AIFA News draft - the Australia-Indonesia Families Association
AIFA News draft - the Australia-Indonesia Families Association
A-IFA news Australia-Indonesia Families Association, Canberra April 2010 Jangan lupa AUSTRALIA DAY BBQ AIFA AGM 17 Apr It was a fun day in the sun at Weston Park for our annual AIFA Australia Day barbecue on Tuesday, 26 January. See Rob Wardrobe’s report below for more details. Also in this issue, see the AIFA President’s message about the upcoming AIFA Annual General Meeting, a report on the Multicultural Festival, Betsy’s report on the visit of SBY, celebrate Pak Achdiat’s 99th birthday, meet Leliana and Luke Arnold, and try Fonny Kyle’s recipe for a delicious Tahu Campur Bumbu Petis. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Members Another year in the AIFA calendar has flown by - how quickly time passes. It’s time again for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which this year has been scheduled for Saturday, 17 April. The AGM serves two important purposes: (1) it is the opportunity for office bearers to report to the wider membership on the activities over the past year and on the financial status of the association; and (2) it is the opportunity for members to elect a new Committee to take AIFA forward through 2010 till the following AGM in 2011. As with all AIFA functions, there will be ample opportunity to socialise with other members and of course to share great Indonesian food. continued on page 2 Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 1 continued from page 1 I would encourage all members to consider participating in the Committee and to take a close interest in nominating others for office and encouraging friends and family to attend the AGM and exercise their voting rights. It’s important that all members understand the rules regarding the AGM and the nomination and voting of office bearers. The rules are set out in our Constitution which came into effect following our General Meeting on 11 October 2008, and which has been put together to conform to the requirements of ACT law for the incorporation of associations. It is important to note that AIFA is an Incorporated body under ACT law and needs to comply with the relevant ACT laws. Who can nominate for the Committee and how? Only financial members of AIFA can be nominated for places on the Committee. (People who meet the criteria for AIFA membership can become members at any time prior to voting, and can then be nominated.) Nominations for Office Bearers and Councillors may be made at the AGM or notified to the Secretary in writing beforehand (Shinta Benilda, Nominations will be accepted only with the consent of the nominee. The Constitution is silent on the question of whether a person may nominate himself or herself. In the absence of any ruling to the contrary, we consider that self-nomination should be acceptable. It is in the interests of members to have the widest possible field of candidates from which to select a Committee. What is the composition of the Committee? The Committee has four (4) office bearers — President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and five (5) Councillors or Committee Members. All positions are open for election. Does the nominee have to be present at the AGM in order to be elected? No – there is no requirement to this effect though obviously it is preferable. Some members who have indicated a willingness to work on the Committee will be overseas or interstate at the time of the AGM – there is no reason why they should not be elected. Who can vote? All adult, financial members of AIFA can vote either in person at the AGM or by proxy vote. As noted above, people who meet the criteria for AIFA membership can become members at any time prior to voting, and can then vote. How do I make a proxy vote? The Constitution spells out the following rules in relation to proxy votes: ✴ Each member is entitled to appoint another member as proxy by notice given to the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting for which the proxy is appointed. ✴ The notice appointing the proxy must be in a prescribed format. The proxy voting format will be issued separately. ✴ No member may hold more than 5 proxies. Be involved and contribute to keeping AIFA vibrant AIFA can only keep going through your participation and through individuals being prepared to serve in the Committee. The Committee is responsible for organizing the events through the year - and a full strength Committee is required to manage the events normally run by AIFA over the year. The AGM, therefore, is a crucial event for setting the scene for the rest of the AIFA year and it is important that all members should try to attend and to exercise your voting rights. Don’t be put off by the usual stereotype of AGMs being boring events! The Committee’s report on the previous year’s events will feature a stunning slide show. There will be delicious food (but please bring a dish to share!). We will also have raffles of hampers and other goodies that are worth winning. As a further incentive, there will be a door prize - all financial members attending the AGM will automatically be in the draw for this. Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 2 So don’t miss the AGM. Please put it in your calendar straight away. See you there. Regards Eddie Ridwan Australia Day BBQ On 26 January the traditional AIFA Australia Day BBQ was held at Weston Park, Yarralumla. As this is always a busy time in the public parks it was decided that an advance party was needed to secure a prime position near to the barbie. Sam and Ecky Upritchard volunteered for this dangerous mission and whilst they did not quite have to camp out overnight ala fans waiting for Rolling Stones tickets, they were in the park bright and early securing the tables etc. Mid morning the call went out for back up as the natives were getting restless and eyeing off the tables. Additional AIFA members headed to the park to make sure we did not lose any space. The weather was excellent and there was a very good turnout of AIFA members and a few non members that were passing by. Getting space on the BBQ looked like it might be an issue with one group cooking enough food that it looked like they were going to open a warung, but in the end the food was cooked served and consumed. full steam ahead. Several lengthy board meetings ensued to try and make sure that all issues were covered and all jobs allocated. There were even a couple of consultants engaged to cover the technical aspects (Bu Pomo and Bu Ami). On a Saturday couple of weeks before the festival an intrepid group of AIFA ladies and the odd gentleman brandishing sharp knives descended on Bu Pomo’s house and proceeded to hack, slash and stab their way through a mountain of marinated chicken and lamb, in a manner that would have made the Dayaks of Kalimantan proud. This frenzy went on for several hours until all the meat was on skewers and safely packed away in eskies. I did hear unconfirmed reports of one or two of the gents, unable to take anymore, inflicting cuts to their hands so that they could stop. On the Friday night before the festival a small crowd gathered at the Phillips’ residence to pack up all the BBQs, eskies, freezer, cooking utensils and other bits and pieces. Very early the next morning another similar crowd assembled in Civic to unpack the gear and set up the stall. Once all the gear was out of the trailer it was apparent that the 3m x 3m stall was going to be very squeezy. A mental note was made, next time rent two stalls. There were also a couple of other obstacles, which included a bin right in front of the stall and not least the Hare Krishna group next door with their chantathon. I am sure everyone who helped out on the stall can still hear the Hare Hare Krishna Krishna. The satay proved extremely popular and John Stanhope even made an appearance and lined up to buy some. Sales were brisk and by early evening we were sold out (over 3,000 sticks). Then the pack up started and we again reassembled at the Phillips house to drop of the gear. There were traditional Australia Day activities such as cricket and a bit of kicking the footy around, but on the whole it was a relaxing day in the park. Thanks to all those who helped out with food and the like, especially Sam and Ekky who risked life and limb to reserve a good spot. See some more photos from the BBQ on page 8. The Multicultural Festival Several months ago, the board in its infinite wisdom (or perhaps because no one remembered how much work was involved) decided that AIFA should take a stall to sell satay at the 2010 Multicultural Festival as a way to raise funds. As the day drew nearer and the scope of the exercise became apparent it was too late to pull out so it was Once the dust settled the Committee again met to work out the expenses and profit and work out what went well and what could be improved for future events. As mentioned, the day was very successful and AIFA ended up making over $4,000 in profit. A big thank you to all those who helped out, it was a tiring exercise, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and a few old AIFA members saw the stall and Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 3 reconnected with old friends. See some more photos from the Multicultural Festival on page 9. A visit by the Indonesian President Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono —by Betsy Phillips As you all know, on 10 March the Indonesian President SBY visited Canberra and Sydney. On this occasion we are pleased to report that some of the AIFA committee and members were invited to the official function as part of the 500 hundred invitations from all over Australia, including MPs and senators. The official function consisted of a luncheon in the Great Hall of the People and then attendance at the president’s speech in the House of Representatives Chamber. Those invited from AIFA were: Eddie Ridwan (AIFA President), Betsy Phillips (AIFA Vice President), Shinta Benilda (AIFA Committee), and the following AIFA members: Bapak Supomo, Luke Arnold, Isti Monfries, Cery Ridwan, Leli Setiono, Yetty Daly, John Phillips, John & Demsi Janke, and Bill & Pam Rhemrev. My personal experienced was great. As an Indonesian and Indonesian-language teacher I was very proud and moved when President SBY delivered his luncheon speech in Indonesian. He received a standing ovation from the audience. Australian stars - such as Hugh Jackman, Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, and the late Steve Irwin. They all have many fans in Indonesia. Indeed, I know of no other Western country where Bahasa Indonesia is widely taught in the school curriculum. I know of no other Western country with more Indonesians in their government and universities. And no other western country has more Indonesians studying in their universities and high schools. And here I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to the professors, teachers, students and families across Australia who have been so kind and generous in welcoming tens of thousands of Indonesian students into your campuses and your homes. I have heard heart-warming stories from various Indonesians who studied and worked in this country, including from my son Ibas, who spent 5 years at Curtin University. So allow me to say on behalf of many proud Indonesian parents: Terima kasih, Australia. Thank you, Australia!” Soon after lunch and the president’s address to parliament, President SBY flew to Sydney for the next leg of his very successful visit to Australia. Family News Sincere condolences to Shinta and her family, in loving memory of Ibu Wisda Bt Bachtiar Syarief, Shinta’s mother. Happy 99th Birthday to Achdiat Karta Miharja (see page 5). Congratulations on the birth of Maya and Jayson’s baby boy, Giovanni Taro Le Prince. In his speech President SBY said “There were periods when we were burdened by mistrust and suspicious on both sides. There were times when it felt like we were just reacting to events, and were in a state of drift. There were moments when we felt as if our worlds were just too far apart. During the East Timor crisis in the late 1990’s, our relations hit an all-time low. Today, Indonesia looks at Australia in a different way.” Congratulations on the birth of Anjte’s granddaughter, Jayla Wildey - daughter of Lee and Krisha Lee. The president added “Australia has a different meaning to the Indonesian generation of today. Australia is now a country of choice for Indonesian students and tourists. Indonesians admire Australia's high standard of living, social dynamism, openness and generosity. They keenly watch the Australian Open on their TV, they watch your soap operas, and To celebrate Easter, there will be a picnic in a Kebaktian Padang on Saturday, 10 April 2010 at 10am. There will be Egg Hunt for the kids, so come along. Please RSVP to,, dan for further information. Dengarkan Suara Indonesia Radio CMS FM 91.1 Setiap hari Minggu pukul 4-6 sore. Requests: 0407 295 583 or 0424 640 538 Persekutuan Kristen Indonesia di Canberra (PMKIC) Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 4 Next service: St Andrews Presbyterian Church, State Circle No. 1, Forrest Dates/Time: 20 April at 2 PM Contact: 6281 0627 (Pak Yama Ramidin) and 0424 229 298 (Wanda Beeby) Happy 99th Birthday Bapak Achdiat K. Miharja —by Betsy Phillips Siapa yang tidak kenal Aki? Apalagi mereka yang tinggal di Canberra. Pada tanggal 6 Maret yang lalu, beberapa anggota committe dan anggota AIFA mengunjungi dan merayakan Hari Ulang Tahun Bapak Achdiat alias Aki yang ke 99. Aki dan Ninik masih kelihatan sehat dan banyak berceritera tentang pengalaman hidup berdua selama bertahun tahun tinggal di Canberra. Achdiat Karta Miharja lahir di Cibatu, Garut, Jawa Barat, tanggal 6 Maret 1911. Beliau dibesarkan dalam lingkungan keluarga menak yang feodal. Ayahnya bernama Kosasih Kartamiharja, seorang pejabat pangreh praja di Jawa Barat. Aki rnenikah dengan Ninik (Suprapti) pada bulan Juli 1938. Dari pernikahan itu, mereka dikaruniai lima orang anak. Lulusan AMS-A Solo dan Fakultas Sastra dan Filsafat UI. Aki pernah bekerja sebagai guru Taman Siswa, redaktur Balai Pustaka, Kepala Jawatan Kebudayaan Perwakilan Jakarta Raya, dosen Fakultas Sastra UI (1956-1961), dan sejak 1961 hingga pensiun dosen kesusastraan Indonesia pada Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. Bapak Achdiat juga pernah menjadi redaktur harian Bintang Timur dan majalah Gelombang Zaman (Garut), Spektra, Pujangga Baru, Konfrontasi, dan Indonesia. Pernah juga menjadi Ketua PEN Club Indonesia, Wakil Ketua Organisasi Pengarang Indonesia, anggota BMKN, angggota Partai Sosialis Indonesia, dan wakil Indonesia dalam Kongres PEN Club Internasional di Lausanne, Swiss (1951). Sampai sekarang Aki dan Ninik suka dan senang sekali tinggal di Canberra. Terkenal sebagai penulis yang menarik perhatian pembacanya dengan gayanya yang kata kebanyakan kritik, tidak pernah membuat pembacanya mengantuk. Novel novelnya begitu menghentak dan membawa perasaan pembaca mengikuti alur ceritera dengan rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam. Banyak buku dan kritik yang telah ditulis oleh Aki, tetapi salah satu yang saya ingat karena sudah diangkat oleh Sjuman Djaya ke layar perak tahun 1974) dengan judul yang sama adalah buku “Atheis” (1949) yang memperoleh Hadiah Tahunan Pemerintah RI tahun 1969 Kumpulan cerpennya, Keretakan dan Ketegangan (1956) mendapat Hadiah Sastra BMKN tahun 1957. (R.J. Maguire menerjemahkan novel ini ke bahasa Inggris tahun 1972) dan Karyanya yang lain: ✴ Polemik Kebudayaan (editor, 1948) ✴ Bentrokan dalam Asrama (drama, 1952) ✴ Keretakan dan Ketegangan (kumpulan cerpen) ✴ Kesan dan Kenangan (1960) ✴ Debu Cinta Berterbangan (novel, Singapura, 1973) ✴ Belitan Nasib (kumpulan cerpen, 1975) ✴ Pembunuhan dan Anjing Hitam (kumpulan cerpen, 1975) ✴ Pak Dullah in Extrimis (drama, 1977) ✴ Si Kabayan, Manusia Lucu (1997). ✴ Manifesto Khalifatullah (novel, 2006). Selamat Hari Ulang Tahun ke 99 Aki, semoga bahagia dan sehat sehat selalu. Salam kangen dari seluruh anggota AIFA. Pada tahun 1961, Aki menerima tawaran menjadi menjadi Lektor Kepala (senior lecturer) di Australian National University (ANU) Canberra. Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 5 Meet Leliana Setiono and Luke Lazarus Arnold Leliana Setiono and Luke Lazarus Arnold met in Melbourne in 2006. Leli, who hails from Surabaya, was taking a Masters at the University of Melbourne (where Luke had studied several years earlier) on an AusAID scholarship. Luke, who was born and bred in Melbourne, had recently returned from Jakarta where he had been working for the International Labour Organization. Just two months after their jadian, Leli returned to Indonesia and they began a three-year long-distance relationship, spanning Melbourne (where Luke worked as a lawyer), Jakarta (where Leli managed projects for the British Council) and later London (where Luke did his Masters). On his way back to Australia from the United Kingdom, Luke met Leli in China where he popped the question. A year later, in September 2009, they got married on Sanur Beach, Bali, in the company of family and friends who had flown in from more than a dozen countries. Leli and Luke now reside in Canberra, where Leli works as a Policy Officer for a mental health NGO and Luke works on the Indonesia Desk at AusAID. Some of the highlights of Leli and Luke’s first six months of marriage include honeymooning in Sri Lanka (particularly staying at Kandalama eco-lodge and in a converted tea factory), enjoying local Canberran swimming holes like Casuarina Sands and Kambah Pool, visiting family and friends in Melbourne, exploring the South Coast (both on land and while scuba diving), watching some interesting films at The Arc, having weekend brunches with friends in Kingston… and of course helping out at AIFA’s Multicultural Festival stall! Into the future, they hope their backgrounds in Australia and Indonesia will help them to build stronger ties between the people of both these countries. Leli is interested in using her spare time to build links between Australian and Indonesian schools, drawing on her experience in facilitating school partnerships between the United Kingdom and Indonesia. Through his work, Luke promotes partnerships between Australia and Indonesia to support human rights and good governance. The “L Team” look forward to meeting you at the next AIFA event! Luke Arnold Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 6 Resep Tahu Campur Bumbu Petis —by Fonny Kyle Bahan: 500 gr tahu goreng siap pakai 100 gr Toge 3 Ketimun (Lebanese cucumber) 1-2 ikat Kangkung (kalau tidak ada Kangkung bisa diganti dengan Kai-lan atau yang juga biasa dikenal dengan sebutan Chinese broccoli) Bumbu yang dihaluskan: 3 buah cabai rawit (sesuai selera) 500 gr kacang tanah goreng (kalau lagi malas goreng bisa juga diganti dengan beer nuts) 4 siung bawang putih, 4 bawang merah atau 1 Spanish onion ukuran sedang 150 gr petis udang 5-6 sdm kecap manis ½ cup air, 1 buah lemon. Cata membuat: 1. Potong-potong tahu goreng dan ketimun menurut selera. 2. Cuci kangkung hingga bersih lalu dipotongpotong dan dicelupkan di air mendidih hingga berubah warna, sisihkan. 3. Haluskan cabai rawit, kacang tanah goreng, bawang merah dan bawang putih. 4. Tambahkan petis, kecap manis, air dan air jeruk lemon. Aduk sampai tercampur rata. Cara menghidangkan: tempatkan dalam piring saji semua bahan2 yang telah disiapkan. Siram dengan bumbu petis, lalu diaduk-aduk hingga bumbu merata. Selamat mencoba! Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 7 Australia Day BBQ Photos Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 8 Multicultural Festival Photos Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • April 2010! 9
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