Detailed Scientific Program - 3rd African Congress for Conservation
Detailed Scientific Program - 3rd African Congress for Conservation
3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Detailed Scientific Program Oral & Poster Presentations Roundtables Workshops Short Courses S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Saturday, 3 September 2016 Venue: University Campus ROOM CLASS ROOM POLYVALENTE CLASS ROOM 41 Bloc D 09:00- 11:30 BOARD MEETING SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_ENGLISH 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 18:00 Tea & Coffee Break – on your own at University Cafeteria BOARD MEETING SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_ENGLISH Lunch break – on your own BOARD MEETING SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_ENGLISH More courses available during core congress days, especially on Thursday. You can sign up when you register on-site. S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Sunday, 4 September 2016 Venue: Faculty of Science Campus ROOM CLASS ROOM 41 Bloc D CLASS ROOM Polyvalente REGISTRATION HALL 09:00- 11:30 SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_FRENCH SHORT COURSE 3: CRITICAL THINKING & SCIENTIFIC WRITING Arrival of Congress Participants 11:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 14:00 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 18:00 18:00 – 20:00 Tea & Coffee Break – on your own at University Cafeteria SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_FRENCH SHORT COURSE 3: CRITICAL THINKING & SCIENTIFIC WRITING Lunch break – on your own SHORT COURSE 1: MODELING DEGRADATION & DEFORESTION_FRENCH SHORT COURSE 3: CRITICAL THINKING & SCIENTIFIC WRITING ONSITE REGISTRATION & PICK UP CONFERENCE PACKAGE Welcome Ceremony in the Faculty of Science Gardens S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Monday, 5 September 2016: MORNING schedule 7:30 Registration Open @ UCD Faculty of Science Campus Opening Ceremony @ Town Hall of the Province of El Jadida 9:00 – 10:30 Group Photo 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:30 Plenary 1: “La mise en œuvre de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique au Maroc: Etat des lieux” Pr. Mohammed FEKHAOUI & Pr. Mohamed MENIOUI, Scientific Institute of Rabat, Morocco 11:30 – 12:00 Tea and Coffee Break (Hosted by El Jadida Town Mayor @ Town Hall) 12:00 – 13:00 Transfer to UCD Faculty of Science Campus 13:00 – 14:15 LUNCH on Campus Under the Lunch Tent S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Monday, 5 September 2016: EARLY AFTERNOON schedule ROOM LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM OPEN SESSION 1: Conservation outside protected areas FRENCH OPEN SESSION 1: Marine & Freshwater Conservation Helen O'NEILL: Land use preferences of African wild dogs in a human-dominated landscape in Kenya_318 Jaouad ABOU OUALID: Diversité et distribution bathymétrique des gorgones octocoralliaires de la baie d’Agadir_314 14:30 – 14:45 Odirilwe SELOMANE: Disaggregating ecosystem services use in South Africa_362 Girma Shumi DUGO: Woody plant diversity and composition across a gradient of land uses in rural landscapes of Southwestern Ethiopia_17 Judicael Régis KEMA KEMA: Analyse des modes et dynamique d’exploitation des ressources halieutiques dans la lagune Ndougou, Gabon_332 14:45 – 15:00 Natalia ESTRADA CARMONA: Gendered access to and perceptions of ecosystem services in a Zambian aquatic agricultural system_5 Patrícia RODRIGUES: Bird responses to management intensity in a shade-coffee forest system, southwestern Ethiopia_31 El Bazi RACHIDA: Diversité et biotypologique des Plécoptères du Rif occidental Marocain (Nordouest, du Maroc)_274 15:00 – 15:15 Catherine J HUGHES: High resolution spatial & temporal modelling and mapping of land protection & rehabilitation scenarios to support water-related ecosystem services_195 Pieter I OLIVIER: Measuring biodiversity change from space _18 Said ELJEBRI: Application des SIG a l’evaluation de l’etat de conservation des sols dans la plaine irriguee des Doukkala, Maroc_368 15:15 – 15:30 Jennifer K O'LEARY: Relationship between ocean use, knowledge, and perceived benefits of an urban marine protected area in Kenya_414 Nandipha G NDAMANE: The role of herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function in Mount Fletcher Southern Africa_139 15:30 – 15:45 Mustapha OUMAROUS: Contribution to sustainable development and the preservation of biodiversity of the Moroccan artisanal fishery: A Small pelagic case_409 Anthelme G. A. GNAGBO: Contribution of the domestication of useful plants in the biodiversity management_29 Osama KHADRI: Etude Mésologique et Biotypologique des Ephéméroptères des cours d’eau de la région ultrabasique de Beni Bousera, Maroc_214 Taheri AHMED: Modélisation de la distribution d’Anochetus ghilianii au Maroc et en Espagne: Effondrement de population ou introduction récente?_236 14:15 – 14:30 LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNES SYMP_5: Integrating natural capital into development: Case studies and lessons from Africa_EGOH & SITAS Nadia E SITAS: Building an African Case Studies database to support policy and practice with regards to ecosystem governance for future human wellbeing_23 15:45 – 16:15 Tea & Coffee Break S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Monday, 5 September 2016: LATE AFTERNOON schedule ROOM LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNES LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM OPEN SESSION 2: Population dynamics and Viability Analysis OPEN SESSION 3: Novel Conservation Methods & Approaches OPEN SESSION 4: Endangered Species & Conservation 16:15 – 16:30 Salwa NAMOUS: Structure and viability analysis of the southernmost Barbary macaque population in the High Ourika valley, western High Atlas Mountains, Morocco_286 16:30 – 16:45 Ahmed TAIBI: Morphology and distribution of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) in North Africa_57 Gregoire DUBOIS: A Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) in support to global conservation policies_377 Courtnee E KLEINHANS: A molecular approach to conserving the endangered Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) in South Africa._234 16:45 – 17:00 Antonio Roman MUÑOZ: Using a favourability model to predict Bonelli’s Eagle distribution and abundance in Morocco_144 Jorge L RENTERIA BUSTAMANTE: Rapid identification and prioritization of alien plant eradication targets based on the potential environmental impacts and the management effort_200 17:00 – 17:15 Stéphane AULAGNIER: The atlas of wild Moroccan mammals: From distribution to conservation_402 Mohamed AOURIR: Captive breeding as a conservation tool of the last remnant populations of the Black-bellied Sandgrouse in west-central Morocco_292 Mohammed ZNARI: A population viability analysis of the last surviving Moroccan dorcas gazelle (Gazelle dorcas massaesyla) in M’Sabih Talaa Reserve, Morocco_296 John EMITCHELL OKOT: An ecological assessment of biodiversity pressures in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, South-western Uganda_66 17:15 – 17:30 Nawal HICHAMI: Vulnerability to extinction of the Souss Valley tortoise in arid steppe-lands of west central Morocco: Potential for conservation and restoration_242 Antoinette KOTZE: A Single Species Action Plan approach: Lack of genetic and innate diversity in the critically endangered White-winged flufftail (Sarothrura ayresi)_267 Nezha ACIL: Trends in snow cover duration and response of vegetation growth in the Middle Atlas Mountains_307 17:30 – 17:45 Tunde Abayomi NURUDEEN: Floristic distribution and abundance of a disturbed Oniganbari Forest Reserve in Southwestern Nigeria_404 Chantal L TAYLOR: Evaluating a transdisciplinary research partnership: Considering both the more tangible and less tangible outcomes_282 Nyeema C HARRIS: The critically endangered West African Lion: investigating occupancy, prey availability, and potential conflict, Burkina Faso_254 17:45 – 18:00 Caetano M L SERROTE: The use of molecular markers data in simulations for genetic resources conservation_229 James W. GBEADUH: Conservation status of the Endangered Pygmy Hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) in Sapo National Park_281 Plenary 2 : The Tragedy of Privatising Nature: Liberating Africa by reclaiming the commons Dr. Franklin OBENG – ODOOM : Political Economist, University of Technology Sydney Australia S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Tuesday, 6 September 2016: EARLY MORNING schedule 08:30 - 09:30 ROOM Plenary 3 : Les enjeux du changement climatique en Afrique après la COP21 M. Gilles PARGENEAUX : Député du Parlement Européen, vice-président de la commission environnement, santé et sécurité alimentaire LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNES LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM SYMP 1: Social-ecological approaches for biodiversity conservation in Africa_CALVALHO SYMP_3: Climate Change on the African Continent: Threat or Challenge_ABRAMS OPEN SESSION 9: Novel conservation approaches 09:45 - 10:00 Jeremy HUET: Our Sea Our Life: Lessons from integrating community banking into co-management in Mozambique_220 Ron ABRAMS: Climate Change on the African Continent: Threat or Challenge?_416 Olufemi A. SODEINDE: Networking to advance species conservation: IUCN SSC Pangolin Specialist Group As Example_263 10:00 - 10:15 Farinoz DANESHPAY: Net-Works: How a carpet tile can help aquatic conservation in West Africa_235 Lutendo MUGWEDI: Restoration planning for climate change mitigation and adaptation in the city of Durban, South Africa_1 Alex Bimbo ONATUNJI: Teaching and lessons on biodiversity conservation from the Biblical Pentateuch_387 10:15 - 10:30 Nicole GROSS-CAMP: The land we want: the contribution of local perspectives on the expansion of community forestry_67 Dario CHAMORRO: Predicting the impact of climate change on the distribution of Long-legged Buzzard in north-western Africa_156 Elise M S BELLE: Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change (PARCC)_413 10:30 - 10:45 Jasper MAKALA: Twelve years of community-based forest management in Tanzania: learning from experience_269 Daniella D RABAIOTTI: Climate change adaptation in a tropical carnivore is limited by constraints on nocturnal activity_14 Coral BIRSS: Formulating national biodiversity management policy and integrating adaptive governance of the Cape mountain zebra conservation in South Africa_271 10:45 - 11:00 Linda LUVUNO: Bush encroachment as a social-ecological regime shift: A review of key feedbacks, drivers and impacts_365 Victor ROLO ROMERO: Assessing taxonomic and functional diversity indices in rehabilitating coastal dune forest_278 Megan E MCSHERRY: Grazing and soil carbon: Comparing effects of management strategy across vegetation types_75 11:00 - 11:15 Rakotondrazanany FETRA ARIVONY: Communitymanaged areas for baobab conservation in Madagascar, what impacts on people and biodiversity?_6 Conrad KYEI-MENSAH: Adoption of EbA approach in the face of climate change: Improving livelihoods in fringe communities of the Worobong South forest reserve, Ghana_180 Lelani M MANNETTI: Expanding the protected area network in Namibia: Identifying and categorising stakeholders around the Etosha National Park_20 11:15 - 11:45 TEA & COFFEE BREAK S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Tuesday, 6 September 2016: LATE MORNING schedule ROOM LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNES LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM 11:45 SYMP_1: Social-ecological approaches for biodiversity conservation in Africa_CARLVAHO SYMP_3: Climate Change on the African Continent: Threat or Challenge_ABRAMS OPEN SESSION 6: MIX-AND-MATCH 11:45 - 12:00 Mariana B CARVALHO: Dualities of conservation and livelihoods: human elephant conflict and rural wellbeing in Niassa, Northern Mozambique_399 Alcade C. SEGNON: Harnessing wild edible plants diversity for food security in the context of climate variability and change in semi-arid areas of Benin_58 Ashrenee GOVENDER: Testing the utility of DNA barcoding in South African Hemiptera: Using eThekwini species as a case study_233 12:00 - 12:15 Maike H HAMANN: Biodiversity change in South Africa: Connections to ecosystem services and human well-being_358 Tom DERR: Climate change perceptions and adaptation among small-scale farmers in Uganda: A community-based approach_225 Salamatu J FADA: Impact of herders’ harvests of fodder plants in Yankari Game Reserve, Nigeria: patterns and extent_239 12:15 - 12:30 Brandon P ANTHONY: Co-defining program success: Identifying objectives and indicators for a livestock damage compensation scheme at Kruger National Park, South Africa_207 Timothy APEANTI: Adaptation through climate smart agriculture practices in an era of climate uncertainties: experiences of vegetable farmers in the Greater Accra_157 Lansari AZIZA: Phytogeographic patterns among the North African green frog Pelophylax saharicus (Amphibia: Anura) in Morocco_392 12:30 - 12:45 Rodrigue Castro GBEDOMON: Socio-economic and ecological outcomes of Community based forest management: A case study from TobéKpobidon forest, Benin_184 Nyeema C HARRIS: Is climate or landuse of greater influence on small mammal communities in Ghana?_260 Soumia LOULIDA: Ecological and physiological traits of a peripheral population of the desert Blue-eyed pond turtle in Southern Morocco: implications for conservation_261 12:45 - 13:00 Steve BALL: Incentives for Community Forest Management in Tanzania_337 DISCUSSION Lucrecia SOUVIRON-PRIEGO: Wildlife trade in Africa: a biogeographic perspective_167 13:00 – 14:30 LUNCH @ the Lunch Tent S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Tuesday, 6 September 2016: EARLY AFTERNOON schedule LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNES LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM 14:30 SYMP_1: Social-ecological approaches for biodiversity conservation in Africa_CARLVAHO OPEN SESSION 5: Human-Wildlife Conflict FRENCH OPEN SESSION 2: Broad themes in Conservation 14:30 -14:45 Caroline FM WARD: Protected area governance and community associations in Madagascar_22 Lynn KIMMEL: Conflict transformation in action: building field capacity to address social and conservation conflict impacting the endangered Grevy’s zebra in Kenya_262 Nard BENNAS: Les coléoptères aquatiques des écosystèmes aquatiques salins du Maroc: biodiversité et considérations en termes de conservation_253 IPBES WORKSHOP (by invitation only) Tempe S. F ADAMS: Taking the elephant out of the room and putting it in a corridor_37 Faical BOUTLIB: Etude des comportements du singe Magot dans le Moyen Atlas_117 IPBES WORKSHOP (by invitation only) Mlamuleli MHLANGA: Incentives matter: Attitudes of people towards the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) in communal and resettlement lands, Western Zimbabwe_113 Mohamed EL HAISSOUFI: Evaluation de l’efficience du réseau des aires protégées du Rif dans la conservation de la diversité odonatologique_211 IPBES WORKSHOP (by invitation only) 15:15 - 15:30 Andrew KIBOGO: The impact of socioeconomic benefits in enhancing participation of local communities in wildlife conservation in Akagera National Park, Rwanda_60 Susanne M. VOGEL: How decisions lead to conflicts: The role of elephant foraging trade-offs and agricultural practices in elephant crop foraging_246 Mohammed MOUNIR: Application du SIG au suivi de la dynamique spatiale de la cédraie du parc national de Khénifra en vue d’une meilleure gestion et conservation_371 IPBES WORKSHOP (by invitation only) 15:30 – 15:45 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION SEBBAR: _426 IPBES WORKSHOP (by invitation only) 14:45 - 15:00 15:00 - 15:15 Mary Ngozi MOLOKWU-ODOZI: Moving with the Times: Promoting an Integrated Management Strategy for Liberia’s Strictest Protected Area_304 Jesse S AYIVOR: Evaluation of management effectiveness of Protected Areas in the Volta Basin of Ghana: Perspectives on RAPPAM Methodology_142 15:45 – 16:15 TEA & COFFEE BREAK COMBINED WITH POSTER SESSIONS DAY 1 S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D WORKSHOP: Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services Values Workshop_O’FARRELL 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Tuesday, 6 September 2016: LATE AFTERNOON schedule ROOM CLASS ROOM 41 Bloc D CLASS ROOM 42 Bloc D CLASS ROOM POLYVALENTE CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D LECTURE HALL CED 16:15 - 17:45 WORKSHOP: STARTING A LOCAL SCB CHAPTER IN YOUR COMMUNITY WORKSHOP: SCIENCE COMMUNICATION_Young Women in Conservation Biology (YWCB) ROUNDTABLE: RESEARCH QUESTIONS FOR MEDITTRANEAN-TYPE REGIONS_MOREIRA WORKSHOP: IPBES Values workshop (by invitation only) WORKSHOP: PANAFRICAN CONSERVATION BIOLOGY PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION_PAI 18:00 - 19:00 Plenary 4: No conservation without people Dr. Anne-Caroline PREVOT : Director of Research, CNRS, museum of natural history, Paris France S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Wednesday, 7 September 2016: EARLY MORNING schedule 08:30 - 09:30 ROOM Plenary 5: Adaptive management of marine protected areas- case study of the Western Indian Ocean Region Mr Arthur Omondi Tuda , Marine Conservation Practitioner, Kenya LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNESS LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI SYMP 7: Marine ecology & conservation in Morocco_SABOUR OPEN SESSION 8: Effectiveness of Conservation in Africa 09:45 - 10:00 Zahira BELATTMANIA: Patterns of distribution and structure of epifauna inhabiting invasive and native seaweeds on the Atlantic coast of Morocco_348 Samson O. OJO: Impact of Globalization on Biodiversity and Culture Tourism: Osun Osogbo World Heritage Site, Nigeria_8 SYMP_2: New Initiatives in Africa's Albertine Rift for Biodiversity Conservation_KAPLIN & AMANI Beth A KAPLIN: The Regional Network for Conservation Educators in the Albertine Rift: Contributing to conservation in a biodiversity hotspot_247 10:00 - 10:15 Abdellatif CHAOUTI: Distribution and ecology of the Celtic sea slug Onchidella celtica (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Atlantic coast of Morocco_349 Bola Olusola ADELEKE: Relationship between outcomes of conservation and socio-economic status of residents of Nigerian national parks_150 Joseph TUYISHIMIRE: Stopping Poaching Activities in Nyungwe Forest National Park (NNP): Biodiversity Conservation and HumanWildlife Conflicts_102 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 10:15 - 10:30 Nor-Eddine CHOUIKH: Polychaete community as a tool for the assessment of the ecological quality status of Essaouira rocky shore (NW Morocco)_374 Chuma B CHINZILA: Bridging theory and practice: Learning from 13 years of Conservation planning in South Africa_312 Grace R. KAGORO: The fruit phenology of Musanga leo-errerae and its importance for chimpanzee conservation: Case study of Kalinzu Forest Uganda_265 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 10:30 - 10:45 Abdulmaula A. HAMZA: Insights on migratory flyway of the African Lesser Crested Tern (Thalasseus bengalensis emigrates)_3 Nyeema C HARRIS: Dynamics of Africa's conservation estate_257 Charles B. KAYIJAMAHE: Tropical Ecology Assessment Monitoring in Virunga Massif: Camera trap image baseline results_289 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 10:45 - 11:00 Hassan BENAISSA: The ichtyofauna of the Oum Rbia bassin: Status and conservation_143 Elikana KALUMANGA: Challenges for managing biodiversity in a changing climate: Cases from the Albertine Rift Countries_310 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 11:00 - 11:15 Tamraoui YOUNESS: Southern Morocco Unionidae_300 Parfait YONGABO: Lake Kivu ichthyologic fauna and its sustainable management_250 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) Shadrach Parwon KERWILLAIN: Piloting REDD+ in a Proposed Protected Area: Lessons from Liberia_283 Temitope I. BOROKINI: A review of endemic plant species richness in the Guinean Forests of West Africa_188 11:15 – 11:45 LECTURE HALL HAYTEM TEA & COFFEE BREAK S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D IPBES Values Workshop_O’FARRELL WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Wednesday, 7 September 2016: LATE MORNING schedule ROOM LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNESS LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI 11:45 OPEN SESSION 7: Behavioural Ecology and Conservation FRENCH OPEN SESSION 3: MIX-ANDMATCH 11:45 - 12:00 Bouazza ABDELLAH: Reproductive strategy in an Alpine lizard: The Atlas day gecko (Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus) endemic to the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco_390 Mariam RHATTAS RHATTAS: Phytothérapie épidermique utilisée par la population du parc national de Talassemtane_136 Robert Byamana KIZUNGU: A comparative assessment of the substantial effects of local logging on understory birds in the Itombwe Plateau compared to Kahuzi-Biega National Park_189 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 12:00 - 12:15 Victor A OJO: Behavioural Pattern of Olive Baboon (Papio anubis) in Yankari Games Reserve Nigeria_389 Amal TSOULI FAROUKH: Evaluation de l’etat de la foret de Benslimane en vue d’une strategie de conservation_345 Deogratias TUYISINGIZE: Assessment of soil water availability in two mountains of the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda_415 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 12:15 - 12:30 Léo BACON: Age-dependent breeding performances of a reinforced bird population in the wild_153 Rayane SAIFI: L’effet Bio-Insecticide de Trois Extraits du Plantes Medicinales VisA- Vis le Puceron Noir (Aphis Fabae, Aphididae, Homopteres)_181 Claver SIBOMANA: Biodiversity conservation in a political instability: Challenges and prospects_297 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 12:30 - 12:45 Angelique T LAZARUS: Small mammal responses to Scarp Forest restoration in the Maputoland-Pondoland-Albany Hotspot, South Africa_354 Myriam SLIMANI: Qualité physicochimique et biologique du haut bassin versant du Loukkos (Nord Ouest du Maroc)_226 Samuel NSHUTIYAYESU: Biodiversity analysis and assessment of Akanyaru wetland’s goods and services_62 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 12:45 - 13:00 Essedaoui AAFAF: Adaptations of bivalve molluscs to environmental conditions: Case Mytilus galloprovincialis coastal region of El Jadida (Morocco)_196 Ichen ABDELLAH: Biométrie de la Caille des blés (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) au Maroc : cas du périmètre irrigué de Tadla_130 Edward N. MWAVU: Macrofungi conservation in Albertine Rift Forests_273 WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) 13:00 – 14:30 LUNCH S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy LECTURE HALL HAYTEM SYMP_2: New Initiatives in Africa's Albertine Rift for Biodiversity Conservation_KAPLIN & AMANI CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D IPBES Values Workshop_O’FARRELL 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Wednesday, 7 September 2016: AFTERNOON schedule ROOM 14:30 – 16:30 CLASS ROOM 41 Bloc D WORKSHOP: STARTING A LOCAL SCB CHAPTER IN YOUR COMMUNITY CLASS ROOM 42 Bloc D CLASS ROOM POLYVALENTE CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D LECTURE HALL CED WORKSHOP: SCIENCE COMMUNICATION_YWCB ROUND TABLE 2: MISE A JOUR DU PLAN D’ACTION POUR LA CONSERVATION DE 25 ESPECES D’OISEAUX LISTEES EN ANNEXE II DU PROTOCOLE ASP/BD EN MEDITERRANNEE WORKSHOP: IPBES Values (by invitation only) WORKSHOP: PAN-AFRICAN CONSERVATION BIOLOGY PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION_PAI 16:30 – 17:45 TEA & COFFEE BREAK COMBINED WITH POSTER SESSIONS DAY 1 18:00 - 19:00 Plenary 6 : Migratory birds linking Africa and Europe: strategies and conservation challenges in the age of climate change Pr. Fernando SPINA : Head of Science, Bird Migration Branch ISPRA, Italy 19:00 – 20:00 Transfer to Award Ceremony Venue (further instruction forthcoming at Meeting) 20:00 - 00:00 AWARD CEREMONY - Program includes short talk by 2016 recipient of the Young Women in Conservation Biology (YWCB) Award, Sophia JINGO S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Thursday, 8 September 2016: EARLY MORNING schedule 09:00 – 10:00 ROOM Plenary 7: Ecosystem Services and Conservation in Africa Dr. Benis_EGOH: Senior Scientist, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa LECTURE HALL IBN YOUNESS LECTURE HALL BEYROUNI LECTURE HALL HAYTEM OPEN SESSION 4: Ecosystem services SYMP 4: Integrating traditional knowledge in biodiversity conservation_ BABALOLA SYMP 6: Keeping the cookstoves burning in urban and peri-urban Africa: The implications of wood energy dependence_ MWAMPAMBA & GHILARDI 10:15 - 10:30 Gregory M DOWO: Local perceptions of tree diversity, resource utilisation and ecosystem services provision at the periphery of Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe_363 Folaranmi BABALOLA: Challenges of indigenous knowledge in conservation of biodiversity in Osun Osogbo sacred grove, Nigeria_421 Tuyeni H MWAMPAMBA: Keeping the cookstoves burning in urban and periurban Africa: The implications of wood energy dependence_418 10:30 - 10:45 Houda GHAZI: Assessment of Carbon Sequestration as Ecosystem Service in Marrakech Safi Region_218 Lynne R. BAKER: Discord between local belief systems and local 'development': Impacts on Sacred Species and Forests in an African Community_249 Harnon W. GARBO: Empowering the youth of Liberia to tackle Climate Change through the propagation of fuel efficient stoves_308 10:45 - 11:00 Merveille KOISSI SAVI: The social valorization of Cola nitida (Vent.) threatens its conservation in Southern Benin (West Africa) _106 Joseph TUYISHIMIRE: Energy saving stoves, a solution to Nyungwe Forest National Park deforestation and degradation _61 11:00 - 11:15 Smiso BHENGU: The extent to which ecosystem services align with biodiversity planning tools: The case of uMngeni catchment_81 11:15 - 11:30 Kamal OULED TAARABT: Effectiveness of the compounds of the essential oil of Laurus nobilis as natural antimicrobial preservatives_44 11:30 - 11:45 Safaa BENDAMI: Ecological functions and contributions to ecosystem services and conservation status of Reptiles in the Moroccan Sahara Desert_259 Sian WATERS: Co-producing knowledge for conservation: A case study of the Barbary Macaque in Bouhachem Forest, Northern Morocco_248 Wezzie G CHISENGA: What is the future of baobab in Malawi in light of the ever increasing demand for baobab fruits? Evidence from Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK)_92 Samson GWALI: Folk classification and characterisation of shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa subsp. nilotica) in Uganda: Implications for its conservation and breeding_103 Leejiah J DORWARD: Using local knowledge to understand the spatial and temporal dynamics of carnivore occupancy and livestock attacks around Ruaha National Park_244 TEA & COFFEE BREAK 11:45 – 12:15 S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy Adrian GHILARDI: Quantifying the environmental benefits of cookstoves: Fact or Fiction?_419 Ricardo MARTINS: Ambiguous precision: Efficiency, knowledge and socio-ecological systems in charcoal production, South Mozambique_376 Ulyses OLIVARES: Modeling Fuelwood Savings Scenarios: Introducing MoFuSS version 1.0_420 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Thursday, 8 September 2016: LATE MORNING & AFTERNOON schedule ROOM CLASS ROOM 41 Bloc D CLASS ROOM 42 Bloc D CLASS ROOM POLYVALENTE CLASS ROOM 43 Bloc D LECTURE HALL CED 12:15 – 14:00 MEETING: CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE MEETING: PAN-AFRICAN CONSERVATION BIOLOGY PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION_PAI SHORT COURSE: CRITICAL THINKING (Abbreviated version) NO SESSION SCHEDULED SHORT COURSE: SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELLING NO SESSION SCHEDULED SHORT COURSE: SPECIES DISTRIBUTION MODELLING 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 18:00 LUNCH – ON YOUR OWN MEETING: CONSOLIDATION COMMITTEE MEETING: PAN-AFRICAN CONSERVATION BIOLOGY PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE EDUCATION_PAI 18:00 – 20:00 SHORT COURSE: CRITICAL THINKING (Abbreviated version) BOARD MEETING S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule List of Poster Communications / Liste des Communications Affichées Posters will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon during the extended Tea & Coffee Break. Presenters must be at their poster on both of these days on. Best Poster Award will be presented to the winner on Wednesday during the Awards Ceremony. No: Theme 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1. Ecological Restoration 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. Marine Conservation (animal, vegetal) 14 Poster Title Pst_1_230, Mohammed BOUSKOUT: Ecological engineering and environment-plant interactions to improve resilience to climate change of aromatic and medicinal plants Pst_1_313, Chuma B. CHINZILA: Off-reserve conservation funding strategy for the Giba Gorge Environmental Precinct, South Africa. Pst_1_243, Nawal HICHAMI: Structure et dynamique des populations de nematodos parasites de poissons de haute mer de la cote Ouest algérienne. Pst_1_276, Hloniphani MTHUNZI: Fatty acid composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of the brown seaweed Cystoseira humilis Pst_1_160, Benhamza MESSAOUDA: The where and why of livestock movement patterns: understanding herder decision-making in an agropastoral context Pst_1_338, Naima BRAHIMI: The effect of global change on the dynamics of natural resources in matorrals of western Algeria Pst_1_353, Naima BRAHIMI: The impact of land use on the edaphic resources of the matorrals with chamaerops humilis of western Algeria Pst_1_422,E KHIAR : Study of impedance properties of the brown algae compound from the region of El Jadida – Morocco Pst_1_423, Houssine AIT SIR : Synthesis and characterization of some novel benizimidazole derivatives Pst_1_424, Houssine AIT SIR : Synthesis of some Heterocyclic compound derived from 2substituted Benzoxazole Pst_1_280, Olufemi A. SODEINDE: Biodiversité et analyse systématique de la famille des mégachilidae (hymenoptera; apoidea) dans l’Est algérien Pst_1_303, Mariem AHECHTI: Microplastics and metals interaction in the aquatic environment Pst_2_350, Zahira BELATTMANIA: The occurrence of the marine amphipod ampelisca lusitanica (crustacea amphipoda) in the Atlantic Northwestern coast of Morocco Pst_2_379, Abdellatif CHAOUTI: The celtic sea-slug Onchidella celtica (Gastropoda: Pulmonata): New occurrence on Atlantic rocky shores of Morocco Pst_2_380, Abdellatif CHAOUTI: First finding of Paranthura nigropunctata (Isopoda: Paranthuridae) from the Atlantic coast of NW Morocco Pst_2_129, Maya M. HASSANI: Exploring the spatial configurations of home gardens in Benin: implications for biodiversity conservation Pst_2_212, Mohamed EL HAISSOUFI: Elaboration d’un plan de prévention des disques d’incendies de Forêt pour La commune de Dar Yaghemouracen (Tlemcen- Algérie) Pst_2_162, Lalarisoa RAKOTOARIMINO: Expanding the protected area network in Namibia: emergent concepts of land use conflicts around the etosha national park Pst_2_421, Touria AL ALOUA: Biodiversity of arthropods found in the diet of fennec, fennecus zerda in the northern sahara in Algeria (case of ghardaia region) Pst_2_154, Randa MLIK: Impact de la zone degradée sur la nappe alfatière au niveau de la wilaya de naama (Algerie) S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule No: Theme 21 23 24 25 26 27 3. Human-Wildlife Conflict 22 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4. Behavioral Ecology and Conservation 31 Poster Title Pst_3_122, Choungo N. PATRICK BUSTREL: Répartition du lamantin (trichechus senegalensis) dans la lagune ndougou (gabon) Pst_3_333, Alain SENGHOR K. NGUTE: Crop-raiding barbary macaques (macaca sylvanus) in the ourika valley, western high atlas mountains, Morocco: a case of humananimal conflict Pst_3_294, Mohammed ZNARI: Distribution, status and major threats impacting west african chimpanzee population in sapo national park, Liberia Pst_3_397, Mohammed T. SHAIBU: Place of the hybrid sparrow and colombidae in the avifauna of two palm groves in the region of Ouargla, Algeria. Pst_3_425, Asmaa DAMIR: Rôle de la colonie d’hérons garde-bœufs du parc Mohamed V d’El Jadida dans l’épidémiologie des salmonelloses, Maroc. Pst_3_285, Salwa NAMOUS: Evaluation de la qualité de la ripisylve du haut bassin versant du loukkos (nord ouest du maroc) Pst_3_245, Sian WATERS: Pangolins in Nigeria: their biology and ecology and challenges to their conservation Pst_3_213, Brandon S. ANTHONY: Restoration success and its potential benefits in a climate change driven restoration programme in the city of durban, South Africa. Pst_3_352, R ZRID: Tacit communication avoids conflict with shepherds in bouhachem forest, Northern Morocco Pst_4_131, Ichen ABDELLAH: Variation spatio-temporelle et impact du milieu sur la distribution de la caille des blés dans la plaine agricole de Tadla Pst_4_96, Ben Ghedier B. AHLAME: Study of diet of owl ascalaphe bubo ascalaphus (savigny, 1809) and the barn owl tyto alba (scopoli, 1759) in the region of Ouargla (Algerian Sahara) Pst_4_237, Taheri AHMED: Anochetus Guilianii (Hym., Formicidae), une espèce marocaine introduite dans La péninsule Ibérique: Envide par l’analyse de l’ADN mitochondriale Pst_4_25, Naima BENKENANA: Analysis of the number of sensilla on the labrum and the diet of grasshoppers belonging to the family pamphagidae (orthoptera) Pst_4_270, Haytem BOUCHRI: Social organisation and rhythm of activity of mhorr gazelle (Nanger dama mhorr) in semicaptive conditions. Pst_4_334, Besma DECHIR: Off-reserve conservation funding strategy for the giba gorge environmental precinct, South Africa. Pst_4_109, Ahmed EDDINE: Climate change perceptions and adaptation among smallscale farmers in Uganda: a community-based approach Pst_4_215, Osama KHADRI: Myrmecofauna in the forest of bainem in algiers, Algeria Pst_4_24, Imene RADJAI: Évaluation des paramètres de croissance de l'éssai de Irvingia Wombolu Vermoesen (Irvingiaceae) Au Cameroun Pst_4_119, Aguib SIHEM: The estimation of different species of monkeys in the university of cape Coast forest reserve Pst_4_34, Brahmi KARIMA: Mapping the conflict of raptor conservation and recreational shooting in the batumi bottleneck, Republic of Georgia Pst_4_35, Brahmi KARIMA: Confirmation of an important nesting site for the critically endangered hawksbill turtle in Northern Madagascar S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule Theme 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 6. Social Challenges in Conservation 43 5. Agricultural Systems and Conservation Biology 42 55 56 7. Forest Conservation 54 58 59 60 61 62 63 8. Wetland & Freshwater Conservation 57 Poster Title Pst_5_291, Harnon W. GARBO: Identification des aires prioritaires de conservation de la biodiversité des écosystèmes aquatiques continentaux : quelles méthodes privilégier ? Pst_5_256, Oussama BOUARAKIA: New phylogenetic and distribution data on two gerbillidae rodents in morocco: dipodillus simoni and gerbillus henleyi Pst_5_208, Rebbah ABDERRAOUF CHOUAIB: Inventair Et Ecologie l’avifaune De Djebel Sidi Reghis (Oum El Bouaghi- Nord-est Algerien) Pst_5_293, Mohamed AOURIR: Historical record of population decline and range contraction of the northern bald ibis geronticus eremita in Morocco Pst_5_126, Kaf ASMA: Relation entre le régime alimentaire et les variables environnementales chez le faucon crécerelle Pst_5_27, Faical BOUTLIB: Demography of wild barbary macaque in oriental middle atlas Pst_5_36, Farid SHAMSU-DEEN: Inventory of the avifauna on the level of sebkhet elmaleh d' el-menéa w. Ghardaïa (southern of Algeria) Pst_5_146, Benras HAFSA: Biodiversity culicidae in the Tizi-ouzou region Pst_5_63, Samuel NSHUTIYAYESU: Current bioclimatic distribution of Morocco’s amphibians and reptiles and potential effects of climate change: implications for conservation Pst_6_378, Samantha GARVIN: Manatee protection through community-led action in lake piso multiple use reserve (lpmur), Liberia Pst_6_76, Megan E. MCSHERRY: L’action de la roche serpentinique sur la diversité faunistique de la région de beni bousera (nw Maroc) Pst_6_21, Lelani M. MANNETTI: Ethnobotanical study of some underutilized food crops in Rwanda Pst_7_190, Boniface O. AGBO: Avifaunal census around oban division of the cross river national park, South-east Nigeria: the irreversibly implication of forest conversion Pst_7_342, Fatima BELHACINI: Diversité floristique du peuplement à phillyrea latifolia dans la forêt de bissa (chlef Nord- ouest Algérien) Pst_7_138, Ahmed EDDINE: Diet composition of african golden wolf (canis anthus) in tlemcen hunting reserve, Algeria Pst_7_198, Benabbas S. ILHAM: A plan for conservation and ecological restoration of the degraded arid steppe-lands in the haouz plain, West central Morocco Pst_8_403, Stéphane AULAGNIER: Which conservation for desert bat species? Insight for North-western Sahara Pst_8_101, Meddour SALIM: Insecticide activity of three plant extracts towards schistocerca gregaria (forskal, 1775) (orthoptera, cyrtacanthacridinae) Pst_8_315, Jaouad ABOU OUALID: A propos de la présence dans le barrage Bin El Ouidan (Maroc) d’une espèce de méduse allochtone : Craspedacusta Sowerbyi Lankester, 1880 Pst_8_255, Nard BENNAS: Endemic water beetles of Morocco: vulnerability analysis and conservation measures Pst_8_227, Slimani MYRIAM: One complete migration cycle of an adult griffon vulture: from southern spain to senegambia as revealed by high-resolution gps tracking technology Pst_8_359, Christy Achtone NKOLLO AGANGA: Endemic and threatened species in unprotected forests: conservation prospects of mount mbam forests (Cameroon), important site for tauraco bannermani 5. Population Dynamics And Viability Analysis No: S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology Detailed Scientific Program: Concurrent Sessions Schedule 65 66 67 68 Poster Title 9.Traditional Ecological Knowledge 64 Theme 10. Adaptive Management and Monitoring No: Pst_9_15, Tom DERR: Ethnobotany survey in the regions ain khiar and el mallah (el tarf algeria) Pst_9_183, Rodrigue C. GBEDOMON: The decision-making process of managing wildlife in Northern botswana Pst_10_272, Salamatu J. FADA: Effet du régime et de la ration alimentaire sur la qualité de la ponte de la palourde ruditapes decussates en écloserie Pst_10_164, Antonio Roman MUÑOZ: Biological control assay against phytopathogenic fungi of tomato by using the aqueous extract of zygophyllum album Pst_10_306, Matthew VARNEY: Distribution, status and major threats impacting West African Chimpanzee population in Sapo National Park, Liberia S oc ie ty for C ons er v at i o n B i ol ogy