Pottsville Beach Public School
Pottsville Beach Public School
POTTSVILLEBEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY Dear Parents 19 November 2014 Term 4 Week 7 Last Tuesday a special Remembrance Day assembly was led by our SRC executive. Beau C, Bronte K, Ruby W and Ethan M (competently standing in for Mitchell B) explained the significance of this day and reminded everyone present of the amazing service given and the huge sacrifices made by Australia in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations. Thank you to teacher Robyn Rampano for her organisation of this assembly. PEACE POSTERS It was lovely to receive the below letter from the Cabarita Beach Pottsville Lions Club and read of the success of Marton W our student artists. The Cabarita Beach Pottsville Beach Lions Club have been extremely privileged to receive so many wonderful entries for the annual Lions Peace Poster competition for 2014 from the senior students at Pottsville Beach Public School. After much deliberation, Kelli Brown (artist and preschool educator) Ethan B and I have chosen the work of Marton W to be forwarded to the next level. Marton’s work on the competition theme of “Peace, Love and Understanding” expresses his view that this equals family. It is a beautifully detailed work with a strong influence of his Aboriginal culture and its importance to him. We forward Marton’s work with pride and thank him for his efforts. There can only be one poster to go to the next level, however, we would like to give an honourable mention to Ethan B for his great work too, another powerful example of the standard of art at Pottsville School. Yvonne Lees - President - Cabarita Beach Pottsville Beach Lions Club Marty and Ethan will receive their certificates at next Monday’s whole school assembly. The Lions Club has also informed the school that the artwork of the following students is to be displayed at the Tweed Shire Council Offices in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads April Evans, Mitchell B, Ethan B, Alana W, Rhiannon G, Shae C, Brydon K, Bronte K, Jade M, Ella D, Tori C and Taya C. ARTIST’S SUCCESS continues…. Year 4 student Maya W’s artistic talents are continuing to be recognised with her Operation Art – Night-time Forest being selected by Department of Education and Communities Executive Director Frank Potter for one of his 2014 Christmas e-cards. CWA WINNER Congratulations to Kindergarten student Keira K who has been awarded a prize in this year’s CWA poster competition. Keira will receive her award at next Monday’s whole school Keira K assembly. Congratulations Keira. Maya W A STUDENT WE CAN ALL BE PROUD OF! Recently finished Year 12 student Zak P is a young person of which both Kingscliff and Pottsville Public can be justifiably proud. Zak has always been a hard working student and has participated in many school activities including his passion for hockey. During his time at Kingscliff High Zak’s interest in the health and fitness industry developed through his interaction with our Personal Health Development and Physical Education faculty. In addition Zak began accessing courses at Kingscliff TAFE, organised through the school, which supported his goals. Zak impressed his instructors at TAFE to the extent that he was made a TAFE Ambassador in which capacity he provides guidance and advice to prospective students as well as being a positive role model. Zak received very exciting news in the last month, being offered a position at Casuarina Recreation Club as a fitness instructor. Congratulation Zak, your hard work and dedication to achieving your dreams are an example we can all follow. YEAR 7 CLASS PLACEMENT IN 2015 AT KINGSCLIFF HIGH SCHOOL Zak P Kingscliff High School has a proud tradition of offering the ‘KA’ class for high achieving and/or gifted and talented students in each of the academic cohorts from Year 7 to Year 10. A very large number of students applied for placement in the Year 7 KA class for 2015 and were able to participate in a rigorous and transparent application process. While the large numbers of extremely high quality applications were certainly gratifying to receive, it remained a source of concern for our school that so many deserving applicants missed out on placement. Given our school’s commitment to meeting the needs of all students, our staff have decided to form a second ‘KA’ or Endeavour Class in order to provide appropriate class placement for these many students. Consequently, in 2015, Kingscliff High School will provide two application based classes for high achieving and/or gifted and talented students. Membership of existing KA class will remain unchanged as per the completed application process, membership of the Endeavour class will be open to students who applied for, and missed placement in the KA class. Placement in both classes will be subject to semesterly review on an ongoing basis. All remaining Year 7 students will be placed in mixed ability classes. From Michael Hensley - Principal Kingscliff High School Debra McKinnon - Principal Tweed Coast Road, POTTSVILLE NSW 2489 T 6676 1161 F 6676 2787 E pottsville-p.schools@det.nsw.edu.au W pottsville-p.schools.nsw.edu.au POTTSVILLEBEACH this week’s Monday morning assembly. It is probably a good time to remind everyone of the three main teaching points of persistence. PUBLIC SCHOOL At our school persistence is when students try hard and do not give up easily when doing NEWSLETTER school work or other tasks. Persistent students understand that sometimes additional effort EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY and work are required to successfully complete tasks. As previously mentioned our three teaching points of persistence are; I Can Do It! Giving Effort and Working Tough. As we strive to create a culture of persistence at our school it is important that at home you continue to use DATES TO REMEMBER the language of our program and if you catch your children being persistent make sure you tell 20 November Book Club orders due them! 21 November Final payment - Band 25 November Talent Quest sessions 9.15am and 11.45am 26 November Talent Quest session 9.15am 27 November Talent Quest session 11.45am 29 November P&C school working bee 10.00am 5 December Community Carols 8 December No whole school assembly was less. Needless to say we have booked this amazing theatre group as our major visiting 16 Decmeber Pizza Day performance item next year. INSERTS 2015 Back to School pack order form - Pottsville Newsagency Year 6 only - KHS uniform note POTTY GOLD Early Stage 1 (Presented Week 8 assembly) KH Durelle D, Lyndon L-A, Tiago O Stage 1 (Presented to Year 1 Week 7, Year 2 Week 8) Alpha Productions – Theatre that Rocks! - Our visiting alpha theatre company certainly lived up to their motto with their amazing interpretation of the The Hunchback of Notre Dame last Thursday. From the beginning students were hit with a wall of sound and amazing array of bright lights. The quality acting throughout engaged our students and assisted with the message of anti-bullying and being resilient. When speaking with the performers after the show it was interesting to receive the feedback that moving to three shows had made it easier to tailor the shows to a more specific audience as the range of age in each show Surf Safety and Surfing Skills - Thank you to all those families who responded to our surfing and surf skills expression of interest. Those students who are going to participate in the program have now received a permission note for the completion of their OSSA certificate on 28 November. Whole School Assembly Cancellation - Due to our Stage 3 presentation assembly there will be no whole school assembly on Monday 8 December. The presentation assembly will be followed by our annual Year 6 ‘Ringing of the Bell’. Stephen Dean - Deputy Principal 1A Harrison B, Heidi C, Bonnie C, Gracie C, Isiah D, William E, Ethan K, Indianna W, Aaliyah W, Ash W, Michael P EARLY STAGE 1 NEWS 1C Cameron D, Brendon D, Jaylan H, Lily J, Eryn K-C, Susanna K, Felix M-G, Zephyr-Lee V 2.10pm in the school hall. We are looking forward to KH hosting this assembly. Swimming 1D Deia A-J, Scarlett K, Samuel A, Fin K, Lakota S, April B, Jorja M Kaidayn A, Kaleb A, Brodie F, Charly H, Tom H, Van J, Charlotte M-K, Kai S, Ashley W The Early Stage 1 end of year concert will be held on Friday 12 December at 9.15am in the 1J 1S Sophie F-B, Jordy H, Charlize H, Summer M, Joshua B, Jez D, Casey M, Lachlan S, Kai T, Aksel W 2A Bonny W-R, Sitali B, Noah W, Corinna P 2C Gemma O, Jemma P, Madison Y, Loic B, Benjamin M, Fletcher O, Oscar T 2F Oren L, Danny C, Leilani K, Erin Z, Reuben N, Lachlan M, Rhys W, Layton B, Lucia F 2R Toby D, Chase H, Liam J, Malachi K, Kye W, Deacon J-S Stage 2 (Presented to Year 3 and Year 4 Week 7) 3M Oscar W-B, Isaiah R, Indiana B, Harrison L 3W Harley M-W, Tom R 4A Mia C, Charlie G, Keely R, Luke S, Alisha W, Emily Q, Grace D, Lachlan B, Brodey C, Marcus C, Joel D, Kelsie P, Jessy N 4B Jaimon B 4S Anntascia G, Liam C SPIRIT OF POTTSVILLE Stage 3 (Presented to Year 6 Week 8 at 12.15pm) 5J Shahni C, Skye C, Simone D, Hollie E, Rose E, Skye F, Tyllah H, Sophie H, Harmony P, Oliver B, Bailey C, Kayleb C, Jack C, Will D, Nate M, Darcy P, Jett S 5S Jessica B, Layla H, Sati B, Vinnie B, Isabella C 6B Jade M, Maddi K, Shae C, Brodie H, Billy-Jack P, Lachlan T-S 6R Madison L, Lachlan L, Amelia K, Breanna M, Cody H, Seth P, Brenton C, Tori C, Alyssa C (presented with awards Week 6 assembly) DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S NEWS You Can Do It! – Persistence - Our YCDI! draw boxes are now very full of students names who have demonstrated the foundation of persistence while at school. Congratulations to Grace C of 3W and Brock T of 2F whose names were drawn from the reward boxes at The next and final Kindergarten assembly will be held next Wednesday 26 November at commenced this week and will continue next week for KR, KS, KH and KD. school hall and will be followed by the presentation of Kindergarten graduation certificates back in the classrooms. We hope to see as many of you as possible to help celebrate a fantastic year in Kindergarten! Each term we reward positive behaviour by planning an exciting rewards day activity. This year exciting and engaging activities and equipment will be provided by Mad Sports. The cost will be $8.00 per student and further information, along with a permission note, will be provided in the newsletter in Week 9. We have been practicing a song for the Christmas Carols on Friday 5 December and we hope that as many of you as possible can make it. More information will follow soon. Home Readers - Could we please ask that you have a look around the house for any home readers that may have found their way into a toy box, a book shelf or under a bed. We would like to complete a stocktake of these books in a couple of weeks. Thanks so much for your help. Leonie Richards - Assistant Principal STAGE 1 NEWS Rewards Day - Pottsville Beach Public School has a policy to acknowledge and reward students for their dedication to learning and their outstanding behaviour. This term Year 1 and Year 2 will be taking part in two separate activities. Year 1 - Year 1 will be going on our Rewards Day excursion to: Hoyts Cinema Tweed City, Tweed Heads on Friday 12 December. The cost will be $13.00. After the movie we will board the bus and on the way back to school stop for a lunch stop at Hastings Point Parkland. Students will not be accessing the beach but will remain on the grassed area to eat their lunch. A permission note regarding this fun day will be sent home in Week 9. Year 2 - On Tuesday 9 December Year 2 will be walking to the bowls club for a rotation of fun activities. This will include barefoot bowls, ten pin bowling and croquet. There will be no cost to the students. A permission note regarding this fun day will be sent home next week. Child Protection Classes - These classes have been occurring in all Year 1 rooms this term. A reminder to parents that the teachers cover a range of topics including the use of anatomical POTTSVILLEBEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER EXCELLENCE INNOVATION SUCCESS COMMUNITY names for body parts. Talent Quest - Wow! What a talented group of students we have in Stage 1. It was a pleasure to watch the students perform a variety of very interesting acts last week. Congratulations to the following students who will represent our Stage in the Talent Quest Final to be held next week. Will L - dance , April C, Charlee D, Lily S and Casis P - dance group, Bonny and Amie WR - playing cello and Pippa H and Sunny T - hula hooping. Assembly - Year 1 assembly will be held on Friday 21 November at 1.00pm in the school hall. Year 2 assembly will be held on Friday 28 November at 1.00pm in the school hall. Parents are most welcome to attend as this is a time when many students will be receiving their Potty Gold. Jenny Foster - Deputy Principal STAGE 2 NEWS Stage 2 Rewards Day - for eligible students will be held on Wednesday 10 December 2014. This term students will travel by bus to the Oasis Pools at Banora Point. This has proved to be a enjoyable day for the students and we look forward to a safe and fun filled day. The cost of the day for bus travel and pool entry will be $11.00. A permission note for the day will be sent home on Monday 1 December. Stage Assembly - This week’s Stage 2 assembly will be held on Thursday at 2.15pm in the hall. Potty Gold medallions will be given out at this assembly to students who have had their names in the newsletter during weeks five, six and seven and who have not yet received there medallion. The Year 4 SRC representatives will conduct the assembly. Talent Quest Final - Congratulations to the students from Stage 2 who made it into the finals of the talent quest. The finals will be held on 25, 26 and 27 November. Ann Swanton - Assistant Principal STAGE 3 NEWS Stage 3 Week 8 assembly - will be held at 12.15pm on Wednesday 26 November due to the talent quest final. All payments for Stage 3 events MUST be finalised this Friday 21 November for Rewards Day, Year 6 Farewell and Senior Shirts 2015. Any questions or concerns please contact Mrs Frost. 2015 SRC - 30 Year 5 students have nominated for a position on the 2015 SRC executive. TALENT QUEST NEWS Our finals will take place next week. We have added an extra session. Session times are Tuesday 25 November at 9.15am and 11.45am and again on Wednesday 26 at 9.15am. The forth session time (not previously advertised) will be on Thursday 27 November at 11.45am. You are most welcome to join us. Renai Hollis - Talent Quest Coordinator BAND NEWS Well done to the beginner band for another excellent performance this week. Last week we took the senior band to Kingscliff Primary School. The students had a great time and learnt a lot about playing in a large concert band with around 50 students. The students learnt two new songs and performed them at the end of the morning. Next week students who are interested in joining the band program for 2015 will be trying out instruments with me on Monday. Please make sure you have completed the form sent home and returned to the office. It is important that you put a current email address on it for me to notify you. Jake Bryant - Music Teacher OFFICE NEWS BUS PASSES - YEAR 2 STUDENTS MOVING INTO YEAR 3 - 2015 - A new bus pass application is required for all Year 2 students who are moving into Year 3 in 2015. Surfside buses are distributing bus application forms to students effected. Please complete and return the form to school if you require your child to have a bus pass for 2015. Please note that bus passes will not be reissued to Year 3 students in 2015 unless a new form has been received. Susan Matheson - School Administrative Manager CANTEEN NEWS HELP! There was only one volunteer and Kylie doing the Friday shift in the canteen! They were trying to do spiders, front window and pack the lunches all at once and there wasn’t enough hands. Please I know this time of the year starts to get busy but it is also our busiest time of the year with lunch orders always increasing in Term 4. Even if it is just for an hour please, please help, we will be very grateful. Wednesday’s we desperately need helpers from now till the end of the year. Baking this week: strawberry mini muffins, lemon sunburst slice, parkin and rice paper rolls. Next week baking: swirl cookies, double choc mini muffins and tangy apricot slice. Kylie Kelly and Rachel Oliver - Canteen Supervisors CANTEEN ROSTER Thursday 20 November Nivek W, Renee W + 1 helper students from Year 2 to Year 5 on Monday 24 November at 9.30am in the school hall following Friday 21 November Ruth T, Elsa M, Anna M, Sarah K, Korrine S the whole school assembly. Parents and friends are welcome to attend. Help this week required from parents of 4B please Kingscliff High School PE students will be joining Stage 3 for sport each Wednesday for the Tuesday 25 November Nikky H, Marie C next three weeks. These students will be assisting Wednesday 26 November 3 helpers please Thursday 27 November Nivek W, Sylvia M, Mel G Friday 28 November Renee W, Anastasia R, Tamara S, Lizzie J These students have prepared speeches supporting their nomination and will present to with coaching, umpiring and participating in a range of sports. This is to assist our Year 6 students, who are in the process of transitioning to high school, by providing them with familiar faces when they commence high school in 2015. A huge thank you, to Mr Dean Hillard who has organised this transition program. Help required from parents of 4/5F please Tuesday 2 December Nikky H, Shenae B Wednesday 3 December Marie C + 2 helpers Kingscliff High School Orientation - Year 6 students will be attending the Kingscliff High Help required from parents of 6B please School Orientation on Monday 24 November. Mr Kahl, Mr Rologas and Miss Brooker will UNIFORM SHOP escort the students to the high school where they will get to meet other students from the area and participate in the varied subjects they will experience next year. Students must return their permission slips if they have not already done so. KOP - Today was the final KOP activity and a huge thank you must go out to our Year 4 and 5 students who have been buddies for our Kindergarten 2015. Over the past two terms these students have gone above and beyond to make our new students feel welcome and excited about starting school in 2015. Last week all of the students gave their buddies a personalised card with a special message and photo just for them. Kathy Frost - Assistant Principal 2014 Website: flexischools.com.au Tuesdays: 8.30am - 9.30am Don’t forget you can order your child’s uniforms via Flexischools website using your credit card or debit card. The uniforms are then sent to your child’s class. All done from home EASY! STAGE ASSEMBLY TIMES Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten fortnightly) Wednesday 2.10pm - Week 8 - KH Stage 1 (Yr 1 & 2 - alt. weeks) Friday 1.00pm - Week 7 - 1J & 1S Stage 2 (Yr 3 & 4) Thursday 2.15pm - Week 7 - Year 4 SRC Stage 3 (Yr 5 & 6 - fortnightly) Wednesday 12.15pm - Week 8 - 6R POTTSVILLE AUTOS MOTOR MECHNICAL REPAIRS Shaun Priest ~~Sean Read *Wheel Alignment *Full Safety Checks *Road Worthy Certificates *Tyres and Fitting *Handbook Services *4WD Maintenance and Repairs 13 Elizabeth Street, POTTSVILLE Phone and Fax: 6676 1240
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Pottsville Beach Public School
Don’t forget you can order your child’s uniforms via Flexischools
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then sent to your child’s class. All done from home EASY!