Summer 2013 - Lutheran Deaconess Association


Summer 2013 - Lutheran Deaconess Association
Summer 2013
Ella Pennekamp: A Lifelong Servant
Deaconess E. Louise Williams reflects on the servant heart that characterized Ella Pennekamp
(June 2, 1921—December 10, 2012). Active with the LDA for decades, Ella’s life personifies the
five images of diakonia.
Ella Pennekamp had a beautiful smile. It was
the first thing you noticed when you met her. It
radiated from deep joy, communicated
openness and welcomed everyone around her.
In her 91 years, Ella
touched countless lives
and left her mark
around the globe.
From North Carolina,
New Jersey, Michigan
and Florida to Belgium,
Ella expressed her diaconal heart in ministry
similar to that done by
deaconesses. Perhaps
she might have become
a deaconess had she not married her high
school sweetheart, Elfried, in 1943. (They were
married 57 years—until his death in 2001.) Ella
resonated deeply with the LDA’s mission.
Washing Feet. Ella followed the servant Christ
by providing hands-on ministry to those in need.
As a Stephen Minister, she accompanied many
through illness, grief or approaching death. In
retirement, she and Elfried volunteered at a
homeless shelter and helped with the food
pantry and Meals on Wheels.
Waiting Tables. The Greek word diakonia
refers to serving at the table. In addition to
serving her large family, Ella often entertained
guests with gracious hospitality and good food.
At church potluck dinners, she was well known
for her homemade whole wheat rolls.
Telling the Story. Often, deaconesses and
deacons work in church education—helping
people understand and express the story of
Jesus in their lives. Ella led many women’s
retreats and facilitated a weekly Bible study in
her home. One participant described her as “an
awesome teacher.”
Tending the Door. In the church, deacons and
deaconesses welcome people to worship. Ella
sought out newcomers and helped them feel
welcome. The Pennekamps received foreign
exchange students, befriended immigrants, and
helped resettle refugee families.
Bearing the Light. Bringing the light of Christ,
diaconal members help expose brokenness in
the world and rally God’s people to respond to
needs. Ella and Elfried saw needs in the
Lakeland, FL, area and helped organize
Volunteers in Service to the Elderly (VISTE),
providing services enabling the frail elderly to
remain in their homes.
(Continued on Page 3)
Executive Director’s Corner
Dear Friends in Christ,
Throughout this year, we are looking at our history – from the women and men who,
with the help of God, have led us to where we are today to the partnerships that have
made us strong. We are especially grateful for our 70-year affiliation with Valparaiso
But an anniversary is more than an opportunity to look back; it is a time to look
forward. Our understanding of our call as a bridge between people and God’s love will continue to
evolve. In just six years we will celebrate 100 years since our founding in Fort Wayne, IN. But, like
the towel which takes its shape from the thing it surrounds, deaconesses and deacons will continue
to be shaped by the people we serve and the needs we address.
Wondering where Pastors F.W. Herzberger and Philip Wambsganss, who founded the LDA in 1919,
thought the LDA would be in 100 years, I recently reread a skit that we did in 1999 celebrating the
LDA’s 80th anniversary. I played Deaconess Karen, who, by “special arrangement,” attended from the
next century. Many of the things my character said will hold true for the coming decades.
For instance, she said we would be able to have live videoconferencing for deaconesses in isolated
places. That is becoming reality. Instead of the months it took for letters from early deaconesses in
India and China, now, via Facebook and e-mail, we receive regular updates from deaconesses in Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Tanzania, and Turkey. Deaconesses worship with us live via Skype on Wednesday
So what might our future look like? Women and men will be answering God’s call to a life of diakonia
– serving throughout the church, the community and the world. You will find deaconesses and
deacons wherever God places them. Congregations will lift up those called to this ministry,
encouraging them, praying for and supporting them in their formation. All God’s people will be
encouraged in lives of diakonia—Faith in Action for a World of Good!
I echo the words of Pastor H.B. Kohlmeier
from our 20th anniversary in 1939, “We have
every reason to go forward with courageous
and joyful hearts.”
Deaconess Lisa Polito
Executive Director
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Jessica McCallum is consecrated in June 2013.
Celebrating 70 Years in Valparaiso
The deaconess training program moved to
Valparaiso in 1943. Over the years, the
affiliation with Valparaiso University has been
beneficial to both the LDA and VU,
strengthening the academic and theological
preparation for deaconesses’ ministries while
providing VU with a closer connection to a
community of people who choose to serve
others. We look forward to the future!
Plans include campus tours, a trivia contest,
Deaconess Hall bricks, worship opportunities,
and more. Join us if you are able! Friend us on
Facebook for updates. And, read an article
featuring Deaconess E. Louise Williams in the
VALPO Magazine at
Anniversary activities later this year:
LDC Annual Meeting, July 25—29
Street Fair Tent at VU Homecoming
and Reunion, September 27—29
Anniversary Banquet and LDA
Annual Meeting, November 8
Dedicating the cornerstone of Deaconess Hall.
Honors and Awards
Deaconess E. Louise Williams, Executive
Director Emeritus of the LDA, was honored with
the Christus Rex Award at the 65th Institute of
Liturgical Studies at Valparaiso University in
April. This award is given annually for
significant contributions to Lutheran liturgical
scholarship and renewal. Louise also preached
at the Institute’s Opening Eucharist.
On May 10th, Rev. Karl E. Lutze was awarded
an Honorary Doctor of Letters at Concordia
University, St. Paul. He was recognized for his
passion for multicultural ministry, his leadership
in higher education, and the development of the
Lutheran Human Relations ministry. Karl helped
establish the LDA in Valparaiso and has served
the LDA for decades.
Ella’s Story (continued)
Ella lived with a grateful heart. Even in times of
sorrow, she gave thanks for God’s unfailing love
and care and was grateful for family and friends
and opportunities to serve around the world.
Serving two terms on the LDA Board of Directors
and as a member of the long-range planning
committee, Ella helped develop the vision that
guides the LDA’s work today. In death, she left
a legacy gift which will enhance the use of
technology in that mission. The endowed fund
established in her name will provide scholarships
to several students each year. The LDA is
grateful for her long life and ministry. Through
these gifts, Ella continues to touch lives and
leaves her mark for years to come.
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Phonathon: Donors + Volunteers = Success!
On April 18-20, we conducted our 24th annual phonathon. The joint effort of hundreds of people, it is
our biggest fundraising event of the year.
“The Phonathon was actually
more fun than I expected - I
got to talk to people I hadn't
heard from in years!” That
was a Facebook post by
Deaconess Phyllis Pleuss.
Such connections help make
our phonathon a success. In
this era of texting and social
media, there’s nothing quite
like a real conversation with an old friend. And,
yes, we think of our donors as friends, people
who share our belief in the importance of
designate how they want their gift to be used—
general operations, student scholarships, or for
future use via our endowment.
As we pause to thank all of the people who
made this year’s event a success, we are already
thinking about next year. We plan to celebrate
the phonathon’s 25th anniversary by
expanding our use of social media, texting and
e-mail. And of course, we’ll be calling for some
friendly conversation.
Next year’s phonathon is April 24-26, 2014. Will
you answer the call?
All sorts of people help. For the second year,
the Valparaiso University College of Nursing
offered the use of its building and phones. LDA
Board and staff members worked late into two
evenings and on Saturday. Some people baked
cookies with grandmotherly love so callers could
have treats. Others made calls, tallied results,
and handled logistics.
On the other end of the line were the
donors who generously support the LDA.
Gifts and pledges ranged from $3 to over
$5,000 and raised 25% of our annual
operating budget. Some donors have
been giving for decades; for others, this
was their first gift. And, they gave in
many ways. Some will send a check. Others
arranged for electronic funds transfers by
giving banking information or credit card
numbers. Still others visited the LDA website
to give on-line.
Regardless of the method or amount, all these
gifts support the LDA’s mission. Donors
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Fun Facts
$125,000+ raised
400+ donors
50 volunteers
1,300+ calls
1 Facebook
 100+ texts
Towel and Basin Club January - December 2012
($5,000 and above)
Deaconess Joan Cole-Heine
Deaconess Eileen Morgan
Dave and Phyllis Schroeder
Carol Stuhr
Deaconess Judy Hoshek and Nick Dobrinich
Deaconess Lisa and Carmine Polito
Tim and Barbara Virus
Jim and Joanne Albers
Deacon Student Steve Arnold
Deaconess Liesl and Steve Begnaud
Hal and Peggy Bernthal
Deaconess April and Scott Boyden
Deaconess Virginia and Charles Brondos
Deaconess Karen Burgess-Cassler and
Anthony Cassler
Mr. and Mrs. Em Cole, Jr.
Deaconess Janet Conrady
Jeff and Leanne Cribbs
Bill and Kathy Croft
Deaconess Liz and Tom DeMik
Deaconess Judi Duemler-Tyler
Deaconess Betty Epie
Angie Evans
Deaconess Beverly and Larry Fields
Estate of Deaconess Eunice Foote
Deaconess Deborah and Peter Graf
Grace Hansen
Deaconess Lorna Hansen
Deaconess Olivia and Jim Hartung
Deaconesses Hilary Hefferlin and Jamie Alden
Deaconess Roberta and Michael Hillhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hoeppner
Deaconess Edie Hovey
Deaconess Diana and Bill Iltzsche
Deaconess Janice and Rev. Frank Janzow
Deaconess Connie and Leonard Johnson
Barbara Klingsick
Marguerite Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leep
Karl and Gail Lutze
Deaconess Diane Marten
Ralph Marten
Roger and Wanda Meadows
Deaconess Barbara Nieman
Deaconess Mary and Gene Phillips
Rev. James Plackner
Deaconess Phyllis and John Pleuss
Deaconess Ann Marie and Mike Rehbein
Deaconess Gwen Sayler
Deaconess Karna and Rev. Phil Secker
Col. and Mrs. William Seeber
Rev. and Mrs. Timothy Sims
Nancie Smith
Honorary Deaconess Lydia Volz
Deaconess Jean and Paul Warren
Joseph Whitlaw, Jr.
Deaconess Jean and Rev. Paul Wildgrube
Deaconess E. Louise Williams
Mike and Grace Albano
Leah and Ian Anderson
Deaconess Sheryl Andreasen and Paul Conrad
Connie Ashline
Honorary Deaconess Kristi and Mark Bangert
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bass
Deaconess Carolyn and Rev. Donald Becker
Don and Betty Bengel
Bob and Marilyn Benson
Patricia Boessling
Dr. and Mrs. Manuel Bretscher
Gary and Lorraine Brugh
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buerkle
Gisele G. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Claussen
Michael Cobbler and Rev. Thelma
Deaconess Shirley and Dr. Maynard Dorow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Duesenberg
Deaconess Becky Elfman
Deaconess Hertha Fischer
Ruth Fluegge
Deaconess Bonita and John Fredel
Tim and Martha Fuller
Deaconess Bettye Green
Dr. John Helms
Deaconess Barbara Herzinger
Karna Hollatz
Jim and Susan Hooker
Keith and Emi Johnson
Deaconess Vanette and John Kashmer
Deaconess Marla and Steve Kay
Deaconess Anita Kinzer
Deaconess Burnie Kunz
Jonn Kusch
Rev. Timothy and Laura Lincoln
Deaconess Pamela and Gregory Loesel
Christopher Lueking
Christopher Lund and Kerry Kornblatt
Trisha Mileham
Deaconess Gail Musolf
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Peterson
Ron Pieper
Ted and Mary Predoehl
Deaconess Darlene and Rev. Daniel Quiram
Deaconess Cindy and Dave Rasmussen
Deaconess Jan and Doug Reaver
Paige and Karl Reichardt
Deaconess Pat and John Roudebush
Bertha Sauer
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scherzer
Clifford Schreck
Deaconess Lorinda and John Schwarz
Ed and Karen Seykowski
Violet G. Sharpe
Dorothy Stein
Aurella Swanson
Rev. Paul J. and Pam Thielo
Deaconess Mary and Robert Turos
Tom and Anita Unrath
Deaconess Ellen and Eric Voigtman
Richard and Julie Vurva
Deaconess Barbara and Terry Wiechman
Wayne and Sharrol Williams
Rev. Steve and Lisa Zittergruen
Roy and Anne Marie Austensen
Deaconess Ann and Larry Baas
Dr. Richard Baepler
Deaconess Karen and Rev. William Bakewicz
Deaconess Linda Balfany and Family
Deaconess Kristen and Robert Baltrum
Drs. Mark and Dawn Bartusch
Dorothy Bass
Deaconess Brenda and Rev. Timothy Bauer
Estate of D. Allen Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baumgaertner
Pat Bell
Deaconess Bonnie and Jim Beversdorf
Kermit and Juanita Blezinger
Deaconess Kathy Borgman
Mr. and Mrs. Lukas Bouman
Deaconess Kathleen and Jack Brown
Mr. David and Dr. Betsy Burow-Flak
Deaconess Jocelyn and Dave Carson
Victor and Julie Charlson
Deaconess Heidi and Donald Cowey
Deaconess Judy Dietrich
Deaconess Cynthia Donnell-Foster
Larry and Donna Donner
Gloria and Ross Edwards
Darlene Erickson
Carsten and Georgia Falkenberg
Deaconess Barb Finley
Rev. Keith and Ruth Forni
Paul Fouts
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fox
Linda Frank
Terri and Chuck Fridley
Steve and Barbara Fuller
Deaconess Diane Greve
Deaconess Mary Gunderson and Dr. Hans Zorn
Hunter J. Hansen
Ilene Hardy
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Harre
George and Carolyn Heider
Deaconess Sue Heise
Steve and Judy Herum
Dorothy Hillis
Deaconess Cherryll and Ken Hoffman
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Hoffmann
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoffmeister
David and Anita Hollenbeck
Honorary Deaconess Mary and Carl Hurst
Klara James
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson
Pat and Jeanette Keifert
Kelly and Cheryl Keithly
Gloria Keller
Deaconess Betty Knapp
Alma Kokubun
Mark and Pat Kretzmann
Page 5
Towel and Basin Club January - December 2012
Warren and Betty Larson
Deaconess Barbara and Louis Lawrence
Rev. Dr. Carolyn Leeb
Deaconess Kristin and Jeff Lewis
Deaconess Beverly and Paul Lund
Mark Lutze and Hilda Demuth Lutze
Deaconess Sabine Maresco
Joan Marquand-Willse and Bob Willse
Deaconess Maralyn Marske-Walker and
Richard Walker
Father Kevin McCarthy
Deaconess Sharon McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Ian McDougall
Robert and Audrey Medrow
Deaconess Karen and Rev. James Melang
Dr. Paul Meyer
Mary Ann Michelsen
Deaconess Paula Mickan
Dr. Kathleen Mullen
Margaret Mundt
Anne Murphy
Fred Niedner and Barbara Crumpacker
Rev. Jonathon Niketh
Dot and Jim Nuechterlein
Joyce Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Peters
Mel and Eileen Piehl
Wilma Pierson
Deaconess Karen and Courtney Pitkin
Antoinette Polito
Wynette Polito
Susanna M. Rast
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Renken
Deaconess Dawn Riske
Deaconess Deborah Robinson
Deaconess Linda and Leslie Schaefer
Rob and Carol Schickel
Bill and Mary Ann Schirmer
Rev. and Mrs. Edward Schroeder
Deaconess Judy and Art Schroeder
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Sell
Rev. Luke S. Smetters
Lori Smith
Paul and Jean Speaker
Deaconess Catherine and Mike Steffen
Deaconess Kathryn and Dr. James Stim
Dorothea Tenney
Susan Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tinker
Deaconess Jennifer and David Tinker
Dr. Douglas and Cindy Tougaw
Deaconess Elaine and Charles Turansky
Jim and Ellen Vance
David and Janis Vasut
Richard and Ellen Warger
Deaconess Rebecca and Rodney West-Estell
Deaconess Judy and Jim Whaley
Rev. Steven Wilco
Jason and Julie Winkler
Caroline Wolff
Marty and Sandy Wood
Mike and Nancy Yohe
Lanny and Dayle Young
Marcia and Brian Zauner
Page 6
Judy Albers
Deaconess Janet Russell Alcantara
Anne Alden
Mr. and Mrs. Rick AmRhein
Susan Anderson
Deaconess Andrea and Don Arnold
Geraldine Arnold
Beth Barkhau
Pauline Barnes
Marjorie Barnett
Linda Bartusch
Deaconess Mary Baumann
Deaconess Sonja and Rev. Wes Baumeister
Nancy Beamesderfer
William Beermann
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Behrens
Lola Behrens
Rev. and Mrs. David Belasic
Glen and Cathy Bengson
Concordia Beversdorf
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Boger
Gloria Bouchard
The Rt. Rev. Aubrey N. Bougher, STS, STD
Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Bouman
Adeline Branahl
Rev. Susan Briehl and Bishop Martin Wells
Deaconess Leslie and Bill Broughton
Rev. Timothy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlson
Manfred Cewe
Diane Chilian
Livingston Chrichlow
Jarrod Christen
Dr. Robert Clausen
Christopher and Maura Cock
Patricia Colacicco
Ann Collord
Deaconess Norma Cook Everist and
Rev. Burton Everist
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Cordes
Deaconess Nita Cunningham and Walter Lott
Deaconess Andrea Mohr Delaney and Mark
Jonathan and Ellen Demik
Melissa and Jayson DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doering
Deaconess Lisa and Tom Donahue
Matt and Lorna Donner
Deaconess Jan and Rev. Mike Drews
Ron Drews
Dyer Household
Deaconess Sandra and Dwayne Eacret
Deaconess Juanita Ebert
Jon and Karen Edwards
Virginia Eilers
Ed and Carol Engerer
Deaconess Gretchen Enoch
Corinne Esau
Rev. and Mrs. Gale Everson
Deaconess Marilyn Feldhaus and David Gross
Deaconess Brenda Fleagle
Keith and Donna Fogt
Dennis and Michelle Friesen-Carper
Rev. Ann Fritschel
Henry Fuqua
Deaconess Carole Garwood
Jane and Roger Geske
Del and Charley Gillispie
Elizabeth Gingerich and Keith Chitwood
David and Jane Grandstaff
Mr. and Mrs. Tyrone Greive
Deaconess Laurie Gruenbeck
Dr. Michael Hagenberger
Marilyn Hahn
Lavada Hanson
Deaconess Donna Hardy
Daniel Haug
Deaconess Jacqueline Haug-Schulz
Betty Hecht
Mark and Veronica Heckler
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hedberg
Deaconess Denise Hegemann
Irene Heider
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Herr
Mary Hillhouse
Norma L. Hinsch
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hodel
Eleanor Hoehn
Rev. and Mrs. William Hoerger
Ernie and Jan Hoffman
Deaconess Beverly Hohman and Franck Geuder
Pat Hoogendoorn
Harold Hormann
Stanley Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David Hoyem
Kathryn Hronec
Renate Hughes
Mark and Glenna Jackson
Marian Jameson
Mike and Lynn Jankowske
Elsie Johnson
Lynn Johnson
Paul Jud
Deaconess Mary-Anne and Donald Jungst
Rev. and Mrs. Kas Kachmarek
Barbara Kanary
Deaconess Hedda Katenkamp
George Kegley
Deaconess Marilyn Kelso
Joanne Gilmore Kerkhof
Honorary Deaconess Phyllis N. Kersten
Rev. Timothy J. and Rev. Kari Henkelmann Keyl
Mark and Julie Kilkenny
Jean Kinsey
Margaret Kleinwort
Maj. and Mrs. Walter Klimek
Rev. and Mrs. Keith Klockau
Deaconess Barbara Kloehn-Pyle and Jerry Pyle
Charlie and Barb Koch
Linda Koch
Dr. and Mrs. Don Koetke
Loren and Arlene Kramer
Ted and Diane Krebs
Karl Kreft
Janet Kreller
Carol Krentz
Marleene and Ronnie Kretchman
Towel and Basin Club January - December 2012
Luana Krieger-Blake
Rev. Arne Kristo
Deaconess Janet and Charles Krueger
Marilyn Krueger
Esther Kruger
Carolyn Lange
Robert Lange
Sue and Don Langhoff
Jane Larcom
Joel and Christine Lehmann
Lennox Family
Helmut and Marie Link
Ted and Kathy Ludwig
Deaconess Julie and Rhett Luedtke
Sylvia and Tom Luekens
Dr. and Mrs. F. Dean Lueking
Wesley Maiers
Freda Mallory
Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Mangelsdorf
Rita Mangelsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. David Marten
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Martens
Deborah Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Marty
Norma May
Harriet Meier
Dr. and Mrs. Arlin Meyer
Rev. and Mrs. John Meyer
Deaconess Heidi Michelsen
Deaconess Nancy and Doug Mickan
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mielke
Rev. and Mrs. Marcus Miller
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Modahl
Mr. and Mrs. John Moentmann
Mr. and Mrs. Les Mohler
Marie Monk
Lyle and Jane Mortensen
Deaconess Ruth and Dale Mortensen
Rev. and Mrs. Rick Mueller
June Mundinger
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Naumann
Deaconess Deborah and Bill Nebel
Jim and Janith Ness
Estate of Marilyn Nielsen
Bill and Dee Nord
Kris Nygaard
Rev. and Mrs. Fred Opalinski
Marlene Oppegaard
Deaconess Janice Orluske
Rev. Orval Oswald
Deaconess Nona Pankonien
Deaconess Beverly and Paul Parobek
Ella Pennekamp
Jane and Robert Perry
Scott and Patty Peters
Ranell Pilch
Deaconess Cheryl and Michael Plummer
Deaconess Jean and John Plusch
Dr. and Mrs. Carmine Polito
Dr. and Mrs. John Poncher
Marlene C. Raack
Deaconess Jeanette and David Rebeck
Deaconess Faith Reiner and Jim Higgins
Lois Reiner
Calvin and Tillie Remmert
Michael and Kirsten Renehan
Rev. Rudolph Ressmeyer
Beverly Riehl
Reverend Leroy Riemer
Bernice Rodenbeck
Martha Rohlfing
Ruth Rohlfing
Diane and Wayne Roock
Dorothea Rummel
Nita and Lambert Runge
M. Martha Ryan
Deaconess Phyllis Saathoff
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Saeger
Marva Dawn Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Sandvik
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John Santoro
Rev. Freda Scales
Suzanne Schatt
Deaconess Joyce Schindler
Deaconess Lynda and Rev. Dietrich Schleef
Gale and Lois Schmidt
Hildegarde Schmidt
Rev. Walter Schoedel
Chaplain and Mrs. Dell Schomburg
Deaconess Jane and Paul Schreiner
Deaconess Dianna Schumacher
Deaconess Cheryl and Wayne Sell
Rev. and Mrs. Martin Seltz
Nancy Semerau
Ed and Marlynn Senne
Heidi L. Sherer
Deaconess Patricia and Leland Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sims
Deaconess Dorothy and Donald Snyder
Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Sohn
Norma Sorenson
Deaconess Amanda Spangler
Brad and Marilyn Spring
Prof. Herb and Rev. Paulette Stahlke
Stephanie Stalmah
Bill and Helen Steinbrecher
Mary Stewart
Milt and Carol Stohs
John Stokes
Rev. Carl Streufert
Jim and Kris Stuck
Dale and Barbara Swartz
Marlys Taege
Mary Thompson
Ralph Tollas
Jack Towe
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Townsend
Paul Trapp
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Trost
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Usher
Deacon Steve and Susan Vekasy
Deaconess Janet and Paul Vesbach
Rev. Robert Visser
Alice Voges
Dr. Jerry Wagenblast
Linda Walters
Patricia Ward
Dorothy Warner
Lois Warner
Doug and Jackie Watkins
Susan Weber
Deaconess Debra Wehking
Scott Weidler
John Wenger
Duane and Carol Werner
Patricia Campbell White
Deaconess Paige Whitney
Sandy Whitney
Barbara Wieting
Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Wilkie
Jeff and Jenn Will
Carol and Edwin Williams
Carole Graham Williams
Kenneth and Debbie Winkelmann
Doreen Witte
Robert Wolff
Mary Younke
Sue and Larry Zimmerman
Lee Zoppa
Bronner Family Charitable Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation
Lutheran Foundation of Texas
Thrivent Foundation
Interested in Making a
Gift—Now or Later?
Giving Now: The LDA offers
convenient on-line giving via our
secure website,
Installment plan options are
available. Of course, old-fashioned
checks and cash are welcome, too!
Gifts are tax deductible to the
extent allowed by law.
Giving Later: Like Ella, you can
include the LDA in your estate plans.
You can include the LDA in your will,
name the LDA as a beneficiary of a
life insurance policy, or give in other
ways. Talk with a financial advisor
to determine the best way for you
to make a lasting impact on people
with servant hearts.
Thank you! The LDA is supported
primarily by charitable gifts from
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Center for Diaconal Ministry
1304 LaPorte Avenue
Valparaiso, IN 46383-5815
Faith in Action for a World of Good
(219) 464-6925
We’re Reaching Out. . .
Need a Moment’s Respite?
The LDA offers DeacPost, an e-mail devotion sent on Thursday afternoons. DeacPosts are written by
deaconesses and LDA students. They typically include a Bible verse, a prayer and some sort of
observation, reflection, or story—all in a few short sentences. If you’d like to take a moment from
your stressful daily life, sign up. Just send your name and e-mail address to and
ask to subscribe to DeacPost. (Don’t worry—the LDA does not share addresses with other
organizations and you may unsubscribe from DeacPost at any time.) And, remember to let us know
if your e-mail address changes!
Please Stay in Touch
You can find us on-line at:
 Facebook: Lutheran Deaconess Association
 Twitter: The LDA@DeacServ
 YouTube: The “LuthDeac” channel
 E-mail:
The LDA prepares women and men for ministries of service to those in need in the church and the
world, supports deaconesses and deacons in their varied ministries, affirms the whole people of God in
their own diaconal service, and assists the church in its diaconal mission.
The LDA Today is published to further the LDA’s mission and is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advice. Errors,
questions, and subscription changes may be addressed to the LDA, Center for Diaconal Ministry, 1304 LaPorte Ave.,
Valparaiso, IN 46383 USA, (219) 464-6925,, or Editor: Kurt Reichardt.
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