September 12, 2012 Search Advertising Fundamentals Proprietary & Confidential 2 Search Ads 95% of Google Revenues Natural search results Paid Search Ads Proprietary & Confidential 3 From Search to Purchase Searcher Searches for User Advertiser Relevant info. Types keyword and find results on Search Engine Places ad on Search Engine (ex. Google) Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) can be ascertained From Search to Purchase Advertiser gets Revenue Makes a Purchase Clicks Ad and enters Web site Looks at Products on site Looks at Products on site Exits from the site – No purchase Bill Gross – The Founder of Paid Search Advertising The NetElixir Presentation World’s First Pay-Per-Click Advertising Engine. Later Changed its name to Yahoo to buy Overture for $1.63 billion July 14, 2003 1:21 PM PDT He helped Google change the rules of the game In early 2002, a Google employee, Salar Kamangar, now 28, Salar Kamangar convinced Mr. Schmidt and the founders to switch to an auctionbased system like the one set up by Bill Gross, the head of IdeaLab. Mr. Gross had created, a search engine made up entirely of ads, where advertisers paid only if their ad was clicked on, and the advertiser who bid the most per click was listed first. In 2003, US Paid Search Advertising Revenues were $972 million. In 2011, US Paid Search Advertising Revenues hit $14.8 Billion (up 27% over 2010 revenue). Proprietary & Confidential 9 Paid Search Advertising is.. • Measurable. • ROI focused. • Relatively in-expensive. • Great source of consumer insights. Proprietary & Confidential 10 Best Practices in Search Engine Marketing Build a Marketing Plan 70% of retail search advertisers do not have a marketing plan that connects goals – strategic initiatives and tactics. 13 The “GOST” Framework Primary Goal Secondary Goal Strategic Initiative #1 -Tactic 1 - Tactic 2 Strategic Initiative #2 -Tactic 1 - Tactic 2 Strategic Initiative #3 -Tactic 1 - Tactic 2 Primary Goal Secondary Goal 15 Strategic Initiatives 16 Paid Search Tactics 17 The “GOST” Framework Grow Sales Revenue by 120% to $xyz Revenue/Cost > 8x Promote “star” products nationally. -Expand Reach - Create Differentiation Flank competitors using Private Label -Map Competitor Activity - Include Price in ad copies. Gain 30%+ PPC SOV in top 5 states -Track Impression Share - Local buying behavior FY 2011: Y/Y SEM Results • Y/Y Revenue Growth = 220%. • Revenue/Cost = 11 x. 19 Deciding what products to promote via paid search 20 Keyword Strategy and “Return on Investment” Margin High End Jewellery • Scrub your keyword list regularly • Time Bound promotions to boost sales • Experiment with ad copies and landing pages Is Keyword Search Advertising Right for you? • Focus on Efficiency and growth • Controlled Keyword list expansion • Identify new sources for keywords •What’s your average order value? What is the order margin? No-brand trinkets Velocity Gourmet Food (ex. steak) Ink Cartridges Key Points • • • • • 22 Category level segmentation based on margin and velocity. Unique paid search strategy for each segment. Pre-Plan the keyword mix for each segment. Treat trademark and non-trademark campaigns separately. Treat each keyword as a “profit center”. A Structured Approach to Growing The Paid Search Program 23 The Opportunity Matrix Non-SEM Factors SEM Elements Consumer Markets Competitors Occasion Keyword Strategy Ad Copy Strategy Bidding Strategy Landing Page Strategy • Provides a framework for targeted testing. • Combination tests can open up new opportunities. • Establishes a logical construct for testing causal relationships. Paid Search Revenue Has Dropped. I don’t know why? 25 5 Step Problem Analysis • • • • • Precise Problem Statement. Which of the elements below has dropped. How much? Since when has the drop been observed? List Possible Causes for drop in specified element. Test results to establish the Most Probable Cause. x x Impressions Click through Rate 26 = x Conversion Rate Average Order Value Sales Revenue Are All Paid Search Clicks Equal? 27 Tracking Revenue/Click across geos for Proprietary & Confidential 28 What does this mean for the search marketer? • Geo-targeted customer acquisition strategies. • Deeper shopping cart analysis for different geo’s. • De-code geo-specific customer purchase patterns to create more precisely targeted campaigns. Proprietary & Confidential 29 Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the GOST Framework to structure your Marketing Plan. Know what products to advertise via Paid Search. Use the Opportunity Matrix to Grow Paid Search Program. When Paid Search revenue drop happens, use 5 step Problem Analysis process. 5. Evaluate the Quality of Paid Search Clicks by Geos. to create targeted campaigns. 30 Questions Please 31 NetElixir Inc. Email: Website: Phone: 609.356.5112 This et li ir report is intended for general information and is ased on pu licly availa le data availa le on the Internet at a particular point in time. et li ir gives no guarantee regarding this information and accepts no lia ility for any inconvenience or any direct or conse uential loss arising from reliance upon this information. o part of this report may e reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form y any means electronic mechanical photocopying or otherwise without the permission of et li ir Inc. et li ir Inc. ll rights reserved. 32
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