landscaper - California Landscape Contractor`s Association Los
landscaper - California Landscape Contractor`s Association Los
august 2010 the landscaper The Official Publication of the Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley Chapter CLCA INSIDE this issue: Our 2010 Beautification Awards Winners (pgs 10-12) New Government Bills You Should Know About (pg 7) Our NEW Directory of Products & Services (pg 19) and much more… Cover Photos: Our 2010 Beautification Awards Sweepstakes winner Montclair Police Dept by Mariposa Landscaping LA/SGV CLCA – The Landscaper c/o International House of Graphics 1407 Foothill Blvd., # 8 La Verne, CA 91750 PERMIT 2377 LOS ANGELES, CA PAID PRSRT STD US POSTAGE president’s message I would like to start this month’s message by thanking all of our sponsors for the 51st Annual Beautification Awards as well as Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez who opened up their home for us to enjoy the evening in their beautiful garden. Without your support our event could not have been the success that it was. More importantly, I would like to thank everybody who entered projects – it takes a lot of work to get those projects together for judging and you should all be proud of the beautiful work you put forth. I would also like to thank Rene Emeterio and Steve Mclaughlin, our trusty judges that drove around for 3 days looking at all the projects. It is a difficult task when there are so many great projects to be seen! 2 the l an d s c ap er Jessica Centeno This year’s event also allowed us to honor some very special members that this past year have given an extraordinary amount of time and dedication to our chapter. Barbara Alvarez, Mike Forsberg, Juan Gutierrez and Brandon Linz have gone beyond what is asked of any member, they have all taken upon themselves to help out the chapter and really deserve a round of applause from all of us. Hopefully, next year, many of you will also have projects to enter and be the Award Winning Contractors of this chapter. If anything else, make sure to make it to the 52nd Annual Beautification Awards, I am sure it will be another fabulous event! august 2010 w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 3 DRIP IRRIGATION RAIN SENSOR SMART CONTROLLER SELF-WATERING IRRIGATION CONTAINER SOLUTIONS HIGH EFFICIENCY NOZZLES SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR RAINWATER HARVESTING PERMEABLE PAVERS SMART IRRIGATION YOU. With the latest technology and products available today, delivering sustainable solutions while maintaining the landscape has never been so easy. So what are you waiting for? To learn more, visit us online at FIND US: 4 the l an d s c ap er TALK TO US: 800.343.9464 august 2010 LA/SGV 2010 Board of Directors President JESSICA CENTENO Centeno’s Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. 17514 S. Figueroa St., Gardena, CA 90248 310-768-4089 • Fax 310-719-7147 V.P. Events/Webmaster BRONWYN MILLER Eyescapes 36419 Bay Hill Drive, Beaumont, CA 92223 949-466-1222 • Fax 413-215-7081 Dir. of Water Resources WARREN S. GOROWITZ, CLIA Ewing Irrigation Products 4552 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039 310-480-9533 • Fax 866-310-4183 Chairman of the Board DAN GROMER Dan Gromer Landscaping 1201 E. Magnis St., Arcadia, CA 91007 626-447-9067 • Fax 323-349-0881 V.P. Advertising TODD RITTER LightClub USA 818-349-2663 • Fax 818-349-2663 Director TED SIRKIN Valvette Systems 23262 Oxnard St, Woodland Hills, CA 818-887-1866 • Fax 818-887-2554 626-836-7703 • Fax 626-836-7703 Associate Member Rep. JUAN GUTIERREZ Landscape Warehouse 1673 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91106 626-792-3319 • Fax 626-792-4757 Dir. of Unlicensed Operators RAMIRO ROJAS RR Landscape Design P.O. Box 643021, Los Angeles, CA 90064 310-420-3808 • Fax 310-973-2027 Secretary FRANK PEREZ Ewing Irrigation Products 2327 Federal Ave., Los Angeles, CA 310-479-9533 • Fax 310-479-7925 V.P. Communications BARBARA D. ALVAREZ Alvarez Landscape & Maintenance P.O. Box 3699, San Dimas, CA 91773 626-917-1614 • Fax 626-917-2611 V.P. Legislation EFREN HERNANDEZ Valley Green 254 Stanton St, Pasadena, CA 91103 626-797-4325 • Fax 626-401-3345 V.P. Public Relations MIKE GARCIA Enviroscape 2609 Vargas Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 310-374-1199 • Fax 310-370-3847 Director JOHN BRACE John’s Tree and Landscaping Inc. 1641 Walworth Ave., Pasadena, CA 91104 626-797-3509 Chapter Ambassador CHARLES NUNLEY Lakshmi Landscape Co. P.O. Box 6265, Altadena, CA 91003-6265 626-791-4886 • Fax 209-593-0603 V. P. Membership ERNIE BELTRAN Irrigation & Land Maintenance P.O. Box 1492, Culver City, CA 90232 310-261-8137 • Fax 661-942-4518 Chair of Beautification Awards MIKE FORSBERG Mike Forsberg Landscape & Maintenance P.O. Box 342, Harbor City, CA 90710 310-534-5058 • Fax 310-534-8540 9811 Owensmouth Ave. #1, Chatsworth, CA 91311 Treasurer BRANDON LINZ Brandon’s Landscapes, Inc. 24 W. Mira Monte Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 2010 CLCA State Board President - William Schnetz Schnetz Landscape Inc. (760) 591-3453, (760) 796-4252 fax President-Elect - Robert Wade Wade Landscape Inc. (949) 494-2130, (949) 494-3583 fax Immediate Past President Heath Bedal JPH Group, LLC (916) 457-5925, (916) 457-7041 fax Secretary/Treasurer Eric Watanabe Majestic Pools & Landscapes Inc. (818) 831-1390, (818) 831-1392 fax Dir. of Chapter Srvcs. Andrew Simpson Quillen Enterprises, Inc. (916) 721-1635 Dir. of Communications Chuck Carr Carr Landscape Management, Inc. (818) 300-0176, (818) 832-1546 fax Dir. of Education - Stephen Jacobs Nature Designs Landscape (760) 945-4321, (760) 945-4430 fax Dir. of Events - Michael Hertzer Modern Landscaping, Inc. (800) 761-9191, (408) 371-4488 fax Dir. of Legislation - Shari Collins Verdant Landscaping (805) 552-9457, (805) 435-3627 fax Dir. of Membership - Javier Lesaca Lesaca Landscape Company (661) 836-0229, (661) 833-2429 fax Dir. of Resource Mgmt. Frank Niccoli The Village Gardener Inc. (650) 592-9440, (650) 592-9441 fax Co-Dir. of Chapter Presidents Council (North) Mike Mitchell MJM Lighting (916) 501-5393, (916) 369-1787 fax w w w.clca-lasgv.or g Co-Dir. of Chapter Presidents Council (South) Kevin Fairchild Illumiscapes, TLC (714) 541-1000, (714) 541-1998 fax Associate Member Dir. Tom Noonan Ewing Irrigation Products (916) 652-9530,(916) 652-9533 fax Executive Dir. - Sharon McGuire CLCA Headquarters (800) 448-2522 x13, (916) 830-2788 5 from our editor Barbara Alvarez In the middle of the old Laundromat sits a tropical garden. Advertise in the Landscaper! (See page 16 for more info) The tropics can happen anywhere you know. It’s a state of mind. Close your eyes and think a minute and tell me what you see when you visualize a Laundromat? Do you want to know what I see? I see a room with absolutely perfect growing conditions. Plenty of heat from the heavy duty dryers, mist and moisture from the powerful washing machines, and just the right amount of indirect light that comes in the windows of an old Laundromat. To me a Laundromat is an ideal greenhouse that just so happens to have some clothes going around in circles. On the floor, runs just enough drip from the washing machines for moss to grow in abundance, velvety smooth, creating uneven mounds of emerald green across the floors. It makes you want to take off your shoes. Plants are strung across the ceiling in between the racks of fluorescent lights, stretching from one side of the Laundromat to the other. Colorful flowers sprang from the pots and hung down over the benches and folding tables. Invisible fishing line had been used to hang the plants so the flowers seem to float in midair. You see now the Laundromat was like a jungle where washing machines had been dumped or maybe a laundry where a jungle had sprung up. The tropics can happen anywhere you know. It’s a state of mind. It’s pretty easy to get sucked into the plant world. They don’t walk away when things aren’t going well and they don’t play bad music. They just kinda are. 6 the l an d s c ap er august 2010 Important Bills You Should Know About: Rain Water Catch Basins Assembly Bill 1834 – Rainwater Capture Act of 2010 This bill would authorize a landowner to install, maintain, and operate, on the landowner’s property, a rainwater capture system meeting specified requirements. This bill would authorize a public agency to lead a statewide stakeholder process to consider and address issues arising out of expansion of rainwater and stormwater capture. This bill would additionally authorize a LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR working within the classification of his or her license to enter into a prime contract for the construction of a rainwater capture system as defined, if the system is used for landscape irrigation. The bill would authorize a landscape contractor holding a specified classification to design and install all exterior components of a rainwater capture system that are not a part of, or attached to, a structure. Contractors: Worker’s Comp Insurance Coverage Senate Bill 1254: Author Leno This bill would authorize the registrar of contractors to issue a stop order, effective upon service, to any licensed or unlicensed contractor who as an employer has failed to secure workers’ compensation insurance coverage for his or her employees. The bill would make a failure to comply with the stop order a crime. The bill would set forth specified procedures for the payment of employees during a work stoppage subject to a stop order. ALSO: Expect some big hikes in workers comp. costs effective 1/1/11. THIS BILL HAS PASSED BOTH HOUSES IN THE LEGISLATURE AND IS SITTING ON THE GOVERNORS DESK WAITING HIS SIGNATURE Reach your target market by advertising in The Landscaper (See page 16 for more information) w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 7 8 the l an d s c ap er august 2010 Turfgrass & Landscape Research Field Day Join us for this annual event to see our latest field research activities. Thursday, September 16, 2010 • 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required $50 registration fee; $65 after September 10, 2010 Presented by University of California, Riverside Turfgrass Research Facility, Dept. of Agricultural Operations 1060 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Riverside, California Everyone is invited to attend! This event is intended for industry professionals, but the general public will find the information on the care and maintenance of home lawns and landscapes beneficial. Brief Agenda - to view more detail, visit our web site 7:00 a.m. Registration and Refreshments 8:00 Welcome and Announcements - Steve Cockerham and Jim Baird 8:15 Field Tours – 20 minute rotations 10:15 Break and Refreshments 10:30 Field Tours – 20 minute rotations 12:30 Barbeque Lunch 1:30 p.m. Adjourn Continuing Education applied for: California Department of Pesticide Regulation Golf Superintendents Association of America For further information: Website: Registration: Heidi C. O’Guinn email:, phone: 530-752-3932 Program: James Baird email:, phone: 951-827-5630 w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 9 5 1st A n n u a l B e a u t i f i c Sweepstakes Award Colorscape Award Sponsor: John Deere Landscapes Sponsor: DM Color Express, Inc. Recipient: Mariposa Landscaping Recipient: Brandon’s Landscapes Recipient: Jones & Potik Landscaping Project: Montclair Police Department Project: Madison Residence Project: Hunter Residence Special Effects Award California Friendly Award Sponsor: Belgard/Old Castle Sponsor: Hunter Industries/FX Luminaire Recipient: Enviroscape Recipient: Mariposa Landscaping Project: Gambino Residence Project: Gateway Business Center Sustainable Landscape Renovation President’s Award Sponsor: Armstrong & Assoc./First Team Insurance (not endorsed by clca) Recipient: Bennett Landscaping Project: Hunter Residence Medium Residential Landscape Sponsor: CLCA LA/SGV Chapter Recipient: Brandon’s Landscapes Project: Madison Residence 10 Excelsior Award Sponsor: ValleyCrest Tree Co. t he l an d s c ap er Judges Award Honors Award Sponsor: Landscape Contractors Insurance Services, Inc. Recipient: Centenos Nursery & Landscape Project: Malaga Bank Small Residential Landscape Sponsor: Kellogg Supply Inc. Sponsor: Southland Sod/ Norm Lopez Recipient: LA Forest Inc Recipient: Dan Gromer Landscaping Project: Berenato Residence Project: Tai - San Rafael Residence Residential Landscape Estate – over $150k Sponsor: Monrovia Nursery Recipient: Garden View Inc. Project: McNeeley Residence Large Residential Renovation Sponsor: Ewing Irrigation/Warren Gorowitz Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Project: 7939 Hillside Avenue august 2010 at ion Awa r d W i n n e rs Large Commercial Landscape Commercial Renovation – over $15k Small Residential Maintenance Sponsor: Pacific Sod/Steve Mclaughlin Sponsor: Hunter Industries/ Dan Kamieniecki Sponsor: Hydro-Rain Recipient: Living Color Landscaping Recipient: Mariposa Landscaping Recipient: Enviroscape Project: Little Company of Mary Providence - San Pedro Project: Gateway Business Center Sustainable Landscape Renovation Project: Gambino Residence Medium Residential Maintenance Large Residential Maintenance Medium Commercial Maintenance Sponsor: Golden Oak Corp Sponsor: Hydro-Scape Products/ Kevin Treft Sponsor: Birch Financial Recipient: Mike Forsberg Landscape & Maintenance Recipient: Mike Forsberg Landscape & Maintenance Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Project: Pomeroy Residence Project: Florance Residence Large Commercial Maintenance Small Contractor Design/Build Project: 1351 Havenhurst Large Contractor Design/Build Sponsor: Coastline Equipment Sponsor: Landscape Warehouse/Juan Gutierrez Sponsor: Toro Irrigation Products Recipient: Marina Landscaping Recipient: Jones & Potik Landscapes Recipient: Gregory Davis & Associates Project: 2960 Sycamore Meadow Project: LEANARCH Project: Brentwood Hills Estates Small Water Feature Medium Water Feature Large Water Feature Sponsor: FX Luminaire/David Oborn Sponsor: EasyPro Pond Products Sponsor: Thompson Building Materials Recipient: Paradise Landscaping Recipient: Dan Gromer Landscaping Recipient: Living Color Landscaping Project: Kitchen Residence Project: Chan Residence Project: Little Company of Mary Providence - San Pedro w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 11 Beautification Awards Honorable Mention Winners Small Residential Landscape Large Residential Landscape Sponsor: Norman’s Nursery Sponsor: Monrovia Nursery Recipient: Centenos Nursery & Landscape Recipient: Mike Forsberg Landscape & Maintenance Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Project: The Stoll Residence Large Residential Renovation Project: Healey Residence Small Residential Maintenance Project: 200 Toyopa Drive Medium Residential Maintenance Sponsor: Ewing Irrigation/Warren Gorowitz Sponsor: Hydro-Rain Sponsor: Golden Oak Corp Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Recipient: Brandon’s Landscapes Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Project: Santa Monica Project Project: Lemley Residence Project: 12104 Laurel Terrace Large Residential Maintenance Large Commercial Maintenance Small Contractor Design/Build Sponsor: Hydro-Scape Products/ Kevin Treft Sponsor: Coastline Equipment Sponsor: Landscape Warehouse/Juan Gutierrez Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Recipient: Live Art Recipient: Enviroscape Project: 2424 Nichols Canyon Project: Figueroa Plaza Project: Gambino Residence Large Contractor Design/Build 12 Large Residential Landscape Sponsor: Southland Sod/ Norm Lopez Small Water Feature Medium Water Feature Sponsor: Toro Irrigation Products Sponsor: FX Luminaire/David Oborn Sponsor: EasyPro Pond Products Recipient: Green Tree Landscaping Recipient: Enviroscape Recipient: Paradise Landscaping Project: 2530 Carob Drive Project: Gambino Residence Project: South Bay Botanic Garden-Koi Pond/ Japanese Garden t he l an d s c ap er august 2010 Charles Nunley ambassador’s report LA/SGV Chapter Will Hold Elections in September for the 2011 Board of Directors Monday June 7th at a chapter board meeting, Pres. Jessica Centeno appointed a nominating committee for the 2011 board officers. The committee consists of Charles Nunley, Bronwyn Miller, and Juan Gutierrez. Positions and elections are open to all local chapter members. Certain pre-qualifications are required to run for President. If you would like to serve your members by serving on the chapter board please contact any of the three nominating committee members. If you would like to serve on a committee or just work on putting together one chapter event please let the chapter know. Come to the chapter board elections on September 16th & make your vote count. Candidates for the following positions are as follows: President.............................................Jessica Centero Chairman....................................................Dan Grover Treasurer................................................. Brandon Linz Secretary..................................................Frank Perez VP Membership........................................ Ernie Beltran VP Events/Web...................................... Bronwyn Miller VP Communications............................. Barbara Alvarez VP Education VP Legislation..................................... Efren Hernandez VP Public Relations..................................... Mike Garcia Chapter Ambassador............................. Charles Nunley Dir. of Unlicensed Operators........................John Brace Associate Member Rep........................... Juan Gutierrez For more info, contact: Charles Nunley Bronwyn Miller Juan Gutierrez AL-18LG-AH-HH-BAT AL-18LG-AH--COP AL-18LG-AH-HH-LED-BAT AL-18SM-AH-HH-NB-CAR The Tiki Torch Collection Copper Tiki Torch & Area light 20w T4 S.C. Halogen Adjustable Hub Fiberglass Wick Torch Burn Times: Large: 10 hours Small: 7 hours large: Stands 77” Small: adjustable to 25” Hammered Hat Available Available Finishes: Unfinished Copper Copper Acid Verde Copper Acid Rust Black Acid Treatment Natural & Simulated Bamboo Stems Available LED Available 888.882.1350 w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 13 CLCA Helps Rock th e Boat The California Landscape Contractors Association (CLCA) is pleased to announce it has become a sponsor and co-producer for the documentary Rock the Boat, the controversial tale of a group’s 51- mile boating expedition down the cemented canals known as the Los Angeles River in 2008. The cement lined walls were originally built by the Army Corps of Engineers to move water away from Los Angeles to prevent flooding. Defying the local authorities and the Army Corps of Engineers, the group went down the river despite opposition, hoping to have the EPA declare it as a navigable river so that it could gain protection under the Clean Water Act. “When we met with the Director Thea Mercouffer earlier this year, we were very excited about the possibilities of what the Los Angeles River could become, not only from a recreational and flood prevention perspective, but also as a significant water source for the area. With California’s water crisis, rather than see all the water pushed out to sea, there are lots of ways to harness some of that water for Los Angeles to use” said Chuck Carr, Director of Communications of the California Landscape Contractors Association. “Los Angeles has a current River Revitalization Plan, but most of us didn’t even know they had one until we considered becoming a sponsor. We were pleased to see that they included a lot of positive, sustainable ideas in the master plan including natural filtration of stormwater to help clean water run off before it before it enters the river. River restoration is a great step to help Green LA and a positive step in helping to solve California’s water crisis. We think this movie brings attention to what the river is now and what it could be in the future. This river has so much potential! It is very exciting, not only from a water source and conservation perspective, but imagine what it could do for the citizens of Los Angeles. Trees and other plants positively alter the environment, reduce carbon emissions, improve the air quality, protect 14 t he l an d s c ap er the land, create oxygen and sustain life. Restoring the Los Angeles River will enhance the lives of all who live in California.” The expedition’s hopes recently came true. On July 7, the EPA declared the Los Angeles River a navigable river, making it eligible for federal protection and funding under the Clean Water Act. According to the Los Angeles Times article, U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is quoted as saying, “This is a watershed as important as any other. So we are going to build a federal partnership to empower communities like yours. We want the L.A. River to demonstrate how urban waterways across the country can serve as assets in building stronger neighborhoods, attracting new businesses and creating new jobs.” The shortage of water is not only a big problem in California but also worldwide. According to the United Nations, nearly two thirds of the world’s population is expected to have limited access to water by 2025. As our population continues to increase and our resources shrink, water is becoming one of the most difficult challenges to date and its availability impacts us all. For more information about Rock the Boat or to consider becoming a sponsor check out their website at august 2010 WIRELESS ET CONTROL The LEIT-2ET weather based, wireless irrigation control system automatically adjusts irrigation schedules based upon local weather data provided by the on site weather station and user programmed site information. Powered only by DIG’s ambient light (solar) technology no AC power is needed providing the ultimate freedom and flexibility. 800-322-9146 Need a product or service? Call our advertisers first. w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 15 LA/SGV LANDSCAPER 2010 ADVERTISING RATES Advertise TODAY in the LA/SGV Landscaper. Reach the C-27 landscape contractors you are looking for in your service area. New! Ad Size 1YR 12x Business Card (B&W)...................... $ 420 (only $35/mo) Business Card (Color)..................... $ 780 (only $65/mo) 1/4 Page (B&W)............................. $1,050 (only $88/mo) 1/4 Page (Color)............................ $1,295 (only $108/mo) 1/3 Page (B&W)............................. $1,470 (only $123/mo) 1/3 Page (Color) ........................... $1,825 (only $152/mo) 1/2 Page (B&W) ............................ $1,775 (only $148/mo) 1/2 Page (Color) ........................... $2,400 (only $200/mo) Full Page (B&W) ............................. $3,350 (only $279/mo) Full Page (Color) - Back Cover . ....... $4,500 (only $375/mo) Full Page (Color) - Inside ................. $4,250 (only $354/mo) Product/Services Directory Listing: .......... $120 YR (only $10/mo) Inserts – Full Run (8 ½” x 11”) (11” x 17”) Business Card: 1/4 Page: 1/2 Page horizontal: 1/2 Page vertical: 1/3 Page: Full Page: 1 Mo. $325 1x $425 1x 1 YR 12x (2 mo. free!) $3,250 ($270/mo) $4,250 ($355/mo) Ad Sizes – Width x Height 3 1/2” x 2” 3 5/8” x 4 5/8” 7 1/2” x 4 5/8” 3 5/8” x 9 1/2” 3 3/8” x 6 1/8” 8 1/2” x 11” + 1/4” bleed All advertising is to be paid in advance, prorated for year. For more information regarding advertising, contact John Carranza at 626.305.7400 or via email at and request The Landscaper Advertiser’s Media Kit. The Landscaper is designed and printed by: International House of Graphics 1407 Foothill Blvd., # 8 La Verne, CA 91750 626.305.7400 Articles submitted are subject to approval and modification. Chapter or Editor are not liable for misprints or errors, and do not necessarily agree with opinions expressed in byline articles. Need a product or service? Call our advertisers first. 16 t he l an d s c ap er august 2010 Utilize tech tools to improve YoUr BUsiness GreenLinks Over 7,000 pages of plant SM information and photographs you can use to create and customize your plant lists. Email directly to your customer, with photos, in minutes. LandSense More than 400 plants that are low-water use, sustainable, attractive and available to help landscape professionals design and install eco-friendly landscape projects. SM Salvia apiana Leonotis leonurus Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’ We are the Best Source for Plants in California & Nevada America’s Fastest Growing Green Goods Company. Ba m Toll-Free: (888) 288-1619 Fax: (805) 764-2626 fo boo r P Pi a pe Of nas line fe on .co rs ic m Availability and Access Like Never Before at Bamboo Pipeline CLCA – John Hernandez L.A./San Gabriel Valley “Landscaper”; Orange County “The New Leaf”; San Fernando “Valleyscape” August - September 2010 Quarter Page Ad – Vertical – 4 color 3.625 x 4.625 inches w w w.clca-lasgv.or g 17 Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER 8 16 Board Meeting, Dan Gromer Residence, Arcadia Chapter Elections & Dinner Meeting, Barbara Alvarez Residence, San Dimas Need a product or service? Call our advertisers first. Saving Water Through Technology OCTOBER 4 22-23 Board Meeting, Ewing, Torrance Planning Session, Carlsbad/San Diego NOVEMBER 8 Board Meeting, Barbara Alvarez Residence, San Dimas 10-13 CLCA State Convention, Disneyland Resort, Anaheim DECEMBER 6 Board Meeting, Jessica Centeno Residence, Rancho Palos Verdes 11 Chapter Holiday Party, The Depot Restaurant, Torrance • Full line of weather-based irrigation controllers • Stand-alone and networked • Easy to program Ted Byrne, Territory Sales Manager 951-675-1242 JANUARY 11 2011 Leadership Conference, Los Angeles 12-13 Landscape Industry Show, Los Angeles (Lis) Board Meetings begin at 6 p.m.; Dinner Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Santa Barbara - P.K. (800) 506-4119 San Luis OBispo - Neil jerome (805) 595-7393 N. Calif. - Rick kapki (916) 600-5324 fax: (805) 684-8391 18 t he l an d s c ap er ASK US! email: august 2010 Directory of Products & Services Nurseries C&S Nursery Inc. (see ad on pg. 13) 3615 Hauser Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Phone: 323.296.6657 Centeno’s Nursery (see ad on pg. 2) Jose Centeno 17514 S. Figueroa Blvd, Gardena, CA 90248 Phone: 310.768.4089 Green Thumb (see ad on pg. 2) Nancy Bergquist 7659 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91303 Phone: 818.348.9266 M.B. Landscaping (see ad on pg. 15) Phone: 310.527.7750 ProGrowers, Inc. (see ad on pg. 2) 8303 Scout Ave., Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Phone: 562.287.0444 Village Nurseries (see ad on pg. 5) Richard Barto 1589 N. Main St., Orange, CA 92867 Phone: 800.542.0209 Irrigation Aqua-Flo Supply (see ad on pg. 15) Goleta: 805.967.2374 • Ojai: 805.646.7244 Santa Clarita: 661.257.0909 • Santa Barbara: 805.897.1166 • West L.A.: 310.915.5208 • Ventura: 805.676.1114 • Torrance: 310.782.0355 DIG Irrigation (see ad on pg. 15) 800.322.9146 Ewing Irrigation Products (see ad on pg. 4) 800.343.9464 Hardscape Products KRC Rock (see ad on pg. 6) San Marcos • Poway • Lakeside 1.800.572.7625 Poly Pavement (see ad on pg. 6) P.O. Box 36339, Los Angeles CA 90036 323.954.2240 Southwest Bolder & Stone (see ad on pg. 2) 877.SWB.ROCK Kellogg Garden Products (see ad on pg. 14) Cecilio T. Lebron 350 W. Sepulveda Blvd., Carson, CA 90745 800.232.2322 LandscapE Products Bamboo Pipeline (see ad on pg. 17) 888.288.1619 EasyPro Pond Products (see ad on pg. 3) 800.448.3873 Focus Industries (see ad on pg. 13) 888.882.1350 Gro-Power (see ad on pg. 6) 15065 Telephone Ave., Chino CA 91710 909.393.3744 J. Harold Mitchel Company (see ad on pg. 6) San Gabriel • Altadena Senna Tree Company (see ad on pg. 7) 818.957.5755 Landscape Contractors Insurance Services (see ad on pg. 5) 1835 N. Fine Ave., Fresno, CA 93727 800.628.8735 Smith Pipe & Supply (see ad on pg. 17) Landscape Warehouse (see ad on pg. 15) Pasadena: 626.792.3319 Altadena: 626.398.1799 Azusa: 626.633.1050 Living Green (see ad on pg. 18) Santa Barbara • San Luis Obispo • Nor Cal Pottery Manufacturing Company (see ad on pg. 6) 18881 S. Hoover St., Gardena, CA 90248 310.323.7772 Thompson Building Materials (see ad on pg. 6) Gilbert Torres 310.994.0536 You Can Dig It (see ad on pg. 15) Gwyny Pett 626.797.9100 Redwood Products (see ad on pg. 14) 909.923.5656 Wallace Laboratories (see ad on pg. 2) 800.GREEN.99 310.615.0116 Vista Professional Outdoor Lighting (see ad on pg. 6) 800.766.8478 Sod A-G Sod Farms (see ad on pg. 16) Bill Wells 41120 40th St. East, Palmdale, CA 93552 661.965.2865 Specialty Products & Services Aqua Conserve (see ad on pg. 18) Ted Byrne 951.675.1242 Barenbrug (see ad on pg. 17) Birch Financial (see ad on pg. 16) Nelson Colvin 800.959.3701 Southland Sod Farms (see ad on pg. 7) 800.532.3489 Superior Sod (see ad on pg. 15) Jim Shaw 800.344.7317 Coastline Equipment (see ad on back cover) Dietz Hydroseeding Co. (see ad on pg. 15) Ronald Dietz Sylmar, CA • Orange, CA 800.350.SEED West Coast Turf (see ad on pg. 16) 888.893.TURF 2010 LA/SGV Chapter Partners Gold Leaf Partner Hunter Industries/FX Landscape Design Barbara Paul Landscape Design (see ad on pg. 13) 562.439.6762 Jan C. Scow Reg. Consulting Arborist (see ad on pg. 14) 818.789.9127 John Deere Landscapes (see ad on pg. 9) 800.347.4272 Get Listed Here fo only $10/mro Silver Leaf Partner Ewing Irrigation Bronze Leaf Parters Kellogg Supply, Inc. LCIS, Inc. Hydro-Scape Products Brandon’s Landscapes Green Leaf Partners Alvarez Landscape Enviroscape Landscaping Mike Forsberg Landscape Centeno’s Landscaping ww w.clca-lasgv.or g 19 20 t he l an d s c ap er august 2010
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