2010-2011 - Grandview Children`s Centre
2010-2011 - Grandview Children`s Centre
Report of the Chair T he Board of Trustees undertook a process to refresh and revitalize the strategic plan. As a result, we established the Advocacy Task Force, ably chaired by Beth McCarty, which reported to the Priorities and Performance Committee (chaired by Polly Belfour). This Task Force produced a comprehensive and useful Advocacy Plan, adopted by the Board. The Plan will help to ensure that Grandview’s voice, and those of the children and youth who need Grandview’s services, are heard. Consistent with this, the Board invited staff from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ (MCYS) Central East Region Office to visit us. We were pleased to again welcome Claudine Cousins, Regional Director, along with Brenda LeMoine, Program Manager and Greg Ladyka, Program Supervisor. We value the positive relationship we have with MCYS, and with the Regional Office in particular. The Board, after careful review, was pleased to renew the Centre’s membership in the Ontario Association for Children’s Rehabilitation Services (OACRS) and has been actively involved in a number of activities including the OACRS Summit (to plan government relations’ strategies) and the OACRS Conference, as well as continued representation on the OACRS Board. We also have a representative on the OACRS Family Advisory Council. The Board continues its interest in School Health Support Services, and supported the OACRS’ response to the Deloitte Review which was commissioned by the Ministries of Health and Long Term Care, Education and Children and Youth Services. Despite the increase in MCYS subsidy this past year, we remain concerned about the long wait list and growing Durham population. A high priority has been placed on the reduction of the wait list, and this is being carefully monitored. While pleased with the Grandview Children’s Centre Board of Trustees progress made, we L-R (seated) Connie Shaw, Adrienne Laas, Judy Robinson requested Grandview Children’s Foundation L-R (back) Vicky Earle (Executive Director), Beth McCarty, Wilson Little, Barb Olsen (Chair), Denny Talbot, Jackie Long, to increase its manDr. Carolyn Hunt, Polly Belfour date to raise funds Absent: Todd Ramsey, Chris Kooy to reduce the wait list and not to restrict its fundraising to Grandview programs will join Grandview in July. and services which are not eligible for I would like to thank Vicky on behalf government subsidy. We hope to see of the Board for her excellent supsubstantial growth of the Foundation. port and advice to the Board, and her Space constraints are serious at outstanding leadership to staff over Grandview. We have not yet received the last 4 years. It has been a pleasure approval for our funding request for working with Vicky and I wish her all new facilities, which was submitted the best in her continuing role with the to the Ontario Government in 2009. Centre’s Foundation. Board Trustees have met with all five I would also like to thank the retiring local MPPs, and I have written to variTrustees: Adrienne Laas has served for ous Ministers, on behalf of the Board, a full 9 years on the Board, including in support of Grandview’s request for serving as Chair. Adrienne will be sadly funds for new facilities. We hope that missed. We are also sorry to see Polly this year we will obtain approval. Belfour and Beth McCarty leave us. Since Vicky Earle is leaving her position as Executive Director in June 2011, the Barb Olsen Board has embarked on a search for Chair her replacement, who we anticipate Executive Director’s Report O ur dedicated team of volunteers and staff are proud of the great results of the Accreditation Canada survey of Grandview Children’s Centre in June 2010. We achieved full 3-year accreditation status, having satisfactorily met numerous national standards against which we were measured. Congratulations to all involved, particularly the Board of Trustees and all staff. We have seen some significant success in the reduction of our wait list. This was partly due to the 11% increase in the Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ (MCYS) subsidy of the Centre, and partly due to the strategic actions taken by staff. These included a review and revision of admission and discharge criteria, as well as the introduction of several additional creative service delivery approaches, combined with innovative waitlist management. Nevertheless, our waitlist is still too long and, unfortunately, the need for services continues to increase. I have enjoyed being a member of the new Strategic Planning Alliance for Children and Youth Durham Region and a member of its Leadership Council. I was fortunate to be a member of the “executive” and learned a great deal from Suzanne Tigwell, Chair (ED, Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth) and Marlene Pike, Vice Chair (Principal, Grove School). I believe this alliance will play a key role in fostering further collaboration and partnerships, as well as in influencing Government policy on children’s services. This is especially important since Durham Region continues to grow at a disproportionately rapid rate – putting pressure on all of the agencies to provide needed services. This population growth results in longer wait lists, and puts pressure on all of our resources. Lack of space remains a major concern and struggle for us. Despite the welcome addition of a restored (by our wonderful staff) portable building at the Oshawa site, we continue to operate in crowded/ill-suited space in most locations. We still await approval from the Ontario Government for funding for new facilities, as proposed in our request submitted in 2009. This is my last report as Executive Director of Grandview Children’s Centre. I am “retiring” from this position as of June 17, 2011. I will be continuing, in a part time capacity as Executive Director of Grandview Children’s Foundation – which means I’m not really leaving Grandview! During the more than 4 years I have been in this role, I have worked with many wonderful people. First, I must thank Jean Callaghan (who has over 25 years of service with Grandview) who has provided dedicated, professional support and assistance to me during this time. Leslie Suite, Director of Clinical Services and Janis Brook, Director of Finance and Administration have provided invaluable assistance, guidance and support. They provide committed leadership – helping to ensure that Grandview provides high quality family-centred care. If I had more space, I would write something about each person who has reported to me – Dr. Carolyn Hunt, Dr. Mary MacDonald, Cathy Kelly (Manager of Recreation and Volunteer Services), Val Dykes and Jean Lavalley (Managers, Preschool Outreach Program). I have enjoyed working with them all! I have appreciated their professionalism, compassion and resourcefulness as well that of all other staff. It has been a pleasure to work with people who expect the highest standards from themselves as well as from their colleagues, and who live Grandview’s values every day. I must also thank the volunteer Board of Trustees, who gave me the opportunity to enjoy the role of Executive Director and who have provided me with direction, advice and support. I have been fortunate enough to work with some special people in the role of Chair: Adrienne Laas, Geoff Wilkinson, George Ryan and Barb Olsen. The Board consistently sets high expectations for the Grandview Team, and is firmly focussed on the vision “…leading the way to excellence in services for children and youth with special needs and their families”. It has been a privilege to be a member of such a Great Team! Vicky Earle Executive Director our mission our vision Grandview Children’s Centre works with children and youth with special needs and their families to achieve their personal best. Grandview Children’s Centre… leading the way to excellence in services for children and youth with special needs and their families. Achieving Our Personal Best... This year in the life of Grandview has been an exceptional one with a number of opportunities for celebration. Team Impact The growing number of successes throughout the year was made possible, in large part, by efforts of the creative and innovative team members. It was their support that facilitated a reduction in the wait list, as well as led to the introduction of new programs and groups. Increased funding allowed for the maintenance of staff levels. As a result, Grandview was able to fill vacant positions and add administrative staff to support clinicians. This allowed for more efficient use of time and improved service to clients and their families. In keeping with the strategic goal to be a “centre of excellence”, Grandview continues to support professional development for staff, with a number of training opportunities being utilized. These have meaningful impact on the overall Centre operations. Grandview also supported development of the professions by providing placements for a number of students enrolled in a range of therapy programs offered throughout the region. Strategic Growth The Centre celebrated its full accreditation for a three year period. This is significant because of the impact that it will have on the quality of service offered. Strengthening Partnerships In recognition of the need to be directly involved with families and the community, the Centre partnered with the Tri-Regional Infant Hearing Program, and collaborated with the Sir James Whitney Preschool Home Visiting Program to offer “Wee Talk”, a play group with children who are hard of hearing or deaf. Grandview also partnered with the Ontario Federation for Visually Impaired Children to offer another play group for the children in the Blind Low Vision Program. These partnerships provided positive play experiences for the children, as well as exceptional learning and networking opportunities for caregivers supporting the children. Family/Community Involvement Grandview continued its drive to involve both community and family as partners in its education process. As a result, training was conducted by Durham Behaviour Management on behaviour issues, as well representatives from Rouge Valley Health System shared their quality improvement initiatives. Grandview hosted a number of information sessions throughout the year on topics such as the Registered Disability Savings Plan, Autism, and advocacy sessions for clients and families. In addition, the Centre completed the first Torticollis Clinic and will, as a pilot, run monthly clinics until February 2012. The Centre also participated at various information sharing opportunities throughout the Durham region. Consistent with the Centre’s guiding principle of being family-centred and family empowering, Grandview hosted a Van Fair to showcase vendors and provide opportunity for discussion and feedback between therapists and families. Also, a Home Reno Fair was hosted to highlight the possibilities of home modifications and accessibility. Grandview also facilitated the first, “Grand Beginnings”, an event designed to encourage Grandview’s young adults, who turned 21 to continue to connect with community resources as they transitioned out of the Centre’s services. Similarly, Grandview hosted sessions of Stepping Stones to Education, a four-week program designed for families of Grandview’s clients who will be transitioning into the school system. Occupational Therapists partnered with Recreation Services to again run a Constraint Therapy group (Cast Camp), where camp staff were informed about the reasoning behind the casting and activities, and completed pre and post assessments on participants. Lessons learned from the past camp were implemented. The Preschool Outreach Program continues to receive very positive feedback from child care educators and parents. Visits to benchmark other facilities resulted in seeing a Child and Family Hub located in a school. Services provided at the Hub include a child care centre, Public Health services, an Early Years Centre and therapy services. A partnership with YMCA Ontario Early Years Centres (OEYC) resulted in training opportunities. Durham Preschool Speech and Language Program (DPSLP) and Durham OEYCs will co-host a Community Literacy Conference in Spring 2012. over • Grandview continued the Medical Grand Hannah Grandview continued the Medical Grand Round Series by hosting Dr. Tom Chau, who presented his ACCESS project, which focuses on “children who have no voice” and cannot use traditional technology to communicate. Grandview’s Research Committee has established a formal connection with UOIT. Dr. Meghann Lloyd joins the staff as research associate, and Dr. Hunt has been appointed adjunct associate professor in the Department of Health Sciences at UOIT. Dr. Lloyd will help Grandview establish a line of independent research projects aimed at better understanding children and youth with special needs. Brady Grandview has completed 2 research projects worked on with outside agencies, and continues to have 4 active projects. The ethics committee has now convened 3 ethics roundtables; on attendance of clients; wait times for medical services; and for the Centre board. The Infection Prevention and Control Committee has completed 2 guidelines to share with staff, and added an Infection Prevention Champion to the team. The new health screening process for clients and visitors continues to be well received. There have been no major outbreaks or infection prevention concerns over the last year. Alan Grandview has extensively revised the admission process for Campbell Children’s School and decreased the clinical time involved by a huge margin. This clinical time has been re-directed to better serve those children on the wait list. This has resulted in an effective admission process this year and further modifications may be made next year, if necessary. Grandview Children’s Centre continues its commitment and continuous quality improvement as well as innovation and creativity in order to best serve the children who need our services. Please visit our website for more highlights! NUMBER OF CHILDREN WHO... 2010/11 2009/10 2008/09 Were referred during the year 2,087 2,017 1,986 Received services during the year 4,460 4,411 4,388 943 1,334 1,370 3,590 5,563 5,456 Are on wait lists (excl. specialty clinics) Are on caseload (incl. wait lists) Robbie Grandview Children’s Centre STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS REVENUE Ministries of Health and Children & Youth Services 2010/11 2009/10 $7,292,565 $6,733,720 Ministry of Community & Social Services 152,976 152,976 Regional Municipality of Durham 446,591 440,766 Other revenue 872,273 865,162 Total Revenue 8,764,405 8,192,624 5,073,696 4,625,884 850,771 812,832 Total Salaries & Wages 5,924,467 5,438,716 Employee Benefits 1,293,235 1,215,678 Maeve EXPENSES Salaries & Wages Client services Administration & support services Maeve’s cute shy smile quickly draws you in and you are hooked. Her speech delays do not restrict her ability to communicate, as that smile clearly shows. Diagnosed with a motor speech disorder, Maeve’s Supplies & Operating Expenses brain has difficulty in moving the body parts needed Client services 819,923 824,990 Administration & support services 349,588 317,992 Building services 377,192 395,248 Total supplies & expenses 1,546,703 1,538,230 Total Expense 8,764,405 8,192,624 $0 $0 Excess (Deficit) Revenue Over Expenses for speech. With Grandview’s help, her vocabulary has increased significantly and she continues to improve. A complete set of audited financial statements is available upon request. “ “ Volunteer QUOTE I love volunteering here. The staff is great and they provide lots of help to new volunteers. I also just love the building here… it so bright and cheery. It always makes my day. — Debbie Volunteers play an integral role at Grandview we couldn’t achieve success without them. Those honoured for providing more than 100 hours of service during National Volunteer Week and Grandview’s Appreciation Dinner include: Ruth Althouse Jeff Bedford Polly Belfour Kelsie Cotton Gail Crawford Joan Curtis Sam De Lima Lesley Dixon Caroline Kassee Chris Kooy Adrienne Laas Sarah Lee Jackie Long Joyce McLean Lainie Morano Barbara Olsen John Pagazani Todd Ramsey Connie Shaw Denny Talbot Tara Lee Upshall Geoff Wilkinson Ciara Executive Director’s Report A focus of the year was the launch of the “Help Our Kids” campaign in October. A feature of this campaign is two families who kindly agreed to be passionate ambassadors for Grandview – sharing their stories and their journeys. Myke, Annette and Andrew Neufeld are inspirational to all of us. I know that we are all grateful for the generous donation of their time, as well as their willingness to share their story through a promotional video and numerous presentations. Roger, Donna and Daniella Altieri have also kindly shared their journey through a promotional video, inspired people with talks and participated in events such as the Bonspiel. Thank you! The “Help Our Kids” campaign also saw the launch of our new website, www.helpourkids.ca, and the strategic use of social media, as well as increased press coverage of Grandview stories. Our message is definitely about the children, and their need for our help to make sure that they receive the critical therapy services they need. We are grateful for the various corporations and local governments who have heard this message, and have lent their support in a variety of ways. In particular, donations from third party events were much higher this year and made a significant difference to the Foundation’s financial position. The Foundation revamped the strategic plan and took some important steps of redevelopment. These included the adoption of a new by-law, development of governance policies and procedures and implementation of a board education plan. We were privileged to welcome His Honour, David Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to our Golf Tournament in September. His Honour was an inspiration to the golfers as well as to the children and youth, and their families, who were present. In May, we organized a special donor appreciation event which permitted us to say “thank you” to the many wonderful supporters who help Grandview to make a difference in children’s lives. We enjoyed the active participation of students from Campbell Children’s School (who are also clients of Grandview Children’s Centre). It was a fun and uplifting event! During this special occasion, we presented Terry Johnston with a “shining star” award, to recognize his appointment, by the Board, as an Honorary Member. Terry is a long-time friend and supporter of Grandview and was previously Chair of the Foundation Board. I am looking forward with excitement and enthusiasm to the year ahead, as I continue my role as Executive Director for the Foundation only. I look forward to working with 14 our mission our vision To support programs and services offered by Grandview Giving children and youth with special needs the opportunity Children’s Centre and Campbell Children’s School that enable to dream, learn, succeed and belong. children and youth with special needs to develop their abilities. dedicated and passionate volunteer Board Directors providing leadership as we continue to redevelop the Foundation, building on the momentum we have generated during the past year. We will be very sorry not to have the assistance of Jean Callaghan, Executive Assistant after my “retirement” on June 17. During the past many months Jean has kindly extended her responsibilities beyond that of assisting me in my ED role at the Centre and supporting the Centre Board, to that of assisting me as Foundation ED and the Foundation Board – we have very much appreciated Jean’s valuable support! Jean will be missed by us all. I have too many other “thank you’s” to mention them all, but want to make special mention of Denny Talbot, Chair – whose vision, determination and leadership has helped us to make much progress; I also want to mention Geoff Wilkinson, Vice Chair, who, amongst other things, lit a fire “ “ It takes a village to raise a Foundation! With the help of all our friends and supporters, we can raise the funds to help provide children and youth with special needs the opportunity to dream, learn, succeed and belong. under the Golf Committee – and the 2011 Golf Tournament is sold out! I must also mention Barb Olsen, Chair of the Centre Board, whose vision and support has played a significant role in the Foundation’s renewal; and the staff of the Foundation and the Centre who have enabled me to assume both ED roles during the past year. Campbell Children’s School deserves special recognition – the students, teachers and Principal, Sue Gualdieri, act as ambassadors for the Foundation and the Centre every day, as well as shining a light on our lives at Grandview! It takes a village to raise a Foundation! With the help of all our friends and supporters, we can raise the funds to help provide children and youth with special needs the opportunity to dream, learn, succeed and belong. Thank you! Vicky Earle Executive Director Report from the Chair I have had the opportunity to work with a dedicated and committed Board of Directors, and a Foundation Team who has contributed greatly to building a solid platform for our future. The added support of the Grandview Children’s Board of Trustees, all of the Centre staff and the Campbell Children’s School, in helping us meet our goals, is very much appreciated. The support of our major contributors, Veridian, ScotiaBank, Motorcity, Swish Maintenance, RBC and the Durham communities have responded admirably to our Help the Kids campaign. The media have been supportive and invaluable in helping to get the message out to the public about our great organizations. A very special “Thank You” goes to the contributions of our children ambassadors and their parents in helping to build community awareness. In an environment of economic uncertainties, organizations that will survive are those who will adapt to change, find new ways of communicating their message, develop and take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. The Foundation had introduced communication and strategic planning processes that have been successful, but there is still a lot of work for us to do. We had to recognize and adapt to a changing market and find new ways of reaching our donors. We appreciate that the donors have embraced the new direction the Foundation has taken to improve and continue to support us in our endeavours. Our mission however is not changing. We will continue to support the programs and services offered by the Centre and Camp- Grandview Children’s Foundation Board of Directors L-R (front) Andrew Gordon, Sean Donaldson, Devin Rolfe, Ron Millen, Geoff Wilkinson, Vicky Earle (Executive Director) L-R (back) Barb Olsen, Annette Neufeld, Shernette Muccuth Henry (Foundation Staff), Jean Callaghan, Lynda Schuler, Brigitte Tschinkel (Foundation Staff) Absent: Denny Talbot, Gail Crawford, Deborah Robitaille, John Pagazani, Diane Weeks, Sue Gualdieri bell’s School, which will provide all of the children with special needs the opportunity to dream, learn, succeed and belong. With you on their side, a whole world opens up. Denny Talbot Chair “Our Kids” Circle of Possibilities Thank you to Our Donors T he children and youth with special needs who rely on Grandview Children’s Centre inspire us with their strength and bravery. You, the Donor, inspire us with your generosity. The Circle of Possibilities recognizes donors who have given in our 2010/11 Fiscal Year and whose cumulative contributions to Grandview Children’s Foundation have reached or exceeded $2,500 since April 1, 1998. We thank you for your continued support. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS Fundraising activities and donations Lottery activities 2010/11 2009/10 $416,282 $293,642 0 0 4,018 5,820 Total Revenue 420,300 299,462 129,726 132,878 EXPENSES & GRANTS Fundraising & event expenses Grants to Grandview Children’s Centre Grants to Campbell Children’s School Gift of Inspiration $50,000 to $99,999 Catherine & Michael Ambler HP Canada Motor City Car Club Scotiabank Swish Maintenance Limited Town of Whitby Gift of Hope $25,000 to $49,999 Gift of Strength $10,000 to $24,999 Other revenue Operating expenses RBC Foundation Town of Ajax City of Oshawa City of Pickering Mayor’s Gala Lions Club of North Oshawa Lions Club Oshawa West Rani Ghar Grotto Rotary Club of Oshawa Spar Roofing and Metal Supplies Ltd. Grandview Children’s Foundation REVENUE Gift Of Independence $100,000 + 41,365 58,372 275,074 239,773 10,880 500 Total Expenses & Grants 457,045 431,523 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES & ALLOCATIONS BEFORE UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS OF INVESTMENTS) ($36,745) ($132,061) Unrealized Investment Gain / (Loss) $46,882 $80,326 EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES $10,137 ($51,735) *A complete set of audited financial statements is available upon request. IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Arthur Lovell BMO Employees Charitable Foundation Courtice Flea Market & Auction Barn Grandview Children’s Centre Social Committee Herman Kassinger Foundation Linda Watson Mill Run Golf and Country Club Ontario Power General Charity Trust Rogers Group of Companies RP Enterprises (1996) Road Legends Cruisers Veridian Connections William F. Hayball Charitable Foundation Gift of Laughter $5,000 to $9,999 CAW - Canada Local 222 Ajax Lakeside Limited Partnership Barb & Richard Olsen Bell Canada “Event & Community Relations” Bull Dog Pub Courtice Funeral Chapel Detox Enviromental Limited Dufferin Concrete Durham Radio/CKDO General Motors Salaried Retirees Association Hardiman, Mount & Associates Heather Risdon Kerry Peacock Meghan Toswell NS Technologies Oshawa B’Nai B’rith Lodge #1590 Oshawa Community Health Centre Oshawa Curling Club Premier Restoration Services Rick Dimock and Judy CochraneRe/Max Jazz Inc. Ruth Althouse St. Marys Cement Company The Toskan Casale Foundation Vicky Earle Gift of Dreams $2,500 to $4,999 CUPE - Local 3760 David & Heather Toswell Dawn Flett Dr. Mary MacDonald Earle Brown General Motor’s Centre - Global Spectrum Jacobson Foods Limited (McDonald’s Ajax) Andy & Jennifer Ayotte John Milne Kay Chambers Lions Club of Port Perry The Great West Life Assurance Company
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