Spring - South Sutter Charter School


Spring - South Sutter Charter School
Spring 2008
2008 Newsletter
SSCS Physical Office
2453 El Centro Blvd.
East Nicolaus, CA 95659
(Do not send mail to this address)
Mailing address:
1166 Broadway, Suite Q
Placerville, Ca 95667
Phone: 1-800-979-4436
Fax: 530-295-3583
SSCS Directors
Becky Cote: Director, Education Services
Janet Marsh: Director, Education Specialist Support
Letter from the SSCS School Directors
It is hard for us to imagine that we are nearing the close of our
third school year since we opened our doors to you in the fall of
2005! We had under one hundred students our first month of
operation, and this spring we have nearly one thousand students in our
school! Each year we try to streamline our processes and hire more of the
most qualified and talented teachers in the state. Many of our teaching
staff have years of experience in the traditional public or private school
setting and choose to work for us because they love the cooperative
interaction with your students and you, their families. They also know that
the creative alternative learning opportunities our school offers helps make
a difference in your students’ lives.
We are extremely excited that our SSCS became fully WASC accredited
this year after our initial visit, as accreditation gives our school an extra
amount of prestige and creditability! Your students’ credits should now
transfer to another CA public high school, should you decide to leave us
prior to graduation. We may now submit courses for a-g approval to be
taken by your students pursuing the UC system as their college career
choice. Your students’ credits will also be more widely accepted at any
college of their choice, as well. Our WASC accreditation renewal date is
spring of 2010.
Second and third grade through twelfth grade students SCANTRON tested
this fall, as required by our school charter, in the areas of reading, math,
and language arts. Their test results are measured in a four digit scaled
score which is a reliable estimate ranging from 1300 to 3700 with about a
90% reliability factor. When a student in second grade takes the Scantron
test for the first time as their baseline test, they receive a scaled score
that will continue to increase as they attain new skills throughout their
school career. Scantron is a “vertical” assessment because unlike the STAR
test, it compares the same student’s scores from one year to the next to
show progressive learning for that student. Your Education Specialist is
able to elaborate further if you have any questions about this assessment or
your student’s scores.
After reviewing our Scantron test results from this year to last year, it is
evident and documented that our students are making great strides in their
learning while at SSCS! As school directors, we find that very encouraging
as we partner with you, the parents, to work hard making a difference in
your child’s education.
The CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) is an assessment that your
tenth through twelfth graders must take until they pass, as it is required by
the CA education code in order to receive a high school diploma. When your
tenth grader is first required to attempt this assessment, the skills
assessed should still be fresh in their minds from their 9th/10th grade
coursework. They have about a 70% chance of passing it at that point. At
SSCS’s May 2008 CAHSEE assessment, we will have 39% of our potential
graduating seniors attempting to pass the CAHSEE in order to graduate with
a diploma. Here is the link to more information about SSCS’s May 6th and
7th CAHSEE: http://www.sscs.cc/assessment/SSCAHSEESite507.htm .
Please talk with your Education Specialist for more detailed information
about your student’s specific situation.
The STAR testing period is in full swing as we write this letter to you! This
state mandated achievement test assesses your student’s achievement
towards the California State Standards provided to you by your Education
Specialist at the beginning of the school year for each student. The
following link http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/index.asp provides more
specific information on each of the standards by subject and grade level.
We encourage you as the parent to view these specific objectives that your
child will be tested on each year and partner with your Education Specialist
to develop an individualized learning plan to prepare your students for this
yearly assessment. As we write, 70% of our South Sutter students have
tested at their assigned test date/time. If your student has not yet tested
and you have not made special arrangements for this, we expect and must
have your student at their assigned make-up testing site in order to meet
our state mandated requirements. We want to thank you for all of your time
spent and hard work given to personally educate your students and prepare
them to have a successful assessment day with our staff. Many families use
this time as a great networking opportunity to get to know other families in
your school and share educational ideas, or just take a well-deserved time
out break for yourself.
We look forward to seeing many of you with graduating students on Sunday,
May 18th at 3:00 PM at our East Nicholas district office multi-purpose room
for the ceremony. Our school secretary and your Education Specialist can
provide you with more details as they become available. (You may email
Brenda, our school secretary at
sssecretary@ieminc.org. )
Becky Cote, Director of Education Services
Janet Marsh, Director of ES Support
At IEM schools, we take pride in the fact that we are truly committed to
parent choice. Unfortunately, state and federal laws are becoming more
and more restrictive for independent study charter schools. Despite this,
we work hard to give you the most freedom within these boundaries, so
that you can continue to focus your energy on doing what is best for your
children's education.
In order to meet the federal No Child Left Behind requirements of having
access to highly qualified teachers for high school core courses, South
Sutter has come up with a great option for your family! They are called
Highly Qualified Teacher Subject Matter Expert (HQT SME) courses. This is a
great option if you do not want to enroll your high school student in an
online course or a community college course and would like some flexibility
in curriculum and methodology.
HQT SME courses are designed to give parents freedom they need within
the boundaries of the federal NCLB laws. SMEs have created guideline
syllabi with suggested curriculum for you. SMEs are also available
throughout the semester for feedback and guidance on how to tailor your
course of study for a core area to meet the state standards. We are very
lucky to have some excellent SMEs at our school.
Shauna Anderson
Bachelor of Arts in English from University of Vermont
Master of Arts in Education and Catechetics in progress at University of
Dr. Brandy Anderson
Bachelor of Science in Botany from UC Santa Barbara
Master of Science in Soil Science from University of Vermont
PhD in Environmental Geochemistry from University of Vermont
Sabina Maloshag
Bachelor of Arts in Russian/Romanian SL from University of Kishinev, MD
Master of Arts in Russian/Romanian SL from University of Kishinev, MD
Art Hanjiev
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from California State University, Fresno
Master of Arts in Mathematics Education from Fresno Pacific University
Victoria Brady Benefiel
Master of Science: Education, California State University, Fullerton
Bachelor of Arts: History/Social Science and English, California State
University, Fullerton
El Instituto de Lituratura Infantil, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid, Spain
El Instituto de Español: San Jose, Costa Rica
Nancy Meyer
Bachelor of Arts in Education from Ohio State University
Clear California Teaching Credential in Art Education - San Jose State
The California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) is a requirement for
graduation and for receiving a high school diploma. All 10th grade students
MUST take this exam. Those who do not receive a passing score in the 10th
grade will have additional opportunities each school year to pass the exam. A
passing score of 350 is required in each area (Math and Language Arts) of
Make sure your 12th grader students take the CAHSEE in May if they have
not yet passed. It is also important for 10th graders to take the exam in
May, if they did not test earlier in the year, because their results affect
our schools report card, which could affect school funding. Also, it has been
proven that the students that take the CAHSEE in 10th grade on average
pass it more often than those who wait. For the 12th graders, they should
take the CAHSEE so that they can graduate! Very important!!!
If a student cannot attend their assigned site, the family needs to
inform their ES right away! The ES can then have the assessment
department make arrangements and adjustments as necessary to
have the student test at a location more convenient for them. Check our
Assessment page on our Website for the most current testing site
The last time this school year to take the CAHSEE is Tuesday, May
6 for the ELA portion and Wednesday, May 7th for the math portion. Make
sure to have your students take it!
STAR Assessment Information
These annual standardized tests are mandated by the State of California
and in compliance with NCLB. 95% student participation is required for
grades 2-11.
Dates for grades 2-11 multiple choice portion of the test are within the
state mandated test window. Please check your school calendar for the test
window and your specific test site schedules for specific dates and times.
The dates our students must complete the STAR assessment are mandated
by the State Board of Education.
Students must test at the grade level indicated on their student agreement
(with the exception of students with specific IEP statements), which is
based on their birthday.
Individual test scores are confidential and are sent directly to the
parent/student by the assessment department usually in mid to late August,
after they are received.
Scores collected by the State are aggregates and merged into group grade
level reports by subject. Individual scores are confidential and are not
collected by the State.
STAR study resources can be found online at the following link:
Students will need to bring a lunch, snacks, water, and a quiet activity in the
event they should finish earlier than other students.
Student Behavior Policy at Test Sites
The following is our policy regarding student behavior
during our various assessment administrations, most
notably the STAR and CAHSEE. Please review this
information with your students prior to arriving at the
test location.
An emergency contact number must be given to the teacher before
Cell Phones are not allowed out during testing: Students
need to turn off cell phones during the test and put them
away. Any phones that are visible or ring during the test
will be confiscated and returned at the end of the test.
These precautions are needed to insure security of the test
and a good testing environment.
We are using private property and the rules of the facility must also
be followed.
Do not go into other areas of the facility besides your designated test
There will be no rough-housing, walking on benches outside or
furniture inside.
Supervising adults will be listened to and obeyed.
There will be no talking, note passing, or noise making while anyone is
There will be no talking when the teacher is talking.
During breaks, quiet talking is allowed. Hands will be raised for
Only one student at a time will be allowed to leave the room to use the
When tests are finished, students will stay in the classroom until all
others are finished, students must bring quiet activities to engage in
during this time (books, coloring/drawing materials).
Respect will be shown for other's personal space and belongings.
There will be no verbal or physical abuse. Threatening or violent
behavior will not be tolerated.
Profanity will not be tolerated.
There is no smoking, drinking, or illegal drug use.
Breaking these rules may result in Suspension or Expulsion from any school
group activities or if serious, from the school itself. Parents will be called
immediately and students will be sent home with consequences. If the
student is able to make-up the test, he/she will return at a later date to
make-up the test missed.
Students may not leave the facility until:
Grades 2-8 parents come in and check students out from their
Grades 9-11 students check out from their teacher with a signed
letter from parent stating that they may leave on their own (if
student does not have a letter, they will wait there until a parent or
guardian can be contacted and talked with by an adult helper or
Testing Tips
Make sure that your student goes to bed early and
has a full night’s rest prior to testing.
Make sure that your student has a good protein
breakfast prior to testing.
Send your student with a snack and bottled
water if needed for break time.
Prepare your student for testing by using test prep
Let your student know that the results will not affect their grades;
however we do want them to take it seriously and do their best.
Let your student know that they are not penalized for wrong answers
so it’s okay to make an educated guess.
Thank You for All Your Cooperation,
The Assessment Department
Top 10 Reasons for your kids
to take the STAR test
(a parent’s perspective)
By Mary Burns, Parent
10. Free tickets to the IMAX theatre (South Sutter only) or Marine World
(yes, there are even more important reasons than that)!
9. So you can tell your meddling mother-in-law that “Yes, we do regular
assessments so we know they’re learning,” even though YOU knew they were
learning the whole time!
8. Test results are as private as you want them to be – the state only uses
GROUP results, to ensure that your school is working.
7. Your kids will like it – it’s probably easier than what they usually do at
home. Remind them that its multiple choice and they can bring something
fun (and quiet) to do it they finish early.
6. Free childcare?! I mean, you can stay if you WANT to, but maybe you’ll
schedule that long-overdue massage instead.
5. You don’t have to plan or prepare any lessons for two whole days!
4. It can spark some interesting conversations about how we learn, how we
remember things, and what’s important to learn.
3. Don’t forget – even having them make their own bag lunches for that day
can be educational!
2. All the information you could possibly need is conveniently located at
Charter School needs 95% of its students to participate in the test,
according to our charter and CDE.
From the desk of Shelly Ross
Curriculum Coordinator
Read Naturally
There are some programs that simply work and work well in our school model, and Read
Naturally is one of them! Read Naturally is a direct fluency instruction program. It helps
students read smoothly so that their mental energy can go into understanding what the
passage is saying instead of how to read the passage. When a student’s reading fluency
increases, their reading understanding (comprehension) usually increases. As reading
comprehension increases, students are better able to understand their subject content
and student test scores usually increase across all areas. So when you see a student
struggling in a course, ask yourself, “What is the reading fluency level of this student?
Could this student benefit from direct fluency instruction?” Most of the time, the
answer is a resounding, YES!
We need to stop thinking that reading fluency is something that only early elementary
students learn and practice. Studies are now showing that we need to consider
continuing with direct reading fluency instruction through high school. When federal
studies show that over half of the 4th grade students in the U.S.A. do not read at grade
level, the need for direct reading fluency instruction is huge. The students that are in
most need of direct fluency instruction are typically at-risk and ELL students, but Read
Naturally and direct fluency instruction benefits ALL students and should be a part of
everyone’s curriculum program. There are few students who wouldn’t benefit from
direct fluency instruction.
Another reason I feel so passionately about the Read Naturally program is that the
research results from this type of direct fluency instruction is very compelling. Studies
show that consistent amounts of short daily practice (10 minutes a day) using a program
like Read Naturally can help a student’s reading fluency (and thus reading
comprehension) increase significantly after just a few months. I call it “lots of bang for
your buck”. Because the student reads with the teacher on CD, most of the practice is
done without help from the parent. Other than a one minute timing done at the
beginning and end of each new passage, the student spends their time doing their daily
practice on their own, making it very homeschool user-friendly.
For specific ordering information about the Read Naturally program, go to
www.readnaturally.com. I usually recommend their Master’s Edition (ME) program
using the CD’s, but they also have a Master’s Edition Phonics Series for students that still
need phonics reinforcement. The Placement Tests can be downloaded from the Read
Naturally website and I would recommend getting a Master’s Edition Teacher’s Manual.
If your ES needs help knowing how to administer the Placement Test, have them contact
the Curriculum Department. Upon request, Read Naturally will send out an Information
Packet that is very helpful in explaining the details of the program. If it does not include
a Teacher’s Manual then you will want to order one. There are 24 stories in each
Master’s Edition reading level. It typically takes a student about 3 days to complete
each story, or about 3 months per level. So theoretically a student could complete
about three levels in one year. Each Master’s Edition level with CD’s is currently
$115.00 a level. But even if a family can only afford one level each year, the benefits
from this program are so worth it!
Q & A’S
Q: My student’s reading is jerky. He pauses a lot, does not pace his
words, and does not use the correct voice inflections at the end of his
sentences. Would this program help my student?
A: Yes, most definitely. Students often pause during reading because they are sounding
out the word in their head before reading it out loud. I would recommend that this
student be tested in their phonics to see if there are any holes in their knowledge of the
phonograms and phonics rules. For older students, there are phonics intervention
programs we can recommend that come with reading books appropriate for their age
level. If there are holes in their phonics, they should receive phonics intervention along
with using the Read Naturally program. By reading with the Read Naturally teacher on
the CD’s, the student will learn correct reading sentence inflections and word pacing.
The Read Naturally stories expose the students to the high frequency words
encountered when reading and their repeated practice of them helps them to read
these words with automaticity and ease.
Q: My student reads smoothly and easily and doesn’t have problems reading the words
he encounters, but he continually scores low in reading comprehension. Will this
program help my student?
A: When students read quickly and smoothly, but don’t have good reading
comprehension, then we assume they probably have good phonics skills (can test to be
sure) but lack an understanding of the words’ actual meanings. That is why they may
read well, but not understand what they are reading. In this case, we would work to
increase this student’s vocabulary. If your student is young and you are still reading
aloud to them, stop to explain the meaning of the new words you encounter as you
come to them while reading. Look up the definitions to words that you come to and
don’t know as you read out loud. You may not want to do this for every book read or
for every new word encountered, so keep it in balance so you don’t lose the joy of
reading out loud. Explain what the words mean that you use in your daily conversation
when you talk to your child and work on building and using new vocabulary words
yourself so your child can learn by hearing you. Parents’ vocabulary usage has a large
influence on their child’s vocabulary development. And lastly, have the student work in
a direct instruction vocabulary program that allows the student to read the word in the
context of a passage. Homeschool families have frequently used the Wordly Wise
vocabulary program, as one example.
Have your student read novels that come with a good novel study guide, as these will
include vocabulary development in the context of the passage. Glencoe has student
edition novel study guides FREE on their website, www.glencoe.com, and soon your
teachers will have access to the teacher editions to those study guides for the classic
novels in grades 6-12. If you can’t obtain a novel study guide, have your child underline
5 words from each chapter that they feel they don’t know, look them up in a dictionary,
and write the meaning of the word as it was used in the novel. Then after the
definition, have them write the complete sentence from the novel where the word was
used. Some families use this technique rather than a direct instruction vocabulary
program and it works very well. Read Naturally would also be a great supplement for
this student because it disciplines the student to read daily and exposes them to words
that they might learn by just reading words in context. So Read Naturally could benefit
this type of student, but it would not be all I would use as it is not a vocabulary
development program.
In addition to vocabulary instruction, this student might also benefit from receiving
instruction in reading strategies that help to increase comprehension. Learning to look
at the pictures, headings, and subheadings before reading is one strategy that helps
increase reading comprehension. Options Publishing has an inexpensive workbook
called Best Practices in Reading that can be used to supplement a student’s reading
program if they need more instruction in reading comprehension and strategies. This is
a great workbook for students to complete over the summer.
Escrip sign ups continue! Go to www.escrip.com to sign up. This
money will be used to pay for graduation expenses as well as
snacks for STAR testing sites. Did you know that at most of the
sites, the ES’s paid for the snacks with their own money?
We are also starting Box Tops for Education. Please give
your boxtops to your ES and the ES will bring them to
their monthly trainings.
We are working on Quality of Life Cards from Raley’s and hope to
have these available in the fall.
Graduation will be held at the
Marcum Illinois School Auditorium
2452 El Centro Blvd
East Nicolaus, CA 96559
If you have not received information about ordering your cap and
gown (12th grade), please e-mail Lisa Voss at lvoss@ieminc.org
Students needing school ID cards need to send a 1x1 picture with
a self-addressed stamped envelope to the school secretary at:
South Sutter Charter School
Brenda Christensen
2452 El Centro Blvd
East Nicolaus, CA 95659
Brenda will laminate your card and send it back to you.
We have a great bunch of South Sutter Charter school students meeting every
Wednesday at for softball. At first we had around 8-10 kids. The longer we
played the more kids came oozing out of the woodwork. Now we have as many as
16 South Sutter Charter School students attending. One week we had over
twenty-five homeschoolers!
We play a maximum of two innings. All players on the team bat each inning.
No balls. No strikes. You swing until you hit, but you get no sympathy if we
get you out. The Moms yell and cheer like crazy!
The most extraordinary play was when one student hit the ball way out. It
bounced over the fence, then bounced onto the sidewalk, then right into the
window of a parked car, landing on the lap of a startled passenger.
Unbelievable plays happen like this every week. It is the best day of the
Submitted by a parent.
Got plans for the last weekend in May?
That’s Memorial Day Weekend. If not, head on
over to Old Sacramento for the 35th annual
Sacramento Jazz Jubilee. Many styles of jazz
are available for the listening; bands from young
to old are performing. SSCS Student Dale
Stephens will be performing with youth bands
Sax By Popular Demand and the J Street Jazz
Cats. Best of all, there is no charge for youth
bands. You can enjoy all four youth stages
without a wristband! The Jubilee runs May
This year the Stapp Family (including Mom and Dad) performed in the Fall
production of "Music Man" at the Woodland Opera house. The three siblings
are all students at South Sutter Charter School. Samuel, who played Oliver
in last years production of "Oliver," landed a starring role as Winthrop in
the "Music Man." Alex, in his first production, danced and sang his heart
out. Julia, who is now performing in the Woodland Opera House musical
"Brigadoon," has been performing at the Opera House for a number of years.
They love the theater!
Submitted by Caryn Jensen Stapp
Students from South Sutter recently attended the Exploratorium, located on
breezy bay of San Francisco! Students were able to investigate the science behind
earth quakes, tornados, wind, magnets, motors and even bubbles! Students also had
the opportunity to observe science experiments and even dissections! Students
maximized their learning experiences at the museum by exploring with all of their
senses – especially with their sense of
touch at the several hands-on exhibits.
Upcoming GEAs
On May 5th, many students will be attending a River Cats baseball
for a special AAA educational day. Students will also be able to
attend a pre-game educational assembly!
On May 16th, Students will be able to attend a Group Educational Activity to
Great America for their math and physics day. Students will be able to observe
and participate in several educational activities throughout the park, such as the
Egg Drop Contest, the Buoyancy Contest and Paper Airplane Throwing Contest.
S.T.A.R. Assessment Rewards
As a thank you to all of our students for completing the STAR assessment,
students will be receiving a ticket to view a movie at the Sacramento IMAX theater
or a ticket to the Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.
Thank you for all of your wonderful participation!
Education Outreach-BHS Approved SSCS Vendor for the 2008 School
Year, is the producer of a series of Electronic Field Trips for grades 4-8 on
American History.
The Colonial Williamsburg Electronic Field Trip
The series contains 7 broadcasts of historical dramatic presentations that
have all aired this year. For the remainder of the school year, students can
still view the programs and contact historians through the Online Forum on
the web site. Below is the complete list of programs presented earlier in
the year that students can view and participate in.
Jamestown Unearthed
Emissaries of Peace
Founders or Traitors?
For Ready Money
No Master Over Me
Treasure Keepers
The Industrious Tradesmen
For a summary of these programs, visit the web site at the following link:
SSCS New Vendors for Spring Newsletter
April 1, 2008
Children's books in German.
Academy of Music Performance
Violin lessons for grades 7-12 on DVD.
Advanced Keyboard Technology, Inc.
Keyboard / typing instruction products.
All About Spelling
Spelling program that utilizes multisensory learning: bringing together three paths to
learning - auditory (listening), visual (seeing), & kinesthetic (touching). Through this multipronged approach, your child will experience comprehension & integration of spelling
strategies. Free Spelling Tips newsletter available by email.
Analytical Grammar, Inc.
A grammar, punctuation, & word-usage instructional program specifically designed for the
home teacher.
Ann Pellow/Davis Tennis Club
Tennis Lessons for grades K-12 in Davis.
Anthony R. Reyna/Gld Cntry Kuk Sool Won
Korean Martial Arts, body conditioning & mental development.
Arena Softball
Kids in Motion PE for homeschoolers ages 5-14 in Roseville. Classes include stretching,
strengthening exercises, balance, sports, gross motor skills & a healthy lifestyle. Children
learn all bout their bodies, muscles, heart, lungs, bones, brain & healthy diets.
Ashley Eich/Ashley's Piano
Music lessons in the student’s home in all SSCS counties for Piano, Violin, Oboe, Clarinet,
Saxophone, Flute, Trombone, Voice, Guitar, Harp & Drum.
Auburn Ski Club
Ski lessons located in Soda Springs.
Audible, Inc.
Audio books.
AYA Educational Institute
Online tutoring for middle school-HS African American Children. Provides quality
educational alternatives & resources for children of African descent. Programs immerse
students in an African-centered educational & social environment that is rich past & culture.
Assessments, instruction & activities are designed to prepare students to excel
academically & socially.
Balanced English Riding /Jessica Bennett
Horseback riding skills and safety in Loomis.
Ballet Studio, The
Ballet, Creative Movement, & Dance Conditioning Classes for grades K-HS in
Basics Plus
Educational Materials Supply Store for Preschool-8th grade in Modesto. No website, but
can order catalogue.
Bette Downs (Lincoln Dance Center)
Dance classes-ballet, tap, hip hop, & jazz in Lincoln.
Bill Trainor Music LLC
Violin Lessons for grades K-HS. Studio located at 2424 Castro Way in Sacramento.
Bio Corporation
Variety of Biology Products: preserved specimens, owl pellets, etc., books & manuals,
reference charts, anatomical models, educational movies & software.
Block Publishing
Webs to Whales Nature Tales books, interactive CDs that integrate reading, science and
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
Greek & Latin educational materials for high school & college students: complete set of
school texts, grammars, ancillaries, & enrichment materials, both for Latin & Greek
instruction, from basal to advanced levels; Latin & Greek pronunciation, time-tested aids
that appeal to today’s students; & Latin music on cassettes, CDs, & books.
Brian Rivers Music Services
Variety of individual & small group music classes in Davis: Guitar instruction; Computer audio
recording instruction;
Improvisation lessons (all instruments); Music theory lessons; Songwriting instruction in
Butte College Bookstore
College level textbooks for classes taken at Butte College.
Capoeira Arts Academy
Capoeira classes for grades K-HS in Sacramento. Classes include all aspects of this AfricanBrazilian art-form, including martial arts, music, dance, history, language, & the cultural
background of Capoeira.
Carleen Sheridan
Suzuki method piano lessons in Chico.
Cheap Joes Art Stuff
Fine Art Supplies.
Chico Area Recreation & Park District
Wide variety of classes for grades K-12 in Chico.
Classic Books Inc
Resource for books, CD-ROM, VHS/DVD materials.
Classic Education,Inc/Learning Thrgh Hist
Single Magazine orders: Each 64-page issue has 15+ unique articles, arts & crafts project
plans, hands-on activities, study guides for historical literature, discussion questions, web
links, book & video suggestions - all with one historical theme per issue.
CM School Supply
Vast array of the newest & most comprehensive school materials. Our CM School Supply
stores have the best prices on all School Supplies School Materials & Elementary School
Continental Mathematics League, Inc
Product for Math, Science, Social Studies, Geography, Current Events, &
Language Arts for Grades 2-12.
Corban Learning Center
Language Arts Tutoring, grades 1-8; HS Math includes: Algebra 1 & 2,
Consumer Math. Located in Colfax.
Cosumnes River College Bookstore
Source for college books & supplies, located in Sacramento.
Creative Apple/Sheri-Le Tarman
Variety of Educational Curriculum for K-12 in Chico.
Creative Learning Ed Sply Store
Educational Supplies, Science Kits, Art & Craft Supplies in Sonora.
Crocker Art Museum
Docent guided tours through the art museum for GEAs, located in Sacramento.
Culham Writing
Writing materials that employ the Traits of Writing model for grades K-12.
Dan Sheffield (Help Me 2learn Phonics)
Online phonics program.
Dana Bishop Sanders /Art Light
Voice Lessons, Theatre/Drama classes/production for all grades in Auburn.
Developmental Studies Center
SIPPS is a researched based phonics program.
Diamela H. Wetzl
Spanish Lessons for grades 4-12 in Fair Oaks.
Dolphin Swim and Scuba School
Swimming lessons in Sacramento.
Donald E. Hutcheson/A "Top Driver" School
Driver Education & behind the wheel training in Chico.
Dustin Acosta/D the IT Guy
Computer repair in Grass Valley.
Echappe Dance Art Theatre
Dance instruction for grades K-HS in Grass Valley: Ballet, Belly Dane, Hip Hop, Irish Dance,
Jazz, Kid Combo, Modern & Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Pre-Dance, Salsa, & Tap.
Edge Games, LLC
Computer software teaching the periodic table.
Edith A. Crook (Edy Crook Tutoring)
Tutoring services for grades K-12 in reading, spelling & comprehension in Grass Valley.
Education Outreach-BHS
Electronic Field Trip Series for grades 4-8 on American History. The Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation’s Education Outreach Department broadcasts seven live television programs to
schools across the country. All 7 Field trips include Teacher Guides which can be
downloaded, Interactive online simulation activities, & email & discussion forums students
can take part in.
Ellie Ruth Palmer/Blue Horizons Music
Blue Horizons Music-Private guitar & piano lessons for grades 1-12 in Marysville.
Ellsworth Publishing Company
Online Keyboarding Classes from a Leading Online Keyboarding Provider: Keyboarding For
Kids, Keyboard Short Course, Keyboard Mastery, Skillbuilding Mastery,
Ten Key Mastery, Nuts 'N' bolts Formatting, Intro MS Applications.
NO Software to install or maintain; works on Windows, Mac (OS 10+);
technical & customer service support provided!
Esperanto League for North America, Inc
Curriculum materials in Esperanto, which is described as a second language that would allow
people who speak different native languages to communicate, yet at the same time retain
their own languages & cultural identities. Esperanto doesn't replace anyone's language but
simply serves as a common second language.
Excellence In Education
Variety of educational books & games.
Explore Learning
Online supplemental curriculum material for math & science. Provides online simulations.
Failure Free Reading
Online Reading Program for 3rd grade and higher.
Follett (Rio Hondo College BookStore#890)
Community College Bookstore materials.
Frank Dodini Voice & Music
Voice & Music Classes for ages 6 years & up in Paradise. Music Classes provided include
Keyboard, Drums, & Guitar (Electric, Acoustic, Bass).
Friendship House
Sheet music & music education items.
Gabriel Becker
Suzuki & Classical Guitar Classes for grades K-HS in Fair Oaks.
Geography Matters
Geography textbooks, map titles, & CD-ROMS. Includes Mark-It Outline Maps &
eBook format.
Glazed Creations/Jessica J. Souder
Ceramic Studio offering pottery & ceramics classes in Chico.
Gritstone Rock Club, Inc.
Indoor rock climbing instruction for grades K-12 in Auburn at a natural feature indoor
climbing facility. Safe & friendly environment for climbers to train & be challenged. Facility
features a 13-foot tall freestanding boulder,providing experience in lead climbing, top rope
& a bouldering cave.
Harbor Seal Company
Marine & wildlife educational supply store providing a variety of items: extensive
collection of field guides & books on inter-tidal life, bird watching, wildflowers,
marine life, hiking trail books & maps covering the coastal & SF bay areas, as well
as brochures on nature related points of interest to visit, such as the California
Academy of Sciences, Monterey Bay Aquarium, & Auo Nuevo State Reserve.
Hawkins School of Performing Arts, Inc.
Ballet and performing arts lessons in Folsom.
Headsprout Early Reading
Early Reading Intervention on line. Especially for K-2, or older
struggling readers
» Fun, online interactive lessons
» "Ready-to-read" printed stories
» Automatic progress reports
» Easy for teachers, fun for kids
» Research-based, guaranteed results
Heinemann Books
Writing curriculum- teaching writing grades 3-5.
K-12 Starry Night Astronomy & Space Science Software.
In Sync Dance Studio/Jessie A. Krick
Dance instruction in Auburn.
Infinite Mind, LLC/EyeQ
Reading Software Program combines technology & scientific research to help students
increase reading speed & improve comprehension.
Inspiration Software, Inc.
Computer software teaching visual thinking & learning. Innovative software tools that
inspire learners of all ages to brainstorm, organize, plan and create. Award-winning
software is revolutionizing visual learning in education—inspiring students to develop strong
thinking and organizational skills & improve their academic performance.
Jackris Pub, LLC/Growing with Grammar
Grammar program for grades 1-5 specifically designed for homeschoolers.
Jan Turton’s Music Studio
Piano classes for grades 3-12 in Auburn area.
Jane Schaffer Enterprises
Curriculum guides written by teachers.
Jeff Jenkins/Gold Country Gymnastics
Gymnastics classes for grades K-HS in Grass Valley.
Jenkins Martial Arts (Billy Dean Jenkins)
Martial Arts classes in Lincoln. Provide physical fitness, self defense &
instruction in Karate & Taekwondo. Combination class of Taekwondo, Karate &
Grappeling fighting arts results in well balanced, effective self defense system.
Class includes basic drills, sparring, self defense, weapons training, & provides a
cardio workout.
Jilleen Menghini/Stdo B Acdmy of Clsc Bal
Ballet & tap dance lessons for grades K-HS in Yuba City. Mission of Studio B: to build
strong foundations for dancers, not only in ballet, but also in everyday life. Belief in
creativity, self discipline, & respect for the art of dance emphasized. Goal is to prepare
students with the proper technique & knowledge of ballet so they can attain their goals-whatever they may be.
Joanna's Kids R It (Joanna M. Mc Vay)
Tap, ballet, jazz, & floor gymnastic classes provided for grades K-12 in North Highlands.
Judith Naomi Krenn (Knit a While)
Knitting & Crocheting Lessons in Gridley. Equipment for knitting & crocheting small projects.
Kds Achvng Fin Scs (Teresa L.Alexander)
Economics & Personal Finance classes for students ages 9-18 years in Elk Grove. Classes
taught by local financial experts, students learn leadership & business skills, how to manage
money, balance a checkbook, and how to invest. Students raise "capital" & gain hands-on
experience through fundraisers, which give them the "seed" money they need to start their
own portfolios.
KidzArt (Sacramento)
Art Classes for K-6 in Sacramento. Classes explore: ARTISTS, ART HISTORY, ARTISTIC
Mediums include: Prismacolor Professional Art Markers, Watercolors, Chalk Pastels, Oil
Pastels, Prismacolor Art Stix & Colored Pencils, Charcoal, Clay, Sculpture Wire, SandArt,
Scratch art and more! Also Fashion Design Classes for grades 6-9.
Kinetic Books Company
Algebra 1& Physics Digital Textbooks, Virtual Labs--available in CD format or in print.
Digital Algebra I textbook: deep content, complete & comprehensive, hundreds of activities
& whiteboards, thousands of interactive problems, built-in scoring.
Physics digital textbook: comprehensive first-year physics textbook, available in three
levels. Includes text, illustrations, animations, simulations & homework problems. Several
learning styles addressed at once, standards-compliant, adopted by multiple states, & listed
by the College Board for advanced placement courses.
Virtual labs: topics ranging from one-dimensional motion to special relativity; students can
discover the principles of orbits & conduct a mission to Mars, see wave superposition, create
stringed instruments, & much more.
Kumon Math and Reading Cntr Sacramento
Tutoring in Math & Reading in Sacramento.
Language Tree LLC
Foreign language teaching materials for grades K-4 that are effective & entertaining:
Spanish, Chinese, French, Italian, English, & Signing. Program features Multi-Cognition
Approach™ developed by a cognitive scientist from Stanford University;
videos with exciting storylines, colorful 3D animation & fun sing-along
songs; Comprehension tested by fun games embedded in program, playable
with DVD remote control. Each DVD also includes a learning booklet
enabling parents to follow along & get involved in the teaching process.
Learning Things
Variety of School & Home School Curriculum.
Library & Educational Services
Books & videos at wholesale prices.
Lisa M. Derthick
Tutoring services in Sacramento.
Lisa Phenix
Fun Beginning & Intermediate Piano, Guitar & Voice Classes for grades K-12 in Carmichael.
Lively Latin (M. Catherine T. Drown)
Study of Latin for grades 3-6 in pdf printable workbook with online support.
Mad Sci of Sac Vly/Douglas B. Christensen
Science instruction in Sacramento.
Mariann R. Smith
Piano Lessons for grades K-12 in Auburn.
Math N Stuff
Math Curriculum, Logical & Critical Thinking, Puzzles, & Manipulatives.
Mendocino Woodlands Camp Association
Outdoor environmental camp in Mendocino: includes on-site Nature Center, herbarium &
Resource Library. Students learn about wildlife & plant communities, to better understand &
respect our natural world.
Michael Phillip DeSantis/DeSantisTtrng Sv
Tutoring for grades 4-12 for all types of math, reading, English, & science. Services
provided in a local library or student’s home in Sacramento.
Mike Askew Music
Music Lessons for grades 2-12 in Grass Valley: piano, guitar, bass, music theory.
Morning Sun Martial Arts & Edul Center
Martial arts classes for grades K-HS in Chico. Classes include instruction in character
Moving Beyond the Page
Homeschool curriculum for gifted & creative students, grades K-4 or 5. Comprehensive
research-based curriculum designed to challenge & stimulate students.
Museum Tour Catalog
Provides hands-on discovery materials, construction toys, books & videos, puzzles, games,
etc. Provides quality, entertaining, educational products that extend the museum
experience into the home.
Music Connection, The
Quality instruments & music supply store in Chico.
Music Dreaming, Inc. (Violin Mastery)
Violin materials for improving technique.
Music Village
Musical instruments, supplies, & music books.
New Mans Karate
Martial arts instruction in Placerville.
New Songs School of Music
Piano & Voice Lessons for grades 1-12, Music Program for Kindergarten. Classes located in
New Star (Robert B. Hendry III)
Musical Theatre Workshops; Voice & Acting Classes for grades K-12 in Folsom.
Northridge Music Center, Inc.
Musical equipment.
O'Sullivan Dance Academy
Variety of Dance Classes: Traditional Irish Step Dancing, Ballet, Jazz, Tap, & Hip Hop in
Patch Products Inc.
Educational games, manipulatives, imaginative puzzles & creative toys for kids from 2 to
Peggy Gubitz
Tutoring for grades K-12 in a variety of subjects: English, math, history, science, foreign
language (Spanish,French). Located in Granite Bay.
Peter Bellville/P&J Tutoring
Peanut Butter & Jelly Tutoring for grades 1-12 for All Subjects in Galt.
Peter Kett
Guitar lessons grades 3-HS in Sacramento.
Physlink.Com (Innovation Frontier,Inc)
Variety of unique science materials for all grades.
Picture Me Reading/Marlys Isaacson, PHD
K-2 Sight Word Flashcards & Support Materials. Visual-conceptual flash cards featuring
pictorial cues within the letters & words on one side, & plain letters & words without the
graphics but with sentence cues on the reverse, form the core of the “Picture Me Reading!”
approach. Additional teaching materials, such as booklets & removable & reusable Dolch
Sight Word Stickers also available. The stickers (220 with pictures, 220 plain words) are
for use in making games & activities to complement the flash cards, while the booklets
provide complete and easy-to-follow directions for teaching, with no formal training
necessary. Dolch Words also available in Spanish on large flash cards.
Placerville Piano Lessons (Karin Amann)
Piano Lessons in Placerville. Positive & motivating lessons for beginning through advanced
students of all ages.
Port of Sacramento Japanese School
Japanese Classes for grades K-12 in Sacramento.
Private Eye, The
Hands on Science Program for grades K-12.
RAFT Resource Area for Teaching
Hands-on learning workshops for grades K-12 in science, math, technology, & art.
The ES or Parent (students cannot attend) will receive a complete student materials
kit at the conclusion of the workshop, to begin applying their new skills. This is a
service vendor only (inexpensive product available for purchase by the individual).
Free RAFT Sheet Downloads in various subjects for K-12 are also available on the
website under Resources. RAFT is located in McClellan.
Rainbow Music Company
Music lessons in for grades K-12 Colfax: guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin, harp & piano.
Regal Theaters
Metropolitan Opera Live (telecasted from NY)- Cinema Events only.
Revolution Prep
CAHSEE Prep for Math and ELA: Online curriculum program with book. Intervention
materials designed to provide students with personalized & highly customized learning
experience. One of 3 providers the California Department of Education has recommended
approval for.
River City Dance Academy
Variety of Dance classes in West Sacramento for K-12: tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, theater
dance, contemporary, lyrical.
Robyn Lyn Stearns/Almond Country Farms
Horseback riding lessons in Durham.
Sally Ride Science
Science & Career textbooks, CDs for girls & boys grades 5-8. Also have scheduled
Science Festivals.
Sandra C. Van Heeringen (Music Works)
Music lessons for K-HS including music theory: piano, guitar, violin, flute, trumpet,
trombone, alto horn, saxophone, clarinet, keyboards, and voice provided in Grass Valley.
Sharpen Your Skills (Britta Sharpe)
Homework Center- tutoring & supervised site with assistance for homework in core
subjects, grades 4-8 & possibly lower grades. Center located in Emigrant Gap.
Sierra At Tahoe
Ski Lessons at Twin Bridges. Prepay, requires 2 weeks advance notice and reservations.
Signing Online, LLC
Web-based online courses, designed to effectively teach students American Sign Language
(ASL) at their own pace from anywhere in the world. Courses focus on conversational ASL &
make extensive use of digital video to demonstrate the visual nature of signing. Courses are
perfect for anyone wanting to learning ASL.
Songs for Teaching
Educational Songs:Use music to teach content across the curriculum for students of all
ages. Songs from a wide variety of popular artists are presented by academic subject.
Educational experts bring you tested ideas for using the magic of music in your lesson plans.
Site contains thousands of pages for you to peruse -- many with lyrics, sound clips, &
teaching suggestions. Top educational pros offer practical suggestions based on the latest
in brain-based learning. Innovative teachers share their classroom pointers & extension
activities using children's music.
Spanish Time Academy, LLC
Spanish Lessons and tutoring support for Spanish classes for K-HS in Sacramento.
Statewide Driving School of Butte County
Driver Education & Driver Training Classes in Oroville. Lessons
provided teach students to not only pass required tests, but also
to enjoy a life of safe driving habits & techniques.
Stephanie Olari
Reading & writing tutor for grades K-HS, & Math for grades K-6 in students’ homes in San
Mateo & Santa Clara counties.
Sue Gorman Smallman
Tennis lessons for grades K-HS in Penn Valley.
Supercharged Science
Physical science kits for physics, electricity, chemistry, specifically designed for
Syscon Computers LLC
Computer refreshing of school owned computers located in Yuba City. Basic computer
instruction will be coming in the fall.
Talking Fingers, Inc.
Innovative Phonics-to-Fluency Software for Hands-on Reading & Spelling Program: Children
learn a finger stroke for every speech sound. With no software available that would teach
typing-by-sound in this fashion, the plan to develop Read, Write & Type!™ was born. Program
integrates phonics, encoding, decoding, word-processing, & keyboarding skills into one
program--learning to read & write. Program is integrated with whole language activities,
engaging & fun for children.
Taylor Associates Communications, Inc.
Reading Plus assessment & instructional system, online help for improving reading.
Teach 4 Mastery Inc.
Scaredy Cat Phonics-based Reading & Spelling Program, written by a teacher with much
experience teaching children with learning disabilities. Materials available in auditory
(listening to the CDs), visual (working with written materials in the book), & kinesthetic
(hands-on) activities depending upon the need.
Test Tools, Inc.
CAHSEE Prep software program.
Todd Weber
Guitar lessons at Northridge Music Center in Citrus Heights.
Tudsbury Piano Stdo/Diana Murray Tudsbury
Piano lessons provided in Loomis. Primary aim is to offer students a comprehensive music
education, to develop the student’s full musical potential with individualized instruction by
providing performance opportunities, advanced repertoire, progressive technique & music
Two Little Hands Productions, LLC
American Sign Language instruction on DVD.
Vincent Music Services (Ana Lea Vincent)
Piano lessons for grades 1-HS in Colfax.
Wise Owl, The
Variety of educational materials/supplies for K-12 in Chico.
Woodland Gymnastics, Inc (C*A*T*S)
Gymnastics training & activities for grades K-12 in Yolo county & surrounding areas.
Located in Woodland.
Curriculum for grades 3-8 & 9-12 focusing on vocabulary, analogies & close reading of
literature (older grades). Useful as preparation for the verbal SAT I, the SAT II in English,
& the English A. P. exams in language & literature.
Online course provides tailor-made writing instruction for each student; weekly
assignments, continual monitoring & adjustment based on student needs.
Yesterday's Classics, LLC
Out of print classic literature.
Young Chefs Academy of Elk Grove
Cooking Classes for grades K-HS in Elk Grove that encourage discovery & creativity.
Learning food preparation skills is the main ingredient at YCA, each class adds a heap of
kitchen safety, a scoop of etiquette, a handful of table setting, a pinch of menu planning, &
laughter to taste.
Young Chefs Academy (Sunnyvale)
Weekly cooking skills classes for K-8: Organized by a monthly theme; Designed to
help young chefs explore cuisine while building upon basic skills; Ensures safety &
enjoyment for each student, class sizes are limited to 20. Located in Sunnyvale.
Your Creative Classroom
Curriculum, teaching & student supplies in Folsom.
Youth Digital Arts CyberSchool
Digital art online for grades 3-12: Every young person from 3rd grade to high school can
create amazing video games, music, paintings, films & documentaries, animations, using
inexpensive, easy-to-use, & yet powerful professional level PC programs.
Zorana Randjelovic-Flores(Music Bloom)
Music Lessons for students grades 3-HS in Fair Oaks: Piano, Guitar, Violin, & Clarinet.
Musikgarten lessons for up through 5 years old.
Supplies needed:
A few pieces of colored
construction paper (stiffer paper
makes a more durable butterfly)
A pencil
Glue, tape or a stapler
Googly eyes (optional)
A pipe cleaner
1. Trace a child’s hand on a few pieces of construction
paper, for a total of 6 times and cut out tracings. These
will be the butterfly’s wings.
2. On a dark construction paper, draw a butterfly’s body
(draw a long oval plus a smaller circle at one end) and cut
3. Glue or staple the handprint tracings to the body, three
on each side. The fingers should point outwards.
4. Fold a pipe cleaner in half. Curl the ends a bit or wad
them into balls. The folded pipe cleaner will be the
butterfly’s antennae.
5. Tape or staple the bent part of the pipe cleaner to the
back side of the butterfly’s head.
6. Either draw eyes on the butterfly’s head or glue on
googly eyes. Decorate the wings with crayons or
With a few pieces of homemade chalk, your children can turn the
sidewalk into a summer canvas for a colorful mural. Making your own
supply of sturdy sticks is easy. Just gather some toilet-tissue tubes,
plaster of Paris, powdered tempera paints, and a few craft supplies.
Then, follow these steps.
1. Make a mold by covering one end of the tissue tube with duct tape.
Loosely roll up a piece of waxed paper and slip it into the tube. This lining
will keep the plaster from sticking to the mold.
2. Measure 3/4 cup of warm water into a disposable plastic container.
Sprinkle in plaster a little at a time, until the powder no longer dissolves
(about twice as much plaster as water). Stir slowly and thoroughly with a
spoon. Then, mix in 2 or 3 tablespoons of tempera paint. For pastel
shades, combine white tempera with a primary hue. Rinse the spoon
under an outdoor faucet or in a jar filled with water to avoid clogging
sink drains.
3. Place the mold sealed-end down on a level surface and pour in the wet
plaster. Lightly tap the sides of the tube to release air bubbles in the
plaster. Let the chalk harden for a couple of days. Then, remove the tape
and slide the marking stick out of the mold.