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rI I .... • • .... • <oo -·' • r,• . ~ • ~. 5"';\-~ \ ~~u-c. 2. 1 ju\y I Aujus+ <i "\ ~~~2 352V~ E. WtndsoT> Ave 85004 Pl't08r.11~ AZ tll19 # 10 Bo y Seo ufs fric ked n's inf o Elt on Joh · ga y IJl.JCic New musical Olm "Elton 's Song'' has struck a sour note and sent shockwav!', through England rock su11erstar Ellon J ohn's promoters tricked 30 Boy Scouts Into ~Pvearing In the homosexual movie. The UIISU~J)C(IIng boy3- age 14 to 19h,t(i no ldeu they'd be part or a rum made to promote a record about the "beauty" of cay lo•cm:okmc An<i the <crlpt that wa• shown to the hood. U.ot,tcr of H S<"hool Where .some of tl\e boys were <t'<'<Uited "'"' dcllb.!rately watered down. Outrogtd occusero say Elton John hod not h. ··~ to do "'"h the cvn - lhfy placm lhf blame "'ft•·•rcly on 1M stars promoters who rrJu_'\td to " lt"'' lht hC':.dm;~~~otrr 1\.e.;~r the sona II ht hod heord th• son1 we would have ~ hf'('t1 thrown out on our ar•es,'" admitted 111m n1ukur ltu4i~tl Mukt'lhy. Onr <«·ne shows boys ,..lklne Utrough a .. - -l.•nt•v pn\:tlt -..choot dorm "t-•nn& nnly p:»J.3ma bouomt - ~1 nornml uctiVIlY r ,_t"('JM "hc·n the b.•ckcround mlL411c JJ Eltun .lnhn ~·ncing ''J would a:h·~ nn- hfr for 3 ~ mgfe nl ahr bf<trlc \'nt t " - London Sunday l't·uph• flfon Joh~, the ftoMIMyont lr•tl•h roc-kor, I• Nttlnt fMot o•tr 0 promotto,.ol fitm th•• '"'h" hom•••111v.t •olwH on kH:fs. 1 MYCA~~I~ :~::~~k:t :t:;;::: AMERI I' m madder tban a ho, wbo backed Into a hornet's By ED J\NGERI nest over that craty CallromJa county that let a py , · adopt a teenage boy. peacock. t oelllnl his son about boy bees .u Weekly World News r•; l,u ate to the prancinc And our nor WJII be pink. lav· bum~r around With boy bets. ponod. this pubUc 1 en first &Wftd up by 1011 1 ~ onder and btoore lrutud ol I Let • I~ lt. thu kld II p :.":.~n~.~';'(; n":~klnc that sinal• man bta>mt tbo boy's rtd. white ond ~lue. Thol's the way ca s in Lttunc a homosexual adopt foster lather fortwo yun. Y America think. , dumb plam JUU Is boy • Then, tho father confu•td Dots anyone really behove be wu a homosexual. Whit kind of chance does a , !'low, lo and behold, the Ihot the k.ld .I s colnc to have Wlth a llY father acency's approved tht cay tht chance to crow up nor· younaster have at arowtnr up sane If mal? adopun 1 tht boY. "!'nnal homes lrom kids some romantoc of kmd Wbat coun· thos u hod Ute Wlut try com101 to• These loud· Ideas ts tho poor k1d coonc to end up blln& gay· wanua son, rn>n cay this If , catch· amdentally alter cet to sHm cays pushy mouthed one the old· be takon1 over alone with the Inc his dad playonc kiuy.face why d~sn'l he cetby on the couch wuh a boy. fashioned way- marrylnc women's llbbers babyl havin&a and woman • The next thin( you know fnendf lmaflnt a gay father tX· 1 Who knows - of httritd lt. they'll ~ ch.mJinl our n,.. ot. hke mtlht he lift of tiona I bord from the soannc plauuna tbt locu t, I He iollowcd J o~··s l!a.ze and noteJ fo r the fint ume I hat there w ere ~ell o w s~cat ~nn gs at Lhe armpits of Thelma 's dress. She looked, be thought, hke she was • • . a cheap penon. Enraged by a spanking, an 11-year-old shoves his mother against a doorjamb, fracturing her back. When she falls, he kicks her in the face. An isolated occurrence? Not at all, warns Henry Harbin, 33, a psychiatri st at the University of Maryland School of Medicine In College course teaches women to be per-verts ... Shoola 0.0 llilued~ "rd a• lQCecllor •1111 all ol my (&mlly ADd Crieadl to I&)' ~We'd !IT lo III&U u. bell ol ll br ~about life Wllll .-ell Giller. I' m sure tbat we'D all bave to flee tills ulll· mate IIIPtmare P"(· 1:J 10GB. WillliD lO lo 31 rara." C... Etlillew F. . . ....,.., St. S.O.U... ~ Jouph'a "I'd caD U. poliCI "P'Inl, I'd call out wlloft It'a lind 1o per' - ud lAIII my eaa to '-<1 far New aale to IIC>. 1'beo I'd Dlace • call Lbe lllllitary "' or f1R1IIIr away. rcl , . lind ouc wben u.,. ID Lbe suilwa'1, pt lo tllblk people Will be 111e auport ADd " 'd aate rrom radiadoo. aam ounelvel iniD a u u.., mald>ed.l'd ao plaJie. I jult eouldD't Ilion. U DOt. I'd stay taiDt it slltllll dowa. at . _ Wllll my purm Loo ,..... to eaa ud c:oat far tbem balll." . ~ doalll." v.- Student& at tbe UnJver· slty of Callforulll at ~rke117 call bave a py old Ume on ea.mpcu - ud cet cred· It for IL IAcrecllbl'y, Utt sdlool plana to offer two courses on lesbi&DIsm .aest qUolrter and live stuclenu IIQdtJDI.c cndlt roc lbt Dave McOoNtld Oil u Salle 'Td l.brvw a mu"ve 10\llll away part}' for my~ TbeD I'd go see my lirl ud baft as mucb 1Im u I could before . . diec1. MOM!y I'd part}' ADd be cruy beca- it Lbe world baa I'Mdled tbat poirft.. I wouldD't wut lo u.. a.oy· tel~=~!au~a.o~u!s~ 8y JOAN BRECKENRIDGE A llowmanvll~. Ont, butch- er·•• plan 10 market • S311'M!nt slrnlltlr to a cbasllty hell Is out· rageous, aays Jane l'l!plno, forrnet chalrm&n of Motro To- ronto'• tuk torao Cll\ violence aglllnst __.,and clllldrtn. "This reinforces Utt btlld Utat only a woman htnell Is mpon. slble for her own protection," Ms ~no aalcl. "ll says Utat If you're wunns Utt ~ and are altaae<l, you Wftftl't ullin& lorlt. "But If you' re 1101 wurtnc It and are auacktd, lt'l your fault," she aald, addlna thel the IDYmtlon lalla to dNI wltlt l.he real lsllot of why mm rape and ._toJtoplt. - ·t lbll ldnd of erttlctlm ~. lbt lflve>. tor, rrom telllnll his procectl~ Ullderlti'RMnt for _,.,, Mr. stop Harry AMERJCA I !A! · 1" JUS c selves go. Nobody wants to go out with a fat man or glf • Gaylord .did not know what to answer. 1tseemed tha~ Joy wanted to say something but could not fi.nd a way to begm. "l wouldn't want a date with a~." "I wouldn't either," said Gaylord. f h· · "No use to get.fM." ts A pi::ture flashed across Gaylord's mind: tb~ kttchcn o grandmothe r which be bad visited so often. H1S gr~dmother and bad str;ught black wore a shaoeless printed was hair . She was old . ·shapeless, but so wonderful. _He r~mem bered a picrure of her as a girl • • • Yes, age d1d bnng on aress, d . • changes. 1 "My grandmoth er sure was fat" put 111 Gay or • ··so was mioe, but that's d~ent. No use to be that way when you ' re as young as Skinny or Velma. Velma could be very attractive." ..She's very nice." " 1 like Velma. 1 feel sorry for · for a date.'' around - why oo etusoa oo .,.ant to l"bi&M and aay men wen beln1 lcnort<l." 1ald Katlly Olblt sltl, wbo bead• lbt UDI= 'Ibt d - will oUer two ID flvt crecllts, d_.,cllnr on bow mucb ""rlt Uto studenu want tD do. In Utt Uttrature dasa tor example atud611ta may chOOM the Dumber ol papers tbey 'ftllt to wrllt and cradt IKII Oilier's wort. 'Ibe OSAC. an 1Cfl!C1 lbat 1 funds campus croupo ed b Stlppo~ in part by student "p.tnllon (Hs, pvt the Cay I and Lesbian Union ~ to help set up tho classes on Uttll univmoty campus. Studanu at MY .....· __. . .fa1. mutum one bearded student. "Then an a lot of thlevu UDlon. ~ -~~ · the!2!, oby mon thin aootber way of hav· P'1 ·: ......... ..... and-our our ukids --.,... t!Ytlaleaebla ceoonesoa ~~the rate we' re colA&. destro)'thtworl dto..,.,.._ p.,a anAl lesbians I eould sb*'ldnl up ••th your pot.,_. The bulldlna bloclcl of our ~ ~-"' a be4ll ways I! k1sa an onlon-eatln& bog on 11, bound will soon bt coruld- 11atioD have ertd an "altematlve"IUH!71e. man, a woman and chUclren llv· tbe Ups. And au~r liberal Jude• IDJ toctther. The only thine thot doesn't Without normal tamllhla, surpdso me about thi• outraa• wru be allowlnl a man and bla 8 ED J\MiER II the school that's doln<- Lassie to adopt _ Jinc. doc> you micht u wtllltW a stroaa ~~ the Untu.-ty' of Califomla at IOn haven't flrured out a way Amuicaa :cood~~·~by~e.::_~;---::-=::;:=:==~==~ across - - ·~ft le of snaky hoses woven in blackk and green, lay almost to let them havekldl the oat..- Berlteley. • g ...... 1 Durtna the ·eos that school ra1 way, the sidewalk. An enormously ~ bus ·y young ro~, Look, 1 don'ttbinl< lbat 1111 was so full or Commoe lovtn I letter word filled the rut around f d . d , be locked • up. But wu aliiD favor ol rtnamln< sbould tnppe over It an a ourtha uruvenlty or Moteow at u.e.re·s 00 way that ~Inc car 1 b 1101"111ll. -.Jd be <Oftlldart<l Berkeley. t b your lan• I d .. A-d .. • I em. Can you lmaaln• toUriM 'Ibe cood Lord modi It rul "Look out, Skinny, J oy gJgg e • nu wa C tttclliDJ our lmpressoonablo ...., tor us dumb bumana to 1 guage u YOUDI kJds \he ftne points ol tlflll"' out Wll&t'l natural ill 1 d · bed like a ' horse G · sex - by treolinc maltl and I belnc car? ay or Slg He grinned back aod r an on. What's nut - COUI'SI!S In temaleo. sure he was gomg to thought '·1 off taken ddl h ltadlfltrtDt Ubt'dwanltd rapeandchildmo lertlne! • e avmg a sa u you cblnltlhat t.ut rell\lt'lt w~:~ - we'd 111 be built Ulte d JOY, tO Said be " fall dmJ U too muth, let me remind YOU earthWOrms Or slUp. Joy squeezed his arm. and tegarded Gayl?rd with amuse ~~~·u:!~i!~~n~c~- ~:::,':!~:::,'!J~:t!-il s "So did I Ma ...·be it would have knockeo some of that Today, thonkl to the pushy would be Ute rtnt atep to tbelr I 1 t be like b f,.t I'd · eye • cay rlchto actlviSU and thtlr pUnacurtd. s ure ate o if be bad. I'm glad I'm not fo!!: off to tryinc l<eep they 1t But npals_ tbt women'slibbt let thempeople some why I . t an' t uodentand Sk' I•Y sn b toDStdartd nothiDI COIIVi.... everyone tbat belnr WELL WELL! IF IT ISN'T 'atNKY 8/665! ,t.ND SOY, DO YOU LOOK C<IT6.~/ ~·::~:: ~:P, two diiHI won desllll\e<l by 1 the campus Gay and LtabW> ........ College course lor perverts - '!'!' that$ sick! mny. bizarre pro1ram. -What do you expect tor a bow to staaJ , .. ..,.,. an Just llltt LoUn duHs. _ it you don't want to das:ses Sevenl tul!hen han vol...,. teen<! to spcllliOr the cllllft, tate thtm you doc't have to " ' . :;-z;,o~X:,.!f.;li'!tt~•t:: ; : .said a coed. 1 "Bless my mother and father," he prayed. "Don't ever let COBOURG, Ont. (CP) - OWners ol plastic namlnp. plaster gn<>m<S and concrtOte animals ' me do anything to burt them. Make me lose these sissy ways, an res& easy- the Socifly To Make CobourJ I please. dear God. Help me do the right things and see what's Lfts Taay bu boon apprehended. Four local teea~gero haw been ehargtd With right from wrong. Please help me; give me strength and ve llley' say pohce ohelt W>Oer SlOO and Colloul'l 1 so bashful. brolcen up tbe can& which claims to have stoltn courage to face people and talk without being scom or omamtn~ Irom locallawou. make me a man •• • please, blessed •• . Bob like me Make ·'They COt us by damn Cine detective worlt," admttttd Utt JI'OUP'J mtdla spoUsman. identlVirgin, tielp me. Holy Mary full of grace, the Lord is with lled only .. LZ. thee. and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus • •. Tho c:llarres ~ In connect1011 Wllll a Sl7S CXIIICJ'I!te hone stolen on Apn18. "Is it wrong for me to love Bob? Please tell me. I'm sorry Ooe ooc:iety claomtd It was on a c:nuade 10 rid for what I did to Joy • • • deeply sorry •• • forgive me and Cobourg of ~teless ornamtnts. " don't let her hate me ••• Our Father wbo art in heaven r m so mad at the eollece the Berkeley campus . .re !lli%e<lln their rucllona to the h~. ~ob~y ever asks ber Bcuwhuls, wiM) said bls lnvetUCII\ Ia .._ a rnodtm chastity btlt," is c:amrfncod utat hla stainless steel, ~l~>ollnk undtrwur will help prevent rape. " I'm not dalmlna this Is a solullon to rape and I a'""' we have to t~ mm 1101 to rape," Mr. Bouwhuls said durlnc a td&phone lnteniew. "Buc If a raposo and •lona comesthts underpnnent l'la!l - on. II may K&re him away btcabe's !IOIUptetlnC IL" Tho IJ&mK!I1!, Whlc:ll Mr. Bouwttuls wants to sdl cmlcT In Canada. br mall Lbe United Sta"'" and E"""'Pt aa the Bouw. truJs l'rolectlve Underprrntnt. ~Kits about e80 l"'ma and Is made of nne, stalnlesHted .-11 which fastens In 11'0111 wltlt a pedloct. It will mall 1« Sl~ Mr. Bouwbuis sold the undtr~ pi'Dlent b so ccmConable "you tmw you have 11 on and you can wear the tl&htflll pantS ud no- will be able to - l t.'' He saJcl bls lllwntlon •aa prompted by Utt rape and mur. cltr olaJOUIII _,..,In Toronto two years aco. "I have a younc dau&hter myself and notmougll wu 6elna done about violent crlnM. I cleo -.·t d d t d - bad to d o llllns.'' he said. Tho ,.,....,cis IMde o1 material \attd ror butdlen' , _ and api'OC\II that prococu but~ en rrom cutting lhemoelves wlltn •llc1nc meat. "Y'"' .can't CUI It oft wltlt a M ewn sub Into IL ll'J lmpouible to ,.,.,.,.. without a key," Mr. Bouwhuls Nld. He advllts -.co·~ a copy ot the key at hon\e, at Utt olllct and llnlfe lnthdrpurse. When It .... tugge~ttd Utatlhe lnwlnetabiUty ol the uncltrpr> mont mlaJit make • llnlC...teld. InS rapist mon vlolenc, Mr. Is Bouwhull said: "If very violent and wanu to kill - y o u cart'! Slop him.'' He llclded thtrt are .• maDJ. ·~ raped wllllout oucward maniCestalloN of ¥» lence and these are the VIctims. wllo -.ld bentllt from his tn. ventlon. _,_ w.., OUR WORLD They're flying overhead, can't you see them come Bombers getting ready to drop their load The final warning's passed and we're ready to march Time for the forces to hit the road We don't So we'll Fighting Fighting March on want the commies in our world bomb 'em out day and night· for America, God and guts for the world, make it RIQli!l soldiers, do it right ••• Kill them If you see them move, blast their ass Make all those pinkos . ripe to die We're doing it for country, can't you see And you have no right to ask us why Sandinista- wrong regime Right wing fascist- business dream Exploit the land- chase the Red Starve their poor- until they'~e · dead Right wing junta- right regime Right wing deathsquad- business dream No more caring- for the poor Guts and guns- forever morell INDUSTRIAL ROBOT I get all bummed out when I see you in your three-piece suit, Snapping to attention as the managers go walking by·••• Industrial Robot You say you want to get ahead, to have a life of luxury Meantime, you don't realize you're brainwashed by it all ••• Induotrial Robot I don't want to be like you ' Bosses tell you what to do I want my mind open and free I don't want your luxury So go ahead and kiss their ass and suck them off upon demand All you'll end up with is a bad taste in your mouth •• •· Industrial Robot SYMBOLS OF HATE You think swastikas are really cool Sieg-heir like a misguided fool Nazi symbols pervade the scene White's the color of your scheme ELI](J:NATE THE SYMBOLS OF HATEll Symbols of hate, just don't rate We don't need a racist fate Symbols of hate, just don't rate We don't need a fascist state No more hatred, no more pain Let u~ not go down the drain No more hatred no more pain Unity is to our gain I You laugh at what I have to say 'Nothing wrong with these symbols today' These thoughts influenced many a man To start the Nazis or Ku Klux Klan· ELIMINATE THE SYMBOLS OF HATEIII -it's not too late ••• ALL LYRICS BY AL Q• ., 1984 ------------------------------------------------------"Symbols Of Hate" is about the growth in nazi symbolism i .n the punk/hardcore scene. These swastikas, sieg-heiling and other elements of neo-fascism are sickening. Isn't our so-called "scene" supposed to stress open-mindedness and embrace all people, no matter what background they come from~ Swastikas aren't funny or cocl.. Too many people just embrace some philosophy or trend because it's the "in" thing to do, without really thinking about what they're doing, or who they may be hurting in the process.. Think about your actions ••• "Our World" is about how the US government meddles in foreiEfl affairs, most recently Central America- how they want to make the world "safe for democracy." It's about how they back right-wing fascist butchers like Somoza in Nicaragua, becuase these butchers--will allow American companies to plunder the country's resources and how the CIA is engaged in a covert war to overthrow the leftist, Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The song does not express any support for any Central American government, it just tries to make the underlying point that the US govern~nt really has no business interfering in other countries' political affairs. Lets take care ef our own backyard, first ••• "Industrial Robot" is self-explanatory.. Too many lives are wasted, just pushing ahead, at any cost, for personal economic gain. A dehumanization occurs as people become nothing more than "Corporate Men (or women). These people may become wealthy, . but, more often than not, their individuality becomes compromised •. That's not the way I want to live ••• No company is going to tell me how tn live my life •••. ·1..1\ ('~·----.·· :~~~ ~r \ VYING FOR ROLES IN THE UPCOMING M.G.M, PRODUCTIO N OF "SLAMMI N"', THE CAST WILL INCLUDE DISCO SINGER IRENE CARA AND BESTSELLING AUTHOR MAC EVERHARDT, I N HIS FIRST STARR I NG ROLE IN A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE, ., ---~ ~ r ·L I l-·~ B APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A , APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP • APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB .11, APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB }\PB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB A APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP~ APB APB APB APB APB APB APB AP : s c oc I "'E. TY ON'T ROL.L.E.D U..,oe.P. ... At first I had nothing against Duran Duran (except that they made boring rec ords) . Another pop b a nd , so what? That was before I saw, in my very own room , the bloated, corrupt face of Simon leBon the Great White Hunter, as he and the boys roam through third world countries~ finding semi-nude fashion models around every corner. In Duranland, women are stripped, oiled and painted , the exhibition taking place as the Durans observe. The supposedly "artistic softcore" Girls On Film is no more than your average Penthouse fantasy-borin g and offensive. There ' s nothing uglier than attempting to hide all this filth in cheap "art" gimmicks . In the Duranimagina tion, a black person is required to play the animal ' s role: he ' s the prancing , g-stringe "horse" in Girls On Film; she's the savage jungle creature just dying to be tamed (raped) by leBurn in Hungry Like the Wolf . Actually, to be fair, leBon is an animal in this one too- he's the one crashing through the jungle like a stuck pig in heat. How about the boys - the rich white boys on vacation in "Rio"? Just like a travel brochure , isn't it? Visit today ! Admire the cute little brown kids in t heir natural habitat! Get one cheap ! Get souvineers cheap ! Models on the house ! In an interview, Simon proudly revealed that he takes an active part in the ideas for these videos. What these mini episodes reveal to me is a sex ist, racist, imperialist who just couldn't like people very much, because there is not one attractive portrayal of humanity in them . . . . There's a show on TV about a teenage computer genius and his friends, called "Whiz Kids" . I'd just like to know if good old Ronnie you-know-who had a hand in this one. In the few times I ' ve happened to see it , the evil Russkies have been the main attraction. In the first episode I saw , commie spies kidnapped the boy genius and planned to use him (to overthrow the U.S . military, of course) and then kill him! Naturally, the U.S . Agents rushed in at the last minute ! and saved the innocent young traitor, who then showed his patriotism by weeping in his C . I . A. dad's a r ms . The second time I saw it, the Ruthless Russkies were shown as so corrupt that they planned to double-cross both countries :" Da, Boris , I ' l l take Club Med over the Black Sea any day !" On yet another show, agents actually kidnapped a super - intelligent talking dolphin will those Iron Curtain brutes stop at nothing in their cruel harrassment of the poor old U. S . of A . ? .. . By the way, who ' s been watching P.T . L. lately? If you ' ve been following all the recent triumphs of Heritage, U.S.A., you might have witnessed the truly terrifying spectacle of thousands of chris t ians , (packed into the awsomely huge new P . T . L . cathedral) raising their arms in a sa lu te to god . The salute was an exact imitation of the old seig heil wave, no kidding, and it just so happened that all those rigid limbs were pointing more in the direction of Tammy and Jim than up to the lord . The same evening the r e was also a torchlight procession that evoked images of the K . K . K. But the real highlight of the whole spectacle had to be when Jim read a telegram from Ronnie and Nancy (which should give one an idea of the power of P . T . L.), congratulatin g P . T . L . on their " victory" . And just a short while ago we were treated to the sight and purple - faced Jim Bakker screaming , " I am GOD !! You will obey me! ! " sound of ,~~-Presumably he was translating the babbling of a member of the congregation who ' d just spoken in tongues . Now that she ' s in such a triumphant mood, Tammy ' s makeup is becoming more and more extreme - in tact she gppears to be modelling herself after Divine . Her eyebrows alone could drive Jim back to the marYiage co u ncellor l While on the subject of Tammy , she must be begging for - giveness for a com she recently let slip when the cameraman accidentally got in the picture : "That ' s O . K. ,sometimes what's going on behind the scenes is ~ore interesting than what ' s going on up here, sometimes . .. . .. er . . . sometimes . . . " My favorite Tammy quote : " -sob-sob - c h ristians get depressed sometimes too , you know - sob - choke-" BY CAND'( ).&$\»/F en, bo E,..c+i "? Fl lM"'""-' .,~ c.."'ris+ ~.,~~-\- "-\-\ ~uc.~;"'j. n,... ~-s+ +{r-c. o~ \'C.sbol.c-c.... bo h .. st.. "'"\o\J ..)( ~~r ~.,~~f I h....L -c.,.cr~c.hd ~ \ \o\vst $-u.r'(v•Ovlj\.. '•t w-.S WOt-Yh ( \.0"0 ; 1'\ ~ a.d· \~ .._.4..$ Wd<'~~ .1(,.00 ; If\ ~"'*"'"+"'-;\'\ \0'\11!1'\-\- VQ.tvc.. k""';"'j 4.\11+;,; fG.h:_J Tk [o..v~'ns~o ... a. w,<.k )wll.S \'\b~ dis"'"rro\.,·h~..J. V"'..foo~"+u\'\4..1-c(/ du<C. +c~ j,..J-c~s~ '...o..r!<.()'t'C. J 7 k.~ 4.4{-c."da."'c..c. I'C.+ o..\ov.c. (a.113\... o~ you Ulu\6 .... •t SV~oi.-\c. 1 loud w;·H·.oiJ.J.. "rislc.i"'~ yov.- h~e. ~~ 'lex.ll ~ .b ~rr!s. 1t Pc..! \,~ ...,;~*~"" ~i ..s~ "' -~"'·..\·e. oyk~-o~ \{,c. -c.~" s~c"'. ~ow.c. be~"' 'r~· jo-4- .f,.,..., .f~rc. to\-~...... ,j"""~~.. 0 ~ .Jt...., wl..c..-~ j"d h-..! ~ ".f.,.,{- sc.\vi .... c.J Jlc.k ~,._.{ +we \H~o.s (-.de.'"" .-.,.J e. •h!. 1 I r-'C.~u.,...t...) <.o¥>~~,..<-~ a.U. \Jo \oJ~ A.si.!e .e.,o...., '-'o-4-:..-.J f..~ s~.J.o-.~s o~ \..o,..""'iv.<- <; ...j ...+o~ si .... ~~~~~~ \ik-e. f"'o.fil"- -'\j ~ ...;,.,..1.- sh~: 's f'c..,..ovs It ""~""'.Jity,l(..oV\! .. '+'1'-t"""'.....~e... A.~i") Q.~Ovt ~r~ \= .."'"';'(~ The (s,)wo.-J s"".._l{.,..,c:.rs "'IN\;.....h.. 4fhr \'- 1..1"-S. ov~ .... t-lrl ""7 ;.L...~ clr 'C.'r~ic.. ;\'\c.o..,yAc.h, ~\.ovi ...j c!v<- h hJ....,ic..J dit~ic.u\\\e.s1 (d,~~ sf;l\ .srlic.i"'j i\-ll, tl..'t. o-Tt..~\"{-·,\...-s \o)'U'(. ~e.'".) """c.w"')' l·h'(.\ \c.o.. . '+ s, ..7 t.~."H:.\o\~ \..o .. r\\,l'(. o..l..c..,t i-\-. \do \..o..\1(. SCt-.6!. F;N.-c.rb y(JJ k>\0\o.l . ¥.e......: \c.~.oo>;....~.. ~ ~;\W\ w<I.S y~- l'\...or\- w•\1 d.e"'-c. ~tl..~~bi4 o..~ s~y./. $~<- ~isfl47ecl. _, i.,+t~itiv'C.. u\o\d~rs+a...Ji"j A.~ LI!>A. Si-"~\ ... 1~ ~~\.,.. T\.-i$ \$U~ W CLv. 1 ~ ~~ 'w\edio.. -.}n\c..\.. 1 ~~>H't.' iv. loll~,+i·h\ \"""'-~ •7 a.~r~4. o.. ~ ;\..,... J'(.+.. ;l~ 'oo+- Sue"'e. l'"c.. \v. <.: Jc.-.1-a. ll/ \c=.w:-...h..- lo.k.s w.._f \,.. { lv""'c.cd Mot. le.....~•tc..ll..,;\o\~ .."' ' ~;~_..._ \""'"~-l- SG..r Po$~~<'C. for"'"Y"-fc~o·.l.$. ~t-u...\- ~... c.. \o~rcb~ - \-\..~s i W't 1"10 :>!vdae.- f'0 d/ wu ~ ~iJ~\i,\..t of~evc."'~· t\uc.'-' ct.s ~Ct..~\ ,....~l;a.cd \ I.JO..~ 5"i ... j h ~'t.+ h vic.w C.'v.r<S e't4td•e.~ 's \rl-..k<C.d. ~ocl7 I""""'! ~G.~ tc...ku- c:t ·ho\'14- Y'C\.1 .teed·. T\...c, s\u.....t.o..... ,~... k..J Hc.TI..i ...5~""-o..vci\cl-.~o.c.-c..- l.l~o \ooJ..e.!. 4.$ i~ f~c.' .l ~"'~'.on~ \i\.t-.-4-ecl ~to.... b'"'\.."~lh .... \,~c:.d.<.J u\.,4k- 'b'C.cvc..'-cl\ l-.u-s1t.\~ -\\..1t. ~""" q.l$-o ·,..... c.\v!~ o.. \·u~o ~.,....Joe. ;"""fl-No"'o..+.,r- c..\.lo)..., c:..c-~ 1~+" ui~ s ~ox.k 011\ fi6S«-/-.,e.T"C.AL\--c4 -..>!}>\\c.\Y S~Df- .,4 ~'C. ... os+ b.r;"'j o..J u... inSf>i'"'e,l ~Uhr\o.:Jio-., I o..v.d \,..,..,J,5e. ~M~S- a. ....L fow- +, c.\..~;"5 ~~~\l S~:~ yo~.f...r.oc... l~e~s 1'-.... jus~ Y~ol-- ruc.k ~ 1 \~liS+~~ ct.!. fb\;t;c.c.,l\7 i"'c.otnc.+ CI.S \.-ell, ;+ -\-l.."+s \cs\c.:~.... ~·~-:..,is-t erc~ic.i£..., p..~ o.C. ~\..c. t,.;\r,'C. . fil.,..s l...>e."e o."' A Sr--c.f..o~..c..t "'"'J ..,e.~ '~w"" -.t. o.. wo ...e... 6 ... \y o..u.{ic."lc-c.. j~W't CAGO .I' ~ • c v c SEEDS 'THE~ORLDOFTBE .,,. If .~~- : •. 'i :-~-~ ~,; ,, , ..,!, ·•,~. ~~. . ·j..., 'I~~· •• -. ! It • Y! n' ~~~)r·J;:k... ... ' .~~~Mf.r.J!., • - ,,r ,., ' :"-"'. . r· ·· .. . ! ..I, . I. ..... .,_,, .• . t~ •J t' ' tl 4f! j tt .. ...:•i - por such a long time It was a world of mlni·Mklri!l, long hair and talk of the Sunset r iots and then •.. sud· dcnly •.• It was the world of the Flower Generation, spr outing flower music, for flower children with flower power. It wu.s .•. suddenly ..• the world of the Seeds I Leader of the group, Sky Saxon, was the originator of the terms that not only describe their following; but thelr sound as well. Drummer Rick Andrldge said, "The word teenybopper Is becoming old fashioned. lt really doesn't describe the ymJng people, so we call them flower children. Quite a while ago Sky sat back and thought and realized that rock and roll was back In 1955. Then (here was folk and roll, folk rock and none of them Ill Oijr kind or music. Who Are Flower Chlldreri? "Everybody had started wearing flowers, carrying flowers and girls In flower dresses. so flower rock music just more or less grew from that. We called the kids flower chll· dren." Signs that this "flower thing" Is catching' on are being seen again and again . .. t ans rushing the stage at every show .. • flower children bringing and wearing (Jowers to each Seeds performance . .. seeds arriving Inside each fan letter . . . and even a cartoon about Flower Power in the Los Angeles Times newspaper. Catching on? Taking over may be a more accurate description. It wasn't always thls prosperous tor Los Angeles' Seeds. IL has taken JWO years tor It to happen and .Jan Savage, guitarist for the group, explained why they never gave up durIng that time: "I listen to the songs we play over and over, but I stLII get excited and I think we give off this excitement. With us It happened like a snowball. We started down and little by lillie we got more fans. Slow Start "When I fi•·st met Sky, I wns working in a machine shop. T had given up music before because I couldn't stand the disappointments. Sky came to me and told me how he was convinced he would make lt. l said, 'As long as you keep picking me up I can't do anything but go wiLh you.' And since then, and that was two years ago, we've been going up. We tell down a couple of times and had hard times, but we all just stuck to It and It paid ott." Because the Seeds began the total concept of a llower generation, It was up to them to make Lhelr 'own place wlth.ln it. Just what Is their place? Sky believes, "The Seeds are the ones who made them aware of it. Just like the sky Is blue •• . you don't really notice It until you look up. We want to make people aware ot 1t all. The words to our songs are saying Lhat." , And there Is purpose and sincerity In what they do. On slncerlty organist and pianist, Daryl Jlooper, commented, "We play how we feel • .. we act how we feel. AU the time we were struggling we knew we were going to make It eventually. We didn't know when, this is Impossible to judge, but I don't think that we were really ever ready to break up, because we knew we. would eventually catch on because we had a new sound." l. l ove Sky said, "We want to make people love one another. There's a lot of hate In growing up and I think music Is tile only answer. It's amaz.lng ... what music can make you do Is amazing! "Jt's like making someone eat mush for ten years and saying 'You've got to eat mush tor ten more years.' Then telling someone there's lee cream. That's why It took us so long. It you keep having a sound drllled into your head, It may be around, not because It's the greatEst, but because nobody has any Ideas how to do It better." Rick continued, "Our purpose Is to spread our kind of music and In turn show older people this long hair, LA scene, hippies, etc. aren't really so bad. It's just kids being kids like they've always been and always will be." That's what'!! happening wllh the Seeds. The flower children are digging the Seeds as Uaey are and al· ways will bo. I§ long, long hair out~ Meet Maybe John Lennon started it! Herman and the Stones soon picked it up. Now it's spreading all across America. Take a look at these groovy groups who've turned thumbs down on the long, long look. What do you think? Is Long, Long Hair Out? TIIJ-~c;a-: FOUR groovy-li>oking guys nrc responsible for a "hole lot of new "ords lhal arc s"cCJiing the country. Meet lhe Seed~ "hu record on Crcscendn rccord!l and arc the orit:innto~ of lhc Flower Gcncralion. I The SKV SAXON: Sky Richard Saxun is my entire name. I was born in Snh Lake City, Utah, August 20. 1945. My folks still live in Salt Lake City, but I live in the Hollywood llills with my fat yellow cat, "Hungry". I'm the lead singe r with the Seeds, and I also play the bass and mouth harp. I Jil..e girls o£ all k.inds - blondes, brunettes and redheads - as long as they are sincere and g roovy. I'm not going steady with anyone now, but I'm not against going steady. It's kind or nice to come buck to a girl arter a long tour. / /Seeds tHE BIG QUESTJON Ia an the IJ'OO'PS' nt&tcb b wM!Mr or ltOC to cut their hair. Whftl only one ntembet' or • Jr'OIIp wanla hls hair ron,, and the other. •ote for ah11rt ltalr, there eon be trouble. (Continued on Pa11e 56) ( It ,.~, .. :: ~ ~ J f JAN SAVAGE: My real name is Chula Humma, or Red Fox. My mother's name is Leota (Prairie Flower), and my dad is Tialc Humma (Red Pine). I was born on October 23, 1944, in Ardmore, Oklahoma. My nickname is " Indi an", but some people call me "Foxy". I'm the lead guitarist lor the Seeds. I like small quiet girls. Loud, flashy girls have always ldt me ct>ld. I like a girl who would like to go on long walks on the beach with me; a girl who would appreciate the beauty or nature. Someday, I hope to go back to Oklahoma and live off the land. DARVL HOOPER: My real name is Daryl !looper. My nickname used to be "Duck", because someone said I walked like one . I changed my walk and lost the nickname. Now, everyone coils me Daryl or "Dccthovcn". I was born on March II , 1946 (or maybe it wa~ 1746). I live in llollywood Hills in a hidden castle (well, it's putty hard to lind') I like mo't all types or girls. but mainly girls who arc honest and sin cere. I ~urc hate phonics or all kiml~! I tile girls who ore not too 4uict. bul I don't like girls who talk all the time. I play piano, organ, harpsichord. sita r and other in struments for the Seeds. RICK ANI)RIUGE: My real n;~me is Richard Smith Andridge. Jr .. but I've nlways prdercd just plain Rick. My nicknnme is "Mnurcss", because or a certain outfit I wear. I've got other nicknames too, but later for that! I was born in Lansing. Michigan, on March 211, 1945. My folks still live in Michigan, hut I live in an apartment in the llnllywood I lilts. There IS no specific rule on the type of girl I like or dislike. All girls arc diiTcrcnt !nat's what I like ahout them I have to meet them to male up my nund whether they nrc my type nr nul. I'm the drummer ur the Seeds. ~s .' '- • ' .. ·. .~~ !\f4v . . '.... ' • ., ~ ;'·. ~ ' l ' ... 0Pf'OS ITE fCr: 1'<>p~ SVN C::tiY C>tiRLS n-.\.i left; BAM S..M FAllS IN-rt>-n\t f>oTTI>M l...£.Ss f IT of" ~ UM,S "'ill.n~h+: l>ON 11\11"'1'\-1 liiS SWfATr /XVITAR ll•#-Y"': ~"-<-~ t>F" ""fliE. "!lV$ Wl11i VAit iOV$" C-'IST At41> CRb.W +..r : :rF" H.~Wt>- ovCR+I£A'Ttll ,.,,... 1">;e Tv R1>J 1NC., ?OIIIJr l.o\+o)'>. : AT Tl-\E !f>UOC. TE • SA<.~ 11> n+£ ~S~OIT Foe MoR..~ Ql"f<LIE.. fSRDWN THIN SKIN -~~ y~~o W;~T :;; B~; ,. .. ~V;~ 2.. WAA1 tooR. 10 wAr1' A M CAHeAA· I. 1>£Clbt oN '(~~X~ ~Q~~•~ t1EN'Tf At£. wtt.r:M' t.E:IsL. 'IO<J C»J Fo~ A Gooi:) t>e:A~. 1·v~ ~:a.J ~~ A7 o-tbAP A~ fJI'.oo, .itJ-r A P£-~CIJA!.te AAN4U' J7 ,-Z.S. -a'RJ. ~ ARC UfDAlJ.Y ~L-7 AvAu.A6L£ JN MWIJ 5#lOP7, fALJIA\1 oN A~ 1oe>t> wcu.r·· F~ 1W17 fR1a:;, YbU'c.J- ~n A CAME:AA wml A ~r ~uu; ftAfllG .Pct>Y, ~otx~b At,.ro, t=ocv7, AoTO. c:xPo~CJQ$, 19-<f'p~ (P~ef per ~ewt\Ci ), ~ttJ~LE'" F~Mt: -111A CABLE. RU~1£", ~-r ZPt>"M ~N~£. Ibe;;\L. FOf< bft~fll~ 01=F 1U£' c. tJ, ~ Oi: ~~t>r~ 1\V.i ?fJ5oAL i1HC:, 1\ Vlfll BY 11ir foP£. 1Hf "50 -t5o. RA-~e; 4s17 AC.AitJ A ReL..AiW6L.Y CWB\f> 1 I [D6"'fB1JbtN~ ON \H€1 Aqc o-;; -r~o YoU MtiAL OR. PL~7T• c. SoPY QA.t-$.) I8 fp~, +J.A'iBe 2£1-f~, 7'N4L6 Ff().M61 }...OtJGb'~ :zool-1 ~N~ PtuTo, 2.001-1 (Wl~E;j-r~~-) fiL1CR7 -ft ~t~ND ~ 1 Jo\(\~ -FoCIIj c.,ot.ITII!OL.., 1\0TO. ~Nb f.Vr.Ye£ t1AtJ~AL E~Po'jcJ~ Wml 1 f\-7'for sc.AL£ i\-iE 1Ht V\5\VFHJOE~. u-PeNDING oN 1l-E ~ l:k C:A~tAA ~Nt> HOOJ 'loJJ TAi:i\T IT, rr ,..hqtiT l..tt$ r Yov ~oH IN 1\~"1 \l.l~ FRoM 1\ vJftl( To 2.. 'f€1\R~. yov•R£ "i07T J,..\IC6LY TO ~Cf ..,jO c;uARANiee W~tJ BvYrtJ4 A lf1~ C.~MeAA, AL1J.10UGH IF YoO ~er 11 •~ f\ CA~ 7TOJ$ You MJ~Hf ~e-r 3() PAl/~ <:oVeR.J!.qt;;;"". R,V'\tMB£1\ -n.tE:' MoRe" ()VJNSf\~ 'ft cAtJO<A M5 1H£ LE77 0~ A '' W~ \tOR.~"' ~IC. ~l'So.- uP tr 1-!t\f y c.p y~ ~ qooh CAAu-AA~ ~C£1JTt.. \ f'ICXF=t> vr A. c..NJOt-J Bl't-~t.. 7,t£NT a~ t:'of'<- Q.'3q. 1r wA7 t-\'tl>c 1\fi..OVNt> !HE H,t>-7o·s ~Nt) CAN PRE1TY wr;u.. ~ANt>te A '1).lc RA-Nlf w1u. ~IJY -~B>\17£ 7£"~71°~· W fAV~LTE" t-V-.~Off\CfU~~ ~U: ( e~a.t )Cl., ~l'tl4t.. ~»'t> 8l'hct..7 P!Nb IOI4-X'-5·Soot-lt>) ner~(p\.U~~ "t'-:;..-:;-:--- - -·~ ~~-- --~ .~ ~\ r.mi:Llli:IL!lLJ . ~ ~ .1.- r~~' t...c: ~«J'IV a5 ~ Ancto. - ;!.l~{:-~ 1) ~ c. ~I(\(. ffj . . ~ -.=· 6~(1Q e~no\ . Ex.p loding Tickets Fifth Column ~ • Ill ..,. iii .• :.J= _n. ]' . ~~ Vegetable . d Frten s . - .· .. -· " DAY ;;v +~ e L~e 0 {: Cfucy~oft i ---- - Lesfav/ Sv,burp I~ r I /~ j at does a . banana have to be to be a·Chiquita? .... , • It's sort of like passing the physical to become a Morine. The banana 's got to be the -right height. The right weight. The right everything. _, Right off, it has to be a good eight inches along the outer curve. And ot least one and a quarter inches across the · middle. It has to be plump. The peel has to fit tightly. The banana has to be -sleek and firm. . It has to be good enough to get through a 15-point inspection. Not one~, but three separate times. Occasionally , though, a banana comes along that's got everything going for it:-:.except maybe it's a smidgen under minlm_urrr-lengfh. · ~ WVe should -p ull it, we know. But our inspector.s have hearts, too. Whic'h is why- you may sometimes find a -Chiquita Brand Banana that isn 't quite eight inches long. Come to think of it, though, you sometimes find Marines named "Shorty," too. ---.:--.:....--. '• DR. SHIT.i TALKS Win! ta1n<. . Or. Smith: Hi, I'm here aboul: Or. Smith. "!"onik: O. K. Dr; t hrar you de<'.icled not to sell them. T; Wdl i t nust be the ocher girl you talk.t:d to. ~t are r.hey' Dr: Fanzines. T: O.K. 1iDSE are yours? O. K. Make <:urc 1:J-ey' re all there. Dr: lot1y did you decide rot to sell them? T: Because , rr don't <M"~ the store l the other girl says she doesn't like the things written in it she says it's tOO cRUde. Dr.: Did she read any of it? T: Yes, I read a story too- the one abcuc the CAYS, the CAY guys and the senario that went on it, I mean what's the point? Dr: It's an ~le of really bad ln.m:Jar, gay soft porn. T: 1 don't kN:)J I think yru're s~lifying things. Dr: Sure I am, rut it's all quite hunourous. It's really S\.IOrlsing that a store such as this doen't want to sell it, Pages, Ain't the Rosedale, Reccmi Peddler , . . . sell them. :': Yeah well everyone's got their <M"l feelings abO..II: i t. I mean I've =ead aloe of fanzines and I don't ~<row it achieves o..tlat yru set C>.lt to have it achieve. l mean most people just look at i t as p.:re pomJgraphy, oon't yru think? Dr: No ••• T: Like I've seen a lot of fanzines and alot of it is pretcy 1976, vou know , do 'f"0\.1 have to go about things in a c.IWC!e way to get a point aCROSS? Dr: ~t do you mean 1976' T: Well like i t 's all been done before, the way t see i t. T'\ieread fanzines since 3 long t:ime ago ard aloe of it, the stuff£ seens to be rehashing of old sort-of reallv hard-<:ore PUNK ways. Dr: Didn't you read any of the articles ? T: Yes, I READ IT. Or: Didn't you realize that ...e ..ere making a tunourour connent, fannnes are suppose t o be fun. fanzines in 7orooto are for the most pan bortng and concentrate on dull issues. !: It's better than being rOOly cRUde. I mean I'm rot for censorship rut I don't think it' ~y going co sell in this store. Dr: It mignt rot sell in this store .•• T: 00, I don't think so, i t 's just plain cRUde. I mean it's just RUde. I t 's the same thing you'n"&O!iig"co f ind in HUSILER or one of 1liOSE magazines , do you krow o..tlat I mean? It ' s just RUde. I mean anyone against porrograj)hy 1oo10n ' t like it a:riiiiiy, vou see. If saneixxly doesn't like the scuff£ they ann 1 t going to like i t and saneboay does will. I don't think it shows anyone ANything. Do you see lolha t I mean. Dr; Iaori"tthink you're looking at it in the right n ll ( .) 'Na.V. ' t ::·It's lust oornography. Dr: The gay story is ally one thing i.n the fanzl.ne. T: It's ~ly RUde , -<here ' s newspaper clipping, recipes, I ve seen it ALL before. The cartoon section is kin:i of funny, rut i t's so depressing, I don' c see i c proves anything, rEAlly. (re: gay art article ! ~ scufff is just RUde tOO. 0:: It's a ccmrent on what •s OJt there, \.~hat a par:: or the camunity thinks is gay art. T: Yeah I krow rut l.'hy illlke more of it. I don't krow everyone has their different VieloiS on things. I used co loQt:k for a rOOl y good fanzine in !obntreal. I c was sort of i ntellectual . It's probably the MAIN .fanzine iri !6\tieal, o.1t ic jusT sort of went about ~s with:lut having to lower icserrto the scan:iard of RUde literature. Dr: I really don't think this is RUde. T: I just find it distasteful, there are other wavs co s:c your po~nt across other than beLng RUde. It's not :or me co judge other people 's lolOrl<. Dr; Well yru are )ltA.Ir re~d.:ng it. :: I can't say anyctu.ng anyway. Dr: It's censorshl.p. T: Sure maybe it is rue there's nothing I can do abcuc it . I don't see o..tlac' s SO lNNJvative • I don't think it's ORiginal at AU.. Dr; So ~onac do yru think of HIDE' T: ~t , I've never read it ...• There are suppose to be 'ban! i ntervl.eoNS 1.n nere, LIKE I didn't even see one. I don't krow, I even 1ike SOONDS ffi0-1 niE SillEE!S I think it ' s lo.n::l of Eunny, iJu.t I don ' t kN:)w l t •s not the ~o-ay I'd go About it. Or· Well you sha.U.d puc OJt ~ own fanzine. :· _: ' ve gOt TOO l!l.ICh eise co· do. ~mean~ out a :=ne 1s a :-£Allv good idea liitft"T"s rot the wav :'d go about it . It's tOO cRude, i t' s cOO radicaL You can do things and be subtle and I think it's gc>ing to get aCROSS better, kN:M ~ot~at I mean . There are c~n wnters that : :-EAlly like, uke George Or..oel.J.. I Uke the 1.0y he goes about t.'"dngs, it's rEAlly subtle literary approach. Dr: We're not crying co be literary or subtle. ! : ~, ObVious! y ycur 're rot , rut 1 think chat's a lllJCh better wav. ! 'd do scrneching very !'R~SH Language, optimis:ic . This ~s JUSt SO pess~st~~ an:! it ll'ade !Ill! feel SO disGusting, evervthings SO ~~ble, it dian • t 1lo1ke me :eel like dOing anvthiro2 =~ sociec:v, helping anyone .li I see A.'l Other picrure or ~r man's dick r 'm going to be stck. You know it just seens to me a cOO easy "'-ay co go about clungs. I mean obvious l y :he point ts "Lees Revolt People to ":11e ?ol.nt t.~y'~l Do Sanething Or They'll becane aware. • think that 's rEAll v sort of over cane. I~ -.as fine a :eo.. years ago ~ r" duTii( UirQJ&h the wnole artistl.c roovement :hat •s developed has ~ g-cessed over plain reWLsion. I mean rEAlly I don't: kNOw t.tlat I'm talking aboul: . Do vru ~'0./~o.hst I -nean. I just HATE seeing CAY guys ' DicKs. -Dr: fine. But wnat has the past taught us? A £.,.,yea~ \o.::e;e I ago it was tha IU1ks ••• T: I think the l'tN< .n:Nement was great .••• DR: ... O.K. rut has it brought us •.u t.he point when people such as YQ-'1-se.l.f won't accept Or. Smith? It hasn It really changfOld anything. T: It's just r.he same old stufff that wos done before. It's more accepted than it was. If you walk down che Street looking like niAT a 5 years ago )IOU ~dn':: have been readily accepted looking fot" a Fb with 1liA! .kird of ha.i.r . Bur now you could probably get away with i t. Dr: 5 years ago I got a job looki.ng l ike nns. T: Alright l:ut I can assure you i t 's aloe easier now. I think All. n-Dvernent s have progressed to anothet" form t o a more subtle, cerebral type of thing. I just :hink this (Or. Sml.thl is just tOO pessi.nustic , tOO ••• !.! I did a fanz:ine I 'd do sarething more up beat, I thl.ri< you get more·across that way. I JUSt thougllt what's the point of this. I mean is thi.s written bv scrne U:SBIAN/CAY group or wnat! (re; article on gay art! I mean I don't kN:)w it didn't sell me on ::he fact tiiaCTt was trying...This looks like )ltA.Ir average sore-of hard-core porn or not even bard-<:ore I guess , soft porn. literature. An:! !£ rot being interested in that type of sc:.ufff didn't like it. But I think rOOly saneone who did, I'd bet you anything, that sane guy who was into GAY PORN. who has read t:his would probably think it was great. I thl.nk he'd GE:r OFF oo it. You see anyone already against it wouldn 't: like this , l:ut scrnebody PRO-IT would like i t. That 's l.'hy I see ther's no point. It's just a waste of space. I rOOly do. I think this thing !cartoon insert) was kin:i of funny , it:' s kin:i of pointless but it 1 s kin:i of funny if you're just trying to be fu-my. ( re: recipes l I mean if you think this is anything ~.1 it' s rot. I mean exploitatioo of loODen in the fi£-~es. I think you 've gone overboard on the depression, hardsell. Or: I think it's interesting that you're so of:en:led by i t. T: Yo.J do? If )IOU \olere to brii1g !.n a p1.ece of paper wtth sane dog shl.t on it I 'cl be offeroed bv it coo, t.llat 's so great aboul: that. There's nothing so getUus abcuc that. Yru can OFFen:! saneone without l1lJCh brain cells . I think that's the problem, yru thJ.nk just plain OFFending saneone is a good Social Force, 1:ut I don'~ think that it's enough. Dr: I agree .•. T: ••. I don't krow I'm rlot a critic, l:ut that:'s my point of View on it. I mean there are sane rOOlv good ideas in i t, obviously saneone has rOOly cried l:ut I just think it's tooo negative. Dr: So \.~hat would you puc in it? T: Wlat would I? I mean obvirusly ...e probably agree with aloe of things;-r-me.an soc.iallv. rut [ would puc more ~t intoClliiiKrng , l eeS try not t o be TOO RE.plustve. Lets try not to CROSS people OJt of movement. Lets try to be more 5\Jbt:le about it . Lets t!y to writes~ that's t"Wlv ~writing rEAlly wntten wei!. ~ sanet:hing dliit rt:Alq, ' r£Al.ly admin, people who can rEAlly write and get the i dea across in a nice sounding way. 1 thl.nk George Orwell is sooo S~thetic, I can't describe it. He rOOly gets his point across. Dr: ~t about cone~ writers? T: Yeah, rut: I think EVERYONE sha.U.d learn fron the past. You sha.U.d never forget the past. If you're evet" trying to l earn a way or learn fran other people vou shruld look back at people who have done a rOOly. good job at it, and he ' s one of them . Dr: Yes' rut it Is just that people get too caught 1.:1) in the past and chey forget. .. · T: • • • Well this is dann caught up in the past of 5 years ago Dr: Well i f you f eel that strongly about i t then vou should write a letter to Or. Smith. · T: Or. Smith would probably throw a fish at me. Dr: I don't thirk so. T: Well I don't krow . I'd try to be more ORig:tnal too care up with sanething NEW, never been dore before. Dr: Well I can't sell this one ldest:roved copy of Or. Smith) . . T: ~not? Dr: Just look at i t. T: Well I can't give )IOU any money for it. I don'~ ha~ the authorlz.ation I r~ly can't. Dr: I understard you have to give these back to us. rut I really can't re-sell this one. T: Sorry, I'm 001' going to buy ic . I can't. I can't do anvthill2. Dr: IS:> you Ulderscand my position? T: No I don't. "that's '-flat you oet. Life under cne Heaven~. oms or: T . leah. n.gnc. , -·