THE CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY NATIVITY 19 AUGUST 2012 CATHEDRAL PARISH OFFICE PRIVATE BAG 899 PIETERMARITZBURG 3200 TELEPHONE: 033 394 1567 FAX: 033 394 1967 FAXtoE-MAIL: 086 611 7605 E-MAIL: “The Cathedral Community exists to celebrate God’s reconciling love in Christ Jesus for all people through the Holy Spirit.” “Ibandla elingumndeni waseCathedral likhonela ukugubha uthando lukaNkulunkulu, lokubuyisana kwabantu bonke, alubonakalise ngoMoya oNgcwele kuJesu Kristu.” We welcome all visitors. Siyazemukela zonke izivakashi nabahambeli bethu. FULL-TIME CLERGY DEAN – THE VERY REVD NDABEZINHLE SIBISI (H) 033 347 2324 ASSISTANT PRIEST THE REVD VUSI MQADI (H) 033 346 2787 SELF-SUPPORTING CLERGY THE REVD DR KEN CHISA THE REVD PROF BEV HADDAD THE REVD TOBIAS P‟ONEK THE REVD GILBERT TORLAGE Cell: 082 959 4150 Cell: 078 803 0996 or: 073 477 1259 (H) 033 386 4912 (H) 033 329 5073 (H) 074 920 2700 (H) 033 396 9858 Please take this pew leaflet home and use it as a prayer resource this week THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY OF THE CHURCH YEAR THE COLLECT God our Saviour your Son has promised that when two or three come together in his name he is there with them: open our eyes that we may see him and our hearts that we may love him; through Jesus Christ our Lord who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, now and for ever. Amen APB p 271 07:00 EUCHARIST Priest – Ndabezinhle Sibisi Deacon and Officiant – Gilbert Torlage Lay Ministers – Colleen Vietzen, Margaret Jakins, Marion Raubenheimer Organist – Marianne de Jager OPENING HYMN HON 349 New ev‟ry morning is the love 1 4 New ev’ry morning is the love Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be, our wak’ning and uprising prove; as more of heav’n in each we see; through sleep and darkness safely brought some soft’ning gleam of love and prayer restored to life and pow’r and thought. shall dawn on ev’ry cross and care. 2 5 New mercies, each returning day, The trivial round, the common task, hover around us while we pray; will furnish all we need to ask, new perils past, new sins forgiv’n, room to deny ourselves, a road new thoughts of God, new hopes of heav’n. to bring us daily nearer God. 3 6 If on our daily course our mind Only, O Lord, in thy dear love be set to hallow all we find, fit us for perfect rest above; new treasures still, of countless price, and help us, this and ev’ry day, God will provide for sacrifice. to live more nearly as we pray. John Keble (1792-1866) based on Lamentations 3:23. CCLA Licence No. 166884. THE GLORIA THE COLLECT FOR PURITY THE COLLECT FIRST READING APB p 104 APB p 105 RSV p 286 2Samuel 18:24-33 PSALM WITH GLORIA PATRI (sung) SECOND READING APB p 729 RSV p 183 102:1-12 Ephesians 5:15-20 Marion Raubenheimer Irene Harper HYMN FOR THE GRADUAL HON 33 Angel-voices ever singing 1 3 Angel-voices ever singing Yea, we know that thou rejoicest round thy throne of light, o’er each work of thine; angel-harps for ever ringing, thou didst ears and hands and voices rest not day nor night; for thy praise design; thousands only live to bless thee, craftsman’s art and music’s measure and confess thee Lord of might. for thy pleasure all combine. 2 4 Thou who art beyond the farthest In thy house, great God, we offer mortal eye can see, of thine own to thee; can it be that thou regardest and for thine acceptance proffer our poor hymnody? all unworthily, Yes, we know that thou art near us hearts and minds and hands and voices and wilt hear us constantly. in our choicest psalmody. 5 Honour, glory, might and merit, thine shall ever be, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, blessèd Trinity. Of the best that thou hast given earth and heaven render thee. Francis Pott (1832-1909) alt. CCLA Licence No. 166884 2 THE GOSPEL THE SERMON THE CREED THE INTERCESSIONS THE PRAYER FOR AFRICA THE NOTICES THE PEACE RSV p 93 John 6:51-58 Gilbert Torlage Ndabezinhle Sibisi APB p 108 Gilbert Torlage Gilbert Torlage OFFERTORY HYMN HON 32 And now, O Father, mindful of the love 1 3 And now, O Father, And then for those, mindful of the love our dearest and our best, that bought us, once for all, by this prevailing presence on Calv’ry’s tree, we appeal: and having with us him O fold them closer that pleads above, to thy mercy’s breast, we here present, O do thine utmost we here spread forth to thee for their souls’ true weal; that only off’ring from tainting mischief perfect in thine eyes, keep them pure and clear, the one, true, pure, and crown thy gifts immortal sacrifice. with strength to persevere. 2 4 Look, Father, And so we come: look on his anointed face, O draw us to thy feet, and only look on us most patient Saviour, as found in him; who canst love us still; look not on our and by this food, misusings of thy grace, so aweful and so sweet, our prayer so languid, deliver us from and our faith so dim: ev’ry touch of ill: for lo, between our sins in thine own service and their reward make us glad and free, we set the Passion and grant us never more of thy Son our Lord. to part with thee. William Bright (1824-1901) © The Rev. the Warden and Council of Keble College, Oxford. CCLA Licence No 166884 THE EUCHARISTIC PRAYER COMMUNION ANTHEM Ave Verum (Elgar) CLOSING HYMN HON 363 O God beyond all praising 1 2 O God beyond all praising, Then hear, O gracious Saviour, we worship you today, accept the love we bring, and sing the love amazing that we who know your favour that songs cannot repay; may serve you as our king; for we can only wonder and whether our tomorrows at ev’ry gift you send, be filled with good or ill, at blessings without number we’ll triumph through our sorrows and mercies without end: and rise to bless you still: we lift our hearts before you to marvel at your beauty and wait upon your word, and glory in your ways we honour and adore you, and make a joyful duty our great and mighty Lord. our sacrifice of praise. Michael Perry (b. 1942). CCLA Licence No. 166884. 3 08:30 EUCHARIST Priest – Ndabezinhle Sibisi Deacon – Tobias P’Onek Officiant – Rowan Andrew Lay Ministers – Italia Mvundla, Brenden Andrew, Nkanyiso Gumede, Andisiwe Mchiza Organist: Musa Ndlovu OPENING HYMN HON 21 All things bright and beautiful 3 All things bright and beautiful, The cold wind in the winter, all creatures great and small, the pleasant summer sun, all things wise and wonderful, the ripe fruits in the garden, the Lord God made them all. he made them ev’ry one. 1 4 Each little flow’r that opens, The tall trees in the greenwood, each little bird that sings, the meadows for our play, he made their glowing colours, the rushes by the water, he made their tiny wings. to gather ev’ry day. 2 5 The purple-headed mountain, He gave us eyes to see them, the river running by, and lips that we may tell the sunset and the morning, how great is God Almighty, that brightens up the sky. who has made all things well. Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-1895) alt. CCLA Licence No. 166884 THE GREETING And also with you The Lord be with you Inawe futhi INkosi inani I have decided to follow Jesus PRAISE 1 I have decided to follow Jesus (x3) No turning back (praise the Lord), no turning back! 2 Though no one join me, still I will follow (x3) No turning back (praise the Lord), no turning back! 3 The world behind me, the cross before me (x3) No turning back (praise the Lord), no turning back! THE GLORIA (sung) APB p 104 Makuduyiswe uNkulunkulu | ophezulu | kubekhona ukuthula kubantu bakhe | abasemhlabeni. Nkosi Nkulunkulu, Nkosi ya | sezulwini | Somandla Nkulunkulu | onguBaba siyakudumisa, | sikubonga sikubabaza nge | nkazimulo yakho. Nkosi Jesu Kristu, Ndodana eyodwa | kaYise Nkosi Nkulunkulu, Mvana | kaNkulunkulu wena osusa izono | zomhlaba: | si | hawukele; wena ohlezi ngasekunene | kukaYise: yemukela ukukhu | leka kwethu. Ngokuba nguwe wedwa | ongoNgcwele nguwe | wedwa oyiNkosi nguwe wedwa ongoPhezukonke | Jesu Kristu | okanye noMoya oNgcwele enkazimulweni ka | Nkulunkulu uYise. Amen 4 PENITENCE APB p 106 ABSOLUTION THE COLLECT FOR PURITY APB p 105 THE COLLECT FIRST READING GN p 321 2Samuel 18:24-33 703Brenden Andrew PSALM WITH GLORIA PATRI (said) APB p 729 102:1-12 SECOND READING (Zulu) GN p 242 Ephesians 5:15-20 Italia Mvundla HYMN FOR THE GRADUAL NZ 186 Izwe lakho Nkosi 1 3 5 Izwi lakho Nkosi Uma sekumnyama Liyizwi lomusa Lisihola njalo Singaboni lutho Kwabasemhlabeni Libakhanyisele Singaholwa izwi Nakub’ abafayo Abalikholwayo. Ngokukhanya kwalo. Lileth’ ukuphila. 2 4 6 Uma kuza impi Kungechasiselwe Nkosi yethu siphe Izosihlasela Ukuthokoziswa Ukulamukela Liyasiduduza Kwabahamba ngalo Siliqondisise Liyasisindisa. Belalela lona. Silithande njalo. Amen THE GOSPEL GN p 126 John 6:51-58 Tobias P’Onek THE CREED APB p 108 THE SERMON Ndabezinhle Sibisi THE PRAYERS Nkanyiso Gumede THE PRAYER FOR AFRICA (sung) NZ 327 Nkosi busis‟iAfrika 1 2 Nkosi busis’iAfrika, Abantwana balomhlaba, isize uyibonise ekuhluphekeni kwabo, okulungilenokufaneleyo, baphe icebowena themba labo, ize yenze intando yakho. yizwa imikhuleko yabo. THE NOTICES THE PEACE OFFERTORY HYMN 1 Ngifuna wena Jesu Ngigcwele izono Ingcolil’ inhliziyo Nguw’ ongangisiza Ngize ngihlambuluke Yigazi loMsindisi Elihlanza izoni Ukuze sisinde. 3 Ngifuna wena Jesu Ngeswele ngimpofu Ngihlong’ onganozwelo Angelekelele Ngifun’ uthando lwakho Lon’ olungangembesa Lube womholi wami Lungitotobise. Ukuthula kweNkosi makubenani njalo Akwande The peace of the Lord be with you always Peace be with you NZ 344 Ngifuna wena Jesu 2 Ngifuna wena Jesu Wen’ uqobo lwakho Onesihawu sonke Onomnak’ omkhulu Wen’ onozwelo lonke Noma ngidabukile Ngingokhathazekile Ngibuthakathaka. Ngifuna wena Jesu Ngigcwele izono Ingcolil’ inhliziyo Nguw’ ongangisiza. 4 Ngifuna wena Jesu Ngiphe ngikubone Uhlez’ ukhazimula Phezul’ ezulwini Yikhona ngothokoza Nginab’ abakho bonke Sibheke wena njalo 5 Nkosi, Nkosi yethu. THE EUCHARISTIC PRAYER THE LORD‟S PRAYER (said) AGNUS DEI (sung) Mvana kaNkulunkulu you take away the sin of the world Sihawukele Mvana kaNkulunkulu you take away the sin of the world Have mercy on us Mvana kaNkulunkulu osus’ izono zomhlaba Grant us peace COMMUNION HYMN NZ 242 Usibonise uthando 1 Usibonisa uthando ngokusipha lokhukudla Mabeze bonke abantu bezw’ ukuthi unomusa. 2 UJes’ usinik’ uMzimba usinik’ iGazi lakhe Wobusiswa omukela lokh’ ukudla okuNgcwele. 3 Kuyize konke lokho na? Bakhon’ abanqab’ ukuza UJesu wafela nabo bayabizwa nabo badle. 4 Mabeze laph’ abaningi bamkeliswe bajabule Basinda abadla kahle njengalokhu bathenjiswa. 5 UNkulunkul’ onguYise neNdodana nay’ uMoya Kadunyiswe emhlabeni naphezulu njalo njalo. Amen. THE BLESSING THE DISMISSAL Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. In the name of Christ. Amen. Hambani ngokuthula niyothanda nisebenzele iNkosi. Egameni likaKristu. Amen. CLOSING HYMN HON 9 All creatures of our God and King 1 4 All creatures of our God and King, Dear mother earth, who day by day lift up your voice and with us sing unfoldest blessings on our way, alleluia, alleluia! O praise him, alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, The flow’rs and fruits that in thee grow, thou silver moon with softer gleam: let them his glory also show: O praise him, O praise him, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. 2 5 Thou rushing wind that art so strong, All you with mercy in your heart, ye clouds that sail in heav’n along, forgiving others, take your part, O praise him, alleluia! O sing ye, alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, ye lights of evening, find a voice: praise God and on him cast your care: 3 6 Thou flowing water, pure and clear, And thou, most kind and gentle death, make music for thy Lord to hear, waiting to hush our latest breath, alleluia, alleluia! O praise him, alleluia! Thou fire so masterful and bright, Thou leadest home the child of God thou givest us both warmth and light: and Christ our Lord the way hath trod: William Henry Draper (1855-1933) alt. based on the „Cantico di Frade Sole‟ of St Francis of Assisi (1182-1226). CCLA Licence No. 166884. 6 HEALING MINISTRY 10:30 EUCHARIST Priest – Mvuyo Ndenze Lay Minister – John Elliot 14:30 UKUBONGA OKUNGCWELE Priest – Ian Darby Lay Ministers – Simeon Ngubane, Italia Mvundla, Agnes Mpalweni, Esther Letjeloane SERVICES ELSEWHERE TODAY ST GEORGE 08:30 EUCHARIST (SAPB) Priest – Ian Darby Lay Minister – Jack Frost ST PATRICK Preacher – Ken Chisa Reader – Marianne de Jager Organist – Catherine Pettingale 08:00 EUCHARIST Priest – Vusi Mqadi Reader – Caroline Griffiths Lay Minister – Brian Shepperson Organist – Jonathan Christian PRAYING FOR THE SICK (UPDATE) IN HOSPITAL Juanita Mackay, Frank Meiring, Zimbili Zulu, Jerry Buthelezi FRAIL CARE / AT HOME Yvonne Holman, Avis van Dyk, Archbishop Philip Russell, Nathaniel Molefe, Shirley Muir, Della Goodall, Rhoda Pugsley, Penny Keppler, Angus Walker, Ina Stevenson, Alice Hadebe, Vida Pennington, Dorrie Nuttall, Enid Osborne PARISHIONERS AT HOME Flynn Potter, Leonard Potter, Deidre van Rooyen, Laura Shepperson, Doreen Wissing, Marje Mullinos, Colin Gardner, Mirriam Gushu, Stephen Jacobs, Nkosithanda Mayisela, Alma Schroeder, Themba Masemola, Walter Ladbrooke, Joy Frost, Nandipha Ngomane, Chuma Ntlokwane, Ryan Wagner, Kathy Francis, Joyce Smith, Charmaine Cox, Rose Goodrich, Zoleka Zikhali, Rowan Stuart, Roy Gathorne, Yvette Stembridge, Rhoda Jordaan, Brenda Holman, Castalina Letjeloane, Gracious Letjeloane, Pat McKenzie, Neil Langer, Stuart Sidney, Shirley du Plessis, Pauline Allen, Ambigay James, Veloshinee Govender, Stephen de Bruyn, Ntuthuko Mkhize, Elizabeth Mthembu, Sr Nontokozo CJC, Funani Mahlobo, Bev Haddad, Lolly Stuart, Gugu Sibisi, Mike Martin, Moyra Poole, Sne Nkosi, Debbie Brown, Aggrineth Molefe, Angela Elliot, Barbara Gathorne, Siyabonga Ngcobo REST IN PEACE 13 Beatrice Luthuli; 17 Pam Solomon* Please inform the parish office of any changes to the list of sick people TODAY’S SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR: THE ANGLICAN COMMUNION Pray for The Anglican Church in Southern Africa (The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town and Primate of Southern Africa) 7 THE DIOCESE Pray for Cordwalles Preparatory School; Fulton School for the Deaf; Hlanganani Preparatory School Pray for the Uthukela Region (Archdeacon Thulani Ngcobo) Pray for the Parish of The Prince of Peace, Inanda (Nhlanhla & Eugenia Mbense) Pray for Confirmands in the Parishes of St John, Steadville and St Paul with St Joseph the Worker, Pietermaritzburg Today is a Special Day of Prayer for Theological Education. Pray for those who teach the faith, Sunday School teachers, confirmation and baptism preparation teachers, etc. Pray for Natal ordinands in theological training. Pray for the College of Transfiguration (COT), Grahamstown; Evangelical Seminary of South Africa (ESSA); University of KwaZulu-Natal; University of South Africa (UNISA); Theological Education by Extension (TEE) College. THE PARISH Pray for Small Groups (Bible Studies); Cleaning staff, grounds staff, security staff, car guards SUNDAY 19 Queen Mbanjwa – Bradwyn; Thokozani Mbanjwa - Simphiwe Birthday: Senele Mncwabe MONDAY 20 Minenhle Mbatha; Zinhle Mbatha – Kwanele, Kim Birthday: Ambigay James, Fred Palmer, Themba Cebekhulu, Minikazi Jompolo, Nosicelo Mchiza, Zipho Mahlobo, Curtis Row, Moeketsi Letjeloane Year’s Mind: Kate Mahlaba TUESDAY 21 Dorcas Mbeje – Jabulani, Nonhlanhla, S‟manga, Zanele; Protus & Thokozani Mbeje - Lumkile Birthday: Roy Gathorne, Lily Sewlal, Richard Hammond, Ronald Kasambala, Thabiso Molefe, Luyanda Jwaro WEDNESDAY 22 Harriet Mbele; Kelo Mbense Birthday: Audrey Lind, Phumzile Nxumalo, Ethel Chisa, Mzamo Sosibo THURSDAY 23 Lucky & Tessa Mbense – Lerox, Liyanda, Vernon; Sibongile Mbense – Zuzile, Amahle, Phumelela, Keneilwe, Nonsikelelo, Sbuko Birthday: Elizabeth Gqibelisa, Sipho Zulu, Gloria Xaba, Zine Madlala, Likhakha Potwana Year’s Mind: Beatrice Williams, Mike Mills FRIDAY 24 Sinqobile, Mbense; Betty Mbewana - Fezile Birthday: Anne Coates, Thembelani Mazibuko SATURDAY 25 Linda & Lungile Mbhele – Sinenhlanhla, Lwazi, Simile; Nondumiso Mbhele Birthday: Maureen Radebe, Vuyiswa Mkhize, Ayanda Masondo Wedding Anniversary: Mbi & Thoko Madlala Year’s Mind: Ian Stuart, Warren Dewey, Edmund Lawrence SUNDAY 26 Nqobile Mbulula – Zimosa, Banele; Arthur & Joan McCabe Birthday: Constance Mhlongo, Nokuthula Mdluli, Ntombizabantu Mkhuzo, Fanelesibonge Ngwenya NOTICES THE MOTHERS UNION WILL SERVE TEA AFTER THE 08:30 SERVICE TODAY. PLEASE ASSIST THEM TO WASH UP AFTERWARDS. WARNING It has come to our attention that parishioners have been telephoned and asked to meet with a couple requesting counselling, baby food, etc. We do not give out your names or telephone numbers. If you are contacted by anyone who claims that they were referred to you by the parish office, please notify the Dean and do not meet with them. 8 PLANNED GIVERS Please collect your statements from church today. If you have any queries please contact the parish recorders. COMMUNION WINE If you wish to donate Communion wine, please purchase Red Muscatel wine from Liberty Liquors and hand it in to the parish office during working hours or to the Sisters during weekends. PHOTOCOPYING PAPER If you would like to donate photocopying paper please purchase reams of Mondi Rotatrim 80gm/m2 A4 210x297cm 160CIE Whiteness. Your donations can be handed in to the parish office during working hours or to the Sisters during weekends. CLERGY RETREAT The Dean and Fr Vusi will attend the Clergy Retreat from 27 to 31 August. MOTHERS UNION RETREAT There is a Retreat for Mothers Union members on 1 September from 09:00 to 14:30. BAPTISMS The next baptisms will be on Sunday 9 September 2012 during the 08:30 service. Please speak to Fr Vusi Mqadi if you are seeking baptism for yourself or for your child. Baptism Application Forms are available in the box in church. Please complete these in block capitals, with full names, and deposit them in the box before Saturday 1 September. You are expected to attend preparation classes on Saturdays 1 and 8 September. NOTICES Please inform the clergy and the parish secretary by Wednesdays of any notices which you would like to include in the pew leaflet or to have announced during services. Any notices which are not submitted in this way will only be announced during services on the following Sunday. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please inform the parish office of any changes to the list of people for whom we pray daily. THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS There are white envelopes marked „THANKSGIVING‟ in the book trolleys for your financial donations in gratitude for God‟s goodness to you or your family or business. If you prefer to pay electronically please use “THANKSGIVING” as your reference. FOOD PARCELS There are brown envelopes marked “DONATIONS – FOOD PARCELS” in the book trolleys for your financial donations. Thank you for your generosity. BANK DETAILS The Cathedral Parish of the Holy Nativity, Standard Bank, Langalibalele Street Branch number 057525; Account number 052086194. If you wish to deposit money directly into the Cathedral parish bank account, please obtain a reference number from the parish secretary. GROWING THE CHURCH PASTORAL CARE If you have been bereaved, or are ill or housebound, and would like a pastoral visit, please contact the parish office – your message will be passed to the clergy team. PRAYERS AT HOME (Wednesdays) If you would like people to pray with you on a Wednesday from 18:00 to 19:30 please contact Sindi Mthethwa (072 936 0303) / Phumzile Nxumalo (072 246 2337) / Bonisile Zwane (076 167 1754) Prayers will be said at the following home on 22 August: Siyabonga Ngcobo – 4 Tritonia Road, Napierville (033 345 8469) FREE! You can now download some translations and versions of the Bible via your cellphone ( 9 UPDATE ON THE PARISH’S FINANCES AS AT THE END OF JULY 2012 Planned Giving Budget up to 31 July Actual received up to 31 July Shortfall/Increase 2012 R 737 751 R 601 215 R-136 536 2011 R596 512 R660 342 R 63 830 Loose Collections Budget up to 31 July Actual received up to 31 July Increase/Shortfall R123 081 R140 318 R 17 237 R122 451 R118 440 -R 4 011 Overall Shortfall/Increase – Planned Income “Special Thanksgiving” gratefully received Previously received R17 299.75 Sunday 12 August 2012 R 2 002.75 Family donation 12 August 2012 R 7 000.00 R- 119 299 R 59 819 Total Received to date Shortfall/Increase as at 31 July R26 303 R-92 997 R19 586 R 79 405 R26 302.50 As at the end of July the shortfall for Planned giving is R136 536. We are most grateful to all those who have contributed to the Churchwardens “Special Thanksgiving Appeal”. SPRING DAY ‘PLANTATHON’ A letter from the Cathedral Centre Supervisor, Edwin Derengi: 26 July 2012 Dear Dean As the Cathedral gardens are currently in the process of being redone, and due to the high cost of purchasing plants, and the labour required to plant them, I would like to propose the following: Members of the Parish, their family and friends are invited to take part in the “Spring Day Plantathon” on Saturday 1 September at 10 am. Members are asked to contribute their time to assist in planting plants which they may donate from their own garden or they may purchase a plant if they prefer. All types of plants / flowers will be gratefully accepted and members may contribute a single plant, or more, as they prefer. Some members may wish to take part and may not be able to contribute a plant, but may offer their time to assist with the planting. On Saturday 1 September, we meet together as a team and plant the plants they have brought. Kind regards Edwin 10 AN EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED! Each cultural group will showcase their cultural talent in the form of entertainment (e.g. dance), art work (paintwork, beadwork, displays, etc), attire (clothing), cultural displays of any form, food, customs, etc. The request is that each ethnic group or cultural group gets together to discuss how they plan to showcase their culture on that day. Each group will nominate a leader that will report from time to time to the planning committee. If you find yourself alone please come forward and be linked to another minority group so that there will be diversity of cultures in one group in the spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood united in Christ. Other cultural groups from outside the Cathedral may be incorporated into a culture group but the leader must be a member of the Cathedral parish. This promises to be a fun evening so let’s get together, know each other and share our cultures in oneness, and in the spirit of fundraising. Please give your names to Ms Phumzile Nxumalo (072 246 2337) after the service stating the culture group and contact details. The planning team will then be able to give direction to those who do not know each other. Tickets will be sold at R100. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sunday 26 August – Achievers Day Saturday 1 September – Spring Day ‘Plantathon’ Sunday 9 September - Baptisms Sunday 16 September – Confirmation Service Friday 21 September – Cultural Evening (R100) Sunday 30 September – Songs of Praise (R60) Sunday 18 November – The Messiah Saturday 24 November – Ordination Service Sunday 25 November – Annual Thanksgiving Day THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION – THE BIBLE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH Blessed Lord who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ; who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God, now and for ever. Amen 11 Merciful God teach us to be faithful in change and uncertainty that trusting in your word and obeying your will we may enter the unfailing joy of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen DIARY THIS WEEK 20 MONDAY – Bernard of Clairvaux, Religious, 1153 Ezek 24:15-24 / Ps 79:1-8 / Mt 19:16-22 Ps 36 / 2 Sam 17:24-18:8 / Jn 5:19-29 06:45 09:30 12:00 16:00 (Ndabezinhle – day off) Holy Eucharist Eucharist at Kenwyn House Midday Prayers Evening Prayer 06:45 09:00 12:00 16:00 17:15 Holy Eucharist Clergy Team Staff Meeting Midday Prayers Evening Prayer Finance & Property Committee 06:45 12:00 13:10 16:00 17:15 Holy Eucharist Midday Prayers Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer Cathedral Chamber Choir 06:45 10:00 10:00 17:15 Holy Eucharist Mothers Union Holy Eucharist Cathedral Choir 06:45 09:00 09:00 09:00 12:00 16:00 (Vusi – day off) Holy Eucharist Planning Meeting Eucharist at Victoria Home Eucharist at Villa Assumpta Midday Prayers Evening Prayer 06:45 09:00 09:00 16:00 Holy Eucharist Confirmation Group Diocesan Youth Council Evening Prayer 21 TUESDAY Ezek 28:1-10 / Ps 60:1-5 / Mt 19:23-30 Ps 36 / 2 Sam 18:9-18 / Jn 5:30-47 22 WEDNESDAY Ezek 34:1-11 / Ps 23 / Mt 20:1-16 Ezek 34:1-11 / Ps 23 / Mt 20:1-16 Ps 39 / 2 Sam 18:19-33 / Jn 6:1-15 23 THURSDAY Ezek 36:22-28 / Ps 51:7-12 / Mt 22:1-14 Ezek 36:22-28 / Ps 51:7-12 / Mt 22:1-14 Pss 42, 43 / 2 Sam 19:1-23 / Jn 6:16-27 24 FRIDAY – ST BARTHOLOMEW Gen 28:10-17 / Ps 103:1-8 / Acts 5:12-16 / Jn 1:43-51 Ps 116 / Is 666:1-2, 18-23 / 1 Pet 5;1-11 25 SATURDAY Ezek 43:1-7a / Ps 85:8-13 / Mt 23:1-12 Ps 49 / 2 Sam 23:1-7, 13-17 / Jn 6:41-51 26 AUGUST 2012 THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF THE CHURCH YEAR 2 Samuel 23:1-7 / Psalm 67 / Ephesians 5:21-33 / John 6:55-69 Achievers Day 07:00 Holy Eucharist (Vusi Mqadi) THE CATHEDRAL 08:30 Holy Eucharist, Sunday School (Vusi Mqadi) 10:30 Mothers Union 10:30 Holy Eucharist (Ian Darby) 14:30 Ukubonga okuNgcwele (Daniel Sibilo) ST GEORGE 08:30 16:00 Holy Eucharist (APB) Sung Evening Prayer (APB) (George Parish) (Ron Nicolson) ST PATRICK 08:00 Holy Eucharist (David Jenkins)