WestLicht Photographica Auction
WestLicht Photographica Auction
PHOTOGRAPHICA AUCTION Photographs Vienna, November 21st, 2014 EXPERTEN / SPECIALISTS Prof. Johannes Faber, geb. 1952, ist der Gründer der Galerie Johannes Faber in Wien, Kunsthändler und Experte für klassische Fotografie; zahlreiche Ausstellungen, Preise, Stipendien und Publikationen / b. 1952, is the founder and director of Galerie Johannes Faber in Vienna, art dealer and expert for classic photography; numerous exhibitions, awards, scholarships and publications Anna Zimm zimm@westlicht.com Michael Kollmann (Fotobücher / Photobooks) kollmann@westlicht.com ADMINISTR ATOR Peter Jakadofksy jakadofsky@westlicht.com VERRECHNUNG / CLIENT ACCOUNTING Andreas Schweiger schweiger@westlicht.com For general enquiries about this auction, email should be addressed to auction@westlicht.com WestLicht Photographica Auction Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Wien, Österreich Tel.: +43 1 523 56 59 Fax: +43 1 523 13 08 auction@westlicht.com 21/11/2014 Wien 11/21/2014 Vienna FOTOGRAFIE PHOTOGRAPHS 11. WestLicht Foto-Auktion Freitag, 21. November 2014 18 h (MEZ) VORBESICHTIGUNG Montag, 27. Oktober bis Freitag, 21. November 14 –18 h und nach Vereinbarung 11th WestLicht Photo Auction Friday, November 21st, 2014 6 pm (CET) VIEWING Monday, 27th October to Friday, November 21st 2 pm – 6 pm and by appointment www.westlicht-auction.com PHOTOGRAPHICA AUCTION Photographs Die Stereo-Daguerreotypie fand vor allem nach ihrer Präsentation 1851 auf der Londoner Weltausstellung weite Verbreitung. Die meist von Hand kolorierten Stereo-Akte waren jedoch von Beginn an seltene Sammlerstücke und keinesfalls Massenware. Sie folgten einem relativ beschränkten Kanon von Bildtypen mit entsprechendem Dekor und Requisiten, oftmals Boudoir-Szenen suggerierend, wie im Beispiel dieser erstrangig frivolen FußbadSzene. Nach Hochrechnungen sollen zwischen 1851 und 1860 um die vier- bis fünftausend solcher „Akademien“, größtenteils in Paris, produziert worden sein. Natürlich ist es schwierig, die genaue Anzahl einzuschätzen, da ja das brisante Material oft unter dem Ladentisch verkauft wurde. Die meisten Fotografen blieben anonym, auch bei unseren zwei Akten ist eine Zuschreibung recht schwierig, da eindeutige Studio- und Requisitenhinweise fehlen. Der Doppelakt zeigt, dass ein weites Spektrum erotischer Fantasien angesprochen wurde, manchmal auch eine Ménage à trois. Die Lichtführung und der Kontrast der beiden hellen Körper zum dunklen Hintergrund schaffen eine besonders moderne Anmutung. Die Poesie galt ganz den weiblichen Rundungen und der weichen, porzellanenen Haut der Modelle, die dezent und stilsicher koloriert ist. 4 Stereo daguerreotypes became popular especially after being presented at the London World’s Fair in 1851. Most of the hand-coloured stereo nudes were rare collector’s items from the very beginning and by no means mass products. They follow a relatively limited canon of image types, using the corresponding décor and props, often suggesting boudoir scenes, as in the example of this highly frivolous footbath scene. It is estimated that between 1851 and 1860 about four to five thousand of such “Academies” were produced, most of them in Paris. Of course it is difficult to estimate the exact number, since the incriminating material was often sold under the table. Most of the photographers remained anonymous, and in the case of our two nudes it is quite difficult to determine their authors, since the studio and props offer no distinctive indication. The double nude shows that the images addressed a broad range of erotic fantasies, including threesomes. The lighting and contrast between the two brightly illuminated bodies and the dark background create a particularly modern atmosphere. The poetry lies in the female curves and the models’ soft, chinadoll skin, coloured unobtrusively and with stylistic aplomb. ANONYMOUS FRENCH PHOTOGR APHER Doppelakt / Two Nudes, Paris c. 1855 Stereodaguerreotype Object size 8,4 × 17,1 cm (3.3 × 6.7 in) ≥ ∫1 2 PROVENANCE Private Collection, France ANONYMOUS FRENCH PHOTOGR APHER Akt mit Zigarette und Fußbad / Nude with cigarette and foot bath, Paris c. 1855 Stereodaguerreotype object size 8,4 × 17,4 cm (3.3 × 6.9 in) € 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000 PROVENANCE Private Collection, France € 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000 5 actual size 3 EMIL ORLIK (1870–1932) Die Schauspielerin / The actress Alexa von Porembsky, c. 1925 Vintage silver print, contact print 11,6 × 8,5 cm (4.6 × 3.3 in) Photographer’s estate stamp on the reverse, unique photograph, blacklight tested PROVENANCE Galerie Bodo Niemann, Berlin, acquired from Joachim Rágóczy, who was the assistant of Orlik € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 6 actual size 4 EMIL ORLIK (1870–1932) Die Schauspielerin / The actress Lillian Gish, c. 1923 Vintage silver print, contact print 11,4 × 8,2 cm (4.5 × 3.2 in) Photographer’s estate stamp on the reverse, unique photograph, blacklight tested PROVENANCE Galerie Bodo Niemann, Berlin, acquired from Joachim Rágóczy, who was the assistant of Orlik € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 Vor einigen Jahren fand man im Nachlass von Joachim Rágóczy, eine größere Anzahl kleinformatiger Kontaktabzüge, die von Orlik aufgenommen wurden. Es handelt sich um bis dato unbekannte Porträts und Einzelaufnahmen von wichtigen Künstlern und Persönlichkeiten der Zwanziger Jahre, wie Marlene Dietrich, Albert Einstein, Lillian Gish. Orlik verwendete die Fotografien sicherlich teilweise als Probeaufnahmen, um die richtige Position seiner Modelle im Studiolicht herauszufinden. Eine Vielzahl der Fotografien geht jedoch darüber hinaus, denn sie sind sicherlich mehr als nur ein Hilfsmittel für einen Maler. Die Aktaufnahme von Alexa von Porembsky, bekannt aus Fritz Langs Film Frau am Mond, ist solch ein Beispiel. Von Lillian Gish existieren zwei Ölgemälde Orliks, die Aufnahme steht deswegen wahrscheinlich in Zusammen hang mit dieser Porträtsitzung. Several years ago, a large number of small-format contact prints of images taken by Orlik were found among the estate of Joachim Rágóczy. They showed portraits and individual photographs of important artists and personalities of the 1920s, for example Marlene Dietrich, Albert Einstein and Lillian Gish, and none of the images were known previously. Orlik surely took some of the photographs as experimental shots in order to find the right position for his sitters in the studio lighting. Many of the photographs, however, go beyond this purpose, because they are surely more than a painter’s aid. The nude portrait of Alexa von Porembsky, known for her role in Fritz Lang’s motion picture Frau am Mond, is an example of this. There are two oil paintings of Lillian Gish by Orlik, suggesting that the photograph might have something to do with these portrait sessions. 7 5 ANONYMOUS PHOTOGR APHER Gustav Klimt, Emilie Flöge, Therese Flöge Paulick, Seewalchen Austria 1912 Vintage silver print 12,1 × 9 cm (4.8 × 3.5 in) Annotated in an old handwriting “Resl, Emilie, Gustav Klimt” in ink on the reverse aufgfenommen vor der Villa Paulick am Attersee, Ostern 1912 / taken in front of the Villa Paulick at Attersee € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000 actual size 6 RUDOLF EICKEMEYER (1862–1932) Ruderboot mit afroamerikanischen Passagieren / Rowboat with African-American Passengers, 1921 Vintage silver print, mounted on original cardboard 6,8 × 13,5 cm (2.7 × 5.3 in) Initialized and dated by the photographer in orange pencil on the mount € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 8 actual size 7 JACQUES -HENRI L ARTIGUE (1894–1986) Renée Perle, Interlaken 1930s Vintage silver print 8,6 × 5,7 cm (3.4 × 2.2 in) Two of Renée Perle’s collection stamps and a handwritten annotation in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of the model € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400 8 ADOLPH DE MEYER (1868–1946) Chanel, Paris 1928 Gelatin silver print, mounted on original Chanel christmas card dating from 1928 12 × 8,7 cm (4.7 × 3.4 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil in the image lower right € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 9 9 ANNE BRIGMAN (1869–1950) ‘Scene from ‘The end of a perfect day’’, c. 1915 Vintage silver print, double-mounted on original cardboard 18,3 × 24 cm (7.2 × 9.4 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the mount, annotated by her in pencil on the reverse € 3.000 / € 6.000–8.000 10 ANNE BRIGMAN (1869–1950) Frauenporträt / Portrait of a young lady, 1920 Vintage silver print, double-mounted on original cardboard 24 × 19 cm (9.5 × 7.5 in) Signed and dated “1920” by the photographer in ink in the image € 1.800 / 3.000–4.000 10 11 SAR AH CHOATE SEARS (1858–1935) ‘Mary’, 1907 Photogravure on Japanese paper, printed 1907 for Camera Work 18 20,7 × 16,6 cm (8.1 × 6.5 in) LITER ATURE Alfred Stieglitz, Camera Work, The Complete Illustrations 1903–1917, Cologne 1997, p. 348. € 400 / € 700–900 12 ADOLPH DE MEYER (1868–1946) Still life, 1908 Photogravure, printed 1908 for Camera Work 24 20,8 × 16,5 cm (8.2 × 6.5 in) LITER ATURE Alfred Stieglitz, Camera Work, The Complete Illustrations 1903–1917, Cologne 1997, p. 432. € 700 / € 1.200–1.500 11 13 TRUDE FLEISCHMANN (1895–1990) Die Tänzerin / The dancer Katta Sterna, Vienna c. 1925 Vintage silver print 22,2 × 8 cm (8.7 × 3.1 in) Photographer‘s studio blindstamp in the image lower left, her reproduction and studio stamp on the reverse, annotated (most likely by the photographer) in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Anton Holzer, Frauke Kreutler (ed.), Trude Fleischmann, Der selbstbewusste Blick, Vienna 2011, p. 101. € 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000 14 FR ANTISEK DRTIKOL (1883–1961) Ervina Kupferová as Salomé, c. 1925 Vintage silver print 19,5 × 15,8 cm (7.7 × 6.2 in) Photographer‘s “COPYRIGHT DRTIKOL PR AGUE” blindstamp in the image lower right, annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse € 700 / € 1.500–1.800 12 15 K A-FA STUDIO Die Tänzerin / The dancer Bertl Komauer, c. 1924 Vintage silver print, mounted on original cardboard 18,0 × 16 cm (7.1 × 6.3 in) Signed by the studio in pencil on the mount, studio stamp on the reverse € 400 / € 600–800 16 MADAME D’OR A (1881–1963) ‘Toque’ (Haube), Paris late 1920s Vintage silver print 19,2 × 16,4 cm Photographer‘s studio signature in the original negative, photographer‘s Paris reproduction stamp and several handwritten notations (relating to publication) in unknown hands on the reverse 19,2 × 16,4 cm (7.6 × 6.5 in) € 400 / € 800–1.000 13 17 18 ≥ RUDOLF KOPPITZ (1884–1936) ‘Hedy Pfundmayr mit Elektramaske von Richard Teschner’, c. 1928 Vintage silver print 23,4 × 14,5 cm (9.2 × 5.7 in) Photographer‘s blindstamp in the image lower left, his “Prof. Rudolf Koppitz, Photo-Werkstätte, Wien, V. Zeinlhoferg. 8” stamp on the reverse Photogenie, Vienna 2013, p. 145. RUDOLF KOPPITZ (1884–1936) Bewegungsstudie / Movement Study, 1925 Vintage silver print, large format, comes with the original mount 32,7 × 24,3 cm (12.9 × 9.6 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the original mount, enclosed, his blindstamp in the image lower left and his “Prof. Rudolf Koppitz, Photo-Werkstätte, Wien, V. Zeinlhoferg. 8” studio stamp and “Nachdruck verboten!” stamp on the reverse € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 LITER ATURE Monika Faber (ed.), Rudolf Koppitz. LITER ATURE Monika Faber (ed.), Rudolf Koppitz. 1884–1936, Vienna 1995, cover and p. 83; Monika Faber (ed.), Rudolf Koppitz. Photogenie, Vienna 2013, p. 133. € 25.000 / € 50.000 – 60.000 14 Die Bewegungsstudie ist sicherlich die bekannteste und am häufigsten publizierte Arbeit der österreichischen Fotografie aus den ersten Jahrzehnten des letzten Jahrhunderts. Das Bild zeigt die russische Tanzgruppe der Solotänzerin der Wiener Staatsoper Claudia Issatschenko, die vor allem für den damals aufkommenden Ausdruckstanz bekannt war. Drei schwarz gekleidete Frauen stehen – ein schützendes schwarzes Dreieck bildend – hinter einer seitlich nach rückwärts gebeugten nackten Tänzerin. Diese Studie stellt die Verbindung zwischen Modernismus, Symbolismus und dem Wiener Jugendstil in der Arbeit von Rudolf Koppitz dar. Keine andere Fotografie erfasst die kulturellen Grundlagen besser, die die österreichische Avantgarde dieser Zeit charakterisieren. Hier werden die graphische Stärke und die Klarheit in der Komposition deutlich, die das modernistische Streben widerspiegeln, das in der Bildenden und Angewandten Kunst von der Secession und der Wiener Werkstätte eingeleitet wurde. Was aber die Qualität dieses Bildes ausmacht, sind die geheimnisvolle Aura und die symbolistische Sinnlichkeit der rätselhaften Gruppe von vier Frauen. Movement Study is surely the most widely published and best known image in Austrian photography from the early decades of the last century. The study of three dressed and one undressed female dancers (the Russian dance group Claudia Issatschenko from the Vienna State Opera) shows the link between modernism, symbolism and the Viennese Jugendstil in the work of Rudolf Koppitz. This is for good reason, as no photograph better captures the cultural strands that characterized the Austrian avant-garde at that time. Here one can see a graphic strength and compositional clarity that reflects the modernist ambitions initiated in the fine as in the applied arts by the Secession and by the Wiener Werkstätte. But what gives the image its power is the aura of mystery, of symbolist sensuality that resonates through this enigmatic grouping of the three uniformly coiffed and draped figures and the one single naked figure. 15 19 LOTHAR RÜBELT (1901–1990) Suzanne Lenglen, Wiener Park Club, 1925 Vintage silver print 18,1 × 13,1 cm (7.1 × 5.2 in) Photographer‘s copyright stamp on the reverse, annotated in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 20 PAUL WOLFF (1887–1951) An Bord der Columbus / On board of the Columbus, 1930s Vintage silver print 11,2 × 23,8 cm (4.4 × 9.4 in) Photographer’s stamp with handwritten order number on the reverse, several agency labels, stamps and various notations in unknown hands on the reverse € 900 / € 1.500–2.000 16 21 ALFRED EISENSTAEDT (1898–1995) ‘Resting period of the Corps de Ballet at the Grand Opéra de Paris’, 1930 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 26,6 × 34,1 cm (10.5 × 13.4 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, his “PHOTO BY ALFRED EISENSTAEDT” stamp on the reverse, titled by Eisenstaedt in ink on the reverse, the intended cropping indicated by Eisenstaedt in ink in the left image edge, where his tripod is visible in the mirror PROVENANCE Eisenstaedt Family Estate € 1.600 / € 3.000–3.500 22 GERMAINE KRULL (1897–1985) Bal Musette I, Paris 1925 Vintage silver print, mounted on original cardboard 15,7 × 15,7 cm (6.8 × 6.8 in) Photographer‘s copyright stamp and several numerical notations on the reverse € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000 17 23 ALFRED EISENSTAEDT (1898–1995) Joseph Goebbels, Geneva 1933 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 22,7 × 15,2 cm (8.9 × 6 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, extensiveley titled by Eisenstaedt in ink on the reverse, “Hitler’s propaganda minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels in Geneva, Sept. 1933. Bending over Hitler’s interpreter Dr. Paul Schmidt and Goebbels sec. Werner Naumann.” PROVENANCE Eisenstaedt Family Estate LITER ATURE Alfred Eisenstaedt, Witness to our Time, New York 1966, p. 63; Monika Faber / Janos Frecot (ed.), Portrait im Aufbruch, Vienna 2005, p. 21. € 1.600 / € 3.000–3.500 Joseph Goebbels im Garten des Carlton Hotels in Genf während seiner ersten Auslandsreise als Hitlers Kultur- und Propagandaminister im September 1933. / Joseph Goebbels in the garden of the Carlton Hotel in Geneva. It was his first foreign trip as Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda in September 1933. 24 ROMAN VISHNIAC (1897–1990) ‘The only way to make the bread palatable’, Vienna 1938 Vintage silver print 26 × 20,5 cm (10.2 × 8.1 in) Photographer’s New York studio stamp and “Black Star” stamp on the reverse, mounted label with typographic press caption on the reverse, early and rare vintage print dating from Vishniac’s documentation of Vienna after Hitler ‘Anschluss’ LITER ATUTRE Roman Vishniac, A Vanished World, Warsaw 1939, p. 117. € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 18 25 JEWGENI CHALDEJ (1917–1997) Auf dem Berliner Reichstag / Raising the Soviet flag over the Reichstag, 1945 Gelatin silver print, printed in the early 1980s 16 × 22,5 cm (6.3 × 8.9 in) Signed by the photographer in ink on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 26 R ALPH MORSE (* 1917) ‘Love’ (Amerikanischer Soldat mit englischer Freundin / American soldier and his English girlfriend), Hyde Parc, London May 1944 Vintage silver print, work print for the ‘The Family of Man’ exhibition 19,3 × 24,3 cm (7.6 × 9.6 in) “The Family of Man“ exhibition stamp and several handwritten notations in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE The Family of Man, ex. cat. Museum of Modern Art, New York 1955, p. 7; Die großen Life Photographen des 20. Jahrhunderts, Munich 2004, p. 391. € 600 / € 1.000–1.200 19 27 WALKER EVANS (1903–1975) ‘Neighbor Jones Service’, 1936 Vintage silver print 17,1 × 22,9 cm (6.7 × 9 in) Photographer‘s estate stamp with handwritten archive numbers “XXI” and “98” on the reverse, blacklight tested, the stamp was devised in 1975 by Harry Lunn who had purchased 5,500 Evans prints. Walker was too ill to sign them all so they came up with the stamp that is called the „Estate Stamp“ or the „Lunn Gallery“ stamp or „Lunn Archive“ stamp. € 3.600 / € 6.000–7.000 Lola Álvarez Bravo wird als eine der Pionierfiguren der modernen Fotografie in Mexiko anerkannt. Die Arbeit der Fotografin lässt sich am besten im Kontext von Mexikos großer Post-Revolution und kultureller Renaissance, die auch internationale Künstlerpersönlichkeiten wie Paul Strand, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Tina Modotti und Edward Weston anzogen, verstehen. Die 25 Fotografien im vorliegenden Los umspannen drei Jahrzehnte ihres Schaffens und fassen ihre wichtigsten Themengebiete zusammen. Die Mehrheit der Aufnahmen stammt aus den 1940er und 1950er Jahren und konzentriert sich auf zwei besonders lebendige Werkgruppen ihrer Arbeit: Porträts und Straßenfotografie. Eine Fotografie zeigt Frida Kahlo, eine ihr Schlafzimmer; das Los beinhaltet außerdem Porträts von Ruth Rivera Marín (Diego Riveras Tochter), der Bildhauerin und Malerin Isabel Villaseñor und von Alfa Henestrosas. Viele der Aufnahmen zeigen Dokumentationen der indigenen Bevölkerung Mexikos, der Armut, des Lebens auf der Straße, und der traditionellen Kultur. Die Mehrheit der Fotografien wurde in den frühen 1980er Jahren geprintet, es befinden sich jedoch auch drei Vintages und vier sehr frühe Prints im Konvolut. Lola Álvarez Bravo is recognised as one of the pioneers of modern photography in Mexico. The photographer’s work is best understood in the context of Mexico’s important post-revolutionary cultural renaissance, which also attracted international artist personalities such as Paul Strand, Henri CartierBresson, Tina Modotti and Edward Weston. The 25 photographs included in the present lot span three decades of her work and summarise her most important subjects and themes. The majority of the images is from the 1940s and 1950s, concentrating on two particularly vivid groups within her work: portraits and street photography. One photograph shows Frida Kahlo, another her bedroom; the lot also includes portraits of Ruth Rivera Marín (Diego Rivera’s daughter), the sculptor and painter Isabel Villaseñor and Alfa Henestrosas. Many of the images document the Mexican indigenous population, poverty, street life and traditional culture. The majority of the photographs was printed in the early 1980s, but the lot also includes three vintage prints and four very early prints. 20 28 LOL A ÁLVAREZ BR AVO (1907–1993) Selected Images, Mexico 1940s–1960s 25 Gelatin silver prints, the group comprising 3 vintage silver prints, 4 prints from the 1950s and 1960s and 18 later prints from the 1980s each c. 18 × 24 cm (7.1 × 9.4 in) 8 of the prints initialized by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, one with the photographer‘s copyright stamp, some annotated in pencil (most likely by the photographer) on the reverse PROVENANCE Private Collection, Italy, acquired directly from the photographer € 12.000 / € 20.000–30.000 21 22 23 29 WILLY RONIS (1910–2009) Portfolio mit 12 Lichtdrucken / Portfolio with 12 Collotype Plates, 1940s–1950s Willy Ronis: Twelve collotypes with a text by Ronis, Galerie Camera Obscura, no. 218 in an edition of 290, two-point folio of Bakri ivory paper containing Macé’s text, facsimile hand-written text by Ronis and colophon, hand-numbered and signed by Ronis, 3 folios of the same paper, each containing additional facsimile hand-written text plus 4 collotype reproductions on 100 % cotton paper (12 total), housed in green rag paper over board slipcase each c. 26 × 21 cm (10.2 × 8.3 in) € 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000 30 ALFRED EISENSTAEDT (1898–1995) Accra, Ghana 1955 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1980s 16,3 × 24 cm (6.4 × 9.4 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, his “PHOTO BY ALFRED EISENSTAEDT” stamp on the reverse, titled by Eisenstaedt in ink on the reverse PROVENANCE Eisenstaedt Family Estate € 900 / € 1.400–1.600 24 31 HERBERT LIST (1903–1975) Mostro im Garten des Palazzo Orsini, Bomarzo 1952 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s by Max Scheler 25,6 × 31,8 cm Photographer‘s estate stamp with handwritten title, ed. no. and date on the reverse, signed by Max Scheler in ink on the reverse, edition no. 6/15 LITER ATURE Max Scheler / Matthias Harder (ed.), Herbert List. Die Monographie, Munich 2000, p. 272. Herbert List, cover. 25,6 × 31,8 cm (10.1 × 12.5 in) € 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000 32 LUCIEN CLERGUE (* 1934) ‘Les Gitans’ (Gypsies), 1957 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1982 35,8 × 24,2 cm (14.1 × 9.5 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, credited, titled and dated by him in ink on the reverse € 600 / € 1.000–1.200 25 33 LOTHAR RÜBELT (1901–1990) Wiener Kinder beim Fußballspielen, Karl-Marx-Hof c. 1925 Vintage silver print 13 × 18,2 cm (5.1 × 7.2 in) Photographer‘s copyright stamp and label with typographic descriptions on the reverse € 500 / € 800–1.000 34 BERENICE ABBOT T (1898–1991) New Haven, Connecticut 1940s Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s, mounted on original cardboard 19,1 × 24 cm (7,5 × 9,4 in) Initialized by the photographer in pencil on the mount, her “ABBOTT VILL AGE, MAINE” stamp on the reverse, annotated by her in pencil on the reverse € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500 26 35 BILL BR ANDT (1904–1983) Barbary Castle, Wiltshire 1948 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 34,5 × 29,5 cm (13.6 × 11.6 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 36 BILL BR ANDT (1904–1983) ‘Coal miner at his evening meal’, Wiltshire 1948 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 34,5 × 29,5 cm (13.6 × 11.6 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 27 37 BILL BR ANDT (1904–1983) London, 1978 Vintage silver print 34,5 × 29,2 cm (13.6 × 11.5 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse, condition: chemical treatment, fixation problems € 1.200 / € 2.000–3.000 38 RUTH BERNHARD (1905–2006) Classic Torso, San Francisco 1952 Vintage silver print, mounted on original cardboard 24,2 × 18,5 cm (9.5 × 7.3 in) Photographer‘s San Francisco studio stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Bruce Silverstein, New York € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 28 39 WEEGEE (1899–1968) ‘Herald Square – Looking North’ (Distortion), New York 1940s Vintage silver print 24,5 × 19,4 cm (9.6 × 7.6 in) Annotated by the photographer in turquoise ink in the margin, his circular “WEEGEE N.Y. C.” stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Weegee by Weegee, New York 1975, s.p. € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500 40 WEEGEE (1899–1968) Marilyn Monroe, Fly Eye View (Distortion), New York 1952 Vintage silver print 20,3 × 25,4 cm (8 × 10 in) Titled by the photographer in turquoise ink in the margin, his “PLEASE CREDIT, WEEGEE, FROM, PHOTO-REPRESENTATIVES” stamp on the reverse € 2.000 / € 3.500–4.000 29 41 WEEGEE (1899–1968) ‘Children’s Hour’ (Infrared photograph), New York 1940 Vintage silver print 33 × 26,8 cm (13 × 10.6 in) Photographer‘s “PLEASE CREDIT, WEEGEE, FROM, PHOTOREPRESENTATIVES” stamp and his Arthur Fellig studio stamp on the reverse € 3.600 / € 5.000–6.000 42 WEEGEE (1899–1968) Liebespaar im Kino / Lovers at the movies (Infrared photograph), Palace Theatre, New York 1945 Vintage silver print 27,1 × 33,1 cm (10.7 × 13 in) Photographer‘s circular “CREDIT PHOTO BY WEEGEE THE FAMOUS” stamp and his “451 WEST 47th STREET” New York studio stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Michèle Auer / Michel Auer (ed.), Weegee The Famous, Montpellier 2008, p. 157; Weegee‘s New York, Munich 1982, p. 166. € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 30 43 LISET TE MODEL (1901–1983) Sammy’s Bar at the Bowery, New York 1940-44 Vintage silver print, work print for the ‘The Family of Man’ exhibition 17,7 × 23,9 cm (7 × 9.4 in) “The Family of Man“ exhibition stamp and several handwritten notations in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE The Family of Man, ex. cat. Museum of Modern Art, New York 1955, p. 113. € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 44 ANONYMOUS PHOTOGR APHERS Two portraits of Weegee, USA 1940s / Munich 1960 2 Vintage silver prints each c. 17 × 17 cm (6.7 × 6.7 in) One signed by Weegee in the image upper right and annotated “To Rose Marie ‘A real nice person’, Weegee Munich 1960” € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 31 45 JOSEF SUDEK (1896–1976) Panorama, ‘Fotografische Skizzen’, Prague 1967 Vintage silver print, contact print c. 4 × 8 cm (1.6 × 3.1 in) Signed and dated by the photographer in pencil in the black margin € 1.000 / € 2.000–2.500 46 JOSEF SUDEK (1896–1976) Panorama, Böhmerwald, ‘Fotografische Skizzen’, 1960s Vintage silver print, contact print 5,4 × 10,7 cm (2.1 × 4.2 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil in the black margin € 1.000 / € 2.000–2.500 32 47 JOSEF SUDEK (1896–1976) Pfauenfeder / Peacock Feather, Prague 1950 Vintage silver print 23,5 × 17,8 cm (9.3 × 7 in) Annotated by Jan Strimpl (assistant of Sudek) “Original photograph by Josef Sudek, from my collection, Jan Strimpl” in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection Jan Strimpl, Prague € 4.000 / € 6.000–7.000 33 48 ROBERT CAPA (1913–1954) Am Set von / On the set of ‘Decision before Dawn’ (Entscheidung vor Morgengrauen), Berlin 1950 2 Vintage silver prints, contact prints paper size each c. 24 × 20 cm (9.4 × 7.9 in) Each with the photographer‘s early agency credit stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Private Collection, Los Angeles € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000 49 ROBERT CAPA (1913–1954) Drehpause / Shooting break ‘Decision before Dawn’ (Entscheidung vor Morgengrauen), Berlin 1950 Vintage silver print 20,8 × 29 cm (8.2 × 11.4 in) Photographer’s early agency stamp and extensive handwritten notations in Italian on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–3.000 34 50 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Am Set von / On the set of ‘Decision before Dawn’ (Entscheidung vor Morgengrauen), Berlin 1950 2 Vintage silver prints, contact prints paper size each c. 24,5 × 20 cm (9.6 × 7.9 in) Each with the photographer‘s early agency credit stamp on the reverse, some contacts encircled in coloured pencil € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000 35 51 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Ahmedabad, India 1966 Gelatin silver print, printed in the early 1990s 30 × 44,7 cm (11.8 × 17.6 in) Signed by the photographer in ink and with his copyright blindstamp in the margin LITER ATURE Robert Delpire (ed.), Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paris 1979, p. 81; Henri Cartier-Bresson – Meine Welt, Luzern 1968 , p. 158; Henri Cartier-Bresson in India, London 1987, plate 2. € 5.000 / € 9.000–10.000 52 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Barrio Chino, Barcelona 1933 Photogravure, printed in the late 1980s 35,7 × 23,8 cm Signed by the photographer in ink in the margin, numbered “IV / XV” in pencil on the reverse “The narrow street of Barcelona‘s roughest quarter is the home of prostitutes, petty thieves and dope peddlers. But I saw a fruit vendor sleeping against a wall and was struck by the surprisingly gentle and articulate drawing scrawled there.” € 1.600 / € 3.000–4.000 36 53 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Beim Stierkampf / At a bull fight (San Fermín festival), Pamplona July 1952 Vintage silver print 17,2 × 25 cm (6.8 × 9.8 in) Photographer’s reproduction credit stamp on the reverse € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 54 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Trivandrum, Kerala, India 1951 Vintage silver print, original period exhibition print, mounted on “Family of Man” exhibition wood board 51 × 57,5 cm (20.1 × 22.6 in) Family of Man label with typographic title and image no. on the image lower right, “Museum of Modern Art” label with handwritten exhibition title, installation no. “311A” and artist‘s name on the reverse, the print was part of one of the circulating exhibition sets, touring through Europe in the late 1950s and early 1960s. € 5.000 / € 10.000–12.000 37 55 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Lai Chau, Indochina 1952 Vintage silver print 28,4 × 23 cm (11.2 × 9.1 in) Photographer’s agency stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Marco Bischof (ed.), Werner Bischof. Bilder, Zurich 2006, p. 334. Werner Bischof. Questions to My Father, 2004, s. p. € 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000 56 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Imperial Garden, Tokyo 1951 Gelatin silver print, large format, printed in the 1980s at Magnum New York 59 × 42,5 cm (23.2 × 16.7 in) Annotated “Magnum Studio N.Y.C” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400 38 57 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Die Tänzerin / The dancer Anjali Hora, Bombay 1951 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 24,5 × 19 cm (9.6 × 7.5 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several handwritten notations in ink and pencil on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 58 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Michiko Jinuma, Tokyo 1951 Vintage silver print 25 × 17,8 cm (9.8 × 7 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and various annotations on the reverse € 1.400 / € 3.000–3.500 39 59 WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954) Kinder beim Puppentheater / Children watching a puppet show, Tokyo 1951 Gelatin silver print, large format, printed in the 1980s at Magnum New York 42,5 × 59,5 cm (16.7 × 23.4 in) Annotated “Magnum Studio N.Y.C” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Werner Bischof, Japan, Zurich 1954, p. 63–64. € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400 60 MARC RIBOUD (* 1923) Kinder beim Puppentheater / Children watching puppet show, Peking 1957 Vintage silver print 21,5 × 30,2 cm (8.5 × 11.9 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several date and press stamps on the revese, diverse handwritten notations in pencil on the reverse € 1.500 / € 2.200–2.600 40 61 MARC RIBOUD (* 1923) ‘A street in Beijing as seen from inside an antique dealer’s shop’, China 1965 Vintage silver print (printed in 1972) 16,7 × 24,1 cm (6.6 × 9.5 in) Photographer’s copyright stamp, “The Concerned Photographer” ICP stamp and label with typographic quote by Riboud on the reverse LITER ATURE Marc Riboud, Photo Poche; Marc Riboud in China. 40 Years of Photography, 1997, s.p; Marc Riboud, The three banners of China, Hamburg 1966, p. 90–91; Marc Riboud, 50 Years of Photography, Paris 2004, p. 29; In our time. The world as seen by Magnum Photographers, p. 362. * € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000 “The gold-lettered name of this shop means ‘prosperity.’ Private citizens come here to sell family jewels or other objects. The prices are fixed by the government. This scene has been photographed in old Peking through the window of a shop in Liu Li Chang, the street long famous for its art and antique shops. It is early summer and people live in the streets at this time. That’s why you see women and old men and children. They live and play a lot in the street. And in the crowded streets it is very difficult to take pictures without everybody looking at you. When you keep walking, people are all around you, and as soon as you have your camera out, they gather around you.” Marc Riboud 41 62 MARC RIBOUD (* 1923) Nepal, 1956 Vintage silver print 20,4 × 28,6 cm (8 × 11.3 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, series no. stamp and several handwritten notations including the neg. no. “56-15-16-13A” on the reverse * € 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000 63 MARC RIBOUD (* 1923) Bhadgaon, Nepal 1956 Vintage silver print 34,1 × 22,4 cm (13.4 × 8.8 in) Photographer’s credit agency stamp, neg. no. “56-20-1” stamp and several handwritten notations in pencil on the reverse * € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 42 64 MARC RIBOUD (* 1923) ‘Dans une rue de Pékin’, China 1957 Vintage silver print 20,3 × 29,7 cm (8 × 11.7 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several handwritten notations, including neg. no., title and date, in pencil on the reverse € 900 / € 1.500–1.800 65 RENÉ BURRI (* 1933) Die Chinesische Mauer / The Great Wall, China 1964 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 16,5 × 24,5 cm (6.5 × 9.6 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, “China” stamp and several handwritten notations including the neg. no. “64-6-18/23” on the reverse * € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 43 66 RENÉ BURRI (* 1933) Bub beim Teppich-Weben / Boy weaving a carpet, Egypt 1959 Vintage silver print 20,1 × 29,5 cm (7.9 x11.6 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several “A.B.C. Press” stamps on the reverse, diverse handwritten annotations incl. neg. no. on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 67 ERICH LESSING (* 1923) Chou En Lai, Poland 1957 Vintage silver print 16,9 × 25,4 cm (7 × 10 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, several agency stamps and a mounted label with typographic annotations on the reverse, various handwritten numerical notations on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 44 Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in the midst of the workers at the FSO car factory in , during a state visit to Poland. FSO produced the „Warszawa“, a Polish version of the only Soviet passenger car, the „Pobeda“. Zhou Enlai did not spend much time talking to the workers, nor did he take much interest in the factory. Warsaw, Poland, 1957. 68 MARGARET BOURKE-WHITE (1904–1971) Minenarbeiter / Gold Miners, Johannesburg, South Africa 1950 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1973 24,1 × 18,2 cm (9.5 × 7.2 in) “Minneapolis Sunday Tribune” newspaper stamp, date stamp (print date) and label from the “Walker Art Center” on the reverse, annotations in an unidentified hand including photographer’s credit on the reverse LITER ATURE Sean Callahan (ed.), The Photographs of Margaret BourkeWhite, 1972, cover; Theodor M. Brown (ed.), Margaret Bourke-White. Photojournalist, New York 1972, p. 92; Photographie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Museum Ludwig Köln, Cologne 2007, p. 73; Die großen Life Photographen des 20. Jahrhunderts, Munich 2004, p. 31. € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500 Ende 1949 ging Bourke-White für Life einige Monate nach Südafrika. In der Goldmine Robinson Deep nahe Johannesburg, bei glühender Hitze und fast 100 % Luftfeuchtigkeit, mehr als 1 500 Meter tief, entstand diese Fotografie der beiden schweißüberströmten Minenarbeiter – eine Aufnahme, die die Fotografin selbst zu einem ihrer Lieblingsbilder erklärte, und die auch sicherlich eine der meist publizierten ist. Die Fotografie, vorliegend als Presseprint aus den frühen 1970er-Jahren, zierte als Aufhängerfoto ihre Life-Reportage South Africa and Its Problem (September 18, 1950). Die dortige Caption identifizierte die Minenarbeiter als mosambikanische Wanderarbeiter vom Stamm der Ndau; die Namen konnte Bourke-White nie herauszufinden, sie wurden im Magazin lediglich als Minenarbeiter Nr. 1139 und 5122 angeführt. At the end of 1949, Bourke-White went to South Africa for a few months to work for Life. This photograph of the two sweat-drenched miners was taken at the gold mine Robinson Deep near Johannesburg, amidst scorching heat and 100 % humidity, more than 1,500 metres under the earth – an image the photographer herself declared one of her favourite pictures, it is certainly one of her most widely published. The photograph, presented here as a press print from the early 1970s, was the lead image for her Life photo essay South Africa and Its Problem (September 18, 1950). The caption identified the miners as itinerant workers from the Ndau ethnic group in Mozambique; Bourke-White was never able to find out their names, and they were referred to in the magazine only as Miners No. 1139 and No. 5122. 45 69 RENÉ BURRI (* 1933) Arbeitersiedlung / Working class housing (from ‘Die Deutschen / The Germans’), Ruhrgebiet 1961 Vintage silver print 24,8 × 17,1 cm (9.8 × 6.7 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several handwritten notations including “61-28-20/32” (neg. no.) in pencil on the reverse ∆ LITER ATURE Hans-Michael Koetzle, René Burri Photographies, Phaidon 2004, p. 262–263; René Burri, Die Deutschen. Photographien 1957–1997, Munich/Paris/London 1999, pl. 100. (variant image). * € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 ≥ 70 MA X SCHELER (1928–2003) Weltausstellung / World Exhibition, Brussels 1958 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s 2,2 × 20,7 cm (11.5 × 8.1 in) “Stern” magazine stamp with photographer’s credit on the reverse € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 46 71 INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002) Yul Brynner, Italy 1958 Vintage silver print 25 × 16,7 cm (9.8 × 6.6 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, one “a.b.c. Press” stamp, neg. no. stamp and numerical notations on the reverse € 900 / € 1.400–1.600 72 INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002) Fifth Avenue, New York 1958 Vintage silver print 16,7 × 24,9 cm (6.6 × 9.8 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, “a.b.c. press” stamp, neg. no. stamp and several numerical handwritten notations on the reverse LITER ATURE Kurt Kaindl (ed.), Inge Morath. New York, Salzburg / Vienna 2002, p. 70-71. € 900 / € 1.400–1.800 47 73 ERICH LESSING (* 1923) Ungarische Revolution / Hungarian Revolution, Budapest 1956 13 Gelatin silver prints, printed in 1981 each c. 14,5 × 22 cm (5.7 × 8.7 in) Each signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, each with typographic annotations “Budapest‘s 25th Anniversary. Aug 81” on the reverse, each with agency stamps and archive stamps on the reverse, rare distribution set printed on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution, comes with signed book PROVENANCE directly from the photographer € 7.000 / € 12.000–15.000 48 Captions reading: 1. The body of a fallen Soviet soldier on József Boulevard. / 2. A dead AVH man, killed during the storming of the Budapest headquarters of the Hungarian Workers’ party, is decked out with a picture of Party Secretary Mátyás Rákosi. / 3. Citizens queuing for food look at destroyed tanks and dead Soviet soldiers in a Budapest street. / 4. A Hungarian soldier, the red star on his cap replaced by the Hungarian national emblem; a lorry with black flag collecting bodies of Hungarian insurgents. The Hungarians buried their own, but left the Soviets where they lay. / 5. Destroyed armoured cars in Práter Street. / 6. Outside the newly occupied Budapest headquarters of the Hungarian Communist Party, insurgents and passers-by burn pictures of Party Secretary Mátyás Rákosi. / 7. Outside the newly occupied Budapest headquarters of the Hungarian Communist Party, insurgents burn posters and leaflets. / 8. Armed rebels with a desecrated flag on Köztársaság Square. They had cut the Soviet –produced coat of arms of the People’s Republic out of the flag on October 23. The tattered flag then became the symbol of the revolution. / 9. The Stalin statue is demolished after being overturned on Felvonulási Square (Parade Square) and dragged downtown, near Blaha Lujza Square. / 10. Heavy Soviet T-34/85 tanks protect a street crossing on the Pest side of Kossuth Bridge. These heavy tanks proved too unwieldy for downtown battles, and many were destroyed or captured by the insurgents. The visible markings on these tanks – 430, 433 and 442 – show they are Soviet armoured vehicles; the Hungarian army did not have such tanks. / 11. A group of insurgents on top of a lorry make their way through the streets of Budapest. / 12. and 13. During the feigned Soviet retreat from Budapest, on October 29, crowds marched through the city. 74 MARIO DE BIASI (1923–2013) Ungarische Revolution / Hungarian Revolution, Budapest 1956 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1980s 29,5 × 19,5 cm (11.6 × 7.7 in) Credited with the studio address, titled and dated by the photographer in ink on the reverse Was am 23. Oktober 1956 als Massendemonstration in Budapest begann, entwickelte sich schnell zur Ungarischen Revoution. Erich Lessing war der erste ausländische Fotograf, der in Budapest ankam, und die kurz andauernden Aufstände und deren Folgen dokumentierte. Die weltbekannten Bilder bringen sowohl die Euphorie und Hoffnung der Anfangsphase, als auch die Brutalität und den Schrecken der Niederschlagung der Revolte zum Ausdruck. Das vorliegende seltene komplett erhaltene Set aus 13 Silbergelatine-Abzügen wurde 1981 zum 25. Jubliäum der Revolution geprintet. On October 23, 1956, what began as a mass rally in Budapest quickly evolved into the Hungarian Revolution. Erich Lessing was the first photographer to arrive in Hungary, and documented the short-lived uprising and its aftermath. These world-famous images bring to life once more the hope and euphoria of the first days of the revolt, so soon to be followed by the pain and punishment of its brutal suppression. This rare complete set of 13 gelatin silver prints was printed in 1981, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Budapest uprising. LITER ATURE Erich Lessing, Revolution in Hungary – The 1956 Budapest Uprising, London, 2006, p. 185 (1.), p. 187 (3.), pp. 174–75 (4.), 191 (5.), pp. 182–83 (10.), pp. 134–35 (13.); Thomas Reche (ed.) Erich Lessing, Anderswo, Nimbus Verlag, Zurich 2014, p. 71 (1.), pp. 64–65 (10.). € 800 / € 1.400–1.600 49 Aus der Sammlung von Franz Hubmann Wie kein anderer hat Franz Hubmann, der Zeit seines Lebens mit der Leica fotografierte, es verstanden, den Klang der Straße aufzunehmen, und das Wiener Leben mit seinen Kaffeehäusern, Bohémiens, Fiakern, Vergnügungsparks und Heurigen in seinen Bildern einzufangen. Hubmanns untrügliches Gespür für den Augenblick brachte ihm den Ehrentitel „Henri Cartier-Bresson Österreichs“ ein, aber natürlich war er ein Meister der Fotografie aus eigenem Recht. Der „unbestechliche Chronist des Wesentlichen und vermeintlich Unwesentlichen“, wie André Heller ihn einmal nannte. Zu seinem Werk gehören außerdem Porträts der internationalen Geistesgrößen seiner Zeit, von Picasso über Braque bis Warhol (siehe Los 104, 105, 106, 107). 1954 schloss er sich der Redaktion der gerade von Karl Pawek gegründeten Kulturzeitschrift magnum an. Die Arbeit als deren Bildredakteur und Cheffotograf und die dezidiert moderne bis avantgardistische Ausrichtung der Zeitschrift prägten nachhaltig seine Fotografie. In der Kulturzeitschrift magnum wurden u.a. Fotografien von Werner Bischof, Otto Steinert, Max Scheler, William Klein, Thomas Hoepker, Frank Horvat, Henri Cartier-Bresson, etc. publiziert. Hubmann befand sich stets in regen Austausch mit seinen internationalen Fotografenkollegen, die ihn bei Gelegenheiten auch Prints schenkten und umgekehrt. Cartier-Bresson lernte Hubmann 1955 anlässlich der Ausstellung von Kokoschka in der Wiener Secession kennen. Die Lose auf den kommenden Seiten kommen aus der privaten Sammlung Hubmanns. Alle Fotografien sind Vintage Prints. Hubmann erhielt sie direkt von den jeweiligen Fotografen in den 1950er und frühen 1960er Jahren. Aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstags von Franz Hubmann zeigt die Leica Galerie Wien die Ausstellung SOUNDS OF VIENNA / 100 JAHRE FRANZ HUBMANN (bis 17.01.2015). From the Collection of Franz Hubmann More than any other, Franz Hubmann, who used a Leica all his life, was an expert at capturing the sound of the street in his images, and he became a chronicler of Viennese life with its coffee houses, bohemians, horse-drawn carriages, amusement parks and Heurigen wine bars. Hubmann’s unerring instinct for the right moment earned him the courtesy title “Austria’s Henri Cartier-Bresson” – but of course he was a master of photography in his own right: the “incorruptible chronicler of the essential and supposedly inessential”, as André Heller once described him. Among his work, we also find portraits of the international artistic elite of his time, from Picasso to Braque and Warhol (see lot 104, 105, 106, 107). In 1954 he joined the editorial board of the cultural magazine magnum, which had just been founded by Karl Pawek. His work as its picture editor and chief photographer and the magazine’s decidedly modern to avant-garde orientation had a lasting influence on his photography. The cultural magazine magnum published photographs by Werner Bischof, Otto Steinert, Max Scheler, William Klein, Thomas Hoepker, Frank Horvat, Henri Cartier-Bresson and others. Hubmann was in constant exchange with his international photographer colleagues, who occasionally gave him prints as presents, gifts he reciprocated. Hubmann met Cartier-Bresson in 1955 at a Kokoschka exhibition at the Vienna Secession. The lots on the following pages are from Hubmann’s private collection. All the photographs are vintage prints; Hubmann received them directly from the photographers during the 1950s and early 1960s. Commemorating Franz Hubmann’s 100th birthday, the Leica Gallery Vienna presents the exhibition SOUNDS OF VIENNA / FRANZ HUBMANN AT 100 (through January 17, 2015). 50 75 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) ‘Kettenkarussell im Prater’ (Flying swing at Prater), Vienna c. 1960 Vintage silver print 18,4 × 24 cm (7.2 × 9.4 in) Photographer‘s early studio stamp and his later copyright stamp on the reverse, annotated by him in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Estate of Franz Hubmann LITER ATURE Margit Zuckriegl / Gerald Piffl (ed.), Franz Hubmann, Photograph, Vienna 2001, p. 90. € 1.200 / € 3.000–4.000 76 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Vor einem Nachtlokal / In front of a night club, Paris c. 1955 Vintage silver print 29,2 × 19,5 cm (11.5 × 7.7 in) Photographer‘s reproduction stamp, his agency stamp and numerical “#88” stamp on the reverse, several handwritten numerical notations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Cartier-Bresson € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 51 77 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Paris, c. 1950 Vintage silver print 29,5 × 20,5 cm (11.6 × 8.1 in) Two of the photographer‘s early agency credit stamps (one repainted) and two numerical “#51” stamps on the reverse, several handwritten numerical notations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Cartier-Bresson € 2.400/ € 4.000–5.000 78 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Bois de Vincennes, Paris 1952 Vintage silver print 19,6 × 28,5 cm (7.7 × 11.2 in) Photographer‘s reproduction stamp, his agency stamp and numerical “#88” stamp on the reverse, several handwritten numerical notations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Cartier-Bresson € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 52 79 FR ANK HORVAT (* 1928) Strip-Tease, Le Sphinx, Pigalle, Paris late 1950s Vintage silver print 24,7 × 39,6 cm (9.7 × 15.6 in) Photographer‘s credit stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Frank Horvat LITER ATURE Frank Horvat, Eintritt frei. Strip-Tease, Lausanne 1963, p. 74. € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 80 FR ANK HORVAT (* 1928) Strip-Tease, Le Sphinx, Pigalle, Paris late 1950s Vintage silver print 24,1 × 23 cm (9.5 × 9.1 in) Photographer‘s credit stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Frank Horvat LITER ATURE Frank Horvat, Eintritt frei. Strip-Tease, Lausanne 1963, p. 80. € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 53 81 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) ‘Weinkost bei der Messe’ (Wine tasting at the fair), Vienna 1962 Vintage silver print 24,1 × 17,9 cm (9.5 × 7 in) Photographer‘s early studio stamp and his later copyrigth stamp on the reverse, annotated by him in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Estate of Franz Hubmann LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das Photographische Werk, Vienna / Munich 1999, p. 134; Margit Zuckriegl / Gerald Piffl (ed.), Franz Hubmann, Photograph, Vienna 2001, p. 80. € 1.200 / € 2.000–3.000 82 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Bologna, c. 1950 Vintage silver print 17 × 24,8 cm (6.7 × 9.8 in) Photographer‘s reproduction stamp and several handwritten annotations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Cartier-Bresson € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 54 83 HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON (1908–2004) Scanno, Abruzzo 1951 Vintage silver print 17,2 × 25,2 cm (6,8 × 9,9 in) Photographer‘s reproduction stamp on the reverse, several handwritten annotations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Cartier-Bresson € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 84 OT TO STEINERT (1915–1978) ‘Saarländische Landschaft’, 1950s Vintage silver print, mounted on original cardboard 29,5 × 40,0 cm (11.6 × 15.7 in) Credited and annotated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Otto Steinert € 2.000 / € 4.000–4.500 55 85 OT TO STEINERT (1915–1978) ‘Schlammweiher 2’ (Sludge Pond 2), 1953 Vintage silver print, 40,4 × 29,7 cm (15.9 × 11.7 in) Photographer‘s copyright studio stamp on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from Otto Steinert € 2.400 / € 4.500–5.000 56 86 WILLIAM KLEIN (* 1928) U-Bahn Station / Underground station, Moscow 1959 Vintage silver print 40 × 27,2 cm (15.7 × 10.7 in) Annotated and credited in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection of Franz Hubmann, gift from William Klein LITER ATURE William Klein, Moskau, Hamburg 1965, p. 121. € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 87 WILLIAM KLEIN (* 1928) Candy Store, New York 1955 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1987 for an exhibition in Tokyo 25 × 31,2 cm (9.8 × 12.3 in) Signed, titled and dated (image date and print date) by the photographer in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE William Klein, New York: Life is Good & Good For You In New York, 1956, p. 140-141. * € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 57 88 GIANNI BERENGO GARDIN (* 1930) ‘Parigi’ (Paris), 1954 Vintage silver print 22,7 × 18 cm (8.9 × 7.1 in) Three of the photographer’s copyright stamps on the reverse, several handwritten annotations incuding title and date on the reverse LITER ATURE Gianni Berengo Gardin, Fotografo 1953–1988, Udine 1988, p. 65. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 89 GIANNI BERENGO GARDIN (* 1930) ‘Inghilterra’ (England), 1977 Vintage silver print 20,4 × 30,7 cm (8 × 12.1 in) Photographer’s Milan studio stamp on the reverse, annotated by the photographer in ink on the reverse LITER ATURE Gianni Berengo Gardin, Fotografo 1953–1988, Udine 1988, cover and p. 83. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400 58 90 GIANNI BERENGO GARDIN (* 1930) Venezia, 1954 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1980s 32,7 × 22,5 cm (12.9 × 8.9 in) Photographer’s Milan studio stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Gianni Bernego Gardin, Venezia, Venice 2006, cover. € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400 91 MARIO GIACOMELLI (1925–2000) ‘Settembre nel mio paese’ (Presa di coscienza sulla natura / On being aware of nature), 1976 Vintage silver print 29,6 × 39 cm (11.7 × 15.4 in) Photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse, titled and dated by him in ink on the reverse LITER ATURE Alistair Crawford, Mario Giacomelli, New York 2001, p. 309. € 1.800 / € 2.400–2.800 59 92 MARIO GIACOMELLI (1925–2000) ‘Io non ho mani che mi accarezziano il volto’, (There are no hands to caress my face), Pretini 1961–63 Gelatin silver print, printed in the early 1980s 29,5 × 40,4 cm (11.6 × 15.9 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the image lower left, signed and extensively annotated by him in pencil on the reverse, his studio stamp and series stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Alistair Crawford (ed.), Mario Giacomelli, New York 2001, p. 226-227. * € 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000 93 MARIO GIACOMELLI (1925–2000) ‘Nudi con gatti’, 1970s Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1980s 25,4 × 27,4 cm (10 × 10.8 in) Photographer’s copyright stamp on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 60 94 MARIO GIACOMELLI (1925–2000) ‘L’Infinito di Giacomo Leopardi’, 1986–88 3 Vintage silver prints each c. 40 × 30 cm (15.7 × 11.8 in) Each with the photogapher’s copyright stamp and the series stamp on the reverse, each dated by Giacomelli in ink on the reverse, the prints numbered in sequence “1”, “2”, and “3” by the photographer on the reverse LITER ATURE Alistair Crawford, Mario Giacomelli, New York 2001, p. 129 (two of the images reproduced here). € 2.800 / € 5.000–6.000 61 95 DIANE ARBUS (1923–1971) ‘The King and Queen of a Senior Citizens Dance‘, New York 1970 from ‘A Box of Ten Photographs’ Gelatin silver print, printed in 1973 by Neil Selkirk 37 × 37cm (14.6 × 14.6 in) Signed, titled and dated by the photographer‘s daughter, Doon Arbus, in ink on the reverse (a diane arbus photograph label), below that annotated and numbered by Doon Arbus “The print is part of a limited edition portfolio of ten Diane Arbus photographs. 5/50”, Doon Arbus reproduction stamp on the reverse, comes with original interleaving tissue with printed facsimile title and date PROVENANCE Pentax Collection, Japan LITER ATURE Diane Arbus, An Aperture Monograph, New York 1972, s.p; Diane Arbus / Elisabeth Sussman / Sandra Phillips / Neil Selkirk and Jeff L. Rosenheim (ed.), Diane Arbus: Revelations, Munich 2003, p. 247. € 30.000 / € 50.000–70.000 62 Aus ‚A Box of Ten Photographs‘ Die folgenden vier Fotografien kommen aus dem Portfolio ‚A Box of Ten Photographs‘. Diane Arbus begann 1969 mit der Arbeit und Konzeption ihres einzigen Portfolios; es sollte ihre Arbeit als Fotografin repräsentieren und diente für sie als klares Statement über ihre Fotografie. Die Box enthält eine große Anzahl ihrer größten Ikonen, hervorzuheben sicherlich die Identical Twins, Roselle, N. J. Man weiß, dass Arbus elf oder zwölf der limitierten Boxen selber geprintet hat, kurz bevor sie 1971 starb. Verkauft hat sie zu Lebzeiten aber nur eine gute Handvoll Boxen, das aber an teils namhafte Sammler: 1/50 und 2/50 an Richard Avedon (eines als Geschenk für dessen Freund Mike Nichols), 6/50 an Jasper Johns, 3/50 und 4/50 gelten als „verschollen“, aber verkauft, 5/50 an Bea Feitler, der Art Directorin von Harper‘s Bazaar (siehe hierzu Diane Arbus, Revelations, p. 220.). Nach Arbus’ Tod wurden die von ihr bisher geprinteten Sets als Artist’s Proofs behalten. Neil Selkirk vollendete die Edition von 50, bzw. begann die Zählung nach Arbus‘ Tod und mit seiner Print-Ära neu ab 1/50. Die vorliegenden Abzüge kommen aus der Box mit der frühen Selkirk Nr. 5/50 und stammen aus der Pentax Collection in Japan. Die Prints haben die typischen soften Rändern, so wie sie Arbus ab ca. 1969 printete, und was von Selkirk für das Portfolio beibehalten wurde. Die meisten der Portfolios A Box of Ten Photographs und Prints daraus haben längst ihren Weg in Museen und wichtige Sammlungen gefunden, wo sie wahrscheinlich auch bleiben werden. Diese Umstände, und die andauernde Relevanz von Arbus‘ Arbeit, sind Schlüsselfaktoren dafür, dass auch Selkirks Prints stetig an Bedeutung und Wert gewinnen. 96 DIANE ARBUS (1923–1971) ‘Laura Morales, a Mexican dwarf in his hotel room‘, New York 1970 from ‘A Box of Ten Photographs’ Gelatin silver print, printed in 1973 by Neil Selkirk 37,8 × 36,5 cm (14.9 × 14.4 in) Signed, titled and dated by the photographer‘s daughter, Doon Arbus, in ink on the reverse (a diane arbus photograph label), below that annotated and numbered by Doon Arbus “The print is part of a limited edition portfolio of ten Diane Arbus photographs. 5/50”, Doon Arbus reproduction stamp on the reverse, comes with original interleaving tissue with printed facsimile title and date PROVENANCE Pentax Collection, Japan LITER ATURE Diane Arbus, An Aperture Monograph, New York 1972, s.p; Diane Arbus / Elisabeth Sussman / Sandra Phillips / Neil Selkirk and Jeff L. Rosenheim (ed.), Diane Arbus: Revelations, Munich 2003, p. 66. € 30.000 / € 50.000–70.000 From ‘A Box of Ten Photographs‘ The following four photographs are taken from the portfolio ‘A Box of Ten Photographs‘. Diane Arbus began to conceive and work on her only portfolio in 1969; it was to represent her work as a photographer and create a clear statement about her photography. The box contains a large number of her greatest icons, chief among them Identical Twins, Roselle, N. J. It is known that Arbus printed eleven or twelve of the limited-edition boxes herself shortly before she died in 1971. However, she only sold a handful of the boxes during her lifetime, some of them to renowned collectors: 1/50 and 2/50 to Richard Avedon (one of them acquired as a present for his friend Mike Nichols), 6/50 to Jasper Johns, 5/50 to Bea Feitler, the art director of Harper’s Bazaar, while 3/50 and 4/50 are considered “lost” but sold (cf. Diane Arbus, Revelations, p. 220). After Arbus’s death, the sets printed by her so far were kept as artist’s proofs. Neil Selkirk completed the edition of 50 – or rather, after Arbus’s death and with his prints, the numbering was started anew at 1/50. The present prints are taken from the box with the early Selkirk Number 5/50 and hail from the Pentax Collection in Japan. The prints have the typical soft borders, just like Arbus printed them starting in circa 1969; Selkirk maintained this printing method for the portfolio. Most of the portfolios A Box of Ten Photographs and prints taken from them have long found their way into museums and major collections, where they are likely to remain. These circumstances and the lasting relevance of Arbus’s work are key factors for a steady increase in the importance and value of Selkirk’s prints. 63 Die Aufnahme Identical Twins ist sicherlich das Motiv, das am meisten mit Diane Arbus’ Werk assoziiert wird. Es zierte nicht nur das Cover ihres ersten monographischen Katalogs (Aperture, New York 1972); Arbus selbst wählte es für ihre persönlich gestaltete Einladungskarte ihrer wichtigen Gruppenausstellung New Documents (Diane Arbus, Garry Winogrand, Lee Friedlander) im Museum of Modern Art 1967, wo es auch erstmals ausgestellt wurde. Das Doppelporträt verkörpert die wichtigsten Themen in ihrem Werk – ihre Faszination für Kinder, und die Frage nach Abweichung und Identität. Arbus fotografierte die damals 7-jährigen Mädchen auf einer lokalen Weihnachtsparty in deren Heimatstadt Roselle. Die Zwillinge posieren Seite an Seite auf dem Gehsteig vor der Knights of Columbus Veranstaltungshalle. Sie tragen grüne Kordkleider, weiße Strumpfhosen und Haarbänder. Tatsächlich offenbart sich in einer länger andauernden Betrachtung des Bildes, eine ganze Anzahl an kleinen Unterschieden – im Ausdruck der Augen, dem Lächeln – einmal fragender und einmal offener, dem Muster der Strumpfhosen, der Haltung, und der Frisur. In direkter, aber liebevoller Art und Weise führt uns Arbus so hinter die vornehmlich identische Kulisse, enthüllt zwei eigenständige Persönlichkeiten, und präsentiert uns eine tieferliegende Individualität. Durch die Augen und den Ausdruck kann jede der beiden eine andere Geschichte erzählen. All das sind Gründe, warum dieses Schlüsselbild nie an Kraft verloren hat, und es schafft ein länger andauerndes Interesse des Betrachters zu wecken. The photograph Identical Twins is certainly the motif most often associated with Diane Arbus’s work. It was not only reproduced on the cover of her first monographic catalogue (Aperture, New York 1972); Arbus herself chose it for her personal invitation card to her most important group exhibit New Documents (Diane Arbus, Garry Winogrand, Lee Friedlander) at the Museum of Modern Art in 1967, where it was also first exhibited. The double portrait embodies the most important themes of her oeuvre – her fascination with children and the question of deviance and identity. Arbus photographed the girls, seven years old at the time, at a local Christmas party in their hometown of Roselle. The twins posed side by side on the sidewalk in front of the Knights of Columbus Hall. They wore green corduroy dresses, white tights and hair ribbons. In fact, closer and extensive observation of the image reveals quite a number of small differences – the expression of the eyes, the smile – one is more questioning, the other more open – as well as the pattern of the girls’ tights, their posture and hairdos. Thus, Arbus takes us directly, but lovingly behind the supposedly identical exterior, revealing two independent personalities and presenting a deeper individuality. Through their eyes and expression, each of the twins can tell a different story. All these are reasons why this key image has never lost its power and why it manages to arouse the viewer’s lasting interest. “There are and have been and will be an infinite number of things on Earth. Individuals all different, all wanting different things, all knowing different things, all loving different things, all looking different… That is what I love: the differentness.” (Diane Arbus) 97 DIANE ARBUS (1923–1971) ‘Identical Twins (Cathleen and Colleen), Roselle, N. J.‘, 1967 from ‘A Box of Ten Photographs’ Gelatin silver print, printed in 1973 by Neil Selkirk 36,6 × 38 cm (14,4 × 15 in) Signed, titled and dated by the photographer‘s daughter, Doon Arbus, in ink on the reverse (a diane arbus photograph label), below that annotated and numbered by Doon Arbus “The print is part of a limited edition portfolio of ten Diane Arbus photographs. 5/50”, Doon Arbus reproduction stamp on the reverse € 40.000 / € 80.000–100.000 64 PROVENANCE Pentax Collection, Japan LITER ATURE Aperture, Diane Arbus, The Museum of Modern Art 1972, cover; Diane Arbus, An Aperture Monograph, New York 1972, cover; Photography Past Forward: Aperture at 50, p. 90; Diane Arbus / Elisabeth Sussman / Sandra Phillips / Neil Selkirk and Jeff L. Rosenheim (ed.), Diane Arbus: Revelations, Munich 2003, pp. 182, 265 and 270-271; deCordova, Presumed Innocence, pl. 51; High Museum of Art, Chorus of Light: Photographs from the Sir Elton John Collection, p. 88; Newhall, The History of Photography, p. 290; Oxford History of Art, The Photograph, pl. 7. 65 98 DIANE ARBUS (1923–1971) ‘A young family in Brooklyn going for a Sunday outing‘, New York 1966 from ‘A Box of Ten Photographs’ Gelatin silver print, printed in 1973 by Neil Selkirk 38,2 × 37,5 cm (15 × 14.8 in) Signed, titled and dated by the photographer‘s daughter, Doon Arbus, in ink on the reverse (a diane arbus photograph label), below that annotated and numbered by Doon Arbus “The print is part of a limited edition portfolio of ten Diane Arbus photographs. 5/50”, Doon Arbus reproduction stamp on the reverse, comes with original interleaving tissue with printed facsimile title and date PROVENANCE Pentax Collection, Japan LITER ATURE Diane Arbus, An Aperture Monograph, New York 1972, s.p; Diane Arbus / Elisabeth Sussman / Sandra Phillips / Neil Selkirk and Jeff L. Rosenheim (ed.), Diane Arbus: Revelations, Munich 2003, p. 8-9. € 30.000 / € 50.000–70.000 66 99 MARY ELLEN MARK (* 1940) ‘Young Boy with Mickey Mouse Ears, Lutu Village, Yunna Province’, China 1985 Vintage silver print 22,9 × 33,9 cm (9 × 13.3 in) Signed, titled and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Mary Ellen Mark, 25 Years, New York 1991, p. 113; Mary Ellen Mark, Exposure, New York 2005, p. 204-205. € 2.400 / € 3.500–4.000 100 GARRY WINOGR AND (1928–1984) ‘Women are Beautiful’, New York 1971 Vintage sílver print 22,3 × 33,3 cm (8.8 × 13.1 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 55/80 PROVENANCE Private Collection, Paris € 4.000 / € 6.000–7.000 67 101 GARRY WINOGR AND (1928–1984) ‘Women are better than men. Not only have they survived, they do prevail’, 1982 15 Vintage silver prints, printed in 1982 by the artist, published by D.E.P. Editions, New York, each in passepartout, in original box with numbered title plate each c. 22,5 cm × 33,5 cm Each signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 14/75, the photographs date from 1978–80, one exception dating from 1969 * 1969, New York City, New York *1980 Beverly Hills, California * 1979 Venice, California * 1979 Beverly Hills, California * 1976 Santa Monica, California * 1979 Beverly Hills, California * 1980 Beverly Hills, California * 1980 Beverly Hills, California * 1980 Beverly Hills, California * 1978 Beverly Hills, California * 1978 Beverly Hills, California * 1976 Hutchinson, Kansas *1979 Venice, California * 1977 Houston, Texas * 1979 Beverly Hills, California € 12.000 / € 18.000–20.000 68 102 CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM (1918–2002) Suzanne & Sylvia, Hôtel Pierrot, Paris 1962 Vintage silver print 18 × 24 cm (7.1 × 9.4 in) Photographer‘s studio stamp with his Drottninggatan (valid 1960-1966) address and several handwritten notes on the reverse, backside text in Strömholm‘s handwriting: Transsexuals 1965, From the exhibition and book „To the memory of myself“, Strömholm, Christer, the print was used as pressprint in 1965 for Strömholm‘s first exhibition and book PROVENANCE Christer Strömholm Estate LITER ATURE Christer Strömholm, Les amies de Place Blanche – 2011 / Aman Iman Ed., p. 135. € 4.000 / € 6.000–7.000 103 CHRISTER STRÖMHOLM (1918–2002) Gina, Place Blanche, Paris 1963 Vintage silver print 13 × 25,5 cm (5,1 × 10 in) on paper 24 × 31 cm Signed by the photographer „CHR“ signature on the reverse – unique cropping! PROVENANCE Christer Strömholm Estate LITER ATURE Christer Strömholm, Les amies de Place Blanche - 2011 / Aman Iman Ed., p. 11, Christer Strömholm, POST SCRIPTUM – 2012 / Max Ström Ed., p. 61. € 4.000 / € 6.000–7.000 69 104 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) Georges Braque, Paris 1957 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s, early exhibition print 40 × 31,1 cm (15.7 × 12.2 in) Signed by the photographer in black ink in the image lower right, signed and annotated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his copyright stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das Photographische Werk, Vienna / Munich 1999, p. 23; Margit Zuckriegl / Gerald Piffl (ed.), Franz Hubmann, Photograph, Vienna 2001, p. 55. € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 105 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) Oskar Kokoschka, Wiener Secession 1955 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s, early exhibition print 30,5 × 40,2 cm (12 × 15,8 in) Signed and annotated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his copyright stamp on the reverse Oskar Kokoschka at his opening in the Secession / Oskar Kokoschka bei seiner Ausstellungseröffnung in der Secession LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das Photographische Werk, Vienna / Munich 1999, p. 50-51. € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 70 106 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) Pablo Picasso, Villa La Californie, Cannes 1957 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s, early exhibition print 40,3 × 30,5 cm (15.9 × 12 in) Signed by the photographer in black ink in the image lower right, signed and annotated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his copyright stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das Photographische Werk, Vienna / Munich 1999, p. 47; Margit Zuckriegl / Gerald Piffl (ed.), Franz Hubmann, Photograph, Vienna 2001, p. 47 (variant cropping). € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 107 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) Pablo Picasso, Villa La Californie, Cannes 1957 Vintage silver print 18 × 17,7 cm (7.1 × 7 in) Photographer‘s early studio stamp and his later copyright stamp on the reverse, annotated by him in ink on the reverse PROVENANCE Estate of Franz Hubmann LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das Photographische Werk, Vienna / Munich 1999, p. 45. (Flecken auch hier im Bild) € 1.200 / € 2.000–3.000 71 108 DAVID DOUGL AS DUNCAN (* 1916) Picasso & Jacqueline, Villa La Californie, Cannes 1957 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s 23,7 × 34,4 cm (9.3 × 13.5 in) Signed and dated (23 February 2008, signature date) by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his copyright stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE David Douglas Duncan, Viva Picasso, Berlin 1980, p. 80. € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 109 DAVID DOUGL AS DUNCAN (* 1916) Picasso & Jacqueline, Villa La Californie, Cannes 1957 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s 23,9 × 34,4 cm (9.4 × 13.5 in) Signed and dated (23 February 2008, signature date) by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his copyright stamp on the reverse LITER ATURE David Douglas Duncan, Viva Picasso, Berlin 1980, p. 80. € 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000 72 110 111 HERBERT LIST (1903–1975) Jean Cocteau, Paris 1948 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s 29,8 × 22,7 cm (11.7 × 8.9 in) Photographer‘s estate stamp with handwritten title, ed. no. and date on the reverse, signed by Max Scheler in ink on the reverse, edition no. 12/15 HERBERT LIST (1903–1975) Oskar Kokoschka, Rome 1951 Vintage silver print 27,8 × 21,2 cm (10.9 × 8.3 in) Photographer‘s copyright stamp on the reverse, his estate stamp, signed by Max Scheler, on the reverse, annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Max Scheler / Matthias Harder (ed.), Herbert List. LITER ATURE Max Scheler / Matthias Harder Die Monographie, Munich 2000, p. 192. (ed.), Herbert List. Die Monographie, Munich 2000, p. 205. € 3.500 / € 5.000–6.000 € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 112 HERBERT LIST (1903–1975) Pablo Picasso, Paris 1948 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s by Max Scheler 29,6 × 23,3 cm (11.7 × 9.2 in) Photographer‘s estate stamp with handwritten title, ed. no. and date on the reverse, signed by Max Scheler in ink on the reverse, edition no. 8/15 LITERATURE Max Scheler / Matthias Harder (ed.), Herbert List. Die Monographie, Munich 2000, p. 203. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 73 113 RENÉ BURRI (* 1933) Le Corbusier, ‘Atelier 35 S’, Paris 1959 Vintage silver print 17 × 25,3 cm (6.7 × 10 in) Photographer’s agency stamp and several handwritten notations “59 9 1 / 7” (neg. no.) and “Le Corbusier” in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE René Burri, Le Corbusier, Basel 1999, p. 169 (same series). * € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 114 FR ANZ HUBMANN (1914–2007) Alfred Kubins Tisch / Alfred Kubin‘s desk, Upper Austria 1951 Víntage silver print 20,7 × 24,9 cm (8.1 × 9.8 in) Signed and annotated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Franz Hubmann, Das photographische Werk, Vienna, Munich 1999, p. 54. € 900 / € 1.500–2.000 74 115 INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002) Saul Steinberg (from the series ‘Saul Steinberg Masks’), New York 1959 Vintage silver print 20,1 × 29,8 cm (7.9 × 11.7 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, series no. stamp and several handwritten notations including the neg. no. “59-2-1805/24” on the reverse, mounted label with typographic legend on the reverse LITER ATURE Saul Steinberg Masquerade. Photographs by Inge Morath, Viking Studio 2000, s.p. (variant cropping). * € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 116 INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002) Die Malerin / The painter Hedda Sterne (from the series ‘Saul Steinberg Masks’), New York 1959 Vintage silver print 20,1 × 30,2 cm (7.9 × 11.9 in) Photographer’s agency stamp, series no. stamp and several handwritten notations including the neg. no. “59-2-1803/12” on the reverse * € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 75 117 MICHAEL KENNA (* 1953) Mont Saint Michel, Normandy 1991 Gelatin silver print 19 × 19,2 cm (7.5 × 7.6 in) Signed, dated and numbered “20/45” by the photographer in pencil on the mount, signed, titled, dated and numbered by him in pencil on the reverse, copyright edition stamp on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 118 DICK ARENTZ (* 1935) Pisa, 1992 Platinum print, mounted on original cardboard 16,8 × 41,5 cm (6.6 × 16.3 in) Signed, dated, annotated and numbered by the photographer in ink on the mount, edition no. 9/50 € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 76 119 ANDRÉ KERTÉSZ (1894–1985) Fargo, North Dakota, June 17th, 1978 Vintage silver print, framed 24,7 × 17,8 cm (9.7 × 7 in) Signed, annotated and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Private Collection, Vienna, the present photograph was hanging in Kertész’s apartment on Washington Square, New York, until his death. LITER ATURE André Kertész, Americana, New York 1979, p. 52. € 3.600 / € 5.000–6.000 120 ANDRÉ KERTÉSZ (1894–1985) ‘The white horse’, Poland 1959 Vintage silver print, exhibition print, mounted on orginial cardboard, with the original exhibition passepartout 24 × 34,8 cm (9.4 × 13.7 in) Signed and dated “Oct 16, 1959” by the photographer in pencil on the mount PROVENANCE Collection of Hiroji Kubota, gift from Kertész on occasion of his exhibition in Tokyo in 1963, enclosed a photograph of Kertész and Cornell Capa at the opening and a letter of Kubota, in which he writes about his friendship to Kertész * € 2.600 / € 4.000–5.000 77 121 TOM KELLEY (1914–1984) ‘Marilyn Monroe on Red Velvet’, 1949 Cibachrome, printed in 1982 99,1 × 76,2 cm (39 × 30 in) Signed and numbered by the photographer in ink on the reverse, edition no. 163/300 (Hugh Hefner Edition 1982), the photograph was published in 1953 for the centerfold of the very first Playboy Magazine. € 4.000 / € 6.000–7.000 122 BERT STERN (1929–2013) Marilyn Monroe (‘The Last Sitting’), Hotel Bel-Air, Los Angeles 1962 Inkjet-print, printed in 1992, framed 37,5 × 55 cm (14.8 × 21.7 in) Signed and annotated by the photographer in pencil in the margin € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000 78 123 PHILIPPE HALSMAN (1906–1979) ‘Marilyn jumping’, 1952 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1981 25,3 × 33 cm (10 × 13 in) Photographer’s “Halsman / Marilyn, Copyright Philippe Halsman ©81, Edition Number 138[handwritten] / 250” estate stamp on the reverse € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 124 PHILIPPE HALSMAN (1906–1979) Anna Maria Alberghetti, 1961 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s 35,2 × 27,2 cm (13.9 × 10.7 in) Two of the photographer’s copyright stamps on the reverse, annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse € 800 / € 1.400–1.600 79 125 CAMER APHOTO Mick & Bianca Jagger, Venice 1971 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1986 30,6 × 41,2 cm (12 × 16.2 in) “CAMERAPHOTO, Venezia” copyright stamp and date stamp (print date) on the reverse, annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse € 900 / € 1.500–1.800 80 126 LENI RIEFENSTAHL (1902–2003) Mick and Bianca Jagger, 1974 7 Chromogenic prints each c. 60 × 50 cm (23,6 × 19,7 in) Each signed by the photographer in ink in the image, each numbered on the reverse PROVENANCE Peter Reichelt, the former agent of Leni Riefenstahl € 12.000 / € 25.000–30.000 On September 29, 1974 the Sunday Times published a title story about Mick and Bianca Jagger. Mick Jagger only agreed to this story because the newspaper agreed to fulfil his great wish to be photographed by Leni Riefenstahl. Riefenstahl agreed and flew to London. It was to be her last artistic commission. For the first time ever, seven colour photographs by Leni Riefenstahl from this legendary photo session are offered for sale here. Each of the photographs is signed by Riefenstahl. The prints, using Cibachrome paper, were made under Ms. Riefenstahl’s supervision in Munich in the 1980s; they were made by Peter Reichelt, Leni Riefenstahl’s former long-time agent and consultant. Since the 1990s, the present series has been presented in more than 30 museums all over the world. Am 29. September 1974 erschien in der Sunday Times eine Titelstory über das Ehepaar Mick und Bianca Jagger. Mick Jagger willigte zu dieser Story nur aus dem Grund ein, weil er seinen großen Wunsch erfüllt bekam von Leni Riefenstahl fotografiert zu werden. Riefenstahl sagte zu und flog nach London. Es sollte ihre letzte künstlerische Auftragsarbeit werden. Zum ersten Mal überhaupt werden hier, aus dieser legendären Fotosession, 7 Farbfotografien von Leni Riefenstahl angeboten. Jede der Fotografien ist von Riefenstahl signiert. Die Prints wurden unter der Aufsicht von Frau Riefenstahl in den 1980er-Jahren in München auf Cibachrome-Papier hergestellt und stammen von Peter Reichelt, dem ehemaligen jahrelangen Agenten und Berater von Leni Riefenstahl. Seit den 1990er Jahren wurde die vorliegende Serie in über 30 Museen weltweit präsentiert. 81 127 ROY SCHAT T (1909–2002) ‘James Dean, Walking on 68th Street’, New York 1954 Gelatin silver print, printed later by Roy Schatt 33,6 × 24,2 cm (13.2 × 9.5 in) Photographer’s studio stamp on the reverse, comes with signed certificate of authenticity by Elaine Schatt explaining that the print was printed by her husband in his dark room LITER ATURE Roy Schatt, James Dean - A Portrait, 1982, back cover. € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 128 ASTRID KIRCHHERR (* 1938) The Beatles (George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe, John Lennon), Germany 1960 Gelatin silver print, printed later 31 × 23,8 cm (12.2 × 9.4 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 800 / € 1.200–1.500 82 129 ASTRID KIRCHHERR (* 1938) Paul McCartney, Germany 1960 Gelatin silver print, printed later 23,7 × 29,7 cm (9.3 × 11.7 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 800 / € 1.200–1.500 130 WILL MCBRIDE (* 1931) Tana & Victor, Munich 1965 Gelatin silver print, printed later c. 40 × 50 cm (15.7 × 19.7 in) Signed, annotated and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 900 / € 1.400–1.600 83 131 CHARLOT TE MARCH (1930–2005) ‘Donyale mit Goldohrringen’ (twen magazine), 1967 Gelatin silver print, printed in the early 1990s 29,8 × 29,1 cm (11.7 × 11.5 in) Signed, titled and dated by photographer in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Photographie des 20. Jahrhunderts. Museum Ludwig Köln, Cologne 2007, cover. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 132 ≥ DAVID BAILEY (* 1938) A Group of 10 Photographs, 1970s 10 Vintage silver prints each c. 35 × 25 cm (13.8 × 9.8 in) One of them signed by the photographer in ink in the margin PROVENANCE Private collection, England, acquired from a friend of Bailey € 3.600 / € 5.000–6.000 84 85 133 WILL MCBRIDE (* 1931) Romy Schneider, Paris 1963 Gelatin silver print, printed later c. 40 × 50 cm (15.7 × 19.7 in) Signed, annotated and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 900 / € 1.400–1.600 134 ROBERT LEBECK (1929–2014) Romy Schneider, Berlin 1976 Gelatin silver print, printed later 26 × 38,7 cm (10,2 × 15,2 in) Signed, numbered and dated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, his studio stamp on the reverse, edition no. 14/30 LITER ATURE Robert Lebeck, Augenzeuge, Munich 2984, p. 134. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 86 135 R ALPH GIBSON (* 1939) ‘Woman’s Hand on Shoulder – Brassiere’ (from the portfolio ‘If & (Silk)’), 1975 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s 31,4 × 20,6 cm (12.4 × 8.1 in) Signed and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE Ralph Gibson, Deus ex Machina, Cologne 1999, p. 391. * € 1.800 / € 2.600–3.000 136 R ALPH GIBSON (* 1939) ‘Detail of breast’ (from the portfolio ‘If & (Silk)’), 1978 Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s 20,6 × 31,4 cm (8.1 × 12.4 in) Signed and dated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse * € 1.800 / € 2.600–3.000 87 137 R ALPH GIBSON (* 1939) Mono Portfolio, 2013 10 Gelatin silver prints each c. 36 × 24 cm (14.2 × 9.4 in) Each signed, dated and numbered by the photographer in ink in the margin, edition no. 18/25, combined in a luxurious leather case € 4.400 / € 7.000–8.000 138 EIKOH HOSOE (* 1933) ‘Ba-Ra-Kei: Ordeal by Roses #25’, 1962 Gelatin silver print 28,9 × 20,4 cm (11.4 × 8 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil in the margin, signed and annotated by him in pencil on the reverse * € 1.200 / € 1.800–2.000 88 139 DAIDO MORIYAMA (* 1938) Untitled (from ‘Kariudo / Hunter’), 1972 RC-print, printed later 29,7 × 24,2 cm (11.7 × 9.5 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the reverse * € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000 140 LUCIEN CLERGUE (* 1934) ‘Nu de la mer’, Camargue 1971 Vintage silver print, large format, mounted on original paper, printed in the 1970s 35,9 × 49 cm (14.1 × 19.3 in) Signed by the photographer in pencil on the mount, signed by him in pencil on the reverse, his studio stamp and edition stamp on the reverse, edition no. 11/20 € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 89 141 JAN SAUDEK (* 1935) ’The Motherhood’, 1986 Vintage silver print c. 18 × 12 cm Titled and dedicated “To Lady Guiliana” by the photographer in white ink in the image PROVENANCE Collection Giuliana Scimé, acquired directly from the artist € 800 / € 1.400–1.600 142 JAN SAUDEK (* 1935) Praha, 1971 Vintage silver print 33,8 × 25,6 cm (13.3 × 10.1 in) Signed by the photographer in ink in the image lower right, several handwritten notations in pencil on the reverse LITER ATURE CAMERA, September 1971, Luzern. € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 90 143 144 MIROSL AV TICHÝ (1926–2011) Untitled, c. 1975 Vintage silver print 20,7 × 13 cm (8.1 × 5.1 in) MIROSL AV TICHÝ (1926–2011) Untitled, c. 1975 Vintage silver print 13 × 9 cm (5.1 × 3.5 in) € 500 / € 800–1.000 € 400 / € 800–900 91 145 MIROSL AV TICHÝ (1926–2011) Untitled, c. 1975 Vintage silver print c. 11,5 × 18 cm (4.5 × 7.1 in) € 400 / € 800–900 146 JAN SAUDEK (* 1935) Stalingrad, 1956 Vintage silver print 13 × 15,8 cm (5.1 × 6.2 in) Annotated and dated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Collection Giuliana Scimé, acquired directly from the artist € 600 / € 1.000–1.200 92 147 KIICHI ASANO (1914–1993) Wajima Morning Market, Kyoto 1956 Vintage silver print 11,9 × 16,1 cm (4.7 × 6.3 in) Photographer‘s stamp (Japanese) and several Japanese handwritten annotations on the reverse LITER ATURE Kiichi Asano, Old Kyoto, 1992, plate 13. PROVENANCE Estate of Kiichi Asano € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 148 KIICHI ASANO (1914–1993) In the Nishijin District, Kyoto 1953 Vintage silver print 11,9 × 16,1 cm (4.7 × 6.3 in) Photographer‘s stamp (Japanese) and several Japanese handwritten annotations on the reverse LITER ATURE Kiichi Asano, Old Kyoto, 1992, plate 37. PROVENANCE Estate of Kiichi Asano € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500 93 149 IRVING PENN (1917–2009) Japanese Girl, New York 1980 Vintage silver print 39,2 × 39,2 cm (15.4 × 15.4 in) Annotated in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Cathleen Naundorf Collection, from the Alexander Libermann Collection € 3.600 / € 6.000–7.000 94 150 HELMUT NEW TON (1920–2004) ‘Cyberwoman #2’, 2000 Gelatin silver print 25,3 × 33 cm (10 × 13 in) Photographer‘s copyright reproduction stamp on the reverse, numbered in ink on the reverse, edition no. 9/100, from the Cyberwoman portfolio € 2.000 / € 3.000–3.500 151 HELMUT NEW TON (1920–2004) Fashion for Vogue, early 1960s Vintage silver print, contact print paper size 25,3 × 20,7 cm (10 × 8,1 in) Some of them initialized and numbered (most likely by the photographer) in white ink in the negative margins, several handwritten annotations in pencil on the reverse PROVENANCE Mehemed Fehmy Agha Estate € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500 95 152 ERNST HA AS (1921–1986) ‘Black-Eyed Susans’, 1984 Dye transfer print, Vintage, mounted on original cardboard 31,8 × 48,5 cm (12.5 × 19.1 in) Signed and annotated “Artist Proof” by the photographer in pencil on the mount, photographer‘s New York studio and edition stamp on the reverse, print comes from the ‘Flowers I’ portfolio, edition of 30 € 2.400 / € 3.600–4.000 96 The present set of 25 Polaroids provides a fascinating cross section of Araki’s multi-faceted oeuvre. Araki is certainly one of today’s most productive photographers, restlessly and constantly collecting images. The group consists of still lifes (2), a cloudy sky (1), erotic flower photographs (6), staged sexual fantasies and erotos (11) and images from the wellknown Kinbaku series (5). The group demonstrates clearly that Araki’s photography is invariably devoted to the aesthetic moment – whether the subject is a woman’s naked body or a wilting flower. The Polaroids are framed individually and each one is signed on the verso by Araki. Das vorliegende Set von 25 Polaroids bildet einen spannenden Querschnitt durch das vielfältige Œuvre Arakis. Araki ist sicherlich einer der produktivsten Fotografen, ein ständig rastloser Bildersammler. Die Gruppe besteht aus Stillleben (2), einem Wolkenhimmel (1), erotischen Blumenaufnahmen (6), Inszenierung sexueller Fantasien und Erotos (11) und Aufnahmen aus der bekannten Kinbaku-Serie (5). Klar sichtbar wird in der Gruppe, dass Arakis Fotografie immer dem ästhetischen Moment verpflichtet ist – ob es sich nun um den nackten Körper einer Frau oder eine welkende Blume handelt. Die Polaroids sind einzeln gerahmt, und je rückseitig von Araki signiert. 153 NOBUYOSHI AR AKI (* 1940) Ein Set von 25 Polaroids / A set of 25 Polaroids, Japan 1990s 25 Polaroids SX 70, each framed each 7,9 × 7 cm (3.1 × 2.8 in) Each signed by the photographer in ink on the reverse PROVENANCE Private Collection, Salzburg; originally from the Saatchi Gallery, London; directly from Nobuyoshi Araki € 30.000 / € 40.000–50.000 97 98 99 154 JAN HNIZDO Ferry Radax, Vienna 2007 large size Polaroid Polapan 20 × 24‘‘, framed 24 × 20 in Signed and dated by the photographer in ink in the image lower right, signed by Ferry Radax in ink in the margin € 1.500 / € 3.000–4.000 155 PETER BAUM (* 1939) Arnulf Rainer – Kunstmesse Basel 1973 / Ruprechtsberg 1988 2 Gelatin silver prints, printed later each c. 31,2 × 21,1 cm (12.3 × 8.3 in) Each with the photographer‘s copyright stamp on the reverse, each signed, annotated, dated and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 1/12 LITER ATURE Carl Aigner (ed.), Peter Baum, Photograph, Vienna 2004, p. 39 (1973), p. 40 (1988, variant cropping). € 900 / € 1.500–2.000 100 156 TOM BARIL (* 1952) ‘Shells’, 1994 Gelatin silver print, printed in 1994, mounted on original museum board 58,5 × 45,5 cm (23 × 17.9 in) Signed and dated by the photographer in pencil on the mount, his copyright stamp with his handwritten notations relating to print date, title and edition no. on the reverse, edition of 15 € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500 157 FR ANK WHITE (* 1951) ‘Pear with Metal’, 2011 Selenium toned gelatin silver print 46,4 × 57,8 cm (18.3 × 22.8 in) on 50 × 60 cm paper Signed, dated and titled by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 9/10 * € 1.200 / € 1.800–2.000 101 158 R AFAL MIL ACH (* 1978) ‘Motel’ (from the series ‘In the Car with R’), 2011 C-print, framed 80 × 100 cm (31.5 × 39.4 in) Signed and numbered by the photographer in ink on the reverse, edition no. 1/4 € 1.500 / € 2.000–2.500 159 THOMAS RUFF (* 1958) Untitled, 1991 C-print (photos: ESO), in original grey edition folder 38 × 38 cm (15 × 15 in) with astronomic data silkscreened on front and reverse of transparent wrappers, signed, dated and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 12/50 Milky ways. Phantasmagoric photographs of the night sky and its galaxies are reversed into peppered white fields upon which a single lode-star is pinpointed by its astronomical data. * € 1.400 / € 2.500–3.000 102 160 HERMAN VAN DEN BOOM (* 1950) New Mexico, USA 1976 Gelatin silver print, printed later 40 × 50 cm (15.7 × 19.7 in) Signed and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 1/20 * € 700 / € 1.000–1.200 161 HERMAN VAN DEN BOOM (* 1950) Texas, USA 1976 Gelatin silver print, printed later 50 × 40 cm (19.7 × 15.7 in) Signed and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition no. 1/20 * € 700 / € 1.000–1.200 103 162 JOSEF POLLEROSS (* 1963) Midtown, New York 1984 Vintage silver print 22,7 × 34,2 cm (8.9 × 13.5 in) Signed and annotated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 600 / € 1.000–1.200 163 JOSEF POLLEROSS (* 1963) Corniche, Cairo 1992 Gelatin silver print 23,4 × 34,3 cm (9.2 × 13.5 in) Signed and annotated by the photographer in pencil on the reverse € 600 / € 1.000–1.200 104 164 PHILLIP JONES (* 1951) ‘East Philadelphia’, 2003 Selenium toned gelatin silver print, mounted on museum board 45 × 45 cm (17.7 × 17.7 in) Signed, titled and numbered by the photographer on label on the reverse, edition no. 11/45 * € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 165 PHILLIP JONES (* 1951) ‘Bethlehem’, 2006 Selenium toned gelatin silver print, mounted on museum board 45 × 45 cm (17.7 × 17.7 in) Signed, titled and numbered by the photographer on label on the reverse, edition no. 7/45 * € 800 / € 1.400–1.800 105 166 MARIO SCHMOLK A (* 1975) DJI, 2005 C-print, mounted on alu 130 × 100cm (51.2 × 39.4 in) Signed, titled, numbered and dated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, edition no. 3/3 LITER ATURE Mario Schmolka, Intense, Cologne 2005, cover. € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000 167 MARIO SCHMOLK A (* 1975) Linda, 2004 C-print, mounted on alu 130 × 100 cm (51.2 × 39.4 in) Signed, titled, numbered and dated by the photographer in ink on the reverse, edition no. 3/3 LITER ATURE Mario Schmolka, Intense, Cologne 2005, s. p. € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000 106 168 TONI ANZENBERGER (* 1969) ‘Stier-Pecorino’, Spain 1999 Lambda print, framed 70 × 100 cm (27.6 × 39.4 in) Signed, titled, dated and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the matt, edition no. 2/10 * € 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800 169 TONI ANZENBERGER (* 1969) ‘Pecorino and the Little Mermaid’, Copenhagen 2006 Lambda print, framed 50 × 70 cm (19.7 × 27.6 in) Signed, titled, dated and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the matt, edition no. 1/10 * € 700 / € 1.000–1.200 170 ELFIE SEMOTAN (* 1941) Shopping, New Jersey 2003 Inkjet print on fine art paper, framed 50 × 60 cm (19.7 × 23.6 in) Signed and numbered by the photographer in pencil on the reverse, edition of 25, Edition 2006 – EIKON € 700 / € 1.000–1.200 107 171 BERND BECHER (1931–2007) / HILL A BECHER (* 1934) ‘Ansichten eines Wohnhauses in Birken bei Siegen’, 1971 8 Vintage silver prints, mounted and framed all together each c. 24 × 18 cm (9.4 × 7.1 in) Signed by Bernd Becher in pencil in the image lower right, titled in the lower left, “Galerie Sonnabend, Paris” label and “Galleria Lucio Amelio, Neapel” stamp on the reverse of the frame LITER ATURE Bernd & Hilla Becher, Fachwerkhäuser des Siegener Industriegebietes, Munich 2000, p. 11. € 30.000 / € 50.000–60.000 108 FOTOBÜCHER PHOTOBOOKS 109 110 172 FR ANTISEK DRTIKOL (1883–1961) ‘Les Nus de Drtikol’, Paris: Librairie des arts décoratifs, 1929 First edition, 30 heliogravure plates of Drtikol’s photographs of nudes, loose in publisher’s cloth covers, preface by Claude de Santeul, image size c. 28 × 22 cm (11 × 8.7 in), paper size 39,9 × 30 cm (15.7 × 11.8 in), very rare in this mint condition * € 12.000 / € 22.000 – 24.000 111 173 ALBERT RENGER-PATZSCH (1897–1966) ‘Die Welt ist schön’ (The World is Beautiful), Munich: Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1928 First edition, first printing, with the scarce original dust jacket, hardcover in full blue linen with dustjacket, 29 × 22,3 cm (11.4 × 8.8 in), 100 black and white photographs * € 1.400 / € 2.400–2.800 174 ALBERT RENGER-PATZSCH (1897–1966) ‘Eisen und Stahl’ (Iron and Steel), Berlin: Verlag Hermann Reckendorf, 1931 First edition, hardcover with the rare original photo-illustrated dust jacket, original blue cloth spine and silver papered boards, 30,2 × 21,8 cm (11.9 × 8.6 in), 96 pages, 97 black and white photographs. Beside Arbeit by Dr. Paul Wolff, Deutsche Arbeit by E. O. Hoppé and Fabrik by Jakob Tuggener one of the most important german industry books. * € 3.000 / € 5.000 – 6.000 175 WERNER GR ÄFF (1901–1978) ‘Es kommt der neue Fotograf!’, Berlin: Verlag Hermann Reckendorf, 1929 First edition, first printing, very rare with the original dust jacket, hardcover with full orange cloth, 25,9 × 19,6 cm (10.2 × 7.7 in), 148 black and white photographs, with photos and photo montage by Andreas Feininger, Werner Gräff, Man Ray, Richter, El Lissitzky, Willi Baumeister, Herbert Bayer, Renger-Patzsch, John Heartfield. * € 1.500 / € 2.500–3000 112 176 GIULIA PIRELLI & CARLO ORSI ‘Milano’, Milan: Bruno Alfieri Editore, 1965 First Edition, hardcover, original illustrated boards, black cloth spine, 54 black and white photographs, 39 × 29,4 cm (15.4 × 11.6 in) * € 700 / € 1.200 –1.600 177 LUCIANO D’ALESSANDRO (* 1933) ‘Gli Esclusi. fotoreportage da un’istituzione totale’, Casa editrice il Diaframma, 1969 First edition, hardcover with dust jacket, 31,5 × 24,5 cm (12.4 × 9.6 in), 98 black and white photographs, text by Sergio Piro * € 800 / € 1.200 –1.600 178 KL AUS STAECK (* 1938) ‘Pornografie’, Frankfurt: Anabas-Verlag, 1971 First edition, first printing, SIGNED BY KL AUS STAECK , softcover as issued, 25 × 20 cm (9.8 × 7.9 in), 388 pages, 286 black and white photographs “Pornografie is one of the most expressionistic of artist’s books, a standout for a genre in which it is generally considered cool to be cool.” (Gerry Badger) * € 600 / € 1.000 –1.200 113 179 LISET TE MODEL (1901–1983) ‘Sailor and Girl’ and the Aperture Monograph ‘Lisette Model’, New York: Aperture, 1979 Limited edition of only 300 numbered copies, ed. no 286/300, a large monograph with a preface by Berenice Abbott, hardcover in cloth slipcase with original gelatin silver print ‘Sailor and Girl’ BOOK AND PRINT SIGNED BY LISE T TE MODEL , print size 48,3 × 40,4 cm (19 × 15.9 in) * € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000 180 ROBERT FR ANK (* 1924) ‘Flowers Is’, Tokyo: Yugensha / Kazuhiko Motomura, 1987 First limited edition of 500 unnumbered copies, hardcover with full grey silk and slipcase with halftone photograph mounted on, with original shipping box, 34 × 25 cm (13.4 × 9.8 in), 81 black and white photographs, text in English and Japanese. “‘Flower Is’ is a memorial to his daughter, Andrea, who was killed in an airplane crash in Guatemala in 1974. This is one of the least known of Robert Frank books.” (Gerry Badger) * € 2.200 / € 3.500–4.500 114 181 ANDREAS GURSK Y (* 1955) ‘Montparnasse’, Frankfurt: Portikus, 1995 First edition, box with a loose-leafe colour photograph, 26 × 47,5 cm (10.2 × 18.7 in), in a card portfolio, and 2 paperback books (text part: 32 pages, 10 illustrations, picture part: 30 illustrations in colour) Published in conjunction with a 1995 exhibition at Portikus Frankfurt am Main, this elegant, ambitiously designed, oversized publication is devoted to Andreas Gursky’s monumental photograph of architect Jean Dubuisson’s quarter-mile long Montparnasse housing block. * € 2.200 / € 3.000 – 4.000 182 PAUL GR AHAM (* 1956) ‘a shimmer of possibilities’, Göttingen: SteidlMACK, 2007 First Edition, 12 volumes, cloth covered hardcovers, in publishers box as issued, SIGNED BY PAUL GR AHAM , limited edition of 1,000 sets, 24,2 × 31,8 cm (9.5 × 12.5 in), 376 pages, 167 colour plates, Paris Photo Book Prize 2011 * € 600 / € 800–1.000 115 183 WORKSHOP COLLEC TIVE ‘Workshop 1–8’, Tokyo: Photoworkshop, 1974–1976 Complete set of this hard to find publication series, brand new copies without discoloration and wear, Vol. 1–4 are unbound newspapers, 50 × 36 cm, Vol. 5–8 are original stapled photox-illustrated wrappers or folded broadside as issued, 28,5 × 14,4 cm, all in perfect condition, “probably the most important serial publication in the history of Japanese photography” (De Beaupré). Workshop was founded by Moriyama, Araki, Hosoe, Fukase, Tomatsu and Yokosuka, and includes contributions and photographs from all the guiding lights of contemporary Japanese photography: Ken Domon, Yasuhiro Ishimoto, Kikuji Kawada, Jun Morinaga, Ikko Narahara, and many others. * € 7.000 / € 12.000 –14.000 116 184 NOBUYOSHI AR AKI (* 1940) ‘Oh Nippon (Oh Japan)’, Tokyo: Miki Shuppan, 1971 First edition, stiff wrappers in photoillustrated dust jacket, photo-illustrated endpapers, with numerous full-page black and white photographs, printed in photogravure, 27 × 21 cm (10.6 × 8.3 in) A rare copy of Araki‘s first conventionally published book! Stylistically similar to his slightly earlier Xeroxed books. * € 1.600 / € 2.500 –3.000 185 TAKUMA NAK AHIR A (* 1938) ‘Kitaru Beki Kotoba no Tame Ni’ (For a language to come), Tokyo: Inshokan Printing, 1970 First Edition, softcover with dust jacket, housed in the publishers original slipcase, 30 × 21,1 cm (11.8 × 8.3 in) “Along with Moriyama’s Shashin yo Sayonara his book Kitaru Beki Kotoba no Tame ni marks the apogee of the Provoke period.” (Parr & Badger) * € 1.000 / € 1.500 –2.000 117 186 RINKO K AWAUCHI (* 1972) ‘Utatane’, Tokyo: Little More, 2001 First edition, first printing, SIGNED BY RINKO K AWAUCHI , with the super scarce true first bellyband, which was only produced for the first copies, softcover with dust jacket and bellyband, 24,3 × 19 cm (9.6 × 7.5 in), 132 pages, 129 colour photographs In 2011 Martin Parr selected this book as one of the most important 30 photobook titles of the decade. * € 500 / € 700 –900 187 MIYAKO ISHIUCHI (* 1947) ‘Suidobashi’, Tokyo: Tokyo Shika Daigaku Showa 56, 1981 First edition, hardcover, clothbound with title debossed in silver, no dust jacket as issued, printed paper over board slipcase, 136 black and white photographs * € 500 / € 700–900 118 188 YASUHIRO ISHIMOTO (1921–2012) ‘Someday Somewehre’ (Aruhi Arutokoro), Tokyo: Geibi Shuppan Sha, 1958 First Edition, black cloth, yellow spine and dust jacket, SIGNED BY YASUHIRO ISHIMOTO , hardcover, 28,5 × 22,9 cm (11.2 × 9 in), 7 colour and 178 black and white photographs, including various gatefolds and fold-outs, and the original small booklet containing messages by book designer Ryuuichi Yamashiro, Taro Okamoto, Ken Domon, and others, text in Japanese and English * € 2.500 / € 4.000 – 5.000 119 189 MAGNUM CONTAC T SHEETS London: Thames & Hudson, 2011 SIGNED BY 26 MAGNUM PHOTOGR APHERS: Josef Koudelka, Alec Soth, Alex Webb, Chien-Chi Chang, Paolo Pellegrin, David Alan Harvey, Richard Kalvar, Peter Marlow, Bruce Gilden, Susan Meiselas, Paul Fusco, Christopher Anderson, Thomas Hoepker, Thomas Dworzak, Constantine Manos, Chris Steele-Perkins, Eli Reed, Micha Bar-Am, Patrick Zachmann, Bruno Barbey, Bruce Davidson, Martin Paar, Jonas Bendiksen, Mikhael Subotzky, Hiroji Kubota, Antoine D’Agata. First edition, hardcover, 29,5 × 34,8 cm (11.6 × 13.7 in), 450 images in colour/ black and white on over 508 pages reveal how the very best shots are captured and edited by Magnum photographers. € 1.400 / € 1.800–2.400 120 190 RENÉ BURRI (* 1933) ‘Die Deutschen’ (The Germans), Zurich: Fretz&Wasmuth Verlag, 1962 First edition, SIGNED BY RENE BURRI , hardcover with full linen and dust jacket, 118,5 × 21 cm (7.3 × 8.3 in), 80 black and white photographs in photogravure René Burri’s Die Deutschen is widely acclaimed as one of the best photobooks of the 1960s * € 500 / € 800–1.000 191 JACOB AUE SOBOL (* 1976) ‘Sabine’, Self published/Politikens Forlag, 2004 First Greenlandic limited edition of 200 copies, SIGNED BY JACOB AUE SOBOL , hardcover, half-cloth, 23 × 34 cm (9.1 × 13.4 in), first book by the young Danish Magnum photographer * € 300 / € 500–600 121 GLOSSAR DER TERMINI GLOSSARY OF TERMS ZU - / BESCHREIBUNG DER OBJEK TE NAME OF ARTIST / DESCRIPTION Für jedes Los wird der Fotograf in fett gedruckten Lettern genannt. Auf Zuschreibungen, die Transkription von Beschriftungen, Stempel und Datierung wurde größtmögliche Sorgfalt verwandt. Für die Inhalte der deskriptiven Bildbeschreibungen übernimmt der Veranstalter / Herausgeber keine Verantwortung. For each lot the name of the photographer appears in bold type heading. While every reasonable effort was made to provide correct attributions, accurate transcriptions of inscriptions, stamps or dates, WestLicht does not assume the responsibility for the contents of descriptive texts. TITEL TITLES Die durch Publikationen und andere Quellen (wie eigenhändige Beschriftung der Fotografen) gesicherten Originaltitel der Werke werden in Anführungszeichen angegeben; in den übrigen Fällen handelt es sich um beschreibende Titel. Generally accepted titles for photographs have been put in quotation marks; in other cases, descriptive titles have been used. DATIERUNG DER PRINTS Als Vintage-Print wird ein Abzug bezeichnet, der in unmittelbarer zeitlicher Nähe zur Aufnahme bzw. Produktion des Negatives vom Fotografen selbst oder einer Person seines Vertrauens angefertigt wurde. Exakte Datumsangaben für die Positive sind nur in den seltensten Fällen bekannt. Die Unterscheidung zwischen einem Vintage-Print und einem später produzierten Abzug wird in Relation zur Datierung des Negatives ausgedrückt, beispielsweise bei einem Silbergelatineprint: 1920, Vintage silver print oder 1920, Gelatin silver print, printed later. Eine möglichst präzise Datierung, zumindest das Jahr oder Jahrzehnt der Entstehung wird für jedes Lot angegeben. Die Angaben basieren auf dem Wissen des WestLicht-Expertenteams zur Geschichte der jeweiligen Fotografie, ihrer Provenienz und visueller Begutachtung. Für die Angaben kann keine Gewähr übernommen werden. MASSANGABEN Bei den Maßangaben folgen die Maße der Bildbreite jenen der Bildhöhe. Sofern nicht anders angegeben, beziehen sich diese Maße auf das tatsächliche Bildformat ohne jegliche Ränder. Einige Fotografien werden im Katalog ohne Rand abgebildet. PRINTS A vintage print is one made at roughly the same time as the negative by the photographer himself or by a person or procedure satisfactory to the photographer. Specific dates of positive prints are rarely known. This distinction between a vintage print and a print done considerably later would be expressed with the date referring to the production of the negative. In case of a gelatin silver print: 1920, Vintage silver print or 1920, Gelatin silver print, printed later.The approximate date, year, or decade of a positive print is given when possible, based on the WestLicht’s knowledge of the history of the photograph, its provenance, and our visual assessment of the photograph’s physical characteristics. We don’t guarantee the printing date of the photograph. ME ASUREMENTS Measurements are given height preceding width. Unless otherwise indicated dimensions given are those of the actual image size (excluding any margins). Some photographs appear in the catalogue without margins illustrated. FR AMING AND MAT TING Photographs described as framed are sold in the frames in which they have been offered. WestLicht does not take responsibility for the appearance of the frames or mats, nor for their conformity to proper standards of conservation. R AHMUNG UND PASSEPARTOUTS Die als gerahmt oder montiert angeführten Fotografien werden als solche angeboten und verkauft. WestLicht übernimmt keine Verantwortung für den Zustand der mitgelieferten Passepartouts bzw. Untersatzkartons und Rahmen, auch in Hinblick auf konservatorische Standards. ZUSTAND Der Zustand der angebotenen Objekte wird im Allgemeinen nicht im Katalog erfasst. Interessenten und Bieter werden ersucht, den Zustand der Lots anlässlich der öffentlichen Vorbesichtigung zu prüfen oder einen detaillierten Zustandsbericht anzufordern: anna.zimm@westlicht.com 122 CONDITION The general practise is not to indicate condition or defects. Prospective bidders are urged to inspect lots at our public viewing or ask for a condition report at our auction department. For condition reports please contact: anna.zimm@westlicht.com FOTOGR AFENINDEX / INDEX OF PHOTOGR APHERS ANONYMOUS PHOTOGR APHER 1, 2, 5, 44 ABBOT T, BERENICE 34 ÁLVAREZ BR AVO, LOL A 28 ANZENBERGER, TONI 169, 170 AR AKI, NOBUYOSHI 153 ARBUS, DIANE 95, 96, 97, 98 ARENTZ, DICK 118 ASANO, KIICHI 147, 148 AUE SOBOL, JACOB 121 BAILEY, DAVID 132 BARIL, TOM 156 BAUM, PETER 155 BECHER, BERND 171 BERENGO GARDIN, GIANNI 88, 89, 90 BERNHARD, RUTH 38 BISCHOF, WERNER 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET 68 BR ANDT, BILL 35, 36, 37 BRIGMAN, ANNE 9, 10 BURRI, RENÉ 65, 66, 69, 113 CAMER APHOTO 125 CAPA, ROBERT 48, 49 CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI 50, 51, 52, 53, 76, 77, 78, 82, 83 CHALDEJ, JEWGENI 25 CLERGUE, LUCIEN 32, 140 D´ALESSANDRO, LUCIANO 113 DE BIASI, MARIO 74 DE MEYER, ADOLPH 8, 12 D’OR A, MADAME 16 DOUGL AS DUNCAN, DAVID 108, 109 DRTIKOL, FR ANTISEK 14, 171 EICKEMEYER, RUDOLF 6 EISENSTAEDT, ALFRED 21, 23, 30 EVANS, WALKER 27 FLEISCHMANN, TRUDE 13 FR ANK, ROBERT 114 GIACOMELLI, MARIO 91, 92, 93, 94 GIBSON, R ALPH 135, 136, 137 GR ÄFF, WERNER 112 GR AHAM, PAUL 115 GURSK Y, ANDRE AS 115 HA AS, ERNST 152 HAL SMAN, PHILIPPE 123, 124 HNIZDO, JAN 154 HORVAT, FR ANK 79, 80 HOSOE, EIKOH 138 HUBMANN, FR ANZ 75, 81, 104, 105, 106, 107, 114 ISHIMOTO, YASUHIRO 116 ISHIUCHI, MIYAKO 118 JONES, PHILLIP 164, 165 K AWAUCHI, RINKO 118 KELLEY, TOM 121 KENNA, MICHAEL 117 KERTÉSZ, ANDRÉ 119, 120 KIRCHHERR, ASTRID 128, 129 KLEIN, WILLIAM 86, 87 KOPPITZ, RUDOLF 17, 18 KRULL, GERMAINE 22 L ARTIGUE, JACQUES -HENRI 7 LEBECK, ROBERT 134 LESSING, ERICH 67, 73 LIST, HERBERT 31, 110, 111, 112 MARCH, CHARLOT TE 131 MARK ELLEN, MARY 99 MCBRIDE, WILL 130, 133 MIL ACH, R AFAL 158 MODEL, LISET TE 43 MOR ATH , INGE 71, 72, 115, 116 MORIYAMA , DAIDO 139 MORSE, R ALPH 26 NAK AHIR A, TAKUMA 117 NEW TON, HELMUT 150, 151 ORLIK, EMIL 3, 4 PENN, IRVING 149 PIRELLI & CARLO ORSI, GIULIA 113 POLLEROSS, JOSEF 162, 163 RENGER-PATZSCH, ALBERT 112 RIBOUD, MARC 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 RIEFENSTAHL, LENI 126 RONIS, WILLY 29 RÜBELT, LOTHAR 19, 33 RUFF, THOMAS 159 SAUDEK, JAN 141, 142, 146 SCHAT T, ROY 127 SCHELER, MA X 70 SCHMOLK A, MARIO 166, 167 SE ARS CHOATE, SAR AH 11 SEMOTAN, ELFIE 168 STAECK, KL AUS 113 STEINERT, OT TO 84, 85 STERN, BERT 122 STRÖMHOLM, CHRISTER 102, 103 STUDIO, K A-FA 15 SUDEK, JOSEF 45, 46, 47 TICHÝ, MIROSL AV 143, 144, 145 VAN DEN BOOM, HERMAN 160, 161 VISHNIAC, ROMAN 24 WEEGEE 39, 40, 41, 42 WHITE, FR ANK 157 WINOGR AND, GARRY 10 0, 101 WOLFF, PAUL 20 WORKSHOP COLLECTIVE 116 123 VERSTEIGERUNGSBEDINGUNGEN für Bieter bei der WestLicht Foto-Auktion (Peter Coeln GmbH) CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Mit der Abgabe eines schriftlichen oder telefonischen Kaufauftrages, eines Online-Gebots oder durch die persönliche Teilnahme als Saalbieter erkennt jeder Bieter bei der Auktion die folgenden Versteigerungsbedingungen ausdrücklich an. Die Versteigerungsbedingungen gelten sinngemäß auch für den Nachverkauf. Bei Beanspruchungen aufgrund fehlerhafter Übersetzung ist der deutsche Text der Versteigerungs bedingungen im gedruckten Katalog gültig. Gebote und persönliche Daten der Bieter und Einbringer werden von WestLicht-Auction streng vertraulich behandelt und keiner dritten Person weitergegeben. 1. By submitting an absentee or telephone bid, making an online bid offer or by personal participation in an action each and every bidder agrees to abide by the following conditions of sale. These conditions also apply to subsequent sales. Where there is a conflict of meaning due to errors of translation, the German text, as printed in the auction catalogue, is binding. 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In diesem Fall haftet der Ersteher für den Minderpreis und hat auf einen gegebenenfalls erzielten Mehrerlös keinen Anspruch. 7. The lots will be auctioned in numerical order as listed in the catalogue. The German text of the auction catalogue is binding. The auctioneer reserves the right to group numbered lots together during the auction, to separate them, to remove or to change the order as he sees fit. He may refuse an offer and rescind an accepted bid in order to continue bidding. 8. Bids will be in increments of approx. 10 % of the starting price. As a rule the start price is the one to be found in the catalogue unless there have been higher, written bids. In this case the auctioneer will call a bid favoring the highest bidder. This will be approx. 10 % higher than the written offer made by the second highest bidder. Should there be more than one written, highest bid, the lot will be awarded to the first to arrive. The hammer price is the net purchase price. 9. Ownership of the goods only passes to the buyer after payment in full has been made. When a lot is hammered down, the acquirer is obligated to accept and pay for the lot for which he bid. In no circumstances will the auctioneer accept the return of any lots. Once the hammer has fallen all risk with regard to the article is transferred to the acquirer. However, the lot will only be delivered to the acquirer after full payment of the hammer price including all taxes, fees and charges due. Should agreement be reached to deliver the item before full payment has been made, ownership of the article in question remains vested in the supplier until payment has been made in full. 10. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, at the end of the auction bidders in the auction rooms must collect and pay for the lots they have acquired. Where payment is to be made by bank transfer, the total purchase price is due immediately together with any bank charges. Invoices for the items acquired either in writing or by telephone will be sent to the highest bidder immediately after the end of the auction. These must be paid within 8 days of receipt, in full and without deduction. Where payment is delayed interest will be due at a rate 5 % above the prevailing rate of the Austrian National Bank. Payment may also be made by cash on delivery, money or postal order or banker’s check. The acquirer accepts responsibility for all expenses involved in these methods of payment. Costs relating to packing, transport and transport insurance are not included and will be separately detailed on invoices. We would also like to bring to your attention that we only invoice for packaging at cost price and that because of agreements reached with transport companies we can offer favor able transport and insurance rates. Nevertheless, storage and packaging is at the buyer’s own risk. 11. In the case of refusal to accept delivery or late payment, the buyer is liable for all damages and costs arising there from. In either of these cases the auctioneer may require that either the contract be fulfilled or damages resulting from non-fulfilment be paid. The lots may then be auctioned again at the expense of the buyer. In this case the buyer is liable for the reserve price and has no claim on any additional revenue made. 12. Auctioned items cannot be returned. However, any case of obvious misrepresentation (except defects as described in paragraph 3) must be reported immediately after the auction verbally or in writing not more than 14 days thereafter. If the complaint is accepted as valid, the buyer has a right to the re-payment of the purchase price and charges upon simultaneous return of the auctioned object. No other claims will be entertained. 13. After completion of the auction we are entitled to sell any non-auctioned items subject to the normal conditions of business in the name of, and for the account of, the supplier. 12. Versteigerte Objekte werden prinzipiell nicht zurück genommen. Handelt es sich jedoch um eine offensichtliche Fehlbeschreibungen, muss diese gleich nach der Auktion mündlich oder spätestens nach 14 Tagen schriftlich reklamiert werden. Wird die Reklamation als gültig anerkannt, hat der Ersteher bei gleichzeitiger Rückgabe des Versteigerungsgegenstandes das Recht auf Erstattung des Kaufpreises und des Aufgeldes. Weitere Ansprüche können nicht geltend gemacht werden. 13. Nach abgeschlossener Auktion können wir nicht versteigerte Gegenstände zu den vorliegenden Versteigerungsbedingungen im Namen und für Rechnung des Einlieferers freihändig verkaufen. 125 TELEPHONE BID FORM for WestLicht Photo Auction WESTLICHT PHOTOGRAPHICA AUCTION Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Vienna, Austria TEL +43 1 523 56 59 | FA X +43 1 523 13 08 auction@westlicht.com www.westlicht-auction.com FIRST NAME SURNAME CLIENT NO. STREET POST CODE / ZIP AND CIT Y COUNTRY TELEPHONE FA X E-MAIL DO NOT ARR ANGE SHIPPING SHIPPING: AIRMAIL COURIER SERVICE PAYMENT METHOD CREDITCARD: VISA EXP. DATE MASTERCARD NUMBER BANK TR ANSFER IN € (all charges bank charges pre-paid, and including shipping costs) Name of account: Peter Coeln Ges.m.b.H. | Account number: 2053338, Bank: Raiffeisen Niederösterreich-Wien AG, Jasomirgottstraße 6 / Top 5, 1010 Vienna / Austria / Europe | Code: 32000 | IBAN: AT40 3200 0000 0205 3338 | Swift code: RLNWATWW TELEPHONE BID FORM I ask WestLicht Auctions to contact me by tele phone prior to the lots listed. This form must be recieved 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. We cannot guarantee the telephone connection will be successfull. I agree to be bound by the conditions of sale as printed in the catalogue. DATE LOT NO. SIGNATURE TITLE I agree to be bound by the conditions of sale as printed in the catalogue. In the event that several bidders submitted identical highest bids, the auctioneer will start by calling out a price in favor of the highest written bid that is 10 % higher than the second highest written bid. The one that was received first will be awarded the winning bid (unless on-site bids outbid the highest written bid). | Written bids must be received at least 24 hours before the start of the auction and they must contain the exact address of the bidder along with the maximum bid exclusive of any commission or other charges that will be paid if the bid is successful. All bids will be executed as cheaply as possible up to the maximum price indicated for each lot. | Bids will be increased in increments of 10 % of the starting price. The bids for lots valued at EUR 2,000 and higher will be raised in steps of EUR 200, lots valued at EUR 5,000 and higher in steps of EUR 500. LOT NO. TITLE As a rule the starting price is the one listed in the catalogue, as long as there are not several higher written bids on hand. | In addition to the hammer price there are commission charges of 20 %. If agreement is reached with us to make payment with a credit card an additional 3 % will be charged. | Invoices for successful bids made in writing or by telephone will be sent out to the respective high bidders after the auction has ended. These invoices are to be paid to the auctioneers in full and without any deductions within eight days. In cases of delayed payment, we will charge 5 % interest above the prevailing rate of the Austrian National Bank. | Commission bids when placed by telephone have to be confirmed in writing and are at the risk of the caller. WestLicht Auction reserves the right to refuse absentee or telephone bids without disclosing the reason. ABSENTEE BID FORM for WestLicht Photo Auction WESTLICHT PHOTOGRAPHICA AUCTION Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Vienna, Austria TEL +43 1 523 56 59 | FA X +43 1 523 13 08 auction@westlicht.com www.westlicht-auction.com FIRST NAME SURNAME CLIENT NO. STREET POST CODE / ZIP AND CIT Y COUNTRY TELEPHONE FA X E-MAIL DO NOT ARR ANGE SHIPPING SHIPPING: AIRMAIL COURIER SERVICE PAYMENT METHOD CREDITCARD: VISA EXP. DATE MASTERCARD NUMBER BANK TR ANSFER IN € (all charges bank charges pre-paid, and including shipping costs) Name of account: Peter Coeln Ges.m.b.H. | Account number: 2053338, Bank: Raiffeisen Niederösterreich-Wien AG, Jasomirgottstraße 6 / Top 5, 1010 Vienna / Austria / Europe | Code: 32000 | IBAN: AT40 3200 0000 0205 3338 | Swift code: RLNWATWW ABSENTEE BID FORM I accept WestLicht Auctions to bid on my behalf for the following lots. Absentee bids must be received 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. The maximum bid price does not include the premium. I agree to be bound by the conditions of sale as printed in the catalogue. DATE LOT NO. SIGNATURE TITLE I agree to be bound by the conditions of sale as printed in the catalogue. In the event that several bidders submitted identical highest bids, the auctioneer will start by calling out a price in favor of the highest written bid that is 10 % higher than the second highest written bid. The one that was received first will be awarded the winning bid (unless on-site bids outbid the highest written bid). | Written bids must be received at least 24 hours before the start of the auction and they must contain the exact address of the bidder along with the maximum bid exclusive of any commission or other charges that will be paid if the bid is successful. All bids will be executed as cheaply as possible up to the maximum price indicated for each lot. | Bids will be increased in increments of 10 % of the starting price. The bids for lots valued at EUR 2,000 and higher will be raised in steps of EUR 200, lots valued at EUR 5,000 and higher in steps of EUR 500. LOT NO. TITLE As a rule the starting price is the one listed in the catalogue, as long as there are not several higher written bids on hand. | In addition to the hammer price there are commission charges of 20 %. If agreement is reached with us to make payment with a credit card an additional 3 % will be charged. | Invoices for successful bids made in writing or by telephone will be sent out to the respective high bidders after the auction has ended. These invoices are to be paid to the auctioneers in full and without any deductions within eight days. In cases of delayed payment, we will charge 5 % interest above the prevailing rate of the Austrian National Bank. | Commission bids when placed by telephone have to be confirmed in writing and are at the risk of the caller. WestLicht Auction reserves the right to refuse absentee or telephone bids without disclosing the reason. IMPRESSUM / IMPRINT VERLEGER UND HER AUSGEBER / EDITOR AND PUBLISHER WestLicht Auction, Peter Coeln GmbH, Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Wien / Vienna, Austria COPYRIGHT Peter Coeln GmbH, Wien / Vienna 2014 FÜR DEN INHALT VER ANT WORTLICH / RESPONSIBILIT Y FOR CONTENTS Peter Coeln K ATALOG - UND TE X TREDAK TION / CATALOGUERS Anna Zimm Michael Kollmann (Fotobücher / Photobooks) GR AFIK DESIGN / GR APHIC DESIGN Juliane Sonntag FOTOS UND BILDBE ARBEITUNG / REPRODUCTION AND IMAGE EDITING Peter Jakadofsky Michael Lebek Andreas Böhm DRUCK / PRINT Grasl FairPrint AUK TIONS -AUSSTELLUNG / VIEWING AND E XHIBITION Rebekka Reuter KONSERVATORIN / CONSERVATOR Taiyoung Ha Vorbehaltlich Irrtümer, Satz- und Druckfehler. Veröffentlichungen aus diesem Katalog bedürfen der schriftlichen Genehmigung des Verlegers. / We can take no responsibility for any mistakes, errors or omissions. Reproduction of all or any part of this catalogue only with written permission of the publisher. 128
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