Feb. 2015 - Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society


Feb. 2015 - Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
Newsletter of the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
STJS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music.
301 N. 10th Street • Sacramento, CA 95811 • (916) 444-2004 • www.sacjazz.org
VOLUME 47 • NO. 1
Feb. 8: Duke Heitger and the
TJYBF all-star Clinicians Band
hanks to the 10th annual Trad.
Jazz Youth Band Festival on Sat.,
Feb. 7 at Sac State, STJS has an all-star
combo in town to grace our Main Stage
at the Feb. 8 Jazz Sunday at Elks #6.
The Clinicians Band is led by the
— Hailing from Toledo, Ohio, Heitger
carries on a family tradition in the music
business. As a youngster, he became
fascinated with the sounds embedded in
the grooves of his dad’s record collection – discs by Louis Armstrong, Bunny
Berrigan, Roy Eldridge, Red Allen,
Bobby Hackett, and Bix Beiderbecke.
Rather than rebel against that music,
he would sit-in with his father’s Cake
Walkin’ Jass Band, a Toledo institution
that had played a weekly engagement at
Tony Packo’s Restaurant from 1968 to
March 2001. Duke (continued on page 5)
March 8 Jazz Sunday
ROBERT YOUNG, cornet/reeds — Santa Rosa, CA. Plays cornet
and saxes with Clint Baker’s Café Borrone All-Stars and Earl
Scheelar’s Zenith jazz band. He plays bass sax with Bob Schulz,
and with Scott Anthony’s Golden Gate Rhythm Machine.
2015 SAC. MUSIC FESTIVAL flyer ...................4
2015 JAZZ CAMP flyer ....................................6
Ad rates.............................................................2
Elks Lodge #6 – info/directions.....................2
In Loving Memory .........................................12
In the Months Ahead ......................................2
Jazz Notes.......................................................12
Jazz Sunday Notes The Cricket..................8–11
Membership application..............................16
Musicians / Music Here & There...................13
Teagarden Grant to STJSF Bill Au...................6
Notes from the Office Tom Duff......................2
President’s Message Ron Jones.......................3
Raffle Cent$ Kathy Becker..............................11
RENT PARTY list of musicians ......................14
Thank you, Kathy Becker .............................11
“Jazz Sunday” info ➤ pg. 2
Jazz Sunday photos on pg. 3, 8–9
Dec. 14th
2015 Sac. Music
Discount tickets on sale now.
See flyer on page 4.
STJS Office
Notes From the Office
301 N. 10th Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 444-2004
FAX: 444-2060
STJS Executive Director: Tom Duff
Vice President:
Dave Becker
Dennis Speciale
Nancy Kreis
Dennis Grimes
Ex Officio: Steve Hammond
Past Pres.: Ron Jones
MUSICIAN: Paula Dula
Vivian Lee
Jay Paulus
Dominic Ruggieri
Vanna Turner
Todd Bibby
Joe Cruz
Carol Fusaro
Scott Kaufman
Lyle Van Horn
The Board of Directors meet at the STJS Office at 6:00
pm on the Monday one week after the monthly Jazz
Sunday; open to the public. (Day subject to change.)
STJS FOUNDATION President: Dr. William Au
STJSF: P. O. Box 661763 • Sacramento, CA 95866
Nancy Giffin — editor@sacjazz.org
Yvonne & Bill Au, Dave & Kathy Becker, Bill Dendle, Tom
Duff, Paula Dula, Judy Hendricks, Ron & Patti Jones,
Jane Reinmuth, Bob Ringwald, and our advertisers.
Advertising (full-color):
AD DEADLINE: 15th day of prior month
Half-pg. Third-pg. Qtr.-pg.
Bus. card RATE
$ 75.
$ 52.50 ➔
$ 37.50 ➔
$ 15.
7.5” x 10” 3.6” x 10” 2.5” x 10” 3.6” x 4.8” –
7.5” x 4.8”
7.5” x 3.6”
7.5” x 2.5”
3.6” x 2.3”
Ads can be sent in .PDF or .JPG format.
And All That Jazz is published monthly, except January, by the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society:
301 N. 10th Street; Sacramento, CA 95811.
by Tom Duff
irst a big, big, BIG thank you! The
donations to keep the festival alive
and sponsor bands has been overwhelming. They said it could not be done, but
you erased an $80,000 projected deficit
by year end to about $3,000 in the black,
and kept the organization alive and
kicking. We are still looking for business sponsorships. We can customize a
sponsorship for you that will bring great
value and a very positive ROI.
Table and get your discounted tickets
now. We also have specials on group
tickets for 10 or more. Please contact the
office for more information.
As many of you are aware, the STJS
Office moved from Old Sacramento to
our new location, office / warehouse at
301 North 10th Street, Sacramento, CA
95811. [Same phone number: 916-4442004.] Although not ideal, the move
was necessary to keep the organization solvent. Starting Feb. 1, we will
be keeping the office open Monday
through Thursday, 10am–3pm. We
have some great volunteers that are willing to be there to answer your inquiries
by phone or in person. My thanks to the
volunteers willing to be there. They will
also be able to sell tickets for the 2015
Sac. Music Festival. [Or visit www.
sacmusicfest.com to purchase online.]
Each month in 2015, I would like
to feature one volunteer that “goes
over and above.” This month, I will
feature Joe Cruz. Joe has been a valuable asset to the organization for many
years. Joe started as a festival volunteer at the Turntable Junction site and
then was asked a few years ago to take
over the Construction Crew. He has
done a fabulous job building a great
crew that makes the festival function.
Joe also is involved in other festivals,
and I personally saw him at the Bluegrass Festival in Grass Valley. Joe,
though retired, runs a thriving electrical contracting business. He is also
a musician, drummer, and has built
computers. Joe is newly elected to
your board and will be a valuable asset
to our organization. 2
Tickets will also go on sale at our
monthly Jazz Sunday concerts at Elks
#6. Starting in February, visit the Raffle
The Sac. Trad. Jazz Society is a non-profit organization established under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of educating
the public and members on matters concerning
the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz
music, and the study and play of musical instruments associated with traditional jazz music.
Monthly “Jazz Sunday” typically occurs on the 2nd
Sunday, at ELKS #6, 6446 Riverside Blvd., Sac.,
CA 95831. This official meeting is open to all STJS
members and to the general public.
Admission to “Jazz Sunday” is by donation of $10
for members, $15 for non-members. Persons under
12 are admitted free. Youth 12-20 (members) $5,
youth 12-20 (non-members) $7.
Auditions are held twice a year: Mar. & Oct., 11 am
prior to “Jazz Sunday.” Applications are available
from the Gold Card Coordinator, to be completed
one month before the audition. For info: 444-2004.
Congratulations on the new board
members and the ones that got re-elected.
Thank You to the members that have
served and decided not to run. Being on
the Board requires a time commitment
and many emails, meetings and dedication. Thanks for all the hard work.
In the Months Ahead
2nd Sunday
MUSIC from
12 noon to 5:00 pm
Elks Lodge #6
6446 Riverside Blvd.
Sac., CA 95831
West of I-5 at Florin Rd.
& Riverside Blvd.
Feb. 7 – 10th annual TJYBF — Sac. State, 8am-9pm
DUKE HEITGER, trumpet — New Orleans, LA
BOB DRAGA, clarinet — Largo, FL
MIDIRI BROS., Joe: reeds; Paul: vibes — Mays Landing, NJ
BILL DENDLE, trombone — Sacramento, CA
EDDIE ERICKSON, gtr/bnj — Monterey, CA
JEFF PHILLIPS, piano — Naples, FL
SHELLEY DENNY, bass — Sacramento, CA
RON JONES, drums — Sacramento, CA
Mar. 8 – ROBERT YOUNG, reeds — Santa Rosa, CA
February 2015
President’s Message
by Dave Becker
a m thankful and honored to have been elected President
of our Society. Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
was established May 1968 with the mission of educating
the public and members on matters concerning: (1) preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music, and (2) the
study and playing of musical instruments associated with
traditional jazz music. Jazz Sunday (concert meeting on
2nd Sunday of each month) was established during this time
period to encourage jazz fans, swing dancers, and music students to attend. Each monthly concert is like a mini Music
Festival with live music in three different rooms: the Main
Stage, which features our guest musicians; Gold Card
Room for our Gold Card Musicians; and then we have the
Tailgate Room, where there are jam sessions for any and
all musicians (of all ages). Traditional Jazz Music survives
because of the loyalty of its fans and the dedication of the
musicians and volunteers of STJS.
I would like to introduce the current Officers and Board
Members of the Society:
Vice President Dennis Speciale, Secretary Nancy Kreis,
Treasurer Dennis Grimes; Board Members Todd Bibby, Joe
Cruz, Paula Dula, Carol Fusaro, Scott Kaufman, Vivian
Lee, Jay Paulus, Dominic Ruggieri, Vanna Turner, and
Lyle Van Horn; Past President Ron Jones, and Ex-offico
Steve Hammond.
During my term as President, I look forward to working with the many loyal STJS volunteers to grow our membership, put on fun shows and events that get people out to
listen to live music, and to continue to promote the Traditional Jazz Music to new generations.
My goals for the STJS are as follows:
• Grow the number of members
• Listen to our member’s ideas for what members want to
get out of the STJS and keep us open to new fresh ideas that
will make the STJS even more fun for our members.
• To have an AWESOME 2015 Sacramento Music Festival
Please be patient as we get our feet under us, and remember: we can always use your help, so join us! Together we
are going to have a lot of fun, and I believe we will make a
big difference in our community by bringing more live Traditional Jazz Music to the people.
Thank you for your support and assistance.
Dave 2
February 2015
February 2015
Clinicians Band (cont.)
started playing professional jobs at age twelve and was touring
while still in his teens. His travels broadened as he played jazz
festivals across the country with his father’s band.
Since arriving in New Orleans, Heitger has received international exposure leading to work with bands led by such classic jazz stalwarts as Dan Barrett, Engelbert Wrobel (Germany),
Marty Gros, Dick Hyman, John Gill and Banu Gibson. He has
made a number of guest appearances on Garrison Keillor’s A
Prairie Home Companion with Butch Thompson, and has been
featured numerous times on broadcasts by the Jim Cullum Jazz
Band live from the riverwalk in San Antonio, TX.
Heitger has been featured at the Hollywood Bowl, at New
York’s 92nd St. Y, Lincoln Center’s “Midsummer’s Night
Swing” series, and Orchestra Hall in Mineapolis, MN. Internationally, he has toured Europe extensively either as a bandleader or as a guest soloist. He played the Caesarea Jazz Festival in Israel as a member of the Arbors Statesmen of Jazz,
which also included Warren Vaché, John Allred, Howard
Alden and Ken Peplowski.
While not on the road, Heitger maintains a busy schedule
in New Orleans: leading his own Steamboat Stompers aboard
the Natchez Paddlewheeler, a weekly appearance at the Palm
Court Jazz Café, as well as a heavy dose of spot work.
As a sideman, Heitger has recorded widely. While well
known among jazz enthusiasts through those many recordings,
he also made his mark on popular music with his trumpet work
on the Squirrel Nut Zippers million-selling disc “Hot,” earning
him a platinum record.
Heitger has recorded six CDs under his own name: the first
featuring his Steamboat Stompers (GHB Records); the second,
a critically acclaimed Fantasy release, Rhythm is our Business,
features his Swing Band; the Stomp Off release, Prince of
Wails, finds Heitger leading a quartet; the 2003 recording, Krazy
Kapers, is on Jazzology; and the newest Jazzology release,
“What is This Thing Called Love,” is now available. Heitger’s
debut on Arbors records is a collaboration with German piano
maestro Bernd Lhotzky titled Doin’ the Voom Voom.
In March of 2000, Singapore’s Lindy Hop Ensemble premiered “New Heights,” a dance item performed to the music of
Duke Heitger. When not playing, Heitger managed to squeeze
in a Bachelor’s Degree in Geology and completed his Masters
at the University of New Orleans.
BOB DRAGA, Clarinet (TJYBF Guest Clinician in 2006)
Bob’s professional career encompasses over thirty-five years
of live performances (national and int’l) at jazz festivals, jazz
cruises, and personal engagements. Previously part of the Titan
Hot 7, Bob has been described as Bob performs exclusively
on the “high seas” for Jazzdagen Cruises, sailing throughout
the world. Since leaving the Garden Avenue Seven, a band
February 2015
he founded and led for twenty-two years, Bob has led several
all-star bands, was co-leader of the Draga-Vax Connection for
three years, and has worked frequently with Johnny Varro,
Tom Saunders, Rick Fay, Bob Haggart, and other world-class
jazz performers, and has many recordings to his credit. In addition to playing superb clarinet, Bob presents an almost wicked
brand of humor, making him one of the busiest musicians on
the trad jazz circuit today.
JOE MIDIRI: Reeds (TJYBF Guest Clinician in 2014)
PAUL MIDIRI : Vibes/Trombone/Drums
The Midiri Brothers have made music, both jazz and classical,
the focus of their lives since graduating Glassboro State College. On recordings, they can be heard leading groups ranging
from trios, quintets, sextets and big bands – all featuring Joe’s
outstanding clarinet and saxophones, and Paul on the vibraphone, xylophone, marimba, drums and trombone! After nearly
a decade working in Philadelphia, New York and Atlantic City,
they began to branch out and perform at jazz festivals across
the country, and for many jazz clubs from Chicago to Florida.
In their home state of N.J., they play concerts and dances. Two
of the most popular concert venues, both run by their good
friend and supporter Bruce Gast, are the Bickford Theater in
Morristown, N.J. and Ocean County College. The Golden Inn
in Avalon, N.J. has featured the Midiri Brothers Big Band as
part of their Big Band Get Away weekend package for nearly
a decade. The big band features many of the arrangements of
Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and the Dorsey Brothers as well
as many of their own arrangements. The diversity of the Midiri
Brothers can be heard on their many recordings, notably: Trees,
A Shaw Thing, In The Garden, and Finger Bustin’. Recently,
they have recorded two CDs with the Brooks Tegler Orchestra
and one with Harry Salotti.
BILL DENDLE, Trombone/Guitar/Banjo — Bill began playing banjo in 1963, and by 1967 he performed at Mickie Finn’s
in San Diego as leader of the South Market Street Jazz Band.
Bill was the lead banjoist at Capone’s Warehouse in Monterey
for nine years. 1977 found Bill as an entertainment consultant,
banjoist, trombonist, bandleader and entertainer at Florida’s
Disney World, where he opened on the Empress Lilly Showboat. In late 1977, Bill revived the South Market Street JB.
From 1982 to 1995, he appeared as one-half of the duo called
Goodtime Banjos. Bill is currently director of three trad jazz
camp programs and is the lead clinician in the STJS Traditional
Jazz Project. He plays trombone, guitar and banjo in Shelley
Burns & Avalon Swing, and with Fast Eddie Erickson. Bill has
performed with Bob Haggart, Bob Crosby, Johnny Varro, Dick
Cary, Abe Most, Nick Fatool, Bob Draga and others. He retired
two years ago as Vice-Principal at Lindbergh Ed. Center in
30th annual
16th annual
for YOUTH (ages 12-18)
for ADULTS (ages 18+)
August 3 – 9, 2015
July 26 – 31, 2015
The camps are held at Sly Park Environmental Education Center, the Sac.
County Schools Outdoor Education
facility (5600 Sly Park Road; Pollock
Pines, CA), about an hour east of
Sacramento in the beautiful foothills
of the Sierra Nevada.
Tuition for Youth Camp 2015 = $650.
Tuition for Adult Camp 2015 = $900.
Payment plans and scholarships are
available, and many jazz societies
sponsor students. Contact STJS
(916) 444-2004 to help locate a jazz
society in your area. For more information contact Bill Dendle, Camp
Director, at: bdendle@comcast.net
or (916) 927-5222.
Our camp faculty (subject to change)
consists of some of the finest trad
jazz players in the country, including:
Rusty Stierstrumpet/cornet
Bria Skonbergtrumpet/cornet
Anita Thomas clarinet and sax
Terry Myers clarinet and sax
Greg Varlottatrombone
Curtis Brenglepiano
Jason Wannerpiano
Ed Metz, Jr.drums
Nahum Zdybel guitar and banjo
Howard Alden guitar and banjo
Lee Westenhofer bass and tuba
Shelley Burnsvocals
The estate of Norma Teagarden and John Friedlander bequeathed to the STJS Foundation a most
generous gift of $941,000.
Norma Teagarden,
noted jazz pianist and
sister of Jack and Charlie
Teagarden, passed away
in June 1996. Her estate
established a memorial scholarship fund at
the newly created STJS
Foundation for education
of future generations in
traditional jazz. She was the Empress for our STJS
Sacramento Jazz Jubilee in 1983, and as a music
teacher and performer, had a passion for education.
This donation will allow the Foundation to fund
our Jazz Camp, TJYBF, and all our youth education
programs and activities for years to come.
She married John Friedlander in 1995, and John
served on our STJS Foundation Board for several
years before ill health forced his retirement from our
Board in 2007. John passed away in January 2014.
The STJS Foundation is a separate 501(c)(3) philanthropic organization linked to STJS through our joint
mission to promote traditional jazz education for
young musicians; the Foundation has no connection
to the Sacramento Music Festival or Jazz Sundays.
In honor of their gift, the STJS Foundation Board—
with the support of STJS and Jazz Camp Director Bill
Dendle—voted to rename the jazz camp:
the STJS Teagarden Jazz Camp. Thanks to their generosity, and that of other donors, traditional jazz will
continue to survive and thrive in the years to come.
President, STJS Foundation
February 2015
(CLINICIANS cont.) Manteca, CA, and will become the curriculum director and banjo/guitar instructor at Camp Hoagy in
Elkhart, Indiana this June 15-22.
JEFF PHILLIPS, Piano — Jeff has learned every kind of
popular music — everything from Dixieland/Traditional Jazz
to funk — making him marketable for a wide variety of work.
He is one of a literal handful of people in the country who can
plays bass pedals with his feet, play a left hand accompanying
part and solo or accompany with his right hand, sounding like
3/4 or a rhythm section. He is also in demand as a pianist when
not using his “big rig”. He is currently a staff musician for
Walt Disney World, performing as pianist with The Grand Floridian Society Orchestra. He is also on staff for the nationally
recognized Harrison High School For The Arts Jazz Orchestra as the assistant director and jazz piano/improv teacher. A
small list of internationally recognized musicians/entertainers
he has worked with: Clark Terry, Louis Bellson, Bob Mintzer,
Buddy DeFranco, Butch Miles, Dennis Marks, Howard Alden,
Warren and Allan Vaché, Ken Peplowski, Chuck Redd, comedian/actor Charlie Callas, and John Allred.
EDDIE ERICKSON, Banjo/Guitar/Vocals (TJYBF Guest
Clinician in 2008) — Eddie Erickson began his banjo/guitar
career in the mid-‘60s working at Capone’s Warehouse on
Cannery Row. From there, Ed went to Disney World and Disneyland, where he was featured in the “Class of ‘27” show at
the Diamond and Golden Horseshoes, and starred in the Banjo
Kings. He has been a featured performer, and appeared with
Jackie Coon, Rick Fay, Dave Frishberg, Johnny Varro, and
others. From 1978 to 1983, Eddie led the “Riverboat Rascals”
show band onboard Disney’s Empress Lilly Showboat. Eddie
has been featured with Big Mama Sue at festivals, fairs,
and the Sancy Snow Jazz Festival in France. Also a vocalist, Eddie has joined forces with Rebecca Kilgore and Dan
Barrett to form Rebecca Kilgore Quartet, popular at jazz
festivals throughout the country. Eddie is a respected and
beloved member of the jazz fraternity, and one of the funniest performers on the scene.
SHELLEY DENNY, Bass — Shelley Denny is a freelance trombonist and bass player with broad experience as
both a performer and a teacher. His playing credits include
Stan Kenton, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Wilson,
and The Supremes, plus thirty years with the Sacramento
Music Circus. He has taught music theory, ear training,
and jazz improvisation at Sacramento State University,
coached lower brass at University of the Pacific, Stockton,
and offered private instruction for over thirty-five years.
RON JONES, Drums — After Ron retired from playing
drums with the US Air Force show bands, he backed such
prime time entertainers as Frankie Laine, Kay Starr, the
Ink Spots, and Diahann Carroll. Since he moved to Sacramento in the early 1980s, he’s played with many top
West Coast jazz bands. A member of the Youth Band Festival committee and immediate Past President of the STJS
Board of Directors, Ron is a very popular drummer on
the national jazz festival circuit and performs with Sister
Swing and the Draga Quartet. Ron and the TJYBF Clinicians Band were selected from a highly competitive field
of applicants to present a performance at the first West
Coast convention of the national JEN (Jazz Education Network) last month in San Diego.
Last year at the 9th annual TJYBF, the Clinicians Band invited youth band particpants to join them in the finale.
Brandon Au photo
February 2015
Jazz Sunday Notes
By “The Cricket”
[who is NOT the AATJ editor]
DECEMBER 14, 2014
Tom Rigney & Flambeau
will follow. Suggested donation of $5 at the door or $20 per
family of any size. She is promoting the event as “a fundraising concert in support of Instrument Match, administered by
the STJS Foundation.” We are SO proud of her.
hoa! Can you believe it’s been two months already since
we talked? Time really does fly when you’re having fun,
which we have done in abundance! Flambeau, for instance,
attracted their usual horde of dancin’ fools to the December
bash. You notice they always seem to be having at least as
much fun as their audience? What a nice bunch of people.
Instrument Match Program: Instruments donated to the
STJS Foundation are given to children who would otherwise
be unable to own an instrument. Potential matches will be identified through the Music Lesson Awards program, through the
Teagarden Jazz Camp and the TJYBF, and through our other
education programs. (Note: the STJSF Board has elected the
new name, “Teagarden Jazz Camp,” for youth camp only.
(Read more about it on page 6.)
Nice job by Emcee Ken McMurray. By the way, I’m cutting a bit of a corner by not listing names of all the musicians
here. You’ll find full lists elsewhere, and I’ll confine myself
here to a bit of chitchat just between us chickens. Like, tenor
saxophonist and TNT vocalist Joanna Koford was giving out
her last hugs as a “kid” – she turned 18 on January 8. And TNT
clarinetist Breanna Rodgers is moving forward with her Girl
Scout Gold Project – she has a date for it now, so mark your
calendars for March 14, noon to six, “Celebration of Music”
at the Carmichael Elks Lodge (5631 Cypress Avenue, Carmichael, CA 95608). Identification of the 6 participating bands
Newly elected Board Member Joe Cruz brought one of
his Construction Crew volunteers, Romaine Bubnes, to the
December meeting. And here’s the really good part: Romaine
Vocal Set drummer and retired SJUSD music teacher Jack
Stanfill was sporting a t-shirt from the 1999 Dixieland Jazz
Jubilee – and it still fits! The reason Jack was playing the Vocal
Set was because of Jim Roberson’s tussle with the Thanksgiving turkey. He claims, after he had taken a serious whack at his
hand, that his loving family cried out in unison, “Don’t bleed
on the turkey!” Will take some months to heal (his hand, not
his feelings).
Dec. 14, 2014
February 2015
was the 1,000th member of STJS. She joined in our 10th anniversary year (1978), after moving here from New York via
the Air Force. When they left New York, her daughter was 11
months; settled in Sacramento when the daughter was 6. She
remembers once being called up on stage and presented with a
bouquet of roses. Very classy.
Joe Ignoffo bought the raffle ticket for her. Her friend, Diana
Tremblay, was so excited for her that she got up and joined
the parasol parade. Their friend, Mary Swan, is a Sacramento
Elk. Diana’s husband, Jim, was there, too. Their friend, Linda
Brett, won the Waterford wine coasters in the raffle. Lucky
table! All said they were there to see TOM!!!
Margie Menz, Billie’s second daughter, was joined by
family friends Caroline Rudolph and Joe Johnson. And
Maggie Hull was accompanied by her daughter, Debbie
Huber. We were so pleased to see Chuck and Betty Osckle;
they stopped by to renew their membership, although they
couldn’t stay to hear Tom Rigney.
Kathy Noriega said she’s a Stockton Elk as well as a San
Joaquin Dixieland Jazz Society member. She drove up with
Michael Reilley, who was playing drums in the GCR. Reed
player Garry Sharp was a new guy, but we “worked the stuffing out of him” in the Tailgate. Hope he comes back.
This was the first meeting for Connie Laxague, brought
by her friend Lynn Barney, who admitted that she is a lapsed
member, but we’re working on that!
Max and Lori Weis and son Parker joined Barbara
and Jay Paulus in a motorhome trek to Southern California
over Thanksgiving. The Weises visited with daughter Alex at
school, and then rejoined Barbara and Jay at the San Diego
Jazz Festival, where Parker was able to sit in on several sets,
particularly with Dick Williams’ band.
Irene Gilkey won the parasol in the raffle. Irene said she
is “an old Elk from South San Francisco.” Sacramento Elk
Shontaye Washington said her husband, Hulan Washington III, found us online. Grandparents Regina and Hulan
II were there, all with the objective of getting their children,
Harriet and Eddie, enlisted in our Youth activities. Harriet is
a music student at Laguna Creek; she plays trumpet and clarinet.Eddie is in middle school, also plays trumpet and clarinet,
AND is teaching herself bari sax! Welcome!
Did I mention that the vocal set was Christmas-themed?
Of course it was—starting with the Paula/Jackie/Jeanette trio
on “Angels We Have Heard on High.” Alan Ginter’s “Santa
Claus is Coming to Town” and Clint Ritchie’s “The Christmas Song” were some of the standards. (Continued on page 10.)
17th annual STJS “RENT PARTY”
Jan. 11, 2015
February 2015
Julie Meyers on “Blue Christmas” and
“Christmas Island” by Bev Ludlow not heard as often. Vanna
Turner sang Harry Connick, Jr.’s “When My Heart Finds
Christmas,” Joanna Koford said “Merry Christmas, Darling,”
and Dennis Cain said “Let It Be Christmas.” Larry Sikorski brought down the house, as usual, with “O Holy Night,”
and Paula Dula sang “Christmas is for Children.” Then Todd
Morgan knocked it out of the park with “Run, Run Rudolph.”
And those are just representative samples.
(Cont. from page 9)
Speaking of Todd Morgan, he’s had a couple of nice writeups in the Carmichael Times recently (www.carmichaeltimes.
com), the most recent item was on January 16, celebrating
the Release Party for a promotional video of his song “Crazy
Cryin’ Blues.” There was a previous mention, September 4,
2014, that was a nice interview reporting on the use of his
original songs in the sound track for a movie called All American Horror, an admittedly low budget affair, but with Eric
Roberts starring, which should get some buzz. Of course, WE
expect that Todd’s music will get some buzz, too.
JANUARY 11, 2015
17th annual STJS Rent Party
ent Party was its usual excellent
lineup, thanks to Band Getter Bob
Ringwald. [For those who were not
aware, Bob Ringwald finds our guest
artists and organizes musicians for
the Main Stage sets. Thank you, Bob!]
Started right out on the Main Stage with
“slap bass innovator” Zack Sapunor, who was joined by Jeff
Kreis and Bill Dendle in a group they’re calling Hot City!
You would not believe you could get that much exciting music
out of just three guys! Zack says he has two quadruple-slaps:
one regular and one for swing. He is touting something he’s
calling “swingxotica” — you gotta hear this guy! (See list of
Rent Party musicians on page 7.)
Midnight Rose started the Gold Card Room. Loved their
“Milenberg Joys.” Brad Hammet stopped by to say hi prior
to picking up his trombone to join Claudette Stone. Claudette
said she had a bad cold just two days before. Sounding glorious now, but she had given it to Dick Johnson so they worked
without a trumpet. Emcee Matias Bombal called her “winsome,” which doesn’t begin to cover all that Claudette is.
Dutch Deutsch dedicated “Old Fashioned Love” to the
memory of (Toronto, not Sacramento) Jim Galloway, a dynamite reed player—most notably on curved soprano sax—from
Scotland by way of Canada. Dutch had just learned that Jim
died on December 30. Dutch’s tribute was lovely.
We’ve decided that the description that best fits Brandon
Au is “fearless.” He did a fabulous job with the West End
Jazz Band. We got a big thumbs up from Gary and Sabra
Pendleton, in spite of the fact they live close to the Dante
Club, so the move to the Elks was discombobulating.
Charlie Gehlbach came up with a song I’d never even
heard of: “When You Get What You Want You Don’t Want
It.” When you Google it, you get a lot of philosophy and no
recording. Very interesting.
Dave Johnstone’s son, Brian, is in Sax by Popular
Demand. Ron Phillips’ daughter, Emily, is also in the band.
Sophie Seng’s grandparents, Katrina Boratynski and Brian
Tarkington, were on hand, as was Kyle Horn’s father, John.
John leads California Repercussions, a major street attraction
at the Music Festival. He said that, after 6 years of work to
arrange it, the group will be touring Cuba in February. Wow!
TJ Brown (who also plays piano) and Alicia Lopez, teamed
up on the fun vocals for the Syncopating Sea-Monkeys’
“Baby It’s Cold Outside.” Lauren Adams was the vocalist on
“Hit That Jive, Jack.” All of the young musicians at the Rent
Party were wonderfully uplifting.
Paula Dula, who shared GCR emcee duties with new
Board Member Vivian Lee, told us that Tim Kreis is attending
CSU Northridge School of Jazz Studies. His mother, Nancy,
announced with pride and great relief that he was there on a
scholarship! Connie Eckowitz has been a member for many
years; she used to attend with Ben Fowlkes. She brought her
sister, Margie Borsi.
Did you see the love letter to Shakey’s Pizza in the January
11 “Feast” section of the SacBee? Chris Macias was waxing
all nostalgic about all things 57th and J. Nice picture of Gary
Brown and Jay Halverson. Those two guys sustained our
bodies during several Jazz Jubilees, while the music sustained
the soul. We miss the place too, Chris.
By the way, after the scary event we reported last month,
Dolores Smith is back in good fettle and working on getting back up on her feet. Fellow Sound Crew Member Norm
Echols, however, took her place on the sick list. He missed
Jazz Sunday because he just wasn’t feeling well, and wound
up having emergency gallbladder surgery later that day. At 85
years of age, you don’t take this stuff lightly, but he’s doing
well enough that it was felt prudent to extract a promise from
him not to try to work on Sound for several months. If you see
him trying to lift something, or tape down a cord, or anything
else except listen and give directions, rap his knuckles.
Alicia Fulbright is also improving, now working on rehabbing her broken knee cap. She reminded her doc that she had
overcome Stage III cancer, so this was nothing. The doctor
called her an over-achiever. Naturally, Kurtis was by her side.
February 2015
Raffle Cent$
Wendy Maihack? Two broken legs? Struggle to get mobile
again? NO WAY. Jim reports that she’s already back on her feet
and walking! Huzzah! What a toughie.
Lots of good news, but several items balancing on the bad
side: Jan Buhlert was scheduled to play with both Midnight
Rose and New Black Tuesday, but instead was hospitalized
with several blood clots. We send him all our best thoughts.
Claude Purcell’s step-son (Jane Harrell’s son) Buck
Henderson, died recently of cancer. I have a memory of Buck
at the first Jubilee where the Volunteers had t-shirts. Buck had
altered the Jubilee logo into a Blue Oyster Cult logo – HORRORS. Buck just figured music is music, so pay tribute to what
you like! He was a sweet guy through his whole life and he will
be missed.
And we lost Bill Schoening just before the last issue of
AATJ came out. Bill supported jazz and ragtime with all his
heart, and was the founder of the Wednesday night concerts at
Mather Field Straw Hat, which continue to this day. There was
a lovely memorial “service” at the pizza parlor, with a heartfelt
eulogy by Burt Wilson. Bill will be mourned by many. See
Petra Sullivan’s sweet In Memoriam tribute in the December
2014 issue of the Sacramento Ragtime Society Newsletter at
I belatedly saw that we lost another link with jazz history
when Duff Campbell died on October 3, 2014. Turk Murphy
wrote “Duff Campbell’s Revenge” to commemorate an
encounter Duff had with Eddie Condon. Duff met Jelly Roll
Morton, hung out with Mary Lou Williams, chauffeured Art
Tatum to and from a gig, hosted Nat “King” Cole at home “listening parties.” A major chapter of our jazz history is closed.
Check out Le Hot Club of Carmichael, featuring our own
E.J. Koford and David Rees, at Lido Bar and Grill in Fair
Oaks on February 12, 6:30 to 8:30.
Claudette Stone is at Biba restaurant on Thursdays from
6 to 9 p.m.; Rich O’Day on Wednesdays. Fulton Street Jazz
Band will play the Fat Tuesday Interdenominational Jazz Celebration at United Methodist Church in Nevada City, February
17, 6:30 to 8 pm (a free event).
And don’t forget, every Wednesday night, 6:30 to 8:30,
Straw Hat Pizza on Mather Field Road, somethin’ good!
by Kathy Becker
appy New Year to all! In December, we brought in ..a
whopping $605.00, and for January, we brought in
$354.00. YAHOO, it just gets better all the time!
In December we wish to thank; Kathy Grimes, Mike and
Patti Schneider, Vanna Turner, Yvonne Au, Carol Fusaro, Judy
Hendricks, and Chuck and Joanne Luethy. For January our
donators were; Bard Rice, Mike and Patti Schneider, and T.
Jackson. Thank you all for your support.
Our winners for December were: Ed Riojas, Eileen Giekey,
Linda Brett, Ellie Buhlert, Elinor Hackett, Mike and Patti
Schneider, Andy Balog, Karen Matthews, Azaria McCauley, and Tom and Paige Morrow. Our winners for January
were: Linda Brett, Giselle Koford, Kurtis and Alicia Fullbright, Malinda Rice, Jeanette Erwin, Cat Doggett, and
Roger Zabkie. Congrats to all.
Thank you all for supporting Jazz Sunday, we had a great year.
Tickets are now on sale for the 42nd annual Sacramento
Music Festiavl. Stop by the Raffle Table or buy online at the
Festival website: www.sacmusicfest.com Flyer on page 4. 2
Thank you, Kathy!
Here’s Kathy Becker wearing the
corsage she received at the Jan. 31
Crab & Pasta Feed. STJS would
like to express sincere and abundant
appreciation for all the hard work
she and Dave put into organizing
the Crab & Pasta Feed on Sat., Jan.
31, 2015. It was yet another successful and wonderfully happy event.
Thanks to all who attended!
As in past years, Kathy Becker carefully
wrapped all the Raffle Prizes. She’s awesome!
And so is her fellow vounteer, Kathy Grimes.
Multi-instrumentalist Robert Young is our guest in March.
Not a name that jogs a memory? He’s played with a bunch of
bands, from Golden Eagle J.B. to Café Borrone All-Stars, is in
the rotation at Pier 23, and is really, really good, especially on
saxophone. Show up and enjoy.
Come support the dozens of youth bands participating in
the 10th annual TJYBF at Sac State on Sat., Feb. 7th! 2
February 2015
Future Jazz Festivals
and Jazz Parties
10th annual TJYBF Sacramento State 8am – 6pm 7pm concert
www.sacjazz.org/youthfestival/ Guest Artist Duke Heitger
12-15 Sounds of Mardi Gras Fresno Hotel & Conv. Ctr. (209) 534-1924
20-22 San Diego JAZZ PARTY Del Mar, CA
(858) 453-0846
MARCH 2015
6-8 Jazz Bash by the Bay Monterey, CA
(888) 349-6879
In Loving Memory
Charles “Duff” Campbell
October 3, 2014
Donna Maureen Williams
December 8, 2014
Marie “Betty” Sevo Byouk
December 10, 2014
James Fast
December 28, 2014
2005 Emperor of Jazz
Jim Galloway (Toronto)
Feb. 8 at the ELKS Lodge #6: CLINICIANS BAND
with 2015 TJYBF Guest Artist DUKE HEITGER — allstar musicians from around the USA. Bob Draga, the Midiri
Brothers, Bill Dendle, Eddie Erickson, Jeff Phillips, Shelley Denny, and Ron Jones. NOON youth bands from Saturday’s TJYBF: the BSR Hotshots (from Pismo Beach), The
Grady Bunch (Winston Churchill Middle School), and the
Awktives (from J Street Studios, Davis). Jazz Sunday is at
Elks Lodge #6, Riverside Blvd. & Florin Rd. (6446 Riverside
Blvd., Sac. CA 95831.) Arrive between 9 and 11 am for their
Sunday Breakfast Buffet ($9). Bring your friends and family!
STJS BOARD MEETING — Mon., Feb. 16, 6:00 pm at
the NEW STJS Office location: 301 N. 10th Street, Sacramento,
CA 95811. Monday meetings are held one week after Jazz Sunday.
Submit event info in advance to: editor@sacjazz.org
See “MUSIC HERE & THERE” for regular gigs.
Straw Hat: WED. 6:00pm–8:30 (2929 Mather Field Rd.,
Rancho Cordova) No cover charge. Feb. 4–Jay Paulus Society Band. Feb. 11–Big City 5. Feb. 18–Cell Block 7. Feb.
25–Pat Blucher. Mar. 4–Crescent Katz. Mar. 11–Sactown
Playboys. Mar. 18–Elaine Lord. Mar. 25–Dr. Bach.
Midtown Stomp: Friday nights 9pm–12am. Cover charge.
(2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691). Fri.,
Feb. 6–Peter Petty & his Titans of Terpsichore. March 27–
Hot Baked Goods (with Clint Baker).
Western Swing Society: 1st Sun., 1–6pm, Machinist Hall
(2749 Sunrise, R.C.). March 1–Gary Blodgett & Big Trouble.
December 30, 2014
Mary “Jeannine” Wells
January 3, 2015
The Bob Draga Quartet
1997 Emperor of Jazz
George Arthur Probert, Jr.
Feb. 5th 5th
with vocalist Valerie Marston!
January 10, 2015
2650 Sunset
Ben Fowlkes
6-7 pm
hors d’oeuvres
$45 per
person includes $25 tax-deductible
donation & No
Enjoy this wonderful
evening and support
League of Placer.
For more details, call Carolyn at 916-435-9471
Complimentary dessert & No Host Bar
at Intermission
January 20, 2015
Jazz Notes
Hors d’oeuvres and no host bar 6 pm, concert 7-9 pm
February 2015
Tickets available from:
Main Stage 12-14-14
Guest: TOM RIGNEY & Flambeau, San Francisco Bay Area
Guest Artist Coord.: Bob Ringwald
Emcee: Ken McMurray
Set #1 — YOUTH BAND – TNT (The New Traditionalists)
STJS-sponsored youth band (ages 15-18). Bob Williams, instructor;
Cherish Cyr, band mgr; Eric Treadwell, trumpet; Parker Weis,
clarinet; Duncan McElman, sax; Olivia Flournoy, trombone;
Jackson Stafford, piano; Simon Anuszczyk, guitar/banjo; Gabriel
Anuszczyk, bass; Timothy Voet, drums; Joanna Koford, vocals.
Set #2 — GUEST – TOM RIGNEY & Flambeau. Tom Rigney,
leader, violin; Steve Willis, piano; Danny Caron, guitar; Steve Parks,
bass; Brent Rampone, drums.
#3 — Gold Society Jazz Auchestra — Justin Au, trumpet; Dave
Johnson, tpt/tbn; Brandon Au, trombone; Otis Mourning, reeds;
Jim Martinez, piano; Zack Sapunor, bass; Rose Cangelosi, drums. 
Set #4 — GUEST – TOM RIGNEY & Flambeau. Tom Rigney,
leader, violin; Steve Willis, piano; Danny Caron, guitar; Steve Parks,
bass; Brent Rampone, drums.
Gold Card Room 12-14-14
Tpt/Cor: Charlie Gehlbach, Jared Blum, Bill Sharp; Rds: Gene
Mondro, Dominic Ruggieri, Charlie Hull; Tbn: Carl Kaiser,
Bob Gonzalez, Carl Kaiser, Jay Paulus; P: Ken Meyers, Frank
Lindskoog, Carl Kaiser; Bnj/Gtr: Mark Kramer, DaveMetz,
David Reitz, Jan Buhlert, Danny Caron; B/Tb: Alan Ginter,
Dave Sieber, David Rees, Eddi Benjamini; Dr: Jack Stanfill, Dan
Lobay, Carl Warmdahl, Ron Jones, Mike Reilley; Wbd: Patrick
Skiffington; Voc: Larry Sikorski, Edd Burhans, Jackie Clauson,
Alan Ginter, Paula Dula, Joanna Koford, Harry DuVall, Kate
Rees, Audrey Edley, Bev Ludlow, Vanna Turner, Jeanette Hall,
Claude Purcell, Todd Morgan, Dorit Benjamini, Julie Meyers,
Clint Ritchie, Dennis Cain, Barbara Paulus, Becky Rector.
GCR Director: Paula Dula.
Tailgate Room 12-14-14
Thanks again to Edd Burhans and Bev Ludlow for directing the
Tailgate Room in November. The players were:
Tpt: Jared Blum, Charlie Gehlbach; Rds: Gary Sharpe, Catherine
Treadwell, Gene Mondro; Tbn: Larry Tyrell, Bob Gonzalez, Carl
Kaiser, Jay Paulus; P: Frank Lindskoog, Rich O’day, Montana
Monce, Carl Kaiser, Billy Menz; Strings: Ned Poffinbarger, Dave
Metz, Jan Buhlert; Bass/Tuba: Bill Chiechi, Dave Sieber, Mike
Melnikov; Dr: Greg Ayala, Dave Orlove, Bill Chamberlains, Carl
Warmdahl, Todd Morgan; Vocs: Bev Ludlow, Claude Purcell,
Ned Poffinbarger, Todd Morgan.
Co-Directors: Edd Burhans and Bev Ludlow, pro-tem
February 2015
Music Here & There
Beatnik Studios Jazz Night, 3rd Thursday, 7-10pm, 723 S Street, Sac.
Beth Duncan Trio, www.bethduncan.com
BIG BANDS Tues. nights, JB’s Lounge, Clarion Hotel, 1401 Arden Way, Sac.
Black Tuesday J.B., www.blacktuesdayjazzband.com (530) 676-8923.
Bob Ringwald / Fulton St. J.B., www.ringwald.com (916) 806-9551.
Claudette Stone, Biba, Th., 6:00–9pm., 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422
Crescent Katz, 1st & 3rd Friday, Shady Lady (1409 R St, Sac.), 9–midnight. 1st Sun. 3-6pm, Berryessa Brewing. facebook.com/CrescentKatz/
Cunha Big Band 1st Tues. 7pm, Clubhouse, 5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, Carmichael
Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners, http://drbachjazz.blogspot.com
Eddie & Friends Tues. 1:15-3:45pm, 4701 Gibbons Drive, Carmichael
Harley White, Jr. Orchestra www.harleywhitejr.com
Jay Paulus’ Society Band, http://jaypaulussocietyband.com
“Midtown Stomp”– Dance, Fri., 8pm–12am. www.midtownstomp.com
2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691. Classes. (916) 221-1500
Nice & Easy, e/o Sat. 4:30-7:30pm, The Station, Auburn Bl/Riverside, Rsvl.
Nu-Tones Qt., Timbers Rest., Sun City, RSVL, 6-9pm, Fri. www.nutones.info
Rich O’Day, Biba Rest., Wed., 6:00–9pm, 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422
Sac. Banjo Band, Straw Hat Pizza, Mather Fld. Rd., 1st & 3rd Sun., 2-4 p.m.
Sac. Ragtime Society, FREE! Red Lion Sacto. Inn, 1401 Arden Way, Sac.,
last Sunday of each month, 1–4 p.m., (916) 457-3324.
Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra www.speakeazyjazz.com
Sampino’s – Fri. 11:30–1:30 p.m; Sat. noon–2 p.m. www.dbaba.com
SwingMasters big band, Carmichael, CA www.swingmasters.org
Vivian Lee, www.reverbnation.com/vivianlee
Western Swing Soc., The Machinist Hall, 2749 Sunrise Bl., Rnch. Cordova
1st Sun., 1-6pm. Ballroom dancing, swing, waltz, foxtrot. (916) 635-0450
Z.O.O.M. www.ZydecoOnOurMinds.com
Basin St. Regulars, Vet’s Bldg, Pismo, last Sun, 12-4:30. (805) 481-7840.
Cell Block 7, Royce Farms BBQ; 10880 N. Hwy 99; Stockton
1st and 3rd Tues., 6:30–8:30p.m. (209) 931-8333 www.cellblock7.net
Feather River JS Concert day varies. Graegle, CA featherriverjazzsociety.com
Fresno DL Soc., 2nd Sun., 1-5 pm (559) 292-3999. Call for location.
Modesto TJS, Clarion, 1612 Sisk Rd., Mod., 3rd Sun., 12-5 p.m., (209) 985-2223
Rivercity Jazz Society, Elks Lodge, Redding, 3rd Sun., 1-5pm
San Joaquin DL JS 8900 Thornton, Stock., 1st Sun., 12-5, stocktondixielandjazz.org
Sierra Trad. Jazz Club, Memorial Bldg, Three Rivers, 2nd Sat., 8-11pm.
Western Mus. Rndup., Stewart Hall, Sheridan, 4th Sun., 12-5pm, 645-8521
http://www.sfraeann.com/ - online calendar
it’s a rive!
And That’s Jazz, assorted. www.jazzdance.org/andthatsjazz/
Big Money in Jazz Savoy-Tivoli in San Fran., Sat., 3–6pm (415) 362-7023
Clint Baker & Café Borrone All-Stars, Fridays 8–11pm, Menlo Park
Devil Mtn. JB. 3rd Sat., 1:30-4:30pm, Danville Grange Hall. jazznut.com
Jazzinators, Bronco Billy’s Pizza, Irvington Dist.-Fremont; 1st/3rd Tue., 7-8pm
Eggers/Tichenor, Belrose, San Raf., 2nd Wed. 5:30-8pm; M.E. (510) 655-6728
Mission Gold JB, 1st/3rd Wed., 7:30-9:30pm, Sunol JAZZ Cafe (925)862-2800
Natural Gas JB, 2nd Sun., 1-5pm, Ghiringhelli Pizzeria, Novato (415) 878-4977
Swing Fever, Panama Hotel, San Raf., 1st/3rd Tu., 7-10 pm (415) 457-3993
17th annual
January 11, 2015
1st SET at noon:
Hot City!
Zack Sapunor, leader/bass
Jeff Kreis, trumpet
Bill Dendle, banjo
2nd SET:
Claudette Stone Quintet
Claudette Stone,
Brad Hammett, trombone
Tom Shove, piano
Mickey Bennett, bass
John Armato, drums
3rd SET:
West End Stompers
Brandon Au, leader/tbn/vocals
Justin Au, leader, trumpet
Otis Mourning, reeds
Bill Dendle, guitar
Zack Sapunor, bass
Pete Agraan, drums
4th SET:
Sister Swing
Leigh Hannah, Valerie Marston,
Paula Chafey-Merrill
Dave Johnson, trumpet
Otis Mourning, reeds
Bob Williams, trombone
Steve Wall, guitar
Alan Parks, bass
Ron Jones, drums
5th SET:
The Muscat Ramblers
Bob Williams, leader/trombone
Jeff Kreis, trumpet
Otis Mourning, reeds
Bill Dendle, banjo/guitar
Dexter Williams, bass
Shelley Burns, drums, vocals
1st SET at noon:
1st SET at noon:
Midnight Rose Jazz Band
Next Gen Jazz Kids
Dannie Balser, leader/trumpet
Nancy Kreis, clarinet
Tim Kreis, tenor sax
Jeff Kreis, trombone
Bonnie Otto, piano
Jan Buhlert, banjo
Reuben Smith, tuba
Carl Warmdahl, drums
2nd SET:
Dutch’s Gas House Gang
Dutch Deutsch, leader/clarinet
Renard Perry, trumpet
Gary Reynolds, trombone
Bob Ringwald, piano
Bill Dendle, banjo/guitar
Jim Maihack, tuba
Vince Bartels, drums
3rd SET:
New Black Tuesday J.B.
Dominic Ruggieri, leader/reeds
Dave Johnson, trumpet/flghn
Mike Hudson, trombone
Alan Shaw, piano
Jan Buhlert, banjo/guitar
Alan Ginter, bass
Jim Laveroni, drums
Suzanne Wiggins, vocals
4th SET:
Crescent Katz
Brandon Au, leader/trombone
Jeff Kreis, trumpet
Greg Sabin, banjo
Priscilla Ornelas, tuba
Patrick Skiffington, washboard
5th SET:
Dr. Bach and the
Jazz Practitioners
Charlie Gehlbach, leader/tpt
Norm Gary, reeds
Jay Paulus, trombone
Carl Kaiser, piano
Jim Elsaas, banjo/guitar/vocals
Jerry Lopes, bass, tuba
Bruce Turley, drums
Angela Elsaas, vocals
Mission Ave. Open Elementary
Grades 5-6
Mica Dugan, director
Grace Eastlick, trumpet
Catherine Treadwell, clarinet
Matthew Taylor, tenor sax
Elias Bevan, trombone
Jonah Prichard, banjo
Dylan Joelson, piano
Nora Severeid, bass
Joseph Bly, drums
Faye Joelson, vocals
2nd SET:
River City Swingers
Sacramento Youth Band (SYB)
Ages 11-20
Small band within the
Sac. Youth Band
Mica Dugan, director
Grady Flamm, trumpet
Sophie Modar, clarinet
Joanna Koford, tenor sax/vocals
Clayton Buck, reeds/tenor sax
Thomas Monce, trombone
Montana Monce, piano
Ryan Ioanidis, bass
Joseph Bly, drums
Garrett Fraizer, drums
Kelsey Smith, vocals
3rd SET:
Trad Reputation
Ages 15-18
Nolan Cyr, leader/trumpet
Breanna Rodgers, clarinet
Olivia Flournoy, trombone
Nick Augusta, piano
Simon Anuszczyk, banjo/guitar
Valentina Makovey, bass
Jacob Swedlow, drums
Hannah Oldfield, vocals
4th SET:
TNT (The New Traditionalists)
STJS-sponsored honor band
Bob Williams, instructor
Cherish Cyr, band manager
Ages 15-18
(TNT cont. in next column)
TNT (cont.)
Eric Treadwell, trumpet
Parker Weis, clarinet
Duncan McElman, sax
Olivia Flournoy, trombone
Jackson Stafford, piano
Simon Anuszczyk, guitar/banjo
Gabriel Anuszczyk, bass
Timothy Voet, drums
Joanna Koford, vocals
5th SET:
Sax by Popular Demand
Celia Cottle, director
Ages 14-17
Jessica Block, trumpet/vocals
Hunter Sprague, trumpet
Emily Rogers, alto sax
Kyle Horn, alto sax
Jenna Mould, alto sax
Kyla Leacox, alto sax
Brian Johnstone, tenor sax
Sophie Seng, tenor sax/vocals
Emily Phillips, tenor sax
Isabel Montesanto, t sax/vocals
Thomas West, bass sax
Nick Zhang, bass sax
Aidan DeAngelis, bass sax
Utsav Bhargava, piano
Nathan Puckett, guitar/banjo/
Davis Reinaguerra, bass
James Merges, drums
6th SET:
Syncopating Sea-Monkeys
River City High School,
West Sacramento
Felicia Weatherly, instructor
Ages 14-17
Jermaine Monroe, trumpet,
Spencer Nyberg, trumpet,
Ray Freeman, reeds
TJ Brown, piano
Will Chan, guitar
Lauren Evans, guitar, vocals
Maya Monce, bass
Maksim Semeyuk, bass
Ishmael Morales, drums
Alicia Lopez, vocals
February 2015
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society
City_____________________________State_____Zip _________
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP includes discounts for monthly STJS
Jazz Sunday concerts, plus newsletter, And All That Jazz.
*** Note: DUES INCREASED on JULY 1st, 2013! ***
r Single $30.00 r Couple $50.00 rStudent $10.00
(ages 12–20)
r PATRON Membership $400. Includes: 2 Festival All-Events Badges,
2 programs, and your name listed in the festival program.
r I am enclosing an additional $______ for (please check one): r Sacramento Music Festival r Other STJS programs Would you like to VOLUNTEER? (Please check one.)
r Sac. Music Festival r Other STJS programs
r Both (Festival & other pgms) r I am currently a volunteer
Make CHECKS or money orders PAYABLE to STJS
or CHARGE to: m Visa m MC m Discover m AmEx
Card # ______________________________________________
Expir. date ________________ Security # on back of card __________
MAIL TO: Membership Chair
301 N. 10th Street • Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 444-2004
THANK YOU for your support! We appreciate your membership.
Please take a moment to complete this form. Your information and opinions
will help the STJS better serve you. (Answers may be approximate.)
• How long have you been a member of STJS?_____________________________
• How far do you travel to attend monthly sessions?_________________________
• Number of monthly sessions you attended in the last 12 months______________
• Who was your favorite guest band or musician? __________________________
• What band or musician would you like as a guest? _____________________
• What would you like to change about the monthly sessions? _____________
Thank you for your help!!
February 2015