summer vacation - South Jersey MOM


summer vacation - South Jersey MOM
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2 | March 2011
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Table of
mom 2 mom
8 Ways to Make Healthier Choices at
the Drive-Thru
9 10 Reasons to Encourage Goofing Off
moms R women 2
10 Raising Awareness About Multiple
know 2 grow
14 The Dos of Discipline: Seven Rules
for Getting Great Results
17 Our Son Marc: A Child with
Cerebral Palsy
12 Planning Your Family Summer Vacation
also in this issue
editor’s note
nana’s 2 sense
life sentences
business spotlight
things 2 do
resource guide
On the COVER
month’s cover features the
son and daughter of the publisher, Skyler and Julia.
Skyler, 10 likes all sports as well as Legos, Yu-gi-oh and
video games. He loves to have friends over and likes
to play with his puppy “Buddy.” He also plays the
clarinet. Julia, 8 likes anything to do with art and also
reading and playing her Nintendo DS. She plays piano,
tennis and fussball. Julia loves the beach and having
sleepovers with girlfriends and playing with her puppy.
From our family to yours, we want to thank you for
reading and supporting all of the advertisers in the
Warmest Wishes,
Christopher & Karen Ognibene
Photos by Shirley Magilton Photography.
Dear Readers,
’m not a big fan of snow
or cold or ice or wind...
so I’m excited that
Spring is around the corner. I can’t wait to shed my
bulky winter coat and put
on some flip flops!
This spring and summer will be different
than all others. My husband got laid off from
his job in January and he’s told he won’t be
going back to work for 12-18 months. Unless
of course, the union gets more work sooner
than that (I’m not holding my breath though).
While losing a third of his income has put
quite a strain on our finances, there are many
blessings that will come from his time home.
For instance, he will finally get to go on
field trips with Kayden. And this summer, he
will actually get to spend time swimming in
our pool, instead of just cleaning it. He can
teach the kids to swim. Take them to the
beach. Go to story time at the library with
Camille. Oh, and maybe he might get some
things done around the house that have needed his attention for a long time.
Like maybe he could finish the bathroom
remodeling project. He started it more than a
year ago. Half of my bathroom is new, half of it
yet to be upgraded. One wall is painted, the
letter from the editor
March 2011
other is not. One side of the room
has baseboards, the other does not.
What a treat it will be to have a
completed bathroom.
I would be a liar if I said it’s
been fun having him home. We have
enjoyed each other’s company...but
he gets bored and antsy, which
means he gets irritated and that
doesn’t lead to anything good. I
have faith that everything will work
out, but it’s definitely been trying.
Many families in our country
are in my same position. Maybe the guys
should start a support group for one another.
Keep each other company. And out of our
hair! Maybe they could do volunteer work and
accomplish many great things. Make new
friends. Do something...anything.
While I know great things will come from
this time he has at home, I can’t wait for it to
be over!✲
Your Friend and Fellow MOM,
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March 2011 | 3
4 | March 2011
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MOM 2011
Christopher Ognibene • (609) 670-1794
Executive Editor
Adrienne Richardson • (856) 305-3490
Director of Sales and Marketing
Bill Wilson • (609) 280-1741
For General Advertising Inquiries:
(609) 280-1741
(609) 670-1794
Production Manager
Lisa Celfo
Contributing Writers
Angela De Groot, Makema T. Douglas, Jeanette
Giza, Carolyn Leigh Kellerman, Fran LoBiondo,
Bunny and Jerry Ognibene, Michele Ranard
Submit Calendar Listing:
Created by Markations
Adam Nichols • (215) 825-7499
Superior Graphics Print Management LLC
publishes South Jersey MOM monthly
and distributes it throughout the region.
The publication is available free of
charge at select locations.
Subscriptions $29.99 per year.
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or
in part is not permitted without the
authorization of the publisher.
Superior Graphics Print Management, LLC
Publisher of South Jersey MOM
P.O. BOX 268
Wenonah, NJ 08090
Main: (609) 670-1794
Fax: (856) 210-1524
Watch It
ppalled does not
even begin to
describe what I
felt when I opened the
cover of a catalog I
recently received in the
mail; a catalog I did not
request. The pages featured a group of teens, conservatively dressed,
school books in tow, laughing, apparently
happy to head to class. At the center of this
spread were two young ladies engaged in a
very adult kiss.What does this have to do with
selling clothing? What was the intent of this
company? What happens when our teen sees
this catalog lying on the table and, anxious to
see the latest fashions, opens to the first page?
What happens when a younger child sees
this? How dare “they” impose on our children
the idea that this behavior is acceptable? What
impression does this leave our young girls
with? How very confusing to young ladies.
Today’s society accepts everything. What
next, obscenities tucked between the coupons
in the local grocery store flyer? So now we
have to screen every piece of mail.
Not only the mail, but have you noticed
that today’s children’s animated programs and
even video games are loaded with violence,
sex and gore? While animated, they are still
very disturbing. And I see younger and younger
children playing these games.
Do you think the nature documentaries
designed for children are safe? Screen those
nana’s 2 sense
South Jersey
too. Make sure they are age appropriate. While designed for children,
an episode that describes a girl fish
turning into a boy fish is very confusing to a 3- or 4-year-old. Heck, it
confuses me. What do you say when
a little girl in her innocence inquires,
“Can I be a boy?” How do you
Am I unrealistic? Is it unreasonable to
think we can shield our children from the ills
of the world that steal their innocence? Maybe
so, but we can, and I feel it’s a parent’s responsibility to avoid the overload of violence,
immorality and confusion; especially before
they are school-aged. Set them on the track
that matches your family morals and values.
Call me nostalgic.There is nothing like sitting with a child and reading a “real” book.
Children love simple things like turning the
pages all by themselves. Everything is digital
now; get movies on your iPhone, books on an
iPad, photos framed in a revolving screen.
There was a time when perusing good oldfashioned photo albums made for a sweet
Turn the page.✲
Nana Jean is a South Jersey grandmother with two
daughters and six grandchildren. Enjoy her stories about
her 39+ years as a mom and 20 years as a grandmother
as she shares her experiences and lessons learned with
lots of laughs and tears along the way.
Dress your child in charming rain
gear from Stephen Joseph, a purveyor of bright and beautifully-designed
children's products that delight the
senses and serve a purpose. These
darling matching rain gear sets
include waterproof rain boots, allweather hooded rain coats and
durable umbrellas to complete the
look. As with any Stephen Joseph
product, the attention to detail and
colorful designs will bring a smile to
your child's face. For little girls,
themes include ladybugs, flowers,
butterflies and peace signs; for little
boys, monkeys, pirates and sports.
With rain gear like this, playing in
the rain never looked so good!
March 2011 | 5
life sentences
Lion or Lamb, Warmer Days are Coming
arch is the month for celebrating St. Patrick. I always think
that if I make it to St. Patrick’s
Day I have survived the winter. After
this day, I can look forward to thaw, and
Winter is, to me, a disheartening season,
even when nothing catastrophic happens. When
you have a chronic pain whose original trauma
you cannot recall. When your car can slide on
an ice patch into a parked car. When you lose a
favorite hooded jacket somewhere between
the gym and the auto body shop, where you
learn how much your boneheaded driving error
is going to cost.
Everything seems worse in winter. The sky
is gray, the slush is gray and your mood is gray.
Work piles up like dirty ice in your mind as
snow days, late school openings and sick days
disrupt your regular schedule. There’s nothing
to do but wait, indoors, for a finer day.
This wacky winter has been especially
hard on our son, Gregory. Greg is 20 years old
and autistic. He depends on a predictable
schedule to remain calm. He also has a tendency toward the obsessive. These fixations usually
don’t last too long before he moves onto
another bewitchment, but his latest cause is
“Stay with Mom.”
Even before the school year began, we
talked about school starting pretty soon so he
would know. You could see his expression
change as he took in that idea. “I dontwantto,”
he stated flatly. “Stay with Mom?”
On and on, as the summer ended, and
school began, the mantra continued. He would
stop me several (hundred) times a day, fix me
with a somber stare and put all of his emotions
into those big green eyes: fear, hope, vulnerability, anticipation, charm, pleading for understanding and mercy. “Stay with Mom?” Don’t be
fooled. The guy actually likes school, he only
hates change.
I, on the other hand, love his school. He is
bored at home. When bored, he becomes
aggressive with me, as if it’s my fault. I breathe
easier when he boards that bus. So every time
he chirps “Stay with Mom?” I scream, “Like hell
you will!” on the inside.
He drove us and his teacher crazy, so we
started to put upcoming holidays on his calendar and directing him to the calendar each time
It’s a different world
outside of school.
he asked. There was
Thanksgiving in November, Christmas in
December and Martin
By Fran LoBiondo
Luther King, Jr. Day in
January. Simple, but
not easy. If I heard, “Monday, January 14 stay
with Mom?” once, I heard it ten thousand
times. He needs reassurance that, while people
are unpredictable, the schedule is fixed.
But it wasn’t. We had snow closings before
Christmas, and after Christmas, and pretty soon
he didn’t know why he was off, or when. When
his school called a delayed opening, I thought he
would stroke out. Sometimes he says, just out
of the blue, “What’s going on here?”
It’s a good question. Me? I am focused on
St. Patrick. He drove the snakes out of Ireland,
and spread the word of God.
And, bless his soul, he doesn’t have a
school holiday.✲
Fran LoBiondo of Vineland has children in grade school, high
school and college. A Purdue University graduate with a
degree in Journalism, she has written about parenting, food
and fun for 25 yrs.
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6 | March 2011
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March 2011 | 7
mom 2 mom
The typical family’s hectic schedule often makes fast-food meals a tempting—or necessary—
option. However, say Ellen Shanley and Colleen Thompson in their new book, Fueling the Teen
Machine, you don’t have to write off nutrition when you place your order.
ost days, your schedule is jam-packed with activities from the
time you crawl out of bed to the time you face-plant onto your
mattress at night. You’re balancing work, a social life (what’s
that?), helping with homework, cleaning the house, and a host of
extracurricular stuff that might range from sports to band practice to a second job. You really don’t have time to plan
out your meals and count calories—but you still
want to be healthy.
“Fast food is part of the American
lifestyle, and it’s not realistic to suggest
that kids—or adults—will never eat
another burger or large fry again,”
says Shanley, coauthor along with
Thompson of the new book Fueling
the Teen Machine: What It Takes to
Make Good Choices for Yourself
Every Day, 2nd Edition. “The key is
to simply know what your best
choices are the next time you
need a fast meal on the go.”
Read on for Shanley and
Thompson’s fast-food-savvy nutrition tips...some of which may really
surprise you:
(Super)-Size does matter. We live in
a society where bigger is better. Even in fancier sit-down restaurants, servings are often larger than what a healthy stomach can comfortably
consume. And while it’s tempting to go for the biggest
package deal, the same thing is often true of “mega-sized” fast-food
meals. Before you order the jumbo burger and the humongo gulp drink,
think twice about whether you really need all that food.
Fish and chicken don’t always deserve their healthful rep.
You know what they say about assuming: don’t. This is especially true
when it comes to choosing your “main course” at the fast-food counter.
It’s a common (if not universal) assumption that white meat is healthier
than red meat—but that is not always the case. Since many fast-food
restaurants bread and fry their chicken and fish, these choices often end
up having as much or more fat and calories than a hamburger.
for some deep-fried potatoes, give some thought to ordering a side salad
instead. It’s a great way to fit in a serving of nutritious veggies!
Skip the mocha-frappe-espresso-ccino-with-whippedcream coffee drink. Yes, coffee shops are fun hangout spots, and all
those specialty coffees and baked goods look scrumptious!
(And some fast-food restaurants have these sweet, caffeinated treats, too!) But did you know that one
beverage and a muffin are often a whole meal in
terms of calories...though not necessarily in
terms of nutrition? Ordering these treats
on a regular basis might not be so desirable after all.
Think outside your go-to
wrapper. Most of us gravitate
toward one or two meals when we
go to our favorite fast-food spots.
Although it might mean reading the
menu more carefully than you have
in years, going beyond “the usual”
might pay off for your taste
buds...and your body.
Step away from the soda. Did
you know that those caffeinated,
refreshing beverages account for as much
as 10 percent of your typical daily calories?
Yikes! Many of us overlook drinks when
assessing the nutritional value of any given meal,
which can be a mistake. You do not have to cut sodas
entirely—but remember that moderation is key.
“The bottom line is, it’s all about balance,” adds Shanley. “Every person
has days that get away, practices that run late, and families who cannot
always sit down for a meal at the same time. Do not worry too much
about the occasional supper in a bag—just make the best choices you
can and compensate the following day by emphasizing fruits, vegetables
and whole grains.”✲
Download the (nutritional) lowdown. Yes, it’s important to
know what is in the foods you eat—how many fat grams and calories,
how much sugar, and, yes, how much good stuff like calcium and vitamin
C. As mentioned, all fast-food joints provide nutritional info on their
menu items. And Thompson and Shanley suggest that you stay on top of
what is what the high-tech, twenty-first century way. That’s right—there
is an app for this, too!
Go green. Yeah, sometimes you are just craving some salty fries more
than anything else. But if you are not being driven by the relentless need
8 | March 2011
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10 Reasons to Encourage
retired psychiatrist says play is much more than games and sports. Play
involves books, music, art, jokes, movies, drama and daydreaming.
10 Important Reasons to Create More Time for Play
Happier kids. Sometimes we trivialize play or fail to see its usefulness. But it’s more than fun. In addition to improving emotional
health, it serves a biological purpose. When social mammals such as
rats and monkeys are deprived of rough-and-tumble play, they enter
adulthood emotionally fragile. Play helps them distinguish friend
from foe, handle stress better and form better skills to mate
2. Social competence is enhanced. Play teaches people to master and
adapt to changing circumstances. Even “dealing with or avoiding
being excluded” from games like tag or dodge ball are helpful social
skills to learn.
3. Physical activity may lessen the symptoms of mild ADHD. Dr. Lara
Honos-Webb, author of The Gift of ADHD says of the disorder, “it’s
important to remember that nature is medicine and activity is medicine.” She suggests that parents of children with ADHD make time
for them to run around outside before school and be sure that
recess is never taken away as a punishment for poor behavior.
4. It
burns calories. Trends for childhood obesity are staggering.
According to the CDC, the prevalence of childhood obesity for
6 to 11-year-olds has increased from 6.5 percent (1976-80) to
17 percent (2003-2006). Obese kids have increased risk for
cardiovascular disease, asthma, sleep apnea and Type 2 diabetes.
5. The idea is not to raise rigid, humorless adults. After analyzing thousands
Science confirms kids need
more free-play
By Michele Ranard, M.Ed.
of “play histories,” Brown stresses that play deficiencies can lead to
closed-mindedness, inflexibility and unhappiness. Lifelong play is part
of the antidote. Play may even prevent a smoldering depression! Play
is not just a trivial escape. It provides a vehicle for learning to problem solve, and as Dr. Brown writes, “reshapes our rigid views of the
6. Rough and tumble play is developmentally critical. We knew it was helpful to development, but Dr. Brown’s research revealed that for young
homicidal males and drunk drivers, rough-and-tumble play was missing from their childhoods.
7. Stronger academic performance. This may be especially relevant for
ith school in full swing, homework, studying, and a steady diet of
rigidly-structured activities are standard fare for many kids.
Soccer, ballet, piano and extracurriculars broaden the horizon
and set the stage for personal growth. But over-scheduling our children
to beef up their competitiveness or resumes for college has a downside.
While academics, lessons and organized sports are important, kids
need goof-off time too. Science tells us to remain healthy, children of all
ages need plenty of unstructured play.
The Biology of Free-Play
Dr. Stuart Brown, clinical researcher and author of Play: How it Shapes the
Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul studied the play behavior of animals and more than 6,000 people from all walks of life (serial
killers to Nobel Prize winners). His research concludes that play time is
critical to the emotional, social and cognitive health of our children.
Everyone understands play is pleasurable and a good distraction
from stress, but science also teaches us that play “is a profound biological process” crucial to our survival. In rats, play reduces impulsivity, which
is similar to ADHD in humans. We are simply hard-wired to play.
Unfortunately, recess and P.E. are disappearing from the school day at a
time kids need unstructured free-play more than ever.
Brown says making play a part of our daily lives is critical to feeling
fulfilled as happy, successful human beings. What constitutes play? The
boys. Anthony Pellegrini, an educational psychology professor at
the University of Minnesota and author of Recess discovered that
successful peer interaction at recess was an excellent predictor of
success on standardized tests. When boys established competence
on the playground, they also did better in the classroom and paid
attention better.
8. Play keeps curiosity and wonder alive. Kids today spend 50 percent less
time outside than they did just twenty years ago. The lure of animation, videogames and online networking is so tempting and culturally reinforced that the beauty of nature and fresh air right outside our
doors is often overlooked.
9. Successful
people play A LOT. Playfulness sparks creativity and
innovation. Analysis of the play histories of successful adults reveals
“highly successful people have a rich play life.”
10. Play is honorable. Play is not just a mindless activity—it’s active learning. As Brown puts it, “From an evolutionary perspective, the smarter
the animal, the more they play…it gets us in touch with our core
selves and the joy of life.”✲
Michele Ranard has a husband, two children, and a master’s in counseling. She is passionate
about helping parents and children lead richer lives.
March 2011 | 9
moms R women 2
Raising Awareness About Multiple Sclerosis
ultiple Sclerosis (MS) is
according to some studies. The possible relaa chronic and often distionship between sunlight and MS exposure is
abling disease that
being researched today in a society-funded epiattacks the central nervous system.
demiological study in Australia.
Typical patients range from 20 to 40
So does that mean you pack up and move
years old. A person
to Florida? No. There are
with MS may have
treatments to help stabilize
one or several sympyour condition with MS.
toms, such as loss of
Melissa Miller, 37, was diagvision (usually in one eye), dounosed at 30 and now gives
ble vision, weakness, numbness,
herself a weekly shot therapy
tingling, walking difficulty and
of Avonex to help stabilize the
urgencies. About
400,000 people in the U.S. are
“I was lucky to have been
suffering from MS and the numdiagnosed early,” Miller says. It
Melissa Miller
ber continues to increase.
all began when she started to
According to Dr. Donald A. Barone, a
lose vision in her left eye. She saw several docboard certified neurologist in Stratford,
tors before she finally got a MRI. The MRI
“Women are more commonly afflicted with
showed she had brain lesions and that’s when
this disease by a margin of almost 3 to 1. The
she was referred to a neurologist. It still took a
precise biological reason for this increased prefew months before she was diagnosed with MS.
ponderance in women is not known, however,
Therapy has helped her regain her vision and
research suggests there are immunological
the other symptoms are now under control.
issues in women that may provide clues to
Her advice to anyone who believes they may
explain this phenomenon.”
have MS is, “do not ignore your symptoms and
A parent with MS passes on about a 1 perkeep visiting doctors until you feel confident
cent risk to their offspring and a sister of a
you have been properly diagnosed.”
woman with MS has about a 2 to 4 percent risk
Gretchen Lucas of Juliustown in Burlingof contracting the disease. MS disease activity
ton County, agrees with Miller. “Listen to what
tends to diminish during pregnancy which is
your body tells you,” she says. Diagnosed at 32,
probably related to a relative down-regulation
Lucas finds living with MS is a daily struggle,
of the immune system while the mother is car“some days are good and some are a great
rying a child. However, during the postpartum
effort.” However, she tries to make it funny. “I
period, the disease may exacerbate.
can’t do very much to change it,” states Lucas.
The cause of multiple sclerosis is still
Lucas, whose aunt and mother both have
unknown. Some data suggests exposure to
MS, has neuropathy in her hands and feet and
some environmental agents before puberty
drops things often. Both women have become
may predispose a person to develop MS later
her support system. “Sometimes the pain
on in life. Other scientists believe Vitamin D
brings me to tears. I have a hard time being on
plays a role. People living near the equator are
my feet as I can’t feel them for longer than 15
exposed to more year-round sunlight, thereto 20 minutes. I need to sit down all the time.”
fore, MS generally occurs more frequently in
Lucas takes one day at a time. “The worst
people who live farther from the equator,
part is that I hate disappointing my family and
By Carolyn Leigh Kellerman
friends as sometimes when we make plans, I
have to cancel if I am having a bad day.”
Even though there is no cure, there are
many ways to reduce the symptoms of MS.
While there are medications to help control
attacks, a patient with MS may also get relief
from physical, occupational and speech therapy, as well as cognitive and vocational rehabilitation.
Alternative therapies can be very beneficial, including exercise, a change in diet and
reducing your stress level. If you think you
may have MS listen to what your body
tells you, seek medical advice from your
doctor and reach out for support from
the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
located in Cherry Hill. For more information,
visit or call (856) 4884500.✲
Signs and Symptoms of
Multiple Sclerosis
• fatigue
• visual disorders
• numbness
• dizziness/vertigo
• bladder and bowel dysfunction
• weakness
• tremor
• impaired mobility
• sexual dysfunction
• slurred speech
• spasticity (leg stiffness)
• swallowing disorders
• chronic aching pain
• depression
• mild cognitive & memory difficulties
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10 | March 2011
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March 2011 | 11
Planning your Family
Summer Vacation
By Makema T. Douglas
sk almost any person about
the most unforgettable
highlights of any given year
and you are destined to hear
about a celebration of some kind,
a holiday or a vacation getaway.
Most of us are burdened with
worries about our changing economy, strenuous work loads, or
bored with the drill of everyday
life. More than most of us are in
need of a refreshing family vacation. So, what better time to start
planning for one, than now?
Planning in advance will give you
more time to work out the details
and to catch the best deals.
Although it may seem practical to
a plan vacation on your own, it’s
wise to consider consulting a travel agent. Carol Wasielewski, AAA
Services Supervisor in Voorhees
explains, “Many agents have visited
most destinations and can provide
you with a professional opinion
based on client reviews, what
you’re looking for and for the best
Vineland mother of two, Heather
Johnson admits, “We’re about due
for a vacation now. We take the
kids away at least four times a year,
just to get away. My kids love
Lancaster, Pennsylvania and it’s
only about two hours away.”
12 | March 2011
Lancaster definitely has something for the
entire family. Dutch Wonderland provides
loads of fun with live character shows, amusing kiddie rides, thrilling roller coasters and a
slew of eateries.
Sight and Sound Theater promises the
most inspirational performances and entertainment for all ages. Kitchen Kettle Village
and Intercourse Pretzel Factory draws
crowds to their doors with their freshly
baked goods, flavorful homemade foods and
warm hospitality. The area is filled with
around the clock local attractions, quality
restaurants and shopping outlets.
The lovely Best Western Eden Resorts
and Willow Valley Inn and Suites offers its
guests luxurious two bedroom suites, family
and guestrooms and family-friendly accommodations.
Not far away, Hershey Park takes
excitement, play and just having a good time
to the top. The park includes nine water
attractions, its own boardwalk, electrifying
rides, summer concerts and hours of interactive pleasures. Visit the Hershey Factory and
see how chocolate is made and take a tour of
the factory, visiting the history and founders.
Get a free sample on your way out!
Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter
Taking advantage of the scenic experience
and tackling the great outdoors is another
option. The Grand Canyon in Northern
Arizona has white water rafting along the
Colorado River. Horse back riding is still as
common today at Arizona’s Dude Ranches
as it was in 1868.
The Great Smoky Mountains located
between Tennessee and North Carolina,
and Glacier National Park in Montana are
top rated vacation spots with great hiking
trails and outdoor sports.
Outdoor fun will naturally lead you
across the globe. Belize, Africa and Hawaii
are exotic places that also provide endless
family adventures. Night safaris, rainforest
exploration, snorkeling, marine life discovery and biking in the jungle are possible
activities to plan during a stay in these
Traveling a great distance is not a prerequisite for
having a great vacation. “Staycations“ are shorter
stays within a drivable distance. Tara Woodside,
AAA Public Affairs Supervisor in Voorhees suggests
“local theme parks, such as Six Flags, New York
City, Washington, DC and Williamsburg, VA are
popular ‘staycation’ trips.”
Jersey has several expansive shores with piers
that sell discounted tickets during their off seasons.
It’s all the fun and sun at a fraction of the cost.
Ocean City and Wildwood are two of Jersey’s most
beloved and irreplaceable boardwalks. Ocean city’s
celebrated Mack & Manco Pizzeria, zesty curly
fries, funnel cake and salt water taffy are a summer’s day, all time high.
Although any trip can be
the source of a teachable moment, the Franklin
Institute in Philadelphia and
the Smithsonian Natural
History Museum in DC
are nearby places that
bring history, science and
entertainment under one
roof. Admission is just
$15 for adults, $12 for
children and the Smithsonian is
free. All year round these sites showcase a variety of spectacular
hands-on exhibits and family-friendly workshops. New Jersey contains over one
hundred museums and historical locations open to the public.
Family vacations can become expensive. Travel, lodging, entertainment and food are
usually the largest expenditures. Seek out creative ways to save in these categories.
Jersey mom,Valerie Vastano admits, “There are a lot of vacations you may think you
could never afford but in reality they are very affordable with the right amount of
research and trust in your agent.” Traveling with additional families and splitting
costs, packing lunches and lodging at locations with kitchenettes are additional ways
to increase savings.
Learn about the area you will be visiting. Have alternate activities planned as a
backup for rainy days. Mix it up a bit. Remember to have active, but also relaxing
activities, that involve each family member. Don’t forget to add some alone time in
your schedule for the adults and some for the kids.
Ultimately, do not forget why you taking a family summer vacation. It’s to create unforgettable memories and have fun doing it. If you must bring your laptop or
blackberry, leave them in the hotel room while you are out during the day and only
check them at night — after the kids have gone to bed!✲
March 2011 | 13
know 2 grow
DOs of
seven rules for getting
(In the face of the worst toddler
tantrums and sibling squabbles!)
arenting is a tough and frustrating job. More than anything we want
to help our kids grow into healthy, happy adults. Yet when they do
not behave the way we want them to, it’s all too easy to resort to
tactics we are not proud of. Yelling. Threatening. Spanking. We use these
discipline techniques even though we feel bad afterward (and, obviously,
so do our kids). And we stay stuck in our cycle of negativity because, quite
frankly, we do not know any good alternatives.
Parenting expert and author Kimberley Clayton Blaine says there are
positive, effective discipline techniques out there—techniques that result
in happy, well-rounded, well-behaved children. And best of all, they allow
us to avoid the fighting, stress and general feel-bad techniques we have
resorted to in the past.
Blaine says that there are a few simple, feel-good strategies parents
can employ to make their disciplining more effective. Read on for tips you
can use starting when your child is an infant.
Do what you say you are going to do every single time. Being a
parent takes a lot of patience and sacrifice. And that means following
through on discipline even when it’s inconvenient or unpopular. If the consequences you employ as discipline are merely empty threats, your child
will know as much and the behavior will never change. If the consequence
of continued bad behavior is leaving the fun birthday party, do not just
threaten it—leave the birthday party. It might feel awkward and be inconvenient, but the payoff will be a child who knows you mean business.
Do not let your own issues affect your discipline. If you have had
a bad day at work or are just plain exhausted, it can be much easier to
operate on a short fuse and let even the tiniest things push you over the
edge. Before you interact with or try to redirect your child, make sure
that you are not letting your own personal anger or problems affect the
way you react toward your child.
Take some time to talk it out. If your child is over 3 years old, Blaine
suggests having her sit with you and think about her actions; then ask her
what she can do differently next time. Taking a “thinking time” or “cooldown time” helps her to become an active part of her discipline, so that
it feels less like a commandment being handed down and more like a decision and effort she is a part of.
Let children know that parents DO understand. Acknowledge and
validate your child’s feelings while setting limits. Let her know that you are
not just handing down a punishment and you do realize that she is experiencing emotions, too. When she knows that she is being heard and
understood, she is more likely to listen to what you have to say as well.
“Like anything else in parenthood, positive discipline takes a lot of
patience and practice makes perfect. But the reward in the end is worth
it,” she adds. “When you start seeing—and feeling—the results, you’ll be
glad you took the high road.”✲
Give the child a good behavior to use in place of the bad one.
Children cannot learn how we want them to behave unless we replace
their bad behavior with the one we want to see or expect. When your
child misbehaves, be sure to follow up your “We don’t run inside” with a
helpful suggestion for what he can do—like “But we can run and jump and
play all we want to outside. Would you like me to go out and play with
Redirect your child’s attention. If your little one is throwing a
tantrum in the grocery store or having a meltdown over the toy her little brother just stole, then Blaine suggests redirecting her attention to
another activity or train of thought. Have her help you on a “scavenger
hunt” to complete your shopping list, or sit down with her in another
room to play a game or read a book. Pulling her away from the situation
at hand will help you both to calm down and move forward.
Make encouragement one of your top tools. Discipline does not
have to be only about the “don’t do thats” or the “because I said sos” (and
it shouldn’t be!). Children love nothing more than to please their parents,
and your encouragement is worth its weight in gold. Make sure you offer
encouragement when your child follows through on a good behavior. If he
knows you can be pleased, he will work hard to make it happen time and
Kimberley Clayton Blaine, MA, MFT, is the executive producer of the online parenting show
www.TheGoToMom.TV and author of The Go-To Mom’s Parents’ Guide to Emotion Coaching
Young Children and The Internet Mommy.
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14 | March 2011
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March 2011 | 15
Home, School, Park or Business...
New Toddler Program Opening September 2011
• Cowboy and Cowgirl
• Princesses
• English Tea Party
• Knight in Shining
• Pirates • Fairies
• Here Comes
the Bride
• Pegasus • Unicorns
• Halloween Parties
• Christmas and
• Snow Babies
• Valentines Day
• and More!
Riding lessons w or
a certified
A Montessori School
Make your child’s birthday dreams come true!
Individualized curriculum
Enrichment programs
Half, full and all day programs
Trained Montessori teachers
State licensed, non-profit
• Two administrators on-site
• Enrolling now for 2011-2012
school year
• Ages 1 1⁄2 - Kindergarten
• We offer a summer
enrichment program
Book early for your upcoming events
Naudain Academy
to book your party
licensed and insured
locally, family owned
6 School Lane
Voorhees, NJ 08043
Family owned and operated
non-profit organization
Founded in 1977
Opened and still owned
by Leddy M. Naudain
Journey down the Yellow Brick Road and travel to the merry old
land of OZ! Discover that “There’s No Place Like Home”
Heston Road, Glassboro
Saturday, March 12th at 4pm
Sunday, March 13th at 1pm
Bring your camera and visit with the characters after the show!
Dress like your favorite character and receive a small gift from Dorothy!
Call for reserved seating tickets—856.227.9414
Tickets also available at the door
16 | March 2011
Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter
Our Son, Marc:
A Child With Cerebral Palsy
By Bunny and Jerry Ognibene
666 .#4*/#3+5. %0.
Marc, age 12
Marc, age 43
We are most fortunate for
the many specialists and teachers
who assist us and provide services for our son including speech,
physical and occupational therapy. Our public school district and
its Child Study Team members supported us and
provided for our son’s education (including daily
transportation) at a private day-school for children with cerebral palsy.
The teachers and therapists at the school worked with Marc and
played an important part in his development and acquisition of skills that
have enabled him to read, socialize and participate in many of our daily life
activities. His teachers and specialists had a very positive influence on
Marc and have remained good friends of ours.
Currently, after 35 years, we are fortunate to have the opportunity
for our son to be in a community-based group home, run by the ARC of
Gloucester County. Marc now resides in his “own house” with three
other housemates and a staff that provides 24/7 care.
Marc has his own room filled with all of his “cherished belongings”
and attends a daily adult activity program, also run by the ARC of
Gloucester County. He has become very independent and calls us weekly to find out “what’s going on this weekend!” We usually have Marc home
with us on weekends. He is included in all of our family’s activities, including birthdays, holidays and family vacations.
Marc is a source of great joy to us. We have learned so much about
life from him. He never complains and is very resilient, adapting to changing life circumstances. He loves books and pictures...and is literally the
family historian. He has a keen interest in knowing about what we did and
where we lived when we were young. He probably knows more about his grandparents, their
background and where they were from than his
brothers and sister do. He maintains several
albums of family photographs that he cherishes.
His social skills are amazing to us, as is his memory....if I ever need to know when a family member’s birthday is, Marc takes great pride in provid50% DISCOUNT
ing me with the information.
+)/ 51 (02 35..'2
on assessment
Raising a child with extraordinary needs has
fee with
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this ad
many extremely difficult challenges. It’s important
to note that with the days of joy, pride and sense
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of accomplishment, there will be frustration,
stress-filled days, exhaustion, the anxiety of the
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unknown and the questioning of how the family
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can cope and deal with everyday stresses.
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For us, worrying about the future was more
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stressful than learning to take one day at a time.
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Once the overwhelming burden of worry and
anxiety was “lifted” and a conscious effort, though
difficult at first, to just take it day by day was
accepted, everything miraculously flowed into a
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routine of a normal family life....our family life.✲
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fter several years, filled with questions like “What caused this to
happen?” and “What does the future have in store for our family?”
we have learned to accept and actually rejoice for our son. Those
initial questions receded with the day-to-day routines and struggles of
providing for our son’s many needs.
In the first years, one of our first and foremost concerns was how
do we balance our time so that we do not neglect our other four children’s needs. There were many times that we could not do all the things
we would have liked to do or spend as much time as we wanted with the
other children’s school activities and sporting events—including the limited opportunities for our own social outlets. However, with a loving
commitment and shared responsibilities we learned to juggle schedules
and accommodate each child’s needs to the best of our ability.
All of our children learned to love each other and appreciate and
accept each other. They are sensitive toward individuals with special
needs and have developed patient understanding and responsive traits.
Today, years later, many of our children’s high school friends—all
young adults now—still remember and cherish memories of “hanging
out” with Marc at our house.They became, and remain, Marc’s friends and
we are ever grateful that they accepted and included him in their social
Cerebral Palsy is similar to a large umbrella term; although it’s definitive of the many and varied aspects of neurological impairment, it affects
each person in unique ways. Some individuals are affected with severe
impairments—others may have minimal effects. Such impairments may
involve speech, vision, ability to walk, as well as emotional, social and intellectual ability. Our son’s disability is described as Cerebral Palsy/Multiply
Handicapped, with physical, emotional and mental impairments.
For support and information, contact the Burlington
County Cerebral Palsy Association in Mt Holly at
(609) 261-1667 or
March 2011 | 17
summer camp guide
Liberty Lake is the place to be for ages 4-15; transportation available in Camden & Burlington Counties.
CAMPERS create their own schedules, guaranteeing
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Lessons from Dick Smith Golf Academy in April at
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18 | March 2011
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Sick of the ice yet?
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March 2011 | 19
business spotlight
Customize Your Home with
Matteo faMilY KitCHens
By Angela De Groot
ired of looking at
and sub-contractors. All are fully vetted;
avocado and mustard
the majority of them have been with the
colored bathroom ticompany from the start and only install
les? Dreaming of a brandproducts sold by the company.
new kitchen? Whether you
When shopping around for a kitchen
are in the market for an entirely new
or bathroom renovator, Steven Matteo
kitchen or simply want to replace the
urges homeowners to keep in mind that
flooring in your family room, consider
a bigger “name” doesn’t necessarily mean
visiting Matteo Family Kitchens’ showbetter. “Make sure to meet and have
room. It’s located in Woodstown and
quotes from at least two places. You will
it’s one of the largest in South Jersey.
have contractors working in your home
Matteo Family Kitchens was
for a decent amount of time, make sure
founded by Everett Matteo in 1995.
you are comfortable with them,”
With help from his wife and sons,
Matteo says. It’s also important to clarMatteo combined 30 years of industry
ify the payment schedule; a fifty percent
experience with hard work and dedicadeposit for special orders is standard. When price shoption to customer service. The company
ping, make sure you are comparing apples to apples. “There are a lot of
took off, appearing on Forbes Magazine’s Top 100 New Businesses in the
companies and products that look similar but quality can be far off from
US after only their first year in business. Over the years, the company has
expanded, adding bathrooms and flooring to their repertoire. New
Matteo Family Kitchens gives back to the community by sponsoring
Jersey’s Better Business Bureau accredits Matteo Family Kitchens with an
local baseball and softball leagues as well as donating to high school trips
A+ rating.
in need of additional funding.
Steven Matteo, store manager, attributes the company’s success to
The Matteos invite you to come on down to Salem County (where
personalized customer service. Design and sales staff walk customers
sales tax is only 3.5 percent) so that they can help make your dream of
through the entire process, meeting their needs with quality products.
a beautiful new kitchen or bathroom become a reality.
They take the time to explain the qualities of, and differences between,
“We put our name on our building because we are proud of it. We
the various product options so that homeowners can make informed
do everything we can to keep it that way.”✲
choices to suit their needs, tastes and budgets.
Their staff advises on the specific advantages and
limitations of each product, from hardwood
flooring versus tile, to Corian countertops versus
laminate or quartz. The company fabricates
Corian onsite allowing them to provide countertops at competitive prices.
Design consultants visit customers in their
Start your New Year with a New Kitchen or New Flooring
homes to take measurements as well as discuss
design and installation possibilities. The in-home
consultation is followed by a visit to the showroom where the staff guides customers through
options in cabinetry, flooring, countertops, appliances and hardware. Customers can also receive
advice on color scheme coordination and layouts. Matteo Family Kitchens’ showroom boasts
16 kitchen displays and concept boards are disCome visit one of the largest
played all around the store. Estimates and inshowrooms in South Jersey—
home consultations are provided free of charge.
16 full kitchens displays
“We feel that if we show and explain things
properly, we will win the client’s trust,” says
Kitchens • Bathrooms • Countertops • Entertainment Centers
Steven Matteo. The time that design consultants
Carpet • Vinyl • Laminate • Hardwood • Ceramic
spend with customers, nailing down the details
before the work starts, goes a long way towards
3.5% Sales Tax
20 Old Salem Road • Woodstown, NJ
ensuring customer satisfaction.
The company’s insistence on quality and
excellence extends to their employees, designers
20 | March 2011
Visit our website and sign up for our e-newsletter
For a complete list of events, log onto
To submit your event, send an email to
Entries are due six weeks prior to the event and are filled on a first come first serve basis. Space is limited.
50th Birthday Bash
March 2 from 5:30 to 9 p.m.
Help The Arc of Atlantic County celebrate
50 years with Kenny I Orchestra, dinner,
silent auction, photo booth & more. The
Carriage House, 25 S. Pitney Rd, Galloway.
(609) 485-0800 x 136.
Spring Antique & Craft Show
March 5
Come shop or sell at the antique and
craft show. Free admission & parking
handicapped accessible. Refreshments
for sale. Table rental $20. Our Lady
of the Lakes Church, Collings Lakes.
(609) 561-8313, ourladyofthelakesparish
Talk to the Animals Music &
Children’s Concert
March 27
Step right up and hear the Philharmonic
of Southern New Jersey’s Annual
Children’s Concert at Moorestown High
School. Hear Washington School’s
Elementary Choir sing “Talk to the
Animals” and enjoy the Carnival of the
Animals with a slide show. Tickets are
$5/$10. (856) 779-2600,
Mardi Gras
March 5 from 7 p.m. to midnight
Food, wine/beer, entertainment, dancing
included. Silent & Live Auction. Proceeds
benefit Hainesport Township School.
$40/person. Bradford Estates, Marne
Hwy, Hainesport. (609) 234-7033,
Youth Art Month Exhibition
March 28 to April 1
Original displays of paintings, drawings
and collages capture the spirit and imagination of New Jersey’s talented students.
Art work created by students in grades K12 from all of Burlington County will be
on display at Burlington County College
Pemberton Campus at the Parker
Building. Students and families are invited to attend the artists’ closing reception
on April 1st at 6pm for the awards
recognition program, refreshments and
music selections by local students.
(856) 524-3230.
Whatever’s Write Prose Workshop
March 3 from 7 to 9 p.m.
“Whatever’s Write” prose writers’ critique workshop group meets on the first
Thursday of each month at the William
Rohrer Memorial Library, 15 MacArthur
Blvd., Haddon Twp. Free. (856) 983-6966,
5th Annual Mutts & Martinis
March 12 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Live DJ, specialty martinis, mixed drinks,
draft beer, buffet dinner, raffles, prizes
& more! Live Band, The Sensational
Soul Cruisers! All proceeds benefit the
dogs of Lilo’s Promise! Tickets: $40 in
advance, $45 at door. PJ Whelihan’s,
Cherry Hill. (856) 952-1978 or
I Simply Love Her 2011
March 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This annual Valentine’s Day social and
expo is an all-female event to promote
empowerment, self-love and sisterhood
among women. Join us for a night to
remember with Keynote Speaker
Lauretta Pierce of Covenant Cookies &
much more. The Mansion, 3000 Main
Street, Voorhees. (856) 392-5152,
Gardening for Wildlife Workshops
Every Saturday in March
Your outdoor space can be transformed
into a haven for showy hummingbirds,
colorful butterflies, nesting and wintering
birds, caterpillars and much more.
Nature Center of Cape May, 1600
Delaware Ave, Cape May. Workshops run
10a-3p for five Saturdays. The program
fee for each workshop is $45; $35 for
New Jersey Audubon members. Sign up
for all five for a discounted rate of $125
members and $150 nonmembers. (609)
Chili & Chowder Challenge
March 12 from 1 to 5 p.m.
Professional chefs vs. home cooking.
Help our judges pick the best! A chance
to warm up and cool down on a Saturday
afternoon. Cash bar and music too!
Admission $5, helps benefit Cape May
food banks. Hosted by Chamber of
Commerce of Greater Cape May &
Congress Hall. (609) 884-5508 x 102 or
Harry the Dirty Dog
March 6 at 3 p.m.
ArtsPower’s new musical, based on the
classic book by Gene Zion with illustrations by Margaret Bloy Graham, captures
both the whimsical humor and touching
dedication to family that is found in
Harry’s story. Appropriate for ages
5 - 7. $5 all ages. Frank Guaracini Jr.
Fine & Performing Arts Center,
Cumberland County College, Vineland.
(856) 692-TIXX,
Circurious...An American Circus
March 27 at 3 p.m.
Circurious is a heart-stopping, mind-boggling display of artistry and athleticism,
bringing the circus tent, concert hall, and
Broadway stage together for an aweinspiring afternoon of fun! Performers
include aerialists, acrobats, contortionists, illusionists, and singers and dancers.
$22 Adults, $18 for 55 & over, $12 for
under 18. Frank Guaracini Jr. Fine &
Performing Arts Center, Cumberland
CASA Bowling Party
March 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
CASA is a non-profit that provides an
essential service to children in need for
Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem
counties. Come to their annual CASA
Bowl event for an evening filled with
bowling, free food, raffles and prizes.
Form a team of 5 or 6, and compete with
other guests, or bring your children and
participate in the family bowl. Tickets
are $25 per bowler and include food
vouchers, shoe rental and three hours
of bowling. (856) 459-0061 or Tom@ Glassboro Bowling &
Recreation Center, 503 N. Delsea Dr,
Military Support Group Beef &
Beer Benefit
March 25 from 7 p.m. to midnight
Come out for a good time and support a
great cause. Help continue the mission of
supporting the men and women of our
country. $25/person. Includes all you can
eat food and drinks. Enter to win raffle
prizes! The Columbus Manor, 1351
N Black Horse Pike, Williamstown.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
March 5 at 2 p.m.
$5/person. Appel Farm Arts and Music
Center, 457 Shirley Rd, Elmer. (856) 3941211,
40th Annual Swap Meet & Car Corral
March 27 starting at 6 a.m.
Antique car parts & car corral. Salem
County Fairgrounds. Plenty of venders
& food. (609) 202-0437 or jschevy48@
South Jersey MOM delivered to your home!
For just
$29.99/year you will receive:
4 Home delivery of South Jersey MOM, 12 monthly issues
4 Our monthly e-newsletter in your inbox
To purchase your subscription via mail,
cut out the form and mail with payment to:
Superior Graphics
P.O. Box 2413, Vineland, NJ 08362
or purchase online at
County College, Vineland.
(856) 692-TIXX.
things 2 do
March Calendar
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March 2011 | 21
resource guide
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the “stuff” consuming your
house, let BB’s Clutter Solutions reduce your stress, create order &
help you find a place for everything…for good. Contact Barbara
Berman @ (856) 912-0077 or and
get your house back today!
I can create a beautiful finish that fits your style and budget and
bring your ideas to life. Hand-painted scenes, kids' rooms, baby
nurseries & fine decorative finishes. Free estimates. Lori Gallo, Paint
Impressions, (609) 254-9695 or Fully insured;
Licensed #13VH06058300.
At JUST FOR LITTLE PEOPLE (and others, too!) we specialize in new baby
gifts both hand-painted or embroidered. Beautifully wrapped and available
for pick-up at our new Gibbsboro location, or we can ship it for you. Call
(856) 627-8901 or check out
Want to improve your eating habits, increase your energy and understand
your food cravings? Turning Leaf Nutrition and Wellness will develop
a personalized program that will radically improve your health and
happiness. One conversation can change your life. (856) 912-3709,
T b>
Abrakadoodle CUSTOMIZED Arty Parties are perfect for BIRTHDAYS,
FRAMED – the best PARTY GIFT ever! Hosted at your location; we
provide ARTFULLY FUN teacher, materials & frames. Visit or call (856) 914-0521.
Children age 4 to 12 love Bumper Bowling! Bumper rails keep the ball
heading to the pins. We have light balls, custom mini ramps and you
can bring your favorite food. (609) 654-4021 or vist for more info.
At The Schlinic, happy childhoods are our specialty. Kids come for
awesome motor equipment, fun sensory experiences and developmental play. Parents come for answers, professionals who listen,
assessments and research-supported intervention. Learn more at or call Dr. Jodi at (856) 692-9292.
A place where children are
taught by qualified, degreed
teachers in a safe, happy, clean
• Full/half day
A place where a parent can have
peace of mind that their child is
safe and cared for by people
who genuinely care
• 7am to 6pm
• Reasonable rates
A place where the classrooms
are bright, cheerful, stimulating,
colorful and inviting to children
A place where children are
allowed to enjoy being children
and look forward to being in
• Computer classes
• 21⁄2 yrs. thru Kindergarten
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22 | March 2011
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March 2011 | 23
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