Key Tests For Evaluating Performance of GP
Key Tests For Evaluating Performance of GP
Spirent Introduction Welcome Canada Who is Spirent? HQ: Crawley, UK Positioning HQ: Paignton, UK Founded 1936 Three Divisions: Networks & Applications, Wireless & Service Experience, and Service Assurance 2015 Sales $477.1M Testforce (Canada) /Sales Support Sales, Sales Engineers and Tech Support* located in North America Testforce has been exclusive distributor for Spirent in Canada since 2002 (14 years) Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 2 Who is Spirent (Positioning/Navigation)? Proven and Trusted 30 years experience in positioning technology Spirent is the GPS/GNSS vendor choice of key GNSS Organizations. Used by GNSS system operators (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, etc.) Chip set and GPS/GNSS receiver manufacturers GNSS subject matter, academic and defense/military experts Models created from ground up and tested over 30 years. Proven models mean trusted results. No false positives or incorrect fails reported due to simulator performance Signal integrity and accuracy consistent throughout product line Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 3 Who is Spirent (Positioning/Navigation)?? Proven and Trusted Uncompromised quality and performance at all levels Spirent is known for quality and high performance. We also offer solutions for new users to GNSS, fundamental testing needs and production test. Quality never compromised – Quality test equipment important at all phase of test and levels of Expertise and Information Resource White papers and eBooks available on a variety of topics from how to select a simulator to running fundamental GNSS tests to application specific testing needs. New white papers/eBooks released regularly Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 4 Certifications and Validations Spirent simulators have been fully certified by GNSS system operators for nearly 20 years GPS-JPO security approval for SA/A-S and EVTP testing GPS Wing security approval for modernised user equipment testing (MUE) Galileo capability validated by the Galileo Design Authority (ESA) Spirent has been approved by the Russian Federation for GLONASS Simulators Additionally Simulation by Spirent simulators has been validated by numerous user segment authorities including: • RTCM11010.2 testing (Maritime GNSS equipment) • IEC 61108-3 (Personal Locator Beacons) • 3GPP (Smartphones) Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 5 Navigation/Position GNSS Product Line GNSS Test Equipment Robust PNT Automation Professional Services Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 6 Navigation/Positioning Solutions Positioning Test Equipment • GNSS Simulators from A to Z • RF Record and Playback for field testing Robust PNT • Test for GNSS receiver resiliency • Test equipment and services Automation • Software to automate ALL test equipment and provide reports • Off the shelf and custom solutions Professional Services • GNSS simulator and test expertise • Test Scenarios to test plan development to custom services Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 7 Navigation/Position GNSS Test Equipment GSS6300 GSS6300M GSS6700 GSS6425 Single Channel 5 constellations 4-8 channels Embedded Controller 12 channels Multi software RF Record & Playback Production Spirent Communications Vendor Selection/Integration/Validation PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Field Test GSS9000 Multi-Frequency 16 channels / 160 Channels R&D 8 Introducing the Spirent Interference Detector The Spirent Interference Detector is a fixed listening device that monitors the RF environment in the GPS bands, over a range of approx. 500m, for potential sources of interference to the GPS signal. Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 9 Which Test Methodology is best fit? When to use a simulator vs RF record and playback? Method / Attribute Live-Sky Simulation RPS Repeatable Controllable Partial Reference truth Realistic Representative Proving performance requires a Simulator. It is the only way to get known accurate test data User Experience is also necessary. Recorded real signals best options because is repeatable Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 10 Commercial Applications & Use-Case Examples • Hovering/vibration • Landing drone on moving vehicle • Multi-frequency or dual-antenna • Can you confirm your location is accurate? • Has your design decreased GNSS receiver performance? IoT / Wearables Drones Timing Automotive • How does your device handle leap seconds? • How do segment errors or GNSS outages impact performance? Spirent Communications • Does your vehicle combine GNSS, CANbus or sensors for positioning? • Are you drive testing or using repeatable test solution? PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 11 Defense/Space Applications & Use Case Examples • Jet fighter landing on aircraft carrier (moving object) • Testing 6 DOF with flight simulator and HIL • Test extreme inflight maneuvers in lab before flying • Add terrain obscurations to test performance Vehicles / aircraft / autonomous Highdynamics CRPA / antijamming Space • Are you able to accurately predict performance at launch, orbit and reentry? • Testing GNSS and IMU simultaneously • Test phase shifting, spectral filtering or adaptive beamforming. • Radiated/anechoic chamber or conducted Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 12 Key Tests For Evaluating Performance of GPS/GNSS Modules Canada - 2016 Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 13 Agenda GNSS constellation updates Why is GPS/GNSS testing needed? Identify key basic static tests Testing tools Q&A Summary Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 14 GNSS Constellation Update 40 % Receivers are Galileo Ready [1] Source: GPS World, May 2016 Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 15 GPS Modernization Source: US PNT Co-ordination Office, March 2014 Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 16 GPS Constellation Status @ January 2015 (still the same) 31 Satellites in orbit 30 Operational • 3 - GPS IIA L1 P(Y)+C/A L2 P(Y) - • 12 - GPS IIR - • Launched 98-04 7 - GPS IIR-M Added - L2C, M-code L1 & L2 - • Launched 90-96 Launched 05-09 8 - GPS IIF Added - L5 - Launched 10- (4 launched in 2014) 1 in Maintenance • GPS IIR-M Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 17 GLONASS Full system in 2010, after Decree No. 587 August 2001 Today 24 satellites in orbit, 24 operational Recent setbacks & problems July 2013 3 satellites launch failure 5 December 2010 3 satellites launch failure April 2014 Incorrect ephemerides upload New-generation Russian GLONASS-K satellite began regular broadcasts on Feb. 15 Additional monitoring facilities planned Nicaragua, Antarctica Source: & GPS world Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 18 Galileo Update Galileo Space Segment will include a constellation of a total of 30 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites, including 6 spares, in a . so-called Experimental phase (two satellites) launched respectively December 2005 and April 2008 In-Orbit Validation (IOV) phase (four satellites) First pair was launched Oct 2011 & next pair in Oct 2012 Full Operational Capability (FOC) phase (four IOV satellites plus 26 FOC satellites) an intermediate initial operational capability (IOC) milestone with 18 satellites in operation Four pairs of FOC satellites launched by Soyuz from French Guiana, between Aug 2014 and Dec 2015 Source: Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 19 BeiDou Update BeiDou will include a constellation of a total of 5 GEO, 3 IGSO & 27 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites, by end of 2020 A total of 16 satellites were launched during in phase 1 as part of regional coverage by end of 2011 Global coverage started in 2015 with the first launch of a new-generation of satellites The fifth of the new series, the middle-Earth-orbiting (MEO) satellite will join its four predecessors China launched the 22nd BeiDou satellite into orbit on Tuesday. Source: Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 20 Objectives Analyze and compare the relative tracking performance of various GNSS receivers such as tracking sensitivity, number of tracking channels, etc. Understand how to evaluate the time a receiver takes to calculate the first position fix and measure the accuracy of the computed position to a true location Review metrics to consider during the performance evaluation Test Setup Automation Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 21 Why Test: Fair Comparison Data sheets contain all the parameters that help developers select the right manufacturer – but do they give the complete picture? Satellite Signals Systems Drop Shock Simultaneous Tracked Channels Acquisition Sensitivity Altitude Rating Spirent Communications Reacquisition Type of measurements Vibration Correction Sources Tracking Sensitivity SBAS Accuracy Time to First Fix Maximum Speed Channels Update Rate PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL PPS out Maximum Altitude 22 Classification of tests (What to test) There is not an standard reference for Standalone GPS testing, but the most common test are: Time to First Fix Acquisition sensitivity Tracking sensitivity Time to reacquisition Static Position accuracy There is not a pass/fail criteria for each test Critical - Test before and after. Must test prior to integration to compare performance post integration Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 23 Applications: Which Performance Factors are Most Important? Galileo Mobile Devices Spirent Communications GLONASS Military Applications GPS Commercial Air Travel Automotive PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL COMPASS Space Rail Survey 24 Simulation Control RF Constellation Simulator System Repeatability Test environment scenario generation Flexibility Efficiency Completeness Comparison of receiver calculated PVT with known simulation data ? RF signals commensurate with ICD NMEA or other data Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 25 Metrics used to measure performance TTF Spirent Communications Yield Position Accuracy PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Signal Strength 26 GNSS test categories Field Test Measurement in real-world Issue reports Review results Integration Measure inside your product Chipset Measurements performance before integration Spirent Communications NMEA data PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 27 Common GNSS tests Test 5: Time to reacquisition Field Test Measurement in real-world Test 4: Static Position accuracy Integration Measure inside your product Test 3: Tracking sensitivity Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity Chipset Measurements performance before integration Test 1: TTFF Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 28 Test 1: Time to First Fix (TTFF) What is it? Time to First Fix (TTFF) describes the time and process required for a GPS device to acquire enough usable satellite signals and data to obtain a PVT solution. Cold Start Spirent Communications Warm Start Hot Start • Time unknown • Time known • Time known • Almanac unknown • Almanac known • Almanac known • Ephemeris unknown • Ephemeris unknown • Ephemeris known • Position unknown • Position known (rough) • Position known (rough) PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 29 Test 1: Time to First Fix (TTFF) How to test Simulator Receiver What to look for • Static location • Duration: 24 hours • 24 Hours Static v5-03 • ColdStart: Reset receiver’s NVRAM • WarmStart: Acquire full alamanc & clear ephemeris • HotStart: Simple receiver restart • Extract NMEA data and compare against truth • Due to stochastic nature several TTFFs should be obtained Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 30 Test 1: Time to First Fix (TTFF) Expected results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UTC of Position Latitude N or S Longitude E or W GPS quality indicator (0 invalid; 1 GPS fix; 2 Diff.GPS fix) Number of satellites in use [not those in view] Horizontal dilution of position Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) Meters (Antenna height unit) Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean geoid Meters (Units of geoidal separation) Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station Diff. reference station ID# Checksum Spirent Communications TIME: 184946.000 is HHMMSS.SS After performing a cold start to the receiver Monitor the first change in the GPS quality indicator from 0 to 1 or 2 If there is a change in the previous indicator. Check for the presence of latitude and longitude in the message The TTFF is the time of performing a cold or warm start to the first reported Fix (LLA) PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 31 Test 5: Time to reacquisition Field Test Measurement under real-world Test 4: Static Position accuracy Integration Measure in your product Test 3: Tracking sensitivity Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity Chipset Measurements from factory Test 1: TTFF Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 32 Understand Acquisition & Tracking Stages Acquisition is coarse & tracking is fine Source: Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 33 Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity What is it? The Acquisition Sensitivity of a GNSS receiver is defined as the minimum signal level that is required to obtain a PVT solution. ACQUISITION SENSITIVITY RF power A Cold Start is performed in each power increment -130 dBm Usually the increments is performed by steps of 0.5dB or 1dB -145 dBm Time between tests must be taken in account by the tester -160 dBm Frequency domain Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 34 Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity How to test Simulator Receiver What to look for • Static location • Every 30 secs signal strength increases by 0.5 dB • User Action File: Acqu_sens.act • ColdStart: Reset receiver’s NVRAM • WarmStart: Acquire full alamanc & clear ephemeris • HotStart: is the same as reacquisition test • Observe CN0s reported • AGNSS receivers can acquire below -150 dBm Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 35 Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity Expected results 1 Total number of messages of this type in this cycle Perform a cold start as many times you 2 Message number 3 Total number of SVs in view Decrease the power 4 SV PRN number 5 Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum 6 Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359 7 SNR, 00-99 dB (null when not tracking) 8 - 11 Information about second SV, same as field 4-7 12 - 15 Information about third SV, same as field 4-7 Decrease the power from the nominal power level dB by dB Check for SATID and SNR of each satellite reported Once the SNR of the satellites reported is unstable you reach its acquisition sensitivity 16 - 19 Information about fourth SV, same as field 4-7 Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 36 Test 5: Time to reacquisition Field Test Measurement under real-world Test 4: Position accuracy Integration Measure in your product Test 3: Tracking sensitivity Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity Chipset Measurements from factory Test 1: TTFF Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 37 Test 3: Tracking sensitivity What is it? The minimum satellite power level where the receiver can keep tracking the code and carrier phase and maintain a position fix. TRACKING SENSITIVITY RF power Single Cold Start performed in the beginning of the test -130 dBm Time between tests must be taken in account by the tester -145 dBm A statistical analysis is required. Several test need to be performed by the tester -160 dBm Frequency domain Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 38 Test 3: Tracking sensitivity How to test Simulator Receiver What to look for • Static location • Every 30 secs signal strength decreases by 5/0.5 dB • User Action File: track_sens.act • Receiver is in continuous tracking mode – no changes needed during the course of this test • Observe CN0s reported • Receivers continue to track satellites below acquisition sensitivity Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 39 Test 3: Tracking sensitivity Expected results 1 Total number of messages of this type in this cycle Perform a cold start as many times you 2 Message number 3 Total number of SVs in view Decrease the power 4 SV PRN number 5 Elevation in degrees, 90 maximum 6 Azimuth, degrees from true north, 000 to 359 7 SNR, 00-99 dB (null when not tracking) 8 - 11 Information about second SV, same as field 4-7 12 - 15 Information about third SV, same as field 4-7 Decrease the power from the nominal power level dB by dB Check for SATID and SNR of each satellite reported Once the SNR of the satellites reported is unstable you reach its acquisition sensitivity 16 - 19 Information about fourth SV, same as field 4-7 Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 40 Test 5: Time to reacquisition Field Test Measurement under real-world Test 4: Static Position accuracy Integration Measure in your product Test 3: Tracking sensitivity Test 2: Acquisition sensitivity Chipset Measurements from factory Test 1: TTFF Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 41 Test 4: Static Position accuracy What is it? The purpose of this Key Performance Indicator is to test how accurately the receiver can determine its true position. Cold Start Warm Start Hot Start Picture reference: Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 42 Test 4: Static Position accuracy How to test Simulator Receiver What to look for • Any static scenario can be used • Receiver is in lock mode – no changes needed during the course of this test • Several measures to position accuracy: CEP, SEP, 3DRMS, 67% error & 95% error Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 43 Test 4: Static Position accuracy Expected results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UTC of Position Latitude N or S Longitude E or W GPS quality indicator (0 invalid; 1 GPS fix; 2 Diff.GPS fix) Number of satellites in use [not those in view] Horizontal dilution of position Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) Meters (Antenna height unit) Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean geoid Meters (Units of geoidal separation) Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station Diff. reference station ID# Checksum Spirent Communications TIME: 184946.000 is HHMMSS.SS LATITUDE DDMMM.MMMMM => D+MMM.MMMMM/60 LONGITUDE DDDMM.MMMMM =>DDD+MM.MMMM/60 Considerate if it is N/S or W/E sign dependency A known position (LLA) Calculate the distance between the known position to the reported position. Typically it is known as horizontal/vertical error PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 44 Test 4: Static Position accuracy Accuracy Measures Dimensions Accuracy Measure Probability (%) Typical Usage 1 rms 68 Vertical 2 CEP 50 Horizontal 2 rms 63-68 Horizontal 2 R95 95 Horizontal 3 2drms 95-98 Horizontal 3 rms 61-68 3-D 3 SEP 50 3-D Ref: ArtigoAcuraciaGPSsemAutor.pdf Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 45 Test 5: Time to reacquisition Field Test Measurement under real-world Test 4: Static Position Accuracy Integration Measure in your product Test 3: Tracking Sensitivity Test 2: Acquisition Sensitivity Chipset Measurements from factory Test 1: TTFF Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 46 Test 5: Time to reacquisition What is it? Re-acquisition time is the time necessary for a receiver to regain a PVT solution after total loss of all received signals Outage simulated Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 47 Test 5: Time to reacquisition How to test Simulator Receiver What to look for • Any scenario • On/off commands to control duration of signal loss • User Action File: reacqu_time.act • Receiver is in continuous tracking mode – no changes needed during the course of this test • Observe time to fix and CN0s • Satellite geometry is a factor for this test Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 48 Test 5: Time to reacquisition Expected results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UTC of Position Latitude N or S Longitude E or W GPS quality indicator (0 invalid; 1 GPS fix; 2 Diff.GPS fix) Number of satellites in use [not those in view] Horizontal dilution of position Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) Meters (Antenna height unit) Geoidal separation (Diff. between WGS-84 earth ellipsoid and mean geoid Meters (Units of geoidal separation) Age in seconds since last update from diff. reference station Diff. reference station ID# Checksum Spirent Communications TIME: 184946.000 is HHMMSS.SS Monitor the change in the GPS quality indicator from 0 to 1 If there is a change in the previous indicator. Check for the presence of latitude and longitude in the message The TTR is the time that the receiver takes to reacquire and lock positon when and outage happened Time to Reacquisition is faster than TTFF PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 49 Testing tools Spirent simulators and RPS R&D Integration Verification Production GSS9000 GSS6700 GSS6425 GSS6300 (M) Processes Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL Application examples 50 PT TestBench Spirent’s PT TestBench is an automation and reporting software tool, which provides you with an integrated test solution, enabling characterisation and vulnerability assessment of GNSS receivers using pre-defined Test Cases. Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 51 PT TestBench: User Interface iTest Activities streamline testing efforts around the most common automation tasks Create & edit test cases in an easy to edit format that doesn’t requirement scripting 编辑 Quickly add automated test steps through capture and analysis. Easily execute your test and view test reports or share result with others Spirent Communications Use chart or table to show the key data extracted from the test, store the data into external database for later usage Add analysis to create robust test cases. Responses can be abstracted to allow test case portability and ease of maintenance PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 52 Sample Reports Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 53 Time to start thinking about Vulnerabilities? Data from Broadcom Corporation Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 54 Q&A Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 55 Summary What did we learn today? Understand your application and GNSS related use cases There are no defined standards for GPS/GNSS testing, but there are common tests effective for defining performance Understand the results For more information visit: Follow us on LinkedIn : Spirent Communications / Spirent Positioning and Navigation Please provide feedback and complete brief survey Contact us for more info: Spirent Communications PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 56
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