40 15:35 17:05 18:40 19:10 20:10 21:00 21:55 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 Sell This House: 14:00 15:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Extreme (S2) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping San Diego (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Quartet Scenic Route Electric City Lilyhammer Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Devil And Daniel Johnston, The The Longest Week Crush Archer Ray Donovan Mad Men Galavant Silver Linings Playbook 02 APR 2015 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) FYI 20.00 WIB 00:00 Ancient Aliens (S7) 01:00 The Curse Of Oak 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 Extreme (S2) 10:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 11:00 Flipping San Diego (S1) 12:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 13:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 14:00 08:00 09:00 00:40 Breaking The 10:00 Magician’s Code: 11:00 Magic’s Biggest Secrets 12:00 Finally Revealed 13:00 01:30 Winter Wipeout (S5) 02:20 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:10 American Ninja Warrior S3 Baggage Battles S2 Hoarders S6 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Stranded In Paradise MasterChef Australia S3 The Amazing Race Australia S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Married At First Sight: The First Year MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 21:00 Food Factory (S2) 22:00 The Great Australian 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Island (S2) Titanic: Blood & Steel All You Can Eat (S1) Storage Wars (S5) The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars: Texas (S3) Storage Wars: Canada The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S7) All You Can Eat (S1) The Pickers (S5) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S7) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Appalachian Outlaws (S1) Pawn Stars (S14) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 @ LIFETIME 19.00 WIB 17 Blue Bloods (S4) AXN 13.50 WIB Scents & Sensibility DIVA 20.50 WIB Law & Order: Criminal Intent FOX CRIME 19.15 WIB friday 01:45 03:25 05:00 06:25 07:50 10:00 12:15 14:40 16:15 17:50 20:00 22:10 23:45 The Hangover Part III Despicable Me 2 Dinosaur Over The Hedge Bicentennial Man American Hustle Blood Diamond Freaky Friday Despicable Me 2 Captain Phillips Fast & Furious 6 The Hangover Part III Vacancy 06:00 Crashbox S1 19:00 The Sopranos S109: Boca 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 20:00 Six Feet Under S308: Tales For Every Child 07:30 08:00 10:10 12:25 13:50 15:25 16:50 17:25 00:05 The Knick S101: Method And Madness 01:00 The Knick S102: Mr. 01:50 03:15 05:00 06:45 08:30 10:00 11:30 13:35 15:00 16:45 17:10 19:15 21:00 22:45 Paris Shoes Flying Monkeys Moment To Moment Here Comes The Boom Twins Dead Silence (2007) Murder On The Homefront Gridiron Gang Painkiller Jane A Countess From Hong Kong Hollywood On Set 590 Elizabethtown The Contractor Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia 01:30 Avpr: Aliens Vs. 03:10 Predator: Requiem 04:40 06:30 07:55 09:40 11:15 13:35 16:20 18:10 20:00 22:15 Paradise X-Men: The Last Stand The Starving Games Rio 2 Free Birds Divergent The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Sabotage X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine Chef 18:00 20:18 20:45 22:45 01:15 Sound Of My Voice 02:35 Hollywood On Set 587 03:00 One Direction: This Is Us 04:30 R.I.P.D. 06:15 The Out-Of-Towners 07:45 08:15 10:00 11:30 13:00 14:30 16:45 18:45 20:15 22:00 16:30 18:00 19:45 21:30 23:10 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up A Little Game The Biggest Fan Spymate Space Warriors Doubting Thomas Anastasia Flubber Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) Escape From Planet Earth Tarzan 101 Dalmatians 102 Dalmatians 13 Going On 30 The Karate Kid (1984) 00:20 01:55 02:40 03:05 03:30 08:10 08:35 09:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:30 14:20 00:00 About Time 02:00 Mirrormask 03:40 Sense And Sensibility (1999) Hollywood On Set 588 Non-Stop Sound Of My Voice Vehicle 19 Are We Done Yet? The Perfect Storm Bad News Bears Sound Of My Voice Non-Stop Escape Plan 00:00 Bored To Death S104: 05:00 07:00 01:20 02:50 04:25 05:55 07:20 08:55 10:20 11:55 13:30 15:00 S202: Thumbelina Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S203: Puss In Boots Avalon Sense And Sensibility Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas My Dog Skip The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S203: Puss In Boots I Have Tourette’S But Tourette’S Doesn’T Have Me The Avengers (2012) Hollywood On Set 588 About Time Mirrormask 16:00 16:55 18:30 The Case Of The Stolen Skateboard The Pretty One The Sopranos S108: Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti Enlightened S201: The Key Enlightened S202: Revenge Play The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 This Christmas The Newsroom S101: We Just Decided To Bored To Death S103: The Case Of The Missing Screenplay Bored To Death S104: The Case Of The Stolen Skateboard Without Warning: The James Brady Story Hollywood On Set 588 How To Make It In America S101: Pilot How To Make It In America S102: Crisp The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 The Sopranos S108: Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti Austin Powers In Goldmember True Blood S709: Love Is To Die Hostile Waters Hollywood On Set 588 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 Tears, Bones And Desire 21:00 The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 22:35 The Newsroom S101: We Just Decided To 23:50 The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S101 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:45 00:00 River Monsters: Legend 22:40 Of Loch Ness 23:35 02:00 Gold Rush (S5) 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 19:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Who Framed Jesus? My Shocking Story (S5) Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters: Legend Of Loch Ness Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Who Framed Jesus? Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters: Legend Of Loch Ness Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Who Framed Jesus? The Riddle Of The Crucifixion The Gadget Show (S18) The Riddle Of The Crucifixion My Shocking Story (S5) 00:00 Breakout 00:50 World’s Most Extreme 01:40 Showdown of The Grey’s Anatomy Glee American Idol Glee Revenge Scandal Glee Suburgatory Scandal Empire 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Victoria’s Secret Swimsuit Special 2015 Candidly Nicole Asia’s Next Top Model Scandal Sex and The City Glee 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:40 11:30 12:00 13:40 15:20 16:10 17:00 21:40 22:30 23:20 Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Grimm (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Lie To Me (S3) Criminal Minds (S6) Chicago PD (S2) Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Law & Order (S20) Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Unbeatables 02:30 Mega Factories: 23:00 Supercars Wicked Tuna Breakout World’s Most Extreme Showdown of The Unbeatables Mega Factories: Supercars Wicked Tuna Science of Stupid Breakout Bad Trip Wicked Tuna Yukon Gold Science of Stupid 24 Hours In A&E The War Generals Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna Showdown of The Unbeatables Beyond Magic with DMC Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Money Meltdown 00:30 01:25 03:05 04:00 Revenge American Idol Glee Suburgatory 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 00:20 Paranormal Witness (S2) 01:20 Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Ghost Mine (S2) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Mischief Night Farscape (S1) Ghost Mine (S1) Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Teen Wolf (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) Teen Wolf (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 06:40 08:00 The Paranormal 07:35 Zone (S1) 08:25 09:00 Arachnoquake 10:05 Presents Moonlighting Body Of Proof Gang Related Alfred Hitchcock Presents Psych The Following In Justice Gang Related Victoria’s Secret Swimsuit Special 2015 @ STAR WORLD 19.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 03 APR 2015 Non-Stop @ HBO HITS 20.15 WIB 11:00 Alfred Hitchcock 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents The Following CSI Miami Inside Gang Related Psych CSI Miami In Justice The Following Law & Order: Criminal Intent Breakout CSI Miami Inside Breakout Law & Order: Criminal Intent Stealth 21 (2008) World Trade Center Star Trek (2009) Ebuzz The Tuxedo Supernatural (S10) The Amazing Race (S26) 23:45 Supernatural (S10) 12:00 Fix This Yard (S4) 13:00 Sell This House: 00:00 The Sisterhood: 00:00 The Bridge 00:50 You’re Next 02:25 Devil And Daniel 10:25 12:35 14:50 17:10 19:35 20:05 21:55 22:50 Becoming Nuns 01:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 02:00 MasterChef New 00:00 Law & Order: Special 00:55 02:40 04:25 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:05 10:50 11:45 12:15 13:10 14:40 15:10 16:15 16:45 18:00 19:00 20:40 22:20 22:50 23:50 Victims Unit (S12) TBC Art & Soul Just For Laughs (S13) The Hot Flashes Just For Laughs (S15) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) TBC How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S15) Clean House (S10) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) Knife Fight (S1) My Kitchen Rules (S5) Knife Fight (S2) My Kitchen Rules (S5) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Friend Request Murder In A Small Town Just For Laughs (S15) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 00:20 Totally Insane Guinness 01:20 02:10 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:35 07:05 08:30 World Records (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Winter Wipeout (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Asia’s Got Talent The Last Airbender 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Zealand S5 Stranded In Paradise MasterChef New Zealand S5 MasterChef Australia S3 One Born Every Minute UK S3 Hoarders S7 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Remember Sunday MasterChef Australia S3 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Psychic Tia S1 The Ghost Inside My Child S2 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 23:00 04:20 05:10 06:00 07:10 08:15 09:05 10:00 11:10 12:50 13:40 15:10 16:40 18:20 19:20 20:10 21:00 23:10 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 00:00 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) 10:00 11:00 01:00 Food Factory (S2) 02:00 Sell This House: 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 Extreme (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S3) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Food Factory (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Flipping San Diego (S1) 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 20:00 22:00 23:00 Extreme (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Johnston, The Lilyhammer Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Locke Scenic Route Quartet Galavant The Bridge Mad Men Fifth Estate, The Ray Donovan Appalachian Outlaws (S1) Pawn Stars (S14) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) Ancient Aliens (S7) Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Appalachian Outlaws (S1) Vikings (S3) The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) The Pickers (S5) Bamazon (S1) Appalachian Outlaws (S1) Vikings (S3) The Bible Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 19 Monster Man (S1) BE TV 16.10 WIB Serial Experiments Lain SYFY 16.00 WIB Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) UNIVERSAL 21.40 WIB Sabotage FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 16.20 WIB saturday 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:15 03:35 05:00 06:40 08:15 10:00 12:05 14:15 16:05 17:40 20:00 22:05 00:30 02:20 02:50 05:00 07:00 08:35 10:00 11:25 13:15 15:00 17:00 18:45 19:15 21:00 22:30 05:00 07:00 09:05 09:55 10:45 11:35 Blood Diamond College Road Trip Paulie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Herbie: Fully Loaded Fast & Furious 6 Captain Phillips Battle Of The Year Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Amazing SpiderMan 2 The Expendables 3 Tombstone Lethal Weapon 2 Hollywood On Set 591 The Two Jakes Elizabethtown The Contractor The Enemy Within Three Days To A Kill Lethal Weapon 2 Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Back To The Future Back To The Future Part II Hollywood On Set 591 Warm Bodies Blood And Bone I, Frankenstein 13:25 14:20 16:30 17:00 18:00 21:35 23:35 00:20 Ghost Mine (S1) 01:10 Face Off (S3) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise I, Frankenstein @ CINEMAX 22.30 WIB 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 06:50 Tales For Every Child 08:10 S204: The Pied Piper 09:30 07:30 Happily Ever After: 11:00 08:00 09:28 09:40 12:00 13:40 15:35 17:00 00:15 The Mortal Instruments: 18:26 City Of Bones 02:25 Jobs 04:35 The Wolverine 06:50 The Hobbit: The 18:35 20:31 21:00 09:30 11:20 13:05 15:30 22:45 17:45 20:00 22:15 01:15 03:15 04:45 09:20 10:50 12:45 14:30 16:15 18:00 19:25 20:55 22:30 00:25 02:15 03:49 04:15 06:00 Desolation Of Smaug Alice In Wonderland Rio 2 Divergent The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones The Wolverine X-Men: Days Of Future Past The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S1) Save The Last Dance Tricked (S2) Chicago PD (S2) Motive (S3) Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Bates Motel (S3) 2 Fast 2 Furious Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Motive (S2) Motive (S3) Fast & Furious Fast Five 00:00 01:30 03:30 05:20 06:45 09:00 10:45 12:45 14:30 16:15 18:15 19:45 22:00 23:45 Fairy Tales For Every Child S205: The Twelve Dancing Princesses The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Kobushi S1 S103: Fishing For Sushi The Avengers (2012) Nanny Mcphee City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold Frankenweenie Curious George Kobushi S1 S104: Sushitarian E.T. Hollywood On Set 588 Nutty Professor Ii: The Klumps My Girl Powder Room 8MM Bad News Bears Sound Of My Voice The Perfect Storm The Bachelor 8MM R.I.P.D. Non-Stop Escape Plan Vehicle 19 The Perfect Storm R.I.P.D. One Direction: This Is Us Glory Road Sheeba Tin Man A Little Game The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement 101 Dalmatians 102 Dalmatians Standing Ovation Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Homeward Bound 00:30 The Jinx: The Life And II: Lost In San Francisco Deaths Of Robert Durst Rocketman S102 Glory Road 01:30 The Sopranos S109: Boca 02:25 Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 03:25 One Night At Mccool’s 05:00 How To Make It In Nutty Professor Ii: The America S101: Pilot Klumps 05:30 How To Make It In My Dog Skip America S102: Crisp Hollywood On Set 588 06:00 Entourage S605: Fore! Click 06:25 Entourage S606: Crashbox S1 Murphy’S Lie 15:30 17:45 19:10 21:00 22:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 Chimpanzee The Sweetest Thing Stranger Within (2013) The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 A Beautiful Mind Without Warning: The James Brady Story Temple Grandin Closer The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Discovery Sunday My Shocking Story (S5) The Riddle Of The Crucifixion The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) The Riddle Of The Crucifixion Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Survive That! (S2) Alaskan Bush People (S2) River Monsters: Legend Of Loch Ness Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut River Monsters: Legend Of Loch Ness Dirty Jobs (S6) Siberian Cut Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Fast N’ Loud (S1) 23:00 10:35 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Air Crash Investigation My Music Brain World’s Most Extreme Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Showdown of The Unbeatables Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer Cold Water Gold Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Science of Stupid Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Air Crash Investigation 00:30 01:25 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 23:25 Sex and The City Benched Grey’s Anatomy New Girl Cristela Suburgatory American Idol Revenge Asia’s Next Top Model Glee The Apartment: Celebrity Edition New Girl Cristela Revenge Scandal Candidly Nicole Victoria’s Secret Swimsuit Special 2015 Empire Asia’s Next Top Model Candidly Nicole The Apartment: Celebrity Edition American Idol Sex and The City Unbeatables DMC 01:40 Deadly Journeys of the Apostles 03:20 Money Meltdown 04:10 Showdown of The Unbeatables 05:00 Perfect Storms 10:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 00:00 Showdown of The 00:50 Beyond Magic with 05:00 07:00 08:40 09:35 00:10 Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) 01:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:50 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 03:05 Law & Order (S19) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:30 17:30 18:20 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:20 (S1) Snowmageddon Arachnoquake Haunted Highway (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S2) Paranormal Witness (S3) Ghost Mine (S2) Supernatural (S2) Mischief Night Haunted Highway (S2) Arachnoquake Continuum (S3) Independence Daysaster Ghost Mine (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Face Off (S4) Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Lord Of Illusions 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 09:50 10:40 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 Presents The Following In Justice Breakout Threat Matrix CSI Homicide Hunter Backstrom Threat Matrix Breakout Gang Related Psych CSI 21:00 The Listener 23:40 Homicide Hunter 00:45 02:30 04:20 05:00 06:45 08:25 10:05 11:45 13:25 15:10 16:50 17:45 Nearlyweds Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Crimes Of The Mind My George The Michaels Friend Request The Cookie Mobster Out Of Reach Honeymoon For One Merlin (S4) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) 18:45 My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) 22:15 Candid Camera (S1) 23:10 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 00:35 Criss Angel Mindfreak 01:05 01:35 02:25 03:10 04:10 05:00 06:40 08:15 08:45 09:35 11:00 14:50 15:20 17:10 19:10 20:05 22:50 23:45 (S2) Ebuzz American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Winter Wipeout (S5) Men In Black 3 Sherlock (S2) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S26) Asia’s Got Talent The Amazing Race (S26) Ebuzz The Tuxedo Men In Black 3 The Amazing Race (S26) Transformers Hawaii Five-0 (S5) The Amazing Race (S26) 02:00 Sell This House: 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:10 01:45 03:15 05:05 05:55 09:10 11:10 12:00 13:30 15:40 17:50 Extreme (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) Flipping San Diego (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Flipping Boston (S2) Strangers In Danger (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Crush Locke Arbitrage Lilyhammer Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz The Bridge The Longest Week Great Expectations Fifth Estate, The Place Beyond The Pines, The 20:10 21:00 22:35 23:05 Mad Men The Trials Of Cate Mccall Archer John Dies At The End 04 APR 2015 00:00 Vikings (S3) 01:00 Gangland Undercover 02:00 The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) 03:00 Bamazon (S1) 04:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) 05:00 The Pickers (S5) 06:00 The Pickers (S6) 07:00 Alaska Off-Road 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Warriors Appalachian Outlaws (S1) Ancient Aliens (S7) Vikings (S3) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Appalachian Outlaws (S1) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) In Search Of Aliens Ancient Aliens (S7) The Bible Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) The Pope From The End Of The World Pawn Stars UK (S2) Alaska Off-Road Warriors 101 Dalmatians FOX FAMILY MOVIES 12.45 WIB Alaskan Bush People (S2) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 13.00 WIB 00:00 Psychic Tia S1 01:00 The Ghost Inside My Child S2 02:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 03:00 Remember Sunday 05:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 Science of Stupid 06:00 Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne S1 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL 20.00 WIB 07:00 One Born Every Minute UK S5 08:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 09:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 11:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 14:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 19:00 Chasing Nashville 20:00 Love Prison S1 21:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 23:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 00:00 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) 01:00 B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Call Me Fitz The Amazing Spider-Man 2 @ HBO 17.40 WIB 21 FX 09.10 WIB sunday 00:15 Blade II 02:10 Dragonlance: Dragons 03:40 05:00 07:10 08:45 10:25 12:45 14:50 16:30 18:10 20:00 21:50 23:40 Of Autumn Twilight Scooby Doo! Stage Fright 42 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 The Mask The Amazing SpiderMan 2 The Expendables 3 Treasure Planet Poseidon Malavita 2 Guns The Sixth Sense Big Fish 00:30 02:15 03:45 05:20 07:20 08:50 10:30 12:00 13:25 14:55 16:25 18:00 19:30 20:55 22:40 Standing Ovation Space Dogs Space Warriors Glory Road The Biggest Fan 13 Going On 30 Escape From Planet Earth Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco Tarzan Anastasia Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Wiener Dog Nationals The Mighty Ducks 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up 00:00 Starship Troopers 3: 08:55 10:30 12:00 13:30 15:00 16:30 18:45 21:00 22:30 09:35 11:25 13:40 15:30 17:45 20:00 22:15 23:55 Prisoners Robocop 2 X-Men: First Class X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men X2: X-Men United X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine X-Men: Days Of Future Past Need For Speed Maleficent Machete Kills 05:55 06:45 07:35 College The Sopranos S106: Pax Soprana The Sopranos S107: Down Neck The Sopranos S108: Legend Of Tennessee Moltisanti The Sopranos S109: Boca The Sweetest Thing Stranger Within (2013) Catch And Release Grey Gardens Normal Last Days Appaloosa Hannibal The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 09:15 10:35 12:00 13:55 15:40 17:30 19:05 21:00 23:05 18:20 20:00 21:40 23:30 01:15 02:45 04:15 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 Vehicle 19 Powder Room Non-Stop 8MM Escape Plan Non-Stop One Direction: This 11:00 Who Was Jesus? 14:00 Biblical Mysteries 08:00 08:30 10:05 12:00 13:30 15:00 16:51 17:00 01:00 03:35 05:30 07:45 00:20 White House Down 02:40 You Don’T Know Jack 05:00 The Sopranos S105: Click Fools Rush In Mchale’S Navy (1997) Crashbox S1 Wolfblood S211: Best Of Both Worlds Wolfblood S212: Going Underground Wolfblood S213: The Discovery Nanny Mcphee City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold Frankenweenie Curious George E.T. Kobushi S1 S105: Tamato’S Tears The Emperor’S New Groove My Girl My Girl 2 Fools Rush In People Like Us 07:30 19:00 The Riddle Of The Crucifixion 20:00 Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office 21:00 Gold Rush (S5) 22:00 Dual Survival (S4) 23:00 The Riddle Of The 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 10:35 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 01:00 Survive That! (S2) 02:00 Alaskan Bush People 00:15 (S2) 01:05 03:00 River Monsters: Legend 01:55 Of Loch Ness 03:35 05:00 Dual Survival (S4) 04:25 06:00 Survive That! (S2) 05:15 07:00 Chaos Caught On 06:05 Camera 07:45 07:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 08:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 08:35 09:00 River Monsters: Legend 10:15 Of Loch Ness Explained 17:00 How It’s Made (S19) 18:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 18:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 23:25 Candidly Nicole Asia’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing LA Sex and The City Scandal 01:35 03:15 06:00 07:00 1000 To 1 Chicago Fire (S1) Grimm (S4) Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Grimm (S4) Save The Last Dance Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Grimm (S4) Fast & Furious Grimm (S4) Fast Five 2 Fast 2 Furious Crucifixion 00:00 Deadly Journeys of the 08:25 Marauder 01:45 Babylon 5: The Legend 00:30 Of The Rangers 02:20 03:25 Dangerous Ground 04:10 05:00 Macarthur 06:00 07:10 Starship Troopers 3: 07:00 Marauder Warm Bodies I, Frankenstein Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers Blood And Bone Breakin’ All The Rules The Fugitive Macarthur Shoot ‘Em Up Wild Things Is Us Hollywood On Set 588 Bad News Bears The Perfect Storm The Bachelor Hollywood On Set 588 One Direction: This Is Us 22:00 Non-Stop 23:45 Escape Plan 13:30 14:00 16:00 18:15 20:00 20:30 11:05 11:55 12:45 14:25 16:05 17:00 Apostles Breakout Master of Disaster Air Crash Investigation Cold Water Gold Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Cold Water Gold Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Dog Whisperer World’s Most Extreme Money Meltdown Taste of Tropic: Taiwan Science of Stupid Showdown of The Unbeatables Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna Cold Water Gold Killing Jesus Mystery Files World’s Most Extreme Revenge Melissa & Joey Mistresses New Girl Cristela Suburgatory Carrie Diaries The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Empire Victoria’s Secret Swimsuit Special 2015 Asia’s Next Top Model Glee American Idol The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Glee Empire 08:50 09:45 10:35 12:35 13:25 14:15 17:00 21:35 23:35 00:20 01:10 02:00 02:25 03:15 05:00 07:00 07:25 09:05 10:55 16:00 20:10 21:50 Ghost Mine (S2) Haunted Highway (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S2) Paranormal Witness (S3) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Face Off (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S2) Zodiac: Signs Of The Apocalypse Super Cyclone Ghost Mine (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Shark Killer Ghost Mine (S2) 01:05 The Good Wife (S2) 03:00 Lord Of Illusions 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 07:00 The Good Wife (S2) 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 10:00 Alias (S1) 12:10 Face Off (S4) 13:00 Everybody Loves 14:30 16:10 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 23:50 Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) Face Off (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Alias (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 00:35 Gang Related 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI Psych Armageddon Outfitters Inside 18:30 CSI 21:00 The Listener 23:40 In Justice 02:30 07:05 09:50 14:10 15:50 Dracula (S1) @ DIVA 20.25 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 05 APR 2015 Tiny House Nation (S1) FYI 20.00 WIB Maleficent @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 22.15 WIB 01:40 Scents & Sensibility 03:20 The Bouquet 05:00 Law & Order: Special 05:55 06:55 07:25 09:10 10:55 12:40 14:20 18:00 18:30 19:25 20:25 22:15 23:55 Victims Unit (S11) Just For Laughs (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S5) My Boyfriends’ Dogs Out Of Reach Crimes Of The Mind Murder In A Small Town Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S15) Merlin (S4) How Do I Look? (S10) Dracula (S1) Garage Sale Mystery The Hot Flashes 00:35 The Voice (S8) 02:15 Asia’s Got Talent 03:40 Breaking The 04:30 05:00 05:50 07:30 08:00 08:30 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:55 18:35 20:05 23:00 23:55 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Cyril:Simply Magic (30Min Version) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Salt Ebuzz Criss Angel Mindfreak (S2) The Voice (S8) The Amazing Race (S26) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Supernatural (S10) Star Trek (2009) Transformers Asia’s Got Talent Transformers: Dark Of The Moon CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) The Blacklist (S2) 01:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Best In Bridal (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Food Factory (S2) Chasing Nashville 03:00 One Born Every Minute UK S5 LIFETIME 22.00 WIB 05:00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance S1 00:45 02:15 04:05 Becoming Nuns 05:45 The Ellen DeGeneres 09:55 Show S12 11:50 The Amazing Race 17:45 Australia S1 18:40 Run For Your Life 19:40 Bad Ink S1 20:10 One Born Every Minute 21:00 UK S5 22:30 06:00 Love Prison S1 07:00 Chasing Nashville 09:00 The Sisterhood: 10:00 13:00 15:00 16:40 17:00 19:00 Holiday Spin 20:40 Bad Ink S1 21:00 The Sisterhood: The Longest Week All The Real Girls Crush Lilyhammer Homeland Mad Men Galavant Ray Donovan Archer Mad Men The Longest Week Fifth Estate, The Becoming Nuns 22:00 Chasing Nashville 23:00 Love Prison S1 00:00 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) 01:00 Appalachian Outlaws (S1) 02:00 America’s Book Of 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Flipping Boston (S2) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Flipping Boston (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Boston (S2) 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Secrets (S3) In Search Of Aliens Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) The Pope From The End Of The World Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S5) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) The Pope From The End Of The World The Pickers (S6) Vikings (S3) Ancient Aliens (S7) Alaska Off-Road Warriors The Bible Storage Wars (S5) Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 23 The Bachelor HBO HITS 18.15 WIB Asia’s Next Top Model STAR WORLD 18.50 WIB MONDAY 01:45 Angus, Thongs And Perfect Snogging 03:25 Vampire In Brooklyn 05:00 Hollywood On Set 591 05:30 Moscow On The 07:30 09:15 11:00 12:45 14:40 16:35 18:15 20:00 22:05 23:50 Hudson Treasure Planet Enchanted 2 Guns Malavita The Pursuit Of Happyness Angus, Thongs And Perfect Snogging The Smurfs 2 Body Of Lies Kick-Ass 2 Afflicted 00:15 The Fan 02:10 Beneath (2013) 03:40 Avengers Confidential: 05:00 06:55 09:05 10:30 11:55 13:35 15:00 17:00 17:35 19:30 21:00 23:00 Black Widow & Punisher The Fan The Fugitive Breakin’ All The Rules Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher Wild Things Shoot ‘Em Up Ace High Hollywood On Set 591 The Big Lebowski April Fool’s Day Oblivion Poison Ivy: The Secret Society 03:45 The Perfect Storm 06:00 The Bachelor 07:45 The Out-Of-Towners 00:10 01:45 03:35 05:10 06:55 08:25 10:00 11:30 13:00 14:45 16:15 18:00 19:30 21:10 22:30 01:23 01:50 03:40 05:31 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:40 11:00 12:50 13:22 13:34 01:45 03:30 05:30 07:40 09:25 11:20 13:10 15:25 18:10 20:00 21:45 The Terminator The East Jobs Rio 2 Chef X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men: Days Of Future Past The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Alice In Wonderland A Good Man Die Hard 4.0 13:45 15:05 16:30 18:00 19:25 21:00 23:00 Anastasia The Karate Kid III Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) Standing Ovation Muppets From Space Are We There Yet? Space Dogs Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Standing Ovation If I Had Wings 101 Dalmatians The Adventures Of Roborex Snow Dogs Ernest Goes To Jail Rocketman Hollywood On Set 587 Mchale’S Navy (1997) Secondhand Lions Hollywood On Set 588 Crashbox S2 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S206: The Golden Goose Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S207: The Little Mermaid My Girl 2 The Emperor’S New Groove Secondhand Lions I Have Tourette’S But Tourette’S Doesn’T Have Me Kobushi S1 S106: The Killer Scream Kobushi S1 S107: Neko Has A Plan The Little Rascals Chicken Run The Wild Thornberrys Movie Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Tarzan People Like Us Mission: Impossible II 01:40 Are We Done Yet? 03:15 Hollywood On Set 587 09:15 09:40 11:15 13:15 15:05 15:30 17:15 18:45 20:15 22:00 (1999) Hollywood On Set 589 R.I.P.D. 8MM Escape Plan Hollywood On Set 589 Non-Stop Vehicle 19 Are We Done Yet? R.I.P.D. 8MM 00:25 Deadfall (2012) 01:55 Hostel 03:20 Look Who’s Talking 05:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:30 10:55 11:50 13:30 14:25 16:00 16:30 17:00 19:00 20:00 Now Radio How To Make It In America S101: Pilot How To Make It In America S102: Crisp The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 Without Warning: The James Brady Story The Comeback S208: Valerie Gets What She Really Wants Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang The Sopranos S109: Boca The Pretty One How To Make It In America S101: Pilot How To Make It In America S102: Crisp Live From Baghdad The Sopranos S110: A Hit Is A Hit Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me True Blood S710: Thank You Better Living Through Chemistry Lee Daniels’ The Butler 22:00 Gold Rush (S5) 20:00 Tricked (S2) 23:00 My Shocking Story (S5) 21:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 22:00 Tricked (S2) 23:00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:45 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:15 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:40 15:10 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:30 23:30 Car SOS Wicked Tuna Cold Water Gold Killing Jesus Mystery Files World’s Most Extreme Wicked Tuna Cold Water Gold Killing Jesus Mystery Files Strippers: Cars for Cash Breakout My Music Brain Wicked Tuna Do or Die Killing Jesus Mystery Files Deadly Journeys of the Apostles Terror In The Skies Wicked Tuna Perfect Storms Money Meltdown Killing Jesus Ancient X-Files Is It Real? (30 mins) 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 The Adventures Of Roborex @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 18.00 WIB 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Zone (S2) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 09:00 Ghost Mine (S2) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Continuum (S3) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Continuum (S3) 19:20 Alligator Alley 21:00 Paranormal Witness (S3) Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 Scandal New Girl Candidly Nicole Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition American Idol Revenge Scandal Cristela New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy Masterchef Junior US Cristela New Girl American Idol Glee Masterchef Junior US Grey’s Anatomy Cristela New Girl Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Revenge Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy Camera It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Discovery Sunday The Riddle Of The Crucifixion The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls My Shocking Story (S5) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Daysaster 02:50 Arachnoquake 04:30 The Paranormal 21:50 Haunted Highway (S2) 22:40 The New Addams 06:05 20:30 07:45 08:35 21:00 09:25 09:50 22:05 10:15 11:05 23:40 11:55 12:45 13:10 13:35 15:15 00:00 River Monsters: Legend 16:05 Of Loch Ness 17:00 02:00 Chaos Caught On 17:55 Camera 18:20 02:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 18:50 03:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 19:45 04:00 Mystery Of The Lost 20:40 Islands Year 1 21:35 05:00 Survive That! (S2) 22:30 06:00 Auction Hunters (S5) 23:25 06:30 Auction Hunters (S4) 07:00 The Gadget Show (S18) 08:00 Chaos Caught On 08:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 09:00 Gold Rush (S5) 10:00 How Do They Do 00:20 Ghost Mine (S2) 01:10 Independence 01:35 Chicago Fire (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: 00:20 Everybody Loves 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Raymond (S7) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Desperate Housewives (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Gags (S8) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 09:00 Criminal Minds (S6) 10:00 Keith Barry: Brain 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 Hacker (S1) Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:35 In Justice 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 Presents The Following Body Of Proof Breakout Alfred Hitchcock Presents Psych Happily Never After The Listener Breakout Alfred Hitchcock 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Picker Sisters (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Falling Skies (S4) @ AXN 21.55 WIB 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 01:45 03:25 05:00 06:45 07:15 08:10 09:00 10:40 11:35 13:05 14:45 15:45 16:35 17:30 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 00:45 01:35 03:15 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:10 12:35 Presents Happily Never After CSI Miami Inside Breakout Psych CSI Miami The Listener Happily Never After Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter CSI Miami Inside Homicide Hunter Law & Order: Criminal Intent The Cookie Mobster Honeymoon For One The Michaels Just For Laughs (S15) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Scents & Sensibility Chicago Fire (S2) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) Murder In A Small Town Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Candid Camera (S1) My Kitchen Rules NZ (S1) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S15) Donut Showdown (S2) The Bouquet Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Supernatural (S10) The Voice (S8) Sherlock (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) Asia’s Got Talent The Amazing Race (S26) 13:30 Blue Bloods (S4) 14:25 Caught On Camera (S6) 15:20 Totally Insane Guinness 00:40 World Records (S1) 02:15 04:00 16:20 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:20 17:10 Breaking The Magician’s Code: 06:15 Magic’s Biggest Secrets 07:20 Finally Revealed 08:20 Specials 09:10 10:05 18:05 The Amazing Race (S26) 11:10 12:10 19:00 Grown Ups (2010) 13:00 21:00 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 13:55 21:55 Falling Skies (S4) 15:25 22:50 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 17:15 23:45 Falling Skies (S4) 19:35 21:00 22:45 23:45 06 APR 2015 Lee Daniels’ The Butler HBO SIGNATURE 23.40 WIB You’re Next Arbitrage Electric City Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Homeland Nurse Jackie Call Me Fitz Lilyhammer Homeland Locke All The Real Girls Place Beyond The Pines, The Scenic Route Mad Men Ray Donovan Archer Haunted Highway (S2) SYFY 21.50 WIB 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 01:00 One Born Every Minute UK S5 03:00 Love Prison S1 04:00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance S1 00:00 Vikings (S3) 01:00 Alaska Off-Road Zealand S5 02:00 10 Things You Don’t S3 Baggage Battles S2 Hoarders S7 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Lucky In Love MasterChef Australia S3 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Married At First Sight: The First Year Chasing Nashville MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 05:00 MasterChef New 06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Warriors 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 00:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 01:00 B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) 22:00 23:00 02:00 Bondi Vet (S5) Know About (S3) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S5) Ancient Aliens (S7) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) Vikings (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S7) The Pickers (S5) 10 Things You Don’t Know About (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S7) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Pawn Stars (S14) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) 25 Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) UNIVERSAL 19.00 WIB The Little Rascals HBO FAMILY 13.45 WIB tuesday 01:15 Austenland 03:00 The Pursuit Of 05:00 07:00 09:20 11:25 13:00 15:05 16:55 18:15 20:00 22:05 23:50 00:30 02:10 05:00 06:50 08:20 09:45 11:25 12:55 15:00 16:55 19:05 19:30 21:00 23:00 Happyness Notting Hill Letters From Iwo Jima Big Fish Parkland Body Of Lies The Smurfs 2 Tim’s Vermeer The Fast And The Furious The Expendables 3 Closed Circuit Election Last Passenger Camelot The Big Lebowski Poison Ivy: The Secret Society April Fool’s Day Last Passenger Crimson Force Oblivion Bullitt Silverado Hollywood On Set 590 Dead Silence (2007) Riddick Citizen X S208: Goldilocks 14:00 07:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy 15:55 Tales For Every Child 17:35 S209: The Fisherman 19:00 08:00 09:35 11:00 12:25 13:50 15:15 16:40 18:00 20:05 22:15 And His Wife Tarzan The Little Rascals Chicken Run The Wild Thornberrys Movie Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Curious George The Cat In The Hat The Lost World: Jurassic Park The Mirror Has Two Faces Mission: Impossible II 00:00 The Out-Of-Towners 01:30 03:00 05:00 06:30 08:15 10:30 12:15 13:45 15:15 16:45 18:30 20:00 22:00 23:30 (1999) Powder Room Bad News Bears One Direction: This Is Us Non-Stop The Perfect Storm The Bachelor The Out-Of-Towners (1999) Sound Of My Voice Are We Done Yet? The Bachelor One Direction: This Is Us 8MM Vehicle 19 Powder Room 00:00 Need For Speed 02:15 X-Men: Days Of Future Past Rio 2 X-Men X2: X-Men United Need For Speed Alice In Wonderland Maleficent A Good Man X-Men: Days Of Future Past 20:00 The Internship 22:05 Million Dollar Arm 04:30 06:15 08:00 10:15 12:30 14:20 16:00 17:45 09:20 10:50 12:30 14:10 15:45 17:30 19:00 20:55 23:00 Space Warriors Step Dogs 101 Dalmatians Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) Tarzan The Adventures Of Roborex Encino Man Snow Dogs 13 Going On 30 Rocketman 102 Dalmatians The Biggest Fan The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Karate Kid (1984) Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey 21:00 21:30 22:00 01:50 The Sopranos S110: A 02:45 03:55 05:00 05:30 07:00 08:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 Hit Is A Hit The Newsroom S101: We Just Decided To True Blood S710: Thank You Hollywood On Set 589 Bats Mildred Pierce S101: Chapter 1 The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert Durst S1 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me True Blood S710: Thank You The Sopranos S110: A Hit Is A Hit 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:40 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Apocalypse World War I Breakout Science of Stupid Wicked Tuna Ancient X-Files Killing Jesus Is It Real? (30 mins) Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms Do or Die Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Science of Stupid Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms Science of Stupid 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls My Shocking Story (S5) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) Dual Survival (S4) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Wild China Gags (S8) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Chicago PD (S2) Motive (S3) Fairly Legal (S2) Save The Last Dance 00:20 The Paranormal Daysaster 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Scandal Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Scandal Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy Empire Suburgatory New Girl Welcome to Sweden Glee Grey’s Anatomy Revenge Glee Empire Scandal Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:45 04:35 05:00 06:00 06:55 08:15 Car SOS Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Killing Jesus Ancient X-Files Is It Real? (30 mins) Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Killing Jesus Is It Real? (30 mins) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 09:00 Shark Killer 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Farscape (S1) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) Farscape (S1) The Exterminators Ghost Mine (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 23:10 Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Desperate Housewives (S7) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 Inside Alfred Hitchcock Presents Happily Never After The Listener Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Psych Red Widow The Listener Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Red Widow 04:00 05:00 07:00 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: 05:30 06:00 08:00 09:00 Gags (S8) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Faces Tales For Every Child 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Zone (S1) 01:02 Hollywood On Set 589 01:30 The Mirror Has Two 03:40 Jerry Maguire 06:00 Crashbox S2 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy 10:00 Tricked (S2) 10:50 Bates Motel (S3) 11:40 Just For Laughs: 01:10 Independence 16:30 17:00 09:30 00:05 01:40 03:05 04:50 06:20 07:50 20:00 The Boxer An Inconvenient Truth Life Support The Sopranos S111: Nobody Knows Anything Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 Bored To Death S105: The Case Of The Lonely White Dove Bored To Death S106: The Case Of The Beautiful Blackmailer The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford The Internship @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:25 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:10 16:05 07 CSI Miami Inside Homicide Hunter Psych CSI Miami The Listener Red Widow Law & Order: Criminal Intent Backstrom CSI Miami Inside Backstrom Law & Order: Criminal Intent Donut Showdown (S2) My Boyfriends’ Dogs Garage Sale Mystery Just For Laughs (S15) My George Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Friend Request Merlin (S4) Just For Laughs (S15) Donut Showdown (S2) Candid Camera (S1) Chicago Fire (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S15) Donut Showdown (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Donut Showdown (S2) My Gal Sunday The Good Wife (S6) Closed Circuit HBO 22.05 WIB RAY DONOVAN @ FX 21.00 WIB Zealand S5 06:00 MasterChef Australia S3 07:00 One Born Every Minute 16:00 Dance Moms S3 00:35 Totally Insane Guinness 17:00 MasterChef New 00:15 01:55 04:05 05:00 05:55 07:05 08:00 08:50 09:45 10:55 11:45 12:35 13:25 15:15 17:25 01:35 American Ninja Warrior 19:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 18:30 02:25 Blue Bloods (S4) 20:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 03:15 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S1) 21:00 King S1 04:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 22:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 05:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 23:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 05:50 Winter Wipeout (S5) 06:40 Blue Bloods (S4) 07:30 Caught On Camera (S6) 08:20 American Ninja Warrior 20:05 21:00 22:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:05 UK S3 08:00 Hoarders S7 09:00 Dance Moms S3 10:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 11:00 The Toyman Killer 12:40 Baggage Battles S2 13:00 MasterChef Australia S3 14:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 World Records (S1) (S4) APR 2015 Zealand S5 Show S12 (S4) 09:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 10:00 Totally Insane Guinness 00:00 World Records (S1) 01:00 10:30 Star Trek (2009) 02:00 12:50 Supernatural (S10) 13:45 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:00 14:35 Caught On Camera (S6) 04:00 15:30 Totally Insane Guinness 05:00 World Records (S1) 06:00 16:30 Winter Wipeout (S5) 07:00 17:20 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 08:00 18:15 Caught On Camera (S6) 19:10 The Voice (S8) 09:00 21:00 The Blacklist (S2) 10:00 21:55 Falling Skies (S4) 11:00 22:50 The Blacklist (S2) 12:00 23:45 Falling Skies (S4) 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 00:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 20:00 01:00 Chasing Nashville 02:00 MasterChef New 21:00 Zealand S5 22:00 03:00 Lucky In Love 23:00 05:00 MasterChef New Tiny House Nation (S1) Picker Sisters (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Destination Flavour (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Crush Fifth Estate, The Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland Arbitrage Great Expectations Zach Galifianakis: Live At The Purple Onion Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Galavant Ray Donovan Place Beyond The Pines, The Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Daredevils (S1) In Search Of Aliens Alaska Off-Road Warriors The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens The Pickers (S5) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Storage Wars (S6) 27 Sound Of My Voice HBO HITS 13.45 WIB The Listener FOX CRIME 16.45 WIB Grey’s Anatomy (S7) BE TV 19.40 WIB wednesday 19:00 Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office 22:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 22:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 23:00 Wild China 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 01:30 Save The Last Dance 2: 03:00 05:00 07:05 09:15 11:00 13:15 15:00 17:00 18:20 20:00 22:15 Stepping Up Wedding Crashers Beyond Borders The Manchurian Candidate Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby The Expendables 3 The Fast And The Furious Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Home On The Range The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift American Hustle Wedding Crashers Haven (S2) @ SYFY 23.30 WIB 00:45 Gridiron Gang 02:50 Hollywood On Set 591 03:15 The Knick S101: 04:10 05:00 06:30 08:45 10:50 12:50 13:15 15:00 17:55 19:20 21:00 23:00 00:10 02:15 03:50 05:30 07:20 09:35 11:45 13:25 16:10 18:20 20:00 21:45 00:25 02:25 04:00 05:35 07:05 08:50 10:35 12:40 14:30 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:00 23:30 Method And Madness The Knick S102: Mr. Paris Shoes Dead Silence (2007) Silverado Elizabethtown The Sum Of All Fears Hollywood On Set 591 Citizen X Camelot Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Event Horizon Back To The Future Death Warrant The Monuments Men The Face Of Love The End Of The Affair X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine Million Dollar Arm Maleficent The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Die Hard 4.0 Wild Card The Stepfather X-Men: Days Of Future Past Glory Road If I Had Wings Rocketman Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) Standing Ovation 101 Dalmatians The Karate Kid (1984) The Karate Kid III Wiener Dog Nationals Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Are We There Yet? Anastasia California Dreaming Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco Muppets From Space 04:20 America’S Sweethearts 08:00 The Jinx: The Life And Deaths Of Robert 06:00 Crashbox S2 Durst S1 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 09:35 In Fear S210: Aladdin 11:00 Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 07:30 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child 12:00 Bored To Death S105: S211: The Shoemaker And The Elves 08:05 The Lost World: Jurassic Park Curious George The Cat In The Hat Harriet The Spy King Kong (2005) Kobushi S1 S108: The Black Plate 18:00 City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold 19:55 The Fighting Temptations 22:00 White Chicks 10:15 11:40 13:00 14:45 17:49 The Case Of The Beautiful Blackmailer 13:00 The Sopranos S111: Nobody Knows Anything 14:00 In Pursuit Of Honor 15:50 Alfie 17:35 My Kid Could Paint 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 01:00 Non-Stop 02:45 Are We Done Yet? 04:30 The Out-Of-Towners 22:00 06:00 One Direction: This 23:00 (1999) 07:30 09:20 10:45 12:45 14:45 16:15 18:00 20:00 22:00 Is Us Bad News Bears Vehicle 19 Escape Plan 8MM One Direction: This Is Us Non-Stop Bad News Bears Escape Plan The Perfect Storm 22:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 00:35 The Ladies Man 02:00 The Sopranos S111: 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 07:00 00:15 White Chicks 02:05 Jerry Maguire The Case Of The Lonely White Dove 12:30 Bored To Death S106: 07:30 Nobody Knows Anything How To Make It In America S101: Pilot How To Make It In America S102: Crisp Bored To Death S105: The Case Of The Lonely White Dove Bored To Death S106: The Case Of The Beautiful Blackmailer The Tuskegee Airmen Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 That The Sopranos S112: Isabella The Newsroom S102: News Night 2.0 Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs Enlightened S203: Higher Power True Blood S710: Thank You Survive That! (S2) Dual Survival (S4) Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) Dual Survival (S4) Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) Dual Survival (S4) Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Car SOS Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms Science of Stupid Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms Car SOS Science of Stupid Jurassic C.S.I. Breakout Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna Master of Disaster Jurassic C.S.I. Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Master of Disaster Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:15 23:05 23:55 Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Chicago PD (S2) Motive (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Keith Barry: Brain Hacker (S1) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Bates Motel (S3) Sabrina Chicago PD (S2) Motive (S3) Bates Motel (S3) 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 01:10 The Exterminators 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 09:00 Face Off (S3) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Haunted Highway (S2) 12:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) Haunted Highway (S2) Shark Killer Supernatural (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Scandal Glee Empire Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Glee Empire Scandal Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Empire Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Million Dollar Listing LA Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:55 11:50 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 Intent (S2) 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 Gags (S8) 23:10 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 Just For Laughs: 02:30 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Monster Man (S1) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Red Widow The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents My Strange Addiction Burn Notice The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents Burn Notice CSI Miami Inside Backstrom My Strange Addiction CSI Miami The Listener Burn Notice Law & Order: Criminal Intent Threat Matrix CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Law & Order: Criminal Intent 22:50 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) 23:45 Falling Skies (S4) 09:10 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:05 00:20 02:30 04:20 Zealand S5 05:10 MasterChef Australia 06:00 S3 07:10 One Born Every Minute 08:05 UK S3 09:00 Hoarders S7 09:50 Dance Moms S3 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 12:25 Show S12 13:15 Gone Missing 14:05 Zealand S5 03:00 The Toyman Killer 05:00 MasterChef New 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 Baggage Battles S2 13:00 MasterChef Australia Australia S1 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 16:00 Dance Moms S3 17:00 MasterChef New Show S12 20:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 21:00 King S1 22:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 23:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 Far Flung With Gary 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 World Records (S1) 11:00 (S4) 12:00 02:25 Blue Bloods (S4) 13:00 03:15 Totally Insane Guinness 14:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:15 10:05 11:05 12:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Falling Skies (S4) The Voice (S8) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Winter Wipeout (S5) The Blacklist (S2) Caught On Camera (S6) The Voice (S8) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Falling Skies (S4) Magic Of Science (S2) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 22.30 WIB Zealand S5 01:35 American Ninja Warrior World Records (S1) 16:00 17:55 20:05 21:00 21:30 22:25 Great Expectations All The Real Girls Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland Devil And Daniel Johnston, The Kon-Tiki Fifth Estate, The Mad Men Archer Galavant Trials Of Cate Mccall, The 19:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 00:35 Totally Insane Guinness 10:00 04:10 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 08 APR 2015 Australia S1 01:00 King S1 02:00 MasterChef New S3 Donut Showdown (S2) The Michaels Out Of Reach Just For Laughs (S13) Nearlyweds Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Candid Camera (S1) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) My Gal Sunday How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S15) Donut Showdown (S2) Romantically Speaking Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) 00:00 The Amazing Race 14:00 The Amazing Race 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:25 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 15:00 Mehigan Strangers In Danger (S2) Destination Flavour (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 00:00 Storage Wars: Canada 01:00 Alaska Off-Road 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Warriors Bamazon (S1) In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars: Canada The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Titanic: Blood & Steel In Search Of Aliens The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Titanic: Blood & Steel In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Jurassic C.S.I. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL 13.20 WIB Bondi Vet (S5) FYI 20.00 WIB King S1 Sabrina @ UNIVERSAL 19.55 WIB 29 LIFETIME 21.00 WIB thursday 06:00 07:45 10:00 12:00 12:30 14:15 15:45 17:15 17:45 20:00 22:00 23:45 Elysium We Are Marshall Boomerang Hollywood On Set 589 The Bucket List Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Hollywood On Set 589 Spanglish Stonehearst Asylum The Bucket List The Arrangement 08:00 Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office 09:00 Heroes Of Hells Highway 10:00 How Do They Do It? (S5) 10:30 How It’s Made (S12) 11:00 Running Wild With Bear Grylls 12:00 Chaos Caught On 00:45 Law & Order: Criminal 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 01:35 Just For Laughs: 15:00 00:05 Radio 02:00 The Sopranos S112: 02:50 12 Years A Slave @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 17.45 WIB 03:45 04:10 04:35 00:15 Beyond Borders 02:20 The Sound Of Music 04:30 05:00 06:45 08:05 09:30 11:00 12:40 14:55 16:45 18:20 20:00 21:50 23:15 (2013) Hollywood On Set 591 Death To Smoochy Tim’s Vermeer Drinking Buddies The Stepford Wives The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift American Hustle Little Black Book Freaky Friday Moms’ Night Out Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit The Apparition 42 01:00 02:40 04:25 06:15 07:45 09:25 11:10 12:45 14:20 15:50 17:15 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:25 Soccer Dog: The Movie The Mighty Ducks The Karate Kid III The Duke Snow Dogs 102 Dalmatians Anastasia Are We There Yet? The Adventures Of Roborex Ernest Goes To Jail The Mighty Ducks A Little Game Encino Man Moto X Kids The Adventures Of Roborex 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:10 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:50 15:30 16:00 16:30 00:25 02:15 03:35 05:00 06:30 08:00 10:00 12:00 13:20 15:00 16:35 18:05 19:30 21:00 22:45 00:00 02:00 03:35 05:00 06:35 08:20 10:00 11:35 13:45 15:30 17:45 20:00 Flight Of The Intruder Pootie Tang Out Of Sight Death Warrant Painkiller Jane Flight Of The Intruder Back To The Future Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Event Horizon Chamber Of Horrors Ike: Countdown To D-Day Team America: World Police Trapped Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Blood And Bone The Internship 21 & Over The Starving Games Wild Card The Stepfather Maleficent Sexy Evil Genius Million Dollar Arm Rio 2 Die Hard 4.0 12 Years A Slave X-Men: Days Of Future Past 22:15 The East 00:00 01:45 03:23 03:55 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:05 10:00 11:45 13:45 14:25 14:55 16:35 18:00 19:40 21:20 23:00 Nanny Mcphee Just Like Heaven Hollywood On Set 589 Mission: Impossible II Crashbox S2 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S212: King Midas And The Golden Touch Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S213: Mother Goose A Rappin’ & Rhymin City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold Harriet The Spy The Fighting Temptations Educating Peter I Have Tourette’S But Tourette’S Doesn’T Have Me Ed Open Season (2006) Nanny Mcphee After Earth The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Just Like Heaven 17:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30 Isabella Six Feet Under S308: Tears, Bones And Desire Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs The Boxer Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 True Blood S710: Thank You Bad Country The Newsroom S102: News Night 2.0 Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes The Sopranos S112: Isabella Hostile Waters Game Of Thrones: A Day In The Life Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me The Tuskegee Airmen The Sopranos S113: I Dream Of Jeannie Cusamano How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Big Love S303: Prom Queen Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 Bored To Death S105: The Case Of The Lonely White Dove Bored To Death S106: The Case Of The Beautiful Blackmailer 00:00 Auction Hunters (S5) 00:30 Auction Hunters (S4) 01:00 Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office 02:00 Heroes Of Hells Highway 03:00 How Do They Do It? (S5) 03:30 How It’s Made (S12) 04:00 Running Wild With Bear Grylls 00:15 00:45 02:15 04:00 05:30 Hollywood On Set 589 Vehicle 19 Non-Stop Are We Done Yet? Hollywood On Set 589 05:00 Wild China 06:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 06:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 07:00 Auction Hunters (S5) 07:30 Auction Hunters (S4) 21:45 Revenge 22:40 Sex and The City 23:35 Empire 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 20:50 Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Heroes Of Hells Highway How Do They Do It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts Treehouse Masters (S2) Fast N’ Loud (S1) Wild China Car SOS Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Evolutions Breakout Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna Secrets Of The Great Escape Revealed Evolutions Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Showdown of The Unbeatables Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Megastructures Mega Factories: Supercars Scandal Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Scandal Welcome to Sweden Glee Grey’s Anatomy American Idol Asia’s Next Top Model Glee Empire American Idol Glee Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Intent (S2) Gags (S8) 02:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 12:20 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Sabrina Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Grimm (S4) Magic Man (S1) Law & Order (S20) Grimm (S4) Magic Man (S1) 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 01:10 Ghost Mine (S2) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Serial Experiments Lain 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 09:00 Alligator Alley 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Supernatural (S2) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 16:00 Serial Experiments Lain 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Supernatural (S2) 19:20 Independence Daysaster 21:00 Continuum (S3) 22:40 The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) 17:00 Wipeout (S5) 17:50 Everybody Loves 18:20 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 22:40 23:10 00:35 01:30 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Inside Alfred Hitchcock Presents Burn Notice The Listener Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents My Strange Addiction Moonlighting Body Of Proof Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix My Strange Addiction CSI Miami Body Of Proof Moonlighting Law & Order: Criminal Intent American Crime CSI Miami Inside American Crime Law & Order: Criminal Intent 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:15 10:05 11:05 12:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:35 19:30 21:00 21:55 23:25 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Winter Wipeout (S5) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Falling Skies (S4) The Voice (S8) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Winter Wipeout (S5) Caught On Camera (S6) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) The Voice (S8) Asia’s Got Talent CSI: Cyber (S1) Asia’s Got Talent The Voice (S8) 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:55 23:25 Donut Showdown (S2) Be My Valentine The Hot Flashes Just For Laughs (S15) The Bouquet Just For Laughs (S15) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Mr Fiction The Good Wife (S6) Just For Laughs (S15) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) When Sparks Fly Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S15) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Candid Camera (S1) You, Me And Dupree Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S3) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 00:00 Arbitrage 01:50 Locke 03:20 Zach Galifianakis: Live 04:25 05:15 The Amazing Race 06:05 Australia S1 07:15 King S1 08:10 MasterChef New 09:00 Zealand S5 09:55 Gone Missing 11:05 MasterChef New 12:20 Zealand S5 13:10 MasterChef Australia 14:00 S3 15:50 Baggage Battles S2 17:40 One Born Every Minute 19:30 UK S3 20:00 Hoarders S7 21:00 Dance Moms S3 23:05 08:00 09:00 10:00 The Ellen DeGeneres At The Purple Onion Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Lilyhammer Homeland As I Lay Dying All The Real Girls Arbitrage Archer Ray Donovan Silver Linings Playbook Mad Men Show S12 00:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 01:00 The Curse Of Oak 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Married At First Sight: The First Year MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Stonehearst Asylum HBO HITS 20.00 WIB HBO 18.20 WIB 13:30 Baggage Battles S2 14:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 09 APR 2015 Moms’ Night Out 11:00 Ticket Out 12:40 Baggage Battles S2 13:00 MasterChef Australia S3 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:30 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 17:30 Tiny House Nation (S1) 18:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 19:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 19:30 Flipping San Diego (S1) 20:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 21:00 Bondi Vet (S3) 22:00 Food Factory (S1) 23:00 Island (S2) Titanic: Blood & Steel In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars (S6) The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S6) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) In Search Of Aliens The Pickers (S5) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S5) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) Swamp People (S6) Empire STAR WORLD 23.35 WIB 00:35 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 01:35 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 02:30 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:30 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 04:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Tuskegee Airmen Chamber Of Horrors @ CINEMAX 15.00 WIB 31 HBO SIGNATURE 17.00 WIB friday 20:30 The Karate Kid (1984) 22:35 The Mighty Ducks 01:20 Cruel Intentions 02:50 The Manchurian 05:00 06:35 08:10 09:45 11:15 13:00 14:40 17:00 18:50 21:00 23:25 Candidate Vampire In Brooklyn Closed Circuit Freaky Friday A.C.O.D. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Moms’ Night Out As Good As It Gets Stranger Than Fiction Star Trek Into Darkness Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues Malavita Thank You 00:35 02:15 04:15 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:45 11:10 12:53 13:00 01:05 13:10 16:15 02:00 03:20 05:05 06:35 08:05 09:50 11:20 12:50 14:35 15:00 16:30 18:00 18:50 19:15 21:00 22:55 00:15 01:40 03:25 05:10 07:20 10:05 11:50 13:55 15:50 18:05 20:00 21:45 23:30 The Starving Games The Stepfather Hammer Of The Gods Million Dollar Arm The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug Xxx: The Next Level The Monuments Men Alice In Wonderland X-Men: Days Of Future Past The Sweeney Hummingbird A Good Man Die Hard 4.0 18:00 20:15 22:15 08:15 09:40 11:10 12:45 14:30 16:00 17:30 19:00 California Dreaming Rocketman A Tiger’s Tail Ernest Goes To Jail Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey Homeward Bound II: Lost In San Francisco Bio-Dome 102 Dalmatians Encino Man Muppets From Space If I Had Wings Escape From Planet Earth Ed Mission: Impossible II The Polar Express Crashbox S2 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S301: The Three Little Pigs Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S302: Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves After Earth Open Season (2006) My Girl Kobushi S1 S109: Ronin’S Mortal Touch Kobushi S1 S110: The Levitation Fast King Kong (2005) The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Oz The Great And Powerful Frequency Avalon 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:25 23:50 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist’s Office Six Feet Under S309: The Opening The Wire S301: Time After Time The Newsroom S102: News Night 2.0 Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs 00:30 01:25 03:05 04:00 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 River Monsters: Top 14:25 Ten - Ton Of Beasts 16:05 Treehouse Masters (S2) 17:00 Gold Rush (S5) 18:00 How Do They Do 19:00 It? (S5) 19:55 How It’s Made (S12) 20:50 Running Wild With 21:45 Bear Grylls 22:40 Wild China 23:35 05:00 06:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 07:00 River Monsters: Top Scandal American Idol Glee New Girl Million Dollar Listing LA The Apartment: Celebrity Edition American Idol Glee Scandal Glee Million Dollar Listing LA Suburgatory Scandal Empire Glee Scandal Empire Suburgatory New Girl Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Scandal Sex and The City Glee Ten - Ton Of Beasts 01:15 Loser 02:45 Monster House 04:15 Ninja: Shadow Of 08:35 10:30 12:00 14:15 16:30 18:00 20:00 20:30 22:00 23:45 08:00 Treehouse Masters (S2) 09:00 Siberian Cut 10:00 How Do They Do A Tear 10:30 11:00 Rock Vegas Stonehearst Asylum Monster House Spanglish We Are Marshall Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Stonehearst Asylum Hollywood On Set 589 Monster House Elysium The Bucket List 12:00 13:00 05:45 The Arrangement 07:05 The Flintstones In Viva 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 It? (S5) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts Treehouse Masters (S2) Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) How It’s Made (S19) Wild China 00:00 Normal 02:00 The Sopranos S113: 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 00:55 02:25 04:00 05:25 06:45 21:00 Taboo 22:00 Taboo USA 23:00 Money Meltdown 17:10 Temple Grandin 19:00 The Sopranos S201: 00:10 The Knick S103: The Busy Flea The Knick S104: Where’s The Dignity? Painkiller Jane The Nutty Professor (1963) Team America: World Police Blood And Bone Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Ike: Countdown To D-Day Trapped The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Hollywood On Set 591 Change Of Habit Three Days To A Kill Street Fighter: Assassin’S Fist S1 Hollywood On Set 592 Wild Things Gangster Squad Shoot ‘Em Up 14:00 Hollywood On Set 589 14:25 Nights In Rodanthe 16:00 True Blood S710: 08:30 08:55 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 I Dream Of Jeannie Cusamano Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me Big Love S303: Prom Queen Money Train The Newsroom S102: News Night 2.0 Bored To Death S105: The Case Of The Lonely White Dove Bored To Death S106: The Case Of The Beautiful Blackmailer Lee Daniels’ The Butler How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Six Feet Under S308: Tears, Bones And Desire The Sopranos S113: I Dream Of Jeannie Cusamano 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Car SOS World’s Most Extreme Megastructures Mega Factories: Supercars Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Car SOS World’s Most Extreme Megastructures Mega Factories: Supercars Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Science of Stupid Breakout Showdown of The Unbeatables Wicked Tuna Yukon Gold Science of Stupid Titanic: Case Closed Cold Water Gold Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Megastructures Beyond Magic with DMC 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:10 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Magic Man (S1) Grimm (S4) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order (S11) 00:20 01:10 03:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 The Paranormal Zone (S1) Shark Killer Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) Continuum (S1) The Paranormal Zone (S1) The Exterminators The New Addams Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Haven (S2) The Paranormal Zone (S1) Continuum (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Sink Hole Farscape (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Haven (S2) Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stranger Than Fiction @ HBO 17.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) 01:00 Food Factory (S2) 02:00 The Great Australian 04:00 Winter Wipeout (S5) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 Muppets From Space @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 16.00 WIB 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Moonlighting Body Of Proof American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents My Strange Addiction The Following In Justice American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Following CSI Miami Inside American Crime My Strange Addiction CSI Miami In Justice The Following Law & Order: Criminal Intent Breakout CSI Miami Inside Breakout Law & Order: Criminal Intent 09:20 10:15 11:15 12:05 13:00 14:30 15:25 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:50 (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) Caught On Camera (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Supernatural (S10) The Voice (S8) Asia’s Got Talent Caught On Camera (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Wipeout (S6) CSI: Cyber (S1) Caught On Camera (S6) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S26) The Blacklist (S2) Supernatural (S10) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Supernatural (S10) 00:25 Law & Order: Special 01:20 03:05 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:35 23:05 Victims Unit (S12) My George Friend Request When Sparks Fly Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) My George How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) I Think I Do The Good Wife (S6) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Taken Back: Finding Haley Mr Fiction Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) 1600 Penn FX 11.05 WIB 00:00 Place Beyond The 02:20 04:15 05:10 06:05 07:15 08:10 09:00 09:55 11:05 12:00 12:50 13:45 14:50 16:55 18:50 21:00 22:35 23:35 Pines, The Kon-Tiki Lilyhammer Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Zach Galifianakis: Live At The Purple Onion Silver Linings Playbook Kon-Tiki Great Expectations Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Ray Donovan All The Real Girls Magic Man (S1) UNIVERSAL 10.00 WIB 00:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 01:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 02:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 03:00 Ticket Out 05:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 06:00 MasterChef Australia 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 00:20 CSI: Cyber (S1) 01:10 Totally Insane Guinness 20:00 World Records (S2) 21:00 01:40 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 22:00 02:30 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:30 Totally Insane Guinness 23:00 World Records (S2) Bake Off (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Food Factory (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Bondi Vet (S3) Flipping San Diego (S1) Rowhouse Showdown (S1) House vs House (S1) 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) 10 APR 2015 S3 Baggage Battles S2 Hoarders S7 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Surrogacy Trap MasterChef Australia S3 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Psychic Tia S1 The Ghost Inside My Child S2 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 23:00 Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S5) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Vikings (S3) The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) The Pickers (S5) Bamazon (S1) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Swamp People (S6) Vikings (S3) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 33 Continuum (S1) SYFY 16.00 WIB Mr Fiction DIVA 20.50 WIB saturday 22:05 The Grand Budapest Hotel 01:15 02:40 03:05 05:00 06:40 07:55 09:50 11:40 13:45 15:20 17:30 19:10 21:00 22:40 A.C.O.D. Hollywood On Set 591 Blade II Pretty In Pink Home On The Range Stranger Than Fiction Malavita Body Of Lies Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen Star Trek Into Darkness Despicable Me 2 300 300: Rise Of An Empire Collateral Damage 00:20 Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa 01:50 Haunting In 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:15 09:45 11:50 12:15 13:05 15:00 16:40 18:20 18:45 21:00 23:15 Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia Beneath (2013) Shoot ‘Em Up Wild Things Three Days To A Kill Gridiron Gang Hollywood On Set 592 Street Fighter: Assassin’S Fist S1 Gangster Squad Vegas Vacation Runaway Hollywood On Set 590 Assassins Proof Of Life Here Comes The Boom 23:50 X-Men: Days Of Future Past 00:20 01:55 03:25 05:15 06:55 08:25 09:55 11:25 12:55 14:20 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:05 23:45 11:50 13:50 16:05 17:45 20:00 Sexy Evil Genius Paradise The Starving Games Xxx: The Next Level Million Dollar Arm The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Ender’S Game X-Men: Days Of Future Past Maleficent Need For Speed Lone Survivor 14:15 16:15 16:45 18:30 20:15 22:00 23:30 07:30 10:05 12:00 13:40 15:10 16:50 18:55 20:40 23:10 Click My Girl About Time Crashbox S2 Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S303: The Bremen Town Musicians Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S304: The Empress’ Nightingale Oz The Great And Powerful Frequency Groundhog Day The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle Finding Nemo Avalon Click The Avengers (2012) About Time Blades Of Glory Spanglish The Bucket List Odd Thomas Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Stonehearst Asylum Hollywood On Set 589 Elysium Loser The Bucket List Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Hollywood On Set 589 00:20 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang 02:00 The Sopranos S201: 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 00:20 02:10 04:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 01:45 03:20 04:50 06:15 08:00 10:05 A Little Game The Biggest Fan Standing Ovation Soccer Dog: The Movie Encino Man Space Dogs The Adventures Of Roborex Escape From Planet Earth Wiener Dog Nationals Are We There Yet? Anastasia Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Dear Dumb Diary Space Warriors Soccer Dog: The Movie The Karate Kid (1984) 05:15 06:45 09:00 10:45 12:30 05:55 06:20 06:45 09:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:30 19:25 21:00 23:00 01:30 Odd Thomas 03:15 Boomerang Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist’s Office Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 The Wire S301: Time After Time How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Stalin Little Nicky Veep S301: Some New Beginnings Veep S302: The Choice Veep S303: Alicia Veep S304: Clovis Veep S305: Fishing Veep S306: Detroit Veep S307: Special Relationship Veep S308: Debate Veep S309: Crate Veep S310: New Hampshire Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Normal Last Days We’Re The Millers Big Love S303: Prom Queen 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 Megastructures 00:50 Beyond Magic with 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:30 01:25 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:00 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 The Gadget Show (S18) 20:40 Naked And Afraid (S1) 21:35 Survive That! (S2) 23:25 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 Odd Thomas @ HBO HITS 10.45 WIB 19:00 20:00 It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls Wild China How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How It’s Made (S19) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Survive That! (S2) Alaskan Bush People (S2) River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts Survive That! (S2) Dirty Jobs (S6) Siberian Cut Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Fast N’ Loud (S1) 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S1) 01:10 Face Off (S3) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise Sex and The City Cristela Grey’s Anatomy New Girl Welcome to Sweden Suburgatory American Idol Revenge Asia’s Next Top Model The Rachel Zoe Project How I Met Your Mother New Girl Welcome to Sweden Suburgatory Revenge Scandal Styled to Rock UK Carrie Diaries Empire Asia’s Next Top Model Candidly Nicole Million Dollar Listing LA American Idol Sex and The City 07:00 Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal 17:10 18:00 18:55 19:50 Motive (S3) Tricked (S2) Bates Motel (S3) Sabrina DMC Taboo Taboo USA Money Meltdown Megastructures Perfect Storms Air Crash Investigation World’s Most Extreme Ancient X-Files Killing Jesus Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer Cold Water Gold Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Science of Stupid Showdown of The Unbeatables Air Crash Investigation Perfect Storms 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 05:00 06:40 09:00 09:50 10:40 11:35 13:25 14:20 16:40 20:45 21:35 22:25 23:15 Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S1) Sabrina Tricked (S2) Chicago PD (S2) Motive (S3) Law & Order (S11) Bates Motel (S3) Sabrina Just For Laughs: Gags (S8) Tricked (S2) Magic Man (S1) Grimm (S4) Chicago PD (S2) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S1) 05:00 The Exterminators 07:00 Independence Daysaster 09:00 Haunted Highway (S2) 10:00 Paranormal Witness 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:35 17:30 18:20 20:00 20:50 21:40 23:20 (S3) Ghost Mine (S2) Supernatural (S2) Sink Hole Haunted Highway (S2) The Exterminators Continuum (S3) LA Apocalypse Haunted Highway (S2) Supernatural (S2) Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Face Off (S4) Caught Red Handed The Good Wife (S2) Love Crimes 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 09:50 10:40 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:50 18:30 21:00 23:40 Presents The Following In Justice Breakout Threat Matrix CSI Homicide Hunter Backstrom Threat Matrix Breakout American Crime Psych My Strange Addiction CSI The Listener Homicide Hunter 00:05 Law & Order: Special 00:55 02:35 04:25 05:00 06:40 08:25 Victims Unit (S12) Touched Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Garage Sale Mystery Dance-Off Coffee Shop 11 APR 2015 Finding Nemo HBO FAMILY 15.10 WIB The Grand Budapest Hotel @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 22.05 WIB 10:10 Taken Back: Finding Haley Romantically Speaking Be My Valentine Betrayed Merlin (S4) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) 18:45 Donut Showdown (S2) 21:45 Candid Camera (S1) 22:40 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 11:55 13:35 15:15 16:50 17:45 03:00 The Surrogacy Trap 05:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 06:00 Don’t Trust Andrew Mayne S1 01:25 The Longest Week 07:00 One Born Every Minute 02:55 Zach Galifianakis: Live UK S5 08:00 Married At First Sight: 09:00 11:00 15:00 00:40 Criss Angel Mindfreak 01:10 01:40 02:35 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:35 08:15 08:45 09:35 11:00 17:45 18:15 19:10 20:05 (S3) Ebuzz American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials The Tuxedo Sherlock (S3) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S26) Asia’s Got Talent The Voice (S8) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials The Amazing Race (S26) The Voice (S8) 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Child S2 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Zealand S5 23:00 00:00 Psychic Tia S1 01:00 The Ghost Inside My 02:00 MasterChef New The First Year The Amazing Race Australia S1 MasterChef New Zealand S5 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Amazing Race Australia S1 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Chasing Nashville Love Prison S1 MasterChef New Zealand S5 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) House vs House (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Flipping Boston (S2) Strangers In Danger (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Strangers In Danger (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) 04:05 05:00 07:55 08:55 10:35 12:55 14:25 16:00 17:35 19:10 21:00 22:40 23:10 At The Purple Onion Injustice Episodes Call Me Fitz 1600 Penn Place Beyond The Pines, The Locke Crush Touchy Feely Trials Of Cate Mccall, The As I Lay Dying Plush Archer You’re Next 00:00 Vikings (S3) 01:00 Gangland Undercover 02:00 The Innovators: The 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Men Who Built America (S1) Bamazon (S1) Swamp People (S6) The Pickers (S6) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Vikings (S3) Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) In Search Of Aliens Ancient Aliens (S6) Swamp People (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Alaska Off-Road Warriors 35 Reno vs Relocate (S1) FYI 12.00 WIB Last Days HBO SIGNATURE 19.25 WIB Psych FOX CRIME 14.10 WIB sunday 00:30 01:50 03:20 05:00 06:40 08:10 09:30 11:10 12:45 14:40 16:15 17:55 20:00 22:20 23:55 Afflicted Cold Comes The Night 300: Rise Of An Empire Election Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen Dinosaur Cuban Fury Poseidon 300 Despicable Me 2 Race To Witch Mountain The Expendables 3 The Amazing SpiderMan 2 A History Of Violence This Is The End 08:05 09:40 11:15 12:45 14:15 15:50 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:00 23:35 16:30 17:00 19:00 21:00 22:30 Helter Skelter Urban Justice Vegas Vacation Hollywood On Set 590 Proof Of Life Runaway Assassins Here Comes The Boom National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins Hollywood On Set 592 Paycheck Back To The Future The Girl The Avengers 01:50 03:35 05:05 06:30 Xxx: The Next Level Wild Card The End Of The Affair The Stepfather Ender’S Game Free Birds The Monuments Men A Good Man Hummingbird Lone Survivor Oculus The Starving Games Fright Night 2 The Mighty Ducks Muppets From Space California Dreaming Bio-Dome Chemistry 01:30 Grey Gardens 03:20 Eye For An Eye 05:00 The Sopranos S110: A Hit Is A Hit 05:50 The Sopranos S111: Nobody Knows Anything 07:25 01:20 America’S Sweethearts 08:25 03:10 The Mirror Has Two 05:24 06:00 06:30 07:30 08:00 09:40 11:10 12:50 15:11 15:18 15:30 16:55 18:25 21:30 23:15 02:05 03:50 05:25 07:05 08:50 10:45 12:20 14:25 16:10 17:55 20:00 21:50 23:15 00:00 Better Living Through 06:40 The Sopranos S112: 07:00 01:05 03:25 05:00 06:35 07:00 09:15 11:00 13:15 15:00 Shipwrecked A Little Game If I Had Wings Dear Dumb Diary Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Snow Dogs Encino Man Turbo Spymate Sheeba Beverly Hills Ninja Faces Hollywood On Set 589 Crashbox S2 Wolfblood S101: Lone Wolf Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S305: The Happy Prince Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S306: Henny Penny Groundhog Day The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle Finding Nemo The Avengers (2012) Kobushi S1 S111: Tako Tanked On Wasabi Kobushi S1 S112: The Curse Of Stinkypoos The Gabby Douglas Story Monsters, Inc. King Kong (2005) America’S Sweethearts The Mirror Has Two Faces 00:00 Monster House 01:30 The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Blades Of Glory Boomerang Hollywood On Set 589 Odd Thomas Elysium Stonehearst Asylum Monster House Hollywood On Set 589 Spanglish The Bucket List Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear 20:30 Blades Of Glory 22:00 Stonehearst Asylum 03:00 04:45 06:55 07:30 09:15 11:00 12:50 14:20 14:45 17:00 18:45 09:15 11:10 12:45 14:45 16:15 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 21:00 Isabella The Sopranos S113: I Dream Of Jeannie Cusamano The Sopranos S201: Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist’s Office Normal An Inconvenient Truth Her Little Nicky Austin Powers In Goldmember Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs Good People Casual Vacancy S1 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 12:25 15:10 16:05 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 00:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 05:15 01:00 Survive That! (S2) 06:05 02:00 Alaskan Bush People (S2) 07:45 03:00 River Monsters: Top 08:35 Ten - Ton Of Beasts 10:15 04:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 11:05 05:00 Dual Survival (S4) 11:55 06:00 Survive That! (S2) 12:45 07:00 Chaos Caught On 14:25 Camera 16:05 07:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 17:00 08:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 17:55 09:00 River Monsters: Top 18:50 Ten - Ton Of Beasts 20:40 10:00 Survive That! (S2) 21:35 11:00 Auction Hunters (S5) 23:25 12:00 Gadget Man (S2) 14:30 The Gadget Show (S18) 17:00 How It’s Made (S19) 18:00 Chaos Caught On Taboo Taboo USA Car SOS Terror In The Skies Air Crash Investigation Master of Disaster Money Meltdown Mega Factories: Supercars Do or Die World’s Most Extreme Perfect Storms Cold Water Gold Dog Whisperer Killing Jesus World’s Most Extreme Science of Stupid Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Cold Water Gold Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron World’s Most Extreme Revenge Melissa & Joey Mistresses New Girl Welcome to Sweden Suburgatory Carrie Diaries Million Dollar Listing LA Empire Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing LA American Idol Grey’s Anatomy Suburgatory Empire Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing LA Sex and The City Scandal 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Ten - Ton Of Beasts Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Gold Rush (S5) Dual Survival (S4) River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts 01:35 06:00 07:00 08:50 09:50 10:40 13:00 13:25 14:15 14:45 16:45 18:45 20:45 21:35 23:35 Ghost Mine (S2) Supernatural (S2) Robocroc Continuum (S3) Paranormal Witness (S3) 01:00 The Good Wife (S2) 03:00 Love Crimes 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 06:30 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 07:00 The Good Wife (S2) 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 10:30 Alias (S1) 12:10 Face Off (S4) 13:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 14:30 Everybody Loves 15:00 16:40 18:20 19:10 20:00 21:40 23:20 Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) Face Off (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Alias (S1) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 00:35 American Crime 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 Law & Order: Criminal 07:05 09:50 11:30 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:40 Intent CSI Psych My Strange Addiction Inside CSI The Listener In Justice 00:20 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 01:10 You, Me And Dupree 03:15 I Think I Do 05:00 Law & Order: Special Camera 18:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 19:00 River Monsters: Top 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 23:30 Chicago Fire (S1) Grimm (S4) Law & Order (S11) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Grimm (S4) Sabrina Magic Man (S1) Grimm (S4) Magic Man (S1) 2 Fast 2 Furious Fast & Furious Fast Five Grimm (S4) 2 Fast 2 Furious Fast & Furious 05:55 06:55 07:25 09:05 10:50 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:30 19:25 20:25 21:20 23:10 Victims Unit (S11) Just For Laughs (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S5) My Gal Sunday Be My Valentine Garage Sale Mystery Mr Fiction Candid Camera (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) Merlin (S5) How Do I Look? (S10) Atlantis (S2) The Runaway When Sparks Fly 00:40 The Amazing Race Grimm (S4) @ UNIVERSAL 20.45 WIB 00:20 02:00 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:55 12:40 14:20 16:00 Sink Hole Paranormal Witness (S3) Shark Killer Face Off (S3) Shark Killer Ghost Mine (S2) Continuum (S3) Alligator Alley LA Apocalypse Paranormal Witness (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time (S26) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Asia’s Got Talent The Apprentice Asia Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials 06:50 The Voice (S8) 11:10 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 12:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) 01:30 02:25 03:55 05:55 12 APR 2015 Face Off (S4) BE TV 19.10 WIB The Blacklist (S2) This Is The End @ HBO 23.55 WIB 12:50 CSI: Cyber (S1) 13:45 David Blaine: Real Or Magic 14:50 The Blacklist (S2) 15:40 Ebuzz 16:10 Criss Angel Mindfreak 21:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 22:00 Chasing Nashville 23:00 Love Prison S1 (S3) 16:40 The Amazing Race (S26) Asia’s Got Talent Grown Ups (2010) CSI: Cyber (S1) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) 22:50 The Blacklist (S2) 23:45 Supernatural (S10) 17:30 19:00 21:00 21:55 Australia S1 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 UK S5 15:00 Parental Guidance S1 Love Prison S1 Chasing Nashville The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 King S1 The Amazing Race Australia S1 Expecting Amish Bad Ink S1 One Born Every Minute UK S5 Zoe Gone Bad Ink S1 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 01:00 The Amazing Race 03:00 One Born Every Minute 05:00 Jo Frost: Extreme 06:00 07:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 16:40 17:00 19:00 20:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 Flipping Boston (S2) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) The Great Australian Bake Off (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Flipping Boston (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Boston (S2) Best In Bridal (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Food Factory (S2) 00:45 Fifth Estate, The 02:55 Kon-Tiki 04:50 The Longest Week 06:20 10:45 17:00 18:40 19:40 20:30 21:00 22:30 AXN 22.50 WIB Homeland Nurse Jackie Plush Ray Donovan Mad Men Archer Locke Trials Of Cate Mccall, The 00:00 Swamp People (S6) 01:00 Appalachian Outlaws (S2) 02:00 America’s Book Of 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Secrets (S3) In Search Of Aliens Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) Pawn Stars UK (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S6) Vikings (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Storage Wars (S6) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 37 Suburgatory STAR WORLD 16.05 WIB Paycheck CINEMAX 17.00 WIB MONDAY 23:45 Fools Rush In 00:00 01:45 04:00 06:15 08:00 09:45 11:15 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:45 18:45 20:15 22:00 23:45 Elysium We Are Marshall Spanglish The Bucket List The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Hollywood On Set 590 Odd Thomas Loser Elysium Stonehearst Asylum Blades Of Glory Elysium Odd Thomas The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas The Marine @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB 16:50 The Seeker: The Dark 01:35 Herbie: Fully Loaded 03:20 The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift 05:00 Home On The Range 06:20 Race To Witch 18:35 20:00 21:40 23:55 Is Rising The Starving Games The Marine X-Men: First Class The Sweeney Mountain 08:00 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 10:00 The Expendables 3 12:10 The Amazing Spider14:30 16:20 18:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:45 01:05 03:10 Man 2 05:05 Talladega Nights: The 06:35 Ballad Of Ricky Bobby 08:00 Herbie: Fully Loaded 09:35 Red 2 11:15 Game Of Thrones S501 12:50 Silicon Valley S201 14:25 Veep S401 15:55 The World’s End 17:25 300: Rise Of An Empire 19:00 20:30 22:00 The Karate Kid (1984) The Karate Kid III Space Dogs Step Dogs Anastasia Snow Dogs Turbo Bio-Dome A Little Game Tarzan My Favorite Martian Monkey In The Middle Tin Man (Part 1 Of 3) The Adventures Of Roborex 23:30 The Duke 00:00 Soldier 01:40 Tyler Perry’s 03:30 05:00 07:00 08:30 09:55 11:35 13:05 15:00 16:45 18:15 19:30 21:00 22:30 Temptations: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor Team America: World Police Paycheck National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins Dead Mine Soldier The Girl Back To The Future G.I. Blues The Avengers Rewind Death Warrant Killing Season Mission Impossible Stinkers 04:15 Sky High 06:00 M.I. High S701: The Mayze 06:30 Wolfblood S102: 07:00 07:30 09:50 11:15 12:50 15:55 17:30 18:00 19:35 21:30 23:14 Mysterious Developments Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S307: The Frog Princess Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S308: The Princess And The Pauper Slappy And The Stinkers M.I. High S701: The Mayze The Gabby Douglas Story Monsters, Inc. King Kong (2005) Daddy Day Care Mako Mermaid S1 Tarzan E.T. My Girl Hollywood On Set 590 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 More Drama 02:35 Entourage S608: The 03:00 Entourage S609: 00:00 Car SOS 00:50 Wicked Tuna: North 03:25 05:10 07:00 01:40 Cold Water Gold 02:30 Titanic: The Final Word Sorkin Notes 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:50 09:15 10:40 11:05 11:30 13:00 01:20 Daddy Day Care 02:55 Slappy And The 09:18 Sabotage The End Of The Affair Mr. Pip The Face Of Love Wild Card Free Birds Lone Survivor Oculus Hummingbird After Time 08:30 09:00 10:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) Treehouse Masters (S2) Survive That! (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) The Gadget Show (S18) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Gold Rush (S5) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Running Wild With Bear Grylls How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Wild China Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Gold Rush (S5) Wild China 00:55 Love Child 02:10 Entourage S607: No 12:00 08:00 00:55 02:45 04:25 06:25 08:00 09:35 11:10 13:15 15:05 00:00 The Wire S301: Time 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 13:50 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:45 Security Briefs Alfie Peggy Sue Got Married How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs Breakout (2013) Hollywood On Set 590 Enlightened S203: Higher Power Enlightened S204: Follow Me The Wire S301: Time After Time The Sopranos S201: Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist’s Office The Prestige How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Game Of Thrones: A Day In The Life Call Me Crazy: A Five Film The Sopranos S202: Do Not Resuscitate Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen Enlightened S206: All I Ever Wanted Eastbound & Down S1 Closer Hannibal 00:00 River Monsters: Top Ten - Ton Of Beasts 01:00 Gold Rush (S5) 02:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 02:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Welcome to Sweden New Girl Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Revenge Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 01:35 Chicago Fire (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 09:00 Criminal Minds (S6) 10:00 Law & Order (S11) 11:40 Just For Laughs: Gags 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vs South (S10) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Tricked (S2) Fairly Legal (S2) Tricked (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) with James Cameron 04:10 World’s Most Extreme 05:00 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 06:00 Cold Water Gold 06:55 Titanic: The Final Word 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 with James Cameron World’s Most Extreme Car SOS Perfect Storms Wicked Tuna Terror In The Skies Strippers: Cars for Cash Money Meltdown Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard Ancient X-Files Terror In The Skies Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Exploring Malaysia Money Meltdown I Wouldn’t Go In There Years of Living Dangerously Exploring Malaysia 00:20 LA Apocalypse 02:00 The Exterminators 04:00 Paranormal Witness (S3) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Ghost Mine (S2) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Continuum (S3) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Continuum (S3) 19:20 Ice Spider 21:00 Paranormal Witness (S3) 21:50 Haunted Highway (S2) 22:40 The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 09:50 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:10 13:35 15:15 Scandal New Girl Styled to Rock UK Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition American Idol Revenge Scandal Welcome to Sweden New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Welcome to Sweden New Girl American Idol Glee Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:20 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 00:50 Everybody Loves 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 13 The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) APR 2015 Donut Showdown (S2) @ DIVA 18.00 WIB 11:00 Food Factory (S1) Investigation (S14) 12:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 15:45 Totally Insane Guinness 13:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 14:00 Far Flung With Gary 16:15 World Records (S2) 14:50 CSI: Crime Scene 00:35 In Justice 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 01:00 02:45 04:25 05:00 06:45 07:15 08:10 09:05 11:10 12:05 12:35 13:35 15:15 16:15 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Presents The Following Body Of Proof Breakout Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Happily Never After The Listener Breakout Alfred Hitchcock Presents Happily Never After CSI Miami Inside Breakout Perception CSI Miami The Listener Happily Never After Law & Order: Criminal Intent Homicide Hunter CSI Miami Inside Homicide Hunter Law & Order: Criminal Intent Romantically Speaking Betrayed Just For Laughs (S13) Coffee Shop Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) You, Me And Dupree Chicago Fire (S2) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Mr Fiction Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Candid Camera (S1) Donut Showdown (S2) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) I Think I Do Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Wipeout (S6) 17:05 Breaking The 18:00 18:55 21:00 21:55 23:00 23:55 Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials The Amazing Race (S26) The Other Guys Hawaii Five-0 (S5) David Blaine: Real Or Magic Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Wipeout (S6) Mehigan Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping San Diego (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 23:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:30 22:00 00:05 02:00 03:35 05:05 06:00 07:10 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 08:05 01:00 One Born Every Minute 09:00 UK S5 09:50 11:00 03:00 Love Prison S1 11:55 04:00 Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance S1 12:45 13:35 05:00 MasterChef New Zealand S5 15:45 17:10 06:00 MasterChef Australia S3 19:05 07:00 One Born Every Minute 21:00 UK S4 22:40 23:40 08:00 Hoarders S7 09:00 Dance Moms S3 10:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 08:25 09:15 10:10 11:10 12:40 S3 14:00 Married At First Sight: 15:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 Investigation (S14) 02:00 American Ninja Warrior 03:00 (S4) 04:00 Wipeout (S6) 05:00 Totally Insane Guinness 06:00 World Records (S2) 07:00 Asia’s Got Talent 08:00 The Amazing Race 09:00 (S26) 10:00 14:00 Blue Bloods (S4) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 11.00 WIB Turbo FOX FAMILY MOVIES 11.15 WIB Show S12 11:00 Zoe Gone 12:40 Baggage Battles S2 13:00 MasterChef Australia The First Year The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Married At First Sight: The First Year Chasing Nashville MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 00:40 The Voice (S8) 06:40 Blue Bloods (S4) 07:30 CSI: Crime Scene Capote Touchy Feely Scenic Route Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Fifth Estate, The Electric City Capote To The Wonder Mad Men Ray Donovan Archer Running Wild With Bear Grylls Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S3) Food Factory (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vikings (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Kings Of Restoration (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) Vikings (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S6) The Pickers (S6) America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S6) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Pawn Stars (S14) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) 39 CAPOTE FX 17.10 WIB Money Meltdown NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL 20.00 WIB tuesday Klumps 11:00 Enlightened S205: The 03:20 Years of Living Frankenstein Wolfblood S103: Family Ties Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S309: Rip Van Winkle Mako Mermaid S1 E.T. Tarzan Kobushi S1 S113: The Sacred Blade Kobushi S1 S114: One Tod Too Many My Girl Sense And Sensibility Kobushi S1 S115: Ninjamour Kobushi S1 S116: Sea, Sushi & Sun The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle Mako Mermaid S1 After Earth Fools Rush In Mirrormask My Girl 2 11:30 Enlightened S206: All I 04:10 Exploring Malaysia 05:00 Wicked Tuna: North 06:00 M.I. High S702: 01:30 03:10 05:00 06:20 08:15 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:45 15:05 16:30 16:55 18:40 21:00 22:40 Stuart Saves His Family Black Snake Moan Balto Red 2 The Jane Austen Book Club Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 Game Of Thrones S501 The World’s End Hello Ladies: The Movie College Road Trip Hollywood On Set 592 Perfect Stranger Man Of Steel 300: Rise Of An Empire Parkland 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:55 11:28 11:35 11:45 13:30 15:43 15:50 16:00 00:25 02:15 02:45 05:00 06:40 08:35 09:00 10:25 11:55 13:10 15:00 16:45 18:10 19:30 21:00 22:30 Automata Hollywood On Set 592 The Sea Gull Murder On The Homefront Eraser Hollywood On Set 592 Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Death Warrant Rewind Mission Impossible Moment To Moment The Enemy Within Painkiller Jane Blood And Bone I, Frankenstein Gridiron Gang 17:30 18:00 19:40 21:30 23:10 01:15 02:45 04:45 06:15 08:15 10:30 12:15 13:45 15:15 16:45 19:00 20:30 01:50 03:25 05:05 07:10 08:55 10:40 12:30 14:45 16:25 18:15 20:00 22:00 23:50 01:00 02:25 03:55 05:25 07:00 08:25 09:55 11:30 12:55 14:25 16:00 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:35 Wild Card Fright Night 2 Lone Survivor The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Hummingbird Sabotage X-Men: First Class The Marine Machete Kills Xxx: The Next Level The Railway Man X-Men Origins: Wolverine Hummingbird A Tiger’s Tail Muppets From Space A Little Game Bio-Dome Spymate The Biggest Fan If I Had Wings Monkey In The Middle 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Shipwrecked Doubting Thomas Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Space Warriors Tin Man (Part 2 Of 3) Dear Dumb Diary Sheeba 01:35 Sense And Sensibility 03:48 Hollywood On Set 589 04:15 Nutty Professor Ii: The 22:00 23:30 The Arrangement Boomerang Monster House Stonehearst Asylum Spanglish Loser The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear The Arrangement We Are Marshall Monster House The Flintstones In Viva Rock Vegas Blades Of Glory Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear 02:00 The Sopranos S202: Do Not Resuscitate 03:00 The Newsroom S102: News Night 2.0 Eastbound & Down S1 Phil Spector Hollywood On Set 590 Mildred Pierce S102: Chapter 2 08:00 How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars 08:30 How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday 09:00 Her 04:00 05:00 06:30 07:00 Ghost Is Seen Ever Wanted 12:00 Eastbound & Down S1 13:00 The Sopranos S202: 13:55 16:00 16:25 16:50 17:15 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Do Not Resuscitate Appaloosa Entourage S607: No More Drama Entourage S608: The Sorkin Notes Entourage S609: Security Briefs Grey Gardens The Sopranos S203: Toodle-F******-Oo Game Of Thrones S501 Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang White House Down Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Wild China Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Dirty Jobs (S6) Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Wild China Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Alaskan Bush People (S2) Wild China Dangerously 22:00 Sabrina Vs South 06:00 Money Meltdown 06:55 I Wouldn’t Go In There 07:50 Years of Living 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Dangerously Save the Titanic with Bob Ballard Car SOS Science of Stupid Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Do or Die World’s Deadliest Animals Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Science of Stupid Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Years of Living Dangerously Science of Stupid Scandal Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Scandal Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Suburgatory New Girl Welcome to Sweden Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Revenge Glee Empire Scandal Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 01:10 LA Apocalypse 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Robocroc 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Farscape (S1) 13:30 Haven (S2) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:15 Farscape (S1) 18:55 The House Of Good And Evil 21:00 Ghost Mine (S2) 22:40 The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S2) 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:00 Car SOS 00:50 Wicked Tuna: North Vs South 01:40 Money Meltdown 02:30 I Wouldn’t Go In There 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 Blades Of Glory @ HBO HITS 22.00 WIB 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Tricked (S2) Bates Motel (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Motive (S3) Fairly Legal (S2) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 Presents Happily Never After The Listener Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Red Widow The Listener Homicide Hunter Alfred Hitchcock Presents Red Widow CSI Miami Inside Homicide Hunter Perception CSI Miami The Listener Red Widow Law & Order: Criminal 14 APR 2015 300: Rise Of An Empire @ HBO 21.00 WIB 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:30 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Intent Backstrom CSI Miami Inside Backstrom Law & Order: Criminal Intent Donut Showdown (S2) My Gal Sunday The Runaway Just For Laughs (S13) Dance-Off Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Taken Back: Finding Haley Merlin (S5) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Candid Camera (S1) Chicago Fire (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) The Good Wife (S6) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Donut Showdown (S2) The Memory Book Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 16:30 Wipeout (S6) 17:20 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 18:15 American Ninja Warrior 16:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 17:00 Flipping San Diego (S1) 18:00 Travels With The Bondi The Railway Man 19:10 The Voice (S8) 21:00 The Blacklist (S2) 21:55 American Ninja Warrior 19:00 The Coolest Places On FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB (S5) (S5) 22:50 The Blacklist (S2) 23:45 Wipeout (S6) 02:35 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:55 06:50 07:40 08:30 09:25 10:15 10:45 11:45 12:50 13:45 14:40 15:30 (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Cyril: Simply Magic David Blaine: Real Or Magic CSI: Cyber (S1) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Mehigan 21:00 Destination Flavour (S1) 22:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) Earth (S1) 00:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year 01:00 Chasing Nashville 02:00 MasterChef New 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 World Records (S2) Earth (S1) 20:00 Far Flung With Gary 23:00 The Coolest Places On 00:45 Totally Insane Guinness 20:00 01:45 American Ninja Warrior Vet (S1) Zealand S5 Zoe Gone MasterChef New Zealand S5 MasterChef Australia S3 Baggage Battles S2 Hoarders S7 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Revenge MasterChef Australia S3 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 MasterChef New Zealand S5 The Amazing Race Australia S1 King S1 MasterChef New Zealand S5 00:10 01:40 03:30 05:10 06:10 07:20 08:15 09:05 10:05 11:15 12:10 13:00 14:00 15:30 17:25 19:20 21:00 22:00 23:45 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 07:30 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 08:00 09:00 01:30 Fix This Yard (S4) 10:00 02:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 11:00 12:00 03:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 04:00 Flipping San Diego (S1) 13:00 14:00 05:00 Fix This Yard (S4) 15:00 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 16:00 07:00 Food Factory (S1) 17:00 08:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 09:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 17:30 18:00 09:30 Fix This Yard (S4) 10:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 19:00 19:30 11:00 Food Factory (S1) 20:00 12:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 21:00 13:00 Fix This Yard (S4) 22:00 14:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 15:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 23:00 21:00 22:00 The Longest Week As I Lay Dying Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland The Longest Week To The Wonder Kon-Tiki Plush Ray Donovan Side Effects You’re Next Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Daredevils (S1) In Search Of Aliens Alaska Off-Road Warriors Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Storage Wars (S6) 41 Doubting Thomas FOX FAMILY MOVIES 16.00 WIB Mako Mermaid S1 HBO FAMILY 17.30 WIB Grey Gardens HBO SIGNATURE 17.15 WIB wednesday 22:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 23:00 World’s Biggest Ship 00:15 Anna Nicole 01:40 The Conjuring 03:30 Dragonlance: Dragons Of Autumn Twilight 05:00 Perfect Stranger 06:45 Scooby Doo! Stage 08:00 09:20 11:40 14:00 16:40 18:10 20:00 21:50 22:50 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 Fright Hello Ladies: The Movie Letters From Iwo Jima Man Of Steel Out Of Africa Drinking Buddies Stranger Than Fiction The Conjuring Game Of Thrones S501 Collateral 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 Sex and The City @ STAR WORLD 22.30 WIB 00:40 Air Force One 02:45 Hollywood On Set 590 03:10 The Knick S103: The 06:30 Wolfblood S104: 04:05 The Knick S104: 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy Busy Flea 05:00 07:05 09:10 10:30 12:00 13:30 15:00 16:45 19:00 21:00 22:50 Where’s The Dignity? Gridiron Gang Air Force One Painkiller Jane Blood And Bone Breakin’ All The Rules I, Frankenstein Mysterious Island The Two Jakes Oblivion Kingpin Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia The Man Who Drew Tomorrow Cry Wolf 07:30 08:00 09:30 11:10 12:50 14:30 16:00 17:21 17:30 18:00 19:30 21:15 23:20 01:35 03:25 05:00 06:40 08:30 10:05 12:20 14:10 16:00 18:00 20:00 21:40 23:30 01:05 02:45 04:15 05:45 07:50 09:40 11:10 12:45 14:15 15:50 17:25 19:00 20:40 22:10 23:45 00:45 02:50 04:40 06:00 Oculus Sexy Evil Genius The Marine Last Vegas Free Birds X-Men: First Class X-Men Origins: Wolverine Sabotage Nebraska The East Wer X-Men The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising Snow Dogs If I Had Wings Beverly Hills Ninja The Karate Kid (1984) The Karate Kid III Space Dogs Space Warriors Tarzan Anastasia A Little Game Turbo 13 Going On 30 Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) My Favorite Martian Shipwrecked Mission: Impossible III The Polar Express The Little Rascals M.I. High S703: 01:15 03:00 04:30 06:15 07:45 09:30 11:15 12:45 14:45 16:30 18:15 20:00 20:30 22:00 Tales For Every Child S310: The Snow Queen Mako Mermaid S1 The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle Mirrormask My Girl 2 After Earth Chicken Run The Little Rascals Kobushi S1 S117: Frozen Sushi Mako Mermaid S1 Frankenweenie Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Mission: Impossible III The Fighting Temptations Elysium Loser The Bucket List Monster House Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Elysium Blades Of Glory Boomerang The Bucket List Odd Thomas Elysium Hollywood On Set 590 Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Spanglish 13:50 15:35 16:00 17:05 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:35 23:00 23:55 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars 15:00 16:00 03:00 How To Make It In 03:30 How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 Hollywood On Set 590 Hostile Waters Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen 07:30 Enlightened S206: All I Ever Wanted 08:00 The Wire S301: Time After Time 09:00 Catch And Release Game Of Thrones S501 Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 The Sopranos S203: Toodle-F******-Oo Money Train Hollywood On Set 590 Game Of Thrones S501 Alfie The Sopranos S204: Commendatori The Newsroom S103: The 112Th Congress Entourage S610: Berried Alive Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen Eastbound & Down S1 Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory 00:00 Survive That! (S2) 01:00 The Island With Bear Toodle-F******-Oo 02:00 The Sopranos S203: 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:25 07:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 Grylls Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Wild China Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S12) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) World’s Biggest Ship Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Chaos Caught On Camera 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Car SOS Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Years of Living Dangerously Science of Stupid Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Years of Living Dangerously Car SOS Science of Stupid Jurassic C.S.I. Car SOS Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Master of Disaster Inside Dog Whisperer Science of Stupid Beyond Magic with DMC Master of Disaster Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Dog Whisperer Brain Games Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Scandal Glee Empire Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Glee Empire Scandal Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Empire Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Million Dollar Listing LA Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:00 23:00 Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S11) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Bates Motel (S3) Land Of The Lost Motive (S3) Bates Motel (S3) 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 01:10 The House Of Good And Evil 03:10 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Face Off (S3) 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Haunted Highway (S2) 12:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) 13:30 Haven (S2) 14:20 Haven (S3) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 17:40 Paranormal Witness (S3) Haunted Highway (S2) Robocroc Supernatural (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S3) 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 01:10 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 03:00 Law & Order (S19) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S19) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 09:00 Criminal Minds (S6) 10:00 Motive (S3) 11:40 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Red Widow The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents 06:40 Perception 07:35 Burn Notice 08:25 The Listener 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents Burn Notice CSI Miami Inside Backstrom Perception CSI Miami The Listener Burn Notice Law & Order: Criminal Intent Threat Matrix CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Law & Order: Criminal Intent 21:55 American Ninja Warrior 15:00 Far Flung With Gary 22:50 CSI: Crime Scene 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 (S5) Investigation (S15) 23:45 Wipeout (S6) 00:00 The Amazing Race 09:10 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:30 15:15 16:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 00:40 01:40 02:35 03:30 04:00 Donut Showdown (S2) Coffee Shop Be My Valentine Just For Laughs (S13) Touched Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S3) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Candid Camera (S1) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) The Memory Book How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Art & Soul Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Australia S1 Show S12 03:00 Revenge 05:00 MasterChef New 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Zealand S5 One Born Every Minute UK S4 Hoarders S7 Dance Moms S3 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Summoned Baggage Battles S2 MasterChef Australia S3 The Amazing Race Australia S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Amazing Race Australia S1 King S1 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 01:20 03:30 05:10 06:00 07:10 08:05 08:55 09:45 10:55 11:45 12:35 13:25 15:10 17:05 18:35 20:10 21:00 21:30 23:10 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 00:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 07:30 Totally Insane Guinness 01:00 Destination Flavour (S1) 09:00 World Records (S2) 02:00 Travels With The Bondi 10:00 American Ninja Warrior Vet (S1) 11:00 (S4) 12:00 03:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Blue Bloods (S4) 04:00 Flipping San Diego (S1) 13:00 Totally Insane Guinness 05:00 Fix This Yard (S4) 14:00 World Records (S2) 15:00 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) CSI: Crime Scene 16:00 07:00 Food Factory (S1) Investigation (S14) 08:00 Travels With The Bondi 17:00 05:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 05:50 Wipeout (S6) 06:40 Blue Bloods (S4) 07:30 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 08:20 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 09:15 Wipeout (S6) 10:05 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 15 APR 2015 01:00 King S1 02:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 07:00 00:00 01:00 02:45 04:25 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 Mehigan Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping San Diego (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Best In Bridal (S1) Vet (S1) 09:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 10:00 Far Flung With Gary 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 Mehigan Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Fifth Estate, The Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Side Effects Capote Scenic Route Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Mad Men Archer Plush As I Lay Dying Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Bamazon (S1) In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars: Canada Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Lost City Of Jinsha In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Lost City Of Jinsha In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Bates Motel (S3) UNIVERSAL 19.00 WIB The Paranormal Zone (S2) SYFY 15.10 WIB Episodes FX 09.45 WIB 11:05 American Ninja Warrior (S5) 12:00 The Voice (S8) 13:45 Blue Bloods (S4) 14:40 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 15:30 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 16:30 Wipeout (S6) 17:20 The Blacklist (S2) 18:15 American Ninja Warrior (S5) 19:10 The Voice (S8) 20:05 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials 21:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Unforgettable S1 Being Human (S5) @ BE TV 16.00 WIB 43 LIFETIME 18.00 WIB Bekal Minyak Angin ke Eropa Hal.10 Aku Cemburu pada Istri Mantan Suamiku Hal.6 Hal.8 Melaney Ricardo Terobsesi pada Bibir FIND IT ON ISU UTAMA iPad! C&R 862/THN XVII/04 - 10 MARET 2015 Kisah Video Lama Chelsea Islan Setelah empat tahun berselang, rekaman video yang menunjukkan sosok Chelsea Islan tanpa busana beredar luas. Ibunda Chelsea, Samantha Barbara memastikan putrinya korban “begal” dunia maya. Sempat membuat Chelsea shock, tetapi video yang diambil secara diam-diam itu justru membuat dara berusia 19 tahun itu lebih bersemangat menjalani aktivitas positif. Ariful Hakim R ekaman berdurasi 15 detik itu sepekan belakangan memang mengguncang publik. Videonya beredar di media sosial dan gampang diakses. Sosok yang diduga Chelsea Islan terlihat duduk di atas kloset. Ia kemudian melempar kaos putih hingga tubuh polosnya terlihat jelas. Video itu dibuat secara candid. Hal ini nampak, karena si pengambil gambar segera mengakhiri aksinya, ketika wajah Chelsea menengok ke arah kamera. Chelsea sempat bungkam. Namun, Senin (2/3), lewat ibu dan tantenya, bintang Merry Riana; Mimpi Sejuta Dolar ini akhirnya angkat bicara. Samantha Barbara, ibundanya memastikan bahwa itu memang sosok putrinya. Tetapi, kata Samantha, video C&R 3 ISU UTAMA tersebut diambil kala Chelsea masih berusia 15 tahun. Usia yang masih di bawah umur, dan sempat membuat Chelsea terpuruk. di dalamnya. Tetapi Chelsea tak mau terlalu banyak menanggapi. Ia ingin move on dan tak mau membahas soal itu lagi. “Kami sudah melakukan hal yang sepatutnya harus kami lakukan, seperti apanya biar kami saja yang tahu. Mohon maaf hanya itu yang bisa kami bagi. Ini demi Chelsea dan keluarga,” kata Debby Sulaiman, tante Chelsea di acara yang sama. Akibat peristiwa itu, Chelsea dikabarkan sempat depresi. Ia juga menghilang dan mendadak susah dihubungi. Tapi Samantha Barbara membantah jika anaknya lari dari persoalan. Pertanyaan yang belum terjawab hingga kini ialah, siapa oknum yang telah merekam Chelsea diam-diam? Pihak Chelsea juga tampaknya enggan untuk menarik kasus ini ke ranah hukum. Pakar telematika, Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat, menduga peredaran video tersebut bermotif pemerasan. Memang, sejak jadi bintang video klip grup Noah, nama dara kelahiran Washington DC, 2 Juni 1995 ini langsung meroket. Selain muncul di beberapa judul layar lebar, Chelsea juga jadi bintang iklan. Puncaknya, ia dipercaya untuk memperkuat serial televisi berjudul Tetangga Masa Gitu?. Lewat serial yang tayang di NET. itu, nama Chelsea sebagai pelakon berbakat mulai disebutsebut. Korban “Begal” Samantha yang ditemui di acara diskusi “Anti Intimidasi dan Pelecehan” di Hotel Aryaduta, Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan, memastikan anaknya korban “begal” di dunia maya. Ia jadi korban oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Tak heran, saat rekaman video itu beredar, keluarga besar Chelsea segera merapatkan barisan, untuk mengambil sikap terbaik. “Kami ingin memastikan bahwa itu benar dia. Setelah itu kita support supaya Chelsea tegar dan percaya diri,” kata Samantha. Tak kalah penting, pihak keluarga Chelsea juga menghubungi brand yang mengontrak Chelsea. Setelah diskusi cukup intens, mereka mengaku tidak keliru memilih Chelsea. Ini karena Chelsea tidak bersalah. Langkah berikutnya, Chelsea menyerukan agar gadis lain tidak menjadi korban seperti dirinya. Dia ingin wanita terhindar dari pelecehan seksual, dari orang-orang bermoral rendah. “Chelsea berkata kepada saya, Chelsea ingin menjadi suara bagi korban-korban lain di luar sana yang mengalami kejadian yang mungkin atau bahkan mirip seperti yang dialami,” tutur Samantha. Sebetulnya saat rekaman itu beredar, banyak pihak yang menanyakan apa motivasi peredaran rekaman itu serta sosok C&R Bukan yang Pertama Kasus Chelsea jadi contoh nyata betapa oknum-oknum nakal masih berkeliaran di 4 ISU UTAMA ranah hiburan. Tahun 2003 silam, dunia selebriti Indonesia sempat dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video para artis yang sedang berada di toilet dan ruang ganti pakaian. Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya saat itu akhirnya menetapkan Budi Han, pemilik sebuah studio foto, sebagai tersangka. Budi ditengarai membuat dan mengedarkan video berisi gambar bugil sejumlah artis, seperti Femmy Permatasari, Rachel Maryam, dan Sarah Azhari, yang sedang berada di studionya. Polisi menemukan bukti kuat keterlibatan Budi sebagai perancang jendela misterius yang menjadi tempat untuk mengambil gambar para artis di dalam kamar mandi. Budi akhirnya dijerat dengan Pasal 282 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana tentang ! empat bulan kurungan. Selain Budi, aparat penegak hukum juga pernah mengadili George Ivan. George diseret ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat setelah dipersalahkan mengambil gambar dan menyebarluaskan pose setengah telanjang dan telanjang sejumlah calon bintang iklan sabun. Video casting sabun ini menyebar dengan cepat melalui internet dan penjual video bajakan di pinggir jalan. Jaksa mendakwa George dengan pasal 282 KUHP (memperbanyak atau mengedarkan gambar ! ! Sejak mencuatnya kasus video porno, keluarga Chelsea membatasi akses internet, agar Chelsea tidak terlalu terlibat dalam pemberitaan serta akses video tersebut. Mereka selalu memberi nasihat, agar Chelsea selalu mengontrol sikap, saat menghadapi pihak luar yang tidak bisa dikontrol tindak tanduknya.”Reaksi orang di luar macammacam, tapi reaksi Chelsea yang orang tunggu. Keluarga selalu bilang kalau kamu menyikapi positif, hasilnya pun akan positif. Jadi kasus ini menjadi pelajaran berharga,” kata Debby Sulaiman. Abimanyu Wachjoewidajat, Pakar Telematika Kemungkinan Bermotif Pemerasan M engenai isu tersebut, beberapa penjelasan saya beberapa hari terakhir ini adalah berdasarkan foto blur yang beredar dan diberikan oleh orang media. Tapi kini, ulasan saya berbeda. Saya sudah ! bahwa gambar tersebut adalah dari hasil rekaman video. Adapun, durasi yang saya tangkap bukan 13 detik, seperti yang diisukan, melainkan 15 detik. Rekaman video itupun merupakan hasil recap ! tersebut yang diletakkan di bawah wastafel. Jelas terlihat, bahwa yang bersangkutan (Chelsea) sedang menggunakan handphone dulu, kemudian membuka pakaian, dan melemparkan ke arah wastafel, lalu mengaca sambil membenahi rambut. Analisis saya, tentu saja berdasarkan konten kolase yang beredar, di mana pada tayangan itu pada pengambilan hanya sepotong, seakan yang bersangkutan melempar ke arah kamera. Tetapi setelah menganalisis video, maka saya yakini, yang bersangkutan tidak mengetahui adanya kamera tersebut. Video ini beredar baru beberapa hari lalu, sejak 28 Februari 2015. Bisa dipastikan, dengan penyebaran ini, besar kemungkinan merupakan bentuk modus pemerasan yang dilakukan oleh suatu pihak kepada yang bersangkutan. Yang sepertinya, permintaannya tidak dipenuhi. Mengenai kemiripan wajah dengan artis yang bersangkutan juga sudah saya analisis. Ceppy C&R 5 CURHAT mereka kepo. Beberapa teman berkata Yori, mantan suamiku yang dikenal sebagai musisi dari band kondang itu gemar memajang foto-foto kegiatannya bersama Sheila, istri keduanya. Yang membuat aku agak gerah karena Yori dan Sheila berpose dengan Andini, putri semata wayangku. Acara mereka jalan-jalan ke mal, makan di resto terkenal atau bahkan saat Andiri sedang duduk di mobil bersama mereka, diunggah ke media social. Dan, itu membuat darahku kembali mendidih. Atau lebih tepatnya cemburu. Aku sadar, adalah hak Yori melakukan apapun di akun pribadi social media-nya. Dan, sesuai dengan kesepakatan perceraian yang kami lakukan dua tahun lalu, Andini tetap punya waktu cukup bertemu dengan papanya, meski hak asuh jatuh ke tanganku. Andini adalah gadis berusia tujuh tahun yang manis. Perceraianku dengan Yori tidak membuat dia menjadi pemurung. Paling tidak itu yang aku lihat dalam tingkah lakunya sehari-hari. Yori masih perhatian mengirimkan uang meski tidak banyak, dan tentu mengajak Andiri jalan-jalan. Yang tidak aku perhitungkan adalah ketika Yori menikah kembali setahun setelah perceraian kami, dan istrinya Sheila bisa dengan manis menerima Andiri dengan tangan terbuka. Sheila adalah janda dan terhitung sosialita di ibu kota, ketika menikah dengan Yori. Aku tidak menentang pernikahan itu. Ah, punya hak apa aku melarang? Bahkan, aku tidak keki jika tidak diundang sekalipun. Namun, aku tetap mempersilakan Yori mengajak Andini datang ke pernikahan keduanya. Bahkan, aku sempat melihat foto Andini berpose dengan Yori dan Sheila di pelaminan. Sementara aku masih betah dengan kesendirian alias belum menikah kembali. Sudah dua tahun aku bercerai tetapi ‘urusanku’ dengan mantan suami belum kelar. Bukan, bukan soal harta gono gini yang belum tuntas. Tetapi, karena putri kepentingan putri semata wayang kami yang membuat aku masih menjalin kontak dengan mantan suami. Repotnya, belakangan aku justru cemburu dan keki melihat kemesraan mantan suami dengan istri barunya. Apalagi, buah hati kami akrab dengan perempuan pengganti posisiku itu. Aku malas datang ke arisan. Sudah dua bulan aku absen mengikuti kegiatan itu di lingkungan kawan-kawan pergaulan di Jakarta. Bukan karena tidak punya uang untuk mengisi bayaran arisan. Apalagi, aku belum dapat kocokan. Pangkal keengganan aku bertemu dengan teman-teman di arisan adalah tak siap menjawab pertanyaan belakangan beberapa teman menanyakan kabarku ke ponsel pintarku. Entah sekadar SMS, BBM atau WhatsApp. Aku tahu, bukan semata basa-basi saja mereka ingin tahu keadaanku. Ini mestinya berpangkal dari deretan foto mantan suamiku di social media. Meminjam istilah anak gaul sekarang, C&R 6 CURHAT KDRT Waktu terus berjalan dan kami asyik menikmati hidup sendiri-sendiri. Belakangan, aku sibuk mengurus bisnis kateringku, dan Andini lebih sering bercengkrama dengan papanya. Bahkan, Yori bisa mendapatkan jatah bertemu dengan Andini di luar hari yang sudah kami sepakati setelah perceraian. Alasannya sederhana saja, aku sibuk dan Andini tampak enjoy. Awalnya, niatku ingin ‘balas dendam’ sedikit dengan Yori. Biar Yori tahu repotnya mengurus anak. Sejak sibuk membesarkan band pop yang didirikannya, mantan suamiku yang juga gitaris itu memang kurang memiliki waktu dengan istri dan anak. Aku terbiasa mengurus keperluan sendiri untuk bayi mungilku ketika Yori sibuk konser atau tur di puluhan kota. Bukannya aku tidak bersyukur, tetapi kesepian kerap melanda. Meski aku tetap senang, Yori tak kurang royal memberikan pendapatannya sebagai musisi band termahal untuk keperluan aku dan anak kami. Bahkan Yori sempat memberikan modal usaha buat ayahku mendirikan toko menjual bahan bangunan di kampung halaman. Di Padang sebelum aku merantau ke Jakarta, ayah memang memiliki usaha toko. Tetapi belakangan keuntungan seret dan Yori berinisiatif menggelomtorkan tambahan modal. Sampai di sini semua terlihat indah. Segalanya terasa ideal. Sampai akhirnya, Yori melakukan tindakan KDRT. Suatu malam setelah pulang dari mengisi panggung musik di salah satu stasiun televisi, Yori naik pitam dan menamparku ketika melihat rumah sedikit berantakan. Kebetulan saat itu Andini sedang sakit panas. Aku agak repot mengurusnya sendiri karena di saat yang sama aku juga lagi sibuk mengurus bisnis penjualan tas bermerek yang aku tekuni. Entah mendapat informasi dari mana, saat itu Yori menuduh aku enggak becus mengurus anak dan hanya asyik bergaul dengan teman-teman dan berjualan tas. Dalam keadaan tubuh sama-sama letih, aku dan Yori terlibat pertengkaran. Di saat aku berteriak menanggapi ucapan kerasnya, tiba-tiba plak….. telapak tangan Yori dilayangkan ke pipi kiriku. Bukan itu saja, tanganku sempat memar karena kami sempat berebut ponsel. Yori geram melihat aku melawan. Dan, dia membanting pintu keluar rumah dan terbang bersama mobil SUV kesayangannya. Dalam keadaan sakit hati aku ditemani oleh asisten rumah tangga ke UGD salah satu rumah sakit elite yang berada dekat perumahan mewah milik kami. Aku divisum dan pulang ke rumah dalam keadaan lelah. Dini hari itu juga aku mengirimkan SMS kepada Yori bahwa aku meminta cerai dan akan melaporkan tindakan KDRT yang dilakukankannya ke polisi. Limpahan Materi Ancamanku terbukti ampuh. Yori, musisi band kondang dan dikenal kalem mana mau disorot kamera wartawan karena tuduhan melakukan KDRT. Akhirnya, pagi hari itu dia pulang ke rumah dan meminta maaf padaku. Tetapi, hati ini sudah kadung luka. Setelah insiden itu, rumah tangga kami sudah tidak seharmonis dulu. Ayah berusaha mendamaikan kami. Aku sudah tidak punya ibu. Sementara, karena papinya sudah meninggal FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 862/THN XVII/04 - 10 MARET 2015 sebelum kami menikah, Yori kini lebih dekat pada maminya. Banyak teman yang mengatakan aku kurang bersyukur karena mestinya sudah bisa hidup bahagia karena menikah dengan musisi kondang yang berasal dari keluarga kaya. Ayahanda Yori adalah mantan pejabat dan ibunya sampai kini dikenal memiliki aset lumayan banyak. Aku hanya perempuan manis asal Padang, yang mengadu nasib di Jakarta sebagai model ketika Yori meminangku. Selama satu tahun lebih aku bimbang karena merasa rumah tangga kami sudah tak harmonis, sampai akhirnya mantap menggugat cerai Yori. Kebahagiaan tidak bisa dibeli hanya dengan limpahan materi. Yori begitu jaim menutupi proses perceraian kami dari penciuman wartawan. Dari tayangan infotainment yang aku tonton dan di media online, dia selalu kucing-kucingan dengan wartawan. Pilih Hati Apapun itu, aku sudah resmi bercerai dengan Yori. Di saat bersamaan usahaku di bidang katering berkembang pesat. Tak lama setelah itu aku dengar jauh di bawahku. Meminjam istilah teman-teman, meski aku sudah melahirkan dan Sheila belum, soal kesintalan tubuh aku menang. Tetapi lewat seorang teman, aku dengar Yori istri kedua, yang dikenal juga sebagai sosialita. “Aku lebih memilih hati daripada body,” begitu kata Yori pada seorang sahabat yang sampai ke telingaku. Jelas, Yori mendapat lingkungan baru yang membanggakan dengan menikahi istri keduanya itu. Bandingkan dulu, ketika menikah denganku. Aku tak pernah dikenalkan pada publik, meski aku terhitung perempuan yang tidak malu-maluin diajak datang ke berbagai acara selebriti. Alasan Yori waktu itu aku harus fokus menjadi ibu rumah tangga mengurus anak. Aku jadi ingat betapa dulu, Yori jauh dari kesan bijaksana dan dewasa saat menjadi suamiku. Sekarang kok berubah 180 derajat ya? Dulu dia paling rewel mengenai urusan penampilanku. Aku tahu dia punya standar selera tinggi menilai keindahan wanita. Biasalah, seniman. Yori juga bukan musisi biasa karena dia jebolan perguruan tinggi di Amerika Serikat. Aku jadi ingat suatu kejadian ketika dua bulan setelah ketuk palu hakim perceraian terjadi. Suatu sore, aku ingin menjemput Andini di kediaman orang tua Yori di kawasan Kemang, Jakarta Selatan. Ketika bercerai, Yori angkat koper dari rumah kami, di pinggir Jakarta. Aku diberi uang untuk membeli rumah sendiri agar bisa mengasuh Andini meski rumah itu lebih kecil. Rumah itu diatasnamakan Andiri, Aku tidak keberatan. Kejadian itu terjadi ketika aku sedang kesal karena sudah hampir seminggu Andiri diasuh Yori dan itu melanggar kesepatan. Aku menelepon Yori dan mengatakan aku tunggu di luar pagar rumah, dan tolong antar Andini turun. Aku mau jemput dia sekarang juga. “Awas ya Bang… kalau saat ini juga Andini tidak abang antar ke mobilku, aku akan tabrak mobilku ke pagar abang sekarang juga,” kataku mengancam. Wah aku bisa membayangkan, Yori yang begitu jaim karena khawatir kehidupannya disorot wartawan tentu tak mau ada insiden memalukan itu. Hahahaha. Telni Rusmitantri C&R 77 Hal. 20 FIND IT MORE ON iPad! HOBI C&R 862/THN XVII/04 - 10 MARET 2015 Kegemarannya mengumpulkan barang berbentuk atau bergambar bibir, terkait dengan profesi yang ditekuni Melaney Ricardo selama ini. Sebagai penyiar radio, presenter televisi, komedian, hingga penyanyi. Karena itu, semua berkah dan materi yang diterima selama ini datang dari ‘bibir’ yang dimiliki. Dari ratusan koleksi yang dimiliki, Melaney masih terobsesi dan memburu soft lens bercorak bibir. ditekuni selama ini, Melaney selalu mengandalkan kemampuan public speaking. Gaya bertutur Melaney selalu segar. Tak heran ada yang membubuhkan label komedian pada perempuan berdarah Batak ini. Bahkan, belakangan Tyson Lynch, suaminya yang berkebangsaan Australia, ketularannya dan sering kali tampil melawak di layar kaca. Gaya celotehan Melaney inilah yang menjadi modal mengais rezeki. Melaney menjadi salah satu presenter, host atau komedian yang kondang tiga tahun terakhir. Lewat beragam acara di televisi yang dipandunya, plus tampil membawakan acara di panggung off air, Melaney bisa mengumpulkan pundi-pundi rupiah sejak masih gadis. Nyablak, ceplas-ceplos, dan jenaka. Itulah karakter khusus yang dimiliki Melaney Ricardo, dalam setiap acara yang dibawakan. Mulai dari membawakan acara program televisi, komedian, hingga penyiar radio, yang pernah mengudara kepada pendengar Hard Rock FM Jakarta dan Trax FM. Terakhir, Melaney juga masih tampil eksis menyanyi bersama penyanyi dangdut Boiyen, rekan duetnya. Dari keempat profesi yang C&R ") Bukan hanya berhasil membangun rumah dan membeli isinya plus mobil, dari penghasilannya Melaney sekaligus bisa memuaskan hobinya mengumpulkan beragam cendera mata atau barang berbentuk dan bergambar bibir. Kegemaran ini baru beberapa tahun ditekuninya. Ini semua gara-gara sebuah produk sempat meng-endorse Melaney, tahun 2011. Produk bantal dan dress itu bercorak bibir. Melaney langsung jatuh cinta dan malahan ketagihan mengumpulkan apapun yang berbentuk dan bergambar bibir manusia dengan warna merah. Sebelum dikaitkan dengan itu, tahun 2011, pernah datang salah satu produk. Produk bantal dan dress berbentuk bibir itu meng-endorse Melaney sebagai bagian dari strategi marketing. “Melihat bantal bentuk bibir, langsung mulai suka mengumpulkan barang8 iPad! Hal. 20 C&R 862/THN XVII/04 - 10 MARET 2015 FIND IT MORE ON HOBI Saat pulang kampung tahun 2013, Tyson Lynch khusus memberi oleh-oleh buat sang istri sepatu sport bercorak bibir. Jelas saja Melaney kegirangan. Barang itu melengkapi koleksi Melaney dari mancanegara yaitu heels Singapura yang dibelinya di sebuah mal di sana dan barang yang dibeli khusus di Jerman “Kebetulan habis ngemsi waktu itu, untungnya masih sempat borong barang. Tangan kiri dan kanan, isinya ‘bibir’ semua. Enggak apa deh, capek, mumpung bisa dapat bibir semua,” katanya sambil tergelak. Namun, dari semua yang dikoleksi, wanita kelahiran Medan ini paling suka heels dari Singapura rancangan Bastian Lou Boutin. “Nyaman banget, karena bisa dipakai buat lari kalau pas buru-buru di acara. Lampu tidur juga suka, dapat bingkisan dari Global TV, dan karpet. Kebanyakan di-endorse alias gratis, haha,” ujarnya. Meski sudah dikenal sebagai entertainer, Melaney begitu beruntung karena ada beberapa produk yang men-endorse dirinya. Ketika membeli di store, apakah sempat diberi diskon atau barang cumacuma dari penjual? “Boro-boro gratis. Dikasih mahal iya, mentang-mentang saya artis terkenal kali ya,” ucapnya, tertawa lebar. Sebelumnya, C&R diberi kesempatan melihat seluruh koleksi bibir. Namun tak banyak, hanya beberapa puluh saja. Pasalnya, sejak ia menempati kediaman barunya tiga bulan terakhir, seluruh koleksi miliknya masih berada di rumah ibunya, yang tak jauh dari kawasan tersebut. “Masih banyak yang di rumah mama. Saya lagi siapkan satu ruangan khusus di lantai dua. Jadi, ruang itu isinya bibir semua. Semua bisa datang dan lihat, kayak museum,” imbuhnya. Sejauh ini, seluruh barang-barangnya masih lengkap sejak awal ia miliki. Hanya saja, Melaney sering kesal dengan ulah Chloe, putrinya. Telepon dan lampu tidur, diakuinya pernah menjadi ‘korban’ oleh buah hatinya yang masih berusia tiga tahun itu. “Dibanting dan sering dirusak. Duh, kesal banget. Ya, tapi saya cuma mengingatkan saja,” tambahnya. Masih banyak jenis bentuk dan model yang belum didapat. Dan, Melaney masih terobsesi memiliki soft lens gambar bibir. “Lucu kali ya? Masih belum dapat nih,” tutupnya. Memangnya ada? barang berbentuk itu. Kebetulan, hidup saya semua dan apa yang saya dapat selama ini, mulai dari rumah dan segala hal, ya dari dijumpai di kediamannya di kawasan Pondok Gede, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Jumat (27/2). Bantal merah dan dress hasil endorsement itu adalah produk pertama yang dimilikinya. Sampai sekarang masih disimpan rapi bersama puluhan hingga ratusan barang berbentuk bibir dari berbagai model, ukuran, dan jenis. Mulai dari sepatu sport, heels, tempat tisu, lampu meja, casing ponsel, USB, tas jinjing, kasur, mug, koper, topi, karpet, rompi, kacamata, pakaian dan rok, boneka, hingga cat warna berbentuk bibir di lantai satu, berdekatan dengan kitchen set. Dari semua barang, Melaney lebih banyak mengenakan cincin, kalung, dan sepatu berbentuk bibir, dalam keseharian bekerja. Selebihnya ia simpan di rumah. Entah sebagai pajangan atau fungsi lain. Meski bibir identik dengan lipstik merah, ada salah satu barang yang berwarna hitam. Seperti tas jinjing. Harga Termahal Ketika mengamati sejumlah perabot di beberapa ruang rumah, memang ada puluhan sepatu tertata rapi di ruang wardrobe di lantai dua. Namun, koleksi berbentuk bibir, diakuinya, membawa kesan sangat unik dan lucu. “Saya kan ceriwis orangnya. Ya paslah, haha,” tambah perempuan kelahiran 24 Februari 1981 itu. Ibu Chloe Valentine Lynch ini, mengaku tak banyak kesulitan memburu barangbarang itu. Hampir sebagian besar barang itu mudah ia dapatkan dari beberapa toko aksesori di Jakarta. Tak perlu sampai berburu ke luar negeri. “Kadang di toko mainan juga ada. Pintarpintar hunting saja. Tapi biasanya, kalau beli, pas kebetulan lewat dan mampir ke toko itu. Gampang dan banyak kok cari di Jakarta. Keluar kota sih belum,” ungkapnya. Harganya pun variatif, tidak terlalu mahal alias masih terjangkau. Hanya saja, Melaney enggan memaparkan berapa harga termahal barang berbentuk atau bergambar bibir yang dimilikinya. Meski tidak berburu secara khusus, tetapi Melaney punya barang ‘bibir’ dari Australia. C&R Ceppy F. Bachtiar 9 FIND IT ON iPad! C&R 862/THN XVII/04 - 10 MARET 2015 C&R 10 DIARY SELEBRITI &!##"! " ##$# !#"%% $!"#$# "#$#$!#! !$! $ !%$#$%%!! ! "!# $!#$% !# "!$ "#Security 66#$#"$ !"! Mumpung sedang tidak ada jadwal kerja, baik syuting maupun manggung, aku gunakan kesempatan memenuhi cita-citaku yang sudah lama, yaitu ingin keliling ke beberapa negara di Eropa. Kebetulan tanggal 5 Februari merupakan hari ulang tahunku, jadi sekalian merayakan ulang tahun itu. Aku mengajak seluruh keluarga dan manajer. Selama perjalanan keliling ke beberapa negara Eropa, aku sengaja menyewa bus yang besar dengan kapasitas 48 orang. Padahal rombonganku hanya ada 17 orang. Tujuannya, biar bisa lebih nyaman selama dalam perjalanan. Apalagi aku mengajak kedua orang tuaku. Mereka pasti ingin istirahat juga dong di bus. Aku memilih bus yang fasilitasnya lux, berikut sopir dan pemandu wisata. Biar wawasanku juga bertambah luas selama jalanjalan di Eropa, aku tinggal mendengarkan keterangan dari pemandu wisata. Kalau aku naik-turun pesawat dan subway di tiap negara. kebayang deh repotnya naik-turunkan koper dan menentengnenteng bawaan. Padahal barang-barang kami sangat banyak, untuk perjalanan selama 3 minggu. Aku memilih jalan-jalan ke Eropa karena memang tidak mau jalan-jalan ke negara Asia. Dalam pandanganku, kalau masih Asia saja sih alam dan budayanya tidak terlalu berbeda jauh dengan negara kita. Jaraknya juga tidak terlalu jauh, dan kebetulan aku juga sudah pernah ke negara itu. Dengan menggunakan bus sendiri aku juga bisa terus menikmati pemandangan selama dalam perjalanan berpindah dari kota satu ke kota lainnya dan dari negara satu ke negara lainnya. Di Eropa, antara negara itu jaraknya ternyata sangat dekat. Dari Vatikan ke Italia cuma memakan waktu sekitar 2 jam. Atau dari Italia ke Venice hanya sekitar 3 jam. Rasanya hanya keliling dari Jakarta ke Bandung, lalu Cirebon, terus ke Yogyakarta. Hahaha. Karena bus aku gunakan sendiri, kami juga bisa menyuruh sopirnya agar tidak ngebut. Dan kalau aku enggak tahu tentang suatu objek wisata, ya tinggal menanyakan ke pemandu wisatanya. $#" Aku mengunjungi Paris. Ibu kota negara Perancis itu sangat rapi. Di kanan-kiri jalan banyak gedung berseni bergaya tempo dulu. Eksotik dan elegan. Paris benar-benar merupakan kota yang romantis. Tata kota dan suasana alamnya saling mendukung. Kota yang indah dan cuaca yang mendung. Romantis. Di Paris aku mengunjungi Menara merupakan ikon kota Paris dan terkenal hingga ke seluruh dunia. Alhamdulillah, aku akhirnya bisa juga berdiri di depan menara yang kokoh itu. Aku pun foto-foto di dingin. Angin sangat kencang. Aku sudah mengenakan jaket tebal, tetapi tetap saja rasa dingin itu menembus hingga ke tulang. Brrr…! Tadiya aku ingin naik ke lantai atas karcis mengular. Butuh waktu lebih dari satu jam untuk mengantre karcis itu. Akhirnya aku batalkan naik ke lantai atas. Aku menikmati suasana alam yang indah yang ada di depan menara itu, cantik sekali. Sayangnya turun hujan. Akhirnya aku tidak Aku cepat berlari ke bus. Di Paris aku sempat merayakan hari Valentine. Aku makan di restoran La Coupole yang terkenal cukup romantis. Desain interior restoran itu bernuansa Eropa di abad 19. Banyak lukisan yang indah di dinding dan langit-langitnya. Aku juga mampir ke Museum Louvre. Gerbang pintu masuknya saja sangat indah, berupa piramida terbalik yang terbuat dari kaca. Piramida itu berada di tengah-tengah lapangan. Di sekelilingnya ada bangunanbangunan berarsitektur gaya gotik yang indah. Di lapangan itu banyak patung. Ada yang berbentuk lelaki, wanita, malaikat, ada juga C&R 11 DIARY SELEBRITI yang berbentuk ksatria. Tetapi aku tidak jadi masuk ke Museum Louvre. Antre karcisnya sangat panjang. Akhirnya aku hanya fotofoto di dekat piramida kaca. Di Paris aku sempat berbelanja ke Champs Elysees. Di sini aku membeli tas koper Louis Vuitton. Kedinginan Dari Perancis aku kemudian melanjutkan perjalanan ke Amsterdam, Belanda. Pemandangan di Paris berbeda dengan pemandangan di Amsterdam. Ciri khas pemandangan di Amsterdam adalah gedunggedung yang terletak di pinggir kanal. Suasananya sangat romantis. Dari Amsterdam aku kemudian pergi ke kota Volendam. Kota ini sangat indah. Kota ini merupakan kota nelayan. Di sini aku sempat foto dengan mengenakan busana tradisional Belanda. Setelah itu aku melanjutkan perjalanan ke Belgia, Vatikan, Jerman, hingga Italia. Tetapi yang sangat berkesan adalah ketika di Swiss. Saat berada di Swiss, aku mendaki ke Gunung Tittlis di Lucerne. Jalan menuju Lucerne sangat indah sekali. Di kanan kiri jalan berdiri rumah-rumah lucu yang terbuat dari kayu. Rumah khas Swiss yang tidak bisa aku lihat ketika aku mendatangi negara Eropa lainnya. Dengan menumpang cable car, aku menuju ke puncak Gunung Tittlis, pada ketinggian sekitar 3.200 meter di atas permukaan laut. Makin ke atas udara makin dingin. Jumlah oksigen di udara semakin berkurang. Kepalaku sempat terasa pusing. Tetapi aku pikir, ini merupakan kesempatan emas aku bisa mendaki Gunung Tittlis yang bersalju. Jadi aku tetap paksakan diri untuk bisa naik hingga ke puncak gunung itu. Di Puncak Gunung Tittlis pemandangannya sangat menakjubkan. Semuanya ditutupi salju. Pemandangan yang cantik sekali. Udara yang dingin membuat mukaku terasa ikut membeku. Untuk berbicara pun aku mengalami kesulitan. Rasanya dagu ini telah ikut membeku. Tetapi aku gunakan kesempatan berada di Puncak Gunung Tittlis untuk foto-foto . Aku tidak terlalu lama berada di Gunung Tittlis. Setelah menghangatkan tubuh dengan menyantap sop hangat, aku turun lagi. Kesan aku selama jalan-jalan di beberapa negara Eropa, memang kotanya cukup cantik. Tetapi dari segi kebudayaan, masih lebih kaya budaya Indonesia. Selama di Eropa cukup sulit mencari nasi. Kecuali ketika di Amsterdam. Nah, di kota itu mulai dari menu masakan Jawa hingga menu masakan Padang ada. Jadi waktu di Amsterdam, aku puasin deh kerinduanku untuk makan nasi dan rendang. Hahaha. Tidak semua objek yang aku bayangkan keindahannya waktu berangkat dari Jakarta, semuanya oke. Misalnya Menara Pissa, aku bayangkan Menara Pissa itu indah dan tinggi, ternyata tidak terlalu tinggi, hanya sekitar 55 meter. Kalau dibanding-bandingkan, masih lebih indah Candi Borobudur. Begitu juga waktu aku mengarungi sungai di Venice. Ternyata sungainya tidak terlalu besar. Tidak seindah yang aku bayangkan semula. Selama di Eropa, aku juga mengalami kedinginan. Padahal aku sudah pakai baju lima lapis dan jaket tebal. Aku sering mengalami alergi kulit. Kulitku jadi merahmerah. Tetapi untungnya selama jalan-jalan aku membawa persediaan minyak angin. Jadi aku hangatkan kulitku dengan minyak angin, agar aku tidak sampai harus berobat ke dokter. Tetapi akhirnya setelah tiba di Jakarta, ya aku berobat ke dokter kulit juga. Karena kulit wajah dan badanku merah semua. Hahaha. Syukurlah sekarang sudah sembuh. Budi Gunwan dari C&R. C&R 12 thursday 22:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 23:00 World’s Biggest Ship 00:50 01:20 02:45 05:00 06:40 08:20 10:15 12:00 13:00 15:00 17:10 17:35 19:25 21:00 22:40 23:10 23:40 Hollywood On Set 592 Some Velvet Morning As Good As It Gets Suspect Zero Last Man Standing Stranger Than Fiction The Mask Game Of Thrones S501 Collateral John Carter Of Mars Hollywood On Set 592 Little Black Book R.I.P.D. The Hangover Part III Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 The Sixth Sense 00:35 02:00 03:30 05:00 07:15 Breakin’ All The Rules The Avengers Change Of Habit The Two Jakes Braddock: Missing In Action Iii Oblivion The Game Kingpin Out Of Sight Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers Crimson Force The Avengers Gangster Squad Proof Of Life 08:55 11:00 13:05 15:00 16:30 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:55 01:15 03:10 04:55 06:35 08:25 10:40 12:30 14:20 16:20 18:20 20:00 22:05 The Sweeney Hummingbird Fright Night 2 Machete Kills X-Men: First Class X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men The East The Railway Man The Marine Lone Survivor X2: X-Men United 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 The Game @ CINEMAX 11.00 WIB 07:30 08:00 09:30 10:55 13:05 15:10 17:30 18:00 19:45 21:30 23:17 23:45 00:15 The Flintstones In Viva 01:45 03:45 06:00 08:15 10:15 12:00 13:45 15:45 18:00 20:15 22:00 01:20 05:50 07:25 09:00 10:40 12:15 13:55 15:30 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:00 23:35 Tin Man My Favorite Martian Bio-Dome 13 Going On 30 Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Snow Dogs My Favorite Martian Glory Road Monkey In The Middle Pudsey The Dog: The Movie 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up If I Had Wings The Karate Kid III 01:25 Jerry Maguire 03:45 Oz The Great And Powerful 06:00 M.I. High S704: Tales For Every Child S311: The Steadfast Tin Soldier Mako Mermaid S1 Frankenweenie Chicken Run Oz The Great And Powerful The Fighting Temptations The Avengers (2012) Mako Mermaid S1 Groundhog Day Harriet The Spy Mchale’S Navy (1997) Hollywood On Set 589 Secondhand Lions Rock Vegas Stonehearst Asylum We Are Marshall The Mummy Returns Multiplicity The Iceman Sgt. Bilko Last Holiday The Mummy Returns All The King’s Men (2006) The Iceman Star Trek Into Darkness 02:00 The Sopranos S204: 03:00 03:50 04:20 05:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 Revenge Is Sweet 14:00 06:30 Wolfblood S105: Occam’S Razor 16:00 07:00 Happily Ever After: Fairy Commendatori Six Feet Under S309: The Opening Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Without Warning: The James Brady Story Hollywood On Set 590 Game Of Thrones S501 Eastbound & Down S1 The Tuskegee Airmen The Newsroom S103: The 112Th Congress Entourage S610: Berried Alive Entourage S611: Scared Straight The Sopranos S204: Commendatori Live From Baghdad Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen 16:30 Enlightened S206: All I 17:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 Ever Wanted Look Who’s Talking Now Hollywood On Set 590 The Sopranos S205: Big Girls Don’T Cry How To Make It In America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage Big Love S304: Trial Game Of Thrones S501 The Newsroom S103: The 112Th Congress 00:00 Auction Hunters (S5) 00:30 Auction Hunters (S4) 01:00 Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office 02:00 Heroes Of Hells 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 Highway How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) World’s Biggest Ship Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Heroes Of Hells Highway How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Heroes Of Hells Highway How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) World’s Biggest Ship Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 20:50 21:45 22:40 23:35 Car SOS Dog Whisperer Brain Games Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Dog Whisperer Brain Games Years of Living Dangerously Evolutions Car SOS Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Hunter Hunted Evolutions Mega Factories: Supercars World’s Most Extreme Megastructures Hunter Hunted Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Money Meltdown Mega Factories Megastructures Years of Living Dangerously Mega Factories Scandal Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Glee Grey’s Anatomy The Apartment: Celebrity Edition Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Scandal Welcome to Sweden Glee Grey’s Anatomy American Idol Asia’s Next Top Model Glee Empire American Idol Glee Revenge Sex and The City Empire 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 01:10 Ghost Mine (S2) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Ice Spider 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Supernatural (S2) 13:30 Haven (S3) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) LA Apocalypse Continuum (S3) Alphas (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S3) 17:40 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Land Of The Lost Law & Order (S10) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Grimm (S4) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Being Human (S5) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Being Human (S5) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 Presents Burn Notice The Listener Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Moonlighting Body Of Proof Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Perception CSI Miami 16:45 Body Of Proof 18:25 Moonlighting 19:15 Law & Order: Criminal 12:00 The Voice (S8) 12:50 Breaking The 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 13:45 14:35 00:00 01:00 02:40 04:25 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:35 23:05 Intent American Crime CSI Miami Inside American Crime Law & Order: Criminal Intent Donut Showdown (S2) Killer Reality When Sparks Fly Just For Laughs (S13) I Think I Do Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Operation Cupcake Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Crimes Of The Mind Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Candid Camera (S1) Housesitter Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) 15:25 16:25 16:55 17:50 18:45 21:00 21:55 00:00 The Amazing Race 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 00:40 Totally Insane Guinness 01:40 02:35 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:15 10:05 11:05 World Records (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S5) Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Ebuzz Wipeout (S6) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Asia’s Got Talent CSI: Cyber (S1) Asia’s Got Talent 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Australia S1 King S1 Unforgettable S1 Summoned MasterChef All Stars Australia MasterChef Australia S3 One Born Every Minute UK S4 Hoarders S7 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Cold Spring Baggage Battles S2 MasterChef Australia S3 The Amazing Race Australia S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns Married At First Sight: The First Year MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 01:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 02:00 02:30 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping San Diego (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 21:00 Food Factory (S2) 22:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 23:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 01:00 02:35 04:10 05:00 06:00 07:10 08:05 09:00 10:00 11:10 12:05 12:55 13:55 15:30 17:40 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:05 23:00 CSI: Cyber (S1) AXN 21.00 WIB American Crime FOX CRIME 20.10 WIB 00:00 Ancient Aliens (S6) 01:00 The Curse Of Oak 02:00 03:00 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) @ DIVA 15.35 WIB Touchy Feely Redacted Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Injustice Homeland Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Fifth Estate, The As I Lay Dying Archer Ray Donovan Nurse Jackie Mad Men Scenic Route 16 APR 2015 22:00 23:00 Island (S2) Lost City Of Jinsha In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars (S6) Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) The Pickers (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) Swamp People (S6) 59 Sugar Stars (S1) FYI 18.00 WIB Gadget Man (S2) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 17.00 WIB friday 01:30 03:00 05:00 06:40 08:50 10:20 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:20 16:00 17:50 20:00 21:25 23:30 Cold Comes The Night The Best Man Holiday The Mask John Carter Of Mars Cruel Intentions R.I.P.D. Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 Scooby Doo! Stage Fright Moms’ Night Out Battle Of The Year The Legend Of Zorro The Purge The Expendables 3 The Apparition 03:16 Hollywood On Set 590 03:45 The Mirror Has Two 11:00 How To Make It In 06:00 11:30 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:45 11:25 13:15 13:50 15:25 17:30 18:00 19:30 20:00 01:10 The Knick S105: They 02:00 02:55 03:25 05:00 06:30 08:20 08:55 10:30 12:45 15:00 16:45 18:05 19:30 21:00 23:40 00:20 02:20 04:20 06:00 07:50 09:40 11:30 13:45 15:10 17:15 20:00 21:50 23:40 01:25 03:00 04:30 06:10 08:05 09:35 11:10 12:45 14:20 15:50 17:25 19:00 20:30 22:05 23:35 Capture The Heat The Knick S106: Start Calling Me Dad Hollywood On Set 592 Chamber Of Horrors Babylon 5: The Legend Of The Rangers Gangster Squad Hollywood On Set 592 Crimson Force Proof Of Life Jack Reacher The Nutty Professor (1963) Pootie Tang The Babysitter The Girl Django Unchained Riddick Ender’S Game The Railway Man The Marine Sabotage X-Men Origins: Wolverine X-Men X2: X-Men United The Starving Games Lone Survivor The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug The Day The Earth Stood Still X-Men: The Last Stand Oculus 22:05 00:15 02:00 03:35 05:30 06:00 08:15 10:00 11:45 13:45 15:30 17:00 18:30 20:15 22:00 Faces M.I. High S705: The Shadow Games Wolfblood S106: Maddy Cool Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S312: Aesop’S Fables Mako Mermaid S1 Harriet The Spy Groundhog Day Secondhand Lions Educating Peter Ed The Evening Star Mako Mermaid S1 Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery Hollywood On Set 590 The Lost World: Jurassic Park The Mirror Has Two Faces Endless Love Lassie Last Holiday Hollywood On Set 590 Star Trek Into Darkness Endless Love The Lego Movie Multiplicity The Iceman Hot Rod Scary Movie 4 Endless Love The Lego Movie The Mummy Returns 00:05 In Pursuit Of Honor 02:00 The Sopranos S205: Big Girls Don’T Cry 03:00 Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen 03:30 Enlightened S206: All I 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:05 Ever Wanted Big Love S304: Trial Live From Baghdad The Newsroom S103: The 112Th Congress Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 The Boxer 12:00 13:00 13:50 16:00 17:00 17:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage Six Feet Under S309: The Opening The Sopranos S205: Big Girls Don’T Cry A Beautiful Mind Eastbound & Down S1 Hollywood On Set 590 Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa The Sopranos S206: The Happy Wanderer Six Feet Under S310: Everyone Leaves The Wire S302: All Due Respect Silicon Valley S201 Veep S401 Entourage S610: Berried Alive Entourage S611: Scared Straight 00:00 River Monsters 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 Car SOS 00:50 Megastructures 01:40 Years of Living 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order (S11) Dangerously 02:30 Mega Factories 03:20 Wicked Tuna: North 00:20 The Paranormal 04:10 Car SOS 05:00 Megastructures 06:00 Years of Living 01:10 Robocroc 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise Vs South 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 Zone (S2) (S1) Dangerously 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Vs South Science of Stupid Car SOS Megastructures Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Yukon Gold Brain Games Years of Living Dangerously Cold Water Gold Yukon Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South I Wouldn’t Go In There Earth: Making of A Planet Years of Living Dangerously Money Meltdown 09:00 The House Of Good 06:55 Mega Factories 07:50 Wicked Tuna: North (Best Of) 16:05 01:00 Treehouse Masters (S2) 17:00 02:00 Gold Rush (S5) 18:00 03:00 How Do They Do It? (S6) 19:00 03:30 How It’s Made (S15) 20:00 04:00 Gadget Man (S2) 04:30 The Gadget Show (S18) 22:00 05:00 World’s Biggest Ship 06:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 23:00 07:00 River Monsters Zone (S2) And Evil 11:00 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Ghost Mine (S2) 13:30 Haven (S3) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Icetastrophe Farscape (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S3) 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 (Best Of) 08:00 Treehouse Masters (S2) 09:00 Siberian Cut 10:00 How Do They Do 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) World’s Biggest Ship How It’s Made (S19) A Little Game Muppets From Space Soccer Dog: The Movie Glory Road Tarzan Turbo A Little Game Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Dear Dumb Diary Shipwrecked Space Warriors Space Dogs Bio-Dome Beverly Hills Ninja Space Dogs 00:30 01:25 03:05 04:00 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:45 22:40 23:35 Scandal American Idol Glee New Girl Million Dollar Listing LA The Apartment: Celebrity Edition American Idol Glee Scandal Glee Million Dollar Listing LA Suburgatory Scandal American Idol Glee Scandal Empire Suburgatory New Girl Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Scandal Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 01:35 America’S Sweethearts The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) How It’s Made (S19) World’s Biggest Ship The Purge @ HBO 20.00 WIB 09:00 Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S19) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Alias (S1) Being Human (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) Wipeout (S5) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Wipeout (S5) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) True Blood (S6) Wipeout (S5) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 Presents Moonlighting Body Of Proof American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception The Following In Justice American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Following 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 17 CSI Miami Inside American Crime Perception CSI Miami In Justice The Following Law & Order: Criminal Intent Breakout CSI Miami Inside Breakout Law & Order: Criminal Intent Dear Dumb Diary @ FOX FAMILY MOVIES 14.20 WIB 00:05 Law & Order: Special 01:00 02:45 04:30 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:45 22:30 23:00 Victims Unit (S12) Dance-Off Taken Back: Finding Haley Just For Laughs (S13) Crimes Of The Mind Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Dance-Off How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Final Recourse Candid Camera (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Columbus Circle Operation Cupcake Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) 18:00 Rowhouse Showdown 21:55 Supernatural (S10) (S1) 22:50 Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) 19:00 House vs House (S1) 20:00 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) 23:50 Supernatural (S10) 21:00 B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) 23:00 Best In Bridal (S1) 00:00 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns 01:00 Married At First Sight: 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 00:10 CSI: Cyber (S1) 13:30 01:00 Totally Insane Guinness 14:00 World Records (S2) 02:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 15:00 02:50 Blue Bloods (S4) 16:00 03:40 Totally Insane Guinness 17:00 World Records (S2) 04:10 CSI: Crime Scene 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:20 09:10 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:15 15:05 15:55 16:25 17:15 18:10 19:05 19:35 20:05 21:00 Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Cyril: Simply Magic Asia’s Got Talent Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Wipeout (S6) CSI: Cyber (S1) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) Ebuzz The Amazing Race (S26) The Blacklist (S2) APR 2015 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 The First Year Unforgettable S1 Cold Spring MasterChef All Stars Australia MasterChef Australia S3 Baggage Battles S2 One Born Every Minute UK S4 Hoarders S7 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Stolen From The Womb Baggage Battles S2 MasterChef Australia S3 Baggage Battles S2 The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Psychic Tia S1 The Ghost Inside My Child S2 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Food Factory (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping San Diego (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping Vegas (S1) 00:30 02:20 04:15 05:05 06:10 07:20 08:10 09:05 10:10 11:20 12:10 13:05 14:05 15:40 17:10 18:55 21:00 22:40 23:40 To The Wonder Capote Injustice Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Homeland Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Homeland Crush C.o.g. Side Effects Silver Linings Playbook Plush Ray Donovan Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Oculus FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 23.40 WIB The Evening Star HBO FAMILY 15.25 WIB 00:00 Appalachian Outlaws 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 22:00 23:00 (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Pawn Stars (S14) Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Vikings (S3) The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) Aussie Pickers Bamazon (S1) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Swamp People (S6) Vikings (S3) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 61 The Lego Movie HBO HITS 20.15 WIB A Beautiful Mind HBO SIGNATURE 13.50 WIB saturday 00:55 02:15 03:45 05:00 06:45 08:25 10:05 11:45 13:55 16:05 17:50 20:00 21:50 12:45 13:35 14:00 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 23:25 Some Velvet Morning Paulie Hello Ladies: The Movie Battle Of The Year Angus, Thongs And Perfect Snogging It Takes Two Moms’ Night Out The Expendables 3 The Legend Of Zorro The Smurfs 2 Pacific Rim Labor Day Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues New Girl Welcome to Sweden Suburgatory Revenge Scandal Styled to Rock UK Carrie Diaries Empire Asia’s Next Top Model Candidly Nicole Million Dollar Listing LA American Idol Sex and The City 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 01:35 Hollywood On Set 591 02:00 Killing Season 03:30 Lizzie Borden Took 05:00 06:35 08:00 09:30 11:25 13:05 13:30 15:00 16:35 18:00 18:50 19:15 21:00 23:35 An Ax The Girl Pootie Tang The Babysitter Mission Impossible Soldier Hollywood On Set 593 Lizzie Borden Took An Ax The Cable Guy The Last Ride Street Fighter: Assassin’S Fist S1 Hollywood On Set 593 Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Zodiac Curse Of Chucky 03:00 Law & Order (S20) 04:00 Law & Order: Criminal Carrie Diaries @ STAR WORLD 17.00 WIB Beginning 06:30 Wolfblood S107: Dark 07:00 07:30 08:00 10:05 11:30 01:30 03:10 05:05 07:10 09:00 11:15 13:05 14:40 16:10 18:00 20:00 21:45 01:05 02:40 04:40 06:45 08:20 09:55 11:25 13:00 14:25 15:55 17:30 19:00 20:35 22:05 23:30 Fright Night 2 Chef Lone Survivor X-Men X2: X-Men United X-Men: The Last Stand Free Birds Alien Abduction Sabotage Chef Life Of Crime The Wolverine Space Warriors Glory Road The Karate Kid (1984) If I Had Wings Honey, I Shrunk The Kids 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Shipwrecked Monkey In The Middle Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Turbo Tarzan The Pink Panther A Little Game Ernest Goes To Jail A Tiger’s Tail 12:00 13:55 15:25 16:50 18:55 21:00 22:30 Moon Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child S313: Robinita Hood Mako Mermaid S1 The Evening Star Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery M.I. High S706: The Beginning The Princess Diaries Daddy Day Care Open Season (2006) The Lost World: Jurassic Park Mission: Impossible Iii Just Like Heaven People Like Us 00:15 02:00 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:15 10:30 12:00 13:45 14:15 16:00 18:15 20:30 22:00 The Iceman Scary Movie 4 Sgt. Bilko Hot Rod The Iceman Star Trek Into Darkness Scary Movie 4 The Lego Movie Hollywood On Set 590 Endless Love The Mummy Returns Star Trek Into Darkness Scary Movie 4 We’re The Millers 00:00 Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit 00:40 Not Safe For Work 02:00 The Sopranos S206: The Happy Wanderer After Time People Like Us Just Like Heaven Mission: Impossible III M.I. High S706: The 05:45 06:15 06:50 08:45 11:00 11:45 12:35 13:30 14:20 15:15 16:10 17:05 03:00 The Wire S301: Time 00:15 02:10 03:50 06:00 05:20 How To Make It In 17:55 18:45 19:45 21:00 23:25 00:00 00:30 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 04:00 The Wire S302: All Due 12:00 Respect 13:00 14:00 05:00 How To Make It In America S105: Big 15:00 In Japan America S106: Good Vintage Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Her You Don’T Know Jack True Blood S701: Jesus Gonna Be Here True Blood S702: I Found You True Blood S703: Fire In The Hole True Blood S704: Death Is Not The End True Blood S705: Lost Cause True Blood S706: Karma True Blood S707: May Be The Last Time True Blood S708: Almost Home True Blood S709: Love Is To Die True Blood S710: Thank You Love Child The Da Vinci Code Game Of Thrones S501 The Gadget Show (S18) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) World’s Biggest Ship How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How It’s Made (S19) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Survive That! (S2) Alaskan Bush People (S2) River Monsters (Best Of) Chaos Caught On Camera 15:30 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 04:10 06:00 06:55 07:50 12:25 14:15 15:10 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:30 01:25 02:45 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 05:00 07:00 08:55 09:45 10:40 11:35 13:25 14:20 16:30 18:40 20:45 21:40 23:35 Intent (S2) Chicago Fire (S1) Land Of The Lost Tricked (S2) Magic Man (S1) Motive (S3) Law & Order (S11) Bates Motel (S3) Fast Five Fast & Furious 2 Fast 2 Furious Motive (S3) Fast Five Land Of The Lost Magic Of Science (S2) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut River Monsters (Best Of) Survive That! (S2) Dirty Jobs (S6) Siberian Cut Auction Hunters (S5) 00:20 The Paranormal Auction Hunters (S4) Zone (S2) Fast N’ Loud (S1) 01:10 Face Off (S3) 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 05:00 The House Of Good And Evil 07:00 LA Apocalypse 09:00 Haunted Highway (S2) I Wouldn’t Go In There 09:50 Paranormal Witness Earth: Making of A (S3) Planet 10:40 Ghost Mine (S2) Years of Living 12:20 Supernatural (S2) Dangerously 14:00 Icetastrophe Money Meltdown 15:40 Haunted Highway (S2) Titanic: The Final Word 16:30 The House Of Good with James Cameron And Evil Air Crash Investigation 18:30 Continuum (S3) Megastructures 19:20 Alphas (S2) Years of Living 20:10 Panic At Rock Island Dangerously 21:50 Haunted Highway (S2) Dog Whisperer 22:40 Supernatural (S2) Cold Water Gold Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Money Meltdown Mega Factories Access 360 World Heritage 00:00 Alias (S1) Brain Games 01:00 True Blood (S6) Live From Space (1hr) 02:00 The Good Wife (S2) Megastructures 03:00 Teen Wolf (S2) Air Crash Investigation 04:00 Wipeout (S5) 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) 07:00 Cyril’S Family Vacation: Hawaii Edition 08:00 The Good Wife (S2) 10:00 Everybody Loves Sex and The City Raymond (S7) Cristela 12:00 Caught Red Handed Grey’s Anatomy 13:00 The Good Wife (S2) New Girl 14:40 Everybody Loves Welcome to Sweden Raymond (S7) Suburgatory 16:35 Cyril’S Family Vacation: American Idol Hawaii Edition Revenge 17:30 Caught Red Handed Asia’s Next Top Model 18:20 The Good Wife (S2) The Rachel Zoe Project 20:00 Hollywood Unzipped: How I Met Your Mother Stylist Wars Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 20:50 Caught Red Handed 21:40 The Good Wife (S2) 23:20 Love, Cheat & Steal 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 07:05 09:50 10:40 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 18:30 19:20 21:00 23:40 Presents The Following In Justice Breakout Threat Matrix CSI Homicide Hunter Backstrom Threat Matrix Breakout American Crime Perception CSI CSI NY The Listener Homicide Hunter 18:40 Ebuzz 19:10 The Amazing Race (S26) 20:05 The Voice (S8) 22:50 Hawaii Five-0 (S5) 23:45 The Amazing Race (S26) 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 One Born Every Minute UK S5 08:00 Married At First Sight: Victims Unit (S12) Burton And Taylor Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) The Runaway Fatal Acquittal Baby Bootcamp Columbus Circle Art & Soul Killer Reality The Seven Year Hitch Merlin (S5) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Donut Showdown (S2) Candid Camera (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 11:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 00:40 Ebuzz 01:10 Wipeout (S6) 02:00 American Ninja Warrior 06:00 07:00 08:00 (S4) 09:00 02:50 Blue Bloods (S4) 10:00 03:40 Totally Insane Guinness 11:00 World Records (S2) 12:00 04:10 CSI: Crime Scene 12:30 Investigation (S14) 13:00 05:00 Sherlock (S3) 14:00 06:50 Criss Angel Mindfreak 15:00 (S3) 16:00 07:20 Ebuzz 17:00 07:50 The Amazing Race 18:00 (S26) 08:45 Asia’s Got Talent 04:15 05:10 Child S2 07:30 Unforgettable S1 09:20 Stolen From The Womb 11:30 MasterChef All Stars 13:00 Australia 14:55 Don’t Trust Andrew 17:00 Mayne S1 18:40 00:00 Psychic Tia S1 01:00 The Ghost Inside My 00:00 Law & Order: Special 19:00 22:00 22:55 Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Flipping Vegas (S2) 18 APR 2015 01:15 As I Lay Dying 03:05 Zach Galifianakis: Live 09:00 00:55 02:35 04:25 05:00 06:50 08:35 10:20 12:05 13:45 15:25 17:05 18:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00 19:00 The First Year The Amazing Race Australia S1 MasterChef New Zealand S5 King S1 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Amazing Race Australia S1 Chasing Nashville Love Prison S1 MasterChef New Zealand S5 King S1 24-Hour Catwalk (S1) B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) House vs House (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Reno vs Relocate (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Flipping Vegas (S2) Flipping Boston (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) 21:00 22:45 23:15 23:50 At The Purple Onion Magic City Episodes 1600 Penn Fifth Estate, The Scenic Route To The Wonder Silver Linings Playbook Plush Place Beyond The Pines, The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, The Archer Nurse Jackie Side Effects Land Of The Lost UNIVERSAL 23.35 WIB 00:00 Vikings (S3) 01:00 Gangland Undercover 02:00 The Innovators: The 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Men Who Built America (S1) Bamazon (S1) Swamp People (S6) Aussie Pickers The Pickers (S6) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Ancient Aliens (S6) Vikings (S3) Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) In Search Of Aliens Ancient Aliens (S6) Swamp People (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Merlin (S5) DIVA 17.05 WIB SCENIC ROUTE FX 11.30 WIB Love Prison S1 The Good Wife (S2) @ BE TV 18.20 WIB LIFETIME 20.00 WIB 63 sunday 00:10 01:40 03:15 05:00 07:00 09:10 11:00 13:10 15:00 16:20 18:10 20:00 21:45 23:25 Vacancy The Stepford Wives Enchanted Romeo Must Die The Sound Of Music (2013) The World’s End Pacific Rim Labor Day Home On The Range Enchanted Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Non-Stop 300: Rise Of An Empire Se7En 01:15 The Hand That Rocks 03:05 03:30 05:00 06:30 07:25 09:00 11:35 13:25 15:00 16:20 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:45 The Cradle Hollywood On Set 590 Bad Milo The Last Ride Street Fighter: Assassin’S Fist S1 The Cable Guy Zodiac Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina Last Passenger Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox The Phantom Trapped I, Frankenstein Gattaca Jade 04:10 06:00 08:30 10:25 12:00 13:25 14:50 16:30 17:00 18:30 20:10 22:02 22:30 00:00 01:45 02:15 04:00 05:45 07:50 08:15 10:30 12:15 14:00 16:15 18:00 19:45 22:00 23:45 00:25 03:15 04:35 05:00 00:00 Lone Survivor 02:00 Nebraska 03:55 The Hobbit: The 06:40 06:35 08:50 10:40 12:55 08:20 14:25 16:25 18:10 20:00 21:55 00:50 02:30 03:55 05:25 06:55 08:25 10:00 11:25 13:00 14:35 16:00 17:30 19:00 20:30 22:10 23:45 13 Going On 30 Monkey In The Middle 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up Muppets From Space Beverly Hills Ninja My Favorite Martian Doubting Thomas The Pink Panther Space Warriors Moto X Kids Space Dogs Muppets From Space Land Of The Bears 13 Going On 30 The Biggest Fan A Little Game 00:20 Jerry Maguire 02:30 After Earth Lassie Hollywood On Set 590 The Lego Movie Endless Love Multiplicity Hollywood On Set 590 The Mummy Returns Endless Love Lassie Star Trek Into Darkness The Iceman The Lego Movie The Mummy Returns Endless Love We’re The Millers Camera 18:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 19:00 Alaskan Bush People 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 07:30 09:15 11:20 13:55 15:50 18:00 18:30 19:30 21:00 22:40 23:05 Burning Love Ii The Ladies Man Hollywood On Set 590 The Sopranos S202: Do Not Resuscitate The Sopranos S203: Toodle-F******-Oo The Sopranos S204: Commendatori The Sopranos S205: Big Girls Don’T Cry The Sopranos S206: The Happy Wanderer Lee Daniels’ The Butler The Da Vinci Code Bless Me, Ultima The Prestige Game Of Thrones: A Day In The Life Game Of Thrones S501 Phil Spector Gimme Shelter Hollywood On Set 590 The Wire S302: All Due Respect (S2) Commander In Chief: Inside The Oval Office Gold Rush (S5) The Island With Bear Grylls Alaskan Bush People (S2) 00:00 Earth: Making of A 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 05:50 Desolation Of Smaug X2: X-Men United X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! Chef Life Of Crime The Day The Earth Stood Still Thor: The Dark World X-Men: Days Of Future Past White Chicks Mako Mermaid S1 The Princess Diaries Daddy Day Care Open Season (2006) Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas After Earth M.I. High S707: Return Of The Dark Wizard The Spongebob Squarepants Movie The Incredible Burt Wonderstone White Chicks Hollywood On Set 590 Jerry Maguire 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 14:25 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 20:40 Planet Car SOS Terror In The Skies Air Crash Investigation Master of Disaster Money Meltdown Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron Access 360 World Heritage Exploring Malaysia Cold Water Gold Dog Whisperer Megastructures Mega Factories Live From Space (1hr) Brain Games Do or Die Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Cold Water Gold Years of Living Dangerously Revenge Melissa & Joey Mistresses New Girl Welcome to Sweden Suburgatory Carrie Diaries Grey’s Anatomy Million Dollar Listing LA Empire Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing LA American Idol Grey’s Anatomy Suburgatory Empire Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Million Dollar Listing LA 21:35 Sex and The City 23:25 Scandal 01:30 06:00 07:00 08:50 09:45 10:35 12:35 13:25 14:25 15:25 17:05 18:00 18:55 19:50 20:45 21:40 23:40 Chicago Fire (S1) Grimm (S4) Law & Order (S11) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Grimm (S4) Willed To Kill Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Law & Order (S11) Willed To Kill Motive (S3) Tricked (S2) Bates Motel (S3) Magic Man (S1) Grimm (S4) Land Of The Lost Willed To Kill 00:20 Icetastrophe 02:00 Paranormal Witness 03:00 05:00 07:00 09:00 10:55 11:50 12:40 14:20 16:00 16:50 18:30 20:10 21:50 22:40 23:30 (S3) Robocroc Face Off (S3) Robocroc Ghost Mine (S2) Continuum (S3) Alphas (S2) Ice Spider Panic At Rock Island Paranormal Witness (S3) Ghost Mine (S2) Supernatural (S2) Sharknado Continuum (S3) Alphas (S2) Paranormal Witness (S3) 01:00 The Good Wife (S2) 03:00 Love, Cheat & Steal 05:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 07:00 The Good Wife (S2) 09:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 10:30 Alias (S1) 12:10 Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars 13:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) The Good Wife (S2) Alias (S1) Monster Man (S1) Hollywood Unzipped: Stylist Wars 20:00 The Good Wife (S2) 21:40 Alias (S1) 23:20 Everybody Loves Raymond (S8) 15:00 16:40 18:20 19:10 00:35 American Crime 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 02:30 Law & Order: Criminal 07:05 Intent 08:00 09:50 14:10 18:30 21:00 23:40 00:35 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) 01:25 Housesitter 03:10 Final Recourse 05:00 Law & Order: Special 05:55 06:55 07:25 09:10 10:50 12:30 14:10 16:00 18:30 19:25 20:25 21:20 23:25 (S5) 04:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials 05:00 The Apprentice Asia 06:00 Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Ten - Ton Of Beasts 03:00 River Monsters (Best Of) 04:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 05:00 The Island With Bear Grylls 06:00 Survive That! (S2) 07:00 Chaos Caught On Camera 07:30 Magic Of Science (S2) 08:00 Fast N’ Loud (S1) 09:00 River Monsters (Best Of) Survive That! (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) Auction Hunters (S5) How It’s Made (S19) Chaos Caught On Zodiac @ CINEMAX 09.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Victims Unit (S11) Just For Laughs (S13) Hot In Cleveland (S5) The Memory Book Killer Reality The Runaway Operation Cupcake Candid Camera (S1) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S11) Merlin (S5) How Do I Look? (S10) Atlantis (S2) October Baby Crimes Of The Mind 00:35 Sherlock (S3) 02:15 American Ninja Warrior 00:00 Dirty Jobs (S6) 01:00 Survive That! (S2) 02:00 River Monsters: Top 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 17:00 18:00 CSI CSI NY Perception Inside CSI The Listener In Justice 19 APR 2015 Auction Hunters (S5) DISCOVERY CHANNEL 11.00 WIB The Other Guys @ AXN 18.55 WIB 06:50 08:25 10:55 11:45 Finally Revealed Specials American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Voice (S8) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) CSI: Cyber (S1) Supernatural (S10) The Blacklist (S2) Criss Angel Mindfreak (S3) The Amazing Race (S26) Asia’s Got Talent The Other Guys CSI: Cyber (S1) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) The Blacklist (S2) Supernatural (S10) 21:00 King S1 22:00 Chasing Nashville 23:00 Love Prison S1 14:50 Trials Of Cate Mccall, 16:25 18:10 19:10 20:00 12:35 20:30 00:00 Flipping Boston (S2) 13:30 01:00 Reno vs Relocate (S1) 21:00 14:20 02:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 23:10 15:15 03:00 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) 04:00 Sugar Stars (S1) 15:45 05:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 06:00 Flipping Boston (S2) 16:40 07:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 18:55 08:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 21:00 09:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 00:00 21:55 01:00 09:30 Fix This Yard (S4) 10:00 B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) 22:50 02:00 11:00 Best In Bridal (S1) 23:45 12:00 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) 13:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 03:00 14:00 The Coolest Places On 04:00 Earth (S1) 05:00 06:00 15:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 07:00 08:00 16:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 01:00 The Amazing Race 09:00 17:00 Flipping Boston (S2) Australia S1 18:00 Best In Bridal (S1) 03:00 One Born Every Minute 19:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) 10:00 UK S5 20:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 11:00 05:00 Coming Home S1 12:00 21:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 06:00 Love Prison S1 22:00 You Gotta Eat Here (S2) 13:00 07:00 Chasing Nashville 14:00 23:00 Food Factory (S2) 09:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 15:00 Show S12 16:00 11:00 King S1 13:00 The Amazing Race 17:00 Australia S1 18:00 15:00 Five 19:00 01:35 C.O.G 16:40 Bad Ink S1 20:00 03:05 Capote 17:00 One Born Every Minute 05:00 Zach Galifianakis: Live 21:00 UK S5 At The Purple Onion 22:00 19:00 Death Clique 23:00 06:05 Injustice 20:40 Bad Ink S1 10:15 Homeland The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, The Ray Donovan Mad Men Nurse Jackie Archer Fifth Estate, The Plush Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) In Search Of Aliens Gangland Undercover Pawn Stars (S14) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) Pawn Stars UK (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) The Pickers (S6) Vikings (S3) Ancient Aliens (S6) Storage Wars (S6) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Vikings (S3) Gangland Undercover The Curse Of Oak Island (S2) 65 Dog Whisperer NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL 17.00 WIB Perception FOX CRIME 09.50 WIB Far Flung With Gary Mehigan FYI 15.00 WIB MONDAY 06:30 Wolfblood S108: 12:00 The Wire S302: All Due 01:00 Wicked Tuna: North 07:00 Mako Mermaid S1 08:00 The Incredible Burt 13:00 The Sopranos S206: Wolfsbane 01:30 03:30 05:00 06:30 08:00 10:00 11:45 12:10 13:55 16:05 18:10 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 00:15 01:55 03:35 05:00 06:25 08:00 09:35 10:05 11:45 13:30 15:00 17:15 19:00 19:30 21:00 23:10 Pain & Gain Cruel Intentions Paulie Cold Comes The Night Big Fish Non-Stop Hollywood On Set 593 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit The Sound Of Music (2013) Beyond Borders Collateral Damage Game Of Thrones S502 Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Pain & Gain The Contractor Last Passenger Flying Monkeys Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox Trapped I, Frankenstein Hollywood On Set 593 The Contractor The Phantom Jade The Sea Gull Gattaca Hollywood On Set 593 Shoot ‘Em Up The Fugitive Lethal Weapon 2 09:45 The Spongebob 14:00 16:00 11:15 14:20 16:30 Wonderstone 15:39 15:50 17:30 18:00 19:39 20:05 21:45 Squarepants Movie King Kong (2005) The Emperor’S New Groove Kobushi S1 S118: Sushi Love Sky High Mako Mermaid S1 Finding Nemo Hollywood On Set 591 Nanny Mcphee Oz The Great And Powerful 12:30 14:15 16:15 18:20 20:00 21:45 23:30 Enemy Of The State Delivery Man The Sweeney X-Men: The Last Stand The Wolverine X-Men: Days Of Future Past Life Of Crime Safe Haven The Internship Wer Faster The Day The Earth Stood Still Safe Haven 01:30 03:25 05:10 07:00 08:30 10:45 12:15 13:45 16:00 17:45 19:45 22:00 23:30 Rocketman Anastasia Snow Dogs Space Warriors The Mighty Ducks Tarzan Land Of The Bears Glory Road Snow Dogs Encino Man Pudsey The Dog: The Movie 19:00 A Tiger’s Tail 20:25 The Karate Kid (1984) 22:30 Standing Ovation 00:45 02:30 05:33 06:00 America’S Sweethearts King Kong (2005) Hollywood On Set 589 M.I. High S707: Return Of The Dark Wizard 19:00 20:00 20:30 Multiplicity The Iceman Last Holiday Sgt. Bilko All The King’s Men (2006) Hot Rod Scary Movie 4 The Mummy Returns Endless Love Multiplicity Star Trek Into Darkness Scary Movie 4 All The King’s Men (2006) 02:25 02:55 03:30 05:00 06:35 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 11:30 Berried Alive Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Bats Bad Country Hollywood On Set 591 How To Make It In America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Live From Baghdad Enlightened S205: The Ghost Is Seen Enlightened S206: All I Ever Wanted The Happy Wanderer Catch And Release How To Make It In America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage Little Nicky Game Of Thrones: A Day In The Life The Sopranos S207: D-Girl Enlightened S207: No Doubt Enlightened S208: Agent Of Change Eastbound & Down S1 White House Down 00:00 River Monsters 01:00 02:00 02:30 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 10:00 09:10 11:00 01:15 02:50 04:25 06:05 07:40 09:25 10:55 12:25 14:20 16:00 17:30 17:00 18:30 21:00 22:00 00:05 The Tuskegee Airmen 02:00 Entourage S610: 00:10 02:25 04:15 06:10 08:00 10:15 Respect 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (Best Of) Gold Rush (S5) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Dirty Jobs (S6) Treehouse Masters (S2) Survive That! (S2) Auction Hunters (S5) Auction Hunters (S4) The Gadget Show (S18) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Gold Rush (S5) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Gadget Man (S2) The Gadget Show (S18) How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) Survive That! (S2) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Alaska: Battle On The Bay Gold Rush (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Vs South 01:50 Cold Water Gold 02:40 Years of Living 05:10 Wicked Tuna: North 00:20 Panic At Rock Island 02:00 The House Of Good 06:00 06:55 04:00 Paranormal Witness Dangerously 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vs South Cold Water Gold Years of Living Dangerously Car SOS Exploring Malaysia Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Terror In The Skies Close Quarter Battle Money Meltdown I Wouldn’t Go In There Terror In The Skies Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Perfect Storms Money Meltdown I Wouldn’t Go In There Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna: North Vs South And Evil (S3) 05:00 Star Trek: Enterprise (S1) 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Ghost Mine (S2) 10:50 The New Addams 11:50 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 18:30 19:20 21:00 21:50 22:40 23:30 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 09:25 09:50 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:10 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:20 18:50 19:45 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Scandal New Girl Styled to Rock UK Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy America’s Next Top Model American Idol Revenge Scandal Welcome to Sweden New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Welcome to Sweden New Girl American Idol Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Welcome to Sweden New Girl Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Revenge Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:00 Access 360 World Heritage Family (S1) Continuum (S3) Alphas (S2) Haven (S3) The Paranormal Zone (S2) Continuum (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Continuum (S3) Alphas (S2) Sink Hole Paranormal Witness (S3) Haunted Highway (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Haven (S3) 00:20 Everybody Loves 01:20 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Raymond (S8) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Monster Man (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 01:40 Chicago Fire (S1) 05:00 Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) 06:00 Law & Order (S20) 08:00 Law & Order: Criminal 00:35 In Justice 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 09:00 10:00 11:40 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 Game Of Thrones S502 @ HBO 20.00 WIB 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S11) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Tricked (S2) Fairly Legal (S2) Tricked (S2) Penn & Teller: Fool Us! (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 Presents The Following Body Of Proof Breakout Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Happily Never After The Listener Breakout Alfred Hitchcock Presents Happily Never After CSI Miami Inside Breakout 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Flipping Vegas (S2) Tiny House Nation (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Food Factory (S2) Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping Vegas (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Sell This House: Extreme (S2) Flipping Vegas (S3) Safe Haven @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 23.30 WIB 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Perception CSI Miami The Listener Happily Never After Law & Order: Criminal Intent Asian Detectives CSI Miami Inside Asian Detectives Law & Order: Criminal Intent 16:05 16:55 17:50 18:45 21:00 21:55 22:50 23:45 01:10 02:50 04:30 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:10 16:10 17:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Art & Soul The Seven Year Hitch Just For Laughs (S13) Baby Bootcamp Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Housesitter Covert Affairs (S5) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Operation Cupcake Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Candid Camera (S1) Donut Showdown (S2) How Do I Look? (S10) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Final Recourse Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 00:00 The Ellen DeGeneres 01:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 03:55 The Apprentice Asia 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 18:00 19:00 05:45 06:30 07:20 20:00 08:10 09:00 09:50 10:20 12:35 13:25 14:15 15:05 00:50 Zach Galifianakis: Live 01:55 03:30 05:20 06:20 07:30 08:20 09:15 10:15 11:25 12:20 13:15 14:15 16:55 00:40 The Voice (S8) 16:00 03:25 Cyril’S Family Vacation: 17:00 (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) Asia’s Got Talent The Amazing Race (S26) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) Totally Insane Guinness A Tiger’s Tail 15:20 15:00 Hawaii Edition World Records (S2) Wipeout (S6) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials The Amazing Race (S26) Total Recall (2012) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S5) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) Wipeout (S6) 21:00 22:00 23:00 Show S12 One Born Every Minute UK S5 Love Prison S1 Coming Home S1 MasterChef All Stars Australia MasterChef Australia S3 One Born Every Minute UK S4 Hoarders S7 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Death Clique Baggage Battles S2 MasterChef Australia S3 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Married At First Sight: The First Year Married At First Sight US S2 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 20 APR 2015 19:15 21:00 22:40 23:40 At The Purple Onion Redacted To The Wonder Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Zach Galifianakis: Live At The Purple Onion Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Place Beyond The Pines, The Side Effects Mad Men Ray Donovan Archer FOX FAMILY MOVIES 19.00 WIB The Spongebob Squarepants Movie HBO FAMILY 09.45 WIB 00:00 Vikings (S3) 01:00 Alaska Off-Road Warriors 02:00 Kings Of Restoration 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 00:00 Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 01:00 B.O.R.N. To Style (S1) 22:00 02:00 Bondi Vet (S5) 23:00 (S7) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Ancient Aliens (S6) Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada The Innovators: The Men Who Built America (S1) Vikings (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S6) Aussie Pickers America’s Book Of Secrets (S3) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Ancient Aliens (S6) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Pawn Stars (S14) Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) 67 All The King’s Men (2006) HBO HITS 23.30 WIB Catch And Release HBO SIGNATURE 14.00 WIB tuesday 00:05 01:50 03:15 05:00 06:25 08:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:50 14:15 16:30 18:10 20:00 21:50 23:30 A History Of Violence The Apparition Kick-Ass 2 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron Tombstone Vacancy Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Game Of Thrones S502 Collateral Damage Hollywood On Set 593 As Good As It Gets Treasure Planet Escape Plan Labor Day Kick-Ass 2 Sliver 02:00 03:50 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:15 10:55 13:05 14:45 15:15 15:50 17:30 18:00 19:25 20:50 22:50 01:00 02:35 03:05 04:35 05:00 06:15 07:55 09:30 11:00 13:10 15:00 16:30 18:00 18:50 19:15 21:00 22:45 Event Horizon Hollywood On Set 592 Viva Max! Hollywood On Set 591 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales The Art Of War Ii: Betrayal Event Horizon Shoot ‘Em Up The Fugitive Lethal Weapon 2 The War Of The Worlds (1953) Running Mates (2000) Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist S1 Hollywood On Set 590 Pistol Whipped Here Comes The Boom The Girl 01:45 03:30 05:15 07:00 08:45 09:15 11:00 13:15 15:00 17:00 18:30 20:15 22:00 23:45 Click Mirrormask Hollywood On Set 591 M.I. High S708: Free Runner Wolfblood S109: A Quiet Night In Mako Mermaid S1 The Emperor’S New Groove Nanny Mcphee Oz The Great And Powerful Mirrormask I Have Tourette’S But Tourette’S Doesn’T Have Me Educating Peter Finding Nemo Mako Mermaid S1 Chicken Run The Little Rascals City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold Click We’re The Millers Lassie Sgt. Bilko Endless Love Hollywood On Set 591 The Iceman Star Trek Into Darkness The Lego Movie Multiplicity Hot Rod Lassie Endless Love The Lego Movie Hollywood On Set 591 00:10 Grey Gardens 02:00 The Sopranos S207: D-Girl 01:30 03:15 05:00 07:10 09:10 11:10 12:55 14:50 16:40 18:15 20:00 21:50 Life Of Crime The Stepfather Jobs The Internship Nebraska Faster Thor: The Dark World The Day The Earth Stood Still Free Birds Life Of Crime Vampire Academy Die Hard 4.0 03:00 The Newsroom S103: 04:00 05:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:25 08:50 11:00 00:20 01:50 03:30 05:15 06:45 08:20 09:55 11:35 12:55 14:25 16:00 17:35 19:00 20:45 22:40 The Biggest Fan Soccer Dog: The Movie The Mighty Ducks The Duke Rocketman The Pink Panther 13 Going On 30 A Tiger’s Tail Space Dogs Space Warriors Are We There Yet? Wiener Dog Nationals The Mighty Ducks The Karate Kid III California Dreaming 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:30 16:00 16:25 16:50 17:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 00:00 City Slickers: The Legend Of Curly’S Gold 22:00 The 112Th Congress Eastbound & Down S1 In Pursuit Of Honor How To Make It In America S103: Paper, Denim + Dollars How To Make It In America S104: Unhappy Birthday How To Make It In America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage A Beautiful Mind Enlightened S207: No Doubt Enlightened S208: Agent Of Change Eastbound & Down S1 The Sopranos S207: D-Girl Hollywood On Set 591 Not Another Teen Movie Entourage S610: Berried Alive Entourage S611: Scared Straight Entourage S612: Give A Little Bit Without Warning: The James Brady Story The Sopranos S208: Full Leather Jacket Game Of Thrones S502 Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Temple Grandin 23:50 Hannibal 00:00 Siberian Cut 01:00 Alaska: Battle On 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 00:50 01:40 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 The Bay Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Alaska: Battle On The Bay Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Gold Rush (S5) Siberian Cut Alaska: Battle On The Bay Fast N’ Loud (S1) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Alaskan Bush People (S2) World’s Biggest Ship Car SOS Perfect Storms Money Meltdown I Wouldn’t Go In There Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Perfect Storms Money Meltdown I Wouldn’t Go In There Years of Living Dangerously World’s Deadliest Animals Car SOS Science of Stupid Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Titanic: Case Closed Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Do or Die Years of Living Dangerously 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Wicked Tuna Brain Games Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Years of Living Dangerously 23:00 Brain Games 19:00 Motive (S3) 21:00 Fairly Legal (S2) 22:00 Land Of The Lost 00:20 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 01:10 Panic At Rock Island 03:00 Star Trek: Enterprise 00:15 01:05 01:55 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 07:45 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 19:45 21:35 22:30 23:25 Scandal Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Glee Grey’s Anatomy America’s Next Top Model Suburgatory Welcome to Sweden New Girl Scandal Revenge Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Suburgatory New Girl Welcome to Sweden Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Revenge Glee Empire Scandal Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal (S1) 05:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 06:00 Supernatural: The Animation 07:00 Continuum (S1) 08:00 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 09:00 Sharknado 10:50 The New Addams Family (S1) 11:50 Farscape (S1) 13:30 Haven (S3) 15:10 The Paranormal Zone (S2) 16:00 Continuum (S1) 16:50 The New Addams Family (S1) Farscape (S1) Ghost Shark Ghost Mine (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) 23:30 Haven (S3) 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 05:00 07:00 03:00 04:00 07:30 Intent (S2) 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Tricked (S2) Bates Motel (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Fairly Legal (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:10 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:20 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 22:40 23:10 Alias (S1) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S9) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock Vampire Academy @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 Presents Happily Never After The Listener Asian Detectives Alfred Hitchcock 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents Perception Red Widow The Listener Asian Detectives Alfred Hitchcock Presents Red Widow CSI Miami Inside Asian Detectives Perception CSI Miami The Listener Red Widow Law & Order: Criminal Intent Backstrom CSI Miami Inside Backstrom Law & Order: Criminal Intent 21 Da Vinci’s Demons @ FX 13.00 WIB 23:45 Wipeout (S6) 20:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 21:00 Destination Flavour (S1) 22:00 Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) 23:00 The Coolest Places On 00:00 01:00 02:45 05:00 06:55 07:25 08:20 09:15 11:00 11:55 12:25 13:25 15:15 16:10 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Donut Showdown (S2) The Memory Book October Baby Fatal Acquittal Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Columbus Circle Merlin (S5) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Candid Camera (S1) Covert Affairs (S5) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Donut Showdown (S2) Rocky Road Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) 00:40 Totally Insane Guinness 01:40 02:35 03:30 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 21:00 21:55 22:50 World Records (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) Totally Insane Guinness World Records (S2) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) The Hero (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S5) Supernatural (S10) CSI: Cyber (S1) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) Wipeout (S6) Hawaii Five-0 (S5) American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Voice (S8) The Blacklist (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Blacklist (S2) APR 2015 Earth (S1) 00:00 Married At First Sight: The First Year Treasure Planet HBO 16.30 WIB 01:00 Married At First Sight US S2 02:00 Unforgettable S1 03:00 Death Clique 05:00 MasterChef All Stars 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Australia MasterChef Australia S3 One Born Every Minute UK S4 Hoarders S7 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Stalkers Baggage Battles S2 MasterChef Australia S3 Married At First Sight: The First Year The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Amazing Race Australia S1 King S1 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:10 Hara-Kiri: Death Of A Samurai As I Lay Dying Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons C.O.G. Capote As I Lay Dying Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, The 21:00 Ray Donovan 22:00 Silver Linings Playbook 02:20 04:10 05:05 06:05 07:15 08:05 09:00 10:00 11:10 12:05 13:00 14:00 15:30 17:25 19:15 Welcome to Sweden STAR WORLD 14.25 WIB 00:00 Alaska Off-Road 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 00:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 06:30 01:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 07:00 07:30 02:00 Sell This House: Extreme (S2) 08:00 03:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 09:00 04:00 Flipping Vegas (S1) 10:00 05:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 11:00 06:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 12:00 07:00 Food Factory (S1) 13:00 07:30 Food Factory (S2) 08:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 09:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 14:00 10:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 15:00 16:00 11:00 Food Factory (S1) 17:00 11:30 Food Factory (S2) 12:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) 17:30 13:00 Fix This Yard (S3) 18:00 14:00 Flipping Vegas (S3) 15:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 19:00 19:30 16:00 Bondi Vet (S4) 20:00 17:00 Flipping Vegas (S1) 18:00 Travels With The Bondi 21:00 Vet (S1) 22:00 19:00 The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) 23:00 Warriors Pawn Stars UK (S2) Daredevils (S1) In Search Of Aliens Alaska Off-Road Warriors Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Alaska Off-Road Warriors Pawn Stars (S14) Pawn Stars UK (S2) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Storage Wars (S6) 69 Alias (S1) BE TV 20.30 WIB Fairly Legal (S2) UNIVERSAL 21.00 WIB wednesday Temptations 01:15 03:20 05:00 06:40 08:25 10:15 12:10 14:00 16:10 18:20 20:00 21:55 22:55 23:20 Tombstone Suspect Zero It Takes Two The Mask Labor Day Red 2 Escape Plan The Legend Of Zorro John Carter Of Mars Poseidon A Single Shot Game Of Thrones S502 Hollywood On Set 593 About Last Night (2014) 04:20 After Earth 06:00 M.I. High S709: The League Of Mata Hari 06:30 Wolfblood S110: The 00:20 The Paranormal 07:00 Mako Mermaid S1 08:00 My Dog Skip 09:35 The Swan Princess: A 01:10 Supernatural: The Call Of The Wild 19:05 20:45 22:25 Royal Family Tale After Earth The Little Rascals The Fighting Temptations Chicken Run Mako Mermaid S1 Saving My Tomorrow Part 1 And 2 My Girl America’S Sweethearts My Dog Skip 00:15 02:00 04:20 06:30 08:15 09:45 11:45 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:45 20:00 22:00 23:45 We’re The Millers The Mummy Returns Star Trek Into Darkness Lassie Hot Rod Last Holiday The Mummy Returns Scary Movie 4 Hollywood On Set 591 The Lego Movie The Mummy Returns Blade The Iceman The Lego Movie 11:00 12:40 14:00 16:05 17:30 18:00 Zone (S2) Animation 02:10 Ghost Shark 04:00 Continuum (S1) 05:00 Supernatural: The 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:50 12:40 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 00:20 Painkiller Jane 01:45 National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins 03:15 The Knick S105: They 04:05 05:00 06:30 09:15 11:00 11:55 13:30 15:00 17:25 19:15 21:00 22:45 Capture The Heat The Knick S106: Start Calling Me Dad Running Mates (2000) Zodiac Here Comes The Boom Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist S1 Pistol Whipped The Girl The Wild Bunch Fatherland Starship Troopers 3: Marauder Back To The Future Part II The Avengers Covert Affairs (S5) @ DIVA 19.00 WIB 02:00 The Sopranos S208: 03:00 00:00 01:40 03:40 05:50 07:25 09:10 10:40 12:15 14:05 15:50 18:05 20:00 22:05 23:50 00:05 01:35 03:10 04:40 06:10 07:35 09:05 10:50 12:25 14:00 15:45 17:30 19:00 23:30 Faster Safe Haven Enemy Of The State Free Birds Xxx: The Next Level Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! Sexy Evil Genius Last Vegas The Stepfather X-Men: Days Of Future Past Thor: The Dark World Only Lovers Left Alive Life Of Crime Last Vegas Encino Man The Pink Panther Beverly Hills Ninja The Biggest Fan Ernest Goes To Jail Pudsey The Dog: The Movie Standing Ovation Space Warriors Are We There Yet? 101 Dalmatians 102 Dalmatians Land Of The Bears Tin Man Pudsey The Dog: The Movie 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:25 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:55 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:50 16:00 17:00 17:25 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 Full Leather Jacket How To Make It In America S105: Big In Japan How To Make It In America S106: Good Vintage Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Hollywood On Set 591 Eye For An Eye Enlightened S207: No Doubt Enlightened S208: Agent Of Change The Wire S302: All Due Respect Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory Game Of Thrones S502 Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 The Sopranos S208: Full Leather Jacket The Prestige Game Of Thrones S502 Hollywood On Set 591 An Inconvenient Truth The Sopranos S209: From Where To Eternity The Newsroom S104: I’Ll Try To Fix You Entourage S701: Stunted Entourage S702: Buzzed Entourage S703: Dramedy Enlightened S207: No Doubt Eastbound & Down S1 00:00 Survive That! (S2) 00:35 America’S Sweethearts 01:00 The Island With Bear Grylls 02:15 The Fighting 02:00 Surviving The Cut 03:00 How Do They Do 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 22:30 23:00 It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Alaskan Bush People (S2) Survive That! (S2) The Island With Bear Grylls Surviving The Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) World’s Biggest Ship 21:00 Brain Games 22:00 Years of Living Dangerously 23:00 Wicked Tuna 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 17:00 17:55 18:50 20:40 21:35 22:30 23:25 Scandal Glee Empire Glee Grey’s Anatomy America’s Next Top Model Glee Empire Scandal Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Grey’s Anatomy How I Met Your Mother Million Dollar Listing LA Glee Empire Glee How I Met Your Mother Grey’s Anatomy Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Million Dollar Listing LA Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy Heritage 03:30 04:20 05:10 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 Dangerously Brain Games Cold Water Gold Air Crash Investigation Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna Brain Games Inside Car SOS Dog Whisperer Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Master of Disaster Inside Dog Whisperer Brain Games Master of Disaster Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna Dog Whisperer 18:30 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 Access 360 World 01:00 Cold Water Gold 01:50 Air Crash Investigation 02:40 Years of Living 17:40 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:40 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 22:15 23:05 (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) Motive (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S11) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Bates Motel (S3) World Trade Center Motive (S3) Bates Motel (S3) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Animation Continuum (S1) Stranded (S1) Face Off (S3) The New Addams Family (S1) Haunted Highway (S2) Paranormal Witness (S3) Haven (S3) Stranded (S1) Continuum (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Paranormal Witness (S3) Haunted Highway (S2) Sharknado Supernatural (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Haven (S3) Alias (S1) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S2) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 Presents Red Widow The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Burn Notice The Listener Backstrom Alfred Hitchcock Presents Burn Notice CSI Miami Inside Backstrom 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Perception CSI Miami The Listener Burn Notice Law & Order: Criminal Intent Threat Matrix CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Law & Order: Criminal Intent 14:45 CSI: Crime Scene 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 19:10 20:05 21:00 00:00 01:00 02:45 04:30 05:00 06:40 07:10 08:05 09:00 10:50 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:10 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:25 21:25 23:10 Donut Showdown (S2) Baby Bootcamp Killer Reality Just For Laughs (S13) Burton And Taylor Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S16) Candid Camera (S1) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S7) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Rocky Road How Do I Look? (S10) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Covert Affairs (S5) Just For Laughs (S14) Donut Showdown (S2) Mom And Dad Undergrads Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) 21:55 22:50 23:45 00:00 The Amazing Race 01:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 00:40 The Hero (S1) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior 02:20 03:10 04:00 05:00 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 13:50 (S4) Blue Bloods (S4) The Hero (S1) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) The Hero (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Voice (S8) Blue Bloods (S4) Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) Wipeout (S6) The Blacklist (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Voice (S8) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) American Ninja Warrior (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Wipeout (S6) 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:30 22:30 23:30 Australia S1 King S1 Unforgettable S1 Stalkers MasterChef All Stars Australia MasterChef Australia S3 Baggage Battles S3 Confessions: Animal Hoarding S1 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Hunt For The Labyrinth Killer MasterChef Australia S3 The Amazing Race Australia S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S3 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 The Amazing Race Australia S1 King S1 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) @ FYI 08.00 WIB 01:00 Destination Flavour (S1) 02:00 Travels With The Bondi 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Vet (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S1) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S2) Travels With The Bondi Vet (S1) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) The Coolest Places On Earth (S1) Far Flung With Gary Mehigan Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping Vegas (S1) Flipping Vegas (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Best In Bridal (S1) 22 APR 2015 Backstrom FOX CRIME 14.10 WIB 00:05 Place Beyond The Pines, The 02:25 Trials Of Cate Mccall, 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:10 08:05 09:00 10:00 11:10 12:30 13:25 14:25 16:45 18:25 20:05 21:00 21:30 22:05 23:50 The Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes 1600 Penn Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Place Beyond The Pines, The Hairbrained Plush Mad Men Archer Nurse Jackie Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, The Silver Linings Playbook 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 Storage Wars: Canada Alaska Off-Road Warriors Bamazon (S1) In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars: Canada Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Mysteries Of China In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Storage Wars: Canada Storage Wars (S6) Mysteries Of China In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Aussie Pickers Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Aussie Pickers (S2) Search For The Lost Giants 22:00 Ancient Aliens (S7) 23:00 Aussie Pickers (S2) 71 The Hero (S1) AXN 15.40 WIB Stranded (S1) SYFY 15.10 WIB Dance Moms S3 LIFETIME 16.00 WIB thursday 01:00 03:00 05:00 06:30 08:35 10:15 12:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 18:25 20:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 The Mexican Big Fish The Pest The Legend Of Zorro Poseidon Battle Of The Year Game Of Thrones S502 Se7En The Mexican Dinosaur Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Afflicted Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Blade II 05:00 Dog Whisperer 06:55 Brain Games 07:50 Years of Living 08:00 Stranded (S1) 09:00 Sink Hole 10:50 The New Addams 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 Killing Season 01:40 Murder On The 03:10 05:00 06:50 08:30 10:15 11:45 13:30 15:00 16:35 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:45 01:40 03:15 05:00 06:35 08:30 10:05 11:50 13:40 15:45 18:00 20:00 21:45 23:35 01:00 02:30 04:05 05:40 07:10 08:40 10:05 14:35 15:55 17:25 19:00 20:35 22:10 23:50 Homefront Bullitt Fatherland The Running Man Back To The Future Part II Dead Silence (2007) Starship Troopers 3: Marauder The Avengers They Ran For Their Lives Breakin’ All The Rules Dangerous Ground Jade The Thing (2011) Gattaca Sexy Evil Genius Xxx: The Next Level Wild Card The Sweeney Free Birds The Day The Earth Stood Still Vampire Academy Only Lovers Left Alive Die Hard 4.0 The Internship Life Of Crime Oculus Only Lovers Left Alive Sheeba Space Warriors Anastasia Land Of The Bears The Adventures Of Roborex A Tiger’s Tail Tin Man Ernest Goes To Jail The Duke Rocketman Turbo The Pink Panther Soccer Dog: The Movie Honey, I Shrunk The Kids Life Of Crime @ FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 20.00 WIB Sad Men 14:00 Phil Spector 15:30 Hollywood On Set 591 16:00 Enlightened S207: No Part 1 And 2 Avalon People Like Us My Girl The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery Mako Mermaid S1 Daddy Day Care The Princess Diaries About Time King Kong (2005) 16:30 Enlightened S208: 06:30 Wolfblood S111: Eolas 07:00 Mako Mermaid S1 08:00 Saving My Tomorrow 09:05 11:10 13:00 14:40 16:05 17:30 18:00 19:30 21:25 23:30 03:35 04:00 06:00 07:30 09:45 11:30 12:00 14:15 16:00 18:00 19:45 22:00 (2006) Hollywood On Set 591 Multiplicity Gravity Parenthood Admission Hollywood On Set 591 42 Underground: The Julian Assange Story The Water Horse Admission The Amazing SpiderMan 2 42 Agent Of Change 17:00 In Pursuit Of Honor 19:00 The Sopranos S210: Bust Out 20:00 How To Make It In 00:15 01:05 02:45 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 America S108: Never 09:25 Say Die 10:15 Big Love S305: For 11:05 Better Or For Worse 11:55 Game Of Thrones S502 13:35 The Newsroom S104: 15:15 I’Ll Try To Fix You 16:05 17:00 20:50 21:45 22:40 Man V Expert 23:35 America S107: Keep On Truck’N 20:30 How To Make It In 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 00:00 Closer 13:00 01:55 The Sopranos S209: 14:00 From Where To Eternity 15:00 02:55 Six Feet Under S310: 16:00 Everyone Leaves 16:30 03:45 Entourage S701: 17:00 Stunted 18:00 04:10 Entourage S702: 19:00 Buzzed 20:00 04:35 Entourage S703: Dramedy 21:00 05:00 Stranger Within (2013) 22:00 06:30 Hollywood On Set 591 23:00 07:00 Game Of Thrones S502 08:00 Eastbound & Down S1 09:00 Money Train 11:00 The Newsroom S104: I’Ll Try To Fix You Avalon Fools Rush In About Time M.I. High S710: Doubt 01:30 All The King’s Men 12:00 Entourage S701: 00:00 02:05 03:55 06:00 Dangerously Evolutions Car SOS Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Hunter Hunted World’s Creepiest Killers Mega Factories Megastructures Hunter Hunted Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Mega Factories Megastructures Years of Living Dangerously Mega Factories 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) World’s Biggest Ship Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Rise Of The Machines Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) Fast N’ Loud (S1) Rise Of The Machines Car SOS Stunted Dog Whisperer Brain Games 12:30 Entourage S702: Buzzed Years of Living Dangerously 13:00 The Sopranos S209: From Where To Eternity 04:10 Wicked Tuna Scandal Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Glee Grey’s Anatomy America’s Next Top Model Asia’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Scandal Welcome to Sweden Glee Grey’s Anatomy American Idol Asia’s Next Top Model Glee Empire American Idol Glee Revenge Sex and The City Empire 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:20 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Criminal Minds (S6) World Trade Center Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) 00:20 Stranded (S1) 01:10 Supernatural: The 02:10 04:00 05:00 07:00 Animation Ghost Mine (S2) Continuum (S1) Supernatural: The Animation Continuum (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) Haven (S3) Stranded (S1) Continuum (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) Panic At Rock Island Alphas (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Haven (S3) Alias (S1) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S2) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S3) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Inside 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 22:45 23:40 Presents Burn Notice The Listener Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception Moonlighting Body Of Proof Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting CSI Miami Inside Threat Matrix Perception CSI Miami Body Of Proof Moonlighting Law & Order American Crime CSI Miami Underground Poker NYC (Inside) American Crime Law & Order 00:00 Donut Showdown (S2) 01:00 Twist Of Fate 02:45 04:30 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 20:50 Crimes Of The Mind Just For Laughs (S13) Final Recourse Just For Laughs (S14) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Cloudy With A Chance Of Love Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Rescuing Madison Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Just For Laughs (S14) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Candid Camera (S1) Meet Joe Black 00:40 The Hero (S1) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 02:20 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:10 The Hero (S1) 04:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior 05:50 06:40 07:30 08:25 09:20 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:55 13:50 14:45 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 18:45 21:00 21:55 (S4) Wipeout (S6) Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Wipeout (S6) The Hero (S1) American Ninja Warrior (S5) The Voice (S8) Breaking The Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials Blue Bloods (S4) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) Wipeout (S6) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Caught Red Handed Asia’s Got Talent CSI: Cyber (S1) Asia’s Got Talent 16:00 Dance Moms S3 17:00 MasterChef All Stars 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Married At First Sight US S2 Married At First Sight: The First Year MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Nation (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S1) Fix This Yard (S4) Bondi Vet (S4) Food Factory (S2) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S4) Best In Bridal (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Bondi Vet (S4) Flipping Vegas (S1) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 01:55 03:50 05:00 06:00 07:10 Capote Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes Louie 08:05 09:05 10:05 11:15 12:15 13:10 14:10 15:50 17:55 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:05 23:00 Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Episodes Louie Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Plush Silver Linings Playbook Trials Of Cate Mccall, The Archer Ray Donovan Nurse Jackie Mad Men Kon-Tiki 23 APR 2015 00:00 Search For The Lost 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Giants Ancient Aliens (S7) Mysteries Of China In Search Of Aliens Storage Wars (S6) Aussie Pickers Kings Of Restoration (S7) Pawn Stars (S10) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Search For The Lost Giants Aussie Pickers (S2) Ancient Aliens (S7) In Search Of Aliens Aussie Pickers Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) Search For The Lost Giants Aussie Pickers (S2) In Search Of Aliens Kings Of Restoration (S5) Pawn Stars (S10) The Pickers (S6) Storage Wars (S5) Storage Wars: Canada Swamp People (S6) Appalachian Outlaws (S2) Pawn Stars (S14) Swamp People (S6) Honey, I Shrunk The Kids FOX FAMILY MOVIES 23.50 WIB Daddy Day Care HBO FAMILY 18.00 WIB Dangerous Ground CINEMAX 18.00 WIB 00:30 The Amazing Race Australia S1 02:00 Unforgettable S1 03:00 The Hunt For The Labyrinth Killer 05:00 MasterChef All Stars Australia 06:00 MasterChef Australia S3 07:30 Baggage Battles S3 08:00 Confessions: Animal Hoarding S1 09:00 Unforgettable S1 10:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 11:00 The Amazing Race Australia S1 12:30 MasterChef Australia S3 14:00 Married At First Sight The Water Horse US S2 15:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Afflicted @ HBO 20.00 WIB 73 HBO HITS 16.00 WIB friday 20:00 Fantastic Four: Rise Of 00:30 02:00 03:40 05:00 06:20 12:00 The Silver Surfer 14:00 21:35 The Mortal Instruments: 15:45 Cruel Intentions City Of Bones 17:30 300: Rise Of An Empire 23:50 Oculus Balto 19:45 Dinosaur 20:15 Dragon: The Bruce 22:00 Lee Story 23:30 08:15 Beyond Borders 10:20 The Fast And The 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:50 16:20 17:55 20:00 21:50 23:35 Furious: Tokyo Drift Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 A Single Shot Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 Jurassic Park 300 300: Rise Of An Empire Austenland 01:25 Homeward Bound 02:55 04:25 05:55 07:25 09:10 10:55 12:20 13:50 15:35 17:25 19:00 20:25 21:55 23:25 II: Lost In San Francisco Land Of The Bears Beverly Hills Ninja Encino Man 101 Dalmatians 102 Dalmatians Wiener Dog Nationals Encino Man The Mighty Ducks Standing Ovation Are We There Yet? Khumba Pudsey The Dog: The Movie 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up The Biggest Fan 00:30 The Knick S107: Get 01:15 02:10 05:00 06:25 08:15 10:10 11:40 13:15 15:00 17:15 18:45 21:00 22:30 01:40 03:25 05:20 07:00 09:15 10:55 13:00 14:35 16:20 18:10 The Rope The Knick S108: Working Late A Lot Camelot Breakin’ All The Rules Automata The Fan Team America: World Police Dangerous Ground Gattaca Thoroughly Modern Millie Jade Proof Of Life Grave Halloween Zodiac Vampire Academy Safe Haven Wer X-Men: Days Of Future Past Faster The Internship Free Birds Life Of Crime Last Vegas Machete Kills Parenthood Admission Hanging Up The Amazing SpiderMan 2 Hollywood On Set 591 Secret Window Gravity 42 02:35 My Girl 2 04:20 Just Like Heaven 06:00 M.I. High S711: The 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:30 11:10 12:35 14:05 15:35 17:30 18:00 19:40 22:45 Problem Probe Wolfblood S112: Caged Mako Mermaid S1 Daddy Day Care My Girl 2 Sinbad: Legend Of The Seven Seas Scooby-Doo! Wrestlemania Mystery Frankenweenie The Princess Diaries Mako Mermaid S1 Harriet The Spy King Kong (2005) Just Like Heaven 00:15 02:15 04:15 06:15 08:15 End Of Days The Cat’s Meow Girl, Interrupted The Water Horse Underground: The Julian Assange Story 09:50 Hollywood On Set 591 10:15 Secret Window Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 @ HBO 16.20 WIB 00:00 This Christmas 02:00 The Sopranos S210: Bust Out 03:00 Enlightened S207: No Doubt 03:30 Enlightened S208: Agent Of Change 04:00 Big Love S305: For 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Better Or For Worse Catch And Release The Newsroom S104: I’Ll Try To Fix You Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Her How To Make It In America S107: Keep On Truck’N How To Make It In America S108: Never Say Die Six Feet Under S310: Everyone Leaves The Sopranos S210: Bust Out Appaloosa Eastbound & Down S1 The Prestige The Sopranos S211: House Arrest Six Feet Under S311: Death Works Overtime The Wire S303: Dead Soldiers Silicon Valley S202 Veep S402 Entourage S701: Stunted Entourage S702: Buzzed 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Treehouse Masters (S2) Gold Rush (S5) How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Rise Of The Machines Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) Siberian Cut How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) Auction Hunters (S5) Rise Of The Machines How It’s Made (S19) The Gadget Show (S18) Naked And Afraid (S1) How It’s Made (S19) Rise Of The Machines 05:00 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 16:55 19:00 20:00 21:00 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:30 01:25 03:05 04:00 04:25 05:15 06:05 07:45 08:35 10:15 11:05 11:55 12:45 13:35 15:15 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:45 22:40 23:05 River Monsters (Best Of) 23:35 00:00 Car SOS 00:50 Megastructures 01:40 Years of Living Dangerously 02:30 Mega Factories Wicked Tuna Car SOS Megastructures Years of Living Dangerously Mega Factories Wicked Tuna Brain Games Car SOS I Wouldn’t Go In There Wicked Tuna: North Vs South Yukon Gold Brain Games Earth: Making of A Planet Yukon Gold Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna I Wouldn’t Go In There Hubble’s Cosmic Journey Living In Space Comet of The Century Hubble’s Cosmic Journey Scandal American Idol Glee New Girl Million Dollar Listing LA America’s Next Top Model American Idol Glee Scandal Glee Million Dollar Listing LA Suburgatory Scandal American Idol Glee Scandal Empire Suburgatory New Girl Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Scandal I Heart NY Sex and The City Grey’s Anatomy 02:10 Sharknado 04:00 Continuum (S1) 05:00 Supernatural: The 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 23:30 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Animation Continuum (S2) Stranded (S1) Ghost Shark The New Addams Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Haven (S3) Stranded (S1) Continuum (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Ghost Mine (S2) Firequake Farscape (S1) The New Addams Family (S1) Haven (S3) Alias (S1) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S3) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S1) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:00 Law & Order: Criminal 00:35 Underground Poker 01:00 Just For Laughs: Gags 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 03:00 04:00 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 Intent (S2) 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S2) Just For Laughs: Gags (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S3) Criminal Minds (S6) Chicago Fire (S3) Grimm (S4) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S11) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order (S11) 00:20 Stranded (S1) 01:10 Supernatural: The Animation Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time NYC (Inside) 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 Presents Moonlighting Body Of Proof American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents Perception The Following Psych American Crime Alfred Hitchcock Presents The Following CSI Miami Underground Poker NYC (Inside) American Crime Perception CSI Miami Psych The Following Law & Order Perception CSI NY Inside The Nsa: America’s Cyber Secrets thursday 13:35 Hollywood On Set 592 14:00 World War Z 16:00 The Fast And The Furious 17:45 The Missing 20:00 Malavita 22:00 Flags Of Our Fathers 00:00 We’Re The Millers 01:50 The Sopranos S301: 02:40 03:30 04:00 Silicon Valley S203 @ HBO 22.20 WIB 18:00 Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time 01:10 The Jane Austen 03:00 05:00 05:30 07:45 09:35 12:00 13:00 14:40 16:25 18:10 20:00 22:20 22:50 23:20 Book Club Notting Hill Hollywood On Set 594 Letters From Iwo Jima The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift Man Of Steel Game Of Thrones S503 Closed Circuit Perfect Stranger Little Black Book Non-Stop The Avengers (2012) Silicon Valley S203 Veep S403 Notting Hill 00:00 Hollywood On Set 593 00:30 Avengers Confidential: 01:50 03:25 05:00 06:55 09:05 10:55 11:30 13:30 15:00 16:35 18:05 19:25 21:00 23:45 Black Widow & Punisher The Temp A Big Hand For The Little Lady True Colors Assassins Gangster Squad Hollywood On Set 594 The Fan Poison Ivy: The Secret Society Who’s Minding The Mint? National Lampoon’s Favorite Deadly Sins Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher The Temp Django Unchained Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa 20:00 The Bag Man 21:55 Delivery Man 23:45 Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 01:05 02:35 04:15 05:45 07:15 09:20 10:50 12:15 13:50 15:25 17:25 19:00 20:30 22:05 00:55 02:35 04:25 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:50 11:20 13:15 15:25 16:00 17:30 18:00 20:55 22:35 10:45 12:25 14:25 16:20 Wer The Last Days On Mars Vampire Academy Hummingbird The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones Breathe In Mr. Pip Thor: The Dark World Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer 12:00 12:30 13:00 19:30 01:30 03:10 04:55 06:45 08:30 04:30 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 A Little Game 13 Going On 30 All She Wishes Beverly Hills Ninja The Karate Kid (1984) All She Wishes Khumba Honey, I Shrunk The Kids My Favorite Martian Glory Road Turbo Land Of The Bears Bio-Dome Tin Man (Part 3 Of 3) After Earth E.T. My Dog Skip The Next Step S106: Good Girls Go Bad The Next Step S107: Love Story Mako Mermaid S1 Roxanne The Wild Thornberrys Movie E.T. Oz The Great And Powerful Educating Peter The Spongebob Squarepants Movie Mako Mermaid S1 The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle The Wild Thornberrys Movie After Earth Daddy Day Care 01:30 The Amazing Spider04:00 06:00 07:30 09:15 11:30 Man 2 Parenthood Getaway Only You The Missing Flags Of Our Fathers 13:50 15:30 16:00 17:00 19:00 20:00 20:30 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Mr. Ruggerio’S Neighborhood Six Feet Under S311: Death Works Overtime Entourage S704: Tequila Sunrise Entourage S705: Bottoms Up Entourage S706: Hair This Christmas Game Of Thrones S503 Eastbound & Down S1 Gimme Shelter The Newsroom S105: Amen Entourage S704: Tequila Sunrise Entourage S705: Bottoms Up The Sopranos S301: Mr. Ruggerio’S Neighborhood Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang Hollywood On Set 592 Jonah: From Tonga S1 Catch And Release The Sopranos S302: Proshai, Livushka How To Make It In America S201: I’M Good How To Make It In America S202: In Or Out Big Love S306: Come, Ye Saints Game Of Thrones S503 The Newsroom S105: Amen Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) American Chopper (S9) Rise Of The Machines Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) American Chopper (S9) Chaos Caught On Camera Magic Of Science (S2) Man V Expert Futureweapons (S3) Destroyed In Seconds How Do They Do It? (S6) How It’s Made (S15) American Chopper (S9) Rise Of The Machines Fast N’ Loud (S1) River Monsters (Best Of) Treehouse Masters (S2) Fast N’ Loud (S1) Rise Of The Machines 01:10 Supernatural: The 00:00 00:50 02:30 03:20 04:10 05:00 06:55 07:50 08:45 09:40 10:35 11:30 12:25 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:15 01:05 01:55 03:35 04:25 05:15 06:05 06:55 08:35 09:25 10:15 11:05 11:55 13:35 14:25 15:15 16:05 18:00 19:00 19:55 20:50 21:45 22:40 Car SOS Dog Whisperer Brain Games Beyond Magic with DMC Wicked Tuna Dog Whisperer Brain Games Beyond Magic with DMC World’s Creepiest Killers Car SOS Money Meltdown Wicked Tuna Hunter Hunted Monster Croc Hunt Mega Factories Megastructures Hunter Hunted Years of Living Dangerously Wicked Tuna Money Meltdown Mega Factories Megastructures Hubble’s Cosmic Journey Comet of The Century Scandal Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Glee Grey’s Anatomy America’s Next Top Model Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Scandal Welcome to Sweden Glee Grey’s Anatomy American Idol Styled to Rock UK Asia’s Next Top Model Glee Empire Suburgatory New Girl Styled to Rock UK Glee Revenge Sex and The City 02:10 03:05 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:50 11:50 13:30 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 19:20 21:00 22:40 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 09:50 10:45 11:40 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:50 19:40 20:30 21:20 22:10 23:10 Animation Ghost Mine (S2) Dominion (S1) Continuum (S2) Supernatural: The Animation Continuum (S2) Ghost Mine (S1) P-51 Dragon Fighter The New Addams Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) Haven (S3) Ghost Mine (S1) Continuum (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Supernatural (S2) Vampyre Nation Alphas (S2) The New Addams Family (S1) Alias (S2) True Blood (S6) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) American Ninja Warrior (S4) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) True Blood (S6) Teen Wolf (S3) Alias (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Teen Wolf (S3) True Blood (S6) American Ninja Warrior (S4) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) The Good Wife (S2) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) Alias (S2) The Good Wife (S2) Everybody Loves Raymond (S7) Grey’s Anatomy (S7) 00:35 Law & Order: Criminal 00:35 Street Heat: High 01:25 Just For Laughs: Gags 01:30 Alfred Hitchcock 03:05 04:00 02:30 03:25 05:15 06:10 Intent (S3) 05:00 06:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 12:10 14:00 16:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 (S10) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S3) Just For Laughs: Gags (S15) Law & Order (S20) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S3) Criminal Minds (S6) The Haunting Law & Order (S10) Law & Order (S20) Criminal Minds (S6) Law & Order (S10) Grimm (S4) Chicago Fire (S3) Law & Order (S20) Grimm (S4) 00:20 Stranded (S1) Schedules are subject to change without prior notice • Times stated are in Jakarta’s time Speed Justice (Inside) 06:40 07:35 08:25 10:05 11:00 11:30 12:25 13:15 14:10 15:00 15:55 16:45 18:25 19:15 20:10 21:00 21:50 Presents Burn Notice The Listener Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Gang Related Moonlighting Burn Notice Threat Matrix Alfred Hitchcock Presents Moonlighting CSI NY Street Heat: High Speed Justice (Inside) Threat Matrix Gang Related CSI NY Burn Notice Moonlighting Law & Order American Crime CSI NY Narco Bling 22:45 American Crime 23:40 Law & Order 13:50 14:45 00:00 Donut Showdown (S2) 01:00 Reading, Writing And 02:40 04:30 05:00 06:50 07:20 08:15 09:10 10:55 11:50 12:20 13:20 15:05 15:35 16:05 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:50 22:50 23:20 Romance Rescuing Madison Just For Laughs (S14) Love At The Parade Just For Laughs (S13) Rookie Blue (S4) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Chasing Leprechauns Candid Camera (S1) Just For Laughs (S13) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Thinspiration Hot In Cleveland (S5) Brooklyn 9-9 (S2) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (S12) Just For Laughs (S13) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) Candid Camera (S1) Imagine That Just For Laughs (S13) Say Yes To The Dress: Atlanta (S8) 00:40 The Hero (S1) 01:30 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 02:20 Blue Bloods (S4) 03:10 The Hero (S1) 04:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) 05:00 American Ninja Warrior (S4) 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:15 18:45 21:00 21:55 00:00 02:00 03:00 05:00 06:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:40 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 05:50 Wipeout (S6) 22:00 06:40 NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) 07:30 CSI: Crime Scene 23:00 Investigation (S14) 08:25 American Ninja Warrior Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed Specials NCIS: Los Angeles (S5) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S14) The Hero (S1) Wipeout (S6) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S15) Caught Red Handed Asia’s Got Talent CSI: Cyber (S1) Asia’s Got Talent King S1 Unforgettable S1 A Daughter’s Nightmare MasterChef All Stars Australia MasterChef Australia S3 Baggage Battles S3 Confessions: Animal Hoarding S1 Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Social Nightmare MasterChef Australia S3 King S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Dance Moms S2 MasterChef All Stars Australia Unforgettable S1 The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 Married At First Sight US S2 MasterChef All Stars Australia The Ellen DeGeneres Show S12 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Flipping Vegas (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Bondi Vet (S5) Food Factory (S2) Best In Bridal (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Tiny House Hunting (S1) Food Factory (S2) Taste Of Vietnam (S2) Fix This Yard (S3) Best In Bridal (S1) Hideous Houses (S1) Bondi Vet (S5) Flipping Vegas (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) You Gotta Eat Here (S2) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) Food Factory (S2) Sugar Stars (S1) Late Nite Chef Fight (S1) 00:50 02:30 04:15 05:10 06:10 07:05 08:00 08:55 09:55 10:45 11:35 12:30 13:30 Hairbrained Bigger Stronger Faster* Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Galavant Louie Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Galavant Louie Magic City Da Vinci’s Demons Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman, The Great Expectations Plush Touchy Feely Archer Nurse Jackie Mad Men To The Wonder 30 APR 2015 Mr. Pip 15:15 17:25 19:00 20:35 21:00 22:10 23:00 FOX MOVIES PREMIUM 12.25 WIB The Missing HBO HITS 17.45 WIB (S4) 09:20 Wipeout (S6) 10:10 The Hero (S1) 11:05 American Ninja Warrior 00:00 Search For The Lost Giants (S5) 01:00 Ancient Aliens (S7) 00:00 Hideous Houses (S1) 12:00 The Voice (S8) 01:00 Tiny House Nation (S1) 02:00 Mysteries Of China 12:55 Breaking The Magician’s 02:00 Tiny House Hunting (S1) 03:00 Your Bleeped Up Brain (S1) 04:00 Storage Wars (S6) 04:30 Storage Wars (S6) 05:00 The Pickers (S6) 06:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 06:30 Pawn Stars (S11) 07:00 Storage Wars (S5) 07:30 Storage Wars: Canada 08:00 Search For The Lost Giants 09:00 Aussie Pickers (S2) 10:00 Ancient Aliens (S7) 11:00 Your Bleeped Up Brain (S1) 12:00 The Pickers (S6) 13:00 Cajun Pawn Stars (S3) 14:00 Search For The Lost Giants 15:00 Aussie Pickers (S2) 16:00 Your Bleeped Up Brain (S1) 17:00 Kings Of Restoration (S5) 17:30 Pawn Stars (S11) 18:00 The Pickers (S6) 19:00 Storage Wars: New York (S1) 19:30 Storage Wars: Canada 20:00 Swamp People (S6) 21:00 Appalachian Outlaws (S2) 22:00 Pawn Stars (S15) True Blood (S6) @ BE TV 16.00 WIB 23:00 Swamp People (S6) 87 The Newsroom S105: Amen HBO SIGNATURE 23.00 WIB Social Nightmare lifetime 11.00 WIB EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW From The Creators Of Breaking Bad And House BATTLE CREEK EXCLUSIVE PHONE INTERVIEW Apakah chemistry di antara kamu dengan Josh muncul secara natural? Bagaimanakah cara kalian menciptakan chemistry tersebut? Dean Winters: Josh dan saya tidak pernah bertemu sebelumnya, namun kami dapat cepat akrab dengan mudah, karena Josh merupakan orang yang easy going. Karakter Russ dan Milt dalam Battle Creek sangat bertolak belakang, bagaimanakah dengan karakter asli kalian? DW: Josh berasal dari Dakota dan saya berasal dari New York City, keduanya sudah sangat bertolak belakang. Namun, pada akhirnya saya dan Josh banyak memiliki nilai pandangan yang sama. Intinya kami banyak kemiripan namun begitu berbeda. Di beberapa wawancara lainnya, kalian sering mengatakan bahwa Milton memiliki masa lalu yang misterius. Bagaimanakah dengan masa lalu Russ Agnew? DW: Sebuah pertanyaan yang bagus, karena kami sendiri belum terlalu memikirkan tentang masa lalu Russ Agnew. Di musim pertama, seseorang muncul dan berperan sebagai ibu saya. Disitulah kalian akan mendapat sedikit bocoran tentang siapakah Russ, darimana asalnya. Namun musim pertama ini lebih berbicara banyak tentang masa lalu Milt. Mengapa dan bagaimana ia bisa muncul sampai dengan di “Battle Creek”. Saya berharap apabila serial ini memasuki musim keduanya, kami akan membahas lebih mendalam tentang masa lalu Russ, tidak hanya membahas tentang tempat asal seorang detektif. Apakah yang membuat serial “Battle Creek” begitu spesial, sehingga menjadi 88 salah satu serial detektif yang patut ditonton dibandingkan dengan serial detektif lainnya? DW: Seingat saya, dan saya betul-betul mencoba mengingatnya. Ini adalah pertama kalinya film tentang polisi, dimana kedua polisinya bukanlah sahabat. Keduanya seringkali berselisih. Serial detektif lain, umumnya akan menampilkan persahabatan diantara keduanya dimana mereka juga saling membantu dalam kehidupan pribadinya, namun tidak di serial ini. Apa yang membuat kamu memutuskan untuk mengambil peran sebagai Russ Agnew dalam serial “Battle Creek”? Tahun lalu saat script-nya datang, saya melihat halaman paling atas dan di sana tertulis, Vince Gilligan, David Shore dan di sutradarai oleh Bryan Singer, tawaran itu tidak mungkin saya tolak. Orang-orang tersebut telah membuktikan dirinya dalam dunia perfilman. “Breaking Bad” merupakan salah satu serial TV luar biasa yang banyak menuai sukses. Orang-orang ini telah membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah yang terbaik dalam dunia televisi saat ini. Itu membuat mudah keputusan saya untuk menerima pekerjaan ini. Ada cerita apa antara Russ Agnew dengan Holly? Apakah Milton akan mengganggu hubungan itu dan mencoba menggoda Holly? DW: Sepertinya itu adalah ide yang muncul di benak semua orang, di dalam serial “Battle Creek” ini. Dalam serial ini, terdapat banyak momen yang tidak terduga, dan kisah ini akan saya pastikan akan membuat Anda terkejut. Apakah ada persamaan karakter diantara peran Anda, Russ Agnew dengan Dean Winters? DW: Karakter Russ, berasal dari kota kecil, namun ia akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menjadikan kota tersebut menjadi sebuah kota yang lebih baik. Saya seringkali berpikir seperti itu, walaupun saya berasal dari kota besar, New York City, namun saya akan berusaha semampunya untuk menjadikan kota ini menjadi lebih baik. Kita merupakan dua orang yang sangat bangga dengan kota asal kami dan sama-sama berusaha untuk mengubah tempat ini menjadi lebih baik. Sementara itu dalam wawancara terpisah, Josh Duhamel sempat menjelaskan bahwa Dean Winters merupakan seseorang yang sangat bersemangat, mudah disukai orang karena sifatnya yang menarik. Di mata Josh Duhamel, Dean Winters adalah sosok yang menyenangkan dan kini mereka telah menjadi sahabat dekat. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 89 COVER STORY JASON Statham “I’ve come from nowhere, and I’m not shy to go back” 90 Jason statham, seorang pria kelahiran Inggris yang kini dikenal dengan perannya sebagai tough guy yang tidak mengenal ampun terhadap musuhnya. Namun siapa yang menyangka, ternyata Jason dulunya adalah seorang atlet loncat indah, sempat menjadi anggota Britain’s National Diving Squad! Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan L ogat British, suara berat dan serak, tatapan mata tajam dengan senyuman yang dingin serta sifatnya yang kalem namun mematikan adalah ciri-ciri setiap karakter yang diperankan Jason Statham. Aktor kelahiran Inggris ini, dikenal dengan film-filmnya yang seringkali dipenuhi dengan adegan kekerasan dan lekat dengan peran yang macho. Simak saja koleksi filmnya seperti “Cellular”, “Crank”, “Death Race”, trilogi “The Expendables”, “The Mechanic”, “Blitz”, “Safe”, “Parker”, “Hummingbird”, “Homefront”, “Wild Card”, semuanya merupakan film-film hardcore. Jason Statham mencuri perhatian para penonton saat mulai debut di “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” dan trilogi “The Transporter” yang melambungkan namanya menjadi salah satu aktor yang dikenal dengan peran antihero-nya. Di setiap filmnya, Jason Statham tampak begitu mahir dalam setiap adegan perkelahian, hal ini dikarenakan Jason juga mempelajari ilmu bela diri sehingga ia menguasai dasar-dasar dari perkelahian. Jason Statham menguasai Wing Chun Kung Fu, Karate, Jiujitsu dan Kickboxing. Jason Statham dikenal sebagai seseorang yang tidak suka menggunakan stuntman dalam setiap adegan perkelahian maupun adegan berbahaya lainnya. Jason mungkin juga terinspirasi dari beberapa aktor Asia yang tidak mau menggunakan stuntman seperti Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Sammo Hung, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, sampai aktris wanita seperti Michelle Yeoh sekalipun tidak pernah menggunakan stuntman untuk aksi-aksinya. Jason Statham juga seringkali memerankan sosok yang misterius di setiap film yang diperankannya, sepertinya hal ini juga diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Jason Statham adalah salah satu aktor yang jarang sekali terlibat di dalam gosip, selain karena peran di filmnya. Untuk itu, mari kita bongkar sedikit tentang Jason Statham. Jason Statham tumbuh bersama dengan Vinnie COVER STORY Jones, mantan pemain sepakbola yang kini beralih profesi menjadi artis Hollywood. Dari Vinnie, ia mulai bermain sepakbola dari tahun 1978-1983, bersamaan dengan passion-nya di dunia renang. Statham adalah salah satu anggota atlit loncat indah yang tergabung di dalam Britain’s National Diving Squad selama 12 tahun! Ia bahkan pernah berkompetisi pada 1990 Commonwealth Games dengan menjadi perwakilan dari Inggris. Ibunya, Eileen, adalah seorang penari, sedangkan ayahnya merupakan seorang pedagang jalanan (ilegal). Ia tidak ingin melanjutkan pekerjaan ayahnya sebagai pedagang black market dan mengejar mimpinya dalam ilmu bela diri. Dengan latar belakang sebagai pedagang black market, ia mengawali karirnya di dunia perfilman saat diajak sutradara Guy Ritchie untuk film “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels” pada tahun 1988. Ritchie menyatakan ketertarikannya kepada Statham karena sempat menjadi bintang iklan Jeans Levi. Kebetulan Guy Ritchie juga mencari pemeran untuk memainkan tokoh Bacon yang kehidupannya tidak jauh-jauh dari penjual barang- barang gelap. Kisah asmaranya dimulai ketika ia menjalin hubungan dengan model Playboy, Kelly Brook, selama 7 tahun. Namun hubungannya kandas karena adanya orang ketiga. Sejak April 2010, Jason Statham menjalin cinta dengan model lainnya, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (“Transformers: Dark of The Moon”) yang merupakan seorang model brand ternama, Victoria’s Secret yang baru mendapat penghargaan ELLE Style Awards untuk kategori “Model of the Year”. Cukup berbicara tentang rahasia yang disimpan oleh Jason Statham, kini penampilannya sangat ditunggu-tunggu dalam sekuel film “Fast and Furious 7”. Perannya yang muncul beberapa detik di penghujung penutupan film “Fast & Furious 6”, membuat para penonton tercengang. Jason Statham diperkenalkan sebagai adik dari Shaw yang diperankan oleh Luke Evans. Patut ditunggu aksi Jason Statham yang terkenal sebagai tough guy-nya beradu jotos dengan Dwayne Johnson sang bintang Smackdown, dan juga Vin Diesel yang tak kalah sangar. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) 1 2 4 5 92 6 3 1. Hummingbird 2. Rosie Huntington Whiteley & Jason Statham 3. The Mechanic 4. Crank: High Voltage 5. Young Jason Statham 6. Safe 7. Homefront 7 YUMMIE Kemacetan yang terjadi di Jakarta setiap hari, membuat para pekerja pada umumnya tidak mempunyai waktu yang cukup untuk pergi ke tempat makan, ditambah lagi dengan waktu yang terbuang saat mencari tempat parkir kendaraannya. Begitu juga dengan kesibukan dalam pekerjaan, yang mengharuskan mereka lembur, sehingga terpaksa melewatkan makan malam. Untuk itu, foodpanda hadir sebagai solusinya. F oodpanda adalah cara baru yang memudahkan Anda untuk dapat melakukan pemesanan makanan secara online. foodpanda sebagai pemimpin pasar global online food ordering and delivery market place yang sudah aktif dan tersedia di lebih dari 45 negara. Foodpanda telah berdiri sejak bulan Mei 2012, dan kini foodpanda telah merambah ke wilayah Indonesia mencakupi Jabodetabek, Bandung, Medan, Makasar, Surabaya dan juga Bali. Foodpanda bekerjasama dengan lebih dari 800 restoran yang tersebar di Indonesia seperti Burger King, Es Teler 77, Pancious, Sushi Kiosk by Sushi Tei, Lotteria, Bakso Atom dan masih banyak lagi. Foodpanda menawarkan kemudahan dalam melakukan pemesanan makanan yang telah hadir melalui 2 media yang mewabah di kalangan anak muda. Mobile apps tentunya, yang tersedia dalam iOS, Android, serta aplikasi Windows. Juga bagi Anda yang mungkin tidak memiliki smartphone, tidak perlu kebingungan, karena Anda juga bisa mengakses foodpanda melalui website. Foodpanda menawarkan kemudahan pemesanan makanan secara online dan pengiriman makanan yang mencakup rentang gastronomi yang sangat luas bagi para konsumennya. Supaya dapat menggunakan fasilitas dari foodpanda, Anda membutuhkan 3 langkah mudah yang harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu, yaitu: Masukkan alamat Anda untuk mencari restoran mana yang dapat mengantarkan ke daerah Anda. Pilih dari berbagai macam restoran serta menu makanan favorit yang Anda suka. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan metode online ataupun dengan metode cash on delivery. Nikmati makanan pesanan Anda yang telah diantarkan kedepan pintu Anda oleh foodpanda. Foodpanda memiliki misi utama, yaitu untuk melayani para pelanggan dengan mengantarkan makanan favoritnya tanpa mengalami gangguan apapun. Foodpanda bermaksud untuk membuat pengiriman makanan menjadi salah satu pilihan utama yang mudah dan nyaman bagi para pecinta makanan. Hanya dengan 3 langkah seperti yang dijelaskan diatas, beritahu foodpanda lokasi Anda, pilih restoran dan makanan, bayar secara online atau cash on delivery, maka dengan mudah foodpanda akan mengatasi: - Rasa lapar Anda! - Perasaan malas untuk repot memasak - Keinginan untuk diantarkan makanan tersebut ke depan pintu Anda tanpa harus repot repot pergi keluar - Tetap berada di kantor sewaktu makan siang - Kebosanan Anda terhadap 94 makanan pesan antar yang selalu sama - Kebingungan harus memesan apa untuk kegiatan sosial Foodpanda hadir untuk menyelesaikan semua masalah semacam ini yang seringkali muncul dalam benak Anda. Sekarang Anda tidak perlu bingung lagi untuk memesan menu apa dari restoran mana untuk menjadi santapan di saat siang, sore ataupun malam. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, Anda dapat mengunjungi atau hubungi 021-29800600. Jangan lupa untuk mengunduh aplikasi mobile Android atau iPhone kami di sehingga kami dapat mengantarkan makanan Anda. merupakan cara termudah untuk memesan makanan secara online! Kini, Anda dapat memesan secara online lebih dari 800 restoran yang tersebar di daerah Jabodetabek dan sekitarnya. 95 ENTERTAIN US sakura SPESIAL DI WakuWaku japan Berakhirnya musim dingin di Jepang ditandai dengan kehadiran bunga sakura, yang merupakan bunga nasional sekaligus ciri khas Negeri Matahari Terbit di awal bulan April. Bunga sakura bermekaran, mulai dari ujung selatan, Okinawa, lalu Pulau Kyushu, merambat ke Pulau Honshu, Shikoku, dan terakhir di Hokkaido yang berada di utara Jepang. Musim semi identik dengan keceriaan, seperti peribahasa Jepang “Fuyu kitarinaba, haru tookaraji”. Saat musim semi tiba, hampir semua jalanan di Jepang berubah warna menjadi lautan merah muda nan memukau. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. S etiap musim semi, di Jepang diadakan sebuah festival khusus untuk menyambut datangnya bunga Sakura. Festival tersebut disebut dengan Hanami festivals. Untuk merayakan festival ini, orang-orang di Jepang pergi keluar rumah menuju jalanan atau taman yang terdapat bunga Sakura dan bercengkrama dengan orangorang terdekat dibawah pohon Sakura. Hal itu dilakukan warga Jepang untuk mengapresiasi keindahan bunga Sakura. Bertolak dari perayaan festival tersebut, maka di Bulan April ini, WAKUWAKU JAPAN menayangkan 3 buah film berjudul “The Professor and His Beloved Equation”, “Closed Note” dan “Takamine”. Film-film tersebut dapat disaksikan setiap hari Minggu pukul 21.00 hingga pukul 23.00 WIB. Film “The Professor and His Beloved Equation” yang dibintangi oleh Akira Terao dan Eri Fukatsu, berkisah tentang seorang profesor matematika yang mengalami kerusakan pada otaknya setelah selamat kecelakaan mobil. Kini, ia hanya dapat mengingat selama 80 menit saja. Pada menit ke-81, ia kembali lupa tentang apapun yang terjadi sebelumnya. Kyoko, wanita yang bekerja di rumah profesor awalnya merasa tidak betah bekerja di sana. Akhirnya ia menemukan cara untuk berkomunikasi dengan profesor. Ia mengajak anak laki-lakinya untuk meluangkan waktu bersama profesor. Apa yang terjadi jika mereka telah menemukan persamaan dalam hidup masing-masing? Untuk program spesial lainnya, silakan kunjungi CHANNEL 340 (HD) CHANNEL 281 96 © THE PROFESSOR AND HIS BELOVED EQUATION Film’s Partners © 2007 TOHO CO., LTD. / HAKUHODO DY MEDIA PARTNERS, INC. / SDP / SONY MUSIC ENTERTYAINMENT (JAPAN) INC. / KADOKAWA SHOTEN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Film yang kedua berjudul “Closed Note”, dibintangi oleh Erika Sawajiri, Yusuke Iseya dan Yuko Takeuchi. Kisah tentang Kae Horii yang baru pindah ke apartemen barunya, menemukan sebuah buku harian yang tersembunyi dibalik cermin saat bebenah. Setelah membacanya, ia menyadari bahwa buku harian tersebut milik penghuni sebelumnya bernama Ibuki Mano. Ibuki yang juga seorang guru SD, menulis tentang kehidupannya dan Takashi, pria yang dicintainya. Tak jauh berbeda dengan Ibuki, Kae juga berencana untuk menjadi guru SD, dan ia pun sedang jatuh cinta dengan pelukis ilustrasi bernama Ryu. Pengalaman Ibuki yang tertuang dalam buku harian tersebut ternyata mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat untuk kehidupan pribadi Kae sendiri. Pertanyaannya, siapakah Takashi dan Ibuki? Dimana mereka berada sekarang? Film terakhir berjudul “Takamine”, diambil dari kisah nyata di awal tahun 1900-an. Dibintangi oleh Hatsunori Hasegawa sebagai Dr. Jokichi Takamine, seorang ahli kimia yang pertama kali menemukan “adrenalin”. Film yang diproduseri oleh Makoto Ichikawa ini mengisahkan tentang kehidupan Takamine dan pertemuan dengan calon istrinya, Eliza Rushamah Scidmore. Berdasarkan tuturan Eliza Rushamah Scidmore melalui Takako, sang penulis, Eliza ingin impiannya terwujud. Impiannya adalah sakura, bunga cherry blossom asal Jepang, bermekaran di Negeri Paman Sam. Film ini dibuat dalam rangka memperingati 100 tahun berdirinya pohon cherry di sepanjang sungai Potomac, Washington DC. Pohon-pohon tersebut pertama kali ditanam pada tahun 1912, merupakan hadiah resmi dari Walikota kota Tokyo, Yukio Ozaki, kepada Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat, Helen Herron Taft. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) © 2011 TAKAMINE FILM PARTNERS 97 TREND IN PARADE MOBIL EKSOTIK Sejak sekuel pertama “The Fast and the Furious” yang rilis pada 2001 silam hingga sekuel “Fast & Furious 6” yang tayang 2013 lalu, film ini kerap kali menghadirkan mobil-mobil eksotik dari beragam merek. Dimulai dari deretan muscle car khas Amerika ataupun mobil sport dari negeri Sakura, bahkan hadir juga kumpulan supercar asal Eropa dan Arab. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan P engemar film sekuel Fast & Furious sudah pasti menantikan mobil apa saja yang akan dipamerkan di sekuel terbaru, “Furious 7” yang rilis pada bulan ini. Tentunya sudah pasti akan ada Dodge Charger sebagai mobil andalan aktor utama, Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel). Dom memang dikenal sebagai pecinta berat muscle car lawas tersebut. Charger sudah muncul sejak awal film Fast & Furious pertama dan dapat dipastikan sekali lagi bahwa mobil tersebut akan menjadi andalan dari Toretto di Furious 7. Selain Dodge Charger, versi terbaru Dodge Challenger juga akan tampil. Dodge Challenger 2009 SRT8 pernah unjuk gigi di sekuel “Fast Five” yang lagi-lagi dikendarai oleh Toretto pada akhir film. Pada bulan November 2014, cuplikan film “Furious 7” telah dibocorkan oleh Universal. Video tersebut menampilkan beberapa mobil eksotik yang digunakan oleh Toretto, O’Conner, Letty dan masih banyak lagi. Tentunya tak lupa karakter 98 baru, Deckard Shaw yang diperankan oleh Jason Statham sebagai kakak dari Owen Shaw. Mari kita simak, mobil apa saja yang akan hadir untuk memanjakan mata para penonton dalam sekuel “Furious 7” di bulan ini. Dodge Charger R/T Hemi Salah satu legenda American Muscle Car ini, telah mendapat sentuhan tuning dari R/T yang berarti Road/ Track. Artinya, mobil ini bisa dipakai dimana saja, baik di jalan umum atau jalanan balap sekalipun. Mesinnya memiliki 5.700 cc, V8 Hemi tertanam dibalik kap mesin dan mampu menghasilkan 707 tenaga kuda. Ferrari 458 Italia Salah satu produk Ferrari sangat prestis dalam sejarahnya, mulai diproduksi tahun 2012 hingga kini. Mesin V12 dengan 6.300 cc, tenaganya mencapai 570 tenaga kuda. Ferrari 458 Italia didesain oleh Flavio Manzoni dari Ferrari Styling Center, bekerjasama dengan rumah desain Pininfarina. TREND IN Bugatti Veyron Supercar rakitan Perancis ini rencananya akan dikendarai oleh Tyrese Gibson. Memiliki mesin di tengah dengan sistem penggerak all wheel drive. Dibekali dengan mesin sebesar 8.000 cc, quad-turbocharged dengan transmisi 7 kecepatan DSG Sequential, mobil ini mampu menghasilkan tenaga hingga 1.200 tenaga kuda. Dodge Viper SRT-10 Merupakan versi yang lebih kencang dari Viper biasa karena mobil ini telah mendapat sentuhan tuning dari SRT. Dikenal sebagai mobil liar dan salah satu yang tercepat yang pernah diproduksi pabrikan asal Amerika. Apabila berbicara tentang dapur pacu, mesin V10 ini berkapasitas 8.000 cc dan mampu menyalurkan tenaga 500 tenaga kuda melalui roda belakangnya. McLaren MP4-12C Sempat disebut-sebut sebagai jelmaan mobil F1 McLaren yang berjaya pada tahun 1990-an. Diproduksi di Woking, Inggris, bermesin tengah dengan penggerak roda belakang, mobil ini dibekali mesin V8, twin turbo, tenaganya menembus hingga 592 tenaga kuda. Lykan Hypersport Supercar baru asal Timur Tengah yang dirancang oleh pabrikan asal Lebanon, W Motors. Lykan menggunakan mesin boxer 6 silinder yang dikembangkan RUF Automobile, Jerman. Mesin ini mampu memproduksi tenaga 750 tenaga kuda dengan torsi 1.000 Nm. Akselerasi dari 0-100 km/jam cuma 2,8 detik, dan kecepatan top 390 km/jam. Mobil super ini dibanderol di kisaran 3,4 juta dollar AS (Rp 32,8 miliar). 100 Mobil asal Jepang, Subaru WRX STI dan Nissan GT-R, juga dipastikan akan ikut tampil. WRX STI pernah muncul di sekuel keempat yang rilis 2009 lalu. Ketika itu WRX STI dikendarai oleh Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) untuk menantang Toretto balapan. Nissan GT-R seringkali tampil dalam film ini. Masih ingat dengan adegan awal “Fast Five” saat Brian dan Toretto saling kebut-kebutan untuk melihat kelahiran putra pertama Brian? Saat itu Paul Walker mengendarai salah satu seri GT-R. Kabarnya, GT-R memang menjadi salah satu mobil favorit mendiang Paul Walker. Di “Furious 7”, GT-R yang akan tampil adalah versi All-black R35 GT-R. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan, dua supercar yang akan tampil adalah Bugatti Veyron dan Lykan Hypersport. Bugatti Veyron masih menjadi salah satu mobil tercepat di dunia. Sementara Lykan Hypersport adalah supercar baru yang katanya hanya tersedia tujuh unit saja di dunia ini. Apakah mobil ini sengaja digunakan karena berjumlah tujuh unit saja yang bertepatan dengan judul filmnya, “Furious 7”? (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE Pasar Klewer Riwajatmoe Kini - Anne Avantie - Ada pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan melalui tema peragaan busana ANNE AVANTIE “Pasar Klewer Riwayatmoe Kini“ di acara Indonesia Fashion Week 2015 yang lalu, dimana Pasar Klewer yang terletak di kota Solo menjadi salah satu urat nadi perekonomian Indonesia, ludes terbakar pada akhir tahun 2014, tepatnya tanggal 27 Desember 2014. Pasar Klewer merupakan embrio dari Anne Avantie, dimana Beliau sering mengunjungi Pasar Klewer sejak kecil. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. 102 Foto: Fiona Fleurette P asar Klewer yang sudah berkembang dari tahun 1942 saat ini luluh lantah oleh si jago merah tanpa kompromi, baik pedagang kaki lima yang hanya bermodal dagangan seadanya sampai bakul dan pemilik kios – kios, mereka semua menangis diatas puing – puing reruntuhan. Pasar Klewer adalah pasar terbesar di Solo, menjual berbagai jenis tekstil, terutama yang terkenal Batik, selain itu ada juga makanan, hingga pernak pernik perhiasan dijual disana. Letaknya berdekatan dengan Keraton Solo dan alun-alun. Kebakaran hebat yang melanda Pasar Klewer, Solo, akhir Desember 2014 lalu tersebut menggugah hati perancang busana Anne Avantie untuk menciptakan koleksi terbarunya, yakni busana kebaya yang dipadukan dengan sisa-sisa kain batik yang terbakar. Hasil dari rancangan tersebut diusung dalam gelaran Indonesia Fashion Week tahun ini. “Saya sempat mengunjungi pasar Klewer setelah kejadian, sungguh sangat sedih melihat kondisinya. Banyak sekali kain batik dan wastra nusantara hasil para pengrajin dan pengusaha kecil di sana. Puing-puing dari kebakaran yang kebanyakan potongan kain batik mengilhami saya menggelar peragaan malam ini,” ujar Anne Avantie saat jumpa pers hari Minggu (01/03). Anne Avantie menangkap hati dan mencoba untuk mengangkat musibah tersebut dalam panggung IFW , dimana Insan Dunia Kreatif Indonesia berhajat . Banyak para pelaku dunia kreatif yang ikut prihatin dan sangat kehilangan aset nasional yang penuh sejarah itu. Melalui 20 karya Beliau, tidak hanya menampilkan kebaya klasik berwarna Hitam. Anne Avantie mengolah sisa-sisa batik yang terbakar menjadi mozaik yang tertata apik sebagai simbol kepedulian. Batik – batik terbakar tersebut memiliki nilai sejarah yang tak lekang dimakan waktu. Beliau sengaja memilih dominan warna hitam, cokelat tua, dan sedikit warna merah guna mengingatkan akan suasana asap, api, dan hangus saat terjadi kebakaran. Sedangkan untuk busana kebaya dengan beragam potongan yang feminim, Anne merefleksikan kenangan dan harapan akan kembalinya Pasar Klewer yang merupakan pasar tekstil beromset terbesar di Asia Tenggara tersebut. Dalam menciptakan busananya kali ini, Anne Avantie benar-benar menyatukan sisa-sisa kain batik yang terbakar dari Pasar Klewer menjadi perca, kemudian menempelkannya pada kain tile. Kain yang semula memiliki potongan, bentuk, dan ukuran berbeda pun disulap menjadi busana nan mewah, unik, juga elegan. Untuk material tile dan renda, hasil rancangan desainer kelahiran Semarang ini memberikan kesan dramatis, glamor, seksi, romantis dan sarat nuansa feminin. Dengan tangan terampilnya, diwujudkanlah sebuah mahakarya yang dibawakan dengan apik dan anggun oleh berbagai model terkenal di Indonesia Fashion Week 2015, salah satunya Whulandary Herman Top 16 Miss Universe 2013 dan Puteri Indonesia 2013. Kehadiran Julia Perez di atas panggung cukup menarik perhatian penonton 103 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE dengan mengenakan kebaya berwarna hijau muda karya Anne. Penampilan Jupe, panggilan akrabnya, dipercantik dengan selendang berwarna magenta dan kain batik berwarna cokelat yang kontras dengan kebaya hijaunya. Kebaya Jupe pun memiliki potongan klasik yang membuatnya makin terlihat anggun. Selain Jupe, Titi Rajo Bintang pun ikut menjajal lantai peraga pada peragaan busana Anne Avantie kali ini. Titi tampak begitu cantik dengan kebaya berwarna hijau yang dihiasi bunga bernuansa keabuan dan cokelat berukuran besar di bahu kanannya. Penampilan Titi pun diserasikan dengan kain batik yang memiliki sentuhan berwarna hijau. Hadir juga penyanyi era 70-an, Berliana Hutahuruk, dengan lantunan lagu “Badai Pasti Berlalu” diiringi puluhan pesohor, dari penyanyi Nowela hingga desainer Hengky Komaladi, yang membawa bunga mawar ke atas panggung untuk dibagikan kepada hadirin yang hadir malam itu. Bagi Anne Avantie sendiri, inilah persembahannya untuk kota Solo, baginya para pedagang harus bersemangat lagi menatap hari esok, dengan bangkit dan berjualan kembali, Pasar klewer Riwajatmoe Kini. Karya “Pasar Klewer Riwayatmoe Kini“ menghentak panggung IFW dengan gaya berbeda, yang belum pernah ditampilkan di panggung busana Beliau selama 25 Tahun Berkarya. Tentunya banyak yang terhenyak melihat karya Anne Avantie yang liar, yang diusung dalam panggung IFW “Pasar Klewer Riwayatmoe Kini“ kali ini. Sejak duduk di bangku sekolah dasar, Anne Avantie telah menunjukkan kreatifitasnya dalam dunia mode, diantaranya adalah kemampuannya membuat berbagai pita atau hiasan rambut untuk dijual ke teman-temannya. Dia juga sering membuat kostum panggung untuk grup vokal dan tari di sekolah hingga berbagai ajang hiburan remaja lainnya di Solo. Pada tahun 1989, Anne Avantie memulai karirnya sebagai perancang busana dari sebuah rumah kontrakan dengan modal 2 mesin jahit. Tempat usaha pertamanya itu diberi nama “Griya 104 “Desainer tidak selalu menjual produk, melainkan melakukan inovasi, menuangkan kreasi, dan berekspresi. Harapannya kami pun bisa berkontribusi bagi negeri dan masyarakat” Busana Permatasari”. Pada mulanya, dia banyak membuat kostum penari dan berbagai busana malam yang dicirikan hiasan manikmanik. Hingga tahun 2010, Anne memiliki dua butik di Mall Kelapa Gading dan Roémah Pengantén, Grand Indonesia. Selain itu, Anne juga memiliki toko bernama “PENDOPO” yang menjual produk seni dalam negeri hasil karya usaha kecil menengah (UKM). (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 105 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE Press Briefing & Screening ASIA'S NEXT TOP MODEL S3 Pada tanggal 19 Maret kemarin, View berkesempatan untuk menghadiri “Press Briefing & Screening Asia’s Next Top Model S3”. Ketiga finalis asal Indonesia, Tahlia Raji, Rani Ramadhany dan Ayu Gani turut hadir pada acara ini. Selain para finalis musim ke-3 ini, para alumni finalis musim sebelumnya yaitu Filantropi Witoko dan Bona Dea Kometa juga hadir. Teks: Carissa Nova Z ALORA, destinasi fashion online terbesar di Asia, mengumumkan kemitraan dengan FOX International Channel untuk Asia’s Next Top Model Musim ke3. AsNTM adalah reality show ajang pencarian model yang paling terkenal dan sukses menarik perhatian pemirsa di wilayah Asia. Mereka bersaing untuk menjadi Asia’s Next Top Model dan juga berkesempatan untuk memulai meniti karir mereka di industri fashion internasional. Jo Bjordal, Head of Marketing ZALORA Indonesia mengatakan “Asia’s Next Top Model adalah ajang pencarian model yang paling terkenal di Asia, dan dinikmati oleh jutaan penggemar mode di seluruh wilayah ini. Kami bangga untuk berkontribusi dalam ajang pencarian ini sekaligus menemukan top model berikutnya dari Asia. ZALORA mendukung keragaman keindahan Asia sekaligus juga berusaha untuk memberdayakan perempuan melalui busana pilihan dengan memberikan mereka kepercayaan diri untuk memiliki momen apa pun dalam menemukan personal style mereka masing-masing. Komitmen ini sangat sempurna dan tepat diterapkan dalam rangkaian acara Asia’s Next Top Model, dimana mereka akan menghadapi tantangan pilihan gaya setiap minggunya.” Tahlia Raji, Rani Ramadhany dan Ayu Gani adalah finalis terbaik dari Indonesia, dimana mereka akan bersaing dengan 14 kontestan 106 Tiara Sugiyono, Asisten Manager Marketing Fox Internasional Channels Jo Bjordal, Head of Marketing ZALORA lainnya untuk menjadi pemenang Asia’s Next Top Model ini. Pemenang Asia’s Next Top Model akan diberi nama Face of TRESemme 2015 di Asia Tenggara dan Face of ZALORA, dan ia mendapatkan akses untuk memiliki seri baru sedan Subaru XV IMS. Pemenang juga akan diberikan satu sesi khusus untuk fashion spread di Harper’s Bazaar Singapura. Rani Ramadhany kontestan asal Tanah Air yang pertama adalah seorang drummer. Wanita berusia 20 tahun yang mengagumi model Cara Delevingne tersebut mengaku tomboy meskipun sebenarnya ia telah merintis karir modeling sejak usia 16 tahun. Dengan kemampuannya tersebut, Rani yang memiliki tinggi 173 cm tersebut siap mengejar karir sebagai seorang model profesional. Maka Rani pun memutuskan untuk mendaftar sebagai kontestan AsNTM secara online. Ia pun dinyatakan lolos untuk lanjut ke audisi selanjutnya. Seperti Rani, Ayu Gani juga mendaftar secara online sebelum mengikuti tes wawancara. Dua minggu kemudian, Ayu Gani diberitahu bawa ia lolos dan masuk menjadi 20 besar. Ayu Gani sendiri masih berstatus sebagai mahasiswa di jurusan mode. Dengan tinggi 173 cm, wanita 23 tahun tersebut ingin mencoba masuk ke industri fashion dengan mengikuti kompetisi modeling. Sebelumnya, penggemar Karlie Kloss tersebut pernah menjadi kontestan favorit dari kompetisi model di salah satu majalah ternama di Indonesia. Ayu Gani juga sering tampil di catwalk Indonesia Fashion Week maupun Jakarta Fashion 107 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE Week. Meskipun tertarik menggeluti dunia fashion, Ayu yang mengaku tomboy ini mengatakan bahwa ia juga ingin mengejar karir di dunia kuliner. Kontestan terakhir dari Indonesia adalah Tahlia Raji, seorang model berusia 18 tahun asal Ubud, dengan gaya tertawa yang unik, mampu bermain ukulele, dan baru sembilan bulan pindah ke Jakarta untuk meniti karirnya sebagai model. Dari ketiga wakil Indonesia yang lain, hanya Tahlia yang memiliki darah campuran Australia dan Jawa di fisiknya. Tumbuh di keluarga yang kreatif membuat ia memiliki jiwa seni, termasuk dalam hal modeling. Ia sudah menjadi model sejak usia 13 tahun. Ketika itu, seorang fotografer mengatakan padanya, bahwa ia memiliki bakat menjadi seorang model. Sedikit berbeda dengan kedua temannya, Tahlia mengikuti audis AsNTM dengan datang langsung ke JW Marriot untuk audisi di depan produser. Rani Ramadhany, Ayu Gani dan Tahlia Raji ini telah mengikuti karantina pelatihan model selama kurang lebih 3 bulan. Mereka diperkenalkan dengan berbagai kegiatan di industri modeling, seperti catwalk, sesi foto fashion dan kelas acting. Namun sebelum memasuki tahap karantina, ketiga kontestan asal Indonesia ini juga dipersiapkan secara psikis agar mereka siap untuk menghadapi tekanan dan persaingan yang ketat dengan kontestan lain dari berbagai negara. Selain tiga finalis asal Indonesia, Andien Aisyah, penyanyi dan ikon savvy style seeker Indonesia, juga turut terlibat di Asia’s Next top Model musim terbaru ini. Meskipun penyanyi cantik ini tidak pernah punya pengalaman menjadi model, namun tawaran menjadi mentor di ajang pencarian bakat Asia’s Next Top Model musim ke-3 ini diterimanya tanpa pikir panjang. Penyanyi yang bersuara jazz itu mengatakan bahwa tawaran tersebut merupakan tantangan baru baginya. Menurut Andien, dunia fashion dan menyanyi adalah dua hal yang sangat erat kaitannya. Saat melakukan tugas mentoring-nya, Andien juga banyak belajar dari para model, terutama kala bertemu orang lain hingga bernyanyi di panggung. Menuturkan perannya, Andien menyatakan bahwa gaya rambut merupakan bagian dari fashion yang sangat kuat di musim ketiga kali ini. “Saya melihat banyak sekali inspirasi gaya rambut dan fashion dari berbagai pelaku fashion profesional ternama Asia, selama saya mengikuti kegiatan ini,” kata Andien. Senada dengan Andien, penata rambut profesional Indonesia, Giovanni Wihayak, yang terpilih sebagai salah satu juri tamu Asia`s Next Top Model juga menyatakan bahwa gaya rambut dan fashion yang 108 menginspirasi tayangan ini. Namun di sisi lain, Giovanni mengklaim menemukan berbagai masalah rambut yang dialami para model, sebelum terjun ke reality show ini. Berbagai permasalahan rambut rusak dan bercabang sering dialami para model akibat menggunakan alat styling yang terlalu panas, pewarnaan rambut, dan menyisir rambut terlalu keras. Perubahan juga terjadi dalam format juri Asia’s Next Top Model musim ini. Nadya Hutagalung yang pada dua musim sebelumnya berperan sebagai juri dan presenter acara Asia’s Next Top Model akan digantikan oleh model asal Filipina, Georgina Wilson. Pergantian ini dilakukan karena Asia’s Next Top Model ingin menampilkan wajah berbeda untuk musim ini. Georgina yang berprofesi sebagai model asal Filipina, entrepreneur, VJ dan CEO, dianggap mampu menggambarkan wajah Asia yang kuat dan berkarakter. Selain Georgina, juri dua musim sebelumnya, Joey Mead-King akan kembali tampil di Asia’s Next Top Model. Designer dan juri Australia’s Next Top Model, Alex Perry juga akan meramaikan Asia’s Next Top Model musim ini. Menurut kontestan asal Indonesia pada musim sebelumnya, Bona, yang diundang hadir dalam acara jumpa pers acara ini di Artotel, Jakarta, mengatakan, “Asia’s Next Top Model dengan mudahnya membukakan pintu untuk saya berkarir, terlepas menang atau tidak” ujarnya. Bona yang tengah menanti kelahiran anaknya ini masih aktif dengan beberapa kegiatan seperti menjadi penyiar radio, pembawa acara, dan grooming trainer. Pada akhirnya memang bukan kemenangan saja yang dicari oleh para kontestan saat mengikuti acara yang dibesut oleh model papan atas dunia, Tyra Banks ini. Namun, juga menghadirkan banyak kesempatan, jalinan relasi yang lebih dan peluang lebih luas dalam industri fashion, kecantikan, dan modeling internasional. (ICA/IND/ICA/NDR) SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE MUSIK INDONESIA MENJADI TUAN RUMAH DI NEGERI SENDIRI Foto: Fiona Fleurette, Ryan Febriansyah, Seno Wahyudi Suasana ruangan konser yang hening tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan hentakan kaki ratusan penonton yang berlari menuju depan panggung bergantian dari pintu kiri dan kanan. Semua mengincar posisi yang nyaman untuk menyaksikan penampilan idola mereka, Jessie J, malam itu. Satu per satu semua kursi terisi, hingga ada yang rela duduk di lantai untuk menunggu kehadiran sang idola di atas panggung. Semua menyiapkan gadget yang dimiliki untuk mendapatkan foto idola mereka, bahkan tak jarang ada yang ingin selfie dengan latar belakang idolanya yang akan tampil tersebut. Penonton yang sebagian besar remaja putri ini serentak mulai berdiri dan bergerak maju ketika terdengar suara alat musik dari balik tirai panggung. Teks: Indri Pratiwi S. 110 dokumen istimewa J essie J merupakan satu-satunya penyanyi yang tampil di Java JazzFestival 2015 di kategori “special show”. Artinya jika penonton ingin menyaksikan penampilannya, harus rela mengeluarkan uang lagi untuk membeli tiket special show tersebut. Walau demikian, antrian panjang untuk masuk ke ruangan konser sudah terjadi sebelum penampilan Christina Perri berakhir. Mereka rela menunggu di depan pintu masuk sambil berdiri sekitar 2,5 jam lamanya. Festival musik jazz terbesar di dunia, Java Jazz Festival 2015, tahun ini menampilkan 187 show yang terbagi di 16 panggung. Untuk penonton yang hadir pada Jumat sore tanggal 6 Maret 2015, dikejutkan dengan kembalinya 3 Diva Indonesia di atas panggung utama. Mereka adalah Ruth Sahanaya, Titi DJ dan Krisdayanti, tidak hanya membawakan tembang lawas milik mereka, namun juga single milik Meghan Trainor, “All About That Bass” di akhir penampilan mereka. Para penonton yang telah lama tidak melihat mereka menyanyi bersama, tentu tidak mau melewatkan penampilan mereka di panggung utama JJF 2015 hari pertama. Momen ini juga menjadi spesial buat KD, karena merupakan pengalaman pertamanya untuk tampil di ajang musik jazz. Tak hanya KD, Potret yang tampil di hari yang sama juga mengakui bahwa penampilan Potret merupakan penampilan perdana mereka di JJF2015. Setelah vakum 111 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE selama 6 tahun, Potret yang kini beranggotakan 5 orang menyanyikan single baru mereka, “Gimana Caranya” dari atas panggung Hall A3. Begitu juga dengan kehadiran Reza Artamevia tahun ini di Java Jazz, yang telah kembali setelah 1 dekade absen. Ia melantunkan lagu-lagunya dengan nuansa jazz. Jumat malam, penonton yang didominasi dengan wanita memadati panggung utama untuk menyaksikan penampilan Glenn Fredly, Marcell Siahaan, Sandhy Sondoro dan Is “Payung Teduh” bersama Yamaha Music Project. Mereka membawakan lagu-lagu Michael Jackson dengan gaya yang berbeda-beda. Dalam penjelasannya tentang ketidakhadiran Tompi saat itu, Glenn menjawab dengan becanda bahwa jika Michael Jackson nomor satu, maka nomor duanya adalah Tompi. Jika Tompi ikutan nyanyi, maka yang lainnya kalah melengking saat menyanyikan lagu Michael jackson. Untunglah ia lagi ada jadwal operasi hari ini. Serentak seisi ruangan tertawa mendengarnya. Tahun ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa musik Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan padatnya penonton yang ada di ruangan konser, dimana penyanyi dan musisi negeri ini sedang tampil di atas panggung. Contohnya para penonton yang datang menyaksikan grup band pop Sheila On 7, meskipun waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 01.00 WIB dini hari. Malam itu, SO7 membawakan beberapa lagunya seperti ‘Pejantan Tangguh’, ‘Itu Aku’, ‘Hari Bersamanya’, ‘Seberapa Pantas’ dengan irama jazz, diiringi oleh Ron King Horn Section. Tak hanya SO7, seiring dengan tema “Exploring Indonesia”, tahun ini ada beberapa kolaborasi spesial antar musisi/penyanyi lokal dengan mancanegara. Sebut saja Dwiki 112 Darmawan yang berkolaborasi dengan Quartet Vilet Spin dari Austria, Reza Artamevia dengan Michael Lington dan Makasi Ueda, Tulus dengan Maurice Brown, serta Dominik Bukowski, Sri Hanuaraga, dan Elfa Zulfam. Yang unik di tahun ini adalah kehadiran Naturally 7 diantara musisi jazz. Jika mendengar dari luar ruangan konser, pasti tidak menyangka bahwa alat musik yang terdengar oleh telinga tidak lain merupakan beatboxing dari ketujuh anggotanya. Para personilnya adalah Roger Thomas (musical director, arranger, bariton pertama, Rap), Warren Thomas (perkusi, gitar, klarinet, tenor ketiga) Rod Eldridge (tenor pertama, scratching, trumpet), Napoleon (Polo) Cummings (tenor keempat, gitar), Dwight Stewart (bariton kedua, vokalis, trumpet), Garfield Buckley (tenor kedua, harmonika) dan “Hops” Hutton (Bass). Selain membawakan lagu sendiri di hari pertama dan terakhir, mereka juga membawakan lagulagu yang sudah akrab di telinga penonton seperti “Wall 113 SPECIAL EVENT COVERAGE of Sound”, “English Man” dari Sting, “One Love” Bob Marley ,“Fix You” milik Coldplay, “In The Air Tonight” Phil Collins, dan tidak ketinggalan lagu “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” dari The Beatles. Penampilan mereka yang disertai gaya pantomim tentunya mengundang gelak tawa para penonton. Ada fakta yang belum diketahui banyak orang tentang lagu “Bengawan Solo” karya Maestro Gesang. Siapa yang menyangka bahwa lagu tersebut sangat terkenal di Polandia pada era 60-an? Hal ini dikatakan oleh komposer Dominik Bukowski di Semeru Hall pada Jumat malam. Malam itu ia memimpin kolaborasi musisi 2 negara (Indonesia dan Polandia), dan “Bengawan Solo” menjadi salah satu lagu yang dibawakan mereka. Di hari kedua, Lantun Orchestra membuka JJF 2015 di panggung terbuka dengan “menyulap” musik tradisional Betawi dengan sentuhan jazz. Tak hanya itu, mereka juga menyatukan pakaian tradisional Betawi dengan aksesoris modern, seperti kacamata hitam dan sepatu olahraga. Lagu-lagu Betawi seperti “ “Ondel-ondel”, “Jalijali”, dan “Gang Kelinci” Titik Puspa dibawakan dengan ceria oleh Chaka Priambudi (bass), Nesia Ardi (vokal), Kenny Gabriel (trumpet), Arman Chaniago (drum dan gendang), Windy Setiadi (akordeon), Armia Husein (flute), Tio Alibasyah (gitar), dan Donny Prasetyo (keyboard). Khusus untuk JJF2015, Chris Botti tampil bersama pemain biola Caroline Campbell, penyanyi opera George Komsky dan penyanyi R&B Sy Smith. Seperti yang diduga, penabuh drum Billy Kilson tampil dengan memukau, dan berhasil mencuri perhatian penonton malam itu. Bagaimana tidak, ia sempat mengganti tongkat pemukul drum dengan shaker atau tangannya sambil beberapa kali memeperlihatkan gerakan akrobatik. Secara keseluruhan, Chris Botti membungkus penampilannya dengan satu kata, romantis. Chaka Khan tahun ini kembali hadir di panggung JJF2015 dengan menggandeng Incognito, setelah 8 tahun absen. Penonton yang rindu mendengar suara aslinya mau mengantri panjang dan berdesakdesakan memasuki ruangan konser. Untuk pertama kalinya di tahun ini, ruangan di panggung utama penuh dipadati penonton hingga pintu keluar. Kolaborsi dua legendaris ini memang jarang terjadi di Indonesia, mereka menutupnya dengan menyanyikan lagu “I’m Every Woman”. Tahun ini, ada beberapa artis yang tampil lebih dari sekali di JJF2015. Dengan demikian, jika ada yang terlewat menyaksikan penampilan mereka yang pertama, dapat menikmati penampilan mereka di hari berikutnya. Sebut saja Ron King Big Band, Blue Note Tokyo All-Star Jazz Orchestra, Naturally 7, Bobby McFerrin, Lisa Ono, Ramsey Lewis, Alain 114 Caron, Harvey Mason’s Chameleon (Fred D. Jr. Chris T., Kamasi W., John B.), Iriao, Joshua Ledet & Ron King Quintet, Anthony Stanco and The Crucial Elements, Richard Bona, Michael Lington, John Primer & the Living History Band, Chris Botti, Mehliana (Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana), Etienne Charles, Snarky Puppy, Jumaane Smith & Ron King Quintet yang kembali tampil di hari berbeda. Setelah 2 dekade, Warren Hill kembali ke Indonesia untuk melantunkan irama jazz kontemporer dengan sentuhan yang seksi dan enerjik secara bersamaan. Bobby McFerrin, Maurice “Mobetta” Brown dan Snarky Puppy juga kembali menghibur penonton JJF tahun ini dengan animo penonton yang tinggi. Di malam terakhir, Jessie J, penyanyi asal Inggris yang pernah tampil di Jakarta, mengenakan kaos hitam bertuliskan “JAKARTA” di bagian depan. Dengan enerjik, Jessie J melantunkan lagu-lagu hits-nya, termasuk single keempatnya tahun ini berjudul “Masterpiece”. Setelah berganti baju, Jessie J menyanyikan dua lagu terakhirnya, “Price Tag” dan “Bang Bang”, sebagai penutup perlehatan akbar Java jazz Festival 2015. Selama 3 hari, berbagai musisi dari segala penjuru dunia berkumpul di Jakarta untuk mengekspresikan kepiawaian mereka bermusik dalam ajang Java Jazz Festival 2015. Walaupun mereka mempunyai latar belakang dan bahasa yang berbeda, namun semuanya bersatu dalam satu bahasa universal yang dinamakan musik, dikemas dengan alunan rangkaian nada yang indah. (NDR/IND/NDR/NDR) 115 WHAT’S UP WORLD ADA APA SIH DENGAN APRIL MOP Jika Anda dengar teriakan “April Mop!” pada tanggal 1 April, berarti Anda merupakan salah satu orang yang baru saja dikerjai! Pada tanggal 1 April ini, orang mempercayai bahwa sah-sah saja untuk mengerjai orang lain. Teks: Michael Henry Goeinawan T entunya Anda pernah mendengar istilah “April Mop” bukan? Hari yang mengesalkan jika kita menjadi salah satu korbannya. April Mop yang juga di kenal sebagai April Fools’ Day dalam bahasa Inggrisnya, diperingati setiap tanggal 1 April. Pada tanggal 1 April, orang dianggap boleh berbohong atau mengerjai orang lain tanpa dianggap bersalah. Hari ini ditandai dengan candaan serta keisengan lainnya terhadap keluarga, musuh, tetangga bahkan teman sekalipun dengan tujuan untuk mempermalukan orang-orang yang mudah ditipu. Beberapa negara seperti Inggris dan Australia serta Afrika Selatan, lelucon April Mop hanya boleh dilakukan sampai siang hari saja, atau sebelum siang hari. Seseorang yang memainkan trik setelah tengah hari disebut sebagai “April Mop”. Namun di tempat lain seperti Kanada, Perancis, Irlandia, Italia, Rusia, Belanda, dan Amerika Serikat lelucon bebas dimainkan sepanjang hari. Hari April Mop diduga mulai diperingati pada abad ke 16 di Perancis. Menurut keterangan di sebuah website, pada jaman dahulu awal tahun baru jatuh pada tgl 1 April. Kemudian pada tahun 1562, Paus Gregory memperkenalkan kalender baru yang tahunnya diawali bulan Januari. Tetapi ada beberapa kalangan yang belum dengar atau tidak percaya adanya perubahan ini. Jadi mereka terus memperingati tahun baru pada tanggal 1 April. Orang-orang menyebut 1 April sebagai April Mop atau secara harafiah berarti orang2 yang tertipu di bulan April. Dugaan lainnya adalah hasil penelitian seorang profesor sejarah di Universitas Boston bernama Joseph Boskin mengatakan bahwa April Mop dimulai pada masa pemerintahan Constantine. Constantine yang 116 humoris memperbolehkan badut istana bernama Kugel untuk menjadi raja selama satu hari. Selanjutnya, badut tersebut mendeklarasikan tanggal 1 April sebagai day of absurdity atau hari yang tidak masuk akal yang kemudian menjadi acara tahunan dengan sebutan April Fools’ Day. Tidak hanya candaan dari mulut ke mulut saja, media massa juga sering ikut memainkan lelucon pada hari yang dianggap wajib untuk berbohong. Salah satu kelakar yang sukses disiarkan media adalah acara yang pernah dilansir Panorama, acara TV BBC Inggris tahun 1957. Penyiarnya mengatakan musim semi datang lebih awal tahun ini, dengan demikian panen spaghetti muncul lebih awal. Laporan ini disertai video yang menggambarkan wanita petani yang sedang memanen spaghetti dari pohon. Tak lama setelah ditayangkan, BBC kebanjiran telepon yang menanyakan di mana persisnya acara panen itu dan dimana mereka bisa membeli pohon spaghetti! Walaupun bertujuan untuk menghibur atau mengerjai orang, ternyata lelucon April Mop juga memiliki efek samping yang cukup tragis. Liputan berita di media yang terbit pada tanggal 1 April sering dianggap sebagai rutinitas lelucon bagi orang-orang yang memperingatinya sehingga mereka meragukan kebenaran berita tersebut. Tsunami April Mop di Hawaii pada 1 April 1946 misalnya. Tsunami ini membuat 165 orang di Hawaii dan Alaska meninggal karena banyaknya orang yang tidak percaya liputan berita akan datangnya tsunami tersebut. Di Hawaii, tsunami tersebut dikenal dengan “Tsunami April Mop”. (MHG/IND/MHG/NDR) PAUSE Kirim jawaban Anda dengan cara: follow dan mention twitter @viewmgz serta @holycow_radal dengan #ViewPause sebelum tanggal 15 April 2015. @viewmgz @holycow_radal [Nama] [Kota] [Usia] [Jawaban] #ViewPause
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