A Chicago Gender Society Publication THE PRIMROSE IN
A Chicago Gender Society Publication THE PRIMROSE IN
The Primrose A Chicago Gender Society Publication Volume 30, Number 1 THE PRIMROSE IN JANUARY 3/President’s Report by Nicole R. 6/Vice President’s Report by Karen Lynn 7/More Americans Claim To Have Seen A Ghost Than A Transgender Per son 10/Secretary’s Report by Jackie Miller 11/Creating Change Conference 12/CGS Faces: Dec. Mtg. 14/Treasurer’s Report 14/You Cannot Put Genie Back in the Bottle 16/Holiday Party Pics 20/Transgender Bookshelf by Brenda Johnson 21/Social Corner 25/TransCalendar by Audry Farber 26/Trans Directory 27/Membership Form Transgender Education and Support for 29 Years Tucson Opens Arizona's First VA Clinic for Trans Veterans Transgender veterans in southern Arizona have a new resource to turn towards when they need medical, clinical, or mental health care: the nation's fourth trans-focused VA health clinic opened in Tucson on Wednesday. At least 130 patients have already signed up to receive health services at Southern Arizona Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care System’s newest clinic in Tucson, according to local TV station WCNC. The Transgender Treatment Team at the clinic, which offers specialized health services for trans vets, began seeing patients Wednesday in its location on the second floor of the Southern Arizona VA’s Women's Health building. January 2016 JANUARY CGS MONTHLY MEETING Tuesday, Jan. 12 January is Wine Tasting time at CGS. Start off your New Year right. Come in from the cold to see what we are up to. "I think it's absolutely wonderful. We're finally recognized by the world and by the VA and for us to have our own special clinic is unbelievable,” Sue McConnell, a Navy veteran who served in the Vietnam War, told Tucson News Now. McConnell, who was a boiler technician, meaning she worked "at the very bottom" of ammunition ships, was adamant when speaking with WCNC that the specialized services offered at the Tucson clinic have been well-earned by the veterans seeking to access them. Sonia Perez-Padilla, a physician who serves on the Tucson VA Transgender Treatment Team, praised the clinic’s “welcoming environment” to WCNC. She noted that before the clinic opened, trans vets were at risk of poor health because they often avoided medical treatment for fear of transphobic censure or they self-medicated by obtaining transitioning medication such as hormones from the Internet. Cont’d. on page 15 Sponsored by our friends at: SideTrack The Primrose A Chicago Gender Society Publication Since 1987 Serving the transgender community in the Chicago metropolitan area The Primrose is published monthly by: The Chicago Gender Society P.O. Box 66595 Chicago, IL 60666-0595 E-mail us at chigendersoc@aol.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nicole Richmond….……....……...……………...President Karen Richmond....……...……………...….Vice-President Jackie Miller...….…………………………...…...Secretary Audry Farber…...………..…………...…………Treasurer Brenda Johnson……………...…..Representative-at-Large The Primrose Staff Karen Lynn / contact: chigendersoc@aol.com Reprint Policy The Primrose exists to serve the needs of the Chicago Gender Society and the transgender community at large. Feel free to copy any non-copyrighted material. We ask that you include the source (the name of the newsletter, the cover date, and the author.) If you edit, please keep the spirit of the original intact. Copyrighted material, required the author’s permission BEFORE reprinting it. Check your mailing label for important membership information! Expiration Date, Membership Number, Your requested MAILING NAME, address. Always check your expiration date. If the date is the current month or older, it’s time to renew your membership. CGS Annual Membership Single—$50.00 Couple—$75.00 Opinions and comments expressed are not necessarily those of the Primrose or the Chicago Gender Society 2 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) President’s Report Notes from Nicole by Nicole Richmond As I have said before, the days turn to weeks, the weeks turn to months and the months turn to years. How fast time flies, another year has gone by. We had a lot of fun things to do this year: Our last event was our annual Holiday Party. We got to the hotel Friday night about 6 pm. Went for a nice dinner with friends, returned to the hotel bar to socialize with friends. As I was walking into the bar a gal that sitting at the corner stool jumped up and gave me a big hug. It caught me off guard a little, not used women grabbing me like that. Then she said she was so glad that we could be ourselves. A lot of girls were there for a nice late night dinner. Jill and I sat there long enough to watch the bartender close up for the night. On Saturday night we had our Holiday Party. We started off with dinner, dessert was served and Those Funny Little People came out and danced for us. That was a nice touch from one of your generous donators. Then we all put on our dancing shoes and danced to your DJ Derek from Big Lights Big Dreams. What a lot of fun he was. The silent auction went very well. seconded outing was in October with ten ladies golfing. We have had our golf outings at Crane’s Landing golf course, in Lincolnshire, Il. for the past several years. It is a gorgeous course to play on with beautiful scenic views. The staff has always been pleasant and courteous to our group. Our bowling outing has been held Elk Grove Bowl for the past two years. Our group has been well accepted there and the staff is great. It was funny this year when Jackie walked in, the lights went out, not for good, just for a candle light bowl. We had twenty there for pizza and bowling. This has always been a fun night out. Last but not least the Pride Parade. What a fun day to be with friends. CGS and ChiChapter have been getting together for the last couple of years. If you have never been to the parade you should. It’s a blast riding on a float in one of Chicago’s biggest parades. Seeing all people lined up on both sides of the pride route cheering us on in support and looking for beads and more beads. I had told Karen about the beads; it’s like feeding baby birds. Arms waving over here, over here, more beads. It’s a lot of fun. In closing it’s been a fun year for me. I hope everyone has enjoyed the events that CGS has hosted. On a more serious side, our past president Jackie P. had told me that she would like to see me doing some more outreaches. Well she got her wish; she got me to talk at an outreach with the Menza group; and a couple of meet and greets. All in all it has been a lot of fun for me, it has made me feel a lot better about myself and I thank her for that. Until next month, keep your head up and keep smiling. I would like to thank all of the Vendors that donated to the silent auction, the volunteers who helped all night to make the party an enjoyable night. After the party a group of us, including our DJ Derek went to the bar to close it down again and then to move the lobby. I’m not used to being up that late. It was tough trying to get up the next morning for a swim in the pool with Audry. I was a little late but went swimming anyway. Then went to breakfast and said good bye to all of our friends. Thanksgiving dinner was nice to be with all of our friends and family with Roman and Teresa at the Stardust. The Halloween party is always a fun night of dinner and dancing. Then as you sit there looking around the room at all of spectacular costumes and the talent it to took to design them. A special thanks goes out to Rori and her staff from Transformations for hosting this party. Moving farther back, we hosted two golf outings this year. The first one in June. We had eight attend and the January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 3 January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 5 Vice President Report Karen’s Konnections by Karen Richmond Last month: The meeting opened with the “Dumb Question of the Night: What was your favorite childhood Christmas gift? Audry’s famous gift exchange was held with gift stealing and re-selecting another gift. A lot of fun to participate in. Many toys were collected for Toys for Tots. And of course, pizza was a big hit! I would like to thank those that helped with the Holiday Party. Raquel, for obtaining all the donations in the city; Kristine, Katie and Shirley for helping us unload our vehicle; Katie Shirley, Linda Patricia and Maschell for helping set up the items in the ballroom. January Meeting: Annual Wine Tasting! A big thank you to Brad at SideTrack. February Meeting: Nominations for the 2016-2017 board positions. Happy New Year……Another year has come and gone. Quickly, I might add. My mother always told me, “The older you get...the faster they go.” And boy, was she right. How to celebrate the New Year coming in: with family, friends, or out at a private event? As many of you know me, you know that I like to plan and organize things. This goes way back. If you’ve read my past articles, you know that I grew up living with my Grandma. Which also met that during the summer months and the week between Christmas and the New Year, my cousins (all girls) visited. One cousin is three years older than me, the next one is eight months younger than me, and the youngest is about five years younger. The one closest in age was my partner in these events. We would plan the entire New Year’s Eve party. We’d start early in the week and plan a menu, games, prizes, decorations, etc. Once we had the menu planned, we’d have Grandma take us to the grocery store. Since we were probably around ten years old, our options were limited. 6 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) One year, my brother got a Habachi Grill for Christmas and we hired him to be our cook. It was a tabletop model and our parents let him use it in our family room on the coffee table. Good thing he was a Boy Scout! (No accidental fires were started.) We would have a table full of different snacks ready to eat between our games. Sometimes it would be Bingo, sometimes it would be a round of Tripoley. It all depended on how much time we wanted to involve everyone. And of course Guy Lombardo’s New Year’s Eve special was playing on the television. As we didn’t get a color television until Christmas 1973, we always wondered what color the beautiful dresses were that the ladies were wearing. Since it was New Year’s Eve, our parents would give each of us a small glass of Mogan David wine mixed with 7-Up. Boy, we thought we were hot shots! At midnight we would sing Auld Lang Syne, wish everyone a Happy New Year and wander off the bed. As 2016 arrives, my wish to you is: Everything which inspires you, Everything which means most to you, Everything that makes a small and bring a joy, I wish for you in the New Year. Til next month…… Over and Out. More Americans claim to have seen a ghost than a transgender person Does this mean that trans people are not represented enough in society? From: The GayStarNews More Americans have claimed to have seen a ghost than a transgender person. That statistic is according to trans activist Faye Seidler, who is calling on trans people to come out and be open in every part of their lives if it is safe to do so. An activist from Fargo, North Dakota, she was misgendered and discriminated against the hospital she worked for while she transitioned, and ultimately was forced to leave. She is now working to fight for employment rights for trans people. ‘As a trans leader, offering education and outreach for my community, I’m not afraid to fight,’ she said in a recent profile in the New York Times. ‘And most importantly, that I will never give up the fight to be treated human.’ What’s concerning is that Seidler may well be very accurate when she said trans people were less visible in Americans’ lives than ghosts. Nearly one-in-five US adults (18%) have claimed to have seen or been in the presence of a ghost, according to a 2009 Pew Research Center survey. And in 2013, a Public Religion Research Institute survey found only 9% of US adults had said they had met a trans person. 24% also said they were not sure what the word ‘transgender’ meant and 5% said they had not heard the term before. AMBER DENTAL Dr. Michael W. Koehne, D.D.S. Dr. Diane M. Metrick, D.D.S. 319 E. Roosevelt Rd. Wheaton, IL 60187 Phone: 630-665-5555 www.AmberDental.com Email: MWKoehne@aol.com January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 7 8~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 9 Secretary’s Report by Jackie Miller ceived as a child? A short break was taken at 8:55 p.m. During the break the pizzas arrived. And at 9:45 Audry’s Famous Gift Exchange began. 13 people participated. It’s an experience you should not miss. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. As reported by Karen Lynn in Jackie’s absence The December Business Meeting of the Chicago Gender Society was held on Tuesday, December 8, 2015. The meeting was called to order by President, Nicole at 8:22 p.m. with 22 members and 5 guests in attendance. Announcements were as follows: Nicole opened the meeting talking about past Christmas’. Growing up, special times. etc. Nicole reminded everyone that the CGS Holiday Party is this coming weekend. Nicole announced that the 2015 SideTrack Holiday Party is next Thurs., Dec. 17 from 6:00 pm—2:00 am. Karen will send an email blast to those members whose emails that we have. Brenda introduced three new members: Nancy, Wendy and Jennifer. She also reintroduced, Jill, who joined last month. Katrina announced that the United Church of Rogers Park, located at 1545 W Morse Ave., Chicago is having a free Christmas Concert on Sun., Dec. 20th at 7:00 p.m. Olivia announced that Rori’s T-Party is next Tues., Dec. 15th at Big Shot Lounge in Arlington Heights. Olivia also announced that there is a “Night Club at Noon” on New Year’s Eve at the Sabre Room in Hickory Hills. Tickets are $40.00 on sale at Transformations. Raquel announced there will be a New Year’s Party at Hamburger Mary’s. Raquel also stated that her church, GLOW, is having a social afterwards. Raquel said to call Rev. Bradley (708) 848-5460at the New Spirit Church in Oak Park for the holiday mass schedule. Nicole then asked the “Dumb Question” of the night. What was your favorite Christmas present that you re10 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) Our Toys for Tots collection ready for delivery! https://www.creatingchange.org January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 11 CGS Faces: December Meeting Katie, Danni & Shirley Raquel Susan & Donna Wendy, Katrina & Emily Jackie P, Audry, Nicole & Brenda Lyseth & Jocelyn 12 ~ Chicago Gender The Gift Exchange Begins Oh Christmas Tree…. Oh Christmas Tree…. Santa Tony Lyseth, Jakcie & Brenda get instructions! & Nicole Gift Exchange Mistress Audry Katrina & Santa Tony Toys for Tots Collection January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 13 “You Cannot Put Genie Back in the Bottle” Treasurer’s Report By Audry Farber TREASURER’S REPORT for December 2015 Bank of America reports the starting balance for the December Operating Acct. is $11,530.06 Income for the month was $846.00. Expenses were $2,216.6 leaving an Ending Balance of $10,982.54 for December. by: Audry Farber After a good cleansing breath, I opened the car door. It felt strange to be wearing so much clothing. I had to be careful not to knock my hat/wig off and Pete the Parrot presented a huge logistics challenge. I reached over to get my sword off of the passenger seat, and tucked it in my sash. I moved in a dream-like state toward the door. No one had seen me. I could still retreat, but I did not. The first office that I came to was HR. I stopped to give them some forewarning, but the administrative assistant was on the phone and barely glanced up at me. I took a piece of Halloween candy from a basket and left. I came to the atrium. Still no one had crossed my path. Thoughts of fleeing abounded, but I fought them off as moved ahead. I turned into the business office. The first person I encounter is the new Director of HR. She looked at me and looked at me again. She did not recognize me. In my big wig, it was challenging. She shouted “oh my god!!!” She had figured it out. It was time to explain, but I had not thought that through. I said something like (in my Jim voice), “I am Grace O’Malley, Irish Pirate Queen…and I am transgendered”. I know “transgendered” is not the most correct way to describe who I am, but that is what I said. Just being able to say those words is so significant to me. To stand proud and unapologetic, and say, “I am transgendered”, was so awesome. I felt almost drunk. She said, “this is fabulous…I have to show you to Jordan”. Jordan is the Executive Director of the entire organization. My explanation to him was very close to what I said to the HR Director. He said that the costume was good, though he did not seem very impressed. The costume really stands on its own. Me wearing it made it all the more fabulous. I walked toward my desk. I ran into Matt who is the only person who reports to me in the organization. He exhibited shock. I gave him my “Grace O’Malley…” speech. He seemed amazed. He then asked me what “transgendered” meant. I explained that it means a lot of things to a lot of people, but for me, it means that I have a girl inside of me who is trying to get out and express herself…” He seemed fine with that. Word started to spread, and people were coming over to me to see. Everyone wanted a picture, and I would graciously pose. When asked “whose boots are those?” I replied, “They are my boots. I have a closet full. I am transgendered”. All through the day, I encountered people who were filled with questions. Cont’d. on page 18 14 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) Cont’d. from front page The clinic also provides an alternative for trans vets who previously would only see a primary care doctor for almost all care. After years of piecemeal progress and legal challenges by trans veterans, the VA's trans-affirming measures have mushroomed this year. Last month the VA opened its first health care clinic dedicated to transgender service members in Cleveland. Using space inside the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center in Ohio, this clinic offers primary-care services, along with hormonal therapy, and mental health care. Currently, there are about two dozen trans patients among the 112,000 people who receive care at that facility. Stardust Banquet 5688 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60646 773-775-3040 Supporters of CGS for over 20 years! There are approximately 134,000 trans veterans, and an estimated 15,500 active duty service members are transgender, according to the Human Rights Campaign. In July, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter confirmed that the Pentagon is working on a plan that would lift the military’s long-standing ban on open service by transgender Americans in as little as six months. By Cleis Abeni December 17 2015 Clary Kay 12/27 January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 15 The Holiday Party Charlotte & Stephanie Roberta, Diane, Julie & Rori Dianna, Julia & Susan Katie & Shirley Konnie & Aunt Jamie Nicole, Jackie & Ralph Guess Who These High Heels Belong Too? Deb, Santa & Kelly Sharon & Janna Ruby Linda 16 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) Denise & our bartender Alex DJ Derek takes the floor Our D.J. ~ Derek Those Funny Little People! Angelica & Elf Abby Elf Wally dancing with the ladies Elf Abby & Danni Elf Wally crooning to Jami Susan & Wally January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 17 Cont’d. from page 14 “Who did your make-up?” “Me…I am transgendered.” ”Are you wearing a bra?” “Yes…I am transgendered.” “How do you know how to walk so well in those heels?” “I know lots of things that I should not know, because I am transgendered…and I have been walking in heels for a very long time.” One said to another, “He will not be able to wear them all day”. I vowed that I would, and was not too inclined to show my bad pedi through my stockinged feet. At 10 am the photo shoot was scheduled to happen for all in costume. I was in a daze from all the attention and trying to figure out what it all meant. I work with social workers who are predominately female. Not surprisingly, all the people in costume were female. They fought over who would stand next me in the photo. I was like a celebrity. I did not mind the attention, but what was really making me feel fantastic was that I being honest and people were responding positively. Glenna said, “you look pretty…can I say that to you?” I replied, “I am transgendered, so I take that as a compliment.” Linda asked if I ever “get out”. I told her all the time, and then, went on tell her a little bit about the girls’ weekend in Saugatuck. Arlene said, “I hope we get to see more of you…” As the day wore on, Pete the Parrot started to droop. I recruited Matt to help. He suggested stapling Pete’s claws to a piece of cardboard inside my blouse. He worked with enthusiasm, no doubt seeing my bra strap under the blouse. Pete was more stable after the little operation. Matt seemed did not seem traumatized at all by the experience. It seemed natural to me that he would help a girl out. I was in a meeting with my boss, and (without thinking) I crossed my legs tightly, in a most girlish manner. That is so natural for me and it always is fantastic while wearing stockings. I felt like maybe that was too much, but she did not seem to notice and I did not retreat. At lunch, I hopped in the car (“I’m Just a Girl” playing loudly) and went to Starbucks. I am a regular there. When asked about the costume, I gave the usual explanation. They gave me a free coffee. It was unseasonably warm. I sat outside basking in the glory of what I had done and what I was doing. Back at work, a co-worker who had been out in the morning came by. She is very religious. She said three things: “scary…don’t get used to it…and what will your grand18 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) children think?” She also asked me what bathroom I had been using. She is the facilities person, so maybe that was a reasonable question. She was the only hint of negativity. Toward the end of the day, I was helping a new social worker with a computer issue. She exclaimed, “I am talking to a woman who talks like a man…” This was not the most productive day in my career in terms of things that I achieved, but yet it was one of the most productive days of my life in terms of taking steps to live as my true self. At the end of the day I walked triumphantly to my car. Just 24 hours prior, I would not have thought myself capable of this. Now it was reality. When I turned the car on, I was greeted by the song of the day. Two co-workers followed me out to their cars just down from mine. I rolled down the window. I was about to start singing, “I’m just a girl” to them, but thought better of it. I just waved goodbye. I put the car in drive and headed for home, with the song playing loudly all the way. Transgender Bookshelf Becoming Nicole The Transformation of an American Family Author: Amy Ellis Nutt Book Review by: Brenda Johnson This newly published book by a Pulitzer Prize winning author tells the inspiring story of the Kelly and Wayne Maines and their two children. It documents their struggles and victories in dealing with situations they never envisioned when they adopted identical twin male designated children. They named the children Wyatt and Jonas, and their birth date was October 7, 1997. As the children developed into toddlers, the parents noticed that a difference began to emerge between them. While Jonas loved Star Wars and Power Rangers, Wyatt played constantly with Barbie toys. While Jonas developed as classic male child, Wyatt preferred to dress in pink, and became infatuated with a princess dress. Although he was a dedicated father to both children, Wayne Maines found it very difficult to accept Wyatt’s behavior as a young child. Kelly Maines was determined to support Wyatt despite any unusual tendencies, but also was very challenged in her attempts to understand the situation. The parents struggled to find a middle ground as the children entered school. Wyatt was allowed to have longer hair and wear more gender neutral clothing to school, and fortunately had a very supportive early education environment. Kelly then saw Jennifer Boylan on the Oprah Winfrey show in May of 2003, and felt she finally understood Wyatt’s situation. Kelly became Wyatt’s strong advocate, and worked with family, friends, and the school staff in providing both her children a supportive environment. In April of 2006, Wyatt began counselling with psychologist Virginia Holmes. He was then referred to Dr. Norman Spack, Pediatric Endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Spack informed the parents that Wyatt clearly appeared to have gender dysphoria, and outlined a program that would begin with hormone blockers around the age of twelve. Dr. Spack would track the simultaneous development of Jonas who would experience traditional male puberty identical to Wyatt without the 20 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) blockers. Assuming all other guidelines were met in the process, Wyatt would be allowed to begin hormone treatments around age sixteen. Dr. Spack’s involvement was a great relief to the parents who supported Wyatt’s legal name change to Nicole as she prepared to enter fifth grade and a new school environment. The family also saw Barbara Walters’ 20/20 show on the transition of Jazz Jennings in April of 2007.These positive developments were quickly overshadowed by pressure from the Christian League of Maine, and harassment at the new school regarding Nicole’s use of the girls’ restroom facilities. The problem was compounded by a lack of support by the new school administration, and resulted in the filing of a complaint with the Maine Human Rights Commission in April, 2008. The lack of understanding by the school administration became intolerable as they designated a staff person to follow Nicole throughout the day for her “safety”. In order to provide a more supportive environment, the difficult and burdensome decision was made for Kelly and the two boys to move to Portland, Maine and enter a new school. Wayne would remain in their current city of Orono, Maine to retain his job at the University of Maine and commute on weekends to be with his family. Nicole would enter the new school as a girl, and only the administration would know of her transgender status. Nicole started blockers at age thirteen, and also had a wonderful experience during the summer at Camp Aranu’tiq (the facility where Be-All donated the funds to build a cabin for the campers). Wayne Maines now became active in lobbying the Maine legislature on transgender issues, and evolved into a great supporter of Nicole. The family also decided that Nicole and Jonas should attend a private high school that was very accommodating to Nicole’s situation. The family’s struggles were eventually rewarded with a trip to the White House in 2012, and a victory in the Maine Supreme Judicial court in 2014. That victory included a settlement that helped defray the enormous cost the family had incurred over the years in providing Nicole with a supportive educational environment. It also assured that future transgender children in Maine would not have to deal with unreasonable burdens in the future. Cont’d. on page 22 Social Corner The CGS Social is the 4th Tues of the month at Peggy Kinnane’s 8 N. Vail Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 21 Cont’d. from page 20 Nicole had sexual reassignment surgery in the summer of 2015, and entered college at the University of Maine in the Fall. The Maines family is certainly to be commended for their incredible tenacity and support of each other over so many difficult years of challenges. I found this to be an extremely well written book by a fine author. In addition to describing the many problems facing the Maines family, the author frequently dedicated portions of the book to providing background information and historical context to the material. This results in a book that I enthusiastically recommend to our readers. THE MIDWEST’S LARGEST LGBT GALA and FUNDRAISER SUPPORTS THE WORK OF EQUALITY ILLINOIS Saturday, February 6, 2016 Hilton Chicago Hotel, 720 South Michigan Avenue The book is available in hardcover for approximately $16.00, and in electronic form for $14.00. event of its kind in the Midwest, drawing more than 1,400 guests, including nearly 100 public officials and many more community VIPs. You have helped create all the successes and milestones of our movement over the last quarter century and we want to celebrate with you at the most anticipated, elegant and fun society event of the year The Equality Illinois 25th Anniversary Gala promises to be a night to remember. The Midwest’s largest LGBT formal event will celebrate a quarter-century’s worth of accomplishments and the exciting work that lies ahead to achieve full equality. Some very special honorees will also make this one of our most exciting galas. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi will receive the 2016 Equality Illinois Freedom Award. The Mariano’s grocery chain will receive the 2016 Business Leadership Award. 22 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 23 24 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) TransCalendar Upcoming Events in the Transgender Community By Audry Farber January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 25 Directory of Groups, Advertisers & Meeting Places Susanne Anderer, Electrolysis………………….…..………….…815-469-0050 8206 Woodvale, Frankfort, IL 60423 Cassie Electrolysis……………………………….……………..…773-919-4247 7000 W North Ave., Chicago, IL 60707 hair_begone@msn.com Center on Halsted, GLBT Comm. Center…………………..…..773-472-6469 3656 N. Halsted St., Chicago, IL 60613. Chi Chapter………………………………………………..……...708-383-1677 PO Box 303, Wood Dale, IL 60191-0303 http://chi-chapter.org Lifestyle Illusions Transformations……………………………..630-247-7143 Errol McLendon Life Coach, Career Counseling………………….773-562-1752 1411 Wenonah Ave., Berwyn, IL 60402 The Mosaic Identity Style/Image Consulting...…………………...630-691-3250 E-mail: rFoxiL@aol.com www.MosaicIdentity.com New Spirit Community Church…………..……………………...708-848-5460 542 S. Scoville, Oak Park, IL 60304-1404 Royal Imperial Sovereign Barony of the Windy City………......773-334-3296 PO Box 804545, Chicago, IL 60680-4107 E-mail: Barony_of_Chicago@yahoo.com www.baronyofchicago.org Club Krave……………………………………………….……..…708-597-8379 Sally Ann Corset Shop…………………………………………....773-298-1031 13126 S. Western Ave., Blue Island, IL 60406-22409 10501 S. Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 Congregation or Chadash………………………………...……....773-271-2148 SideTrack………………………………………………………….773-477-9189 5959 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60660 3349 N. Halsted, Chicago, IL 60657-2426 Office@ orchadash.org www.orchadash.org www.sidetrackchicago.com Stevie D. Conlon, Attorney at Law……………………..………..312-213-2311 Stardust Banquet Hall…………………………………………….773-775-3040 derivativs@aol.com www.stevieconlon.com 5688 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60646-6222 Clear4Life Electrolysis, P.C………………………….. ……….815-266-1405 Susan O’Dell, Phd………………………………………………...773-252-7010 355 Congdon Ave., Elgin, IL 60120 1435 W Rosemont Avenue., Chicago, IL E-Mail: susanodell@aol.com www.Clear4life.com Dignity Chicago……………………………………………..…….773-296-0780 3344 N. Broadway, Chicago, IL 60657-3520 www.dignitychicago.org Gemini Gender Group……………………………………………414-297-9328 PO Box 44211, Milwaukee, WI 53214-7222 Taste Food and Wine……………………………………………..773-761-2663 1506 W. Jarvis, Chicago, IL 60626 www.tastefoodandwine.com Transformations by Rori…………..……………………………..847-454-0600 110 S. Arlington Hts Rd., Arlington Hts., IL 60005 www.transformationsbyrori.com Healthy Alternatives…………………………………………...….312-553-9504 Deb Wilke, Ed.D., LCPC…...…………………………………….630-759-9799 30 S. Michigan Ave, Suite 304, Chicago, IL 60603 Zukowski Center…………………………………………...……..847-853-8869 700 W. North Ave., Chicago, IL 60707 3612 W. Lake Ave., Wilmette, IL 60091 Howard Brown Health Center…………………………………...773-388-1600 4025 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60613 JannasStudio……………………………………………………....708-366-9056 Jannasstudio2010@aol.com www.jannasstudio.com Karen’s Electrolysis Studio……………………………...……….630-985-8818 2328 Charmingfare Dr., Woodridge, IL By appointment only Kelly Inc. Electrolysis & Spa………………………...…………...708-386-4663 715 Lake St., Suite 300, Oak Park, IL 60301 Dr. Michael W. Koehne D.D.S…………………………………...630-665-5555 319 E. Roosevelt Rd., Wheaton, IL 60187 The Living Circle……………………………….………………...847-581-9136 7045 N. Western Ave., Chicago, IL 60645 www.thelivingcircle.org LeDame Footwear…………..…………………………………….877-365-6147 www.ledame.com 26 ~ Chicago Gender Society (chicagogender.com) January 2016 ~ The Primrose ~ 27