Company Profile flyer
Company Profile flyer
ACQUATECNOS.r.l. ACQUATECNO S.r.l. Via Ajaccio, 14 - 00198 Rome Tel. +39 06 44702081 / 06 44703782 - Fax +39 06 44703782 - Grafica A.Truocchio ACQUA TECNO Name: Presentation "DIGA A GETTATA NORD" PORT OF CIVITAVECCHIA (RM) STRATEGIC WORKS FUNCTIONAL+7.50 LOT 1 Scogliera di confine con "Darsena Energetica Grandi Masse (D.E.G.M)" +6.00 +6.00 +1.50 +1.30 Acquatecno S.r.l. Registered Office: Via Ajaccio 14, 00198 Rome Business Office: Via Ajaccio 14, 00198 Rome VAT No.: 01921391007 +2.10 +2.00 .50 +2 +1.80 +2.10 +1.30 +2.50 +5.00 Dragaggio -10.00 sul l.m.m. LE I NT PO 0 .5 +2 -1 +2.10 +2.50 Dragaggio -10.00 sul l.m.m. +3.00 +2.50 +10.00 Dragaggio -17.00 sul l.m.m. Strada E IL NT PO 0 .5 +2 +7.50 -2 TOMBAMENTO FOSSO DEL BUONAUGURIO Dragaggio -15.00 sul l.m.m. +2.50 Area dragata -10.70 sul l.m.m. +2.50 +10.00 LE I NT -3 +2.10 0 .50 +2 Area dragata -15.30 sul l.m.m. .5 +2 Dragaggio -17.00 sul l.m.m. PO DARSENA TRAGHETTI Area dragata -15.30 sul l.m.m. +2.50 PR OL UN GA al in rm ME Te NT O AN TE MU RA LE ain nt co er a in ch an -b - +2.10 rd no Dragaggio -17.00 sul l.m.m. CO LO MB al in rm Te O co er ein nt +9.50 An LATO MARE LATO DARSENA TRAGHETTI Cassone tipo F1 ur m te Cavidotti per sottoservizi e al lo Co Getto in opera m Cassone tipo C bo - Field studies - Campaigns to analyse the main physical, chemical and mi crobiological indicators - Economic, financial, organisational and management stu dies - Town and territorial planning, port planning - Technical-financial feasibility studies, preliminary, final and executive design - Works supervision and safety coordination during design and performance of works - Environmental studies to assess impact of planned works (Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Im pact Study, Environmental and Landscape Insertion Stu dy, Environmental Incidence Assessment, Integrated Envi ronmental Impact Assessment-Strategic Environmental As sessment, etc.); - Land reclamation projects - Formulation of environmental monitoring and performance control plans - Scientific research applied to environmental control - Required construction permits (Building Permit, Commen cement Notice, Commencement Notification, etc.) - Assistance with approval procedures and management of relations with administrations and organisations +2.10 Dragaggio -6.00 sul l.m.m. .50 Engineering and architectural services: DARSENA SERVIZI +2 TOWN PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION AND TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT - Town and territorial planning - Civil and industrial construction - Territorial surveys and censuses +2.00 +1.50 +10.00 0 2.1 HYDRAULIC WORKS - Aqueducts - Sewage systems - River systems +1.80 +2.50 + Sector: MARITIME WORKS - Structural works at commercial, fishing and tourist ports - Dredging - Coastal protection works - Off-shore works Acquatecno S.r.l., an engineering company set up in 1987, works mainly in the maritime works and environmental sectors. The company’s activities in Italy and abroad are focused on maritime works, port infrastructures, construction, the environment and territory, and hydraulic works. The progressive increase in environmental awareness over the last decade has led Acquatecno to develop more closely its study of the marine and coastal environment, including through specialist research campaigns, while respecting the characteristic of being a transition area between the earth and sea. Using dedicated human resources, the company has developed original programmes in the maritime hydraulic sector for studying off-shore wave agitation, calculating its modification in propagation towards the coast and estimating changes in shorelines where coasts are subject to erosive phenomena or when changes have to be made to coastal morphology due to diffusion of pollutants, etc. These instruments make it possible to give back to polluted coasts a structure that is compatible with human use and with natural conditions, minimising the environmental impact of works. Acquatecno S.r.l. has also patented an artificial concrete riprap used as an underwater barrier to protect against illegal trawling and as an instrument for fish repopulation. The company’s engineering and architectural services mainly concern town, territorial and port planning, maritime hydraulic studies, feasibility studies, preliminary, final and executive design, works supervision and safety coordination during design and performance of works. Engineering and architectural services are commissioned to Acquatecno S.r.l. by the public administration (regional, municipal authorities, etc), state-owned organisations and companies, as well as clients from the private sector. Acquatecno S.r.l. adopts a corporate quality system based on ISO 9001 standards. +7.50 Sovrastruttura in c.a. Pozzetti carrabili per ispezione servizi +3.05 Sovrastruttura di c.a. gettata in opera Dalle prefabbricate (h=0.20 m) Pozzetti carrabili per ispezioni servizi Cavidotti per sottoservizi Sfiati Soletta flottante (h = 0.30 m) Bitta da 250t Pannello prefabbricato +3.00 +2.50 +1.80 +0.80 3 +2.50 +2.10 1 Parabordo SCK 1000 H +0.70 Riempimento con materiale inerte Dalla prefabbricata (h=0.10 m) Q.L.M.M. -0.70 PORT OF NAPLES (NA) TRASFORMATION OF HE DOCK TO THE EAST IN CONTAINER TERMINAL -1.20 -1.70 -2.00 Foro esterno (1.50x1.00 m) -3.50 Cls magro Riempimento celle con materiale inerte -3.90 Cls magro Pietrame 5 - 50 Kg Riempimento celle con materiale inerte Massi naturali 1 - 3 t -7.20 -8.00 3 2 3 Riempimento celle con materiale inerte Pietrame 50 - 300 Kg Riempimento celle con materiale inerte Riempimento celle con materiale inerte Pietrame 50 - 300 Kg 2 Massi naturali 1 - 3 t 3 2 -14.20 3 -15.00 2 3 -16.00 ACQUA TECNO Q.L.M.M. Cella antirisacca riempita con pietrame 300 - 500 kg 2 Dragaggio -15.00