Than One - Lutheran Deaconess Association


Than One - Lutheran Deaconess Association
Va l p a r a i s o
More Than One
Brenda feeds Abby while Belle and Amy watch.
Conducting grief groups.
Assisting Cass County emergency personnel by checking
on flood victims. Arranging
transportation to and from
church. Planning healing
services. Training ushers in
CPR. Caring for soles and
toes during foot care clinics.
Leading aerobics. Finding
volunteers. Bringing gifts to
pregnant families. Equipping
the congregation to provide
a healing and healthy place
as a faith community. These
are all a part of Deaconess
Brenda Bauer’s ministry as
parish nurse/deaconess at St.
John Lutheran Church, Fargo,
When Brenda made a
visit to the home of Jesse and
Amy Carlsen, she thought
it would be a typical visit
to a pregnant couple. But
this visit was different.
When Brenda arrived at the
Carlsen’s home, she discovered that Amy was pregnant
with conjoined twins. Right
away Brenda asked what their
needs were. And so began a
journey together for the congregation and family.
Abbigail Lynn and Isabelle Anne Carlsen were born
November 29, 2005 at Abbott
Hospital in Minneapolis.
They arrived kicking
and screaming and weighed
Vo l .
5 pounds 2 ounces each and
were 17 3/4 inches long.
Identical twin sisters, they
were conjoined at the lower
chest and upper abdomen.
Brenda assisted in organizing meals and home health
services. She researched the
medical needs and options for
the twins. Brenda organized a
benefit dinner with matching
funds from Thrivent Financial
for Lutherans. While 200
– 300 people were expected,
over 1000 showed up raising
over $14,000. When Brenda
won tickets to a Valentine’s
dinner, she gave them to Amy
and Jesse and babysat
the girls.
When the time
came for the operation
to separate Abby and
Belle, Brenda joined the
Carlsens in Rochester,
Minn. The night before
the service, Brenda conducted a healing service
and a blessing of the
hands of the medical
professionals. One of
them remarked later that
it felt like someone was
guiding their hands.
The very successful surgery has been
followed by months
of therapy. Abby and
Belle are doing really well.
Jesse and Amy are very
grateful for Brenda’s help.
Even though Amy was born
in Deaconess Hospital, Great
Falls, Mont., she did not
know any deaconesses until
she came to St. John. Amy
says, “Brenda makes it easy
to ask for help, I can call and
ask her anything. I wouldn’t
do that with anyone else.”
Jesse added, “She is a great
resource. She will be there at
any time we need her.”
If you would like to read
more about Abby and Belle’s
journey, you can visit www.
Before surgery, Brenda
holds Belle and Abby.
From my perspective . . .
Dear friends,
Hospitality is the theme
of our current “book of the
year.” Deaconesses and students read a book together
throughout the year. We talk
about it in person at deaconess area conferences and
through our email list for
deaconesses. The reading and
conversation help us grow in
Hospitality is about welcome—creating space for
someone to come in and feel
at home. Sometimes the ministry of hospitality involves
making room in our time
or attention. Sometimes it
involves an actual space in a
real place.
We like to think of our
Center for Diaconal Ministry as a place of hospitality.
People come to enjoy our
lovely gardens. Some find
the labyrinth in the backyard
helpful for their prayer. Many
come into our house for quiet
or community.
I’d like you to meet some
of our guests during this past
• Participants in the
Luther Hostel at Valparaiso
University came for refreshments and fellowship.
• Deaconesses from
throughout Indiana came several times for meetings.
• Women discerning
God’s call to diaconal ministry came to talk with staff and
• Deaconesses and
friends gathered for a reception during the Lutheran
Deaconess Conference. For
many, it was their first look
at the newly landscaped gardens.
• In August and in
March deaconess students—
35 of them—from around the
USA and Canada came for
their annual seminar. Deaconesses and others came to
teach and encourage them.
• At 7:00 a.m. each
Wednesday, students, staff
and faculty gather in the living room for a brief Eucharist
service followed by breakfast
and conversation.
• Deaconess Mary
Mwaura from the Lutheran
Church in Kenya made our
Center her home-base during
a two-month visit.
• Students and perspective students gathered
with the LDA staff for suppers of homemade soup and
quiet conversation during
Advent and Lent.
• Friends of the LDA
stopped in for the open house
before or after the Advent/
Christmas Vesper Service at
the VU Chapel of the Resurrection or for a reception during the Institute for Liturgical
• Local pastors and
other church workers found
this a prayerful place for a
morning Lenten retreat.
• Students came to
study or meet with friends or
consult with staff or prepare
Haley Hackett, one the of
the LDA’s 34 students,
teaches fourth grade St.
Mark Lutheran School in
Brunswick, Ohio. Last
summer she spent two
weeks in northwestern
Kenya with Valparaiso
University’s Engineers
Without Borders. While
in Kenya, she taught
Sunday School and
worked on an irrigation
project. This summer
Haley is going to South
Aftrica to build houses.
and share a meal.
Maybe even you have
come to visit. Please know
that you are always welcome.
Know, too, that we are grateful for all the ways you support and promote this ministry. You help us be hospitable
to all who come.
Sharing Christ’s service,
Louise Williams, Executive
“I asked my Sunday
School class, ‘What is a
deaconess?’” One of the
children replied, “I think
she is sort of a janitor.”
From Deaconess Amelia
Doctor -- May, 1954.
Do you know what a
deaconess is? Contact us
for more information!
Could a
serve with you?
The ministry of
deaconesses varies depending upon the needs
of the ministry setting
and the deaconess’ own
gifts and abilities. Diane
Marten can assist you in
exploring whether a deaconess (or intern) could
effectively serve with you.
Contact her at
or e-mail:
Sowing Seeds for Future Servants
“We have always
been impressed with
the dedication and
commitment of the
deaconesses we have
known – as well as
the leadership of the
LDA,” wrote Bill
and Eunice Seeber.
“When we revised
our estate plan
several years ago
and set up charitable
remainder unitrusts,
it was inevitable
that we include the
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Lutheran Deaconess
Lutheran Deaconess
Association staff and friends celebrate!
Association as one of
the beneficiaries.” Their planning will assist the LDA throughout the future.
The LDA has received a $100,000 grant from Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation designed to help generate more financial gifts like
the Seebers. The grant will fund “Sowing Seeds for Future Servants,” a
program to educate and motivate donors to give planned gifts to the Lutheran
Deaconess Association’s endowment fund.
The LDA’s grant is one of 75 awarded by the Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation as part of its $4.8 million Charitable Gifting Initiative
The Thrivent grant will be used to educate LDA staff, board and other
key volunteers on the basics of planned giving. Workshops focusing on
planning for the future through gifts such as trusts, annuities, bequests and
life insurance, and making a gift to the LDA, will be held at locations around
the U.S. over the next two years.
►Nebraska, Wisconsin, Arizona, Washington, Maryland, Florida,
and Virginia… in the
last seven months, the
LDA has consecrated
seven deaconesses all
over the United States!
Surrounded by
deaconesses, Saki
Nabeshima was
consecrated at Faith
Lutheran Church,
Phoenix, Ariz.
Would you like
more information
about planned
Contact Lisa at
▲Deaconess students
Lora Rehbein, Heather
Kroschel and Linda Davis celebrated graduation
from Valparaiso University. They are beginning
internships over the
summer -- Lora in Indiana, Heather in Colorado
and Linda in Papua New
Honor and Memorial Gifts
In Honor of
Deaconess Jamie Alden
Michael Nelson
Dale Von Seggern
Holly Andersen
Valerie Andersen
Dr. Leah Keehr Anderson,
deaconess student
Mark & Linda Keehr
Deaconess Arlene Arlin-Janssens
Henry Fuqua (2)
Deaconess Linda Balfany
Margaret Stortz
Kristi Bangert
Robert & Kathryn Kleisch
Deaconess Brenda Bass
Wilbur & Letitia Johnston
Deaconess Brenda Bauer
St John Lutheran Church,
Fargo, ND
Paul & Vicki Bauman
Georgia Rush
Deaconess Sonja Baumeister
Deaconess Betty Knapp
Deaconess Karen & Jim Melang
Deaconess Bonnie Belasic
David & Joy Belasic
John Bernthal
Ed & Bernice Bernthal
Deaconess Bonnie Beversdorf
Arlene & Carlton Riemer
Bill & Eunice Seeber
Pat Boessling
Deaconess Pat Gorton
Deaconess Kathy Borgman
Jean Wagner
Loren & Arlene Kramer
Deaconess April Boyden
Frances Mueller (2)
Stanley & Jan Weiss
John Stokes
James & Nancy Becker
Deaconess Virginia Brondos
Judy Grollmus
Gary Brugh, Retiring Board
Mark Bartusch
Deaconess Marlys Waldo
Deaconess Sheryl Andreasen
Gene Bahls
Carlene Bartelt
Carsten & Georgia Falkenberg
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Deaconess Ann Marie Rehbein
Lydia Volz
Deaconess Joan Cole-Heine
Deaconess Janet Conrady
Deaconess Cherryll Hoffman
Deaconess Rhoda Schuler
Lee Smith
Dorothea Tenney
Ted & Kathleen Ludwig
Deaconess Deborah Matern Graf
David Opgrand
Calvin & Tillie Remmert
Robert & Lois Rimbo
H. Drew McAllister
Jan Rubsam
James & Sheryl Honig
Tim Virus
Margaret Hanson
John Paul
Karl & Paige Reichardt
Calvin & Karen Tiebert
Received May 2006 - January 15, 2007
Gerald Spice
Lorraine Brugh
Joanna Truemper
Eleanora Pennekamp
Martha Rohlfing
Deaconess Louise Williams
Class of ‘81
Deaconess Brenda Pearcy
Sr. Ramona Cecille
Addie Butler
Deaconess Joan Cole-Heine
Judy Whaley, deaconess student
Joyce Perkins
Deaconess Nita Cunningham
Mano & Judith Hardies
Rosemary Rader
Martha Horn
Deaconess Elizabeth DeMik
Otto & Martha Hecht
Deaconess Natalie DeMik
Deaconess Elizabeth DeMik (2)
Otto & Martha Hecht
Deaconess Nanette Dost
Stan & Helen Howard
Thomas Droege
Deaconess Judee Tomlinson
Deaconess Ruth Dyer
William Rittberger
Deaconess Juanita Ebert
Ed Zaloudek
Donald & Suzanne Folberg
David & Shirley Susan
GH & Doris Harder
Deaconess Gretchen Enoch
Robert & Sheila Enoch (2)
Kermit & Juanita Blezinger
Deaconess Cheryl Erdmann
Mildred Anderson
Duwayne Sheldon (2)
Cheryl Reimer
Ruth Erickson
Darlene Erickson
Darcy Ewald
LWML, St Paul, Caro, MI
Dorothy Faasel
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Wukasch
Deaconess Barb Finley
Alden Finley
Deaconess Hertha Fischer
Anne Murphy
Deaconess Brenda Fleagle
Luana Krieger-Blake & Brian
Deaconess Eunice Foote
Marie Paxson
Deaconess Bonita Fredel
Karen Riemer
Gloria Darnall
Sarah Allen
Judy Whaley, deaconess student
Deaconess Debra Ganser
WELCA, St Peter, Sheboygan, WI
Deaconess Carole Garwood
Margaret Stortz
Deaconess Gladys Gilmore
Henry & Renae Cleveland
Good Shepherd Communities 50th
Paul Hillmann
Deaconess Deborah Matern Graf
Kelly Crozier & Mark Christy
WELCA, St Peter, Sheboygan, WI
Ernie & Grace Schleicher
Marian Jameson
Deaconess Bettye Green
Deaconess Pat Gorton
James Youngjohn
Lee Zoppa
Deaconess Joann Grepke
Sharen Ramsey (2)
Deaconess Diane Greve
Deaconess Gwen Sayler
Haley Hackett, deaconess student
Ed & Virginia Johnson
Deacon Daphne Haeslop
Gisele Clark
Ruth Hanna
Dot Nuechterlein
Deaconess Olivia Hartung
Gilbert Reed
Ken & Cindy Gentsch
Esther Hawley
Dwight Cook
Deaconess Hilary Hefferlin
Michael Nelson
Dale Von Seggern
Mr. & Mrs. George Heineke
Dave & Gayle Van Patten
Deaconess Roberta Hillhouse
Patricia Colacicco
Debbie Lennox, deaconess
Deaconess Cherryll Hoffman
David & Carole Fechner
Dwight Cook
Jerry & Ione Cook
Kathryn Miller
Deaconess Connie & Leonard
Barbara Frey
Deaconess Beverly Hohman
Melinda Holland
Deaconess Judy Hoshek
Charlotte Hoshek
Dan Rossbach
Richard & Ellen Warger
Deaconess Diana Iltzsche
Joe & Lis Ring
Deaconess Claire Jackson
Robert & Virginia Visser
Deaconess Jan Janzow
Tim Mathews
Deaconess Connie Johnson
Maxine Branshaw
Mary & Orville Finseth
Mary Holmes
Deaconess Kay Johnson
Elsie Johnson
Walter Keller
Deaconess Louise Williams
Phyllis Kersten
Harriette Jersild (2)
Miriam Misch
James Klockau
Victor & Florence Saeger
Deaconess Kati Kluckman-Ault
Karen Brau
LDC Board
Deaconess Maralyn Marske–
Deaconess Dawn Hoy
Deaconess Laura Lazar
Deaconess Gwen Sayler
Debbie Lennox, deaconess student
Margaret Stortz
Lois Lucas
Carolyn Fletcher
Deaconess Julie Luedtke
Elizabeth Kelsey
Beverly Lund, deaconess student
Christopher Lund
Lutherans giving care & education
Florence Stelzer
Karl & Gail Lutze
Joel & Christine Lehmann
Hildegarde Lutze
Deaconess Diane Marten
Sharon & Bill Benz
Sandy & Mark Koppen
Debra Mattheis
Phyllis Mattheis
Deaconess Karen Melang
Judy Koepke & Jeff Schmid
Deaconess Kristin Geske Meyer
Roger & Jane Geske
Deaconess Stephanie Meyer
Robert Turk
Jenny & Conrad Peterson (2)
Mary Holmes
Deaconess Nancy Mickan
Deaconess Paula Mickan
Deaconess Evelyn Middelstadt
Cherlyne Beck
Frieda Struebing
Elinor Kenyon
Deaconess Carleen Miller
Ronald & Maureen Brown (2)
Martha & George Sims
Marcus Miller
Judith Wise
LaVerne & Vernon Mitmoen (80th
Arlene Gross
Karla Willim Moody
Louise Willim
Deaconess Erma Murray
John & Carol Horn
Barbara Herbener
Violet Sharpe
Deaconess Saki Nabeshima
Deaconess Judi Tyler
Deaconess Saki Nabeshima’s wedding
Deaconess Diane Marten
Deaconess Deb Nebel
Deaconess Maralyn MarskeWalker
Deaconess Jan Orluske
Edward & Mary Holland
Deaconess Gwen Sayler
Deaconess Pamela Peter’s Birthday
Deaconess Maralyn MarskeWalker
Deaconess Karen Pitkin
Martha Putnam, deaconess
Deaconess Lisa Polito
George & Carol Scherzer
John & Sonja Kreitzer
Bob & Jennifer Scherzer
Jonn Kusch
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Carsten & Georgia Falkenberg
Julie Pophal, deaconess student
Mabel Minor
Honor and Memorial Gifts
Martha Putnam, deaconess student
Linda Krueger
Deaconess Liesl Pyle
Rose Klimek
Deaconess Darlene Quiram
Pat Bell
Brian Raack’s wedding
Marlene & Robert Raack
Deaconess Cindy Rasmussen
Sherry Schantz
Deaconess Connie & Leonard
Deaconess Jan Reaver
Alice Voges
Ann Rebeck, deaconess student
Joanne Ciarniello
Diane Konyk
David & Janet Schiopota
Judith Vanke
Deaconess Jeanette Rebeck
Joanne Ciarniello
Diane Konyk
David & Janet Schiopota
Deaconess Ann Marie Rehbein
Lois Monks
Valerie Andersen
Aurella Swanson
Lora Rehbein, deaconess student
Valerie Andersen
Kathy Bussman
Scott Rehbein
Kathy Bussman
Duane & Katie Renken 50th wedding
Paulette & Reynold Waech
Mrs. Malcolm Reynolds
Lawrence & Dorothy Keen
Deaconess Deb Robinson
Susan Greer
Deaconess Julianne Keehl & Beau
Roger’s wedding
Deaconess Diane Marten
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Martha Rohlfing
Ruth Rohlfing
Deaconess Linda Rosnau
Leona Beckstrand (2)
Deaconess Phyllis Saathoff
Deaconess Dawn Hoy
Deaconess Gwen Sayler’s Birthday
Valerie Sayler
Tillie Schmidt
Bob & Louise McDonnold
Deaconess Rhoda Schuler
Deaconess Sylvia Grubb
Martha Putnam, deaconess student
Deaconess Lorinda Schwartz
Kas & Barbara Kachmarek
William & Eunice Seeber
Clarence & Margaret Rivers
Deaconess Gloria Stubitsch
Jonn Kusch
Deaconess Jennifer Tinker
Gordon & Elaine Tinker
Deaconess Judi Tyler
Amy Duemler
Ellen Vance
Carolyn Fletcher
Deaconess Ellen Voigtman
Diane Gillman
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Volzke
Dave & Gayle Van Patten
Received May 2006 - January 15, 2007
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Volzke
Dave & Gayle Van Patten
Alice Weber
Irene Heider
The Weller Family
Indiana Deaconess Area
Deaconess Jean Wildgrube
Fred & May Nee
Pam Nee & Steven Babin
Val Behling
Susan Haswell
Gordon & Florence Johnston
Ella Weber
Deaconess Jean & Paul Wildgrube
Jessie Roensch
Cesar & Marie Gomez
Deaconess Addie Wilkins
Elizabeth Danker
All my wonderful family
Gladys Williams
Gladys Williams
Traci & Bill Preuss
Deaconess Louise Williams
Joel & Christine Lehmann
Deaconess Deb Robinson
Sandra Highlan
Luetta Werner
Miriam Misch
Don & Carol Koetke
Deaconess Marla Wood
Tim Reschke
Deaconess Kaylyn Wurster
Arlene Doepke
In Memory of
Edgar Albers
Daniel Tews
Lillie Baker
Laverne Baker
Eugene Bauman
Gloria Bauman
Catherine Becker
Marlene Raack
David Beery
Deaconess Linda & Felix Moreno
Ed Bender
Joyce Perkins
Robert C. Bender
Susan Bender (2)
Lillian Benson
Robert Benson
Paul & Sarah Bente
Paul & Edna Bente
Muriel Bickel
Laura Lehman
Henry P. Boardman Sr.
Margaret Boardman
Adele Braun
Ruth Proft Dannehl
Lois Brokering
Herb Brokering
Helen Brommer
Deaconess Mary Koepsell
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmore Carlson
John & Louise Willim
Martha Carr
Kristi & Mark Bangert
Pate Copeland
Lynn Ashburn
Marie Daege
Thomas & Dolores McEnterfer
Lorrie Dammann
Lillian Wiebel
Jim & Christy Davis
Brede & Shelley Westby
Thomas Dorris
Olive Dorris
John Dravininkas
Lydia Dravininkas
Jack Eisenman Jr.
Marion Eisenman
Frances McIntyre Eppley
Harold Eppley
My grandparents
Ricki Finstad
Elmer Foelber
Fred & Esther Kruger
Don Frey
Barbara Frey
Ruth Fruechtenicht
Paul & Dorothea Nieter
Bette Jane Galow
Carl Galow
Lisa Gatz
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Betty Gilbertson
Linda Walters
Renos & Virginia Grafe
Ruth Ann Tuttle
Robert Gulbranson
Deaconess Jan Orluske
Frances Hagen
John Hanke
William Hansen
Deaconess Lorna Hansen
Louise Harazin
Lynn Johnson
Fred Harder
Deaconess Pat Harder
Kenneth & Dorothy Heidemann
Clifford Heidemann (2)
Departed Loved Ones
George Hemmeter
William Herbst
Dorothy & George Herbst
Charles Hill
Brede & Shelley Westby (2)
Bernard Hillila
Deaconess Louise Williams
Lois Hoeppner
Brian Hoeppner
Greg Hoshek
Charlotte Hoshek (2)
Deaconess Judy Hoshek
Nick Dobrinich
Mildred & George Hovey
Deaconess Edie Hovey
Elaine Hudson
Deaconess Karna Secker
Robert Hughes
Renate Hughes
Richard Hughley
Susan Sering Hughley
Harry Huxhold
Susan McMahon
Edwin Johnson
Jean Johnson
Marie Johnson
Alma Kretzschmar
My parents
Deaconess Mary-Anne Jungst
Werner & Louise Jurgens
Lois Ross
Nicole Maria Kelley
Carole Petersen
Larry Kersten
John & Harriet Roberts
Nancy Kersten
Kathy Albain
Ivy & Rudolph Kloehn
Deaconess Barbara Kloehn Pyle
Mr. & Mrs. Charley Kneifel
Betty McGinley
Lou Ann Koenig
Irvin & Marlene Pratt (2)
Kenneth Korby
Jeanne Korby
Deaconess Louise Williams
Deaconess Brenda Pearcy
Arnold Krentz
Deaconess Shirley & Maynard Dorow
Edgar Krentz
Martin & David Kretzschmar
Alma Kretzschmar
Fred Krueger
Deaconess Louise Williams
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Ralph Krueger
Marilyn Krueger
Rev. & Mrs. Erwin Kurth
Miriam Misch
Mr. & Mrs. Lambert
Betty McGinley
Stella Land
Larry & Donna Donner
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Bob Laubenberg
Alma Laubenberg (2)
Dorothy & Paul Liebermann
Edwin & Jan Sohn
Loved ones
Ken & Sis Hess
Deaconess Hanna Luenberg
Renate Hughes
Sr. Evelyn Lukens
Lee H. Wesley
Esther Lutze
Deaconess Elizabeth DeMik
Karl & Gail Lutze
Joel & Christine Lehmann
Hildegarde Lutze
Vernon McGinley
Dean & Betty McGinley
Frederick Mohr
Sarah Mohr
Kenneth Mortimer
Deaconess Darlene Mortimer
Edwin Nerger
Deaconess Joann & Frank Grepke
Kathe Nielsen
Carolyn Nielsen (2)
John Norberg
Wayne Kuhl
Deaconess Irma Pflueger
Beata Madoerin
Ralph Phipps
Julius & Lorraine Friedric
Deaconess Elaine Albers Plackner
Joanne & Martin Seltz
Rev. & Mrs. Ron Fletcher
Jim & Ellen Vance
Michael & Jennifer Vance
Daniel Tews
James Plackner
New Gifting Opportunity from IRAs
An exciting opportunity
beneficial to the LDA became
available this year. This year
individuals with traditional
(and Roth) IRAs may make
income tax-free gifts directly
to the LDA.
This new tax law enables
donors to eliminate the income
tax that might normally be associated with IRA distributions.
These gifts not only provide income tax and estate tax benefits
to our donors, but will help the
LDA continue its mission.
There are certain guidelines that must be followed. The
donor must be at least age 70 ½.
The transfer may be any amount
up to $100,000. The donor
must not receive any additional
benefits, such as income from
a gift annuity or the benefits of
a donor advised fund.
The donor does not receive
a tax deduction, but simply
does not have to declare any
gifted income from the IRA.
Call Deaconess Lisa Polito at
219-464-6925 today to find
out more.
Thrivent members receive
the added benefit of using this
distribution as a membermatching gift under the Giving
Plus® Program. A gift qualifies
for a $1 for every $2 given match
up to $600 given ($300 match).
This new tax law benefit is only
available throughout the end of
the year, so contact Polito and
your financial planner to find out
how best to serve your needs and
the needs of the LDA.
Carsten Falkenberg,
Senior Financial Consultant,
Thrivent Financial for
Honor and Memorial Gifts
Ruben & Lorraine Schmidt
Indiana Deaconess Area
Leroy Schwab
Deaconess Bonnie Beversdorf
Ruth Semelka
Deaconess Eileen Browne
Mary Sievers
Chuck & Shirley Roth
Florence Smith
Nancy Harrison-Werner
Juanita Smith
Stanley & Lorraine Jordan
Katarina Springer
Ron & Helen Gustafson
Elaine Stallard
Dean & Betty McGinley
Herbert Steinbauer
Deaconess Clara Steinbauer
Mearl Steltenpohl
Deaconess Malinda Steltenpohl
Deaconess Clara Strehlow
Deaconess Pamela & Curt Peters
John Strietelmeier
Rita Mangelsdorf
Louis Stubitsch
Ed & Nancy Stubitsch
David Swanson
Aurella Swanson
Anthony Sylvester
Frances Sylvester
Emma Thauwald
Helen Schuppan
Deaconess Margaret Heine Towe
Christie Kim
Janice Trautmann
Jane Larcom
Judy Probst
Robert Probst
Lauretta Powenski
Janice Powenski
Doris Rees
Lynn Johnson
Walt Reiner
Deaconess Louise Williams
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
Susan Reinhardt
William Reinhardt (2)
Margaret Rettig
Indiana Deaconess Area
Robert & Mildred Riske
Doug Riske
DeAnn Hilfiker
John Robertson
Bernell Bachmeier
Deaconess Ellen Rodenbeck
Bernice Rodenbeck
Mildred Ruth
Deaconess Bonnie Beversdorf
James Sachaschik
Ed & Nancy Stubitsch
Jennifer Scherzer
Bob Scherzer
Deaconess Lisa & Carmine Polito
George & Carol Scherzer
Greg & Marianne Scherzer
Marilyn Scherzer
Kelly Vetter
Harold Schmeckpeper
Erna Schmeckpeper
Thanks Gary! Retiring LDA Board member Gary Brugh spent
his sabbatical at the LDA updating our policy and procedure
manual and doing some long-range budget forecasting. This is
what Gary said about his time at the LDA:
During my sabbatical I was
able to observe
the LDA’s office
operations and
Seeing how the
staff take having a diaconal
heart very seriously was truly
an inspiration. They all love their job and love their God.
I want to take some of their calm, servant attitude back
with me to my job. If I can keep the focus they reflect in
their lives, I too, would be better equipped for service.
Gary serves as Budget Director for the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America.
Sylvia Trautmann
Jane Larcom
Robert Trevis
Margaret Trevis
David Truemper
Rick & Sue AmRhein
Kathy Vanderhoff
Deaconess Brenda Pearcy
Kenneth Voges
Alice Voges
Oris Voigtman
Paul & Jean Voigtman
Deaconess Eunice Weidner
Deaconess Eleanor Christensen
Martha Weller
Indiana Deaconess Area
Susan Wendorf
Joel & Christine Lehmann
Edward Werner
Selma Werner
Carl Westby
Brede & Shelley Westby (2)
Edwin Wiebel
Lillian Wiebel
Erna Wiersig
Nancy Stelling
Diane Wille
Richard Wille
Clayton & Margaret Wohlhueter
Deaconess Bonita Fredel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright
Deaconess Nancy Strobel
Ida Wukasch
Richard & Sylvia Wukasch
The LDA Today is
published semi-annually
by the Lutheran Deaconess
Association, Inc.
Executive Director :
Deaconess Louise Williams
Deaconess Lisa Scherzer Polito
Contributing editor:
Carl Galow
Deaconess Mary Hackbarth
Lutheran Deaconess
1304 LaPorte Avenue
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Phone: 219-464-6925