2015 Spring Newsletter - DePaul Department of Marketing


2015 Spring Newsletter - DePaul Department of Marketing
2014 -2015
KMG Symposium Recap… page 7
Welcome incoming
Chair… Page 3
The Department of Marketing reflects on our 2014– 2015 and looks forward to connections in 2015-2016!
2015 Reflections
Letter from Sue Fogel, Department Chair (2000-2015):
It’s hard to believe another academic year is almost over. Some
of the events we sponsored this year for students include a
Marketing and Sales career event in January, an Analytics Career Night and Chinese New Year’s lunch in February.
Dr. Robert O’Keefe will be retiring at the end of this academic
year after 40 years at DePaul. Dr. Nina Diamond and Professor
Dave Hoffmeister retired at the end of the last academic year.
Both Dr. O’Keefe and Dr. Diamond will receive the Via Sapientae award at commencement this year. The Via Sapientae
award is DePaul’s highest honor and is awarded to those who
have promoted the mission and values of DePaul and established an exceptional record of teaching and scholarship.
On April 9th, more than 140 alumni joined us at Maggiano’s to
reconnect. We presented Dan Wasser, MBA ’86 with the Marketer of the Year award and Laura Floyd, BSC (IME) ’05, MSPA
’13 with the Recent Alum award.
The Kellstadt Marketing Group, our graduate student organization, held a record number of events including collaborative
meetings with students from other Chicago universities, site
visits to Sapient Nitro, Google and LinkedIn and the 7th annual
Symposium, an all day event with excellent speakers.
Professor Al Muniz’s 2001 paper “Brand Community” was recognized with the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research’s Long Term Contribution Award. This honor recognizes
the long term impact of a paper published at least ten years
prior to the award. Professor Joel Whalen was recognized as
the American Marketing Association’s Sales Educator of the
Marketing faculty earned two teaching awards this year: Dr.
Rich Rocco is a winner of the Quality of Instruction Council Excellence in Teaching Award and Mike Hernandez is a winner of
the Daniel Seiden Adjunct Teaching Award. Our students are
fortunate to have such talented professors.
This year marks my 15th and final year as department chair. It
has been both a pleasure and a challenge to lead this department. Dr. Steve Koernig will take over this task on July 1.
Sue Fogel, PhD, Professor of Marketing
Congratulations to Professor Al Muñiz
The Sheth Foundation/Journal of Consumer Research Long-Term Contribution award goes to Professor Al
Muñiz for his important work on coining the phrase, “brand community” (continued on page 2).
Professor Al Muñiz Honored for Lasting Contributions to the Field
Professor Al Muñiz was selected as this year’s recipient of the Sheth Foundation/
Journal of Consumer Research Long-Term Contribution award. This incredible distinction is a rare accomplishment as it is only awarded every three years. Professor
Muñiz and his co-author, University of Wisconsin Marketing Professor Thomas C.
O’Guinn, were selected for the lasting contribution of one of the most highly regarded articles in consumer research. Their 2001 article, “Brand Community” was
published in the Journal for Consumer Research and introduced the phrase to the
field of study. Identifying the “brand community” helped academics, businesses and
others conceptualize how brand has a uniting quality among loyal followers. The
professors highlighted brands such as LEGO for their unique ability to cultivate an
active community of brand followers.
Being recognized for this contribution to the field is a unique and much deserved honor for Professor Muñiz who has
been with DePaul University’s Department of Marketing for sixteen years. Congratulations to Professor Muñiz!
Congratulations to Kellstadt Marketing Center Faculty Award Recipients
Dr. Joel Whalen & Roy Wollen
May 28, 2015– At the Annual Kellstadt Marketing Center Faculty Appreciation
Luncheon, administrators and faculty from the KMC Continuing Education Certificate Programs gathered to celebrate another successful year of programming.
The KMC certificate programs have grown to over 700 students from about 100
over the past 10 years. With new and timely programs in digital marketing communications, multi-channel marketing and analytical programs, these certificate
programs deliver practical training for marketing professionals wishing to expand
their skillsets.
This year the program congratulated two outstanding faculty with a tie for the
KMC Faculty Award. Dr. Joel Whalen who has developed and taught the Effective
Business Communications Certificate Program for several years., and Roy Wollen,
teacher of the Interactive Marketing Certificate program and the MC2 Multichannel Marketing Certificate program.
Top (from left to right): Dr. Steve Kelly, Dr. Joel Whalen & Jurate Murray
Bottom (from left to right): Dr. Steve Kelly, Dr. Joel Whalen & Jurate
VP/COO for Advocate Health Care presents
“Building a Culture ofTransparency and Accountability”
On April 22, 2015, Bill Santulli, Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer for Advocate Health Care presented on the
topic of “Building a Culture of Transparency and Accountability” during the most recent Health Sector Series.
Visit the website http://depaulmarketing.org to download the powerpoint slides and watch the entire presentation.
You can find out more about other Health Sector special events and presentations from Dr. Andrew Gallan
Department of Marketing Luncheon Celebrates 40 years of service from
Professor Bob O’Keefe
The Department of Marketing had much to celebrate at the year-end
luncheon honoring our retiring professors, and department chair as well
as celebrating our incoming chair and newly tenured professors.
Above, Sue Fogel (left) congratulates Robert
Robert O’Keefe has been a part of DePaul for over 40 years as a marketing
professor. We honored Bob O’Keefe at this year’s luncheon and his many
years of service to DePaul. In addition to Dr. O’Keefe, we appreciated Sue
Fogel’s service as Department Chair for the past 15 years. Dr. Fogel is stepping down July 1 and handing the baton to Stephen Koernig. We appreciate the great service of Dr. Fogel, especially the work she has done connecting the department to the community and developing new programs
like the Masters of Science in Marketing Analytics. Dr. Fogel will continue
to teach and serve the university as a Professor of Marketing.
Finally, we want to congratulate two professors who received tenure this
year. Professors Melissa Markley and Jack Xu received this honor after years of hard work publishing and serving the university in a variety of ways. Thank you all for your service and congratulations on your accomplishments.
Welcome to Incoming Department Chair, Steve Koernig
July 1 the Department of Marketing welcomes a new Department Chair as Sue Fogel steps down. In
his 13 years at DePaul, Steve Koernig, PhD, has not only taught as a Professor of Marketing, but also
served as Associate Dean for Driehaus College of Business. He has a passion for international education and has led several short-term study abroad trips to Germany and assisted with the seminar to
In addition to his administrative duties, he also teaches Social Media Marketing, Strategic Marketing
Tools, and Consumer Behavior courses. Steve's academic research focuses on social media marketing,
e-commerce, and marketing education. His research has been published in leading academic journals
including the Journal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Education. He received his
M.B.A. from DePaul University and has a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Koernig enjoys travelling, soccer and resides in Chicago with his wife, 6 year old son and boxer.
First Annual Marketing & Sales Expo
First Annual Marketing and Sales Expo gives students a better look at the possibilities of Marketing
The first annual Marketing & Sales Expo on January 22nd, 2015 was a successful attempt at helping students
become more familiar with the possibilities of a marketing education. The program consisted of four components, Careers Section, Academic Section, Student Groups Section and an Advising Section. The program goals
were to make students more aware of what the Marketing Department has to offer in terms of programs and
successful stories from alumni and past students. Joining the program were representatives from partner sales
companies such as CH Robinson, as well as marketing internship information from Greenheart Travel and
Starcom Media. Program alum, Bart Pascoli, from the Italian Trade Agency spoke to students about
international opportunities and Kelly Mahoney from Eire Direct shared her career path. Dan Reno of Be Found
Online shared digital marketing expertise. Professors attended and helped students understand the variety of
course offerings and specialties housed within the Department of Marketing’s curriculum; including the popular
Sales Leadership Program with majors such as Category Management.
Thank you to all who participated!
Students gathered for the
First Annual Marketing &
Sales Expo
A Day in the Life at Starcom
MediaVest Group by Claire Sindlinger
Considering a job as a marketing intern on the agency side? Here’s what
its like to be a Search Intern at Starcom MediaVest Group, from someone
who has been living it every day for the last eight weeks.
Beep. Beep. My alarm goes off at 7:00am to start my day. I begin by
morning routine, so I can catch the 8:26 purple line train downtown. The train is packed with all the busy Chicago business- men and women heading to their downtown offices. At Merchandise Mart most of the train empties out, and I finally get a seat before I step off at the State and Lake train station. Surrounded by a majority of millennial, we all pile
into the Leo Burnett Building. With a few minutes to spare before I settle into my desk on the 9th floor, I grab a bowl of
cereal and coffee from the kitchen. My desk is situated around a few other client teams, so we all say “good morning”
and chat about our week.
It’s 9:00am now. My team all files into the office. First and foremost, I check my email. Every day we receive a budget
tracker from Convonix, an Indian company who helps us manage the Mattel Search accounts. The budget tracker will
show us how each campaign is pacing on Bing and Google. It allows us to see what campaigns need to be adjusted and/
or watched. Since most of the Mattel accounts are currently going under restructure, we understand if they are not on
target during a certain day/week due to recent changes. I then communicate back and forth with Convonix on what
needs to happen.
10:00am, it is time for our daily check-in with my supervisor, the team search analyst, and myself. We each go through
what is on our plates for the day, ask questions, and divvy out new projects. Each day has different projects happening
depending on the time of year and what comes up.
After our team meeting around 10:45pm, I get back to my desk and start working. Some typical projects I could be
working on consist of adcopy, keywords, and sitelink campaign recos for the clients’ approval, in addition to launching
new campaigns in DoubleClick, which is our search platform that manages both Bing and Google accounts. On top these
projects, I will be ask to take on different projects, such as, analyzing budgets, producing general negative keyword
lists, and more. If there is something new that would be valuable for me to know, I will shadow the search analyst or
my supervisor to learn. Starcom is great at giving interns “real” projects, not just busy work, and the entire Starcom
company is always willing to allow interns to sit in on meeting or workshops that are offered to full-time employees.
Around noon, I make my way to lunch for about an hour with other interns.
By 1:00pm, I am back at my desk or in a meeting with vendors continuing the day’s work. Projects normally fill the entire day. There is never a slow moment on the Mattel Search Team. If it is a Friday, the day stops around 4:00pm, and
everyone enjoys free beer with other Starcom employees to finish out the week. This is a great way to network with
other client teams around the office, and interact with your own team.
All in all, each day at Starcom is a learning experience with endless opportunities to network. I would highly recommenced interning at a large media agency, such as Starcom MediaVest Group.
Read more intern testimonials on our blog http://depaulinterns.org
Alumni Reunion Night recognizes Two Distinguished Alumni
April, 9, 2015- Thank you to the many alumni of the marketing department, and
their close ones, for gathering at Maggiano's Chicago Downtown for an evening of
connecting with one another and faculty and staff of the Department of Marketing. Click here for the photo album.
The group enjoyed refreshments provided by the Department and Alumni Services
as they heard from Dr. Sue Fogel, Chair of the Marketing Department, about new
developments at DePaul and in the marketing curriculum. Dr. Fogel has served as
chair of the department for fifteen years, and will be handing the reigns off this
Fall, 2015 to Dr. Stephen Koernig. Dr. Fogel has distinguished her time as Chair of
the department with her commitment to providing opportunities for alumni to
share and give back to the students and faculty at DePaul. She created
the Marketing Advisory Council (MAC), consisting of senior level experts in the
field who provide programming and resources to the Department of Marketing.
The group heard from two MAC Members, President of MAC, George Couris and
incoming President, Lynn Hazan. Both have been supporters of DePaul's Department of Marketing for many years, providing internships, advice and resources to
our students and faculty.
There were also two inaugural awards presented to distinguished alumni. Laura
Floyd, of Leo Burnett Chicago was awarded the Young Marketing Alumni Award,
and Dan Wasser, Senior Director of Sales Operations at Fresh Express was awarded the Marketer of the Year award.
Laura Floyd (right) Winner of Young Marketing
Alumni Award & Dan Wasser (left) Marketer of the
Year with Dr. Sue Fogel (center)
The Department of Marketing would like to thank all those alumni, faculty and friends of the department who attended the evening.
You can see the entire album of pictures on the Department of Marketing Facebook page, or on twitter (@depaulmarketing) with the
hashtag #dpuMKTalum. See you next year!
2015 KMG Symposium
Marketing Refresh: Redesigning your Strategy
Written by Nishat Fatima, President, KMG 2015-2015
On Saturday, May 9th, the Kellstadt Marketing Group at DePaul hosted its annual symposium on Marketing Refresh: Redesigning Your Strategy. The symposium focused on the changes seen in the recent years in the use of marketing and merge of digital and traditional.
We started the day of with a super yummy breakfast provided by Chick-Fil-A located on State and Lake. Their amazing chicken biscuits, cinnamon rolls, fruits, and coffee helped kick off a great start to the day!
Our opening keynote, Steven Handmaker, CMO of Assurance addressed a very important concept of engaging your employees and how
having that engaging improves efficiency, profit, and ROI. Steven stressed the importance of focusing on employees and being transparent.
Social engagement is another key area to build a happy workplace. “It’s not about big data, but about marketing differentiation,” Steven
Handmaker. Everyone in some capacity or another is collecting data but not everyone can use that data to differentiate themselves in the
marketplace and engage employees to create a happy workplace. When creating a strong market strategy, it’s essential to focus on standing
out from the crowd, being transparent both internally and externally, and most importantly it’s about leveraging your assets to decrease
your liabilities. Engaged employees are the key to building your brand as implemented by Steven at Assurance.
Our panel addressed the important topic of digital marketing and it’s importance in creating a strong strategy. What is digital marketing and
how does it differ from traditional marketing? Our four panelists had a great insight on enlightening the audience about how to merge digital with traditional to address the key marketing issues. “Digital is an Omni channel approach,” – Maria Rentzelos, Leo Burnett; Omni channel approach is about cross channel marketing done well. Digital has created a new medium and it’s imperative to quickly learn and master
it in order to understand and be a leader in your industry. Andrew Caravella from Sprout Social thinks of digital as a way to communicate
with his customers. According to him using social is a way of communication NOT a marketing tactic. While Adam Garcia from Walgreens
addressed the importance of knowing which product categories can do well on social and which don’t. People want to share but it’s important to know when information is too much. Tara Giuliano, UBS/Sikich talked about keeping up with the evolution of marketing and being data scientists/practitioners. It is important to leverage social media to tailor messages but at the same time draw the line from being
informative to being pushy. The advice of panelists to all marketers, specifically to students is to be curious, don’t be afraid of the “math”
behind marketing, understand business strategy, and be able to adapt quickly.
Corner Bakery nourished the attendees with their signature sandwiches and mini-desserts for lunch. Whether you are in a hurry or want to
enjoy a wholesome meal, Corner Bakery is the place to be.
After lunch, Tina Manikas – the president of FCB brought the house down with her insights on marketing. According to Tina, it’s not just
about having content but also about perception, loyalty, and experience. Greg Palese from Klein Tools addressed the key point of being relevant and sustainable. Klein tools is a 158 years old company but still holds a strong market place in the hand tools industry. In today’s
world, loyalty is mostly depended on your last experience; how do you stay relevant, form an emotional connection, and be memorable to
build a strong brand? It’s all about being significant, making every experience count, and staying true to your values while adapting to the
new technologies/strategies. Neil Feuling from Cars.com and a co-founder of KMG talked about the importance of Beacons in strengthening
your strategy. Using technology to create experiences for customers is the future of marketing.
An eventful and educational day came to a close with insights from Lucino Sotelo, CMO of BMO Harris Bank. Lucino, talked about the merger of two big corporations and the complexity/simplicity in coming together to redesign their strategy to emerge as a strong financial institution. Even through the economic crisis in recent years, BMO Harris bank has stayed on top due to their strong culture and strategies. BMO
believes in putting people first and banking second. Mr. Sotelo stressed the importance of understanding the insights behind analytics and
using those to create a strong digital strategy to build relevant messaging.
The symposium was a wholesome educational day with great insights from all the speakers and our event moderator Zak Protzman did a
wonderful job of staying on task and keeping us entertained. Domino’s who recently revitalized their brand provided nourishment for our
attendees to close off the day while people networked. What’s better than pizza and great company, right?
The KMG Board would like to thank all of the speakers and sponsors for taking time to participate in this year’s event and share with fellow
marketers. Lastly a special thanks to other individuals who have helped KMG have yet another successful year and Symposium event: our
faculty advisors Sue Fogel and Dr. Zafar Iqbal; Erin Walter, Lynn Hazan, Don Scheibenreif, John Digles, and Jan Gollins from DePaul’s Marketing Advisory Council; Kate Stevenson and Phyllis Sullivan from DePaul’s Department of Marketing; Megan Ouimet and Patricia Loukas
from DePaul’s Kellstadt Career Management Center; KMG’s founding President Neil Feuling, and previous President Michael Che. We appreciate your support and guidance throughout the year.
To learn more about KMG visit their website http://www.kellstadtmarketing.com
2015 Okner Symposium stuns with Chicago Blackhawks
The 15th annual Okner Symposium continued the legacy of bringing together
students, professors and professionals for a full-day of career learning on February 27th, 2015 at Aurora University. This year’s program, which is put on by
the Midwest Marketing Education Foundation was co-sponsored by the
Kellstadt Marketing Center. Over 140 students from 11 different universities
gathered for the program. Adam Kempenaar, Senior Director of New Media for
the Chicago Blackhawks served as an excellent keynote speaker for the group.
Adam highlighted how this iconic team has leveraged social media to connect
with fans. Adam showed how campaigns such as the popular "What's Your
Goal" movement serve both to connect fans with players, and to create meaningful experiences on and off the ice.
After hearing from Adam about the possibilities of using Social Media to create
an iconic brand, the group heard from this year's career panel. Cyndi
Greenglass, SVP of Strategy for Diamond Marketing Solutionsmoderated a
panel of experts. Kristie Heins Fox, VP at Edelman Chicago provided agency
perspective, David Martinelli, Director of Digital Strategy at McDonalds
USA gave insights from the corporate side and Eric Ozarowski (Marketing ‘11),
creator of Oh! Social, rounded out the panel with an entrepreneurial input.
Following the career panel, students from the eleven universities represented
had the opportunity to eat lunch together, sponsored by the DePaul University
Kellstadt Marketing Center. From there, 15 marketing practitioners joined for
the speed networking roundtable portion of the day. Students sat in groups of
10 and were given the opportunity to hear in a small group setting what these
practitioners do on a day-to-day. There were experts in Social Media represented, B2B side and Hospitality all provided an idea of what to expect while
navigating their careers.
To see the full list of participants download the program bios here (http://
The day was successful because of the support of the participating universities.
Over 140 students demonstrated the utmost professionalism throughout the
program. Eleven universities participated including; Aurora University, Benedictine University, Carthage College, Columbia College Chicago, DePaul University, Lake Forest College, Loyola University Chicago, Northern Illinois University, Purdue University Calumet, Saint Xavier University and University of
Wisconsin Whitewater.
Finally this event was supported by sponsors such as the Okner family who has
supported this event for 15 years in memory of the iconic marketer, Sy Okner.
Also, DePaul University Kellstadt Marketing Center which provides continuing
education in the most cutting edge marketing fields sponsored the event. Lastly, ULINE was a Silver level sponsor, giving a great amount of support to the
students and also providing details on the many opportunities for employment with their growing company.
Top: Adam Kempenaar (Chicago Blackhawks)
Thank you to all of the 2015 Okner Participants. DePaul will also be cosponsoring an event for marketing faculty from these universities at Edelman
Chicago called the Racom IMC Roundtable. Visit http://mefgroup.org for more
keynote speaker at the Okner
Middle: Students from 11 universities listen to the
Bottom: (from left to right) Moderator Cyndi
Greenglass, Eric Ozarowski, David Martinelli & Kristie
Heins Fox
Jay Porter, President, Edelman Chicago presents “The Art and
Science of IMC” at 13th Annual Racom IMC Roundtable
Marketing faculty and practitioners from the Midwest gathered on May 7-8 at Edelman Chicago Headquarters, for the 13th Annual Racom IMC Roundtable. Dr. Steve Kelly, professor in the Department of
Marketing and event co-director has organized the event along with Susan Jones, Ferris State University
and the Midwest Marketing Education Foundation for the past 13 years. Every year, a topic in Integrated
Marketing Communications is highlighted and this year the theme was “The State of the Art… & Science
of IMC” where analytics meets creative.
The first day of the program allowed faculty to present original research to their peers. Faculty presentations included:
 Leila Samii, Aurora University
 Kasia Firlej, Purdue University, Calumet
 Debra Zahay-Blatz, St. Edward University
 Jan Owens, Carthage College
 Susan Jones, Ferris State University
 Don Schultz, Martin Block & Vijay Viswanathan , Northwestern University
Susan K Jones, Ferris State University
and Steve Kelly, DePaul University coAfter faculty presentations on Thursday, the group adjourned to the MidAmerica Club on the
directors of the Racom IMC
80th floor of the Aon center for the keynote dinner and presentation. Jay Porter, President of
Edelman Chicago, presented on the state of communications and how Edelman is approaching the digital world with a more integrated approach. It was
a real privilege for the faculty to not only hear from Mr. Porter, but enjoy his
company at dinner and cocktail hour in this intimate setting.
The second day of the program, also held at Edelman Chicago Headquarters
featured Practitioner presentations.
 Jean McLaren | Behavioral Economics & Social Media President & CMO at
 Rahim Poonja | Developing Digital Apps for Commerce (Relay) Head of
Strategy, Business Development & Marketing for Local Commerce at Sears
 Jennifer Chiang | SVP, Director, Strategic Planning at FCB
 Jeremy Gold | Programmatic Buying Sr. Director, Audience Sales at Yahoo!
 LUNCH & NETWORKING (Sponsored by Shapiro+Raj)
 Scott Jones | Finding Your Target Audience with Programmatic Senior
Product Manager at Maxpoint
 Mark Tack| Mobile wallets will become marketing platforms Vice President, Marketing at Vibes
Hearing presentations from top agencies and brands about a range of analytical and creative topics gave faculty ideas about topics they can bring back to
the classroom.
For more information on the program and to read the speakers’ bios, visit
Top: Jay Porter, President, Edelman Chicago, keynote
speaker with Loyola University faculty and student at
the Racom IMC Roundtable
Bottom: (from left to right) Student Volunteers Paul
Han & Paola Guerrero-Toledo with Professor Roger Lall
all from DePaul University
Stay up to speed on all Department of Marketing News, Available Internships and Events on our Blog!
Publications & Achievements from our Faculty
Bruce Newman
Political Marketing: Theory and Practice
(Co-authored with Wojciech Cwalina
and Andrzej Falkowski
University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland)
Forthcoming in International Handbook of Consumer Psychology, published by Taylor & Francis.
Andrew Gallan
Hachem, Fadi, Jeff Canar, Francis Fullam, Andrew Gallan, Sam Hohmann, and Cathy Johnson (2014), “The Relationships between
HCAHPS Communication and Discharge Satisfaction and Hospital Readmissions,” Patient Experience Journal, 1 (2), Fall 2014, pp. 71-77.
494 downloads as of 3/1/2015: http://pxjournal.org/journal/vol1/iss2/12/ *THIS MAY HAVE BEEN IN THE LAST ONE+
Gallan, Andrew S., and Mona Shattell (2015), “Patient Experience Management Ignores Mental Health:
Suggestions for Health Care Organizations,” Issues in Mental Health Nursing, in "Comments, Critique, and Inspiration.” Forthcoming.
Organizer and Moderator, Panel Discussion, “Transitioning to a Patient-Centered Organization,” February 12, 2015. Video: http://
Sampson, Ovetta (2015), “Graduate Course Spotlights Patient Experience in Health Care Management,” Inside Kellstadt & Events,
March 9, 2015: http://kellstadt.depaul.edu/about/inside-kellstadt-and-events/Pages/Graduate-Course-Spotlights-Patient-Experiencein-Health-Care-Management.aspx Highlights the impact of Service Design & Patient Experience class on students.
Newswise, DePaul University (2015), “ACA Signing Anniversary: DePaul Faculty Experts Available to Discuss Health Care,” Expert Pitch;
Released March 5, 2015: http://www.newswise.com/articles/aca-signing-anniversary-depaul-faculty-experts-available-to-discusshealth-care Describes insights on data analytics, patient perceptions of care, and service innovation and quality.
Presenter, Lunch and Learn, Advocate Health Care, The Center for Health Information Services (CHIS), “Linking Patient Experience Metrics to Process Improvement in Health Care,” April 7, 2015, Downers Grove, IL.
Content Expert, “Patient and Family Engagement,” Breakout Session, Sprague Symposium on Inter-professional Education, sponsored
by Consortium of Health Initiatives at DePaul, Kay Thurn, chairperson; Stanford Club, Chicago, IL, March 23, 2015.
Presenter, Lunch and Learn, Health Care Service Corporation, “CAHPS Measures, Metrics, and Analysis,” February 25, 2015, Chicago, IL.
Moderator, “Reducing Costs of Health Care,” Special Session in Health Economics Symposium – Achieving Convergence Symposium,
February 13, 2015, Sponsored by Department of Economics.
Keynote Speaker, Advocate at Home Leadership Development Institute (2014), “Transitioning to a Patient-Centered Organization,”
December 16, 2014, Naperville, IL.
Department of Marketing
Department of Marketing
1 E Jackson Blvd
DePaul Center 7500
Chicago, IL 60604
Comments, Questions or Contributions?
Contact us:
Editor: Kate Stevenson