seminar crytology.cdr - nwc16


seminar crytology.cdr - nwc16
Organizing Committee
Sri. A.S. Vishwanatha
Sri. H. M. Mallappa
President, NES., Shimoga
Secretary, NES., Shimoga
Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao Kunte
Dr. S. V.Sathyanarayana
Principal, JNNCE, Shimoga
Professor, E & C, JNNCE, Shimoga
National Workshop on Cryptology
NWC 2016
Postal Address:
Phone: (O)
Registration Fee Details:
DD No.
Drawn on:
Title of the Paper (if any):
Dr. P. Manjunatha
Prof. H. K. Harish
Dr. M. B. Ushadevi
Prof. S. Amarappa
Dr. S. Prabhudeva
Dr. M.G.Krishnamurthy
Dr. Nirmala Shivanand
Prof. R. K. Baliga
Dr. M. Kiran
Dr. R. Sanjeeva Kunte
Workshop Website :
Technical Programme Committee
Dr. Bimal Roy, ISI, Kolkata
Dr. C. E. Venimadhavan, IISc., Bangalore
Dr. P. K. Saxena, SAG, DRDO, New Delhi
Dr.. Indivar Gupta, SAG, DRDO, New Delhi
Dr. Dhananjoy Dey, SAG, DRDO, New Delhi
Mr. Sanjay Burman, CAIR, DRDO, Bangalore
Dr. Rana Barua, ISI, Kolkata
Dr. R. Balasubramanian, IMSc, Chennai
Dr. C. Pandurangan, IIT, Chennai
Signature of the Participant
Dr. Abhijit Das, IIT, Kharagpur
Dr. H. C. Nagaraj, NMIT, Bangalore
Dr. Aswatha Kumar, SCE, Bangalore
Dr. M. H. Kori, IETE, Bangalore
Signature of the Head of the Dept/Institution with
Dr. S.N. Jagadesha, IETE Shimoga Centre
Dr. K. N. Hari Bhat, NMIT, Bangalore
Dr. Niranjan Chiplunkar, NMAMIT, Nitte.
*Photo copies may be used
11 – 13, August 2016
Dr.Ashok Kumar, PESITM, Shimoga
Dr. K.S. Shridhara, UBDTCE, Davanagere
Dr. K.V. Suresh, SIT, Tumkur
Organised by
Departments of
Electronics & Communication Engineering and
Telecommunication Engineering
Jawaharlal Nehru National
College of Engineering,
In association with
Cryptology Research Society of India,
Indian Statistical Institute, KOLKATA
The Institution of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE),
About JNN College of Engineering, Shivamogga (JNNCE)
JNNCE was established in the year 1980 by the
Na onal Educa on Society(NES). The college is affiliated to
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum and is
recognized by AICTE. Spread over an area of 50 acres, the
campus has all the ameni es to cater the needs of about 3500
students and 400 faculty members and staff. All the
departments have good infrastructural facili es with highly
qualified and experienced faculty, staff and well equipped
laboratories. JNNCE is ranked 56th posi on among top 75
Engineering colleges in India and 8th in Karnataka as per OUT
LOOK – MDRA ranking survey 2015, for the 5th consecu ve
year. The college is providing its frui ul services in the 36 th
year. The college organizes Interna onal and Na onal
Workshops, Conferences, Seminars and Short term courses on
a regular basis. The college offers 7 Under- Graduate and 8
Post-Graduate Programmes. JNNCE is iden fied as a Remote
Centre for IIT, Bombay to conduct online technical workshops
for faculty and students and also a Nodal Centre for the project
E – Yantra - A Robot based Project ini ated by IIT, Bombay.
Department of IT Bt of Govt. of Karnataka has setup New Age
Incuba on Network Centre at JNNCE.
Shivamogga is the District Head-quarters located at a
distance of 270 km from Bangalore on the banks of famous
river Tunga and is well connected by rail and road to all
important ci es and towns. Shivamogga has moderate climate
throughtout the year and is surrounded by several religious,
tourist and picnic spots like world famous Jog Falls, Sringeri,
Hornadu, Kemmangundi, Tunga Bhadra Dam etc.,
The Department of Electronic and Communica on
Engineering established in year 1980, offers UG course and a
PG Course in Digital Electronics & Communica on Systems.
The Department is recognized as Research centre by VTU. For
more details about the college, please log on in
About Cryptology Research Society of India (CRSI)
Established in 2001, the Cryptology Research Society
of India is a scien fic assembly made up of academi ans,
researchers, specialists, students and ins tu ons who are
interested in promo ng the science and technology of
Cryptology and Data Security and related theory and
applica ons in India. A Na onal Workshop on Cryptology and
an Interna onal Conference on Cryptology (INDOCRYPT) are
the annual events being organized by the society CRSI. For
more details, log on to
About IETE Shimoga, Centre
The Ins tu on of Electronics and Telecommunica on
Engineers (IETE) is the na onal apex body of Professional
engineers devoted to the advancement of Electronics,
Telecommunica ons, IT and allied areas. IETE serves more than
69,000 members both individual and industrial organiza ons
through its 65 centers spread all over India including one
abroad. The main objec ves of IETE is to organize conferences,
symposia, workshops & brain storming sessions involving
concerned professionals, students, industry & associa ons for
the advancement of Electronics & Telecommunica on
Engineering, Informa on Technology, Computer Science &
allied subjects. All these ac vi es are being conducted
efficiently by the IETE Centres / Sub-centres and student forums
(ISF) under the guidance of IETE Head Quarters at New Delhi The
56th centre of IETE was inaugurated at Jawaharlal Nehru
Na onal College of Engineering, Shimoga on 1st March 2009
which was upgraded as a full-fledged centre during 2015.
Workshop Venue
Workshop will be held in the premises of Jawaharlal
Nehru Na onal College of Engineering, Navule, which is about 4
Kms from Shimoga town railway sta on and bus sta on.
Workshop Objec ves
ª Tutorial Sessions to cover broad spectrum of Cryptography,
Steganography, Security protocols, Networking ,
Cryptanalysis and related areas. Experts from IITs, IISc and
R&D establishments present lectures on different topics of
these areas.
ª Paper presenta on and discussion on the different areas of
C r y pto l o g y, v i z . , C r y pto g ra p hy, S te ga n o g ra p hy,
Cryptanalysis Ellip c Curve Cryptosystems and their
applica ons in Computer Networking and Security etc.
ª To a ract large number of researchers, academicians and
explore the means of efficient systems, beneficial to the
par cipants.
Workshop Themes and Papers
Research papers are invited in the following areas but not
limited to:
Ø Authen ca on
Ø Public Key Systems
Secret Sharing
Ø Signature Schemes
Mul party Computa ons
Ø Cryptanalysis
Implementa ons
Ø Steganography
Ø Security Protocols
Ø Wireless Security
Ø Data Integrity and
Database & Informa on Security
Message Digests
Ø Block Ciphers & Stream Ø Group Key Management
Ø Allied themes
Ø Ellip c Curve Cryptography
Important Dates
ª Last date for Submission of full paper limited to 10 pages:
10th July 2016
ª Confirma on of Acceptance of paper:20th July 2016
ª Camera Ready Paper Submission : 25th July 2016
Workshop Dates : 11-13, August 2016
Paper Submission
All full papers submi ed will be subjected to a review
process through an interna onal review panel. Comments of the
reviewers will be directed to the authors prior to the Camera
Ready Paper Submission deadline so that they can be
accommodated in the camera ready papers. The Full paper
should not be more than 10 pages (maximum) and the paper
should be in IEEE format. All submissions in PDF format can be
forwarded to workshop mail id:
Registra on Fees
Delegates from Industry and
R&D Organiza ons
Rs. 3000
Delegates from Academic ins tutes Rs. 1500
Research Scholars / Students
Rs. 750
Par cipa on
Academicians from Engineering Colleges, Universi es and
Research Ins tu ons, Research Scholars, Industrialists and
Professionals in the field of Electronics, Informa on Technology
and related fields are eligible to a end this Workshop.
Mode of Payment
Registra on fee is to be sent through online banking / DD in the
name of Principal, J.N.N.C.E., payable at Shivamogga.
Online Banking Details
Bank Name: Kotak Mahindra Bank
JNNCE, Extn. Counter, Shivamoga
SB A/C No. : 135210005352
IFSC Code: KKBK0008292
MICR Code: 577485203
Beneficiary Name: Principal JNNCE
Accommoda on
Accommoda on can be arranged in local hotels with the
advance in ma on and payments. For further details refer to the
workshop website.
Address for Communica on
Dr. S.V. Sathyanarayana, Professor , ECE Dept., JNNCE,
Ph: 08182-276707 (O), Cell No: 9886494150,
Fax: 91-8182-222450 Email: