Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451


Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130 Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451
Volume 50
Issue 2
January 30, 2014
Town Square Television
The NDC4 Cable Commission is currently preparing to
renew the cable franchise with Comcast. This is the television station (channel 16) where we are able to put our
church service on weekly for hundreds of people in our
As part of this process, they want to hear from us. A survey has been prepared and will need to be filled out by
Friday, February 14, at noon. To fill out this survey and
share your experiences with Comcast and Town Square
Television’s local public, education, and government
channels along with community programming, you need
to be over the age of 18. Here at church we have paper
copies of this survey. You may also go on-line at The station
appreciates your time and input into this important
process which will help them in preparing for the future
of local community media and communications in
Northern Dakota County over the next 10 to 15 years.
Thank you in advance for participating and your feedback. For more information about the franchise renewal in Northern Dakota County, please call 651-4509891 or you can check on-line at
Rev. Thomas Hartwig 651.252.1130
Mark Oppitz, Organist 651.451.2213
Church office, Brenda 651.451.1035
Page 12
A publication of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
149 8th Ave S in South St. Paul, MN 55075
February 2014
the expedition and tried to hike out of the Grand Canyon, but were killed by natives before they could make
it to safety.
It was 1869, a full 100 years before astronauts
would journey to the moon. Another journey
seemed at this time to be just as impossible: navigating the treacherous rapids of the Colorado River
along the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It had been
tried, and many had lost their lives in the attempt.
So when John Wesley Powell set his sights on being the first to make it successfully, many thought
that he was crazy. He thought differently. He
started making his plans, even though he had only
one arm. The other had been lost in the Civil War.
Nine men set out in a caravan of boats loaded with
supplies. Though many considered it a journey to
death, 100 days later he emerged safely from his
boat on the other side - he and five men.
Along the way, the party was ambushed by all sorts
of dangers. There were killer rapids and waterfalls;
there were massive boulders that caused irreparable
damage to boats. Provisions and tools were lost.
One man gave up early and went back. Three of the
men died, but not from the water. They abandoned
Our journey through life is more dangerous than we
might realize. Whether the journey you are planning
looks like a safe path or takes you through the worst of
rapids, there are ambushes waiting for you. The devil
sets traps. The world dangles in front of you distractions
that never satisfy. Your very own sinful heart will seek
out desires that lead to death. Other ambushes come
from unexpected sources. They might be connected to
money, to unfaithful relationships, or to fears that leave
you wondering how God can care. They are waiting.
God never leaves you to navigate life alone, no matter
how impossible the journey might seem. On our own it
actually is impossible to reach the blessed end to which
we aspire. By our own power and ability the journey
ends in ruin and destruction. By our own knowledge and
intuition we cannot climb up the sides to find a different
way to get there. Only Jesus has made the journey to
heaven by his own holiness. He provides a safe route
and directs you along successfully. Stay with him. Seek
his power and his wisdom when the ambushes come.
In these dangerous times we find ourselves navigating a
difficult road through life. Yet even as we struggle to
see the end of our journey, we know that our God and
Savior is right here with us. “Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you,” he says. So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be
afraid.” (Hebrews 13:5,6.)
Pastor Hartwig
I’m under
lot of stress.
will aI forsake
Altar Flower Changes
We are producing a new church pictorial directory in February/March. The last directory
was done in 2008 and the next will be around
our 100th anniversary.
The congregation approved the 2014
budget at the October meeting. Weekly
flowers for the altar were not included in
the adopted budget.
The photographers will be here on Thursday,
February 27, through Saturday, March 1.
Members have been busy setting up their appointment times already. Please call the office
or go to (our website) and
click on the link to make your reservation.
This year we will be putting flowers on the
altar for your special occasions only. You
may use the 2014 flower chart hanging on
the west coat room closet door or contact
the office with your request for altar flowers on a certain date.
If you already know that you will not be available for pictures on these dates, please contact
the church office. We would like to work with
you so that you may also be included.
Two fliers are included in this Messenger with
more information.
Also, we are will need pictures for the activity
pages. Organizations, please take pictures of
your activities and/or gatherings. We have a
church camera that you may use.
Worship Survey
Thank you to all who offered your opinions on
the worship schedule survey. The Board of
Elders will study the matter and decide whether
or not to make a recommendation for change,
but not before the April voters' meeting. They
do not want to change the Sunday School time
until the current session is completed at the end
of April. On the survey, over 80 % thought that
one service will serve us best. Given a choice
of nine or ten o'clock, the nine o'clock time was
favored two to one.
At our fourth quarter congregational voters’ meeting on Tuesday, January 21, elections were held. The results of the election
are: Dave Ross was elected as President, Bill Bremel as VicePresident, Anthony Kulik as Secretary, and Steve Soler as Financial Secretary. Dennis Crist and Paul Beck were elected as
the new elders.
Grace congregation would like to thank both Bill Bremel for
being our acting President along with Dan Dahlke as our acting
Financial Secretary. Thank you also to the out-going elders –
Dave Ross and Ken Wallert.
Page 2
The Messenger is on our website each
month. If you would like to help save
printing/mailing costs and have the
Messenger emailed to you, contact the
office at Brenda’s email, which is
The flower chart is posted on the inside
door to the west coat room. If you would
like to beautify our altar on a certain Sunday, please fill in the date or call the
church office.
Glassing Florist Vases
The office learned that Glassing Florist
will take their flower vases back. If you
decorated our altar or organ with flowers
in a vase and you do not want it, you may
bring it back to church.
If you know of any members of our congregation or family members now serving
in the military, please contact the church
office (651-451-1035) with names and
Mobile Apps
WELS now offers mobile apps for both
the iOS and Android platforms. WELS
ONLINE collects devotional and educational audio, video, and text content from in an easy-to-use application.
If your birthday or anniversary has been
missing from our lists, please contact the
church office, and we will add the date to
our records.
Address Change
If you move and have a change of address,
please contact the church office at 651-4511035.
If you are admitted to the hospital, have
someone contact the church office, and Pastor will come see you. The hospitals do
not contact the churches because of
privacy issues.
The current Meditations is on the spin rack
in the lower narthex. We have many issues, so please help yourself!
Old Meditations and Portals of Prayer
may be saved for the prison ministry at the
Mission for Visually Impaired. Drop off
your old copies in the church office or in
the box marked devotion books in the west
coat room. The church office hours are
8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays.
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Finance Secretary Report – Fourth Quarter 2013
Fund Updates
4th Quarter General Fund Receipts
Quarterly Average Needed to Meet Our
Projected Budget
Classroom Window Replacement Fund
Goal: $24,000.00
(to date received) $12,598.00
Funds available: $3,591.53
YTD General Fund Receipts
YTD Average Needed to Meet Our
Projected Budget
Debt Reduction
(to date) $18,972.00
goal: $50,000.00
Total 4th Quarter Receipts
YTD Total Receipts 2013
Major Repair Project Fund
(to date) $17,485.12
Sunday, December 1
Wednesday, December 4
8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 8
8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, December 11 Advent 2
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 15
8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, December 18 Advent 3
7:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 22
8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 24
Advent 1
Children’s Program
Wednesday, December 25 Christmas Day
Sunday, December 29
Tuesday, December 31
New Year’s Eve
Thank the Lord as He continues to strengthen the hearts of His people through the Word
and they in turn respond with their gifts of love.
Craft and Quilt Day
Golden Agers
This month the craft/quilting group was truly blessed! We received
the donation of a new Brother sewing machine with case. Then to
our surprise, the Girl Pioneers donated another two Brother sewing
machines with cases for our use and for their sewing unit. We now
have three sewing machines here and our members do not have to
carry their own from home. Thank you, Pioneers Girls, so much!
Grace Church has a group called the Golden Agers
for anyone who is over 55. The Golden Agers would
love to have more of Grace’s members join them.
We spent the day getting ourselves organized as well as our supply
room. The new machines were unpacked, bobbins filled, and were
humming away that very day.
We will be making a trip to Christian Life Ministries New Day
Center soon with our next donation load. Watch for the quilt count
in the next Messenger and join us on Saturday, February 8.
This group meets at noon on the third Thursday of
each month. It is a wonderful time for fellowship as
well as the enjoyment of a delicious hot meal. We
have a good mix of both men and women. Pastor also
joins us for some spiritual enrichment. The cost for
the dinner is $7.00.
Check the church calendar and join us for our next
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Lutheran Girl Pioneers Monthly Note
Due to the extreme cold we have only met twice in January so
our unit on Food & Nutrition is a few weeks behind. We will
continue working on it into February.
Winter Camp will be Saturday, February 15, through Monday,
February 17. We will stay in the First Aid cabin at Camp
Croix. We love the rustic setting of the lodge but with such a
small group it doesn’t make any sense to heat that whole
building. Hopefully we’ll have some snow to slide and play in,
and even more importantly, we hope the fish are biting. Please
pray that we have a safe and healthy weekend.
The Evangelism Committee met on January 9, 2014.
The meeting was opened with prayer. The minutes from
our last meeting were read and approved.
We again discussed putting together a welcome package.
These could be given out when we visit prospects from
our guest book.
Christmas for Kids was held on December 14, 2013.
Everything seemed to go well. Thank you to all who
We discussed the new signage committee. We were
blessed to hear two members have volunteered to help
Dennis. We are very thankful for their help.
Yours in Christ,
Beth Stroschein
Caravan Counselor
We were very happy and blessed to hear that there is a
baptism after second service on Sunday.
Highlights from Grace Ladies Aid January 8 meeting
Pastor Hartwig lead us in a discussion on hypocrisy after an
article was read on it.
We voted to add $600 to the Scholarship Fund.
This year, the Ladies Aid is giving to the World/Foreign missions. The money is from On the Road Again and Christmas
gifts from members along with cookie sale proceeds. We
added $100 from the treasury and therefore have $900 to give.
We discussed many missions that the WELS supports. We
voted on a children’s mission theme. Each of the following
were given $300: an Apache program called PAL (Partners in
Apache Learning), Dominican Republic/Haiti projects, and
Children’s mission in Mexico.
Carol Weber, Secretary
Grace Guild
The meeting on January 7, began with a Bible study on chapter 2, verses 1-10 of I Peter. Pastor guided us in our study.
We voted to add $300 to the Scholarship Fund. The treasurer
said we had $800 to give to Home missions. This money is
from the On the Road Again sales, Guild members Christmas
Craft/Cookie money. After much discussion, we voted to give
$200 to Prison Ministry, $200 to Christian Life Ministries, St.
Paul, and $400 to WELS Home Mission Fund.
Look for new information on the bus trip to Dallas for the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) convention in
June. The information will be on the table in the church entrance.
Carol Weber, Secretary
Evangelism Committee
The meeting closed with prayer. Our next meeting will
be February 13, 2014.
Lori Neujahr, Secretary
Altar Committee Report
The Altar Committee has been busy changing altar
cloths and candles during the Advent Season. We will
continue to make changes when necessary during the
New Year. We thank our Lord for the New Year and all
the blessings he has given us during 2013. We also
want to thank the Shillingstad family for arranging the
poinsettias for Christmas - thank you so much. They did
a beautiful job! Blessings to all of you!
Altar Committee: Anita Nye, Linda Metzen, Janel Bauer
Wood, and Maddie Shillingstad
Lutheran Pioneers—Train 326
As of this year Lutheran Pioneers Train 326 is going
inactive after 40 years at Grace Lutheran Church.
I and others who have worked with Pioneers want to
Thank All of You who participated in the program over
many years. Your support of time and talents benefited
many young men and boys during the years here at
Should the Lutheran Pioneers reactivate sometime in the
future, I know the support at Grace Lutheran Church will
be there again.
Bill Bremel, Trainmaster
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St. Andrew’s Lutheran Preschool
St. Andrew’s has a preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. The hours for the school are
9:00 to 11:30 a.m. The students must be potty trained. The cost is $135 a month, and there is a $50 registration fee. To
register or to discuss before/after school care, please contact Julie Tjernagel at 651-285-7226. The school is located at 1001
Holley in St. Paul Park.
Pastor Dan Lindner
True North WELS
Campus Ministry
Office 612-378-1346
Address 1313 5th St E #328
Box 33
Minneapolis, MN 55414
All college students in the Twin Cities are invited to join True North WELS Campus Ministries
Sunday worship opportunities.
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
St. John’s Lutheran Church
610 Broadway St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
11:30 a.m. Worship Service
Commons Hotel
615 Washington Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Students, please check the website ( for the latest news and updates.
Tuition Assistance Program
Throughout January and February our congregation has been receiving several updates from our association high school, St. Croix Lutheran. Through handouts, video, testimonies and a special Sunday
focus, we are learning more about a ministry initiative underway at
the school and be given an opportunity to personally support this vital
educational ministry.
Four key messages have been presented in printed materials distributed after our services. They include an overview of St. Croix with
focus as an extension of the congregation’s ministry, new facilities to
help meet St. Croix’s objectives for ministry, rationale for Strong to
Serve based on 1 Peter 4:11, and the reminder that St. Croix is your
Lutheran high school of excellence. An invitation to partner in the
planned building project was offered in a short film. It highlighted
SCHLS’s emphasis on spiritual growth, academic excellence, a global
focus, and opportunities for all students. We are all invited to participate with a pledge or one-time gift. The handouts are available on the
table in the lower narthex or by calling the church office.
Our congregation has a long history of encouraging and supporting our families who choose to
enroll their children in Lutheran Christian
schools. Over the years financial assistance from
Grace has allowed many families to pursue
Christian education while enjoying membership
at Grace.
We are blessed to have several WELS elementary schools nearby, as well as St. Croix Middle
School and St. Croix Lutheran High School.
This year we have nine students from our families at Grace attending St. Croix Lutheran High
In recent years such assistance was removed
from our budget, and instead our congregation
has supported those families in need through our
Tuition Assistance Fund. Funds for this year
have already been allocated. To secure the fund
with a balance that will cover emergencies and
projected possible requests, we would like to
raise $5,000 for the Tuition Assistance Fund.
Please prayerfully consider supporting Christian
based education and our families in need of assistance with a gift to the Tuition Assistance Fund.
You may use your monthly Special Offering envelope or mark your gift for the Tuition Assistance Fund.
Page 9
St. John Lutheran School
St. Paul
February 2014
“Living to Soar”
Isaiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength. They will soar on wings
like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”
Wildcat News & Notes
771 Margaret Street · St. Paul, MN 55106
phone: (651) 771-6406 · email:
Tony Drkula, Principal
Our last Kindergarten 4 and Kindergarten 5 open house is
scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 5:00-7:30 p.m. This
open house is for the 2014/2015 school year. If you know
of anyone wishing to find out more about our Kindergarten
4 Program, for four-year-olds (3 mornings/week), or Kindergarten 5 Program for five-year-olds (5 full days/week),
please tell them of this important date. The open house is
also for grades 1-8. Please call the school office, 651-7716406, for more information regarding this open house.
Students will soon prepare for Grandparents’ Day which
will be held on Friday, March 7, 2014. Students will invite
their grandparents, or a surrogate, to enjoy the morning
with us. Grandparents will be able to attend chapel, enjoy
our Art and Science Fairs in the Fellowship Hall, visit
their grandchild’s classroom, and eat lunch before leaving.
Crown of Life School
West St. Paul
Martin Luther College
1 B-team Basketball tournament @ West LHS
3 Lego Club
7 Good Samaritan
7-9 A-team basketball tournament
13 Early dismissal at 11:30
Parent teacher conferences 12:15-8 p.m.
14 No school
14-16 MLC Basketball Tournament
17 No school, Presidents’ Day
18 No bus service
19 No band lessons
21 Grades 5-8 musical, 6:30 p.m.
That same evening, at 7:00 p.m., parents and congregation
members will be invited to attend the Art and Science
Fairs and enjoy refreshments and fellowship.
Large grade school basketball tournament
16 Wind symphony concertv—3:00 p.m.
21-23 Small grade school basketball tournament
23 Winter play—2:00 p.m.
Page 8
Monthly message from WELS Evangelism
A friend is someone who knows all about me and likes me
anyway. Have you heard that description of a friend? How
would you define what a friend is? Are you happy with the
friends you have? Do you wish you had more friends, or
different kinds of friends, or that your friendships were
healthier or more helpful?
People might define friends in various ways, but one thing
is certain. God designed people with a need for friendship.
When he created the first man, he offered this observation:
“It is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). We
naturally feel the need that God observed, but faithful
friends might be hard to come by.
In the internet world friends often call each other BFF’s—
Best Friends Forever. But those same friends often turn on
each other and end up more as enemies than as friends. No
matter how well someone knows you and likes you, there
really is no friend who knows all about you. Your innermost secrets remain locked within you, and there are deeper
feelings than anyone could ever understand.
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Thrivent Choice lets you help choose where some of
Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars and by participating in Voting Events.
Eligible members are designated Choice Dollars based on
their insurance premium, contract values, and Thrivent volunteer leadership. Thrivent members who received letters
in the mail with “x” number of dollars can designate their
“Choice Dollars” to Grace now if they choose.
Eligible members may call Thrivent (800-847-4836) and
say, “Thrivent Choice.” You can use your new Thrivent
ID card which was mailed to each member with a unique
number on it. This program’s automatic recurring direction
feature was recently discontinued.
God wants you to know what you might have suspected all
along. He does know all about you. He observes that you
need someone to whom you can pour out your heart, and he
is willing to be that one.
But do you want God to be a BFF, when deep down you
know what he knows about you? As his own Word says, “If
we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves” (1 John
1:8). Few of us would make such a claim, but the good news
is that God still wants to claim us as friends, despite our
That is why Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came into the world
long ago. He came to do what only the best of friends would
do—he came to lay down his life for you. He came to stand
in for you and take whatever punishment God’s justice demanded for your sins. And God accepted his own Son’s sacrifice to wipe out the guilt of your sin.
That is why God invites you to see him as your best friend.
He knows all about you, and he knows everything that you
need. He extends his love to you without conditions, for the
sake of his Son’s death on the cross.
You will not find a more faithful friend than God. Look to
the living God and learn more about his faithfulness and his
love. The more you learn, the more you will find that he is a
true Friend that you can always trust.
If you have a computer, you may go on-line at For the organization search; use
only this information: “Grace” “55075” “Minnesota”.
This will help you find our church in the listing.
The program will continue to be available for eligible
benefit members by calling 1-800-847-4836 (at the
beginning of a new year or quarterly in January,
April, July, and October) to again direct your designated Choice Dollars.
Since the program began, we have received $12,185.00.
Thank you!
Page 5
Grow in Faith
Our Monday week-night services will
continue through February 24. The
following week, March 5, will be Ash
Wednesday followed by our Lenten
services each Wednesday until Holy
Martin Luther College Auxiliary
The MLC Ladies spring auxiliary
meeting is Saturday, March 15. The
location this year is at Christ The Lord
Church in Cottage Grove. Registration
is 9:00 and the meeting starts at 9:30.
Christ the Lord’s address is 9998 90th
Street South. Travel directions are to
go south from the Cities heading down
highway 61, take the 90th street exit
and turn left, after crossing the bridge,
it is on the left side of the road at the
corner of 90th and 19th across from the
Washington County Service Center.
Hope to see you there.
We are in need of two Area Representatives for our St. Paul churches. If
you have a heart for Martin Luther
College and the training of our future
pastors and teachers, please call Deb
Mayer 651-770-2299 or 651-283-3609
for more information.
Ice Cream Buckets
Don’t throw away your large ice
cream buckets. We will be saving
them here at church. Many people
wanted to borrow one for their chili
for On the Road Again.
We will try to make the buckets available this year.
Bible Class is available regularly on
Sunday mornings.
We enjoy good discussion and fellowship as we grow in
our understanding
of God's Word.
Sunday's class meets between services
in the Fellowship Hall at 9:10 a.m. and
is studying the gospel of John.
Our Wednesday evening Bible Class is
studying Elijah and will continue until
Ash Wednesday. This class is held
upstairs in the classroom at 7:00 p.m.
You may enter through the double
doors in the alley.
Camp Croix Family Week
Camp Croix’s board established a
new policy which is that full payment is now being required at the
time of the reservation. Due to this
change, we will not be able to reserve a group of cabins and camp
sites for Grace as we have done in
the past.
However, if you would like to reserve a cabin, lodge room, camp site,
or Red Cross building anytime, you
may contact the volunteer registrar,
Henry Hoeft, and make arrangements. Henry's phone number is
Please make note of the camp policies and rates before booking. Their
website is
All are welcome!
Combined Meeting
The combined meeting of Grace Guild
and Ladies Aid will be on Tuesday,
February 4, at 7:00 p.m.
The program for the evening will center on the fiftieth anniversary of the
Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society
All the women of the congregation are
invited to come.
Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Annual reports
The 2013 annual reports are available
in the lower narthex or by calling the
church office.
The Young People’s Society (YPS)
will be having their annual spaghetti
dinner on Sunday, February 16.
Dear donors from Grace Lutheran Church,
Our sincere thank you for the generous donation you made to us during December, 2013.
Your donation of toys, clothing, mittens, and of food items is greatly appreciate.
Many of your neighbors will benefits form these gifts from your heart.
Neighbors, Inc. Staff and Volunteers
Page 6
Visitation Committee
As I look out the window today, same old story, cold and snowing.
This weather makes going out not an easy chore.
Our homebound have not had an easy January. We all get down
but added weather woes do not help. We pray all will be warm and
safe. On the bright outlook, winter is getting shorter.
If some of you could take the time to call one of our homebound
members, it would make their day and also yours! There is a great
need for our homebound visits. We could sure use more help! Call
me or the church office to get involved.
Ken Wallert, Chairman
Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store
Christian Life Ministries has a thrift store which
helps support the ministry. This thrift store has a
need for dishes, pots and pans, furniture, bedding,
shoes, and jewelry. If you have a few small items
to donate, contact the office to make arrangements.
The contact information number is 651-917-4149.
The address is Mission Wearhouse Thrift Store,
2756 Lake Shore Ave., Little Canada, MN 55117.
England and Scotland Tour
Rev. James Humann, retired WELS pastor and experienced tour
host, invites you to join him on a tour this summer to England and
Scotland. This eleven day tour, July 14-July 24, will visit the mysterious site of Stonehenge, the scenic beauty of the Lake District
and the places that inspired poets and writers like Shakespeare,
Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Burns. This tour will visit London,
York, Edinburgh, and highlights cathedrals, castles, pageantry,
drama and fellowship, all in the English language (though somewhat different from ours.). Travel with a pastor and tour members
of your own fellowship. Space is limited. For tour costs, conditions,
and a complete itinerary, please e-mail Pastor Humann at or call 253-839-9055 (Pacific time). If interested in being informed about future tours, also please write or call.
2014 Minnesota District Church Leaders
Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church in Belle Plaine, Minnesota is hosting the Church Leaders Workshop
on Saturday, March 1, at 9:00 a.m.
This workshop is for Councilmen, members of
Boards and Committees, Called Workers, men,
women, and youth of congregations interested in
carrying out Christ’s Commission to proclaim His
Word and build His Church.
There are four workshop topics to choose from.
They are Evangelism, Worship, A Caring Congregation, and Children’s Ministry.
The keynote speaker is Pastor Jonathan Hein, of
Beautiful Savior, in Summerville, South Carolina.
He is the Director of the Commission on Congregational Counseling for the WELS/
We have a registration form in the church office if
anyone is interested. For more information, and
to register online, go to, then
“Events and Registration”, then “Church Leaders
Please continue to collect and drop off aluminum
The proceeds benefit the Young People’s Society
and the Pioneers. Deposit them in the large grey/
green “storage shed” under the fire escape behind
the church garage.
Please do not leave items near the alley by themselves because others will help themselves to the
Thank you!
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