The IVR Newsletter jan 1997


The IVR Newsletter jan 1997
IVR Newsletter
July 1996-December 1996
No. 20 ISSN 0256 - 937X
Editor: Carla Faralli, University of Bologna, Italy. Associate Editors: Francesco Belvisi, University of Modena, Italy;
Pierluigi Chiassoni, University of Genoa, Italy. IVR Web Master: Giovanni Ziccardi, CIRFID, University of Bologna,
Italy. This issue was compiled with the help of dr. Mario Luberto and dr. Annalisa Verza.
IVR Newsletter is published twice a year in June and December to be distributed in July and January respectively.
Material to be published should be sent to the Editor by 1st June for the first issue and by 1st December for the
second. While every effort is made by the Editors to see that no inaccurate or misleading data appear in their
contributions, they wish to make it clear that the form and content of all the other contributions are the sole
responsibility of the authors.
Addresses: CIRFID "H. Kelsen", Via Zamboni 27-29, I-40126 Bologna, Italy, tel: +39/(0)51-277211, fax: +39/(0)51260782. E-mail:, URL:
Section One: IVR Announcements. 18th IVR World Congress (La Plata/Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 10-15,
1997), p. 1. Call for Proposals of Nominees for the Next IVR Executive Committee, p. 8. IVR Prize 1997, p. 8. 19th IVR
World Congress (New York, USA, June 25-30, 1999), p. 8. 20th IVR World Congress (Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
June 20-24, 2001), p. 9. Proceedings of 17th IVR World Congress (Bologna, June 16-21, 1995), p. 9. IVR Web Page, p.
15. Section Two: Chronological Summaries and Reminders. IVR Future Events, p. 16. Reminders, p. 16. Section
Three: National Sections News, Announcements and Records. Amintaphil, p. 16. Brazil, p. 17. Bulgaria, p. 17.
Canada, p. 17. Chile, p. 17. Colombia, p. 18. Denmark, p. 18. Finland, p. 18. Germany, p. 19. Greece, p. 19. Hungary,
p. 20. Italy, p. 20. Japan, p. 22. Mexico, p. 23. The Netherlands, p. 23. Romania, p. 23. Russia, p. 23. Slovakia, p. 23.
Sweden, p. 23. Switzerland, p. 23. United Kingdom, p. 24.
Dates and venues
The Congress will be held from Sunday August 10 through Friday August 15. Arrival should be scheduled by Sunday
10. The official opening of the meeting will take place in the afternoon, at the Golden Lounge of the La Plata City Hall
(12th St. between 51st and 53rd Sts., first floor), and a welcoming party for all participants will be held in the
This Congress will have two venues where the academic program will take place: the City of Buenos Aires (August 11
and 12) and the City of La Plata (August 14 and 15).The Closing Meeting of the Eighteenth World Congress will be held
on August 16 and diplomas will be delivered to all participants.
All participants will have the day off on August 13 and they will be invited to an ìasado criollo (typical Argentine
barbecue) in a traditional ìestancia (cattle ranch) in the Argentine Pampas, 80 Km from the City of Buenos Aires and
from the City of La Plata. On Tuesday 12, a Buenos Aires night tour will be organized to visit the historical city, the
seat of national bodies and other interesting spots. Tours around the City of La Plata will also be provided.
The academic program will take place at the School of Law of Buenos Aires National University, located at 2263
Figueroa Alcorta Avenue, and at the School of Law and Social Sciences of the La Plata National University, located at
48th Street between 6th and 7th streets, First Floor.
Participants may organize their post-Congress tours, to visit the most outstanding sites in Argentina - the Iguazú Falls,
the Valdés Peninsula (with its attractive whales), Bariloche, San Martín de los Andes, Usuahia, Calafate and the
Northern Region - and in the Republic of Uruguay - Colonia del Sacramento or Montevideo, distant 40 minutes away
from Buenos Aires by jet-foil or plane.
Academic Program
Different Types of Meetings: Three types of academic meetings have been considered:
a) Plenary Sessions, where papers will be read to all participants at the Congress, from 10.00 A.M. through 1.30 P.M.,
at the Assembly Hall of the Schools of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and La Plata, respectively;
b) Simultaneous Sessions, where different proponents will read invited papers and attending members will have the
possibility to participate in the subsequent discussion;
c) Workshops, where all members attending the Congress may read and discuss their papers.
Simultaneous Sessions will be held in the afternoon, from 3.30 through 8.00 P.M., at both Schools of Law.
Congress Topics: a) The Legal System: i. Norm and Action; ii. Legal Language and Interpretation; iii. Sources of Law,
Principle and Hierarchies; b) Argumentation and Justification: i. Reasons for Action; ii. Legal Reasoning; iii.
Justification of Judicial Decisions; c) Legal Logic: i. Normative Logic; ii. Theory of Static Systems; iii. Theory of
Dynamic Systems; d) Law and Computer Science: i. Theoretical Bases of Computer Sciences; ii. Databases and
Change of Theories; Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems; e) Ethics, Justice and Law: i. Human Rights, Bioethics
and the Environment; ii. Critical Theories of Law; iii. Justice and Natural Law; f) Political and Social Philosophy: i.
State functions and Resolution of Conflicts; ii. Authority, Democracy and Representation; iii. Sovereignty, National
State and Supranational Order.
Participants: Under the Honorary Presidency of Norberto Bobbio, Miguel Reale and George Henrik von Wright, the
following persons, inter alia, have confirmed their participation at the IVR Eighteenth World Congress: Alvarez Gardiol
(Argentina), Aulis Aarnio (Finland), Robert Alexy (Germany), Raphael Adebisi Akanmidu (Nigeria), K.B. Agrawal
(India), Manuel Atienza (Spain), Abel J. Arístegui (Argentina), Ignacio Ara Pinilla (Spain), Eduardo Barcesat, Eugenio
Bulygin (Argentina), Mario Castiglione, Ana Castro Cabanillas, Dante Cracogna, Miguel Ciuro Caldani, Carlos Cárcova,
Julio Cueto Rúa (Argentina), Albert Calsamiglia (Spain), Paolo Comanducci (Italy), Elías Díaz (Spain), Ralf Deier
(Germany), Nicolás Etcheverry (Uruguay), Carla Faralli (Italy), Martín Farrell (Argentina), Alfredo Fernández Vicente
(Uruguay), Jean Louis Gardiez (France), Ernesto Garzón Valdez (Germany), Letizia Gianformaggio (Italy), Olsen
Ghirardi, Ricardo Guibourg, Ricardo Guarinoni (Argentina), Riccardo Guastini (Italy), Pedro F. Hooft (Argentina),
Werner Krawietz (Germany), Mikael M. Karlson (Iceland), Massimo La Torre (Italy), Lars Lindahl (Sweden), María
Teresa López, Pablo López Ruf (Argentina), David Mackinson (Great Britain), Antonio Martino (Italy), Carlos Ignacio
Massini (Argentina), Juan Ruiz Manero (Spain), Rex Martin (United States), Neil McCormick (Great Britain), José Juan
Moreso (Spain), Daniel Mendonca (Paraguay), Javier Muguerza (Spain), Tecla Mazzarese (Italy), Vladic Nersessiant
(Russia), Enrico Pattaro (Italy), Alexander Peczenick (Sweeden), Antonio Pérez Luño (Spain), Carlos Pettoruti, Mario
Portela (Argentina), Gregorio Robles Morchón (Spain), Wojciech Sadowski (Australia), Tercio Sapaio Ferraz (Brazil),
Agustín Squella Narducci (Chile), Héctor H. Segura (Argentina), Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki (Poland), Oscar Sarlo Oneto
(Uruguay), Robert Summers (United States), Juan Carlos Smith (Argentina), Alice Tay (Australia), Rolando Tamayo y
Salmorán (México), Roberto Vernengo (Argentina), Antal Visegrady (Hungary), Robert Walter (Austria), Ota
Weinberger (Austria).
Registration Fee
Except for members of the IVR Executive Committee, all those wishing to participate should deliver the Advance
Registration Form attached hereto and pay a registration fee of Two Hundred and Fifty U.S. Dollars (U.S.$ 250.00).
Registration fee for accompanying persons will be One Hundred and Twenty-Five U.S. Dollars (U.S.$ 125.00).
Registration fees are payable in any of the following ways: a) By check issued to the order of Asociación Argentina de
Filosofia del Derecho, Calle 37, entre 1 y 115 , CP 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina; b) By bank draft to Banco
Credito Comercial, Head Office in the City of La Plata , Avenida 7 esquina 50 issued to the order of Asociación
Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho, Account No. 800-20349/0; c) By Traveler Checks, to the order of Asociación
Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho.
The registration fee entitles participants to:
a) request the CD-ROM with Congress communications and informative material.
b) participate, free of charge, in the Welcome Party.
c) participate, free of charge, in the Argentine barbecue, with cost-free transportation to the cattle ranch (estancia) in
the Argentine Pampas.
d) participate, free of charge, in the Farewell Party.
e) free transportation between the two venues of the Congress, at the specified time and places.
Congress Information and Correspondence
All information or correspondence related to the IVR Eighteenth World Congress should be delivered to the following
Asociación Argentina De Filosofía Del Derecho
Calle 37, Número 268 (entre 1 y 115)
(1900) La Plata
Phone: (54) (21) 24-2503
Fax: (54) (21) 25-8816
E-Mail: aarfilde/
Web-Site Address:
Congress Papers, Communications and Works
Participants should deliver their Papers or communications not later than May 30, 1997. A CD-ROM, that will be
delivered to all and every participants at the time of registration or accreditation, will be prepared with all papers and
communications received prior to such deadline.
In order to facilitate the reading of congress papers, participants will be provided with CD-ROM reading devices in the
respective venues of the Congress, in the cities of Buenos Aires and La Plata. In order to facilitate the CD-ROM
preparation, interested parties are requested to submit their communications or papers as follows:
Recorded on two (2) 3.5 diskettes, with DOS format (FAT file system). Document formatted in any of the usual word
processors (Word for Windows, Word Perfect, Wordstar, Write, Wordpad, etc., in any of their different versions).
Back-up Copy. The Congress organizers would appreciate it if each diskette with the original formatted document
includes an unformatted copy of the text, i.e. only text.
The text should be written in any of IVRís official languages: German, Spanish, French and English.
Communications should be written for reproduction in no more than fifteen (15) A-4pages and include the authorís
name and a summary of the paper which should not exceed 200 words.
Congress Venues: Buenos Aires and La Plata
The Congress will have two venues: the Cities of Buenos Aires and La Plata.
Buenos Aires is the Capital City of Argentina, seat of national bodies, the Executive, the Legislative Power and the
Supreme Court of Justice. According to data obtained in the latest census, carried out in 1990, it has 2.7 million
inhabitants; however, 14 million people -almost 40% of Argentinaís population - live within a range of 50 Km
surrounding Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires was founded by Spanish colonizers in the XVI century, on the banks of the River Plate, the widest river
in the world, that is part of its boundary with the Republic of Uruguay. It is a modern city whose architectonic styles
give it a European appearance which, together with its own profile, its districts, streets and gardens, make it a
particularly attractive city.
The city of Buenos Aires is the most important cultural center in Argentina; the Buenos Aires National University
(U.B.A.), with 150,000 students, is the Stateís higher education center; besides, there are various confessional and
non-confessional private universities. The Colon Theater, the Fine Arts Museum and the National Library are symbols
of the Cityís culture.
The city has an intense cultural activity with public and private libraries, theaters, cinemas and auditoriums. It is also
a financial center, the most important in the country, and leading U.S., European and Asiatic banks have branches in
Buenos Aires. Subways, trains and buses, public and private cabs are its usual transportation means.
Furthermore, Buenos Aires has an intense commercial life, with outstanding stores - particularly those located on
Florida and Santa Fe streets, and attractive shopping centers, such as Patio Bullrich, Galerías Pacífico, Paseo Alcorta
and Alto Palermo. It also has many cafés, among which it is worth mentioning the typical ìTortoni Café on Avenida de
Mayo, ìLa Biela and Café Victoria, at the elegant ìRecoleta promenade and ìClásica y Moderna, located half a block
from the intersection of Córdoba and Callao avenues.
In Buenos Aires, it is worth visiting typical places where the universal ìArgentine tango is danced: Sunday afternoons
at the Dorrego Plaza in the San Telmo district, Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Caesar Park Hotelís lobby, and many
other tango places in San Telmo and other public squares in Buenos Aires, where visitors may enjoy tango all week
La Plata is the Capital City of the Province of Buenos Aires. It was founded in 1882 due to the need to solve a major
political problem for the country, i.e. to avoid the influence of the national authorities on the political life of the
provinces belonging to the federation of states and, particularly, the Province of Buenos Aires. Its creation has been
conventional in all respects.
Unlike other cities of the country, the layout of the City of La Plata has been well planned - its streets are numbered,
as in New York, and there is a square or green area every six streets. Almost all its streets are lined with trees and
its Civic Center, located at Plaza Moreno 12th through 14th streets, between 50th and 54th streets, comprises
buildings designed by German architects (the City Hall and the Cathedral).
According to data obtained from the 1990 census, the City of La Plata has 600,000 inhabitants and it has many
administrative buildings because it is the seat of the three powers of the Province of Buenos Aires. It harbors a stateuniversity - the National La Plata University, with 35,000 students, and a private university with 6000 students. Both
universities constitute La Plataís higher education centers.
La Plata has always been proud of its Natural Sciences Museum, at the Paseo del Bosque, that houses more dinosaurs
than the New York Natural History Museum. The Paseo del Bosque is a particularly beautiful and attractive site which
also comprises the Astronomic Observatory, the Walk of the Poets, the Zoo and the lake .
The City of La Plata has two business centers, at 8th and 12th streets. Although it is a large city, relations are still
personalized and it is easy to walk from one place to another. Beer saloon bars, coffee shops and restaurants around
its business centers and at the city gate, are the usual entertainment or meeting places when the working day is over.
Various cinemas and two theaters offer recreation possibilities.
Traveling to Argentina
By Airplane: U.S. airlines (American and United Airlines) and European and Latin American airlines, have daily, nonstop flights from capital cities to the ìGeneral Pistarini Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires. Flying time from
New York to Buenos Aires is 10 hours and from European capital cites (Madrid, Rome, Paris, London, Frankfurt) 10-12
Flying time from Montevideo (Uruguay) is 40 minutes, from Asunción (Paraguay) 1 hour, from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
2h30, from Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2 hours, from Santiago (Chile) 1h20, from La Paz (Bolivia) 2 hours, from Lima (Perú) 4
hours, from Caracas (Venezuela) 7 hours, from Bogotá (Colombia) 5 hours, from Quito (Ecuador) 6 hours, from the
City of Mexico (Mexico) 8 hours.
There are also various daily flights connecting Miami, Florida (U.S.A.) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) and flying time is
about 8h30.
Ezeiza-Buenos Aires Distance: There is a 30 minute drive from the ìGeneral Pistarini Ezeiza International Airport to the
City of Buenos Aires and the following transportation means are provided:
a) Usually airlines provide a bus service for their passengers free of charge; it may be delayed because it is
necessary to wait for all passengers to pick up their baggage. Passengers arrive at the airlineís headquarters and
buses may make stops on the way, upon request.
b)A second alternative would be to request the services of a cab. In this case, there are two possibilities:
Once they have left the Migrations Office, arriving passengers see an office of the ìManuel Tienda Leon company,
where they can hire a cab; maximum delay is 10 minutes. Their baggage is carried from this office to the cab and the
cost of such service from Ezeiza to the heart of Buenos Aires is U.S.$ 35-45.
There are other cab services that do not have an office at the airport and the drivers invite passengers to hire them as
soon as they leave the Migrations Office door; you have to negotiate prices with them and, if you come to an
agreement, they will carry your baggage to the car. These cabs are slightly cheaper than the others and charge U.S.$
These costs include the turnpike toll but sometimes cab drivers request passengers to pay it. Therefore, it is
convenient to tell cab drivers that you will not be paying the toll before you start the trip.
Ezeiza-City of La Plata Distance: The only direct transportation option is by hiring a cab. It is a 1h05-1h15 drive and
the cab services are in the order of U.S.$ 60-75. It is necessary to tell the driver that he has to go by the road leading
to Monte Grande or, otherwise, by Camino Negro or Camino de Cintura, through Bridge 12.
There is also an alternative to reach La Plata by train or bus. In this case, passengers should move to the City of
Buenos Aires and take any of the transportation means that are mentioned below, in the ìBuenos Aires-La Plata
Transportation section.
Hotel Reservations
August is a very special month in Argentina. It is the beginning of the second university semester, after the Winter
holidays, and many national and international congresses and seminars are held at this time of the year.
Consequently, hotel reservations by March or Aprilí 97 are advisable. Participants will have the option to stay in the
City of Buenos Aires or in the City of La Plata.
The following is a list of suggested hotels in both cities, including prices and hotel reservation phone and fax numbers:
Buenos Aires
DAILY RATE (single
or double room)
U.S.$ 230 + 21%
breakfast included
U.S.$ 230 + 21%
breakfast included
U.S.$ 120
taxes and breakfast
U.S.$ 123
taxes and breakfast
U.S.$ 110
U.S.$ 105
U.S.$ 88
U.S.$ 106
U.S.$ 80
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
Interested parties should contact the aforementioned five-star hotels directly, stating that they will be participating at
the Eighteenth World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, sixty (60)
days before the Congress opening date, to the following phone or fax numbers:
CAESAR PARK HOTEL Phone (54) (1) 819-1100 Fax (54) (1) 819-1121
HYATT PARK HOTEL Phone (54) (1) 326-1234 Fax (54) (1) 326-3736
Should you decide to make a reservation in any other hotel in Buenos Aires, please contact the Congressí Travel Agent
in Buenos Aires, Hispanya Viajes S.R.L., San José 21, (1076) Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone and fax: (54) (1) 3488011
La Plata
Single Double
U.S.$ 88
U.S.$ 100
U.S.$ 54
U.S.$ 73
U.S.$ 50
U.S.$ 70
U.S.$ 49
U.S.$ 66
U.S.$ 47
U.S.$ 74
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
taxes and breakfast
For La Plata hotel reservations, contact the headquarters of Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho, La Plata.
Buenos Aires-La Plata Transportation
As the Congress will have two venues - La Plata and Buenos Aires, many participants will probably stay either in
Buenos Aires or La Plata. For their transportation, a daily free bus service will be leaving the School of Law and Social
Sciences of La Plata (48th between 6th and 7th streets) at 8.15 A.M. and returning to La Plata, from the School of Law
of Buenos Aires, at 8.30 P.M. and another free bus service will be leaving the School of Law of Buenos Aires at 8.30
A.M. and returning from the School of Law and Social Sciences of La Plata (48th between 6th and 7th streets) at 8.15
Those willing to travel by themselves, will have the following alternatives:
a) Regular Bus Lines
Expreso Río de la Plata: Bus arrivals and departures at La Plata Terminal Station, located at 4th street between 41st
and 43rd; in Buenos Aires: i) Retiro Station (Plaza de los Ingleses) (1 hour from and to La Plata), ii) Constitución
Station (1h10 from and to La Plata), iii) 9 de Julio Ave. in the intersection of Corrientes, Córdoba and Santa Fe
avenues (1h15-1h25 from and to La Plata) and iv) Plaza Once (1h30 from and to La Plata). Departures every 10-20
minutes from 5 A.M. to 1 P.M.
There are two types of buses : non-stop and regular buses, with intermediate stops. The above traveling times are
referred to non-stop buses.
The closest destination to the Congress venue in Buenos Aires is Retiro Station, only 15 minutes walk from the School
of Law.
Costera Criolla: It is the second bus company connecting La Plata with Retiro Station in Buenos Aires. Non stop or
charter buses and regular buses depart every 40 minutes or 1 hour, from 5 A.M. to 1 P.M. The trip takes 1-1h10.
Arrivals and departures at La Plata Terminal Station and inside the Bus Terminal Station (Retiro Station, Buenos
One-way tickets are U.S.$ 4.00 and round tickets U.S.$ 8.00. The cost of the bus to and from the Congress seats U.S.$ 1.00 each way - should also be considered. Participants may also travel from the Bus Station in Buenos Aires
and La Plata to the Congress venues by cab - considering two trips per day the cost would be U.S.$ 5.00.
The General Roca Railway runs regularly from La Plata to Buenos Aires and vice versa, with departures every twenty
minutes. Departures and arrivals at La Plataís railway station, 1st and 44th streets, and in Buenos Aires, at
Constitución Station. Traveling time is 1-1h10. The cost of a round trip is U.S.$ 3.50 and one-way tickets are U.S.$
2.00 each.
The Constitución Station is 30 minutes away, by bus, from the Congress venue in Buenos Aires, and the daily cost for
two trips is U.S.$ 3.00. Cabs take 20 minutes to reach the Congress venue and one-way fare is in the order of U.S.$
6.00. From suggested hotels to Constitución Station there is another alternative - the subway, only 10 minutes ride,
and the cost of a one-way token is U.S.$ 1.00.
c)Private and Public Cabs and Mini-Buses
Private and public cabs are available. The cost of a one-way trip is in the order of U.S.$. 40-45. Waiting time is
charged U.S.$ 5.00 per hour. Consequently, the cost of hiring a cab per day would be about U.S.$ 100.00.
Mini-buses are an interesting alternative. They have a maximum capacity for 8 passengers and daily cost of a round
trip is in the order of U.S.$ 90.00.
Social Events
The organizers are planning various social events to encourage relations between the participants in a pleasant
atmosphere and accompanying persons are cordially invited to participate:
a) The Welcome Dinner to be held on Sunday August 10 at 9.00 P.M.
b)The Asado Criollo Argentine barbecue party, where besides enjoying the exquisite Argentine traditional barbecue,
participants will have the chance to visit a Pampean ìestancia, a beautiful XIX century cattle-ranch. It will be a full-day
tour, on August 13. The trip to the cattle-ranch will be 1h30 from Buenos Aires or La Plata.
c)The Farewell Dinner will be held on Saturday August 16 at 9.00 P.M..
d)A Buenos Aires night-tour (August 12, as from 8.30 P.M.) and tours in the city of La Plata will be organized, to visit
the most attractive spots.
Tourist Information
Post-Congress Tours: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are very attractive destinations for post-Congress tours. In
Argentina, we suggest the following tours that take 2, 3, 4 or 7 days:
a) Iguazú Falls
b) Argentine North-East Region
c) Mendoza and Santiago de Chile
d) Bariloche and San Martín de los Andes
e) Valdés Peninsula
f) Calafate, ìPerito Moreno glacier
g) Ushuaia
National tours, if combined with the purchase of the international ticket to Argentina, will have special rates including
destinations within Argentina.
Airline Rates: Ticket rates from U.S.A. or Europe may be surprising due to the fact that, depending on the time of the
year, it may be cheaper to buy tickets in Argentina or abroad. For comparison purposes, we list IBERIAís rates for
international flights from the places of origin to Buenos Aires, if tickets are bought in Argentina:
Frankfurt (U.S.$ 1,198), Berlin (U.S.$ 1,191), Hamburg (U.S.$ 1,191), Düsseldorf (U.S.$ 1,193), Madrid (U.S.$ 1,235),
Paris (U.S.$ 1,193), London (U.S.$ 1,260), Geneva (U.S.$ 1,141), Milan (U.S.$ 1,206), Rome (U.S.$ 1,205), Zurich
(U.S.$ 1,417), Amsterdam (U.S.$ 1,505), Brussels (U.S.$ 1,566), Vienna (U.S.$ 1,718). These rates include taxes in
the country of origin, taxes at Ezeiza airport and cost of transport.
Iberia is the company that has been awarded the privatization contract for ìAerolíneas Argentinas, the Argentine stateairline.
For post-congress tours or any other clarification concerning international ticket rates and the possibility to combine
them with domestic flights, we suggest that you contact the travel agent Hyspania Viajes S.R.L., San José 21, (1076)
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fax and phone number: (54) (1) 384-8011.
Argentine Currency
The legal tender in Argentina is the Peso. One Argentine Peso ($ 1.00) is equivalent to one U.S. Dollar (U.S.$ 1.00). In
Argentina, there is a peso-dollar convertibility and you may use any of them indistinctly. Most stores, restaurants and
hotels accept payment in U.S. dollars.
During the last four years, the Argentine currency has been very stable with reference to the U.S. dollar and no
changes were recorded. As regards foreign exchange, dollars are easily exchanged for pesos at hotels. However,
banks offer a better rate of exchange for all foreign currencies.
Please find here below a copy of the Congress Registration Form.
Registration Form
Last Name:
First Name:
Degree (Prof., Dr., Mr., Mrs., Ms):____________________________________Sex
Institutional Affiliation:
Mailing Address (Include Post Code):
Telephone: _______________ Fax: _______________E-mail:
Names of Accompanying Persons:
Topic/title for a possible paper to be
Specify whether you will be attending the following social events:
I. Welcome Party Yes ..... No....
II. Asado Criollo at an Estancia Yes..... No....
III. Farewell Party Yes... No....
IV. Buenos Aires city-tour (August 12) Yes ..... No....
V. Tours in La Plata Yes ..... No....
Please confirm whether you prefer accommodation in
Buenos Aires ......
La Plata ......
I enclose herewith a money order for the amount
of ____________________________________________United States dollars, payable at bank
__________________________________________________________________________________of the city of La
I would like to make a reservation for ____single/double rooms at hotel __________________from ___/08/97 to
Pursuant to sec. 10 of the new IVR Statute, the election of the next IVR Executive Committee in New York 1999 has to
be prepared by a Nomination Committee. This Committee will be constituted at the La Plata Congress in 1997.
As provided by sec. 10 of the new IVR Statute, the Nomination Committee includes the following voting members:
a) the present members of the Executive Committee of the IVR (§ 8, Sec. 1 (a) to (e);
b) one representative of each National Section not represented by any committee member through (a.) above;
c) one representative of the members of the IVR who are not members of any National Section.
Each National Section as well as each member of the IVR is herewith requested to propose Nominees for the next
Executive Committee. Proposals should include a brief curriculum vitae and reasons for the nomination of the person
(e.g. important publications, merits for the IVR). They should be submitted to the President of the IVR at the following
address by May 31, 1997: Prof. Enrico Pattaro, IVR President, c/o CIRFID, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Via
Zamboni, 27/29, I-40126 Bologna, Italy.
The proposals of Nominees will be discussed by the Nomination Committee in Buenos Aires.
Before the 18th IVR World Congress a panel of referees appointed by the Executive Committee of the IVR in
conjunction with the Editorial Board of the ARSP will meet to examine the papers received for the IVR Young Scholarsí
Prize 1997. The prize winner will be awarded DM 2,000 and be given the opportunity to deliver a special ìIVR Prize
Lecture at the La Plata/Buenos Aires World Congress of the IVR. His/Her paper will be published in the ARSP. The
panel of referees can recommend other submitted papers for publication in the Congress Proceedings or in the ARSP.
The papers submitted are the following: Fernando Atria, Games and the Law: Two Models of Institution; Raphael
Cohen-Almagor, Boundaries of Freedom of Expression before and after Prime Minister Rabinís Assasination; Maria
Teresa Duque Orrego, Human Rights. From Universality to Cultural Relativism; Kay Goodall, Empirical Legal Theory
and Its Implications for Modern Philosophical Theories of the Legal System; Peter Hartmann, Legal Problems of
Artificial Intelligence; Nils Jansen, The Validity of Public Morality; Georgios Pavlakos, Persons and Norms: On the
Normative Groundwork of Discourse-Ethics; Bernhard Schmid, Philosophy of Human Rights as ìGrundnormbegründung;
Hege Stück, Subsumption and Weighing.
First Announcement
The Organizing Commitee of IVR-99 is pleased to announce that plans are well advanced for the 1999 World Congress
that is to be held in New York City from the 25th to the 30th of June, 1999 at the campus of Pace University in lower
The theme of the Congress: The Transformation of Legal Systems and Economies in an Age of Regional and Global
The program tentatively includes the following sub-topics: 1.The Impact of Scientific Discovery and Technological
Advances on Economic and Legal Institutions. 2. Multicultural Perspectives on Legal Reasoning, Epistemology, and
Moral and Legal Norms. 3. The Transformation of Fundamental Legal Concepts: Sovereignty, Property, Personal and
National Security, the Laws of War and Peace. 4. New Regional and International Alliances, the Amalgamation and
Dissolution of Empires: Social, Economic, and Legal Implications. 5. International Business, Finance, and Industry:
Evolving Concepts of Business Ethics and Law. 6. Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, and Liberal Democracy: Freedom of
Speech, the Press, Assembly, and Religion, and Evolving Concepts of Due Process and Equal Protection of the Laws. 7.
The World of Nature and Natural Resources: Evolving National and International Norms. 8. Juridical Models: Old and
New Constitutions and Political Systems. 9. Human Population Movements: National Borders, Asylum, Refuge, and
Citizenship. 10. The Impact of Customary and Religious Law. 11. The Rights of Women, Indigenous Peoples, Racial,
Ethnic, and Religious Minorities. 12. Human Rights: Individual Liberty and Government Authority; the Social, Economic,
and Cultural Rights of Groups. Some of these topics will be the focus of plenary and parallel sessions.
The Program Committee invites members of the IVR and its constituent organizations to submit nominations of
persons they believe should be invited to speak at plenary and parallel sessions. Such nominations should be
submitted as soon as possible to the Program Committee at this address: IVR-99, 105 Dow Hall, Pace University,
Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510, USA.
Phone: (914) 923-2637; Fax: (914) 923-2676; E-Mail:
If you would like to be on the mailing list for future announcements and other correspondence, please send your name
and address to the same office.
Burton M. Leiser, Chairman
IVR-99 Organizing Committee
The 20th IVR World Congress is to be held in Amsterdam in 2001, and its topic is ìPluralism and Law. Some
subthemes. (1) Justice: Human rights, Universal and local justice, Collective and minority rights, Globalizing the
welfare state and pluralism; (2) The State: State, nation and world, Federalism, Relationship between international
law and national law; (3) Global problems: Migration (political, economic), Development law and plurality of cultures;
(4) Legal reasoning: Universal and particular aspects of legal reasoning, Legal reasoning and plurality of values, Legal
expert systems.
Some organizing details. Congress Venue. Amsterdam, Free University, Tuesday 20 - Saturday 24 June, 2001. Daily
programme. Estimated number of participants: 600. Speakers. 12 speakers for plenary sessions; 12 speakers for
semi-plenary sessions. Workshops. Number: 432 (3 papers p/hour; 12 parallel-sessions; 3 hours a day; 4 days).
Schedule: 9-11: plenary sessions (2 speakers); 11.30-12.30: workshops; 13.30-14.30: semi-plenary sessions (3
speakers); 14.30-16.30: workshops; 17.00-18.00: plenary session (1 speaker); Congress Dinner: Saturday;
Excursions: Sunday. Organisation Committee: Arend Soeteman (President of the Committee), Ton Hol (President of
the Dutch section), Roel de Lange, Cees Maris, Theo Rosier. Address: A. Soeteman, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid,
Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel: +31-20-4446252, fax: +31-204446210, E-mail: A.Soeteman@Rechten.VU.NL
The following are the provisional indices of papers to be published in the Proceedings of 17th IVR World Congress held
in Bologna, June 16-21, 1995. The publication of all volumes is scheduled in the course of 1997.
(edited by Rex Martin and Gerhard Sprenger)
A.Rights in General.
Kenneth Campbell, The Variety of Rights
Jan R. Sieckmann, Basic Rights in the Model of Principles
Ulrich Penski, Partikularität des Rechts und Universalisierung von Rechten
Ghita Holmström-Hintikka, Rights and Responsibilities
Carol C. Gould, Group Rights and Social Ontology
Marijanne Pavcnik, Abuse of a Right
Hiroshi Matsuo, Historical and Theoretical Intimacy Between the Concepts of Rights and Property
B. Human Rights
Robert Alexy, Discourse Theory and Human Rights
Caridad Velarde Queipo de Llano, Universalism of Human Rights. The Case of Dworkin and his Critics
Mariachiara Tallacchini, Human Right to the Environment or Rights of Nature?
Donald Galloway, Constitutions, Civil Rights and Outsiders
C. Various Rights.
Juan Ignacio Ugartemendia and Joxerramon Bengoetxea, A Right to Disobey
Thomas D. Campbell, Communication Rights: Defaming Free Speech
Roger A. Shiner and Matthew Stephens, Advertising, Free Expression, and Public Goods
Emilios A. Christodoulidis, What Re-discovery of the polis?
William L. McBride, The Rights of 'Aliens' and of Other Others
Lukas H. Meyer, Can Actual Future People Have a Right to Non-Existence?
Hendrik Ph. Visser't Hooft, On Justice Between Generation Within the Environmental Context
Wieslaw Lang, The Concepts of Rights and the Rights of the Unborn
Beatriz S. Tomás Mallén, Belonging to a Sect as a Possible Limit to the Right of Choosing the Education of One's
Michael Corrado, Self-Defense, Punishment, and the State's Right to Detain
Philippe Brachet, Les Droits et Obligations des Usagers des Services Publics en France
(edited by André-Jean Arnaud and Peter Koller)
A: Law and Morality
Aulis Aarnio, Aleksander Peczenik, On Values. Universal or Relative?
David B Boersema, Rights and Moral Compromise
Albert W. Musschenga, Moral Conflicts and Two Levels of Incommensurability
Guido Pincione, On the Relative Stringency of Negative and Positive Moral Duties
Wade L. Robison, Hard Cases and Natural Law
Ching-Lai Sheng, Law and Morality- Their Main Differences and Degeneration
Annalisa Verza, Law, Morality and Tolerance: Hart and After
Raymond Wacks, Law's Empire: Judges, Truth, and Moral Accountability
D.A. Wood, The Moral and Power Dimensions of Law
B: Justice
Kenneth L. Avio, Discourse Ethics, Constitutional Contract and the Problem of Implementation: Application to
Aboriginal Rights
Agnes Heller, The Complexity of Justice (A Challenge to the 21st Century)
Pekka Riekkinen, The Power of the Supreme Court and the Death Sentence: "The Mystical Foundation of the Authority"
C: Culture
Fernando Galindo, Cultural Environment and the Concept of Law
Marjaana Kopperi, Social Fragmentation and Political Culture
Haraldur Ólafsson, Anthropology and the Possibility of Productive Social Dialogue
Paul van Aerschot, Juridification from the Point of View of Modernisation
(edited by Marijanne Pavcnik and Gianfrancesco Zanetti)
Hendrik Ph. Visserít Hooft, Introduction
A: Legal Positivism and Natural Law
Vittorio Villa, A Definition of Legal Positivism
Dimitar Radev, Das Natürliche und das Positive Recht
Machiel Karskens, Law and Ground
Joaquín R.-Toubes Muniz, Is Soft Positivism a Positivism?
Adejare Oladosu, Normative Positivism and Its Modern Critics
B: Some Examples of Different Theories
Wang Zhiyong, Le Positivisme Juridique dans la Chine Ancienne
Mario Luberto, Rationalistic Doctrine of Natural Law in Protestant Reform: the Thought of Philip Melanchton
Ian Stewart, Positivist Iusnaturalism in Spencerís Social Darwinism
Cristopher Berry Gray, Legal Formalism and Metaphysical Form
C: State, Law and Political System
Giorgio Bongiovanni, Rechtstaat and Grundnorm in the Kelsenian Theory
John P. McCormick, The Dilemma of Dictatorship: Carl Schmitt and Constitutional Emergency Powers
William E. Scheuerman, The Unholy Alliance of Carl Schmitt and Friedrich A. Hayek
Marianne Constable, Beyond Legal Positivism: ìWhere the State ends
D: Social and Legal Science
Kaarlo Tuori, Legal Science as/and Social Science
Olsen A. Ghirardi, Un problema epistemologico: La Distinction entre Derecho y Ciencia del Derecho
Hannu Tolonen, Rechtswissenschaft und rechtliche Theorien: ein Beispiel
Sophie Papaefthymiou, Law, Power and Social Interaction. Toward an Operational Social Theory
(Edited by A. Artosi, M. Atienza, H. Yoshino)
Introduction by N. MacCormick
A. Practical Reason
C. Alchourrón, On Law and Logic
Edward Blatnik, Nussbaum V. Derrida on Practical Reason
R. A. Guibourg, A Proposal on Action, Freedom and Meaning
Nancy Holland, The Theory/Practice Distinction Shows up in Practice: Some Thoughts on Epistemology and the Law
Friedrich Lachmayer, Norm und Situation
A. L. Nettel, Facts in Science and the Judicial Decision Application
Stavros Panou, Gesellschaftliche Rationalität
B. History of Deontics
C. A. Cabrera, On Contian Deontics
Alberto Artosi, Leibniz on Norms, Action and the Normative Foundation of Law
L. de Caro, Gerhard Ledigís Contribution to Deontics
Rauno Halttunen, Jörgen Jörgensen's Thesis II
A. Rossetti, Performativity in Jean-Louis Gardies
C. Computer Law
G. Finocchiaro, Network Liability in Electronic Operations
H. Gartska, Law and Information in Technology: a Philosophical Problem?
Olivier Hance and Philippe P.J. Meulders, Some Prospects about Self-regulation in the European Electronic
R. Lind, K. Sheperd, B. Weiner-Levitt, The Abuse of Computing Facilities and the Problems Posed by Information
Richard C. Turkington, Impact of Digital Technology on Personhood, Autonomy and Privacy Rights
Leo Van Der Wees and Pieter Kleve, Multimedia and Copyright
(Edited by A. Artosi, M. Atienza, H. Yoshino)
Introduction by N. MacCormick
A. Legal Computer Science
P. Baldini and F. Tura, Legal Drafting and Computer Science
J. P. Ballerini, A. Capelli, M. Palmirani, G. Sartor, F. Vitali, Norma-Data Base: A Relational Data Base for Handling and
Consolidating Legal Texts
Paola Benassi, Non-Classical Automated Theorem-Proving for Legal Reasoning
Marta Isabel Blaquier Ascaño, Sgml Applications to Legal Information
D. Bourcier, L'informatisation du droit
R.M. Di Giorgi, B. Inghirami and R. Nannucci, Hypermedia for the Law: New Communication Models
Elio Fameli, Models of ìIntegrated Intelligent Systems for Law
Vittorio Frosini, The Lawyer in Technological Society
Felix Gantner, Formulare und Rechtsinformatik
G. Governatori, Ideality and Subideality from a Computational Point of View
Ulrike Hahn and Carl Vogel, Note on Logicism: Formalization, Computation and Law
Michael Heather and B. Nick Rossiter, Law, Logic and Language in Legal Computer Science
Jorgen Karpf, Italian Law as a Mathematical Category
Dieter Merkl, Erich Schweighofer and Werner Winiwarter, Exploratory Data Analysis as a Means of Structuring Legal
Knowledge about Concepts and Documents
Henry Prakken and Giovanni Sartor, Argumentation Frameworks: The Missing Link between Arguments and Procedure
Daniela Tiscornia, A Methodology for the Representation of Legal Knowledge: Formal Ontology Applied to Law
Hajime Yoshino, The Logical Structure of Legal Meta-Inference
(Edited by R. Dreier, C. Faralli, W. S. Nercessiants)
Introduction by R. Vernengo
A. Law and Politics between Nature and History
C. Angarita Baron, Colombia: Comunidades Indigenas y Constitucion de 1991
Luigi Bagolini, David Hume on Legal Obligation and Sanction
G. Barden, Rethorics of Legitimacy
Asmund W. Born, The Catch 22 of Legal Regulation: A Communication Perspective on Law
Norbert Brieskorn, Plato's "Nomoi" - Food for Thought Again? At the Same Time a Look at H.Kelsen's "The Illusion of
C. Choi, Ancient and New Sources od Law: An East-Asian Perspective
Maria Elósegui, Communitarianism versus Liberalism on Interpreting Rights
Sirkku Hellsten, Political Liberalism: Metaphysics or Rhetoric?
Byron Kaldis, The Relation between Epicurean Physics and Law: A Hegelian Reading
D. R. Lea, The Erosion of the Liberal Identity through Communitarian Critiques
M. Mancini, Sovereignty, Law and Majority: The Contribution by F. P. G. Guizot
R. Martin and S. Griffin, Constitutional Rights and Democracy in the USA
M. P. Mittica, An Unexpected Control of Violence in the Stateless Society Represented in the Homeric Poems
Susumu Morimura, The Lockean Proviso and Libertarianism
A. Renteria Diaz, Judiciary and Society in Mexico
M. Sellers, Republican Legal Systems
Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Misleading Traditions. On Some Misunderstandings about Plato's and Aristotle's Legal Philosophy
B. National Reports
Elspeth Attwooll, The State of Legal Theory Research in the United Kingdom
T. Gizbert Studnicki and K. Pleszka, The Polish Legal Theory- An Attempt of an Overview
U. Neumann, Rechtsphilosophie in Deutschland seit 1945
Kazimierz Opalek, Legal Philosophy in Germany ater the II. World War
Baldassarre Pastore and Giuseppe Zaccaria, Italian Legal Hermeneutics
S. Popescu, Legal Philosophy in Romania: Past and Present
P. Savarese, The Philosophy of Existence and the Law in Italy
Mark Van Hoecke and François Ost, Jurisprudence in Belgium (1968-1993)
Francesco Viola, Italian Natural Law
(edited by Werner Krawietz, Enrico Pattaro, Alice Ehr-Soon Tay)
Editorial Preface
Introduction by Ota Weinberger
I. Legal State and Legalism in a Multi-Cultural Society
Joxerramon Bengoetxa, The Withering Away of the State at the Turn of the Millenium
Jørgen Dalberg-Larsen, Legal PluraIism in a Historical Perspective
Charles James Edward, The Future of Rights and Democracy in a Multi-Cultural Society
Aleksander Molnar, Autonomous Regional Law in the Postcommunist State
Henrik Zahle, Legal Polycentricity
Klaus Alexander Ziegert, The Cultural Differentiation of Legal Systems. A Theory Design for the Assessment of Legal
Change in Post-Communist Societies
II. Versions of Sovereignty in Modern Legal Systems: New and Old
William E. Conklin, The Secret Foundation of Sovereignty in Legal Positivism
Richard De George, The Many Faces of Sovereignty
Giovanna Gasparri, Vers des Nouvelles Formes de Souveraineté
Jürgen Habermas, The European Nation State - Its Achievements and Its Limitations. On the Past and Future of
Sovereignty and Citizenship
Anton Perenic, Must the Transition Necessarily Be an Uncritical Imitation?
Sybille Tönnies, Der basisdemokratische Diskurs und die Idee der Repräsentation
Michel Troper, Le Titulaire de la Souveraineté
III. Constitutionalism, Legalism and Rule of Law in Transition
Delf Buchwald, The Rule of Law: A Complete and Consistent Set of (Legal) Norms?
Janet M. Campbell, The Rule of Law: A Lesser of Two Evils
Sergio Cotta, Les Droits et l'État de Droit
Adam Czarnota, Meaning of the Rule of Law in Post-Communist Societies
Eerik Lagerspetz, Political Obligation and Constitutional Self-Destruction
IV. On Membership in Legal Communities: Nationality and Citizenship in Decline
Luca Baccelli, Citizenship and Membership
Michele Borri, European Citizenship and National Identities. Some Suggestions from a Comparative Research
David E. Cooper, Citizenship and Postconventional Consciousness
Peter Koller, Immigration and Citizenship. An Outline
Massimo La Torre, Citizenship and Beyond. Remarks on Political Membership and Legal Subjectivity
Anna Makolkin, Blood Icons, Sign of Exclusion and Citizenship Law
Jose Maria Rosales and Jose Rubio Carracedo, To Govern Pluralism: Towards a Concept of Complex Citizenship
V. On Self-Reproduction in Different Legal Orders
Alexander Bröstl, Challenges to the Rechtsstaat - Model in Slovakia
Yasuo Hasebe, The August Revolution Thesis and the Making of the Constitution of Japan
James W. Harris, China, Hong Kong and Divided Sovereignty after 1997
Ivan Padjen, Constitutionalism and Democracy in the International Community: Self:-determination in Former
Yugoslavia as a Test
Yanaki Stoilov, Different Aspects and Levels of the Separation of the Powers (Eastern Europe Countries Issues)
Guillermo Jorge Yacobucci, Democratic Legality and Development in Latin America. A Problematic Relationship
Yongliu Zheng, Two Challenges Facing the Chinese Legal System at the End of the Twentieth Century
(edited by Eugenio Bulygin, Burton M. Leiser, Mark Van Hoecke)
Editorial Preface
Introduction by Aulis Aarnio
I. New Legal Cultures and Normative Structures in a Global Community
Percy Black, Babel of Culture: Challenge to Law in the 1990's and Beyond.
Robert D'Amico, Three Kinds of Argument in Modern Political Philosophy: The Example of Populism
James F. Doyle, Legal Accomodation of Social Diversity
Kevin T. Jackson, Sovereignty, Citizenship and the Global Community: When Domestic Courts Adjudicate International
Human Rights
Gerhard Sprenger, Collective Morality and the Legitimation of Law
Antonio Tarantino, Person, Nature of Institution and Sovereignty
II. Rule of Law in National and International Communities
Erwin Bader, Theoretical Problems of Democracy and Law with Austriaís Joining the EU
Uta U. Bindreiter, Motivating the Direct Applicability of Community Law
Anna N. Georgiadou, Nouvelles Formes de la Souvéraineté et l'Union Européenne
Roberta Kevelson, Crises in International Law: Signs and Symptoms
Lech Morawski, The Rule of Law in the Welfare State
Bert van Roermund, Jurisprudential Dilemmas of European Law
III. Law and Economics
Theodore Benditt, Rights: Civil and Economic
Pililippe Gérard, Fairness, Consent and Political Obligation
Peter Lewisch, Doorkeepers of Justice? The Legal Services of Judges and Lawyers in an Economic Perspective
William N. R. Lucy and Catherine Mitchell, The Case for Stewardship - beyond Private Rights
Christian Schmidt, The Distinction between "Public" and "Private". An Economic Perspective
Herbert Wagner, Some Observations on the Relation of Law and Economy
Ross Zucker, Democracy and Economic Justice: Egalitarian Property in a Democratic Order
IV. Community Consensus and Individual Rights
Gustavo Gozzi, Fundamental Rights and Democratic Constitution. Trends in the Contemporary Debate in the FederaI
Republic of Germany
Leszek Leszczynski, Social Rights in Central and East European Constitutions: A Problem of Method of Regulation
Bente Puntervold Bø, Law and Asylum. The Use of Legal Means to Limit the Responsibility of the Nation State towards
Rosemary C. Salomone, Individual Rights, Community Consensus, and National Goals: The Challenge for Education in
a Pluralist Society
Roman Andrzej Tokarczyk, The Paradigm of Social Contract
Guodong Xu, Freedom of Emigration and the Gap between Urban and Rural Areas
V. Conformity and Deviance in Legal Behaviour - Legal Change in Criminal Law
Mario Cattaneo, Punishment and Human Rights
Wesley Cragg, Mens Rea and Its Twentieth Century Critics
Patrick. J. Hurley, American Criminal Defense in the Next Millennium
Hendrik Kaptein, Jumping to Conclusions in Criminal Law. Facts, Offenses and the Logic of Loose Ends in Between
Vincent Luizzi, New Technologies, New Punishments, and New Thoughts about Punishment
Lorenz Schulz, Time and Law. How Life-World Acceleration Affects Imputation in Criminal law
Barbara Weiner-Levitt, The Abuse of Computing Facilities and the Problems Posed by Information Highway: Case
Studies of Abusers Inside and Outside Academe
(edited by Eugene E. Dais, Roberta Kevelson, Jan M. Van Dunné)
Editorial Preface
Introduction by Dieter Wyduckel
I. Religious and Secularized Forms of Democratic Communities
Vincente De Paulo Barretto, On Tolerance and the Rule of Law
Yadh Ben Achour, Nature, Raison et Revelation dans la Philosophie du Droit des Auteurs Sunnites
Raimund Jakob, On Everyday Corruption in Politics. Legal-Psychological Considerations Concerning a Problem of
Modern Political Culture
Angel Juffras and Oscar Mohl, Democracy versus Theocracy in Israel
Burton M. Leiser, On the Evil Influence Religion Exerts upon the Law, and the Benign of Custom in Talmudic
José de Sousa e Brito, Ethics, Democratic Reason, and Law
Elizabeth H. Wolgast, Democracy: The Message from Athens
II. Modernity of Legal Post-Modernism
Ana Julia Bozo De Carmona, Postmodernism, Political Philosophy, and Philosophy of Law
Miguel Angel Ciuro Caldani, Iusphilosophical Understanding of Postmodernity
Brendan Joseph Edgeworth, Legal Postmodernization
David Nelken, Postmodernism and Regionalism: The New Frontiers of Law and the Nation-State
Ota Weinberger, Information and Human Liberty
III. Modern Law and Post-Modern Legal Theories
Simona Andrini, Post Modernism and Sociological-Juridical Theories
André-Jean Arnaud, Some Challenges to Law through Post-Modern Thought
Silvana Castignone / Carla Faralli, On Contemporary Normative Legal ReaIism and Philosophy of Law in Italy
Françoise Michaut, Deconstruction and Legal Theory
Alfred Neely, Law and Science of Chaos at the End of the 20th Century and beyond
Mark Parascandola, Singular Probabilistic Causation in the Law.
IV. Genetic Evolution, Bioethics, and the Law
Patrizia Borsellino, La Bioéthique: Un Domaine de Confrontation et d'Opposition entre "Modernité" et "Post-Modernité"
Richard A. L. Gambitta, Genetic Evolution, Technological Advancement, and the Foundation and Fate of the Law
Jakob D, Rentdorff, Legislation, Bioethics, Judgement
François Ost, Law, Technology and the Environment. A Challenge to the Great Dichotomies in Western Rationality
Juha Räikkä, On Global Environmental Ethics. The Uneasy Case for International Preservation of the Rainforest
Michael A. Simon, Law, Technology, and the Environment
Mark Van Hoecke, Men, Nature, and World View
V. Post-Modern Identity and Colonization of the Life-World
Wanda De Lemos Capeller, (Dé)Colonisation Culturelle ou "l'Habitude de Signer tout ce qui Est Étranger": Réflexions
sur le Post-Modernisme dans un pays tropical
Miguel Angel Herrera Zgaib, Typologies of Access to Justice in Colombia
Valentin Petev, Shall We Need a New Law for the 21st Century?
Luis Villar Borda, New Regional and Territorial Arrangement Policy in Colombia
VI. On Feminist Jurisprudence in a Postmodern Age
Letizia Gianformaggio, Time and Work - Private and Public
Marjet J. Gunning, In the Right Time: The End of the Woman-Identity in Law or Equality as the Right to Differ
Virginia Held, Feminist Morality and Rights
Barbara Ann Hocking and Alison Smith, Poetic (In)Justice: Women, Relationships, and Nervous Shock Law
Sybil Ann Schwarzenbach, On Civic Friendship
Patricia Smith, Motherhood, Equality, and Legal Change
Alina Zvinkliene, Womenís Rights in the Lithuanian Constitution
As already announced in the last issue of the IVR Newsletter, the IVR Web Server and relative IVR Home Page have
been set up and are now working at the following Internet address:
The first Web section is devoted to setting up a file of all present and future IVR Newsletters to be consulted on line.
From now on‚ the newsletters will be available not only in the traditional hard copy format, but also as an electronic
file. National Sections will be able to access IVR Newsletters on Internet, print them or store them in file format for
the most widely used word processing programmes.
The second section of the IVR Web Page lists each IVR National Section and their relative Home Pages.
I have the pleasure of informing members that some National Sections (e.g. Japan and Germany) have already
started to update their own Home Pages. All members technically equipped to use Internet (and its own Web page)
are warmly invited to supply news and updates, or simply to contact other countries on line.
Let me remind readers that each National Section has been supplied with an electronic mailbox: the respective e-mail
addresses have already been sent to the national representatives by post. All National Section e-mail addresses are
available on the IVR Web page.
Last but not least, following repeated requests, the instructions on how to update National Section Web Pages
published in the last issue of the Newsletter are listed again below for readers' convenience.
A Web page devoted to the IVR has been set up on Internet at the URL:
The format of the IVR page is by now identical to the IVR Newsletter hard copy and is therefore divided into two main
areas: (a) "IVR News", "IVR Announcements" and "IVR Chronological Summaries and Reminders", (b) "National
Sections", divided in alphabetical order into as many Web pages as there are IVR National Sections and containing the
three items "News", "Announcements" and "Records" to be run directly by each National Section.
Each National Section will be allotted (i) its own page on Web and (ii) an account, i.e., the possibility of constant
access to the server via the network (using the Telnet or ftp protocols) to allow each National Section to set up its
own page, update it and transfer the same to the IVR Web server; (iii) an e-mail address. Should the National Section
already have its own e-mail address, all messages sent to the new address can be automatically redirected to the
existing address on request.
Each National Section shall update its own page as follows: (1) If the national representative is familiar with the HTML
programming and network file transfer techniques, he/she shall create three HTML pages in the directory
corresponding to his/her country (entitled "news.htm", "annou.htm", "records.htm"), update them as instructed below
and transfer the pages to the IVR server. (2) If the national representative is familiar with the HTML language and
hence able to set up to pages, but unable to transfer the files via the network, he/she can send the pages to the IVR
Web Master either (a) as an attachment to an e-mail message to, or (b) on disk. In either
case the Web Master will insert the pages in the network. (3) If the national representative has no access to network
technology, he/she can still send the pages to be inserted on a disk in Word or RTF formats.
Please note that the Web Master cannot transcribe hard copy for the Web pages.
National Sections Web page update. On updating the National Sections pages each national representative shall only
add information and not cancel data so that the Web Master can make regular two-monthly check on back-up
information. When the back-up is completed, each National Section will be informed by e-mail that its information can
be updated and the old pages cancelled. This back-up operation will serve to create an electronic IVR file alongside the
traditional hard copy file.
Future programmes. The IVR Web page will evolve from being a simple framework for the IVR Newsletter into an
electronic back-up file of each issue published. In addition, following the suggestions we hope to receive from the
various National Sections we will be able to create a myriad of future possibilities offered by the Internet network
(discussion lists, useful addresses and links, multimedial fora).
Any comments and/or suggestions on changing the format of the IVR Web page are welcome.
Giovanni Ziccardi
IVR Web Master
Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 9, 1997: IVR EC Meeting.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 11, 1997: Meeting of the Presidents of IVR National Sections.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 12, 1997: IVR Nomination Committee Meeting.
La Plata/Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 10-15, 1997: 18th IVR World Congress.
New York, USA, June 25-29, 1999: 19th IVR World Congress.
New York, USA, June 1999: IVR EC Meeting.
New York, USA, June 1999: IVR Nomination Committee Meeting.
New York, USA, June 1999: Meeting of the Presidents of IVR National Sections.
New York, USA, June 1999: IVR General Assembly.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 20-24, 2001: 20th IVR World Congress
June 1, 1997: Deadline for receipt of material for the next issue of the IVR Newsletter.
To date only 21 National Sections have regularly paid their dues to IVR. Other Sections are urged to pay their
dues as soon as possible to IVR Account no. 020 2500119, Deutsche Bank SpA, Via Marconi 13, I-40122 Bologna,
Italy, Deutitmmpad ABI 3104 CAB 2400.
EC members who have not yet sent their curricula according to the format of those published in the last issue
of the IVR Newsletter are invited to do so.
The National Sections which have not not yet sent their lists of members are invited to do so.
We print below the news, announcements and records (including the lists of the members) we received from the
National Sections by December 31, 1996. The national sections of IVR are urged to send regular information which
should be divided into the three categories "News", "Announcements" and "Records" in line with the format of the IVR
Web page.
Records. Current Officials: President: Diana Tietjens Meyers. Department of Philosophy, University of Connecticut,
Storrs CT 06269-2054-USA, tel: 860-486-3587, fax: 860-486-0387, E-mail: . Executive
Director: Robert Moffat. Law School, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611-7625-USA, tel: 352-392-2245, fax:
352-392-3005, E-mail:
Members of the national section: Jacob Adler, Lawrence Alexander, Eric Anderson, Sidney Axinn, Randy E. Barnett,
Margaret P. Battin, Raymond A. Belliotti, Theodore Benditt, Edward Blatnik, David B. Boersema, George G. Brenkert,
John Brigham, Denis J. Brion, Joan C. Callahan, Robert Paul Churchill, David Copp, Michael L. Corrado, Wesley Cragg,
Ann Cudd, Randall R. Curren, John R. Danley, Kendall D'Andrade, Richard DeGeorge, Thomas Donaldson, David
Duquette, Gerald Dworkin, Abraham Edel, William Edmundson, Joseph S. Ellin, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Leslie P. Francis,
R. G. Frey, Marilyn Friedman, Alan E. Fuchs, John H. Garvey, Sidney Gendin, Rolf George, Emily R. Gill, Martin
Golding, Carol C. Gould, Christopher Gray, Leslie Green, Benjamin Gregg, Stephen M. Griffin, William S. Hamrick, H.
Hamner Hill, David A Hoekema, Laurence D. Houlgate, Fumihiko Ishiyama, Bernard E. Jacob, Andrew Janiak, Deborah
Johnson, David Kahane, Johann Klassen, Sherryl Kuhlman, Hugh LaFollette, Bruce M. Landesmann, Steven Lee, WinChiat Lee, Burton M. Leiser, Barbara Baum Levenbook, Douglas Lind, J. Ralph Lindgren, Loren E. Lomasky, Neil R.
Luebke, Vincent Luizzi, Alistair M. Macleod, Robin Paul Malloy, Rex Martin, Larry May, William L. McBride, Michael
McDonald, Joan McGregor, Diana Tietjens Meyers, Robert C.L. Moffat, Jan Narveson, Bill Nelson, Joel Newman, Jim
Nickel, Richard Nunan, John B. Oakley, Hans F. Oberdiek, Andrew Oldenquist, Daniel R. Ortiz, Eric W. Orts, Guang Wei
Ouyang, Richard Parker, Lucinda Joy Peach, Raymond Pfeiffer, Jerry Postema, Betsy Postow, Walter Probert, Laura M.
Purdy, George Rainbolt, Noel B. Reynolds, Rodney C. Roberts, Michael Robins, Wade Robison, John P. Rooney, John T.
Sanders, Lyman Tower Sargent, Mary L. Shanley, Frederick Schauer, Mark Sheldon, Roger Shiner, Michael Arthur
Simon, Thomas W. Simon, Patricia Smith, James Sterba, Robert A. Strikwerda, Alan Strudler, L. Wayne Sumner,
Nicolaus Tideman, Robert N. Van Wyk, Sheldon Wein, Carl Wellman, Patricia H. Werhane, Stephen W. White, Elizabeth
H. Wolgast, Arnulf Zweig.
Records. Current Officials. President: Miguel Reale. Av. 9 de Julho, 3. 147 - 6. andar, 01407-000 - São Paulo - SP Brasil, fax: (005511) 885-9397. Secretary: Tércio Sampaio Ferraz Júnior. Rua Armando Penteado, 304. 01242-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, fax: (005511) 825-8695. Treasurer: Celso Lafer. Rua Santa Isabel, 160 - c/23, 01221-010 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, fax: (005511) 825-8695.
Members of the national section. João Mauricio Adeodato, Vincente Barreto, Alaor Caffé Alves, José Eduardo Campos
de Oliveira Faria, Vamireh Chacon, Renato Cirel Czerna, Luiz Fernando Coelho, Paulo Condorcet, Goffredo da Silva
Telles Júnior, Cláudio de Cicco, Paulo de Freitas Mercadante, Paulo Dourado de Guzmão, Tarcício de Miranda Burity,
Evaristo de Moraes Filho, Luis Tinto Ferreira, Celso Lafer, Luis Luisi, Silvio Macedo, A. Machado Pauperio, André Franco
Montoro, Paulo Nader, Marcelo Neves, Miguel Reale, Nelson Saldanha, Joaquim Carlos Salgado, Têrcio Sanpaio Ferraz
Jr., Claudio Souto, Gláucio Veiga, Lourival Vilanova, Luis Alberto Warat.
Records. Current Officials. President: Neno Nenovsky. Insitut du Droit, 4, rue Serdica, 1000 - Sofia, Bulgarie. VicePresident: Gueorgui Boytchev. Secretary: Daniel Valtchev. Université de Sofia "S. Climent d'Ohrid", 15, blv. "Tsar
Osvoboditel", 1000 - Sofia, Bulgarie, tel: +359 281 5577, fax: +359 2 81 38 81. Treasurer: Valentin Gueorguiev.
Members of the national section: Gueorgui Boytchev, Michail Guenovsky, Valentin Gueorguiev, Michailina Michailova,
Dimitrina Milkova, Neno Nenovski, Dimitar Radev, Ianaki Stoilov, Rossen Tachev, Evgueni Tantchev, Lubka Tsenova,
Daniel Valtchev, Vladimir Zaharov.
News. The IVR Canadian section 1996 meeting took place as planned at Brock University in conjunction with the
Learned Societies meetings last spring. Well over 20 people participated. The sessions were lively and productive.
Announcements.The next annual meeting will be held in St. Johns in connection with the Learneds in 1997.
Information about those meetings will circulated by Michael Milde as his first act as a Executive Director.
Records. Current Officials. President: Brenda M. Baker. Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary, 2500
University dr. n.w., t2n 1n4 Calgary, Alberta- Canada, tel: (403) 220-5532, fax: (403) 289-5698, e-mail: Vice President Sheldon Wein. Executive Director and Treasurer: Michael Milde. Department
of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada n6a 3k7, tel. (519) 679-2111, ext. 5375, fax:
519-661-3922, e-mail:
Members of the national section: Páll S. Ardal, J.B. Ayoub, Kenneth L. Avio, G. Blaine Baker, Brenda Baker, Richard
W. Bauman, Anne Bayefsky, Marie-France Bich, J.E. Bickenbach, William W. Black, Elisabeth Boetzkes, Samantha
Brennan, Nathan Brett, Charles Blattberg, Richard Bronaugh, D.G. Brown, Alan Brudner, Steven. A.M. Burns, Lorenne
M.G. Clark, Judge Maxwell Cohen, William E. Conklin, David Copp, Pierre-André Coté, Tony Couture, Wesley Cragg,
Keith Culver, Eugene E. Dais, Edith Deleury, Wendy Donner, Ralf Dreier, Alan R. Drengson, David Dyzenhaus, Joseph
S. Ellin, Bruce P. Feldthusen, P. Fitzgerald, Richard Gervais, Patrick H. Glenn, Marc Gold, Andre Gombay, Christopher
B. Gray, Mane Hajdin, Michael Hartney, William Harvey, Lawrence Haworth, Barry Hoffmaster, William Hughes, Jack
Iwanicki, Cornelius Kampe, Patricia Kazan, Dennis Klimchuk, Robert A. Kominar, Guy Lafrance, Fred A. Laux, Georges
A. LeBel, Danièle Letocha, Ann Levey, John U. Lewis, Peter Loptson, Jim MacAdam, R.A. MacDonald, Alistair MacLeod,
Donald MacNiven, Randal Marlin, Michael MacDonald, D. Jeff McLaughlin, Bjarne Melkevik, Michael Milde, André
Mineau, Robert Moffat, J. W. Mohr, Jan Narveson, Eugene O'Sullivan, Guang Wei Ouyang, Henri Pallard, Raymond
Pfeiffer, Adrian Popovici, Dominique Rondi, Lyman Tower Sargent, Stephen Sharzer, Roger A. Shiner, Brian Slattery,
G.A. Smith, J.C. Smith, John T. Stevenson, Carole Stewart, L. Wayne Sumner, William Sweet, Claude Thomasset,
Mark Thornton, Elizabeth Trott, Catherine Valcke, Paul Viminitz, Wilfrid J. Waluchow, Dorothy Wayand, Sheldon Wein,
Alex Wellington, Sheldon Wein, John D. Whyte, Ian Winchester.
News: 1996, September 27, Symposium about Pure Theory of Law and presentation of the book Studies about Kelsen, Edeval: Valparaiso,
edited by Claudio Oliva. IVR National Sections can apply for a copy of this book to Agustin Squella, Casilla 123-V, Valparaiso, Chile.
1996, December, presentation of the Anuario de Filosofia Juridica y Social, n°13, edited by Chile National Section of IVR. IVR National
Sections could ask of this volume to A. Squella, Casilla 123-V, Valparaiso, Chile.
Records. Current Officials. President: Agustin Squella Narducci, Errazuriz 2190, Valparaiso, tel. 250792. Vice-President: Antonio Bascuñan
Valdes, Moneda 920 piso 6, Oficina 602, Santiago, tel. 698 2121. General Secretary: Nelson Reyes Soto, Av. Brasil 2950, Valparaiso, tel.
252193. Treasurer: Aldo Valle Acevedo, Bellavista 168 piso 18, Edificio Centenario, Valparaiso, tel. 212187.
Members of the national section: Jorge Acevedo Guerra, Enrique Aimone, Miguel Amunategui, Alvaro Anriquez, Pedro Ballacey, Enrique
Barros, Antonio Bascuñan Valdes, Susana Bonta, Bernardino Bravo, Crisologo Bustos, Ismael Bustos, Patricio Carvajal, Hector Carvallo,
Jose Luis Cea, Mario Cerda, Sergio Contardo, Marcelo Contreras, Jorge Correa Sutil, Andres Cuneo, Gabriel Del Favero, Manuel De
Rivacoba, Crescente Donoso, Percy Ecclefield, Jesus Escandon, Roberto Escobar, Alfredo Etcheverry, Ricardo Ferrada, Rodolfo Figueroa,
Hugo Fruhling, Edmundo Fuenzalida, Pedro Gandolfo, Abel Gonzalez, Felipe Gonzalez, Jose Luis Guzman, Luis Hernandez, Jorge Hubner,
Joaquin Garcia Huidobro, Gonzalo Ibañez, Hernan Larrain, Raúl Madrid Ramirez, Manuel Manson, Kurt Mardorff, Carlos Miranda, Marcelo
Montero, Eduardo Muñoz, Claudio Oliva E., Maximo Pacheco, Antonio Pedrals, Carlos Peña, Jorge Peña Vial, Luis Lizama Portal, Fernando
Montero, Eduardo Muñoz, Claudio Oliva E., Maximo Pacheco, Antonio Pedrals, Carlos Peña, Jorge Peña Vial, Luis Lizama Portal, Fernando
Quintana Bravo, Nelson Reyes, Pablo Ruiz - Tagle, Jaime Sepulveda, Juan Enrique Serra, Agustín Squella Narducci, Hugo Tagle, Marcelo
Toro, Jorge Ugarte, Fernando Valenzuela, Aldo Valle Acevedo, Jose Miguel Vera, Carlos Verdugo, Jaime Williams, Hugo Zepeda.
Records. Current Officials. President: Luis Villar Borda. Universidad Externado de Colombia, Calle 12 N° 1-17, este piso 6 bloque A, Bogotá
- Colombia. Secretary: Hernán A. Ortíz Rivas. Calle 12 No. 8-11, Piso 2°, Bogotá - Colombia.
Members of the national section: Jose Ignacio Abello, Dario Arizala Posso, Dario Botero Uribe, Jorge Carranza Pino, Rafael Carrillo Luquez,
Libardo Fuertes Morales, Numas A. Gil Olivera, Luis F. Gomez Duque, Oscar Julian Guerrero Peralta, Ruben Jaramillo Velez, Hernan A. Ortiz
Rivas, De Hernando Plaza, Guillermo Suarez Morines, Richard Tovar, Tomas Vasquez, Luis Villar Borda.
Records. Current Officials: Secretary responsible: Finn Collin. Department of Education, Philosophy and Rhetoric, University of
Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, DK 2300 Copenhagen S. Denmark, tel: Int. code +45 35 32 88 69, fax: Int. code +45 35 32 88 50. Treasurer:
Jes Bjarup, Juridisk Institut, Afdelingen for Retslære, University of Århus, Jurabygning 340, DK-8000.
Members of the national section: Jes Bjarup, Mogens Blegvad, Peter Blume, Asmund W. Born, Finn Collin, Jørgen Dalberg-Larsen, Inger
Dübeck, Hans Fink, Urban Forell, Nicolai Juul Foss, Lis Frost, Peter Germer, Peter Høilund, Henrik Gade Jensen, Stig Jørgensen, Jørgen
Karpf, Øjvind Knudsen, Noe Munch, Hanne Petersen, Sverre Raffnsøe, Anette Storgaard, Niels Waage, Per Walsøe, Henrik Zahle, Ulf
News. One of the main events of 1996 was the spring meeting of the Finnish National Section in March when the famous Italian
philosopher, professor Gianni Vattimo (Turin), addressed the public with a presentation entitled The Reconstruction of Rationality. Professor
Vattimo had attracted a considerable crowd of listeners, and so the meeting also turned out to be a success for the National Section in
informing the general public about its activities. Later in June, professor David M. Rasmussen (Boston College, USA) delivered a
presentation on current debates about justice entitled Rawls, Habermas and the Idea of Public Reason. In September, researcher Marina
Calloni (LSE, UK) presented a feminist critique of Habermas under the title Gender, Justice and Public Sphere.
Most of the resources of the National Section have this year been devoted to two national projects. The University of Helsinki hosts a
monthly lecture series entitled The Law of the Philosophers, organised in collaboration with the law students' association and the Institute
for Legal Theory. The series is mainly directed for students of law and philosophy as the official quota of the philosophy of law within the
curriculum has diminished drastically during the past few decades. With the series, the National Section also wishes to secure its continuity
by contributing to the education of a new generation of philosophers of law. This year the individual lectures are devoted to classics: Plato,
Aristotle, the Stoics, Locke, Rousseau, Kant and Hegel.
At the same time, the Finnish National Section and the Faculty of Law at the University of Turku have put together a lecture series entitled
"Ius Humanum" the life and work of Otto Brusiin, the "founding father" of Finnish philosophy of law. The lecturers include professor Aulis
Aarnio and professor Hannu Tolonen.
Recent and upcoming publications. Aulis Aarnio, Reason and Authority, Dartmouth, 1997. An anthology of Finnish philosophy of law, edited
by Aulis Aarnio, Ernesto Garzón Valdés and Jyrki Uusitalo, will be published in Spanish under the title La normatividad del derecho (Gedisa,
1997). Also the Otto Brusiin memorial lectures, including contributions by, e.g., Neil MacCormick and Carl Wellman, will be published by
Duncker & Humblot in 1997. The first issue of the review Associations will be out in March 1997.
Announcements. 26-28 September 1997, the Finnish National Section will organise together with the research project Domintern of the
University of Turku an interdisciplinary, Nordic symposium in Turku. The symposium is entitled Carl Schmitt- Philosophy, Law, Controversy,
and another famous Italian philosopher, professor Giorgio Agamben (Verona), is expected to deliver the key note address. Scandinavian
colleagues wishing for more details should communicate with the secretary of the Finnish National Section.
Records. Current Officials. President: Kevät Nousiainen. Faculty of Law, P. O. Box 4, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, tel: +358 0
19122684, fax: +358 0 19123108, E-mail: Vice-President: L. L. Lic. Kimmo Nuotio. Faculty of Law, P.O. Box 4
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, tel: +358 0 19122654, fax: +358 0 19123090, E-mail: Secretary: Panu
Minkkinen. Faculty of Law, P.O. Box 4 FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, tel: +358 (9)0 19122442, fax: +358 (9)0 19123090, E-mail:
Members of the national section: Aulis Aarnio, Mika Ainola, Kristina Andström, Eero Backman, Johan Bärlund, Aaron Bell, Niklas Bruun, Lars
D. Eriksson, Dan Frände, Juha-Matti Haarti, Juha Häyhä, Markku Helin, Sirkku Hellsten, Ari Hirvonen, Samuli Hurri, Niilo Jääskinen, Johanna
Jauho, Marjatta Juntura, Antero Jyränki, Urpo Kangas, Jukka Kekkonen, L.L.Lic. Kimmo Nuotio, Hannu Kiuru, Antti Kivivuori, Timo Korpiola ,
Martti Koskenniemi, Pekka Koskinen, Pirkko K. Koskinen, Rolf Koskinen, Jukka Kultalahti, Seppo Laasko, Eerik Lagerspetz, Raimo Lahti, Pia
Letto-Vanamo, Olli Mäenpää, Martti Majanen, Heikki Mattila, Panu Minkkinen, Gustav Möller, Teuvo Muttilainen, Liisa Nieminen, Ilkka
Niiniluoto, Kevät Nousiainen, Pekka Nyholm, Olof Olsson, Päivi Paasto, Väinö Partanen, Tarja Pellinen, Juhani Pietarinen, Juha Pöyhönen,
Juha Räikkä, Juha-Pekka Rentto, Kirsti Rissanen, Raimo Siltala, Martti Simola, Kauko Sipponen, Matti Suontausta, Outi Suviranta, Tapio
Takki, Jyrki Tala, Kari S. Tikka, Hannu Tolonen, Jarkko Tontti, Patrik Törnudd, Kaarlo Tuori, Terttu Utriainen, Jyrki Uusitalo, Liisa Uusitalo,
Paul Van Aerschot, Marcus Walhberg, Antti-Juhani Wihuri, Kauko Wikström, Thomas Wilhelmsson, Juhani Wirilander, Simo Zitting.
News. Recent Publications: A. Kaufmann, Recht, Person, Gerechtigkeit (Originalausgabe in japanischer Sprache), Kyoto: Showado-Verlag,
1996; K. A. Schachtschneider, Res publica res populi. Grundlegung einer Allgemeinen Republiklehre, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1995; W.
Schweidler, Geistesmacht und Menschenrecht, Freiburg/Munchen: Alber, 1994; C. Vulpius, Gustav Radbruch in Oxford. Zur Aufarbeitung
eines Kapitels länderübergreifender Rechtsphilosophie, Heidelberg: C.F. Muller, 1995.
Announcements. The General Assembly in Jena, 28.9.1996, decided that the next IVR conference of the German IVR section shall take
place in Frankfurt/Main 1998.
Records. Current Officials. President: Robert Alexy. Juristisches Seminar der Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Olshausenstraße 40-60, D24118 Kiel, tel: 0431-880 3543, fax: 0431-880 4329. Vice-President and Treasurer: Jan-R. Sieckmann. Juristisches Seminar der ChristianAlbrechts-Universität, Olshausenstraße 40-60, D-24118 Kiel, tel: 0431-880 3550, fax: 0431-880 4329.
Members of the national section: Hans Albert, Nikitas Aliprantis, Karin Althaus-Grewe, Michael Anderheiden, Kerstin Apel, Ottmar Ballweg,
Werner Becker, Frank Benseler, Norbert Bernhardi, Michael Bolowich, Theo Bomm, Annette Brockmöller-Dressel, Winfried Brugger, Delf
Werner Becker, Frank Benseler, Norbert Bernhardi, Michael Bolowich, Theo Bomm, Annette Brockmöller-Dressel, Winfried Brugger, Delf
Buchwald, B. Sharon Byrd, Chang Chih Ming, Yen Chueh-an, Sönke Clausen, Wolfgang Däubler, Gundula Deipenbrock, Erhard Denninger,
Otto Depenheuer, Volker Dieckmann, Uwe Diederichsen, Malte Dießelhorst, Franz Dimbeck, Ute Döpfer, Horst Dreier, Ralf Dreier, Ingwer
Ebsen, Wolfgang Eichhorn, Horst Eidenmüller, Günther Ellscheid, Josef Esser, Dirk Fabricius, Djavad Falaturi, Urs Fazis, Thomas Fleiner, Paul
Flitsch, Horst Folkers, Christian-Holger Folz, Friedrich Fölske, Markus Förster, Günther Frankenberg, Holger Freund, Bruno Baron von
Freytag-Löringhoff, Constantin Frick, Monika Frommel, Gerhard Funke, Friedrich Fürstenberg, Andreas Gängel, Heino Garrn, Susanne
Gaschke, Hans-Jürgen Gartska, Jürgen Gasper, Wolfgang Gast, Thomas Gawron, Harry J. von Gebhardt, Heinrich Geddert, Georg
Geitzhaus, Volker Gerhardt, Ioannis Giannides, Rainer Gollnick, Manfred Grigo, Klaus Grimmer, Rolf Gröschner, Dieter Gunst, Klaus
Günther, Thomas Gutmann, Peter Häberle, Agnes E. Hach, Fritjof Haft, Willmar Hager, Hansjochen Hancke, Gerhard Haney, Peter
Hartmann, Regina Harzer, Winfried Hassemer, Josef Häußling, Dagmar Heikaus, Karl Eckhard Heinz, Klaus Helberg, Achim Hengsbach,
Armin Herb, Manfred Herbert, Felix Herzog, Erk-Volkmar Heyen, Eric Hilgendorf, Manfred O. Hinz, Fritz von Hippel, Hans-Joachim Hirsch,
Norbert Hoerster, Hasso Hofmann, Ralf Hohmann, Alexander Hollerbach, Andrea Holtwick-Mainzer, Ulrich Hommes, Andreas Homuth,
Werner Hoppe, Dieter Horn, Hans-Rudolf Horn, Norbert Horn, Joachim Hruschka, Heinz Hübner, Stefan Huster, Jan Joerden, Detlef Joseph,
Fritz Jost, Stefan Kadelbach, Michael Kahlo, Joseph H. Kaiser, A. Kaissis, Markus Kaltenborn, Arthur Kaufmann, Erhard Kausch, Brigitte
Kelker, Christof Kellmann, Jürgen von Kempski, Walter Kerber, Wolfgang Kilian, Young-Whan Kim, Harald Kindermann, Hermann Klenner,
Diethelm Klesczewski, Eberhard Klingenberg, Diethelm Klippel, Ulrich Klug, Hans-Joachim Koch, Michael Köhler, Klaus König, Pia-Alexandra
König, Walter Korn, Andreas Kranig, Werner Krawietz, Martin Kriele, Arno Krüger, Michael Krugmann, Erich Küchenhoff, Kristian Kühl,
Georg Küpper, Markus Kuner, Karl Ludwig Kunz, Sören Kusch, Ernst-Joachim Lampe, Peter Landau, Joachim Lege, Guido Leidig, F.-W.
Lepiorz, Jens Leuer, K. Liebl, Jutta Limbach, Shing-I Liu, Ulrich Lohmann, Mario Losano, H. Lübbe, Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, Klaus Lüdersen,
Andrea Maihofer, Werner Maihofer, Manfred Maiwald, Holger Matt, Ingeborg Maus, Reinhard May, P. C. Mayer-Tasch, Per Mazurek, EtienneRichard Mbaya, Josef Meran, Reinhard Merkel, Wolfgang Mincke, Ingo Mittenzwei, Martin Morlok, Jörg Paul Müller, Ulfrid Neumann, Erich
Neuy, Helmut Nicolaus, Christel Nölle, Harro Otto, Alexander Papshart, Christian Papshart, Stefan Papshart, Fritz Pardon, Michel Paroussis,
Frederik Paul, Wolf Paul, Marijan Pavcnik, Hans-Martin Pawlowski, Ulrich Penski, Valentin Petev, Dietmar von der Pfordten, Lothar Philipps,
Helmut Pieper, Rosemarie Pohlmann, Christine Pott, Jens-Michael Priester, Wilhelm Prinzing, A. Puplick, Kathrin Quade, Helmut Quaritsch,
Helma Quaritsch-Fricke, Eckhard Rabeneik, Thilo Ramm, Filippo Ranieri, Joachim Renzikowski, Bärbel Richter, R. Richer, Gerhard Robbers,
Hubert Rodingen, Gerd Roellecke, Klaus-F. Röhl, Peter Römer, Thorolf Rosin, Hubert Rottleuthner, Joachim Rückert, Werner Runge, Helmut
Rüßmann, Bernd Rüthers, Frank Saliger, Edin Sarcevic, Martin Sattler, Eike von Savigny, Rolf Schaarschmidt, Karl Albrecht
Schachtschneider, Jan Schapp, Michael Schaumburg, Christoph Schefold, Wolfgang Schild, Heiko van Schindel, W. H. Schirmacher, Thomas
Schlapp, Christian Schmid, Thomas Schmidt, H. Schneider, Hans-Helmut Schneider, Jochen Schneider, Peter Schneider, Roman Schnur,
Erich Schönleben, Heinrich Scholler, Waldemar Schreckenberger, Hans-Ludwig Schreiber, Rupert N. Schreiber, Jan Schröder, Ulrich
Schroth, Hans Schulte, Ingo Schultz, Lorenz Schulz, Carola Schulze, Ekkehard Schumann, Bernd Schünemann, Johannes Schwartländer, W.
Schwarz-Liebermann, F.-G. Schwegmann, Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Thomas-M. Seibert, W. Seiffert, Jan-Reinard Sieckmann, Angelika
Siehr, Spiros Simitis, Norbert Simon, Heinz Sladeczek, Katharina Sobota, Gerhard Sprenger, Christian Starck, Wilhelm Steinmüller, J.
Strangas, Günter Stratenwerth, Gerhard Struck, Gerhard Stuby, Hege Stück, Gerald Süchting, Roswitha Svensson, Thilo Tetzlaff, E. J. Thul,
W. Tilly, Sibylle Tönnies, Ilse Tönnis, Friedrich Toepel, Harald Topel, Paul Trappe, Hans-Erich Troje, Dimitris Tsatsos, Gerwin Udke, EvaMaria Viehweg, Rüdiger Voigt, Carola Vulpius, Michael Wätcher, Manfred Walther, Michael Walz, R. Weimar, Ota Weinberger, S. O. Welding,
Edgar Michael Wenz, Steffen Wesche, H. Westerath, Christoph Westermann, Wolfgang Westermann, Ellen Westphal, Meinolf Wewel, Harry
Willekens, Heiner Wilms, Anette Wittkau, Roland Wittmann, Ernst Amadeus Wolff, Dieter Wyduckel, Zai-Wang Yoon, Hahjime Yoshino,
Rainer Zaczyk, Erich Zalten, K. Zwingenberger.
News. 9.10.1996. "Round table" topic: What does centre-left mean? (Prof. S. Panou, Prof. G. Bozonis, Prof. N. Breda and Prof. D.
Georgiadi). 13-14.11.1996. "Symposium" The Future of Democracy (Prof. N. Konstantinidis, Prof. A. Panagos, Dr. Th. Theodosiou, Prof. G.
Gerhard, Prof. S. Panou).
Recent Publications: S. Panou (Ed). Europe Dialogue for Maastricht, Athens 1995, 208 pp. (Texts by K. Simitis, S. Panou, E. Benizelos, A.
Tsoukalis, A. Tsochatzopoulos et al.) K. Despotopoulos, Dialectics and History, Athens 1995, 234 pp.; S. Panou, Russia Today. From
Gorbatsov to Yeltsin, Athens 1996, 110 pp.; S. Panou,Theorie der Geschichte, Mùnchen 1995, 164 pp.
Records. Current Officials. President: Stavros Panou. The Greek Society for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), P. Kalliga 2123, 114 73 Athens-Greece, tel: 0030-1-6423270. Secretary: Nicolas Philippidis. P. Kalliga 21-23, 114 73 Athens-Greece. Treasurer: Eleni
Ioannidi. Nikis 3 13484, Athens.
Members of the national section: Petrou Athanasios, George Bozonis, Konstantin Despotopoulos, Panagiotis Dimitriadis, Basilios Gaitanis,
Demetrios Georgas, Santas George, Anna N. Georgiadou, Ioannis Giannides, Eleni Ioannidi, Nikolaos Intzessiloglou, Eleni Kakoulidi,
Theophilos Karageorgiou, Eleni Karampatzaki-Perdiki, Apostolos Lampropoulos, Christa Manta, Georg Michailidis-Nouaros, Christos
Nasofidis, Maria Niavi, Pavlos Nicas, Aristidis Panos, Stavros Panou, Georg Papakostantinou, Nicolas Philippidis, Agelos Photiou,
Konstantinos Poulios, Maria Spyridaki, Dimitrios Tsatsos.
News. Recent Publications: Csaba Varga, Law and Philosophy. Selected Papers in Legal Theory (Budapest; Lorand Eötvös University Faculty
of Law Project on Comparative Legal Cultures 1994) xv-530 pp.; Csaba Varga, Etudes en philosophe du droit/Eudios de filosofia del derecho
(Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University Faculty of Law Project on Comparative Legal Cultures 194) xii - 332 pp.; Csaba Varga,
Rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze (Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University Faculty of Law Project on Comparative Legal Cultures 1994) 29 pp.;
Csaba Varga, Pravo:Teoriia i filossofiia (Law: theory and philosophy) (Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University Faculty of Law Project on
Comparative Legal Cultures 1994) xv-281 pp.; Csaba Varga, Transition to Rule of Law. On the Democratic Transformation in Hungary
(Budapest: Loránd Eötvös University Faculty of Law Project Comparative Legal Culture 1995) 190 pp.; Csaba Varga, ed., Aus dem Nachlass
von Julius Moór (Budapest: Lorand Eötvös University Faculty of Law Project on Comparative Legal Culture 1995) xvi + 158 pp.; Csaba
Varga, ed., Coming to Terms with the Past under the Rule of Law, The German and thee Czech Models (Budapest 1994) xxvii-176 pp.
Available from the Academic Bookshop at thc Central European University (Mr.Tony Lang, Manager), H-lO5l Budapest, Nádor utca 9, tel.
(361) 327 30 96, fax (361) 312 12 95, Posatabank Account No. 119 91 102 021 11 924.
Announcements. Tempus Structural Joint European Project No. 09090-95 organizes the first Comparative Legal Cultures Symposium on
transition to rule of law. March 17-19, 1997, Budapest VIII Szentkirályi u 28 Festivity Hall.
The debate will focus on main topics to be elaborated within the project, with special regard to transitions to rule of law in Central & Eastern
Europe compared with transitions in Western & Southern Europe after WWII (Germany and Italy) and recently (Greece, Portugal, Spain)
and democratic transformations in the Far East post-WWII (Japan or recent prospects in Hong Kong), Latin America or elsewhere from the
point of view of any new formulation or theoretical message of the study of transitions and transformations, especially related to the
domains of 1. Rule of Law (particularly in a transition period), 2. Constitutional Philosophy (Allgemeine Staatslehre) (Particularly of the
Central European New Democracies), 3. Legal Borrowing (having in view particularly the experience of Central Europe), 4. Law and Morals
and 5. Natural Law (particularly their features in transformation), as well as 6. Legal Anthropology (particularly after and in explanation of
transformations). Speakers include Professors Gianmaria Ajani (Trento), Zenon Bankowski (Edinburgh), Johannes Feest (Oñati), John
Griffiths (Groningen), Werner Krawietz (Münster), Nikolas Lopez Calera (Granada), Pablo de Lora (Madrid) and Nikolas M. Roos
(Maastricht). Official language of the symposium is English. Everyone interested is welcome on a self-financing basis.The proceedings of the
Symposium are planned to be published in a future Beiheft to the outstanding international German professional journal Rechtstheorie.
Further proposals of presentation may be considered. Please contact: Prof. Dr. Csaba Varga, Director of the Institute for Legal Philosophy,
or Ms. Emese Gáll, assistant. Address: Péter Pázmány Catholic University of Hungary, Faculty of Law, H-1428 Budapest 8, P.O.B. 6.
Telephone: +36-1-138-4640; 138-4440. Fax: +36-1-118-0507.
Records. Members of the national section: Attila Badó, Mátyás Bódig, András Bragyova, Tarnás Gy_rfi, Kálmán Kulcsár, Sándor Loss,
Tamás Nagy, Vilmos Peschka, Zoltán Péteri, András Sajó, József Szabadfalvy, Miklós Szabó, Péter Szilágyi, Tibor Szlovák, Péter Takács,
Csaba Varga, Antal Visegrády, Agnes Zsidai.
News.The 20th Congress of the Italian Society of Legal and Political Philosophy took place in Verona and at Hotel Residence Poiano, Poiano
del Garda, on October 3, 4, and 5, 1996. The subject, however, was apparently the least ìcelebratory and academic as possible, being
ìCriminal Law, Rationality Control, and the Legal Protection of Citizens. Furthermore, legal and political philosophers choose to invite experts
in criminal law, criminal procedure, civil procedure, and general theory of legal procedure, to get as much information and insight as
possibile from ìinsiders. Among the non-philosophers experts who lectured: Michele Taruffo (civil procedure, University of Pavia and Cornell
University), Giovanni Fiandaca (criminal law, University of Palermo, member of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, the selfgoverning body of the Italian Judiciary), Gaetano Pecorella (President of the Italian Association of Criminal Lawyers and legal counsel in
many ìclean hands trials), Enzo Albano (judge, Court of Naples), Alessandro Margara (judge, Court of Florence). Among the professional
legal and political philosophers, presentations were held by Luigi Alfieri (University of Urbino), Francesco Cavalla (University of Padua, who
also organized the meeting together with Giuseppe Zaccaria, University of Padua), Paolo Comanducci and Riccardo Guastini (University of
Genoa), Mario Jori (University of Milan), Bruno Montanari (University of Catania), Anna Pintore (University of Cagliari), and Danilo Zolo
(University of Florence).
The ìinsider-side of the speakers focussed on criminal legal theory and the basic problems of the Italian criminal legal system. Particular
attention was paid to the reality of criminal trials, prisons and punishment, and some suggested ways-out from the ìclean hands
experience: the huge judicial campaign against political and economic criminality which turned the old Italian political establishment upside
down, and is still afoot.
The ìoutsider-side of the speakers, by contrast, focussed on judicial reasoning, legal syllogism, and the nature of legal discourse. The
presentations, however, were not academic at all (in the usual, derogatory, sense of the word). On the contrary, they were finely tuned to
the insidersí presentations, to provide participants with a real example of ìcommitted legal and political philosophy.
The final part of the meeting was devoted to the election of the new President of the Italian Society of Legal and Political Philosophy. Luigi
Lombardi Vallauri (University of Florence), the newly elected President, addressed the assembly with an inauguration speech, remarkable
indeed for the ambitious cultural targets which were openly pointed out for accomplishment. (report by P. Chiassoni).
Announcements. International Congress on Justice and Procedure - S. Remo (IM), 12-13-14 June 1997, organized by the Institute of
Philosophy and Sociology of Law, University of Genoa, Via Balbi 30, 16126 Genoa (Italy) under the patronage of the IVR Italian section.
Lectures will be given by: Juan Carlos Bàyon (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), Bruno Celano (Università di Palermo), Francisco Laporta
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), Valeria Ottonelli (Università di Genova), Michel Rosenfeld (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New
York). The Congress will be commence with a round table discussion by Ernesto Garzón Valdés (Mainz Univesität), José Juan Moreso
(Universidad de Gerona), Michele Taruffo (Università di Pavia and Cornell University), Philippe Van Parjis (Université Catholique de
Louvain), Carlo Augusto Viano (Università di Torino).
The XXI National Congress of the Italian Society of Legal and Political Philosophy will be held in Salerno or another venue along the Amalfi
coast in the first ten days of October 1998. The general theme of the Congress will be: Concepts of Law and Human Rights. An East-West
Recent publications: Albert M., Alfieri L., Baccelli L., Ordine, conflitto e libertà nei grandi mutamenti del nostro tempo, Giappichelli, Turin
1995. Amato Mangiameli Agata, ìDesiderai essere un cittadino. Oltre il retaggio simbolico della moderna sovranità, Giappichelli, Turin 1996.
Armellini Serenella, Le due mani della giustizia. La premialità del diritto come problema filosofico, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Bagolini Luigi,
Justice et société, Ed. Bière, Bordeaux 1995. Basciu Maurizio (a cura di), Il conflitto.Profili giuridici e politici, Atti del Convegno della Società
di Filosofia Giuridica e Politica, Giuffrè, Milan 1995. Bazzicalupo Laura, Hannah Arendt. La storia per la politica, ESI, Naples 1996. Carcaterra
Gaetano, Corso di filosofia del diritto 1995/1996, Bulzoni, Rome 1996. Cascavilla Michele, Colpa e infelicità. Giustizia e pena in Rosmini,
Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Castellano D., La decadenza della Repubblica e líassenza del politico, Monduzzi, Bologna 1995. Castignone Silvana,
Diritto, linguaggio, realtà. Saggi sul realismo giuridico, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Castignone Silvana, Nuovi diritti e nuovi soggetti. Appunti di
bioetica e biodiritto, ECIG, Genoa 1996. Catania Alfonso, Manuale di filosofia del diritto, ESI, Naples 1995. Catania Alfonso, Riconoscimento
e potere. Studi di filosofia del diritto, ESI, Naples 1996. Catania Alfonso, Lo stato moderno. Sovranità e giuridicità, Giappichelli, Turin 1996.
Catania Alfonso, Fimiani M., Neokantismo, diritto e sociologia, ESI, Naples 1995. Cavalla Francesco, La verità dimenticata., Cedam, Verona,
1996. Attualità dei Presocratici dopo la secolarizzazione. Comanducci Paolo, Guastini Riccardo eds., Struttura e dinamica dei sistemi
giuridici, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Comanducci Paolo, Guastini Riccardo eds., "Analisi e diritto 1995, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Comanducci
Paolo, Guastini Riccardo eds., "Analisi e diritto 1996", Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Cotta Sergio ed., Conoscenza e normatività. Il normativo tra
decisione e fondazione, Giuffrè, Milan 1995. Cottino A., Sarzotti Claudio eds., Diritto, uguaglianza e giustizia penale, Giappichelli, Turin
1995. DíAgostino Francesco, Filosofia del diritto, II ed. enlarged, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. DíAgostino Francesco, Bioetica, nella prospettiva
della filosofia del diritto, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. DíAgostino Francesco ed., Ontologia e fenomenologia del giuridico. Studi in onore di
Sergio Cotta, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. DíAgostino Francesco editor, Pluralità delle culture e universalità dei diritti, Giappichelli, Turin 1996.
De Giacomo Claudio, Identità e soggetti nella teoria dei diritti, ESI, Naples, 1996. Ferrajoli Luigi, La sovranità nel mondo moderno, Anabasi,
Milan 1995. Fiorot Dino, ed., Ordine, conflitto e libertà nei grandi mutamenti del nostro tempo, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Frosini Vittorio,
Gesetzgebung und Auslegung, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden 1995. Frosini Vittorio, La lettera e lo spirito della legge, 2nd enlarged
version., Giuffrè, Milan 1995. Frosini Vittorio, La letra y el espiritu de la ley. Prologo de C. Alarcòn Cabrera, Ariel, Barcelona 1995. Frosini
Vittorio, Law and Liberty in the Computer Age, Institutt for Rettsinformatik, Tano, Oslo 1995. Gianformaggio Letizia, Filosofia e critica del
diritto, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Gianformaggio Letizia, ed., Equality Principle in Legal Reasoning, Siena 1995. Gianformaggio Letizia,
Paulson S., Cognition and interpretation of Law, Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Guastini Riccardo, Il giudice e la legge, Giappichelli, Turin 1995.
Jellamo Anna, Quale liberalismo? Saggi su J. S. Mill, Clueb, Bologna, 1996. Jori Mario, Pintore Anna, Manuale di teoria generale del diritto,
Giappichelli, Turin 1995. Marra R., La libertà degli ultimi uomini. Studi sul pensiero giuridico e politico di Max Weber, Giappichelli, Turin
1995. Montanari Bruno, Itinerario di filosofia del diritto. Per una lettura critica dellíesperienza giuridica, Cedam, Padua 1995. Palazzani
Laura, Il concetto di persona tra bioetica e diritto, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Pastore Baldassare, Giudizio, prova, ragion pratica. Un approccio
ermeneutico, Giuffrè, Milan 1996. Romano Bruno, Critica della ragione procedurale, Bulzoni, Rome 1995. Romano Bruno, La società postmoderna come sistema di universale dipendenza, Bulzoni, Rome 1995. Romano Bruno, Filosofia e diritto dopo Luhmann, Bulzoni, Rome
1995. Sartor Giovanni, Intelligenza artificiale e diritto. Uníintroduzione, Giuffrè, Milan 1996. Sarzotti Claudio, Jean Domat. Fondamento e
metodo della scienza giuriridica. Savarese Paolo, Schelling filosofo del diritto. Introduzione alla lettura e commento di testi fondamentali,
Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Scillitani Lorenzo, Studi di antropologia giuridica, Jovene, Naples 1996. Serra Teresa, Realtà e virtualità delle
istituzioni. Ermeneutica, diritto e politica in Hannah Arendt, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Sorgi Giuseppe, Angelo Camillo De Meis, Dal principio
ordinatore alla concezione del diritto e dello stato, ESI, Naples 1996. Tallacchini Mariachiara, Diritto per la natura. Ecologia e filosofia del
diritto, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Tarantino Antonio (a cura di), Per una dichiarazione dei diritti del nascituro, Giuffrè, Milan 1996. Triolo
Lucia, Primato del diritto e giustizia. Costituzione e diritti fondamentali, Giappichelli, Turin 1996. Troncarelli Barbara, Diritto e filosofia della
Pratica in Benedetto Croce, Giuffrè, Milan 1996. Viola Francesco, Stato e natura, Anabasi, Milan 1995.
In 1996 was published the first issue of Ars Interpretandi. Annuario di ermeneutica giuridica (Journal of Legal Hermeneutics): ìErmeneutica
e applicazione (Hermeneutics and Application), Cedam, Padua. Eds.: M. Kriele, F. Viola, F. Volpi, G. Zaccaria.
Records. Current Officials. President: Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di
teoria e storia del diritto, Piazza Indipendenza n°9, 50129, Firenze-Italy, tel. 055-474403/496610/496533, fax: 055-474756. Secretary:
Maurizio Basciu. Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185, Roma-Italy, tel: 06490489, fax: 06-49910951.
Members of the national section: Luigi Alfieri, Agata Amato Mangiameli, Salvatore Amato, Elvio Ancona, Alberto Andreatta, Daniela
Andreatta, Alessandro Argiroffi, Serenella Armellini, Salvatore Azzaro, Giampaolo Azzoni, Luigi Bagolini, Giuseppe Barbaccia, Mauro
Barberis, Laura Bazzicalupo, Germano Bellussi, Francesco Belvisi, Gianni Bernardini, Norberto Bobbio, Patrizia Borsellino, Giampietro
Calabrò, Annamaria Campanale, Marco Cangiotti, Franco Alberto Cappelletti, Antonio Caracciolo, Gaetano Carcaterra, Federico Casa,
Michele Cascavilla, Danilo Castellano, Emanuele Castrucci, Alfonso Catania, Mario Cattaneo, Francesco Cavalla, Giovanna Cavallaro, Bruno
Celano, Furio Cerutti, Pierluigi Chiassoni, Giulio Chiodi, Claudio Guido Cimarella, Paolo Comanducci, Daria Coppa, Franco Cordopatri,
Giovanni Cosi, Marco Cossutta, Gabriella Cotta, Antonino Cremona, Raimondo Cubeddu, Franco Antonio Cusimano, Francesco DíAgostino,
Alessandro Dal Brollo, Francesco Dal Pozzo, Adriana DíAuria, Lorenzo DíAvack, Claudio De Giacomo , Enrico Diciotti, Enrico Di Robilant,
Maria Gabrielli Esposito, Alessandra Facchi, Carla Faralli, Luigi Ferrajoli, Marta Ferronato, Giovanni Fiaschi, Angela Filipponio, Vincenzo
Filosa, Giusella Finocchiaro, Dino Fiorot, Maria Antonietta Foddai, Marcello Fracanzani, Lucio Franzese, Vittorio Frosini, Giovanna Gasparri,
Letizia Gianformaggio, Francesco Gentile, Riccardo Guastini, Paolo Iagulli, Antonio Iannuzzi, Giovanni Incorvati, Anna Jellamo, Mario Jori,
Anna Maria Lisitano, Luigi Lombardi Vallauri, Giuseppe Lumia, Filiberto Lupi, Claudio Luzzati, Sebastiano Maffettone, Massimo Mancini,
Maurizio Manzin, Gaetano Marini, Giuliano Marini, Giovanni Marino, Realino Marra, Antonio Martino, Giuseppe Melis, Domenico Menorello,
Paolo Moro, Enrico Moroni, Michele Nicoletti, Damiano Nocilla, Angiolina Motroni Onorato, Enrico Opocher, Federico Oriana, Giovanni Orrù,
Ugo Pagallo, Laura Palazzani, Elena Pariotti, Baldassarre Pastore, Enrico Pattaro, Anna Pintore, Avelino Quintas, Francesco Riccobono,
Bruno Romano, Arialdo Salemi, Salvatore Sammartino, Giovanni Sartor, Claudio Sarzotti, Paolo Savarese, Aristide Savignano, Alberto
Scerbo, Lorenzo Scillitani, Achille Sfragaro, Giuseppe Sorgi, Giuliana Stella, Giancarlo Taddei Elmi, M. Chiara Tallacchini, Franco Tamassia,
Antonio Tarantino, Torquato Tasso, Lucia Triolo, Barbara Troncarelli, Vittorio Villa, Francesco Viola, Gianfrancesco Zanetti, Antonio
Zanfarino, Francesca Zanuso, Miranda Zerlotin.
News. The annual conference of the Japan Association of Philosophy of Law (JALP) took place 8-9 November, 1996, at Meiji University,
Tokyo, on the topic The Multicultural Age and the Legal Order. The organiser of the discussion was Hasegawa Ko. The papers read were:
Multiculturalism in Europe (Kajita T.) and Asia (Tsuboi Y.); Liberalism in the Multicultural Environment (Ishiyama F.); The Legal Order in the
Multicultural Age (Llompart, J.); Multiculturalism and Public Dialogue (Sakoh I.). Katsuragi T., Tsunoda T., Imai H. and Imafuku R. were the
discussants. Papers independent of the topic were also read: Derrida and the Philosophy of Law (Katada K.); The Ideo-Historical
Significance of the Institutes of Gaius (Hasegawa S.); Natural Law and Bonum Commune (Yamada, H.); Hereditary Information and SelfDetermination (SaitoY.); Freedom of Man as Self Interpreting Animal (Ueki, K.); Law,Freedom and the Other (Sugita S.).
IVR Japan, with JALP and the Egusa Foundation for International Cooperation in the Social Sciences, held the 4th Kobe Lecture from 10 to
12 October, 1996. Instead of having a single speaker, this lecture was organised as the First Asia Symposium in Jurisprudence, held at the
universities of Tokyo (Tokyo) and Doshisha (Kyoto), on the topic Law in a Changing World: Asian Alternatives. In the Tokyo session, after
opening speeches by JALP president Tanaka S. (Kyoto), Egusa Foundation president Matsuo K. (Sophia) and Organising Committee
president Imai H.(Hokkaido), the following papers were read, followed by comments. Kim Chang Rok (Pusan, Korea), Where is the Korean
Legal System Going?, comments by Choi Chong Ko (Seoul, Korea); Guo Daohui (Chinese Legal Science, China), The Democratization of
Law: Rights in Contemporary Chinese Lawmaking, comments by Zhang Wenxian (Jilin, China); Bell, Daniel (Hong Kong, Hong Kong), A
Confucian Democracy for the Twenty-First Century, comments by Yasuda N. (Nagoya); and Inoue T. (Tokyo), Liberal Democracy and ìAsian
Values," comments by Yang Seung Doo (Yonsei, Korea). Discussion of the papers ensued the comments. IVR Executive Committee member
Sato S. (Aoyama) gave the concluding remarks followed by a reception. In the Kyoto session, after an opening speech by IVR Japan
president Fukada M. (Doshisha), the following papers were read: Mizoguchi Y. (Daito Bunka), The Li System and Revolutionary China,
comments by Terada H. (Tohoku); Yusuf, Adijaya (Indonesia, Indonesia), Integrating the Country through Legal Reform: The Indonesian
Experience, comments by Lindsey, Timothy (Melbourne, Australia); Liang Zhiping (Chinese Academy of Art, China), State and Society:
From a Perspective of Chinese Legal History, comments by Zhang Wenxian; and Hahm Chai Bong (Yonsei, Korea), The Post-Confucian
State and Economic Development, comments by Kim Byung Kook (Korea, Korea). Imai H., IVR Korea president Yang Seung Doo, and
Tanaka S. gave the closing speeches followed by a reception. IVR Korea pledged its effort to bring about the second Asia symposium in
jurisprudence to be held in Korea in 1998.
Records. Current Officials. President: Morigiwa Yasutomo. Faculty of Law, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-01, Japan, tel: 0081-52-7894908, fax: 0081-52-789-4900. E-Mail: Secretary: Yasuji Yamazaki. Faculty of Cross-cultural Studies,
Kobe University, Tsurukabuto 1-2-1, Nada Ku, 657 Kobe-Japan, tel: 0081-78-8030766, fax: 0081-78-8030766.
Members of the national section: Yoshikazu Aihara, Hideo Aoi, Junichi Aomi, Haruki Aoyama, Seiichi Anan, Kazuo Amano, Makoto Arai,
Masaji Chiba, Shigemitsu Dando, Yasuhiro Ikadatsu, Hiroatsu Ishibashi, Yoshiyuki Ishimae, Heihachiro Itoh, Norio Itoh, Tatsuo Inoue,
Naoshige Imai, Hiromichi Imai, Masahiro Iwakura, Yukio Uehara, Hideo Uematsu, Makoto Usami, Shin Oikawa, Yoshizo Okubo, Shigeru
Otsuka, Tatsuzi Ono, Yasuaki Onuma, Nagayasu Ohara, Tomonosuke Ohashi, Shozo Ogura, Tatsuo Kagawa, Takao Katsuragi, Shinpei Kato,
Tsutomu Kawada, Yoshimitsu Kannari, Harushi Kishigami, Munenori Kitahara, Gosuke Kimura, Takeo Kuwahara, Minori Konishi, Isao
Kobayashi, Humio Komori, Katusmi Koyano, Yasuko Goto, Ichiro Sako, Tetsu Sakurai, Hideo Sasakura, Setsuko Sato, Ryuichi Sato, Tamio
Sato, Itaru Shimazu, Hidesato Shimazu, Kiyoshi Shimokawa, Kazuo Shirakawa, Takeo Suzuki, Tokan So, Shuji Takahashi, Fumihiko
Takahashi, Kazuya Takemura, Ken Takeshita, Shigeaki Tanaka, Shigeki Tanaka, Ichimasa Tsuda, Takeshi Tsunoda, Tadakatsu Demizu,
Koji Tonami, Hiroo Nakagawa, Koji Nakamura, Koji Nakamura, Terunori Nakamura, Naomi Nakamura, Ryuichi Nakayama, Mototsugu
Nishino, Hiroshi Noguchi, Ko Hasegawa, Takahiro Hattori, Shin-ichiro Hama, Toru Hijikata, Yoshinori Hiraki, Hitohiko Hirano, Mitsunori
Fukada, Reiko Fukawa, Yuichi Funakoe, Iwao Funayama, Eiichi Hoshino, Yutaka Masuda, Yoshiharu Matsuura, Hiroshi Matsuo, Makoto
Matsuoka, Teruo Matsushita, Mitsuhisa Matsudaira, Eisaku Matsubara, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Arata Miki, Yoshiomi Mishima, Akira Mizunami,
Jitaro Mizuno, Shigeaki Miyazaki, Masa-aki Miyaji, Naoshi Miyajama, Junshiro Miyokawa, Toshihiro Miyoshi, Susumu Morimura, Yasutomo
Morigiwa, Nobuyuki Morisue, Masamichi Moriya, Tetsuo Yagi, Mitsukuni Yazaki, Kenji Yanagisawa, Michihiko Yamaguchi, Yasuji Yamazaki,
Yachiko Yamada, Yoshio Yonou, Yoshimichi Yoshida, Hajime Yoshino, José Llompart, Koyata Washida, Shizuo Watanabe, Tsunayoshi
Records. Current officials. President: María Elodia Robles Sotomayor. Treasurer: Carlos Vigil Lagarde. Lago Victoria, 80, Colonja Granada,
11550 México D. F., tel: 545 34 54.
Records. Current Officials. President: Ton M. Hol. Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Theory, Boothstraat 1 c, 3512 BT Utrecht-
Records. Current Officials. President: Ton M. Hol. Faculty of Law, Department of Legal Theory, Boothstraat 1 c, 3512 BT UtrechtNetherlands, tel: 31-30-2537072, fax: 31-30-2538408, E-mail: Secretary: Theo E. Rosier. Harddraverslaan 12, 2082 HM
Santpoort Zuid, The Netherlands, tel: 31 23 5386352/31 20 4446325, E-mail: Treasurer: Marlies Galenkamp.
Linker Rottekade, 54730 31 WE Rotterdam- The Netherlands, tel: 31 10 4082649/31 10 4049703, E-mail:
Members of the national section: E. Andre de la Porte, A.M. Bos, Hendrik J. M. Boukema, P.W. Brouwer, E.L.H. Brugmans, P.B. Cliteur, G.
W. B. Dreesmann, Jan M. van Dunné, Marlies Galenkamp, J.F. Groen, Anton G. G. De Groot, H.R. van Gunsteren, R.A.V. van Hearsolte,
Govert A. Den Hartogh, E.M.H. Hirsch Ballin, A.M. Hol, Ton M. Hol, P.J. van den Hoven, Frans C.L.M. Jacobs, O.W.M. Kamstra, Hendrik
Kaptein, Bart C. Labuschagne, R. de Lange, R. van Liefland, E. Lukacs, H.J.L.M. van den Luytgaarden, C.W. Maris, E. Poortinga, Bert van
Roermund, Theo E. Rosier, Arend Soeteman, W.G. van den Velden, M. Verhorst, Hendrik Ph. Visser't Hooft, L.K. van Zaltbommel.
Records. Current Officials. President: Paul-Mircea Cosmovici. Institute of Legal research of the Romanian Academy, Casa Academiei
Romane, calea 13 Septembrie n° 13, Bucaresti-Rumania, tel: 401-410. 40.59 and 401-410.32.00 / 410.38.46. Secretary: Gheorghe Emil
Moroianu. Institutul de Cercetari Juridice, B-dul. Mihail Kogálniceanu 33, 70602 Bucaresti-Romania.
Records. Current Officials. President: Vladik S. Nersessiants. Institute of State and Law Russian Academy of Sciences-ISL RAS, Znamenka
st. 10, 119841 Moscow-Russia, tel: 007-095-2913490/3187, fax: 007-095-2918574, E-mail: Secretary: Lyudmila
Lapteva. Institute of State and Law Russian Academy of Sciences-ISL RAS, Znamenka st. 10, 119841 Moscow-Russia.
Members of the national section: Nikolai N. Deev, Alexander L. Dobrokhotov, S.A. Egorov, Anisim I. Ekimov, Valentin I. Ershov, Vladimir G.
Grafsky, Eugeni W. Guliev, Igor A. Issaev, P.F. Jankevitch, Vladimir P. Kazimirtchouk, Djanguir A. Kerimow, Anatoli I. Kovler, Jaroslav J.
Kozlikhin, Nina A. Krasheninnikova, V.I. Laiman, Lyudmila Lapteva, Valery V. Lasarev, Roman Z. Livshits, Elena A. Loukasheva, Ginevra I.
Loukovskaya, Gennady V. Maltsev, Leonid Mamout, A.S. Molodzov, Gennady I. Mouromtsev, G.M. Naismoundinov, Vladik S. Nersessiants,
Alexander V. Obolonsky, Leonid R. Siukiainen, Erik J. Soloviev, Nina V. Stherbakova, Vladimir A. Tchetvernin, L.G. Titova, Boris N.
Topornin, Vladimir A. Toumanov, Oleg A. Zhidkov, Natalia M. Zolotoukhina.
Records. Current Officials. President: Alexander Bröstl. Faculty of Law, Safárik-University, Kovácska c. 26, 040 01 Kosice-Slovakia, tel:
0042-95-6227104, fax: 0042-9562-25365, e-mail: BROSTL@PRAVO.UPJS.SK. Vice-President: Jozef Prusák. School of Law, Comenius
University, Safárikovo nám. 6, 818 06 Bratislava, Slovakia, tel: 0042 7 340 111, fax: 004 7 562 34.
Members of the national section: Eduard Bárány, Alexander Bröstl, Jarmila Chovancová, Peter Colotka, Ján Cipkár, Gabriela Dobrovicová,
Ludovít Hohos, Pavel Holländer, Imrich Kanárik, Alexandra Krsková, Eva Malcevová - Ottová, Jozef Prusák, Milos Rehurek, Tomás Valent,
Katarína Zavaká.
Records. Current Officials. President: Åke Fränberg, Uppsala University, Faculty of Law. Secretary: Gunnar Bergholtz. University of Lund,
Juridiska Institutionen Juridicum, Box 207, 22100 Lund-Sweden, tel: 0046-44-104444. Treasurer: Torben Spaak. Department of Law,
University of Uppsala, Box 512, 75120 Uppsala-Sweden, tel: 0046-18-182607, fax: 0046-18-187666.
Members of the national section: Gunnar Bergholtz, Uta Ulrike Bindreiter, Michael Cervin, Åke Frändberg, Mats Glavå, Sven Ove Hannson,
Jan Hellner, Nils Jareborg, Lars Lindahl, Joakim Nergelius, Aleksander Peczenik, Jan Persell, Ulf Petrusson, Torben Spaak, Leif Stille, Stig
Strömholm, Jacob W.F. Sundberg, Eva-Maria Svensson, Dennis Töllborg.
Records. Current Officials. President: Jörg-Paul Müller. Seminar für öffentliches Recht, Universität Bern, Ochschulstrasse 4, CH-3012 Bern,
tel: +41 (0)31 6318894, fax: +41 (0)31 6313883. Secretary: Thomas Mastronardi. Grauholtzsrtasse 54, 3063 Ittigen.
Members of the national section: Gertrud Balig-Junker, Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac, Olivier Berthoud, Heinrich Bortis, Gerald Bourquin, Felix
U. Bretschger, Daniel Brühlmeier, Michel Bürgisser, Francis Cheneval, Fritz Dolder, Hans Dubs, Alfred Dufour, Martin Dumermuth, David
Dürr, Willi Egloff, Christoph Frei, Andrea Gianini, Christian Giordano, Peter Häberle, Gerard Hertig, Helmut Holzhey, Gerard Huber, José
Hurtado, Judith Janoska-Bendl, Catherine Josephide-Dunand, Walter Kälin, Franz Kanz, Martin Kilias, Heinz Kleger, Roland Kley, Georg
Kohler, Walter Lesch, Dominique Manai, J.-J. Martin, Michael Marugg, Philippe Mastronardi, Thomas Mastronardi, Claudio Möhr, Hans Moser,
Hans-Jakob Mosimann, Jörg-Paul Müller, Erwin Murer, Ada Neschke, Marcel Alexander Niggli, Walter Ott, François Paychère, Jean-François
Perrin, Annemarie Pieper, Ivo Rens, Claude Reymond, René Rhinow, Alois Riklin, Robert Roth, Rene Schaffhauser, Walter Schluep, Gerhard
Schmid, Daniel Schulthess, Martin Schwartz, Gerhard Seel, Kurt Seelmann, Marcel Senn, Günter Stratenwerth, Paul Trappe, Arthur F. Utz,
Michel Vermot, Benoit Winiger, Roger Zäch, Simone Zurbuchen.
News. Avebury Press are publishing the 1996 ALSP Conference papers under the title Justice, Property and the Environment: Social and
Legal Perspectives. The volume will be jointly edited by John OíNeill and Tim Hayward. It will contain selected papers from the conference;
a table of contents is nearly ready and will be publicised in the next Newsletter.
As from volume 3, no 1 (March 1997) the Associationís journal, Res Publica, is going from 112 to 128 pages, experimentally, largely in
order to expand the reviews section. The editor would welcome comments from members, and also contributions. Please contact Bob
Brecher, the managing editor of the Journal, for any queries, suggestions or submissions, at the School of Historical and Critical Studies,
University of Brighton, 10-11 Pavilion Parade, Brighton BN2 1RA (tel 01273 643309).
Announcements. The 1997 Conference will take place in Edinburgh from Thursday 3rd to Saturday 5th April on the theme of
Communitarianism and Citizenship. The various sessions will be held at the Law Faculty, which is situated in the Old College in the Old Town
of Edinburgh. The theme of the Conference is broad and it is expected that contributions will be wide-ranging. The Austin Lecture is planned
for the Thursday evening; it will be given by Professor Philip Selznick of the University of California at Berkeley and will address themes
developed in his recent The Moral Commonwealth. The Organisers will arrange the other papers, with panels of speakers and respondents,
in parallel sessions. Papers should last about 30 minutes. To facilitate organisation, abstracts (one side of A4) should be sent to Emilios
Christodoulidis or Liz Kingdom as soon as possible and no later than February the 28th. A booklet of abstracts will be circulated to
participants in the Conference packs.
It is likely that a selection of conference papers will be published after the Conference.
The 1998 Conference will be organised by Barry Holden & Tony Coates at the University of Reading on the theme of ëInternational Justiceí
in April. Exact dates and more information on this to follow, but in the meantime please address suggestions and queries to the Conferece
Organisers at the Dept of Politics, University of Reading, RG6 2AA.
Records. Current Officials. President: Elizabeth Kingdom, Dept of Sociology, University of Liverpool, Myrtle St., Liverpool L69 3BX, E-mail: Secretary: Emilios Christodoulidis, Centre for Law and Society, Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh, Old
College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, E-mail:
Members of the national section: J. N. Adams, T. R. S. Allan, P.W. Alldridge, David W. Archard, A. Ashworth, Elspeth Attwooll, Zenon
Bankowski, J. S. Bell, R. Bellamy, A. Bousfield, W.S. B. Bowring, A. Bradney, Robert Brecher, R. Brownsword Esq., W. Cairns, Kenneth
Campbell, T. D. Campbell, R. Cere, Ruth Chadwick, Emilios A. Christodoulidis, Michael Clark, Hugh Collins, D. John S. Creasey, M. T.
Dalgarno, H. Davies Esq., J. P. Day, Richard de Friend, R. Anthony Duff, A. I. Dunlop, Alison Dunn, D. J. Feldman, Pamela R. Ferguson, Pat
Fitzgerald, D . W. Fleming, L. Flynn, Michael D. A. Freeman, Rolando Gaete, Denis Galligan, D. Goldberg, B. L. Goodwin, J. L. Gorman, Ian
Gregory, Stephen Guest, J. J. Haldane, Andrew Halpin, James W. Harris, T. R. Harrison, A. R. Harvey, Hilary Hiram, Lord Justice Hoffman,
A. Honoré, S. Ishiyama, J. D. Jackson, Bernard S. Jackson, Susan James, Peter Jones, J. Kaler, Elizabeth Kingdom, Stanley S. Kleinberg,
Nicola Lacey, David Leal, William N. R. Lucy, D. Neil MacCormick, M. R. T. Macnair, Gerry Maher, Sandra E. Marshall, Geoffrey Marshall, H.
Mccoubrey, J.C. Mccrudden, S. Mclean, Susan Mendus, M. Menlowe, D. R. Miers, Alan J. M. Milne, D. Morgan, J. W. E. Morison, Thomas T.
Mullen, G. Newey, P. P. Nicholson, Katherine O'Donovan, C. M. G. Ockelton, A. Esir Orücü, G. J. Pitt, P. Reynolds, A.J. Rivers, O.F. Robinson,
M. Rodney, Irwin Semel, Ann Sherlock, A. P. Simester, N.E. Simmonds, Hillel Steiner, R. T. H. Stone, Carl Stychin, John Tasioulas, William
L. Twining, Ursula Vogel, A. Ward, Ian Ward, Celia Wells, S. Wilkinson, I. J. H. Williams.