AIFA News draft - the Australia-Indonesia Families Association


AIFA News draft - the Australia-Indonesia Families Association
A-IFA news
Australia-Indonesia Families Association, Canberra
May 2010
AIFA picnic
30 May
Meet your new Committee for 2010. From left to right: Tony Mitchener, Eddie
Ridwan, Leliana Arnold, Betsy Phillips, Yuni Ryan, Fonny Kyle, Amanda Mitchener,
and Stephen Beeby (absent: Ade Febiana). The new Committee was elected at the
AGM on 17 April. More details on the AGM and a profile of the new Committee
members is provided later in this newsletter.
Dear Members
Welcome to the first newsletter of the new Committee appointed following
the AGM of 17 April. There are a number of new faces in the Committee,
plus ‘old hands’ from last year. This newsletter provides a brief introduction
to each member of the Committee. Please feel free to contact any
Committee member on any AIFA matter at any time.
Robert Wardrobe, Shinta Benilda and Wanda Beeby are outgoing members
from the previous committee. On behalf of all members we would like to
again thank them for their contributions over the past year.
The new Committee has penciled in dates for the main events in the AIFA
calendar for this year. Please check out the list in this newsletter, and put the
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Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
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dates in your diaries. The Committee is keen to get your suggestions and feedback and would like to encourage
you to put forward your ideas for AIFA activities. To help gather your input, AIFA is planning to run a survey in our
Facebook site (just login to Facebook and search for AIFA). More details will be made available when the survey
is set up. By completing the survey, you will ensure that your views are heard.
Among our priorities this year is to increase our membership. The Committee is currently putting our membership
register in order, including updating member details and following up on people whose fees have lapsed. Leli
Arnold is our membership officer, and she would be happy to receive membership fees and information on new
members or of people who may be interested in becoming members.
The next event will be on Sunday, 30 May for a walk/picnic with childrens’ activities at the Regatta Point picnic
area in the city. Details are provided later in this newsletter. Make sure that you put this date in your diary. Come
and enjoy the beautiful Canberra autumn and help make this first event a huge success!
A number of new members joined up at the April AGM. A very warm welcome to those new members! I hope that
you will find AIFA to be a friendly, sociable and active group. Your new Committee is enthusiastic, committed and
keen to make this year even more successful than last year. Please support them in this endeavour, so that AIFA
will better meet your expectations.
Selamat men-sukseskan AIFA!
Eddie Ridwan
The 2010 AIFA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 17 April at the Hughes Community Centre. Departing
from previous years, we had lunch first, before going on to the formal side of the AGM. With people relaxed and
having enjoyed the delicious food, the formal proceedings went smoothly and relatively quickly. The outgoing
President presented the Annual Report which was followed by the
Treasurer’s financial report. After that, members of the outgoing
Committee gave a slide presentation of the year’s activities. Most
importantly, the election of the new Committee went successfully,
managed expertly by Ami Spinks and John Janke (see pages 4 & 5 for an
introduction to the new Committee). Some photos from the AGM are on
pages 6 & 7 and further details on the AGM are available in the minutes,
which accompany this newsletter.
Many members were involved in organizing the AGM to make it a success. We are grateful for the assistance of
those members — thank you.
Upcoming events
We are going to have many interesting activities this year, including:
Next Event: Sunday, 30 May 2010 — Autumn Picnic
Where: Regatta Point, city
Time: 11 am
What to bring: A plate of food.
Autumn Picnic
Our Autumn Picnic this year is on Sunday, May 30 at the Regatta Point picnic area in the city, starting at 11am. It
is a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Canberra autumn in a picturesque setting while catching up with
other AIFA members. The Committee will provide sausages, bbq chicken, bread and drinks. As usual, please
bring a dish to share. Ade is organizing some activities to entertain the children, so please bring them along. As
the venue is excellent for walking, I imagine some members would take the opportunity to go for a stroll before
Please note that the location this time is central — so no excuses for not coming! See you there.
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
Other events throughout the year:
June 2010 — Trivia Night
August 2010 — AIFA Nights
October 2010 — Festival Indonesia
September 2010 — Lebaran celebration
October 2010 — Weekend Getaway
December — Christmas and End of Year Celebration
January 2010 — Australia Day BBQ
February 2011 — Multicultural Events
March 2011 — AGM Saturday
AIFA Walks
AIFA walks are on the first Sunday of every month.
The AIFA walkers enjoyed the autumn air of Lake
Tuggeranong on Sunday, 3 May (with a coffee break
half way!). The next (first Sunday of the month) walk
will be on Sunday, 6 June. Please meet at the National
Portrait Gallery steps at 10 am, for a stroll/walk in that
part of Lake Burley Griffin.
Welcome to New Members
On behalf of the Committee and all AIFA members, we
welcome the following new members for 2010:
M Pride
Kenn Griffiths
Teddy K
Helen Pourpouras
Kris Derek
David Siregar
Yang Myrna and Don McGibbon
Geoff Dixon
Maxi Rihi Dara
Eko and Myra Junor
Sandra Bazyar
Lenny and Justy Manuputty
Tommy and Ketiek Wardiman
Persekutuan Kristen Indonesia di
Canberra (PMKIC)
Next service: St Andrews Presbyterian Church, State
Circle No. 1, Forrest
Dates/Time: 20 June at 2 PM
Contact: 6281 0627 (Pak Yama Ramidin) and 0424
229 298 (Wanda Beeby). After the service you are
invited to have afternoon tea, chat and or choir
Australia Indonesia Muslim
Assalamualai'kum W.W
On behalf of the AIMF (ACT), we wish to invite you
and your family to our monthly gathering which will
inshallah be at 5.00 pm on Sunday, 23 May 2010.
Venue: Balai Kartini, KBRI
The tentative program will be as follows:
1. Welcome
2. Tahlil and recital of Jasin
3. Sholat Magrib
4. Tausiah
5. Dinner (courtesy of Mr and Mrs Raudin Anwar)
Your attendance would be greatly appreciated.
Dengarkan Suara Indonesia
Radio CMS FM 91.1 Setiap hari Minggu pukul 4-6
sore. Requests: 0407 295 583 or 0424 640 538
AIFA Information
AIFA has a Yahoo Group called aifa_act. All
members are added to the aifa_act mailing list
(using the email you provided in your
membership form). To post a message to the
mailing list, send an email to
Previous newsletters and other AIFA documents
are available on our Yahoo Group at http://
au.groups. group/aifa_act/.
To login you will need to use your Yahoo ID (it is
free to register with Yahoo). Information on
upcoming events is
available on the Yahoo
Group site.
AIFA also has a Facebook Group. Just login to
Facebook (free to register) and search for AIFA.
The AIFA Facebook Group is used for member
interaction (eg sharing news and photos).
Upcoming events are also posted to this
Facebook site.
If you encounter difficulties in
accessing any of the above,
please contact any
Committee member for
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
AIFA Committee 2010
President — Eddie Ridwan
Mobile 0421 194 607
I arrived with my family (Ceri,
daughters Sofia and Amy) in
December 1988 and have lived in
Canberra since then. Our third
child, Adam (17), was born in
Canberra. Although my heritage is
Minangkabau, most of my
Indonesian family lives in Jakarta. My wife, Ceri,
originally hails from England, and is now a naturalized
Australian. I work in the IT industry and enjoy
developing software. With AIFA, my focus is to
continue to build on the successes of previous years
and do what I can to help make AIFA better still.
Vice President — Betsy Phillips
Mobile 0407 295 583
I was born and grew up in
Sumba, NTT. After finishing my
study in Surabaya, I came to
Australia for study and a holiday
with Om Bill and Tante Thien.
Here, I met my husband, John,
and we were married in Sumba in
1988. I have lived in Canberra since then, joining AIFA
soon after arriving. John and I have raised two great
kids, Angela and Matthew, and have met many
friends. I teach Indonesian at DFAT and ADFA and my
hobbies include music, karaoke, community radio and
photography. I hope to continue to make a valuable
contribution to AIFA over the next 12 months.
Treasurer — Stephen Beeby
Mobile 0424 220 200
I am Australian and grew up in
Sydney's inner west. I love to
travel and have spent time
working or travelling in Thailand,
Cambodia, Burma, Nepal, Sri
Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia and
East Timor. It was East Timor
where I met Wanda and we now reside in Canberra
with our beautiful girl, Inara. I like to count money
(which is great since I have taken up the treasurer
position), music and photography. I hope to be able to
contribute new ideas to AIFA over the next 12 months
and assist in making the organisation a valuable part
of the social calendar for all its members.
Secretary — Ade Febiana
Mobile 0404 168 972
Hi all, my name is Ade Febiana but
people know me as Ade Dungga.
This is my second year being one
of the AIFA committee. I am
married to Tommy Kailola and we
live in Palmerston. I have been in
Canberra for over 4 years. Prior to
living here, I lived in Bali 2000–2005. I am originally
from Jakarta. My hobbies are reading, watching
movies, travelling, spending time with friends, social
networking, playing tennis and photography. I work at
Burgmann Anglican School in Gungahlin, teach
Indonesian language from K – Year 12. I am looking
forward to being involved with the AIFA family,
meeting new people and making my contributions.
Committee — Leliana Arnold
Mobile 0401 567 902
I was born and grew up in
Surabaya but I like to introduce
myself as ‘orang Banjarmasin’
instead of ‘arek Suroboyo.’Maybe
it is because both of my parents
were born and grew up in
Banjarmasin before they moved to
Surabaya. I still have a lot of relatives in Banjarmasin.
I studied psychology in Surabaya and I am now
working in the mental health sector with a consumer
advocacy organisation in the ACT. I met my husband,
Luke, during my postgraduate study in Melbourne.
We got married last year and decided on Canberra as
our place to live and build our family and community.
Committee—Yuni Ryan
Mobile 0408 295 171
Hi friends, my dad was from
Malang and my mum from East
Kalimantan but I was born and
grew up in Jakarta. I did my IT
Tertiary in Jakarta and worked for
Pertimina for 6 years. I met my
husband, Peter, in Jakarta. I have
lived in Canberra since 1992 and have 2 children,
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
Natasja (15) and Alexander (11). I work for CIT
Solutions and my hobbies include going to the gym,
reading, and watching movies. At AIFA I feel like I am
back at home and hopefully I will be able to make
some useful contributions as one of your Committee
Committee — Fonny Kyle
Mobile 0417 291 920
I grew up in Jakarta, my parents
are from Sulawesi and Sumatra. I
met my husband Bob in Jakarta
and we married in 1989. We have
three teenage daughters
(Katerina, Nicole, and Jessica). I
work in the Menzies Library at the
ANU. I have been an AIFA member since the early
1990s and my focus as a Committee member is to
build AIFA as a strong organisation for our
Committee — Amanda Mitchener
Resep Sambal Bajak ala
—by Betsy Phillips
A. 250 gr cabai merah kecil
! 250 gr cabai merah besar atau capsicum
! atau dan 100 gr !tomat roma
! 1 sendok makan terasi thailand (lihat foto)
! 5 biji kemiri
! bawang putih beberapa siung
! 1 bawang merah
B. Daun jeruk purut
! 100gr gula jawa
! garam secukupnya
! satu cangkir minyak goreng atau minyak bekas
menggorang ikan/ayam
Mobile 0408 084 545
My name is Andi Amanda Mirah
Mitchener but please call me
Amanda. I was born in Makassar
Indonesia but moved and worked
in Jakarta since 2001. I met my
husband in Jakarta while we were
both working for the Australian
Embassy in Jakarta.!We moved back to Canberra in
April last year and have been enjoying our new
adventure in Australia. We don’t have children but we
have a naughty little puppy name Saphie.
Committee — Tony Mitchener
I was born in Brisbane and have
worked for many years in
Canberra before being posted to
Bangkok and then Jakarta. I
currently work for the Department
of Education, Employment and
Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
Amanda and I are glad to be back
again in Canberra after so many years away. We are
looking forward to continue working with other
members of AIFA.
Cara membuat:
Blender semua bahan A
Panaskan minyak goreng, masukan bahan A yang
sudah diblender.
Masukan semua bahan B aduk2 beberapa menit, lalu
kecilkan api biarkan sambil sekali-sekali diaduk.
Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang enak dan gurih, api
pelan selama 1 jam atau sampai semua kadar air
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
AGM Photos
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!
AGM Photos (continued)
Australia-Indonesia Families Association • Newsletter • May 2010!