Planning Proposal - Tweed Shire Council


Planning Proposal - Tweed Shire Council
Royal Terranora Resort
Planning Proposal
Table of Contents Part 1 - Objectives or Intended Outcomes ....................................................................... 3 Part 2 - Explanation of Provisions ..................................................................................... 6 Part 3 - Justification ........................................................................................................... 8 Part 4 - Community Consultation .................................................................................... 19 Part 5 – Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 19 Attachment 1 – Preliminary Concept
Attachment 2 – Draft LEP map
Attachment 3 – Building Height Map
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Part 1 - Objectives or Intended Outcomes
The purpose of this planning proposal is to enable the redevelopment of the site for an integrated
residential development via a change in the lands zoning. The ultimate form of development has not
been finalised however it is likely that uses will be limited to residential development comprising
attached dwellings, multi dwelling housing, residential flat buildings, semi detached dwellings and
dwelling houses.
It is proposed to rezone the land to R1 General Residential.
A preliminary concept plan has been prepared that demonstrates one possible development scenario.
This development plan is included as Attachment 1. The proposal plan is conceptual only and the
ultimate form of development will change upon completion of a rigorous constraints analysis.
The Site
The subject site is legally described as Lot 30 in DP 850230, Parish of Terranora, County of Rous and
situated at Marana Street, Bilambil Heights.
The sites location, in a regional context is shown below:
Site shown in regional context – source: google
The site is also shown in a more local context in the aerial photo reproduced below.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Aerial Photo - source - TSC
The onsite facilities were all part of “Royal Terranora Resort” which was a timeshare tourist facility that
ceased operation several years ago.
Current improvements on site include a cluster of four two storey accommodation buildings,
administration building, porte cochere, swimming pool, outdoor recreational area and car parking
areas. There are a total of 48 holiday dwelling units located on the site.
The site is adjacent the now defunct Terranora Lakes Country club.
The subject lot has an area of 6.782 hectares.
The site is currently zoned 6(b) Recreation pursuant to the provisions of the Tweed Local
Environmental Plan 2000. In this regard, the relevant extract from the LEP is reproduced below.
Extract from Tweed LEP 2010 – site zoned 6(b) Recreation
Draft Tweed LEP 2010 is currently on exhibition and includes the site within the 6(b) Recreation zone.
An extract of the plan is reproduced below.
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Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Extract of draft Tweed LEP – site to be zoned Proposed RE2 – Private Recreation
Height limit
Under the draft Tweed 2010 the subject site has been allocated a height limit of 10m.
Extract of draft Tweed LEP – site proposed to have height limit of 10m
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Part 2 - Explanation of Provisions
It is noted that the intent is to alter the zoning to allow the site to be developed for an integrated
residential type development.
Tweed Council is currently in preparing a new LEP in response to the State Government’s requirement
for all NSW Councils to prepare a single LEP which conforms to the requirements of the Standard
Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006. In that regard, Draft Tweed LEP 2010 is currently
on exhibition. The most appropriate zone for the subject land to be included into, so as to facilitate an
integrated residential development, would be R3 Medium Density Residential. This zone is akin to the
current 2(b) zoning under Tweed LEP 2000.
The exhibited draft Tweed LEP 2010 provides the following in relation to the R1 General Residential
Zone R1 General Residential
1 Objectives of zone
• To provide for the housing needs of the community.
• To provide for a variety of housing types and densities.
• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.
• To encourage the provision of tourist accommodation and related facilities and services in association
with residential development where it is unlikely to significantly impact on amenity or place demands on
services beyond the level reasonably required for residential use.
2 Permitted without consent
Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Home occupations; Roads
3 Permitted with consent
Attached dwellings; Boarding houses; Child care centres; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Food
and Drink Premises; Group homes; Health Consulting Rooms; Home Industry; Hostels; Kiosks; Markets;
Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Places of public worship; Public Administration Building;
Residential flat buildings; Semi-detached dwellings; Seniors housing; Shop top housing;
Any other development not specified in item 2 or 4
4 Prohibited
Agriculture; Air Transport Facilities; Amusements Centres; Boat repair facilities; Brothels; Bulky Goods
Premises; Business premises; Cemeteries, Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres;
Crematoriums; Entertainment facilities; Farm Buildings; Forestry; Freight transport facilities; Funeral
chapels; Funeral homes; Health services facilities; Highway service centres; Home occupation (sex
services); Industries; Industry Retail Outlets; Landscape and Garden Supplies; Marinas; Moorings;
Mortuaries; Office premises; Passenger transport facilities; Port facilities; Recreation facilities(major);
Registered Clubs; Restricted premises; Retail premises ; Rural industries; Rural Supplies; Rural workers’
dwellings; Sex services premises; Storage premises; Timber and Building Supplies; Tourist and Visitor
Accommodation; Transport depots; Vehicle body repair workshops; Vehicle repair stations, Vehicle Sales
or Hire Premises; Veterinary Hospitals; Wholesale Supplies.
A draft plan LEP map has been prepared that depicts the site as R1 General Residential has been
prepared and is shown below. A full copy of this plan is also included as Attachment 2.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Draft LEP zoning map – depicting the site as R1 – General Residential
It is noted that the draft Tweed LEP also includes a map that depicts height limits. In that regard, and
consistent with the height limits allocated to R1 general Industry lands a height limit of 13.6m is
proposed. The 13.6m height limit is annotated with the reference N2 consistent with labelling criteria
associated with new LEP template procedures. A draft plan that depicts the proposed height limit of
13.6m has been prepared and an extract of this is reproduced below. A full copy of this plan is
included as Attachment 3.
Proposed Building Height Map – N2 – 13.6 metres.
A preliminary concept plan that depicts one potential option for an integrated residential development
has been prepared. This concept is included as Attachment 1. It is emphasised that this is only an
initial concept and will be revised upon completion of all requisite planning and environmental studies
that are undertaken after the initial gateway determination.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Part 3 - Justification
Section A - Need for Planning Proposal
Is the planning proposal a result of any strategic study or report?
The planning proposal is not a direct result of a specific strategic study or report. There is however
other strategic policy that lends support to the proposal.
The Far North Coast Regional Strategy, adopted in January 2007, is intended to manage the region's
high growth rate in a sustainable manner. The Regional Strategy promotes a settlement pattern that
protects environmental values and natural resources while utilising and developing the existing
network of major urban centers, reinforcing village character and requiring efficient use of existing
services and major transport routes.
Rezoning of this site is considered consistent with the provisions of the Far North Coast Regional
Strategy. The Regional Strategy explicitly states that infill redevelopment will be encouraged to ensure
additional pressure on the environment is minimised. The Strategy also is supportive of plans to
efficiently use land allocated for urban development without compromising the localities identity. The
rezoning will also potentially facilitate an increase in housing choice and availability of affordable
Tweed 04/24 Strategic Plan retains the Bilambil Heights area as an urban release area which includes
the subject land. This Strategic plan is for the whole of shire and contains broad strategy goals. The
plan does lend support for Council to review the scope to provide additional housing through
It is noted that the site adjoins the proposed “Rise Development”. This development recently achieved
“major project” status and it is understood that the planning is continuing and the project will be come
to physical realization in the very near future. It is noted that the development of “Rise” is not
guaranteed. It must also be emphasized that this plan holds no statutory weight. It is however
considered relevant to mention the existence of this concept plan as it indicatively provides what may
occur on adjacent landholdings. It is noted that the “rise” development also included a preliminary
concept depicting preliminary land use designations for adjacent lands.
An extract of the plan is reproduced below which shows the subject site included within the residential
area. Again, it is emphasized that this plan has not been endorsed by council and is only provided for
information purposes only.
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Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay – “rise development” – major project application – the plan holds no formal status
Is the planning proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended outcomes, or is there
a better way?
It is considered that the proposed LEP amendment is the most appropriate method to ensure that the
lands highest and best use is achieved. To ensure that this occurs in a timely fashion the gateway
process is clearly the most appropriate planning mechanism. An option would be to await Tweed
Councils Shire wide planning review however this review is not realistically going to be undertaken
within the next three years.
Is there a net community benefit?
It is considered that there will likely be a net community benefit in that the proposal will result in an
increase in housing choice for residents. It has been proven through natural market forces that the
resort was not a viable option and as such there is some potential for the facilities on site to lay
dormant and deteriorate and eventually result in adverse amenity issues on adjoin residents.
Section B - Relationship to strategic planning framework
Is the planning proposal consistent with the objectives and actions contained within the applicable
regional or sub – regional strategy (including the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy and exhibited draft
Far North Coast Regional Strategy
The Far North Coast Regional Strategy was adopted by the Minister for Planning in January 2007. The
purpose of the Regional Strategy is to manage the region's expected high growth rate in a sustainable
manner. The Regional Strategy aims to protect the unique environmental assets, cultural values and
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
natural resources of the region while ensuring the future planning maintains the character of the
region and provides for economic opportunities. The strategy indicates that, future growth will be
managed by preventing the spread of coastal development and encouraging the development of noncoastal centre – ensuring adequate land is available and appropriately located to sustainably
accommodate the projected housing, employment and environmental needs of the region's population
over the next 25 years.
The sites proposed inclusion within the R1 General Residential zone is entirely consistent with the Far
North Coast Regional Strategy that depicts the site within the existing urban footprint (see sheet 1 of
the adopted strategy).
North Coast Regional Environmental Plan 1988
As of 1 July 2009, regional environmental plans (REPs) are no longer part of the hierarchy of
environmental planning instruments in NSW. The removal of the REP layer was intended to simplify
the State’s planning system. The North Coast Regional Environmental Plan is now deemed to be a
SEPP. Accordingly this plan will be addressed in the SEPP section below.
Is the planning proposal consistent with the local council’s Community Strategic Plan, or other local
strategic plan?
At its meeting of 17 March 2009, Council resolved to adopt the Tweed Urban and Employment Lands
Release Strategy 2009. The subject land is located with an existing urban area. The site is already
occupied with an urban development comprising some 48 units. This Strategy indicates that future
demand for housing will be met by a variety of sources including, as is the case in this project, through
redevelopment of existing residential and other properties. The Strategy includes broader assumptions
in relation to residential land supply and envisages that housing supply is feasible through urban
renewal and specifically via redevelopment of deteriorated housing stock.
The 4/24 Strategy replaces and updates the Tweed Shire 2000+ Strategic Plan. It sets broad
directions for the next two decades and provides a framework for more detailed plans and policies. It
applies to the whole Tweed Shire. The purpose of Tweed 4/24 is to:
To update the Tweed 2000+ Strategic Plan and strengthen arrangements for
To guide sustainable growth and change;
To safeguard the Tweed’s quality of life and environment;
To enable all key players (Council, other government agencies, businesses and
community organizations) to work together in achieving shared goals; and
To assist Council in setting priorities in its Management Plan and budget.
It is considered the proposal is generally consistent with both Tweed 4/24 and the Tweed Urban and
Employment Lands Release Strategy 2009 in that both of these policies promote urban renewal as
potential for meeting some of the demand for additional housing. This planning proposal allows for
just such an urban renewal project.
Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable state environmental planning policies?
State Environmental Planning Policies – SEPPs
The following SEPPs are applicable to this proposal:
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
SEPP 14 Coastal Wetlands
SEPP 14 seeks to ensure coastal wetlands are preserved and protected for environmental and
economic reasons. This SEPP requires consent and the concurrence of Planning NSW for clearing,
draining, filling of, or constructing a levee within, the identified wetlands. Wetland areas are not
considered available for future development.
The development is not designated as having SEPP 14 coastal wetlands.
SEPP 26 Littoral Rainforests
SEPP 26 provides a mechanism for the assessment of development proposals that are likely to
damage or destroy littoral rainforest areas. The policy applies to certain mapped areas and includes a
100m buffer zone surrounding such areas. The likely effects of the proposal must be considered in an
environmental impact statement. Littoral rainforest areas are not considered available for future
The subject site is not identified as having SEPP 26 littoral rainforests.
SEPP 44 Koala Habitat Protection
SEPP 44 encourages the conservation and management of natural vegetation areas that provide
habitat for koalas to ensure permanent free-living populations will be maintained over their present
range. Local councils cannot approve development in an area affected by the policy without an
investigation of core koala habitat.
A preliminary assessment of the site has been undertaken for core koala habitat and the subject site
does not meet the testing specifications contained under SEPP 44.
SEPP 55 Remediation of Land
SEPP 55 provides a statewide planning approach to the remediation of contaminated land. This policy
aims to promote the remediation of contaminated land for the purpose of reducing the risk of harm to
human health or any other aspect of the environment. Contaminated land is constrained for certain
types of development.
In accordance with this SEPP a Land Contamination assessment report will be undertaken to ensure
that there are no issues relating to contamination. This report shall be undertaken after confirmation
that the project can proceed under the gateway process.
SEPP 71 Coastal Protection
This policy seeks to ensure that development in the NSW Coastal Zone is appropriate and suitably
located, to ensure that there is a consistent and strategic approach to coastal planning and
management and to ensure that there is a clear development assessment framework for the coastal
zone. The site is not located within a sensitive coastal location however the provisions of clause 8 of
the SEPP are to be considered in the preparation of an environmental planning instrument. An
assessment of the relevant provisons of clause 8 is provided in the table below.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
SEPP 71 – Coastal Policy
Clause 8 Provision
(a) the aims of this Policy set out in clause 2,
The proposal complies with the
overall aims of the policy
(b) existing public access to and along the coastal
for pedestrians or persons with a disability should be
retained and, where possible, public access to and along
the coastal foreshore for pedestrians or persons with a
disability should be improved,
(c) opportunities to provide new public access to and along
the coastal foreshore for pedestrians or persons with a
(d) the suitability of development given its type, location
and design and its relationship with the surrounding area,
(e) any detrimental impact that development may have on
the amenity of the coastal foreshore, including any
significant overshadowing of the coastal foreshore and any
significant loss of views from a public place to the coastal
(f) the scenic qualities of the New South Wales coast, and
means to protect and improve these qualities,
(g) measures to conserve animals (within the meaning of
the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995) and plants
(within the meaning of that Act), and their habitats,
(h) measures to conserve fish (within the meaning of Part
7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994) and marine
vegetation (within the meaning of that Part), and their
(i) existing wildlife corridors and the impact of development
on these corridors,
(j) the likely impact of coastal processes and coastal
hazards on development and any likely impacts of
development on coastal processes and coastal hazards,
(k) measures to reduce the potential for conflict between
land-based and water-based coastal activities,
(l) measures to protect the cultural places, values,
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
The site does not have any access
to the coastal foreshore or creek
systems or the like.
This issue will be dealt with in detail
at the development consent stage
however the preliminary concept
plan illustrates that a residential
development is suitable.
The proposal will have no
Appropriate design measures shall
be included to ensure visual
qualities of the area are respected.
Preliminary flora and fauna analysis
undertaken by Planit Consulting
indicates that there will be no
substantial impacts.
Preliminary flora and fauna analysis
undertaken by Planit Consulting
indicates that there will be no
substantial impacts.
The proposal will have no
detrimental impacts on coastal
Cultural heritage will be addressed
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
customs, beliefs and traditional knowledge of Aboriginals,
(m) likely impacts of development on the water quality of
coastal waterbodies,
(n) the conservation and preservation of items of heritage,
archaeological or historic significance,
(o) only in cases in which a council prepares a draft local
environmental plan that applies to land to which this Policy
applies, the means to encourage compact towns and cities,
(p) only in cases in which a development application in
relation to proposed development is determined:
(i) the cumulative impacts of the proposed development on
the environment, and
(ii) measures to ensure that water and energy usage by the
proposed development is efficient.
in detailed after initial gateway
Appropriate storm water measures
will be put in place so as to ensure
no negative effects. Future
development will comply with
Tweed Council's design
specification D6 subdivision.
No known items exist on the site
however further analysis shall be
undertaken after initial gateway
Clause 18 of SEEP 71 is relevant as the proposal may ultimately involve a subdivision of land within a
residential zone into more than twenty five lots. Accordingly, prior to granting development consent,
Development Control Plan would need to be prepared for approval by the Minister or alternatively, the
Minister would need to waive the requirement for a Development Control Plan.
North Coast Regional Environmental Plan 1988 – now deemed a SEPP.
Clause 12 - Impact development on agricultural activities. This clause states that council shall not
consent to an application to carry out development on rural land unless it has first considered the
likely impact of the proposed development on the use of adjoining or adjacent agricultural land and
whether or not the development will cause a loss of prime crop or pasture land. A key issue in the
development of the concept plan was the sites relationship with adjoining land uses. It is not
anticipated that there will be any substantial land use conflicts or detrimental impacts on adjoin
agricultural operations. It is noted that final buffers will be determined following finalization of a
rigorous constraints analysis which will premise the final concept plan.
Clause 15 - Development control-wetlands or fishery habitats. This clause states that council shall not
consent to an application to carry out development for any purpose within, adjoining or upstream of a
river or stream, coastal or inland wetland or fishery habitat area or within the drainage catchment of a
river or stream, coastal or inland wetland or fishery habitat area unless certain issues are addressed.
In that regard, it is intended that all stormwater on site shall be treated in accordance with Tweed
Council standards. It is anticipated that a comprehensive stormwater report will be prepared following
the initial gateway determination.
Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable Ministerial Directions (s.117 directions)?
The proposal is consistent with all relevant section 117 directions. This is addressed in the table
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
117 Direction
Is it relevant?
1.1 Employment &
The objectives of this direction are
to encourage employment growth
in suitable locations & protect
employment land in business and
industrial zones, &support the
viability of identified strategic
1.3 – Mining
Petroleum and
The objective of this direction is to
ensure that the future extraction
of State or regionally significant
reserves of coal, other minerals
, petroleum and extractive
materials are not compromised by
inappropriate development.
Is proposal
The objective of this direction is to
protect and conserve
environmentally sensitive areas.
The objective of this direction is to
implement the principles in the NSW
Coastal Policy.
ent Protection
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
The proposal does
not result in the loss
of business or
industrial land. It
does however
potential increase
housing choice in
areas closed to
employment areas
and as such can
indirectly strengthen
these areas. There
will also be some
short term
provided with
The proposal does
not preclude future
extractive activities.
Initial environmental
undertaken by Planit
Consulting reveals
that the site does
not contain areas of
significant areas.
The site has been
heavily disturbed via
past activities.
The proposal does
not result in the
disturbance of any
sensitive lands.
The proposal in no
way compromises
the objectives of the
NSW coastal policy.
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
The objective of this direction is to
conserve items, areas, objects and
places of environmental heritage
significance and indigenous heritage
The objectives of this direction are
to encourage a variety and choice of
housing types to provide for existing
and future housing needs, to make
efficient use of existing
infrastructure and services and
ensure that new housing has
appropriate access to infrastructure
and services, and
to minimise the impact of residential
development on the environment
and resource lands
Parks and
Home Estates
The objectives of this direction are
to provide for a variety of housing
types, and to provide opportunities
for caravan parks and manufactured
home estates.
While it is unlikely
the site will be
developed for such
an estate the
proposed zoning
does not preclude
such a
The objective of this direction is to
encourage the carrying out of lowimpact small businesses in dwelling
The proposed
zoning will allow
home occupations,
home business and
home industry.
The site is well
The proposal will
Land Use and
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
The objective of this direction is to
ensure that urban structures,
building forms, land use locations,
development designs, subdivision
and street layouts achieve the
There are no known
items of heritage on
the site and studies
shall be completed
to ensure
compliance with
heritage obligations.
These studies shall
be undertaken by
professionals and
shall occur after the
initial gateway
The proposal will
facilitate an
increase in housing
choice within the
locality while having
minimal impact on
the environment
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
certain planning objectives relating
to access, and transport.
for Bushfire
The objectives of this direction are
to protect life, property and the
environment from bush fire hazards,
by discouraging the establishment of
incompatible land uses in bush fire
prone areas, and
to encourage sound management of
bush fire prone areas.
The objective of this direction is to
5.1Implementation give legal effect to the vision, land
of Regional
use strategy, policies, outcomes and
actions contained in regional
strategies – in this instance the Far
North Coast Regional Strategy.
have access to
cycle options and
pedestrian access.
road network is
essentially an urban
network and the
demand generated
by the proposal will
not generate the
Only a small section
of the property is
identified as being
bushfire. A detailed
compliance with the
provisions will be
The proposal is
consistent with the
Far North Coast
Regional Strategy in
that it provides
opportunities for
infill development
so as to assist in
meeting demand for
Section C - Environmental, social and economic impact.
Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations or ecological
communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the proposal?
Initial site investigation by Planit Consulting reveals that the site does not appear to have any
significant ecological value. The site has been heavily disturbed via past land uses and there is little
native vegetation present. It is acknowledged that a detailed flora and fauna analysis will be required
to be undertaken following the initial gateway determination.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Are there any other likely environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and how are they
proposed to be managed?
It is acknowledged that detailed environmental studies shall need to be completed however based on
initial analysis there does not appear to be any environmental issues that suggest that the project
should not proceed to the next stage.
Section D - State and Commonwealth interests
Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal?
It is considered that the proposal will not result in any significant demand on public infrastructure.
While it is anticipated that some minor augmentation of infrastructure will be required it is expected
that this will not be cost prohibited.
The more relevant items pertaining to infrastructure are addressed as follows:
Water Supply
The site is located within the Tweed Shire Council water development servicing plan number 3 – North
West area. The existing Terranora Resort on Marana Street is supplied with reticulated ‘Town’ water
via a service from Marana Street. There is an existing dia 150mm water main on the southern side of
Marana Street which is supplied by an existing reservoir on Commurra Avenue off Marana Street and
is located at approximately RL200m and as such, should have adequate head pressure to supply the
site given the site is located at a maximum RL of 150m.
Water Capacity
Based upon preliminary discussions with the Tweed Shire Council (Peter Pennycuick) it is believed that
the existing water network will have sufficient capacity to adequately service the development.
Sewer Reticulation
The site is located within the Tweed Shire Council Banora Point sewerage development servicing plan
area. Based upon the topography it has been determined that it will not be possible to service the
whole of the proposed development area via a gravity system alone. There is an existing sewer
connection in the neighbouring property being 31 Fir Street, however due to its existing depth and
downstream infrastructure; this main will not sufficiently service the entire development. As a result, it
is proposed to construct a new sewer pump station within the open space area proposed in the site.
This sewer pump station will pump to the existing dia 150mm uPVC sewer main which traverses the
proposed site entry off Marana Street. It is proposed to construct new sewer lines internal to the
development which drain to the proposed sewer pump station and pump to this main adjacent
Marana Street.
The existing Terranora Resort has a privately operated pump station which discharges to an existing
manhole in the rear of 53 Marana Street. It is proposed to remove this private pump station as part of
the works and establishing a new gravity connection to the proposed pump station maintaining only
one connection point to council infrastructure.
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Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Sewer Capacity
At the time of issue of this report, Tweed Water was awaiting an external assessment report relating to
the capacity of sewerage infrastructure within the servicing plan area. Additional development
expected within the area had been modelled in a forecasted scenario and the recommendations of
this report will be incorporated at the time of detailed design.
It is proposed to construct all sewerage infrastructure using 150 PVC or 160 PE pipe.
Gas Reticulation
Searches have been undertaken through the Dial Before You Dig service and it has been determined
that the area is not supplied with underground reticulated gas. No gas reticulation is therefore
proposed for the development. Bottled Gas may be supplied to the site at the discretion of the lot
owners or body corporate.
Electricity and Telecommunications
Electricity and Telstra services are available to the site, and the existing services are located in
Marana Street and Fir Street. An existing high voltage line traverses the site from the rear of 31 Fir
Street. This line is underground through the Fir Street property and becomes an overhead line within
the proposed development site. If augmentation works to the network traversing the site are required
these will be undertaken as part of the development.
The Electrical Reticulation will be designed and constructed by a qualified Electrical
Telstra will provide Telecommunication services.
Road Access
Permanent road access to all of the proposed units and lots will be via a new entry road off Marana
Street between 45 and 47 Marana Street. At this stage it has not been confirmed whether the road
will be held under the control of a body corporate or will become council road. Council standards have
been adopted for the proposed internal road network.
Marana Street currently services the existing Terranora resort and multiple residential allotments. The
road is constructed of full width AC seal with kerb and channel on the southern side and shoulder on
the northern side.
Marana Street and the site are close to the top of a ridge and as such the road access is flood free at
all times.
Traffic Demand
It is noted that a detailed traffic report will be required to be prepared that demonstrates that existing
road infrastructure has sufficient capacity to cater for additional demand generated. In that
preliminary findings suggest that there are no significant issues relating to road capacity issues.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities consulted in accordance with the
gateway determination?
Following the initial determination of the gateway determination formal views of relevant authorities
shall be sought and considered.
Part 4 - Community Consultation
The planning proposal is considered to satisfy the test of a “low impact planning proposal” and will
require public consultation for a period of 14 days. It is noted that the planning proposal is:
The proposal is consistent with the pattern of surrounding land use zones & land uses;
The proposal is generally consistent with the strategic planning framework;
The proposal does not represent any significant infrastructure issues; and
The proposal does not involve reclassification of public land.
Part 5 – Conclusion
The intent of the planning proposal is to alter the zoning to allow the site to be developed in
accordance with the provisions of the R1 General Residential zone.
A preliminary concept plan has been prepared to illustrate that residential development is consistent
with surrounding land uses. It is noted that further rigorous constraints analysis shall need to be
undertaken after the initiation gateway determination.
The planning proposal represents a logical step in continuing the strategic vision of both the state and
local government.
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Attachment 1
Preliminary Concept
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Attachment 2
Draft LEP zoning map –R1 – General Residential
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay
Attachment 3
Draft LEP Building Height map
PO Box 1623 Kingscliff NSW 2487
Phone: 02 66745001
Fax: 02 66745003
Offices also at Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay