Pages from AFP History By Etola Blucker
Pages from AFP History By Etola Blucker
FIRST PRESS MONTHLY M ARCH 2014 Pages from AFP History By Etola Blucker Articles of Incorporation First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim Know all men by these presents, that we the undersigned, a majority of whom are citizens and residents of the State of California, have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the provisions of Part IV, Title XII of the Civil Code of the State of California. And we hereby certify: First. That the name of said corporation shall be First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim. Second. That the purposes for which it is formed are to acquire, sell, mortgage, lease, and convey property, both real and personal, for church and religious uses. Third. That the place where its principal place of business is to be transacted shall be Anaheim, Orange County, California. Fourth. That the term for which it is to exist is fifty years from and after the date of its incorporation. (Amended September 1953 to read: Fourth. This Corporation shall have perpetual existence.) Fifth. That the number of its Directors shall be five, and that the names and residences of the Directors who are here appointed for the first year are: Names. Residences. T. S. Grimshaw Anaheim, California A. W. Maxwell Anaheim, California H. A. Johnston Anaheim, California George Ross Anaheim, California L. E. Miller Anaheim, California Sixth. That this corporation is not formed for pecuniary profit, and there are no shares of stock or capital stock. Seventh. That this corporation is formed of the members of the church herein designated as First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim. Eighth. That an election for said Directors was held at the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, on the 9 th day of November, 1903, at which a majority of the members of said church and this corporation were present and voted at such election, and the aforesaid persons were dult elected Directors as aforesaid for the first year. That W. H. Chapman and L. E. Miller were the officers conducting said election as President and Secretary respectively, both being members of said church. This document was signed and notarized on November 10, 1903. It was accepted by C.D. Lester, County Clerk on November 13, 1903 and filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, Record Book 147 page, 471 on November 16, 1903. 2 Calvin Building and Garth Updates Harvey Taylor, Operations This month’s report will focus on two completed, two work-in-process and one upcoming projects. By the time you read about these items, all work should have been completed. 1. Alissa Ellet, our Children’s Education Director, brought up the fact that the air flow from the Sanctuary heating / cooling system to the ceiling register in the Nursery could not be controlled. At times it could be uncomfortable for the teachers and children. The existing register was taken down and the grill was removed. A new controllable grill was installed, the frame repainted and the updated assembly mounted on Saturday, February 8. Cost was about $20. 2. On Tuesday, February 18, the left 30” x 96” inch entrance door to the hallway that leads to Gard Lounge was replaced (pictures). The bottom section of that door had been damaged over the years due to moisture to the extent that the inside bottom latch would no longer secure the door and the outside door open latch came off. The contractor felt the door was not worth repairing. In addition, the Gibbs’ kitchen back door was repaired. A section of laminate covering was coming loose. Also, a “boot” was installed along the bottom edge. Cost for this project was about $430. 3. Four air conditioning units including three on the roof on the main wing of APCC and the large unit on Gibbs Hall have been without power for about three weeks. A former tree’s root system under the concrete by the steps to Gibbs Hall on Broadway at Helena appears to have over the years damaged the underground conduit and cabling. Now that the tree has been removed, due to the recent landscape revitalization project, no further problems are anticipated. All underground cabling, covering about 240 feet, had to be pulled. New cabling is to be installed. Cost will be approximately $3200. 4. On Monday, February 24 the repair of the cement next to the Fay Cook tree in the Garth (picture). Marilyn Doddridge and others had brought it to my attention. Roots from the tree are causing serious damage to the concrete. Two roots were cut and a section of concrete was replaced. Our head gardener, David Jaime took care of the repair. He assured me the tree will not be damaged. Cost will be $750. 5 Some may had noticed the right wall on the paper shed recently in the parking lot (picture). The weight of newspapers and heavy termite damage caused that wall of the gingerbread wood structure to separate. Session approved having the structure torn down and replaced with a suitable alternative. Demolition work is done. Finally I wanted to give THANKS to April (Phelps) Ford of Friday Harbor, WA who recently made a $6000 donation to the church. Session designated those funds to the Building Fund which has truly helped to continue to make the above project upgrades and repairs possible. 3 Faith Like a Child by Alissa Ellett, Children’s Education Director Coming March 9 Lenten Sermon Series “Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” Jesus’ words in Mark 10:15 give us adults a challenge, and perhaps a befuddling one. Aren’t we supposed to be mature in our faith? And as Presbyterians, ordered for goodness sake? I wonder if mature and ordered looked different to Jesus than it does to us at times. What is it that little children possess and do that we can learn from, in order to experience the transforming presence of God in our midst? Well, first let’s define this seemingly ambiguous term, kingdom of God? It certainly, in Jesus’ thinking, doesn’t seem to be a far-off locale that we get to experience after a life well-lived. According to Jesus, God’s kingdom is not a destination at all but a state of being, a reality that can be experienced in the present. What does this kingdom, this reality, consist of? I’d argue that the kingdom of God is a reality in which God’s dreams for creation are coming to fruition. I invite you to ponder what those dreams might be and how those dreams breathe abundant life into all of creation, including us. So, back to the issue at hand. Jesus exalts children’s state of being to help us experience and bring about God’s dreams for creation. Now, what then do children have that we adults need in our lives? To get your wheels turning… Children forgive quickly and seek justice. They live in the present and are joyful. They are hopeful, trusting and excitable. They admit their need and are vulnerable. They are playful. Children are malleable and open to wondering. Children dream BIG and take risks. I wonder if, through these qualities and more, emulating a child’s way of life can help us enter into the very present and life-giving kingdom of God? And I wonder, how is your faith childlike? Blessings in your reflection and in your journey to becoming childlike, a journey of invigorating joy and deepened faith in God’s exciting purposes all around. Check us out at and like us at Search for the Historical Jesus March 9—Introduction March 15—Preacher March 23—Healer March 30—Disturber of the Peace April 6—Champion of the Poor April 13 Palm Sunday—Mozart’s Coronation Mass April 20 Easter—Lord of Lords Candlelight Service in Taize Tradition 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary All Welcome! 4 Put it on your Calendar! Holy Week Schedule Pastor’s Bible Study Palm Sunday April 13, 10:30am Mozart’s Coronation Mass with orchestra Wednesdays 10:30 to 11:30 am. in the church library All Welcome! Good Friday Tenebrae April 18, 8:00pm Easter Sunday, April 20, 10:30am with brass ensemble COMING THIS SPRING ACT’S First Performance of the Year “Lilies of the Field” Adapted from the novel by William Edmund Barrett Directed by Carolee Ramich Sunday, March 9, 2014 after Worship in the Sanctuary Show dates April, 4, 5, & 6 April 11, 12, & 14 The purpose of this meeting will be to review Rev. InHo Kim’s Assessment Report and the next (discernment) stage of our New Beginnings process. Daylight Saving Time to begin on March 9. Be sure to set your clocks forward one hour on that day. March Worship Schedule Mar. 2: Mar. 4: Mar. 9: Mar. 16: Mar. 23: Mar. 30: Communion Ash Wednesday Candlelight Service 7:00pm Sermon Series: Search for the Historical Jesus Jesus the Preacher Jesus the Healer Disturber of the Peace Introduction 310 W. Broadway • Anaheim, CA 92805-3882 Address Service Requested Deliver to: NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NUMBER 1040 FULLERTON, CA
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