St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church
St. Clement of Rome Catholic Church On West Esplanade Avenue between Cleary & Richland Avenues Volume 32 Number 37 September 22, 2013 PARISH CENTER 4317 Richland Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone: (504) 887-7821 Fax: (504) 454-3906 E-mail: PRIESTS Rev. Luis F. Rodriguez, Pastor Rev. Peter P. Finney, Parochial Vicar DEACONS David Caldero Carlo Maniglia Ian Bozant, Intern EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SCHEDULE Our adorationMASS chapel is open 24 hours daily. To volunteer for one hour each SATURDAY VIGIL 4:00 pm week, contact the Parish8:00 Center. SUNDAY am 10:00 am RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS Noon ESPAÑOL 2:00 pm Wednesday 5:00 – 5:45 pm 6:00 pm pm Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 MONDAY — SATURDAY 8:15 am or by appointment TUE / WED / THU 6:00 pm PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the Parish Center when a parishioner is in the hospital or unable EUCHARISTIC ADORATION to attend Mass.chapel is open 24 hours Our adoration daily. To volunteer for one hour each BAPTISMS week, contact Parish Center. Children underthe seven years of age are baptized on the first and third Saturday RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS of each month after the 4:00 pm Mass. Wednesday 5:00 – 5:45 pm to Please contact the Parish Center Saturday 3:00 – 3:45 pm schedule an appointment. or by appointment MATRIMONY PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Contact a parish priest or deacon at Please the Parish Center when a least sixnotify (6) months before the desired parishioner is in the hospital or unable wedding date. to attend Mass. FUNERALS BAPTISMS Please contact the Parish Center Children under the seven of age are finalyears arrangements before making baptized on the first and third Saturday with the funeral home. of each month after the 4:00 pm Mass. Please contact the Parish Center to schedule an appointment. MATRIMONY Contact a parish priest or deacon at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date. FUNERALS Please contact the Parish Center before making the final arrangements with the funeral home. PARISH STAFF Cynthia Bird, Operations Manager Kevin Fountain, Maintenance Technician Claire Gallagher, Religious Education & Youth Ministry Coordinator Blanca González, Office Assistant Louis Hackett, Music Director Theresa Laughlin, Administrative Assistant Gail Stromeyer, Technology Coordinator PARISH SCHOOL 3978 West Esplanade Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 Phone:(504)888-0386 Fax:(504)885-8273 Chad Howat, Principal Dr. Patricia Speeg, Assistant Principal NEW PARISHIONERS — WELCOME! Registration forms are available on the table in back of church or on our website. Visit our Website at Follow us on twitter@St Clement of Rome. Like us on facebook “St. Clement of Rome Parish” A WALK THROUGH THE MASS: ENTRANCE THROUGH THE GREETING DEACON IAN M. BOZANT In order to foster a greater reverence for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, it is important for us to begin by looking at the Mass more deeply. So often, we approach Holy Mass as a routine—something we have done all our lives. It can run the risk of losing a sense of awe and mystery, but if we really sat down to pray and think about the Mass, we might be surprised at how much we do not know and how many things there are for us to meditate upon simply in the prayers, gestures and rites of Holy Mass. It is in this light that we begin our look at the parts of the Mass from beginning to end. Once we have readied ourselves for the Sacred Mysteries through this interior prayer and commitment, the first thing we witness is an entrance procession accompanied by music. Processions accompany all forms of religious worship and can be seen in many examples of the Church’s liturgical life: Holy Mass, Eucharistic Processions, Palm Sunday Processions with Palms, Funeral Processions, etc. In Scripture, we find examples of processions with the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6, 1 Kings 8) and our Savior’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11, Matthew 21, Luke 19, and John 12). In all of these examples, the procession is a sign of triumph and royalty as well as a reminder of our own Christian pilgrimage from this life to our eternal reward. As such, it is fitting that the procession marks the beginning of the celebration of Holy Mass. We witness the triumphal entry of the standard of our salvation—the cross—and are reminded that this life is fleeting and is a preparation of the life to come. Our posture during this procession is standing, which is drawn from Sacred Scripture when the people of Israel “would rise up and worship” each time Moses entered the Tent of Meeting where the Tabernacle was located (cf. Exodus 33:7-11). The entrance chant that accompanies this liturgical procession has as its purpose the fostering of a disposition of movement toward the great Sacrifice that is about to take place. Even here, we see the idea of journeying being very important. Immediately following the procession, the Priest and Deacon kiss the altar. Originally, they would kiss the altar above the relics of the martyrs that were contained within the altar; however, even when relics are not present, the Priest and Deacon kiss the altar as a sign of reverence for the Sacrifice about to take place upon it. The tradition of using relics in the altar stems from the early Christian community who would gather in secret to celebrate the Eucharist in the Roman catacombs upon the tombs of martyrs who had died in the persecutions. If incense is to be used, the Priest then incenses the cross and the altar, accompanied by the Deacon. Incense is used because it is representative of the Christian’s prayer, enkindled in the heart by the fire of God’s love and exhaling the odor of Christ, rising up as a pleasing offering in His sight and demanded by God for due worship in the Old Testament (cf. Exodus 30:4). Following this, we begin with the Sign of the Cross. This is one of the most important symbols used throughout all of Holy Mass and it is fitting because it is this great mystery that we celebrate in the Mass—the Sacrifice of Calvary. The priest then greets the people and they respond with: And with your spirit. This response is an acknowledgment by the congregation of the grace and presence of Christ who is present in the soul of the celebrant in a unique way by virtue of his ordination. The priest alone stands in persona Christi, in the person of Christ. He is Christ Himself at the Holy Mass at the words of consecration so that he can truly say: This is My Body. Our response is a recognition of this supreme grace. Additionally, this phrase comes directly from St. Paul’s Letters. In both Galatians and Philippians, Paul wrote, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.” In the second Letter to Timothy, the apostle concludes with, “The Lord be with your spirit.” The last words of the letter to Philemon are “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.” Again illustrating the supremely biblical nature of the Mass and how we must come to know the Scriptures in order to fully participate and understand the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Finally, we note the first time the priest extends his hands when he greets the faithful, saying, “The Lord be with you.” This posture serves several purposes throughout the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that will be explained in each instance, but the one common meaning that it conveys throughout is this: it is an image of the Crucifixion. The priest extends his hands in a small open posture reflective of the extended arms of Christ on the Cross: the supreme meeting place between God and Man! Again, we note the abundance of images of the Cross that are used at Holy Mass, reflecting the central nature of the Cross to our life, the life of the Church, and Holy Mass itself! Parish Calendar News Monday/Lunes, September 23 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am Mass 7:30 pm Grupo Mariano (Drexel) Tuesday/Martes, September 24 7:00 am Men’s Prayer Group (Seton) 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am Mass 10:00 am K4J Training Session (Padua) 6:00 pm Mass 6:30 pm SCY Volleyball Game (Gym) 7:00 pm Singles Bingo (Vosbein Hall) 7:00 pm School Board (Conference Room) 7:00 pm K4J Training Session (Drexel) 7:00 pm Tiger Den #1 Cub Scouts (Padua) 7:15 pm Handbell Practice (Church) 7:30 pm SCY Prayer Night (Seton) Wednesday/Miércoles, September 25 8:15 am Mass 10:00 am K4J Training Session (Conference Room) 5:00 pm Confessions 6:00 pm Mass 6:45 pm Legion of Mary (Drexel) 7:30 pm Ensayo—Coro Latino (Padua) 7:30 pm Choir Practice (Church) 7:30 pm Boy Scouts (Vosbein Hall) Thursday/Jueves, September 26 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am Mass 9:00 am St. Anthony Ministry (Padua) 12:00 pm Staff Meeting (Conference Room) 6:00 pm Mass 6:45 pm Bible Study Timeline (Vosbein Hall) 7:00 pm Cancer Survivors Support Group (Seelos) 7:00 pm Bear Scout Den (Seton) Friday/Viernes, September 27 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am Grandparents Day Mass (Pre-K-2nd) 12:00 pm Grandparents Day Mass (3rd-7th) Saturday/Sábado, September 28 ROSARY COMMITMENT WEEKEND 7:45 am Rosary (Church) 8:15 am Mass 3:30 pm Rosary (Church) 4:00 pm Vigil Mass Sunday/Domingo, September 29 ROSARY COMMITMENT WEEKEND 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass 11:00 am Confirmation Candidates & Parents (Vosbein Hall) 12:00 pm Mass 1:15 pm Legion of Mary Meeting (Vosbein Hall) 2:00 pm Misa 3:00 pm SCY Back to School Bash (Gym) 3:15 pm Catecismo para Adultos (Seton) 6:00 pm Mass Please pray for the protection of all our troops who are stationed in the Middle East, especially for: Eli Arnold,Tyler Brewer Astin, Drew Bouysou, Thomas P. Brewer II, Ian Erickson, Eldhen Fajardo, Jason Hammett, Dimian A. Lozano, Rocky Moskau, Chris Munguia, Troy A. Pridemore, David Sowell, Soldiers 3/4 Marines St. Clement Youth Calendar of Events Sunday, Sep. 22 — “Let’s Talk about Faith” with Deacon Ian, 7:009:00pm, Parish Center Tuesday, Sep. 24 — 40 Days of Life Kick-off, 6:00pm, next to Ridgelake Abortion Clinic (No SCY prayer night) Saturday, Sept. 28— Babies and Beignets, 9:00am— 12:00pm, Ridgelake Abortion Clinic Sunday, Sep. 29 — BYOB Party (Bring you own banana) 3:00-5:00pm, Gym YEAR OF FAMILY AND FAITH Amos deals with the excesses of greed ingrained within each of us. Yet, none of our excesses is missed or forgotten by the Lord. The Gospel follows the theme presented by Amos. In order to remain “stable” in the senses of Society, we are tempted to work both God and Man at the same time. If one fails, we are able to negotiate with the other. We find ourselves doing that at any given time in our lives. Where are we making our choice daily, God or Man? PRAY FOR VOCATIONS The best way of supporting our New Orleans Seminarians is by praying for them. Please pray this week for: Dung Le And there is a time for healing / Y hay un tiempo para sanar Those who are sick asking the Lord that they may regain their strength. May they find comfort as a result of our prayers, especially, Andrea Apusso, Mike Ancona, David J. Alexander, Jorge Arana, Lillian Arnold, Rose Augello, Valentina Armato, Stephen Bauer, Val Brousse, Ferry Becnel, Ligia Buitrago, Edgardo Caldero, Connie Campbell, Avenel Carlini, Earl Carson, Joshua Cassaday, Lang Caucer, Bridget Celestine, Jeremy Claverie, Frances Cognevich, Donald Connor, Betty Cutrera, Coach Neil Langham, Carol Descant, Collin Duke, Lana Duke, John DiStefano, Ryan Dyck, Rebecca Ernst, Chris Fradella, Glenn Feliu, Robert Feliu, Renee Filostrat, Diane Gambino, Elizabeth Gaiennie, Warrene Gambino, Angie Garganta, Lou Garrick, Carol and Bryan Gassen, George Gross, Reynaldo Garcia, Dora Garcia, Patricia Gleason, Faith Hamby, Serina Hardy, Lou Hauth, Jay Hebert, Rosalind Hirius, Gayle Hoffman, Philip Hoffman, Kathy Hymel, Sheryl Hartzheim, Paul Hymel, Christina James, Rachel Carr Janney, William Joffrion, Richard Judlin, Sherry Keppler, John King, Dr. Emad Kandil, Marie Labella, Carol Lorch Piwko, Frank & Yvonne Lovecchio, Brenden Maestri, Kathlyn Martino, Aurelio Montenegro, Anne McGinnis, Michael McNally, Mercedes Mendoza, Jake Morris, Beverly & Charles Murray, Judee Morovich, Edith Maillian, Leonel Orellana, Marvin Owen, Socorro Peña, Olga Pérez, Armine Person, Malcolm Philip, Laurie Rabalis, Charlotte Rempel, Jay Rink, Alan Ruiz, Alan Rusnak, Karen Ridgeway, Henry Sabido, Avery Sallean, Alexa Schexnaildre, Shirley Schneider, Anne Schneider, Jack Strauser, Martin Stokes, Hank Sobon, Suzzane Selig, Charles Taquino, Jr., Kleo Tonglet, Rodney Trentadue, Sr., George Vujnovich, Joel Warren, Dana Welch, Eilis Willis, Celeste and Nathan Williamson, Jeff Wilson, Jack Westholz, Elena Zambrano Ecclesiastes 3:1,3-5 OUR WEEKLY OFFERING Sunday, September 15……………… $16,081.76 Catholic Communications …………..$ 4,369.86 We would like to thank all who generously support our Parish. Agradecemos a todos los que apoyan generosamente a nuestra parroquia. Saturday/Sábado, September 21 † - denotes deceased 4:00 pm Peter Catalano †, Joseph & Rosalie Molere †, Spiridonia & Ferninand Loyacano †, Paul Trapani †, Stephen & Elizabath Marcev †, George Pabst, Sr. †, Mark May †, Gary Troyer †, John Paul Ruiz, Charles & Domenica Cusimano †, Marie Bandera †, Doris “Deedy” Finney †, Paul Trouard †, Ed LaBruyere †, Mary Alice & Harold Richard †, Adele Antoine †, Michael Edward Braud †, Jean Tyler Eichhorn †, Pedro Ruiz, Jr., Slemmer & Ferrantelli Families, Clarence Koehl †, John Wheles † Sunday/Domingo, September 22 8:00 am Hersilie F. LaBarre † 10:00 am Helen LaBourgeois †, Joshua Cassaday, John DeCorte †, Marilyn Middleton, John Smuck, Marvin Firmin †, Shirley Sollenberger †, Hymel Family Members Living and Deceased, Ed LaBruyere, Sr. †, Byron & Bridget Richard †, Betty St. Germain McLuckie †, Bob Schmidt †, Gia Allemand †, Frances Cabibi, Michelle Pierre †, Dr. Porfirio Buada, Sr. †, Dr. Porfirio Buada, II, Francis Lawrenz Ancheta †, Michael Carubba †, Rick Speeg, Thelma Rodriguez †, Merrita Oldenberg, Mildred Lacoste †, Geneive Lacoste †, Gary C. Murret †, Kenneth Tim Wilkerson †. Laurence Kelly † 12 noon All Parishioners 2:00 pm Mercedes Hudiel, Carlos Malespín †, Alicia Solórzano B. †, Antonio Llovet †, Carlos Javier Fajardo †, Francia Riquett, Ashley Gavilanes, Patricio Gavilanes, Ana Rosa Palacios †, Alicia B. de Solórzano †, Natalie A. Bartling †, Ester América Montoya †, Juan Carlos Montoya †, Roy Breseman † 6:00 pm Catherine Paternostro † Monday/Lunes, September 23 8:15 am Ed LaBruyere † Tuesday/Martes, September 24 8:15 am Ed LaBruyere † 6:00 pm Jack Fourcade, Sr. Wednesday/Miércoles, September 25 8:15 am Stan Middleton 6:00 pm Msgr. Richard Carroll † Thursday/Jueves, September 26 8:15 am Valerie Navarro † 6:00 pm Stanley Gaudet † Friday/Viernes, September 27 8:15 am Naomi Dominguez Hedrick † Saturday/Sábado, September 28 8:15 am Alfred Lucich, Sr. † St. Clement’s Oyster Festival The Oyster Festival will be on November 8, 9 and 10, 2013. Donation and sponsorship forms are available at all church entrances for anyone who wishes to make a donation or be a sponsor. There will be request forms for donations of certain drinks placed at all church entrances soon. Please look for these in the back of church. THANK YOU ! ROSARY COMMITMENT WEEKEND St. Clement of Rome will celebrate Rosary Commitment Weekend September 28th & 29th to call attention to the importance of the recitation of the daily rosary, especially during October, the Month of the Rosary. The Mother of God has been pleading with people of the world to pray the rosary everyday to bring people back to God and for true peace. After all Masses during Rosary Commitment Weekend, volunteers will be distributing, at no charge, rosaries, scapulars and the St Clement of Rome Rosary CD containing the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries. OUR SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of CHARLES AND ROSEMARY TUSA St. Anthony Ministry Report—August 2013 Type of Assistance Number of Families Total Amt Rent 14 $7,605.00 Utilities 15 $2,679.67 Other assistance 0 Come and spend an hour with the Lord. Adorer needed for Saturdays at 4:00pm Call Parish Center for more information. FLOWERS FOR ALTAR IN OCTOBER Anyone wishing to donate flowers for the altar during the month of October, please contact the Parish Center. Please do so early if a special weekend date is required. Our Life, One Rose Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Run E. D. White Knights of Columbus Council #3245 will host The “Running of the Silver Rose”, at St. Clement of Rome at 8:00am Mass on September 29th. The rosary will be prayed after the Mass for the pro- life cause. The Knights of Columbus of E. D. White. will participate in a North American effort paying special tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, through the Silver Rose Program. This program involves running a Silver Rose from Ontario through the United States to Mexico. Total Families Assisted (29) $10,284.67 FOOD DISTRIBUTION to 78 families Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend of September 21/22 2013 In Jesus’ parable of the Unjust Steward, we encounter a financial manager who has wasted his master’s wealth and faces dismissal from his position. To overcome the crisis confronting him, the steward reduces some very considerable debts owed by poor neighbors to his master in order to help them out. Though the steward has sinned against God and his master by squandering what belongs to someone else, both the prudent way in which he goes about resolving the crisis coupled with relieving people who are in need can be seen as a way to better steward the gifts entrusted to us by God. Although good stewards today acknowledge that they may never use their God- given gifts in a way that completely conforms to the demands of the Gospel, a commitment to using their gifts with prudence and for the purpose of helping their neighbors wins God’s favor. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord never forgets the sins of those who take advantage of the poor (Amos 8:4-7). Psalm — Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor (Psalm 113). Second Reading — God our savior wills everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:1-8). Gospel — The one who is trustworthy in small matters is also trustworthy in great ones (Luke 16:1-13). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3-4,7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43:1-4; Lk 9:18-22 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Sunday: Am 6:1a, 4-7; Ps 146:7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lk 16:19-31 Dr. Briant Pitre will speak at the Pauline Book Center, 4403 Veterans in Metairie on Tues., Oct. 1st at 7:00pm. His topic will be “The Life of Abraham & the Mystery of Faith. Registration is free, but call 887-7631 to reserve a seat. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Autumn begins St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Ss. Cosmas and Damian St. Vincent de Paul St. Wenceslaus; Blessed Virgin Mary St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions TIMING It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. —Anonymous ST. CLEMENT OF ROME SCHOOL GRANDPARENT’S DAY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2013 Morning Mass for Students in Grades PK-3—2 and their Siblings 8:15am-9:15am Mass 9:15am-9:45am Classroom Visits 9:45am-1045am Reception and Pictures in the Gym Noon Mass for Students in Grades 3—7 12:00pm-1:00pm Mass 1:00pm-1:30pm Classroom Visits 1:30pm-2:30pm Reception and Pictures in the Gym Grandparents will be allowed to check their grandchildren out early. Please inform homeroom teacher. We Are Called to Meet the Needs of Others Our Stewardship of Ministry emphasis begins soon, and you will receive introductory material concerning our effort in the mail. Through your study, you will learn more about this aspect of our Total Stewardship program and have the chance to indicate your level of involvement, prayerfully considering the parish ministries in which you’d most like to participate. In the first century, Jesus sent the disciples to focus on the needs of others. As his followers, the disciples proclaimed the Gospel, healed the sick, cast out evil spirits, and more. In obedience to that call, we too evangelize, we educate, we heal, and we work to separate the sacred from the profane. Please begin to pray about your response. Jesus encountered the poor, the needy and the hurting everywhere he went, and—especially as they found in him the Healer, Restorer, and Redeemer—they found him often. Today, though we live in communities blessed with almost unprecedented plenty, just as the Lord promised, we will always have the poor and the needy with us. To his disciples, the Lord’s call was clear. “Proclaim the truth,” Jesus said. “Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, and drive out demons.” It was a set of specific instructions addressing particular needs. In the days ahead, you will have the opportunity to personalize your commitment too, serving in particular ministries. We are called to meet the needs of others. Living Stewardship Now Decide which ministries and charities you will give your time and skills to in the year ahead. Call, e-mail, or fill out a card to sign up. Keep track of your commitment, week by week. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor nunca se olvida del pecado de los que hacen trampa a los pobres y abusan de ellos (Amós 8:4-7). Salmo — Que alaben al Señor todos sus siervos (Salmo 113 [112]). Segunda lectura — Reza al Señor, que quiere que todos se salven (1 Timoteo 2:1-8). Evangelio — Sé responsable en todo. Sirve a Dios, el único Señor, no al dinero (Lucas 16:1-13). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miércoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Domingo: Ezr 1:1-6; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 8:16-18 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 8:19-21 Ezr 9:5-9; Tob:13:2, 3-4abefghn, 7-8; Lc 9:1-6 Ag 1:1-8; Sal 149 (148):1b-6a, 9b; Lc 9:7-9 Ag 2:1-9; Sal 43 (42):1-4; Lc 9:18-22 Zac 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lc 9:43b-45 Am 6:1a, 4-7; Sal 146 (145):7-10; 1 Tm 6:11-16; Lc 16:19-31 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Lunes: Jueves: Viernes: Sábado: Vigésimo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Comienza el Otoño San Pío de Pietrelcina (Padre Pío) Santos Cosme y Damián San Vicente de Paul San Wenceslao; San Lorenzo Ruiz y compañeros OPORTUNIDAD No hay momento inoportuno para hacer el bien. EL CALIZ DE LAS VOCACIONES ¡Nuestra comunidad te necesita para orar por las vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas! Lleva el cáliz a tu casa y ora con tu familia y amigos para que más jóvenes respondan al llamado de Dios, especialmente los latinos. El cáliz está disponible las semanas del: 8 de diciembre 15 de diciembre Más información llame a Blanca al 887-7821. RENOVACION CARISMATICA CATOLICA HISPANA La vigésima quinta Conferencia de la Renovación Carismatica Hispana de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleans, se llavará cabo el 4-5 de Octubre, 2013. Los invitados especiales son: Rev. Sergio Serrano, Diácono David Caldero, Sr. Pablo Bayona de Newark, New Jersey y la Sra. Inés de Viaud de El Salvador, C.A. Viernes, 6:30-9:30pm Sábado, 8:00am-7:30pm Lugar: Centro Pastoral /Apostolado Hispano 2525 Maine Avenue, Metairie Para más información, llame al (504) 234-5710. Donación: $10 Habrá venta de comida. FLORES PARA EL SANTUARIO Si está interesado en donar flores para el santuario de la iglesia durante el mes de octubre, favor de llamar al Centro Parroquial para separar el fin de semana que desee. Estas flores pueden ser ofrecidas por alguna intención especial. —Anónimo Centro Parroquial —Blanca—(504) 887-7821 La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Decide a cuáles ministerios y obras de caridad deseas prestar tu tiempo y tus habilidades durante el próximo año. Apúntate y mantente al tanto de tu propio compromiso cada semana. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PRIORIDADES En la primera lectura, el profeta Amós se enfurece contra todos aquellos tan avarientos que cierran sus ojos y su corazón a las necesidades de los pobres entre ellos. Ganarse un dólar es una cosa, dice Amós. Hacerlo a costa de los desamparados es algo completamente distinto. En la segunda lectura, Pablo nos recuerda nuestra responsabilidad y deber de rezar. Hace un llamado a incluir a todos en nuestra oración –una oración que debe distinguir la vida diaria de los cristianos. En el Evangelio, Jesús describe el intenso esfuerzo de un astuto sirviente que ve aproximarse un “recorte” de personal. Jesús lo admira y se pregunta por qué tanta astucia se limita al mundo de los negocios. Jesús no entiende por qué quienes buscan una “posición” en el Reino de Dios no son tan ingeniosos y tan recursivos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. VENGA Y PASE UNA HORA CON JESÚS Nuestra capilla del Santísimo necesita adoradores para los sábados a las 4:00pm. Para más información, llame al Centro Parroquial al 887-7821. FIN DE SEMANA DE COMPROMISO CON EL SANTO ROSARIO Nuestra parroquia estará celebrando el fin de semana de compromiso con el Santo Rosario los días 28 y 29 de septiembre en el cual invitamos a todos a rezar el Rosario todos los días, especialmente durante el mes de octubre, mes del rosario. La Madre de Dios ha pedido que la gente del mundo rece el rosario todos los días para aumentar el número de conversions a Dios y alcanzar una paz verdadera. Voluntarios estarán regalando rosarios, escapularios y CDs conteniendo los misterios gozosos, luminosos, dolorosos y gloriosos. Nuestra Feria de Artes Manuales será el sábado, 5 de octubre de 9:00am- 5:00pm. Venga a disfrutar con su familia y obtenga sus manualidades favoritas a precios módicos. Si usted quiere participar como vendedor, todavia hay espacio disponible. Llame al Centro Parroquial para más información. La mejor forma de apoyar a nuestros seminaristas es orar por ellos. Por favor, oren esta semana por: Dung Le “In Our Fourth Generation” McKenzie Tree Experts Chef Archie Saurage Licensed & Fully Insured Ph. 456-1300 Uses Only Fresh & Local Products! 897-5585 10% disc. if mentioned at time of estimate Over 50 Models to ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Choose From Patronize One of Our Advertisers Since 1938 947-0609 914 Elysian Fields David Mutter Vice President 889-0105 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! (Second Floor) Call (504)88-SMILE • Same Day Appointments • Emergencies and Walk-ins Welcome • Most Insurance Plans Accepted (including Medicare Supplements) • In-House Denture Lab WE’LL SEE YOU...TODAY! Great New Seafood Items Mon.-Thurs. 11-9 • Fri. & Sat. 11-10 • Sun. 11-6 • Catering & Gift Cards Available 4025 Veterans Blvd. “We Cater to Cowards” Lakeside Shopping Center in Metairie 3431 Houma Blvd Metairie • 504-304-1469 $5off any purchase of $20 or more Bistro Orleans Metairie • 504-304-1469 With St. Clement of Rome bulletin. Not valid with other offers. Valid at Bistro Orleans only. Offer expires 12/15/13 Your ad could be in this space! For a complete listing of our services and doctors visit: 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 C.T. TRAINA PLUMBING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC 5000 W. Esplanade Ave. 454-5007 M-F 8:30am-6pm Sat 9am-2pm, Sun-Closed • Packaging Services • Mailbox Services • Copying / Finishing • Office Supplies Stephen Berry, Owner Hair & Nail Salon Mani/Pedi $37 Solar Nail $40 Shellac $28 Wax $7 and up 10% Off with Ad Rental Station Available $150/week Creole • Vietnamese (504) 309-4991 5000 1/2 W. Esplanade Ave. 3501 Severn Ave., Met 504.885.8181 Plumbing • Piping • Heating Air Conditioning • Welding Sewer & Drain Cleaning Building Maintenance Underground Water Mains Gas Testing • Water Heaters Underslab Repairs Video Inspection Fire Hydrant Installation & Repairs Storm Drains Over 50 Years Experience • 833-1164 200 N. Woodlawn Ave. Shop - 4414 Flamingo St. Frostea’s Caffe Best Bubble Tea in Town PHO • Salads • Vietnamese Cuisine 3400 Cleary Ave. Met. Dorignac’s Food Center One Stop Shopping 710 Veterans Bl. Italian Restaurant BEEF, VEAL, SEAFOOD Ph. 888-9600 HOME AUTO FLOOD BUSINESS Greg Brown Parishioner/Agent 101 W. ROBERT E. LEE, #303 Open for Lunch & Dinner 7 Days Sunday Champagne Brunch 3100 19th St. • Metairie ph: 834-8583 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 ORTHODONTICS 5036 YALE ST., SUITE 301 METAIRIE, LA 70006 TONY BORDLEE, For Information on Placing CLAYTON CHARBONNET, D.D.S. 456-7874 3312 Cleary @ Vets Memorials 455-6557 Please Call 1-800-438-8931 *********************** In Loving Memory of Our Son AGENT Aloha Pools and Spas Al Templet • 388-7705 Repairs • Re-Plaster • Renovations & Upgrades 4801 Veterans 889-1550 HELM CONCRETE “Affordable Quality” Residential Concrete and Small Jobs 504-344-2255 455-0100 CHRISTENING GIFTS & ROSARIES Coffee House & Cafe Open Early - Close Late LUNCH & DINNER OPEN 7 DAYS 4301 Clearview 885-4845 Fisher & Sons 885-4656 5101 W. Esplanade A & H SERVICE CO., INC. AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Let Us Help! Do You Have: Asthma • COPD • Diabetes • Flu Symptoms Gout • Lower Back Pain • Stomach Problems Related procedures/medications included. Compensation is available for qualified participants. Other Studies Available Call Clinical Trials Management Metairie (504) 455-1310 North Shore (985) 727-1781 Rooster Comb Barber Shop Ladies, Mens & Kids Haircuts 5050 W. Esplanade Four Barbers Over 40 Years Tues.-Fri. 9-6 in the & Saturday 8-2 Metairie Area 888-4506 Walk Ins Welcome BABS & NAT LOPICCOLO (504) 469-1059 25% Discount With This Ad 3901 Williams Blvd., Suite 20, Kenner, LA 70065 (504) 469-2217 office (504) 415-1494 cell Keith Reynaud (504) 443-1221 fax President Bear’s at the Bottom Line Famous Po-Boys – NOW OPEN! 3309 Division St., Met. 504-455-6613 Brandon L. Davis, M.D. Robert D. Ross, M.D., APMC ✱ Practice Limited to Diseases and Surgery of the Retina, Macula and Vitreous BETTER TASTE • BETTER HEALTH Proud to be Locally Owned from New Orleans Build Your Own! No Extra Cost for Toppings! Piadina Wrap • Pasta Bowl • Chopped Salad 4620 Veterans Blvd. • Metairie, LA • 504-872-9992 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (B) Making Memories Everywhere 4224 Houma Blvd., Suite 430, Metairie, Louisiana 70006 504.888.7771 Fax 504.888.9388 3525 Prytania Street, Suite 430, New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 504.897.7772 Fax 504.888.9388 15190 Community Road, Suite 320, Gulfport, Mississippi 39503 228.832.7779 Fax 504.888.9388 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 S T. A N T H O N Y ’ S Healthcare and Rehab Center 6001 AIRLINE DR., METAIRIE, LA 70003 504.733.8448 FAX 504.733.1917 Melanie Fernandez Residential Mortgages EUSTIS MORTGAGE CORP. 504-210-3396 GENERAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 504-488-0826 3500 Monticello Ave. New Orleans 455-0100 TANGIE STEPHENS KEITH NOONAN SALON 482-1866 Gynecologist & Obstetrician 4725 Veterans Blvd. Met, LA 70006 Each office independently owned and operated 4420 Conlin St., Ste 300 • Metairie 872-9283 / Joshua J. Jones, D.D.S. Overnight Baby Sitting Boys & Girls (7 to 12) Parishioner 800 Metairie Rd. Keith Noonan, Parishioner Vincent A. Culotta, Jr., M.D. (504) 338-7653 2201 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (504) 831-2120 Specializing in Cut & Color Aveda Lifestyle Store Steaks — Seafood Veal & Chops 5101 W. Esplanade Ave. 888-5533 Dinner M-Sat, 5-‘till WEBRE LAW FIRM, A.P.L.C. Gerald P. Webre, Parishioner Your Neighborhood Law Firm for 44 years Attorney at Law Call: 439-1381 GUITAR LESSONS ALL LEVELS Contact Ned Graci at 504-734-5749 Wills • Successions • Personal Injury • Notary Public 3408 Clearview Pkwy. 2727 Houma Blvd., Suite B • Metairie, LA 70006 (Veterans & Clearview) Ph: 504-454-0864 • Fax: 504-454-2181 St. Clement Parishioner & School Parent (504) 888-0622 TAILOR’S CLEANERS Federico’s Family Florist 3648 W. Esplanade Ave. Metairie, LA 70002 T. 504-885-5353 815 Focis St. Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 837-6400 SLEEP & WELLNESS CENTER CPAP, O2, Medical Equipment Asthma/Allergy Products Holistic Therapies Larry Federico Owner/President Kenny Thone Co-Owner/Vice President ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH (USPS 0425-210) is published weekly by ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH — 4317 Richland Avenue, Metairie, LA 70002-3097. 4031 Veterans 504-456-WELL (9355) Alteration SENIORS MEN & WOMEN “When you need a tailor, we have the experts!” Our Expert Alteration Specialist has more than 30 years Experience. Hair Cuts In Your Home When you can’t come to us!! We will come to you!!! CREATIF CUTS 888-8371 Quality Dry Cleaning CANNIZZARO REALTY APPRAISALS & SALES Peter Cannizzaro 831-0507 Effie Chaisson 957-3876 Subscription is $2.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Metairie, LA 70009-9998. 1700 Veterans Blvd., Metairie Call today for an appointment! 504-309-8322 MAY IS BETTER HEARING MONTH!!! EDENBORN SHELL Certified Technicians · Brake Tags Touch Free Car Wash 3534 Edenborn Ave · 456-7377 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. CLEMENT OF ROME CHURCH — 4317 Richland Avenue, Metairie, LA 70002-3097. CARL BRONDUM, JR. Licensed & Insured Electrician “No Job Too Small” 833-4026 • 455-4161 JOHN MONTALBANO PLUMBING & HEATING 114 Colby Street 833-6500 Lic #3655 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Assisted & Memory Care 3732 W. Esplanade Av., Met. CALL FOR A TOUR AND MOVE-IN INCENTIVE (504) 889-9777 Jimmy Tarleton III • Terry Tarleton Auto • Business • Home • Life • Flood Leave it to Good Hands People 454-0008 4323 Division St. At W. Esplanade NASH HEATING & A/C, INC. 2929 Jefferson Hwy., Jefferson, LA PAID Periodical Postage At Metairie, Louisiana Since 1970 Southshore (504) 835-4440 Northshore (985) 871-4300 Member FDIC Checking • Savings • Home Loans Marrero • Algiers • Westwego • Metairie • Mandeville 504.362.7544 • • 888.362.7544 GREG & RICK RAYMOND EXPERT JEWELRY & WATCH REPAIRS * CUSTOM DESIGNS FOR OVER 45 YRS * ALL WORK PERFORMED ON PREMISES 504-443-2440 4103 WILLIAMS BLVD., KENNER SHANNON ODDO DOYLE, D.D.S. Patio Drugs Breakfast Lunch & Dinner Before or After Mass 3524 Severn Ave 455-2266 515146 St Clement of Rome Church (A) 5208 Veterans Blvd. 889-7070 Free Delivery We Accept Medicaid Sewer & Drainage Service All Credit Cards Accepted Danny Bolner, Jr. 885-5266 Affiliates Each Office Independently owned and operated Shannon Rodi Nash 671 Rosa Ave., Ste. #100 • Metairie (504) 421-0197 • (504) 834-3221 • Family Dentistry 2727 Houma Blvd., Ste. A Metairie, LA 70006 504-454-5880 Single-Visit Crowns Children Welcomed! Evening and Sat. Appts. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931
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