Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community
Mission Statement Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community “Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is a family of believers, embraced by the Father’s love, nourished by Jesus in Word and Sacrament, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Inspired by Mary we commit ourselves to live and proclaim the Gospel of Salvation.” 750 San Salvador Drive Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 733-3606 · Fax: (727) 733-8305 www.ourladydunedin.org · email: ourlady@gate.net 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Gary Dowsey, Pastor Twitter: @heyfrgary † Rev. Claudius Mganga, Parochial Vicar Parish Office Monday-Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-Noon Mary Kibbey, Executive Secretary Robert Harris, Accountant Sue Phillips, Administrative Assistant Maureen McNeill, Administrative Assistant Steve Walker, Director of Maintenance/Operations Kathee Giuffré, Publications Specialist Department of Evangelization, Life Long Faith Formation & Youth (727) 733-0872 Chelsea Shoemaker, Director Michael Raposa, RCIA Mary Ann Dolsak, Secretary Sarah Higinbotham, Youth Minister August 23, 2015 † Msgr. William W. DuBois, Pastor Emeritus Sacrament of Baptism/ Marriage Please contact 733-0872 for scheduling Director of Music Ministries Deborah Renfroe Sacristan Lisa Porthouse Director of Events Mark Balog (727) 738-6159 www.conmycenter.com Our Lady of Lourdes School (727) 733-3776 Darrell Fulford, Principal www.myoll.com Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil...5:00PM Sunday.............7:30, 9:30, 11:30AM, 5PM Daily .................9:00AM Mon-Sat Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday ..........8:00AM to 8:40AM .........................3:30PM to 4:30PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Benediction Wednesday ......9:30AM to 6:30PM Saturday ..........9:30AM to 10:30AM 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community, Dunedin, FL Scripture Readings Next Week August 30 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 4:1-2, 6-8 Ps 15:2-5 Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27 Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Father Gary Writes MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00AM † Linda Lambert 5:00PM † Josephine Bell SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM The Members of the Parish 9:30AM † Terry Ryan 11:30AM † Rosetta Gribben 5:00PM † Msgr. Thomas J. Caroluzza MONDAY, AUGUST 24 St. Bartholomew 9:00AM † James, Mary, Patricia,and Kevin Hobbie TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 St. Louis and St. Joseph Calasanz 9:00AM † Henry Artus † Bella and Gagoo Fitzpatrick WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 9:00AM † Luisa Gama THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 St. Monica 9:00AM † Sean Patrick Kovack † Anne Neiman FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 St. Augustine 9:00AM † O’Conner & Boyle Families SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 The Passion of St. John the Baptist 9:00AM † William Lankford 5:00PM † The Members of the Parish SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30AM 5:00PM † † † † William Roy Dave Marcys Frances & Edmond Roddy William Rupp The Altar Flowers were donated In Loving Memory of James, Mary, Patricia and Kevin Hobbie from loving son and brother, Jim This summer has flown by and once again it is good to hear the noise of the children and young people from our parish school. Parish and school life is beginning to get back into full swing though this has been a very busy summer; there is never a dull moment at Our Lady of Lourdes! Please read the bulletin each week and join in the many activities and events on offer. We are disciples of Jesus Christ and our relationship with him is the most important one we have as it is eternal. As we prepare for Pope Francis’ visit to the United States next month, let us reflect on what it truly means to be a disciple, to live life in accord with the Gospel. Let us renew our commitment to Christ and his Church and celebrate our faith in him and each other every Sunday around the Eucharistic Table. Around the Eucharistic Table (the Altar) our faith is strengthened, nourished and affirmed. There is not one person who does not need Christ, who does not need to know that their life has eternal value. We are all loved eternally! Spread the word! The first official document produced by Pope Francis is entitled the ‘Joy of the Gospel.’ May the joy of Christ shine through each of us. Joy is infectious and leads others into God’s presence. As Pope Francis proclaimed on his recent visit to South America: “We evangelize, share the Gospel message of Jesus, not with grand words, or complicated concepts but with the joy of the Gospel.” As disciples we have to constantly read the signs of the times by the light of faith and keep attentive to the needs of all that, sharing their grief and pain, their joy and hope, we may faithfully bring them the good news of salvation and go forward with them to the Kingdom of Heaven, our eternal homeland. I would love to see everyone who claims to be a Catholic Christian to celebrate their faith in Jesus Christ every Sunday at the Eucharistic Table. We all know Catholics (some are very close to us) who no longer come to Mass and have a thousand reasons why they don’t. Other things become a priority and before we know it our own hearts are no longer connected to the heart of Christ. Jesus has to claim our hearts if our faith is to be alive and active. One of my favorite sayings of Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman is “heart speaks unto heart.” When your heart connects to another you establish a very firm and intimate relationship with them. It is much deeper than a ‘romantic relationship,’ it is a relationship that can survive the most difficult and challenging times because it is the very relationship which carries you through those most difficult and challenging times. As we prepare to hear the voice of Christ through the successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis, may the flame of faith be reignited in all our hearts and may we recognize anew how blessed we truly are to be disciples of Jesus Christ! Altar Servers GREEN Team Aug 29/30 2 www.ourladydunedin.org August 23, 2015 Maryknoll.org Our Parish Family Baptized into the Life of the Risen Christ Owen Michael Alvarez Massimo Marzocca Cuni Audrina Marie France Bruno Vernon Lumm Landon Bryant Seitz Mauer Aaron Titus Jack Donald Waugh Chloe Elizabeth Whitaker Born into Eternal Life Marie Cottrell Ronald D’Amico Frank Gallagher Tyler Gray Josephine Munro Love Sealed by the Sacrament of Marriage John Tunstall and Christine Zielinski Special Prayers Richard Qualls 2015 Mission Co-op Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers August 22 and 23 Deacon Larry Hart is visiting Our Lady of Lourdes this weekend and speaking about Maryknoll’s mission. He is currently serving as Associate Director of the Maryknoll Southeast Region in Mission Education & Promotion. Our Lady of Copacabana, Patroness of Bolivia Image on Display August 29 through September 7 Each year Bishop Lynch celebrates the Hispanic Mass in honor of our Blessed Mother patroness of a Latin-American country. This year we will honor Our Lady of Copacabana, Patroness of Bolivia, and a framed image of her will be on display in the church for all to pray with her. In Bolivia, on the peninsula of Copacabana, on the sacred site of the Incas, the devotion to the “Most Blessed Virgin de la Candelaria, Our Lady of Copacabana” originated. The figure of the patroness, made of plaster and fiber from the maguey tree, is completely covered with gold leaf, except for the face and hands; the garments reproduce the colors and dress of an Inca princess. The original shape is permanently hidden by rich robes and cloaks, and the carved hair has been covered by a wig. The image of the Virgin measures over four feet, and her soft expression - and that of the Child she holds as if it were about to fall - recall the features of the inhabitants of the region. The statue is the work of Francisco Tito Yupanqui, a descendant of the Inca Huayna Capac. The first efforts of this inexperienced sculptor were rejected, but finally his love and perseverance produced this image of the Virgin which was humbly enthroned in a poor adobe church on February 21, 1583, making it one of the oldest Marian sanctuaries in the Americas. Over the centuries the image was showered with valuable jewels and the church with treasures which were later looted by presidents, dictators and generals. Presently the image, which the quechua and aimara Indians call La Coyeta, has rich jewels on her neck, hands, and ears, the gifts of her devotees. In her right hand she holds a straw basket and a baton, the gift and souvenir of the visit of the viceroy of Peru in 1669. The original image never leaves the sanctuary, which became a basilica in 1949; a copy is used for processions. At first the feast of the beloved patroness was celebrated on February 2, formerly the Purification of Mary, and later it was transferred to August 5 with its own liturgy and great popular celebration 3 Please Pray for the Safety of Our Military: James Colbassani, US Marines Jordan Ditro, US Navy Richard T. Hilgert, US Navy Jon Paul Hilgert, US Navy Jacob R. Hilgert, US Navy George Kavulich, US Air Force Brian S. Kibbey, US Air Force Bradley A. Kibbey, US Navy Samuel Lynford, US Marines Adam Marston, US Army Joseph McKenna, US Army Steven McKenna, National Guard Matthew Miller, US Army Mark Miller Jr., US Army Jim Thompson, US Marines That God may bless them and keep them safe. If you are a parishioner and have an immediate family member serving in the military and would like to add them to the list, email Barbara at bennettb34698@yahoo.com or call 733-7570. The Bread and Wine were donated In Honor of Dominique Biagini from Julia Liguori FAITH FORMATION, LIFE LONG EVANGELIZATION, AND YOUTH Faith Formation Classes Have Begun! It’s not too late to sign up! Registration is still open for our Faith Formation programs which include: Sunday morning classes (EC3-5th Grade), First Reconciliation and Communion. Register on our website at www.ourladydunedin.org under Faith Formation. EDGE Registration is Still Open Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm BIG changes are coming to Faith Formation this fall. This year is going to be new, fresh, and exciting! We wouldn’t want your child to miss out. Middle School kids, take a chance and join us for EDGE on Wednesday nights at 6:30! Parents, sign your teen up today on our website or in the Faith Formation Office. Visit www.ourladydunedin.org and click the Faith Formation tab. Can you sew? Then Faith Formation needs your help! Faith Formation is preparing for our Christmas Nativity play. We are in need of a few volunteers to help us repair some of the older costumes as well as create a few new ones. If you can help us in any way, please contact MaryAnn at maryann@ourladydunedin.org or (727) 733-0872. Lecture on the Pope’s Encyclical Life Teen Tues, Sept. 15 at 7pm Conmy Center Sundays after the 5pm Mass Calling all High School teens! Join us for LifeTeen Sunday evenings in the Youth Room (Conmy Center). Dinner, craziness, and Jesus are all included! In anticipation of the Papal visit to America, we are hosting a guest lecture led by faculty from Saint Leo University on Pope Francis’ latest encyclical Laudato Si. The evening will give attendees an overview of the document as well as provide ideas of practical ways to implement the Holy Father’s words into daily life. The event is FREE and open to the public. Speakers are: Parents! Want to receive updates of what is going for high school teens right to your inbox? Email Sarah at youthministry@ourladydunedin.org and sign up! For King & Country Seventh Time Down Matt Maher Jamie Grace Skillet Lecrae Veridia Steve Okey, Asst. Professor of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion Chris Miller, Professor of Environmental Science and Ecology Stephen Okey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion at Saint Leo University in Saint Leo, Florida. He earned a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Boston College, a master's degree in theology and ethics from the University of Chicago Divinity School, and a BA in theology and mathematics from Georgetown University. His research focuses on the intersection of theology, technology, and media, with particular interest in how contemporary technology shapes the formation of the human person. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in theology and ethics. He is also an editor and contributor at DailyTheology.org, a Catholic theology blog. There he also hosts a biweekly podcast that features conversations with other scholars about the craft and vocation of theology. Outside of work he enjoys cooking, pub trivia, and hiking. He and his wife made a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in 2014. Disney’s Night of Joy 2015 Saturday, September 12 All middle school and high school teens are invited for an evening of praise and play at the Magic Kingdom for Night of Joy on Saturday, Sept. 12th. The trip will also include a surprise stop before we arrive at the Magic Kingdom. Stay tuned for clues! To sign up, turn in $90 and a permission form to the Faith Formation Office by Wednesday, August 26. Forms are available online at www.ourladydunedin.org (under Youth), in the Faith Formation office, Youth Room, Narthex of the Church, and school office. 4 A COMMUNITY OF FAITH, KNOWLEDGE AND SERVICE Back to School Smiling Faces 5 A COMMUNITY OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE “If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and he has good will, who am I to judge?” Pope Francis Archbishop Wilton Gregory Father Gary’s Homily from July 5, 2015 In Response to the Supreme Court’s Decision on Same Sex Marriage Ireland, which I have written about in my article in this week’s bulletin. It did not shock me because if an issue in Ireland is presented as discriminatory to a certain section, or a vulnerable section of society, there is always the likelihood they will vote to remove it, as you are talking of a nation who was so unjustly discriminated against by the British. Jesus departed from there and came to his native place, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astonished. They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands! Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” So he was not able to perform any mighty deed there, apart from curing a few sick people by laying his hands on them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. Mark 6:1-6 I truly believe the vote in Ireland was an equality issue, believing everyone to be equal, rather than a religious issue. But no matter what a Supreme Court or a referendum decides, it will not change what we believe as a Church with regard to marriage: the complementarity and beauty of sacramental love between a man and a woman, and the complementarity of sacramental sexual love between a man and a woman bringing forth the gift of new life. In the first parish I served in there was a lady who was very similar in speech, attitude and in her rather caustic judgments to the Dowager Countess of Grantham (played by Maggie Smith) in Downton Abbey. I remember her introducing me to one of her friends as “This is Father Gary whose mother used to run bars.” I think of this comment and introduction each time I read today’s Gospel where Jesus is somewhat dismissed because among other things he is the son of a carpenter. Have they not heard the wisdom that falls from his lips? Have they not seen his miracles? Did they not hear of five thousand being fed and the dead being raised, as we heard last week with the raising of Jairus’ daughter. We can make discriminatory judgments without really thinking about what we are saying. Does it really matter where a person is from, or what their family history or background might be? It is who we become which is surely most important. As the President stated in his inspiring eulogy last week for Clementa Pinckey (Pastor of the Church in Charleston), “You don’t have to be of high distinction to be a good man.” A carpenter’s son can be the Savior, a bartender’s son can become a priest! The best response I have read so far comes from the Archbishop of Atlanta, Wilton Gregory: “Each U.S. Supreme Court decision that has ever been rendered has resulted in deep disappointment for some people and vindication for others. By the same token, every court decision is limited in what it can achieve; again this one is no exception. It does not change the biological differences between male and female human beings or the requirements for the generation of human life, which still demands the participation of both. It does not change the Catholic Church’s teaching regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony, which beautifully joins a man and woman in a loving union that is permanent in commitment and open to God’s blessing of precious new life. This judgment, however, does not absolve either those who may approve or disapprove of this decision from the obligations of civility toward one another. Neither is it a license for more venomous language or vile behavior against those whose opinions continue to differ from our own. This moral debate must also include the way we treat one another – especially those with whom we may disagree. With last week’s judgment by the Supreme Court on same sex marriage, we may now feel as Catholic Christians no longer accepted for who we are and what we believe in our own country. Of course, in response we have to make sure we are not discriminatory in our judgments or remarks, which only fuel divisiveness, allowing the Devil more room to maneuver. We may have been shocked by the vote in so called Catholic The decision has made my ministry as a pastor more complex since it demands that I both continue to uphold the teachings of my Church regarding the Sacrament of Matrimony while also demanding that I insist upon respect for the human dignity of both those who approve (continued on next page) 6 A COMMUNITY OF LOVE AND GRATITUDE (Father Gary’s Homily - continued) A Grateful Visitor of the judgment as well as those who may disapprove.” Dear Father Gary, This response of the Archbishop echoes what I stated at the beginning of this homily. The crowds were dismissive of Jesus in their judgments because of who he was and where he came from; we must make sure we do not fall into the same trap in our judgments of others because of who they are. Our response must simply to be the best version of who we are called to be as disciples, married or single people, priests or religious. As Jesus did until he took the last breath upon the Cross and in the glory of his resurrection, we must show to others the beauty of who we are. I was recently on holiday from Port Glasgow, which is a small town 25 miles west of Glasgow, Scotland. I spent 10 days in Orlando and 4 days in Clearwater with my family. We attended the 5 o’clock Sunday Mass in your parish. This is just a little note to thank you for a beautiful service and to tell you what a lovely church you have. We hope to visit Florida again in a couple of years time and will definitely be making a point of a return visit to see your lovely church again. My own parish in Port Glasgow is St. John the Baptist and our priest is Father Michael McMahon. Hopefully, God willing, we will see you in the future. It’s good for our beliefs to be challenged. It wakes us up, stops us from being complacent. We are not the world’s police force but agents of God’s mercy, as Pope Francis constantly reminds us and no doubt will on his forthcoming trip to the United States. God Bless, Thomas Mulgrew We have a Pope who, as the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, travelled to his office, to visit his parishes on the bus and subway. He listened every day to people’s stories, to their struggles, their relationships, hopes and dreams. He recognized and has affirmed genuine love between gay people. Children’s Stewardship Corner My Time: I shared our lunch with my friends - Praying Helping my mom - Cleaning my room - Helped dad Teaching my friends how to play a game - Sweeping This is a Pope who has bathed in the reality of today’s world and requires us not to pull up the drawbridge of the Church, but to reach out to everyone with God’s merciful love. Jesus was nailed to the Cross because his mercy was unstoppable and his love unconditional. The gulf between what we hold to be true, just and beautiful, and what others believe around us may be widening. We may feel at times like fish out of water. Our response must be to respect the differences, as Archbishop Gregory stated, while upholding our Catholic Christian beliefs, and our freedom to practice them, to live them to the full. Amen! My Talent: Playing nicely - Singing - Being a good friend Making friends - Cheerleading - Kindness - Hugging Gymnastics - Running - Swimming - Coloring a card A Call to Share Sunday, August 2 Cash Offertory (2,068 households) ...................$14,650 Parish Automated Giving ....................................$3,998 Total Weekly Offertory ...................................$18,648 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal Total Attendance: 1546 My Good and Faithful Servant Sunday, August 9 Cash Offertory (2,068 households) ...................$16,719 Parish Automated Giving ....................................$4,197 Total Weekly Offertory ...................................$20,916 A Catholic School education nurtures, improves and develops our youth and sets a sound foundation for a productive, successful future. Tuition Assistance Grants, Subsidies to Diocesan Schools, the Office of Catholic Schools and Centers, Youth Ministry, Campus Ministry and the Office of Evangelization and Life Long Faith Formation are all funded by our parishes through the Annual Pastoral Appeal. Your gift to the 2015 Annual Pastoral Appeal helps our parish provide this support and includes us as part of building their Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service. Total Attendance: 1525 Sunday, August 16 Cash Offertory (2,068 households) ...................$12,357 Parish Automated Giving ....................................$3,858 Total Weekly Offertory ...................................$16,215 Total Attendance: 1587 We are grateful to the 638 families that have made a sacrifice with a generous gift toward APA and Catholic education. Our parish has raised $214,136 toward our goal of $228,525 so far. Thank you to all of our parishioners and visitors for your very generous support! 7 IN OUR PARISH AND AROUND THE AREA Apostle’s Kitchen 2015 -2016 Volunteers are needed Fall Festival Furniture Needed for Rummage Sale Our Lady of Lourdes Fall Festival is right around the corner! The festival dates for this year are October 15-18. If you have furniture to donate and need it picked up, the dates we will be picking up are: August 26 September 2, 16, 23, and 30 October 7 For furniture pick up, please contact Lina at 727-481-6435. We accept all saleable merchandise except: NO large appliances, computers, console television sets, pianos, organs, printers or computer keyboards. We reserve the right to refuse un-saleable items. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for supporting our Fall Festival. Please consider joining us by sharing a little of your time and talent with this wonderful ministry that provides the funds needed for our parish to feed the Pinellas Hope Ministry twice a month. Sunday mornings, following the 7:30 and 9:30 Mass, our volunteers prepare and serve breakfast in the school cafeteria. We are in need of additional volunteers for when we re-open the Kitchen in the fall. We hope to have four teams of volunteers; therefore the time commitment is once a month. We can either assign you to a team or, if you have friends who are already volunteers, you can ask to be placed on their team. The new season begins in September and runs through April 2016. It is not necessary to commit to the entire season; you can inform us of your availability. Please call Mark Balog at 727-738-6159 or email him at mark@conmycenter.com. Pinellas Hope Cooks Needed! We have had the pleasure of cooking for the residents of Pinellas Hope for the last several years. If you have not had the opportunity to volunteer, we would love for you to join us. We cook the meals in the school kitchen while another team transports and serves the meals to the residents. Please call Mark Balog at 738-6159 or email mark@conmycenter.com if you would like to help. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and serve those in need. Fall Festival Drop Off Dates Saturdays 2-6pm Sundays 8:30am-12:30pm September 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 October 3, 4, 10, 11 Clothing Donation Drop Off Please do not drop clothing off in the Parish Office. If you have clothing to donate, please drop it off at the Kimberly Home Thrift Store (580 Main St, Dunedin), the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store (23399 US Hwy 19, Clearwater) or the Fall Festival Rummage Sale (see dates and times for drop off). Serenity Prayer Sessions September 1, 8, 22 and 29, 7:00pm Conmy Center A Stressed? Worried? Anxious? Depressed? The Serenity Prayer has been used worldwide in churches, in 12-step Recovery Programs, during civic meetings and beyond. It is a prayer of acceptance and peace. There will be a four week session to become familiar with the prayer, apply it to your own circumstances, and support one another. It is based on the book “Reflecting on the Serenity Prayer” by Philip St. Romain and will be facilitated by Dolores Mortimer, LMHC and Sam Lima, MHI. Books will be available for purchase at class for $7.99. To enroll, purchase a book or for more information call (727) 786-7951. Desserts for Pinellas Hope Desserts for Pinellas Hope Brownies Needed Mon, Aug 24 Thank you for providing desserts for the residents of Pinellas Hope; we are very grateful for your support! If you would like to bake or purchase brownies, please bring them to the Parish Office on Monday, August 24 between 9:00am -4:00pm in a disposable container. Blood Drive Next Sunday, August 30 7:15am-12:30pm on the Parish Grounds 8 Cakes Needed Wed, Sept. 2 Thank you for providing desserts for the residents of Pinellas Hope; we are very grateful for your support! If you would like to bake or purchase a cake, please bring it to the Parish Office on Wednesday, September 2 between 9:00am-4:00pm in a disposable container. IN OUR PARISH AND THE AREA PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR Lighthouse Catholic Media Kiosk in the Narthex CD of the Month: “Our Beautiful End” The son of a Protestant minister, Matthew Leonard is now an internationally known Catholic speaker, author, and the Executive Director of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. In this presentation, Matthew discusses the nature and role of beauty in life, particularly how it sheds light on the nature of God and assists us in achieving our glorious end, which is heaven itself. Sunday, August 23, 2015 9:00 AM SB Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM DCB RCIA Classes 6:00 PM CC Life Teen Monday, August 24, 2015 7:00 PM SH Cub Scout Pack 422 7:15 PM DCB "Grupo de Oracion" Tuesday, August 25, 2015 7:00 AM DCB BNI Networking 9:30 AM CCC Circle of Joy 4:30 PM CCA Music with Mar 7:00 PM SH Boy Scout Troop 422 Wednesday, August 26, 2015 6:00 AM CCA That Man is You 9:30 AM CH Exposition 10:30 AM CHP Benediction 6:30 PM CHP Evening Prayer 6:00 PM CC EDGE 6:00 PM SL Girl Scout Troop 933 6:30 PM SH JOIN Cub Scout 422 7:30 PM DCA "Divina Misericordia" 8:00 PM DCB Men's Al-Anon Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:00 AM CCA Music with Mar 7:00 PM CHP Christian Meditation Friday, August 28, 2015 9:30 AM CH MMP Rosary Cenacle 8:00 PM DCB AA Meeting Saturday, August 29, 2015 8:00 AM CH Reconciliation 9:30 AM CH Exposition 10:20 AM CH Benediction 3:30 PM CH Reconciliation Multi-Parish Christmas Festival Meeting at St. Catherine’s Tuesday, August 25 at 7pm for the 2nd annual “Multi-Parish” Christmas Festival Come and help with the 2nd annual MULTI-PARISH outdoor Christmas festival where the Christmas Story is presented live and our Catholic faith is shared with the entire community. The event will run the weekend of Dec. 11-13. We are looking for “many hands” from the Pinellas County parishes. Our calling is to “spread the word,” please show your support and attend the meeting and bring a friend. If you are unable to attend but are interested in helping, please email Gerry Morneau at gmorneau57@gmail.com. Month’s Mind Mass Thursday, August 27th, at 12:15pm Chapel of the Resurrection - Calvary Catholic Cemetery Those persons who have been laid to rest this month and last month will be remembered by name during our General Intercessions as we lift up our prayers for them and for all who are interred at Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Gift Shop August Special Buy one Holy Card, get one FREE 20% off Holy Water Bottles Gift Shop Hours CH CC CCA CCB CCC Saturday: 6:00-6:30pm Sunday: 8:30-11:15am Monday - Friday: 9:30am-12:30pm Church Conmy Center CC Room A CC Room B CC Room C CCD CCL CHP DCA DCB CC Youth Ctr CC Lobby Chapel DuBois Rm A DuBois Rm B DCC SH SB SM SL DuBois Rm C School Hall School Bldg School Math Rm School Library ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ OurLadyDunedin We salute the advertisers in our bulletin. This week we thank KOMARA DENTISTRY Please consider using our advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @OLLDunedin 9