It`s a great time to be at McCormick!
It`s a great time to be at McCormick!
It’s a great time to be at McCormick! A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 4 McCormick Theological Seminary encourages, embraces, celebrates, and prepares women and men from all denominations and backgrounds for Christian ministry and service, advancing a model of education that is Crosscultural, Urban, Reformed, and Ecumenical. From the Office of the President Strength and courage are part of McCormick Theological Seminary’s DNA. We were not a seminary that took solace in the halls of privilege and comfort. Founded in 1829, McCormick was a seminary created on the frontier. First in Hanover, Indiana, before moving to the bustling metropolis of Chicago with a population at that time of just over 100,000, our seminary began in a log cabin with just a couple of professors and a handful of students, seeking to equip themselves for God’s mission in a rapidly changing world. This past year, we welcomed the Rev. Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes to McCormick’s faculty. He brings with him a national profile of preaching, teaching, and worship leading. Dr. Reggie Williams’ first published book, Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance continues to garner national attention. We will also be welcoming, in 2015, the Rev. Dr. Steed Davidson who will be teaching Hebrew Bible at the seminary. A new generation of faculty leaders has joined the McCormick legacy of leadership. If we push the fast forward button almost 200 years, McCormick continues to lead and train leaders who serve on the cutting edge in the City of Broad Shoulders. McCormick produces leaders. McCormick’s faculty has produced no fewer than nine Presidents, Deans, and Academic Deans in theological education over the past fifteen years. As was made public earlier this year, the Rev. Dr. David Esterline, who served as Academic Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs and who currently is the Director for the Institute of Cross-Cultural Theological Education, was recently named the next president of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. McCormick’s legacy of leadership continues. In the fall of 2014, we celebrated the leadership of the Rev. Dr. John Buchanan, Pastor Emeritus of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago and a life trustee of the seminary, at McCormick’s inaugural Visionary Awards Dinner. At McCormick Days, the theme focused on honoring the ministry, teaching, and scholarship of Professor Emerita, the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Caldwell. Our seminary also committed itself to the leadership of a new generation through the announcement of a major grant received from the Henry 2 “Be strong and courageous…for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9 is and has always been: “McCormick leads. Others follow.” We are grateful for the leaders who are here, for the leaders that are trained within McCormick classrooms, for the trustees and donors who give to this mission, and for the leaders, our friends and alums, who serve the Church and society in faithful and bold ways. Luce Foundation to support the Center for Faith and Service. The Center is committed to fostering the leadership of young adults who seek to change the world through their commitments to justice and service. The Center announced last year its first class of Community Engagement Fellows, who have dedicated themselves to community service as a key component of their seminary formation. In all of these things, we lead knowing that it is God who goes before us. That it is God who is with us. It is in this hope and with such sure knowledge that we move boldly and courageously into the work that God has given us to do. For the 2014–15 Academic Year, McCormick instituted its first annual theme, “Peacemaking in the City: A Faithful Response to Urban Violence.” Through a series of lectures, discussion, and events, including a lecture from Alex Kotlowitz, who discussed his best-selling book, There are No Children Here: the Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America, McCormick has engaged hundreds of people from the Chicago area on this topic—an issue that could not have been more timely given our nation’s current climate. Peace and grace, Frank M. Yamada President The Rev. Wayne Meisel, the Director of the Center for Faith and Service has coined a phrase that captures the essence of who McCormick 3 2014 Annual Theme McCormick launches its first-ever annual theme: The McCormick community dedicated the year to becoming more aware of the causes of urban violence, more informed about effective responses to it, and more committed to living out these responses. Some of the ways in which students, faculty, and staff explored this theme included reading a book together as a community, addressing the topic in events with featured speakers like Alex Kotlowitz, David Gushee, Jeremiah Wright, Jr., Cain HopeFelder, and Martha L. Simmons. In addition, we are developing and offering service and learning opportunities with community partners. could be part of the solution. The success of faith communities reaching out and planning events during the 2014 Memorial Day weekend to interrupt the violence inspired McCormick to continue these conversations and develop faithful ways McCormick can act to stem the violence in our community. As faithful Christians in south Chicago, this is an issue McCormick cannot ignore. Chicago’s south side is a part of McCormick’s identity and we are near many of the schools and neighborhoods that are plagued by gun violence. The book we chose to read together, There Are No Children Here: The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America, by Alex Kotlowitz, is a moving account of two boys struggling to survive on Chicago’s west side. McCormick selected this topic for several key reasons. Chicago’s south side is a part of McCormick’s identity and we are near many of the schools and neighborhoods that are plagued by gun violence. When high school student, Hadiya Pendelton was shot and killed so close to the seminary, because Hadiya was a classmate of children and grandchildren of McCormick staff members, conversations began to explore faithful ways McCormick 4 Student highlights Community Engagement Fellows and the Center for Faith and Service are engaging their local communities; The Center for Faith and Service, led by Rev. Wayne Meisel, is an initiative to challenge and change the church to be present, relevant, and engaged with a generation that defines itself by its involvement in community service and commitment to social justice. The work of the Center’s Community Engagement Fellows toward this initiative involves: Convening our counterparts at other seminaries through Seminaries that Change the World initiating a seminary student movement that leads the church and the nation into deep engagement that combines service, advocacy and social justice; Creating new energy for theological education, particularly through the New Faces of Ministry Tour, which brings seminary and divinity school students around the country into conversation with service-minded young people; Visiting and lifting up congregations that Community Engagement Fellows, from left: (top row) Lauren Robinson, Mary Kathryn Dean, David Goodwin, (bottom row) Christopher Williams, Gina Sterk, Quantisha Mason. Fellows not pictured: Leah Gipson, LaKeisha Hamilton Reaching out to young adult volunteers and connecting them with supportive local congregations through our AmeriCorps Chaplaincy Program. Engaging seminarians at McCormick and other seminaries and divinity schools in the Chicago area, with local and global issues affecting our communities at the intersection of faith and service. The Center is currently supported by generous grants from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, the Henry R. Luce Foundation, and many individual donors. Student Highlights New Carpenter Scholar D’Angelo McCormick Theological Seminary is grateful to the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation for a new grant to sponsor a special scholarship for a student who selfidentifies as belonging to the LGBTQ community. The first student selected was D’Angelo Smith. was lifted out of his depression. He worked with college administrators, spoke with all of his professors and was reinstated, worked very hard, completed a Bachelor’s of Arts in Public Policy and the Arts, and went on to work on Obama’s campaign. He also discovered a more affirming church that allowed him to be a leader and used what he learned in college about theatrical expression. As Drama Team Leader at the City of Faith Christian Church, D’Angelo wrote skits that challenged members to deepen their faith, ask questions, and be active participants in their spiritual development. A Chicago native, his mother raised him in the Pentecostal church, which he described as “non-affirming.” In fact, D’Angelo had been deeply wounded by his church and for years had suppressed who he was. He said he “thought he was an abomination.” D’Angelo describes his undergraduate study at Knox College as a dark period where he realized he couldn’t fight who he was any longer. At his lowest point he was very depressed and was kicked out of school. In the time he was away, he re-discovered the Bible, particularly Paul’s words in Romans 8:38-39, “For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” It was during this time he revisited the call to seminary he had felt earlier. Before it had felt impossible to him. He had remained connected to some of his church family, including McCormick alumnus, Rev. Patrick Winfield, who is a campus pastor at the Potter’s House in Fort Worth, Texas. Rev. Winfield talked with D’Angelo about his call. He assured D’Angelo that McCormick would be the best place for him, and D’Angelo was captivated by McCormick’s Finally, overcome by a realization that God loved him just the way he was, D’Angelo 6 cross-cultural, urban, reformed and ecumenical model. D’Angelo enrolled in our Master of Arts in Urban Ministry. After his first year at McCormick, however, he felt that he needed to go further and that the two-year master’s degree limited what he felt to be his call to ministry. D’Angelo successfully transferred into the Master’s of Divinity program last May. Since coming to McCormick, D’Angelo has achieved academic excellence in his studies and has been very involved in the events of the seminary. In January of 2014, he participated in a travel seminar to the Holy Land led by Ted and Paula Hiebert. Today, he serves on the Student Council and is a student leader for our annual theme, “Peacemaking in the City: A Faithful Response to Urban Violence,” leading book discussion groups and helping to plan and coordinate events and publicity around the theme. D’Angelo continues to discern where his ministry will lead him and travels as a speaker and facilitator for workshops on using theatrical expression to advance social justice. Alumni Highlights 2014 Distinguished Alumnus/a Awards Nominated by fellow alumni, McCormick’s Distinguished Alumnus/a Award represents a deep and special acknowledgement of the importance and impact the nominees have had within the church and their role as Christ’s hands and feet in the world. Marshall Hatch sought after speaker and has won mary prestigous awards. In 2014, we were pleased to honor both the Rev. Dr. Marshall Hatch (MATS, 1994; DMin 1998) and Elder Carol Wehrheim (MA, 1962). Throughout his ministry, Marshall Hatch has launched community outreach programs. Most notable among these are the Westside Isaiah Plan, an interfaith affordable housing development project; an annual pilgrimage to Zimbabwe, Africa; an Illinois Department of Corrections and Cook County Jail visitation and correspondence program; Mountain Men Ministries and Enterprises; a Christian Sisters women’s ministry; a Substance Abuse Task Force; and the Pilgrim Community Development Corporation (Pilgrim Village). The Rev. Dr. Marshall Hatch is recognized for his various roles within the community. He has been the Pastor of the New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church located in the heart of Chicago’s West Garfield community since 1993. Marshall Hatch is a native of the west side. His spiritual development began in Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church under the pastorate of his father, the late Reverend Elijah Hatch. In 1985, he was ordained as a minister, and later in that same year was appointed as Pastor of the Commonwealth Missionary Baptist Church in North Lawndale. In August 2000, Marshall Hatch was appointed to be an Adjunct Professor on the faculty of McCormick Theological Seminary. In 2008, he was appointed adjunct professor of Urban Ministry at Northern Baptist Seminary in Lombard, Illinois. He is a Rev. Hatch has a history of civic involvement spanning over two decades. He served as the Moderator of the Friendship Baptist District Association, and served as the National Director of Religious Affairs of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. He also serves on the boards of the Academy of Communication and Technology (ACT) Charter School and Christ The King Jesuit College Prep High School. He is a member 8 of the National Baptist Conventions (USA and America), Illinois National Baptist State Convention, American Baptist Churches of Metro Chicago, United Power for Action and Justice, and co-convener of the L.E.A.D.E.R.S Network. Dr. Hatch’s new landmark book, Project America, was published in the spring of 2012. Pastor Hatch has earned both a Doctor of Ministry and Master of Arts in Theological Studies, from McCormick Theological Seminary. He holds a Master’s degree in government from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and a Bachelor’s degree in political science from Western Illinois University in Macomb. Elder Carol Wehrheim has been deeply invested and active in religious education in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and other Reformed churches and organizations for close to 50 years. In 2001, the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) named her Educator of the Year. Carol received her Master of Arts in Religious Education from McCormick Theological Seminary in 1962 and over the years she has served the larger church in a number of capacities, including as Director of Christian Education in three different churches; Program Director for Woods Memorial Child Development Center in Maryland, and Secretary for Early Childhood Development for the United Church of Christ. From 1979 through 1982, Carol served as the Assistant Director of McCormick’s Doctor of Ministry Program and was also a Lecturer in the Field of Ministry. Since 1982, Carol has worked primarily as a consultant, writer and editor. She has taught at the M. Div. level at Princeton Theological Seminary, as well as in their Continuing Education Program, and has led workshops nationwide and in Canada. In 2013, she was the keynote presenter for a combined educators group in the Midwest (GLAUCE-GLAPSE). Carol was the associate readability editor for the Common English Bible. She served as the general editor for the lectionary based curriculum resource that was part of the Feasting on the Word commentary series, which serves kindergarten through adults. Carol has been publishing church related resources for educational ministry since 1975 and her list of publications is extensive and ecumenical, ranging from curriculum guides to two children’s Bible series; and from stewardship guides for parents, and children to guides for worship, and the sacraments. Carol wrote the study/action guide for Trigger, a film on gun violence Carol Wehrheim sponsored by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program (2013) and is under contract to write a book of Bible stories for use in congregational worship. Finally, Carol has served the wider church, called to the Theology and Ministry Unit of General Assembly, PC(USA); the advisory board to the Thoughtful Christian; church school teacher for fifteen years, as well as Deacon and Ruling Elder at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton, New Jersey. Carol demonstrates leadership and discernment as a Christian educator and makes exceptional contributions in ministry that will continue to have an impact for years to come. She represents McCormick’s commitment to preparation for ministry and service. Her undeniable sense of call makes her an effective witness in service to the church of Jesus Christ. Distinguished Alumnus/a Past Recipients The following persons have been honored with the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award in prior years. 2013 Wayne G. Boulton 1995 Jon L. Regier, Rafael Sanchez, Jr. 2012 Tricia Dykers Koenig 1994 Thomas Dietrich, Mary Duckert 2011 R.J. Ross 1993 James Hine, Hedwig & Robert Lodwick 2011 Paul C. Holinger 1992 Joreen Jarrell, Dirk Ficca 2010 Michael McConnell 1991 Dale Robb, Jack Stotts 2009 G. Daniel Little 1990 Dennis Benson, John Corbitt 2008 Judy Lee Hay 1989 Lucetta Mowry 2007 W. James Gerling 1988 Raymond Bowden 2006 Edward F. Campbell 1987 Maurice McCrackin 2005 Tim and Beth Hart-Andersen 1986 Howard Rice, Ralph Waldo Lloyd 2004 1985 Henry Jones 2003 William W. Rogers & June Rogers 1984 Alexander Sharp 2002 Clifton Kirkpatrick 1983 Lois Armentrout 2001 Henry W. Andersen, Thomas J. Behrens 1982 George Hughes, Arthur Miller 2000 Diana C. Carson, Charles W. Doak 1981 Paul Wright, Robert Swanson 1999 Phil Tom 1980 Simon Scott, Frank Cross 1998 Eugene C. Bay 1979 Marshall Scott, Harold Blake Walker 1997 Robert & Edith Rasmussen 1978 Kenneth G. Neigh, William Keesecker 1996 Raymond H. Swartzback 1977 Paul Calvin Payne Alden R. Hickman compelling teacher and a creative scholarly voice. We welcome him as an important and engaging conversation partner among us as we work to support and renew the church.” Faculty Publication Highlights In his book, Carvalhaes illustrates that the liturgical movement is at a new turn, continuing liturgical renewal with a twist, wrestling with what hasn’t been engaged yet, and issuing a call to expand itself into other connections and possibilities. This book brings Christian, Jewish, and Muslim scholars from different fields of knowledge and from many places across the globe to introduce and expand the dialogue between the field of liturgy and postcolonial/decolonial thinking. The very plurality of the methodologies and approaches used here might be the best witness to the postcolonial/de-colonial theory. The essays of this book demonstrate its complexities, the ins and outs of imperial and colonial religious senses, reasons and practices. The hope is that this book will serve as another source for others to venture into new and traditional thinking, opening up the liturgical field into new territories, risky thinking, unseen dialectical/dialogical connections and uncharted waters. Cláudio Carvalhaes Liturgy in Postcolonial Perspectives: Only One is Holy to be released June 11, 2015 McCormick welcomed Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes to the faculty as Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship in July of 2014. Previously, Dr. Carvalhaes taught at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia as an associate professor of Liturgy and Worship, and at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Carvalhaes is an ordained teaching elder within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) The Dean of Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ted Hiebert said, “Dr. Carvalhaes is recognized throughout the United States and in the larger global context as a leader and innovator in preaching and worship. He’s a compassionate and Pictured: Cláudio Carvalhaes, Anna Case-Winters and Reggie Williams 11 Anna Case-Winters faculty in July of 2012 as Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics. Previously Dr. Williams was a full-time lecturer in the Religion Department at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He has taught as Adjunct Faculty at Azusa Pacific University in Azusa, California. Williams is affiliated with the American Baptist Church. Matthew, part of the series Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible released February 9, 2015 Anna Case-Winters, Professor of Theology, joined the faculty of McCormick Theological Seminary in 1986. She is an ordained Presbyterian minister and has served churches in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. In addition to being an inspiration to her students, she has published many books and articles during her time here. President Frank Yamada said, “Dr. Williams brings us a wealth of teaching experience and teaching interests including the incarnational ethics of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. He is a welcome addition to our faculty and his engaging teaching style will be valued by our students.” Her latest book, a commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, speaks with eloquence and power. Among the Gospels, Matthew paints a fuller picture of the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus. Anna Case-Winters’ incisive commentary reveals that Matthew is clearly a theological book. It is about God’s saving work in Jesus Christ. Moreover, it is presented in a way that easily lends itself to the task of teaching and preaching. CaseWinters highlights several themes that shape the distinctive portrait of Jesus this Gospel offers. Here we see Jesus facing up to conflict and controversy, ministering at the margins, overturning presuppositions about insiders and outsiders, privileging the powerless, demonstrating the authority of ethical leadership, challenging allegiance to empire, and pointing the way to a wider divine embrace than many dared imagine. Case-Winters captures the core of Matthew’s unique Gospel, which speaks powerfully to the life of Christian faith today in the midst of our own issues and struggles. In this book, Williams follows Bonhoeffer as he defies Germany’s religiously sanctioned race-hate with Harlem’s black Jesus. The Christology Bonhoeffer learned in Harlem’s churches featured a black Christ who suffered with African Americans in their struggle against systemic injustice and racial violence—and then resisted. In the pews of the Abyssinian Baptist Church, under the leadership of Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., Bonhoeffer absorbed the Christianity of the Harlem Renaissance. This Christianity included a Jesus who stands with the oppressed rather than joins the oppressors and a theology that challenges the way God can be used to underwrite a union of race and religion. Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus argues that the black American narrative led Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the truth that obedience to Jesus requires concrete historical action. This ethic of resistance not only indicted the church of the German Volk, but also continues to shape the nature of Christian discipleship today. Reggie Williams Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance released November 1, 2014 Dr. Reggie Williams joined the McCormick 12 Donor Highlights Visionary Awards Dinner Honors Rev. Dr. John Buchanan McCormick Theological Seminary’s inaugural Visionary Awards Dinner cochaired by Elizabeth Foster and Sara Pfaff, was held on Friday October 24, 2014, at the Casino Club in conjunction with the October Board of Trustees meetings. McCormick honored the Rev. Dr. John Buchanan, Pastor Emeritus of Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago. Rev. Buchanan was honored for his work as editor of the Christian Century and former moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), an author, speaker, and visionary leader in progressive Christian thought and ministry, nationally. The Visionary Award honors distinguished persons who embody McCormick’s core values and vision for the future, and are agents of transformational change. Rev. Buchanan remarked, “I came to deeply appreciate McCormick’s distinguished history and its unique place in American theological education today. If there is one thing everybody knows for sure in this business, it is that in this rapidly changing environment in American culture and in From left: John Buchanan, Sue Buchanan, Elizabeth Foster the churches, that theological education faces new and unprecedented challenges… If ever there was a time for bold, innovative thinking with these, in many ways most traditional of institutions, it is now, today.” The night offered a glimpse of the transformation McCormick has brought about in the lives of students, alumni, and faculty; the differences McCormick alumni are making in the world, and how McCormick has equipped them for their ministry. About this, Rev. Buchanan also said that McCormick “is positioned beautifully, strategically to be a leader” in Visionary Awards Dinner ANGEL -$10,000 Clarks Fork Foundation The Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago Robert W. Crawford, Jr. Ellen C. and Paul C. Gignilliat Margaret S. Hart Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, in honor of Dr. Bill Enright BENEFACTOR -$5,000 Anonymous Megan P. and John L. Anderson Elizabeth Foster and Michael Walsh Jean and James A. McClung Northern Trust Sara and Christopher Pfaff theological education, and added that he wondered “why anyone would want to study anywhere else.” With over 240 guests in attendance, McCormick raised over $161,000 for its mission of nurturing women and men for the creative and relevant Christian ministry needed for the church of the future. GIFTS $ 5,000 AND ABOVE Verne and Judy Istock Bob and Karol Karlblom $1,000 TO $4,999 Roger and Michele Burgis Robert W. Crawford, Jr. Lisa and Alyn Dagher Nancy R. and Gordon C. Enderle First Presbyterian Church, Lake Forest Sara and Chris Pfaff Martha and Rick Sabol Nancy L. and Robert K. Unglaub, II PATRON -$3,500 Martha and George C. Bermingham Sandy and Peter J. Cochrane Ronald G. Cruikshank Jim Detterick Terry and Sam Evans Vivian Leith and Stewart S. Hudnut Frank and Michelle Yamada $500 TO $999 Cynthia M. Campbell and J. Fred Holper Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters, III Patsy and Charles Barrow Current Technologies Corporation (CTC) Jean and James A. McClung Lynn and Jim McClure FRIEND -$1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Boneham Covenant United Church of Christ, Chicago Quattro FPO Solutions Hoogendoorn & Talbot LLP Ice Miller Jeffrey O. Lewis Barbara J. and P. Douglas Kindschi Rick and Martha Sabol Suzanne Haraburd and David G. Strom Richard and Ella Strubel Linda B. and Christopher Valentine Abby Zanarini and Don Funk Paul A. and Christine W. Branstad $100 TO $499 Judy and Larry Braskamp Christine Chakoian and John W. Shustitzky Elizabeth and David H. Crawford Margaret G. Cruikshank Sylvia Hope Daniels Jacques N. Gordon Paula S. and Theodore Hiebert Deborah J. Kapp and Anthony T. Ruger Melinda S. and Kenneth C. Krei Margarett F. and Sam S. McKeel, in honor of Dr. Buchanan E. Dolores and Donald Register Thomas and Susan Schemper Liz and Jeff Sharp Carol A. Wehrheim 2013 - 2014 Financial Report endowed scholarships and faculty chairs, and some simply and generously give each year to ensure that McCormick continues to serve its students and the broader church in the cross-cultural, urban, ecumenical and Reformed way for which we are known. Our alumni/ae and dear friends who contribute time, money and resources have generously supported McCormick Theological Seminary. McCormick thanks the individuals, families, businesses, philanthropic organizations, foundations, and endowments that have helped us realize our vision in fiscal year 2013-2014. Because of the support from our endowment, made up of gifts given by the earliest leaders of the institution, including the McCormick family, and through the generosity of our annual donors, we can keep tuition low and provide financial aid. We honor those who give and make our work possible—our donors. Some of our donors have left us gifts in their estates, some give 15 P D Total Sources of Funds 7,263,870 100.00% T SUMMARY OF 2013-14 OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSE FY13/14 Sources of Funds FY 13/14 SOURCES OF FUNDS Net SUMMARY OF 2013-14 OPERATING INCOME AND EXPENSE 7,263,870 Annual Fund Tuition Invested Funds Transfer 5,584,908 77% Annual Fund 460,641 6% Other GiftsInvested Funds Transfer 199,764 3% 5,584,908 76.88% Net TuitionAnnual Fund 506,031 7% 460,641 6.34% Other Gifts 199,764 2.75% Auxiliary Enterprises 412,429 6% Net Tuition 506,031 6.97% Other General Income 100,097 1% Auxiliary Enterprises 412,429 5.68% Other General Income 100,097 1.38% Total Sources of Funds 7,263,870 100% Total Sources of Funds Other Gifts 100.00% Aux. Ent. 25.21% 24.86% 10.86% Other Gen. 7.92% Income 3.98% 1.10% 0.56% 15.41% 10.10% Instruction Gen Admin and Governance Academic Support Advancement Student Life Auxiliary Enterprises Marketing and Communications Funds Transfer Plant andInv. Operations Debt Service 1,830,966 1,805,634 789,149 575,053 289,432 79,595 40,781 1,119,431 733,829 Total Uses of Funds 7,263,870 100.00% FY13/14 Sources of Funds Mktg./Com FY13/14 Uses of Funds FY 13/14 USES OF FUNDS Other Gifts Net Tuition Instruction 1,830,966 Gen. Admin and Governance 1,805,634 Academic Support 789,149 Advancement 575,053 Student Life 289,432 Auxiliary Enterprises 79,595 Marketing and Communications 40,781 Plant and Operations 1,119,431 Inv. Funds Transfer Debt Service 733,829 Total Uses of Funds 7,263,870 Annual Fund25% Debt Service 120 25% 11% Aux. Ent. 8% 4% Other Gen. Income 1% 1% 15% 10% Endowment Values 104.9 100 Plant and 87.5 Operations 80 89.4 93.9 74.3 62.7 Student Life 60 40 Academic Support Gen. Adm. & Gov. Mktg./Comm. 20 100% 0 100 80 Auxiliary Enterprises Endowment Values 89.4 87.5 74.3 93.9 98.5 104.9 109.4 77.2 71.4 80.8 84.9 73.3 87 76.9 62.7 60 40 20 Series1 16 77.2 71.4 Advancement 120 109.4 Instruction 98.5 8 McCormick Theological Seminary Faculty and Staff Coleman-Dell, Scarlett Accounts Payable Wade, Chandra Registrar Banks, Nannette Director of Alumni/ae and Church Relations Crawford, David Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer Battle, Sharia Development Associate Dagher, Lisa Vice President of Seminary Relations and Development Beerman, William Technical Services (JKM Library) Daniels III, David Henry Winters Luce Professor of World Christianity Biesadecki, Carol Senior Administrative Assistant to Academic Affairs and Office of the President Edwards-Dunn, Stacey Director of the Center for African American Ministries and Black Church Studies Bonner, Elaine Access Services Manager (JKM Library) Carvalhaes, Cláudio Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship Esterline, David Director of the Institute for Cross-Cultural Theological Education / Associate of Professor of Cross-Cultural Education and Ministry / Interim Associate Dean of Doctor of Ministry Programs Case-Winters, Anna Professor of Theology Evans, Sam Senior Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship Cathey, Robert Professor of Theology Fassett, Barbara Director of Information Technology Clark, Tabitha Director of Student Financial Planning, Student Employment, and International Student Life Gaines, Natasha Director of Administration / Exec. Admin. Asst. to the Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer Caldwell, Elizabeth Professor Emerita of Pastoral Theology 17 Rodriquez, Priscilla Program Specialist Hiebert, Theodore Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty and Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament Sawyer, Ken Associate Professor of Church History & Associate Dean for Students and Academics Hopkins, Barry Associate Librarian for Public Services (JKM Library) Tanzer, Sarah Professor of New Testament and Early Judaism Houser, Shalona Human Resources Turner, Tracy Administrative Support Associate Japinga, Jeffrey Associate Dean of Doctor of Ministry Programs Vaughan, Barbara IT Helpdesk Johnson, Veronica Senior Director of Admissions and Enrollment Wallace, Luke Property and Facilities Coordinator Kapp, Deborah Edward F. and Phyllis K. Campbell Professor of Urban Ministry / Faculty Director of Assessment Wasowski, Jamie Associate for Masters Level Recruitment & Admissions Watkins, David Associate Director of Experimental Education and Field Studies Kaylin, Burmaa Technical Services Assistant (JKM Library) Kliver, Keith Finance Director Watson, Joe Ann Staff Assistant Lindstrom, Joanne Jean and Frank Mohr Director of Experiential Education and Field Studies Associate Professor of Ministry Wenderoth, Christine Director of JKM Library / Associate Professor of Ministry Miller, Marcy ACTS DMin and Preaching Coordinator Williams, Monica Guest Housing Coordinator Moomaw, Jake IT and Network Support Williams, Reggie Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics Moore, Stephanie Associate Director of Development Woodfaulk, Ashley Human Resources Pulver, Emiliy Special Projects Librarian Worley, Rob Director of Languange Resource Writing Center Rhine, Alicia Adminstrator for Office of Student and Academic Affairs Yamada, Frank President and Cyrus McCormick Professor of Bible and Culture Rodriguez, Daniel Director for the Center for the Study of Latino Theology and Ministry, and Professor Emeritus of Church History 18 McCormick Theological Seminary Board of Trustees Executive Committee Deborah Block, Chairperson Peter J. Cochrane, Vice-Chairperson Chair, Personnel Committee Robert S. Karlblom, Treasurer Chair, Finance Ronald G. Cruikshank, Secretary Chair, Nominations & Trusteeship Mark E. Anderson Chair, Property & Facilities David Van Dyke Chair, Seminary Relations & Development Melinda Scott Krei Chair, Educational Policy & Program James A. McClung, Member At-Large Erica Liu, Member At-Large Frank M. Yamada, President, Ex-officio Ted Hiebert, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Ex-officio Class of 2015 John L. Anderson, Lake Forest, IL Deborah Block, Milwaukee, WI Patrick L. Daymond, Roosevelt, NY Ed Harris, Indianapolis, IN Nicholas Hood, Detroit, MI Robert S. Karlblom, Lake Forest, IL Melinda S. Krei, Milwaukee, WI Jacquelina Marquez, Chicago, IL Ozzie Smith, Flossmoor, IL James E. Sparks, Oak Park, IL John Wilkinson, Rochester, NY Class of 2016 Byron Brazier, Chicago, IL Christine A. Chakoian, Lake Forest, IL Peter J. Cochrane, Hopkins, MN Robert Crawford, Jr., Lake Forest, IL James J. Detterick, New York, NY Sherri Hausser, San Anselmo, CA P. Douglas Kindschi, Grand Rapids, MI James A. McClung, Winnetka, IL Christopher Valentine, Louisville, KY Byron Wade, Raleigh, NC Class of 2017 Mark E. Anderson, Jacksonville, FL Jene A. Colvin, Chicago, IL Ronald G. Cruikshank, New York, NY David V. Esterline, Long Point, IL Nancy Enderle, Madison, WI Ellen C. Gignilliat, Chicago, IL Theodore Hiebert, Homewood, IL Jason A. Janning, Tulsa, OK Hardy Kim, Oak Park, IL Erica Liu, Madison, WI Brian R. Paulson, Libertyville, IL Paul Rock, Prairie Village, KS David G. Strom, River Forest, IL Robert K. Unglaub, II, Chicago, IL David Van Dyke, Saint Paul, MN Life Trustees Charles H. Barrow, Wilmette, IL John M. Buchanan, Chicago, IL Jon T. Ender, Winnetka,IL Margaret S. Hart, Lake Forest, IL James J. McClure, Jr., Evanston, IL 19 Donor Honor Roll July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Nettie Fowler McCormick Associates - ($10,000 + ) Megan P. and John L. Anderson Martha and George C. Bermingham Deborah A. Block William H. Bush Endowment Fund William R. Bush Committee on Theological Education Robert and Winifred Crawford James J. Detterick Linda and Jon T. Ender Ender Family Foundation Ellen C. and Paul C. Gignilliat Jessie F. Hallett Charitable Trust Betty Ann and Paul J. Hauser Christopher Henderson Fay Hoffman Permanent Fund Mei-Yu C. and Yung Hwa Huang Vivian Leith and Stewart S. Hudnut Karol A. and Robert S. Karlblom Joel B. Leff Charitable Trust Isabel Miley McAlister Trust Presbytery of Chicago Frank and Michelle Yamada Samuel A. Moffett Associates ($5,000 + ) Marlene M. and Gilbert W. Bowen Henry P. Bridges Trust Sandy and Peter J. Cochrane Ronald G. Cruikshank Kathryn B. and David A. Donovan Richard Pretlow Ernst Trust The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Mitzi G. Henderson Tishabell and Henry Hewing Fund Elizabeth and Jason A. Janning The Janning Family Foundation Melinda S. and Kenneth C. Krei Carolyn P. and James J. McClure, Jr. Mary McClure Miller Foundation William and Carol O’Neill Trust Jack Parr † Lyman Beecher Associates ($2,500 + ) Anonymous Daniel R. Anderson-Little Patricia R. and Charles H. Barrow Chapin-May Foundation of Illinois Lisa and Alyn Dagher Linda M. Eastwood Edith S. and William G. Enright Terry and Sam Evans Grand Chapter Order of Eastern Star of Wisconsin Elizabeth A. Hopp-Peters and Kurt T. Peters Jean and James A. McClung McClung Family Charitable Trust Carolyn O. Mikels Mary Paik and Dwight Morita Diann Smith Santschi Synod of the Sun Nancy L. and Robert K. Unglaub, II Nancy and David Van Dyke Nancy L. N. and Frederick Weyerhaeuser The Frederick T. and Margaret L. Weyerhaeuser Foundation Joseph Haroutunian Associates ($1,000 + ) Anonymous Paul S. Allen, Jr. Lesslie J. Anbari Deceased † 20 Mark E. Anderson George W. Baird Raymond A. Bowden Jane and David E. Boxell Jane P. and Robert L. Brawley Jeanne R. Buskirk Elizabeth F. Caldwell Cynthia M. Campbell and J. Fred Holper Marina Lew and Virstan Choy Helen H. Christ Elizabeth and David H. Crawford Delois Brown-Daniels and David D. Daniels, III Doherty Fund Nancy R. and Gordon C. Enderle Maryann S. and Neal E. Farnsworth Leroy H. Fassett Elaine C. and John Foss Michael Gilligan Ed and Laura Harris Patricia C. and John A. Johnson Roy A. and Lillian S. Kale Fund Deborah J. Kapp and Anthony T. Ruger Barbara J. and P. Douglas Kindschi Carol M. and George M. Landes, Sr. Mae L. and S. Kim Leech Florence M. Lewis Trust Mary J. and Boyd B. Lowry Kathy Maier Joan B. Malick Jan and Vincent Martin The Martin Family Foundation Jean W. and Frank T. Mohr, Jr. Northern Trust Company Victoria Curtiss and Kent M. Organ Donna A. and Roland L. Patton Amy E. Pagliarella and Colm Foley Sunok C. Pai Judy E. Pidcock and James W. Peterson Quatrro FPO Solutions Corrine Reichert Lucille B. and Ernest L. Robertson Paul and Stacey Rock Ozzie E. Smith, Jr. Virginia C. Stotts Suzanne Haraburd and David G. Strom Linda B. and Christopher Valentine Carol A. Wehrheim Linda K. and John L. Williams St. Andrews Associates - ($500 + ) Anonymous Mary Lou and Herbert B. Anderson Mae M. and James R. Anderson Roxana M. and James E. Atwood Barbara E. Ellson and Frank C. Baldwin Mary C. Baskin and Tony D. Brooks Jean S. and Eugene C. Bay Ann Beran Jones and David Bebb Jones Vicki M. and Wayne G. Boulton Harold M. Brockus Sue and John M. Buchanan Ralph and Lorainne Bucy Trust Anna L. Case-Winters and R. Michael Winters, III Karen D. and Thomas H. Cavicchia Mary R. and James H. Chesnutt William P. Diggs Barbara Fassett Sarah L. and George H. Gilmour Judith and Nile Harper Sherri A. Hausser and Robert M. McClellan Lee Ann Grace and Howard W. Henry, Jr. Paula S. and Theodore Hiebert Kathy J. Keener-Han Janet Kennedy Sherry C. and Robert C. Landes Erica Liu Marjory J. and John A. Maier Kathleen R. and Akira P. Matsushima Charles F. Matz Carol McDonald Emily McGinley and Richard Pak Richard H. Miller Ministrare, Inc. Peter Mitchelson Mary Hall and Daniel Ichiro Ogata † Linda S. Griffin and Thomas T. Patterson Thomas R. Perryman Principal Financial Group Foundation Marjorie L. Reed Kristin Riegel Patricia Cloud and Kenneth S. Sawyer Ruthanne L. and Kerry L. Stoltzfus Suzanne S. and Thomas K. Tewell Saundra J. and Douglas J. Tracy Walstad-Clark Foundation Patsy and Jere L. Wells Westminster Associates - ($250 + ) Ameritrade Institutional Bonnie N. and Robert C. Anderson Louise N. Armstrong Association of Theological Schools Mary Lou and David G. Bauer Meredith L. Bechtel Arlene G. Taylor and A. Wayne Benson Marilyn M. and David D. Beran Catherine G. Borchert Cynthia T. and Stephen J. Brock Mildred W. and Charles M. Cary Christine Chakoian and John W. Shustitzky Gloria D. Cox Annie and George Edwin Crawford Memorial Fund Katharine A. Cross Joan B. and John G. Davies Cynthia D. De Leon Florence M. Dempsey Trust Christiane and Donald E. Dutton Mary L. and Jon M. Fancher Robert E. Ganja Diane T. and William G. Hart Cynthia Holder Rich Ethel and Frederick Howe Memorial Fund Sharon A. and Daniel Hunter-Smith Paul Hyde Arthur D. and Maude S. Jellison Fund Deceased † 21 Paul S. Johnson Memorial Fund Hyunjung and Hardy Kim Keith Kliver Dr. Raymond B. and Edna Mae Knudsen Memorial Fund Ruth L. and John C. Laske † Kenneth A. Lehman K. Joanne Lindstrom Linda C. Loving Leslie and James D. Lyman Nancy D. and James G. Macdonell John O. Meloy Isaias Mercado Carol and Derek N. G. Metcalf Lois L. and John M. Miller Marcus C. Miller and Christopher Horsman Florence R. and J. Elliot P. Morrison Linda A. and C. Don Niece Donald B. Ottenhoff Jill D. and Brian R. Paulson Judith A. and John P. Peter Lidia M. and Robert C. Preble Margaret W. and Paul H. Randall Vicki and Robert C. Reynolds Susan B. and William G. Rhoades † Daniel R. Rodriguez-Diaz Robert Lee Sachs Robert O. Schurr Byron E. Shafer Dianne S. and Jerry Y. Shields Julie H. and James T. Shields Rev. Gordon H. Skadra Memorial Fund Betty L. and Maynard D. Smith Hugh V. Stewart Carol M. Strickland Elaine B. and John W. Swyers Victoria L. and David M. Terrinoni Beth and Armon Truett Barry J. Ukena M. Grayson and James R. Van Camp Lois E. Van Cleve Christine B. and Paul Vogel David B. White Bonny Claxton and John Wilkinson Martha P. and Orval S. Wintermute Rachel M. Lausch and David D. Winters Lucille and Hubert J. Wright Byoung-Joo and Woon H. P. Yuh Geneva Associates - ($100 + ) Anonymous Wanda H. and Robert W. Abrams Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center William R. Albert Edwin W. Albright, Jr. Fay J. Alexander Sue A. and Douglas R. Anderson Judy and A. Gary Angleberger A-Rid-A-Pest Exterminating Company Edna S. and Gregory T. Armstrong † Elizabeth C. and Gerritt W. Baker-Smith Corean and Raymond J. Bakke Silvey W. and James S. Barge Nada M. Barnett Shirley P. and John C. Barnum E. Kathyrn and David E. Bartley June W. and Paul R. Begany Siria and Thomas J. Behrens Jack E. Belsom Marilyn J. and Dennis C. Benson Donna M. and Robert A. Bielenberg Carol M. and Robert Biesadecki Lois C. and Jay R. Bishop Carolee P. and Paul O. Boger, Sr. Elaine Bonner Ronald A. Botsford Theodora Bowen W. Wilson Bradburn Alec U. Brooks DeWitt W. Brown Kaye W. and Thomas F. Brown Carolyn H. and Thomas F. Brown Russell G. Bruzek Helen L. Bury C. Withers Plumbing LLC Phyllis K. and Edward F. Campbell Cynthia A. and David Carlisle Barbara W. and P. David Carmichael William H. Chalker Marie Chapman Stephen Y. Chen Tabitha Clark Nancy G. and William M. Clark Patricia A. and D. Robert Clary Karen Cobb Pauline M. and Robert P. Coffman Franklin D. Colclough Sonia Battistini and Jose R. Colen Rodriguez Betsey R. Crimmins Alice and Paul F. Cruikshank Current Technologies Corporation Chester and Elisabeth Davis Memorial Foundation Fund Sarah L. and Andrew F. Davis Derry L. and William F. Dean Jean H. Delap Margaret A. and Donald R. Dempsey Jean A. Dimond Suzanne Gespass and David P. Dobkin Richard F. Dozier Terry L. and Lyle J. Dykstra Harry W. Eberts, III Judith K. Rickey and Samuel L. Edwards Sharon Ellis-Davis Epic Catering Jane L. and David V. Esterline Marion G. Etzwiler Valerie M. Fargo and John A. Roper, III Joan and David Lee Fleming Marcia Lynn and Matthew D. Floding David H. Foubert Margaret H. and Clarence D. Fouse, Jr. Anne S. and Donald H. Frank Sylvia Franklin Mark Freda Joyce and Charles R. Freuden Fran B. and Neil S. Frood J. Daniel Fullerton Lewis Galloway Robert A. Geller Jane H. and W. James Gerling Mercer R. Gewin Bronwen and Fred Gibson Valerie S. and Marc A. Giedinghagen Dorothy A. and Walter G. Gilbertson Jeane C. Gish Jane and Leonard L. Goering Laura H. and John R. Goodman Mary Lou and James L. Green Mildred B. Grubbs Merle J. and Ronald C. Gustafson Donna M. and Dennis Jay Haines Trey Hammond Patricia S. and Roger A. Harless Thomas C. Harman Elizabeth and Timothy Hart-Andersen Deceased † 22 Susan and James B. Haugh Ruppert A. and Edwina J. Hawes Elizabeth Downing Heller Anne Mary Yee-Hibbs and John J. Hibbs Anne Marie Hislop Marjorie N. and Edward J. Hoag † Nicholas and Denise Hood HSA Commercial Real Estate Inc. Jack C. and Alice Hunnicutt George F. Hupp, Jr. Sara A. and Jeffrey A. Hutsell Rogers Jackson Jeffrey and Lynn Japinga Veronica M. Johnson David W. Jones Kil Ja and Howard Kang Sung Kum and Jae Kou Kang Burmaa Kaylin Cynthia D. Keever William R. Kimbrough Bockshin F. and Tukyul Andrew Kimm Mary Ann and William T. King Anna Marie and George K. Kluber Elizabeth B. Knott Linda and Eddie L. Knox Dirk Labuschagne Francis R. Larew Barbara R. and Keith D. Lawrence Ann E. and David Y. K. Lee Sung H. and Myung Jong Lee Josephine Leonard Memorial Fund Henry M. Littlehales Hedwig N. and Robert C. Lodwick Marian J. and David P. Lubba Robert D. Mabbs Lessie B. Mallory Martha and Charles H. Maney B. Herbert Martin Donna Mason Ophelia L. and Charles A. Maxell, Sr. Josephine McBride † Helen V. and Richard E. McCarthy Shirley and Charles McCracken Margaret M. McCray-Worrall Ruth and David W. McCreath Linda L. and Brooks O. McDaniel George McDill Laura McGrew Douglas McMahon and Robin Gipson Katherine B. and Paul R. McNiel Donald E. Meyers Katherine S. and David R. Michael Estate of Louis L. Miller Tarmara G. and Terry Ray Miller Patricia Minton and John Minton June and Minoru Mochizuki Abby Mohaupt and Nathan Fleming John Mohr James A. Mohrman Oneida C. and James H. Monroe Jake and Kristi Moomaw Stephanie Moore Leona P. and Elsworth W. Morack Linda Morgan-Clement and Michael L. Clement Mary A. Morriss Susan d’Olive Mozena Nancy J. and David E. Mulford Deborah F. Mullen Donald E. Neel Virginia and Jeffrey J. Newlin Elizabeth A. Nickerson Rodger Y. Nishioka Joan E. and Robert C. Nixon Linda A. Packard Marilyn Pagán-Banks Romaine and Donald L. Pannabecker Katherine and Thomas D. Parker Lowell N. Peterson Jean D. Pierson Jacquelyn J. Pinkowski Susan J. and William B. Plank Nancy L. and Gerald R. Platz Elizabeth C. and C. Robert Ploger John R. Porter, Jr. Karen Purnell Philip D. Queen R.B. Mex Cleaning Services Alicia B. Rhine Donald R. Ridgeway Judith E. Ridlen Dr. Paul N. Ridolfi Mary S. and V. Bruce Rigdon Arnold Rivera Priscilla Rodriquez Lana F. † and Glenn N. Rogers Elizabeth B. and James E. Roghair Jean L. and Richard F. Rowley Verna M. and Peter H. Russell Jean and Warren H. Rutledge David Rutschman Rosa M. Sailes Ann M. Sakaguchi Ellen L. Babinsky and W. Douglas Sampson Elizabeth and Daniel M. Saperstein James A. Schumacher Phyllis E. and L. Raymond Sells Richard W. Shelton Angela Sheperd Mary T. and David S. Shields Dorothy D. Siles Diane Simpson John G. Skogmo Christine C. Smith Marcia L. Smith-Wood Maisie and James E. Sparks Joan P. and Richard L. Stanger Donald M. Steele Harold E. Stepanek Jeanne S. and John F. Stephenson, Jr. Annika L. Stroope and Jeremy A. West Synod of the Rocky Mountains Sarah J. Tanzer and Scott Looper Rose C. Taul Randee N. and Charles H. Teykl Elaine R. Thomas Andrea and Hal V. Thomas James H. Tolson Margaret E. Towner Carla M. and Allan W. Townsend Murray W. Travis Virginia N. and Dale Tutje Jonathan G. Tuttle UHS of Delaware, Inc. Bette and Ralph C. Unruh Lucille B. and Jack T. Van Horn Shannan R. Vance-Ocampo and Juan G. O. Valle Ann M. and Ryan J. Verhey-Henke Patricia A. and B. Clarke Vestal Donn F. Vickers Theodore Villafana Leota A. and Tom Voll Donna and Richard K. Wallarab Jeannine J. and Richard R. Warner Diane M. and John D. Watson Charline and Richard G. Watts Phyllis E. Wells Carolyn and Warren C. Wiggins Mamie Broadhurst and Richard A. Williams Deceased † 23 Juli and Robert K. Wilson-Black Norma J. and Wilson F. Wood Roger Dale Woods Irene E. and Robert C. Worley Marion M. and Robert J. Wulff Moon Ja and Hak Suk Yoon Marilyn Youel LuciClaire and Paul H. Young, Jr. Pamela and Alan Zetterberg Jervis S. Zimmerman Friends - ($1 -$99) Anonymous Ramona Acevedo Jerome Adams Montee T. Akers, Jr. Martha L. Allen Wayne R. Anderson Judith E. and David B. Antonson Patricia R. and Homer U. Ashby, Jr. Kyeong-Ha Lee and Ki-Min Bang Wayne Barber Chandra P. Barnett L. Arvil Bass, Jr. Sharia A. Battle Joan M. and Donald M. Bay Judith V. and Murray S. Blackadar Shirley A. Bogren Raymond Bonwell Betty and Jack H. Bornhoeft Gloria Borson Kathleen S. and Greg R. Bostrom Sandra B. Brake Michael T. Brooks Carol Jamieson Brown Deloris V. and Donald H. Brown Martha S. Brown Ralph D. Bucy Betty S. and Elmer G. Buese Amanda E. Rose and David B. Campbell Jean L. Cann Mary Carlin Shirley J. and C. Richard Carlson John S. and Margaret S. Carothers Marilynn and Andrew Carstensen Cedars Mediterranean Kitchen Sergio D. Centeno-Rodriguez Mary L. and James R. Chamblee, Jr. Crystal Chinn Julia O. and Carl A. Christensen Paula S. and W. Kent Clise David D. Colby Doris Lucille and Donald LeRoy Cooper Victor M. Coriano Jeffrey Courter Jean Marie Crockett Sheenamaria N. Croston Susanne B. and George P. Dauler Robert † and Kaye Davis Julie E. and Adam Delezenne Everett H. Delware Memorial Fund Doreen S. DeZur Elaine D. Dietrich Nancy E. S. and Daniel A. S. D’Ippolito Timothy Dotson Jean F. and Richard Doub Claudia R. Dunlap Lewis H. Dunlap James D. Eby Carolyn C. and Robert C. Ellson Delores Ann and Larre L. Eschliman Sally P. and Thomas W. Estes Scott C. Estler Betty V. and Edwin E. Evans John R. Evans Anita J. Ezelle Beverly and E. Dean Finley Joan A. and Frank R. Fisher Dorothy J. Foster Karen B. Gasche Joseph J. Genau Barbara J. and William G. Gepford Marjorie B. Giles Rosella Alice and Howard A. Gleason Jennifer A. and Brian R. Gleichauf Benita V. Glynn-Jarrett Margaret O. Grace Loretta Gratias-Bremer Isaac B. Greene Mildred and William Grubbs Fund Patricia Holmes and Willard Guy Charles and Linda Halsey R. Craig Endicott and Hugh F. Halverstadt Susan V. and Charles E. Hansen Robert L. Hansen Joann N. and Robert S. Hanson Barbara Harano Deloris L. Harris Anna Marie and Richard L. Harrison Ina H. Hart Eleanor R. Hawes Ilyndore Healy Jane M. and Harold M. Heath, Jr. Barbara A. and Robert W. Heck Carol L. and David L. Hedlin Barbara J. and Henry G. Hein Nan Ellen and Charles E. Hendricks Sarah A. Henken Cheryl and Andrew Henry Antonio L. and Lucy N. Hernandez Memorial Fund Karen S. Hernandez-Granzen Jane E. and Edward L. Heyer Alden R. and Enid E. Hickman Henry H. Hirano and Tomi T. Hirano Orville C. Hognander, Jr. Joan R. Horn David L. Horne Anne G. and Bruce A. Hunt Gordon L. Ingram Chad A. Jackson and Sarah E. Jackson Barry W. Jesse and Linda Morris Jesse Mary E. Johnson Portia M. Johnson Christopher H. Jones Janet M. and Steven R. Jones David W. Jurgens M. Joan and Robert F. Kaeiser Garrett J. Kamerling Joan L. Kane Lisle and Linda Kauffman Pamela J. Keckler Shirley E. Kiefer Margaret B. and John E. Kimbirl Stanley Kimble Betty Kinsey George E. Klett Darrell D. Knopp David C. Koch Julianne and Yukio Kumasaka Elizabeth B. and L. John Lambros Patricia Leach Jeannine L. and Donald G. Leckrone Virginia and Charles Leport Karen Pidcock-Lester and William C. Lester, Jr. Robert T. Ling, Jr. Luster M. Lockett Pamela Longstreet Deceased † 24 John G. and Gail L. Lowe Lois and Louis S. Lunardini James V. Lyles E. Russell Lynn, Jr. Catherine and Roderick A. MacDonald Jeanne E. and Robert E. MacKenzie Jacquelina Marquez Mary and Paul R. Martin Marylen Marty-Gentile Savannah Mason Ursula B. and Paul J. Masquelier, Jr. Nancy E. and Richard P. Massaro June C. McClister Class of 1980 Scholarship Barbara J. and Dan P. McDevitt Mark D. and Margaret J. McDonough Lois W. and Owen McGarity, Jr. Betty J. and Robert S. McGinnis Marilyn J. and William H. McGregor Bryan A. and Jennifer L. McGuirk Jerald McKinney Mary Ellen Meisenheimer Carol F. and Roderick J. Miller Malene and Cornelius Johnson Ileen M. and Ralph D. Mitchell Fred M. Moch John E. Morgan Ruth E. Morgan Nancy C. Morin Doris S. Moser Helen Murphy Joy Marise and Ronald Myers Aiko Nakagawa David M. Neff Kenneth I. Newman Margaret Gates and Richard Newswanger Helen N. and John H. Niles Theresa Nolan Marjorie and Robert W. Olmsted Manley and Ann Olson Craig and Sheila Omoto Tabrasia O’Neal Kunio Otani Evalyn Owens Irene Pak Eileen K. Parfrey Bettye and Harold C. Parker Valerie and Michael L. Pennanen Edward Percarpio Jeri P. Perkins Elva W. Perry David A. Phillipy Lourene and Henry W. Pilgram Lynn M. and Roger A. Pohl Mavis M. and James R. Pomeroy Joyce Pope Wayne R. Porter Marsha M. Quick Darlene E. and Robert P. Rademacher Thomas and Joanne Rannells Laura B. and Samuel C. Reason Leanne R. and Mark T. Reed Sheila Reed Anne D. Reeves Margaret J. and Gordon H. Reif Clayton F. Rice Bonnie H. and Frederick H. Richard Walter and Jodell Rockenstein Elina Rodriguez and Luis R. RiveraRodriguez Peggy Ronk Audrey J. and Edward C. Rorison † Dari V. Rowen Linda K. and E. W. Runden Richard and Carol Ryman Zabrina C. Santiago Mary Jane and Gary A. Saunders Harriet L and Robert N. Sawyer, Jr. Carolyn J. Scanlan Mary F. and Richard W. Scott Margaret Scruggs John P. Sheppard Nadja B. and Steven R. Shoemaker Dianne R. and J. Richard Short Heather McLaughlin Sigler Lawrence A. Sinclair Diane C. Sinish Henry G. Singer and Joann McKinstry Singer Nancy Slaughter Mary Jean Smatla Janice R. and Edward E. Spence William and Joyce Stark Almella Y. Starks-Umoja Raymond N. Stewart Sanja R. and Derrick D. Stinson Marlis V. Stoner Susan L. Denne and David C. Stover † Robert L. Strain John and Jackie Street Frank H. Stroup, Jr. Jeannette L. and Roger F. Sutfin Hideko Tamura Snider John G. Taylor, Jr. Virginia K. and John R. Tennant Candy R. Thacker Anthony Thangaraj Nina Terry and Frank K. Thorp Janna C. Roop and Allen D. Timm Natalie J. and Dominic M. Tolli Barbara E. Towle Zoe Elizabeth Van Dyke Ijbie L. and Willem F. van Kouwenhoven Kathleen R. and James L. Vandeberg Mary Vande Steeg Wagner Majorie VanderWagen Barbara H. and Henry V. Vaughan Rev. Roger W. Verley and Family Permanent Fund Shana D. Vernon John W. Vest Desire L. and K. Robert Volkwijn Byron A. Wade Winifred and Elmer A. Wall Miriam and Joseph L. Walstad Tina Ward Jamie and Robert Wasowski Cynthia West Shaun D. Whitehead Caryle A. Wilkie Cleo R. and Frank C. Williams Monica Williams Phyllis B. and John W. Wimberly, Jr. Helen Yoo Karen L. and Richard E. Zabriskie Mark A. Zimmerly Heritage Society Harriett S. Abernethy-Ogorzalek † Joseph Ahne Paul S. Allen, Jr. William W. Alley Sue S. Althouse Mary E. Andersen † Mary Lou and Herbert B. Anderson Leslie and Gerald T. Andrews Judy and A. Gary Angleberger Gregory T. Armstrong † Louise N. Armstrong Patricia R. and Charles H. Barrow Deceased † 25 Barbara B. Baumann Jean S. and Eugene C. Bay Ray W. G. Bayley Ann Beran Jones and David Bebb Jones Louise M. Berman Raymond A. Bowden Martha Ann Bowersox Leslie H. and R. David Bruce Ralph D. Bucy Lowell M. Campbell Virginia W. and F. Andrew Carhartt Mildred W. and Charles M. Cary William H. Chalker Mary L. and James R. Chamblee, Jr. Eleanor C. Cherryholmes Helen H. and Frank B. Christ † Mary M. Churton Lois C. and Fernando Colon William N. Colwell Loretta and Leslie Copeland Sharon H. and Robert H. Craig Alice and Paul F. Cruikshank Forrest W. Cummings Victoria G. Curtiss and Kent M. Organ Joan B. and John G. Davies Chester M. Davis Frances A. DeJong Sue C. Dempsey Janet M. DeVries Jean A. Dimond James D. Eby Mary Louise Ellenberger Linda and Jon T. Ender Delores Ann and Larre L. Eschliman Maryann S. and Neal E. Farnsworth Nancy J. Farrell Leroy H. Fassett Jennifer and James E. Friedmeyer J. Daniel Fullerton Mabel K. and John F. Gibby Bronwen and Fred Gibson Ellen C. and Paul C. Gignilliat Dorothy A. and Walter G. Gilbertson Mildred B. Grubbs Grace B. Hamilton Susan V. and Charles E. Hansen Kathy and David A. Hansen Doris E. Hanson Annie L. Hardie Miriam L. Hathaway Mitzi G. Henderson Elizabeth A. Hopp-Peters and Kurt T. Peters Miriam B. Huth Betsy A. Jay Kil Ja and Howard Kang Mary K. Turyomurugyendo and Steven Kanyonyi Teresa Kendall Mary M. and Richard L. Kesel Krista K. Kiger Mary Ann and William T. King Elizabeth B. Knott Melinda S. and Kenneth C. Krei Kathryn A. V. and William G. Ksander Jane and John W. Kuckuk Ginny and Robert J. Lavidge Patricia Leach Mae L. and S. Kim Leech Jody C. LeFort Shu Ying Yu and Chang Yu Lin Eileen W. Lindner Lois G. Livezey Linda C. Loving Andrew M. Lowry, III Mary J. and Boyd B. Lowry Helen N. and K. Ilunga Malenga Joan B. Malick Rowena and Paul Markham Gwendolyn and Stanley Marsh Josephine K. and Ralph O. Marshall Dolores G. Martell Shirley B. and Robert V. Martz Rose E. and Allen Maruyama Donna Mason Kathleen R. and Akira P. Matsushima Judith Maze Carolyn P. and James J. McClure, Jr. Ruth and David W. McCreath Lois W. and Owen McGarity, Jr. Elizabeth L. and David W. McShane John O. Meloy Virginia and Allen Menke Clara F. B. and Charles H. Z. Meyer Mary L. Milano Geraldine Miller Lois L. and John M. Miller Lois L. Miller James A. Mohrman Deceased † Linda Morgan-Clement and Michael L. Clement Florence R. and J. Elliot P. Morrison Nancy C. Moyers Nancy J. and David E. Mulford Sandra and Nelson R. Murphy Stephanie L. and Scott A. Nesbitt Howard A. Newman Joan E. and Robert C. Nixon Shio Saeki and Robert W. Northup Sandra J. and Richard W. Nuernberg Ellen M. Ohan-Jones Marjorie and Robert W. Olmsted June H. and Eugene P. Osborne Eileen K. Parfrey William R. Pennock, Jr. Linda G. and David W. Post Lidia M. and Robert C. Preble Robert Rain Mary Lee Reed Jon L. Regier † Mary S. and V. Bruce Rigdon Arlene J. and Dale W. Robb Lucille B. and Ernest L. Robertson Constance and H. Kris Ronnow Verna M. and Peter H. Russell Rafael Sanchez, Jr. † Mary Jane and Gary A. Saunders Kuniko E. Schafer Don Schricker Robert O. Schurr Martha K. Sell Phyllis E. and L. Raymond Sells Florence J. and G. Kenneth Shafer, Jr. Donald W. Sherman Eugenie A. Blaskovitz and Roger M. Sobin Dorothy B. Stevenson Sharon and Kurt B. Stiansen Barbara G. † and Donn N. Trautman Nancy L. and Robert K. Unglaub, II M. Grayson and James R. Van Camp Lucille B. and Jack T. Van Horn Mary Vande Steeg Wagner Beverly J. and Roger W. Verley Patricia A. and B. Clarke Vestal Christine B. and Paul Vogel James H. Vondracek Miriam and Joseph L. Walstad Dorothy K. and Charles J. Walters Bette and G. Dana Waters, III Shirley Watkins Carol A. Wehrheim 26 Jacqueline L. and H. Curtis White Alise and Mitch M. Wilkinson Cleo R. Williams Cleo R. and Frank C. Williams Irene E. and Robert C. Worley Dorthea Louise Yoder LuciClaire and Paul H. Young, Jr. Marilyn S. and William A. Yueill Meg McClaskey and Gordon R. Zerkel Matching Gift Organizations Northern Trust Company Principal Financial Group Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts William Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation Northwestern Mutual Cargill Incorporated Churches California First Presbyterian Church of Altadena Georgia Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Illinois Chicago Fourth Presbyterian Church Greater Bethesda Missionary Baptist Church Pullman Presbyterian Chicago Heights First Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights Clarendon Hills Community Presbyterian Church Danville First Presbyterian Church of Danville Kenilworth Kenilworth Union Church Lake Bluff The Community Church of Lake \ Forest and Lake Bluff Lake Forest First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest Morrison First Presbyterian Church Naperville Knox Presbyterian Church Newton First Presbyterian Church Western Springs Presbyterian Church of Western Springs Indiana Crown Point First Presbyterian Church Indianapolis Second Presbyterian Church Munster Westminster Presbyterian Church Kansas Emporia First Presbyterian Church Junction City First Presbyterian Church Maryland Baltimore Open Church Corporation Potomac Potomac Presbyterian Church Michigan Decatur First Presbyterian Church Women’s Association Detroit Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church Minnesota Minneapolis Westminster Presbyterian Church Saint Paul House of Hope Presbyterian Church Missouri Kansas City Second Presbyterian Church North Carolina Charlotte Covenant Presbyterian Church Durham First Presbyterian Church Nevada Reno St. John’s Presbyterian Church New York Brooklyn Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church Women’s Organization Canandaigua St. John’s Episcopal Church Rochester Third Presbyterian Church Youngstown First Presbyterian Church Ohio Cleveland United Church of Christ Marietta First Presbyterian Church Montpelier West Bethesda Presbyterian Church Rocky River Rocky River Presbyterian Church Texas San Antonio Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church Wisconsin Milwaukee Immanuel Presbyterian Church In Honor of David Aja-Sigmon Fourth Avenue Presbyterian Church Women’s Organization Robert L. Brawley Rev. Grayson Van Camp and Mr. James R. Van Camp Elizabeth F. Caldwell The Rev. Dr. Virstan Choy and Ms. Marina Lew Mr. John Minton and Mrs. Patricia Minton Fred Holper and Cynthia Campbell The Rev. Susan d’Olive Mozena Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes The Rev. Ms. Karen S. Hernandez-Granzen Gloria Cox Bruce Cox Sam Evans Ms. Laura McGrew Barbara Fassett The Rev. Dr. Leroy H. Fassett Deceased † 27 Tawee Layarman West Bethesda Presbyterian Church Rev. Wayne Meisel Mr. Raymond Bonwell Ms. Amanda E. Rose and Mr. David B. Campbell Mr. Andrew M. Carstensen and Mrs. Marilynn B. Carstensen Covenant Presbyterian Church Mr. Mark Freda Mr. David P. Dobkin and Mrs. Suzanne Gespass Mr. Michael Gilligan Mr. Ruppert A. Hawes and Mrs. Edwina J. Hawes Ilyndore Healy Dr. Robert W. Nelson and The Rev. Ms. Barbara A. Heck Darmakusuma Ie Mr. Chad A. Jackson and Mrs. Sarah E. Jackson Mr. Barry W. Jesse and Mrs. Linda Morris Jesse Lai-King Leong Mr. Bryan A. McGuirk and Mrs. Jennifer L. McGuirk Mr. Edward Percarpio Ms. Anne D. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Singer Mr. Alan Zetterberg and Mrs. Pamela Zetterberg Marcia Miller The Rev. William V. Martin, Vicar Stephanie Moore The Rev. Dr. John R. Evans Felisa Roman Rev. Marilyn Pagán-Banks Dave and Sue Sheilds Rev. James T. Shields and Mrs. Julie H. Shields Amos L. Wilson The Rev. Dr. John W. Swyers and Mrs. Elaine B. Swyers Frank Yamada Ms. Josephine C. McBride In Memory of William A. Alexander Mrs. Fay J. Alexander Rev. Dr. Henry W. Andersen and Mrs. Mary E. Andersen Mr. Walter H. Rockenstein and Mrs. Jodell Rockenstein Ms. Marilyn Youel Mary E. Andersen Ms. Martha L. Allen The Rev. Dr. John Wilkinson and Ms. Bonny Claxton Ms. Elaine D. Dietrich Ms. Marion G. Etzwiler Ms. Karen B. Gasche The Rev. Elizabeth D. Heller Mr. Paul Hyde Mrs. Betty R. Kinsey Mr. and Mrs. Jerald McKinney Mr. David R. Michael and Mrs. Katherine S. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchelson Ms. Nancy C. Morin Ms. Joyce S. Pope Mr. John G. Skogmo Ms. Nancy Slaughter Westminster Presbyterian Church Ms. Marilyn Youel Ronald E. Buskirk Mrs. Jeanne R. Buskirk John M. Cann Mrs. Jean L. Cann Rev. Calvin Chears Rev. Grayson Van Camp and Mr. James R. Van Camp Frank B. Christ Mrs. Helen H. Christ Mrs. Barbara Harano Henry H. Hirano and Tomi T. Hirano Aiko Nakagawa Mr. and Mrs. Craig Omoto KunioOtani Ms. Ann M. Sakaguchi Ms. Barbara E. Towle Carl S. Dudley The Rev. Dr. Raymond A. Bowden PaulFassett The Rev. Dr. Leroy H. Fassett Rhoda B. Ganja Mr. Robert E. Ganja Dorothy J. Geller The Rev. Dr. Robert A. Geller Dr. and Mrs. George W. Gibson Florence M. Lewis Trust Robert W. Gish Mrs. Robert Gish Pat Hare Rev. Sharon L. Hare John S. Hazelton The Rev. Mr. James R. Anderson and Mrs. Mae M. Anderson David H. Johnson Mrs. Mary E. Johnson Linda C. Jones The Rev. Mr. David W. Jones David L. McDonald The Rev. Mrs. Carol McDonald Woodward D. Morriss Mrs. Mary A. Morriss Rev. Louis Radley Mr. John R. Tennant and Mrs. Virginia K. Tennant Judith Rodriguez Mr. Wayne Barber Mr. Robert and Ms. Carol M. Biesadecki Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America Ms. Cynthia D. De Leon Mr. Daniel Hunter-Smith and Ms. Sharon A. Hunter-Smith The Rev. Dr. K. Joanne Lindstrom The Rev. Dr. Isaias Mercado Ravenswood Presbyterian Church Women’s Group Mr. Arnold Rivera The Rev. Dr. Daniel R. Rodriguez-Diaz Mr. David H. Rutschman Mr. Theodore Villafana Emery J. Roy Mrs. Jeanne R. Buskirk Mrs. Kathy Maier Richard E. Sigler The Rev. Heather M. Sigler Jennifer Sinish Ms. Diane C. Sinish Barbara W. Smith The Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith Jr. Merle E. Smith Ms. Marie Chapman Dr. Christine C. Smith Rev. George Van Bockern Deceased † 28 Graduating Class of 2014 McCormick Theological Seminary MASTER OF ARTS IN DISCIPLESHIP DEVELOPMENT Tiffany C. Brown* Sangdoo Lee MASTER OF ARTS IN MINISTRY Sheenamaria N. Croston Timothy L. Dotson Christopher E. Knestrick* Julie L. Myers Lakesha Renee Peete Mary Beth Shapley Kathi Worthington MASTER OF ARTS IN URBAN MINISTRY Myeongcheol Lee MASTER OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES Jeffrey Clinton Courter Kenneth Crews (candidate for degree) Ashley LaShae Dowden Mara Louise Forster-Smith* LaJeanne Clairise Grinnage Molly Elizabeth Hall (candidate for degree) Peter C. Horth** Dirk Labuschagne* Stephanie J. Levan Pamela M. Longstreet Christopher D. Mergener Maurice Edward Miller Tabrasia T. O’Neal Charles Wesley Pitts* Sheila A. Reed Doreen Mannette Sterba DeZur Kellie Erin Tracz Tina M. Ward Maureen M. Wilson** Helen HaeRyun Yoo MASTER OF THEOLOGY Thomas E. Larrison* DOCTOR OF MINISTRY Rosalyn Alexis Bates* Sergio Centeno Michael Theodore Brooks+ Peter Morris Wylie Bartlett Claudia Robinson Dunlap Christopher Hilliard Jones Stanley Kimble+ Glenn David Leupold+ Cynthia Rogers Rassiga-West Amanda Adams Riley Angela Fontessa Shepherd John William Vest Stephen Benjamin McKinney-Whitaker+ Shaun Denise Whitehead+ *Academic Distinction ** Degree conferred October 2013 + ACTS D. Min. in Preaching ++ Ecumenical D.Min. Ramona Acevedo* Isaac B. Greene Riju Jayan* Donghan Shin** Amir Maher Soliman Tawadrous Zoe Elizabeth Van Dyke Sohee Stella Yang* MASTER OF DIVINITY 5460 South University Avenue Chicago, IL 60615 773-947-6300 • 800-228-4687 ANNUAL REPORT 2014
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