June 2016 Newsletter - Park Baptist Church


June 2016 Newsletter - Park Baptist Church
121 E Park St
Brookfield MO 64628
Non-Profit Org
U S Postage PAID
Brookfield MO
David Blakely, Pastor
cell: 660-734-3871
e-mail: dblakely@suddenlinkmail.com
9:15 am
10:30 am
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Joel Sprague, Youth Pastor
cell: 405-245-0536
e-mail: pastorjoel@parkbaptist.com
Main Office
Phone: 660-258-3391
e-mail: admin@parkbaptist.com
Hours (Mon to Fri): 8 am to 4 pm
To prayerfully develop fully
devoted followers of Jesus Christ
We are committed to spiritual
maturity, ministry, and missions
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Bible Study (all ages)
Worship Service/Children’s Church
Evening Worship (Youth)
“Habits of Happiness”; concludes on
June 5th
Choir Practice
NO Prayer Meeting in June
Youth Group (8th, 22nd, 29th)
1st Sunday
Lord’s Supper (June/Aug/Oct)
2nd Sunday
Mile of Pennies (a.m. worship svc)
3rd Sunday
Business Meeting
June 1
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30
2 Chronicles 15-16;
2 Chronicles 17-18;
2 Chronicles 19-20;
2 Chronicles 21-22;
2 Chronicles 23-24;
2 Chronicles 25-27;
2 Chronicles 28-29;
2 Chronicles 30-31;
2 Chronicles 32-33;
2 Chronicles 34-36;
Ezra 1-2;
Ezra 3-5;
Ezra 6-8;
Ezra 9-10;
Nehemiah 1-3;
Nehemiah 4-6;
Nehemiah 7-9;
Nehemiah 10-11;
Nehemiah 12-13;
Esther 1-2;
Esther 3-5;
Esther 6-8;
Esther 9-10;
Job 1-2;
Job 3-4;
Job 5-7;
Job 8-10;
Job 11-13;
Job 14-16;
Job 17-19;
John 12:27-50
John 13:1-20
John 13:21-38
John 14
John 15
John 16
John 17
John 18:1-18
John 18:19-40
John 19:1-22
John 19:23-42
John 20
John 21
Acts 1
Acts 2:1-21
Acts 2:22-37
Acts 3
Acts 4:1-22
Acts 4:23-37
Acts 5:1-21
Acts 5:22-42
Acts 6
Acts 7:1-21
Acts 7:22-43
Acts 7:44-60
Acts 8:1-25
Acts 8:26-40
Acts 9:1-21
Acts 9:22-43
Acts 10:1-23
9:00 Children’s SS (L Kelley, P Crist)
Child Care: Jennifer Norman, Dora Abongo
10:15 John Bagley
Children’s Church: Tania Sharp, Alex Sharp
Ushers: J Black, C Bowe, T Carlson, D Ripley, J Walgren, C Woods
Deacon of the Week: Glen Murrain
9:00 Suzanne Hoerrmann, Wayne Amen
Child Care: Tania Sharp, Sam Sharp, Angela Levell
10:15 Jennifer Norman
Children’s Church: Alicia Rojas
Ushers: R Black, R Burch, M McBroom, G Murrain, D Pulliam, W Stockwell
Deacon of the Week: Kirk Palmer
9:00 Marge Thompson, Rogene Smith
Child Care: Erica Sprague, Priscilla Garvey
10:15 Robin Black
Children’s Church: Denise Ewing
Ushers: J Black, C Bowe, T Carlson, D Ripley, J Walgren, C Woods
Deacon of the Week: Don Pulliam
9:00 Judy Clinch, Kevin Stanfield
Child Care: Ceaira Palmer, April Davis
10:15 Barbara Buckallew
Children’s Church: Jennifer Norman
Ushers: R Black, R Burch, M McBroom, G Murrain, D Pulliam, W Stockwell
Deacon of the Week: Bob Rulon
If you are unable to fulfill your commitment on your scheduled Sunday, please find
a replacement. If you cannot find a replacement, the person to contact for Greeters
is Mary Jo Amen; Child Care is Angela Levell; Children’s Church is Bonnie Shanks;
Deacon of the Week/Ushers is Mike McBroom. Also, please notify Renae in the
church office so the correct information can be printed in the bulletin.
A BIG THANK YOU to those who have helped
spruce up the property! Linn County Senate
Bill 40 worked on the planter by the entry doors
from the parking lot. The teardrop areas on either side of the driveway from Park Street have
also been worked over. This landscaping was
done over a few days by
Doug and Linda Black,
Doris Saale and Bernita St. Clair. Thank you,
thank you for sharing your gifts and talents in this
way. Of course many thanks also go to our custodian, Connie Carriker, for her continued lawn
mowing and trimming!
PBC Deacons
PBC Deacons (cont’d)
Phone Number
Name ···················· Phone Number
Wayne Amen ·········· 660-734-0340
Tony Mundell ·········· 660-268-4021
John Bagley (work) ··· 660-258-2472
Glen Murrain ··········· 660-244-3037
Rodney Burch ·········· 660-268-4035
Kirk Palmer ············· 660-258-2812
Bob Claiborne ·········· 660-695-3767
Don Pulliam ············ 660-258-2802
Don Elam ··············· 573-253-6781
Bob Rulon ··············· 660-258-7289
Greg Ewing ············· 660-258-2906
Gary Taylor ············· 660-258-7660
Dennis Fletcher ········ 660-258-7075
Jim Walgren ············ 660-258-2474
Leland Kelley ·········· 660-258-5460
Chuck Woods ·········· 660-258-3001
Mike McBroom ········ 660-258-2528
Do you have a prayer life or a life of prayer?
But we will continually give ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. Acts 6:4
Are you a person who prays, or are you a man or woman of prayer? Is prayer just an activity you perform,
or is it an identity you embrace as a child of God? Jesus identified the place of worship as a house of
prayer (Luke 19:45-46), and the apostles identified themselves as men of prayer (Acts 6:4). The apostles
equated the call to Christ with a call to pray. Also, the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the young pastor,
Timothy, exhorted him: Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be
made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and
reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the
knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4 NKJV).
The apostles stated in Acts 6:4, “We will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word.” If you
will remember the disciples had asked Jesus, in Luke 11:1, “Lord, teach us to pray...” The apostles were simply carrying out the most important priority which Jesus had modeled and mentored for them in His
earthly ministry. Acts 6:4 was not just a statement about how they would spend their time, but rather it
was a statement about how they would invest their lives. For the apostles, prayer was not just an activity.
It was their identity.
It is critical that Christians follow the example of the apostles. The apostles were whole-heartedly determined to follow Jesus. In Acts 6:4, they were acknowledging, and embracing a lifestyle of total dependence upon God! What percentage of your life has nothing to do with prayer? We pray in the context
of our perceived needs, but Jesus lived in the context of prayer! Prayer is not an optional accessory that
enhances our lives; it is an obligation and a necessity.
Consider how Jesus completely depended upon the Father during His earthly life and ministry: Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do;
for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner” (John 5:19 NKJV).
If Jesus could do nothing apart from the Father, why would any of us attempt to do so?
Our goal should be to live lives that originated in the heart of God, and is directed by the hand of God.
Therefore, prayer must never become a compartment of our life. Prayer must become the consuming
characteristic of our lifestyle. So, how long has it been since you prayed about your praying? It is my
prayer that this will encourage you to do so.
In Christ,
Years ago I was living in Oklahoma City and was driving down one of its main highways. I looked off towards the parking lot of a super market I was passing to notice
one of our nation's greatest treasures. The Oscar Mayer ® Mobile!!!
I quickly turned around and headed to the parking lot to grab myself a classic Oscar
Mayer® hotdog and even more importantly, and Oscar Mayer® Mobile whistle. Just
as I pulled into the parking lot, my phone rang. It was my dad, so I took the call and
spoke with him for about ten minutes. The moment I hung up the phone, and exited
my car, the Oscar Mayer® Mobile drove away.
I quickly jumped back in my car and followed it, hoping it would be making a stop at
another nearby supermarket. Well after about 30 minutes of following it, I realized I
didn't know when it would stop so I gave up my pursuit. I was pretty bummed out.
Fast forward three years and I had just left my office to go see some customers, and
what did I encounter turning into the parking lot of a local tire repair shop? That's
right! The Oscar Mayer® Mobile! I followed it into the parking lot and when the driver
exited the giant hot dog I asked if I could please have a whistle. He pulled one out
and handed it to me. I drove away whistling to my heart's content.
Originally, my plan to get a hot dog whistle didn't work out, and that's not the only
thing that I planned in my life that didn't work out either. I can honestly say that the
majority of things I planned for myself never worked out. As I look at it from God's perspective, that's a good thing.
Proverbs 16:9 says, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his
steps." ESV
James 4:13-16 adds, "Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into
such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’, yet you
do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such
boasting is evil." ESV
Believer or non-believer, God is Lord over all. We are all subject to His will and His will
is always done for His glory. See? The Lord can even use a story about my love for hot
dog whistles to be glorified!
God Bless!
Pastor Joel
Ministry Opportunity (Aug 6-13)
Vacation Bible School
We are starting to collect items for
VBS 2016. Needed is anything pertaining to under the sea or ocean. Especially needed are Styrofoam pool noodles in a variety of colors...as many as
possible. Items may be brought to the
church or if you need more info or
have any questions, contact John Bagley. This year’s theme is “Submerged:
Finding Truth Below the Surface.”
The focus verses are Psalm 139:23-24:
“Search me, O God, and know my
heart; test me and know my anxious
thoughts. See if there is any offensive
way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” VBS 2016 will be July 25
through 29, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Becky
Morris and Heather Staddie are this
year’s co-directors.
The Local Missions
group would like to
have the water
wagon this summer in
the park. This will be
a ministry opportunity to meet people
and also offer them a glass of cold water.
The Summer Festival in the Parks is June
10 and 11 and if enough volunteers sign up,
the Water Wagon will be in the park on
June 11 from 9 am to 1 pm. A sign-up
sheet is in the fellowship building foyer if
you are interested in helping.
Camp Bethel (Wyoming) has to completely renovate their dining facility. We
are going to help with removing the roof
and several walls so that new walls may
be extended and a new roof put on. All
adults wanting to serve are welcome.
Please let Pastor David know if you are
considering going. The cost should be
minimal. This is a great opportunity to
help a ministry that has blessed countless thousands over the years including
many from our own church. Nine young
people from Park Baptist have served or
are currently serving on the staff at
Camp Bethel. This will be a wonderful
opportunity to “get away” and enjoy
God’s fantastic creation, grow in relationships with others, and serve God. If
you would like to support this renovation
project monetarily, all donations are welcome and tax deductible.
Homecoming 2016
The Baptist Home will have their annual homecoming event on Saturday,
June 11th, from 10 am to 2 pm in
Chillicothe, MO. This is a great opportunity for family, friends and
church family to visit and share time
with the residents. If you have not
yet visited The Baptist Home, this is
a good time to tour the facility. Everyone is welcome! Planned for the
day are a bake sale, musical entertainment, guided tours, games for
children of all ages, fishing and outdoor BBQ (freewill donation).