WestLicht Photographica Auction


WestLicht Photographica Auction
Photographica Auction
Photographs Vienna, June 12th, 2015
Experten / Specialists
Prof. Johannes Faber,
geb. 1952, ist der Gründer der Galerie Johannes Faber in Wien,
Kunsthändler und Experte für klassische Fotografie; zahlreiche
Ausstellungen, Preise, Stipendien und Publikationen /
b. 1952, is the founder and director of Galerie Johannes Faber
in Vienna, art dealer and expert for classic photography;
numerous exhibitions, awards, scholarships and publications
Anna Zimm
Michael Kollmann
(Fotobücher / Photobooks)
Maria Verbitskaya
(Katalogredaktion Sowjetische Fotografie / Cataloguer Soviet Photography)
Peter Jakadofksy
Verrechnung / Client Accounting
Andreas Schweiger
For general enquiries about this auction,
email should be addressed to
WestLicht Photographica Auction
Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Wien, Österreich
Tel.: +43 1 523 56 59
Fax: +43 1 523 13 08
12. WestLicht Foto-Auktion
Freitag, 12. Juni 2015
18 h (MESZ)
Montag, 1. Juni bis Freitag, 12. Juni
14 –18 h
und nach Vereinbarung
12th WestLicht Photo Auction
Friday, June 12th, 2015
6 pm (CEST)
Monday, June 1st to Friday, June 12th
2 pm – 6 pm
and by appointment
27. WestLicht Kamera-Auktion
Samstag, 13. Juni 2015
11 h (MESZ)
27th WestLicht Camera Auction
Saturday, June 13th, 2015
11 am (CEST)
Photographica Auction
JOHN THOMSON (1837–1921)
Ein Konvolut aus 12 frühen China-Aufnahmen /
A set of 12 early images of China, c. 1868
12 albumen prints, all mounted on their original
majority c. 27 x 21 cm (10.6 x 8.3 in)
Each of them annotated in an unidentified hand
in pencil on the mount, some of them numbered
in pencil in the image upper left
LITER ATURE Stephen White (ed.), John Thomson.
Life and Photographs, Milan 1985 (two of the
images illustrated).
€ 4.000 / € 8.000–10.000
– Behausung armer Leute. Kanton /
Suburban residents. Canton, c. 1869, plate 76 (John Thomson, Milan 1985).
–An Bord einer chinesischen Dschunke
Hongkong / On deck of a Chinese junk,
Hong Kong, c. 1868, plate 73 (John Thomson, Milan 1985).
–Hongkong / Hong Kong
–Tientsin (2)
–Am gelben Fluss Huang He / The Yellow River Huang He (2)
– Shanghai Straßenszene / Shanghai street scene
– Dschunken in Kanton / Junks in Canton
– Kanton Pagode / Canton pagoda
– Europäische Niederlassung in Kanton / Canton European settlement
–Nord-China Richtung Mandschurei / North China towards Manchuria
Von 1868 bis 1872 stellte Thomson seine meisterhafte Dokumen­
tation über China zusammen. Seine ausgedehnte Reisetätigkeit
führte ihn durch die Fuzhou-Region, auf eine dreitausend Meilen
lange Reise den Jangtse entlang und in die westlichen Ebenen um
Taiwan und die südlichen Hafenstädte Kanton und Hongkong.
Oft war dabei sein Hund sein einziger Begleiter. Die vorliegende
Gruppe von seltenen Albuminpapierabzügen enthält außerge­
wöhnliche Bilder eines vergessenen China und illustriert die
untergegangene Gesellschaft, die Landschaften und Stadtansichten
des Landes. Von den vorliegenden 12 Ansichten sind vielleicht
zwei Genrebilder die bemerkenswertesten: eines zeigt Arbeiter an
Bord einer Dschunke in Hongkong, das andere arme Bewohner
der Provinz Kanton vor ihren Behausungen. Thomson erwähnt
beide in seinem Reisetagebuch (Stephen White (Hrsg.), John Thomson.
Life and Photographs. Mailand 1985, S. 188), was ihre Bedeutung
nochmals betont. Thomsons Bilder gehören zu den frühesten
Pionierleistungen der fotografischen Bestandsaufnahme von China.
Wenig entging seiner Kamera. Sprachbarrieren, örtliche Magis­
trate und eine sperrige Nassplattenkamera mit zerbrechlichen
Glasplatten und potenziell explosiven Chemikalien konnten ihn
nicht aufhalten. Seine Reisefotografien beeindrucken durch die
Bandbreite ihrer Sujets und ihre außerordentlich hohe Bildqualität.
Thomson gilt zu recht als eine der großen Gestalten der Fotografie
im 19. Jahrhundert.
From 1868 to 1872, Thomson assembled his masterful documen­
tation of China. His extensive travels took him throughout the
Foochow region, on a three-thousand mile journey along the
Yangzi, and to the western plains of Taiwan and the southern port
cities of Canton and Hong Kong, often with his dog as his only
companion. The present rare group of albumen prints reveals
beautiful images of a forgotten China, illustrating the country’s
lost society, landscapes and cityscapes. Of the present 12 views
two outstanding genre pictures are perhaps the most remarkable:
one showing workers on deck of a junk in Hong Kong, the other
one depicting poor residents in front of their accommodation ­
in the province of Canton. Thomson mentioned both images i­ n ­
his travel journal (Stephen White (ed.), John Thomson. Life and Photo­
graphs, Milan 1985, p. 188.) which emphasizes their importance.
Thomson’s images are some of the earliest pioneering survey
photographs of China. Not much escaped his camera. Language
barriers, local authorities, and a bulky wet plate camera with
fragile glass plates and potentially explosive chemicals never
stopped him. His travel photographs are remarkable because ­
of their range of subject matter and the exceptionally high quality
of the images. Thomson is with good reasons one of the great
figures of nineteenth-century photography.
‘Singapore’, 14 Ansichten von Singapur /
14 views of Singapore, c. 1910
Series comprising 14 photochroms by
“Photoglob-Abteilung, Vereinigte
­Kunstanstalten A.- G.”, Zurich 21 x 27 cm
(8.3 x 10.6 in) and the reverse
each with plate number and title printed
on recto
Featuring: Street in Tanglin / Roads with
Market Hall / Scene in Kampong Bahru /
Cavenagh-Bridge / St. Andrew’s
Cathedral and Raffles Monument /
Museum / Bonstead Institute /
Cavenagh-Bridge with Stamp-Office /
Government-House / Esplanade-Cricket
Club / Singapore Club and Post-Office /
Battery-Road / High Street with Hotel
Europe / Collyer Quai.
€ 2.000 / € 4.500–5.000
Sommerpalast / Summerpalace,
Beijing c. 1910
6 Photochromes
each c. 16,5 x 22,5 cm (6.5 x 8.9 in)
Featuring: Temple of Heaven /
Summerpalace – Arches Bridge /
Summerpalace from Dragon Temple
Island / Summerpalace – general view /
Summerpalace – Marble Bridge /
Summerpalace – Marbleboat
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Please view online catalogue for further
images: www.westlicht-auction.com
10 Kodak-Aufnahmen / 10 Kodak images,
China 1890s
10 Vintage silver prints
each c. 8,5 cm (3.5 in) diameter
Kiu-Kiang / Temple of Horros, Wu-Chang /
Buddhiest Priests, Wu-Chang / Pagoda,
Wu-Chang / Pagoda, Canton / Pagoda,
Canton / Canton / Street scene, Hankow /
Shansi Guito, Hankow / River scene, Hankow
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Please view online catalogue for further
images: www.westlicht-auction.com
Kasache aus / Kazak from
Alexanderpol, Russia 1880s
Albumen print, Vintage
11,2 x 14,7 cm (4.4 x 5.8 in)
Numbered “10920” and annotated
in the original negative
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Persisches Mädchen / Persian girl,
c. 1880s
Albumen print, Vintage
20,8 x 16,3 cm (8.2 x 6.4 in)
Numbered “5531” and annotated in
the original negative
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Der imeretische Adelige Ovaliani /
Imeretian nobleman Ovaliani,
Georgia 1880s
Albumen print, Vintage
20,9 x 16,4 cm (8.2 x 6.5 in)
Numbered “8730” and annotated
in the original negative
LITER ATURE Dimitri Ermakov,
Master of 19th Century Photography,
Tbilisi 2014, p. 73.
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
≤ 7
Armenierin / Armenian Woman,
Shemakha, Azerbaijan c. 1880s
Albumen print, Vintage
22,7 x 17 cm (8.9 x 6.7 in)
Numbered “8257” and annotated
in the original negative
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Straßenbettler / Gipsy beggars,
Persia 1880s
Albumen print, Vintage
20,4 x 16,6 cm (8. x 6.5 in)
Numbered “8069” and annotated
in the original negative
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Der georgische Fotograf Dimitri Iwanowitsch Ermakov
(1846–1916) wurde in Tiflis geboren und starb dort auch. ­
Er gehörte zu einem kleinen Kreis künstlerischer Erneuerer,
die der Entwicklung der Fotografie in Georgien und
Russland den Weg bereiteten und deren Bilder heute die
geschichtliche Zeit, während der sie lebten und arbeiteten,
lebhaft widerspiegeln. Dimitri Ermakov war etwa 20 Jahre
alt, als er zum ersten Mal eine Kamera in die Hand nahm;
fünf Jahre später hatte er sich bereits im gesamten Russi­
schen Reich einen Namen gemacht. In seinem eigenen
Fotoatelier in Georgien komponierte er Porträts, gab
Meisterkurse und organisierte Diskussionsabende. 1874
stellte Ermakov seine Fotografien bei der prestigeträchtigen
10. Fotoausstellung der Französischen Fotografengesell­
schaft in Paris aus. Neben internationaler Anerkennung
brachte ihm diese Ausstellung viele Arbeitsaufträge, ein­schließlich eines Angebots des Schahs von Persien, ­sein
persönlicher Fotograf zu werden. Ermakov reiste extensiv
durch den Kaukasus, Persien, die Türkei, Armenien und
Zentralasien, und die Bilder, die er dabei einfing, geben
­die Variationen und Typen regionaler Trachten, das unter­schiedliche körperliche Aussehen verschiedener Volks­
stämme sowie alltägliche Details wieder. Seine Bilder
ver­­dienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit, da frühe Aufnahmen
aus diesen Gebieten sehr selten sind. Die vorliegenden fünf
Fotografien, allesamt Beispiele für Ermakovs raffi­nier­­ten
Porträtstil, sind in hervorragendem Zustand.
The Georgian photographer Dimitri Ivanovich Ermakov
(1846–1916) was born and died in Tiflis. He belonged ­
to a small circle of artistic innovators who paved the way
for the development of photography in Georgia and the
Russian Empire and whose images now compose a vivid
reflection of the historical era during which they worked.
Dimitri Ermakov was about 20 years old when he first
picked up a camera; five years later he had already received
wide recognition throughout the Russian Empire. In his
own photo studio in Georgia he composed portraits, h
­ eld
master classes, and organized discussion evenings. In 1874,
Ermakov exhibited his photographs at the prestigious
French Photographers Society’s 10th Photo Exhibition in
Paris. Along with international recognition, this exhibition
brought him a great deal of work, including an offer ­
from the Shah of Persia who invited him to be his private
photographer. Ermakov traveled widely throughout the
Caucasus, Persia, Turkey, Armenia and Central Asia, a­ nd
the images he captured depict the variations and types
of regional costume, the different physical appearances ­
of various tribes, and details of daily life. The images he
took deserve special attention, as early images of these
areas are very rare. The present five photographs, all
beauti­­ful examples of Ermakov’s sophisticated portrait
style, are in excellent condition.
RUDOLF LEHNERT (1878–1948) /
ERNST L ANDROCK (1878–1966)
Halbakt / Semi-nude, Tunis c. 1920
Vintage silver print
38,6 x 29 cm (15.2 x 11.4 in)
Photographers’ Tunis copyright reproduction
stamp on the reverse, their name and image
no. “5037” in the original negative
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
ALFONS WALDE (1891–1958)
Rückenakt / Nude back view,
Kitzbühel c. 1925
Vintage silver print
10,6 x 6,6 cm (4.2 x 2.6 in)
Signed by the estate executor
Michael Walde-Berger on the reverse,
comes with certificate of authenticity
PROVENANCE Michael Walde-Berger,
Estate of Alfons Walde
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
actual size
ALFONS WALDE (1891–1958)
Hilda, Kitzbühel c. 1925
Vintage silver print
8,4 x 5,7 cm (3.3 x 2.2 in)
Signed by the estate executor
Michael Walde-Berger on the reverse,
comes with certificate of authenticity
PROVENANCE Michael Walde-Berger,
Estate of Alfons Walde
LITER ATURE Peter Coeln (ed.), SchauLust.
The Erotic Photography of Alfons Walde,
Innsbruck 2014, s. p.
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
Im Dezember 2014 wurde eine kulturhistorische Sensation
im Wiener Fotomuseum WestLicht erstmals präsentiert:
Die erotische Fotografie des Alfons Walde. Der welt­
berühmte Landschaftsmaler entpuppt sich als Meister d
­ er
Fotografie – mit Fokus auf dem weiblichen Akt. Seine
Inszenierungen reichen von klassischen Posen aus der
kunsthistorischen Tradition bis hin zu erotisch aufgelade­
nen, teils pornografischen Szenen. Vor allem die frühen
Schwarz-Weiß Fotografien erinnern an Egon Schiele und
Koloman Moser. Gleich vier davon, alles seltene VintagePrints aus dem Künstlernachlass, werden in dieser Auktion
angeboten. Zwei der Rückenakte (Lot 12 und Lot 14) zeigen
Hilda, Waldes erste Ehefrau, die er 1925 heiratete. Waldes
Faible galt vor allem deswegen dem Rücken, weil so die
Möglichkeit bestand, die Identität der Modelle zu verber­
gen. Die erotische Szene (Lot 13) zeigt Waldes Ehefrau mit
einem Freund des Hauses, entstanden in Waldes Haus Am
Hahnenkamm. Walde verewigte das Motiv später in einer
In December 2014 a cultural-historical sensation was
presented for the first time at the photography museum
WestLicht in Vienna: Alfons Walde’s erotic photographs.
The world-famous landscape painter was revealed as a
masterful photographer – with a focus on female nudes.
His settings range from classical poses of traditional art
history to erotically charged, partially pornographic scenes.
Especially the early black-and-white photographs are
re­miniscent of Egon Schiele and Koloman Moser. This
auction features no less than four of these, all of them
vintage prints from the artist’s estate. Two of the nudes
photographed from behind (Lot 12 and Lot 14) show Hilda,
Walde’s first wife, w
­ hom he married in 1925. Walde’s
pre­dilection was to take photographs from behind, as this
allowed him to keep the model’s identity a secret. The
erotic scene (Lot 13) shows Walde’s wife with a friend of the
family and was shot at Walde’s house “Am Hahnenkamm”.
Walde later immortalised the motif in a pastel drawing.
ALFONS WALDE (1891–1958)
Kitzbühel, c. 1932
Vintage silver print
7,8 x 11 cm (3.1 x 4.3 in)
Signed by the estate executor Michael Walde-Berger
on the reverse, comes with certificate of authenticity
PROVENANCE Michael Walde-Berger,
Estate of Alfons Walde
LITER ATURE Peter Coeln (ed.), SchauLust.
The Erotic Photography of Alfons Walde,
Innsbruck 2014, s. p.
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
ALFONS WALDE (1891–1958)
Hilda, Kitzbühel c. 1925
Vintage silver print
8,4 x 5,7 cm (3.3 x 2.2 in)
Signed by the estate executor Michael Walde-Berger
on the reverse, comes with certificate of authenticity
PROVENANCE Michael Walde-Berger,
Estate of Alfons Walde
LITER ATURE Peter Coeln (ed.), SchauLust.
The Erotic Photography of Alfons Walde,
Innsbruck 2014, s. p.
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
actual size
RUDOLF KOPPITZ (1884–1936)
‘Junge Sizilianerin’ (Young Sicilian),
Italy c. 1930
Vintage silver print
18,4 x 17,1 cm (7.2 x 6.7 in)
Photographer’s blindstamp in the image
lower left, his “Prof. Rudolf Koppitz,
Photo-Werkstätte, Wien, V. Zeinlhoferg. 8”
stamp, and red star stamp (Collection of
photographer Ernst Haas) on the reverse
PROVENANCE Collection of Ernst Haas
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
RUDOLF KOPPITZ (1884–1936)
‘Akt am Meer’ (Anna Koppitz), 1923
Vintage silver print
13,9 x 23 cm (5.5 x 9.1 in)
Photographer‘s blindstamp in the image
lower right, his “Prof. Rudolf Koppitz,
Photo-Werkstätte, Wien, V. Zeinlhoferg. 8”
and “Nachdruck verboten!” stamp on the
LITER ATURE Monika Faber (ed.), Rudolf
Koppitz. Photogenie, Vienna 2013,
p. 116-117; Monika Faber (ed.), Rudolf
Koppitz. 1884 - 1936, Vienna 1995, p. 57.
€ 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000
Die Tänzerin / The dancer Salina
Lazarina, Vienna c. 1925
Vintage silver print
22,3 x 16,5 cm (8.8 x 6.5 in)
Photographer’s studio stamp,
her reproduction stamp and order
no. stamp on the reverse, annotated
in pencil by the photographer on
the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Die Tänzerin / The dancer Claire Bauroff,
Vienna c. 1925
Vintage silver print
22,2 x 13 cm (8.7 x 5.1 in)
Photographer’s studio blindstamp in
the image lower left, annotated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
DOR A K ALLMUS (1881–1963) /
ARTHUR BENDA (1885–1969)
Mode / Fashion Wiener Werkstätte,
Vienna 1920
Vintage silver print
22,4 x 12,5 cm (8.8 x 4.9 in)
Studio’s blindstamp in the image lower
left, several handwritten numerical
notations in pencil on the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.200–1.400
MADAME D’OR A (1881–1963)
Badeanzug / Swimsuit Suzanne Talbot,
Paris 1928
Vintage silver print
22,5 x 13,1 cm (8.9 x 5.2 in)
Photographer’s Paris studio signature
in the original negative, photographer’s
Paris reproduction stamp and several
handwritten notations in pencil on the
€ 800 / € 1.200–1.400
ANDRÉ KERTÉSZ (1894–1985)
‘Satiric Dancer’, Paris 1926
Gelatin silver print, printed c. 1970
24,8 x 19,7 cm (9.8 x 7.8 in)
Signed, annotated and dated by the
­p hotographer in pencil on the reverse
LITER ATURE André Kertész. Photographe,
Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris 1987,
p. 58; André Kertész. A Lifetime of
­Perception, New York 1982, p.152; ­
André Kertész in Paris. Photographien
1925–1936, Munich 1992, plate 31.
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
André Kertész machte diese surrea­lis­
tische Fotografie im Pariser Atelier
eines Bekannten, dem ungarischen
Emigranten und Bildhauer István
Beöthy. Das Model ist die ungarische
Tänzerin und Varieté-Künstlerin
Magda Förstner. Als spielerische
Antwort auf Beöthys Skulptur auf ­
der linken Seite, wirft sie sich auf dem
Sofa in Pose.
André Kertész made this surrealistic
image in the Paris studio of a fellow
Hungarian emigré, the sculptor István
Beöthy. The subject is the Hungarian
dancer and cabaret performer Magda
Förstner. In a playful response to
Beöthy’s sculpture on the left, she
strikes a pose on the couch.
DOR A K ALLMUS (1881–1963) /
ARTHUR BENDA (1885–1969)
Bodenwieser-Schule, Vienna 1925
Vintage silver print
15,2 x 18,4 cm (6 x 7.2 in)
Studio’s signature in the original
­negative, studio’s copyright stamp
and label on the reverse, annotated ­
in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
Moderne Tanzgruppe der Boden­
wieser-­S chule beim stilisierten Tanz /
Modern dance group of the Bodenwieser-School doing a stylized dance
ANTON JOSEF TRČK A (1893–1940)
Bertl Komauer, Vienna 1930
Vintage silver print, mounted on
original studio paper and cardboard
20,3 x 15 cm (8 x 5.9 in)
Annotated in an unidentified hand
in pencil and ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Collection of the model
LITER ATURE Monika Faber (ed.), Anton
Josef Trčka. 1893-1940, Vienna 1999,
p. 77 (another portrait of Bertl Komauer).
€ 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000
Ab Mitte der 1920er Jahre beschäftigte sich Trčka intensiv
mit Tanz, beeinflusst durch die „eurythmischen“ Tanz­
vorführungen in der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft.
1930 produzierte er eine Reihe von Aufnahmen der Tänze­
rin bzw. der Tanzgruppe um Bertl Komauer. ­Während ­
bei den meisten vergleichbaren Bildern die Gestik, bzw.
die „sprechende Handhaltung“ im Vordergrund stehen,
besticht vorliegende Fotografie durch die grafische
Bear­­beitung des Negativs. Mit dem Pinsel fügte Trčka
flächige Ornamente in das Negativ ein und arbeitete
Gesichtspartien und Kopfbedeckung durch die Verstär­
kung der Umrisslinien im Negativ bzw. bei den Wimpern
nachträglich am Papier heraus. Die Verwebung von Figur
und Hintergrund durch das Ornament kann als Reminis­
zenz an die Porträts Gustav Klimts gelesen werden. Der
Vintage-Print stammt aus dem Nachlass von Komauer.
Inspired by eurhythmic dance performances held at gather­
ings of the anthroposophic society, Trčka started to focus
on dance from the mid 1920s. In 1930 he worked on a series
of photographs of the dancer Bertl Komauer and the group
of dancers that surrounded her. While most of the compar­
able pictures place their emphasis on the gestures and ­­
the “expressive hand positions”, the photograph at hand ­
is characterised by the graphic editing of the negative. ­
With a brush, Trčka inserted laminar ornaments into the
negative and accentuated the different parts of the face and
the headdress by enforcing the outlines on the negative, ­
as well as retouching the eyelashes on the photo paper in
post­production. The melting of figure and background
through the ornamentation can be read as reminiscence ­to
the portraits of Gustav Klimt. The vintage print comes from
the collection of Komauer.
OSK AR BARNACK (1879–1936)
Mobilmachung 1. Weltkrieg / Mobilisation
World War I, 1914
3 Vintage silver prints, photos taken with
each 10,4 x 14,7 cm (4.1 x 5.8 in)
and with the “E.LEITZ WETZLAR” stamp
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Dr. Bawendi Collection
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
Profil et Coiffure Moderne, 1935
Vintage silver print
20,7 x 15,7 cm (8.1 x 6.2 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
in the image lower right
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Renée Perle, 1932
Vintage silver print
15,5 x 10,8 cm (6.1 x 4.3 in)
Renée Perle’s collection stamp on
the reverse, dated and annotated
in an unidentified hand in pencil and
ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Collection of the model
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Djuna Barnes, Paris 1930
Gelatin silver print, printed
in the 1960s
24 x 19,2 cm (9.4 x 7.6 in)
Signed and annotated by the
­p hotographer in pencil on
the reverse, her Maine studio
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Djuna Barnes war in den 1920er und 1930er
Jahren eine der Schlüsselfiguren der Künst­
lerszene New Yorks und Paris. Ihr Roman
‘Nightwood’ (1936), der den lesbischen
Lebensstil zelebrierte, wurde zu einem
Kultwerk der modernen Literatur. Barnes
und Abbott waren enge Freunde; sie teilten
sich eine Wohnung in Greenwich Village im
Jahr 1918, kurz bevor Barnes nach Paris zog.
Djuna Barnes was one of the key figures in
1920s and 1930s bohemian New York and
Paris. Her novel ‘Nightwood’ (1936) became ­
a cult work of modern fiction celebrating
the lesbian lifestyle. Barnes and Abbott
were close friends, they shared a flat together
in Greenwich Village in 1918 before Barnes
moved to Paris.
PAUL STR AND (1890–1976)
‘Telegraph Poles’, 1916
Photogravure on Japanese paper, printed
in 1916 for Camera Work 18, framed
20,7 x 16,6 cm (8.1 x 6.5 in)
LITER ATURE : Alfred Stieglitz, ­
Camera Work, The Complete Illustrations
1903–1917, Cologne 1997, p. 756.
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Near Nine Elms, London 1958
Vintage silver print
22,9 x 19,8 cm (9. x 7.8 in)
Signed, annotated and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.600–3.000
GERMAINE KRULL (1897–1985)
Moulin Rouge, Paris c. 1929
Vintage silver print, mounted on
original cardboard
21,6 x 15,3 cm (8.5 x 6 in)
Photographer’s Paris copyright
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
ILSE BING (1899–1998)
‘Chaises dans la Pluie, Champs
Elysee’, Paris 1931
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1993
26,5 x 33,8 cm (10.4 x 13.3 in)
Signed and titled by the photo­grapher in pencil on the reverse
€ 2.400 / € 3.000–3.500
SYBIL ANIKEEF (1896–1996)
Young boy, USA 1937
Vintage silver print, mounted on original
11,7 x 9 cm (4.6 x 3.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil on
the reverse, annotated in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.800–3.200
Anikeef war eine Schülerin von Edward
Weston, sie wurde von ihm in einigen
bekannten Porträts festgehalten. Fotografien von ihr selber kommen jedoch
nur äußerst selten auf den Markt. /
Anikeef was a student of Edward
Weston, who captured here in some of
his famous portraits. Photographs made
by herself are really rare.
AUGUST SANDER (1876–1964)
Sekretärin beim Westdeutschen
Rundfunk / Secretary at
West German Radio, Cologne 1931
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1992
by Gerd Sander
26 x 14,7 cm (10.2 x 5.8 in)
With the “Aug. Sander Köln Lindenthal”
blindstamp lower left, signed by Gerd Sander
in pencil on the reverse, archive stamp with
handwritten ed. no. and date on the reverse,
edition no. 7/12
LITER ATURE August Sander, Menschen
des 20. Jahrhunderts, Munich 2010, p. 333.
€ 3.600 / € 5.000–6.000
AUGUST SANDER (1876–1964)
Mädchen im Kirmeswagen /
Girl in Fairground Caravan,
Cologne 1926–32
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1992
by Gerd Sander
26 x 19,9 cm (10.2 x 7.8 in)
With the “Aug. Sander Köln Lindenthal”
blindstamp lower left, signed by
Gerd Sander in pencil on the reverse,
archive stamp with handwritten
ed. no. and date on the reverse,
edition no. 12/12
LITER ATURE August Sander,
Menschen des 20. Jahrhunderts,
Munich 2010, cover.
€ 3.600 / € 5.000–6.000
Beide Fotografien (Lot 33 und Lot 34) sind klassische
Aufnahmen, die Sanders epochalem Bildatlas Menschen ­
des 20. Jahrhunderts ent­­stammen, in dem er Hunderte von
perfekt arrangierten Porträts aus verschiedenen Berufs­
zweigen und Gesellschafts­­schichten versammelte, um
einen Gesellschafts­querschnitt der Weimarer Republik
zu dokumentieren. Sie wurden von Gerd Sander in einer
kleinen Edition von zwölf Exemplaren meisterhaft geprintet.
Die Fotografie Mädchen im Kirmeswagen ist Teil des
Portfolios Fahrende Leute – Jahrmarkt und Zirkus innerhalb
der sechsten Gruppe des Projekts, dem Sander den Titel ­
Die Großstadt gab. Dies ist ein Beispiel für Sanders meisterli­
chen Sinn für wir­kungs­volle Komposition. Anstatt das
Mädchen vor dem Zirkuswagen zu positionie­­ren, beließ er
sie innerhalb ihres Rückzugsortes, die Hand am Schlüssel
zu einer verschlossenen Tür. Die Spitzen­gardine scheint ein
Versuch, diesen fahrenden Wagen – vermutlich das einzige
Zuhause, das dieses Mädchen je gekannt hat – in eine
gemütliche Umgebung zu verwandeln. Hinter ihr befindet
sich eine geheimnisvolle Welt, die dem Betrachter ver­
schlossen bleibt. Wie ein Historiker bemerkte, „entfaltet
sich hier eine suggestive, fast aufreizende Geschichte von
Freiheit und Gefangenschaft, Sicherheit und Gefahr, vom
Sichtbaren und dem Verborgenen.“
Both photographs (Lot 33 and Lot 34) are classic images
belonging to Sander’s epochal pictorial atlas People of the
20th Century, in which h
­ e gathered hundreds of perfectly
arranged portraits of people from different professions and
levels of society to document a cross-section of Weimar
Germany. They were printed in an excellent manner by
Gerd Sander in a small edition of 12.
The photograph Girl in Fairground Caravan i­ s from the
portfolio entitled ‘Travelling People – Fair ­and Circus’
within the project’s sixth group, ‘The City’. It presents an
example of Sander’s supreme skill in creating a striking
composition. Rather than positioning the girl in front of the
caravan wagon, he had her remain sheltered, holding a key
in a locked door. Lace-edged window curtains reflect an
attempt to make this roaming wagon – probably the only
home this girl has ever known – a comfortable environ­
ment. Behind her is a mysterious world, not to be revealed
to the viewer. As one historian has remarked, “a suggestive,
almost tantalizing narrative unfolds: of freedom and con­finement, security and danger, things visible and hidden.”
HERBERT LIST (1903–1975)
‘Holzpoller am ruhigen Wasser
des Bodensees’ (Wooden poles
in the calm waters of Lake vvvConstance), 1934
Vintage silver print, mounted on
original paper
12 x 14,1 cm (4.7 x 5.6 in)
Photographer’s estate “Vintage
Print” stamp, signed by Max Scheler
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Estate Herbert List
€ 3.200 / € 5.000–6.000
HERBERT LIST (1903–1975)
‘Nach dem Bade’ (After the bath),
Portofino 1936
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
29,8 x 23,4 cm (11.7 x 9.2 in)
Photographer’s estate stamp with
handwritten title, edition number ­
and date on the reverse, signed
by Max Scheler in ink on the reverse,
edition no. 3/15
LITER ATURE Max Scheler / Matthias
Harder (ed.), Herbert List. Die Mono­
graphie, Munich 2000, p. 169.
€ 1.300 / € 1.800–2.000
HERBERT LIST (1903–1975)
‘Herr und Hund’ (Master and Dog),
­Portofino 1936
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s
31,0 x 25,4 cm (12.2 x 10. in)
Photographer’s estate stamp with handwritten title and date on the reverse,
signed by Max Scheler in ink on the reverse
LITER ATURE Max Scheler / Matthias Harder
(ed.), Herbert List. Die Monographie,
Munich 2000, cover and p. 166.
€ 2.200 / € 3.000–4.000
Roney Plaza Hotel, Miami 1939
Gelatin silver print, printed around 1970
30,5 x 22,7 cm (12 x 8.9 in)
Signed, annotated and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
‘Manos en casa de Diaz’,
Mexico 1933
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1979
17,8 x 23,9 cm (7 x 9.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
€ 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000
‘Angel del Temblor’, Mexico 1957
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1979
24 x 16,5 cm (9.4 x 6.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
€ 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000
41 ≥
‘La Desvendada’ (Die Enthüllte /
The Unbandaged), Mexico 1938
Platinum print on paper, printed
in the 1980s
22,1 x 15,4 cm (8.7 x 6.1 in)
Signed by the photographer
in pencil in the margin
€ 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000
actual size
Party, Paris 1950s
Vintage silver print
16,2 x 20,7 cm (6.4 x 8.1 in)
Photographer’s stamp and
“Le Parisien” stamp on the reverse
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
WILLY RONIS (1910–2009)
‘Le Zoo, Circus Achille Zavatta’,
Paris 1949
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
31,5 x 25,5 cm (12.4 x 10 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink in
the margin, his copyright stamp and
annotations in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
WILLY RONIS (1910–2009)
‘Les Adieux’, Paris 1963
Gelatin silver print, printed in 2001
30,4 x 21 cm (12 x 8.3 in)
Photographer’s copyright stamp
and handwritten annotations
by the photographer in pencil on
the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
WILLY RONIS (1910–2009)
‘Chez Max’, Nogent 1947
Vintage silver print
23,3 x 17,9 cm (9.2 x 7 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
A ARON SISKIND (1903–1991)
‘Harlem Store Facades with
Photostudio’, 1938
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
22,1 x 30,4 cm (8.7 x 12. in)
Signed by the photographer ­
in ink in the margin, annotated ­
in an unidentified hand in pencil
on the reverse
€ 2.200 / € 3.200–3.600
‘Cigar Store Indian, New York 1930’
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s,
mounted on original cardboard
33,3 x 24,2 cm (13.1 x 9.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in ­p encil
on the mount, her Maine studio stamp
on the reverse
€ 2.200 / € 3.500–4.000
ANDRÉ KERTÉSZ (1894-1985)
Paris, 1928
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
19,6 x 24,7 cm (7.7 x 9.7 in)
Signed and annotated by the
­p hotographer in pencil on the
reverse, his stamp on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
(* 1930)
Nonnen in der Wiese / Nuns in
the meadow, 1970s
Vintage silver print
22,4 x 32,8 cm (8.8 x 12.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in
ink in the margin, his Milan studio
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
ÉDOUARD BOUBAT (1923–1999)
‘Partition avec Noelle’, Paris 1981
Vintage silver print
24 x 35,5 cm (9.4 x 14 in)
Signed and annotated by the photo­
grapher in pencil on the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
WEEGEE (1899–1968)
‘The Kiss’, New York 1940s
Vintage silver print
12,6 x 18,5 cm (5 x 7.3 in)
Photographer’s circular “CREDIT
stamp on the reverse
LITER ATURE Michèle Auer /
Michel Auer (ed.), Weegee
The Famous, Montpellier 2008,
p. 379.
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
WEEGEE (1899–1968)
Ausnüchterungszelle / Drunk tank,
New York 1950
Vintage silver print
15,3 x 18,3 cm (6 x 7.2 in)
Photographer’s circular “CREDIT
stamp and numerical notation (most
likely by the photographer) in pencil
on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
BEN HELLER (1913–2006)
Coney Island, New York 1932
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
47,7 x 38,7 cm (18.8 x 15.2 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse,
annotated in pencil in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.800–3.200
LOU STOUMEN (1917–1991)
‘Sailor with girl’, New York 1952
Gelatin silver print, printen in 1968
23,4 x 17,6 cm (9.2 x 6.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse,
annotated in an unidentified hand in
ink on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
JOSEF SUDEK (1896–1976)
Frühlingsknospen / Spring Blossoms,
Prague 1960
Vintage silver print, contact print
17,6 x 23,6 cm (6.9 x 9.3 in)
Signed, dedicated and dated “1968”
(print date) by the photographer in
pencil in the black margin, annotated
by Sudek in pencil on the reverse
€ 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000
HOWARD BOND (* 1931)
‘Delhi Rapid, Winter Huron River’, 1976
Gelatin silver print, mounted on
original cardboard
26,6 x 32,4 cm (10.5 x 12.8 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the mount, his studio stamp on the
reverse, titled, dated and numbered
by him in pencil on the reverse, edition
no. 1/3
€ 1.600 / € 2.600–3.000
BRETT WESTON (1911-1993)
Untitled, 1977
Vintage silver print, mounted on
original cardboard
24,4 x 19,6 cm (9.6 x 7.7 in)
Signed and dated by the photo­
grapher in pencil on the mount
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
‘Presa di coscienza sulla natura
(On being aware of nature)’, 1970s
Vintage silver print
18,6 x 14,2 cm (7.3 x 5.6 in)
Two of the photographer’s studio
copyright stamps on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500
ROBERT FR ANK (* 1924)
New Mexico, 1956
Vintage silver print
32,7 x 21,6 cm (12.9 x 8.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
€ 8.000 / € 14.000–16.000
A ARON SISKIND (1903–1991)
‘Martha’s Vineyard #7’, 1974
Vintage silver print
25 x 25 cm (9.8 x 9.8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in ink in the margin
€ 2.400 / € 3.500–4.000
JAKOB TUGGENER (1904–1988)
‘Arme der Arbeit’ (Schiffsnieter im
Basler Rheinhafen / Riveters at the
Rhein harbour of Basel), 1947
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
30,2 x 24 cm (11.9 x 9.4 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
* € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
Jakob Tuggener, 1904 in Zürich geboren, machte eine Lehre als Maschi­
nenzeichner und studierte Grafik, Typografie und Film in Berlin. ­
Nach seiner Rückkehr in die Schweiz arbeitete er als Industriefotograf.
1934 kaufte sich Tuggener seine erste Leica. Zu den großen Themen
seines Werks gehören die Arbeit, Fabrik und Technik, das einfache
Landleben und glanzvolle Feste der besseren Gesellschaft. Tuggener
war in zwei der einflussreichsten Fotografie-Ausstellungen vertreten –
subjektive fotografie (1951/53) von Otto Steinert sowie – vermittelt durch
Robert Frank – in Edward Steichens Family of Man (1953/55).
Jacob Tuggener, born in 1904 in Zurich, worked as an mechanical drafts­man and studied graphics, typography and film in Berlin. After his
return to Switzerland, he worked as an industrial photographer. In 1934
Tuggener bought his first Leica. Some of the major themes of his work
include labor, fabric and tecnique, the simple country life and glittering
parties of the high society. Tuggener was part of two of the most influ­
ential photography exhibitions – subjektive fotografie (1951/53) by Otto
Steinert and – recommended by Robert Frank – Edward Steichen’s
Family of Man (1953/55).
PAUL STR AND (1890–1976)
Hufschmied / Blacksmith, Romania 1967
Vintage silver print, mounted
on original thin cardboard
24,2 x 18,9 cm (9.5 x 7.4 in)
Signed by the photographer
on the reverse
€ 4.000 / € 6.000–8.000
LUCIEN CLERGUE (1934–2014)
Toros Muertos, 1960s
Vintage silver print, large format
49,7 x 40,3 cm (19.6 x 15.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse, his reproduction
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
ALBERTO KORDA (1928–2001)
Che Guevara & Fidel Castro, Ernest Hemingway
Marlin Fishing Contest, Cuba 1960
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s
34,5 x 22,5 cm (13.6 x 8.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink on the reverse,
his blindstamp in the margin lower left
LITER ATURE Saúl Corrales, Carlos Torres Cairo
(ed.), Che Guevara by the Photographers of the
Cuban Revolution, Havana 2006, p.127; Christophe
Loviny (ed.), Korda sieht Kuba, Munich 2003, p. 60.
€ 2.200 / € 3.000–4.000
Che mit seiner Nikon SP und dem
lichtstarken 1/50 mm-Objektiv /
Che with his Nikon SP with the
fast 1/50 mm lens 65
ALBERTO KORDA (1928–2001)
‘El Quijote de la Farola’ (Don Quijote
von der Strassenlaterne / Don Quixote
of the Lamp post), Havana 1959
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s
32 x 22,7 cm (12.6 x 8.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse, his blindstamp in the
margin lower left
LITER ATURE Korda, A Revolutionary Lens,
2008, p. 241. Billeter, Viva la Vida. Kuba –
eine B
­ egegnung in Bildern, 2002, p. 49;
Hrsg. ­Falckenberg, Kuba. Bilder einer Revolution, 2008, p. 199; Loviny, Korda sieht Kuba,
2003, p. 66.
€ 1.800 / € 2.800–3.400
Die vorliegende umfassende Sammlung enthält 92 Silbergelatineabzüge;
alle sind in hervorragendem Zustand und von Osvaldo Salas auf der
Rückseite signiert. Die Fotografien wurden von Salas selbst in seiner
Wohnung in Havanna in den 1980er Jahren vergrößert und von ihrem
gegenwärtigen Eigentümer direkt von dem Fotografen erworben. Salas
ist vor allem für seine Fotografien der kubanischen Revolution bekannt.
Darunter ragen einige außerordentliche Porträts von Che Guevara
(5 Abzüge) und Fidel Castro (4 Abzüge), die zu diesem Konvolut gehören,
besonders heraus. Sie sind alle im imposanten Format von 40 x 30 cm
geprintet. Das Konvolut enthält ferner Straßenszenen und Darstellungen
des alltäglichen Lebens in Kuba. Erwähnenswert ist außerdem eine
interessante Gruppe von Porträts, darunter Bilder von Nicolás Guillén
(dem kubanischen Nationaldichter), Maurice Chevalier, Bob Feller (einem
Werfer der Cleveland Indians Baseballmannschaft), Ted Williams,
Gabriel García Márquez, die Boxweltmeister Archie Moore, Sugar Ray
Robinson und Rocky Marciano, Loipa Araujo (einer Ballerina), Manuel
Álvarez Bravo, Geraldine Chaplin, Arturo Sandoval, Yolanda Montez,
Julio Cortázar (einem Schriftsteller) und Wilfredo Lam (einem kubani­
schen Künstler).
The present substantial collection contains 92 gelatin silver prints; all of
them are in excellent condition and signed by Osvaldo Salas on the
reverse. The photographs were printed by Salas himself in his apartment
in Havana in the 1980s, and acquired by the present owner directly from
the photographer. Salas is known mainly for his photographs of the
Cuban revolution. Especially notable are some outstanding portraits ­
of Che Guevara (5 prints) and Fidel Castro (4 prints) which are part of
this lot. All of them are printed in an imposing 40 x 30 cm format. The lot
also contains street scenes and portrayals of simple everyday life in Cuba.
Further of note is an interesting group of portraits including images of
Nicolás Guillén (Cuba’s national poet), Maurice Chevalier, Bob Feller ­
(a Cleveland Indians pitcher), Ted Williams, Gabriel García Márquez,
the world champion boxers Archie Moore, Sugar Ray Robinson and
Rocky Marciano, Loipa Araujo (a ballerina), Manuel Álvarez Bravo,
Geraldine Chaplin, Arturo Sandoval, Yolanda Montez, Julio Cortázar
(a writer) and Wilfredo Lam (a Cuban artist).
OSVALDO SAL AS (1914–1992)
Ein Konvolut aus 92 signierten Fotografien /
A group of 92 signed photographs,
92 gelatin silver prints, printed in the
c. 40 x 30 cm (15.7 x 11.8 in) (44)
c. 32 x 23 cm (12.6 x 9.1 in) (15)
c. 24 x 20 cm (9.4 x 7.9 in) (33)
All of them signed by the photographer
in ink on the reverse, the majority dated
and annotated by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Collection Sydney Higgins,
acquired directly from the photographer
€ 18.000 / € 25.000–30.000
Please view online catalogue for further
images: www.westlicht-auction.com
Yugoslavia 1965
Vintage silver print
21,7 x 33 cm (8.5 x 13 in)
Two of the photographer’s agency
stamps and two “MANCHETE”
stamps on the reverse
€ 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000
Scanno, Abruzzo 1951
Vintage silver print
25,1 x 16,7 cm (9.9 x 6.6 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp, numerical
stamp and press stamp on the reverse,
several handwritten numerical notations
on the reverse
LITER ATURE Jean Pierre Montier (ed.),
Henri Cartier-Bresson Seine Kunst –
Sein Leben, 2002, p. 245 (variant). Wer sind
Sie, Henri Cartier-Bresson?, Munich 2003,
p. 122 (variant).
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
‘Derrière la Gare Saint-Lazare’, Paris 1932
Gelatin silver print, printed in the late 1950s,
early oversized exhibition print
55,2 x 39,2 cm (21.7 x 15.4 in)
Photographer’s reproduction stamp on
the reverse
LITER ATURE Lincoln Kirstein/Beaumont
Newhall (eds.), The Photographs of Henri
Cartier-Bresson, The Museum of Modern Art,
New York 1947, p. 24; Henri Cartier-Bresson,
Images à la Sauvette, Paris 1952, pl. 26; ­
Yves Bonnefoy (ed.), Henri Cartier-Bresson,
Photographe, Paris 1979, pl. 14; Peter Galassi
(ed.), Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Early Work,
The Museum of Modern Art, New York 1987,
p. 101; Vera Feyder/André Pieyre de
Mandiargues/Henri Cartier-Bresson (eds.),
Paris à vue d’oeil, Paris 1994, pl. 33; Jean-Pierre
Montier (ed.), L’art sans art d’Henri CartierBresson, Paris 1995, p. 96; Henri CartierBresson, De qui s’agit-il? Paris 2003, p. 59.
* € 15.000 / € 25.000–30.000
Geheimnisvoll, surreal und eines seiner berühmtesten
Bilder: Um eine immense Wasserlache auf dem Pariser
Place de l’Europe zu überwinden springt ein Mann – und
wird von Henri Cartier-Bresson erfasst, gleichsam in der
Schwebe fixiert. Strukturiert durch ein verblüffendes Spiel
geometrischer Formen, kann diese Aufnahme als Meister­
stück jenes fotografischen Selbstverständnisses gelten, ­
dem Cartier-Bresson dreißig Jahre später mit dem Aus­
druck des „entscheidenden Augenblicks“ eine viel zitierte
Formel zugewiesen hat. Er bezeichnet die bewusste und
zugleich intuitive Auswahl einer Szene, das Credo perfek­
ter Komposition bei Verzicht auf Kunstlicht oder Teleoptik
und ­den Respekt vor dem Gegenüber. So revolutionierte
der Magnum-Mitbegründer und legendäre Leica-Fotograf
die Lichtbildkunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, hier mit seiner
ersten, einer Leica I Mod. A, die er 1932 – im Entstehungs­
jahr dieses Bildes – in Marseille erworben hatte. Das
Schlüssel­bild liegt hier als früher großformatiger Print ­
aus den späten 1950er Jahren vor.
Mysterious, surreal and one of his most famous pictures: ­
a man takes a leap in order to cross an immense puddle
on the Place de l’Europe in Paris – and is fixed in mid-leap
by Henri Cartier-Bresson. Structured by a baffling inter­
play of geometrical forms, this image can be considered
a masterpiece of the photographic self-concept for which
Cartier-Bresson coined a much-quoted formula thirty
years later, using the expression of the “decisive moment”.
It implies the conscious yet intuitive selection of a scene,
the credo of perfect composition, eschewing artificial light
and telephoto lenses, and respect for one’s surroundings.
Thus, the Magnum co-founder and legendary Leica photo­
grapher revolutionised 20th century photography – in this
case with his first Leica, a Leica I Mod. A he had bought
in Marseilles in 1932 – the same year this picture was taken.
The key image is on offer as an early large format-print
from the late 1950s.
hEnRI cARtIER-bRESSOn (1908–2004)
Scanno, Abruzzo 1951
Vintage silver print
25,0 x 16,2 cm (9.8 x 6.4 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp, numerical
stamp and press stamp on the reverse,
several handwritten numerical notations
on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
hEnRI cARtIER-bRESSOn (1908–2004)
‘The decisive Moment’, New York:
Simon & Schuster in collaboration with
Éditions Verve of Paris, 1952
First original edition, SIGNED AND
(“for Mr. Frank Hunt all the best Henri CartierBresson”), hard cover with the original dustjacket designed by Matisse, unpaginated,
37 x 27,5 cm (14.6 x 10.8 in), 126 full-page black
and white photographs printed in photogravure. The engravings and printings is
the work of the master printers Draeger Frères
of Paris, includes original caption booklet
€ 1.500 / € 2.500–3.500
Henri Matisse, Vence February 1944
Vintage silver print
17,5 x 25 cm (6.9 x 9.8 in)
Photographer’s agency credit stamp, his
“MENTION OBLIGATOIRE” stamp and several
handwritten ­numerical notations in pencil
on the reverse
LITER ATURE Robert Delpire (ed.), Henri Cartier-­
Bresson, Paris 1979, p. 81; Henri Cartier-Bresson –
Meine Welt, Luzern 1968 , p. 121. (variant); Jean Pierre
Montier (ed.), Henri Cartier-Bresson Seine Kunst –
Sein Leben, 2002, p. 279. (variant); Wer sind Sie,
Henri Cartier-Bresson?, Munich 2003, p. 161. (variant),
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Man, the Image and
the World, London 2003, pl. 200. (variant);
Henri Cartier-Bresson: Scrapbook, Photographs
1932–1946, London 2006, pp. 68. (variant)
€ 4.000 / € 7.000–9.000
Der französische Maler Henri Matisse ist unserem Gedächtnis für
immer eingebrannt durch Cartier-Bresson. Das Bild zeigt den ­
Maler zuhause, in seiner „Villa Le Rêve“, umgeben von Vögeln und
den Kopf mit einem Turban bedeckt. Die Fotografie zeigt Matisses
zwei größte Leidenschaften – Malerei und Tauben – aber sie bildet
nicht den energiegeladenen, lebhaften Matisse ab, an den sich viele
seiner Zeitgenossen erinnerten. Obwohl sie 1944 aufgenommen
wurde, zehn Jahre vor dem Tod des Meisters, war Matisse bereits
ein gebrochener Mann. 1939 hatten er und seine Frau sich nach
41-jähriger Ehe getrennt. 1941 unterzog er sich einer Kolostomie,
worauf er an den Rollstuhl gefesselt war. Cartier-Bresson bewun­
derte Matisse zutiefst, der später den wunderbaren Schutzum­
schlag für seinen Fotobuch-Klassiker The Decisive Moment entwarf.
Die vorliegende Fotografie ist ein seltener Vintage-Abzug, der den
sehr frühen Stempel von Cartier-Bressons Agentur, der nur 1951
und 1952 benutzt wurde, auf der Rückseite trägt.
The French painter Henri Matisse has been forever fixed in our
minds by Cartier-Bresson. The picture shows the painter at his
home, the “Villa Le Rêve”, surrounded by birds and his head
draped by a turban. The photograph reveals Matisse’s two greatest
passions – painting and pigeons, but it does not show the energetic,
vivid Matisse remembered by many of his contemporaries.
Although it was taken in 1944, ten years before the master’s death,
Matisse was already a broken man. In 1939, he and his wife of 41
years had separated. In 1941 he underwent a colostomy, which
confined him to a wheelchair. Cartier-Bresson deeply admired
Matisse who later designed the glorious jacket of his photo book
classic The Decisive Moment. The present photograph is a rare
vintage print bearing Cartier-Bresson’s very early agency stamp,
which was used between 1951-1952, on the reverse.
hEnRI cARtIER-bRESSOn (1908–2004)
‘The Great Leap Forward’, Einweihung der
Ming-Miene / Inauguration of the Ming mine,
China 1958
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1979
20,2 x 30 cm (8 x 11.8 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp, John Hillelson
agency stamp, date stamp and several handwritten notations in ink on the reverse
* € 1.800 / € 2.600–3.000
hEnRI cARtIER-bRESSOn (1908–2004)
‘CHINA gestern und heute’, Düsseldorf:
Karl Rauch Verlag, 1955
First original edition, hardcover,
21 x 27 cm (8.3 x 10.6 in), 144 black and
white photographs printed in photogravure,
edited by Robert Delpire
€ 200 / € 400– 500
Rangoon, Burma 1948
Vintage silver print
25,2 x 17,5 cm (9.9 x 6.9 in)
Photographer’s “MENTION OBLIGATOIRE” ­
stamp on the reverse, annotated “The Decisive
Moment, pl. 94. Rangoon Burma 1948, Burmese
girls looking at a scene depicting the life of
Buddha painted on a Shwedagon Temple” in ­
an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
LITER ATURE Henri Cartier-Bresson, The Decisive
Moment, Paris 1952, pl. 94.
€ 3.600 / € 5.000–7.000
Chiang Kai-shek, c. 1935
Vintage silver print
22,2 x 17,3 cm (8.7 x 6.8 in)
Annotated in an unidentified hand
(French) in ink on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
ROBERT CAPA (1913–1954)
Chinesischer Bauer / Chinese peasant,
Vintage silver print
20,5 x 25,2 cm (8.1 x 9.9 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp (PIX),
several publication stamps and
handwritten notations in pencil on
the reverse
* € 2.400 / € 3.600–4.000
ANDRÉ ZUCCA (1897–1973)
China, 1962
7 Vintage silver prints, in original red
paper map
each c. 30 x 24 cm (11.8 x 9.4 in)
the map signed and annotated by the
photographer in ink, each photograph
annotated by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002)
6:30 am, Chang an Avenue, Beijing 1978
Vintage silver print
22,1 x 33,5 cm (8.7 x 13.2 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
in the margin, signed, titled and numbered
(neg. no. „78-12“) by the photographer
in pencil the reverse
LITER ATURE Arthur Miller/Inge Morath, Chinese
Encounters, New York 1979, p. 126f.; Inge Morath,
Photographs of China, cat. Grand Rapids Art
Museum, Michigan 1979; Arthur Miller/Inge
Morath, In China, Luzern 1991, p. 126 f;
Kurt Kaindl (ed.), Inge Morath. Fotografien
1952–1992, Salzburg 1992, p. 101; John P. Jacob
(ed.), Well Disposed and Trying to See:
Inge Morath and Arthur Miller in China, cat.
University of Michigan Art Museum/Inge Morath
Foundation, New York 2008.
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
MARC RIBOUD (* 1923)
Chou En-Lai, France 1971
Vintage silver print
23,6 x 16 cm (9.3 x 6.3 in)
Photographer’s agency copyright
credit and typographic distribution
notes reading “Chou En-Lai during
an interview with Alain Peyrefitte of
France, 1971” on the reverse
* € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
MARC RIBOUD (* 1923)
China, 1965
Vintage silver print
25,2 x 17,1 cm (9.9 x 6.7 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
several handwritten notations,
including the neg. no. “56-2-127-25”,
on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500
ROBERT CAPA (1913–1954)
Neapel / Naples, October 1943
Vintage silver print
24,2 x 19 cm (9.5 x 7.5 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp, reproduction
stamp and several handwritten notations in
pencil and ink on the reverse
LITER ATURE Robert Capa, Images of War,
New York 1964, p. 99.
€ 2.400 / € 4.000–5.000
Frauen beweinen auf einem Begräbnis den Tod von
zwanzig Teenagern. Die Jugendlichen hatten als
Partisanen gegen die Deutschen gekämpft und
starben nur vier Tage vor der Befreiung Neapels
(2. Oktober 1943).
Women crying at the funeral of twenty teenaged
partisans who had fought the Germans before the
Allies entered the city. They were killed 4 days
before the liberation of Naples (October 2nd, 1943).
ROBERT CAPA (1913–1954)
Immigrant, Israel c. 1948
Vintage silver print
24 x 29,5 cm (9.4 x 11.6 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
numerical notations on the reverse
€ 2.400 / € 3.500–4.000
DAVID SEYMOUR (1911–1956)
Cocullo, Italy 1951
Vintage silver print
25,5 x 18,7 cm (10 x 7.4 in)
Photographer’s early agency
stamp and mounted typographic
label reading “Cocullo Snake
Pit: One of the attractions of the
festa consists of having one’s
photograph taken complete with
snakes” on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954)
Angkor Wat / Angkor Vat, Cambodia 1952
Vintage silver print
17,2 x 25,2 cm (6.8 x 9.9 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp, “a.b.c.
press” stamp and several handwritten
numerical notations in ink and pencil
on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954)
Hungersnot in Bihar / Famine in Bihar,
India 1951
Vintage silver print
20,7 x 20 cm (10 x 7.9 in)
Photographer’s agency credit stamp and
“abc press” stamp on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500
WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954)
‘Photo Classics II. A portfolio of
10 photographs, 1947–54’
10 Gelatin silver prints, printed in 1971,
each mounted on cardboard, with title page
and original portfolio box
each c. 30 x 40 cm (11.8 x 15.7 in)
Each photograph numbered on the cardboard,
edition no. 50/100 (Photo-Graphic Editions
Limited, London)
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000
The portfolio contains some of his most iconic
images. / Hungarian child hearing of the Red
Cross relief 1947 / Indian dancer preparing
for the Jasmin Festival, Bombay 1951 /
The Observatory in Jaipur, India 1951 / Famine
in Bihar 1951 / Shinto priests in the Temple
Garden, Meiji, Tokyo 1952 / Sleeping child on
its mother’s back, Hongkong 1952 / Ricefield in the Delta of the Red River, Indochina
1952 / Women returning from market, Ba-ran,
Indochina 1952 / Stepping-stones at the Heian
Temple, Kyoto, Japan 1952 / Flute player near
Cusco, Peru 1954
WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954)
Die Tänzerin / The dancer Anjali Hora,
Bombay 1951
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
24,7 x 20,6 cm (9.7 x 8.1 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
­s everal handwritten notations in ink
and pencil on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
WERNER BISCHOF (1916–1954)
Michiko Jinumaon in der Modeschule /
at fashion school, Tokyo 1951
Vintage silver print
19,3 x 25 cm (7.6 x 9.8 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
several handwritten notations on the
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500
Kampf um Saigon / The battle for
Saigon, Vietnam 1968
Vintage silver print
16 x 24 cm (6.3 x 9.4 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
several handwritten notations
(incl. neg. no. and print indications)
in pencil on the reverse
* € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
MARC RIBOUD (* 1923)
Ländliche Beerdigung / Rural
funeral ceremony, Afghanistan
Vintage silver print
17 x 25,2 cm (6.7 x 9.9 in)
Photographer’s agency credit
stamp, neg. no. stamp and faded
press stamp on the reverse,
several handwritten notations in
pencil on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
EllIOt t ERwIt t (* 1928)
Oktoberfest, Munich 1964
Vintage silver print
23 x 35 cm (9.1 x 13.8 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and several
handwritten notations (incl. neg. no. and
print indications) in pencil on the reverse
* € 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
EllIOt t ERwIt t (* 1928)
‘Photographs and Anti-Photographs’,
Greenwich: New York Graphic Society,
First edition, first printing, SIGNED BY
ELLIOT T ERWIT T, important first book
by the famous Magnum photographer!
Hardcover in linen with dustjacket,
30 x 24 cm (11.8 x 9.4 in), 128 pages,
112 black and white photographs
* € 300 / € 500– 600
‘The Kitchen Debate’
(Nikita Khrushchev, Richard Nixon),
Moscow July 24th, 1959
Vintage silver print
16,6 x 25,3 cm (6.5 x 10 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp,
neg no. stamp and several handwritten
numerical notations on the reverse
LITER ATURE “That famous debate in
close-up pictures”, in: Life, August 3,
1959, p. 26–31; Sean Callahan (ed.),
Elliott Erwitt. The Private Experience:
Personal Insights of a Professional
Photographer, Los Angeles 1974, p. 50f;
Elliott Erwitt, Personal Exposures.
Fotografien 1946–1988, Lausanne 1988 /
Munich 2012, p. 65; EE 60/60. Fotografías de Elliott Erwitt, cat. Museo
Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia,
Madrid 2002; Elliott Erwitt, Personal
Best, New York/Kempen 2006, p. 260;
Sequentially Yours, Elliott Erwitt,
New York 2011; Magnum Contact Sheets,
Munich 2011, p. 96/97.
€ 2.000 / € 4.000–5.000
Nikita Khrushchev, Marne, Pleurs,
France 1960
Vintage silver print
25,6 x 16,6 cm (10.1 x 6.5 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
neg. no. stamp on the reverse,
several handwritten notations in pencil
on the reverse
* € 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
BURK UZZLE (* 1938)
Danbury State Fair, Connecticut 1966
Vintage silver print
20,1 x 30,5 cm (7.9 x 12 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
LITER ATURE W. Norton & Co., In Our
Time: The World As Seen by Magnum
Photographers, 1989, p. 152–153.
* € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000
ERNST HA AS (1921–1986)
New York City, 1963
Vintage silver print
25,3 x 16,4 cm (10. x 6.5 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp,
neg. no. stamp and “A.B.C. PRESS”
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
Reeperbahn, Hamburg 1972
Vintage silver print
34,7 x 23,5 cm (13.7 x 9.3 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
his crossed out “Stern” credit stamp
on the reverse, several handwritten
notations in pencil on the reverse
* € 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000
MARC RIBOUD (* 1923)
‘Le Peintre de la Tour Eiffel’,
Paris 1953
Gelatin silver print, printed 1990s
27,4 x 18,2 cm (10.8 x 7.2 in)
Signed, annotated and dated by
the photographer in ink in the
margin, his studio stamp and handwritten neg.no. on the reverse
LITER ATURE Magnum Contact
Sheets, Munich 2011, p. 71–72.
* € 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
INGE MOR ATH (1923–2002)
Pamplona, Spain 1960
Vintage silver print
20,5 x 30 cm (8.1 x 11.8 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp
and several handwritten notations
in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
RENÉ BURRI (1933–2014)
Rio de Janeiro, 1958
Vintage silver print
20 x 30,3 cm (7.9 x 11.9 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp.
neg. no. stamp (58 19 1216 10) and
several handwritten numerical notations in pencil and ink on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
EVE ARNOLD (1912–2012)
Juana Chambrot Rioseco (from the
series ‘Island Girl’), Cuba 1954
Vintage silver print
19,6 x 24,9 cm (7.7 x 9.8 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp with
handwritten photographer’s credit,
“a.b.c. press” stamp and several
handwritten numerical notations on
the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.500
Ballettschule / School of Ballet,
Vintage silver print
17 x 25,4 cm (6.7 x 10 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp,
“abc press” stamp and numerical
notation in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
JANE BOWN (1925–2014)
Henri Cartier-Bresson mit / with
Leica M3, Paris 1957
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1970s
17,6 x 17,8 cm (6.9 x 7 in)
Signed and annotated by
the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
MARTINE FR ANCK (1938–2012)
Henri Cartier-Bresson zeichnet ein
Selbstporträt / drawing a selfportrait, Paris 1992
Vintage silver print
14,7 x 22 cm (5.8 x 8.7 in)
Signed and dedicated “Pour Josep
Martinez” by the photographer in ink
in the margin
* € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
MARTINE FR ANCK (1938–2012)
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Paris 1992
Vintage silver print
19,0 x 28,6 cm (7.5 x 11.3 in)
Signed and dedicated “Pour Josep
Martinez” by the photographer in
ink in the margin
* € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
Georges Sadoul, Paris 1962
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s
26,7 x 17,8 cm (10.5 x 7. in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
in the margin
* € 1.500 / € 2.500–3.000
Georges Sadoul war Journalist, Film­
historiker-und kritiker, und der Schwager
von Cartier-Bresson. / Georges Sadoul ­
was a journalist, cinema historian and critic
and the brother-in-law of Cartier-Bresson.
DENNIS STOCK (1928–2010)
Arthur Miller & Inge Morath,
Roxbury, Connecticut 1962
Vintage silver print
19 x 25,2 cm (7.5 x 9.9 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp
on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.500
DEnnIS StOcK (1928–2010)
Jesse Fuller mit seiner Tochter /
Jesse Fuller with his daughter,
Oakland, California 1958
Vintage silver print
34,3 x 27,8 cm (13.5 x 10.9 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp
on the reverse
LITER ATURE Dennis Stock, Made
in USA, Ostfildern 1995, p. 56;
Dennis Stock, Jazz Street, New York
1960, s. p.
* € 600 / € 1.000–1.200
DEnnIS StOcK (1928–2010)
‘Jazz Street’, New York: Doubleday and
Company, 1960
First edition, first printing, SIGNED BY
DENNIS STOCK , hardcover in linen with
dustjacket, 22,5 x 28 cm (8.9 x 11 in),
black and white photographs printed in
* € 600 / € 800–1.000
PETER BAUM (*1939)
Miles Davis, Vienna 1969
Gelatin silver print, printed later
30,2 x 20,2 cm (11.9 x 8 in)
Photographer’s copyright stamp
on the reverse, signed, annotated,
dated and numbered by the
photographer in pencil on the
reverse, edition no. 3/12
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
Ray Charles, New York 1959
Dye transfer print, printed in 1983,
from the Jazz & Blues Portfolio
36,3 x 24,8 cm (14.3 x 9.8 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse, annotated
in an unidentified hand in pencil
on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
ROBERT LEBECK (1929–2014)
Alfred Hitchcock, Hamburg 1960
Gelatin silver print, printed later
38,5 x 26 cm (15.2 x 10.2 in)
Signed, annotated, dated and numbered
by the photographer in ink on the reverse,
edition no. 12/30, photographer’s stamp
on the reverse
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant,
Hollywood 1963
Vintage silver print
28,2 x 24,2 cm (11.1 x 9.5 in)
Photographer’s copyright stamp,
his studio stamp and several
handwritten notations in pencil
on the reverse
* € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
‘Fly Unis’ (Harper’s Bazaar),
Paris 1963
Gelatin silver print, printed later
22,6 x 22,7 cm (8.9 x 8.9 in)
Signed and annotated by the
photographer in pencil on
the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
Marilyn Monroe ‘The Seven Year Itch’
(Das verflixte siebente Jahr),
New York 1954
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1980s
26,7 x 25,1 cm (10.5 x 9.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink in
the image lower right, photographer’s
studio stamp on the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Marilyn Monroe (Life Cover), 1952
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1981
28,3 x 21,6 cm (11.1 x 8.5 in)
Photographer’s “Halsman / Marilyn, Copyright
Philippe Halsman ©81, Edition Number 95
[handwritten] / 250” stamp on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.600–3.000
ANDRÉ DE DIENES (1913–1985)
Marilyn Monroe, Tobey Beach 1949
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
31,2 x 26,2 cm (12.3 x 10.3 in)
Photographer’s studio stamp on
the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
EVE ARNOLD (1912–2012)
‘Marilyn Monroe posing for publicity
shots’, Hollywood 1957
RC-print, printed in the 1980s
22,0 x 14,6 cm (8.7 x 5.7 in)
Photographer’s agency credit and
reproduction notes on the reverse,
typographic description on the reverse
LITER ATURE Eve Arnold, Marilyn
Monroe: An Appreciation, London 1987.
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
Marilyn Monroe ‘The Misfits’,
Reno, Nevada 1960
Vintage silver print
16,1 x 24,2 cm (6.3 x 9.5 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp
and handwritten neg. no in pencil
on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.800–3.200
Pablo Picasso, Cannes 1959
2 large format RC-prints, printed
in the 1980s
each c. 60 x 50 cm (23.6 x 19.7 in)
Each signed by the photographer in ink
in the image lower right, each with the
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
Pablo Picasso with the revolver and hat of
Gary Cooper Pablo Picasso with hat and
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–4.000
Pablo Picasso und Kunsthändler /
and art dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Cannes c. 1955
Gelatin silver print, printed
in the 1980s
28,4 x 36,4 cm (11.2 x 14.3 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
in the margin, photographer’s stamp
on the reverse, signed and annotated
“photo tirée par moi-même” by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
FLOYD McCART Y (1913–1999)
Warren Beatty – ‘Bonnie & Clyde’,
USA 1968
Vintage silver print
35,2 x 27,7 cm (13.9 x 10.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp and
“BONNIE & CLYDE” Warner Bros.
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
WEEGEE (1899–1968)
Lauren Bacall mit dem Oscar von
Humphrey Bogart / Lauren
Bacall with Humphrey Bogart‘s
Oscar, Hollywood 1952
Vintage silver print
16,3 x 22 cm (6.4 x 8.7 in)
Photographer’s circular “CREDIT
FAMOUS” stamp and hand­
written notations in pencil on
the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.800–3.200
EVE ARNOLD (1912–2012)
Andy Warhol, Silver Factory,
New York 1964
Vintage silver print
24,7 x 16,7 cm (9.7 x 6.6 in)
Photographer’s agency stamp and
several handwritten numerical
notations (incl. neg. no.) in pencil
on the reverse
* € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
PHIL STERN (1919–2014)
James Dean, 1955
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1980s
25,4 x 20,3 cm (10 x 8 in)
Photographer’s credit stamp
on the reverse
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
ROY SCHATT (1909–2002)
‘James Dean looking out the window’,
New York 1954
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
20 x 19 cm (7.9 x 7.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
in the margin, photographer’s studio
stamp, his copyright stamp and
two “Peter Rose Gallery” stamps on
the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
JESPER HOM (1931–2000)
Romy Schneider, late 1960s
Vintage silver print
20 x 29,3 cm (7.9 x 11.5 in)
Photographer’s copyright stamp
and numerical stamp on the reverse
€ 500 / € 800–1.000
DANNY LYON (* 1942)
Bob Dylan, March in Washington, 1963
Gelatin silver print, printed in 2014
22,3 x 33 cm (8.8 x 13 in)
Signed, annotated and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Edwynn Houk Gallery
* € 1.600 / € 2.400–2.600
ROGER FRITZ (* 1936)
Paul McCartney, Obertauern 1965
Gelatin silver print, printed later
40 x 30 cm (15.7 x 11.8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by
the photographer in pencil on
the reverse
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
John Lennon, Salzburg March
13th, 1965
Gelatin silver print, early exhibition print
20,5 x 33,3 cm (8.1 x 13.1 in)
Signed and dated by the photographer
in the image bottom and on the
reverse, two of his photo­g rapher’s
stamps on the reverse, exhibition stamp
and several handwritten notations
by the photographer on the reverse,
comes with a signed copy of the book
Help. Die Beatles in Salzburg
LITER ATURE Help. Die Beatles in
Salzburg, Salzburg 2015, cover.
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
R ALPH GIBSON (* 1939)
‘Close-up, White Face’ (from the
portfolio ‘If and Silk’), 1974
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s
31,3 x 20,7 cm (12.3 x 8.1 in)
Signed and dated by the photographer
in pencil on the reverse
LITER ATURE Ralph Gibson, Tropism,
New York 1987 (Aperture), p. 115.
* € 1.800 / € 2.400–2.800
JEANLOUP SIEFF (1933–2000)
‘Nude at table’, Cannes 1965
Vintage silver print
30,6 x 20 cm (12 x 7.9 in)
Photographer’s name stamp
on the reverse, titled and annotated
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
€ 2.400 / € 3.500–4.500
Twiggy for Vogue, 1967
Vintage silver print
34,5 x 28 cm (13.6 x 11 in)
Signed and annotated by
the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Linda Evangelista, Paris 1988
Vintage RC print, press print
24 x 29,5 cm (9.4 x 11.6 in)
Copyright label and publication
label (“10 Women by Peter Lindbergh”)
on the reverse, several handwritten
notations in ink on the reverse
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
EIKOH HOSOE (* 1933)
Camargue (Aktstudien / Nude studies),
France 1976
3 Vintage silver prints
each c. 18,0 x 28,0 cm (7.1 x 11. in)
Each with the photographer’s stamp on
the reverse, each annotated in
an unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse “Arles, France La Coste, France
Camargue, France”
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
EIKOH HOSOE (* 1933)
Yosemite, California 1974
2 Vintage silver prints
each c. 18 x 28 cm (7.1 x 11 in)
Each with the photographer’s stamp
on the reverse, each annotated in
an unidentified hand in pencil on the
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
ROGER FRITZ (* 1936)
Vado Ligure, Italy 1965
Gelatin silver print, printed later
40 x 30 cm (15.7 x 11.8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
WILL MCBRIDE (1931–2015)
‘Pause in Les Beaux bei Arles /
A Quick Rest in Les Beaux
near Arles’, 1978
Gelatin silver print, printed later
19 x 28,2 cm (7.5 x 11.1 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
* € 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
R ALPH GIBSON (* 1939)
‘The Gun’ (from ‘Déjà-vu’),
New York 1971
Vintage silver print
22 x 14,8 cm (8.7 x 5.8 in)
Photographer’s studio stamp
on the reverse, several handwritten
notations in pencil on the reverse
€ 1.800 / € 3.000–3.500
ROBERT LEBECK (1929–2014)
Joseph Beuys, Düsseldorf 1970
Gelatin silver print, printed later
29 x 38,4 cm (11.4 x 15.1 in)
Signed, annotated, dated and numbered
by the photographer in ink on the reverse, edition no. 26/30, photographer’s
stamp on the reverse
* € 900 / € 1.400–1.600
‘Aktionshose: Genitalpanik‘
(Action Pants: Genital Panic), 1969
Vintage silver print
40,3 x 30 cm (15.9 x 11.8 in)
Artist’s stamp on the reverse, signed
by the artist in the late 1980s in pencil
on the reverse, photo by Peter Hassmann
Gegenzeit, Kat. Belvedere Wien /
Lentos Linz, hrsg. v. A. Husslein-Arco,
Angelika Nollert, S. Rollig, Köln 2010,
S. 147 [4 ill. from the same series].
€ 18.000 / € 28.000–32.000
Im Rahmen ihrer feministischen Performance Aktionshose:
Genitalpanik aus dem Jahre 1968 betrat VALIE EXPORT mit
einer im Schritt offenen Hose ein Münchener Kino und
ging mit auf Augenhöhe exponierten Genitalien durch das
Publikum. Die legendäre Fotoserie entstand circa ein Jahr
später. Die Aufnahmen zeigen EXPORT in erwähnter
Aktions­hose mit einem Maschinengewehr und zerzaustem
Haar posierend. Die Künstlerin präsentiert sich hier in
typisch männlich konnotiertem Gebaren, dessen Sinnbild­
haftigkeit durch das Phallussymbol der Waffe noch
verstärkt wird. EXPORT verändert somit den männlichen
Blick auf die Frau, indem sie das gängige Frauenbild
dekonstruiert und die Botschaft sendet, als Frau selbst die
Macht zu ergreifen und frei über den eigenen Körper zu
verfügen. EXPORT ließ die Fotos damals im Siebdruckver­
fahren als Poster produzieren und an öffentlichen Orten
anbringen. Die Fotografien sind weltbekannte Ikonen des
Feminismus und der österreichischen Kunstgeschichte.
Selbst die in recht hoher Auflage entstandenen Poster sind
mittlerweile gesuchte und gefragte Sammlerstücke. Der vor­­­liegende Vintage-Print ist indes ein seltener früher Silber­
gelatine-Abzug, der von EXPORT rückseitig signiert ist.
As part of her 1968 feminist performance Aktionshose: Genital­­
panik, VALIE EXPORT visited a Munich cinema wearing
pants that were open at the crotch, walking through
the auditorium with her genitals exposed at eye level.
The legendary series of photographs was created about
a year later. The images show EXPORT in the pants
described above, posing with a machine gun and tousled
hair. The artist presents herself in typically male-connoted
gestures whose symbolism is reinforced by the phallic
symbol of the weapon. Thus, EXPORT transforms the male
view of women by deconstructing the usual female image
and sending the message that she as a woman has the
freedom to take power and determine the fate of her own
body. At the time, EXPORT had the photographs produced
as screen-printed posters and mounted in public spaces.
The photographs are world-famous icons of feminism
and Austrian art history. Even the posters, which were
produced in a relatively large print-run, have become
sought-after collector’s items today. The present vintage
print, however, is a rare early silver gelatin print signed
on the back by EXPORT herself.
‘Industrial Canal’, 2001
Selenium toned gelatin silver print,
mounted on museum board
45 x 45 cm (17.7 x 17.7 in)
Signed, titled and numbered by
the photographer on label on the
reverse, edition no. 5/45
* € 800 / € 1.400–1.800
‘Three Towers’, 2005
Selenium toned gelatin silver
print, mounted on museum board
45 x 45 cm (17.7 x 17.7 in)
Signed, titled and numbered by
the photographer on label on
the reverse, edition no. 6/45
* € 800 / € 1.400–1.800
BERND BECHER (1931–2007) /
‘Zwei Fördertürme – Fosee Grenay No. 1
Billy-Les-Mines, Nord-et-Pas de Calais’,
France, 1967
2 Inkjet prints on fine art paper,
printed in 2004
each c. 56 x 43 cm (22 x 16.9 in)
Each signed and numbered by the two
photographers in pencil on the reverse,
edition no. 41/60 (2004 LUMAS Edition)
LITER ATURE Bernd und Hilla Becher:
Fördertürme, Chevalements, Mineheads,
Munich 1985; Bernd und Hilla Becher:
Grundformen industrieller Bauten, Munich
€ 3.800 / € 6.000–7.000
ERNST HA AS (1921–1986)
‘Hydrangeas’ (from ‘Flowers I’), 1982
Dye transfer print, Vintage, mounted
on original cardboard
33,6 x 49 cm (13.2 x 19.3 in)
Signed and numbered “30/30”
by the photographer in pencil on
the mount, photographer’s New York
studio and edition stamp on the reverse, print comes from the ‘Flowers
I’ portfolio, edition no. 30/30
€ 2.600 / € 3.600–4.000
‘High heeled shoes’, 1983
Vintage silver print
28 x 35,6 cm (11 x 14 in)
Signed and annotated by
the photographer in pencil on
the reverse, his photographer’s
stamp on the reverse
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
MIROSL AV TICHÝ (1926–2011)
Untitled, c. 1975
Vintage silver print
c. 16,0 x 11,5 cm (6.3 x 4.5 in)
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
MIROSL AV TICHÝ (1926–2011)
Untitled, c. 1975
Vintage silver print
c. 14 x 18 cm (5.5 x 7.1 in)
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
IRVING PENN (1917–2009)
‘Woman in Chicken Hat
(Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn)’,
New York 1949
3 Vintage contact silver sheets
(26 contact images), all mounted
in one frame, paper size varies,
each image c. 5,6 x 5,6 cm
(2.3 x 2.3 in)
All of them with the Condé
Nast copyright stamp on the
reverse “PROOF, Date of Sitting
Dec 2 – 1949, Copyright not to
be reproduced without written
permission from The Conde Nast
Publishers, Inc.”
Roland Pleterski
LITER ATURE John Sarkowski (ed.),
Irving Penn, Museum of Modern
Art, New York 1984, plate 50
(same series); Irving Penn, Passage,
New York 1991, p. 75. (same series)
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
BEL A DOK A (* 1969)
‘Soy Cubano’, Havana 1994
Gelatin silver print
c. 42 x 60 cm (16.5 x 23.6 in)
Signed and numbered by the
photographer in pencil on the
passepartout and on the reverse,
edition no. 1/25
* € 600 / € 1.000–1.200
BEL A DOK A (* 1969)
‘Santerita’, Cuba 1997
Gelatin silver print
c. 42 x 60 cm (16.5 x 23.6 in)
Signed and numbered by the
photographer in pencil on the
passepartout and on the reverse,
edition no. 1/25
* € 600 / € 1.000–1.200
‘It’s a free concert from now on’,
Woodstock 1969 /2004
Ektacolor print, framed
76 x 85 cm (29.9 x 33.5 in)
Signed and numbered by the photographer
in ink on the reverse, edition no. 2/66
(Parkett 2004)
€ 3.000 / € 4.000–5.000
“Woodstock 1969. I took this picture Friday
evening around seven thirty. I had just turned
nineteen. It was the only picture I took that
weekend. I had gone to Woodstock with only
one exposure in my camera. I thought I could
buy film in the nearest town. Not knowing
what I was getting into, I thought I could get
out of it. You know, “come and go.” Coming
was hard enough (it took six hours to travel
the last twenty miles, and “leaving” was impossible. Anyway, realizing I was there to stay,
I decided not to save my only exposure but
rather get rid of it as fast as I could. So I just
stood up, whirled around and (click) took it.” –
Richard Prince
(* 1969)
‘71er Pecorino’, Rimini
Lambda print, framed
c. 60 x 40 cm (23.6 x 15.7 in)
Signed, titled, dated and
numbered by the photo­
grapher in pencil on the
matt, edition no. 3/10
* € 700 / € 1.000–1.200
‘Letters, Numbers, Punctuations’,
New York 1993
44 Vintage silver prints
each c. 10,7 x 7,6 cm (4.2 x 3 in) on
28 x 22 cm (11 x 8.7 in) paper
‘A–Z’; ‘1–10’; 8 punctuation marks
Each signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse,
no. 3 of an edition of 26, plus 7 artist’s
proof, contained in a 4 to. clamshell
box with linen covers (Portfolio Pace/
MacGill Gallery, NY 1993)
€ 18.000 / € 25.000–30.000
Franz West, Vienna 1990
RC print, framed
20 x 29 cm (7.9 x 11.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in
ink on the reverse, annotated
“ed. 1/1, 1: Coeln, 2: Klimek;
Scan vom Dia, Original” on the
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
6 large format offset prints
Each signed by the photographer in ink
on the front
Center, 1999
– ANSEL ADAMS, Dominican College of
San Rafael, 1983
– ARNOLD NEWMAN, In Search of a
portrait, Igor Stravinsky, 1946
– CY TWOMBLY, Self-Portrait
– PETER LINDBERG, Images of Women,
Mönchehaus Museum für moderne Kunst,
– HELMUT NEWTON, Die Eisenbahn in
der zeitgenössischen Kunst, div., 1994
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Please view online catalogue for further
images: www.westlicht-auction.com
7 large format offset prints
Each signed by the photographer in ink
on the front
– HELMUT NEWTON, Josef Albers Museum,
– ANNIE LEIBOVITZ, Münchner Stadt­
museum, 1992
– 103 (1982), 1999 ,93,5 x 63,1 cm, published
by Mönchehaus Museum, Gosla
– BETTINA RHEIMS, Héroïnes, Kestner
Gesell­s chaft, 2007/2008
– NAN GOLDIN, Emotions and Relations,
Hamburger Kunsthalle, 1998
– HELMUT NEWTON, Deichtorhallen
Hamburg, 1993/1994
– RICHARD PRINCE, Principals, Kunst­
museum Wolfsburg, 2002
€ 1.800 / € 2.400–2.800
6 large format offset prints
Each signed by the photographer
in ink on the front
Kinski and the Serpent
– GILBERT & GEORGE, Tate Modern,
– HELMUT NEWTON, Fotografierte
Körper, Kestner Gesellschaft, 1998
– BETTINA RHEIMS, Das Bild des
Körpers, Frankfurter Kunstverein, 1993
– ANNIE LEIBOVITZ, The Institute of
Contemporary Art, Boston, 1992
– NAN GOLDIN, Emotions and
Relations, Hamburger Kunsthalle, 1998
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–4.000
New York: powerHouse books, 2001
Paul Fusco, Susan Meiselas, Thomas Hoepker,
Burt Glinn, Chien-Chi-Chang, Bruce Gilden,
Alex Webb, Larry Towell
first edition, hardcover,
23,3 x 32,4 cm (9.2 x 12.8 in),
numerous images in color/
black and white on over 240 pages
€ 300 / € 500–600
‘65 Years of Fighting for Freedom’,
New York: Prestel, 2012
Bruno Barbey, Susan Meiselas,
Chris-Steel-Perkins, Patrik Zachmann,
Antoine d’Agata, Christopher Anderson,
Jonas Benediksen, Thomas Dworzak,
Larry Towell, Moises Samann, Peter van Agtmael
first edition, hardcover with dustjacket,
30,4 x 25,1 cm (12 x 9.9 in),
numereous images in color/black and white
on more than 240 pages
€ 300 / € 500–600
LEONARD FREED (1929–2006)
‘Leonard Freed’s Germany’, London:
Thames and Hudson, 1970
First English edition, first printing,
Scarce hardcover edition with original
dustjacket, 23 x 26,5 cm (9.1 x 10.4 in),
124 pages, 124 black and white photos,
printed in photogravure.
* € 240 / € 400–500
L ARRY TOWELL (* 1953)
‘The Mennonites’, London: Phaidon Press,
First edition, first printing,
hardcover with full black cloth,
dustjacket and black cloth slipcase,
25 x 19 cm (9.8 x 7.5 in), 292 pages,
119 black and white photographs
* € 300 / € 500–600
RENÉ BURRI (1933–2014)
‘One world’, Zurich: Benteli, 1984
First edition, SIGNED BY RENÉ BURRI ,
hardcover with dustjacket,
30 x 24 cm (11.8 x 9.4 in), 221 pages,
numerous black and white and color
* € 300 / € 400–500
‘East 100th Street’, Massachusetts:
Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
First edition, first printing, softcover,
27,7 x 23 cm (10.9 x 9.1 in), 130 pages,
123 black and white photos, introduction
and edited by Bruce Davidson
* € 200 / € 300–400
‘Subway’, New York: Aperture, 1986
First edition, first printing,
hardcover in grey linen with dustjacket,
29,5 x 25 cm (11.6 x 9.8 in),
83 pages, 60 colour photos,
afterword by Henry Geldzahler
* € 300 / € 500–600
‘Circus’, Göttingen: Steidl, 2007
First edition, first printing,
hardcover in linen without dustjacket
(as issued), 88 pages, 131 photos,
29,7 x 29 cm (11.7 x 11.4 in)
* € 200 / € 300–400
‘Nicaragua: June 1978 – July 1979’,
New York: Pantheon Books, 1981
First edition, first printing,
softcover, 21,5 x 27,5 cm (8.5 x 10.8 in),
120 pages, 71 color photographs,
various authors; edited by Susan Meiselas
and Claire Rosenberg
* € 300 / € 500–600
ALEX WEBB (* 1952)
‘From the sunshine state’, New York:
The Monacelli Press, 1996
First Edition, first printing,
hardcover with dustjacket,
23,7 x 29,1 cm (9.3 x 11.5 in),
128 pages, 92 color photographs
€ 400 / € 600–800
‘American Color’, New York:
W. Norton & Company, 1995
First edition, first printing,
hardcover with dustjacket,
24,5 x 31 cm (9.6 x 12.2 in),
96 pages, 80 color photographs
€ 400 / € 600–800
‘Mala Noche’, Nantes: En vue, 1988
First edition, first printing,
hardcover, 26 x 20 cm (10.2 x 7.9 in),
103 pages
* € 400 / € 600–800
‘Home Town’, Paris: Le Point du Jour éditeur,
First edition, first printing,
Softcover (as issued),
27,5 x 24 cm (10.8 x 9.4 in),
37 black and white photos, 80 pages
* € 400 / € 600–800
‘Raised by wolves’, Zurich: Scalo, 1995
First edition, first printing, softcover (as issued),
30,5 x 22,8 cm (12 x 9 in), 320 pages,
177 black and white and 53 colour photographs,
complete with the rare booklet, brand new
shrinkwrapped copy
* € 200 / € 300–400
‘Go’, London: Arctic Browns, 2000
First edition, first printing, SIGNED BY
BRUCE GILDEN , hardback with full red cloth,
33 x 22 cm (13 x 8.7 in), 78 pages, 63 black and
white photographs, 3 manga illustrations and
1 black and white illustration
* € 300 / € 500–600
DOnOVAN W YLIE (* 1971)
‘Scrapbook’,Göttingen: Steidl, 2009
First edition, first printing,
20,5 x 29,5 cm (8.1 x 11.6 in), 112 pages,
numerous photographs, drawings,
newspaper cuttings and ephemera,
this title was selected by Martin Parr
as one of the most important 30 photobook
titles of the decade at PhotoIreland
Festival 2011
* € 150 / € 250–350
STEVE McCURRY (* 1950)
‘Steve McCurry: The Iconic photographs
Limited edition’, London: Phaidon,
Specially bound large format book,
numberd (0550), comes with an exclusive
print also SIGNED BY STE VE M c CURRY,
hardcover, 50 x 37,5 cm (19.7 x 14.8 in),
165 color photographs, 264 pages, brand new
shrinkwrapped copy
€ 600 / € 800–1.000
‘Based on a true story)’, New York:
Burn Books, 2012
First limited edition, with SIGNED 20 x 15 cm
print (2 of 5), hardcover outer cover with
loose folded pages, folded over blue silk
thread, attached to cover through holes
and a bead at each end, book accompanied
by a poster in a slip-on cover, 24,5 x 17 cm
(9.6 x 6.7 in), 132 pages, numerous color
photographs, print size 20 x 15 cm
€ 500 / € 800–1.000
Die 12. WestLicht Foto-Auktion präsentiert eine herausragende Auswahl von über 150
Fotografien von führenden Protagonisten der russischen Fotogeschichte, darunter Meister­
werke von so bekannten Künstlern wie Alexander Rodtschenko, Jewgeni Chaldei, Max Alpert,
Warwara Stepanowa, Gustav Klutsis, El Lissitzky, Simon Fridland, Georgi Zelma, Naum
Granowski, Yakov Chalip, Arkadi Schaichet und vielen anderen.
Die umfassende Gruppe von Fotografien, größtenteils Vintage-Prints, stammt aus einer
einzigen Sammlung, die im späten 20. Jahrhundert aufgebaut wurde und eine große Band­
breite der Geschichte der russischen Fotografie abdeckt, von den späten 1910er Jahren bis in
die post-sowjetische Ära.
Während der sogenannten konstruktivistischen Periode in den 1920er Jahren wurden die
Künstler stark von der bolschewistischen Revolution von 1917 inspiriert; man glaubte, dass
das neue Zeitalter neue Medien und Massenproduktion verlange. In Abweichung von
traditioneller Reportage fingen Fotografen an, mit Fotomontage, konstruktivistischen Kompo­
sitionen, unkonventionellen Rahmungen, schrägen Perspektiven und Nahaufnahmen zu
experimentieren – wie man es zum Beispiel in den vorliegenden Arbeiten von Gustav Klutsis
sieht, die seine Kleiderentwürfe zeigen, oder auch auf einem Kinoplakat für einen Buster
Keaton-Film von den Brüdern Stenberg.
Einer der großen Erneuerer der Avantgarde des 20. Jahrhunderts und der anerkannte Anfüh­
rer der russischen Konstruktivisten war Alexander Rodtschenko, der sich genau zu dieser Zeit
der Fotografie zuwandte. Er hatte großen Einfluss nicht nur auf Design und Architektur
dieser Zeit, sondern revolutionierte auch die ‚Foto-Kunst‘ und übte einen starken Einfluss auf
alle künftigen Generationen russischer Künstler aus. Er verband traditionelle Formelemente
mit innovativen Perspektiven, popularisierte die Fotomontage und entwickelte ein kühnes
neues fotografisches Vokabular. Die hier angebotenen Werke von Rodtschenko wurden direkt
aus dem Nachlass des Künstlers erworben; darunter finden sich solche Schlüsselwerke wie
Mosselprom-Gebäude, Zigarettenverkäuferin auf dem Strastnaja-Platz und Portraits von Warwara
Stepanowa und Lilya Brik.
Der Sozialistische Realismus, der von der kommunistischen Partei in den 1930er Jahren
eta­bliert wurde und die Vielfalt der künstlerischen Stilrichtungen der vorhergehenden Epoche
ablöste, stellt in der Geschichte der Fotografie ein einzigartiges Phänomen dar. Er brachte
einen unvergleichlich kraftvollen Symbolismus mit sich und eine neue Mythologie, die die
Errungenschaften des neuen sowjetischen Staates verherrlichte und den sozialistischen
Lebensstil idealisierte. Die Fotografie wurde zum wichtigsten künstlerischen und propagan­
distischen Werkzeug bei der Formung des kollektiven Bewusstseins – Ziel war die Schaffung
des Neuen Sowjetmenschen. Dies resultierte in einer Menge von Auftragswerken, die
geschönte Ansichten heroischer Männer und Frauen boten, zum Beispiel Anatoli Skuritschins
Bauarbeiter errichten den Hochofen von Kusnezk, die fröhlichen Pioniere, die Max Alperts Album
Artek abbildet, sowie auch glorifizierte Ansichten der sowjetischen Militärmacht und die
Errungenschaften der neuen Wirtschaftspolitik. Sozialistische Helden wie die Retter der
Tscheljuskin, die von Arkadi Schaichet fotografiert wurden, oder Simon Fridlands Fabrik- und
Kolchosenarbeiter wurden zu Stars sowjetischer Zeitschriften und Kinos.
Sowjetische Fotografie des 2. Weltkriegs (1941-1945) nimmt in der russischen und allgemeinen
Geschichte des Mediums einen besonderen Platz ein. Vier Jahre lang wurde ein umfangreiches
Team professioneller Fotografen – darunter Jewgeni Chaldei, Georgi Zelma, Emmanuel
Evzerichin, Mark Markov-Grinberg und viele andere – beauftragt, ein Thema von nie zuvor
geahnten Ausmaßen visuell zu dokumentieren, ein Thema, das katastrophale Ereignisse mit
Auswirkungen für Millionen von Menschen in riesigen Gebieten verband. Die Kriegsfotografie
wies deutliche Merkmale sowjetischer Mentalität auf, und einige dieser Bilder tragen erkenn­
bare Züge systematischer Propaganda. Die Bedeutung offizieller Dogmen jedoch verblasst
angesichts der Wahrheiten, die diese Aufnahmen über den Krieg enthüllen und über die
Menschen, die ihn kämpften, ihn durchlebten und in ihm starben. Fotojournalisten zeichne­
ten das auf, was sie sahen, wie sie es sahen – die Kinder, die während Bombenangriffen von
Boris Jaroslawzew aufgenommen wurden, die frierenden Soldaten von Georgi Zelma, oder die
kostbare Zeit mit einem Soldaten während einer Unterbrechung der Kampfhandlungen, die
Alexander Stanonow festhielt. In diesem Sinne ist das wichtigste Merkmal der sowjetischen
Kriegsfotografie der unleugbare Humanismus, mit dem jeder Reporter auf seine Umgebung
reagierte; dieser macht all diese Werke zu unbezahlbaren Zeugen ihrer Zeit.
Sowjetische Fotografie Soviet Photography
The 12th WestLicht Photo-Auction presents an excellent selection of more than 150 photo­
graphs by leading practitioners of Russian photography, including masterpieces by well
known artists such as Alexander Rodchenko, Evgeni Khaldei, Max Alpert, Varvara Stepanova,
Gustav Klutsis, El Lissitszky, Simon Fridland, Georgi Zelma, Naum Granovski, Yakov Khalip,
Arkady Shaikhet and many others.
This comprehensive group of photographs, mostly vintage prints, was drawn from a single
collection built in the later part of the 20th century and covers a wide period of history of
Russian photography, starting from the late 1910s until post-war Soviet times.
During the so-called Constructivist period in the 1920s, artists were strongly inspired by the
ideas of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and believed the new era required new media and mass
production. Deviating from straightforward reportage, photographers began to experiment
with photomontage, constructivist compositions, unconventional framing, tilted views,
and close-ups, as seen for example in represented works by Gustav Klutsis documenting his
clothing designs or a cinema poster for Buster Keaton’s films by the Stenberg Brothers.
One of the great innovators of the 20th century avant-gardes and an acknowledged leader of
Russian Constructivism, Alexander Rodchenko, started using photography exactly at this
time. He had a great impact not only on the design and architecture of the time, but revolu­
tionized ‘photo-art’ as well and strongly influenced all future generations of Russian artists.
He merged traditional formal elements with innovative perspectives, widely introduced
photomontage and developed a bold new photographic vocabulary. Rodchenko’s prints
presented at the auction were acquired directly from the artist’s estate and include such key
works as Mosselprom Building, Cigarette-Seller on Strastnaya Square or portraits of Varvara
Stepanova and Lilya Brik.
Socialist realism, which was established by the Communist party in the 1930s and replaced
the diversity of artistic styles of the previous period, represents a unique phenomenon in the
history of world photography. It produced incomparably powerful symbolism and new
mythology, glorifying achievements of the new Soviet state and idealizing the socialist life­
style. Photography became the most important artistic and propaganda tool in shaping the
collective consciousness with the purpose of creation of a New Soviet Man. This resulted in
a multitude of commissioned works featuring beautified images of heroic men and women,
such as Kuznetsk’s Blast Foundary Constructors by Anatoly Skurikhin, the cheerful pioneers
pictured in Max Alpert’s album Artek, as well as glorified depictions of Soviet military might
and the achievements of new economic policies. Socialist heroes, such as the Chelyuskins
photographed by Arkady Shaikhet or Simon Fridland’s workers of the factories and kolkhozes,
became the stars of Soviet publications and cinema.
Soviet World War II photography (1941–1945) occupies a special place in Russian and world
history of the medium. For four years a large team of professionals, with Evgeni Khaldei,
Georgi Zelma, Emmanuil Evzerikhin, Mark Markov-Grinberg and many others among them,
was assigned to visually document a subject of previously unimagined scale, one that linked
catastrophic events affecting millions of people throughout enormous expanses of territory.
War photographs clearly bore the marks of the Soviet mentality and some of them recogniz­
ably echoed systematic propaganda. But the importance of official dogma faded in the light
of the truth they revealed about the war and the people who fought it, lived through it, and
died in it. Photojournalists recorded what they saw, as they saw it – the children during
bombardments by Boris Yaroslavtsev, freezing soldiers by Georgi Zelma, or the precious time
of day with a soldier during a momentary lull by Alexander Stanovov. In this sense the most
important feature of Soviet war photography is the undeniable humanism of each reporter’s
response, which make all these works priceless witnesses of their time.
Sowjetische Fotografie Soviet Photography
Lenin – 7. November 1918
Beide Fotografien zeigen Lenin während der Feiern
zum ersten Jahrestag der Oktoberrevolution. Bei dieser
Gelegenheit hielt er eine berühmte Rede und enthüllte
zwei Denkmäler: die Statuen von Marx und Engels und
eine Gedenkplakette für die Kämpfer der Oktober­
revolution, die „im Kampf für Frieden und die Brüder­
lichkeit unter den Völkern fielen“. Ab 1918 war der
7. November ein offizieller Nationalfeiertag und ein
großer Feiertag in der Sowjetunion. Beide Fotografien
illustrieren ein wichtiges Ereignis in der Geschichte der
Sowjetunion, das vor fast hundert Jahren stattfand.
Lenin – November 7, 1918
Both photographs show Lenin during the celebrations
of the first anniversary of the October Revolution. He
gave a famous speech on Red Square and unveiled two
monuments: the statues of Marx and Engels and
a memorial plaque for the fighters of the October
­Revolution, who “fell in the struggle for peace and
brotherhood of the peoples”. From 1918 onwards,
November 7 was an official national holiday and a great
celebration day in the Soviet Union. Both photographs
illustrate a very important event in the history of the
Soviet Union which took place almost a century ago.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Wladimir Lenin – Politische Rede /
Vladimir Lenin – Political speech, Moscow 1918
Vintage silver print
31,6 x 25,8 cm (12.4 x 10.2 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Lenin hält eine Rede am Roten Platz anlässlich
des ersten Jahrestages ( 7. November 1918)
der Großen Oktoberrevolution. /
Lenin delivering a speech on Red Square
on the first anniversary (November 7th 1918)
of the Great Socialist Revolution of October.
Vladimir Lenin, Moscow 1918
Vintage silver print
28,8 x 23,3 cm (11.3 x 9.2 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
General Mikhail Frunze, USSR
c. 1920
Vintage silver print
20,4 x 25,7 cm (8 x 10.1 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GUSTAV KLUTSIS (1895–1938)
Design für Sportkleidung für die Stadt
der Zukunft / Design of the sports
costume for the city of the future,
USSR 1922
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
17,9 x 12,3 cm (7 x 4.8 in)
Annotated “G. Klutsis. Design of the
sports costume for the city of the future.
1922” in an unidentified hand in pencil
on the reverse, annotated “Original”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
GUSTAV KLUTSIS (1895–1938)
Modedesign für die Stadt der Zukunft /
Fashion design for the city of the future,
USSR 1922
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
13,6 x 8,7 cm (5.4 x 3.4 in)
Annotated “G. Klutsis. Design of the working clothes for the city of the future. 1922”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse, annotated “Original” in an
unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.400–2.800
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
(1899–1982) / (1890–1933)
Montage für das Kinoplakat /
Montage for cinema poster
‘The General’ (Buster Keaton),
USSR 1927
Vintage silver print
14,8 x 9,6 cm (5.8 x 3.8 in)
Annotated “Stenbergs. Cinema poster”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
actual size
1927 entwarfen die Stenberg-Brüder zwei Poster für die
Hollywood-Komödie Der General mit Buster Keaton in der
Hauptrolle. Damals waren die Künstler bereits etablierte
Mitglieder der russischen Avantgarde-Bewegung. Sie
erhoben die Kunst der Plakatgestaltung auf ihr höchstes
Niveau. Die vorliegende Fotografie ist eine Montage-­
Vorlage für eines der Plakatsujets und ein Unikat. Da sie
mit foto­grafischen Techniken vertraut waren, benutzten sie
Mittel wie Fotomontage und Collage zur Vorbereitung ihrer
Entwürfe. Obwohl ihre Plakate wie Fotocollagen aussehen,
waren sie in der Endversion aber tatsächlich illustriert.
Selbst­­konstruierte Spezialprojektoren erlaubten ihnen,
Standbildaufnahmen aus den Filmen zu vergrößern, die sie
dann nachzeichneten und mit anderen Elementen kombi­
nierten. Der Gebrauch nicht-kyrillischer Buchstaben (obwohl
das N als H wiedergegeben wird), um Buster Keatons Anzug
anzudeuten, ist nur eines von vielen Beispielen für den
fanta­­siereichen Gebrauch von Typografie durch die Sten­
bergs. Die Übereinanderschichtung verschiedener Elemente,
z. B. des Zugs, der über den Helden fährt, schafft ein Gefühl
von Raum. Die Kunst der Plakatgestaltung hat nie wieder
die Effektivität und den Stellenwert erreicht, die sie in der
Sowjetunion durch die Gebrüder Stenberg einnahm.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
In 1927 the Stenberg Brothers designed two posters for the
Hollywood comedy The General, starring Buster Keaton. ­
­By that time the artists were already well-established
members of the Russian avant-garde movement. They
raised the art of poster work to its highest level. The present
photograph is a montage print and unique template for one
of the poster subjects. As they were familiar with many
photo­graphic techniques, they used photo-montages and
collages as preparation studies for their drafts. Though their
posters look like photo-collages, the final versions were
actually illustrated. Homemade special projectors allowed
them to enlarge film stills, which they redrew and combined
with other elements. The use of non-Cyrillic typography
(though the N is rendered as an H) to create Buster’s suit is
just one of many examples of the Stenbergs’ inventive use ­
of type. The overlaying of the elements, such as the train
crossing the hero, creates a feeling of space. Poster art has
never again achieved the effectiveness and importance it
had in the Soviet Union under the Stenberg Brothers.
Detroit, USA 1920s
Vintage silver print
24 x 17,9 cm (9.4 x 7 in)
Annotated “Gladkov” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
IDA NAPPELBAUM (1900–1993)
Moisei Nappelbaum und seine Frau /
and his wife Rosalia, Moscow 1926
Vintage silver print
7,9 x 11,2 cm (3.1 x 4.4 in)
Annotated “M.[oisei] N.[appelbaum],
R.[osalia] N.[appelbaum]. 1926.
Moscow” (Cyrillic) in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
actual size
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
IDA NAPPELBAUM (1900–1993)
Olga Nappelbaum mit ihrer Freundin /
with her friend Rakhil, USSR 1926
Vintage silver print, mounted on paper
15,3 x 11,3 cm (6 x 4.4 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
IDA NAPPELBAUM (1900–1993)
Olga Nappelbaum & Vladimir Grudtsov
(Kameramann / film-camera operator),
USSR 1926
Vintage silver print, mounted on paper
14,8 x 11,5 cm (5.8 x 4.5 in)
Annotated “Gratify myself with a hope, that not
only this photograph will be a reason not to
forget Grudtsov’s family [Olga NappelbaumGudtsova and Vladimir Grudtsov]. 17/XI 26”
(Cyrillic) probably by Olga Nappelbaum in pencil
on the reverse, annotated “Olga and Vladimir
Grudtsov” in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Rodtschenko – Porträts
Alexander Rodtschenko erwarb seine erste Kamera Anfang 1924, und von diesem
Zeitpunkt bis zu seinem Lebensende wurde er nie wieder ohne Kamera gesehen.
Die Mehrzahl seiner Porträts entstanden zwischen 1924 und 1928. Sie zeigen
hauptsächlich Mitglieder der Redaktion der Linken Kunstfront (LEF) und deren
Bekannte. Rodtschenkos Foto-Sitzungen waren ganz anders als die der traditionellen
Foto-­Ateliers der Vergangenheit mit ihren sterilen Manierismen. In seinen Porträts
wollte Rodtschenko die Dynamik der neuen Intelligenzia visualisieren sowie die
Kreativität der Menschen, deren Ideen und Ambitionen er als den seinen verwandt
empfand. Oft fotografierte er sie als Individuen, manche gedankenverloren wie der
­Filmemacher Vitali Schemtschuschni, andere von ihren zukünftigen Projekten
inspiriert wie der Konstruktivist und Bildhauer Anatoli Lawinski, der vor Grafiken
und Vorlagen posiert. Viele Porträts seiner Frau, Warwara Stepanowa, die er immer
wieder im Laufe seines Lebens fotografierte, benutzen die gleichen Perspek­tiven. ­
Ihr Porträt, auf dem sie ein Kleid aus einem von ihr selbst entworfenen Stoff trägt,
zeigt sie primär als professionelle Künstlerin, die von den Ideen der Avantgarde
inspiriert war. Die anderen Fotografien von Stepanowa sind intimer und verspielter;
ihr Porträt mit Perlenkette ist ein gutes Beispiel eines spontaneren Bildes. Die diago­­nale Perspektive, die Rodtschenko so liebte, verstärkt diese Attraktivität zusätzlich.
­Das Porträt in Großaufnahme von Rodtschenkos Freundin Lilya Brik aus dem Jahre
1924, das so ungewöhnlich beschnitten ist und ihren direkten Blick und ihr Lächeln
zeigt, reflektiert die enge Beziehung zwischen der Porträtierten und dem Fotografen.
All diese Meisterwerke bezeugen Rodtschenkos Innovationen auf dem Gebiet der
Fotografie und sein Interesse daran, nicht nur anonyme Modelle abzulichten, sondern
Individuen und Freunde, deren Ideen und Ideale er schätzte und teilte.
Rodchenko – Portraits
Alexander Rodchenko acquired his first camera in early 1924, and from then to the
end of his life he was never to be seen without it. The majority of his photo-portraits
date from the years 1924 –1928. They represent mainly people from the Left Front ­
of Art (LEF) editorial board and their acquaintances. Rodchenko’s photo sessions
­differed a lot from those of traditional photo studios of the past with their sterile
mannerism. In his portraits Rodchenko wanted to visualize the dynamism of a new
intelligentsia and the creativity of people whose ideas and aspirations were close ­
to him. He often photographed them as individuals, some lost in their thoughts,
like filmmaker Vitaly Zhemchuzhny, some inspired by their future projects, like
constructivist and sculptor Anatoly Lavinsky with art works in the background.
Many shots of his wife, Varvara Stepanova, whom he photographed through­­out his
entire lifetime, can be seen from these perspectives as well. Her portrait in a­ dress
made of a fabric of her own design shows her first of all as a professional artist who
was inspired by avant-garde ideas. The other photographs of Stepanova are more
intimate and playful; her portrait with a pearl neckless is a good example of a more
spontaneous image. The diagonal perspective, so beloved by Rodchenko, intensifies
this appeal. The close-up portrait of Rodchenko’s friend Lilya Brik from 1924,
­with its unusual cropping and direct gaze and smile, shows the close relationship
between sitter and photographer. All these masterpieces clearly testify to Rodchenko’s
innovations in photography and his interest in shooting not just anonymous models,
but individuals and friends whose ideas and ideals he appreciated and shared.
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
Der Bildhauer / The sculptor Anton
Lavinsky, USSR 1924
Vintage silver print
8,7 x 11,5 cm (3.4 x 4.5 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse, the
front showing Rodchenko’s crop marks
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the
Estate of Alexander Rodchenko, Howard
Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev,
Rodchenko Photography 1924–1954,
Cologne 1995, p. 87; Evelyn Weiss,
Rodschenko. Fotografien 1920–1938,
Cologne 1978, p. 127.
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000
actual size
Lilya Brik, USSR 1924
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1950s / early 1960s
8,3 x 11,4 cm (3.3 x 4.5 in)
Annotated “A. Rodchenko. Portrait of
Lily Brik. 1924” in an unidentified hand
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lawrentiev /
Olga Sviblova, Alexander Rodchenko.
Revolution in Photography, Moscow
2008, p. 47.
€ 8.000 / € 14.000–16.000
actual size
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
actual size
Der Filmemacher / The filmmaker
Vitaly Zhemchuzhny,
USSR 1924
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
11,7 x 8,7 cm (4.6 x 3.4 in)
Annotated “Filmmaker Vitaly Szhemchuhny. 1924”
in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate
of Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine
Art, New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko
Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 85.
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
actual size
Varvara Stepanova, USSR 1928
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s /
early 1960s
8,9 x 11,9 cm (3.5 x 4.7 in)
Annotated “V. Stepanova. Photo by A. Rod.”
in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate
of Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Rodchenko: Photography
1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 99.
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
actual size
Warwara Stepanowa in einem Kleid aus einem von
ihr entworfenen Stoff / Varvara Stepanova in the
dress made out of fabric printed after her design,
USSR 1924
Vintage silver print
10,6 x 7,7 cm (4.2 x 3 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate of
Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko
Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 101;
Evelyn Weiss, Rodtschenko. Fotografien 1920–1938,
Cologne 1978, p. 129; Rodtschenko, Stepanova,
Die Zukunft ist unser einziges Ziel…, Vienna 1991,
p. 24.
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
Alexander Rodchenko’s Worker’s Club
installation at the 1925 Decorative Arts
exhibition in Paris, Paris 1925
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
25,4 x 17,4 cm (10 x 6.9 in)
Annotated “Paris 1925. Worker’s Club”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse, photographer’s stamp on
the reverse [Rodchenko’s]
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Rodtschenko, Stepanova,
Die Zukunft ist unser einziges Ziel…,
Vienna 1991, p. 182.
€ 3.000 / € 4.000–5.000
‘The Constructivist Party’ Alexander
Rodchenko, Alexei Gan, Evgenia
­Zhemehuzhnaya, Olga Rodchenko,
Esther Schub, Varvara Stepanova
in Rodchenko-Stepanova’s studio,
Moscow 1926
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
8,2 x 11,6 cm (3.2 x 4.6 in)
Rodchenko’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev,
Rodchenko Photography 1924–1954,
Köln 1995, p. 86; Rodtschenko, Stepanova,
Die Zukunft ist unser einziges Ziel…,
Vienna 1991, p. 35.
€ 1.500 / € 2.000–2.500
actual size
Alexander Rodtschenko – Porträts Alexander Rodchenko – Portraits
Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie
1925 nahm Rodtschenko an der Internationalen Weltausstel­
lung des Kunstgewerbes und Industriedesigns in Paris teil.
Eine Fotografie seiner Arbeiterclub-Installation, die er für
diese Ausstellung entworfen hatte, befindet sich im Katalog.
Während ­seines Auslandsaufenthalts kaufte Rodtschenko
eine neue handliche Kamera, was ihm erlaubte, sein Atelier
zu verlassen und sich der Straßenfotografie zuzuwenden.
Im Oktober 1928 schaffte er es endlich, sich eine Leica zu
beschaffen, die er überall mitnahm. Rodtschenko begann,
das Alltagsleben der Stadt mit ihren Gebäuden und
Fußgängern zu erforschen. Ein hervorragendes Beispiel
dieses Genres ist seine berühmte Fotografie einer Zigaretten­­­
verkäuferin auf dem Strastnaja-Platz, eine herausragende
Illustration seiner Zeit. Diverse Sportveranstaltungen und
Militärparaden auf dem Roten Platz bildeten einen wesentli­
chen Teil des Soziallebens in der Sowjetunion, und als
solche erregten sie Rodtschenkos Aufmerksamkeit. Zu
dieser Zeit begann der Fotograf ebenfalls mit verschiedenen
Kompositionen und unerwarteten Blickwinkeln zu experi­
mentieren und drehte seine Kamera in die Vertikale, um die
Dinge aus verkürzter Perspektive zu betrachten: entweder
gen Himmel oder auf die oberen Stockwerke der Gebäude
gerichtet, wie in Mosselprom-Gebäude, oder vom oberen Stock­werk eines Hauses herunter, um die Straße voller Menschen
zu sehen, wie in Arbeiterdemonstration. Diese extremen
Blickwinkel waren zuvor selten eingenommen worden und
wirkten so modern wie die Architektur, die er abbildete: das
Mosselprom-Gebäude und viele andere. Diese Blickwinkel
transportierten den Geist einer neuen Stadt ­und ihrer Inten­sität. Rodtschenko schrieb 1928 in Novy LEF: „Der interes­
santeste Aspekt der Zeitgenossenschaft ist es, ‚von unten
nach oben‘ und ‚von oben nach unten‘ zu schauen. Daran
müssen wir arbeiten. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wer diese
Perspektiven erfunden hat, aber ich glaube, es gibt sie schon
sehr lange. Ich möchte diese Aussichtspunkte stärken und
andere mit ihnen vertraut machen.“
Rodchenko – Street Photography
In 1925 Rodchenko participated in the International Fair of
Decorative Arts and Artistic Industry in Paris. The photo­
graph of his Worker’s Club installation, designed for this
fair, is represented in the catalogue. While abroad,
Rodchenko ­purchased a new handheld camera, which
allowed him to leave his studio and t­ urn to street photo­
graphy. In October 1928 he finally managed to acquire a
Leica, which he took with him everywhere. Rodchenko
started to explore the city’s everyday life with its buildings
and pedes­trians. An excellent example of this genre is his
famous photograph showing a ­cigarette seller on Strastnaya
Square, an outstanding illustration of its time. Various
sports events and military parades on Red Square occupied
a significant part of social life in the Soviet Union and
attracted Rodchenko’s attention. During the ­same period,
the photographer began to experiment with different
compositions, un­­expected angles and turning his camera
vertical to see things from a foreshortened perspective:
towards the sky or the upper stories of the buildings, ­
as in Mosselprom Building, or down from the upper level
of a house to see the street filled with people, as in Workers’
Demonstration. These extreme points o
­ f view had rarely been
used before and they looked as modern as the architecture
he depicted: the Mosselprom Building and many others. These
angles were able to transfer the
­­ spirit of a new city and its
intensity. Rodchenko wrote in Novy LEF i­ n 1928: “­ The most
interesting aspect of contemporaneity is looking ‘­from below
up’ and ‘from above down’. This is what we have to work at.
As to who invented these ­perspectives, I have no idea, but
I believe they have been around for a long time. I want to affirm
these vantage points and familiarize others with them”.
Zigarettenverkäuferin auf dem Strastnaya-Platz /
Cigarette Seller on Strastnaya Square, Moscow 1926/27
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s / early 1960s
14,5 x 22,2 cm (5.7 x 8.7 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate of
Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Susanne Winkler / Olga Sviblova, Sowjetische
Fotografie der 1920er–1930er Jahre. Von Piktorialismus und
Modernismus zum Sozialistischen Realismus, Vienna 2002,
p. 129; David Elliott, Russische Photographie 1840–1940,
Berlin 1993, p. 190; Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of Soviet
Photography, London–Paris 1983, p. 54; Alexander Lavrentiev,
Rodchenko Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 173;
Evelyn Weiss, Rodschenko. Fotografien 1920–1938, Cologne
1978, p. 139; Alexander Lawrentiev / Olga Sviblova, Alexander
Rodchenko. Revolution in Photography, Moscow 2008, p. 131
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie Alexander Rodchenko – Street Photography
actual size
Mosselprom-Gebäude / Mosselprom Building,
Moscow 1930
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s / early 1960s
16,4 x 11,8 cm (6.5 x 4.6 in)
Annotated “The House of Mosselprom. 1930”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate
of Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of Soviet Photography,
London–Paris 1983, p. 51 (the same series); Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 166;
Evelyn Weiss, Rodschenko. Fotografien 1920–1938, Cologne
1978, p. 142 (the same series).
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie Alexander Rodchenko – Street Photography
Sportparade am Roten Platz / Sports
parade on Red Square, Moscow 1936
Vintage silver print
12,7 x 20,1 cm (5 x 7.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000
Arbeiterdemonstration / Workers’
demonstration, USSR c. 1925
Vintage silver print
22,7 x 29,4 cm (8.9 x 11.6 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie Alexander Rodchenko – Street Photography
Kanonen in einer Parade / Cannons
at a parade, Moscow c. 1925
Vintage silver print
8,8 x 23,6 cm (3.5 x 9.3 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 8.000 / € 12.000–14.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie Alexander Rodchenko – Street Photography
201 ≥
‘Ruslan and Ludmila. The Dream’, Bolshoi Theatre,
Moscow 1937
Vintage silver print
8,5 x 15,4 cm (3.3 x 6.1 in)
Annotated “Ruslan and Ludmila. The Dream.”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate of
Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Susanne Winkler / Olga Sviblova,
Sowjetische Fotografie der 1920er–1930er Jahre. Von
Piktorialismus und Modernismus zum Sozialistischen
Realismus, Vienna 2002, p. 146 (the same series);
Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko Photography
1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 294 (the same series);
Evelyn Weiss, Rodschenko. Fotografien 1920–1938,
Cologne 1978, p. 159 (the same series); Alexander
Lawrentiev / Olga Sviblova, Alexander Rodchenko.
Revolution in Photography, Moscow 2008, p. 192
(the same series).
€ 8.000 / € 14.000–16.000
actual size
Arbeiten in der Schleusenkammer – Bau des WeißmeerOstsee-Kanals / Workers in a lock chamber – Construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, White Sea, USSR 1933
Vintage silver print
8,4 x 5,7 cm (3.3 x 2.2 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse, annotated “Belomor
Channel 1933” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate of Alex-
ander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Susanne Winkler / Olga Sviblova, Sowjetische
Fotografie der 1920er–1930er Jahre. Von Piktorialismus
und Modernismus zum Sozialistischen Realismus, Vienna
2002, pp. 140–141 (the same series); Alexander Lavrentiev,
Rodchenko Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 240
(the same series); Alexander Lawrentiev / Olga Sviblova,
Alexander Rodchenko. Revolution in Photography,
Moscow 2008, pp. 120–123 (the same series).
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
Rodtschenko – Der Weißmeer-Ostsee-Kanal
Rodtschenko unternahm seine Reise zur Baustelle des Weiß­-­
meer-Ostsee-Kanals im Jahr 1933. Dieses Riesenprojekt in
Nordkarelien, das in 500 Tagen fertiggestellt werden sollte,
wurde von Strafgefangenen gebaut, von denen viele politische
Häftlinge waren. Rodtschenko selbst war darauf beschränkt,
nur die Szenen abzulichten, die vom Plan vorgesehen waren.
Obwohl er behauptete, „auf einfach Art, ohne Gedanken an
Formalismus“ zu fotografieren, wurden seine Werke immer
noch von individuellen Blickwinkeln und Perspektiven
geprägt, wie man im vorliegenden Bild sieht. Rodtschenkos
Fotografien dieser Serie wurden 1933 in einer Sonderausgabe
von Die UdSSR im Bau publiziert, die dem Bau des Kanals
gewidmet war.
Rodchenko – The White Sea-Baltic Canal
Rodchenko conducted his trip to the construction site of the
White Sea-Baltic Canal in 1933. This enormous project in
North Karelia, which was supposed to be completed in 500
days, was built by convicts, many of them political prisoners.
Rodchenko himself was restricted to those scenes which were
allowed to be photographed by the plan. Though he claimed
to take photos “in a simple way, not thinking about
formalism”, the individual angles and perspectives still deter­
mine his works, as seen in the present image. Rodchenko’s
photographs from this series were published in 1933 in a
special issue of USSR in Construction dedicated to the creation
of the canal.
Alexander Rodtschenko – Straßenfotografie Alexander Rodchenko – Street Photography
actual size
Rodtschenko – Zirkus und Theater
Der Stimmungsumschwung von der Avantgarde der 1920er
Jahre zu den Restriktionen des Sozialistischen Realismus in
den 1930ern führte dazu, dass der Zirkus und das Theater
fast die einzigen Orte waren, wo das Fantastische und
Fantasiereiche in der Sowjetunion existieren durfte.
Rodtschenko besuchte solche Orte regelmäßig, um die
Aufführungen zu fotografieren. Am Bolschoi-Theater
machte er eine sehr delikate Aufnahme, die im vorliegen­
den Katalog abgebildet ist. Sie zeigt die Märchenoper
Ruslan und Ludmila (1937) von Michail Glinka, inspiriert
von Alexander Puschkin. Rodtschenko schoss das Foto aus
dem Parterre mit einer Weichzeichner-Linse und relativ
langer Belichtungszeit, so dass die Figuren verschwimmen
und die Szene mit wolkigem Licht erfüllt ist. Ein weiterer
Ort der Fantasie und des Geheimnisvollen, der Zirkus,
erregte das Interesse des Fotografen ab den späten 1920er
Jahren. Rodtschenko fotografierte die Akrobaten, die
komplizierte Menschenpyramiden bildeten oder unglaub­
liche Radtricks ausführten, die Tiere mit ihren Dompteuren
und lustige Clowns, wobei er oft seine liebsten modernisti­
schen Kompositionstechniken und Perspektiven anwendete.
Fast alle dieser Fotografien wurden mit einer Weichzeichner-­­
Linse und einer Leica gemacht. Dies erlaubte Rodtschenko,
„verschleierte“ Fotos zu machen, und das gelenkte Theater­
licht gibt diesen Fotografien die Anmutung eines Traums.
Viele von ihnen sollten in einer Sonderausgabe von Die
UdSSR im Bau veröffentlicht werden, die dem sowjetischen
Zirkus gewidmet sein sollte, aber dies wurde vom Ausbruch
des 2. Weltkrieges verhindert.
Rodchenko – Circus and Theatre
The shift in atmosphere from avant-garde freedom in the
1920s to the restrictions of socialist realism in the 1930s
made the circus and the theatre practically the only places
where the fantastic and imaginative were allowed to exist
in the Soviet Union. Rodchenko regulary visited such
places to take pictures of their performances. At the Bolshoi
Theatre he made a very delicate photograph which is
presented in this catalogue. It shows the fairy-tale opera
Ruslan and Ludmila (1937) by M. Glinka, inspired by
A. Pushkin. Rodchenko shot the picture from the parterre
with a soft lense and relatively long exposure, which made
the figures blurry and filled the scene with clouds of light.
Another place of fantasy and mystery, the circus, attracted
the photographer’s attention from the late 1920s onward.
Rodchenko took pictures of the acrobats standing in
complex figures or executing incredible wheel tricks, of
animals with their trainers and funny clowns, often using
his favorite modernist composition techniques and points
of view. Almost all of these images were shot with soft
lenses and a Leica. It allowed Rodchenko to take “misty”
pictures, and the theatrical directional light made these
photographs look as they were a dream. A lot of them were
planned to be published in a special issue of USSR in
Construction, devoted to the Soviet circus, but this never
happened because of the outbreak of World War II.
Alexander Rodtschenko – Zirkus und Theater Alexander Rodchenko – Circus and Theatre
Zirkusakrobaten / Circus acrobats,
Moscow 1937
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s /
early 1960s
15,3 x 22,8 cm (6 x 9 in)
Annotated “A. Rodchenko. Circus. Acrobats.
1937” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse, photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from the Estate of
Alexander Rodchenko, Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko Photography
1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 286; Evelyn Weiss, Rodschenko.
Fotografien 1920–1938, Cologne 1978, p. 16; Rodtschenko,
Stepanova, Die Zukunft ist unser einziges Ziel…, Vienna 1991,
p. 242.
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Moskauer Zirkus / Moscow Circus, 1940
Vintage silver print
13,4 x 18,4 cm (5.3 x 7.2 in)
Annotated “Rodchenko A. M. Circus. 1940”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse, annotated “Circus. 1940” in an
unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–10.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Zirkus und Theater Alexander Rodchenko – Circus and Theatre
Löwen in der Manege / Lions in the circus ring,
Moscow 1939/40
Vintage silver print
10,3 x 15,1 cm (4.1 x 5.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
Zirkuselefant / Circus elephant, Moscow 1939
Vintage silver print
9,8 x 14,7 cm (3.9 x 5.8 in)
Annotated “Page 12-13, double page” in
an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse,
annotated “Circus. 1940. A. Rodchenko” in
an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Acquired directly from
the Estate of Alexander Rodchenko,
Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
Alexander Rodtschenko – Zirkus und Theater Alexander Rodchenko – Circus and Theatre
OSIP BRIK (1888–1945)
Majakowski auf Urlaub / Mayakovsky
on vacation, Norderney Island,
Germany 1923
Vintage silver print
19,3 x 11,8 cm (7.6 x 4.6 in)
Annotated “Norderney. 1923”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 3.400 / € 5.000–6.000
Vladimir Mayakovsky, Viktor Shklovsky,
Alexander Rodchenko im Garten vor
Majakowskis Haus in der Gendrinkow-Gasse /
in the garden in front of Mayakovsky’s house
in Gendrikov side street, Moscow 1926
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
13,9 x 10,4 cm (5.5 x 4.1 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse,
annotated “V. Mayakovsky, V. Shklovsky,
A. Rodchenko, in Gendrikov side street. 1926”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Alexander Lavrentiev, Rodchenko
Photography 1924–1954, Cologne 1995, p. 76;
Rodtschenko, Stepanova, Die Zukunft ist unser
einziges Ziel…, Vienna 1991, p. 35.
€ 2.500 / € 4.000–5.000
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Vladimir Mayakovsky, Moscow
February 1st, 1930
Vintage silver print
27,8 x 34,1 cm (10.9 x 13.4 in)
Annotated “A. Shterenberg. 1930” in an
unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.500 / € 2.000–2.200
Schterenberg – Porträt Majakowskis
Majakowski posiert vor seinen Rosta-Fenstern. „Rosta-Fenster“ waren
mittels Matritzen reproduzierte Propaganda­­poster, die zwischen 1919
und 1921 von verschiedenen Künstlern für die Russische TelegraphenAgentur („Rosta“) gestaltet wurden. Der Dichter schrieb häufig Verse,
die zu den Zeichnungen auf den Plakaten passten. Das Foto wurde im
Februar 1930 aufgenommen, während der Eröffnung von Majakowskis
Ausstellung 20 Jahre Arbeit. Dieses Ereignis wurde von praktisch der
gesamten politischen und literarischen sowjetischen Elite ignoriert.
Der große Dichter der Avantgarde wurde nämlich bereits scharf vom
Regime kritisiert. Bald nach dieser Aufnahme, im April 1930, beging
Majakowski Selbstmord. Die vorlie­gende Fotografie ist möglicherweise
das letzte Porträt des futuristischen Dichters.
Shterenberg – Portrait of Mayakovsky
Mayakovsky poses in front of his Rosta Windows, which were stencilreplicated propaganda posters c­ reated by various artists for the
Russian Telegraph Agency («Rosta») during 1919 – 1921. The poet often
wrote verses which accompanied the poster drawings. The photo w
­ as
taken in February 1930 during the opening of Mayakovsky’s ex­hibition
20 Years of Work. This event was practically ignored by the entire polit­
ical and literary Soviet elite. ­The great avant-garde poet was already
coming in for strong criticism by the regime. Soon after the image was
shot, in April 1930, Mayakovsky commited suicide. ­The present photo­
graph is possibly the last portrait of the Futurist poet.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
MA X ALPERT (1899–1980)
Die Ankunft von Maxim Gorki aus
Italien / The arrival of Maxim Gorky
from Italy, USSR 1928
Vintage silver print
10,7 x 12,7 cm (4.2 x 5 in)
Annotated and dated in an
unidentified hand in pencil (Cyrillic)
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Grigory Shudakov,
Pioneers of Soviet Photography,
London–Paris 1983, p. 21; Daniela
Mrázkowá / Wladimir Remeš, Die
Sowjetunion zwischen den Kriegen,
Oldenburg-Hamburg-Munich 1981,
p. 174 (the same series).
€ 5.000 / € 8.000–9.000
actual size
Alpert – Maxim Gorkis Ankunft
Am 28. Mai 1928 kam Maxim Gorki aus Sorrent in
Moskau an. Max Alpert fing hier einen historischen
Moment ein, als der große sowjetische Schriftsteller
seinen ersten Heimatbesuch nach seinem zweiten
Exil in Italien, wo er seit 1921 lebte, begann. Die Gründe
für seinen Fortgang waren sowohl politisch wie persön­
lich gewesen, auch spielte seine Gesundheit eine Rolle.
1928 schließlich lud Stalin ihn persönlich in die UdSSR
ein. Ein paar Jahre später zog Gorki zurück in sein
Heimatland und wurde Vorsitzender der Union sowjeti­
scher Schriftsteller und einer der Begründer des Stils
des sozialistischen Realismus. Gorkis Ankunft 1928, die
Alpert abbildete, galt als wichtiger Triumph der Sowjet­­propaganda.
Alpert – The arrival of Maxim Gorky
On May 28, 1928 Maxim Gorky arrived in Moscow from
Sorrento. Max Alpert captured a historical moment
when the great Soviet writer made his first home visit
after his second exile to Italy in 1921. The reasons for his
departure were both political and personal; his health
condition also played a role. Finally in 1928 Stalin
personally invited him to the USSR. A couple of years
later Gorky moved back to his home country and became
a chairman of the Union of Soviet Writers and one of the
founders of the Socialist Realism style. Gorky’s arrival in
1928, depicted by Alpert, was considered a major propa­
ganda victory for the Soviets.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Maxim Gorky, USSR 1934
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
22,4 x 16 cm (8.8 x 6.3 in)
Signed and annotated to “Dear Nadezhda
Glebovna from the author E. Evzerikhin.
25th of November 1969” by the photographer
in ink on the reverse, annotated “1934. Photo
by E. Evzerikhin” in an unidentified hand in
ink in the image lower left
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
≤ 210
Der Schriftsteller Michail Soschtschenko /
The writer Mikhail Zoshchenko, Leningrad
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
26,9 x 19 cm (10.6 x 7.5 in)
Annotated “B. Ignatovich. Mikhail Zoshchenko” (Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand in
pencil, annotated “1923. Leningrad. Mikhail
Mikhailovich Zoshchenko.
Photo by B. Ignatovich” (Cyrillic) in another
unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
Der Schriftsteller Ilja Ehrenburg /
The writer Ilya Erenburg, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
18 x 23,9 cm (7.1 x 9.4 in)
Two photographer’s stamps on the reverse,
annotated “I.G. Erenburg” in an unidentified hand
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
YEVgEnI KhAlDEI (1927–1997)
Persönliches Foto-Album von Chaldei /
Personal photo album of Khaldei
(‘The happy days of youth’), USSR c. 1933
c. 70 vintage silver prints, mounted on
cardboard, album, bound with a shoelace,
17 blue cardboard pages with photographs
and photo collages, accompanied by
drawings, hand-written titles, dates and
occasional comments 16,8 x 22,8 cm
(6.6 x 9 in) (page size)
Titled, dated and annotated by the photo grapher in ink on the cover, the spin and
most pages
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 6.000 / € 10.000–12.000
obwohl Jewgeni chaldei als Fotojournalist und autor von Foto­
grafie­ikonen des 2. Weltkriegs weithin bekannt ist, war Fotografie
für ihn weitaus mehr als ein handwerk, ein Werkzeug oder ein
Beruf. Dies machen seine persönlichen alben deutlich, die er im
Lauf seines gesamten Lebens zusammenstellte und die seine
Wahrnehmung der Welt dokumentieren. Das vorliegende album
ist ein perfektes Beispiel seines Versuchs, sich zu etablieren und
eine erzählerische Selbstdarstellung vorzulegen, die sich auf die
leichtsinnige natur seiner Jugendjahre konzentriert. Die meisten
Fotografien im album wurden zwischen 1929 und 1932 aufgenom­
men und zeigen chaldei, seine Freunde und Verwandten. Das
generelle Layout ist in jeder hinsicht künstlerisch, da gegenüber­
gestellte, zusammengeschnittene und vervielfältigte Fotos zu einer
expressiven Bilderflut zusammenfließen. chaldei wählte die
Fotografien des albums persönlich aus und beschnitt sie auch
selbst. Daher illustriert es einen sehr individualistischen Zugang
zu sich und anderen. chaldeis album kann somit als noch wert­
voller betrachtet werden, da es für seine Zeit untypisch ist und
in direktem Widerspruch zu den allgemeinen ideologischen Sozial­
grundsätzen des sowjetischen Staates stand.
although Evgeni Khaldei is widely­known as a photo journalist
and the author of the iconic images of the Second World War,
photography for him was much more than just a craftsmanship,
tool or profession. this is evident in his personal albums which
he made throughout his life and which demonstrate both his ego as
well as his perception of the world. this album is a perfect example
of his attempt to establish himself and to create a self­posturing
narrative focusing on the frivolous nature of his adolescence. Most
photographs in the album were made in 1929–1932 and include
images of Khaldei, his friends and relatives. the general layout is in
every way artistic, as juxtaposed, intersected and multiplied photo­
graphs create an expressive flux of images. Khaldei personally chose
and cropped the photographs included in the album. as a result it
illustrates very individualistic approach towards both oneself and
others. therefore Khaldei’s album becomes even more valuable as
something atypical of the time, in direct opposition to the general
ideological social principles of the Soviet state.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
MA x AlpERt (1899–1980)
Artek Pioneer Camp, Gurzuf, Crimea 1930s
Maquette, 22 vintage silver prints, mounted
on 11 cardboard sheets, bound together
with a textile brown spine and a red rope
c. 10,5 x 17,9 cm (4.1 x 7 in) (page size)
Annotated and titled in an unidentified hand
in ink on the front cover, camp anthem:
‘There is a small place in the Crimea, a bevy
of Pioneers are rushing for it.’ in an unidentified
hand in ink on the first page, traces of the full
name of the camp in an unidentified hand in ink
on the back cover
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 4.000 / € 6.000–8.000
artek war das allunions­ und internationale Pionierlager der
Sowjetunion. Es wurde 1925 am Schwarzen Meer errichtet, in der
nähe der Stadt gurzuf auf der halbinsel Krim. Es wurde bald zum
Symbol und Zentrum der Sowjetischen Pionierorganisation und
nahm jährlich bis zu 30.000 Kinder als Besucher auf. ursprünglich
als öffentliche Erholungsinstitution für Kinder mit tuberkulose
konzipiert, wurde es später zum Modell einer sozialistischen
Jugendorganisation umgestaltet. Das album reflektiert beide rollen
von artek und kombiniert malerische Krim­Landschaften mit
abbildungen körperlicher Ertüchtigung und sozialer aktivitäten.
nach dem Fall der Sowjetunion wurde artek in ein Sommer­
zentrum für Kinder umgewandelt, mit dem hauptfokus nicht mehr
auf sozialer Erziehung, sondern auf gesundheit und unterhaltung.
gleichzeitig fing das gelände an zu verfallen, und dies macht
alperts album unglaublich wertvoll, da es die Bedeutung des
Lagers und der Pionierorganisation allgemein im ideologischen
Konstrukt der Sowjetunion dokumentiert.
artek was the all­union and international young pioneer camp
in Soviet union. it was established in 1925 on the Black Sea near
the town of gurzuf located on the crimean peninsula. Very soon
it became the symbol and the centre of the Soviet Pioneer organi­
zation with up to 30 000 children visiting it each year. initially
conceived as a public health institution meant for children suffering
from tuberculosis, it was turned into a model of a youth social
organization. the album reflects both these roles of artek, uniting
picturesque crimean landscapes with the images of physical and
social activities. after the downfall of the Soviet union artek was
turned into a summer children’s center, with the main focus being
turned from social improvement onto health and entertainment.
at the same time it started falling into decay and therefore alpert’s
album becomes incredibly valuable as evidence of the significance
of the camp and the Pioneer organization in general in the ideo­
logical construction of the Soviet union.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984) /
EL LISSITZK Y (1890–1941)
Bolschewistischer Matrose / Bolshevik
Sailor (1917/18) Photograph for a special
Red Army issue of ‘USSR in Construction’,
USSR 1933
Vintage silver print
23 x 16,3 cm (9.1 x 6.4 in)
Signed by the photographer ink on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
Photograph and print by Zelma, design by
El Lissitzky. A collaboration by the two
artists for a special issue of the Soviet
propaganda journal, USSR in Construction.
€ 3.000 / € 5.000–6.000
Georgi Zelma, El Lissitzky – Bolschewistischer Matrose
Die vorliegende Fotografie ist eine Kollektivarbeit von
Georgi Zelma und El Lissitzky. Sie wurde 1933 in einer
Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift UdSSR im Bau, die der Roten
Armee gewidmet war, publiziert. Die Aufnahme zeigt
einen bolschewistischen Matrosen und gehörte zu einer
Foto-Story über den Aufstieg der Sowjetarmee. Sie wurde
begleitet von anderen Fotografien von Soldaten, die
allesamt in derselben monumentalen Art und Weise
abgelichtet wurden. Die Bilder wurden mit kurzen Texten
und Titeln kombiniert, die jedoch nur eine Nebenrolle
spielten im Vergleich zu den heroischen Helden. Wie
Kriegsplakate, die durch ihren künstlerischen Wert geadelt
wurden, ist auch diese Fotografie ein herausragendes
Beispiel sowjetischer Propaganda. Die Zeitschrift, die von
1930 bis 1941 und im Jahr 1949 erschien, wurde in fünf
Sprachen übersetzt und hatte zum Ziel, die neue sozialis­
tische Gesellschaft abzubilden. Viele russische avantgardis­
tische Künstler und Fotografen arbeiteten für die Publika­
tion und schufen darin eine herausragende
konstruktivistische Plattform.
Georgi Zelma, El Lissitzky – Bolshevik Sailor
The present photograph is a collaborative work by Georgi
Zelma and El Lessitzky. It was published in 1933 in a
special issue of the magazine USSR in Construction devoted
to the Red Army. The image shows a Bolshevik sailor and
belonged to a section about the rise of the Soviet Army.
It was accompanied by other photos of soldiers, all
captured in the same monumental manner. ­The pictures
were combined with short texts and titles, which played
only a supporting role to the main heroes. Like war posters
distinguished by their artistic value, the photo represents
an excellent example of Soviet propaganda. The magazine,
published from 1930 to 1941 and in 1949, was translated
into five languages and aimed to show abroad an image
of a new socialist society. Many Russian avant-garde artists
and photographers worked for it and created an outstand­ing constructivist setting.
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
ANDREY FEDOROV (1908–1987)
Flagworker, USSR 1940s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
24,4 x 18 cm (9.6 x 7.1 in)
Credited “Photo by A. Fedorov” most
likely by the photographert in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–2.000
Bauarbeiter errichten den Hochofen von
Kuznezk / Kuznetsk’s blast foundary
constructors, Kusnetsk, USSR 1931
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
29,8 x 21,3 cm (11.7 x 8.4 in)
Annotated “1931. Marusia Rogova and
Fedor Popov – Komsomolets constructors
of Komsomol’s foundary in Kuznetsk”
(Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand in ink on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Sowjetische Fotografen
1917–1940, Berlin 1980, p. 159.
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
actual size
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
MA X ALPERT (1899–1980)
Bau des Ferghana-Kanals – Die ersten
Schläge mit der Hacke / Construction
site of the Great Fergana Canal –
the first strokes, Uzbek SSR 1939
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s
6,9 x 10,8 cm (2.7 x 4.3 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Ian Jeffrey, Das andere
Russland, Junge Photographen sehen
die Sowjetunion, Munich 1987, p. 172;
Daniela Mrázkowá/ Wladimir Remeš,
Die Sowjetunion zwischen den Kriegen,
Oldenburg-Hamburg-Munich 1981,
p. 84; Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of
Soviet Photography, London–Paris 1983,
p. 196; Sowjetische Fotografen 1917–
1940, Berlin 1980, p. 130.
actual size
€ 1.500 / € 2.000–2.500
Max Alpert – Die Turkestan-Sibirische Eisenbahn
und der Große Ferghana-Kanal
Max Alpert gilt als einer der Begründer der sowjetischen
Reportagefotografie und als großer Erneuerer dieses
Arbeits­feldes. In den 1930er Jahren arbeitete er hauptsäch­
lich für die Zeitschrift UdSSR im Bau, für die er ungefähr ­
50 Reportagen machte. Die Turkestan-Sibirische Eisenbahn
wurde im Zusammenhang mit dem ersten Fünfjahresplan
zwischen 1926 und 1931 gebaut. Alpert lichtete im April
1930 den ersten Zug mit Arbeitern im Vorbeifahren ab.
­Ein weiteres großes Bauprojekt, das Alpert fotografierte,
war der Große Ferghana-Kanal, der zwischen 1939 und
1940 gebaut wurde. Der Haupt­­zweck des Kanals war die
Bewässerung der Baumwollfelder im Ferghanatal.
Max Alpert – The Turkestan-Siberian Railway
and the Great Fergana Canal
Max Alpert is considered one of the founders of Soviet
reportage photography and a great innovator in this field. ­
In the 1930s he worked mainly for the magazine USSR
­in Construction and shot about 50 documentary series.
The Turkestan-Siberian railway connecting Central Asia
and Siberia was built in the context of the First Five-Year
Plan between 1926 and 1931. Alpert depicted the first train
of workers passing by in April 1930. Another great
construction project captured by Alpert is the Great
Fergana Canal, built from 1939 to 1940. The main purpose
of the canal was the irrigation of the cotton fields in the
Fergana Valley.
≤ 218
MA X ALPERT (1899–1980)
‘On the train’ (Der erste Zug auf der TurkestanSibirischen Strecke / The first train on the
Turkestan-Siberian route), May 1st 1930
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s/70s
21,9 x 16,9 cm (8.6 x 6.7 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Daniela Mrázkowá / Wladimir Remeš,
Die Sowjetunion zwischen den Kriegen,
Oldenburg – Hamburg – Munich 1981, p. 82;
Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of Soviet Photography,
London – Paris 1983, p. 191 [annotated wrongly
as Shaikhet there]; Sowjetische Fotografen
1917–1940, Berlin 1980, p. 127.
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
ARK ADY SHAIKHET (1898–1957)
Iljitschows Glühbirne / The Ilyich’s lamp,
USSR 1926
Vintage silver print
7,9 x 11,1 cm (3.1 x 4.4 in)
Annotated “Shaikhet” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the mounted piece of
paper on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Daniela Mrázkowá / Wladimir
Remeš, Die Sowjetunion zwi­s chen den
Kriegen, Oldenburg-Hamburg-Munich
1981, p. 41; Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of
Soviet Photography, London–Paris 1983,
p. 186–187; Yury Rybchinsky (ed.),
Photoestapheta. From Rodchenko to our
days, Moscow 2006, p. 88; Sowjetische
Fotografen 1917–1940, Berlin 1980, p. 83.
actual size
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
ARK ADY SHAIKHET (1898–1957)
Streik der Händler / Strike of traders,
USSR 1924
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
29,2 x 23,8 cm
Signed, dated and titled “Strike of private
traders. 1927” by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
29,2 x 23,8 cm (11.5 x 9.4 in)
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
IVAN SHAGIN (1904–1982)
Staatliche Brotauslieferung mittels
­P ferdekarren / Governmental bread
giving via horse-drawn carts, USSR 1928
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
40,7 x 59,5 cm (16 x 23.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil on
the reverse, dated and titled by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
ARK ADY SHAIKHET (1898–1957)
‘Subbotnik’ (Arbeitseinsatz am Samstag /
Working Saturday), USSR 1929
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
28,7 x 22,5 cm (11.3 x 8.9 in)
Signed, dated and annotated “1929.
Subbotnik” by the photographer in ink on
the reverse, annotated “A. Shaikhet” in an
unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Frau in Zweigen / Woman on a tree
branch, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
14,9 x 10 cm (5.9 x 3.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Frauenporträt / Portrait of a woman
(possibly his wife), USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
9,8 x 14,7 cm (3.9 x 5.8 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
‘His own first cotton yield’
(Seine erste eigene Baumwollernte),
Uzbek SSR, vSamarkand Region 1927
Gelatin silver print, printed later
28,4 x 20,3 cm (11.2 x 8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in ink on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Schamane / Shaman, Yakutsk,
USSR 1929
Gelatin silver print, printed
in the 1960s
15,3 x 22,8 cm (6 x 9 in)
Signed and annotated “ Yakutia”
by the photographer in ink on
the reverse, photographer’s stamp
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Daniela Mrázkowá /
Wladimir Remeš, Die Sowjetunion
­z wischen den Kriegen, OldenburgHamburg-Munich 1981, p. 60 (the
same series).
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Ankunft am Wasser / Arriving at the
water, USSR 1937
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
16 x 23,2 cm (6.3 x 9.1 in)
Signed, dated and titled by the
photographer in ink on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Uzbekistan, Central Asia, USSR 1928
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1940s
29,3 x 23 cm (11.5 x 9.1 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse,
annotated “Uzbekistan. Region Samarkand. On Dargon. 1929. Photo by
G. Zelma” in an unidentified hand in
ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Pioniere einer sowjetischen ModellSchule / Pioneers studying at a Soviet
model school, USSR 1936
Gelatin silver print, printed later
46,5 x 60,5 cm (18.3 x 23.8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photo­g rapher in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Burka, Central Asia 1930s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
22,6 x 28,1 cm (8.9 x 11.1 in)
Annotated “Burka. Central Asia” in an
unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse, annotated “Phot. G. Lipskerov”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
VIK TOR TEMIN (1908–1987)
Schiffs-Rauchfang / Ship funnel, USSR
late 1930s
Vintage silver print
19,6 x 9,1 cm (7.7 x 3.6 in)
Annotated “V. Temin” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
actual size
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Abend in der Bucht / Evening in the
gulf, USSR 1940s
Vintage silver print
48,6 x 25 cm (19.1 x 9.8 in)
Signed and titled by the photographer
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
YAKOV KHALIP (1908–1980)
Nächtliche Szene mit Segelbooten /
Night scene with sailing boats, USSR
Gelatin silver print, printed later
17,7 x 11,6 cm (7 x 4.6 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Taucher / Diver, USSR 1939
Vintage silver print, mounted on
13,4 x 8,5 cm (5.3 x 3.3 in)
Signed and dated by the photographer
in ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.000 / € 1.600–2.000
YAKOV KHALIP (1908–1980)
‘Taimir’, Arctic Ocean 1938
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
23,9 x 16,1 cm (9.4 x 6.3 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse, signed and
annotated “Towards evening.
“Taimir”. Trip K-SP-1. 1 piece –
50 x 60. To print the floodlight” by
the photographer on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
YAKOV KHALIP (1908–1980)
Baltische Flotte / Baltic fleet,
Leningrad 1937
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1960s
11,2 x 7,3 cm (4.4 x 2.9 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.200–1.400
ARK ADY SHISHKIN (1899–1985)
‘Morning on the virgin land’, USSR 1939
Gelatin silver print, printed later
39 x 58 cm (15.4 x 22.8 in)
Annotated “A. Shishkin” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse, annotated
“Morning on the virgin land” in an
unidenti­f ied hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
actual size
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
IVAN SHAGIN (1904–1982)
Auf dem Weg zum Fußballspiel / Going to
see a football game, USSR 1933
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
19,6 x 29,3 cm (7.7 x 11.5 in)
Credited and annotated “1930. To the Football Game” in an unidentified hand in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Yury Rybchinsky (ed.),
Photoestapheta. From Rodchenko to
our days, Moscow 2006, p. 42.
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.000
Sportparade / Sports parade,
USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
14,2 x 26,4 cm (5.6 x 10.4 in)
Annotated “Sports Parade.
Photo by Mikhail Grachev” in
an unidentified hand in ink on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schick-
ler Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Am Fallschirmturm / At the parachute
tower, Moscow 1930
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
26,9 x 40,4 cm (10.6 x 15.9 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Grigory Shudakov,
Pioneers of Soviet Photography,
London – Paris 1983, p. 52; Sowjetische
Fotografen 1917–1940, Berlin 1980,
p. 144.
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Radrennen / Bicycle Race, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
8,1 x 11,4 cm (3.2 x 4.5 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
actual size
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Protest am Roten Platz – Forderung
der Freilassung von G. Dimitrov /
Protest on Red Square, demanding the
release of G. Dimitrov, Moscow 1935
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
16,3 x 23 cm (6.4 x 9.1 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse,
annotated “1935. Protest on Red
Square, demanding the release of
G. Dimitrov. Photo by G. Zelma”
on mounted label with typographic
description on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
‘Greeting to the workers’, Uzbek SSR,
Vintage silver print
11,8 x 17,9 cm (4.6 x 7 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
ARK ADY SHAIKHET (1898–1957)
Parade für die heldenhafte Besatzung
des Eisbrechers ‘Tscheljuskin’ / War hero
parade for the brave crew of the icebreaker
‘Chelyuskin’, Moscow 1934
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s,
mounted on envelope
7,9 x 11,9 cm (3.1 x 4.7 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
LITER ATURE Grigory Shudakov, Pioneers of
Soviet Photography, London – Paris 1983,
p. 21 (the same series); Daniela Mrázkowá /
Wladimir Remeš, Die Sowjetunion zwischen
den Kriegen, Oldenburg-Hamburg-Munich
1981, p. 198 (the same series); David Elliott,
Russische Photographie 1840–1940, Berlin
1993, p. 214 (the same series); Sowjetische
Fotografen 1917–1940, Berlin 1980, p. 94
(the same series).
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
ARK ADY SHAIKHET (1898–1957)
Veranstaltung in einer Autofabrik /
Event at a Automobile Plant,
USSR 1930s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s,
mounted on envelope
11,5 x 8,6 cm (4.5 x 3.4 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
DMITRI DEBABOV (1899–1949)
Verteidigungsminister Kliment Woroschilow
bei einer Militärparade am Roten Platz /
Minister of defence Kliment Voroshilov at a
military parade on Red Square, Moscow 1928
Vintage silver print
34,5 x 25 cm (13.6 x 9.8 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse, dated
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.500 / € 2.000–2.500
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Parade, Moscow 1933
Vintage silver print
15,6 x 23,3 cm (6.1 x 9.2 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Kavallerie / Cavalry, USSR 1930
6 Vintage silver prints, mounted on
11,5 x 16,4 cm (4.5 x 6.5 in) [size of the
Signed and dated by the photographer
in ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Am Roten Platz / On Red Square,
Moscow 1936
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
1940s/50s, mounted on envelope
3,6 x 2,4 cm (1.4 x 0.9 in)
Signed, dated and titled by the
photographer in ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Bau der Moskauer Metro / Construction
of the Moscow subway, Moscow 1933
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s
29 x 40,8 cm (11.4 x 16.1 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.000 / € 1.600–2.000
Bau der Moskauer Metro / Construction
of the Moscow subway, Moscow 1933
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s
28 x 39,1 cm (11 x 15.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.000 / € 1.600–2.000
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
YAKOV KHALIP (1908–1980)
Metro Station ‘Okhotny Ryad’,
Moscow 1930s
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1960s
23,4 x 15,8 cm (9.2 x 6.2 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Metro Station ‘Sokol’, Moscow 1938
Vintage silver print, mounted on
29 x 39,4 cm (11.4 x 15.5 in)
Annotated “Metro Station “Sokol””.
1938. Photo by E. Evzerikhin”
(Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
Industrie-Bauteil / Industrial construction,
USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
18,1 x 11,4 cm (7.1 x 4.5 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
DMITRI DEBABOV (1899–1949)
Am Schmelzofen / Smelting metal,
Moscow 1939
Vintage silver print
28,4 x 43,7 cm (11.2 x 17.2 in)
Annotated “Smelting metal”. Photo by
D. Debabov, Moscow 1939” in an
unidentified hand in ink on the reverse,
photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
Nacht an der Wolga / Night time on
Volga river, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
31,7 x 28,1 cm (12.5 x 11.1 in)
Signed and titled by the photographer
in pencil on the reverse, annotated
“The Landscapes of Volga” (Cyrillic)
in an unidentified hand in pencil on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
Ernte bei Nacht / Reaping the night
harvest, USSR 1930s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1940s
37,1 x 29 cm (14.6 x 11.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
Arbeiter / Worker, USSR c. 1940
Vintage silver print, mounted on
8,1 x 7,9 cm (3.2 x 3.1 in)
Signed by the photographer in
ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Arbeiter / Workers, USSR 1940s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
25,4 x 39 cm (10 x 15.4 in)
Annotated “A. Skurikhin” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
Arbeiterin an der Getreidedresche /
Female worker at the threshing
machine, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print, mounted on
7,4 x 10,1 cm (2.9 x 4 in)
Signed by the photographer in
ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
SIMON FRIDL AND (1905–1964)
An der Getreidedresche / On the
threshing-floor, Virgin land (‘Tselina’),
USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print, mounted on
6,6 x 9,4 cm (2.6 x 3.5 in)
Signed and titled (Cyrillic) by the
photographer in ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Bevölkerungsverschiebung von Russland
nach Altai / Movement of the population
from Russia to Altai, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver prints, mounted on paper
paper size: 23,4 x 29,3 cm (9.2 x 11.5 in)
Annotated “Grachev” in an unidentified
hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Durchschnittsernten der wichtigsten
Kollektivbauernhöfe / Average harvest
of the major collective farms, USSR 1936
Vintage silver prints, mounted on paper
paper size 23,8 x 30,6 cm (9.4 x 12 in)
Annotated “Grachev” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Anzahl der Nutztiere pro Region /
Number of livestock per region,
USSR 1930s
Vintage silver prints, mounted on paper
paper size 29,9 x 23,9 cm (11.8 x 9.4 in)
Annotated “Grachev” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
Iosif Stalin & Vyacheslav Molotov
(in der Mitte / in the middle), Kremlin,
Moscow 1930
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
17,3 x 21,8 cm (6.8 x 8.6 in)
Annotated “Georgi Petrusov” in an
unidentified hand in ink on the reverse,
collector’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine
Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Iosif Stalin, USSR 1930s
Vintage silver print
16,8 x 12 cm (6.6 x 4.7 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Avantgarde und Sozialistischer Realismus Avant-garde and Socialist Realism
‘The speeding five’, USSR 1940s
Vintage silver print
11,6 x 21,1 cm (4.6 x 8.3 in)
Signed and titled “The Speeding Five”
(Cyrillic) by the photographer in ink
on the reverse, several stamps on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
‘The fascist has passed’ (Kinder verstecken
sich vor Bombardements / Children hiding
from bombings), USSR 1941
Vintage silver print
9,8 x 14,1 cm (3.9 x 5.6 in)
Annotated “The fascist has passed.
B. Yaroslavtsev” and “To turn the negative”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York 22. Juni 1941
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
DMITRI DEBABOV (1899–1949)
Rote Armee / Red Army, Vilno,
Poland 1939
2 gelatin silver prints, printed later,
comprising one panorama
35,9 x 99 cm (14.1 x 39 in)
Annotated “Red Army released ­
from the prison political convicts
Sukhotskiy M. Ya., the father, and his
son, Sukhotskiy D. M. – 22nd of
September 1939. Vilno. Photo by
Dm. Debabov (panorama from
2 shots)” in an unidentified hand
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
‘Rout of the Germans in Moscow’,
Moscow October 1941
Vintage silver print, mounted on paper
20,5 x 27,4 cm (8.1 x 10.8 in)
Annotated “Kudayarov” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the mount, titled and
dated on a label with typographic description on the reverse of the mount
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
Soldaten mit Flugzeug-Abwehr-Kanonen
versuchen Moskau vor den Angriffen der
Faschisten zu schützen / Anti-aircraft
gunners protect Moscow from the raids of
the fascists
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.000
Acoustic locator ZT-5, Moscow October
Vintage silver print, mounted on paper
26,7 x 20,5 cm (10.5 x 8.1 in)
Annotated “Kudoyarov” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the mount, annotated
“Rout of the Germans in Moscow.
Sound-locators. October 1941” on
a label with typographic description
on the reverse of the mount
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
‘Für die Heimat / For the Homeland’,
First Belarussian Front, USSR 1943/44
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
19,2 x 15 cm (7.6 x 5.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Sowjetische Fotografen
1941–1945, Leipzig 1985, p. 199.
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
YAKOV KHALIP (1908–1980)
Weisse Nächte auf der Ostsee am
Schlachtschiff ‘Marat’ / White Nights at
the Baltic Sea on board of war ship
‘Marat’, 1938/39
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
15,7 x 23,9 cm (6.2 x 9.4 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Militärposten in der Nähe von
Stalingrad / Military Position near
Stalingrad, USSR 1942
Vintage silver print
28,2 x 39,9 cm (11.1 x 15.7 in)
Annotated “Military Position near
Stalingrad 1942. Photo by E. Evzerikhin”
(Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
‘Rout of the Germans in Stalingrad’,
Stalingrad 1942
Vintage silver print, mounted on paper
27,8 x 21 cm (10.9 x 8.3 in)
Annotated “Zelma” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the mount, titled
on a label with typographic description
on the reverse of the mount
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Sowjetische Fotografen
1941–1945, Leipzig 1985, pp. 142–143
(the same series).
Das obere Geschoss eines Hauses wird
von Feinden gesäubert / The upper
storey of a house cleared of the enemy
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Soldat / Soldier, USSR 1940s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
8 x 10,8 cm (3.1 x 4.3 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
actual size
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Gefangene / Captives, Stalingrad
February 1943
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s,
mounted on paper
18,8 x 13 cm (7.4 x 5.1 in)
Signed, dated and annotated by the
photographer in ink on the reverse,
signed, dated and annotated by the
photographer (Cyrillic) in ink on
mounted label, annotated “Stalingrad.
“Victors”. February 1943. Photo by
G. Zelma” (Cyrillic) with typographic
description on the label
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Strunnikow – Soja Kosmodemjanskaja
Soja Kosmodemjanskaja war eine sowjetische Partisanin
im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Am 27. November 1941 bekam ­
sie den Auftrag, Häuser im Dorf Petrischtschewo
anzuzünden, da dort deutsche Soldaten stationiert
waren. Obwohl es ihr gelang, das Feuer zu legen, wurde
sie von den Faschisten festgenommen und mitten im
Dorf aufgehängt. Soja weigerte sich, Informationen über
die anderen Partisanen preiszugeben, und nannte sich
Tanja. Die vorliegende Fotografie stammt von Sergej
Strunnikow und wurde in der sowjetischen Zeitung
Prawda abgedruckt, wodurch Soja Kosmodemjanskaja
berühmt wurde. Sie wurde schließlich eine der meist­
bewunderten Heldinnen der Sowjetunion.
Strunnikov – Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya
Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was a Soviet partisan during
World War II. On November 27, 1941 she received an
assignment to burn houses in Petrishchevo village, as
German soldiers were stationed there. Though she
managed to set the fire, the Fascists caught her and
hanged her in the middle of the village. Zoya refused to
give any information about the other partisans and even
called herself Tanya. The present photograph was taken
by Sergei Strunnikov and published in the Soviet news­
paper Pravda, making her famous. Zoya turned to be one
of the most revered heroines of the Soviet Union.
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Der tragische Tod der Partisanin /
The tragic death of partisan Zoya
­Kosmodemyanskaya, USSR (near Moscow) 1942
Vintage silver print, mounted on cardboard
19,7 x 28,9 cm (7.8 x 11.4 in)
Annotated “The tragic death of Zoya
Kosmodemyans­k aya” on label with typographic
descriptions on the cardboard beneath the
photograph, another photograph and a label
with typographic descriptions on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
GALINA SANKO (1904–1981)
Gefallener Soldat / Fallen soldier,
USSR 1941–45
Gelatin silver print, printed later,
mounted on cardboard
14 x 20,1 cm (5.5 x 7.9 in)
Annotated “G. Sanko” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.000
Hingerichtete Partisanen /
Executed partisans, USSR 1941–45
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
27 x 40,4 cm (10.6 x 15.9 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.600–1.800
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Pilot und Mechaniker mit dem neuen
Kampfflugzeug Lavochkin La-7 /
Pilot and his mechanic with the new
fighter Lavochkin La-7, USSR 1945
Vintage silver print
28,8 x 50,7 cm (11.3 x 20 in)
Annotated “1945. War friends.
Pilot Capitan A. Aleyukhin (Hero of
the Soviet Union) and his technician.
Photo by A. Stanovov” in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
‘After the battle!’ (Nach dem Kampf!),
USSR 1945
Large format gelatin silver print,
printed in the 1970s
50,8 x 29,9 cm (20 x 11.8 in)
Annotated “1945. “After the battle!”
Photo by A. Stanovov” in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Befreiung von Memel / Liberation of
Memel, USSR January 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
16,5 x 23,2 cm (6.5 x 9.1 in)
Annotated “Central Front. Battalion
changing its fire position. Photo by
L. Velikzhanin” in an unidentified hand
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Kampf in Berlin / Fight in Berlin, Berlin
Vintage silver print
17,5 x 12,9 cm (6.9 x 5.1 in)
Annotated “Fight in Berlin. Bags of
money serve as a breastwork for soviet
gunners. (Mint)” (Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse, annotated “The gunners of Lieutenant Tazetdinov fire. May 1945” (Cyrillic) in another
unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine
Art, New York
Scharfschützen von Leutnant Tazetdinov
verwenden Münz-Säcke als Brüstung. /
The gunners of Lieutenant Tazetdinov
use bags of money as breastwork
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
‘Raising the Soviet flag over Reichstag’,
Berlin May 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in 1995
27,1 x 20,8 cm (10.7 x 8.2 in)
Signed by the photographer
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
LITER ATURE Yury Rybchinsky (ed.),
Photoestapheta. From Rodchenko
to our days, Moscow 2006, p. 123;
Sowjetische Fotografen 1941–1945,
Leipzig 1985, p. 37.
€ 1.800 / € 2.500–3.000
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Am Brandenburger Tor / At the Brandenburg
Gate, Berlin May 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
20,6 x 28,8 cm (8.1 x 11.3 in)
Signed by the photographer in pencil
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Jewgeni Chaldei und seine Leica überlebten alle 1418
Tage des Zweiten Weltkriegs, sein Weg führte von
Murmansk bis nach Berlin. Am 2. Mai 1945 machte er
während der Schlacht um Berlin eine der berühmtesten
und symbolischsten Fotografien der Welt. Es wurde in
zahllosen Publikationen abgedruckt, wobei sein Urheber
bis zum Fall der Sowjetunion oft unerwähnt blieb. ­
Der Reichstag spielte in der deutschen Geschichte eine
wichtige Rolle und galt den sowjetischen Truppen daher
als Symbol des faschistischen Regimes. Chaldei fing den
Moment ein, in dem die Soldaten die sowjetische Fahne
hissten. Obwohl das Bild gestellt war, wurde es zu einer
wichtigen Illustration des Endes des schrecklichsten
Kriegs und des Falls des Nazi-Regimes.
Evgeni Khaldei and his Leica survived all 1418 days of
World War II; they went from Murmansk to Berlin.
On May 2, 1945, during the Battle of Berlin, he took one
of the most famous and symbolic war photographs in
the world. It was reprinted in countless publications,
though the author often remained unidentified until the
fall of the Soviet Union. The Reichstag played a signifi­
cant role in German history and was therefore considered
a symbol of the Fascist regime by Soviet forces. Khaldei
recorded the moment the soldiers raised the Soviet flag.
Although the picture was staged, it became an important
illustration of the end of the most horrible war and the
fall of the Nazi regime.
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Die sowjetische Flagge wird gehisst /
Raising the Soviet Flag, Berlin
May 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1960s, mounted on envelope
with a slide inside
7,2 x 9,6 cm (2.8 x 3.8 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Die Lotsin / The traffic controller
Maria Shalneva –‘The First of May!’,
Berlin 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1960s, mounted on envelope
with a slide inside
7,5 x 11,1 cm (3 x 4.4 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
Russian girl Maria Shalneva,
Lance Corporal of the 87-th separate
road maintenance battalion, regulates
the movement of military vehicles near
the Reichstag in Berlin.
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
GEORGI KHOMZOR (1914–1990)
Hauptbahnhof / Main Railway Station,
Dresden May 2nd 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
c. 19 x 28 cm (7.5 x 11 in)
With the photographer’s stamp on the
reverse, annotated “2nd of May 1945.
On the main Railway Station in Dresden”
in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.200–1.400
GEORGI KHOMZOR (1914–1990)
Heimkehrender Soldat / Homecoming
soldier, USSR 1940s
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1950s
18 x 24,9 cm (7.1 x 9.8 in)
Photographer’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.200–1.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Marinesoldaten am Roten Platz /
Marines on Red Square, Moscow
June 24th 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed in
the 1960s, mounted on envelope
with a slide inside
7,5 x 11,1 cm (3 x 4.4 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
Faschistische Flaggen werden zerstört –
Siegesfeier am Roten Platz / Fascist flags
being destroyed – Victory celebration
on Red Square, Moscow July 24th 1945
Vintage silver print
35,2 x 50 cm (13.9 x 19.7 in)
Signed by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
DMITRI DEBABOV (1899–1949)
Stilisiertes Porträt von Josef Stalin in Anlehnung
an russische Ikonen / Stylised portrait of Iosif Stalin
in the manner of Russian Icons, USSR c. 1945
Gelatin silver print, printed later
59,9 x 40,5 cm (23.6 x 15.9 in)
Annotated “Dmitri Debabov” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Feuerwerk / Fireworks, Stalingrad
May 1st, 1945
Vintage silver print, mounted on
10,9 x 7,5 cm (4.3 x 3 in)
Signed, dated and titled by the
photographer in ink on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
IVAN SHAGIN (1904–1982)
Feuerwerk zur Feier der Befreiung Orels /
Fireworks to celebrate the liberation of Orel,
Moscow 1943
Vintage silver print
19,3 x 33,9 cm (7.6 x 13.3 in)
Annotated “Moscow 1943. The first fireworks
dedicated to the liberation by Red Army of
Orel” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the
reverse, photo­g rapher’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800–2.200
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
‘Victory Fireworks in Moscow’,
May 9th 1945
Vintage silver print, mounted on cardboard
52,3 x 39,5 cm (20.6 x 15.6 in)
Annotated “B. Kudoyarov. Victory Fireworks
in Moscow” in an unidentified hand in pencil
on the reverse, annotated “Exhibition
“World War II in photographs” 1948” on a
label with typographic description on the
reverse of the mount
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Hotel ‘Moskva’, May 1945
Vintage silver print
29 x 41,4 cm (11.4 x 16.3 in)
Signed and titled by the photographer
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Kriegsfotografie War Photography
Feuerwerk / Fireworks, Moscow 1947
Vintage silver print
33,3 x 46,2 cm (13.1 x 18.2 in)
Signed, dated and titled by the
photographer in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.600 / € 2.500–3.000
Moskau bei Nacht (Große MoskwaBrücke und Kreml) / Moscow at night
(Bolshoy Moskvoretsky bridge and
Kremlin), 1940s
Vintage silver print
28,4 x 40,2 cm (11.2 x 15.8 in)
Annotated “E. Evzerikhin” in an unidentified hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Jubiläum 800 Jahre Moskau The 800th Anniversary of Moscow
NAUM GR ANOVSKI (1898–1971)
Swerdlow-Platz – Sicht auf das BolschoiTheater / Sverdlov Square – view on
Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow 1947
Vintage silver print
9 x 13,9 cm (3.5 x 5.5 in)
Signed, dated and annotated “800 Years
of Moscow. Sverdlov Square at Night”
(Cyrillic) by the photographer in ink on
the rerverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 2.000 / € 2.800–3.200
NAUM GR ANOVSKI (1898–1971)
Moskau bei Nacht – Sicht auf den
Kreml / Moscow at night – view on
Kremlin, Moscow 1947
Vintage silver print
7,7 x 12,6 cm (3 x 5 in)
Signed, dated and annotated “Moscow
at Night during the Celebration day of
800 Years” (Cyrillic) by the photographer
in ink on the rerverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 2.000 / € 2.800–3.200
Jubiläum 800 Jahre Moskau The 800th Anniversary of Moscow
NAUM GR ANOVSKI (1898–1971)
Hotel ‘Moskva’, 1947
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
16,5 x 11,7 cm (6.5 x 4.6 in)
Signed, dated and annotated “800
Years of Moscow. Appearance of the
façade of the Hotel Moscow” (Cyrillic)
by the photographer in ink on the
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
NAUM GR ANOVSKI (1898–1971)
Hotel ‘Moskva’ (Marx & Lenin),
Moscow 1940/50s
Vintage silver print
11 x 17 cm (4.3 x 6.7 in)
Signed by the photographer in
pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 2.000 / € 2.800–3.200
Jubiläum 800 Jahre Moskau The 800th Anniversary of Moscow
Bau eines Heizungssystems / Heating
system construction, Tchaikovsky‘s Street,
Moscow 1950
Vintage silver print
22,1 x 16,7 cm (8.7 x 6.6 in)
Signed, dated and annotated “Introduction
of a heating system on Tchaikovsky’s street.
21.VI 50” by the photographer in ink on
the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 600 / € 1.000–1.200
Naum Granovski, Sverdlov Square,
Moscow 1947
Vintage silver print
11,1 x 17,7 cm (4.4 x 7 in)
Annotated “To Naum Samoilovich
Granovski in memory of Moscow’s 800th
Anniversary from Viktor Koshevoi
7.IX.47” by the photographer in ink
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 2.000 / € 2.800–3.200
Nachkriegsfotografie Post-War Photography
‘The village and the city’, USSR 1960s
Vintage silver print
16,4 x 24,1 cm (6.5 x 9.5 in)
Annotated in an unidentified hand
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Volgograd, USSR 1970
Vintage silver print
25,7 x 40,3 cm (10.1 x 15.9 in)
Signed, dated and titled by photographer
in ink on the reverse, photographer’s
stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Nachkriegsfotografie Post-War Photography
‘Bellflowers’ (Photogram), Moscow 1978
Vintage silver print
28,9 x 22,7 cm (11.4 x 8.9 in)
Signed and dated by the photographer
in pencil on the reverse, annotated
“Bellflowers. Photogram” (Cyrillic) in an
unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 1.800–2.200
Nachkriegsfotografie Post-War Photography
Warwara Rodtschenko, die Tochter von Alexander Rodtschenko
und Warwara Stepanowa, fing Mitte der 1960er Jahre an, mit ­
der Fotogramm-Technik zu arbeiten. Ihr Vater unterrichtete an
den berühmten Wchutemas-Werkstätten (Höhere KünstlerischTechnische Werkstätten), wo sich das Fotogramm großer Wert­
schätzung erfreute und eine beliebte Technik war. Warwara
Rodtschenko benutzte sie für eine Vielzahl von Blumenkompo­
sitionen, Selbstporträts und Bucheinbänden. Eine schöne Auswahl
von Fotogrammen aus verschiedenen Jahrzehnten wird bei dieser
Auktion präsentiert.
Varvara Rodchenko, daughter of Alexander Rodchenko and
Varvara Stepanova, began to work with the technique of photo­
grams in the mid-1960s. Her father was a teacher at the famous
Vkhutemas Workshops (Higher Art and Technical Studios); there
the photogram was a highly esteemed and popular technique.
Varvara Rodchenko used it in numerous floral compositions,
self-portraits and book cover designs. A beautiful selection of
them, dating from different decades, is presented in this auction.
actual size
Nachkriegsfotografie Post-War Photography
‘Summer’ (Photogram), Moscow 1995
Gelatin silver print
23,9 x 18 cm (9.4 x 7.1 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the photographer
in ink on the reverse, annotated “For Horward
Schickler from Varvara Rodchenko” by the
photographer in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 1.800–2.200
Selbstporträt / Self portrait (Photomontage),
Moscow 1960s
Vintage silver print
25,9 x 18,3 cm (10.2 x 7.2 in)
Signed and titled by the photographer in
ink on the reverse, annotated “Sketch for
the book of E. Andeev” in an unidentified
hand in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 1.800–2.200
≤ 310
‘Spring’ (Photogram), Moscow 1986
Vintage silver print
21,7 x 12,7 cm (8.5 x 5 in)
Signed and dated by the photographer in
ink on the reverse, annotated “Photogram.
Rodchenko V. A. Spring. 1986” (Cyrillic) in
an unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 1.400 / € 1.800–2.200
Nachkriegsfotografie Post-War Photography
actual size
Rodtschenko in seinem Studio /
Rodchenko in his studio, Moscow 1925
Gelatin silver print, contact print,
printed in the 1950s
6,4 x 4,1 cm (2.5 x 1.6 in)
Annotated “Rodchenko in his workshop.
1925” in English in an unidentified hand
in ink on the reverse, Rodchenko’s stamp
on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 2.500 / € 4.000–5.000
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Jewgeni Chaldei mit seiner Leica III /
Yevgeni Khaldei with his Leica III,
USSR 1936
Vintage silver print, mounted on
8,9 x 12 cm (3.5 x 4.7 in)
Signed and dated by Khaldei in ink
on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
actual size
Jewgeni Chaldei mit seiner Leica III /
Yevgeni Khaldei with his Leica III,
Murmansk 1941
Gelatin silver print, printed later,
mounted on envelope
11 x 8,8 cm (4.3 x 3.5 in)
Signed and dated by Khaldei in ink
on the envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 900 / € 1.400–1.600
actual size
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Max Alpert mit einem Jugendfreund /
Max Alpert with a childhood friend,
USSR 1920s
Vintage silver print
4,1 x 4,3 cm (1.6 x 1.7 in)
Annotated “To dear Aleksandra
Isakovna from Misha” and “Max Alpert”
(Cyrillic) in an unidentified hand
(most likely by the childhood friend)
in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Max Alpert, USSR c. 1940
Vintage silver print
8,6 x 11,3 cm (3.4 x 4.4 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 600 / € 900–1.200
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Max Alpert, Magnitogorsk,
USSR 1929
Vintage silver print
10,7 x 14,5 cm (4.2 x 5.7 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Max Alpert, USSR 1940s
Vintage silver print
10,9 x 8 cm (4.3 x 3.1 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Simon Fridland mit / with Leica III,
USSR c. 1935
Vintage silver print
6,7 x 9,1 cm (2.6 x 3.6 in)
Annotated in an unidentified hand
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 700 / € 1.000–1.200
GEORGI ZELMA (1906–1984)
Simon Fridland mit / with Leica III,
Red Square, Moscow 1935
Gelatin silver print, printed in the
1950s, mounted on envelope
13,2 x 9,6 cm (5.2 x 3.8 in)
Signed, titled and dated by the
photographer in ink on envelope
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 2.000 / € 3.000–3.500
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Kriegsfotograf Boris Vdovienko am
Dach des Reichstags / War photographer
Boris Vdovienko on the roof of the
­Reichstag, Berlin 1945
Vintage silver print
11 x 16,3 cm (4.3 x 6.4 in)
Annotated “Berlin. May 1945. War
photographer Boris Vdovienko on the
roof of the Reichstag” (Cyrillic) in an
unidentified hand in ink on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 600 / € 900–1.200
Dmitri Debabov, Simon Fridland,
Arkady Shaikhet und weitere
sowjetische Fotografen / and other
Soviet photographers, USSR 1940s
Vintage silver print
24,2 x 16,8 cm (9.5 x 6.6 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.400 / € 2.000–2.400
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Georgi Zelma mit / with Leica I Mod. A,
Urals, USSR 1934
Vintage silver print, mounted on
14,7 x 9,7 cm (5.8 x 3.8 in)
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 1.200 / € 1.800– 2.200
Georgi Zelma (links / o n he left), USSR
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1960s
11,6 x 17,5 cm (4.6 x 6.9 in)
Zelma’s stamp on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler
Fine Art, New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Mark Markov-Grinberg, USSR 1929
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1970s
40,6 x 28,1 cm (16 x 11.1 in)
Signed and annotated “1929. Photo­journalist,
Mark Markov-Grinberg” by Markov-Grinberg
in pencil on the reverse
PROVENANCE Howard Schickler Fine Art,
New York
€ 800 / € 1.400–1.600
Sowjetische Fotografen Soviet Photographers
Glossar der Termini
Glossary of Terms
Zu - / Beschreibung der Objekte
Name of Artist / Description
Für jedes Los wird der Fotograf in fett gedruckten Lettern
genannt. Auf Zuschreibungen, die Transkription von
Beschriftungen, Stempel und Datierung wurde größt­
mögliche Sorgfalt verwandt. Für die Inhalte der deskriptiven
Bildbeschreibungen übernimmt der Veranstalter / Herausgeber keine Verantwortung.
For each lot the name of the photographer appears
in bold type heading. While every reasonable effort
was made to provide correct attributions, accurate
tran­scriptions of inscriptions, stamps or dates, WestLicht ­
does not assume the responsibility for the contents of
descriptive texts.
Die durch Publikationen und andere Quellen (wie eigenhändige Beschriftung der Fotografen) gesicherten
Original­titel der Werke werden in Anführungszeichen
angegeben; in den übrigen Fällen handelt es sich um
beschreibende Titel.
Generally accepted titles for photographs have been put
in quotation marks; in other cases, descriptive titles have
been used.
Datierung der Prints
Als Vintage-Print wird ein Abzug bezeichnet, der in un­­­
mittelbarer zeitlicher Nähe zur Aufnahme bzw. Produktion
des Negatives vom Fotografen selbst oder einer Person
seines Vertrauens angefertigt wurde. Exakte Datumsangaben
für die Positive sind nur in den seltensten Fällen bekannt.
Die Unterscheidung zwischen einem Vintage-Print und
einem später produzierten Abzug wird in Relation zur
Datierung des Negatives ausgedrückt, beispielsweise bei
einem Silbergelatineprint: 1920, Vintage silver print oder
1920, Gelatin silver print, printed later. Eine möglichst
präzise Datierung, zumindest das Jahr oder Jahrzehnt der
Entstehung wird für jedes Lot angegeben. Die Angaben
basieren auf dem Wissen des WestLicht-Expertenteams
zur Geschichte der jeweiligen Fotografie, ihrer Provenienz
und visueller Begutachtung. Für die Angaben kann keine
Gewähr übernommen werden.
Bei den Maßangaben folgen die Maße der Bildbreite
jenen der Bildhöhe. Sofern nicht anders angegeben,
beziehen sich diese Maße auf das tatsächliche Bildformat
ohne jegliche Ränder. Einige Fotografien werden im
­Katalog ohne Rand abgebildet.
A vintage print is one made at roughly the same time as
the negative by the photographer himself or by a person
or procedure satisfactory to the photographer. Specific
dates of positive prints are rarely known. This distinction
between a vintage print and a print done considerably
later would be expressed with the date referring to the
production of the negative. In case of a gelatin silver print:
1920, Vintage silver print or 1920, Gelatin silver print,
­printed later.The approximate date, year, or decade of ­
a positive print is given when possible, based on the
WestLicht’s knowledge of the history of the photograph,
its provenance, and our visual assessment of the photo­
graph’s physical characteristics. We don’t guarantee the
printing date of the photograph.
Measurements are given height preceding width. Unless
otherwise indicated dimensions given are those of the actual
image size (excluding any margins). Some photographs
appear in the catalogue without margins illustrated.
Framing and matting
Photographs described as framed are sold in the frames
in which they have been offered. WestLicht does not take
responsibility for the appearance of the frames or mats,
nor for their conformity to proper standards of conservation.
R ahmung und Passepartouts
Die als gerahmt oder montiert angeführten Fotografien
werden als solche angeboten und verkauft. WestLicht
übernimmt keine Verantwortung für den Zustand der
mitgelieferten Passepartouts bzw. Untersatzkartons und
Rahmen, auch in Hinblick auf konservatorische Standards.
The general practise is not to indicate condition or defects.
Prospective bidders are urged to inspect lots ­at our
public viewing or ask for a condition report at our auction
department. For condition reports please contact:
Der Zustand der angebotenen Objekte wird im Allgemeinen
nicht im Katalog erfasst. Interessenten und Bieter werden
ersucht, den Zustand der Lots anlässlich der öffentlichen
Vorbesichtigung zu prüfen oder einen detaillierten
Zustandsbericht anzufordern: anna.zimm@westlicht.com
Fotografenindex / Index of Photographers
ARNOLD, EVE 102, 119, 125
BISCHOF, WERNER 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
BURRI, RENÉ 101, 164
CAPA, ROBERT 77, 82, 83
70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 103, 107
D’OR A, MADAME 19, 20, 22
DAVIDSON, BRUCE 120, 165, 166, 167
DOK A, BEL A 151, 152
ERMAKOV, DIMITRI 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ERWIT T, ELLIOT T 92, 93, 94
FRITZ, ROGER 130, 138
GIBSON, R ALPH 132, 140
HA AS, ERNST 97, 146
HOSOE, EIKOH 136, 137
LIST, HERBERT 35, 36, 37
MOR ATH, INGE 79, 10 0
RIBOUD, MARC 80, 81, 91, 99
RONIS, WILLY 43, 44, 45
STOCK, DENNIS 108, 109, 110
STR AND, PAUL 28, 62
WALDE, ALFONS 11, 12, 13, 14
WEEGEE 51, 52, 124
Fotografenindex (Sowjetische Fotografie) / Index of Photographers (Soviet Photography )
193, 194, 285, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322,
323, 324, 325, 326
ALPERT, MA X 209, 214, 218, 219
DEBABOV, DMITRI 247, 256, 269, 294
EV ZERIKHIN, EMMANUIL 211, 230, 254, 270, 275,
298, 299, 30 0
FRIDL AND, SIMON 255, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262
GL ADKOV, A . 184
GR ACHEV, MIKHAIL 240, 263, 264, 265
GR ANOVSKI, NAUM 301, 302, 303, 304
KHALDEI, YEVGENI 213, 277, 286, 287, 288, 289,
292, 293
KHALIP, YAKOV 234, 236, 264, 265
KUDOYAROV, BORIS 271, 272, 297
MARKOV- GRINBERG, MARK 233, 273, 281
NAPPELBAUM, IDA 185, 186, 187
RODCHENKO, ALE X ANDER 188, 189, 190, 191,
192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 20 0, 201, 202, 203,
204, 205
RODCHENKO, VARVAR A 309, 310, 311, 312
SHAGIN, IVAN 222, 239, 296
SHISHKIN, ARK ADY 220, 221, 223, 238, 245, 246
ZELMA, GEORGI 215, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228,
229, 235, 241, 242, 243, 244, 248, 249, 250, 267,
276, 278, 195, 308, 321
für Bieter bei der WestLicht Foto-Auktion (Peter Coeln GmbH)
1. Mit der Abgabe eines schriftlichen oder telefonischen Kaufauftrages, eines
Online-Gebots oder durch die persönliche Teilnahme als Saal­bieter erkennt
jeder Bieter bei der Auktion die folgenden Versteigerungs­bedingungen
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der deutsche Text der Versteigerungs­bedingungen im gedruckten Katalog
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2. Die Versteigerung ist öffentlich und freiwillig und wird nach den Bestim­mun­
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Gerichtsstand ist Wien. Auch im Verhältnis zu ausländischen Bietern ist österreichisches Recht maßgeblich.
3. Die Schätzung und fachliche Bestimmung der Objekte erfolgt durch Experten der WestLicht Foto-Auktion, die bemüht sind den Zustand ­
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­ er Verkauf daher ohne Gewähr und
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Punkt 12).
4. Die Besichtigung der zur Versteigerung vorgesehenen Objekte ist innerhalb
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erteilen wir sowohl telefonisch, als auch schriftlich oder per E-Mail – zusätzlich
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6. Der Kaufpreis besteht aus dem Zuschlagpreis (= Hammerpreis) zuzüglich
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a) Regelbesteuerung: Lose, deren Startpreis im Katalog mit * gekennzeichnet
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b) Differenzbesteuerung: Ohne gesonderte Kennzeichnung unterliegt der
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d) Keine Mehrwertsteuer wird berechnet, wenn die Lose in Staaten außerhalb
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geliefert werden sollen, wenn diese ihre Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
angegeben haben. Das Aufgeld beträgt in diesen Fällen 20%.
Conditions of Sale
for bidders at WestLicht Photo Auctions (Peter Coeln GmbH)
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The buyer’s premium is 20 % of the hammer price.
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f ) For lots won using a live bidding services the buyer’s premium will be 23 %.
Nimmt ein Käufer mit Wohnsitz außerhalb der EU die ersteigerten Lose selbst
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Maß­geblich ist der Katalogtext der gedruckten deutschen Ausgabe des
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8. Gesteigert wird um ca. 10 % des Ausrufpreises. Der Ausrufpreis ist in der
Regel der im Katalog angeführte Startpreis, sofern nicht mehrere höhere
schriftliche Gebote vorliegen. In diesem Fall ruft der Auktionator zu Gunsten
des höchsten Bieters mit dem Betrag aus, der 10 % über dem schriftlichen
Gebot des zweithöchsten Bieters liegt. Liegen mehrere gleiche schriftliche
Höchstgebote vor, so wird zu Gunsten des zuerst eingelangten Gebotes
entschieden. Das zugeschlagene Gebot ist der Nettokaufpreis.
9. Das Eigentum der ersteigerten Ware geht erst nach vollständiger Bezahlung
auf den Käufer über. Im Falle des Zuschlages verpflichtet sich der Ersteher zur
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ver­s teigerter Gegenstände seitens des Versteigerers ist ausgeschlossen. Mit
dem Zuschlag geht die gesamte Haftung für den Versteigerungsgegenstand
sofort auf den Ersteher über. Das ersteigerte Los wird dem Ersteher jedoch erst
nach vollständiger Bezahlung des Zu­schlagpreises und des Aufgeldes, sowie
an­f allender Steuern und Gebüh­ren ausgehändigt. Wird vereinbart, den Gegen­
stand dennoch vor vollständiger Bezahlung auszuliefern, verbleibt der
ver­s teigerte Gegenstand bis zum vollständigen Forderungsausgleich Eigentum
des Einlieferers.
10. Sofern keine anderen Vereinbarungen getroffen wurden, haben Saalbieter
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Bei Bezahlung durch Überweisung ist der Rechnungsbetrag sofort und inklusive aller Bankspesen fällig. Die Rechnungen ­der schriftlich oder telefonisch
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Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 5 % über dem jeweiligen Basiszinssatz der Österreichischen Nationalbank verrechnet. Ebenso ist die Zahlung per Nachnahme,
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­ rans­port und
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gebracht. Wir weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass ­wir aus­schließlich die Selbstkosten verrechnen und aufgrund unserer Vereinbarung mit Transportfirmen für
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Lagerung und Verpackung erfolgt jedoch grundsätzlich auf Gefahr des Käufers.
11. Bei Annahmeverweigerung oder Zahlungsverzug haftet der Ersteher für alle
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wegen Nichterfüllung des Kaufvertrages verlangen. Das Versteigerungsgut
kann auf Kosten des Erstehers nochmals versteigert werden. In diesem Fall
haftet der Ersteher für den Minderpreis und hat auf einen gegebenenfalls
erzielten Mehrerlös keinen Anspruch.
7. The lots will be auctioned in numerical order as listed in the catalogue.
The German text of the auction catalogue is binding. The ­auctioneer reserves
the right to group numbered lots together during the auction, to separate
them, to remove or to change the order as he sees fit. He may refuse an offer
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8. Bids will be in increments of approx. 10 % of the starting price. As a rule the
start price is the one to be found in the catalogue unless there have been
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second highest bidder. Should there be more than one written, highest bid, the
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12. Versteigerte Objekte werden prinzipiell nicht zurück genommen. Handelt
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telephone Bid Form for WestLicht Photo Auction
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Lot no.
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Lot no.
Absentee Bid Form for WestLicht Photo Auction
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Lot no.
I agree to be bound by the conditions of sale as printed in the catalogue.
In the event that several bidders submitted identical highest bids, the
auctioneer will start by calling out a price in favor of the highest written bid
that is 10 % higher than the second highest written bid. The one that was
received first will be awarded the winning bid (unless on-site bids outbid
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The bids for lots valued at EUR 2,000 and higher will be raised in steps
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Lot no.
As a rule the starting price is the one listed in the catalogue, as long as
there are not several higher written bids on hand. | In addition to the
hammer price there are commission charges of 20 %. If agreement is
reached with us to make payment with a credit card an additional 3 % will
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Commission bids when placed by telephone have to be confirmed in writing
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© Ren Hang
Impressum / Imprint
Verleger und Herausgeber / Editor and Publisher
WestLicht Auction, Peter Coeln GmbH,
Westbahnstraße 40, 1070 Wien / Vienna, Austria
Peter Coeln GmbH, Wien / Vienna 2015
Für den Inhalt verantwortlich / Responsibility for Contents
Peter Coeln
K atalog - und Textredaktion / Cataloguers
Anna Zimm
Michael Kollmann (Fotobücher / Photobooks)
Maria Verbitskaya
(Sowjetische Fotografie / Soviet Photographs)
grafik Design / Graphic Design
Juliane Sonntag
Fotos und Bildbearbeitung / Reproduction and Image Editing
Peter Jakadofsky
Michael Lebek
Andreas Böhm
Druck / PRint
Grasl FairPrint
Auktions -Ausstellung / Viewing And E xhibition
Rebekka Reuter
Konservatorin / Conservator
Taiyoung Ha
Vorbehaltlich Irrtümer, Satz- und Druckfehler.
Veröffentlichungen aus diesem Katalog be­dürfen
der schriftlichen Genehmigung des Verlegers. / We can take no responsibility for any mistakes,
errors or omissions. Reproduction of all or any ­
part of this catalogue only with written permission
of the publisher.