IP-1 taro root aphid - Advanced Crop Science 55
IP-1 taro root aphid - Advanced Crop Science 55
Insect Pests Dec. 1997 IP -1 Cooperative Extension Service Taro Root Aphid T aro root aphid, Patchiella reaumuri, is one of the most destructive insect pests of dryland (upland) taro. Taro root aphids feed on the taro roots, and this can greatly reduce plant vigor, yield, and quality. Crop losses of up to 75–100 percent have been known with ‘Lehua’, ‘Chinese’, and dasheen taro on the island of Hawaii. Damage from taro root aphid feeding is often exten sive during drought conditions, and it can be especially severe on young plants in new plantings. The damage can be extensive because the aphid feeding activity may go undetected under ground. The yellow-gray aphid usually is covered with a mass of fine, white, cottony, waxy threads. Signs of in festation appear as white mold on the fibrous taro roots (Figure 1). When populations are high, colonies are 1 Dug-up taro roots with taro root aphids. found both on roots and around the basal sections of the leaf sheaths, just above the top of the corm (Figure 2). The taro root aphid is highly host-specific. It appar ently infests only taro (and, possibly, closely related plants of the family Araceae). This aphid has been present on upland taro on the island of Hawaii since 1971. It has been present on Oahu since 1995, when it was found in commercial plantings in the Kahuku and Mililani areas. An infestation was observed in a com munity garden plot on Lanai in 1994, but prompt de struction of the infested plants prevented further spread and establishment there. The taro root aphid apparently does not attack taro grown under wetland conditions. In Hawaii, this species does not produce winged sexual forms, and reproduction occurs without fertili 2 Taro root aphid infestation on taro leaf petiole and sheath. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Charles W. Laughlin, Director and Dean, Cooperative Extension Service, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. IP-1 Taro Root Aphid zation by males. Taro root aphids have been observed to be associated with numerous attending ants, which probably move the aphids around, enabling them to de velop damaging populations. Control Spread of the taro root aphid occurs mainly by the plant ing of infested hulis (cormels, used as seedpieces). A hot-water dip treatment to disinfest taro hulis of root aphids has been developed by entomologists at the Col lege of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. Dip ping taro hulis for 6 minutes in water held at 120°F (49°C), followed by immersion in cool water, will dis infest them of root aphids without significant effects on the hulis. A taro crop planted with infested hulis will never get off to a good start, and subsequent yield will not reach adequate levels, especially if periods of drought occur. It is very important, therefore, to plant clean hulis and to grow upland taro only in unaffected areas. No effective insecticide is currently available for use against root aphids on taro.* Should an insecticide become available, it will likely be most useful as a con trol measure when applied during the early growth phase of the taro crop. CTAHR — Dec. 1997 If a heavy infestation of taro root aphid occurs, the crop should immediately be removed and destroyed, with care to include all culls and unharvested cormels. The field should be given a thorough and deep cultiva tion to drive away ants and to promote root degrada tion. After cultivation, fallow the field or grow non-taro crops for at least one year. Quarantine regulations prohibit shipment of taro hulis from the island of Hawaii to other islands in the state. To reduce the risk of introducing the taro root aphid to other locations in the state of Hawaii where taro is grown, these regulations should be revised to include Oahu. In the meantime, shipping taro planting materi als (or taro corms with hulis attached) from Oahu is not recommended. The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources has done the research necessary for approval of pesticides for control of the taro root aphid. If ap proved by regulatory agencies, these pesticides may become available for use. Contact your local Coopera tive Extension Service office for current information on the status of pesticides for use against the taro root aphid. Prepared by Dwight M. Sato1 and Arnold H. Hara2 with the assis tance of Ronald F.L. Mau 2 , Dick M. Tsuda 2, and Randall T. Hamasaki3, this publication revises and replaces Commodity Fact Sheet TA-4(A), Taro root aphid, by Sato, Hara, and Jack Beardsley2, published in 1989. Photos courtesy of Julie Coughlin4. 1 CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service, Hilo 2 CTAHR Department of Entomology 3 CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service, Kaneohe 4 CTAHR Department of Environmental Biochemistry *Certain insecticidal soaps labeled for use against aphids on root and tuber vegetables are currently available. Insecticidal soaps may control some aphids, but their efficacy on taro root aphid is uncertain because it is a very waxy aphid, which may protect it. Also, aphids on roots underground are difficult to contact with spray solutions. Furthermore, insecticidal soaps have been observed in some cases to burn taro leaves, particularly when applied during the heat of the day. Unless the label says otherwise, insecticidal soaps labeled for use on root and tuber vegetables may be used as a dip for treatment of hulis before planting. Again, their efficacy against taro root aphids is uncertain. The dip should be at the spray concentration given on the label (generally about 1% active ingredient in the spray solution). Any remaining unused solution should not be dumped on the soil but rather should be sprayed over areas bordering the growing area, where pest reinfestation is likely. 2 Insect Pests Nov. 1998 IP-2 Cooperative Extension Service Bougainvillea Looper B ouganvillea loopers, as the name suggests, feed primarily on bougainvillea, but they have also been reported to feed on other plants in the Nyctaginaceae family, such as the four-o’clock (Mirabilis jalapa). This looper has most often been observed feeding on the com mon purple bougainvillea, but it does not appear to have a preference for one bougainvillea variety over another—it likes them all. Disclisioprocta stellata (Guenee) Order Lepidoptera, family Geometridae Description The bougainvillea looper is a green or brown caterpillar about 1 inch long. It is also called “inchworm” or “mea suring worm” because it moves in alternate contractions and expansions suggestive of measuring. The looper larva mimics stems and branches very well and feeds primarily at night, which is why you may see the dam age but fail to find the culprit on the plant. The adult is a moth, a very fast flyer with a wing span of about 1 inch. The moth does not feed on the foliage. Like the larva, it also is active at night, when it is believed to lay its eggs on the underside of bougainvillea leaves. Damage The bougainvillea looper feeds from the edges of the leaves, which results in severe scalloping of the foliage. Attacks begin on the young, tender shoots and leaves before progressing down the stem. The loopers may move down the stems during the night and take shelter on the larger interior branches during the day. As the population multiplies, entire shrubs can be defoliated. To date, the bougainvillea looper has not generally been regarded as a serious pest. The insect will cause signifi cant visual damage to bougainvillea, although this does not apparently result in the death of the plants. Distribution The bougainvillea looper is a very wide-ranging, migratory species from tropical America. It is a rela tively new pest in Hawaii, first re ported on Oahu in 1993, and since then has spread to Maui, the Big Is land, Kauai, and probably Molokai. Although it could have been intro duced to Hawaii with nursery stock, it is possible that it became estab lished naturally through long-range dispersal, because the moths can travel great distances on air currents. Control Bacillus thuringiensis (BT, or Dipel®) and neem-based biological insecticide products should be effective on the loopers without harming other insects that may bio logically control them, such as parasitic, mud, and pa per wasps. Insectical oils and soaps will not control cat erpillars such as the looper. Most synthetic insecticides with labels permitting use against caterpillars on landscape ornamentals, such as carbaryl (Sevin®), will likely kill the bougainvillea looper, although these products are often destructive to beneficial insects as well. Spraying insecticides late in the evening is recom mended. This is when the bougainvillea looper caterpil lars and adult moths are active, and also when the ben eficial insects are not likely to be active. James Tavares1, David Hensley2, Jay Deputy2, Dick Tsuda3, and Arnold Hara3 1 Cooperative Extension Service, Kahului; 2Department of Horticulture; 3Department of Entomology Mention of a trademark or proprietary name does not constitute an endorse ment, guarantee, or warranty by the University of Hawaii Cooperative Exten sion Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclusion of other suitable products. Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to be sure that the intended use is included on it, and follow all label directions. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Charles W. Laughlin, Director and Dean, Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. ALIEN PEST ALERT! Red Imported Fire Ant A Seriously Harmful Potential Invasive Species T Neil J. Reimer and Carol Okada, Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture he red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, na tive to South America, is a serious pest of agri cultural, urban, and native environments in areas that it has invaded. This species is not known to be present in Hawai‘i but is related to the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, which is present in Hawai‘i. The red imported fire ant, however, is much more aggressive. Workers and queen, relative sizes Infested areas Potential areas of infestation Distribution in the United States The red imported fire ant was accidentally introduced into Alabama in the 1930s and has since spread throughout the southern USA. It now occurs in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Ten nessee, Texas, and Puerto Rico. There have been spot in festations in Arizona, but these have been eradicated. This pest will continue to spread on the Mainland. Its distri bution appears to be limited by temperature and mois ture: it does not tolerate freezing well, and it does poorly in areas that receive less than 10 inches of rain per year. Distribution in Hawaii At present, the red imported fire ant is not found in Ha waii. However, conditions in Hawaii are definitely con ducive to its survival. The Hawaii Department of Agri- Mounds in a pasture Workers, actual sizes culture regards it as a high priority to prevent the red imported fire ant from establishing in Hawaii. Life cycle and biology The life cycle of this ant is similar to many other pest ants. The colonies (“mounds”) can contain 10–100 or more queens, which each lay up to 800 eggs per day. After 7–10 days, the eggs hatch into larvae, which de velop over a 6–10-day period before pupating. After another 9–15 days, the adult emerges from the pupa. Soil from excavation of the colony nest is mounded at its entrance. The ants will nest in any soil and habitat, but they prefer sunny, open areas such as pastures, fields, parks, and golf courses. Pasturelands may have 250 mounds or more per acre, each containing from 80,000 to 500,000 worker ants. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. ALIEN PEST ALERT! 2 Red Imported Fire Ant Human health risks Red imported fire ants are very aggressive toward any thing that disturbs their mound. They can sting repeat edly. Typically, the ant grasps the skin with its jaws and inserts its stinger into the flesh, injecting venom from its poison sac. Pivoting its head, it can inflict an average of seven to eight stings in a circular pattern. Typical red imported fire ant sting symptoms. Symptoms of each sting are a burning and itching that lasts about an hour. A small blister will form in a few hours, followed by a white pustule in a day or two. Scratching the stings can lead to infection and scarring. Reaction to the sting ranges from localized swelling with pustule for mation to severe, life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Individuals who have a severe reaction to the venom may suffer chest pains, nausea, swelling of the face and/ or throat, sweating, loss of breath, or slurred speech. Diabetics and others with circulatory disorders includ ing varicose veins and phlebitis are at risk for complica tions. In 1988, 32 human deaths were attributed to these ants in the United States. Agricultural impacts Domesticated animals attacked by red imported fire ants are susceptible to anaphylactic shock, and their sensitiv ity can vary with age and amount of exposure. Young ani mals, if they are unable to escape, may be blinded or killed. The ants feed on germinating seeds and can destroy buds and developing fruits, thus causing serious dam age to crops. They also cause extensive damage to seed lings and saplings by girdling stems and branches. Mounds built in clay soils become hard as rock and dam age farm machinery. Environmental impacts— urban and recreational The red imported fire ant is a serious problem in urban and recreational environments. Its presence will deter people from outdoor recreational activities. Playgrounds, athletic fields, parks, and golf courses must either be heavily treated with pesticides to control these ants, or they are best left unused. These ants often form nests near buildings and for age into the buildings for food and water. They will oc casionally nest in electrical equipment, such as air condi tioners, traffic signal boxes, and other devices, causing shorts. Fire ants have a major impact on ground-nesting species, such as birds, rodents, and insects. The decima tion of insects will reduce the food supply of native wild life and negatively impact the pollination of native plants. What to look for and who to contact The red imported fire ant looks very much like the fire ant already present in Hawai‘i. The two species can be accurately differentiated only by an expert, but there are some characteristics which may help distinguish them: Red imported fire ant Tropical fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Not present in Hawai‘i) Solenopsis geminata (Present in Hawai‘i) Builds mounds Never builds mounds but may form small dirt piles Very aggressive; expect many stings Less aggressive; expect just a few stings Sting causes small blister followed by white pustule Sting causes small red swelling Found in any environment including dry coastal areas Generally restricted to dry coastal areas No large-headed workers Some workers with large, bi-lobed heads If you suspect that you have seen a red imported fire ant, or to obtain more information, contact the Ha wai‘i Department of Agriculture on O‘ahu at 586-PEST (586-7378); on Moloka‘i and Läna‘i at 800-468-4644; on Hawai‘i at 974-4000 ext. 67378; on Kaua‘i at 274 3141 ext. 67378; or on Maui at 984-2400 ext. 67378. UH-CTAHR publication IP-3 (revised)—Nov. 2004 Insect Pests Sept. 1999 IP-4 Cooperative Extension Service Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii Russell Messing, Department of Entomology F ruit flies have become serious pests in Hawaii since the first species was found here in about 1895. They are widespread, occurring from sea level to above 7000 ft elevation, and feed on hundreds of host plant species, many of which are economic crops. Four species of fruit flies in the family Tephritidae are now known in Hawaii. The melon fly is commonly found in commercial and backyard vegetable gardens at low el evations. The Mediterranean fruit fly (“medfly”) moved away from most lowland areas (except low-elevation cof fee fields) when the oriental fruit fly arrived in 1945, and it is now found more frequently in upper elevations. The ori ental fruit fly is found in most elevations and climates. The solanaceous fruit fly survives in both cool and hot climates but so far has been found only in dry areas of Hawaii (<100 inches of rain per year). This publication provides information to help farmers and gardeners identify pest fruit flies, learn about their habits and life cycles, and implement strategies to manage them and reduce crop damage. A glossary defining some of the terms used is on page 7. Most control strategies use a combination of tech niques—no single, “one-answer” solution to the fruit fly problem is available. The postharvest treatments required for export of commodities affected by fruit flies are not covered in this publication. Damage caused by fruit flies Plant injury. Fruit fly adults most often lay their eggs in the fresh flesh of fruits and vegetables. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots), which most often feed on the inside of the fruit, resulting in a soft, mushy mess. Look for wig gling white larvae the next time you pick a very ripe guava or other fruit. Economic injury. Fruit flies can often be present at low levels without causing significant economic problems, so control may not be necessary. If high fruit fly popula tions are causing more severe damage, management prac tices may need to be implemented. Key steps in managing fruit flies • Prevention—practice sanitation techniques. • Monitor the levels of pests; determine if you have eco nomic injury; evaluate and use the best strategies. • Identify the fruit fly species and become familiar with its life cycle and host plants. • Determine which other plants in the area are fruit fly hosts, and determine when these plants are fruiting. • If possible, rotate your crops so they do not fruit when other hosts are fruiting and pest populations are peaking. • Harvest fruits under-ripe when possible (e.g., papayas are usually fruit fly–free if picked when less than 1⁄4 ripe). • If fruit flies cause economic injury, apply appropriate controls. • Divert pests with poisoned border plants, baits, or lures. • Monitor pests again and reevaluate your strategies. Life cycles of fruit flies Fruit fly development (life cycle) depends on temperature. Cool temperatures slow the development cycle, while warm temperatures speed it up. Information on life cycles given here is derived from laboratory-raised fruit flies grown at 77°F at 50% relative humidity, except for the solanaceous fruit fly (80°F at 60% RH); wild flies will most likely be different. Traits common to all four species include • eggs are white, up to 1⁄l6 inch long • larvae range from 1⁄l6 to 3⁄8 inch long (just before pupat ing, the larvae often “pop” and flip to leave the fruit) • pupation normally occurs 1–2 inches under the soil • adults usually rest in shady locations unless feeding, mating, or laying eggs; most feed at dawn and mate at dusk. This publication replaces HITAHR Brief no. 114, 1995, Introduction to managing fruit flies in Hawai‘i, by Laurel Dekker and Russell Messing. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. H. Michael Harrington, Interim Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii Melon fly CTAHR — Sept. 1999 Mediterraneanfruit fly Four species of tephrited fruit fly are found in Hawaii. Wing pattern is the best distinguishing characteristic; color is inconsistent and not always reliable. See “key characteristics” in the descriptions below for distinguishing features. Melon fly Scientific name: Bactrocera cucurbitae; native to Asia; de tected in Hawaii around 1907. Key characteristics: Wing pattern has stripes and a large black spot at the wing tip. Abdomen is usually brown with a gold to brown horizontal band and a faint black “T”. Ovi positor (egg-laying tube) has a plump, straight sheath (outer covering) and is about 1⁄l6 inch long. Distribution: parts of Africa, Burma, Sri Lanka, China, Guam, Hawaii, New Guinea, Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Southeast Asia, and South Asia; sea level to 4500 ft. Hosts: Over 100 known. Preferred hosts are cucurbits (squash, melon, etc.). Other hosts include solanaceous plants (tomato, eggplant, pepper, etc.) and papaya. Life cycle: One generation takes around 37 days; egg to adult in 15–18 d; eggs hatch in about 30 hr; larvae de velop in 7–8 d; adults emerge in 9–10 d; pre-oviposition period is 7–8 d; females lay an average of 15 eggs /day, singly or in clusters. Special notes: Known to feed on stem shoots and buds of squashes and melons. 2 Mediterranean fruit fly Scientific name: Ceratitis capitata; native to sub-Saharan Africa; first reported in Hawaii in 1895. Key characteristics: Wing pattern is very complex and multicolored (gold and black) with black stripes and de tailed markings. Black spots are on the back or thorax. Ab domen is usually brown. Adult is about 2⁄3 the size of the other fruit flies. Distribution: Africa, Mediterranean countries, Hawaii, western Australia, Central and South America; the domi nant fruit-fly pest in Hawaii above 3000 ft and in low-el evation coffee; prefers dry regions. Hosts: Over 300 hosts. Preferred hosts include coffee, peach, plum, loquat, orange, guava, rose apple, solanaceous plants (pepper, Jerusalem cherry), and the sapote family, among others. Life cycle: One generation takes around 18–31 days; egg to adult in l9 d; eggs hatch in about 2–3 d; larvae de velop in 7–8 d; adults emerge in 9–10 d; the pre-oviposi tion period is about 3 d; females lay an average of 10 eggs/ day, singly or in clusters of up to 10. IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii CTAHR — Sept. 1999 Oriental fruit fly Solanaceous fruit fly Photographs are from the website of the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s Tropical Fruit, Vegetable, and Ornamental Crops Laboratory, Hilo, Hawaii. Oriental fruit fly Scientific name: Bactrocera dorsalis; native to Asia; in troduced to Hawaii in 1945. Key characteristics: Wing pattern has two solid black lines stemming from the point of attachment, without a black spot at the tip as in the solanaceous fruit fly. Abdo men is gold to brown with gold to brown horizontal band and prominent black “T”. Ovipositor has a slender, straight sheath. Distribution: Asia, Australia, Surinam, and islands of the Pacific; the major fruit fly pest in Hawaii at low eleva tions, except for coffee fields. Hosts: Over 200 wild and cultivated hosts. Preferred hosts include guava, mango, papaya, starfruit, passion fruit, citrus, fig, rose apple, tomato, and many more. Life cycle: One generation takes around 37 days; egg to adult in 19 d; eggs hatch in about 38 hr; larvae develop in 7–8 d; adults emerge in 10–11 d; the pre-oviposition period is 6–7 d; females lay over 130 eggs /day, usually in groups of 10 but as many as 100 or more. Solanaceous fruit fly Scientific name: Bactrocera latifrons (also known as Ma laysian fruit fly); native to South and Southeast Asia; first detected in Hawaii in 1983. Key characteristics: Wing pattern has two solid black lines stemming from the point of attachment, plus a black spot at the wing tip that differentiates it from the oriental fruit fly. Abdomen is usually brown, without a prominent “T”. Ovipositor is tri-lobed, to 1⁄16 inch long. Distribution: China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, India, Pakistan, and Hawaii. Hosts: 33 reported hosts, mostly solanaceous (pepper, tomato, eggplant, apple of sodom), and occasionally cu curbits. Life cycle: One generation takes around 48 days; egg to adult in 21 d; eggs hatch in about 2 d; larvae develop in 8–9 d; adults emerge in 10 d; the pre-oviposition period is 10–11 d; females lay an average of 10 eggs/day, one at a time. Special notes: Occurrence is generally in low num bers with a patchy distribution. 3 IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii Prevention strategies Exclosure. Crop damage can be prevented by keeping fruits out of reach of female fruit flies. Screen-houses can pro duce fruit-fly–free crops. Local research has found that an economical structure (~$1.20/sq ft) was cost-effective within the first harvest for tomato production. Netting (floating row covers or lightweight netting from a fabric store) can be placed directly on plants or on a frame of PVC tubes for temporary cover of crops like zucchini. To matoes and self-pollinating cucumbers are pollinated by the wind, but some other crops may need hand pollination if plants are covered by screen. A possibility that has not been fully explored is to add bee hives to large screenhouses to provide ample pollination. (Note: secondary insect or weed problems may arise from reduced air circulation and lack of beneficial insect populations in enclosed areas.) Another method of exclosure is bagging individual fruits with newspaper, paper bags, or other barriers. This method works well but is labor-intensive. Sanitation. Remove fruits as they ripen. If they fall to the ground, be sure to kill any larvae in them by burying the fruit deeply or putting them in an air-tight container for four days or until no movement is found. Check for pupae (and destroy them) before adding fruit to compost piles. Sanitation by itself will not be effective in many situations, because fruit flies can fly in from outside areas. Melon fly pupae buried as deep as 2 ft have managed to emerge as adults from dry sand, wet sand, and soil. When composting, the pile must achieve internal temperatures of at least 120°F. Mowing or shredding ground fruit can provide sanitation by killing the larvae or exposing them to other predators. Harvest early. By harvesting early, you can sometimes prevent infestation (e.g., fruit flies do not usually sting papayas or ‘Sharwil’ avocados that are less than 1⁄4 ripe). However, some fruits lose flavor when harvested too early, as they will not ripen fully. Reduce populations. If fruit flies are present in your field prior to crop ripening, you can try to reduce their popu lation by attracting the adults to a poisoned bait. This can be done by spraying a protein-bait–insecticide mixture onto nearby non-crop plants, windbreaks, or a border of corn plants. Farmers and researchers have observed reduction of melon flies in zucchini, cucumber, and watermelon fields when using bait sprays on border crops. Suppression sprays have also been used in Australia, Israel, Mexico, Florida, and California. Mass trapping with protein baits (for male and female fruit flies) or with chemical lures (for males) is being researched as a method of fruit fly reduction. 4 CTAHR — Sept. 1999 Create an “isolated” area. Planting between other crops or rotating to opposite ends of a field has been tried for a few crops (melon fly hosts). Often, fruit flies do not find the crop during the first half of the harvest. This strat egy should not be repeated in consecutive plantings in the same place. Plant resistance can help. High levels of citrus oil in immature citrus peels can be toxic to larvae, so research ers are investigating the use of plant growth hormone (giberellic acid) to delay peel ripening and reduce suscep tibility to fruit flies. Mango cultivars are being developed to have flesh that is harder and crisper when ripe. Small tomatoes (Roma and cherry) can be infested by fruit flies, contrary to popular belief; however, many growers have found that small tomato varieties can be harvested with less infestation than large varieties. Don’t confuse fruit flies with vinegar flies. Note that the fresh-fruit–eating fruit flies discussed here (tephritid family) are not the same as the tiny “fruit flies” that feed on yeasts and decaying fruit. These tiny flies called vin egar flies belong to the drosophilid family and can often by found on soggy fruits on the ground or overripe, fer menting fruits. Control of fruit flies Note on using pesticides: Read the pesticide label com pletely. Apply according to manufacturer’s recommenda tions only to crops specified on the label. If in doubt, con tact your local Cooperative Extension Service office or the Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture, Pesticides Branch. If infor mation given in this publication is different from the label directions, follow the label directions. Cultural and chemical controls Bait spray. In fruit-fly–infested areas, a protein hydroly sate compound, such as Nu-lure® or Staley’s® bait, can be combined with insecticide and applied to plants that are associated with the resting and feeding areas of the adults, rather than on the crop to be protected. Bait sprays use small amounts of chemical and are not generally attractive to ben eficial insects that may be natural enemies of fruit flies and other pests. To apply with a knapsack sprayer, find a malathion product cleared for use on the target site. Follow the direc tions for fruit-fly control on the pesticide label. For ex ample, mix the appropriate amount of malathion 25% WP with 1 qt Nu-lure and 3 gal water; or 1 part malathion 57% EC with 3 parts Nu-lure. To apply with a conventional IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii power sprayer of 20–100-gal capacity, mix 1 qt Nu-lure with the appropriate amount of malathion. Agitate during application. Spray with concentrated, coarse droplets on border plants that are listed on the pesticide label. Apply weekly (for high populations) to bi-weekly (for low popu lations). Reapply after rain. Researchers and farmers have observed good control of melon flies with this technique. The Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Pesticides Branch has allowed application of pesticide bait sprays to other border plants and windbreaks under certain conditions. Note that this policy may change—contact your HDOA Pesticides Branch district office for current information. Note also that the mixtures described above have a pH of 4.7; recent research indicates that a pH of 9.2 is more at tractive to the flies, so researchers are looking at ways to raise the pH. Spot treatments with bait spray–insecticide mixtures have been used successfully elsewhere, but these methods may not be included on current labels in Hawaii. In Mexico, bait spray has been applied to orchard tree trunks with good results. Israeli producers have found spot treatments ef fective for medflies in or around fields when applied at 2 oz per spot, spaced at 40–80 spots per acre, with 16–33 feet between spots. Insecticide sprays. Insecticides applied to kill fruit flies directly should be used only as a last resort and only on crops allowed on the pesticide label. At least 40 pesti cides have been found toxic to fruit flies, including malathion and naled. Pyrethrum is not as toxic to fruit flies as malathion. Most pesticides, including permethrin, are more toxic to beneficial insects (such as parasites of pest insects) than to fruit flies. Approved organic controls Neem. In research tests, neem-treated sand was found to be toxic to oriental fruit flies and medflies but not to sev eral beneficials. This suggests potential for soil treatment to inhibit fruit fly development in fields (however, adults may still invade from outside areas). Azatin® is a neem product registered for use in Hawaii as a soil treatment against fruit fly larvae. The National Organic Standards Board has approved use of neem in certified fields, but it is still investigating the inert ingredients in Azatin. Biological controls Chickens and guinea hens may eat some fruit-fly larvae found at the top of the soil. Wild birds have also been seen digging through infested fruits for larvae. Birds and fowl CTAHR — Sept. 1999 may also help with sanitizing infested fruits. Ants are known to feed on most life stages of fruit flies (research reports up to 40% kill), and earwigs have been reported to feed on fruit fly larvae. Nematodes are among the soil-borne organisms that feed on insect pests in the soil. Nematodes are microscopic roundworms with a broad host range, including fruit fly larvae. Currently, commercial use of the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae is not permitted in Hawaii, but in the future this may become a viable control for areas heavily infested with fruit flies. Fruit fly parasites are tiny wasps that attack only fruit flies. Parasites can lay their eggs in the egg, larva, or pupa of a developing fruit fly. The parasite develops within the immature stages until the fruit fly pupa is consumed, and then the adult parasite emerges from the soil. Parasites can be very effective in controlling fruit flies—reports have indicated up to 90% kill of oriental fruit flies in unsprayed guava. Species that parasitize tephritid fruit flies have become established in the state of Hawaii after being introduced for biological control. All evidence indicates that these re ported parasites do not harm any other species besides fruit flies. Many additional parasites exist in Africa, Asia, and South America. Do not attempt to bring in beneficial in sects yourself; to do so violates stringent import regula tions that protect Hawaii from alien species. Rearing for identification—Get to know your pests Raising larvae to adulthood is the best way to identify the fruit fly species attacking your crops. An easy home method uses a wide-mouth plastic container with a lid. Make some small air holes in the top. Place a small amount of infested fruit with wriggling larvae inside the clean container. Ob serve regularly, making sure there is no liquid collecting on the bottom. Soil or sand can be added to prevent drown ing. As the larvae age, they will leave the fruit to pupate. You can remove the fruit after the pupae are formed. The adults will emerge after 9–11 days. Compare them with the descriptions given on pages 2–3. Beneficial wasps that are parasites of fruit flies can be reared in the same way. Because the wasps are small, make the holes in the top smaller than 1⁄16 of an inch, or put a tissue or small-mesh screen between the top and bottom of the cup. Adults will emerge in 2–10 days from ripe fruit. 5 IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii Trapping strategies Monitoring with traps Monitoring helps identify fruit fly pests, keeps track of changes in their population levels, and indicates when or whether to use controls. The best way to detect the pres ence of fruit flies and evaluate the effectiveness of control measures is to monitor fruit infestation. Liquid traps with food bait attract males and females. Put 1–2 inches of bait mix into the trap, and check weekly. Yeast tablets: mix five Torula® yeast tablets in 2–21⁄2 cups water; stir to dissolve tablets. Protein hydrolysate: mix 11 fluid oz Nu-lure® or Staley’s Fly Bait®, 7 fluid oz borax, and 31⁄2 qt water. Fruit: blend cucumber or other primary host with water; place small amount in trap; change often. Parapheromone lure traps use highly volatile lures which attract male flies; these traps need to be checked frequently. The amount of lure determines how attractive and long-lasting these traps will be. Lures catch only males, leaving the females in the field to infest the fruit. At present, only methyl eugenol for oriental fruit fly is available in Hawaii. To attract male fruit flies, initially use 3–5 drops of lure in a trap. Adding an insecticide to the lure provides a better catch than traps without insecticide. Use 1 drop of an insecticide approved for use on your crop for every 20 drops of lure used. Replenish the lure as needed, using more lure to attract males over longer distances and for longer time periods. Only insecticides that are EPA-registered and labeled for use on that crop may be used. The Hawaii De partment of Agriculture Pesticides Branch has agreed that parapheromone lures with insecticide may also be used in fields with non-approved crops to collect fruit flies for sur vey purposes only in properly labeled traps (this policy may change). Yellow spheres or sticky panels are also used to moni tor fruit flies in crop fields. Check them regularly, and change them when the trapping surface is full or becomes dusty. Mass trapping High-density trapping is being explored to reduce or sup press populations of fruit flies. USDA researchers have not produced evidence that small-scale trapping helps reduce infestation. However, mass trapping is used in other areas. In Crete, it resulted in substantial reduction of insecticides used against a fruit fly. Local research is needed to deter mine if small-scale suppression of fruit flies can be effec tive. 6 CTAHR — Sept. 1999 Types of attractants Food baits are effective, mild attractants for males and females of all four fruit fly species. Food baits are not very volatile, so bait traps typically have lower catches than the parapheromone lure traps, but food baits can be used di rectly in the field. Torula® yeast tablets are more effective than Nu-lure over time, because the pH is stable at 9.2. The level of pH in the mix plays an important role in attracting fruit flies. Fewer fruit flies are attracted to the mix as the pH becomes more acidic. USDA researchers are testing a combination of Torula® yeast and dyes commonly used in cosmetics and drugs to improve population reduction of medflies and oriental fruit flies. Nu-lure® (a yeast extract) and Staley’s Fly Bait® (a corn extract) are hydrolyzed proteins. They are not effec tive over time as the pH drops from its initial state of 8.5. Promar®, an experimental hydrolyzed protein developed in Australia, has been very effective against a species similar to the oriental fruit fly in Malaysia, where starfruit orchards with Promar® spray applications rather than insecticidal cover sprays have doubled yields, mostly due to more bees being available for pollination. Farmers report that homemade baits (cucumber or zuc chini blended with water, or vinegar plus yeast) have at tracted both males and females of the melon fly. Parapheromone lures are very volatile and longer last ing than protein baits. They attract only males, and each fruit fly species in Hawaii is attracted to a different kind. The amount of lure used depends on whether the trapping is for monitoring or for mass trapping. A few drops may be effective to sample the population over a short period of time, but more is needed for mass trapping over a longer period. The kind of lure also affects the amount needed. In California, detection traps with methyl eugenol are set at two per square mile, whereas with tremedlure 10 traps are needed for the same area (6 ml of lure per trap in both cases). In Hawaii, three to five drops of methyl eugenol have been used in within-field traps. Parapheromone lures for male fruit flies Type of lure Strength Fly attracted methyl eugenol Cue-lure Ceralure Trimedlure Latilure very volatile and persistent moderately persistent persistent moderately persistent mildly persistent oriental melon medfly medfly solanaceous IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii CTAHR — Sept. 1999 The effectiveness of traps varies with their color and shape. Yellow is the most attractive color to males and females of oriental fruit fly, melon fly, and medfly. They are attracted to yellow and white flat panels as well as spheres. In field tests, researchers collected both females and males from the colored traps. lure traps have been spaced 100 ft apart outside the field. The visual range of fruit flies is about 15–20 ft. Yel low traps should be placed within that distance from the host plants and at greater density than lure traps. Monitor ing programs on the U.S. mainland recommend that traps be placed 4–6 ft above the ground. Types of traps All traps used for catching fruit flies must be properly la beled with the name of the bait or lure and date the trap was set. Keep traps out of reach of children. Glossary Bait An attractant and food source (sometimes mixed with insecticide) for treating fruit-fly–infested areas. Beneficial organisms Birds, insects, nematodes or other organisms that aid in controlling pests. Development Growth through life stages or life cycle. Fruit flies have four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Generation The time it takes to complete all stages of de velopment, including the pre-oviposition period. Host A plant or animal that provides food for larval growth and development. Infestation The presence of a fruit fly in a host. Integrated pest management A control strategy that in tegrates cultural, biological, and chemical techniques to manage pests. Larva Maggot; juvenile stage of fly development; plural: larvae. Nu-lure® A commercial formulation of corn protein that acts as a broad-spectrum food attractant for male and fe male fruit flies. Ovipositor Egg-laying tube. Parapheromone lure Mild to very strong attractants that attract only male fruit flies; many are produced by plants. Persistent Relates to how long-lasting a lure is. Pre-oviposition period Time period after adults emerge, before egglaying begins. Protein hydrolysate Extracts of yeasts or grains that act as a broad-spectrum food attractant for male and female fruit flies (and many other protein-feeding insects). Pupa The transformation stage of fly development, after larva and before adult; a hard, brittle case covers the pupa; plural: pupae; pupation: the act of transformation. Sheath Outer covering of ovipositor. Staley’s® Fly Bait No. 7 A commercial formulation of corn protein that acts as a broad-spectrum food attractant to male and female fruit flies. Thorax Back or top of the mid-body. Torula® yeast tablets A commercial formulation of yeast protein that acts as a broad-spectrum food attractant for male and female fruit flies. Volatile Readily vaporized; refers to lures, affects how well they can be carried on the wind. Commercial traps • Protein bait—glass or plastic McPhail traps can be used; flies enter from below and cannot get out. • Lure—the waxed cardboard Jackson trap, or tent trap, is popular; it has a removable, sticky insert floor to catch flies and a cotton wick for the lure. • Yellow sticky board—rectangular, yellow, sticky boards are used with or without other attractants. Home-made • Protein bait—use a clear plastic bottle with several 1 inch holes; add a liquid bait mix. • Lure—use a clear plastic bottle with a few 1⁄4-inch holes; put cotton inside to absorb the lure. • Harris trap—a tall container with a clear, wide cover and 1-inch diameter holes; can be used with any attrac tant; easier to use than sticky traps, but when used with lures, it must have insecticide to kill the flies before they escape. • Sticky panels—paint cardboard or wood panels bright yellow; cover with Tanglefoot®. Placement of traps The location and placement of monitoring traps may be more critical for medflies than other fruit flies. Research has shown that medflies can effectively be trapped in their mating areas, such as the upwind side of crowns of trees receiving some light. Traps for the other fruit flies should be placed in their resting or feeding areas. Protein traps and other mild attractants should be placed in a shady area close to the host plants. Lure traps should be placed at the borders, corners, and outside of the field before flies move into the field. Color attractants should be placed in the open for best effectiveness. Trap density (number per area) and spacing depends on the type and amount of attractant used. Traps for moni toring do not need to cover the entire area evenly. Protein bait traps have been used at 15–30 ft in-field spacing, and 7 IP-4 Managing Fruit Flies on Farms in Hawaii References Liquido, N. 1993. Reduction of oriental fruitfly (Diptera: Tephritidae) populations in papaya orchards by field sanitation. J. Agric. Entomol.10(2):163–170. Liquido, N., E. Harris, and L. Dekker. 1994. Ecology of Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: Tephritidae) populations: host plants. natural enemies. distribution. and abun dance. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 87(1):71–84. Mau, R. F. L. 1983. Watermelon insecticide guide for com mercial producers. Univ. of Hawaii, HITAHR Brief No. 044. Robinson, A. S., and G. Hooper (eds). 1989. World crop pests: Fruit flies—their biology, natural enemies and control. vol. 3A and 3B. Steiner, L., W. C. Mitchell, and K. Ohinata. 1959. USDA recommends poisoned-bait sprays for fruit flies. Hawaii Agriculture. March, 1959. p. 25–30. United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Emergency programs manu als. Mediterranean fruit fly action plan (l982); Melonfly action plan (1984); Oriental fruit fly action plan (1989); Malaysian fruit fly action plan (1993). A list of additional references is available upon request. CTAHR — Sept. 1999 Trap sources Great Lakes IPM, 10220 Church Rd., NE, Vestaburg, MI 48891. Pest Management Supply Inc., 311 River Drive, MA 01035. Information and assistance for the development of the first edition of this publication, HITAHR Brief no. 114 (1995), was provided by Deborah Ward, Terry Sekioka, Vince Jones, and Ken Kaneshiro of UH-Manoa; Robert Boesch, Lance Kobashigawa, and Pat Conant of the Hawaii Dept. of Agri culture; and Norman Makio, Tane Datta, Michael Rassa, Joe Rosenova, Bart Jones, Kert Hamamoto, Jack Banks, and Jim Frazier. Other support was received from the LISA for Ha waii Project, the Hawaii County Research and Development Department, the Hawaii Fruit Fly Committee, and the Big Island Resource, Conservation and Development Council. The present revision was prepared by Russell Messing and the staff of the CTAHR Publications and Information Office. Mention of a trademark, company, or proprietary name does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty by the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclu sion of other suitable products or companies. Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to ensure that the intended use is included on it, and follow all label direc tions. This and other publications of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa, can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. 8 Cooperative Extension Service Insect Pests July 2000 IP-5 Destructive Turf Caterpillars in Hawaii Jay Deputy1 and Arnold Hara2 Departments of Tropical Plant and Soil Science and 2Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences 1 T he most common insect pests of turfgrasses in Hawaii are “lawn caterpillars,” the larvae of lepi dopterous insects (moths and butterflies). Major pests in this group are three moths and one butterfly. The moths are the grass webworm (Herpeto gramma licarsisalis Walker), the lawn armyworm (Spodoptera mauritia acronyctoides Guenee), and several species of cutworm including the black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel). The butterfly is the fiery skipper (Hylephila phyleus Drury). All of Hawaii’s turfgrasses are susceptible to attack by these four pests, although some of these insects prefer a particu lar type of turf. The grass webworm does the most damage and is therefore the most important turf pest in Hawaii, and the lawn armyworm also causes ex tensive injury. Serious outbreaks of damage by the black cutworm and fi ery skipper occur less frequently. hatch into the stage called the larva or, more commonly, the caterpillar. The larva is the feeding stage of the in sect that causes all of the damage to turf, and it is the primary target of a pest management program. The larva goes through several developmental stages called instars, and its size, color, and markings may change drastically. This part of the life cycle lasts for sev eral weeks to a month or more, depend ing mainly on the temperature. As the last instar of the caterpillar matures, it burrows into the soil and enters the stage called the pupa. The pupa is tor pedo-shaped and, in moths, is sur rounded by a “cocoon” of silk and de bris. The pupal stage is difficult to kill with pesticides because it does not feed and is not likely to come in contact with pesticide sprays. The pupating insect will undergo developmental changes lasting for several weeks to several months, depending on the temperature, Grass webworm feeding. before emerging as the adult moth or The insect life cycle butterfly. In Hawaii, the life cycles of All moths and butterflies have a similar four-stage life these insects are accelerated because of consistently warm cycle. The adult is the familiar moth or butterfly, the temperatures. They are capable of completing at least five reproductive stage of the life cycle. The adult insects or six life cycles per year. mate and, depending on the species, the female lays eggs The insects can be most easily identified by the ap either singly over a period of several weeks or once or pearance of the adult moth or butterfly or the larval cat erpillar. The feeding habits of the caterpillars of each spe twice in masses of several hundred eggs. The eggs take cies are also characteristic, and preliminary identifica from two to five days to hatch, depending on the spe tion of the pest is often made by observing their damage. cies and, more importantly, on the temperature. The eggs Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. H. Michael Harrington, Interim Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Grass webworm caterpillar, about 1 inch long when fully grown. Grass webworm pupae; the lower one is a later pupal stage. Eggs of grass webworm on the upper side of a grass blade. Grass webworm The grass webworm, the major turf pest in Hawaii, is thought to have come from Southeast Asia. It was first found on Oahu in 1967 and has spread to all of the ma jor islands. It prefers bermudagrass lawns and kikuyu grass pastures but has 13 other host grasses including centipedegrass and St. Augustinegrass. Grass webworm feeding injury spreads more rapidly on fine textured grasses than coarse textured ones. Common bermuda grass and ‘Tifway’ bermudagrass are more resistant to its infestation than the other host turfs. The grass web worm is not a serious problem on zoysiagrass lawns in Hawaii. Its eggs are laid in small groups on the upper sur face of leaves and stems, along the midrib near the base of the blade. They are flat and elliptical and are laid sin gly or in masses overlapping each other like shingles. Just before hatching, the black head of the larva is vis ible through the eggshell. Egg development ranges from 2 4 to 6 days, and hatching takes place at night. Grass webworm eggs have been collected on grasses up to 4000 feet in elevation. The grass webworm caterpillar develops through five larval instars. The newly hatched first instar is about 1 ⁄16 inch long, translucent with a black head capsule. It is amber colored until feeding begins, when it changes to light green as a result of the ingested plant material. The other four instars have darker brown head capsules, and pairs of small dark brown spots extend along the back of the body. When fully grown, the grass webworm is slender and about 1 inch long. The first and second instar caterpillars begin to feed on upper leaf surfaces, leaving the lower surface intact. Their initial feeding produces grass blades with ragged edges, the first visible sign of grass webworm infesta tion. The third, fourth, and fifth instar caterpillars notch leaf edges, eat entire leaves, and spin large quantities of IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Two views of the adult, moth stage of the grass webworm; both views are about twice life size. silk webbing. Feeding in these later instars occurs on stems, leaves, and crowns, extending to ground level and resulting in irregular brown patches in the turf. The caterpillars can be found at the edges of the feeding area, and they leave characteristic webbing and fecal pellets throughout the area. All stages feed at night and hide curled up in thread-lined tunnels in the turf thatch dur ing the day. When disturbed, the caterpillar becomes active and rapidly moves away. These caterpillars prefer sunny areas and are often found on south-facing or steep slopes where conditions are hot and dry. The damage caused by the webworm is often mistaken for drought stress, and the resulting turf thinning is often accompanied by weed infestation. The caterpillar reaches maturity in about 14 days. Prior to pupation, the fifth instar larva becomes qui escent and slightly shorter in length, and it burrows into the soil to form a reddish-brown pupae about 1⁄2 inch long. Pupation and development usually take 6–7 days before the adult moth emerges. The grass webworm moth has a wingspan of about 3 ⁄4 inch when at rest with its wings spread in a triangular shape. The body is approximately 1⁄2 inch long and var ies from uniformly light to dark brown, with small black dots scattered over the wings. The moths are gregarious and often are found clustered on vegetation. They are attracted to light and may be a nuisance around the home when their populations are high. They are active at night and rest during the day, when they often can be found on flat surfaces in or near grass areas. The moth emerges from the pupal stage at night, and mating generally oc curs that first night. Three to six days after mating, the female lays from 250 to 500 eggs over a period of five to seven nights. The adult moth has a life span of about 13 days. 3 IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Eggs of the lawn armyworm: egg mass (left) and numerous emerging first-instar caterpilars (right). Lawn armyworm The lawn armyworm is a native of Southeast Asia, IndoAustralia, and the South Pacific. It was first recorded on Oahu in 1953 but apparently arrived well before that time. It is now found on all major Hawaiian islands. Hawaii’s particular species of armyworm is apparently not found anywhere else in the USA. During the 1960s it was considered Hawaii’s most severe lawn pest, but recently its populations have stabilized, possibly held in check by various parasites and predators. In Hawaii the lawn armyworm is a serious problem mainly on bermudagrass lawns, but it will also feed on sedges, sugarcane seedlings, seashore paspalum, and zoysiagrass. Severe damage to lawns is characterized by a completely denuded circular area sharply defined by a front of undamaged turf. With heavy populations of actively feeding larvae, this destruction may advance 4 about 1 foot each night. The eggs are laid in masses of 600–700 eggs that are covered with long, light brown hairs from the abdo men of the female. These felt-like egg masses are ce mented to leaves of trees and shrubs or on buildings close to lights. They are often found on eaves and open lanai ceilings. Brushing the egg masses off helps to physically control the insect. The eggs hatch in three to five days. The larva of the lawn armyworm has seven to eight instars. The first instar upon hatching is a tiny, green caterpillar about 1⁄16 inch long, which spins a silken thread to reach the ground and begin feeding on grass blades. The caterpillars tend to remain in the same area and feed together, forming the characteristic steadily increasing circle of destruction. Close examination of armyworm IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Two views of the lawn armyworm caterpillar (life size is about 11⁄2 inches); the one at right in its later-stage coloration. Two views of the moth (adult) stage of the lawn armyworm, about twice life size; wings open (left) and wings folded (right). infested stands of turf will reveal clipped or skeleton ized grass blades mingled with green fecal pellets. Lar vae will be found feeding near the edges of the dam aged area. Occasionally, large numbers of armyworms will develop in one area, then migrate to another after exhausting their food supply. As they grow, the caterpillars become brownish, with a pair of pale stripes down the length of their backs. They reach a mature length of approximately 11⁄2 inches in about 28 days. The young caterpillars feed on the grass during the night and day, but older and larger ones feed only at night and hide in the thatch during the day. When disturbed, the caterpillars will become active and jump around rapidly. The mature final-instar caterpillar burrows into the soil and forms a hardened, reddish-brown casing (pupa) around itself. The average length of the pupa is 5⁄8 inch. The caterpillar pupates in the soil and emerges as an adult moth in 10–14 days. The total life cycle can be completed in about 43 days in Hawaii, with about 8 gen erations per year. The adult lawn armyworm is a grayish-brown, thick bodied moth with a wingspread of about 11⁄2 inches. The forewings are marked with several dark lines and a con spicuous black spot. The moth emerges from the pupa and mates within one day. The female begins laying eggs about four days later. The adult moth lives for about 12 days. The females fly at night and are attracted to lights, often laying their eggs near one. Populations of lawn armyworms may be locally controlled by reducing night lighting adjacent to sensitive turf areas or by using yel low light bulbs, which are less attractive to the moth. 5 IP-5 Turf Caterpillars The variegated cutworm caterpillar is similar in size and appearance to the black cutworm; actual size is 11⁄2–2 inches long. CTAHR — July 2000 Moth stage of the variegated cutworm. Cutworms Cutworms, including the black cutworm or some closely related species, are found in practically every part of the world. “Cutworm” is the common term for the larval stage (caterpillar) of various moths of the genus Agrotis and other related genera of the family Noctuidae. They feed on many plants including trees, turfgrass, rice and other cereals, and the seedlings of tomato and crucifers, cutting off stems, buds, and young leaves. They feed at night and burrow into the soil during the day. Black cutworm eggs are laid singly or in small clus ters. The female prefers to deposit her eggs on curly dock and mustard plants. One method of control of black cutworm is to eliminate or reduce these broadleaf weeds. The eggs hatch in 3–6 days. 6 The larva is brownish on top with a broad, pale gray band along the midline. It has gray-green sides with lat eral, blackish stripes. The head capsule is brownish-black with two white spots. The mature instar is a plump, black ish caterpillar 11⁄2–2 inches long. The caterpillars remain in shallow holes during the day and curl up when dis turbed. They emerge at night to feed on grass blades and stems of young seedlings, shearing them off at ground level. The feeding causes browning in turf. Cut worms are solitary feeders, and their infestations are usually in much smaller numbers than infestations of lawn armyworms or grass webworms, and cutworm damage, therefore, is usually not as serious. However, a small population of black cutworms can devastate a IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 The moth caterpillars compared Actual-size comparison of caterpillars of the black cutworm (top), lawn armyworm (middle), and grass webworm (bottom). These late instars are approaching full size. The ruler is in millimeters; the bar is 1 inch long. newly emerged bed of flower or vegetable seedlings in a very short time. The caterpillar lives for 28–34 days before boring into the soil to form the pupa, which is dark brown and about 3⁄4 inch long with a posterior spine. The pupal stage lasts 10–14 days before the adult moth emerges. Black cutworm adults are large, thick-bodied, noc turnal moths with a wingspan of 11⁄2–2 inches. The body is gray and the forewings are gray with dark brownish black markings. The hindwings are almost all white but have a dark fringe. The moths mate within two to four days after emergence. The female lays 1200–1600 eggs, singly or a few together, over a 5–10 day period. The adult moths may live for up to 30 days. 7 IP-5 Turf Caterpillars Lawn damage from the fiery skipper. CTAHR — July 2000 The fiery skipper lays its eggs singly on a blade of grass. The fiery skipper caterpillar has a prominent head due to its narrow neck. Fiery skipper The fiery skipper is a butterfly that is active during the day and is almost always found in open lawns, gardens, and fields in populated suburbs rather than in undisturbed rural areas. This butterfly has the rapid, skipping flight common in the insect family Hesperiidae. The fiery skip per caterpillar prefers bermudagrasses. The larvae de velop more slowly on zoysiagrasses and centipedegrass and are seldom seen on St. Augustinegrass. Fiery skipper eggs are laid singly on the undersurface of grass leaves and stems. They hatch 2–3 days after being laid. 8 The larva has distinctive, reddish markings on the front of its oversized, black head. It has a narrow neck, followed by a dark thoracic shield and a greenish-pink body with a granulated texture. The caterpillars spin silk shelters in the thatch and are not readily seen unless flushed out by a pyrethrin or detergent test. The average length of time to complete the larval stage is approxi mately 16 days. Fiery skipper damage in turf is a 1–2 inch round spot from which all the grass has been eaten by a single larva. If there is a large population, these spots will combine into larger dead patches. Damage IP-5 Turf Caterpillars This fiery skipper pupa is surrounded by thatch debris. usually appears on turf located near flowerbeds, where the adult skippers feed. The mature fiery skipper caterpillar burrows into the soil to form a pupa that is light yellow but otherwise similar in appearance to the pupa of the grass webworm or the black cutworm. The adult butterfly emerges in 7– 10 days. The adult has a wingspan of 11⁄4–11⁄2 inch. The wings are orange-brown. The outer margins of the male’s wings are black and toothed above, the forewing has a wide black stigma, and the underside of the hindwing is scat CTAHR — July 2000 The fiery skipper butterfly is found mostly in open suburban or urban landscapes. tered with small black spots. The upper side of the fe male is dark brown with a very irregular orange band, and the underside of the hindwing is pale brown with paler checks. Skippers are distinguished from other but terflies by having a hooked knob at the end of their very short antennae. The adult butterflies are strongly attracted to nectar-producing flowers, such as lantana. The males pursue the newly emerged females, and mating takes place within a day. Three to four days later, the female begins laying 50–150 singly spaced eggs. 9 IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Control measures Insecticide application is usually the first line of defense when there is a sudden, widespread increase of defolia tion by a turfgrass pest. There are few alternatives but to depend upon a recommended chemical or biological insecticide. Numerous insecticides for application to turfgrasses have been registered with the EPA and the Hawaii Department of Agriculture for use in Hawaii (Table 1, pp. 12–13). Pesticide registrations are con stantly changing and are often different from state to state. Always read the label before applying a pesticide to be sure that the intended use is stated on it. Before taking any control measures, identify the pest that is present and estimate how many caterpillars are feeding in a given area. If caterpillars are not readily seen, flush them out with soapy water or a solution of pyrethrin insecticide poured over the area where activ ity is suspected. Use 1–2 oz of dish soap or 1⁄2 oz of a pyrethrin-containing insecticide in about 2 gallons of water. Soak an area of about 1 square yard with the mix ture and wait for a few minutes. The caterpillars will be irritated by the solution and come to the surface. Col lect the caterpillars in a can and count them after you are sure there are no more hidden in the thatch (after 10 minutes). Repeat the test in other areas where infesta tion is suspected. Depending on the caterpillar species and the population density, treatment with insecticide may or may not be necessary. Spot treatments in severely affected areas may be the best approach, or a much larger treatment may be necessary if the test indicates that the entire lawn is heavily infested. Treatment is recom mended if flushing of 1 square yard of turf reveals more than five or six caterpillars of black cutworm or lawn armyworm and more than 15 caterpillars of grass web worm or fiery skipper. These threshold levels are a gen eral recommendation. Some experts believe that only four or five caterpillars of the grass webworm are enough to warrant treatment. Even one larva may be unaccept able in a highly manicured golf green. Proper timing of a pesticide application to direct it against the most vulnerable stage of the turfgrass pest is necessary for effective control and usually reduces the number of applications needed for complete control. All four of Hawaii’s major turfgrass pests described here are destructive to turf only during the larval (caterpil lar) stage. All of these pests are more easily controlled 10 in the younger caterpillar stages (the first few instars). They become much more difficult to eradicate as they near pupation, and they are resistant to pesticide treat ment in the pupa stage. Pesticide application techniques Before applying an insecticide, the turf should be mowed and the clippings removed to enhance pesticide penetra tion into the turf canopy. A thorough irrigation before application moves insects out of the thatch and soil and brings them to the surface. For night-feeding larvae (grass webworm, lawn armyworm, black cutworm), apply the insecticide in the late afternoon or early evening. Light irrigation after spraying rinses the insec ticide off grass blades and into the turf where thatch active caterpillars reside. A heavier irrigation should follow granular insecticide applications to wash the gran ules into the thatch and activate the insecticide. After this initial post-application irrigation, do not irrigate again or mow for at least 24 hours. Some biological con trol agents and newer chemical pesticides may require special handling and application techniques. Always read and follow the pesticide label instructions. Liquid pesticide formulations are mixed with water and sprayed on the grass. If a compressed-air sprayer is used, mix the recommended amount of pesticide with 3 gallons of water for every 1000 square feet (sq ft, or ft2) to be treated. If a watering can is used, mix the recom mended amount of insecticide with 12 gallons of water for every 1000 ft2. If using a hose-end sprayer, put the recommended amount in the jar and follow the direc tions for the particular model of sprayer. Wettable pow der formulations are mixed in the same manner but the solution must be shaken frequently during application. Granular formulations should be applied with a mechani cal spreader and watered in well. Apply these insecti cides only to the lawn area, avoiding all other plants or ornamentals. Observe and follow label directions for reentry to treated areas. Allow several days for the full effect of the treatment to take place. Types of insecticides Systemic insecticides are absorbed and translocated through the plant. They may be applied as a liquid spray or root drench or granular soil application. Foliar spray IP-5 Turf Caterpillars applications usually result in poor systemic activity. Systemic insecticides usually have a long-lasting residual effect. The usual mode of action for this type of insecti cide is by affecting the nervous system of the insect af ter it is ingested when plant sap is sucked or leaves are eaten. Contact insecticides are not absorbed by the plant and are effective only if they make direct contact with the insect, or if the insect eats the treated leaves or comes into contact with the residue before the insecticide is washed off by rain or overhead irrigation. Many of these insecticides contain additives (“stickers”) that improve adherence to the plant and provide a certain amount of resistance to being washed off. However, contact insec ticides are usually not as long lasting as systemic types. A contact insecticide is usually applied as a foliar spray and affects the nervous system of the insect upon direct contact or ingestion. Insecticides sometimes damage plants due to phyto toxicity. It is advisable to test any product on a small scale before making large-scale applications. Spray ac cording to label directions, and spray again a week later (unless the label prohibits such a frequency). Allow 5– 7 days for symptoms to appear; for systemic insecti cides, allow 14–21 days for symptoms to appear. Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are normally ap plied in a foliar spray. Some may have a limited absorp tion and translocation in the plant and therefore exhibit a local systemic type of action. Others enter the insect by contact. The mode of action for IGRs is by interfer ence with the metamorphosis and adult development of the insect. Microbial control options in Hawaii are limited. One that is commercially available is a species of bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis, “Bt”) which produces an endo toxin that is ingested by insects. Another type of microbial agent is insect-parasitic nematodes. These soil-inhabiting, microscopic round worms parasitize caterpillars and certain other insects, reproduce inside of them, and then emerge to reinfect other hosts. Insect-parasitic nematodes thrive only in moist environments where they will not dry out. They are therefore effective against soil and boring insect pests including cutworms, armyworms, webworms, wire worms, and caterpillars occurring in moist, humid mi CTAHR — July 2000 croenvironments. Nematodes are not effective against foliar feeding (sucking or chewing) insects. Several spe cies of insect-parasitic nematode are in agricultural use. Steinernema carpocapsae has recently been condition ally approved for use as a microbial control agent in Hawaii, and it may soon be commercially available. Other naturally occurring microbial control agents include pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and viruses that at tack the caterpillars. Cultural control Remove heavy thatch to eliminate much of the daytime resting habitat for the nocturnal larvae. However, the grass webworm can be present in large numbers with out much thatch cover. Do not promote thatch buildup with heavy nitrogen fertilization or excessive watering. Core aerating the soil followed by top-dressing with organic matter also helps prevent thatch build-up. Avoid stressing turfgrasses by overmowing or underwatering. The lawn armyworm tends to lay eggs in damp areas with rank growth, so eliminating such areas helps con trol this pest. Biological control The four turf pests described here have numerous other natural enemies in Hawaii, including parasites and preda tors. Parasites include a trichogrammatid wasp, which attacks the eggs, and paper wasps (vespids) and mud dabber wasps (sphecids), which feed their young by stinging caterpillars, then stocking their nest with the paralyzed caterpillars to serve as future food for the newly emerged young wasps. Ichneumonid, braconid, and chalcid wasps are also common parasites of cater pillars in Hawaii. A long list of predators includes several species of ants, carabid beetles, the giant bufo toad, and many spe cies of birds including the common mynah bird, cattle egret, Brazilian cardinal, and golden plover, all of which feed on the caterpillars and the adult moths and butter flies. Often these control agents naturally occur in suffi cient numbers to effectively keep populations of turf insect pests under control. 11 Some common insecticides labeled for use in Hawaii that are effective against turf caterpillars Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 IP-5 The insecticides listed are effective against the larval (caterpillar) stages of the insects and are most effective when applied early in the development of the larval instars before damage from their feeding becomes too severe. The accuracy and completeness of this information is not warranted. The products mentioned as examples were licensed for sale in Hawaii as of January, 2000. Pesticide registrations and allowed uses frequently change. Pesticide users should read the product label to be sure that the intended use (target pest and site of application) is included on it, and follow all label directions, precautions, and restrictions. If label information differs from that provided here, follow the label. Listing of products is for information purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation. Caution: insecticides may damage certain plants; make a test application on a small area before large-scale application (see p. 11). *An asterisk by a pesticide name indicates that it is a Restricted-Use Pesticide (RUP) that can be purchased and applied only by people with appropriate certification from the Hawaii Department of Agriculture. † Indicates toxicity to fish and aquatic organisms. Chemical control agents Active ingredient Chemical class Example product name spinosad spinosyns Conserve SC bifenthrin synthetic pyrethroid Talstar® GC Flowable Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. Some products for use by commercial applicators only. cyfluthrin synthetic pyrethroid Tempo® 20 WP * † Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. For use by commercial applicators only. Cyfluthrin is a contact poison that is fast to intermediate acting, effective within 1–7 days; residual effect lasts 3–6 weeks. lambda-cyhalothrin synthetic pyrethroid Scimitar® GC * † Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. For use by commercial applicators only. deltamethrin synthetic pyrethroid DeltaGuard® GC * † Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. For use by commercial applicators only. acephate organophosphate Orthene® Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Systemic and contact poison. Odorous, fast acting, effective within 1–3 days, residual effect lasts 1–2 weeks. chlorpyrifos organophosphate Dursban® 50W * Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. Odorous, intermediate acting, effective within 3–7 days, residual effect lasts 3–6 weeks. Many products for use by commercial applicators only. May be fatal if swallowed or absorbed through skin. diazinon organophosphate Diazinon 4E * † Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison, fast acting, effective within 1–3 days, residual effect lasts 1–2 weeks. Not for use on golf courses and sod farms. Some formulations for use by commercial applicators only. halfenozide insect growth regulator (IGR) Mach 2™ Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Systemic insect growth regulator that acts as a molt-accelerating compound (MAC). 12 Comments Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. May cause phytotoxicity. Recommended for IPM programs; does not significantly impact the natural predaceous arthropods including ladybird beetles, lacewings, minute pirate bugs, and predatory mites. IP-5 Turf Caterpillars CTAHR — July 2000 Chemical control agents (continued) Active ingredient Chemical class Example product name imidacloprid chloronicotinyl Merit® 75 WP Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact and systemic poison. Applied as foliar spray or soil drench. carbaryl carbamate Sevin® * Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Contact poison. Intermediate-acting, effective within 3–7 days, residual effect lasts 3–6 weeks. Some formulations for use by commercial applicators only. Organism Product name Comments Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) (bacterium) DiPel® 2X Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. Insect stomach poison (through production of spores and endotoxins). Only effective on early-instar larvae; repeat applications may be necessary. Breaks down rapidly in sunlight and washes readily off leaves. Organism Product name Comments Steinernema carpocapsae (nematode) Millenium Biological Insect Control Turfgrasses; check label for other registered application sites. An insect parasite recently labeled for use in Hawaii. Comments Microbial control agents Biological control agents Mention of a trademark, company, or proprietary name does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty by the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclusion of other suitable products or companies. Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to ensure that the intended use is included on it, and follow all label directions. 13 IP-5 Turf Caterpillars References Lai, P.-Y., and C.Y. Funasaki. 1986. List of beneficial organisms purposely introduced and released for bio logical control in Hawaii: 1830–1985. Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry, Plant Pest Control Branch. Honolulu. Lai, P.-Y., and C.Y. Funasaki. 1990. List of beneficial organisms purposely introduced and released for bio logical control in Hawaii: Addendum I: 1985–1990., Hawaii Dept of Agriculture, Division of Plant Indus try, Plant Pest Control Branch. Honolulu. Marsdan, David A. 1979. Turf caterpillars. CTAHR In sect Pest Series no. 12. 7 pp. Mitchell, Wallace. Pest management guidelines. Univ. of Hawaii, unpublished manuscript. Murdoch, C.L., H. Tashiro, J.W. Tavares, and W.C. Mitchell. 1990. Economic damage and host prefer ences of lepidopterous pests of major warm season turfgrasses of Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 30:63–70. UC pest management guidelines. 1997. <http:// www.ipm. ucdavis.edu/PMG/r785300811.html>. A color version of this publication can be viewed on the Web site of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs> 14 CTAHR — July 2000 Insect Pests March 2001 IP-6 Cooperative Extension Service Root Mealybugs of Quarantine Significance in Hawaii Arnold H. Hara, Ruth Y. Niino-DuPonte, and Christopher M. Jacobsen Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences S even species of root mealybug are found in Hawaii, and three of them are of quarantine significance. These root mealybugs are a serious problem for Hawaii’s export potted-plant industry because root infestations are not easily detected unless the plants are removed from their pots. Potted palms and other slow growing plants are more susceptible to infestation by root mea lybugs because they require lengthy bench time to at tain marketable size. Damage caused by root mealybugs is not specific. The most common plant symptoms are slow growth, lack of vigor, and subsequent death. Unless the infesta tion is unusually heavy, it is not evident until the plant’s pot is removed and the root ball is examined. A white, waxy substance and adult female mealybugs will be noticeable, especially between the pot and the root ball. Plants that are growing slowly, root-bound, or under environmental or nutritional stress are more susceptible to root mealybug infestation. Due to their cryptic habit (preference for dark, hid den places), little is known about root mealybug biol ogy. In general, depending on the species, the adult fe males (Figures 1–3) live from 27 to 57 days. White, cot tony masses containing egg-laying females and/or eggs Mealybug Quarantine Pests • The rhizoecus root mealybugz, Rhizoecus hibisci Kawai & Takagi (Figure 1), was discovered in Ha waii in 1992 and has since spread to the state’s major potted foliage plant production areas. This mealybug has been found on palms, calathea, Serrisa spp., and ‘Tifdwarf’ bermudagrass. • The coffee root mealybug, Geococcus coffeae Green, was discovered prior to 1908. It has a very wide host range, including aglaonema, citrus, cacao, cof fee, croton, cyperus, dieffenbachia, ferns, mango, ole ander, palms, philodendron, pineapple, schefflera, and syngonium. • The pineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus brevipes Cockerelly (Figure 2), was first mentioned as occur ring in Hawaii in 1910. It can be found on the lower stem or stalks and exposed roots of pineapple and other bromeliads, as well as on coffee, banana, caladium, sugarcane, canna, citrus, eggplant, and palms. The rhizoecus root mealybug is widely distrib uted in East and Southeast Asia and has also been found in Puerto Rico and Florida. The coffee root mea lybug occurs throughout the tropics and subtropics, including Central America, South America, Africa, Micronesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Florida. The pineapple mealybug is found in South America, Africa, Jamaica, Madagascar, the Dominican Repub lic, Florida, Louisiana, and Massachusetts. The adult female rhizoecus root mealybug is snow-white and has an elongated oval shape up to about 2.35 mm long. The adult female coffee root mealybug is also a snow-white, elongated oval shape varying from 2 to 2.5 mm in length; it can be distin guished from other root mealybug species by the pres ence of anal hooks, which are prominent, stiff, up turned spines at the tip of each anal lobe. The adult female pineapple mealybug is pale pink or white, broadly oval, and approximately 3 mm long. z Although six species of Rhizoecus are known in Hawaii, in this publication we use the common name, rhizoecus root mealybug, to refer only to R. hibisci. yFormerly called Pseudococcus brevipes Cockerell. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 6 Root Mealybugs of Quarantine Significance CTAHR — March 2001 2 1 Rhizoecus root mealybugs on palm roots. Pineapple mealybugs on palm roots. are normally visible on the outside of the root mass when an infested plant is lifted from its container. Males of the three species discussed here have not been observed in Hawaii, although male pineapple mealybugs have been collected in Madagascar, Martinique, and the Domican Republic. The newly hatched, immature crawl ers (nymphs) are the dispersal stage and are highly mo bile. Once crawlers find a suitable site, they settle down and begin to feed on roots with their sucking mouth parts. The entire life cycle of a root mealybug ranges from one to four months, depending on the species, cli matic conditions, and availability of a food source. Root mealybugs can be spread by irrigation water, re-use of previously infested pots, re-use of contami nated media, and crawlers moving from infested plants to other plants. Infestation of greenhouse bench plants by root mealybugs can occur by introducing nursery stock that was already infested when purchased or from crawlers that move in from host plants near the green house. Pest management Biological control Adult 27–57 days Life cycle of a root mealybug Hawaii has no known natural predators or parasites that are specific to rhizoecus and coffee root mealybugs. Natural predators and parasites of the pineapple mealy bug in Hawaii include several encrytid (parasitoid) wasps and lady beetles. Cultural control Because root mealybugs are very difficult to detect and control, every effort should be made to prevent their spread and establishment. The following practices are recommended: • Inspect roots of newly purchased plants by removing them from their pots. • Inspect roots of suspected plants, especially slow growing ones. • Avoid pot-bound plants by re-potting when necessary. Nymphal stages Crawler (dispersal stage) Egg < 24 hours Drawing by James Baker, NCSU; photos by Julie Ann Yogi-Chun and A. Hara. 2 IP- 6 Root Mealybugs of Quarantine Significance CTAHR — March 2001 Egg Nymph 3 Adult 4 Life stages of the rhizoecus root mealybug. Palm roots in the pot not treated with copper hydroxide (right) are more compacted and infested with mealybugs. • Use Chemical control Pineapple mealybug populations are tended by sev eral species of ants, and ant-control measures (physical barriers, ant bait or spray) help prevent serious mealy bug infestations. Chemical control of root mealybugs requires saturation of the root ball and potting medium to a degree that al lows the pesticide to penetrate the pests’ white, waxy secretion. Research has demonstrated that dipping or drenching with liquid insecticide is more effective than applying a granular formulation. Dursban® Turf & Nurs ery Product applied twice as a drench or dip at two-week intervals controls coffee root mealybug; however, it may take four to six months before the cottony, waxy secre tions deteriorate completely, making it difficult to de termine treatment efficacy. This may pose a potential risk of shipment rejection by quarantine inspectors. Research trials ranked Dursban ® 50 WP and Dursban® Turf & Nursery Product as the least phyto toxic to palms and indicated that watering palms prior to drenching application significantly reduced phytotox icity. A small group of plants should be treated at the recommended rate under the anticipated growing con ditions and observed for phytotoxic symptoms for at least 14 days before a large number of plants are treated. In the dip method, research findings indicated that submerging the plant’s entire root ball without the pot in a diluted Dursban solution (1 pint per 100 gallons) for about 30 seconds with slight agitation is nearly twice as effective as dipping the plant while still in its pot. In the drench method, after premoistening with irrigation or rainfall, the diluted Dursban solution is poured into each potted plant container (without removing pots from pots with inner coatings of copper hydroxide (Spinout®), which prevents root matting and thereby minimizes root mealybug infestations (Figure 4). • Separate pots from the ground on raised benches or with plastic film over the soil. • Do not allow water from infested areas to run onto clean areas. • Remove alternate host plants from around the green house, or control mealybugs on them. • Use clean pots and soil; if infested, wash pots with soap and water. • Keep the growing area clean of plant debris. Biorational control CTAHR research has demonstrated that hot-water dips are as effective as insecticides against mealybugs. Ex periments showed that submerging potted rhapis palms in water held at 120°F (49°C) until the internal root ball temperature reached 115°F (46°C) was 100 percent ef fective in killing root mealybugs. Only minor phytotox icity to raphis was observed, a chlorosis (yellowing) of older leaves. Drenching potted palm roots in hot water at 120°F for 15 minutes will not only control mealy bugs but will also eliminate burrowing nematodes. 3 IP- 6 Root Mealybugs of Quarantine Significance plants) to saturate the soil at a rate of 10–12 fluid ounces of solution per gallon of container size. Marathon® 60 WP is applied only as a drench and can be incorporated with a surfactant or wetting agent to ensure thorough distribution of solution in the pot ting medium. Drench rates are determined by plant con tainer size. Over 95 percent control was observed for up to 12 weeks in manufacturer’s trials. Residual activity of Marathon should control most emerging mealybug nymphs. Follow safety precautions given on the product la bels. Used drench solution should be disposed of by applying it to approved crops and sites in accordance with the pesticide label directions. Precautionary statement Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regula tions. Read the pesticide label to be sure that the in tended use is included on it, and follow all label direc tions. Consult a chemical sales representative, the Ha waii Department of Agriculture, or the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service for updated in formation on available formulations. The pesticide user is responsible for the proper use, application, storage, and disposal of the pesticide. Disclaimer Mention of a product name does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the Cooperative Extension Ser vice, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Re sources, University of Hawaii or the United States De partment of Agriculture and does not imply its recom mendation to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable. 4 CTAHR — March 2001 References Baker, J.R. (ed.) 1978. Insect and related pests of flowers and foli age plants. North Carolina Agric. Extension Service, AG-136. Beardsley, J.W., Jr. 1965. Notes on the pineapple mealybug com plex, with descriptions of two new species (Homoptera: Pseudo coccidae). Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 14(1):55–68. Beardsley, J.W., Jr. 1966. Hypogaeic mealybugs of the Hawaiian Islands (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 14:151–155. Beardsley, J.W., T.H. Su, F.L. McEwen, and D. Gerling. 1982. Field investigations on the interrelationships of the big-headed ant, the gray pineapple mealybug, and the pineapple mealybug wilt dis ease in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian Entomol. Soc. 24(1):51–68. Beardsley, J.W., Jr. 1995. Notes on two Rhizoecus species new to the Hawaiian Islands, with a revised key to Hawaiian hypogaeic mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae:Rhizoecinae). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers No. 42, pp. 28–29. Dekle, G.W. 1965. A root mealybug (Geococcus coffeae Green) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Florida Dept. of Agric., Div. of Plant Industry, Entomology Circular No. 43. Hara, A. 1988. Control of the coffee root mealybug in potted plants. University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Horticulture Digest, No. 86. Kuitert, L.C. and G.W. Dekle. 1966. Control of root mealybug, Geococcus coffeae Green. Proc., Florida State Horticultural So ciety 79:484–488. Linquist, R.K. 1991. Identification of insects and related pests of horticultural plants. Ohio Florists’ Association, Columbus. Merrill, G.B. 1953. A revision of the scale-insects of Florida. State Plant Board of Florida, Gainesville, Bulletin 1. Poe, S.L. 1973. Infestation and spread of root mealybugs in con tainer-grown ornamentals. Institute of Food and Agricultural Sci ences, University of Florida, Florida Foliage Grower 10(2):1–4. Snetsinger, R. 1966. Biology and control of a root-feeding mealy bug on Saintpaulia. J. Econ. Entomol. 59:1077–1078. Williams, D.J. 1996. Four related species of root mealybugs of the genus Rhizoecus from east and southeast Asia of importance at quarantine inspection (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae). J. Natural History 30:1391–1403. Zimmerman, E.C. 1948. Pseudococcus brevipes (Cockerell). In: In sects of Hawaii; a manual of the insects of the Hawaiian Islands, including enumeration of the species and notes on their origin, distribution, hosts, parasites, etc. Volume 5. (Homoptera: Sterno rhyncha), pp. 189–201. Insect Pests April 2001 IP-7* Cooperative Extension Service Hibiscus Erineum Mite 1 Arnold Hara , Dick Tsuda1, James Tavares2, Julie Yogi3, and David Hensley3 Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, 2Cooperative Extension Service–Kahului, and 3Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences 1 Common name Hibiscus erineum mite, hibiscus leaf-crumpling mite Bumpy growths (galls) and distorted leaves are the re sult of feeding by the hibiscus erineum mite. Scientific name Aceria hibisci (Nalepa) Hosts The hibiscus erineum mite seems to prefer the Chinese red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.), but it will also attack other hibiscus species and hybrids. Like most gall (plant-feeding) mites, the hibiscus erineum mite’s host range is narrow and confined primarily to hibiscus spe cies; however, it has also been recorded on okra, a plant in the same family. Distribution In Hawaii, the mite was first discovered on hibiscus at Wheeler Air Force Base, Wahiawa, Oahu, in November 1989, and it is now found on all major islands. It has been collected in other Pacific areas, such as Tonga, Fiji, and parts of Australia, and it has also appeared in Bra zil, but its full range of occurrence is unknown. Damage Hibiscus erineum mite feeding on plants results in un sightly leaf, stem, and twig galls. The damage is most noticeable on the leaves and developing vegetative buds. The galls are localized growth reactions of the host plant to the mite feeding. They are rounded, puckered bumps that form irregular domes on the leaf surface. The galls vary in size and are frequently connected and crowded together, giving a lumpy appearance to the leaf surface. Because active plant growth is necessary for mite es tablishment, young leaves and buds are most vulner able to mite infestation. Older, hardened growth will not develop galls. Biology In warm and tropical areas, mites usually develop from an egg through two nymph stages to the adult stage. The nymphs resemble the adults but are smaller. The hibiscus erineum mite develops inside the “pouch” of the gall. Based on the extensive gall formation that can occur on hibiscus in a relatively short period of time, the life cycle of this mite seems to complete itself in less than three weeks. The adult hibiscus erineum mite is very small— invisible to the unaided eye. The mite is soft-bodied and wormlike, with two body regions: the gnathosoma (mouthparts), and the idiosoma (remainder of the body). Hibiscus erineum mites are unique among mites because they have only two pairs of legs, compared with the four pairs of other mite species. *Revised by Arnold Hara from Instant Information no.18, 1996; information on cultivars provided by James Tavares and Marilyn Couture. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP-7 Hibiscus Erineum Mite Behavior Hibiscus erineum mites rely on wind, insects, and birds to carry them. The adult female is probably the most mobile in terms of dispersal. Flying insects, especially those that like the same plants as the mites, are believed to be the most common means of aiding the movement of hibiscus erineum mites. Management Biological control Predatory mites are well known biological control agents of the galling, plant-feeding mites. Predatory mites en ter the galls and presumably are preying on the hibiscus erineum mite. When predatory mites are present, gall ing damage to hibiscus is reduced. Predatory mites can be seen by the unaided eye and are recognized by their fast-moving action. If a number of fast-moving mites are observed on hibiscus with galls, then applying a miticide is not recommended because it will kill the predatory mites. Prune to remove severely affected branches and leaves, and discard them promptly by burn ing, burial, or dumping them enclosed in a plastic bag. Cultural control To prevent the spread of hibiscus erineum mite infesta tions, avoid taking cuttings from known infested areas, even from apparently healthy plants. If damage to Chi nese hibiscus cannot be tolerated, consider replacing the plant with another hibiscus type less preferred by the mite, or another type of plant. Preliminary trials conducted over two years at CTAHR’s Low Elevation Experimental Farm in CTAHR — April 2001 Kahului, Maui, indicated that the cultivars ‘Apricot’, ‘Empire’, ‘Pink Hibiscus’, ‘Itsy Bitsy Peach “Monch”’, ‘“Zahm” Chinese’, and ‘Apple Blossom’ are less sus ceptible to hibiscus erineum mite infestation than ‘Chi nese Red’, ‘Herman Shierman’, ‘Orange Hibiscus’, ‘Nii Yellow’, and ‘Kardinal’. Most of these cultivars are suit able to grow as hedges. Chemical control If biological or cultural methods do not control the hi biscus erineum mite on the plant or in the overall land scape, then pesticides can be used. Prune all severely affected branches before applying miticides, and repeat the miticide applications at least two to three times at weekly intervals. Repeat applications are necessary be cause modern pesticides are made not to last in the en vironment. Specific recommendation of a miticide is difficult because of pesticide label restrictions. There are some suitable pesticides registered for use only by licensed landscape or nursery professionals. Homeowners may consider miticides registered for general outdoor orna mentals or specifically for hibiscus in the landscape. For information on miticides currently registered for use by homeowners or commercial growers and landscape managers, contact your local Cooperative Extension Service office. Reference Carson, Cynthia, and Neil Gough. 2000. Hibiscus erineum mite. H00054. Queensland Horticulture In stitute, Department of Primary Industries, Queensland, Australia. Mention of a trademark, company, or proprietary name does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty by the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclusion of other suitable products or companies. Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to ensure that the intended use is in cluded on it, and follow all label directions. 2 Insect Pests May 2001 IP-8 Cooperative Extension Service Scouting for Thrips in Orchid Flowers Robert G. Hollingsworth1, Arnold H. Hara2, and Kelvin T. Sewake3 1 2 U.S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, CTAHR Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, 3CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service T hrips are the most common insect pest of orchid flowers in Hawaii. Thrips can be controlled using appropriate pesticides either in the field or as a post harvest dip. Some growers apply insecticides to orchid crops on a calendar basis, without checking first to see if pests are present. But not all orchid farms in Hawaii have prob lems with thrips, and therefore this practice may not be cost-effective and might result in the eradication of ben eficial insects that normally keep pests such as white flies and aphids under control. In general, pesticide ap plications should be made only when the number of pests has exceeded a certain tolerance level, or threshold, as determined by pest scouting. In deciding on a threshold level for thrips in orchids, a grower should consider how the crop is to be marketed. If the flowers are to be sold within the state of Hawaii, a light thrips infestation (an average of < 1 insect per or chid spray) can be tolerated, because light infestations will not damage flowers. However, if the number of thrips appears to be increasing, growers should consider ap plying insecticides. Once thrips become well established, they will be hard to control, because their pupae in the soil may escape treatment. Successive, carefully timed insecticide sprays are needed if this occurs. If the flowers are to be exported from Hawaii, the grower is responsible for shipping flowers that are free of thrips and other pests. Otherwise, quarantine inspec tors may reject flower shipments and the Cut Flower Compliance Agreement stamp issued by USDA-APHIS may be revoked. Obviously, growers who export must adopt a pest tolerance threshold of zero, or else use an effective treatment after harvesting. Scouting methods Three methods can be used for pest scouting; their ad vantages and disadvantages are summarized in Table 1. Direct observation Direct observation of thrips in blossoms is a good, non destructive method, but it is relatively time-consuming. Thrips typically hide deep within the blossoms. The lip Table 1. Comparison of three methods for counting thrips in orchids. Detection method Direct observation Efficiency of counting* Advantages Disadvantages Use when goal is To monitor the level of the thrips population Adults Nymphs 79% 14% No equipment required, consistent results if same person counts Time-consuming, requires good eyesight Flower shake Fast method, instant results May damage sprays if shaken too hard To detect thrips 48–93% 4–22% Berlese funnel Produces consistent results Time and expense of funnel construction, limited amount of plant material can be processed To monitor the level of the thrips population 34–59% 14–17% *Efficiency data from Hollingsworth et al. (2000). Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 8 Scouting for Thrips in Orchid Flowers of each blossom must be gently pulled down to detect whether thrips are inside. An experienced person can generally examine all of the blossoms of one orchid spray in less than a minute. The person sampling must have good eyesight and be able to distinguish between thrips and other small insects commonly encountered, includ ing other pests, such as aphids, as well as beneficial in sects, such as parasitic wasps and other predatory in sects, that feed on thrips. Use of a hand lens is helpful to distinguish among these insects. In general, thrips adults will be more easily seen on light colored flowers, while thrips nymphs (which are light in color) will be more easily seen against a dark background. Flower shake Shaking flowers to dislodge thrips is a second sampling method that is much faster than visually inspecting in dividual flowers. A single orchid spray should be shaken for 5 seconds within a white bucket or plastic bag. The shake should be of moderate intensity—too vigorous a shake will bruise or damage the flowers, reducing shelf life. Research has shown that flower shakes remove from about half to almost all of the adult thrips present but less than a quarter of the nymphs (Table 1). Berlese funnel Another method for scouting thrips involves putting the flowers into a specially constructed funnel beneath a brooder lamp, using the heat from the light source to drive the thrips down to a collecting jar at the bottom of the funnel. This sampling device is called a Berlese fun nel; it can be easily constructed from locally available materials. Insects collected in the jar can be examined and counted with the aid of a microscope or hand lens, or they may be taken to an expert for identification.* Identification could be important, because there are sev eral different species of thrips commonly found in or chid flowers, and certain species may be harder to con trol with insecticides. Berlese funnels are particularly good for detecting the presence of thrips while they are still small, as these stages would probably be overlooked using the other two scouting methods. *For a small fee, insects can be identified by CTAHR’s Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC). Samples can be submitted through any CTAHR Coop erative Extension Service office. On Hawaii, the ADSC is located at the Komohana Agricultural Complex in Hilo. Thrips should be submitted in 70% alcohol. 2 CTAHR — May 2001 Some growers have asked if sticky cards can be used for sampling thrips in orchids. Yellow and blue sticky cards have been used effectively to sample western flower thrips in vegetable and flower greenhouses. We tested a wide variety of card colors (including blue and yellow) in an orchid shadehouse known to be infested with western flower thrips, suspending the sticky cards just above the plant canopy. We had very little success collecting thrips of any kind. Therefore, we cannot rec ommend this technique at this time. How to collect samples Regardless of the method you choose, you should col lect the samples evenly throughout any area you are managing as one unit. The number of samples to collect depends on your reason for scouting and the level of thrips present in the crop. Growers who seldom find thrips may decide to implement control measures when only a small percent age of orchid sprays are infested. Those who take this approach will want to sample a large number of orchid sprays, and this can be done most efficiently by the flower shake method. Our research indicates that orchid sprays infested with adult thrips are randomly distrib uted in an orchid crop, not clumped together. Using this information, it is possible to calculate the probability of detecting adult thrips for a given number of orchid sprays sampled, provided that the infestation rate and the effi ciency of the sampling method are specified. This is shown in the graph in Figure 1, which assumes a 70% efficiency of counting, such as might be obtained using the shake method of sampling. Other growers may have chronic problems with thrips because thrips are constantly flying in from sur rounding areas. These growers may want to use scout ing results to monitor the level of thrips in the crop, in order to better time pesticide sprays. In such circum stances, thrips will likely be relatively easy to find us ing any method. The emphasis should be on using a method that produces consistent results. Berlese funnel extractions might be most appropriate, because consis tent results can be achieved even if different people col lect the samples. The best way to determine how many orchids sprays to sample is to compare results obtained using several different sample sizes. The minimum sample size that produces consistent results should be selected. IP- 8 Scouting for Thrips in Orchid Flowers Figure 1. Probability of detecting adult thrips as a function of sample size and the percentage of orchid sprays infested with adult thrips. Probability of detecting adult thrips 1.2 10% 20% 1 5% 0.8 2% 0.6 1% o.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 CTAHR — May 2001 3. With the hole saw bit, cut a hole in the center of the jar lid. Use Liquid Nails adhesive to glue the lid onto the spout of the funnel about 1⁄4 inch up from the bottom of the spout so that the jar can be screwed onto the lid. 4. Bend four pieces of plumber’s tape so that when evenly spaced around the lamp they will hold the lamp just above the funnel. Drill 1⁄8-inch holes in the lamp and rivet the plumber’s tape to the lamp. Adjustments can be made by bending the plumber’s tape so that the lamp rests just above the funnel. 5. The funnel cannot stand on the small jar at the bot tom; therefore, it needs to be supported in a box or bucket. A frame constructed from wood or galvanized pipe can be used to support one or more funnels. 100 Number of orchid sprays sampled Constructing a Berlese funnel (from Tenbrink et al. 1998) Materials needed: • 10-inch automotive funnel (Balkamp brand, Napa Auto Parts, part #8211 126) • 1 square foot of 1⁄4-inch-mesh galvanized hardware cloth • 4-ounce jar with screw-on lid, such as a baby food jar • 10-inch brooder lamp (Woods Wireproducts brand, Ace Hardware, item #30715) • 40-watt incandescent light bulb (do not substitute a bulb brighter than 60 watts) • 4 pieces of 3⁄4-inch galvanized plumber’s tape, each 41⁄4 inches long • 8 1⁄8-inch aluminum rivets • Liquid Nails® adhesive Tools needed: • Electric drill with 1⁄8-inch drill bit • Hole saw bit the same size as the funnel spout diameter • Rivet gun • Tin snips • Pliers Procedure for construction: 1. Remove the filter screen from the funnel. 2. Cut the hardware cloth to fit and place it in the funnel. Using the Berlese funnel Additional supplies needed: a hand lens or magnifying glass (least 10X) and 70% isopropyl alcohol. Pour 1–2 fluid ounces of alcohol into the jar. Screw the jar onto the lid. If you plan to have the thrips identified, use a mixture of half alcohol, half water, and add a drop of detergent. This keeps the thrips from getting too stiff. Harvest enough sprays to yield 50–100 blossoms. Write down the date, cultivar, and number of sprays used. Removing blossoms from stems speeds drying, but handle them gently during removal to prevent thrips es caping. Put the blossoms into the funnel, place the lamp on the funnel, and turn on the light. Heat from the bulb drives the thrips down and they fall into the alcohol. After 8 or more hours, turn off the light and remove the jar. Pour the alcohol into a flat dish. Using a hand lens or magnifying glass, inspect the alcohol for thrips. If aphids or mealybugs are on the flowers, they will also be in the jar. Moths and beetles may be attracted to the light and fall into the funnel. If this occurs, check the fit of the lamp and adjust the plumber’s tape to minimize the space between the lamp and the funnel. If the prob lem continues, seal the space with tape. Record the number of thrips and divide by the num ber of sprays. The result of this calculation is the num ber of thrips per spray. This number, when compared with the numbers from other surveys, shows whether the population is rising or falling. Finally, clean the funnel and the jar. This is impor tant to avoid contamination of later samples. Mention of a trademark, company, or proprietary name does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee, or warranty by the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service or its employees and does not imply recommendation to the exclusion of other suitable products or companies. 3 IP- 8 Scouting for Thrips in Orchid Flowers CTAHR — May 2001 Adult thrips (center) are very small. At left, four of them are seen through a hand lens. At right, there are two within the circle and another one less visible in the shadows within the blossom (arrow). Berlese funnels are easily constructed from locally available materials. Multiple funnels can be placed together on a rack. References Hara, A.H., T.Y. Hata, V.L. Tenbrink, and B.K.S. Hu. 1995. Postharvest treat ments against western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)] and melon thrips (Thrips palmi Karny) on orchids. Ann. Appl. Biol. 126:403–415. Hara, A.H., and T.Y. Hata. 1999. Pests and pest management. In: K. Leonhardt and K. Sewake (eds), Growing dendrobium orchids in Hawaii, produc tion and pest management guide. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. pp. 29–45 Hata, T.Y., A.H. Hara, and J.D. Hanson. 1991. Feeding preference of melon thrips on orchids in Hawaii. HortScience 26: 1294–1295. Hata, T.Y., A.H. Hara, B.K.S. Hu, R.T. Kaneko, and V.L. Tenbrink. 1993. Field sprays and insecticidal dips after harvest for pest management of 4 Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips palmi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on orchids. J. Econ. Entomol. 86(5):1483–1489. Hollingsworth, R.G., A.H. Hara, and K.T. Sewake. 2000. Pesticide use and grower perceptions of pest problems on ornamental crops in Hawaii. Jour nal of Extension 38(1). 11 pp. <http://joe.org/joe/2000february/rb1.html>. Hollingsworth, R.G., K.T. Sewake and J.W. Armstrong. 2000. Scouting meth ods for detection of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on dendrobium or chids in Hawaii. Manuscript submitted to Journal of Economic Entomol ogy. Tenbrink, V.L., A.H. Hara, T.Y. Hata, B.K.S. Hu, and R. Kaneko. 1998. The Berlese funnel, a tool for monitoring thrips on orchids. CTAHR publica tion IP-3, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Uni versity of Hawaii at Manoa. Insect Pests June 2002 IP-9 Anthurium Thrips Damage to Ornamentals in Hawaii Arnold H. Hara, Christopher Jacobsen, and Ruth Niino-DuPonte Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences A nthurium thrips, Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton), (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), formerly known as the orchid thrips, was first collected in Ha waii in 1926 and has since become a common pest of ornamentals. It is a widely distributed species, infesting greenhouses and outdoor landscapes in the Dominican Republic, South America, Australia, Japan, Puerto Rico, India, many European countries, and, within the USA, it has been reported in Florida, Kentucky, Washington DC, New York, Louisiana, Illinois, and California, as well as Hawaii. The anthurium thrips is similar in ap pearance to two other introduced Chaetanaphothrips species, the banana rust thrips, C. signipennis (Bagnall), and C. leeuweni (Karny), that share similar hosts includ ing banana, ti, and anthurium. Hosts While the anthurium thrips shows a preference for an thuriums, it is a polyphagous feeder, attacking many other flowers, ornamentals, herbs, fruits, vegetables, grasses, and weeds. Its host plants include dendrobium orchid, begonia, bird-of-paradise, bougainvillea, chry santhemum, night-blooming cereus (Peniocereus greggi), wandering jew (Tradescantia fluminensis), parsley, cit rus, sweetpotato, lychee, banana, and corn. Damage The appearance of feeding damage caused by anthurium thrips varies among host plant species. In most cases, thrips prefer to feed on very young, succulent, imma ture fruits, flowers, and foliage. Adult and immature thrips begin feeding within the unopened anthurium spathe soon after the bud emerges from the leaf axil. Damage to anthurium appears as white streaks or scarring on the front and back of the spathe, deformed spathes, and, with age, bronzing of injured tissues. Generally, the white streaks and scarring on spathes caused by anthurium thrips are wider than those caused by banana rust thrips. In severe cases, anthurium spathes fail to open, foliage may be deformed with bronz ing and streaking, and plant growth may be reduced (see Fig. 1). Biology No male anthurium thrips has been observed; reproduc tion occurs without mating and is continuous through out the year. The adult uses a sharp ovipositor to deposit up to 80–100 eggs into a bud or sheath. After 6–9 days, the eggs hatch into nymphs that are whitish and look like adult thrips but are smaller and lack wings. The nymphs crawl and feed on the plant tissues for about a week, causing damage with their sucking-rasping mouth parts. Late-stage nymphs are yellow to orange and mi grate off the host plant to molt into the prepupal stage. Prepupae look similar to nymphs but have wing pads; pupae have longer wing pads. Pupation occurs in the soil or growth medium beneath the host plant, and nei ther the prepupal nor the pupal stage feeds. In severe infestations, prepupae can occur in silken cocoons on the plant. The adult (Fig. 2) emerges from the pupal cells after approximately 20 days and reinfests the host plants. It is yellow with banded wings and is about the size of the period at the end of this sentence (1⁄25 inch). The en tire life cycle (egg to adult, Fig. 3) is completed in ap proximately 28–32 days, but it may extend to 3 months, depending on the temperature. Higher temperature and humidity and new growth of host plants appear to be favorable to thrips’ feeding and breeding, leading to heavier infestations and greater damage during the sum mer months (Fig. 4). Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 9 Anthurium Thrips Damage to Ornamentals in Hawaii Control Anthurium thrips are a serious pest to the anthurium in dustry. Damage occurs 6–8 weeks before flower har vest. Feeding by only a few thrips can cause white streaks on spathes. Since thrips prefer feeding in unopened buds and unfurled leaves and pupate in the medium or soil beneath the host plant, they are concealed throughout most of their life cycle and may be difficult to detect. To avoid ineffective control measures, it is important to identify the particular thrips species in an infestation. Using a hand lens, check in rolled leaves and unfurled buds, or collect samples to submit for professional di agnosis and species identification to the Hawaii Depart ment of Agriculture or to the CTAHR Agricultural Di agnostic Service Center via any CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service office. Biological control In Hawaii, anthocorid bugs (Orius tristicolor, O. perse quens, and O. insidiosus) are general thrips predators, although the extent of their effectiveness against anthu rium thrips is not documented. Certain lacewings, lady bird beetles, and predatory mites may also exert some control on nymph and adult thrips, while ants may prey on pupae in the soil. Several fungi, including Paecilo myces species and Verticillium lecanii, have been iso lated from other thrips species and may infect anthu rium thrips as well. Cultural control Remove infested flowers and foliage from the field or greenhouse to eliminate existing sources of thrips. Con trol weeds and grasses, and remove old stock plants that may serve as hosts to anthurium thrips. Obtain thrips free propagative material when restocking. There are no reports of anthurium cultivars that are resistant or susceptible to anthurium thrips, but injury is more noticeable on pastel shaded cultivars such as ‘Marian Seefurth’. Biorational control A hot-water dip before planting at 120°F (49°C) for 10 minutes can disinfest anthurium propagative material of thrips. Anthurium cultivars that tolerate hot water treat ment as rooted plants with leaves include ‘White Lady’, ‘Blushing Bride’, and ‘Kozohara’, while ‘Ozaki’ can- 2 CTAHR — June 2002 Figure 1. Damage to anthurium by anthurium thrips (top to bottom): leaves; unfurled spathe; front of spathe, ‘Marian Seefurth’ cultivar; back of spathe. IP- 9 Anthurium Thrips Damage to Ornamentals in Hawaii not tolerate hot-water dipping except as whole stem pieces (gobo). Figure 2. Adult anthurium thrips. Chemical control Because pesticide registrations may change, consult a chemical sales representative, the Hawaii Depart ment of Agriculture, or the CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service for information on insecticides cur rently approved for use against thrips in anthurium. Remove infested flowers and foliage from the field or shadehouse to allow increased insecticide pen etration and coverage. Because thrips prefer young, growing plant tissue, good spray coverage at the base of plants where spathe development occurs is essential to contact any exposed thrips. Caution should be used if applying insecticides on anthurium, because phytotox icity can occur under hot, dry conditions. Granular con tact insecticides are effective against the prepupal and pupal stages of anthurium thrips that occur in the soil, Figure 3. Life cycle of the anthurium thrips. Eggs Nymph I Nymph II Adult (no wing pads) These stages crawl and feed Eggs are laid in the unfurled spathe and young leaf tissue Prepupa Pupa (longer wing pads) (with wing pads) Living under the soil or growth medium, these stages do not feed CTAHR — June 2002 medium, and plant debris near the base of the host plant, but no granular insecticide is currently registered for use in anthurium. Generally, anthurium thrips populations increase during the summer and decrease during the winter due to fluctuations in temperature and rainfall. Consequently, repeated spray applications may be needed only from May through August. Depending on the insecticide used, three to four applications at 2-week intervals may be necessary to protect newly developed anthurium flow ers from moderate to severe infestations. When thrips injury is sustained during the bud stage, injured anthurium flowers will be harvested for at least a month following application of an effective insecticide. References Anathakrishnan, T.N. 1984. Bioecology of thrips. Indira Publishing House, MI. pp. 77–78. Hara, A.H., R.F.L. Mau, D.M. Sato, and B.C. Bushe. 1987. Effect of seasons and insecticides on orchid thrips injury of anthuriums in Hawaii. HortScience 22(1):77–79. Hara, A.H., K.T. Sewake, and T.Y. Hata. 1990. Anthu rium thrips. HITAHR Brief no. 086. College of Tropi cal Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. 1 p. Hata, T.Y., and A.H. Hara. 1992. Anthurium thrips, Chae tanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton): biology and insec ticidal control on Hawaiian anthuriums. Tropical Pest Management 38(3):230–233. continued, p. 4 Figure 4. Seasonal fluctuation of thrips injury (%) to an thurium flowers at Mountain View, Hawaii (Hara et al., 1987). 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CONTROL 1 CONTROL 2 A S O N D J F M A M J J A S Insect drawings from D. Schulz; plant photo from Higaki et al. (see References). 3 IP- 9 Anthurium Thrips Damage to Ornamentals in Hawaii Higaki, T., J.S. Lichty, and D. Moniz (eds.). 1994. An thurium culture in Hawaii. Research Extension Se ries 152, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1974. Catalogue of the Thysan optera of the world. Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural History) 7 (Part 3):634. Pelikan, J. 1954. Remarks on the orchid thrips Chae tanaphothrips orchidii (M.). Fulia Zoologica et Ento mologica 3:3–12. Pinese, B., and R. Piper. 1994. Bananas; insect and mite management. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Australia. 67 pp. Sakimura, K. 1975. Danothrips trifasciatus, new spe cies, and collection notes on the Hawaiian species Danothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Proc. Hawai ian Entomol. Soc. 22:125–132. Schulz, D. ca. 1950. Department of Entomology, Uni versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. <http:// www.life.uiuc.edu/Entomology/insectgifs/>. 4 CTAHR — June 2002 Insect Pests June 2002 IP-10 Banana Rust Thrips Damage to Banana and Ornamentals in Hawaii Arnold H. Hara1, Ronald F. L. Mau1, Ronald Heu2, Christopher Jacobsen1, and Ruth Niino-DuPonte1 1 CTAHR Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, 2Hawaii Department of Agriculture B anana rust thrips, Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), was collected once in 1954 from an outdoor planting of anthurium in Manoa, Oahu, and was not seen again until 1996, when it was collected from several commercial nurseries and farms on the island of Hawaii, after causing severe dam age to anthurmium, ti, dracaena, and banana. Banana rust thrips are present in parts of Australia (Queensland and New South Wales) and Central America (Honduras, Panama), Brazil, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and India. They are also established in Florida. The banana rust thrips is similar in appearance to two other introduced Chaetanaphothrips species, the an thurium thrips, C. orchidii (Moulton) (see Hara et al. 2002), and C. leeuweni (Karny), which also share the same hosts, including banana, ti, and anthurium. Banana rust thrips can be differentiated from the other two spe cies by clear differences in body features (specifically, the presence in females of body hairs and glands that are visible only with a microscope [Sakimura 1975]). Hosts The primary hosts of banana rust thrips are anthurium, ti, dracaena, and banana. They also infest immature fruits of orange, tangerine (mandarin), and tomatoes, as well as green beans. Damage The appearance of feeding damage caused by banana rust thrips varies with the host plant species. In most cases, thrips prefer to feed on very young, succulent, immature fruits, flowers, and foliage. On dracaena and ti (Fig. 1a), thrips can be observed feeding in the whorls of immature leaves, causing dis coloration and silvering (characterized by long white streaks) as well as random squiggles or curlicues near the petiole end of developed, unfurled leaves. Also, par ticularly on red ti varieties, the immature leaves may fail to unfurl and thus appear as deformed leaf whorls (Fig. 1b). On anthurium, banana rust thrips damage appears as white streaks or scarring on the front and back of the spathe, deformed spathes, and, with age, bronzing of injured tissues (Fig. 1c). In severe cases, mature anthu rium spathes fail to open, plant growth may be reduced, and the foliage may be affected by deformity, bronzing, and streaking. Damage by banana rust thrips to certain anthurium cultivars, such as ‘Kalapana’ and ‘Ozaki’, may appear as curlicues rather than streaks. On banana, feeding damage is observed on the pseudostem, but it is the injury to the fruit that signifi cantly affects marketability (Fig, 2). Thrips feeding in leaf sheaths results in characteristic dark, V-shaped marks on the outer surface of leaf petioles. Damaged tissue becomes bronzed or rust-colored with age. Feeding dam age to the fruit occurs on fingers soon after the flower petals dry, initially typified by a water-soaked appear ance. Young fruits may have dark, smokey-colored ran dom squiggle or curlicue feeding tracks on the surface. On mature fruit, oval-shaped, reddish “stains” may be seen where the fingers touch. Extensive damage may cover more of the fruit surface with reddish-brown or black discoloration and superficial cracks. Though un marketable, such fruits are still edible. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 10 Banana Rust Thrips Damage to Banana and Ornamentals in Hawaii Biology Adult banana rust thrips reproduce sexually. After mat ing, females lay kidney-shaped eggs that are invisible to the naked eye by depositing them in plant tissues where the thrips feed. Eggs hatch in 6–9 days; the newly hatched yellow nymphs feed for a few days before molt ing into the second nymphal stage, which is yellow or orange and feeds for a few more days. After 8–10 days, mature nymphs migrate off the host plant into the soil or growth medium below and molt into prepupae that look similar to nymphs but have wing pads. After 2– 5 days, prepupae enter the pupal stage, which has longer wing pads. Both stages remain in the soil, medium, or surface debris beneath the host plant and are capable of crawling but do not feed. In 6–10 days, the adult emerges from the pupal cells and may remain beneath the sur face for up to 24 hours before making its way up to rein fest the host plant. Adult female banana rust thrips are slender, creamy yellow to golden brown, and 1⁄16–1⁄25 inch long (about the thickness of a dime; Fig. 3). Their wings have dark, eye-like spots at the base and are fringed; when the wings are folded, the adult appears to have a black line down its back. The entire life cycle (egg to adult, Fig. 4) is com pleted in approximately 28 days, but it may take up to 3 CTAHR — June 2002 months during cooler seasons. Higher temperature and humidity and new growth of host plants appear to be favorable to thrips’ feeding and breeding, leading to heavier infestations and greater damage during the sum mer months. Biological control In Hawaii, anthocorid bugs (Orius tristicolor, O. perse quens, and O. insidiosus), are general thrips predators, but the extent of their effectiveness against banana rust thrips is not known. Some lacewings, ladybird beetles, and predacious mites may also exert some control on nymph and adult thrips, while ants may prey on prepupae and pupae in the soil, growth medium, or surface debris near the base of the host plant. Several fungi, including Paecilomyces spp. and Verticillium lecanii, have been isolated from other thrips species and may infect ba nana rust thrips as well. Cultural control Remove infested flowers and foliage from the field or shadehouse to eliminate sources of thrips. Discard old stock plants that may harbor thrips, and obtain thrips free propagative material for restocking. There are no reports of resistant or susceptible an thurium cultivars, although injury is more noticeable on Figure 1. Feeding damage by banana rust thrips on ti and anthurium: A. Streaks and curlicue markings on opened ti leaf. B. Deformed leaf whorls on red ti that failed to unfurl. C. Deformed anthurium spathe. A 2 B C IP- 10 Banana Rust Thrips Damage to Banana and Ornamentals in Hawaii Figure 2. Damage to banana fruit by banana rust thrips. Biorational control A hot-water dip at 120°F (49°C) for 10 minutes before planting can disinfest anthurium propagative material of banana rust thrips. Banana, dracaena, ti, and anthu rium have all shown potential for heat treatment, al though cultivar sensitivity has been observed to vary with season. Tests indicated that some anthurium culti vars tolerate hot-water treatment as top cuttings with leaves, including ‘White Lady’, ‘Blushing Bride’, and ‘Kozohara’, while the ‘Ozaki’ cultivar cannot tolerate the hot-water dip except as whole stem pieces (gobo). The dracaena cultivar ‘Janet Craig’ was also tolerant of hot-water treatment. Due to variations among cultivars and growing conditions, small-scale phytotoxicity tests should be conducted before a large amount of propaga tive material is hot-water treated. Chemical control Figure 3. Adult Because pesticide registrations banana rust thrips. may change, consult a chemical sales representative, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, or the CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service for information on insec ticides currently approved for use against thrips in a particular crop. Remove infested flowers and foliage from the field or green house to allow increased insecti cide penetration and coverage. Growers have reported that banana rust thrips tends to be more difficult to control than anthurium thrips, pos sibly due to the former’s pesticide tolerance and greater reproductive capacity. Growers are advised to consider insect development of pesticide resistance in devising their integrated pest management practices. Generally, thrips populations increase during the summer and decrease during the winter due to fluctua tions in temperature and rainfall. Consequently, repeated spray applications may be needed only from May Figure 4. Life cycle of the banana rust thrips. Eggs are laid in leaf and fruit tissues Eggs Nymph I Nymph II Adult (no wing pads) These stages crawl and feed pastel shaded cultivars such as ‘Marian Seefurth’. In banana plantings, covering bunches with poly ethylene bags during fruit development provides a physi cal barrier to insect infestations, but bags cannot fully protect the fruit when a thrips infestation is heavy. CTAHR — June 2002 Prepupa Pupa (longer wing pads) (with wing pads) Living under the soil or growth medium, these stages do not feed Insect drawings from D. Schulz (see References). 3 IP- 10 Banana Rust Thrips Damage to Banana and Ornamentals in Hawaii through August. Foliar sprays are usually applied two to three times at 2-week intervals for moderate to se vere thrips infestations. Since thrips prefer young, grow ing plant tissue, direct insecticide sprays to the area of bud development or, in anthurium, to the base of the plant, where the spathes develop. Use caution when ap plying insecticides on anthurium, because phytotoxic ity varies among cultivars and is more likely to occur under hot, dry growing conditions. When thrips injury is sustained during the bud stage, injured anthurium flow ers will be harvested for at least a month following ap plication of an effective insecticide. In banana, spraying the immature bunches and the surrounding soil can significantly reduce thrips damage to the fruit; when bagging bunches, spray just before bagging. A contact, granular insecticide applied in a 30 inch radius around each banana plant is effective against the prepupal and pupal stages of banana rust thrips that inhabit the soil. No granular insecticide is currently reg istered for use on anthurium. References Caldwell, N.E.H. 1938. The control of banana rust thrips. Bulletin 16, Department of Agriculture and Stock, Di vision of Plant Industry (Research), Queensland, Australia. Denmark, H.A., and L.S. Osborne. 1985. Chaetanapho thrips signipennis (Bagnall) in Florida (Thysan optera: Thripidae). Ento. Circular no. 274, Sept. 1985, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service, Division of Plant Industry. Hara, A.H., C. Jacobsen, and R. Niino-DuPonte. 2002. Anthurium thrips damage to ornamentals in Hawaii. 4 CTAHR — June 2002 University of Hawaii at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, publication IP-9. 4 pp. Jacot-Guillarmod, C.F. 1974. Catalogue of the Thysan optera of the world (Part 3). Annals of the Cape Pro vincial Museums—Natural History 7(3):517–976. Lewis, T. (ed.) 1997. Thrips as crop pests. Institute of Arable Crop Research, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, CABI Publishing, UK. Pinese, B. 1987. Soil and bunch applications of insecti cides for control of the banana rust thrips. Queensland Journal of Agricultural and Animal Sciences 44(2): 107–111. Pinese, B., and R. Piper. 1994. Bananas; insect and mite management. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Australia. 67 pp. Pinese, B., and R. Elder. 2000. DPI Notes; pest of plants; bananas; banana rust thrips in bananas. Department of Primary Industries, Queensland Horticulture In stitute, Australia. 5 pp. <http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/ horticulture/5528.html>. Sakimura, K. 1975. Danothrips trifasciatus, new spe cies, and collection notes on the Hawaiian species Danothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Proc. Hawai ian Entomol. Soc. 22:125–132. Schulz, D. ca. 1950. Department of Entomology, Uni versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. <http:// www.life.uiuc.edu/Entomology/insectgifs/>. Stover, R.H., and N.W. Simmons. 1987. Bananas (3rd edition). Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, UK. 468 pp. Photo credits: Figure 3 by C. O’Donnell, University of California– Davis; all others by A. Hara. Insect Pests June 2002 IP-11 Blossom Midge in Hawaii— a Pest on Ornamentals and Vegetables Arnold H. Hara and Ruth Y. Niino-DuPonte Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences B lossom midge, Contarinia maculipennis Felt (Dip tera: Cecidomyiidae), has been present in Hawaii since the early 1900s and is thought to have originated in Asia (the “West Indies”). Currently, the blossom midge can be found on all of the major Hawaiian islands. Jensen (1946) presented compelling evidence that C. macu lipennis had been misidentified in earlier reports as C. solani (Rübsaamen) or C. lycopersici Felt due to its di verse range of hosts. Elsewhere in the USA, the blos som midge was reported on dendrobium orchids in Florida in 1992. Hosts The blossom midge has a wide host range spanning at least six plant families, including the flower buds of or chids, plumeria, hibiscus, pikake (jasmine), white mus tard cabbage or pak choi, tomato, eggplant, pepper, po tato, bittermelon, and other vegetables and ornamentals. buds. They are white to cream colored, invisible to the naked eye, and hatch within 24 hours into maggots that move into the bud and feed on fluids from the damaged plant tissue. The maggots are white when newly hatched, becom ing yellow with a pink tinge as they age (Fig. 2). As they mature in 5–7 days, growing to 1⁄12 inch long (about the thickness of a nickel), the maggots are capable of flipping themselves several inches into the air to exit the buds and burrow into the soil to pupate, like other ground-pupating fly larvae such as the melon fly and oriental fruit fly. Pupation is most successful in soil that is moist but not wet. The late-stage pupa turns from yellowish-white to brown (Fig. 3) and burrows back up to the soil sur face in preparation for emergence as an adult 14–21 days after entering the soil. The pupa works itself partially free of the soil, and the adult emerges, leaving the pupal skin protruding from the soil. The adult blossom midge is tiny, about the thickness of a nickel in length; males are slightly smaller than fe males. The adult is somewhat mosquito-like, with typical fly features, and survives for only 4 days. It has relatively large, multifaceted eyes and a single pair of spotted wings about one to two times as long as its body (Fig. 4). Biology The blossom midge reproduces year-round in Hawaii. The duration of its life cycle from egg to adult is ap proximately 21–28 days. The eggs are deposited in masses by the adult female into the open tips of flower Behavior Except for the adult, all stages of the blossom midge are secluded within the bud (as maggots) or in the soil (as pupae). Adult emergence from pupae in the soil usually occurs in the early evening. Damage Blossom midge maggots feed inside unopened flower buds, causing deformed, discolored buds and blossoms and, in severe infestations, premature bud or blossom drop (Fig. 1). As many as 30 maggots may be found infesting a single dendrobium bud. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 11 Blossom Midge in Hawaii—a Pest on Ornamentals and Vegetables CTAHR — June 2002 Figure 1. Feeding damage to flower buds by blossom midge: left, plumeria buds; center, dendrobium buds; right, dendrobium bud drop. (Photos: A. Hara, R. Mau) When laying eggs, the adult female blossom midge is unable to penetrate plant tissues but rather inserts its ovipositor into the open end of a bud. To ensure an opti mal food source and moist environment, the adult midge avoids late-stage buds and prefers to lay eggs in young buds whose growth to maturity will approximately par allel that of the maggot. If growing conditions become unsuitable for larval development (for example, if the flower or bud on which maggots are feeding begins to dry), immature maggots may leave the flowers or buds to pupate in the soil; how ever, their pupation may take a few weeks longer, and the emerging adult midges are invariably smaller than adults from fully mature maggots. In Florida, blossom midge populations maintained in greenhouses were observed to decrease rapidly dur ing the winter, even though the temperature was main tained at 65°F and the plants had sufficient numbers of buds. Cultural control Sanitation is the most important management practice for the blossom midge. Remove and destroy all dropped buds and infested buds still on the plant. Place infested flower buds in a plastic bag or a sealed container to pre 2 vent escape of maggots. Due to the blossom midge’s wide range of hosts, avoid planting possible alternate hosts around the crop area. A certain variety of tomato was observed to be more susceptible to blossom midge infestation due to its flower structure, which facilitates ovipositing. Host plant vari eties in which petals remain tightly fitted until the bud is almost ready to open may reduce susceptibility. Biological control To date, no parasites have been isolated or specifically introduced to Hawaii to control the blossom midge. The adults are vulnerable to general predators, such as web spinning spiders and ants. Ants may also prey on pupae in the soil. Chemical control Only the adult stage of the blossom midge is vulnerable to contact insecticides, because the maggots are protected within the bud and the pupae are burrowed in the soil. Some insecticides can be applied as a foliar spray against larvae as well as a soil treatment to target the pupal stage. Translaminar insecticides (those that move from the sprayed leaf surface to the lower surface) may IP- 11 Blossom Midge in Hawaii—a Pest on Ornamentals and Vegetables Figure 2. Blossom midge larvae in a dendrobium bud. CTAHR — June 2002 Figure 3. Blossom midge pupae from hibiscus. Photos in Figures 2 and 3 by Walter Nagamine, Hawaii Dept. of Agriculture; Figure 4 photo by S. Chun. The actual size of the larvae and pupae is 1–2 mm; the adult is about 2 mm long. 1 mm is just over 1⁄32 inch; the following lines are 1 and 2 mm long, respectively: be capable of penetrating the bud to affect the maggots. Trials of systemic insecticides (those that are spread from the site of application throughout the rest of the plant) on dendrobium have been disappointing, possibly be cause the chemicals are not able to reach the flower buds to affect the maggots. Consult the Hawaii Department of Agriculture or the CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service for regis tered chemicals that are known to be effective against the blossom midge. References Felt, E.P. 1933. A hibiscus bud midge new to Hawaii. Proceedings, Hawaiian Entomological Society 8(2): 247–248. Gagné, Raymond J. 1995. Contarinia maculipennis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a polyphagous pest newly reported for North America. Bulletin of Entomologi cal Research 85:209–214. Jensen, D.D. 1946. The identity and host plants of blos som midge in Hawaii (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Con tarinia). Proceedings, Hawaiian Entomological So ciety 12(3):525–534. Jensen, D.D. 1950. Notes on the life history and ecol ogy of blossom midge Contarinia lycopersici Felt (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Proceedings, Hawaiian En tomological Society 14(1):91–100. Figure 4. Adult blossom midge. Osborne, L.S., T.J. Weissling, J.E. Pena, and D.W. Armstrong. 2001. A serious pest is causing signifi cant problems for dendrobiums and hibiscus grow ers. In: Felter, L., T. Higgins, and N. Rechcigl (eds.), Proceedings, 17th Conference on Insect and Disease Management on Ornamentals. February 25–27, 2001, Orlando, FL. Society of American Florists, Alexan dria, VA. p. 21. 3 Insect and Mite Pests of Macadamia Nuts in Hawai‘i—A Quick Reference Guide College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources • University of Hawai‘i at Manoa This poster provides a quick reference guide to CTAHR’s book Macadamia Integrated Pest Management by Vincent P. Jones, 2002. The most important arthropod pests of macadamia are illustrated here, with brief comments on their biology and the damage caused. A page reference to the Jones book is provided for each. Compiled by Mark G. Wright, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences. CTAHR publication IP-12, June 2003. Photos from V. Jones, Macadamia Integrated Pest Management, 2002. Tropical nut borer (TNB) Where do they occur?—TNB are found in sticktight nuts, in nuts on the orchard floor, and in alternative hosts, e.g., carob, asoka fruit, and castor bean. Egg, larva, and pupa Adult TNB Damage to a kernel by TNB (Jones, p. 24) What kills them?—The beetles shown here eat the eggs and larvae of TNB. Chemical control can be achieved with endosulfan. Predatory beetle larva Southern green stinkbug (SGS) Where do they occur?—SGS attacks macadamia nuts and various weed species. They attack nuts both on the tree and the ground. SGS causes pitting on kernels, resulting in rejection of nuts by processors. Beetle adults (Jones, p. 35) What kills them?—SGS eggs are parasitized by a wasp; the adults are parasitized by a fly. The flies lay eggs on the adult SGS (arrow), and their larvae burrow into and kill the bug. Fly (3⁄8″ long) Eggs and different stages of SGS development SGS damage to kernel Wasp (1⁄16″ long) Koa seedworm and litchi fruit moth (Jones, p. 42) What kills them?—No parasites of their eggs are found here. Some parasitic wasps attack and kill the larvae. Chemical control of koa seedworm is not recommended. Where do they occur?—Koa seedworm moths lay their eggs on the husks of macadamia nuts. The larvae then bore into the husk or kernel, if the shell has not yet hardened. Adult koa seedworm moth Eggs (3⁄100″ diameter) Larvae may bore into the kernel Koa seedworm damage to macadamia kernels Wasps (four species) (bodies ~1⁄16″ long) Some minor pests Broad mites feed on macadamia flowers, leaves, and fruit; damage to flowers may be significant (Jones, p. 52). Broad mite damage on husks Flat mites rarely cause economic damage (Jones, p. 54). Flat mite damage on husks Redbanded thrips feed on husks and leaves. They may cause malformation of leaves (Jones, p. 56). Thrips damage to leaves Redbanded thrips damage to husks Redbanded thrips juveniles have red bands; adults are black Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. Insect Pests July 2003 IP-13 Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardens: Insect Identification and Control Richard Ebesu Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences I ntensive, high-production agricultural systems have traditionally used synthetic pesticides as the primary tool to eliminate pests and sustain the least amount of economic damage to the crop. Dependence on these pes ticides has led to development of pest resistance to pes ticides and increased risk to humans, other living or ganisms, and the environment. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to managing pests that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that mini mizes economic, health, and environmental risks. The objective of IPM is to eliminate or reduce po tentially harmful pesticide use by using a combination of control methods that will reduce the pest to an ac ceptable level. The control methods should be socially acceptable, environmentally safe, and economically practical. Many commercial agricultural systems use IPM methods to manage pest problems, and home gar deners can use similar methods to control pest problems in their gardens. The first key to IPM is to identify the pest. This publication describes the major pests of home garden crops in Hawaii and gives their identifying characteris tics. The second key to IPM is to know which stages of the pest cause damage and which are most susceptible to management with the various possible control meth ods. With an understanding of the pest life cycle and its relationship to the susceptible host plant, and with knowl edge of the types of control methods available, garden ers can better utilize IPM to manage common insect pest problems. The elimination or reduction in pesticide use that can be achieved through thoughtful application of IPM strategies will prevent misuse of pesticides and help keep the environment healthy. IPM components and practices Integrated pest management strategies consist of site preparation, monitoring the crop and pest population, problem analysis, and selection of appropriate control methods. Home gardeners can themselves participate in IPM strategies and insect control methods with a little knowledge and practice. Preparation What control strategies can you use before you plant? You need to be aware of potential problems and give your plants the best chance to grow in a healthy envi ronment. Soil preparation Improve the physical properties of the soil including texture and drainage to reduce waterlogging. Improve soil fertility and soil organic matter by working well rotted compost into the soil. Prevent pest build-up with crop rotation, fallowing, and using resistant crop varieties or crops less suscep tible to pests. Monitoring (scouting) for pests Observe your garden and learn to identify the pest prob lems, as well as beneficial organisms. Problem analysis Do you have a pest problem? Is it a pest such as an in sect or plant disease? Is it a nutrient deficiency or a prob lem with soil drainage? Is the pest problem major and needs control or minor and can be tolerated? Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control Insect identification If you have an insect problem, you need to know what insect pest you are dealing with and what stage of the insect’s life cycle is the most likely to cause damage, as well as the stage most susceptible to control measures. General insect information Insects have lived on the planet Earth for about 350 million years. Insects have adapted to just about every type of habitat, including plants, animals, soil, water, snow, deserts, buildings, stored products, and people. Most insects are not pests, and it is impractical to at tempt to eliminate all the insects from our environment, so insect pest management strategies should include a variety of techniques. Integrated pest management (IPM) of insects is designed to use these techniques to reduce pesticide use, use less toxic pesticides, and use environ mentally safe pesticides to keep insect populations be low economically damaging levels. Characteristics of insects Insects are invertebrates (no backbone) with an exosk eleton (outer skeleton). Their bodies are segmented with three major body regions: the head, thorax, and abdo men. Adults have a pair of antennae, a pair of compound eyes, three pairs of legs, and zero, one, or two pairs of wings. Their appendages and mouthparts come in a va riety of shapes, sizes, and functions. They respire mostly through holes in their body called spiracles (for terres trial insects) and by diffusion through the body wall (in aquatic insects). Insects are cold-blooded; their body temperature closely follows the temperature of their sur roundings. Insects differ from mites, ticks, and spiders, which have two major body sections, four pairs of legs, and lack antennae and compound eyes. Centipedes are arthropods with one pair of legs on each body segment, and millipedes have two pairs of legs on a body seg ment. Sowbugs are crustaceans, usually with seven pairs of legs. Insect development All insects develop from eggs. Most hatch after the egg is laid, but some, like the aphids, hatch within the fe male, and live young are produced. Metamorphosis is the change in form from the egg to adult stage. 2 CTAHR — July 2003 Simple or gradual metamorphosis Eggs hatch and there is a gradual change as the imma ture forms, called nymphs, mature to the adult stage. Nymphs have compound eyes and antennae and re semble the adults but are smaller, without fully devel oped wings, and cannot reproduce. Wings of the adult develop externally, and there is no resting stage, like a pupa. Nymphs usually live in the same habitat as the adults. Development is sometimes called ametabolous in forms without wings, such as collembola and silver fish. Insects with gradual metamorphosis include grass hoppers, cockroaches, and aphids. Some insects, such as dragonflies, have an incom plete metamorphosis. Their nymphs live in water, have gills, and differ in appearance from the adults; they emerge from the water and molt into the adult form with wings, without a resting stage. Complete metamorphosis Immature stages are normally worm-like and are called larvae. Larvae do not have compound eyes, some may have thoracic legs, and some have leg-like appendages on the abdomen. The last larval stage is a resting stage called the pupa. The pupa does not feed, usually is not active, and often is covered by a silken cocoon. Wings are developed internally, and upon emergence the adult expands the wings. Immature and adult stages are usu ally different in form and often live in different habitats. Insects with complete metamorphosis include butterflies, flies, wasps, and beetles. Insects and their importance to people Injury to plants Many insects are agricultural pests; they • chew leaves, stems, bark, or fruits of plants • suck sap from leaves, buds, stem, or fruits • bore and tunnel into bark, stems, twigs, wood, fruits, nuts, and seeds • cause galls and abnormal growth on plants • attack the roots of plants in any of the above ways • lay eggs in plant tissue • take plant parts for nest or shelters • carry other harmful insects to plants • vector (transmit) plant diseases. IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control CTAHR — July 2003 Types of pest activity and examples of organisms. Activity in relation to plants Examples of organisms Chewing leaves, stem, fruit Sucking plant sap Boring, tunnels Galls on plants Egg-laying Waste product contamination Remove parts for nests or shelter Carry or protect pests Transmit plant disease Grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, slugs Aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies, scales, thrips, mites Leafminer, weevils, twig borers, root borers, caterpillars Gall wasp, erinose mites Katydids, fruit flies Cockroaches, caterpillars, ants, aphids, whiteflies Leaf-cutting bees, some ants, bagworms Ants Aphids, leafhoppers, thrips Injury to animals or people Annoyance and buzzing Biting, stinging Transmit disease Infesting animals, people Contamination Flies, mosquitoes Mosquitoes, fleas, wasps, bees, bed bugs Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks Bot fly, ticks, lice Cockroaches, flies Damage to products, structures Wood structures Stored products, food Clothing, fiber Termites, powderpost beetles Flour beetle, meal moth, rice weevil, cigarette beetle Clothes moth, carpet beetle Beneficial qualities Pollinate flowers Products, honey, wax, silk, dye Biological control Food source (people, animals) Decompose carcasses, dung Soil improvement, excavation Scientific research, medicine Aesthetic value Injury or annoyance to people and animals Some insects are general annoyances; they • cause annoyance by their presence, buzzing, foul odors, and excretions on foods • infest fruits • bite • enter the eyes, ears, nose • lay eggs on skin, hair, feathers Bees, flower flies Honey bee, silkworm, mealybug Lady beetle, praying mantis, wasps, flies Beetles, flies, grubs Maggots, beetles Beetles, springtails Vinegar fly, bees (stings) Butterflies, beetles • • • • • • apply venom by biting, stinging, or hairs leave caustic body fluids or irritants when crushed cause allergies can be poisonous if swallowed make their homes on or in the body as parasites, in juring the host transmit disease organisms or create unsanitary con ditions. 3 IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control Damage to stored products, possessions, buildings, and utilities Insects are serious pests when they • stored food, clothing, fiber, and paper may be eaten or contaminated by excretions • termites and wood-boring insects damage structures and furniture • termites may feed on wire insulation and cause elec trical fires and damage gaskets and seals leading to water loss. Insects can be beneficial Not all insects are pests; they • pollinate flowers producing fruits, seeds, vegetables, and flowers • produce silk, beeswax, shellac, honey, and dyes • are used in biological control as predators and para sites to destroy pest insects and weeds • are food sources for some people, fish, birds, and ani mals • scavenge to remove carcasses, dead plant material, and dung • help to improve the soil by burrowing and providing organic matter • are important in scientific research and genetics • can be pleasing and entertaining—some butterflies and beetles are colorful and are collected as a hobby • have had some value in medicine (such as maggots cleaned out wounds, honeybee stings for arthritis). Insect orders important in gardens and homes CTAHR — July 2003 order. The Pacific beetle cockroach is often a pest on cypress and juniper trees; it girdles the twigs and limbs, often killing the branches. Household pests include the American cockroach, German cockroach, and brown banded cockroach. Praying mantises are general predators and feed on other insects. Thysanoptera Thrips are small, slender insects with mouthparts modi fied into a short beak used to suck the plant sap. Their wings are slender, with fringed margins. Thrips are im portant plant pests. Their feeding often causes a stipling of leaf tissue accompanied by scarring, bronzing, or sil vering. Some are major vectors of plant viruses. Melon thrips are pale yellow, tend to be found on flowers and young foliage. Damaging on a range of plants including cucumber, watermelon, tomato, egg plant and beans. Western flower thrips are important vector of to mato spotted wilt virus affecting a number of plants in cluding tomato, pepper, lettuce and flowering plants. Red-banded thrips adults are black, while the lar vae are yellow with a red band on the abdomen; their feeding damage often scars fruits. Hemiptera or Heteroptera In these “true bugs,” the basal portion of the front wings are somewhat thickened and leathery; the tip portion is membranous. The hind wings are membranous, and the wings are held flat over the abdomen with the tips of the front wing overlapping. They have piercing-sucking Orthoptera In grasshoppers, crickets, praying mantises, and cock roaches, the forewings of the adults are usually long and narrow and somewhat thickened. The hind wings are membranous, broad, and folded beneath the forewings at rest. Mouthparts are the chewing type; the antennae are often long and slender. Among the grasshoppers, the pink-winged grasshop per is common. Its head is pointed, the antennae fairly short, the body color is light green to brown. Others in clude the longhorned grasshopper and occasionally the aggravating grasshopper. The mole cricket and the twospotted cricket feed on the roots of plants and may be a problem in some cases. Cockroaches can be classified in their own separate 4 Figure 1. Thrips feeding may cause silvering damage. IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control mouthparts formed into a slender beak. Some are plant feeding, while others are predatory. Southern green stinkbugs are pests on beans, tomato, cabbage, and macadamia nut. Nymphal stages are dark colored with whitish markings; adults are mostly light green and shield-shaped. Black stinkbugs are small, rounded, and shiny black with pale stripes; they are an occasional pest on beans and some other legumes. Lace bugs cause stipling of leaves similar to other sucking insects; they commonly infest azaleas and rhododendron in Hawaii. Seed bugs include the southern chinch bug, a pest on St. Augustine grass lawns; others bore into seeds. Assassin bugs are important predators of other in sects. CTAHR — July 2003 These include aphids, whitefly, scales, leafhoppers, and mealybugs. They are plant-sucking, and many excrete honeydew, a liquid high in sugar, which attracts ants and is used as a substrate for sooty mold fungus, which interferes with plant photosynthesis. Some are soft bod ied, slow moving, or sedentary, forming colonies with wingless forms. Others are active. Adults have wings held roof-like over the body; the antennae are often short and bristle-like (as with leafhoppers). With sucking piercing mouthparts, many are vectors of plant viruses. Some secrete molted skins or a waxy, powdery substance that covers the body. Many are spread by the wind or carried by ants that feed on the honeydew and protect the insects from natural enemies. Aphids are small, rounded or pear-shaped, soft bod ied, most with a pair of tube-like cornicles on the poste rior of the abdomen. Some are covered with a white pow der. Aphids suck the plant sap from leaves, stems, and roots, often causing stunting, wilting, and deformed leaves. The group is very important as vectors transmit ting plant viruses. Females are able to reproduce with out mating, giving birth to live offspring. Most are wing less but produce winged forms in crowded or poor con ditions and are easily blown by the wind to other plants. Their color ranges from bright yellow to red, green, brown, and black. Important aphids include green peach aphid, melon aphid, cabbage aphid, banana aphid, yel low sugarcane aphid, black citrus aphid, and potato aphid. Whiteflies are tiny; the adults resemble white moths; the immature stages look like scale insects. Adults’ wings are covered with a white, waxy powder, making them difficult to wet. Some are vectors of plant viruses; others cause various plant disorders such as silver-leaf. Impor tant whiteflies include silverleaf whitefly, greenhouse whitefly, spiraling whitefly, and anthurium whitefly. Scales have adult females that are wingless, often legless, and sedentary. Two groups are the soft scales and the armored scales. Soft scales tend to be flattened, oval, elongated, and covered with a waxy substance or a smooth, hard outer covering. Armored scales are very small, soft bodied, and concealed under a scaly cover ing that is free from the body, formed by waxy secre tions and the shed skins of its immature stages. Impor tant soft scales include green scale and hemispherical scale. Armored scales include oleander scale, magnolia white scale, and Boisduval scale. Figure 2. Aphids suck plant sap and spread plant diseases. Figure 3. Whiteflies are covered with a waxy coating. Homoptera 5 IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control CTAHR — July 2003 Mealybug females are oval and segmented with well developed legs. The body is covered with a mealy or waxy substance. Mealybugs can be found on almost any part of the host plant including leaves, stems, roots, and fruits. Important mealybugs include pineapple mealy bug, gray pineapple mealybug, and citrus mealybug. Leafhoppers are elongated, slender insects with bristle-like antennae; the wings of adults are held roof like over the body, and they often hop when disturbed. They have one or two rows of spines on the hind legs. Some are vectors of plant viruses; others cause a phyto toxic reaction due to feeding called hopperburn. Impor tant leafhoppers include twospotted leafhopper, Steven’s leafhopper, and Southern garden leafhopper. Planthoppers are similar to leafhoppers but have a flattened spur on the hind tibia and lack the rows of spines on hind legs. Many have reduced or shortened wings. Important planthoppers include corn delphacid, taro delphacid, and sugarcane delphacid. Treehopper adults have a humpback appearance. Solanceous treehopper nymphs are orange with black spiny projections and can be found on tomato, eggplant, and peppers. Spittlebug nymphs produce white spittle, a froth like covering, to conceal themselves. They are found on rosemary, basil, mint, hibiscus and other plants. Psyllids are small, jumping insects resembling aphids. They are a nuisance pest on monkeypod and koa haole. Native psyllids on ohia plants cause leafgalls. Isoptera Figure 4. Leafhopper feeding is often toxic to plants. Figure 5. The Chinese rose beetle feeds at night. 6 The Formosan subterranean termite feeds on cellulose, which is found in plant material. Although normally found in wood, the termites can feed on live plant tissue including roots and fruits. Insects with complete metamorphosis Coleoptera The coleoptera (beetles and weevils) are the largest in sect order, including pests and beneficial insects. The adults have a hardened, sometimes horny outer skeleton, usually with two pairs of wings, the outer pair thick ened, leathery, or hard and brittle, usually meeting in a straight line down the middle, and the inner pair mem branous (mostly). Adults usually have a noticeable pair of antennae, variously shaped. Both adults and larvae have chewing mouthparts. Beetle larvae, also known as grubs, have a head capsule, three pairs of legs on the thorax, and no legs on the abdomen. Weevil larvae lack legs on the thorax. Foliage feeders, including Chinese rose beetles, feed at night, and heavy infestations cause lace-like appear ance of leaves. Rose beetles are common and damage many different plants including rose, grapes, beans, egg plant, corn, cucumber, ginger, and ornamentals. Tobacco flea beetles are tiny brown beetles whose feeding damage causes shot-hole appearance of leaves. They are found on eggplant and tobacco. Stem borers include long-horned beetles, whose adults have long antennae and larvae bore into stems, and wood; pinhole borers that leave pin-holes in branches, and wood; orchid weevils, whose larvae bore into orchid stems and tissue; black twig borers, whose IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control CTAHR — July 2003 adults bore through stems of coffee and other economi cal and ornamental plants and whose larvae feed on fun gus cultured by the adult female. Root borers include banana root borer, whose grubs bore into the banana corm causing damage and poor growth, and sweetpotato weevil, whose grubs feed in side the stems and tubers, often followed by decay or ganisms. Fruit weevils include pepper weevils, the adults and grubs of which infest peppers and cause internal dam age and premature drop, and mango seed weevil, whose grubs bore into the seed, preventing fresh fruits to be exportable. Household pests include confused flour beetle, rice weevil, cigarette beetle, and carpet beetle; they may in fest stored grain products and other household belong ings. Beneficial beetles include ladybird beetles, also called ladybugs, which feed on homopteran insects such as aphids, scales, mealy bugs, whiteflies, and psyllids, and scavenger beetles, which help to remove carcasses from the environment. leaves by leafmining or bore into stems and fruits. Some lepidoptera have been successfully used to control weeds, such as some cactus species. Some pupae forms are distinctive of the species or family. Noctuid moths include common pests such as lawn armyworm, beet armyworm, corn earworm, cabbage looper, black cutworm, and monkeypod-kiawe caterpil lar. The adults are active at night and often are attracted to lights. Diamondback moth adult males have a diamond pattern on the wings when folded over the back. Dia mondback moth is a pest of cabbages, and the leek moth attacks onions. Hawk moth caterpillars are called hornworms for the distinctive, hornlike protrusion at the rear of the ab domen. They include sweetpotato hornworm and ole ander hawk moth. Other pests include citrus swallowtail, imported cabbage worm, cabbage webworm, banana skipper, to mato pinworm, and various leafrollers. Household pests include Indian meal moth and casemaking clothes moth. Lepidoptera Diptera Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) have a caterpillar (larval) stage that causes the most damage by chewing and boring, while the adult, fruit piercing moth may be a pest on some ripe fruits. Most adult lepidoptera have long, siphoning, tube-like mouthparts to feed on plant nectar. Larval (caterpillar) stages have chewing mouth parts; most have three pairs of thoracic legs and five or less pairs of abdominal prolegs. Most larvae feed on The diptera (flies, fruit flies, leafminers, and midges) adults have only one pair of wings and have sucking mouthparts that may be modified. Their larvae are called maggots, are legless, and many lack a well defined head capsule, with only hook-like mouthparts. The order is important in medical and veterinary entomology and includes fruit flies, mosquitoes, house flies, horse flies, and blow flies. Figure 6. Grubs are immature beetles or weevils. Figure 7. Sweetpotato hornworm. 7 IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control Tephritid fruit flies at present include four economi cally important species in Hawaii: Mediterranean fruit fly, Oriental fruit fly, melon fly and solanaceous fruit fly. The maggots infest fruits and fruiting vegetables and thus prevent many fruits and vegetables from being ex portable without disinfestation treatment. Leafminers are important agricultural pest. The small adults lay eggs on plant tissues and the larvae bore into the tissues and create tunnels or mines. Heavy in festations can cause reduced photosynthesis and leaf drop, interrupt the uptake of water and nutrients, and cause wilting. The group includes bean fly, serpentine leafminer, and vegetable leafminer. Midge adults are small, delicate, gnat-like flies. Midge pests include mango blossom midge, chrysan themum gall midge, and a blossom midge on pikake, plumeria, and orchids. Beneficial flies includes parasitic flies like the ta chinid flies and predators like the syrphid fly larvae and aphid flies; others are important as scavengers. CTAHR — July 2003 the abdomen is fused with the thorax and constricted to form a narrow, waist-like connection. The Apocrita lar vae are grub-like or maggot-like, legless, and often lack well developed head capsules. Plant pests include seed wasps, gall wasps, orchidfly, leafcutting bees, and some ants. Ants usually do not feed directly on plants, but their presence may be a nuisance. In addition, ants that feed on honeydew excreted by aphids and scale insects in turn protect those insects from predators. Household pests include ants, some wasps, carpen ter bees and occasionally honeybees. The most significant contribution is the parasitic and predatory nature of the many wasps and the pollinating of important fruit crops by bees. Among the ants, bees, wasps, the suborder Symphyta is an important group of plant feeders, but it is not com mon in Hawaii. Here the suborder Apocrita is of rela tively minor concern as plant pests but is an important group that includes beneficial pollinators, parasitoids, and predators used in biological control of insect pests. The adults have membranous wings, the forewings be ing larger than the hind wings, and many have a well developed ovipositor modified into a sting. The base of Mites Mites are more closely related to spiders than insects, but some are important plant pests. Like the spiders, mites have two major body parts, four pairs of legs, and the plant-feeding mites often have rasping mouthparts. In addition, many are predators and help to control other plant-feeding mites and some insects. Most mites are very small and difficult to see without magnification. Spider mites include carmine spider mite and twospotted spider mite; their feeding damage includes stippling of the leaves. Broad mites are found on many plants including papaya and pepper, where they feed on the young, grow ing leaves, causing distortion and bronzing. Erinose mites include tomato russet mite, hibiscus Figure 8. Fruit fly maggot and pupae. Figure 9 Leafminer maggots form tunnels on leaves. Hymenoptera 8 IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control erineum mite, lychee erinose mite, and the papaya leaf edgeroller mite. Medically important mites and tick pests include the house dust mite, itch mite, brown dog tick, Rocky Moun tain tick, and chiggers. Other pests Slugs and snails feed mostly at night; they can feed on bark and girdle stems, and chew leaves and fruits. Slugs hide during the day under boards, rocks, potted plants, and in the soil. Birds tend to feed on fruits and young tissues like the cotyledons of emerging seedlings and flower buds. Rodents feed on fruits and may chew on the bark and stems of some plants. Mice have been known to spread plant diseases in nurseries by carrying the patho gen on their feet from one plant to another. Rodents may enter homes and other buildings and feed on stored prod ucts. IPM insect control methods CTAHR — July 2003 tors such as birds. Deep plowing may bury some insects so they cannot emerge on the surface. Crop rotation and fallow eliminate the insect host plant to disrupt the life cycle. Sanitation removes crop residues and infested plants to eliminate sources of insects. Crop timing manipulation includes planting early maturing varieties before the pest insect population builds up. Mixed cropping involves planting several species of crops including cover crops in the same area to create diversity, thereby eliminating a monoculture system. Insects need to search for the host plant, while other plants provide a habitat or food for beneficial insects. Trap crops are crops planted for the pests so they leave the desired crop alone. Pesticides can often be used on the trap crop that cannot be applied on the desired crop. Proper use of fertilizer and water result in healthy plants that normally are more tolerant of insects and dis ease. Overhead watering may also disrupt diamond back moth mating and egg laying in watercress fields. Cultural controls These methods are used in the process of cultivating the crop. The techniques are used to disrupt the normal life cycle of the pest. IPM strategies include changing the environment by eliminating the host plant, attracting the pest away from the host plant, and using mechanical means to trap insect pests. Tilling and plowing physically destroy soil insects or expose them to adverse weather, temperature or preda- Figure 10. Slugs feed on plants at night. Mechanical and physical controls These methods utilize machinery, manual operations, or the physical environment in cultivation practices and may be more practical for small gardens. For example, remove insects, their eggs, and infested plant parts by hand-picking, or hose off pests like aphids. Vacuums also can remove some pests from plants. Mechanical exclusion uses barriers such as screens, netting, and row covers to keep pests off the plants. Collars around seedlings prevent cutworms, sticky coated tree trunks prevent access by crawling insects, and copper barriers repel slugs. Mechanical traps such as colored sticky traps can be used to control or monitor insects. Many insects are attracted to yellow, while other colors used include blue, red, and white. Pheromone-baited traps can attract a certain sex, usually males, of an insect species and can help reduce the mating population in the area. Food baits are also used in traps and usually attract both sexes. Physical manipulation examples include tempera ture extremes such as heat or cold to control pests. Solar radiation helps to control soil insects and nematodes. Water can be used to forcefully wash insects off plants and also to disrupt their mating. Flood conditions force 9 IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control soil insects to the surface where predators can feed on them. Light can attract insects or confuse nocturnal in sects such as the Chinese rose beetle. Aluminum mulches reflect light to repel some aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. Irradiation, heat, and cold temperatures are used in postharvest treatments. Electricity is used in drywood termite control. Biological controls Living organisms naturally compete for food and living space. Biological control is the manipulation of one liv ing organism to control another living organism. In Ha waii, introductions of biological control agents are done by government agencies; however, home gardeners can help themselves by providing a favorable environment for predators and parasites as well as using less harmful pesticides and thus avoid killing beneficial insects. Predators eat insect pests. Examples include lady bugs, praying mantis, assassin bugs, lace wings, preda tor mites, spiders, lizards, frogs, toads, and birds. Parasites complete all or part of their life cycle in the pest. Examples include wasps and certain flies. Insect pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and nematodes can cause insect diseases. The bacteria Ba cillus thuringiensis (Bt for short) is used in commercial pesticide sprays. Genetic controls Genetic control methods utilize plant breeding for pest resistance or insect sterilization to affect mating. Figure 11. Immature and adult lady bug predators. 10 CTAHR — July 2003 Some insects including male fruit flies can be ster ilized by radiation and released to mate with wild popu lations. The resulting matings do not produce viable young and can reduce the pest population. Some plants are bred to resist insect infestations. Plant characteristics can affect insect behavior; for ex ample, trichomes (hairs) on the underside of leaves can deter insects from feeding or laying eggs. Plant resistance can affect the biology of the pest, as when the Bacillus thuringiensis gene is implanted into the corn genome to control European corn borer. Plant resistance can also allow a host plant to tolerate the pest below economic threshold levels. Regulatory controls These are usually government-imposed restrictions on the movement of plants and pests to help prevent un wanted infestations. Also included is quarantine, or hold ing of plant material to determine that the material is pest free. Home gardeners can help by not moving in fested plants and having plant materials inspected be fore moving them into pest-free areas. Chemical controls Insecticides can be a part of the integrated pest manage ment system if other IPM methods are not sufficient for pest control. If pesticides are necessary, gardeners should use the least toxic pesticide that will control the pest. New pes ticides include more environmentally safe materials. Measure and use only the amount of pesticide nec essary to cover the targeted plants. Calibrate your sprayer to determine the amount of water necessary to apply the pesticide to plants. Insect pest control questions and strategies • Identify the insect pest you are dealing with. • Learn the life cycle of the pest—what is the suscep tible stage to best apply control measures? • Learn the host plant or living conditions of the pest— are there alternate host plants? Does the insect prefer dry conditions or warm weather? • Determine the extent of the problem—is the infesta tion serious enough to cause significant damage? Are control measures cost-effective? • Determine which control measures are the most ef fective—consider biological control, less toxic and IP- 13 IPM for Home Gardens—Insect ID and Control CTAHR — July 2003 environmentally safe pesticides, and applicator safety. • Learn the proper use of pesticide application equip ment. • Avoid insect pest overexposure to pesticides, which may reduce effectiveness and create resistance. Gardeners can obtain more information from other publications and resources of the Cooperative Exten sion Service of University of Hawaii’s College of Tropi cal Agriculture and Human Resources. The Web site www.ctahr.hawaii.edu includes many publications at www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs, as well as an insect pest database, Knowledge Master, which can be found at www.extento.hawaii.edu. The database includes more information on insect life cycles and describes additional nonchemical control methods. 11 Insect Pests Jan. 2004 IP-14 Mangosteen Caterpillar Mike A. Nagao1, Heather M. C. Leite1, Arnold H. Hara2, and Ruth Y. Niino-DuPonte2 Departments of 1Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences and 2Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, Beaumont Agricultural Research Center, Hilo A caterpillar that causes extensive damage to young leaves of mangosteen trees in Hawaii has been identified as Stictoptera cuculioides Guenee (Lepi doptera: Noctuidae), formerly called S. subobliqua (Walker). The mangosteen caterpillar was first recorded in Hawaii in 1949 from larvae and adult specimens ob tained in Honolulu in 1948. Distribution This noctuid moth was first described in Sri Lanka and has been reported in India, Thailand, Singapore, Malay sia, Papua New Guinea, and Guam. In Hawaii, the man gosteen caterpillar is found on the islands of Oahu, Ha waii, Maui, and Molokai. Hosts In addition to mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), S. cuculioides feeds on related latex-bearing plants of the Guttiferae family including Garcinia cambogia, mammee apple (Mammea americana), kamani (Calophyllum ino phyllum), autograph tree (Clusia rosea), Ochrocarpus obovalis, and O. excelsus (synonym, Mammea odorata). Damage The caterpillar feeds upon emerging leaves and shoot tips of the host plant, causing extensive defoliation of new flushes (Fig. 1), often leaving only the leaves’ midribs. A single caterpillar as small as 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) long can cause significant damage to tender, young leaves. Due to their nocturnal feeding behavior, the caterpillars can be inconspicuous until the damage is severe. Behavior Mangosteen caterpillars are active at night but can be observed feeding on young leaves until early or mid morning. During later daylight hours, they retreat into the denser parts of the tree canopy, where they are not easily detected. Under laboratory conditions, the cater pillars hide during the day under mangosteen leaves left in their cage, and they are most active during the early evening. Prior to pupation, the caterpillars burrow into the soil or hide under leaves in dark, shaded areas to develop cocoons. Figure 1. Damage to mangosteen foliage caused by Stictoptera cuculioides larvae: left, evidence of caterpillar feeding on tender, new leaves; right, the remaining leaf midribs. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 14 Mangosteen Caterpillar CTAHR — Jan. 2004 Figure 3. S. cuculioides pupa (actual size 1⁄2–5⁄8 inch [1.3– 1.6 cm] long and 1⁄4 inch [0.6 cm] wide). Figure 4. S. cuculioides adults. Figure 2. Color variations of the Stictoptera cuculioides caterpillar (larva); actual size 1–2 inches (2.5–5.0 cm). Life cycle Few reports on the life cycle of the mangosteen cater pillar have been published. Both the larval (caterpillar) and adult stages of S. cuculioides are variable in size and color. The caterpillar color ranges from light green with black or maroon spots and white stripes to dark purple with white stripes and dots just before pupation (Fig. 2), at which time the last larval instar is 1–2 inches (2.5–5.0 cm) long. 2 Pupation occurs in the soil. The pupa (cocoon) is dark brown, 1⁄2–5⁄8 inch (1.3–1.6 cm) long, and 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) wide (Fig. 3). The adult moth is brown but can vary in color tone and pattern (Fig. 4). The adult male appears to have a more ornate wing pattern and a larger abdomen com pared to the female. Previous reports indicate that the larval stage aver ages 15 days and pupation lasts 10–12 days. Under labo ratory conditions (69.6°F [20.9°C] minimum, 76.8°F [24.9°C] maximum), the duration of the pupal stage can extend to as long as 18–20 days. There are no reports on the duration of the adult moth stage. Management Growers should monitor new flushes as they emerge for evidence of feeding damage. Insecticides containing Bacillus thuringiensis are effective in controlling leaf eating caterpillars, including S. cuculioides. Azadirachtin IP- 14 Mangosteen Caterpillar CTAHR — Jan. 2004 (neem extract) is reported to provide effective control in Thailand. Consult product labels for information on application rates and pre-harvest intervals. No biocontrol agents have been detected on mangosteen caterpillar infestations in Hawaii. References Ooi, P.A.C., A. Winotai, and J.E. Pena. 2002. Pests of minor tropical fruits. In: J. Pena, J. Sharp, and M. Wysoki (eds), Tropical fruit pests and pollinators: biology, economic importance, natural enemies and control. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK. pp. 315–330. Hawaii Department of Agriculture. 2001. Heu, R. (ed). Distribution and host records of agricultural pests and other organisms in Hawaii. Survey Program, Plant Pest Control Branch, Plant Industry Division. p. 61 Zimmerman, E.C. 1958. Insects of Hawai’i. Vol. 7, Macrolepidoptera. University of Hawai’i Press, Ho nolulu. pp. 345-347. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Shin Matayoshi, Ha waii Department of Agriculture (retired); Dick Tsuda, UH CTAHR; and Dr. Surmsuk Salakpetch, Chantaburi Horticultural Research Center, for their contributions to this publication. 3 Insect Pests Jan. 2004 IP-15 Hopper Burn on Papaya Caused by the Stevens Leafhopper Richard H. Ebesu, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences S tevens leafhopper, Empoasca stevensi, can be a serious pest of papaya. The leafhoppers are found mostly on the underside of the leaves. They feed on the plant sap, causing a drying of the leaf tissue called “hop per burn.” The leafhopper releases saliva into the plant tissue as it inserts its needle-like stylet mouthparts. The saliva is toxic to the plant; the leaves turn yellow, their edges dry and their tissue dies, and the plant becomes stunted (Figure 1). Young plants are more susceptible, yet plants of all ages are attacked. The red-fleshed com mercial papaya cultivars like ‘Sunrise’ are more suscep tible to hopper burn than the yellow-fleshed cultivars like ‘Waimanalo Low-Bearing’ and ‘Kapoho’, although some yellow-fleshed cultivars (notably ‘Line 8’) may be susceptible. Common symptoms of leafhopper feed ing are puncture marks along the leaf veins and petiole and the resulting bleeding of milky white latex from the plant. The plant usually recovers after removal of the leafhoppers, but large populations of leafhoppers can severely damage the plant. The winged adult leafhopper is about 1⁄8 inch long and slender, less than 1⁄32 inch wide. It is light yellowish green with two longitudinal white stripes on top of its thorax, just behind the head (Figure 2). The immature stages (nymphs) are light green and look like the adults only they are smaller and without wings. The leafhop pers normally run quickly or jump when the leaf is turned over to observe the underside. The female lays her eggs singly, mostly in the veins on the underside of the leaf. Usually, only the puncture wound where the female laid the egg can be seen. On average, the eggs take 10 days to hatch and the imma ture leafhoppers take 12–15 days to complete five growth stages before turning into adults. On becoming an adult, the female lays her first egg after 7 days. Females live for an average of 6 weeks, producing an average of seven Figure 1. Severe damage to a papaya plant caused by Stevens leafhopper feeding. Figure 2. Stevens leafhopper adult, about 1⁄8 inch long. eggs per week. The complete life cycle of a female will take about 26 days. The Stevens leafhopper is very similar to the south ern garden leafhopper (Empoasca solana), which is also light green but is slightly longer than the Stevens leaf hopper. The southern garden leafhopper is found on many plants including green beans, spiny amaranth, and Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. IP- 15 Hopper Burn on Papaya Caused by the Stevens Leafhopper the weed black nightshade (or popolo, Solanum nigrum). It has also been reported on papaya but it does not seem to be the major cause of hopper burn on papaya. Host plants The Stevens leafhopper may be found on papaya throughout the year but appear to be most damaging in the warm summer months when the populations are at their highest. Besides papaya, it has been reported on cowpea, plumeria, lima bean, and the Mexican fire plant (Euphorbia heterophylla). It has been known to rest on the weed Sigesbeckia orientalis. Control There are no known biological control agents for the Stevens leafhopper. General predators such as spiders and small wasps may eat them, and a fungal disease can infect them if conditions are right. Insecticides regis tered for papaya may help to reduce leafhopper popula tions provided that spray coverage is adequate. Papaya 2 CTAHR — Jan. 2004 plants are sensitive to many pesticides and the spreader stickers used with them, and users should test products for potential damage before proceeding with wide-scale applications. Control of leafhoppers when their popula tions are small is easier than after waiting until they are present in large numbers. Leafhopper populations can be monitored with yellow sticky traps spaced among the plants. References Ebesu, R.H. 1985. The biology of the leafhopper Empoasca stevensi Young (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and its toxicity to papaya. M.S. Thesis, Entomology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, August 1985. Mau, R.F.L., L. Gusukuma-Minuto, R. Ebesu, and R. Hamasaki. 1994. Control of the Stevens leafhopper on papaya. In: Proceedings, 30th Annual Hawaii Pa paya Industry Association Conference. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, Univer sity of Hawaii. Insect Pests May 2004 IP-16 ALIEN DRAFT PEST ALERT! Identifying the Little Fire Ant A New Invasive Species on Kaua‘i Hawai‘i Ant Group; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA), Plant Pest Control Branch; University of Hawai‘i, Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit and Department of Plant and Environmental Protec tion Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources; Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee (KISC) W e are in the process of eradicating an infestation of the little fire ant (LFA) in the Kalihiwai area of Kaua‘i. We need the help of everyone on Kaua‘i to report any ants they find that match this ant’s descrip tion. With your help, we can keep Kaua‘i LFA-free. Background Since 1999 when it was first collected at Hawaiian Para dise Park in the Puna area on Hawai‘i, over 30 LFA in festations have been found on the Big Island. Contain ment actions are being taken, but limited resources and personnel, and pesticide label use restrictions, have made it difficult to eradicate all the infestations there. Beginning in 1999, HDOA has enforced quarantine regulations to prevent shipment of infested potted plants from the Big Island. However, at least one infestation at Kalihiwai on Kaua‘i apparently was started from such a shipment before the quarantine, and there may be oth ers that have yet to be reported. No infestations are known on any other islands in the state. Identification and distribution Little fire ant’s scientific name is Wasmannia auropunc tata (Roger) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). • Little fire ants are tiny—1⁄16 inch long—pale orange, and slow moving. • They are found in South America, the West Indies, warmer regions of Mexico, West Africa, Galapagos Islands, New Caledonia, and the Solomon Islands. • In the USA, in addition to its presence in Hawai‘i, the little fire ant is common in southern Florida. Actual length, 1⁄16 inch Head Little fire ant worker • Its sting produces large, painful, raised, red welts. • Irritation from the sting lasts several days, aching pain fully at first and later itching intensely in spells. • Although not quick to sting when handled, the LFA will do so if trapped beneath clothing. • LFA may also sting animals (livestock, pets, wildlife). Not to be confused with the tropical fire ant The tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, is a stinging red ant common in Hawai‘i. • Tropical fire ants are 2– Tropical fire ant (“red ant”) 3 times longer than LFA: Head 1 ⁄8–1⁄4 inch (3–6 mm). • Tropical fire ants will have a few larger work ers with large, square 1 ⁄8 inch shaped heads. • LFA workers are all the same size, about as long Little fire ant as a penny is thick. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. UH–CTAHR, May 2004 Identifying the Little Fire Ant on Kaua‘i ALIEN PEST ALERT! Help keep Kaua‘i free of little fire ants! If you think you have LFA on your property on Kaua‘i, please call HDOA in Lïhu‘e at 274-3069. Do not apply any toxic baits or insecticides until HDOA or KISC person nel survey the infestation. They can advise you on how best to control or eradicate the ant infestation. Hydramethylnon based granular ant bait has been successfully used to contain or eradicate some LFA infestations on the Big Island. Checking for presence of the little fire ant Pick up the chopstick very carefully 1. Smear a very thin 2. Place the chopstick with peanut butter 3. to avoid dislodging ants, and examine the coat of peanut butter on one end of a wooden chopstick (which can be painted day-glo orange for ease of locating). in an area where you see ants, preferably in the shade, at the base of a tree, etc.; leave it out for about 1 hour. In a pot Near a shadehouse 4. Drop off or mail the ants for identification to: Hawai‘i Dept. of Agriculture Plant Pest Control Branch (Attn: Craig Kaneshige) 4398A Pua Loke St. Lïhu‘e, HI 96766-1673 Phone number: 274-3069. ants on the peanut butter. • Are they orange or red? • Are they no bigger than 1⁄16 inch? If you can answer Yes to both questions, then you may have little fire ants. Put the chopstick with the ants into a zip top bag. Write your name, location, and phone number on the bag. Place the bag into the freezer overnight to kill the ants. 5. It is very important that you do not apply any toxic ant bait or spray at the site until the location is mapped and the ant is identified by HDOA. Doing so will suppress the ants and make it more diffi cult to map them before con trol efforts are started. For more information, please visit these websites: Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture—http://www.hawaiiag.org/hdoa/npa/npa99-02-lfireant.pdf Hawai‘i Ant Group—http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/ants Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee—http://www.hear.org/KISC/index.html Photo credits: p. 1, top, W. Nagamine, HDOA; p. 1, bottom, C. Hirayama, HDOA, Hilo; p. 2, C. Hirayama and P. Conant, HDOA, Hilo, except for step 4 photo, K. Gundersen. 2 Quarantine Pests Commonly Found in Shipments from Hawaii Presence of the insects and related organisms shown below will result in rejection of plant shipments from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland. ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE < 1 MM ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE longlegged ant bigheaded ant tiny yellow house ant whitefooted ant little fire ant Anoplolepis gracilipes Pheidole megacephala Tapinoma melanocephalum Technomyrmex albipes Wasmannia auropunctata ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE green scale nigra scale hemispherical scale coconut scale mining scale Coccus viridis Parasaissetia nigra Saissetia coffeae Aspidiotus destructor Howardia biclavis Cover removed to reveal female and eggs Scale cover ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE < 1 MM ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE (OF COVER) black thread scale an armored scale ti scale hibiscus scale magnolia white scale Ischnaspis longirostris Lopholeucaspis cockerelli Pinnaspis buxi Pinnaspis strachani Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE white peach scale pink pineapple mealybug coconut mealybug palm mealybug longtailed mealybug Pseudaulacaspis pentagona Dysmicoccus brevipes Nipaecoccus nipae Palmicultor palmarum Pseudococcus longispinus Egg mass ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE ACTUAL SIZE (ADULT) ACTUAL SIZE rhizoecus root mealybug pink hibiscus mealybug southern garden leafhopper a planthopper torpedo bug Rhizoecus hibisci Maconellicoccus hirsutus Empoasca solana Kallitaxila granulata Siphanta acuta Adult Pupa Adult ACTUAL SIZE (ADULT) ACTUAL SIZE a katydid egg in a leaf ACTUAL SIZE ABOUT AS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE (ADULT) ACTUAL SIZE (ADULT) ACTUAL SIZE spiraling whitefly anthurium whitefly nettle caterpillar green garden looper Aleurodicus dispersus Aleurotulus anthuricola Darna pallivitta Chrysodexis eriosoma ACTUAL SIZE ABOUT AS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE ABOUT AS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE ABOUT AS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE marsh slug a slug semi slug cuban slug a native snail Deroceras species Meghimatium striatum Parmarion martensi Veronicella cubensis Tornatellides species S. Chun, R. Niino-DuPonte, A.H. Hara, and C. Jacobsen Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences Eggs Adult Male Photos by S. Chun, A.H. Hara, W. Nagamine, R.F.L. Mau, B.C. Bushe, V.L. Tenbrink, T.Y. Hata, P. Conant, and R. Heu; whitefooted ants by R.H. Scheffrahn, Univ. of Florida; southern garden leafhopper from Department of Entomology, Texas A&M University; semi slug by R.G. Hollingsworth, USDA-ARSP-BARC CTAHR publication IP-18, Revised August 2011 ACTUAL SIZE ABOUT AS SHOWN coqui frog Eleutherodactylus coqui Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808-956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. How to Recognize Symptoms of Aster Yellows in Watercress Healthy Infected Insect Vector Yellowing in watercress due to an uncertain cause was first reported by a farmer in September, 2000. After extensive efforts, including laboratory analyses and greenhouse and field tests, CTAHR’s virology laboratory identified a phytoplasma in watercress in October, 2001. This pathogen appears to be closely related to two other phytoplasmas, western North American aster yellows and onion yellows from Asia. Phytoplasmas are a group of microscopic organisms that cause over 700 diseases in plants. Phytoplasmas grow and multiply within host plants and insect vec tors. In host plants, phytoplasmas are found only in the phloem tissue of leaves, stems, and roots. When the concentration of phytoplasmas within the plant reaches a certain level, it is believed to cause hormonal imbalance, resulting in the development of symp toms such as chlorotic leaves, stunting, flower petals changing to a green color (phyllody or virescence), and witches-broom (shoot proliferation). This is the second phytoplasma to be identified in Hawai‘i; the first was on a native forest tree, ‘a‘ali‘i, Dodonaea viscosa. In October 2001, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture confirmed the presence of a recently introduced leafhopper vector of phytoplasma in watercress. This leafhopper is known locally as the watercress leafhopper. It has not been formally identified but appears to be closely related to the aster yellows leafhopper, Macrosteles fascifons. The leafhopper feeds by inserting its mouthparts into the watercress phloem tissue. After a noninfected leafhopper feeds on a phytoplasma-infected watercress plant, it takes about 2–4 weeks for the insect to become a persistent vector. Then this leafhopper can infect other noninfected watercress plants. It may take several weeks or longer before plant symptoms such as chlorosis or shoot proliferation appear on a newly infected plant, and during this time, noninfected leafhoppers can acquire the phytoplasma by feeding on the symptomless infected plant. Because watercress plants can be infected without showing symptoms, watercress from the Aiea-Waipahu production areas should not be used as planting material for other areas on Oahu or the Neighbor Islands. Also, these plants can carry leafhopper eggs within the leaves, petioles, and stems. Phytoplasmas can spread via (1) watercress leafhoppers, (2) using infected plant ing material, (3) grafting, and (4) parasitic plants (e.g., dodder). Phytoplasmas cannot be transmitted by rubbing sap from infected plants onto healthy plants or by cutting tools used in farming practices. Phytoplasmas are not known to be transmitted by seeds. Best Management Practices 1) Start with noninfected planting material. 2) Manage and completely control the watercress leafhopper in the watercress and in borders surrounding the field. 3) Aggressively rogue infected watercress plants. 4) Control all known weed hosts of the phytoplasma both within and around the borders of the farm (see weed host photos, far right). 5) Fertilize periodically with a high-nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer. 6) Do not transport watercress planting material outside of the Aiea–Waipahu watercress production area. 7) Backyard gardeners and new growers should not plant watercress unless they know that the planting material is free of the phytoplasma and the leafhopper. watercress leafhopper (side view) actual size: 2 mm watercress leafhopper (top view) Weed Hosts Leaves parrot’s feather Myriophyllum brasiliense Flora’s paintbrush Emilia sonchifolia sow thistle Sonchus species broadleaved plantain Plantago major amaranth Amaranthhus species false daisy Eclipta prostrata Roots Shoots Written by Steve Fukuda1, Wayne Borth2, Rodrigo Almeida2, Randy Hamasaki2, John McHugh3, Ron Hew4, Bernarr Kumashiro4, Mike Kawate2, Desmond Ogata5, and Jari Sugano2 CTAHR Departments of 1Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, 2Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences; 3Crop Care Hawaii; 4Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture; 5CTAHR Agricultural Diagnostic Services Center Field Leafhopper photos: Walter Nagamine and Ron Heu, Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture CTAHR Insect Pests publication IP-20, October, 2004 Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawaii without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or veteran status. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu> or ordered by calling 808956-7046 or sending e-mail to ctahrpub@hawaii.edu. Stinging Nettle Caterpillar Watch the release of wasps to help control the stinging nettle caterpillar in Hawai‘i! Scan with a QR code smartphone app or visit: http://www.bigislandvideonews.com/2010/06/17/video-waspreleased-to-help-stinging-caterpillar-fight/ Video: David Corrigan Report new infestations in areas other than Hilo and Puna districts to the State Pest Hotline: 643-PEST (643-7378) For more information, contact: Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture Hilo: (16 E. Lanikaula St.) 974-4146 (or UH-CTAHR, 875 Komohana St., 981-5199) Kahului: (635 Mua St.) 873-3962 Honolulu: (1428 S. King St.) 973-9525 Lïhu‘e: (4398 Pua Loke St.) 274-3072 Report any new infestations of stinging nettle caterpillar in areas other than Hilo and Puna to the State Pest Hotline, 643-PEST (6437378), or contact the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (see the back panel of this brochure for the branch nearest you). Stinging Nettle Caterpillar Darna pallivitta What to do if you are stung • Avoid further contact with the caterpillar’s spines. • Wash the area immediately with soap and water Authors Darna pallivitta Stacey Chun, Arnold Hara,Ruth Niino-DuPonte UH-CTAHR Komohana Research and Extension Complex, Hilo The stinging nettle caterpillar is of major concern because of its painful sting, voracious appetite, lengthy larval feeding stage (2 months), high fecundity (480 eggs per female), and wide host range. A heavy infestation can defoliate a potted plant in just a few days. Walter Nagamine,1 Patrick Conant,2 Clyde Hirayama2 Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, Plant Pest Control Branch, 1Honolulu, 2Hilo. Photos of larva and predator wasps by W. Nagamine; other photos by S. Chun and A. Hara. Caution: Pesticide use is governed by state and federal regulations. Read the pesticide label to ensure that the intended use is included on it, and follow all label directions. References Cock, M.J.W., H.C.J. Godfray, and J.D. Holloway (eds). 1987. Slug and nettle caterpillars. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Conant P., A.H. Hara, L.M.Nakahara, R.A. Heu. Nettle caterpillar. New Pest Advisory no. 01-03, March 2002 (revision). Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture. Nagamine, W.T. and M.E. Epstein. 2007. Chronicles of Darna pallivitta (Moore 1887) (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae): biology and larval morphology of a new pest in Hawaii. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 83(2): 120-135. PEST ALERT College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/ Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http:// www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. Publication IP-22, Sept. 2005. Revised July 2011. to reduce initial pain. oral antihistamine may stop itching and swelling. • Hydrocortisone cream may also stop itching and swelling. • Get medical attention immediately if you experience difficulty breathing or are stung in the eye. • Skin reactions vary from a red welt to severe swelling lasting a couple of days. • An College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa S tinging nettle caterpillar was first discovered in Hawai‘i in September 2001, at a foliage nursery in Pana‘ewa on the island of Hawai‘i. Nursery workers there experienced an unusual burning and itching sensation on their skin after handling rhapis palms. Specimens sent to the Smithsonian Institution were identified as Darna pallivitta Moore. The insect probably arrived from Taiwan and is also found in China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Currently, nettle caterpillar infestations have been reported from Volcano to Ninole in East Hawai‘i, with most of lower Puna and nearly all of south Hilo district having infestations. In West Hawai‘i, D. pallivitta has been detected in Kailua-Kona, Ke‘ähole, Ka‘üpülehu, and Köhala. Infestations on O‘ahu include central O‘ahu (Mililani, Mililani Mauka, Waipi‘o-Gentry, Waikele), Makakilo, and Waimänalo. On Maui, infested areas include Ha‘ikü, Pä‘ia, Makawao, Wailuku, and Kïhei. During 2010, the nettle caterpillar was detected on Kaua‘i (Lïhu‘e, Kapa‘a, and Kïlauea areas), but has yet to be recorded on Moloka‘i or Läna‘i. The caterpillar’s spiny hairs release an irritant on contact Harm to humans The nettle caterpillar’s stinging, spiny hairs have a physical effect on human skin similar to that of fiberglass. In addition, the spines release an irritant (a mixture of histamines) produced by a poison gland. The irritant causes the skin to burn and itch. If spines get into the eyes, the irritation can be acute; seek medical attention quickly. Identifying and Managing Stinging Nettle Caterpillars Host Plants In Hawai‘i, the nettle caterpillar has been found on more than 30 plants including palms, pasture and ornamental grasses, weeds, and foliage plants. The nursery industry has a very low tolerance for the nettle caterpillar—any feeding by the larvae significantly damages and reduces the value of ornamental and landscape plants. Many of the host plants are of high economic value for export and are common in residential and commercial landscaping. The pest has been observed to complete its life cycle on palms, including areca, fishtail, manila, rhapis, phoenix, and coconut; it also reproduces on dracaena (cultivars ‘Lisa,’ ‘Compacta,’ and ‘Massangeana’) and on starfruit, ti, iris, coffee, honohono grass, the beach pea (indigenous Vigna marina), and the endemic mamaki. The caterpillar has been observed feeding (but not reproducing) on many other plants, including bamboo orchid, banana, ‘Pink Quill’ bromeliad, chickweed, Chinese star jasmine, cigar plant, rabbitsfoot fern, gardenia, glory bush (Tibouchina), ‘Golden Glory’ perennial peanut, californiagrass, hilograss, mondograss, napiergrass, vaseygrass, wainakugrass, guava, Koster’s curse, macadamia, maunaloa vine, monstera, ponytail palm, red and shampoo gingers, sleeping grass, Spanish clover (silverleaf desmodium), walking iris, wedelia, whaleback, and the endemics maile and wiliwili (data gathered by UH-CTAHR and HDOA). Damage by feeding of large larvae on (clockwise from upper left) rhapis, coconut, dracaena, mondograss, and ti. LIfe Cycle Life cycle The nettle caterpillar’s life span from egg to adult is 75–99 days, depending on the number of larval stages (instars), which ranges from 8 to 11 (45–72 days total). Adult female and male moths live for approximately 10 and 11 days, respectively. As the larvae develop over the 7-day incubation period, the C-shaped embryos are clearly visible. When the larvae are ready to pupate, they migrate toward the base of the host plant to find protected crevices in dried leaves and overlapping plant parts, and they often pupate in clusters. The larva’s underside darkens to orange just before pupation. The prepupa spins brown silk around itself, eventually forming a hardened outer shell. The round cocoons are 5⁄8 inch (16 mm) long, and pupation occurs within the cocoon after 5 days. Eggs The female adult moth deposits eggs in small clusters, a line, or singly, usually on the undersides of older leaves. Eggs are flattened, transparent ovals, 1⁄32 inch (0.8 mm) wide and 1⁄16 inch (1.6 mm) long, appearing as a glassy sheen on the leaf surface that can easily be overlooked. Eggs Control Methods Newly hatched larvae Incubating larvae Fully developed larva, about 1 inch long Prepupa An early larva on a quarter Pupa Larva The larva can be up to 1 inch (25 mm) long and is covered with many rows of stinging spines. Larvae vary from white to light gray, with a dark longitudinal stripe down the back. Prepupa, pupa Larvae begin feeding 2 days after hatching. Onset of pupation depends on food availability and environmental conditions. The pupal period ranges from 17 to 21 days. Smaller larvae cause damage by feeding on the leaf surface, creating a “windowpane” effect. Larvae often pupate in clusters in sheltered spots at the base of the host plant. Adult The adult moth is approximately ½ inch (12.7 mm) long. The forewing is divided by a white diagonal marking, with the upper portion rustcolored and the lower portion lighter brown; the hind wings are uniform light brown. These nocturnal moths have not been observed feeding. Mating begins about two days after emergence. During the day they are inactive and retreat into vegetation, usually in an upside-down, perching position. Adult moth Adults, resting Male Cultural control Control weeds and modify landscape plantings to limit caterpillar food availability. To avoid transporting the eggs, which are difficult to detect, to new areas, don’t bring in known host plants from any infested area. Ti leaf, mondograss and related Liriope groundcover, and palms are preferred host plants of nettle caterpillar. Peak caterpillar populations occur in late summer, so trim these host plants before then and avoid contact during that time. Chemical control Some pesticides (pyrethroid, organophosphate, carbamate, and microbial types including Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt) are effective against the larval stage of the nettle caterpillar. Consult a UH-CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service agent or an agricultural products professional for help in choosing an insecticide. Biological control HDOA staff discovered a locally established trichogrammatid wasp depositing its eggs into D. pallivitta eggs, which provide a food source for the wasp larvae, which eventually emerge as adults. This wasp, however, has had only limited effect on the nettle caterpillar population on Hawai‘i. Therefore, HDOA has worked with researchers in Indonesia and Taiwan to identify other biological control agents of D. pallivitta. Larvae of a wasp (Aroplectrus dimerus) from Taiwan feed and develop on the nettle caterpillar, killing it. These wasps were evaluated and found safe for Trichogrammatid release in Hawai‘i, and they are now established on several islands. A naturally occurring cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus found infecting D. pallivitta larvae helps control heavy infestations. Aroplectrus Physical control The adult moth is instinctively attracted to light, so minimize outdoor lighting at night and use bug-zappers with ultraviolet bulbs to reduce the numbers of this pest. Position the unit away from any potential host plants and under protected eaves, and place a bucket of soapy water directly beneath it to capture fallen moths. Female Insect Pests May 2007 IP-25 Evaluating Spiders for Their Potential To Control Cabbage White Butterflies (Pieris rapae) Cerruti R2 Hooks,a Raju R. Pandey,b and Marshall W. Johnsonc a CTAHR Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences; bHimalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal; cDepartment of Entomology, University of California, Riverside Summary A field experiment was conducted three times during two seasons (twice in winter and once in spring) to evaluate the impact of spiders on the survival of the cabbage white butterfly, Pieris rapae (= Artogeia rapae). The proportion of P. rapae eggs surviving to the first caterpillar stage was significantly reduced on spider treatment plants compared to check treatment plants. During the three experiments, the percentage of P. rapae eggs surviving to the fifth caterpillar stage was increased 1.7-, 2.7-, and 1.3-fold, respectively, on check plants compared to spider plants. Additionally, by completion of the the experiment, above-ground plant biomass of spider-“protected” plants was increased by 80, 121, and 28 percent compared to check plants. Introduction Although several studies have shown that spiders can significantly reduce insect pest populations and the associated crop damage (Agnew and Smith 1989, Hooks et al. 2003), their ability to suppress insect pest populations and enhance plant productivity has received limited attention in cropping systems. On several occasions, spiders were observed feeding on eggs and caterpillars of lepidoptera prey inhabiting broccoli (Brassica olearacea L.) plants, and although their densities were recorded, no attempt was made to quantify their predatory impact (Hooks and Johnson 2002). Hooks et al. (2003) found significantly fewer large P. rapae caterpillars on plants where spiders were allowed to forage freely, compared to control plants in which spiders were removed daily. However, during that study the amount of mortality spiders inflicted upon P. rapae was not estimated. Therefore, field experiments reported here were conducted to quantify the impact of spiders on P. rapae’s survivorship and broccoli plant biomass. The objective of this study was to address two questions: (1) Does caterpillar survival differ on plants containing spiders? (2) Do spiders indirectly increase broccoli plant size through suppression of caterpillars? Procedures Experimental design Three field trials were conducted to assess the impact of spiders on P. rapae’s survival. Experiments were conducted during 2003 and 2004 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa’s Poamoho Research Station. For each trial, 5-week-old greenhouse-grown broccoli plantlets were transplanted and randomly assigned to two treatments: (1) spiders present, and (2) a check (spiders removed). Twelve plants were assigned to each treatment during each trial period. Spiders were removed daily from check treatment plants at 10:00 and 13:30 during the duration of each trial. Immediately after the 13:30 removal, a sleeve cage constructed of a transparent fabric was gently placed over each check plant to prevent spiders from foraging them. During the initial 16 days after planting (DAP), the cages were removed from the plants daily from 09:00 until 13:30 to allow oviposition on the test plants by P. rapae. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR IP-25 — May 2007 Sampling Pieris rapae The proportion of P. rapae eggs reaching the first caterpillar stage was assessed during spring 2003 and winter 2004. Twelve plants were randomly selected and assigned to the check or spider treatment for each trial. All P. rapae eggs found on these plants during the initial 16 DAP were counted and recorded, and their location was marked with a permanent marker. Each egg was checked daily to determine if it reached the caterpillar stage. At the experiment’s completion, the percentages of the 16-day egg cohort reaching the caterpillar stage were calculated for each treatment. The percentage of P. rapae eggs reaching their final (fifth) caterpillar stage was measured on 12 additional randomly selected check and spider plants during three field trials (i.e., winter and spring 2003, and winter 2004), respectively. Similarly, as mentioned above, P. rapae eggs laid during the initial 16 DAP were monitored to determine the percentage reaching their final caterpillar stage. To determine if whole-plant biomass differed between check and spider plants, upon the experiment’s completion test plants from each treatment were cut at soil level, transported to the laboratory, oven-dried, and weighed to measure above-ground dry vegetative biomass. During the spring egg mortality experiment, the proportion of P. rapae eggs reaching their first caterpillar stage was significantly higher on check (83%) compared to spider (56.5%) treatment plants. However, no significant differences were found during the winter experiment (Fig. 1). For all three trials, the percentage of P. rapae eggs reaching their final caterpillar stage was significantly reduced on spider plants compared to check plants (Fig. 2). Statistical analysis Treatment effects on the number of eggs oviposited, plant weight, and percentage of eggs reaching the first and final caterpillar stages were assessed using analysis of variance (Proc GLM, SAS Institute, Cary, NC 1990). To fulfill assumptions regarding normality and equal variances, data were transformed when necessary. Results Spiders Over the course of the trial, spiders removed from the check plants included Nesticodes rufipes, Oxyopes sp., Cheiracanthium mordax Koch, Neoscona oaxacensis Keyserling, and an unidentified linyphiid. The average number of spiders found per broccoli leaf during the three trials ranged from 0.25 to 0.69, 0.17 to 0.60, and 0.17 to 0.46 for the winter 2003, spring 2003, and winter 2004 trials, respectively. During each trial the number of spiders found per plant increased during the broccoli growth cycle. 2 Whole plant biomass During the 2003 trials, the average plant weight was significantly greater for spider plants than for check plants (Fig. 3). During the 2004 winter experiment, spider plants were larger than check plants, but the difference was not statistically significant. Discussion During one of the two field trials, the percentage of eggs reaching the first caterpillar stage was significantly lower on spider treatment plants compared to check plants. Furthermore, the proportion of eggs reaching the fifth instar stage was significantly lower on spider plants compared to check plants during all three field trials. Broccoli whole-plant biomass of spider plants was significantly greater than that of check plants during the first two field experiments. Spiders were rarely observed feeding on P. rapae eggs, but the results suggest that spiders had a significant impact on P. rapae egg mortality. A number of cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) eggs were also encountered on spider plants during the spring, but no larva of this species was observed during the trial, suggesting that spiders also fed on T. ni eggs. The wandering spider (Oxyopes sp.) appears to be the most important spider for suppressing populations of P. rapae and T. ni. Suppression of P. rapae was greatest when populations of Oxyopes sp. were high and least when they were low. Acknowledgment The authors wish to thank the crew at the Poamoho Research Station for their valuable help in the field. This research was partially funded by the USDA/CSREES, Special Grant for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research (T-STAR). UH–CTAHR IP-25 — May 2007 Fig. 1. Percentage rapae Percentage ofof A.A. rapae Percentage of P. rapae st eggs st1 instar st eggs to reach to to reach 1 instar eggs reach 1 instar Figure 1. Percentage (± S.E.) of Pieris rapae eggs reaching the first caterpillar stage on spider-removed and spiderFig. 1. present treatment plants during two field trials. Different letters above a bar for each trial indicate that treatments are significantly different at the 5% level (P < 0.05). 100 100 Spider removal Spider removal Sp ider p resent Spider present a a 80 80 b b 60 60 83.0 83.0 40 40 89.1 89.1 79.3 79.3 56.5 56.5 20 20 0 0 Spring 2003 Spring 2003 Winter 2004 Winter 2004 Percentage of A.rapae rapae Percentage Percentage ofof P. A. rapae eggs th th instar th 5 eggs to reach 5 5instar instar eggstotoreach reach Figure 2. Percentage (± S.E.) of Pieris rapae eggs to reach the fifth caterpillar stage on spider-removed and spiderFig. 2. plants during three field trials. Different letters above a bar for each trial indicate that treatments are present treatment Fig. 2. significantly different at the 5% level (P < 0.05). 80 80 Spider removal Spider removal Spider present Spider present a a a a 60 60 40 40 a a b b bb 72.3 72.3 66.3 66.3 20 20 38.8 38.8 b b 52.4 52.4 56.2 56.2 19.2 19.2 00 Winter Winter 2003 2003 S ring 03 3 Sp prin g2 20 00 Winter 2004 2004 Winter Dry weight/broccoli plant (g) Brocolli dry weight per plant (g) Fig.(± 3.S.E.) dry whole-plant biomass on spider-removed and spider-present treatment plants during three Figure 3. Average field trials. Different letters above a bar indicate that treatments are significantly different at the 5% level (P < 0.05). 70 Spider removal Spider present b 60 50 40 a 30 56.3 b 20 31.2 a 10 21.0 15.3 9.5 11.9 Spring 2003 Winter 2004 0 Winter 2003 3 UH–CTAHR References and further readings Agnew, C.W., and J.W. Smith Jr. 1989. Ecology of spiders (Araneae) in a peanut agroecosystem. Environ. Entomol. 7: 402–404. Hooks, C.R.R., and M.W. Johnson. 2002. Lepidopteran pest populations and crop yields in row intercropped broccoli. Agric. For. Entomol. 4: 117–125. Hooks, C.R.R., R.R. Pandey, and M.W. Johnson. 2003. Impact of avian and arthropod predation on lepidopteran caterpillar densities and plant productivity in an ephemeral agroecosystem. Ecol. Entomol. 28: 522–532. Hooks, C.R.R., R.R. Pandey, and M.W. Johnson.2006. Effects of spider presence on Artogeia rapae and host plant biomass. Agri. Ecosys. Environ. 112: 73–77. 4 IP-25 — May 2007 Insect Pests May 2007 IP-26 Unlikely Guardians of Cropping Systems: Can Birds and Spiders Protect Broccoli from Caterpillar Pests? Cerruti R2 Hooks,a Raju R. Pandey,b and Marshall W. Johnsonc CTAHR Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences; bHimalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal; cDepartment of Entomology, University of California, Riverside a Summary A field experiment was conducted to examine the impact of bird and spider predation on lepidopteran caterpillar densities and broccoli productivity. Densities of Pieris rapae and Trichoplusia ni large caterpillars and their post-caterpillar stages were reduced significantly by bird predation. The abundance of large caterpillars was also reduced on plants where spiders were allowed to forage freely. Further, plants foraged by birds, spiders, or birds plus spiders sustained less feeding damage attributable to leaf-chewing caterpillars than plants without birds or spiders (the check). Plants foraged by bird and/or spiders were also larger than check plants. Introduction On the island of O‘ahu, birds and spiders have been casually observed preying on insect pests of Brassica plants. Their impact on insect pests, especially caterpillars, is potentially significant but had not been investigated in Hawai‘i. Thus this study was designed to examine the impact of bird and spider predation on caterpillars commonly found feeding on Brassica crops and to determine whether their presence on broccoli, Brassica oleracea L., would result in reduced plant consumption by caterpillars and an associated increase in broccoli plant biomass. Several studies have shown that birds that feed on insects, commonly called insectivorous birds, can significantly reduce insect population size (Bock et al. 1992, Greenberg et al. 2000) and the amount of plant damage they cause (Sanz 2001). These studies were mainly conducted in perennial plant communities such as temperate forests and grasslands where birds are likely the top predators of insect prey. However, insectivorous birds have a diverse diet and when feeding do not discriminate between pest and beneficial insects. Thus, it is not safe to assume that their presence within a cropping system will result in greater insect pest suppression. Similar to insectivorous birds, spiders are not preyspecific and may fulfill their dietary needs by feeding on natural insect pest enemies such as parasitoids and predators. In some instances, this may cause an increase in insect pest numbers by reducing natural enemies that would normally keep their population in check. Further, spiders have a long generation time compared to most insect pests. As such, insects can produce offspring at a much faster pace than spiders. Thus, theoretically speaking, it is believe that spiders are not capable of reducing insect pests to noticeable levels in cropping systems. Nevertheless, we were interested in knowing the extent to which birds and spiders may influence the number of caterpillar pests on broccoli plants. It was our belief that birds and spiders found on broccoli plants in Hawai‘i are capable of reducing caterpillar pests to levels that will result in significantly less plant damage and an increase in plant size. As such, using a four-level system inclusive of birds, spiders, lepidopteran caterpillars, and broccoli plants, two questions were addressed: (1) Do bird and spider predation reduce lepidopteran caterpillar densities directly and subsequently increase plant productivity? and (2) Does an assemblage of birds and spiders reduce insect herbivore densities more than birds or spiders alone? Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in coopera tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, dis ability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR Procedures Study system The insectivorous bird community within the study site consisted of the red-crested (Brazilian) cardinal, Paroaria coronata, and the northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis. Four spider species frequently found on Brassica plants at the study site, in order of abundance, include (1) Nesticodes (Theridion) rufipes (Theridiidae), (2) Oxyopes sp. (Oxyopidae), (3) Neoscona oaxacensis (Araneidae), and (4) Cheiracanthium mordax (Clubionidae). The tangle web spider, N. rufipes, which spins a sparse web on the leaf surface, is the most abundant spider encountered on Brassica plants at the study site, consistently comprising 90 percent or more of the total spider fauna. Brassica plants found at the study site are affected by a complex of caterpillar pests. Listed in order of importance, these are the imported cabbage worm, Pieris rapae =(Artogeia rapae) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae); the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae); and the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). The imported cabbage worm causes the greatest feeding damage. The adults are frequently seen searching for food or egg laying sites within agricultural fields or neighboring areas that contain flowering plants. Experimental design The experiment was conducted at the University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa’s Poamoho Research Station on O‘ahu during May 2002. Greenhouse-grown broccoli plants were transplanted and randomly assigned to four treatments: (1) bird-accessible plants (with daily spider removal); (2) both bird plus spiders present (no manipulation, plants accessible to birds and spiders); (3) spideraccessible plants (plants enclosed in a cage that allowed access to plants by spiders but not birds); (4) no birds or spiders (check plants enclosed in a cage that prevented access by birds with daily spider removal). Spiders were removed from the bird-accessible and check plants daily at ~ 3.5-h intervals beginning at 09:30 and completed everyday by 19:00 hour. After the final spider removal task of the day, a sleeve cage was placed over the bird and check treatment plants to prevent spiders from foraging them at night. 2 IP-26 — May 2007 Sampling For each treatment plant, all spiders, moth, and butterfly stages (e.g., eggs, caterpillars, pupae) were identified and counted to species. Insects and spiders were sampled at 5-day intervals initiating 10 days after planting (DAP). The caterpillar counts were divided into four size categories (bantam < 0.5 cm, small >0.5 but < 1.0 cm, medium > 1.0 but <1.5 cm, large > 1.5 cm). However, because overall counts of cabbage looper caterpillars were notably low, especially size categories medium and large, these latter size categories of cabbage loopers were pooled to one size group. Empty cocoons from which adult moth and butterflies had recently emerged were also counted and removed to provide an indication of the number of caterpillars that made it to the adult stage. Final counts of caterpillars were made during the harvest period by dissecting the broccoli crown and counting all caterpillars and cocoons present. Additionally, the remaining plant parts (e.g., leaves, stems, etc.) were surveyed from top to bottom, and all late-stage caterpillars and pupae were counted. Statistical analysis All insect and spider count data were analyzed by ANOVA (PROC GLM, SAS Institute, 1990). When the overall ANOVA was significant, differences among treatment categories were determined using Fisher’s protected least significant difference (LSD). Plant damage data were analyzed using 2 x 2 contingency tables (PROC FREQ). Treatments were considered significantly different at P < 0.05. Results Spider and insect density On foliage during broccoli growth cycle. The composition of spiders found on broccoli plants during the study included N. rufipes (91%), Oxyopes sp. (7%), N. oaxaencis (1.5%), and C. mordax and an unidentified lyniphiid, which each made up approximately 0.7%. The abundance of spiders found on bird plus spider, and spider treatment plants were similar throughout the experiment (Fig. 1). The abundance of bantam, small, and medium sized imported cabbage worm caterpillars were similar among treatments on most dates. However, beginning 20 DAP, the density of large caterpillars (> 1.5 cm) was greater on check plants than plants where birds were allowed to UH–CTAHR IP-26 — May 2007 FigureFig. 1. Mean 1. number of spiders per broccoli leaf in four experimental treatments. * indicates when birds were first observed foraging the study area (18 days after planting). Graph symbols within a period without letters indicate that Fig. 1. is insignificant at P > 0.05; Fisher’s protected LSD). the overall ANOVA a Bird Bird + Spider Bird Spider Bird + Spider Check Spider 3.0 1 Numb Number er of spiders le-af Numberer of o spiders 1 Numb Number f spidper ersleaf le-af 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 a a a Check 2.0 1.5 a a a b 0.5 0.0 0 0.0 b b 10 10 0 a a a a 1.0 0.5 a a a 1.5 1.0 a a b * b b b b * 20 20 b b b b b 30 30 Days After Planting Days after planting Days After Planting b b b 50 50 40 40 Fig. 2. of large rapae larvae per leaf leaf -1 larvae No.Number of large A.P.rapae No. of large A. rapae larvae leaf -1 Figure 2. Mean number (+ SE) of Pieris rapae large caterpillars (> 1.5 cm) per broccoli leaf in four experimental treatments. Fig. 2. birds were first observed foraging the study area (18 days after planting). Graph symbols within a period * indicates when without letters indicate the overall ANOVA is insignificant at P > 0.05; Fisher’s protected LSD). 0.18 0.18 0.16 a Bird Bird Bird + Spider Bird + Spider Spider Spider Check a Check 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 a a a a a a a a 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 b 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 b * 0 0.00 0 10 10 ab ab b b b b b b *20 30 20 30 Days after planting Days After Planting Days After Planting freely forage, and beyond 25 DAP large caterpillar numbers were similar on check and spider treatment plants (Fig. 2). Additionally, a greater number of medium/large size category of cabbage looper caterpillars were found on spider compared to bird plus spider treatment plants (Fig. 3). The check and bird treatment plants were cov- b 40 40 b 50 50 ered at night to prevent spiders from accessing these plants. However, cabbage looper moths mostly lay eggs at night. As such, their initial egg counts were lower on these plants compared to plants left uncovered at night. Whole plant count at end of growth cycle. At harvest time, a significantly higher number of imported cabbage 3 UH–CTAHR IP-26 — May 2007 Mean number of T. ni per plant day -1 -1 Mean number of T. ni per plant day Mean number of large T. ni per plant per day Fig. 3.3. Mean number (+ SE) of Trichoplusia ni medium/large caterpillars (> 1.0 cm) per broccoli leaf in four experimental Figure Fig. 3. treatments. Bars with same letters are not significantly different (P > 0.05, Fisher’s protected LSD). medium/large medium/large a 0.35 0.35 0.3 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 0 a b b b b b b Bird Bird Bird + Spider Bird + Spider Spider Spider Check Check Figure 4. Proportion of broccoli plants displaying extensive chewing damage in four treatments. Numbers within and Fig. 4. of bars indicate the proportion of plants showing greater than 50 to 75% of leaf area (four terminal leaves) outside consumed respectively, in each of four treatments. * indicates that no plants within that treatment sustained extensive Fig. 4. defoliation. A significantly higher proportion of check treatment plants sustained extensive damage compared with other treatments on each date listed (P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test). 75 75 Bird + Spider Bird + Spider Check 36.4 Check 45.5 45.5 36.4 27.3 27.3 50 50 25 25 20 20 25 25 * * * * 30 30 Days After Planting Days after planting Days After Planting * * 9.1 9.1 18.2 18.2 36.4 36.4 * * * * * 9.1 81.8 81.8 * 9.1 0 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 72.7 72.7 0 4 Bird Bird Spider Spider 9.1 9.1 18.2 18.2 63.6 63.6 Proportion of plants showing Proportion of plants showingshowing Proportion of plants extensive defoliation extensive defoliation extensive defoliation 100 100 35 35 UH–CTAHR IP-26 — May 2007 Table 1. Mean number of late-stage lepidopterans per brocolli whole plant at plant maturity (inflorescence fully developed) after exposure to four experimental treatments. Pieris rapae1 Treatment2 Large caterpillar3 Pre-pupae Pupae Empty cocoon Bird 0.18 + 0.18 b 0.09 + 0.09 0.0 b 0.0 Bird + spider 0.44 + 0.24 b 0.11 + 0.11 0.0 b 0.0 Spider 3.62 + 1.1 a 0.90 + 0.38 4.2 + 0.8 a 0. + 0.22 a Check 4.70 + 0.46 a 0.0 + 0.22 .0 + 0.22 a 0.9 + 0.28 a Same letter denotes no significant differences among treatments (P > 0.0), and means followed by columns with no letters indicates the overall ANOVA is insignificant (Fisher’s Protected LSD). 2 Bird = plants accessible by birds with daily spider removal; Bird + spider = no manipulation, plants accessible to birds and spiders; Spider = plants enclosed in a cage that allowed access to plants by spiders but not birds; Check = plants enclosed in a cage that prevented access by birds, with daily spider removal. 3 large = >1. cm 1 worm caterpillars, pupae, and empty cocoons, respectively, were found on spider and check plants compared to those plants where birds or birds plus spiders were allowed to forage. Further, pupae and empty cocoons of the imported cabbage worm were only found on spider and check plants (Table 1). Number in broccoli crown at maturity. At harvest, the imported cabbage worm was the most abundant caterpillar found in the broccoli crowns. The lowest numbers were found in the crowns of plants were both bird and spiders were allowed to forage. Large cabbage looper caterpillars were only found in the heads of spider treatment plants (Table 2). Plant damage No plants in which birds were allowed to forage displayed significant insect chewing damage (50 percent or more of the leaf area missing) in the plants’ terminal growth area throughout the experiment. The highest proportion of plants displaying extensive damage was observed among check plants. The amount of chewing damage sustained by the other treatments was similar throughout the experiment (Fig. 4). Plant biomass Broccoli head size was greatest on plants where birds were allowed to forage and smallest on check plants (Table 3). Significant differences were also found among treatment plants with respect to whole-plant biomass. Table 2. Mean numbers of Pieris rapae per broccoli crown exposed to four experimental treatments. Pieris rapae1 Treatment Large caterpillar2 Pre-pupae Pupae Bird 4. + 1.34 b 0.2 + 0.12 0.3 + 0.19 Bird + spider 1.7 + 0.3 c 0.0 0.1+ 0.11 Spider 8.2 + 1.69 a 0.3 + 0.1 0. + 0.27 Check 6.9 + 0.3 ab 0.1 + 0.10 0.8 + 0.1 1 Same letter denotes no significant differences among treatments at the % level (P > 0.0), and means followed by columns with no letters indicates the overall ANOVA is insignificant (Fisher’s Protected LSD). 2 large = >1. cm Similar to head size, the smallest and largest plants by weight were check and bird plus spider plants, respectively. Discussion This field experiment used a natural colonization of moth and butterfly pests on broccoli plants to determine the direct effect of birds and spiders on caterpillar pest densities and their indirect impact on plant productivity. Both bird and spiders were found to suppress caterpillar UH–CTAHR IP-26 — May 2007 Table 3. Mean fresh head weight and dry whole-plant biomass of brocolli plants exposed to four experimental treatments. Weight (± SE)1 Treatment Head (kg)2 Whole plant (g)3 Bird 0.182 + 0.01 a 13. + 6.7 ab Bird + spider 0.161 + 0.01 ab 166.2 + 9.7 a Spider 0.177 + 0.02 a 139.2 + 9. b Check 0.112 + 0.02 b 91.2 + 7.7 c 1 Same letter denotes no significant differences among treatments at the % level (P > 0.05; Fisher’s Protected LSD). 2 Multiply kg by 2.2 to obtain pounds and g by 0.03 to obtain ounces. 3 Whole-plant biomass excludes the weight of the crown and plant parts below the soil surface. numbers, thereby significantly reducing the level of plant damage. Additionally, plant productivity was greatest for plants where birds and/or spiders were allowed to freely forage; however, despite the negative effect of birds and spiders on caterpillar populations, the combination of birds and spiders did not suppress caterpillar densities on the broccoli foliage more significantly than either predator alone. In conclusion, several studies have shown that bird predation can significantly reduce insect herbivore densities in forest ecosystems (Sipura 1999 and reference therein). The impact of bird predation on insect herbivores and their interaction with other natural enemies in agricultural systems is potentially great but has received limited attention (Greenberg et al. 2000). Clearly, insect 6 pathogens, predators, and parasitoids and spiders may not be the only natural enemies inflicting mortality among insect pests in cropping systems. Therefore, more integrated research studies that evaluate the relationship arthropod natural enemies have with vertebrate predators such as birds are needed. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the crew at the Poamoho Experiment Station for their valuable help in the field. This research was funded by the USDA/CSREES, Special Grant for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research (TSTAR). References and further reading Bock, C.E., J.H. Bock, and M.C. Grant. 1992. Effects of bird predation on grasshopper densities in an Arizona grassland. Ecology 73 1706–1717. Hooks, C.R.R., R.R. Pandey, and M.W. Johnson. (2003). Impact of avian and arthropod predation on lepidopteran caterpillar densities and plant productivity in an ephemeral agroecosystem. Ecol. Entomol. 28 522–532. Greenberg, R., P. Bichier, A.C. Angon, C. MacVean, R., Perez, and E. Cano. 2000. The impact of avian insectivory on arthropods and leaf damage in some Guatemalan coffee plantations. Ecology 81: 1750–1755. Sanz, J.J. 2001. Experimentally increased insectivorous bird density results in a reduction of caterpillar density and leaf damage to Pyrenean oak. Ecol. Res. 16: 387–394. SAS Institute, 1990. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Cary, NC. Sipura, M. 1999. Tritrophic interactions: Willows, herbivorous insects and insectivorous birds. Oecol. 121: 537–545. Insect Pests May 2007 IP-27 Using Clovers as Living Mulches To Boost Yields, Suppress Pests, and Augment Spiders in a Broccoli Agroecosystem Cerruti R2 Hooks,a Raju R. Pandey,b and Marshall W. Johnsonc a CTAHR Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences; bHimalayan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal; cDepartment of Entomology, University of California, Riverside Summary A field study was conducted to examine the influence of intercropping broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) with three living mulches on caterpillar pest and spider densities and crop yield. Broccoli was grown in bare ground or intercropped with strawberry clover (Trifolium fragiferum L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), or yel low sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis L.). Lepidopteran (butterfly and moth) eggs and caterpillar densities were significantly greater on broccoli in bare-ground plots compared with broccoli intercropped with clover dur ing the late broccoli growth cycle. More spiders were found on bare-ground broccoli during early crop growth; however, during the later growth period, spider counts were significantly higher on broccoli in intercropped plots. The number of insect contaminants found in harvested broccoli crowns were significantly less in intercropped than in bare-ground broccoli plots. The weight of harvested crowns was similar in intercropped and bare-ground habitats. Introduction An established cover crop that is interplanted and grown with an annual row crop is known as a living mulch. Living mulches can provide many benefits to a crop ping habitat, including weed control, reduced erosion, enhanced fertility, and improved soil quality (Lanini et al. 1989). However, recent studies have shown that when living mulches are undersown with a vegetable crop they can also help reduce injury imposed by insect pests (Costello and Altieri 1995, Hooks et al. 1998, Hooks and Johnson 2001). Undersowing is the intercropping of an economically important crop with an undersown plant species that has no direct market value but is used to di versify the agroecosystem or influence the main crop. The impact on insect pest densities of undersowing vegetable crops with living mulches has been examined mainly in Brassica crops (Asman et al. 2001; Hooks and Johnson 2001, 2002). In most of these studies, fewer insect pests were found on interplanted vegetable crops (Hooks and Johnson 2003 and references therein). However, Brassica crops are typically slow growing and do not compete well with background vegetation. Therefore, most of these studies reported significant yield reductions, possibly caused by interspecies com petition. Several strategies may be implemented to limit com petition among Brassica crops and their companion plants. These strategies may include • proper fertilization and irrigation of the main crop • use of vigorous or rapidly growing crop cultivars • optimal spacing between the main crop and compan ion plants • use of less competitive background plants (e.g., low canopy height) • timely planting of the main crop and companion plant • planting the intercrop at a lower seed rate or in nar rower strip • suppression of the intercrop (e.g., mowing, reduced fertilization and irrigation) at critical times • use of a self-suppressing companion plant (i.e., one that dies during the critical period of crop growth) • use of non-crop borders surrounding the field crop. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in coopera tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, dis ability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR Each approach should be viewed with caution and weighed against its potential to negate any positive benefits of pest suppression. This publication describes a field experiment that was part of a continuing effort to refine management of lepidopteran pests in broccoli by mixed cropping and undersowing it with other plant species. The primary pur pose of this study was to determine if specific undersown living mulches would have the ability to suppress lepi dopteran pest densities without reducing crop yields to economically unacceptable levels. We focused on cover crops in the genus Trifolium partially because of their low-growing structural similarities to yellow sweetclover. Additionally, because spiders were recurrently observed preying on various lepidopteran caterpillars (Hooks and Johnson 2002), their densities were compared among undersown and bare-ground broccoli. Materials and methods Experiment layout The field experiment was conducted during the summer 2000 at the University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa’s Poamoho Research Station on O‘ahu. The four cropping systems examined were broccoli plants undersown with: (1) yel low sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis L.) seeded at 72 g per row, (2) strawberry clover cv. O’Conners (Trifolium fragiferum L. seeded at 58 g per row, (3) white clover cv. New Zealand (Trifolium repens L.) seeded at 54 g per row, and (4) broccoli monoculture used as a check treatment. Experimental plots were 11 m x 11 m with each treatment replicated four times and arranged in a randomized complete block design. The living mulches were sown on 10 July 2000 in all of the undersown plots. Undersown plots contained 10 rows of broccoli with 11 rows of the living mulch species and monoculture plots contained 10 rows of broccoli. Broccoli seedlings, cv. Liberty (Petoseed Co., Saticoy, California), were grown for 5 weeks in the greenhouse before being manually transplanted on September 18 and 19. Clover growth The spread of the clover canopies was monitored weekly beginning 16 days after broccoli planting (DAP) until broccoli harvest. Five areas between two adjacent clover rows in each plot were randomly selected, excluding border rows, and the distance of exposed soil surface (not covered by clover canopy) between rows was measured. 2 IP-27 — May 2007 Arthropod census Caterpillar pest stages and predators on broccoli plants were sampled at 7-day intervals until the harvest period. Sampling was stratified according to plant structure (5 upper, 10 middle, and 10 lower positioned leaves). Egg, caterpillar, and pupa stages of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L., imported cabbageworm, Pieris rapae L, and cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni Hübner, were counted separately. Broccoli yield The diameter and weight of 16 broccoli crowns, chosen at random from the interior rows of each plot, were mea sured at harvest time. The heads were then completely dissected and examined for insects, insect parts, and as sociated contaminants (e.g., frass, webbing, cocoon). Statistical analysis The effects of habitat type on the experimental param eters were analyzed using analysis of variance (Proc GLM, SAS Institute, Cary, NC 1990) and predetermined orthogonal comparisons to separate mean differences. Within the model, the following predetermined contrasts were conducted: broccoli-clovers vs. monoculture; true clovers (white and strawberry) vs. yellow sweetclover; and strawberry clover vs. white clover. Because eggs of moths and butterflies were acutely low, all species were pooled together by stage (e.g., egg, larvae) prior to final analysis. The criteria for significance was P < 0.05. Results Clover growth The yellow sweetclover canopy expanded over the soil surface faster than the other undersown living mulches. Subsequently, the amount of exposed soil surface area between broccoli rows was significantly less in broc coli–yellow sweetclover contrasted with broccoli under sown with strawberry clover and white clover on each sampling date. Strawberry clover canopy development occurred at the slowest rate and was significantly less than that of white clover on most dates. Arthropod census Effect of clovers on leidopteran pest densities. Lepi dopteran populations were low during the experiment. Approximately 85, 10, and 5 percent of the lepidopteran fauna observed were P. rapae, T. ni, and P. xylostella, UH–CTAHR IP-27 — May 2007 Figure 1. Mean population densities of lepidopteran (a) eggs and (b) larvae in bare-ground broccoli (BG); broccoli– strawberry clover intercrop (SC); broccoli–white clover intercrop (WC); and broccoli–yellow sweetclover intercrop (YSC). Figure 1. *** indicates intercrops significantly less than bare ground; s indicates (SC) significantly less than (WC); w indicates (WC) significantly less than (SC); y indicates (YSC) significantly less than (SC + WC); and ns means no significant differences exist (P > 0.05). 0.7 BG SC WC YSC 0.6 Number of lepidopteran per leaf Number of lepidopteran per leaf 0.5 0.4 0.3 *** s ns ns 0.2 A eggs *** ns ns 0.1 0 0.8 larvae ns B 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 w 0.3 y *** y *** 30 37 44 *** 0.2 0.1 *** 0 16 23 51 58 Days planting Daysafter After Planting respectively. From early to mid-season, no significant differences were detected in the abundance of eggs among broccoli habitats (Figure 1a). However, during the late broccoli growth cycle, more eggs were found in monoculture than in undersown broccoli. Similarly, more caterpillars were recorded in monoculture com pared with undersown broccoli from mid- to late season (Figure 1b). Impact of clovers on spider abundance. At the ex perimental site, four spider species frequently inhabit Brassica plants. Nesticodes (= Theridion) rufipes Lucas (Theridiidae), Neoscona oaxacensis Keyserling (Ara neidae), Oxyopes sp. (Oxyopidae), and Cheiracanthium mordax L. Koch (Clubionidae) composed approximately 77, 13, 7, and 3 percent of the spider fauna, respectively. Significantly fewer spiders were encountered on broccoli plants with clovers compared with bare-ground broccoli during the initial three sampling dates. However, during the later part of the broccoli growth cycle, this trend re versed, and more spiders were found on broccoli plants in clover than in bare-ground plots (Figure 2). Additionally, fewer spiders were found on broccoli grown with the true clovers (e.g., strawberry clover, white clover) compared with plants grown with yellow sweetclover during mid-season. Fewer spiders were also observed on broccoli plants undersown in strawberry 3 UH–CTAHR IP-27 — May 2007 Numberof of spiders spiders per leaf Number per leaf Figure 2. Mean population Figure 2. densities of spiders in bare-ground broccoli (BG); broccoli–strawberry clover intercrop (SC); broccoli–white clover intercrop (WC); broccoli–yellow sweetclover intercrop (YSC). * indicates (BG) significantly less than intercrops; *** indicates intercrops significantly less than (BG); c indicates (SC + WC) significantly less than (YSC); s indicates (SC) significantly less than (WC); and ns means no significant differences exist (P ≥ 0.05). 1 BG SC WC YSC 0.8 0.6 *cs *** c *** 0.4 * s 51 58 *** 0.2 0 16 23 30 37 44 DaysAfter after Planting planting Days clover compared with white clover from mid- to late season. Crown contamination At harvest, broccoli crowns were infested with various stages of Pieris rapae, Trichoplusia ni, and Plutella xylostela (Table 1). T. ni caterpillars and pupae were the most abundant lepidopteran contaminants encountered in broccoli heads. However, significantly more individuals of all three species were found in crowns harvested from bare-ground broccoli compared to undersown broccoli. Crop yield The largest crowns by diameter and mass were harvested from broccoli undersown with strawberry clover or white clover (Table 2). These crowns weighed signifi cantly more than those harvested from broccoli–yellow sweetclover plots. Yellow sweetclover plots contained the smallest crowns, by weight. Discussion The purpose of this study was to determine if undersown clovers could reduce lepidopteran pest densities without 4 reducing crop yields to unacceptable levels. We found that the number of insect contaminants per broccoli crown was significantly reduced on plants undersown with strawberry clover and white clover compared to bare-ground broccoli without causing any yield reduc tions. Additionally, spider densities found on broccoli plants seemed to be influenced by the amount of clover canopy. As the clover canopies expanded and approached the broccoli plants, more spiders were found on the broccoli foliage. Impact on spider abundance During the early part of the season, the living mulches may have negatively influenced biological control activ ity on broccoli plants by serving as a “sink” for spiders. Spiders may have preferred the micro-environment 2 and prey selection within the clovers and thus did not colonize neighboring broccoli plants. Similar observa tions were made in previous field experiments in which fewer spiders were found on broccoli plants intercropped with peppers or yellow sweetclover, but as the season progressed these differences diminished. UH–CTAHR IP-27 — May 2007 Table 1. Mean number of lepidopterans per broccoli head in four broccoli habitats during summer 2000 (mean ± SE). Habitat Pieris rapae Trichoplusia ni Plutella xylostella Total Bare ground 0.1 + 0.0 0.8 + 0.10 0.13 + 0.0 0.87 + 0.0 Broccoli-SC 0.08 + 0.04 0.10 + 0.04 0.00 + 0.00 0.18 + 0.06 Broccoli-WC 0.0 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.02 0.07 + 0.03 Broccoli-YSC 0.0 + 0.03 0.12 + 0.0 0.03 + 0.02 0.20 + 0.06 P-value Contrast1 BG vs. LMs TCs vs. YSC SC vs. WC 0.03 0.07 0.0 0.01 0.4 0.62 0.006 0.4 0.67 < 0.0001 0.39 0.20 SC (strawberry clover), WC (white clover), YSC (yellow sweetclover), BG (bare ground, broccoli monoculture); LMs (living mulches) includes broccoli-SC, broccoli-WC, and broccoli-YSC; TCs (true clovers) includes broccoli-SC and broccoli-WC. 1 Conclusion Using undersown living mulches seems to be promising in reducing lepidopteran pest densities and increasing the activity of spiders in broccoli plantings. In this study, white clover appeared to be more suited for the broccoli system. White clover expands over the soil surface faster than strawberry clover and may therefore be a better weed suppressor. For those farmers looking to create more sustainable cropping practices or practicing organic farming, undersowing may be a valuable addition to their crop production practices. This field trial showed that it is possible to lower insect pest density while maintaining crop quality and yield. However, insect pest management is only one potential benefit of using leguminous living mulches. Other po tential benefits not examined during this study include nematode and weed suppression and enhancement of soil nitrogen. However, before an undersown compan ion plant is chosen for insect suppression purposes, its impact on other important organisms associated with the crop should be considered. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the crew at the Poamoho Research Station for assisting in the field and Dr. Raju Pandey for his notable contributions to this study. This project was funded by the USDA/CSREES Special Grant for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture Research (T-STAR). Table 2. Mean head size per broccoli plant in four habitats during summer 2000. Broccoli parameters1 (mean ± SE) Habitat Diameter (cm) Weight (kg) Bare ground 13.0 + 0.3 0.3 + 0.01 Broccoli-strawberry clover 14.7 + 0.3 0.40 + 0.02 Broccoli-white clover 14.4 + 0.24 0.39 + 0.01 Broccoli-yellow sweetclover 13.7 + 0.28 0.33 + 0.01 Effect2 Planned contrast BG vs. LMs TCs vs. YSC SC vs. WC P -Values 0.0002 0.03 0.71 0.11 0.000 0.1 1 Multiply cm by 0.394 to obtain inches, and multiply kg by 2.2 to obtain pounds. 2 SC (strawberry clover), WC (white clover), YSC (yellow sweetclover), BG (bare ground, broccoli monoculture); LMs (living mulches) include broccoli-SC, broccoli-WC, and broccoli-YSC; TCs (true clovers) include broccoli-SC and broccoli and broccoli-WC. References and further reading Asman, K., B. Ekbom, and B. Rämert. 2001. Effect of intercropping on oviposition and emigration behavior of the leek moth (Lepidoptera, Acrolepiidae) and the diamondback moth (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae). Envi ronmental Entomology 30: 288–294. UH–CTAHR Costello, M.J., and M.A. Altieri. 1995. Abundance, growth rate and parasitism of Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae (Homoptera, Aphididae) on broc coli grown in living mulches. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 52: 187–196. Hooks, C.R.R., H.R. Valenzuela, and J. Defrank. 1998. Incidence of pests and arthropod natural enemies in zucchini grown with living mulches. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 69: 217–231. Hooks, C.R.R., and M.W. Johnson. 2001. Broccoli growth parameters and level of head infestations in simple and mixed plantings: Impact of increased 6 IP-27 — May 2007 flora diversification. Annals of Applied Biology 138: 269–280. Hooks, C.R.R., and M.W. Johnson. 2002. Lepidopteran pest populations and crop yields in row intercropped broccoli. Agriculture and Forest Entomology 4: 117–126. Lanini, W.T., D.R. Pittenger, W.L. Graves, F. Munoz, and H.S. Agamalian. 1989. Subclovers as living mulches for managing weeds in vegetables. California Agri culture. Nov.–Dec., p. 25–27. SAS Institute. 1990. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics. Cary, NC. Insect Pests Jan. 2008 IP-28 Guide to Insect and Mite Pests of Tea (Camellia sinensis) in Hawai‘i Randall T. Hamasaki1, Robin Shimabuku2, and Stuart T. Nakamoto3 1,2 Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, 1Kamuela Extension Office, 2Kahului Extension Office; 3 Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences T his guide provides photographs and general informa tion about insect and mite pests associated with tea in Hawai‘i. Details on pest identification, crop damage, crop hosts, pest life cycle, and pest distribution are given. Accurate identification of the pest is essential for mak ing sound pest management decisions. Early detection is often critical to eventual success in managing pests and reducing economic losses. The pests were selected based on surveys of tea plants growing at the UH-CTAHR Mealani Research Station at Type of damage 2800 feet elevation in Waimea on Hawai‘i. In addition, pests were collected from cooperating growers in other locations on Hawai‘i. Pest samples were identified by the UH-CTAHR Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center (ADSC). If you suspect pest problems but cannot determine the cause, we suggest that you submit plant samples to the ADSC for identification. The samples may be taken to the nearest UH-CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service office. Page Pests with damage caused by chewing Chinese rose beetle, Adoretus sinicus (Burmeister) .......................................................................................2 Mexican leafroller, Amorbia emigratella (Busck)..........................................................................................3 Pests that feed on plant sap Red and black flat mite, Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) ............................................................................4 A spider mite (unidentified) ...........................................................................................................................5 Broad mite or yellow tea mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) ............................................................6 Mining scale, Howardia biclavis (Comstock)................................................................................................7 Avocado scale, Fiorinia fioriniae (Targioni-Tozzetti) ....................................................................................8 Florida red scale, Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) ...........................................................................................9 Brown soft scale, Coccus hersperidum (Linnaeus)......................................................................................10 Melon aphid or cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) ................................................................................. 11 Spiraling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus (Russell).....................................................................................12 Twospotted leafhopper, Sophonia rufofascia (Kuoh & Kuoh).....................................................................13 Transparentwinged plant bug, Hyalopeplus pellucidus (Stål)...................................................................... 14 Greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouche).........................................................................15 Acknowledgments Project support was received from Extension Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Dr. Arnold H. Hara, IPM Coordinator for Hawai‘i. The authors thank Milton Yamasaki and the staff of the Mealani Research Station and Brian Bushe and Dick M. Tsuda of the CTAHR Agricul tural Diagnostic Service Center. Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Chinese rose beetle Adoretus sinicus Burmeister, Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae Damage Life cycle Adult Chinese rose beetles are nocturnal and chew plant leaves. Recently transplanted and young plants appear to be most susceptible, although established plants may also be attacked. Serious defoliation can occur when pest numbers are high, and this may kill young plants. Only the adult stage of the insect will damage crops. The larval stages are commonly found in the soil of lawns and gardens where organic matter is present. The grubs are thought to feed on organic matter and do not attack plants. Eggs are laid in soil about 11 ⁄2 inches deep. They hatch in about 7–16 days. There are three larval stages. The grubs are whitish with a conspicuous brown head and short legs. When still, they tend to be C-shaped. The lar val stage lasts for 3–4 weeks. The pupa is yellowish-white when initially formed and then turn brown. Pupation is completed in 1–2 weeks. Development from egg to adult takes 7–16 weeks, depending on temperature. The life cycle from egg to adult is completed in 6–7 weeks. Identification Holes in leaves and chewing of all but the leaf veins are signs of feeding damage. These beetles are active at night and will not be present during they day. Look for beetles beginning about 30 minutes after sunset. The beetles are sturdy, pale reddish brown, and about 1 ⁄2 inch long. The body is densely covered with minute hairs, which may give it a grayish appearance. Hosts The plant host range for this species comprises over 250 plants from a wide variety of ornamental and cultivated crops, including asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cacao, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, chiso, corn, cotton, cucumber, eggplant, flowering white cabbage, ginger, grape, green bean, okra, rose, soybean, straw berry, sweetpotato, and tea. Chinese rose beetle 2 Distribution Originally from Japan and Taiwan, this beetle is widely distributed throughout Southeast Asia and many Pacific islands. Introduced to Hawai‘i before 1896, it is now a common pest on all major islands in the state. Reference Mau, R.F.L., and J.L. Martin. Adoretus sinicus (Burmeis ter). Crop Knowledge Master. www.extento.hawaii. edu/ Kbase/crop/type/adoretus.htm Feeding damage on young tea plant Grub in soil UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Mexican leafroller Amorbia emigratella Busck, Lepidoptera: Tortricidae Damage This caterpillar rolls the young leaves at the shoot tips and lives and feeds within. Leaves from damaged shoots have holes and may be distorted. In tea, insect parts may contaminate the harvested product. In addition to damage in the field, this insect can be a pest of cuttings in the nursery. Identification macadamia, orchids, papaya, passion fruit, potato, rose, sweetpotato, tea, and tomato. It also attacks many other shrubs, fruit trees, and indigenous Hawaiian plants in the mountains. Life cycle Eggs are laid in clusters of 65–120 on the upper surfaces of leaves. There are three or four molts in the larval stage, which is completed in 28–35 days. Pupation oc curs within the folded leaf. The adult emerges in about 10 days. The life cycle from egg to adult takes from 48–55 days. Examine the shoot tips for rolled leaves and look for the caterpillar inside. Newly hatched caterpillars are 1 ⁄8 inch long, growing to 1 inch long when fully grown. They have a brownish-yellow head, a light-green body, and a black stripe on the sides behind the eyes. The adult moths are yellowish-brown with a small pointed head. The wingspan of female moths is 1–11 ⁄6 inches. Males are slightly smaller and paler. This caterpillar has been in Hawai‘i since 1900 and has been reported from all major islands except Läna‘i. It also occurs in Mexico and Costa Rica. Hosts Reference This pest has a wide host range. It is commonly found on ornamental plants and some fruit trees, but vegetables are not common hosts. Hosts include avocado, broc coli, cacao, citrus, cotton, eggplant, green beans, guava, Mau, R.F.L., and J.L. Martin Kessing. 1992. Amorbia emigratella (Busck). Crop Knowledge Master. www. extento.hawaii.edu/kbase/crop/type/amorbia.htm Distribution Mexican leafroller caterpillar Damaged tea shoot tip Adult moth 3 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Red and black flat mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), Acari: Tenuipalpidae Damage Red and black flat mites feed on plant sap and cause bronzing and/or browning of the leaves. These mites favor the upper leaf surface of mature leaves, and the damage progresses from the lower leaves to the younger leaves. Young plants that are not yet fully established appear to be highly susceptible. feet, and has not been recorded in areas above 2500 feet elevation. It is usually not considered to be a pest of economic importance above 1000 feet. Reference Martin Kessing, J.L., and R.F.L. Mau. 1992. Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes). Crop Knowledge Master: www. extento.hawaii.edu/Kbase/crop/Type/b_phoeni.htm Identification Clusters of bright reddish orange eggs are more easily seen with the naked eye than any other life stage. Note that other mites found on tea also have reddish eggs. These mites are microscopic—the adult female mite is about a hundredth of an inch long. Populations are primarily composed of females, with males less than 1 percent of the population. A feature distinguishing these mites from other mites is that the body is flattened. Coloration ranges from light to dark green or reddish orange. There are four legs extending forward and four legs extending behind. Depending on temperature, adult females may have a black mark in the shape of an H. The adult male is flat, reddish, more wedge-shaped than the female, and lacks black markings. Hosts The red and black flat mite has been recorded on over 65 hosts. In Hawai‘i, the red and black flat mite has been reported on anthurium, banana, hemigraphis, lemon, macadamia, orchid, papaya, and passion fruit. In other parts of the world it is common on tea and citrus. Red and black flat mite damage Life cycle Reproduction primarily occurs without mating. The life stages are egg, larva (six-legged), protonymph, deutonymph, and adult. As observed under laboratory conditions, egg-to-adult timespan has been observed to be as short as 10.6 days at 86°F and as long as 27.3 days at 68°F. Distribution This mite was first found in Hawai‘i on O‘ahu in 1955 and has subsequently been reported on Kaua‘i, the Big Island, and Maui. The mite is abundant in areas between sea level and 1000 feet, scarce between 1000 and 2500 4 Red and black flat mite viewed under microscope UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 A spider mite (identification pending) Acari: Tetranychidae Damage Leaves of severely damaged plants turn reddish and drop prematurely. Plants may be totally defoliated when populations are very high. The damage progresses from older leaves upward to the younger growth. Although mites and their eggs are present on both leaf surfaces, they appear to prefer the upper leaf surface. Plants in the establishment phase appear to be the most prone to severe damage from this mite. Spider mites and their eggs Identification Mites and their eggs are reddish. Hosts Tea; other hosts unknown. Life cycle As yet unknown. Distribution As yet unknown. A tea plant severely damaged by spider mites Plants recovering from defoliation 5 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea Broad mite, yellow tea mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks), Acari: Tarsonemidae Damage Broad mites feed on plant sap and cause scarring and distortion of the leaves and stems. The scarred tissue may appear to be a greasy darkened discoloration that may later turn to a brown, corky surface on the undersides of leaves. Broad mites appear to favor young growth. Plants in the greenhouse or nursery are highly susceptible. Identification Although broad mite eggs are microscopic (0.08 mm long), they are distinct and helpful in identifying broad mite infestations. The clear eggs are oval and have five to six rows of whitish bumps. A good hand lens (at least 10x) is needed to see the eggs. Hosts The broad mite attacks many plants including bit termelon, Chinese waxgourd, chiso, chrysanthemum, cucumber, edible gourds, eggplant, green beans, guava, hyotan, macadamia, mango, papaya, passion fruit, pep per, pikake, plumeria, poha, pumpkin, Spanish needle, tomato, watercress, winged bean, and yardlong bean. In temperate and subtropical areas, the broad mite is a pest of greenhouse plants. IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Life cycle The life cycle, from egg to adult, is completed in about 4–6 days. The number of eggs laid per female and the population growth are affected by temperature and rela tive humidity. Distribution This mite has a worldwide distribution. It is known to occur in Australia, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and the Pacific. Countries included in this mite’s distribution include American and Western Sa moa, Bermuda, Brazil, China, Cook Islands, Guyana, Fiji, India, Japan, Kiribati, Malaysia, Marianas, New Caledonia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Wallis. It is present on all the major islands of Hawai‘i. Reference Martin Kessing, J.L., and R.F.L. Mau, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks). 1993. Crop Knowledge Master: www.extento.hawaii.edu/kbase/crop/Type/p_latus.htm Broad mites and egg Damaged shoot 6 Scarring on leaf undersides UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Mining scale Howardia biclavis (Comstock), Homoptera: Diaspididae Damage References In general, feeding by these insects on the juices of its host plant causes loss of vigor, deformation of infested plant parts, and even death of the plant. In tea plants, this scale has been mostly found on the bark of the trunk. Tenbrink, V.L., and A.H. Hara. Howardia biclavis (Comstock), Crop Knowledge Master. www. extento. hawaii.edu/Kbase/Crop/Type/h_biclav.htm Watson, G.W. 2005. Arthropods of economic importance —Diaspididae of the world. http://ip30.eti.uva.nl/bis/ diaspididae.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry= soorten&id=102 Identification On tea plants, these scales appear to favor living on the bark of the trunk and stems. The scales are round and slightly dome-shaped and may measure up to 1 ⁄8 inch in diameter. The color is variable from white to gray or yellow. A reddish spot is located at or near to the edge of the margin of the armor. This species is called the mining scale because it may burrow beneath the host plant’s epidermis and be partially concealed by it. They are a transparent light or yellowish brown. Hosts In Hawai‘i it has been recorded on acacia, allamanda, bougainvillea, cassia, ficus, ebony, gardenia, hibiscus, ixora, jasmine, lantana, lychee, mango, papaya, plumeria, poinsettia, pulasan, sapodilla, sapote, Sterculia foetida, and tea. Among its many other hosts are albizia, kukui, annona, camellia, citrus, coffee, tomato, and macada mia. Life cycle Males have not been observed, and parthenogenesis (fe males producing females) is suspected. The first nymphal stage is commonly called the crawler stage, and it is at this early stage that the insect is mobile on the plant and can be transported to other plants by people, animals, birds, ants, and wind currents. The life cycle is probably about 30 days, based on the generalized life history of other tropical armored scale species. Distribution The mining scale was first reported from Kona on Hawai‘i in 1895. It has since been recorded from Ni‘ihau, O‘ahu, and Maui. Worldwide, the mining scale is found in the tropics and in glasshouses in temperate areas. Mining scales on bark of tea plant 7 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Avocado scale Fiorinia fioriniae (Targioni-Tozzetti), Homoptera: Diaspididae Damage This scale often causes yellow spotting on the leaves where it feeds on plant sap, due to its toxic saliva. This in sect is a pest of tea both in the nursery and in the field. Identification Look for the scales on the leaves, especially along the veins. The scales are small: 1–1.5 mm long. They are transparent and light or yellowish brown. Hosts In Hawai‘i this scale was first reported on tea on Maui in 1997. Elsewhere, it has been recorded on tea, avocado, anthurium, Araucaria, Buchanania, Callistemon lanceolatus, Cinnamomum, Citrus spp., coconut, Cupressus, Cycas, Decaspermum, Dictyosperma, Eucalyptus, Eugenia, Ficus spp., Hedera, Howea, Lauris nobilis, Livistona, mango, Myristica, olive, Phoenix, Pinus, Podocarpus, Salix, Santalum, Sida, Taxus, Ulmus, and others. Reference Watson, G.W. 2005. Arthropods of economic impor tance—Diaspididae of the world. http://ip30.eti.uva. nl/bis/diaspididae.php?selected=beschrijving&menu entry=soorten&id=102 Yellowing caused by feeding damage Avocado scales on tea leaf 8 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Florida red scale Chrysomphalus aonidum (Linnaeus), Homoptera: Diaspididae Damage Life cycle The Florida red scale mainly infests leaves, where it feeds on plant sap, but it may spread to other plant parts when its population is very high. Severely infested leaves may drop prematurely. Dry weather conditions favor infestation. Reproduction is sexual. Each adult female lays about 50–150 eggs. The eggs hatch under the female scale, and these crawlers seek a suitable feeding site to settle. Development from egg to adult takes 7–16 weeks, de pending on temperature. Identification Distribution From a distance, the scales appear as dark circular spots on leaves, especially on the lower leaf surfaces. Closer examination with a hand lens will reveal more detail. Adult female scales are conical and up to 2 mm in diam eter. The area near the tip of the cone may appear pale. Immature male scales are smaller and paler than female scales. They are elongate-oval and half the size of adult females. Adult male scales are winged insects that look very different from adult female scales. References Hosts Hosts recorded in Hawai‘i include citrus, coconut, anthur ium, bougainvillea, dendrobium, dracaena, eucalyptus, ficus, hibiscus, palm, plumeria, podocarpus, bird of paradise (Strelitzia), ginger (Zingiber officinale), Citrus spp. (lime, lemon, pummelo, grapefruit), asparagus, tea, apple, mango, banana and plantain, palms, and pines. Florida red scales on tea leaf In Hawai‘i, the Florida red scale was first reported from Oahu in 1907. It has since been recorded from the Big Island, Läna‘i, and Kaua‘i. The Florida red scale is very widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics. It is present in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, parts of North America such as Florida, Maryland, Texas, and Virginia, and on many Pacific islands. Heu, R.A. 2005. Agricultural pests, related organisms and purposely introduced natural enemies in Hawaii. Biological Control Section, Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture. Watson, G.W. 2005. Arthropods of economic impor tance—Diaspididae of the world. http://ip30.eti.uva. nl/bis/diaspididae.php?selected=beschrijving&menu entry=soorten&id=102 Close up of Florida red scales (note the yellow crawlers) 9 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus, Homoptera: Coccidae Damage Soft scales feed on plant sap and excrete honeydew, a sugar-rich substance that is fed on by ants and is a sub strate for the sooty mold fungus. Identification Adult female scales are pale yellowish brown to greenish. The color may darken with age. They are 1 ⁄8–1 ⁄6 inch long. Male scales have not been recorded for this species. Hosts The brown soft scale attacks a variety of field, orna mental, and greenhouse crops. Host plants reported in Hawai‘i include citrus, iliahi, loquat, orchids, papaya, and tea. Distribution The brown soft scale was first recorded in Hawai‘i in 1896 and is found on all the main islands. It has been reported in Algeria, Australia, Austria, British Guiana, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Dutch East Indies, Ecuador, England, Eu rope, Haiti, Japan, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Seychelles, South Africa, and West Indies. Reference Tenbrink, V.L., and A.H. Hara. 1994. Howardia biclavis (Comstock). Crop Knowledge Master. www.extento. hawaii.edu/Kbase/Crop/Type/h_biclav.htm Life cycle Brown soft scales reproduce primarily by parthenogen esis (females producing females without mating) and live birth. It makes up for its relatively slow growth by producing large numbers of offspring (80–250 eggs per female). The first stage is tiny crawlers, which are the dispersive stage. The nymphs undergo three molts before they become adults. The adult female scales are immobile. Brown soft scales on a tea leaf 10 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Melon aphid (cotton aphid) Aphis gossypii Glover, Homoptera: Aphididae Damage Life cycle Melon aphids have piercing-sucking mouthparts that en able them to feed on plant sap. These aphids excrete hon eydew, which is a sweet, sticky substance that can become deposited on infested plants. Honeydew is attractive to ants and is a substrate for sooty mold fungus. Sooty mold blackens the leaf surface and my decrease photosynthesis. Infested leaves may become cupped and distorted. Melon aphids commonly infest the tea shoot, and their body parts may end up in the finished product. In Hawai‘i, melon aphids are females that reproduce without mating. They do not lay eggs, but instead produce live nymphs. There are four nymphal stages separated by molts. The nymphs become adults in 4–12 days, depend ing on temperature. Adult aphids are generally wingless, but overcrowding or decline of the host plant can trigger production of winged forms. Adult aphids may live for 3–4 weeks and produce about 85 offspring each. Identification Melon aphids occur in tropical and temperate regions throughout the world, except for the northernmost re gions. In Hawai‘i it was first reported on Oahu in 1909 and is now present on all islands. Melon aphids are soft-bodied insects that vary in color from black to dark brown to brownish green to yellowish green. They are usually 1 ⁄16 inch or less in size. Adults may be winged or wingless. On tea, they often live in groups on the underside of leaves at the shoot tips. Hosts The melon aphid attacks a wide variety of plants includ ing many cucurbit vegetables, eggplant, guava, hibiscus, orchids, peppers, taro, and weeds such as lamb’s quarters, cheeseweed, and Spanish needle. Distribution Reference Martin-Kessing, J.L., and R.F.L. Mau. 1991. Aphis gossyppii (Glover). Crop Knowledge Master. http://www. extento.hawaii.edu/Kbase/crop/Type/aphis_g.htm Melon aphids on tea shoot 11 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus Russell, Homoptera: Aleyrodidae Damage It is common to find the waxy spirals made by whiteflies on the undersides of tea leaves. However, because the amount of whiteflies is usually kept at low levels, this insect is likely to be only a minor pest of tea in Hawai‘i. Whiteflies feed on plant sap and secrete honeydew and a white, waxy material. Honeydew can serve as a substrate for the sooty mold fungus. Identification Eggs are laid in waxy spirals that give this whitefly their common name (see photo). When magnified, whitefly adults somewhat resemble tiny moths. Adult spiraling whiteflies are relatively large compared to other common whiteflies and measure 2–3 mm in length. Larval and pupal stages secrete a waxy material that may be in the form of rod-like projections that appear fluffy. Labora tory identification is often based on taxonomic characters found on the pupal stage. Distribution The spiraling whitefly is native to the Caribbean region and has spread to Africa, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canary Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Martinique, Panama, Peru, Phil ippines, Republic of Maldives, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, Vietnam, and the West Indies. In the Pacific it is present in American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, Hawai‘i, Kiribati, Majuro, Mariana Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pohnpei, Tokelau, Tonga, and Western Samoa. This whitefly was first reported in Hawai‘i in 1978 on O‘ahu and had spread to all the major islands by 1981. It is most abundant in coastal areas and elevations below 1000 feet. Reference Martin Kessing, J.L., and R.F.L. Mau. 1993. Aleurodicus dispersus (Russell). Crop Knowledge Master. www. extento.hawaii.edu/kbase/Crop/Type/a_disper.htm Hosts The spiraling whitefly has a wide host range and has been recorded from over 100 plant species. It is common to find this whitefly on various ornamental, fruit, and shade tree crops in Hawai‘i. Some common host plants include Annona sp., avocado, banana, bird-of-paradise, breadfruit, citrus, coconut, eggplant, guava, kamani, Indian banyan, macadamia, mango, palm, paperbark, papaya, pepper, pikake, plumeria, poinsettia, rose, sea grape, tī, and tropical almond. Life cycle The life stages are egg, three larval stages, pupal stage, and adult. Eggs are elliptical, yellow to tan, and are laid in groups of a few to several dozen in spiraling, waxy lines on the leaf underside. Eggs hatch in 9–11 days. The first larval stage is sometimes called the crawler stage and is the only immature stage with functional legs that enable mobility. The second and third larval stages are sedentary, and waxy material is secreted. The third lar val stage molts into the pupal stage. Pupae are white to yellowish, nearly oval 12 Spiraling whitefly adults, larvae, and pupae Whitefly eggs in waxy “spiral” UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Twospotted leafhopper Sophonia rufofascia (Kuoh & Kuoh), Homoptera: Cicadellidae Damage References The twospotted leafhopper uses piercing-sucking type mouthparts to feed on plant sap. Although both nymphs and adults are often associated with tea plants in Hawai‘i, the importance of this insect to tea crops is yet unknown. In some other plants, this insect is known to cause injury by injecting saliva into the plant while feeding. Symp toms of plant reaction to the saliva include leaf yellowing, formation of brown or black patches on the leaves, leaf distortion, and stunting of the plant. Jones, V.P., M.T. Fukada, D.E. Ullman, J.S. Hu, and W.B. Borth. Sophonia rufofascia The two spotted leafhopper. Crop Knowledge Master. www.extento. hawaii.edu/kbase/Crop/Type/s_rufofa.htm Duan, J. and R. Messing. Biological control of the two spotted leafhopper. www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/t-star/ leafhopper.htm Identification Adult leafhoppers are about 3⁄16 inch long and are yel lowish, with a dark stripe with red markings through the middle of the body and two dark spots on the posterior end. Nymphs are smaller, do not have wings, and cannot fly. Nymphs are translucent yellow and have two dark spots on the posterior end. The skin that is cast upon molting has the dark spots also. These cast skins tend to remain on the leaves for some time and can useful for determining the presence of the pest. Twospotted leafhopper adult Hosts This leafhopper attacks over 300 species of plants in cluding many fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops as well as endemic plants. A few examples include avocado, guava, chili peppers, sweetpotato, ti, octopus plant, uluhe fern, and mamaki. Life cycle The eggs are laid in plant tissue and are very difficult to detect. Eggs take about 4 weeks to hatch. There are four nymphal stages which last a total of about 7–8 weeks. Cast skin (note spots) Distribution This species was originally described in southern China. It was first discovered in the state on O‘ahu in 1987 and has since spread to all the major Hawaiian islands. Nymphal stage 13 UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea IP-28 — Jan. 2008 Transparentwinged plant bug Hyalopeplus pellucidus (Stål), Heteroptera: Miridae Damage Hosts Transparentwinged plant bugs are frequently associated with tea plants in Hawai‘i, but it is not known if this insect is a pest of tea. It is a serious pest of guava in Hawai‘i, where its feeding and egg-laying into flower buds causes bud drop. On guava, this insect prefers to feed on the co rolla region of the flower bud, where it results in a necrotic blackening of the anthers within the bud. It is thought that salivary enzymes are involved in the plant damage. This insect has been collected from Acacia koa, avocado, coffee, Coprosoma, Dodonaea, guava, Hibiscus sp., rose flowered jathropha, Metrosideros, Pipturis, Psidium cattleianum, Sida, Straussia, and Trema orientalis (charcoal tree). Identification Adults are 1 ⁄3 –2 ⁄5 inch long. The transparentwinged plant bug is perhaps the largest species from the family Miridae in Hawai‘i. The adult has smoky colored wings that are folded over the back when at rest. Nymphal stages are pale, translucent green with purplish-red or pinkish-red specks on the abdomen and heads shaped similar to that of the adults, one-half wider than long, and with the vertex being wider than the eyes together. Black bristly hairs over an undercoat of golden yellow hairs cover the head and antennae. The second antennal segment is three times the length of the first and twice as long as the third. Adult transparentwinged plant bug 14 Life cycle The life stages are egg, five nymphal stages, and the adult stage. The eggs hatch in 6–8 days after being laid (inserted into plant tissue). The duration of the nymphal stages is about 14 days. Distribution The transparentwinged plant bug was first reported in Hawai‘i in 1902 and occurs on all of the major islands from sea level to the mountains. This insect might be endemic to Hawai‘i. Reference Mau, R.F.L., and J.L. Martin. 1992. Hyalopeplus pellucidus (Stål). Crop Knowledge Master. www.extento. hawaii.edu/Kbase/Crop/Type/h_pelluc.htm UH–CTAHR Insect and Mite Pests of Tea Greenhouse thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouche’), Thysanoptera: Thripidae Damage This insect appears to be only a minor pest of tea in Hawai‘i. Greenhouse thrips feed on plant sap, and the damage causes a silvering of the leaf. These thrips appear to prefer living and feeding on the undersides of the older leaves of a tea plant. They cause a characteristic fecal spotting, which appears as dark specks on the leaf. These insects prefer to live in the shady areas of the tea tree canopy and do not appear to damage the tea shoot. Identification IP-28 — Jan. 2008 is found in Europe in Germany, England, France, Italy, Vienna, Finland, Palestine, and North Africa. This spe cies is thought to be found throughout the world because of its habit of living in greenhouses. References Denmark, H.A., and T.R. Fasulo. 2004. Greenhouse thrips, Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouche). University of Florida, IFAS Extension. EENY-075. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/in232 Heu, R.A. 2005. Agricultural pests, related organisms and purposely introduced natural enemies in Hawaii. Biological Control Section, Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture. On the plant, check for silvering and fecal spotting, es pecially on the undersides of older leaves. Mature larvae and adult thrips are about 1 mm in length. Larvae are yellowish, and adults are mostly black with light yellow legs. Definitive identification can be done by an insect diagnostic laboratory. Hosts In Hawai‘i the greenhouse thrips has been reported on various ornamentals and conifers. Elsewhere, it has been recorded on plants such as ardisia, Aspidium sp., avocado, azalea, Coleus sp., Crinum sp., croton, dahlia, dogwood, ferns, guava, hibiscus, magnolia, mango, natal plum, orange, phlox, and viburnum. Life cycle Thrips damage on leaf underside The greenhouse thrips is parthenogenetic (females re produce without mating). Eggs are laid singly in plant tissue. There are two larval instars, which are the feeding stages. The larval stage is then followed by a prepupal and a pupal stage, during which the insect does not feed. The pupal stage molts into the adult stage. The adult stage has fully formed wings and is capable of flight. Distribution The greenhouse thrips was first reported in Hawai‘i in 1910 from O‘ahu and has since been found on all the major islands except Lāna‘i. It is thought to have originated in tropical America. It is found in Brazil, the West Indies, and Central America. It occurs in the U.S. mainland outdoors in Florida and southern California. It is found in greenhouses throughout the mainland. It Adult greenhouse thrips 15 Insect Pests June 2012 IP-29 Ant Damage to Banana Fruits by Abdominal Secretions Scot Nelson and Glenn Taniguchi Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences S HCO2H. This subfamily of ants ome ants can directly damuses formic acid, which they age plants and agricultural eject or spray from an acidopore commodities (Peng and Chrislocated at the end of the abdotian 2007); at least two species men, to attack other animals and of ants in Hawai‘i damage the for self-defense. Formic acid skin of banana fruits with their is the simplest carboxylic acid abdominal secretions. These and one of the strongest acids ants spray their secretions to known, with a pH between 2 protect sap-feeding insects, and 3. It can produce painful from which they derive sweet, injuries to human skin, causing nutritious honeydew. The foragskin burns and eye irritation of ing ants may also enter a self-defieldworkers. In Hawai‘i, the fense mode and spray secretions ant species that produce formic if disturbed by banana cultivaacid are Anoplolepis gracilipes; tion practices that jar the banana Paratrechina longicornis; Plaplant, or if they are startled giolepis allaudi; Nylanderia when pesticide sprays impact vaga; Nylanderia bourbonica; the banana bunches. The marks Lepisiota hi01; Camponotus and scars caused by their secrevariegatus, and Brachymyrmex tions, although they are cosmetic obscurior. and do not affect the fruit pulp, Hawaiian apple banana (Dwarf Brazilian ‘Santa On the east side of the Big can make the fruits unmarketCatarina’ variety) fruits with the typical sympable. Here we discuss the ants toms of formic acid injury caused by ants. Also Island, the ant most commonly and the damage they cause to shown along the upper edge of the center fruit associated with banana dambananas, and suggest integrated is a slight “corky scab” injury caused by the age is the yellow crazy ant, A. management practices to reduce feeding of flower thrips (Thrips hawaiiensis). The gracilipes. In Hawai‘i, this ant thrips injury, although similar in color, is raised is also known as the longlegged or avoid costly injury. and corky in texture, not smooth and sunken as ant. Crazy ants have a broad Ants belong to the family with formic acid injury. diet. They prey on a variety of Formicidae, from the Latin word arthropods, reptiles, birds, and formica, meaning ant. They mammals at soil level and within plant canopies. These are arthropods in the order Hymenoptera, an order that sweet-loving pests also feed on plant nectars, and they also includes sawflies, bees, and wasps. Ant species in farm and protect sap-feeding insects, including aphids, the subfamily Formicinae produce formic acid (methascales, and mealybugs (Abbott et al. 2012). They infest noic acid), which has the chemical formula HCOOH or Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. Copyright 2011, University of Hawai‘i. For reproduction and use permission, contact the CTAHR Office of Communication Services, ocs@ctahr.hawaii.edu, 808-956-7036. The university is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. Find CTAHR publications at www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs. UH–CTAHR Ant Damage to Banana Fruits by Abdominal Secretions IP-29 — Jun. 2012 Ants that produce formic acid are attracted to flower nectaries and to sap-feeding insects that secrete honeydew. They climb the plants to feed and, when startled, eject formic acid from their abdomens, causing blackened spots and trails. Entire bunches may be damaged by formic acid injury. Startled and disturbed ants scatter over the banana fingers, spraying formic acid and leaving burnt, sunken trails. Severe formic acid injury to a hand of bananas in East Hawai‘i caused by Anoplolepis gracilipes. 2 UH–CTAHR Ant Damage to Banana Fruits by Abdominal Secretions banana bunches to feed at flower nectaries and on honeydew secreted by sap-feeding arthropods. When they eject formic acid for offensive or defensive purposes, damage to agricultural crops can also occur. A. gracilipes can cause cosmetic, or superficial, but nonetheless significant damage to banana fruit bunches when their colonies are disturbed or agitated by bunch spraying with pesticides or when banana pseudostems receive vibrations through contact with humans or tractors. The startled, disturbed ants scramble around, spraying formic acid as they run, which burns the banana skins, leaving irregularly shaped, sunken, blackened lesions. Another ant species—the white-footed ant, Technomyrmex albipes—caused similar fruit damage at a farm in Waimänalo. However, this canopy-nesting ant belongs to a different subfamily. These ants are dolichoderines, known for producing odiferous defensive compounds, some of which may be either acidic or damaging to plant tissues. This ant species mainly secretes benzaldehyde (Hayashi and Komae 1980), which presumably also damaged the banana skins. Other ant species in the subfamily Formicinae in Hawai‘i may also damage banana fruits. For example, Plagiolepis alluaudi is a very common ant in plant canopies, tending various Hemiptera. Paratrechina longicornis and possibly two Nylanderia species may also be associated with banana plants. The latter three species, however, are often outcompeted by a few of the more dominant ant species. They may, therefore, not be the main ant species tending sap-feeding insects or feeding at banana flower nectaries and thus not the species causing the primary damage. A further ant species, Pheidole megacephala, also tends various Hemipterous insects attracted to banana plants and nectaries, but it has not been observed damaging banana fruit. Symptoms and Damage The secretions of these ants create dark brown to charcoal-black trails and spots on the skins of banana fruits. The trails are irregular in shape and may be linear, curved, serpentine, or semi-circular, coinciding with the movement of the running, spraying ants. Spots may vary in size from 2 to 6 mm in diameter. The trails can be several millimeters wide and up to 12 mm long. All banana varieties are susceptible. IP-29 — Jun. 2012 Affected fruits, and often whole bunches, produced at commercial banana farms in Hawai‘i cannot be sold. They are destroyed in the field, resulting in an economic loss for each affected bunch. Since the edibility of the fruit is not affected, however, ant-damaged fruits may be found at farmers’ markets in Hawai‘i, though even here the value is reduced if injury is severe. Management When managing ant pests, suppression is preferable to eradication. Another ant species, perhaps an even worse pest, will usually colonize the niche vacated by an eradicated ant species. Suppression of an ant species can reduce pest injury to acceptable levels while allowing the ant to fill the ecological niche. The following techniques are suggested for managing ants that damage banana fruits in Hawai‘i. Also included is some of the rationale behind these approaches. • Always identify the ant species before starting an antmanagement program. Ant behavior, biology, ecology, and susceptibility to insecticides vary among species. For example, T. albipes can spread from plant to plant without contacting the ground, so groundbased treatments are not effective. Photographs and species descriptions are available at www.antweb. org (AntWeb 2012) or the Hawaii Ant Lab, www. littlefireants.com/index_files/ant_key.htm • Confirm that ants are causing the observed damage. Some other insect pests of banana, such as thrips or moths, may cause feeding injuries that resemble the symptoms of formic acid injury caused by ants. • Avoid disturbing the foraging ants within a banana bunch. Do not jar the ant colony by bumping into the banana pseudostem with your body or with tools or equipment. The ants perceive the jarring vibrations as a threat, causing them to disperse rapidly and spray trails of formic acid on fruits as they scatter. Reduce banana pesticide spraying operations where possible, as forceful sprays near bunches can disturb the ants. • Control sap-feeding insects in the banana canopy, including aphids, scales, and mealybugs. This may include the application of insecticides. 3 UH–CTAHR Ant Damage to Banana Fruits by Abdominal Secretions IP-29 — Jun. 2012 Affected bunches are left in the field and are not harvested. De-flowering the fingers on a banana bunch by plucking them off and severing the male flowers (the hanging “bell”) will remove the sweet flower nectaries that attract sugar-loving ants in the subfamily Formicinae. Fruits in bunches should be de-flowered to make them less attractive to foraging ants. The flowers shown here may attract sweet-loving ants that may produce formic acid secretions when disturbed. This “bell” should be severed from the bunch. 4 UH–CTAHR Ant Damage to Banana Fruits by Abdominal Secretions • Use insecticidal baits as appropriate. For instance, they may not be effective in reducing or destroying colonies of A. gracilipes, as ant baits registered for banana in Hawai‘i do not attract A. gracilipes. Test a small amount of your intended insecticidal bait to see if the ants will carry it back to their nest before applying it to a large area. Some organic and backyard growers may prefer to use plastic bait stations containing a boric acid solution, but this pesticide is not registered by the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture. T. albipes is difficult to control chemically because the workers do not carry food (or bait) back to the colony. Hence, baits must be very appealing to the ants so that large numbers of them will leave the nest and feed on the poisoned bait. • Destroy nesting habitats for ants that produce formic acid. Pick up, remove, and compost plant litter such as banana leaves and fallen pseudostems, as ants such as A. gracilipes form nests beneath the litter (O’Dowd 2012). Periodically replace the old boric acid or other mixture with fresh bait. • Scout areas around banana plants regularly for signs of ants. Smaller and more localized ant colonies are easier to control than larger infestations. • Regularly de-flower young banana fingers and sever the male inflorescence (the “bell”). This will remove the flower nectaries and thereby make the young fruits less attractive to the sugar-loving ants that forage on the bunch. A ladder may be needed to reach the developing bunch. • For canopy-nesting ants such as T. albipes, practice field sanitation (Tenbrink and Hara 1992). The removal of touching banana leaves between plants may slow the spread of the ant in the plantation. IP-29 — Jun. 2012 Acknowledgements The authors thank Fred Brooks and Paul Krushelnycky of UH-CTAHR for their thoughtful reviews of this manuscript. References Abbott, K, Harris, R, and Lester, P. 2012. Invasive Risk Assessment: Anoplolepis gracilipes. Biosecurity New Zealand. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/ pests/invasive-ants/yellow-crazy-ants/yellow-crazyant-risk-assessment.pdf Ant Web. Subfamily: Formicinae. The California Academy of Sciences. http://www.antweb.org/description. do?name=formicinae&rank=subfamily&project=ha waiiants (accessed 8 May 2012) Hawaii Ant Lab, www.littlefireants.com/index_files/ ant_key.htm Hayashi, N, and Komae, H. 1980. Components of the ant secretions. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8:293–295. O’Dowd, D. Global Invasive Species Database: Anoplolepis gracilipes. http://www.issg.org/database/ species/ecology.asp?si=110. Centre for Analysis and Management of Biological Invasions, Australia & IUCN/SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) (accessed 8 May 2012). Peng, RK, and Christian, K. 2007. Integrated pest management in mango orchards in the Northern Territory Australia, using the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a key element. International Journal of Pest Management 51:149–155. Tenbrink, VL, and Hara, AH. 1992. Technomyrmex albipes (Fr. Smith). Crop Knowledge Master. University of Hawai‘i at Manoa http://www.extento.hawaii.edu/ kbase/crop/Type/technomy.htm • Another, potentially less harmful ant species that competes for the same ecological niche may naturally displace an injurious ant species over time. However, it may be unwise for growers to attempt to introduce a competing ant species to a farm or site without proper training and sufficient understanding of the potential ecological or social consequences, which could be dire. 5 Insect Pests July 2005 IP-21 Banana Moth as a Pest of Coffee Scot Nelson,1 Virginia Easton Smith,2 and Mark Wright1 Departments of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences and 2Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences 1 B anana moth, Opogona sacchari (Bojer), is a sig nificant pest of coffee bark tissues and young ver tical branches in Hawaii. The moth’s larvae feed upon the cambium, vascular system, and pith within the green verticals and on the cambium and phloem beneath the exfoliating bark of the main trunk. The banana moth is a threat to coffee in Hawaii be cause its feeding can cause the death or weakening of large numbers of young coffee verticals and can disin tegrate large patches of coffee stem bark. Substantial losses in crop yield and overall reductions in the health of coffee plant populations may result. Significant damage occurred in recent years at some coffee farms in the Kona districts, located from approxi mately 1200 to 2400 feet elevation. The damage was locally severe and patchy, associated mainly with plants recovering from pruning. Here we describe and docu ment the damage to coffee. We also suggest some inte grated pest management practices for coffee farmers to adopt to control the banana moth. pillars bore into the plant, eventually producing the char acteristic frass deposits shown in Figure 2. Fully devel oped caterpillars removed from their tunnels will be 3⁄4 – 11⁄8 inches (2–3 cm) long and somewhat transparent—it is even possible to see some of their internal organs. A distinguishing characteristic of the larvae is the presence of brown patches on the top of the caterpillar and dark brown “breathing pores” along the sides of the body. The caterpillars pupate within the plant. Follow ing the emergence of the adult moths from the pupae, empty pupal cases may be observed protruding from the 1. Adult banana moth with empty pupal case. (photos: A. Hara) Banana moth biology and ecology Opogona sacchari has a wide distribution, occurring in the Americas, Africa, and many islands throughout the world. It was accidentally introduced to Hawaii and is known to occur on Oahu and Hawaii. The larvae of O. sacchari are generally considered to be scavengers, feed ing in dead plant material. In Hawaii they are best known as pests of sugarcane, where they damage the “eyes” (buds) of the plants, but they also attack many orna mental plants. The adult moths are 3⁄4 –1⁄2 (10–15 mm) long and have grayish-brown wings, each with two small but prominent black spots (Figure 1). When the moths are at rest, their antennae point forward, rather than back ward over the wings or next to the abdomen. The moths lay their tiny eggs into crevices on plants; they hatch after about a week. The newly hatched cater Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR Banana Moth as a Pest of Coffee stems of the infested plants. The life cycle is likely to take about 40–45 days under summer conditions in Ha waii. A considerable number of generations per year can be produced. Early damage by O. sacchari is hard to detect be cause little frass will have been pushed out of the tunnel in the early stages of attack. However, as the hatched caterpillars continue to feed inside the stems, they hol low them out. Thereafter, evidence of their presence will become clear, both because of the presence of frass (Fig ure 2) and the wilting of young coffee stems. Where banana moth populations are large and in creasing aggressively, attacks can kill coffee verticals and partially disintegrate the bark tissues of the main trunk. Severely affected vertical branches can wilt, col lapse, and detach from the trunk (Figure 3). Infested verticals are prone to snapping off during strong winds. Less severely affected branches or branches in early stages of infestation may grow poorly and be structur ally weakened. Foliar re-growth of coffee plants that have been pruned or stumped is particularly susceptible to damage caused by colonization and feeding injury (Figure 4). Egg-bearing female moths are attracted to the wounded coffee stumps. Such plants are weakened by stress and have moist, dead, or dying tissues preferred by the moth for egg-laying. The female banana moth prefers to lay her eggs in necrotic plant tissues and will lay them in wide range of plant species. Moths are attracted to natural openings in the bark of trunks of pruned coffee. Secondary branches emerge from the primary stem after pruning, and the bark “erupts” to allow the emergence of verticals; a natural opening or hole occurs in the wood to allow the mer istematic tissue beneath the bark to emerge and grow through. Miniscule chambers of decomposing, sloughing bark occur next to the emerging branches. The cham bers of necrotic tissue are perfectly suited to protect and nurture the laid and hatching Opogona eggs. Females prefer to deposit eggs within these decomposing wounds, or within natural openings in the bark. The most dangerous egg-laying site for coffee is at the emergence junction between a secondary green stem and an older, woody stem. The hatching larvae are very close to the tender new branch and can easily enter in side. They tunnel up from underneath the emerging branch and into the pith, never having been exposed to predators on the surface of the plant. The hatching moth larvae are whitish caterpillars that feed on the tender green tissues just beneath the 2. Left: Granular, light-brown frass produced by the banana moth caterpillar larvae at the base of young coffee vertical branches. Right: The damaged branch is easily detached. The black circle of dead tissue is evident around the perimeter of the branch; it indicates where banana moth larvae were feeding. In this case, larvae did not penetrate the center of the stem and did not create a tunnel; the larvae caused structural damage that weakened but did not kill the vertical. 2 IP-21 — July 2005 3. Wilting and collapse of newly emerged vertical branch on a recently pruned coffee plant. A banana moth larva was feeding within a tunnel in the affected vertical, having hatched from an egg laid near the base of the stem where it emerged through the woody tissue of the trunk. UH–CTAHR Banana Moth as a Pest of Coffee woody surface of coffee stems. They also feed within young, non-woody coffee verticals (Figure 6). Larvae feed and create tunnels up to three inches long within the young stem. This effectively severs the vascular sys tem and interrupts the flow of water to the branch. Wilt ing and collapse quickly follow. Although banana moths can attack plants at all stages of development, signifi cant damage to bearing or desired coffee verticals oc curs during their first year of re-growth after pruning. Secondary damage occurs to coffee plants as other in vasive organisms, including insects and fungi, replace the maturing banana moth larvae. A reliable indicator of banana moth populations is the presence of the characteristic piles and elongated mounds of light-brown frass that accumulate copiously on coffee stumps and on debris (Figure 7). Banana moth integrated pest management Manage the banana moth on coffee with on-time, integrated management actions. Following are suggested tactics. IP-21 — July 2005 Accurate diagnosis and assessment Coffee verticals are susceptible to a number of signifi cant pests, and an accurate diagnosis of the cause is es sential. Contact the UH-CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service for assistance in pest identification and for an evaluation of damage. Learn to recognize the frass and damage caused by this insect. Learn to recognize the larval stage of the banana moth. Scout coffee fields on a regular basis for damage, and keep systematic records of your observations. To detect the banana moth, look for signs of frass being pushed out of stems, and gently bend stems by hand (severely infested stems will tend to collapse under pressure and break, rather than bend ing evenly). Field sanitation Remove pruned coffee branches and trimmings from fields and destroy them immediately. Chipping the woody material, for example, can destroy larvae em bedded within and remove the material as a source of 4. Granular, light-brown frass of the banana moth larvae on the coffee bark surface indicates the location of their feeding sites under the bark on stumped coffee plants. The newly emerging vertical branches are highly susceptible to damage, and those in the photo at left are under attack. The wounds created by pruning can attract the gravid moth females to lay eggs. 3 UH–CTAHR Banana Moth as a Pest of Coffee IP-21 — July 2005 5. Banana moth frass at the intersection of vertical branch and the main coffee trunk. The base of the vertical branch shows a blackening from larval feeding. When the lateral branch is pulled away it separates from the trunk easily, and the burrowing hole of the moth becomes visible. Banana moth larvae tunnel inside the lateral branch to about three inches or more. This is sufficient damage to cause the wilting, collapse and death of the vertical branch. attraction for egg-laying banana moths (a beneficial byproduct is mulch). Banana moth populations can de velop on pruned coffee materials that are left on the ground and in the field within coffee rows (Figure 6). Spray pruned plants with Bt or pyrethrin Drench the bark and the newly emerging verticals with applications of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) shortly after pruning and periodically thereafter as needed to achieve economic control. Proper spray timing is important to achieve best results. It probably is not necessary to spray Bt on plants which have not been pruned recently. For established infestations of the banana moth, supplement the use of Bt with pyrethrin sprays, which are useful as contact insecticides. Selection of pruning method More damage has been reported at farms using the Beau mont-Fukunaga pruning method than using the Kona style of pruning. However, more information on this is needed. 6. Banana moth caterpillar in tunnel within young coffee vertical. 4 Minimize plant stress (maintain plant vigor) Plants that suffer from nutritional deficiency, root prob lems, nematodes, drought, or physical or chemical inju ries may recover slowly after severe pruning; vertical branches that do not re-grow vigorously are not as tol erant of banana moth feeding injury. Remove suckers Side branches emerging from coffee-bearing verticals can harbor larvae of the banana moth. Populations of the moth can be reduced by timely, periodic removal and destruc tion of unwanted, infested suckers from these plants. 7. Rows of coffee plants were pruned at a coffee farm in 2002 with the Beaumont-Fukunaga method, stumping. The severed coffee foliage was discarded on the ground, between plants within rows. In the following months, banana moths fed on the discarded materials, as evidenced by the large amounts of the characteristic frass which accumulated on them and the presence of banana moth larvae embedded within them. Insect Pests Sept. 2005 IP-24 Banana Moth—A Potentially Fatal Pest of Pritchardia and Other Palms Scot Nelson and Mark Wright Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences P ritchardia species, some endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, are among the most valued and cherished palms. A few species are quite rare. Growers expend significant resources to acquire these plants and grow and maintain them in tropical landscapes. Therefore, any significant Pritchardia pest or disease problem must be dealt with effectively to protect the investment of time, human resources, and capital. Plant stress arising from nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies of potassium and magnesium, and other factors is a ubiquitous problem for Pritchardia species in some Hawaiian landscapes. Other stresses, including herbicide injury, drought, shallow soil, plant ing in blue-rock, flooding, and mechanical wounding of stems, can place the palm’s physiology under great strain during establishment in landscapes after outplanting. Plants so weakened can become targets for the ba nana moth, Opogona sacchari (Bojer), perhaps the most important insect pest of Pritchardia in Hawaii. Adult females lay eggs in wounded or compromised Pritchardia tissues. The caterpillar larvae hatch and feed voraciously on the living and decaying tissues of the host, and this can cause extensive damage. Where enough eggs are laid in the youngest leaves of a plant, a fatal heart rot disease caused by caterpillar feeding may ensue. This condition and its management are described here. The banana moth’s morphology and life cycle The banana moth is a significant pest of many plants in Hawaii, including sugarcane, banana, and pineapple. Substantial losses in crop yield, overall reductions in plant health, and even plant death may result from ba nana moth infestations. O. sacchari has a wide distribution, occurring in many island locations throughout the world and in the Americas and Africa. It was accidentally introduced to A young Pritchardia hillebrandii plant in a Hawaii landscape, dying from attack by banana moths, Opogona sacchari. The heart of this plant is completely rotten. Hawaii and is known to occur on Oahu and Hawaii. The larvae of O. sacchari are generally considered to be scavengers that feed on decaying and dead plant material. However, they also can colonize living tissues. In Hawaii they are perhaps best known as pests of sug arcane, where they damage the “eyes” (buds) of the plants, but they also attack many other ornamental and Published by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) and issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Andrew G. Hashimoto, Director/Dean, Cooperative Extension Service/CTAHR, University of Hawai‘i at Mänoa, Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822. An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution providing programs and services to the people of Hawai‘i without regard to race, sex, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, arrest and court record, sexual orientation, or status as a covered veteran. CTAHR publications can be found on the Web site <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/freepubs>. UH–CTAHR Banana Moth on Prichardia and Other Palms food crop plants. The adult moths are 10–15 mm (3⁄8–5⁄8 inch) long and have grayish-brown wings with two small but promi nent black spots on each wing. When the moths are at rest, their two antennae are folded over the wings or lie next to the abdomen. Adult females lay tiny eggs into naturally existing or wound-created crevices on plants; the eggs hatch in about a week. Upon hatching, the young caterpillars (larvae) bore into the plant, eventually producing characteristic frass deposits. Fully developed caterpillars removed from their tunnels measure 20–30 mm (3⁄4–11⁄8 inches) long and are somewhat transparent; it is possible to see some of their internal organs with the naked eye. A distinguishing characteristic of the caterpillar is the presence of brown patches on its top and dark brown “breathing pores” along its sides. The larvae pupate within the plant. Following the emergence of the adult moths from the pupae, empty pu pal cases may be observed protruding from the stems or other tissues of the infested plants. The life cycle is com pleted in about 40–45 days under summer conditions in Hawaii, a bit longer in cool weather. Thus, a consider able number of generations per year can be produced. Damage to Pritchardia palms The severed petioles of pruned Pritchardia plants at tract the wound-seeking banana moths that are search ing for a suitable place to lay their eggs. These plants also have a large number of natural openings, protected crevices, and naturally decaying tissues all over the stem. Adult female moths lay eggs in these locations, and moth populations begin to increase on the infested plant. The banana moth’s feeding causes stress for the Pritchardia plants. Other stressors may be present, such as drought, weed-whacker damage, fertilizer burn, water logging, and herbicide or pesticide injury. These factors contribute to a decline in plant health. This process can take many months to develop into a significant problem. Eventually, where plants are thus weakened or where moth populations are particularly large, young heart leaves come under attack by the voracious moths. These succulent, nutrient-rich tissues are particularly suscep tible to the moths’ feeding, and severe damage can occur rapidly. Because palms are monocots, with their grow ing point at the center of the base of the stem, when the heart-leaves are destroyed, plant death is sure to follow. 2 IP-24 — Sept. 2005 Adult banana moth, Opogona sacchari, and pupal case (magni fied about 6 X; actual size about 1⁄2 inch long). Photo by Arnold Hara. Necrotic heart leaves of a dying Pritchardia hillebrandii plant infested with banana moths. Necrotic heart leaves (above) and an adjacent leaf (below), easily pulled out from the center of a dying Pritchardia hillebrandii plant infested with banana moths. Opportunistic fungi infest the tissues, accelerating their decomposition. (Text continued on p. 4.) UH–CTAHR Banana Moth on Prichardia and Other Palms IP-24 — Sept. 2005 Significant heart rot of a young Pritchardia hillebrandii plant infested with banana moth larvae. A declining Pritchardia hillebrandii plant infested with banana moths. Rotten tissues are easily detached from the base of the plant, revealing necrosis of living stem tissues beneath. Several mature leaves show of signs of stress. From a distance, the plant may appear to relatively healthy at this stage of decline. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the heart leaves are also rotting. Banana moth larvae found feeding within an affected heart of a declining Pritchardia hillebrandii plant. Opportunistic fungi and caterpillar frass pellets on the surface of a rotting Pritchardia hillebrandii leaf petiole. 3 UH–CTAHR Banana Moth on Prichardia and Other Palms Management of the pest The following management practices may minimize the detrimental effects of banana moth attacks on Pritchardia. Minimize plant stress Plants under stress are very susceptible to attack by the banana moth. The most dangerous and common stress factor in this regard is drought. A second important stress factor is poor plant nutrition. Keep plants well irrigated and properly fertilized. Do not let potted palms become too dry. Use soil testing results to help guide fertilizer practices. Avoid using herbicides near Pritchardia plants in landscapes if possible. Although herbicides are safe to use around most palms, in some cases or for certain species problems may arise when plants are contacted by herbicide sprays. Avoid over-pruning of leaves, and treat pruned surfaces with an approved insecticide such as one derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (“Bt”). Both B. t. kurstaki and B. t. aizawai have broad registrations among ornamental plants. Intercrop Host-finding by the moth may be more difficult in di verse plantings. Therefore, avoid monocropping palms or placing susceptible plants in exposed positions in barren landscapes. However, the banana moth is so polyphagous (has such a wide host range) that intercrop ping might not work where other hosts for the moth are present. 4 IP-24 — Sept. 2005 Use approved insecticides Check with your nearest Cooperative Extension Service office for the latest information on registered insecticides that may be sprayed on Pritchardia plants to protect them from banana moth attack. The most effective products are probably pyrethroids, useful as contact insecticides after infestations develop, and Bt products, which have some residual and preventive effects as moths feed on tissues that received Bt spray applications. Learn to recognize the banana moth and symptoms of its damage. Scout Pritchardia plants regularly for moths and moth damage. Treat plants as described. Alternate hosts Watch for the buildup of moth populations on alternate hosts in the vicinity of Pritchardia palms. Banana moths have few qualms about what they eat, it seems. They occur in grasses, banana, and coffee and can be found wherever there is decaying vegetation. Damage to other palms Banana moth damage is not confined to Pritchardia palms. Other palm species may also be subject to attack and show symptoms similar to those described here, according to the UH-CTAHR Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center. Mortality due to banana moth attack of the following palm species has been observed in Ha waii in recent years: floribunda palm; foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata); Manila palm (Veitchia merrillii), and coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). The point of moth entry is usually either into the young heart leaves or some place along the stem in natural openings or wounds.