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tapchi dau khi
VIETNAM PETRO Petro ietnam An Official Publication of The Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group Vol 10 - 2010 ISSN-0866-854X Geological evolution and aspects of the petroleum potential of the underexplored parts of the Vietnamese margin PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY VIETNAM NATIONAL OIL AND GAS GROUP Contents PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION (2 - 49) Geological evolution and aspects of the petroleum potential of the underexplored parts of the Vietnamese margin Recovery Mechanisms and Oil Recovery from a Fractured Basement Reservoir, Yemen Advancements in Basement Logging While Drilling (LWD) Techniques for Formation Evaluation Determination of shale resistivity based on 2-D geoelectric forward modelling for evaluation of a low resistivity formation Editor-in-chief Dr.Sc. Phung Dinh Thuc Deputy Editor-in-chief Dr. Nguyen Van Minh Dr. Phan Ngoc Trung Dr. Vu Van Vien Members of the Editorial Board Dr. Hoang Ngoc Dang Dr. Nguyen Anh Duc BSc. Vu Xuan Lung Dr. Vu Thi Bich Ngoc Dr. Hoang Quy MSc. Le Ngoc Son Eng. Hoang Van Thach MSc. Nguyen Van Tuan Dr. Le Xuan Ve Dr. Phan Tien Vien PETROLEUM PROCESSING (50 - 53) Study of treating waste cooking oil for biodiesel synthesis using heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/Al2O3 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION (54 - 70) Applicability of GTL technology in Vietnam Managing editor MSc. Le Van Khoa BSc. Vu Van Huan Editorial office 16 th Floor, VPI Tower, Trung Kinh Street, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi Tel: 84.04.37727108 Fax: 84.04.37727107 Mobile: 0982288671 Email: tapchidk@vpi.pvn.vn Float - over technology - A project enabler POWER TECHNOLOGY (71 - 78) Permanent mode analyses for the distribution grid interconnection of a renewable energy NEWS (79 - 84) Rusvietpetro starts pumping oil in Russia Russia to provide ESPO crude oil for Vietnam Designed by Le Hong Van Dung Quat Refinery: Installing successfully blending crude Seminar highlights safety in oil & gas industry Publishing Licences No. 170/GP - BVHTT dated 24/04/2001; No. 20/GP - S§BS 01, dated 01/07/2008 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Geological evolution and aspects of the petroleum potential of the underexplored parts of the Vietnamese margin M.B.W. Fyhn, L.H. Nielsen, H.I. Petersen, A. Mathiesen, L.O. Boldreel, J.A. Bojesen-Koefoed, H.P. Nytoft, C. Andersen, N.A. Duc, P.T. Dien, N.T. Huyen L.T. Huyen, N.T. Dau, L.C. Mai, L.D. Thang, H.A. Tuan, D.T. Huong, T.T.T. Nhan P.F. Green, S. Lindström, S.A.S. Pedersen, D. Frei, L.V. Hien, I. Abatzis MBWF: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Abstract The Vietnamese margin includes a series of underexplored basins with a significant hydrocarbon potential. The origin and the petroleum potential of the Song Hong, Phu Khanh, Malay - Tho Chu and the Phu Quoc basins have been assessed by the ENRECA-group and new models are proposed. Jurassic to Cretaceous Palaeo-Pacific subduction resulted in the creation of a magmatic arc that now underlies part of the Vietnamese margin. The Phu Quoc basin formed in response to the build-up of the magmatic arc. During the Paleocene - Early Eocene, plate collision terminated the subduction process and resulted in inversion of the Phu Quoc basin. Eocene - Oligocene left-lateral strike-slip faulting along the margin resulted in rifting and source-rock deposition. Neogene thermal subsidence dominated in all but the Southern Phu Khanh basin and marine deposition prevailed due to opening of the East sea. This resulted in widespread Miocene carbonate deposition along the East Vietnamese margin, whereas clastic deposition ruled in basins farther from open seaways. Magmatism affected the margin from the Early Neogene and the associated Late Neogene onshore uplift and denudation promoted offshore sedimentation rates. 2 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM In the Phu Khanh basin oil seepages and an offshore oil discovery prove the presence of active petroleum systems. Source-rock maturation and petroleum expulsion occurred during the Late Neogene as rapid sedimentation deeply buried source-rock intervals. In the northern Song Hong basin Miocene coals and Palaeogene lacustrine source rocks are presently oil and gas generative, which has allowed time for traps to form. In the Malay - Tho Chu basin maturation modelling and FAMM analyses suggest that oil generation peaked during the Middle Neogene and that the primary risks for the tested Miocene plays are oil expulsion prior to trap formation, migration pathways complicated by faulting and the distribution and amount of matured source rocks in smaller grabens. Introduction 1. Tectonic development The Vietnamese margin is floored by a number of sedimentary basins with a considerable petroleum potential (Fig. 1). Most of these basins are in an early state of exploration and the overall understanding of their development is still limited. Geological information on the Vietnamese margin is fundamental both to the evaluation of the petroleum potential of the area, and the understanding of the geological development of greater parts of SE Asia including the amalgamation of SE Asia, the creation of the East sea and the farfield effects of the India-Eurasia collision (Tapponnier et al. 1986; Briais et al. 1993; Rangin et al. 1995a; Matthews et al. 1997; Lee & Watkins 1998; Nielsen et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2001; Hall & Morley 2004; Andersen et al. 2005; Fyhn et al. 2009a; b; 2010a; b; Petersen et al. 2010). 1.1. Mesozoic to earliest Cainozoic ARC magmatism and foreland basin formation A joint research group from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI) and universities in Denmark and Vietnam has since 1995 worked to asses the geology and petroleum potential of the Vietnamese basins based on analysis of vast amounts of seismic and gravimetric data, basin modelling and analysis of well data, source rocks and information from onshore outcrops, core holes, and seep oils. This study throws light on the structural and stratigraphic development of the Vietnamese margin addressing the regional tectonic mechanism driving the evolution of the Song Hong, the Phu Khanh, the Malay - Tho Chu and the Phu Quoc basins. The hydrocarbon potential of these underexplored basins outlining the margin is similarly addressed. After the early Triassic the Sundaland core of SE Asia had accreted through welding of Gondwana derived continental fragments (Metcalfe 1996; Sone & Metcalfe 2008). During the succeeding part of the Mesozoic period Sundaland constituted a large promontory bordered by the Tethys Ocean to the West and the Palaeo - Pacific (Panthalassa) to the East (Fig. 2a). Vietnam outlines the eastern part of Sundaland and Jurassic and Cretaceous Westwards subduction of Panthalassa along E and SE Asia resulted in arc magmatism in a belt stretching from Japan across Vietnam to Borneo (Fyhn et al. 2010b). The igneous basement in the Cuu Long, the Nam Con Son and the Phu Khanh basins and in the adjoining parts of Vietnam forms part of this Jurassic to Cretaceous magmatic arc. East of the igneous belt the Jurassic to Cretaceous Phu Quoc basin stretching from Central Cambodia to the central part of the gulf of Thailand formed as a retroarc foreland basin linked with the build up of the neighbouring magmatic arc. The Phu Quoc basin and the coeval Khorat basin formed part of a larger continuous basin that became segmented due to Early Palaeogene inversion and erosion (Fyhn et al. 2010b). Basin inversion is indicated by a prominent angular unconformity that caps the basin fill and is associated with spectacular thrust faulting and folding. The structural complexity increases towards two deeply eroded and more than 500 km long fold belts that confine the basin to the East and West (Fig. 3). The level of eroPETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 3 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION sion becomes deeper towards these orogenic belts. Palaeozoic and Lower Mesozoic igneous and sedimentary rocks therefore crop out on small islands and onshore the mainland or subcrop towards the base of the Cainozoic within the Kampot Fold Belt flanking the basin to the East. Apatite fission track analysis on rock samples from the Kampot Fold Belt demonstrate Late Paleocene - Early Eocene uplift and denudation of the area occurring in response to thrust faulting and basin inversion. The contemporary shut-down of Vietnamese arc magmatism and the suturing of the Luconia Block to Borneo could indicate that the inversion was forced by the accretion of Luconia towards Sundaland (Fig. 2b) (Fyhn et al. 2010a). 1.2. Eocene - Oligocene rifting and inversion Mid-Cainozoic extension was focused within a number of rift basins that fringe the Vietnamese margin. Eocene syn-rift sediments constitute the oldest deposits encountered within these basins and indicate the time of incipient rifting. 1.2.1. East Vietnam boundary fault zone Rifting along the north and central Vietnamese margin are closely related with strike-slip movements across the East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone (EVBFZ) that forms the offshore continuation of the Red River Shear Zone (Fig. 1). Large-scale left-lateral displacement took place across the shear zone as Indochina was extruded away from the collision front in response to India’s indentation into Eurasia (Tapponnier et al. 1986; Leloup et al., 2001; Fyhn et al., 2009a; b). Pullapart rifting in the super-deep Song Hong basin occurred during the Eocene-Oligocene in response to left-lateral motion across the EVBFZ outlining the Song Hong basin (Fig. 1) (Rangin et al. 1995a; Nielsen et al. 1999, Andersen et al. 2005; Clift & Sun 2006; Zhu et al. 2009). In the central part of the Song Hong basin basement are buried well below conventional seismic recording depth (8 sec TWT) (Nielsen et al. 1999). Gravimetric and refraction seismic data suggest a 1520km thick Cainozoic succession and extreme crustal thinning across the central part of the basin (Vejbæk et al. 1997; Shimin et al. 2009). Farther to the South the EVBFZ continues into the Phu Khanh basin, transecting the Western part of the basin (Fyhn et al. 2009a, b) (Fig. 4). The crust thins 4 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 dramatically towards the fault zone and is only a few km thick along the EVBFZ in the basin (Fig. 5) (Fyhn et al. 2009b). The nature of the pre-rift geology changes across the EVBFZ. Landward from the fault zone a drilled igneous basement exists below the Cainozoic succession whereas a stratified preCainozoic succession reflecting (meta) sediments constitutes the basis of the Palaeogene syn-rift succession east of the EVBFZ (Figs 6, 7). This juxtaposition of the pre-Cainozoic basin-floor types seems to reflect an Eocene to Oligocene left-lateral offset of more than 100km across the EVBFZ in the basin (Fyhn et al. 2009a). Seaward from the fault zone the stratified basin floor is deeply down-faulted and the base of the syn-rift succession is situated below conventional seismic recording depth in large areas (Fig. 4, 7). Towards the South the EVBFZ breaks up into discrete SE-wards splaying segments along the Tuy Hoa Fault Zone that marks the termination of one of the largest Cainozoic continental strike-slip zones on Earth (Fig. 1). Recurrent inversion affected the Song Hong basin starting from the Mid-Oligocene. The inception of inversion occurred contemporary with the onset of uplift of metamorphic core complexes along the trail of the Red River shear zone onshore. The onset of inversion denotes a change from intense rifting to moderate rifting and thermal relaxation following the initial inversion pulse in the Song Hong basin. Left-lateral movement along the EVBFZ therefore seems to have culminated during Eocene - Mid-Oligocene time. In the Phu Khanh basin a distinct unconformity along the trail of the EVBFZ indicates uplift and erosion comparable to the Mid-Oligocene uplift affecting the Song Hong basin. Most of the East Vietnamese margin thus seems to have been affected by inversion during MidOligocene time from the Song Hong basin in the North to the Cuu Long basin in the South (Fyhn et al. 2009a). Although rifting continued in a narrow zone along the EVBFZ in the Phu Khanh basin, rift induced subsidence decreased away from the EVBFZ following the uplift; and at the end of Oligocene time rifting significantly decreased in the Northern half of the basin and rearranged farther to the South. 1.2.2. Tho Chu fault zone The Tho Chu fault Zone (TCFZ) constitutes a NNW-trending fracture zone that transects the PETROVIETNAM Vietnamese part of the Malay basin locally referred to as the Malay - Tho Chu basin (Figs. 1, 8). The TCFZ is the dominant U. Eocene - Oligocene structure in the North-Eastern part of the gulf of Thailand but is paralleled by a set of other large fracture zones. The NNWtrending fracture zones form prominent Eocene Oligocene flower structures associated with subordinate WNW-trending normal faults suggestive of leftlateral strike-slip movements (Fig. 9). The TCFZ runs along the trail of the Upper Paleocene to Lower Eocene Khmer Fold Belt that can be traced all the way to onshore central Thailand. Even so, a Northward continuation of the TCFZ has not been reported, and a direct link-up with a strand of the Mai Ping or the Three Pagodas shear zone onshore Thailand is speculative. Left-lateral movement may thus have occurred across a very broad shear belt in the North-Eastern gulf of Thailand compared to that concentrated along the EVBFZ outlining the north and central Vietnamese margin. However, the kinematic timing and the structural style of the TCFZ and the other parallel strike-slip lineaments in the Malay - Tho Chu basin indicate a direct relationship with left-lateral faulting in the basin and left-lateral shearing onshore associated with the collision of India and Eurasia. 1.2.3. Neogene faulting and thermal sagging In the Song Hong basin Neogene faulting was moderate compared to Eocene - Mid-Oligocene rifting. Even so, a continued left-lateral tectonic regime into the Miocene is indicated by the E-W-trending extensional fault pattern located in between the NW-trending basin bounding Song Chay and the Son Lo/Vinh Ninh faults. In the Northern part of the Song Hong basin folding and reverse faulting took place during the Miocene peaking during Late Miocene time. This has been interpreted to reflect a change from left- to rightlateral shearing along the EVBFZ in the area during the Late Neogene (Rangin et al. 1995a; Nielsen et al. 1999; Andersen et al. 2005). Rapid Neogene subsidence is indicated by the profound Miocene-Recent succession filling the basin. In widespread parts of the basin the post-rift thickness is in excess of 10km, which in places causes the older deposits to be buried below conventional seismic recording depth. In the Phu Khanh basin the thickness of the Neogene and the depth of the sea increases to the East as rapid Miocene-Recent thermal subsidence took place in the seaward part of the basin as compared to farther shoreward. Even though rifting decreased dramatically following the Oligocene in the Phu Khanh basin, significant faulting took place during the Early and Middle Miocene. Rifting was concentrated in the southern part of the basin facing the Nam Con Son basin and the oceanic spreading ridge that propagated towards the two basins, and not focused along the EVBFZ as during the Eocene - Oligocene period. Early Neogene rifting in the basin thus seems associated with seafloor spreading that took place independent from left-lateral strike-slip movements along the margin. Rifting in the Malay - Tho Chu basin decreased significantly at the end of the Oligocene and thermal sagging came to dominate. However, moderate Neogene extensional rejuvenation of older structures PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 5 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION occurred in the basin with increasing intensity towards the Northwest. The post-rift thickness in the Malay - Tho Chu basin generally increases towards the SW but rarely exceeds 3km. This is due to the fact that the Malay - Tho Chu basin only constitutes the marginal part of the Malay basin with far greater post-rift thicknesses across the central part of the basin located outside Vietnamese acreage. 1.2.4. Neogene volcanism, uplift and fast sedimentation rates Widespread and voluminous volcanism affected the East Vietnamese margin from the Western central part of the Song Hong basin and Southwards. The offshore volcanism is linked with late Neogene onshore volcanism based on their coincident timing and on the offshore continuation of Late Neogene volcanic provinces exposed onshore. This indicates that the onshore volcanic region centred in Southern Indochina continued offshore and that the intensity of offshore volcanism equalled with subsequent onshore volcanism. Based on seismic interpretation it seems that the modern volcanic activity of Southeast Indochina initiated offshore during early Neogene time and subsequently broadened and intensified onshore during the late Neogene (Fig. 2) (Hoang & Flower 1998; Lee et al. 1998). Offshore magmatism often revitalized older fault systems, which has also been noted with onshore volcanism (Rangin et al. 1995b; Fyhn et al. 2009a). From around the Late Miocene offshore depositional patterns changed, sedimentation rates increased and local uplift took place (Fyhn et al. 2009c). Onshore studies reveal the onset of major uplift and denudation during the same period of time, which has been linked to the intense magmatism of the region (Carter et al. 2000). This most likely reflects that the majority of the onshore basalts erupted during the latest Neogene following magmatic intensification onshore (Barr & Macdonald 1981; Rangin et al. 1995b; Hoang & Flower 1998). Contrary, most offshore volcanism peaked during Early to middle Late Miocene time and recent magmatism seems restricted to the Con Son Swell and possibly the Southern part of the Song Hong basin. 2. Depositional development Outcrop studies of Cretaceous strata on the Phu Quoc Island and onshore Cambodia complemented by analysis of the fully cored 500 m deep ENRECA-2 well on the Phu Quoc Island indicate a prevalence of sandstones in the Phu Quoc basin (Fyhn et al. 2010a). Alluvial sandstones with an average of ca. 10% rhyolite-dominated lithic fragments make up the primary content of the up to ca. 4km thick Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments filling the basin. Only a few thin shallow marine sandstone beds have been encountered in the otherwise terrestrial succession. The sandstone dominated succession intercalates with subordinate alluvial plain and lacustrine silt and mudstone intervals. Coal fragments are abundant at specific stratigraphic levels, but do not posses any source potential. 6 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM The Cainozoic rift basins along the Vietnamese margin are filled by thick and varied sedimentary successions. Seismic facies analysis supported by well data indicates the presence of a broad range of sediment types in the basins, signifying changing Cainozoic depositional systems in the region (Figs. 10, 11). Non-marine depositional environments with estuarine interludes prevailed during the Palaeogene syn-rift period due to the immature development of the East sea. The syn-rift succession is therefore dominated by alluvial, fluvial and lacustrine deposits, of which carbonaceous lake successions and humic coals constitute the primary source-rock type in the area. Restricted marine incursions occur within the syn-rift interval suggesting periodic connections with either the proto-East sea or the youngest East sea that initiated during the Early Oligocene. A pronounced transgression occurred during the earliest Miocene as the East sea expanded and gradually approached the Vietnamese margin. Widespread subaerially exposed areas became inundated, which promoted carbonate platform growth from the central Song Hong basin to the central Phu Khanh basin, while terrigenous alluvial and shallow marine deposition prevailed in the Northern Song Hong, Southern Phu Khanh, the Nam Con Son, the Cuu Long and the Malay basins located farther to the South from the initial East sea (Fig. 10b). Local uplift in part of the North-Western Phu Khanh basin in the Middle Miocene caused subaerial exposure of Lower Miocene - lowest Middle Miocene platform carbonates. Consequently, carbonate growth retreated Northward and was replaced by terrigenous deposition. During the same period, the continued opening of the East sea introduced open-marine conditions in the southernmost part of the Phu Khanh basin, which instigated the growth and deposition of carbonates like in the Nam Con Son basin. Carbonate growth in this area was interrupted due to the endMiddle Miocene uplift probably associated with the termination of seafloor spreading (Fig. 10c) (Fyhn et al. 2009a). Carbonate deposition re-established subsequently on the Northern Con Son Swell bordering the Southern Phu Khanh basin, whereas deep marine siliciclastic deposition came to prevail farther offshore in the Phu Khanh basin similar to the situation in the central Nam Con Son basin (Fig. 10d). At the same time alluvial and shallow marine deposition dominated in the Malay - Cho Thu basin that like the Cuu Long basin was located farther away from the open-marine part of the East sea. The depositional pattern along the East Vietnamese margin changed considerably as sediment supply increased around Late Miocene time in response to the southeast Indochinese uplift (Fig. 10e). Carbonate deposition was impeded by subaerial exposure of the Phan Rang Carbonate Platform that covered the Northern Con Son swell. Platform growth only re-established patchily during the subsequent transgression as the input of terrigenous matter and inorganic nutrients to the area increased signifiPETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 7 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION cantly (Fyhn et al. 2009c). Nutrification of the surface waters along the Con Son swell was controlled mainly by intense onshore erosion and an orographic induced change of the summer monsoon that triggered seasonal upwelling along the Con Son swell. Consequently, carbonate platforms drowned offshore south and central Vietnam throughout the latest Miocene and Early Pliocene times. Siliciclastic dominated deposition subsequently took over in previously carbonate dominated areas. This led to the establishment of a prominent shelf slope along the central and South Vietnamese margin that prograded tens of kilometres eastwards during the remaining part of the Neogene and characterizes the modern outline of the margin. 3. Petroleum geology Cainozoic lacustrine mudstones and coals/coaly mudstones are the principal source rocks in the Vietnamese and adjacent Chinese basins (Todd et al. 1997; Petersen et al. 2004; Andersen et al. 2005; Bojesen-Koefoed et al., 2005; 2009). Potential sourcerock analogues occur onshore. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content and Hydrogen Index (HI) values of immature Cainozoic lacustrine mudstone analogues from the Dong Ho area and from the ENRECA-1 well drilled in the onshore Song Ba trough mainly range from 4 to 20 wt% and from 300 to 700mg HC/g TOC, respectively, indicating that the organic matter largly is composed of algal-rich kerogen (Type I/II) and is comparable to the lacustrine source rocks encountered in offshore wells (Table 1) (Petersen et al. 2001; 2004; 2005; 2010; Nielsen et al. 2007). Onshore humic coals display HI values up to 350mg HC/g TOC, compatible with those sampled in offshore wells suggesting a potential for oil generation. Data from these onshore source-rock analogues thus emphasize that mature Cainozoic lacustrine mudstones and coals/coaly mudstones provide excellent source rocks for oil and gas generation in the region. These source rocks are interpreted to be abundant in the Palaeogene syn-rift of the Song Hong, Phu Khanh and Malay - Tho Chu basins, and sporadically present in Miocene deposits based on well data and seismic interpretation (Matthews et al. 1997; Lee & Watkins, 1998; Nielsen et al. 1999; 2007; Lee et al. 2001; Andersen et al. 2005; Petersen 8 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 et al. 2004; 2009; 2010; Fyhn et al. 2009a; b; 2010b). 3.1. The Phu Khanh basin Oil from Cainozoic marly source rocks is the most common seep oil in the Dam Thi Nai lagoon but lacustrine seep oils, comparable to oils produced from fields in the Cuu Long basin and oils encountered in wells in the Song Hong basin, were sampled as well by the ENRECA Group along the lagoonal coast (Traynor & Sladen, 1997; Bojesen-Koefoed et al., 2005; Fyhn et al. 2009b). Biological marker distribution of the prevailing Dam Thi Nai oil exhibits characteristics resembling extracts of Miocene marly source rocks in the Nam Con Son basin deposited near reefal and intra-reefal settings (Traynor & Sladen, 1997; Bojesen-Koefoed et al., 2005). A compatible Early Miocene fore-reef setting is interpreted immediately offshore from the Dam Thi Nai area based on seismic data in the Phu Khanh basin (Fig. 10b) (Fyhn et al. 2009a; b). The “marly” Dam Thi Nai Oil may therefore have originated from Lower Miocene fore-reef marls deposited in the narrow depression along the trace of the EVBFZ in the Northern half of the Phu Khanh basin, which would require a fairly simple 40 - 50 km up-dip migration pathway for the seep oils (Fig. 10b). 2-D hydrocarbon modelling was carried out to give a first assessment of the maturation and the hydrocarbon generation history of the successions potentially sourcing the oil seeps in the Dam Thi Nai lagoon as well as to illuminate the timing and control of hydrocarbon generation and migration in the Phu Khanh basin (Fyhn et al. 2009b). Seismic interpretation and gravimetric modelling were used to constrain lithology, ages, structures, crustal thickness, and heat flow, and pre-defined standard PetroMod physical rock parameters were assigned in the absence of well data. Modelling indicates that part of the syn-rift succession entered the oil window during the Palaeogene. During the Early Neogene the level of maturation in widespread areas only increased moderately. However, as the sediment accumulation rate increased during the Late Neogene, the potential synrift and Early Miocene source intervals were deeply buried by prograding deposits, which forced the main potential source intervals through the main oil window and caused the majority of the Palaeogene syn-rift far- PETROVIETNAM ther seawards to be situated in the oil window. The Late Neogene is therefore interpreted as the singlemost important period for oil and gas generation in the Phu Khanh basin, although magmatic activity may have influenced source maturation locally in the basin. The Dam Thi Nai oil seeps and the recent White Shark oil discovery in the central part of the Phu Khanh basin indicate working petroleum systems within the basin. This is substantiated by numerous potential direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHI), such as gas seeps, amplitude anomalies, flat spots and chimneylike features, mostly situated in various carbonate and sand-prone intervals (Lee & Watkins 1998; Fyhn et al. 2009b). The ENRECA study has thrown light on a series of structural and stratigraphic trap types situated in favourable positions relative to potential source rocks. The traps mainly formed before or during Early Neogene time, preceding the Late Neogene main oil generation. The study further indicates that potential reservoir rocks are composed of Miocene carbonates, diverse sand-prone depositional facies ranging from non-marine fluvial deposits to deep marine turbidite sequences and fractured basement highs in the Western half of the basin sealed by carbonate drowning sequences, transgressive shales and lacustrine mudstones. A series of promising hydrocarbon plays thus exist in the basin, many of which are located in shallow water (Fig. 12). 3.2. The Song Hong basin Analysis of the Song Hong basin carried out during the initial phase of the ENRECA project suggested the presence of working petroleum systems in the basin. Oil-source correlations suggest the presence of a Miocene coaly source-rock and a lacustrine mudstone source rock (Nielsen et al. 1999; Andersen et al. 2005). Miocene intervals containing thick coal seams encountered in wells were mapped out seismically across a larger region of the basin. Similarly, Palaeogene lacustrine mudstones with excellent source potential crop out on Bach Long Vi and onshore in the Dong Ho area. Reflector intervals situated within the syn-rift of the Song Hong basin composed of continuous, low-frequency, high-amplitude reflectors interpreted as thick dominantly lacustrine mudstone successions occur regionally along the rim of the Song Hong basin and have been mapped out. Early modelling of source-rock maturity and petroleum generation indicated the likeliness of active petroleum systems in the NE Song Hong basin (Nielsen et al. 1999; Andersen et al. 2005). Modelling further suggested late timing of maturation of syn-rift source rocks along the basin margin and of post-rift coals situated in the central part of the basin. This has allowed for extended periods of time for post-rift structures to form and to be sealed prior to hydrocarbon expulsion and migration. A number of subsequent discoveries made in recent years in blocks 102, 103, 106 and 107 have confirmed the existence of these Cainozoic petroleum systems in the area and the findings of the initial modelling effort in the basin. Even so, a significant gab in the understanding of the geology and the petroleum systems of the Song Hong basins exists. The ENRECA group is therefore in the process of revisiting the Song Hong basin and plan to drill a fully cored well in the syn-rift succession of the basin as part of our activities 3.3. The Malay - Tho Chu basin In the Malay - Tho Chu basin petroleum exploration began during the early 1970’ encouraged by the successful exploration activities immediately South of Vietnamese territory. The first well was drilled in 1994, and since then, significant gas, condensate and oil discoveries have been made in several wells drilled in the Malay - Tho Chu basin, but only a few discoveries are as yet considered commercial. A re-evaluation of the tested exploration strategies is therefore necessary in order to optimize and focus future exploration. Exploration has mainly aimed at Lower to Middle Miocene fluviodeltaic sand reservoirs with Late Neogene structural trapping mechanisms. Potential source rocks have been interpreted to be alginitebearing lacustrine shales and humic coals situated in the Palaeogene syn-rift and in the lowermost post-rift successions. Only few potential source-rock levels have been penetrated by wells, but those that have, have suppressed vitrinite reflectance (VR) values compared to VR values obtained from overlying Neogene coals. Suppressed VR values may occur in alginite-rich rocks and VR suppression is therefore particularly common PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 9 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION in lacustrine shales with high HI values. The maturity trends of such VR datasets may not be well-constrained and produce abnormally low thermal maturity gradients. Thus Fluorescence Alteration of Multiple Macerals (FAMM) was applied in order to obtain reliable thermal maturity trends in rocks containing vitrinite with suppressed and enhanced VR values. By combining conventional VR measurements and FAMM data a revised and more accurate thermal maturity gradient has been established (Fig. 14) (Petersen et al. 2009). 2-D modelling of the maturation history of the basin was carried out based on the revised thermal maturity gradient, detailed seismic mapping, well information and custom kinetics for bulk petroleum generation; the latter determined from outcrop samples of lacustrine source rock analogues and a terrestrially influenced mudstone collected from wells (Petersen et al. 2010). The 2-D models suggest that most of the syn-rift succession in the Vietnamese Malay basin is located in or has passed through the main oil and gas windows. Syn-rift source rocks have therefore produced and expelled significant quantities of hydrocarbons, however, the main oil generation generally took place during the y and Middle Miocene prior to formation of structural traps in Late Neogene time. 2-D modelling of the hydrocarbon generation therefore suggests that the main risks in the tested play types are: 1) The timing of petroleum generation relative to trap formation completed in the Late Neogene, 2) Pervasive Neogene faulting, which may have complicated petroleum migration to the structures and breached charged traps, and 3) The distribution and amount of matured source rocks in smaller grabens. Based on the abovementioned and the presence of DHI’s, an untested alternative play type is proposed relying on syn-rift sandstones located up-dip from and near source-rock intervals with Palaeogene structural and stratigraphic trapping mechanisms that did not experience subsequent Neogene deformation. Summary and conclusions Arc volcanism in and offshore South Vietnam is associated with Jurassic to Cretaceous subduction of the palaeo-Pacific. The Phu Quoc basin formed as a 10 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 retro arc foreland basin linked with the build-up of the volcanic arc. Coarse grained non-marine deposition prevailed in the basin, sourced from the coeval magmatic arc located east of the basin. Paleocene to Early Eocene basin inversion is interpreted as a response to suturing of Luconia to the Borneo - Vietnamese margin. Left-lateral shearing along the Vietnamese margin during the Eocene - Oligocene was forced by the India-Eurasia collision. Rifting in the Malay - Tho Chu and the Song Hong basins was a direct consequence of left-lateral pull-apart rifting, and extension in the Phu Khanh basin was greatly influenced by left-lateral shearing across the EVBFZ that transects the Western half of the basin and splays to the SE in the Southernmost part of the basin. The EVBFZ makes up the ca. 1000 km long offshore continuation of the onshore Red River shear zone and thus outline the North and central Vietnamese margin. Rifting decreased at the Oligocene - Miocene transition and thermal subsidence became dominant in the basins during Neogene time. However, rifting continued in the Southern Phu Khanh basin during the Early Neogene in response to the propagation of the seafloor spreading axis towards the Nam Con Son and the Phu Khanh basins. Non-marine to restricted marine deposition prevailed along the margin from the Eocene to the Oligocene, and lacustrine mudstones and humic coals with source rock potential were deposited during the period. The marine influence increased during latest Oligocene and Neogene time as the East sea approached its present outline. Carbonates therefore constitute a significant part of the Miocene along the East Vietnamese margin, whereas clastic deposition prevailed in the Northern Song Hong and the Malay Tho Chu basins situated near entry points of terrestrial input and farther from open sea areas. Depositional rates increased significantly during the Late Neogene in response to uplift and denudation of Southern Indochina. The uplift was associated with an intensification of volcanism in the region, which initiated offshore during the Early Neogene and subsequently broadened. The Phu Khanh basin contains active petroleum systems as indicated by the Dam Thi Nhai oil seeps PETROVIETNAM and oil tested recently in the central part of the basin. Significant source rock intervals may be present in the basin and include thick Palaeogene syn-rift sequences interpreted to contain abundant lacustrine and coaly intervals, and lower Miocene carbonaceous fore-reef marls. Maturation modelling of the Song Hong basin suggests a regional petroleum potential in the basin. Miocene oil-prone coals encountered in wells are presently at a mature state in the distal parts of the basin. Eocene - Oligocene syn-rift source rocks crop out on the Bach Long Vi and at Dong Ho and are expected to be abundant along the basin margin based on seismic facies mapping. Maturation modelling indicate that these syn-rift source rocks are presently oil to gas generating in widespread areas along the basin margin, which has allowed considerable time for traps to have formed and been sealed. In the Malay - Tho Chu basin FAMM analyses of coals and carbonaceous mudstones has led to a revised and steeper maturation gradient in the area. basin modelling incorporating the revised maturation gradient and new custom kinetic data for coals and lacustrine source rocks indicate that the main risks for the tested Neogene play types are: 1) The timing of petroleum generation relative to trap formation completed in the Late Neogene, 2) The pervasive faulting, which may have complicated petroleum migration to the structures and breached charged traps, and 3) the distribution and amount of matured source rocks in smaller grabens. An alternative syn-rift play type is therefore suggested, relying on sand reservoirs located next to source-rock intervals, and Palaeogene trapping mechanisms unaffected by subsequent Neogene structuring. Acknowledgements Petrovietnam (PVN) and Vietnam Petroleum Institute (VPI) are thanked for making data available for this ENRECA project group and for permission to publish. The ENRECA project (ENhancement of REsearch CApacities in developing countries) was funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Danish International Development Assistance (DANIDA) grants. The ENRECA group was founded in 2001 on the basis of the preceding cooperation between the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and VPI since 1995. The present ENRECA group encompasses GEUS, Institute of Geography and Geology (IGG) University of Copenhagen, VPI and PVN and Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG) and Hanoi University of Science (HUS). So far the ENRECA group has evaluated the geology and petroleum potential of the Song Hong, Phu Khanh, Malay - Tho Chu and the Phu Quoc basins along with the training of MSc. and Ph.D. students in hydrocarbon related geology/geophysics. In the comming phase of the ENRECA project the Song Hong basin is revisited in addition to continued activities on and offshore Southwest Vietnam. As part of the activities a fully cored stratigraphic well is considered to be drilled through the Palaeogene syn-rift succession in the Song Hong basin in order to test and improve knowledge of e.g. source potential, sourcerock deposition and maturation, Palaeogene biostratigraphy and age of rifting, overall syn-rift sedimentology, petrography, provenance areas and recognition of source-rock intervals from seismic data. The stratigraphic well is combined with and complemented by structural and stratigraphic studies based on seismic interpretation, basin modelling and outcrop analysis. References 1. Andersen, C., Mathiesen, A., Nielsen, L.H., Tiem, P.V., Petersen, H.I., Diem, P.T. 2005. Evaluation of petroleum systems in the Northern part of the Cainozoic Song Hong basin (Gulf of Tonkin), Vietnam. 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Simplified reconstruction of the palaeogeographical outline of SE Asia showing the approximate position of the modern landmasses as reference. (a) Late Mesozoic. (b) Paleocene-Eocene. (c) Eocene-Oligocene. (d) Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. (e) Early Neogene. (f) Late Neogene. See text for further explanation. Modified after Fyhn et al. (2009a) and (2010a) 14 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL PETROVIETNAM Fig. 3. Map of the subcrop pattern at the top-Mesozoic unconformity in the Southern part of the Phu Quoc basin. Zones of intense thrusting and folding outline the Kampot and the Khmer Fold Belts that confine the outline of the Phu Quoc basin. Simplified onshore pre-Quaternary outcrops are indicated, outlining the onshore continuation of the Phu Quoc basin, the Kampot Fold Belt and the Mesozoic magmatic arc. Position of the ENRECA-2 well on Phu Quoc Island is indicated. Modified after Fyhn et al. (2010a) Fig. 4. Time-depth structure map to the pre-Tertiary acoustic basement in the Phu Khanh basin area. Dotted areas represent areas with basement concealed beneath thick volcanic successions or situated below seismic penetration (8 s TWT). EVBFZ = East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone, THFZ = Tuy Hoa Fault Zone. After Fyhn et al. (2009a) PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 15 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Fig. 5. Density model across the EVBFZ (East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone) in the Northern part of the Phu Khanh basin. Gravity and seismic data demonstrate a very thin crust underneath the EVBFZ and overall seawards thinning of the continental crust of Indochina. After Fyhn et al. (2009b) Fig. 6. Seismic transect across the East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone (EVBFZ) in the Northern Phu Khanh basin. West of the fault zone, the pre-Tertiary is composed of crystalline basement whereas a sedimentary succession floors the Cainozoic east of the fault zone. A tectonically disturbed Palaeogene syn-rift succession fills the structural low along the EVBFZ. Lower Miocene carbonate platforms caps the igneous basement and the Palaeogene rift sequence in areas. The carbonates are buried beneath a prograding Late Neogene shelf and shelf slope succession. (From Fyhn et al. 2009a) 16 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Fig. 7. Seismic section located east of the East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone in the Phu Khanh basin showing a distinct sedimentary pre-rift succession. The pre-Tertiary unit is down faulted beneath conventional seismic recording depths toward the centre of the basin and buried underneath a thick Palaeogene succession. The syn-rift unit is covered by marine Neogene deposits dominated by Late Neogene deep marine sediments. Note the Neogene volcano farthest to the South. After Fyhn et al. (2009a) Fig. 8. Time structure map of the top of the pre-Tertiary in and North of the Malay-Tho Chu basin. The Malay Tho Chu basin marks the Southern down-faulted border of the Khorat Plateau. A series of NNW-trending continuous left-lateral fault lineaments transect the area and outline major structural lows in the basin area. Subordinate WNW- to NW-trending fault lineaments connect the NNW-trending faults and outline grabens and half grabens. This fault pattern indicates a left-lateral sense of motion across the larger NNW-trending faults. Position of the ENRECA-2 well is indicated PETROVIETNAM Fig. 9. Seismic transect from the Malay-Tho Chu basin across a NNWtrending Palaeogene graben bounded by steep strike-slip faults and half grabens confined by more gently dipping WNW-trending normal faults that link up with the strike-slip faults at depth. Deposition broadened across the basement high following the Palaeogene syn-rift period. Modest faulting occurred during the Middle to Late Miocene and certain faults pierce the seafloor indicating modern fault activity. After Fyhn et al. (2010b) Fig. 10. Facies maps of part of the central and South Vietnamese margin. a) Palaeogene facies map illustrating the dominance of non-marine to restricted marine deposits situated in fault confined depressions. b) Early Miocene facies map mirroring the early Neogene transgression triggering widespread carbonate accumulations in the North and alluvial to shallow marine siliciclastics farther South. c) Middle Miocene facies map. Increasingly open marine conditions in the South-Eastern part of the area promoted carbonate growth. Shallow marine siliciclastic sedimentation prevailed farther landward and to the North where carbonate deposition retreated due to magmatism and local uplift. d) Latest Middle to Late Miocene facies map. A transgression followed in the wake of a late Middle Miocene uplift in the South-Eastern part of the area. This resulted in widespread carbonate deposition across the Northern Con Son Swell and deeper marine deposition in the Eastern part of the area. Volcanism in the Phu Khanh basin and alluvial to shallow marine deposition in the Cuu Long basin continued during the period. e) Latest Miocene-Recent facies map. Siliciclastic supply increased during the most recent time of the basin evolution. This promoted the build up of a prominent shelf slope and inhibited carbonate production in the region. Magmatism in the Phu Khanh basin dropped during the period whereas volcanism initiated to the South. The Dam Thi Nai area is indicated. Modified from Fyhn et al. (2009a) PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 17 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Fig. 11. Simplified stratigraphic columns for the basins along the Vietnamese margin with main regional tectonic events indicated. N. CSS = North Con Son Swell, NE. CLB = Northeast Cuu Long basin, NE. MB = Northeast Malay basin (Malay-Tho Chu basin), N. NCSB = North Nam Con Son basin, PKB = Phu Khanh basin, SHB = Song Hong basin. After Fyhn et al. (2009a) Fig. 12. Schematic diagram summarising potential hydrocarbon play-types in the Phu Khanh basin. The potential plays are based on source rocks primarily composed of Palaeogene lacustrine mudstones and coals and Lower Miocene marly mudstones. Various sand-, carbonate and basement-reservoir types are outlined relying on both structural and stratigraphic trapping mechanisms. Modified after Fyhn et al. (2009b) Fig. 13. (a) Yükler-modelled Present-day maturation level for type I kerogene at the base of the interpreted Palaeogene synrift source interval in the North-Eastern Song Hong basin. (b) Present-day modelled maturation level for type III kerogene at the base of the interpreted Palaeogene syn-rift source interval. After Andersen et al. (2005) 18 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Fig. 14. Mean average VR values from a well in the South-Eastern part of the Malay - Tho Chu basin and FAMM-derived EqVR values plotted according to depth. Five of the VR values define a trend that has a very high correlation coefficient. The two deepest samples are omitted due to complications caused by VR suppression and possibly cavings. The curve defined by the EqVR values includes all seven samples. From Petersen et al. (2009) Table 1. Source-rock parameters from on- and offshore carbonaceous deposits used to qualify and predict hydrogen-index values in the petroleum modelling of the Malay - Tho Chu basin. Modified after Petersen et al. (2010) Locality TOC HI Range Average (wt.%) Range Average (mg HC/g TOC) Age Na Dương mine Coal 50.2 - 56.3 ~54 Lacustrine mdst 4.1 - 16.9 ~10 Coal 50.9 - 66.9 ~57 1.5 - 4.5 ~2 Lac. mdst upper unit 0.8 - 8.2 ~3.5 Lac. mdst lower unit 1.3 - 4.3 ~3 31.1 - 47.8 ~40 1.5 - 2.6 ~2 1.08 - 7.44 ~2.9 184 248 224 Miocene 539 Oligocene 294 Oligocene 346 Oligocene 519 Miocene 316 Miocene 199 Miocene 378 438 408 U. Oligocene 120 252 180 U. Oligocene Cua Luc trough 441 690 200 357 Bach Long Vi island Lacustrine mdst 195 462 Krong Pa Graben Coal 222 796 99 - 454 111 342 Malay - Tho Chu 46-CN-1X well Lacustrine mdst 46-NH-1X well Terrestrially-infl. mdst PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 19 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Recovery Mechanisms and Oil Recovery from a Fractured Basement Reservoir, Yemen Torsten Clemens, Nicolas Legrand Joop De Kok, Pascale Neff OMV E & P Abstract A tight naturally fractured basement reservoir in the Middle East contains an oil column of at least 2950 ft. The field is characterised by two types of fracturing: Background fractures with a very low effective permeability of less than 0.001 md and fracture corridors with an effective permeability of up to 1 md. Except for some dissolution porosity related to fracture corridors, no significant matrix porosity is encountered. About half of the oil in place is contained in the fracture corridors and half in the background fractures. The field has been in production since 2006. It is currently produced by depletion. Compositional grading has been observed in the thick oil column. Despite the fact that the oil is at bubblepoint pressure at the top of the reservoir, no significant increase in gas/oil ratio (GOR) has been seen. 20 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Introduction Detailed simulation studies revealed that the reason for the slow increase in GOR is the low permeability of the background fractures. The low permeability leads to viscous forces being dominant over gravity forces and hence almost no gravity segregation of gas and oil. Due to the relatively low viscosity contrast of the gas and the oil in this field, the gas mobility is not much higher than the oil mobility at low gas saturations. Hence, oil and gas are produced effectively from the background fractures into the fracture corridors and the reservoir pressure is not depleting as fast as in reservoirs with higher viscosity contrast between gas and oil. A number of reservoir management strategies have been investigated. The results indicate that the low permeability of the fracture corridors and very low permeability of the background fractures results in challenging conditions for increasing oil recovery by water or gas injection. However, the efficiency of depletion drive is higher than in conventional reservoirs. In the past, fractured basement reservoirs were often considered uneconomic. Due to increasing knowledge of basement plays and the demonstration of successful cases around the world, fractured basement reservoirs are becoming increasingly attractive to explorationists. An overview of commercial hydrocarbon reservoirs in fractured basement rocks is given by Batchelor et al. (2005). Typically, fractured basement reservoirs are heterogeneous and have little to no matrix porosity. The storage and production capacity is determined by the properties of the fracture network. The reservoir that is described in the paper is a tight naturally fractured basement reservoir in the Middle East and has an oil column of at least 2950 ft with a small overlying gas cap. The basement rock mainly consists of felsite, mafic rocks and granite. It is characterized by low porosity and permeability. Most wells have a low productivity index considering that the slanted wells have an openhole section of more than 1650 ft. The hydrocarbons have a viscosity ranging from 0.2 cP near the gas/oil contact to 0.4 cP lower down the reservoir, classifying it as light oil. Production from this field started in 2007. This paper presents the results and setup of a multi-disciplinary study with the aim of optimizing production from this tight reservoir. Firstly, the results of well models are presented, as they were used to study near wellbore behavior. Results from these well models were used to construct Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models. Details of the DFN are further discussed followed by the implementation of the DFN into a sector model. The simulation results of the sector model are presented in the last part of the paper. The results include the investigation of depletion and gas (re)injection as potential development strategies. Well models To investigate near wellbore behavior, fine gridded numerical black oil simulation models were created. The main objective of these well models was to increase the understanding of the permeability ranges within the reservoir. Since the investigated wells are located more than a kilometer apart and the produced volumes up to the point of simulation were small, limited interference was expected between the wells. The well models were populated with porosities derived using a core calibrated correlation between P-wave slowness and total porosity. The fracture porosity was determined using Aguilera (Astesiano et al. 2005), Luthi(Luthi and Souhaité 1990) and DLL (Sibbit and Faivre 1985) methods. The use of multiple, independent methods decreases the uncertainty concerning the fracture porosity calculations. For the basement, an average porosity of 1.1% was observed, whilst in some cataclastic zones with mineral dissoluPETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 21 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION tion the porosity reached a maximum of 15%. The well models were matched for bottomhole pressure (BHP), gas oil ratio (GOR) and production logging data. The main matching parameter was permeability. Due to the short production time, the history match for the well models was insensitive to porosity. Production logging (PLT) indicates a limited number of inflow zones in the well (Fig.1). The inflow zones are linked to high fracture porosity. The high fracture porosity zones are identified as cataclastic zones, which are related to faults or fracture corridors (also called swarms). The limited number of inflow points can be explained by the large permeability contrast between fracture corridors and background fractures (also called diffuse or systematic fractures). Matching both the BHP and PLT requires a low average permeability together with a high permeability contrast between fracture corridors and background fractures. Assuming a background permeability of 0.01md whilst matching the BHP data provides too much flow from the background fractures as can be observed in Fig. 2. To achieve a good match for the well models, the background fracture permeability has to be in the order of 0.001 md or less. The effective permeability of a 10m thick gridblock representing a fracture corridor was found to be in the range of 0.05 to 0.5 md. Fig. 2. Depth versus measured (red) and simulated (green) tubing flow rate. The simulated case assumes a background fracture permeability of 0.01 md Discrete fracture network (DFN) The well models indicate a large permeability contrast between fracture corridors and background fractures. A dual-permeability approach was selected to implement this contrast in a sector scale simulation model. Traditionally, a dual-permeability approach deals with matrix and fracture properties (e.g. Warren and Root 1963). In this case, the high permeability medium is defined as consisting of fracture corridors. The background fracture system acts as low permeability medium. To model the high permeability medium, a DFN approach was adopted. Using this method, the subseismic faults and fracture corridors were modeled as discrete features. Seismic scale faults, sub-seismic faults, fracture corridors and background fractures are assumed to show fractal behavior. Therefore, the distribution of the fracture corridors was related to interpreted seismic scale fault occurrences. Fig. 3 shows the fault pattern and distribution from the fault network analysis. Three major corridor sets were distinguished. Fig. 1. Depth, lithology, aperture, fracture porosity, total porosity, rate of penetration, gas shows, interpreted fractures from image logs, tubing oil and gas flow rates 22 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 The fracture corridor length was estimated from power law regression of the fault length distribution. Also, information from outcrop studies, core data, borehole images, production logging, conventional logging and drilling, such as mud losses and gas shows, were used to constrain the DFN generation. The fracture corridor porosity honors the log interpretation data, which indicates that 40% of the total pore volume in the basement is situated within the fracture corridors. PETROVIETNAM sentative for the entire field and only limited interference with other parts of the reservoir exists. The objective for simulating the sector model is to investigate field development strategies. The scaled up and dynamically calibrated DFN was implemented as the high permeability medium of the dual-permeability simulation model. Since the DFN did not exactly match the inflow performance of all wells, the permeability model was fine-tuned manually to improve the history match. Fig. 3. Fault pattern and fault distribution in a strike diagram (left) and map view (right) Fig. 4. An impression of the DFN (in green, light blue and pink representing the three major corridor sets) and the scaled up permeability model for one direction with blue being low permeability and light pink being higher permeability The DFN was scaled up and exported for implementation in the simulation model. The fracture conductivity and density were calibrated in several feedback loops to match well behavior. The result is a DFN that gives a reasonable history match whilst honoring statistical geological properties in a consistent manner. An impression of the DFN and the scaled up model is depicted in Fig. 4. Sector model setup Numerical simulation was performed on a sector model. The entire field was not simulated due to a lack of available data over a large part of the reservoir. The simulated area was selected such that enough data was available to create and match the fracture corridor model. It is assumed that this part of the reservoir, which covers about one third of the total field, is repre- A constant permeability and porosity was assigned to the low permeability medium. The permeability for the background fractures was derived from the well models. The pore volume for this low permeability medium contains 60% of the total pore space of the basement, as was derived from log interpretation. Sensitivities concerning the background fracture permeability and porosity are presented further in this paper. The oil column in the reservoir has a thickness of at least 2950 ft. Due to the extent of the column, compositional grading has to be implemented. For example, the viscosity changes from 0.2 cP close to the gas/oil contact to more than 0.4 cP deeper in the reservoir. Compositional simulation models compositional grading correctly, however, compositional, dualpermeability models often require large computing times. To reduce the model runtimes, black oil simulations were performed. Compositional grading was implemented by introducing thirteen depth dependent PVT regions. The PVT tables were derived from a single Equation of State that matches the laboratory experiments, pressure gradient and position of the gas/oil contact. Water was not included in the model since no free water was interpreted on logs. Also, no substantial water production or aquifer support has been observed. Straight line relative permeability curves without residual saturations were used in the simulation model for both fracture corridors and background fractures. In this case, the relative permeability of a certain phase is equal to its saturation. These relative permeability curves are generally used for the fractures in a dualporosity/dual-permeability model (e.g Kazemi 1976). Whether this assumption is valid for a tight background fracture gridblock is questionable. However, assuming straight line relative permeability curves results in gas becoming mobile with low saturations. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 23 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This can be considered unfavorable for oil recovery and is therefore adopted as a conservative base case. Sensitivity on relative permeability will be discussed further in this paper. The Kazemi shape-factor (Kazemi 1976) was used to model the fluid transfer between the high and low permeability medium. In this case, as will be demonstrated below, gravity hardly plays a role in the fracture-matrix exchange. Hence the use of the Kazemi shape factor is appropriate. Rock compressibility is not included in this model. A significant decrease in permeability due to the closing of fractures has not been observed to date. Any compaction without reduction of permeability would lead to pressure support. This can be considered as a potential upside. To investigate the depletion process in detail, slice models were created. In these slice models, two flat fine scaled 50m x 50m low permeability blocks are stacked on top of each other and surrounded by higher permeability zones (for example Fig.6). All input parameters represent the properties of the sector model with the difference that the slice models are a single permeability simulation. The slice models are depleted by a well in the upper left corner. Fig. 6 shows the oil saturation in the model for a block permeability (representing background fracture permeability) of 0.00001, 0.001 and 0.1 md. The amount of produced fluids measured in downhole volume is equal in the three cases. Depletion In this paper, two development strategies are discussed: Depletion and gas (re)injection. This paragraph deals with depletion. The fluid in the top of the reservoir is saturated since a small gas cap is present. Due to compositional grading, the saturation pressure decreases with depth whereas the reservoir pressure increases (Fig. 5). Because of the low permeability in the basement, the drawdown is large. Downhole pressures of about 800 psi have been observed. Since the bottomhole pressure is smaller than the saturation pressure, gas will come out of solution. Usually, due to the density difference between oil and gas, the gas will migrate upwards and form a gas cap. In the case described here, both the density difference and the permeability are low. Pressure (psia) 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 4400 Depth (ft) 4900 5400 Psat Pinit 5900 6400 Fig. 5. Depth versus initial saturation (blue) and reservoir pressure (red) 24 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 k = 0.00001 md k = 0.001 md k = 0.1 md Fig. 6. Oil saturation after depletion for the slice models with a background fracture permeability of 0.00001, 0.001 and 0.1 md Fig. 6 shows that for a background fracture permeability of 0.00001 md, the 50m x 50m blocks cannot be depleted effectively. The pressure drop in the background fracture block is such that the interior will be essentially virgin. The outer part of the block is fully depleted. What can also be observed is that gas/oil segregation due to gravity forces is minimal. For a background fracture permeability of 0.001 md, the blocks are depleted effectively. However, the drainage rate is too low to achieve gas/oil segregation in this limited amount of time. In this manner, gas saturation in the background fracture blocks can build up to values exceeding 25%, even with straight line relative permeability curves and no critical gas saturation. Another reason for the gas saturation to reach high values is the favorable mobility ratio. The gas viscosity is only a factor 10 smaller than the oil viscosity. PETROVIETNAM A higher permeability will lead to more pronounced gas/oil segregation, such as the slice model with a background fracture permeability of 0.1 md. It has to be noted that the time span in the depletion of the slice models is small. What is less obvious from the figures is that gas does segregate from the oil in the higher permeable zones surrounding the background fracture blocks. Fig. 7. Produced GOR versus average reservoir pressure for the slice model with a background fracture permeability of 0.00001 md (blue), 0.001 md (red) and 0.1 md (green) Fig. 8a. Cross section of the sector model displaying the oil saturation in the background fractures after depletion Fig. 8b. Cross section of the sector model displaying the oil saturation in the fracture corridors after depletion When looking at the GOR for the three slice models (Fig. 7), the case for 0.001 md gives the most favorable production behavior. The 0.00001 md case only depletes the outer parts of the blocks resulting in high gas saturation within that region. The high gas saturation results in a mobility ratio favorable for gas production. In the slice model with a background fracture permeability of 0.1 md, gas segregates and is produced when it has reached the top of the model. The main drive mechanism for the low permeability model is solution gas drive. The gravity forces hardly play a role in the time of production. Usually, depletion with solution gas drive gives recovery factors lower than 5% (Kortekaas and Van Poelgeest 1991; Scherpenisse et al. 1994). In heavy oil, recovery factors of more than 10% can be achieved by solution gas drive (Claridge and Prats 1995; Maini 1996). However, also with reduced gas/oil segregation, the recovery can be increased to values higher than 5%. As described above, a main contributor to the high recovery is the favorable gas/oil mobility ratio. The gas saturation buildup during depletion in the tight background fracture blocks, as observed in the slice models, can also be seen in the dual-permeability sector model. Fig. 8a and 8b depict the oil saturation after depletion in the background fractures and fracture corridors respectively. Also, the GOR does not increase as fast during depletion as expected from a saturated reservoir. Fig. 9 shows the saturation pressure, initial reservoir pressure and reservoir pressure after recovering 2.8% and 6.5% of the oil initially in place. When a recovery factor of 2.8% has been achieved, almost the entire reservoir section has a pressure below the initial saturation pressure. Nevertheless, the average produced GOR only increases from 1350 scf/stb to 1490 scf/stb. With a tight well spacing (about 100 acre), a well GOR constraint of 5000 scf/stb and a minimum BHP of PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 25 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Pressure (psia) 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 4400 Depth (ft) 4900 Psat 5400 Pinit, GOR=1350 scf/stb RF=2.8%, GOR=1490 scf/stb RF=6.5%, GOR=2850 scf/stb 5900 often good candidates for gas oil gravity drainage (e.g. Boerrigter et al. 1993). However, due to the low permeability in this reservoir, the drainage rates are small and the drawdown in the wells is large. These factors make the basement unsuitable for gas/oil gravity drainage. Therefore, additional recovery due to gas injection is limited. 6400 Fig. 9. Depth versus initial saturation pressure (Psat), initial reservoir pressure (Pinit) and the reservoir pressure after achieving a recovery factor (RF) of 2.8% (RF = 2.8%) and 6.5% (RF = 6.5%). The average produced GOR is mentioned in the legend 1200 psi, a recovery factor of more than 10% can be achieved by depletion alone. Gas injection might increase the recovery. The following section presents the results of investigating gas (re)injection as a potential development strategy. Gas injection Gas injection gives pressure support to the reservoir. However, injection can also lead to rapid gas breakthrough in the production wells. Since there is no gas available other than the produced gas, this section only deals with re-injection of the produced gas. Fig. 10. Cumulative oil production for the depletion (blue) and gas injection (green) case An issue with gas injection in this tight reservoir is the injectivity of the wells. However, this issue is not discussed further in the paper. The injection wells are situated relatively high in the structure and as far away from the production wells as possible. They are chosen such that they are able to re-inject large quantities of produced gas. Most simulation cases show an increase in recovery in the long term when re-injecting the produced gas. The wells that benefit the most from gas injection are the wells that are more favorable for gravity drainage. They are generally situated downdip or are mainly producing from the deeper part of the openhole section. Also, they are often situated far away from the injection wells. Incremental recovery can go up to 4% of the original oil in place. An example of the increase in recovery is observed in Fig. 10, where the cumulative oil production is plotted without produced liquid rate constraints. Fractured reservoirs with a large oil column are 26 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Fig. 11. Cumulative oil production for the gas injection case with a background fracture permeability of 0.01 md (red), 0.001 md (green) and 0.0001 md (blue) Sensitivities Sensitivity analysis was performed on several uncertain parameters. This section does not discuss all analyses performed, but does present the most PETROVIETNAM important findings. The most sensitive parameters are total volume, background permeability, the volume of the fracture corridors relative to the background fractures volume and the relative permeability curves. Changing the shape factor or PVT (while honouring the lab experiments) has a much smaller impact on the recovery. The amount of fluids initially in place influences the total recovery. However, given a suitable well spacing, the recovery factor of more than 10% for depletion will be very similar. Fig. 12. Cross section of the sector model displaying the pressure in the background fractures after depletion with a background fracture permeability of 0.0001 md tion and gas injection (Fig. 11). The same mechanisms play a role as investigated in the slice models. Decreasing the permeability by a factor of 10 has a larger effect on the recovery during depletion. In areas where the fracture corridors are non-existent, the pressure drop becomes such that the reservoir cannot be depleted effectively as can be seen in the figure below (Fig. 12). In the simulation model, the fracture corridors contain 40% of the total pore space. Reducing the relative volume to 10% has only a limited impact on recovery by depletion (Fig. 13). A large portion of the difference can be explained by the fact that the total pore volume is not exactly equal. The effect on the recovery by gas injection is much larger. Since the volume of the fracture corridors is smaller, the gas will move faster from the injection well to the production well during injection. The figure below includes a maximum oil production constraint. Gas injection versus depletion In most cases, simulation shows that gas injection results in more oil recovery than for depletion alone. However, there are some issues to this. Firstly, there are limitations to the simulation itself. The dual permeability approach is an approximation of reality. Often, it has problems mimicking the high velocities in the fractures that occur in reality. In other words, the amount of time before gas breakthrough occurs might be overestimated by adopting the current approach. Fig. 13. Cumulative oil production for the depletion(solid line) and gas injection (dotted line) case with a relative fracture corridor volume of 40% (red) and 10% (blue), including a maximum oil production constraint The background fracture permeability is a major uncertainty. However, increasing the permeability of the background fractures by a factor of 10 has a small impact on the recovery of the field during both deple- Secondly, there are large uncertainties on matters such as fracture corridor density, volume of the fracture corridors relative to the background fracture volume and the permeability contrast between the two media. All these parameters have an impact on the recovery and the potential of gas injection. However, the impact for gas injection is often larger than for depletion (see the previous section). Therefore, the uncertainty of recovery for gas injection is larger. Conclusions A discrete fracture network (DFN) was constructed using all available data, including information from outcrop studies, core data, borehole images, production logging, conventional logging and drilling. Together with the results from well models, the DFN was implemented in a dual-permeability black oil simulation model. Compositional grading was introduced with PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 27 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION depth dependent PVT tables. The simulation model on a sector scale was then used to investigate development by depletion and gas injection. Due to its low permeability, gas/oil segregation caused by gravity hardly plays a role in the background fracture network during depletion. Additionally, because of the low gas/oil mobility contrast, gas saturation can build up to values exceeding 25%, even when assuming straight line relative permeability curves and zero critical gas saturation. Simulation shows that a recovery of more than 10% is expected for depletion in this tight reservoir on a field scale, which is exceptionally high for solution gas drive. Gas injection can yield additional recovery, but the uncertainties are larger. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank OMV for the permission to publish this paper. We highly appreciated the discussions and input of Jan Steckhan, Yannick Boisseau and the other team-members. References 1. Astesiano, D., Godino, G. and Whitty, C. 2005. Petrophysics Evaluation of the Loma la Yeguas Sill. Apply to Aguilera Method. VI Congreso de Exploración y Desarrollo de Hidrocarburos, Buenos Aires. 2. Batchelor, T., Gutmanis, J. and Ellis, F. 2005. Hydrocarbon Production from Fractured Basement Formations. www.geoscience.co.uk 3. Boerrigter, P.M., Leemput, B.L.E.C., Pieters, J., Wit, K. and Ypma, J.G.J. (KSEPL). 1993. Fractured Reservoir Simulation: Case Studies, SPE 25615, SPE Middle East Oil Technical Conference. 3 - 6 April, 1993: 191 - 202. 4. Claridge, E.L. and Prats, M. 1995. A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Foamy Heavy Oil Behavior. Heavy Oil Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 19-21 June, 1995: 9 - 20. SPE 29243. 5. Kazemi, H. 1976. Numerical Simulation of Water-Oil Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. SPEJ Dec, p. 317 - 326. 6. Kortekaas, T.F.M. and Van Poelgeest, F. 1991. Liberation of Solution Gas During Pressure Depletion of Virgin and Watered-Out Oil Reservoirs. SPERE Aug 1991, p. 329-335. SPE - 19693. 7. Luthi, S.M. and Souhaité, P. 1990. Fracture Apertures from Electrical Borehole Scans. Geophysics, v. 55, n. 7, 821 - 833. 8. Maini, B.B. 1996. Foamy Oil Flow in Heavy Oil Production. J. of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 35(6): 21 - 24. 9. Scherpenisse, W., Wit, K., Zweers, A.E., Shoei, G. and Van Wolfswinkel, A. 1994. Predicting Gas Saturation Buildup During Depressurisation of a North Sea Oil Reservoir. European Petroleum Conference, London, U.K., 25 - 27 Oct 1994. 10. Sibbit, A.M. and Faivre, O.1985. The Dual Laterolog Response in Fracture Rocks. Trans., paper T, SPWLA 26th Annual Logging Symposium, 1 - 34, Dallas. 11. Warren, J.E. and Root, P.J. 1963. The Behaviour of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. SPEJ p. 245 - 255. 28 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Advancements in Basement Logging While Drilling (LWD) Techniques for Formation Evaluation Abdul Fareed, Mike Bugni Schlumberger Cao Le Duy, Luong Duc Phong Bui Thieu Son Cuulong Joint Operating Company Abstract Accurate formation evaluation in fractured and granitic reservoirs is always difficult using either wireline or logging while drilling (LWD) advance measurements. Drilling granitic basement reservoir is challenging because the severe shocks and vibrations would, until recently, often cause LWD tools to fail. Therefore, traditionally, limited and basic LWD measurements had been acquired while drilling or by tripin/wash-down methods. Advancement in drilling technology, by mitigating high shocks and vibrations, has encouraged operators to acquire advance LWD measurements in drilling as well as trip-in modes, thus saving time by reducing logging runs. These new and unique measurements significantly improve the understanding of these fractured granitic reservoirs. Advanced LWD measurements offer benefits over past logging methods. These advanced and new measurements (i.e., high resolution laterolog resistivity and borehole images and nuclear measurements which include spectroscopy and sigma along with acoustic measurements) provide the opportunity to evaluate granitic basement reservoirs with confidence in the LWD domain. Two case studies from Su Tu Den and Su Tu Vang fields in the Cuulong basin are used to illustrate datasets recently acquired in while-drilling and washdown modes. High-resolution resistivity images, density image, ultrasonic caliper image and acoustic measurements were integrated to evaluate fractures having high probability of production contribution. This technique demonstrates a completely new approach for basement evaluation with while-drilling measurements. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 29 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Introduction Su Tu Den and Su Tu Vang fields are located in Block 15-1, Cuulong basin, offshore Vietnam. Hydrocarbons were discovered in these fields during 2000, but the exploration history dates back to 1975 with work by Deminex. These two field structures were formed as a result of multiple intrusive events followed by multiple tectonic events starting in Late Cretaceous. (N. T. Long et al., 2005). The lithology consists mainly of granite cross cut by several dykes of basalt/andesite and monzodiorite. Often, these intrusive events were followed by relatively younger intrusive events-pre- or post-tectonic events and these more recent intrusives add more complexity to the reservoir evaluation. Quite often, such relatively fresh intrusives are encountered as dykes and act as permeability barriers. (B. Li et al., 2004). Both of these fields have almost no matrix porosity and produce from fractures only, with average production of 30,000 bbls/day. The extensive studies on fracture characterization that have been done to understand the nature of these fractures and their productivity behavior demonstrate the effectiveness of using borehole imaging tools and advance acoustic measurements. (Luthi 2003, B. Li et al., 2004, Le Van Hung et al. 2009). These studies have made substantial contributions and have resulted in greater understanding of basement producibility. As a result of the 30 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 studies, drilling inclined and highly deviated well trajectories became normal practice after 2001. Since then it has become almost a routine drilling practice to drill highly deviated and horizontal wells to achieve production goals by drilling wells penetrating through optimal fracture orientations. These practices have proven to be highly rewarding and have resulted in increased production. Drilling basement rocks in Vietnam has always been challenging because of severe shocks and vibrations. In such a high-shock environment, LWD tools were prone to electronic failures thus limiting operators to the acquisition of minimum data for formation evaluation. By means of trip-in/wash-down methods, LWD tools can be run in the bottomhole assembly (BHA), enabling acquisition of fundamental logs for petrophysical evaluation. However, in deviated and horizontal borehole trajectories the chances of stuck/lost BHAs are high, and, to eliminate the possibility of lost radioactive sources, nuclear measurements were not considered to be part of the BHA. Because of such operational challenges, only propagation resistivity or laterolog resistivity became the normal practice for deriving petrophysical answers. In this paper, two case studies demonstrate the new technology applications for drilling and LWD measurements for complete formation evaluation. The data were acquired through trip-in/wash-down mode as well as while drilling modes which include: PETROVIETNAM + For case 1, Su Tu Vang field: High-resolution laterolog resistivity and images from the geoVision* tool in wash-down and drilling modes. + For case 2, Su Tu Den field: Nuclear porosity, propagation resistivity, density and photo-electric (Pe) images; ultrasonic borehole image, sigma and spectroscopy measurements from the EcoScope* tool; compressional and shear slowness from the sonicVision* tool; and laterolog resistivity images from the geoVision* tool. All three tools were attached to one BHA for logging in wash-down mode. Background - Basement Formation Evaluation These days, advanced and effective methods are available to perform formation evaluation in basement reservoirs. To achieve this, continuous and rigorous efforts have been applied to characterizing these fractured reservoirs. All fractures in the reservoir are characterized to determine their contribution to the productivity of the well by integrating logging data gathered from various wireline tool measurements. Yet there are many unknowns in understanding the basement lithology and differentiation of a productive fracture system. This largely explains the formation evaluation challenges associated with these unconventional reservoirs. The complex and variable mineralogy makes the determination of matrix properties, such as matrix density, and hence porosity very challenging. The porosity and permeability in Vietnam’s basement reservoirs are highly heterogeneous and generally associated with tectonic fissures, faults, shrinkage vugs, caverns or dissolved interstices (Luthi 2005). Fracture porosity is the primary indicator of basement productivity and very little (~2 to 5%) porosity is generally associated with weathering, leaching, dissolution and diagenetic processes which occur dominantly at the upper part of granitic basement. Fractures associated with tectonic activity, i.e., faults / fractures, are of key importance. Therefore, various classification schemes have been used to evaluate fractures from outcrop scale down to microscopic size. The two broadly defined terms for fractures classification are macrofractures and microfractures. Macrofractures can be easily seen on outcrops as well as on wireline image logs (UBI*/OBMI*/FMI*) whereas microfractures can be observed under a microscope and in SEM photomicrographs. Microfractures can sometimes also be observed at outcrops by the change in the rock’s color along the microfractures because of groundwater movement or percolating hydrothermal fluids (T. X Cuong et al., 2005). The study of these microfractures is as important as the study of macrofractures as the microfractures provide both hydrocarbon storage capacity as well as connection to the macrofractures, which contribute significantly in hydrocarbon production. Borehole images have been used in the industry for a long time, initially starting with ultrasonic borehole imaging devices (UBIs) for formation dip and open fracture identification for wells drilled with oil-base mud (OBM) or water-base mud (WBM). After the introduction of resistivity images (FMS*/FMI*) in the 1980s, use of UBIs became limited to wells drilled with OBM, and FMS*/FMI* resistivity images became more popular for wells drilled with WBM because of their high vertical resolution and wider application range. However, UBIs are still being effectively used to locate open fractures in hydrocarbon-bearing fractured reservoirs (Singh S.K. et al., 2008, 2009). Identification and classification for macrofractures is commonly done by FMI* wireline resistivity image logs. Various interpretation schemes are adopted by geoscientists to group these fracture classes. The two broad groups are bounding and discrete fractures. Bounding fractures are then further classified into various subgroups, i.e., solution-enhanced continuous, discontinuous or terminating fractures (B. Li et al., 2004, N.T. Long et al., 2005). Solution-enhanced bounding fractures are generally those having aperture range from 1mm to 2cm and are the most important fracture class in terms of relative contribution of hydrocarbons in the wellbore (P.M. Tandom et al., 1999, K. Tezuka et al., 2002, B. Li et al., 2004). Significant amount of work to date has been done studying fracture systems in Vietnam’s basement reservoir and this work has been integrated with production and reservoir testing data. The studies reveal that fracture aperture, fracture orientation, fracture connectedness, maximum horizontal stresses in the wellbore and drawdown pressures are all key indicators for productivity in a well (K. Tezuka et al., 2002, B. Li et al., 2004, L. V. Hung et al., 2009). Fracture apertures and orientation are generally derived based on FMI resistivity image logs, laterolog resistivity and * Indicates a mark of Schlumberger PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 31 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION acoustic measurements (Sibbit 1995, P.M. Tandom et al., 1999), whereas fracture connectivity and stress-magnitude contrast between horizontal stresses has been derived through other methods. secondary porosity through the established multimineral relationship with the core mineralogy and estimate permeability through modelbased reservoir properties and neural network techniques. Another important aspect in defining fracture properties is to identify the fracture effectiveness, i.e., open versus mineralized or clayfilled fractures. Acoustic waveform techniques provide means to quantify fracture-related porosity and differentiate open versus filled fractures by analyzing low-frequency content in the waveform (Sibbit, 1995). Stoneley slowness is generally sensitive to borehole enlargement, and the response can attenuate the same in an enlarged hole as in an open fracture making differentiation of the two difficult (P.M. Tandom et al., 1999). Similarly, fractures filled with clay minerals; e.g., zeolites, will appear conductive on resistivity images, making differentiation of clay-filled and open fractures difficult as well. Therefore, integration of mud-log data for total gases and cuttings description for oil indication play crucial roles in differentiating effective versus non-effective fractures encountered in a particular well (N.T. Long et al., 2005). The importance of a single big fracture contributing >2000 bbls/day oil production, has been document well by Luthi (2005), whereas the significance of having many fractures of variable apertures and not producing immediately after drilling has also been reported by B. Li et al. (2004). In their example, the studied well did not produce hydrocarbons initially, but started contributing a significant amount of oil after a few months. This clearly suggests that fracture density, aperture, and orientation are the fundamental factors for formation evaluation. Methods of fracture modeling workflow using 3D seismic data and integrating borehole fracture density and orientation are also a key to reservoir evaluation. This has been discussed recently by M. Lefranc et al. (2010) and Singh H. K. et al, (2008, 2009) for granitic basement and carbonate fractured reservoir, respectively. Furthermore, conventional techniques to quantify reservoir porosity (primary and secondary) and permeability do not work in these granitic basement reservoirs. Therefore, customized algorithms have been introduced to derive the petrophysical parameters through BASROC software (H.V. Quy et al., 2008). BASROC software incorporates standard logs [gamma ray (GR), resistivity, neutron, density, sonic (DT), etc.] to estimate primary and 32 This paper focuses on LWD measurements and their applications for performing formation evaluation in these fractured basement reservoirs. Apart from standard geological and petrophysical logs, some new measurements in the LWD environment which can help further in quantifying basement lithology and matrix properties. LWD Challenges for Basement Logging Granitic basement reservoirs are extremely hard and abrasive formations in the Cuulong basin. Drilling PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM these reservoirs is slow, 10 to 20m/hr, and produces a high amount of shocks and vibrations. The shock level can jump instantly from no shocks to extreme shocks. Exposure of LWD tools to the extreme shocks present in basement drilling for even short periods of time can cause severe damage. Up until recently, the SlimPulse* (MWD) surveying and telemetry tool was the only proven tool which survived under these shocks and vibrations while drilling, and the tool has been used often for drilling these basement reservoirs. The SlimPulse* tool, however, is not compatible with the new generation LWD tools. This was the limiting factor in acquiring LWD measurements in while drilling mode for petrophysical analysis. In 2009 a step change occurred that opened the door to advanced LWD measurement acquisition in whiledrilling mode. This step change was the introduction of Xceed vortex*, rotary steerable systems. Previously, only motors were capable of drilling directionally in basement. The bend in the motor contributed to the shock and vibration, which limited LWD capabilities. Xceed vorteX* is capable of drilling directionally without the need for a bend in the BHA. This has allowed the use of TeleScope measurement while drilling (MWD) service, which is the telemetry system required to run advanced LWD tools. To date, there have been many successful runs using Xceed vortex* and TeleScope* with LWD tools in basement. Another challenge to LWD in basement is that basement rocks in the Cuulong basin are of variable composition and range, i.e., felsic to mafic. Multiple intrusive activities occurred in the Cuulong basin, which makes it difficult to predict lithological boundaries along the planned wellbore trajectory. In highly deviated and horizontal wells, an LWD resistivity log is acquired by a fast tripping-in speed (100 to 150m/hr) after drilling to the final target depth. This practice ensures acquisition of petrophysical measurements from LWD tools prior to running any subsequent logging. Basement Formation Evaluation-LWD Identification of reservoir storage and production capacity is the key element to performing formation evaluation in these complex reservoirs. The petrophysical elements required to evaluate these granitic basement reservoirs are different from those in conventional reservoirs. The key elements to performing petrophysical analysis in a well can be addressed by quantification of: - Fracture/fault zones and their orientations. + Macrofractures (small versus large scale). + Open versus filled fractures. - Indication of hydrocarbon presence. - Fresh intrusive/extrusive rocks (dykes) and their cross-cutting relationships. - Host rock mineralogy and alteration products. By knowing the above parameters, we can evaluate zones of reservoir storage capacity and producibility in a well with confidence. A comprehensive and multidimensional approach is required to quantify these parameters. Resistivity in basement can be extremely high, (>40,000ohm.m) and depends on the type of intrusive rock composition. Relatively fresh felsic intrusives can be of higher resistivity than their mafic counterparts; therefore, porosity transformation using resistivity PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 33 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION alone may not be representative. Secondly, measuring formation resistivity in such an extreme environment would also increase measurement uncertainty. Laterolog resistivity devices are the preferred measurements compared to propagation-based resistivity for high-resistivity formations. Propagation resistivity is sensitive to dielectric properties of the rock because dielectric constant decreases with a decrease in formation conductivity and, therefore, an assumed value of dielectric constant that is too low, which results in an erroneously low computed phase-shift resistivity (R. Altman et al., 2008; Rasmus J. et al., 2003). High-resolution laterolog resistivity and borehole image logs provide fundamental measurements to perform basement formation evaluation. Standard density/neutron/DTc measurements help to estimate basement primary porosity, while fracture apertures are the second most important aspect in estimating fracture-related porosity. Fracture apertures in granitic reservoirs in Su Tu Vang and Su Tu Den fields in particular, and in Cuulong basin in general, vary from <0.1mm to >50cm in size. Therefore, it becomes crucial not only to classify fractures based on their aperture sizes but also to differentiate whether these fractures are permeable (open). 2. Medium fractures: Continuous fractures that appear on high-resolution image logs, partially continuous on ultrasonic and/or density image logs. 3. Small fractures: Fractures that appear only on highresolution resistivity image logs. Using all types of image logs, resistivity, acoustic and density and Stoneley measurement, if available, helps differentiate whether fractures are open or filled with conductive minerals. Conventional Approach for Formation Evaluation Generally, laterolog average resistivity measurements are used to infer the formation porosity through local transforms. These transforms are adopted with experience and core and log integration to quantify porous intervals and integrate them with the available mud-log information. In Cuulong JOC, secondary porosity was calculated based on a modified Schlumberger Boyeldieu-Winchester model, or a simple back out of porosity from resistivity as follows: Φ= ( Rw ) LLDC 1/m Where: In this paper, we propose to group natural fractures based on their opening sizes with the help of high-resolution resistivity image logs and relatively low-resolution density and ultrasonic borehole image logs. A pragmatic approach is introduced to define three categories of natural fractures: m: Archie’s cementation exponent. If LLDC > 2000ohm.m, then m = 1.65, otherwise m = 2. 1. Large fractures: Continuous fractures that appear on high-resolution resistivity image logs, ultrasonic image logs and density image logs. The basement contains many types of dykes that range from aplitic to basaltic dykes. Their age ranges considerably, from Mesozoic to Tertiary. Andesitic and 34 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Φ: Porosity of basement Rw: Formation water resistivity LLDC: Deep laterolog, borehole corrected PETROVIETNAM basaltic dykes are readily recognized by their gammaray, Pe, neutron and density signatures. The gamma ray signature is particularly useful in identifying these mafic dykes. The basic dykes are typified by the cool gamma-ray response. Nearly 100% of the productive intervals in the Su Tu Den and Su Tu Vang fields have been related to fractured rocks of felsic composition. Intrusive mafic dykes have a negative effect with respect to the resistivity by lowering the measurement. This is related to composition and hydrothermal alteration of the dykes. Instead of altering the porosities associated with the dykes that have not been directly measured, it is reasonable to assume the impact of these zones with respect to net/gross. The resistivitydriven porosity can be modified through the use of gamma-ray data as a volume of intrusives (V-intrusive) curve. A 100% dyke line is drawn where cool dykes occur and a 100% granite line is drawn where granite is present. The lithological description from rock cuttings is used to verify the position of these lines. The V-intrusive curve then defines any points between the lines (0 to 100% granite). A 40% cutoff is used to differentiate between basaltic dykes and granite. Since no reliable physical measurements of porosity exist, a reduction of 10% in porosity is applied in all zones containing a V-intrusive value less than 40%. In basement, a tight zone is defined as a noneffective porosity zone, and the porosity value in a tight zone is block porosity and rejected by using DTblock and RHOBblock cutoffs. DTblock and RHOBblock cutoffs are determined as the most likely value in tight zone. From Vietsovpetro’s analog approach, DT* is used to recognize macrofracture and microfracture zones. DT* was calculated based on the DT distribution of noflow zones and flow zones. It is the cross point between the DT distribution of no-flow zones and the DT distribution of flow zones. + For microfracture zones: DTblock ≥ DT ≥ DT*. + For macrofracture zones: DT > DT*. + For tight zones: DT< DT block. Advanced Approach for Formation Evaluation Compositional variation in basement rocks can be very homogenous to heterogeneous from one well to the other within the same field. GR logs and GR image logs may provide some insight to differentiating rocks having marked differences in their radioactive mineral contents, generally due to presence of potassium (K). Mineralogy-based techniques using dry weights of Si, Fe, Ca, Mg, S, Al, Ti and Gd logs can be used to derive intrusive composition more effectively than the conventional methods defined above (L. GuoXin et al., 2007). GR and GR image logs quite effectively provide the contact angle between felsic/mafic dykes to define the shape of intrusive bodies. Further, the approach uses natural fracture groups identified by using all image logs, as explained previously in this paper. Shear and pseudo-Stoneley measurements, low frequency contents in the waveform, from a monopole LWD acoustic tool can be integrated for quantification of fracture density, porosity, aperture and potential intervals of hydrocarbon contribution (Sibbit 1995, L.V. Hung et al., 2009). These results can then be taken as input for a 3D model. Case study 1: Su Tu Vang Field The case study involves datasets from three highly deviated and horizontal wells in which geoVision*, high-resolution laterolog, resistivity (GVR) was acquired. All wells were drilled with WBM, Rm = 0.2 to 0.04 ohm.m at 300C. In well-A, GVR was acquired in trip-in mode at ~120m/hr logging speed without rotating the BHA for 1880m for average resistivity. The BHA was rotated over an 800m interval for average resistivity and image logs with the last 120m in while-drilling mode. Similarly, well-B was logged for 3240m total, in which the last 180m was logged in while drilling mode at 8 ½ inch section total depth (TD). The success of using the GVR in while-drilling mode encouraged the use of the same BHA while drilling the next well, wellC. Well-C was logged in while-drilling mode using Xceed vorteX* in eight different drilling runs that covered a~2400m logging interval over entire basement section with no need to pull out of hole due to issues with directional drilling (DD) or MWD/LWD equipment. Various acquisition modes were employed because of operational and economic sensitivities and to reduce the calculated risks associated with the drilling operation. Fig. 1 shows a GVR log example from well-B, acquired in wash-down mode with PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 35 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION ~40rpm BHA rotation. The formation resistivity is up to 10,000ohm.m. Average resistivity from shallow, medium and deep buttons and ring resistivity is displayed in track 3. Derived caliper from these measurements indicate borehole enlargement. However, the image logs make it very clear that the average resistivities from all three buttons are affected by borehole breakouts. The breakouts are prominent on the shallow button image, and are diminished on the deep button image. Therefore, quadrant resistivity measurements from deep-button measurements will provide better means to evaluate formation porosity using resistivity methods. Furthermore, breakouts in the vertical direction indicate the in-situ minimum stress direction, i.e., σv = σ3. Fig. 2 is the other example from the same well, well-B, in a fractured zone, showing data acquired in while-drilling mode. Image resolution is enhanced compared to wash-down logging. It is interesting to note that in the 6185 to 6187m measured depth (MD) interval, fractures on the shallow-button image indicate larger fracture openings compared to the deep-button image. This can be attributed to enhancement in fracture aperture in the near-wellbore environment. Case study 2: Su Tu Den Field In this case study, we describe the advanced LWD logs acquired for the first time in basement. The studied well was recently drilled in Su Tu Den, NE field, where EcoScope* and sonicVision* tools measurements were acquired to evaluate their feasibility, in terms of the quality of measurements as well as cost, for advance basement formation evaluation techniques. The basement section of ~1500m was logged in wash-down mode using following tools: 1. EcoScope*, a multifunction logging tool for complete petrophysical measurements. 2. GeoVision* laterolog resistivity for high-resolution resistivity and borehole images. 3. SonicVision* for monopole acoustic measurements. Data were acquired at 100m/hr wash-down speed, with the exception of a test zone, a 30m interval with logging speed of 20m/h. The test zone was logged to acquire high-density sampling for borehole images 36 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 and to allow reliable acquisition of spectroscopy measurements. The study has also provided an opportunity to compare high-resolution laterolog resistivity with propagation resistivity measurements. Fig. 3 is a composite plot used to classify large (open), medium (partially open) and small size fracture sets by analyzing resistivity, ultrasonic caliper and density images. The last track is the slowness-time coherence plot from sonic measurements and shows compressional, shear and borehole fluid arrivals. The fracture at ~4388m, is large and open as it can be seen on all image logs. Fig. 4 is an example of small-size fractures visible on resistivity image logs only. These fractures are strike NW-SE and provide storage capacity for hydrocarbons. This is evidenced by shallow-button image logs in which, because of insufficient mud pressure in the borehole, formation is bleeding oil (Fig. 5). Generally, fractures filled with clay minerals can also be identified by analyzing a combination of these images (Fig. 6). Identification of relatively fresh intrusives/dykes is equally important while performing petrophysical analysis either by conventional or advanced methodology. Generally, fresh intrusives/dykes are non-reservoir rocks and intrude vertically or sub-vertically. Therefore, knowledge of their distribution within the well and their orientation provides detailed insight of the basement rock variation, and their presence directly affects the productive interval (net reservoir) of the well. Fig. 7 shows an example of a ~3m vertical fresh intrusive (dyke). The dyke has no fracture indication on the resistivity image and has no porosity. Before performing any petrophysical analysis, it is crucial to ensure the data is not affected by any borehole or drilling effects. Fig. 1 illustrated the borehole breakout effects on resistivity logs whereas Fig. 8 indicates drilling artifacts on density, neutron porosity and caliper logs. By looking at the average caliper log, it is impossible to differentiate whether the borehole enlargement is due to a fracture opening or due to drilling affects. Likewise, bottom quadrant and average bulk density measurements will be affected by borehole breakout. In this case, image-derived density or other quadrant density measurements would provide PETROVIETNAM the unaffected measurements. Acknowledgements Fractures grouped into three main classes are plotted in Fig. 9. It is interesting to note that the largeand medium-size fractures show relatively low dip angle and are striking NE-SW whereas most of the small fractures are dipping at higher angle and striking NW-SE direction. The authors would like to thank Cuulong JOC for granting us permission for the release of the data and providing the information about the geology of the studied fields. By integrating results derived from acoustic measurements and image-based fracture analysis techniques, fracture density and fracture aperture have been quantified. Three main flow potential intervals are identified in this well (Fig. 11). 1. Alan M Sibbit. Quantifying porosity and estimating permeability from well logs in fractured basement reservoir. SPE 30157, 1995. Spectroscopy measurements for various elements, acquired over the test zone, are shown in Fig. 12. The spectroscopy measurements provide the basis for a geochemical approach in the identification of various intrusive (dykes) bodies. Conclusion and way forward The two case studies highlighted the limitations and strengths of using a single measurement over integrated measurements to perform basement evaluation. The following conclusions can be deduced. - Laterolog high-resolution resistivity is the fundamental measurement for estimating formation resistivity in basement. - Borehole high-resolution image logs, ultrasonic and density images provide means to classify large-, medium and small-scale fractures. - The combination of LWD measurements provides information to differentiate clay-filled and open fractures. - Identification of relatively fresh intrusives/dykes is an important consideration to incorporate while performing basement evaluation. - An integrated workflow using all type of borehole images and acoustic measurements eventually provides the identification of potential flow zones. - A geochemical approach is required to differentiate intrusive bodies of variable composition and their dipping attitudes. - Rotary steerable systems reduced the shocks and vibration to within the safe LWD operating limits in while-drilling mode. References 2. Bingjian Li, Joel Guttormsen, Tran V. Hoi, Nguyen V. Duc. Characterizing permeability for the fractured basement reservoirs. SPE 88478, 2004. 3. Hoang Van Quy, Pham Xuan Son, Tran Xuan Nhuan, and Tran Duc Lan. Reservoir parameter evaluation for reservoir study and modeling of fractured basement White Tiger oil field. The 2nd International Conference on Fractured Basement-Vietnam, 2008. 4. Kazuhiko Tezuka, Takatoshi Mamikawa, Tetsuya Tamagawa, Amy Day-Lewis and Collen Barton. Roles of the fracture system and state of stress for gas production from basement reservoir in Hokkaido, Japan. SPE 75704, 2002. 5. Le Van Hung, S. Farag, C. Mas, P.D. Maizeret, N. Li, and T. Dang. Advances in Granitic Basement Reservoir Evaluation. SPE 123455, 2009. 6. Li GuoXin, Wang YuHua, Zhao Jie, Yang FengPing, Yin ChangHai, T. J. Neville, S. Farag, Yang X. W., and Zhu YouQing. Petrophysical characterization of a complex volcanic reservoir. SPWLA 48th Annual Logging Symposium, June 3-6, 2007. 7. M. Lefranc, A. Carrillat, and A. Carnegie. Fractured basement characterization from multi-attributes guided integrated continuous fracture modelling and discrete fracture network modelling. Extended Abstract and presentation at Petroleum Geologist Conference & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 29-30, 2010. 8. Nguyen Tien Long, Joel Guttormsen, Patrick Jonklaas, II Kwon Cho, Tran Hung Dung, and Bingjian Li. Fracture characterization of the Su Tu Den and Su Tu Vang fields, Cuulong basin, Vietnam. ScienceTechnology Conference, Vietnam, 24-25 August, 2005. 9. P. M. Tandom, N.H. Ngoc, H.D. Tjia, and P.M. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 37 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Lloyd. Identifying and evaluation producing horizons in fractured basement. SPE 57324, 1999. CALI: Caliper from geoVision tool measurements 10. Raphael Altman, B. Anderson, J. Rasmus, and M. G. Luling. Dielectric effects and resistivity dispersion on induction and propagation-resistivity logs in complex volcanic lithologies. A case study: SPWLA 49th Annual Logging Symposium, May 25-28, 2008. DRHB: Density correction, Delta-Rho bottom quadrant 11. Rasmus J, Tabanou J, Li Q, Liu CB, Pagan R, Pacavira N, and Higgins T. Resistivity dispersion - fact or fiction?. SPWLA 44th Annual Logging Symposium, 2003. DWCA: Dry weight concentration of calci- 12. Singh, S. K., H. Abu Habbiel, B. khan, M. Akbar, A. Etchecopar, and B. Mohtaron. Mapping fracture corridors in naturally fractured reservoirs: An example from Middle East carbonates: First Break 26, No 5, 109-113, 2008. DTCO: Compressional slowness DWAL: Dry weight concentration of aluminum um DWFE: Dry weight concentration of iron DWGD: Dry weight concentration of gadolinium DWSI: Dry weight concentration of silicon DWSU: Dry weight concentration of sulfur DWTI: Dry weight concentration of titanium IDD: Image derived density 13. Singh, S.K, M. Akbar, B. Khan, Hanan A.H, Bernard M., Lars S., and Robert G. Characterizing fracture corridors for a large carbonate field of Kuwait by integrating borehole data with the 3-D surface seismic. AAPG Search and Discovery article 40464 2009. GRMA: Gamma ray, averaged from EcoScope tool 14. Stefan M. Luthi. Fracture reservoir analysis using modern geophysical well techniques: Application to basement reservoirs in Vietnam. 2005. Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Mijnbouwstraat 120, Delft University of Technology. P28H: 2MHz phase shift resistivity, 28in spacing from EcoScope tool 15. Trinh Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Huy Quy, Phan Tu Co, and Hoang Van Quy. The formation of the Bacho Ho fractured basement reservoir. Science-Technology Conference, Vietnam, 24-25 August, 2005. P16H: 2MHz phase shift resistivity, 16in spacing from EcoScope tool P22H: 2MHz phase shift resistivity, 22in spacing from EcoScope tool P34H: 2MHz phase shift resistivity, 34in spacing from EcoScope tool P40H: 2MHz phase shift resistivity, 40in spacing from EcoScope tool PEF: Photoelectric factor RHGE: Matrix density from spectroscopy measurements RING: Ring resistivity from geoVision tool Acronyms Description ROBB: Bottom quadrant density BDAV: Deep button average resistivity from geoVision tool ROP: Rate of penetration BMAV: Medium button average resistivity from geoVision tool BPHI: Best neutron porosity BSAV: Shallow button average resistivity from geoVision tool 38 DEVI: Borehole deviation PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 S/T Plane Slowness-Time coherency projection plane from SonicVision tool SIFA: Formation sigma from EcoScope tool UCAV: Ultrasonic caliper averaged from EcoScope tool PETROVIETNAM Fig. 1. Su Tu Vang field, GVR measurements through wash-down mode, ~120 m/hr. Average resistivity measurements from shallow and medium buttons are borehole affected over breakouts interval. Breakouts at the top and bottom of the hole suggest that minimum stress is nearly vertical (σv=σ3). Average quadrant (left, right, upper and bottom) measurements from shallow, medium and deep buttons are plotted on the first 3 tracks from right. Deep button/ring is affected in this case. Caliper log is derived from all 4 resistivity measurements Fig. 2. Su Tu Vang field, GVR measurements in while-drilling mode, ROP ~20 m/hr. High-resolution images indicate numerous small-scale natural fractures. Fractures appear on all three images, indicating that fractures are continued away from the wellbore by ~5 inches. Further, some fractures from 6185 to 6187 m, show aperture variation from the shallow to the deep image. This implies that some of the small-scale fractures were enhanced by the drilling process in the near-wellbore environment PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 39 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Fig. 3. Large and open fracture visible on all three images (resistivity, ultrasonic and density). Shear slowness arrival is distorted against the fracture opening Fig. 4. Slower logging (~20m/hr) means high resolution images. Small-scale fractures resolved by GVR resistivity only. Fractures are dipping at high angle and striking towards NW-SE Fig. 5. Small fractures as in Fig. 4. GVR shallow image affected because of formation oil coming in the borehole and affecting most of the shallow-button measurements. Bottom quadrant measurement from shallow-button reading formation where borehole fluid is less. This also provides a clue for oil presence within these fractures 40 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Fig. 6. Large (open) fracture response on image logs at 4086 m. Zone ~2 m above this fracture appears to be filled with conductive/clay minerals. Smallsize fractures can be observed on GVR image between 4080 to 4082m and 4093.7 m. Fig. 7. Fresh intrusive (dyke) response on multiple logs, i.e., GR, RING, Pef, BPHI, and sigma Fig. 8. Drilling artifacts on the low side of the hole at 4145 and 4148 m. The average and bottom quadrant azimuthal measurements are be affected, indicating that borehole enlargement against these features is not fracture related PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 41 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Fig. 9. Stereonet projection and rose plot showing distribution of small-, medium- and large-scale fracture sets. Two distinct fracture orientations are identified, i.e., NW-SE and NE-SW. Most of the large and medium-scale fractures are relatively low dip angle and are trending towards NE-SW Fig. 10. Fracture analysis using GVR (deep), ultrasonic caliper and density images. Right track is the cumulative fracture density logs from small, medium and large-fracture sets. Fracture zone from 4120 to 4180 m indicates a potential flow interval where large and medium fractures are present 42 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Fig. 11. Advanced technique for basement evaluation. Three potential flow zones identified by the integrated analysis. Results indicate that zone-1 has the highest contribution potential in the 3560 to 3580 m interval, zone-2 at 3460 and relatively low contribution from zone-3 from 4080 to 4180 m Fig. 12. Elements dry weight percent of Al, Si, Ca, Fe, S, Ti and Gd for the interval logged at ~20 m/hr speed as a test case for 30 m intervals. The general, WALK2 oxide closure model used for stripping the elements indicates ~35 to 40 wt.% Si,6 to 8 wt.% Fe and 6 to 8 wt.% Al PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 43 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Determination of shale resistivity based on 2-D geoelectric forward modelling for evaluation of a low resistivity formation Pham Huy Giao, Panupong Dangyeunyong Geoexploration and Petroleum Geoengineering (GEPG) Program School of Engineering and Technology Asian Institute of Technology Abstract It is commonly interpreted that hydrocarbon is associated with a high-resistivity or a high-contrast formation. In reality, however petroleum can be found in low resistivity or low contrast reservoirs. That means we may miss some hydrocarbon zones by simply using conventional method of evaluation. With the current economics of the oil and gas industry, it becomes increasingly important to find a way to do 44 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM better evaluation of the low-resistivity formations, which are quite commonly encountered in the Cuu Long basin, offshore Vietnam. There are basically three main types of low resistivity formations due to clay minerals, high capillarity and metallic minerals, respectively. In this study we deal with a case of the first type, i.e., of low-resistivity formation due to thin shale lamina. The key point in our study approach was we applied a two-dimensional resistivity forward modeling using RES2DMOD software to simulate the resistivity logging process running along the borehole to find out the correct value resistivity of shale lamina, which will be used for a better evaluation of water saturation. As a case of study the results from a location in the Cuu Long basin are shown to illustrate our methodology, which is recommended to be applied in practice… Introduction According to Berger (1995) a formation is considered as a low resistivity HC- bearing formation if: (i) the measured wireline logging resistivity is from 0.5 to 5Ωm; (ii) there is not seen a clear contrast of resistivity between the HC reservoir and the adjacent zones and he called it “a low-contrast pay sand”. The latter is in line with Worthington et al. (1997), who considered that a low-resistivity pay is a relative term rather than an absolute descriptor and it exists when there is a lack of positive contrast in measured electrical resistivity. So, the term low-resistivity pay includes low-resistivity-contrast pay. Worthington et al., (1997) suggested a low resistivity hydrocarbon formation is due to six possible causes as follows: (i) Effect of laminated sand/shale sequence; (ii) Effect of fresh formation water: The resistivity value of fresh water is higher than electrolyte water and equal to hydrocarbon bearing; (iii) High capillarity due to fine-grained silt, which comprises of high irreducible water having low due to its increased salinity; (iv) High capillarity due to internal microporosity (e.g., in carbonates, chert, chalk), which leads to high specific surface area and high conduction on surface; (v) High capillarity due to superficial microporosity caused by clay minerals coating quartz. This case is like a combination of two previous causes of high irreducible water and high conduction on surface; and (vi) Existence of conductive minerals in rocks, and namely, when the iron-bearing minerals exceed a critical level (e.g., for pyrite this is 7% by volume of solids) the resistivity of formation is low. been used to describe any alternating sequence of sediments that cannot be resolved by conventional logging tools (Worthington et al., 1997). Having established that the reservoir is laminated and the laminations are smaller than the spatial resolutions of the deeper sensing logging tools, the next stage is to enhance those resolutions where possible, so that the corresponding logs might be evaluated directly. If the signal enhancing does not resolve the layer, we should work on laminated sand model as described in details in the following. Assume a laminated reservoir, consisting of alternating layers of shale and sand as shown in Fig. 1. Below is a derivation of an equation to evaluate the water saturation in this case: Front view Fig. 1. Model of laminated shale Vsh = ∑h shi ht Model of low resistivity formation with laminated shales 1 − Vsh 1 1 − Vsh Vsh 1 Vsh = + ⇒ = − Rt Rsd Rsh Rsd Rt Rsh The word lamina describes a layer that is less than about 15 cm thick. The adjective “laminated” has ⇒ (Eq. 1) ⎛ 1 V ⎞ 1 1 = ⎜ − sh ⎟ × Rsd ⎜⎝ Rt Rsh ⎟⎠ (1 − Vsh ) PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 45 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Where: Rt is the resistivity of the HC-bearing formation measured by the logging tool, Rsd is the true resistivity of the sand lamina, Rsh is the resistivity of the shale lamina, Vsh is the shale volume, hshi is the thickness of the shale lamina. The resistivity of sand (Rsd) in Eq. 1 is the very value one would like to use in evaluating the water saturation for a clean sand formation, which is however can not be read from the logging curve as the measured resistivity is a lumped values of the rock mass, including the effect from both sand and shale lamina. In this dirty sand model the shale lamina would cause the apparent resistivity measured by well logging tool decreasing. With further derivation as shown in Eq. 2 below we can obtain the equation to evaluate the water saturation for a laminated formation: Rsd = ⎫ ⎪ a ⎪ m ⎬ ⇒ Fsd = m (1 − Vsh ) Φ ⎪ Φ = 1 − Vsh ⎪ ⎭ Fsd = Φ sd Fsd RW F R ⇒ SWn = sd W n Rsd SW a Φ msd ⇒ SWn = ⎛ a (1 − Vsh )m × RW × ⎜⎜ 1 − Vsh m Φ ⎝ Rt Rsh (Eq. 2) ⎞ 1 ⎟⎟ × ⎠ (1 − Vsh ) One can write the above equation in a more compact form as follows: ∴ SWn = aRW Φm ⎛ 1 Vsh ⎜⎜ − ⎝ Rt Rsh ⎞ ⎟⎟ × (1 − Vsh ) m −1 ⎠ (Eq. 3) spaces, including the flushed, invaded and virgin zones depending on the radius of investigation or the distance between the electrodes. To estimate water saturation the Rt value in Eq. 4 can be read from the LLD curve, but it is difficult to determine Rsh and its effect in modifying the Rt. Our main idea is to determine Rsh based on a forward modeling with the help of the software RES2DMOD (Loke, 2002), which is a 2D forward modeling program that can calculate the apparent resistivity for a user defined 2D subsurface model. RES2DMOD could be used for many applicaions in Petrophysics or exploration geophysics (Giao, 2009). In this study RES2DMOD is used to simulate the resistivity measuring process of the logging tool along the borehole. The workflow to estimate water saturation of a low-resistivity HC formation employed in this study is shown in Fig. 2, combining well logging interpretation and electric forward modeling. For the latter, we will build up a model of a laminated reservoir as shown in Fig. 3 and perform many resistivity modeling runs until we obtain a good matching between the measured resistivity curve and the numerically-calculated one. The parameters of the model that gives the best fit, in particular the resistivity of the shale lamina, will be introduced in Eq. 3 or Eq. 4 to calculate the water saturation. Electric resistivity forward modelling for a location in the Cuu Long basin Resistivity measuring and modelling The Cuu Long basin is a Tertiary rift basin on the Southern shelf of Vietnam. It covers an area of approximately 25,000km2 (250 x 100km). The basin was formed during the rifting in Early Oligocene. Late Oligocene to Early Miocene inversion intensified the fracturing of granite basement and made it become an excellent reservoir. Most of the oil and gas production in Vietnam comes from this basin. It is often that petrophysicist engineers have encountered the low-resistivity formation in this basin when doing the well logging interpretation. High Resolution Laterolog Array (HRLA) introduced by Schlumberger in 1998 (Smits et al., 1998) is commonly used for resistivity logging: Was. It included six array configurations with six depths of investigation. When the resistivity logging is conducted HRLA will measure the resistivity of the near well bore A data set consist of gamma ray, density, neutron porosity and resistivity log for the depth interval from 1,650 to 2,200m were used as shown in Fig. 4a. For electric modeling a more detailed interval from 2,100 to 2,120m, where there is a gas show as identified from density and neutron porosity cross-plot, was selected. For a = 1, m = 2 : ⎛ 1 V ⎞ aR (1 − V ) SW2 = ⎜⎜ − sh ⎟⎟ W 2 sh Φ ⎝ Rt Rsh ⎠ (Eq. 4) From Eq. 4 one can realize on one of the key problems here is how to determine a good values of the shale resistivity (Rsh). And this is the central point our study is focused on presented in the following parts of this paper, using 2-D electric forward modeling. 46 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Well logging data (Gamma logs, Porosity logs etc.) RES2DMOD Identification of reservoir zone Create the geomodel of the near-wellbore environment for simulation Forward Modeling by RES2DMOD Logs and core data Petrophysical analysis (e.g.,water saturation) (b) 2100 - 2120m Fig. 2. Workflow chart of methodology employed in this study Fig. 4. The depth interval selected for well logging interpretation (a) and resistivity forward modeling (b) The reading step of the logging data is about 1.5m, therefore we selected a dipole-dipole array of 1.5-m spacing for analysis in RES2DMOD to simulate the measuring procedure. The saltwater-based mud in hydrocarbon bearing zone is considered with Rmf = Rw, Rxo = 0.3Ω.m, Ri = 1.0Ω.m, hxo = 0.1m, hi = 0.2m and hv = 1.0m. The water resistivity (Rw) can be determined using the Pickett chart as presented later. Fig. 3. Geomodel of the near-wellbore environment with multi-laminated shale Thirteen geoelectric models were built up and run by RES2DMOD as shown in Table 1. The forward models have total length 21 meter corresponding to the length of the selected zone from 2,100 to 2,120m. During the analyses the resistivity of sandstone, shale, flushed zone, invaded zone as well as thickness of sand and shale lamina are changed. The true positions of shale lamina could be identified by the GR. Table 1. Input parameters used in geoelectric forward modeling (a) 1650 - 2200m Geomodel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rsd (Ωm) 1.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Rsh (Ωm) 0.5 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Rxo (Ωm) 0.3 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Ri (Ωm) 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 47 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION After we input data into RES2DMOD a geomodel is created as shown in Fig. 5. The light blue strips are shale and dark blue strips are sandstone. Rxo Ri Rsa Rsh Fig. 5. An example of a geoelectric model created by RES2DMOD Table 2. Summary of water saturation calculated by different methods Method Archie Indonesian Laminated shale Minimum 0.58 0.22 0.04 Maximum 1.00 1.00 0.67 Average Sw 0.85 0.55 0.27 The resistivity along the analyzed depth interval (Fig. 4b) was calculated using the pole-pole configuration that simulates the HRLA tool. With the electrode spacing used in the simulation equal to 1.5m, it is estimated that the resistivity comes from a 1.3-m distance far from the well bore, i.e., d = electrode spacing x Ze = 1.5m x 0.867 = 1.3m according to Loke (2002). The results of some resistivity models are plotted versus the log values (Rt) as shown in Fig. 6. It was found out that resistivity of the model nos. 13 (Table 1) matched the best with the log resistivity, consequently the resistivity of shale lamina in this model will be used in the next petrophysical analysis. With Vsh = 0.48 and Rw, = 0.05Ωm as determined from the Pickett chart with m = 2 the water saturation was calculated using three methods, i.e., Archie’s law (the upward arrow head), Indonesian (the black star) and the laminated shale model (the black square) as shown in Fig. 7. The water saturation from Archie’s equation shows the highest value for all depth levels, while the laminated shale model gave the lowest value as summarized in Table 2. Conclusions Fig. 6. Comparison of resistivity curve calculated by RES2DMOD with the measured logging curve (Rt) Fig. 7. Evaluation of water saturation for the study site 48 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 In this study, first of all we reviewed and derived in details the equation to calculate water saturation for a laminated shale model, which is considered as one of the basic types of low-resistivity reservoir. An innovative approach to determine the shale resistivity based on geoelectric forward modeling was proposed and. As the first step a geoelectric model was constructed, consisting of flushed zone, invaded zone and an alternation of sand and shale lamina as illustrated in Fig. 3 and 5. We selected an interval from 2,100 to 2,120 meter depth at a location in the Cuu Long basin as a case study, where there is evidence of a gas zone having low resistivity of about 2 to 3Ωm (as identified by a crossover of RHOB and neutron and NPHI curves). A total of 13 numerical models were run for this 20-m long interval as shown in Table 2. The results of forward modeling were compared with the measured resistivity as shown in Fig. 6 and it was found out that the model number 13 gave the best fit. Based on the resistivity computed from the numerical model a quick petrophysical analysis was carried out for the PETROVIETNAM considered reservoir interval. The water saturation was evaluated by Archie’s, Indonesian, and laminated shale’s equations, respectively. The laminated shale model gave the most optimistic water saturation. We recommend this approach to be applied for the other reservoir of low resistivity caused by thin shale lamina. Acknowledgements The help and useful discussions with Dr. Hoang Phuoc Son and Mr. Mai Thanh Binh from Con Son JOC are very much appreciated. References 1. Berger, P., 1995. Detecting Hydrocarbons in Low Resistivity Environments. Schlumberger. 2. Giao, P.H., 2009. Lecture notes in Petrophysics. Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. 3. Loke M.H., 2002. RES2MOD Ver 3.01 Geomoto Software. www.geoelectrical.com. 4. Smits, J.W., Dubourg, I., Luling, M.G., Minerbo, G.N., Koelman, J.M.V.A., Hoffman, L.J.B., Lomas, A.T., Oosten, R.K.v.d., Schiet, M.J. and Dennis, R.N., 1998. Improved Resistivity Interpretation Utilizing a New Array Laterolog Tool and Associated Inversion Processing, paper SPE 49328. 5. Worthington, P.F., 1997. Recognition and Development of Low-Resistivity Pay, paper SPE 38035. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 49 PETROLEUM PROCESSING Abstract Nowadays, waste cooking oil is one of the sources of biodiesel production. However, waste cooking oils purchased in the market are very crude with high free fatty acid content. The appearance of free fatty acids in crude waste cooking oil severely causes saponification and interferes with the transesterification reaction. This article presents results of treatment process of waste cooking oil purchased from restaurants in Hanoi. The objective of this study is to separate free fatty acid from oil which is then used to synthesize biodiesel on heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/Al2O3. The results showed that crude waste cooking oil has been treated. The acid number of oil is reduced from 6.16 down to 0.56 mg KOH/g. Study of treating waste cooking oil for biodiesel synthesis using heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/Al2O3 Hoang Linh Lan Nguyen Ngoc Diep Le Thi Phuong Nhung Vietnam Petroleum Institute 1. Introduction Nowadays, in parallel with the depletion of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal, one of the problems facing humankind is global environmental pollution by flue gas emission from internal combustion (IC) engines. Therefore, it is extremely important to discover new energy sources to gradually replace exhausting fossil energy resources, assure energy security and reduce environmental pollution. Using bio-fuels, especially biodiesel due to dieselization tendency of engines, is the solution currently concerned by the whole world. Biodiesel is mostly produced from vegetable oils by transesterification reaction on homogeneous lye catalyst. However, vegetable oil is costly and its usage influences food security. Meanwhile waste cooking oil, considered as having 50 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 similar nature with vegetable oils, costs less and is easily collected in high quantity. It is estimated that 4 - 5 tons of waste cooking oil per day can be collected in Ho Chi Minh City. Furthermore, the use of homogeneous catalyst in the production of biodiesel has some drawbacks such as: Causing saponification reaction, resulting in difficulty of rinsing product, and producing wastage due to unrecyclable catalyst. Hence, using waste cooking oil to synthesize biodiesel on heterogeneous catalyst will contribute to the development of the economy and reduce environmental pollution. Waste cooking oils collected from different restaurants contain impurities, especially free fatty acids which need to be removed. The high content of free fatty acid in waste cooking oil reduces the PETROVIETNAM biodiesel production yield. According to some published studies, waste cooking oil with acid number below 2 mg KOH/g meets the requirement of material for producing biodiesel [1]. Therefore, crude waste cooking oil with acid number of 6.16 mg KOH/g collected from restaurants in Hanoi has to be treated to decrease free fatty acid content. Due to the acid number of waste cooking oil is often less than 20mgKOH/g, alkali solutions can be used to neutralize to reduce this number [1, 2, 3]. Therefore, on the field our study, waste cooking oil will be treated by alkali solutions with evaluation of factors affecting the process of treating. From there, the most appropriate set of treating process conditions for Vietnamese waste cooking oils will be determinated. Treated waste cooking oil with acceptable value of acid number was used as material to produce biodiesel on heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/γ-Al2O3. 2. Experiment 2.1. Treating waste cooking oil The waste cooking oil is neutralized using alkali solution as follows: + Pour 100 mL waste cooking oil (filtered through cotton to remove solid impurities) into 250 mL graduated glass. Stir and heat oil to 600C. + Eliminate free fatty acid in crude waste cooking oil by pouring drop by drop 40 mL of alkali solution with calculated concentration. Maintain temperature reaction at 600C in 15 minutes. 2.2. Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oil on heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/γ-Al2O3 [4, 5] Treated waste cooking oil and catalyst Na2CO3/γ-Al2O3 are poured in a tri-neck flask connected to a refrigerating reflux and thermometer. All of which are placed on a magnetic stirrer. This mixture is stirred at 600 c/m speed and heated to 400C. After that, methanol is added. Continue to heat the solution to 600C and maintain this temperature during the reaction. When the reaction is finished, stop stirring, cool the mixture to room temperature and remove catalyst, excess methanol and glycerin to obtain final product. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Evaluation of factors affecting the process of treating waste cooking oil 3.1.1. Influence of neutralizing agent on the treatment of waste cooking oil Waste cooking oil is treated with different neutralizing agents such as NaOH, KOH, Na2CO3 with the same concentration of 10%, the same times and temperature of rinsing water. The results are shown below: Table 1. Influence of neutralizing agent on acid number and productivity Neutralizing agent Acid number, mg KOH/g Yield of treated waste cooking oil, % NaOH 0.56 85 KOH 0.57 85 Na2CO3 0.92 78 The results showed that among three investigated neutralizing agents, NaOH and KOH are better because of lower acid number and higher yield of obtained treated waste oil. So, NaOH as neutralizing agent will be chosen for the next investigations due to its popularity and easy-to-buy in the market. 3.1.2. Influence of NaOH concentration + Transfer reacted mixture into separatory funnel. The study of influence of NaOH concentration on acid number and oil productivity is shown in Fig. 1. + Remove excess alkali solution in treated oil by rinsing 100 mL-portion of hot water several times (use phenolphthalein indicator to test pH). It is inferred from Fig. 1 that when the solution of NaOH 10% is used, neutral oil has near minimum acid number and + Evaporate water remaining in treated waste cooking oil at 1300C and obtain treated waste cooking oil. 100 Yield of treated waste cooking oil, % + Remove sulfate ions totally by rinsing hot water. Acid number, mg KOH/g 6 + Push out soaps from waste cooking oil to advoid emulsification of rinsing water by sodium sulfate solution 5% until rinsing water is neutral; 5 4 3 2 1 0 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 NaOH concentration, % 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 NaOH concentration, % Fig. 1. Influence of NaOH concentration on acid number and yield of treated waste cooking oil PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 51 100 6 Yield of treated waste cooking oil, % maximum yield. The reason is that at that concentration NaOH in the solution, the neutralization reaction occurs thoroughly. Therefore the decantation is clearer, making it easier to recover oil and leading to higher yield. Acid number, mg KOH/g PETROLEUM PROCESSING 5 4 3 2 1 80 60 40 20 0 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 40 110 50 60 It is inferred from Fig. 2 that the optimum temperature of rinsing water is about 800C. At which temperature the obtained oil has minimum acid number and maximum recovery capacity. It can be explained that with low temperature of rinsing water, the flexibility of rinsing water is limited, leading to low capability of decanting soap and excessive alkali. Therefore the soap and alkali are still dispersing in oil, which reduces the capacity of recovering oil. In contrary, with high temperature of rinsing water, oil is easily emulsified, which makes the decantation not thoroughly lead to a low capacity of recovering oil. 3.1.4. Influence of rinsing times Oil is rinsed for certain times before being determined acid number and yield. The results are shown in Fig. 3. It is inferred from Fig. 3 that the more oil is rinsed, the lower the yield is and so is acid number. It could be easily explained that as much oil is rinsed, a certain 52 90 100 110 Fig. 2. Influence of temperature of rinsing water on acid number and yield of treated waste cooking oil 5 100 Yield of treated waste cooking oil, % Acid number, mg KOH/g The product of the reaction after being decanted to eliminate soap is then rinsed with hot water. The influence of the temperature of rinsing water in the range of 500C to 1000C was investigated. The results are shown in Fig. 2. 80 o Temperature, C 3.1.3. Influence of temperature of rinsing water 70 Temperature, C o 4 3 2 1 95 90 85 80 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rinsing times 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rinsing times Fig. 3. Influence of rinsing times on acid number and yield of treated waste cooking oil quantity of oil is eliminated in the residue water. Moreover, excess acid is neutralized more thoroughly, which makes oil with lower acid number. Basing on the results obtained, with 4 times of rinsing, the acid number of oil was decreased to under 2mg KOH/g oil; with 5 times of rinsing, this number is 0.91 mgKOH/g but the productivities were not changed much (from 92% down to 90%). Therefore, the appropriate rinsing time is about 5 at which the treated oil has an acceptable acid number and high yield. 3.2. Analysis of quality tests of biodiesel synthesized from waste oil Treated waste cooking oil is then used to synthesize biodiesel on heterogeneous catalyst Na2CO3/Al2O3. The effect of treament of waste cooking oil on the yeild of biodiesel synthesis process is shown in Table 2. It is inferred from Table 2 that the lower of acid number of treated Table 2. Yield of biodiesel synthesis process from treated waste cooking oil of different quatities STT Acid number of treated waste cooking oil, mg KOH/g Yield of biodiesel synthesis, % 1 6.16 32 2 3 4 5 3.25 1.97 0.91 0.56 63 90 92 95 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM waste cooking oil, the higher yield of biodiesel. Thus, the acid number affects greatly the yield of biodiesel synthesis. Therefore the treatment to reduce the acid number of the waste cooking oil is very necessary. Some of the important physicochemical properties of synthesized biodiesel are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Quality tests of biodiesel synthesized from waste cooking oil STT Properties Analysis method 0 TCVN 6594 (ASTM D 1298) EN 14103 TCVN 3171 (ASTM 445) TCVN 2693 (ASTM D 93) 1 Density at 15 C 2 Ester content Kinematic viscosity 0 2 at 40 C, mm /s 3 4 0 Flash point, closed cup, C 6 Vacuum distillation end 0 point, 90% volume, C Heat of combustion, kJ/kg 7 Cetane number 5 8 9 10 11 Total sulfur, % mass Copper strip corrosion 0 at 50 C, 3h Free glycerin, % mass Total glycerin, % mass Standard Biodiesel by TCVN 7717:2007 [6] Biodiesel from waste oil 0.860 - 0.900 0.883 > 96.5 98.41 1.9 - 6.0 4.41 130 min 140 ASTM D 1160 ≤ 360 351 ASTM D240 TCVN 7630 (ASTM D 613) ASTM D 5453/TCVN 6701 TCVN 2694 (ASTM D 130) ASTM D 6584 ASTM D 6584 - 41.079 > 47 52 < 0.05 0.005 No.1 No.1 0.020 max 0.240 max < 0.001 < 0.001 The results in Table 3 show that the biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil meets all specifications of Standard TCVN 7717:2007. 4. Conclusions 1. Waste cooking oil collected from restaurants in Hanoi has been successfully treated to acid number at 0,56 mgKOH/g oil with a yield higher than 85%. The procedure is as followed: Neutralize free fatty acids in oil with NaOH solution 10%, then rinse 5 to 8 times with hot water of 800C and sodium sulfate solution 5% to eliminate excessive alkali and soap. After that continue to rinse the obtained neutralized oil by hot water until sulfate ions are totally eliminated. Finally evaporate water at 1300C to obtain final product. 2. Experimental results show that the acid number of raw waste cook- ing oils greatly influence the yields of synthesizing biodiesels. 3. The biodiesel synthesized from waste cooking oil meets all specifications in the standard for B100 in Vietnam (TCVN 7717:2007). References 1. Hackleman D., Yokochi A. Production of Biodiesel from waste cooking oil. 2006 2. Hideki Fukuda et all. Review Biodiessel fuel production by tranesterification of oil. J. Biosci. Bioeng. (2001), p.405-416 3. J. Van Gerpen, B. Shanhks, and R. Pruszko Iowa State University D. Clements Renewable Products Development Laboratory G. Knothe USA/NCAUR. Biodiesel Production Techonology. August 2002 January 2004, NREL/SR510-36240. 4. http://www.biodiesel.org/pdf files/emissions.PDF. 5. Staat, F.Vallet. Vegetable oil methylester as a diesel subtitute. Chem. Ind. 21, 863-865 6. TCVN 7717:2007. Nhiên liệu diesel sinh học gốc (B100). Yêu cầu kỹ thuật. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 53 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION Applicability of GTL technology in Vietnam Kazuhito Katakura, Yoshifumi Suehiro, Yoichi Norisugi, Hitoraka Shimizu, Hirokazu Tada, Technology Research & Development Division, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) Abstract Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (refer to as “JOGMEC”) has been developing Gas-To-Liquids (refer to as “GTL”) technologies with Nippon GTL technology Research Association (refer to as “Nippon GTL Association”) established by six Japanese private firms including JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation (refer to as “NOE”), which is a part of Three Core Operating Subsidiaries of JX Holdings Inc. GTL technology is effective in contribution to securing and diversifying alternate fuel source. Furthermore, utilizing associated gas from offshore oil fields for GTL feed gas without flaring serves reducing global warming potential and corresponds to environmental regulations. Japanese novel GTL technologies have the following feature: 54 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM (1) CO2 utilization: JAPAN-GTL process can utilize CO2 as GTL feed gas to produce clean fuel. It is developed by JOGMEC and Nippon GTL Association consisting of six private Japanese firms such as INPEX, NOE, JAPEX, COSMO Oil, Nippon Steel Engineering (refer to as “NSE”), and CHIYODA (refer to as “CYD”). The entire GTL technologies have root in Japanese companies. Its technical stage is at demonstration, of which the capacity is 500 BPD. After establishing it as commercial level through demonstration project, JAPAN-GTL is expected to make its debut in the world. (2) Associated gas utilization: The process of Advanced Auto-thermal Gasification (refer to as “A-ATG”) is the novel syngas production technology developed by JOGMEC, JGC, and Osaka Gas. It consists of a new auto-thermal reforming catalyst with ultra-deep desulfurization of natural gas. A-ATG can realize compact reactor to produce syngas effectively. It may allow to be loaded on FPSO on producing GTL from associated gas at offshore oil field. Its technical stage is at pilot plant, of which the capacity is 65 BPD equivalent of GTL products. This paper addresses the applicability of GTL technology in Vietnam and introduces the current status of GTL technologies developed in Japan. 1. Introduction to gain alternative fuel sources to petroleum and achieve the diversification of primary energy supplies in energy security for Japan. Besides GTL has a variety of advantages: e.g.; it is available to monetize stranded gas reserves and contribute flaring reduction for upstream business and it has environmental advantages such as sulfur free and aromatic free and realizes efficient performance of diesel engines due to very high Cetane Number and furthermore enables to utilize the existing infrastructure and facilities for downstream business. GTL is anticipated to increase the share of Global Liquid Production in the future (Fig.1). Energy stable supply is important issues for Japan in the view that global energy demand is presumed to be increased, especially by the nations of Asia. In the situation that our oil and gas self-sufficiency is in a low level, Japan needs to propel research and development together with an exploration campaign for oil and gas outside of Japan. According to the report of EIA 2010, world use of liquids and other petroleum grows from 86.1 mmbpd in 2007 to 110.6 mmbpd in 2035. In the transportation sector, despite rising prices, use of liquid fuels increases by an average of 1.3% per year, or 45% overall from 2007 to 2035. Meanwhile natural gas is widely distributed throughout the world and proved gas reserves are approximately equivalent to proved oil reserves. Counting associated gas and coal bed methane (refer to as “CBM”), usable gas source exceeds oil. We focus on gas through emerging gas technologies for energy supply. This paper addresses the CO2 utilization by JAPAN-GTL Process through the introduction of JAPAN-GTL Demonstration Test Project in Niigata Japan (refer to as “Demonstration Project”) and the Collaborative Study between JOGMEC and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and Vietnam Petroleum Institute on the Applicability of JAPAN-GTL Process (refer to as “Collaborative Study”), and the associated gas utilization by A-ATG Process as one of repertoires of emerging gas technologies under development. GTL is one of emerging gas technologies, with which natural gas as a raw material can be converted into petroleum products. It is an extremely effective method Global Liquid Production - Million Barrels per Day 14 Gas-to-liquids 12 Coal-to-liquids Shale oil 10 Extra-heavy oil 8 Biofuels 6 4 Fig. 1. Global Liquid Production (2007 - 2035) Bitumen 2 0 2007 2015 Bitumen Biofuels 2020 Extra-heavy oil 2025 Coal-to-liquids 2030 Shale oil Gas-to-liquids 2035 Source: Table 3, International Energy Outlook 2010 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 55 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION 2. CO2 utilization 2.1. JAPAN-GTL Demonstration Test Project in Niigata (Demonstration Project) JOGMEC has been tackling the research and development of the natural gas conversion technology since 1998. JOGMEC made the “Joint Research Contract” with Nippon GTL Association established by six private firms on 25 October 2006 following the Yufutsu Pilot Test Project (2001 to 2004) in order to conduct the Demonstration Project (500 BPD) scheduled 5 years with an eye toward potential international development, 15,000 to 20,000 BPD. The construction of the JAPANGTL Demonstration Plant in Niigata (refer to as “Demonstration Plant”) was completed in March 2009 and it has been in operation since the opening ceremony took place on 16 April 2009. The production of 500 barrels (about 80 kiloliters) per day was achieved. The JAPAN-GTL process contains three core processes: Synthetic gas production section (refer to as “Syngas”), FT (FischerTropsch) production section (refer to as “FT”) and Upgrading (hydrocracking) section (refer to as “UG”), which equip with proper catalysts developed by CYD, NSE and NOE respectively. They have been tested in the Demonstration Plant. Naphtha, Kerosene and Gas Oil are produced from natural gas including CO2. In these processes, Syngas applies the steam (H2O)/CO2 reforming, which differs from Autothermal Reforming (“ATR”) or Noncatalytic Partial Oxidation (“POX”) 56 as used in conventional GTL processes. As Syngas is capable to directly utilize up to 40 mol % of CO2 included in the natural gas, it does not require any oxygen (O2) generator and carbon dioxide (CO2) removal unit. We presume that those equipments reduction will contribute the CAPEX reduction. We have feed gas sources from offshore gas field by subsea pipeline (small CO2 content) and LNG (CO2 free) in Demonstration Plant. Liquefied CO2 is carried by lorry from outside and it is adjusted to around 20mol% through vaporizer for the demonstration operation. The main characteristic of C apacity (B PD) J OGMEC Nippon GTL INPEX NOC J APEX COSMO OIL NSE(←NSC) CHIYODA 20,000~ 15,000 JOGMEC( J NOC) JAPEX CHIYODA COSMO OIL NSC INPEX 500 7 JAPAN-GTL process is to apply the steam/CO2 reforming in the Syngas production, which is able to efficiently use CO2 included in the natural gas and to produce Syngas with the molar ratio of H2/CO = 2/1 suitable for FT synthesis with one pass reaction. Such a process will make it feasible to eliminate O2 generator and CO2 removal unit. Syngas process features a high resistance to Carbon Formation and long life. Feed molar ratio Hydrocarbon/ CO2/ H2O is 1.0/0.4 - 0.6/1.15 - 1.64 at temperature (catalyst bed outlet), 865 - 895 degree Celsius and pressure, 1.5 - 1.9 MPaG. 15,000∼20,000B PD C ommer cial Plant 500B PD Demonstr ation P lant ( Niigata,J A P A N ) 7B P D P ilot Plant (Y ufutsu,J APAN ) 0.01 L ab/B ench 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2015 2020 Fig. 2. History of R & D Activities • Conventional Process(Auto Thermal Reforming) CO2Removal Natural Gas ( Containing CO2 =20%) Sulfur Removal Syngas Production O2 Plant Air In case of Natural gas containing 20% of CO2 Utilizing CO2 • JAPAN-GTL Process Natural Gas ( Containing CO2 =20%) Main Feature Utilizing CO2 No need for O2 plant PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 FT Upgrading Synthesis Syngas Production Steam/CO2 Reforming Sulfur Removal Syngas Production FT Upgrading Synthesis FT Synthesis SBCR with Co Based Catalyst Upgrading Fixed Bed Reactor with Pt Based Catalyst Fig. 3. Characteristics of JAPAN-GTL Process PETROVIETNAM 2.2. Collaborative Study on the Applicability of JAPAN-GTL Process to Vietnam Oil and Gas Group Natural Gas Resources (Collaborative Study) study, JOGMEC suggested applying imaginary offshore gas fields in Vietnam as the target gas resources. The following is the evaluation flow of this study: Small Preliminary Study based on the work chain was conducted through 2007 to 2009 between the Parties; i.e. JOGMEC, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and Vietnam Petroleum Institute. (a) Assumption: + Assumed several cases for offshore gas fields varying independent parameters for distances from shore (50, 100 and 150km) and water depths (50, 100 and 200m). The aim of the study is to clarify the availability of JAPAN-GTL process to offshore gas fields in Vietnam. As specific offshore gas fields were not nominated in the + Beside assumed GTL plant with three different capacities; 7,500, 15,000 and 30,000 BPD, each of which receives natural gas with three different CO2 contents; 0, 20 and 40%. It is presumed to have 330 days of annual operation in 20-year plateau. + Created the matrix of case studies of Base Case (at 15,000 BPD and 20% CO2) and alternative scenarios shown on the chart. (b) Calculation at Upstream: + Calculated CAPEX and OPEX concerning upstream (offshore) development of gas fields including subsea pipeline, presuming daily gas production rate (mmscfd) and gas reserves (gross) (TCF), which should be recoverable reserves assuming 1.2 times to the cumulative production in 20 years, required to the operation of GTL plant. + Calculated gas sales price appropriate for the upstream (offshore) development of gas fields on the condition of securing 10% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and 15% IRR. Gas sales prices for alternative scenario among 81 cases are interpolated by the assumption proportional to the ratio of Base Case. (c) Calculation at Downstream: Fig. 4. Work Chain Table 1. Combination of the study Alternative Scenario Base Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Plant Capacity (BPD) 15,000 7,500 15,000 30,000 CO2 (%) Distance from shore (km) Water Depth (m) 20 50 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 200 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 + Calculated CAPEX and OPEX of three capacities of GTL plant in Vietnam in view of location factor and plant price index. + Calculated such gas prices required by GTL plant as to achieve 10% IRR and 15% IRR of GTL plant on the condition that product sales price for Naphtha, Kerosene and Gas Oil is taken from 5 years average of International Market (Singapore) Spot Price; i.e. Naphtha: US$ 69.88/bbl, Kerosene: US$ PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 57 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION (e) Example of Results: + A part of result with the pattern of gas sales price (IRR10%) and the gas price required by GTL plant (IRR 10%) of this study is shown on the chart. A target source gas field requires gas reserves to meet more than 15,000 BPD capacity GTL plant that is nearly equal to 1TCF class reserves. GTL has impact to the distance from shore rather than water depth. As an integrated approach, it will be more profitable to place GTL Plant as a Profit Center, rather than source gas field. 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 150 100 50 150 100 50 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) Water Depth (m) 50 30,000BPD 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 150 100 50 0 150 100 50 0 Water Depth (m) Water Depth (m) Water Depth (m) 100 0 15,000BPD Water Depth (m) Water Depth (m) 150 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 150 100 50 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 150 100 50 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) Water Depth (m) Water Depth (m) Legend Water Depth (m) + In the case gas sales price is less than the gas price required by GTL plant, GTL plant will be feasible to offshore gas fields in Vietnam. CO2=0% + Compared two kinds of gas prices between gas sales price including IRR (10% and 15%) and the gas price required by GTL plant including IRR (10% and 15%). We have 4 patterns and 324 cases (81 cases x 4 patterns) are generated. CO2=20% (d) Economic Evaluation: 7,500BPD CO2=40% 83.59/bbl and Gasoil: US$ 81.08/bbl at Dubai Crude Oil: US$ 64.29/bbl. 150 100 50 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) 150 Preferable 100 N/A 50 0 50 100 200 Distance from shore (km) Fig. 5. Availability of JAPAN-GTL process to offshore gas fields in Vietnam Pattern: Gas sales price (IRR10%) and gas price required by GTL plant (IRR 10%) Source: Elvidgeet al (GGFR): A fifteen year record of Global Natural Gas Flaring Derived from Satellite Data, 2009 Fig. 6. Global natural Gas Flaring (BCM - BCF) 3. Associated Gas Utilization by A-ATG Process The natural gas resources are to a large extent located far from their markets. Some 30% of the discovered gas is considered stranded. An additional 20 - 30% of the world’s proven natural gas reserves are found in oil reservoirs (associated gas). This has so far been much more economical to flare. Global gas flaring reasonably trends constant over last 16 years shown on the chart. Trend in 58 Onshore flaring Offshore flaring (FPSO) Flaring at onshore and offshore reduction started 4 years ago (2006) and this trend is expected to continue. More major facilities at offshore FPSO (Floating Production, PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Storage and Offloading system) is getting, more increased the flaring will be. We focus on A-ATG Process and FT Synthesis, which is recoverable to convert gas to liq- PETROVIETNAM uid to reduce flaring on FPSO. A-ATG process is a novel syngas production technology that combines ultra-deep desulphurization with Catalytic Partial Oxidation developed by JOGMEC, JGC, and Osaka Gas. We have been developing AATG process at a pilot plant, of which the capacity is 65 BPD equivalent to GTL products. It can realize compact reactor to produce syngas effectively. Technical challenge emerges in applying it to a floating plant together with FT Synthesis to be connected at downstream. It will constitutes an offshore type of GTL process utilizing associated gas from small and middle sized offshore oilfields. The most significant features of A-ATG process is summarized comparing to the conventional process that equipped with steam reforming reaction and ATR reaction with a burner. The conventional process has a pre-reformer for steam reforming, a fired heater to provide heat necessary for steam reforming and an ATR reformer with a burner. Meanwhile A-ATG process is a very simple process that produces synthetic gas in only one fixed bed reactor. 4. Conclusion 4.1. GTL + GTL is anticipated to increase the share of Global Liquid Production in the future. + GTL is an extremely effective method to gain alternative fuel sources to petroleum and achieve the diversification of primary energy supplies in energy security for Japan. + GTL is available to monetize stranded gas reserves and contribute flaring reduction for upstream business. + GTL has environmental advantages such as sulfur free and aromatic free and realizes efficient performance of diesel engines due to very high Cetane Number and enables to utilize the existing infrastructure and facilities for downstream business. 4.2. CO2 utilization + JAPAN-GTL Process is available to utilize CO2 included in natural gas up to 40mol%. Source: JOGNEC TRC week 2009 Fig. 7. Share of offshore Facilities + JAPAN-GTL will be available to apply offshore gas fields (1Tcf class of gas reserves) in Vietnam including CO2 in view of a small preliminary study. Next step will need more detailed study. 4.3. Associated Gas Utilization GTL is a useful method to reduce gas flaring at onshore and offshore. Especially A-ATG Process will be available to reduce offshore flaring on FPSO. 5. Acknowledgement We would like to take this occasion to express our gratitude to Vietnam Petroleum Institute, who performed a greatly effort to the Collaborative Study through 2007 to 2009. Source: http://www.osakagas.co.jp/rd/sheet/181e.html Fig. 8. Comparison between A-ATG Process and Conventional Process It will be a great pleasure for us to widely contribute Vietnam if you could give us an opportunity to utilize a part of our cutting-edge technologies, which will have an availability to develop gas fields in Vietnam including CO2. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 59 Float - over technology - A project enabler David Emery KennethYeoh HockGuan, Philippe Weber Technip Abstract A float-over operation consists of installing an integrated topside directly from the transportation barge or vessel on to a pre-installed substructure, without the need for a heavy lift vessel. The main benefits of a floatover operation are the ability to install fully completed and tested onshore platforms utilizing a single transportation and installation means. Therefore, this method is an economic alternative to heavy lift particularly in cases of large topsides requiring multiple lifts with offshore hook up & commissioning and in cases of remote lifts with high mobilisation/demobilization costs for heavy lift vessels. During the 1980’s, Technip developed a topsides float-over methodology for its own EPCI contracts and installed decks onto steel jackets in open seas using monohull barges or vessels by conventional ballasting operations in benign seastates. During the 1990’s, Technip adapted this method to provide an efficient method of delivery and installation of the production topsides in areas with severe swell conditions and location far away from the major fabrication yards. This technology, called UNIDECK®, is based on combining ballasting operations with the use of hydraulic jacks, to provide 60 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM a rapid and safe set-down of the topsides. Topside decks with a weight of up to 18,000 tonnes have been installed by Technip using this method onto shallow water, fixed structures. During the early 2000’s, with this increasing weight of topsides and the requirement for local content, came an emerging need to extend the envelope of applicability to deepwater developments and hence, floating structures. In 2006 in offshore Brazil, Technip successfully completed the first mating of a 23,500 tonne topside onto the floating P52 semi-submersible hull in a protected site- the first in a series of three sister deepwater oil production platforms for Petrobras. At the end of 2006, a catamaran configuration was used by Technip in open seas to install, for the first time by float-over, the topside of Murphy’s Kikeh spar deepwater platform. Using a selection of these projects as case studies, this paper describes the innovative technologies and methods that have been developed and successfully applied by Technip for Topsides installation throughout the world during this past 20 years. Introduction Initially, float-overs were performed inshore, with deck mating operations on concrete gravity base structures built in the Norwegian fjords. Since the late 1970’s, float-overs have become more common worldwide partly due to the limited availability of large crane vessels, which tend to operate in Europe and the Gulf of Mexico, and to the benefit of onshore hook-up and commissioning of large Topsides. Technip understood the economical benefits of this installation methodology for its own EPCI contracts. In order to minimize the cost of the operation, topsides float-over methodologies have been developed specifically for each particular project, depending of the layout, the topside weight, the environmental conditions and the final elevation of the deck. 1. Passive float-over During a conventional float-over in a benign environment, the monohull barge or vessel enters the steel jacket’s slot and then transfers the Topsides loads to the substructure by ballasting only. Once, the Topsides is in contact with the pre-installed substructure and the full weight is transferred, the installation barge or vessel then exits the substructure. The first such operation achieved by Technip was the central platform of the Ethylene Offshore Terminal in Alexandria in 1987. Then later in 1988, the operation for the relocation of the Zakum accommodation platform was done in Offshore Abu Dhabi. The platform was initially installed on Zakum Central Super Complex as a self installing platform (jack up elevated using strand jacks) in 1983. The platform was relocated on to the Zakum West Super Complex some 9 nautical miles away, using the float over methods with a T-shape configuration of 2 barges connected by truss beams. Since then a number of passive float-overs have been successfully performed in particular by Technip Asia Pacific. 1.1. Float-over detailed engineering The engineering effort normally includes the following activities: + Structural engineering. + Detailed engineering of the operation. + Vessel preparations engineering. + Specification of the installation equipment. + Transportation engineering. + Procedures for the installation operation. + Supervision/assistance during the operation. 1.1.1. Structural design The interface between the topside/jacket structures and their interaction with the vessel strength being critical, an integrated study (structural and naval architecture) with a complete model incorporating the topside/jacket rigidity and the stiffness the barge and PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 61 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION its various components (hawsers, fenders…) is required. The Topsides support frames (Fig. 1) are designed considering all of the following operations: + For the load out; the inclusion of vessel trim and list with consequential distortion of deck. + For the transportation; the dynamic effects and vessel-to-deck distortion. + For the deck lowering; the design of a guiding system to cope with the horizontal loads (dynamic and impact load at time of mating). On the transport vessel, the grillage allows a distribution of the static and dynamic loads of the topsides to the different locations of the vessel’s structural hard points. In addition, the grillage is designed to optimize the ratio between topsides weight and vessel strength. The sea fastening of the topsides design takes into account the various steps of the operations for a sequential and quick installation or removal. 1.1.2. Design of equipment * Mooring system on the vessel enough to keep good control of the vessel’s position and to maintain the second order wave induced motions of the vessel to a low level. The fairleads, sheaves and bollards are designed and sized to satisfy all possible configurations during entrance, mating and withdrawal of the vessel. * Fenders inside the jacket Fenders (Fig. 2) also called jacket leg protectors are provided to absorb the vessel impacts on the jacket. The fenders are fitted with a steel shield to ensure good contact on the vessel’s own fender (half pipe) and to allow vessel level change during mating. A small gap of about 0.2 to 0.3m between the vessel hull and the shield is kept. The capacity of the fender is defined in accordance with the vessel motions, the impact energy and the vessel hull strength. * Transition piece and guide cones On top of each jacket leg (or pile) is installed a transition piece (Fig. 2). This is composed of a guide cone to facilitate the offshore installation and a thick reinforcement. The mooring consists of a combination of equipment that is sized to suit the vessel motion characteristics, the jacket rigidity and the environmental conditions of the site. The guide cones are designed typically at an angle of 450 and fitted at their base with a cylindrical to provide the final accurate centering. The mooring lines connected to the jacket use a winch with wire rope and a nylon tail to adjust the line stiffness. The selected line stiffness avoids having resonance with wave periods (i.e. the degradation of the vessel motions) and also avoids having high dynamic peak loads in the lines. However the lines remain stiff Finite element analyses are performed to check the local strength of the transition piece. The thick part of transition piece accepts the relatively high concentrated impact loads at the steel-tosteel contact without risk of local deformation. * Leg mating units One key element of a float-over installation is the leg mating unit (Fig. 3) located at the interface between the jacket and the deck. The leg mating units perform 4 main functions during the mating phase: + Centering of deck legs during first phase of lowering. + Reducing the vessel/deck motions during lowering. + Reducing the impact load between deck and jacket. Fig. 1. Typical arrangement 4 substructures and 2 grillage rows 62 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 + Providing final accurate positioning (rigid guide) PETROVIETNAM room with information relayed from the vessel and the mooring equipment, and knowledge of the environmental conditions. The information includes, in particular: + Vessel attitude: Draught, heel angle and overall centre of gravity. + Environmental conditions (wave, wind and current by reading of a rider buoy) and the weather forecast for the coming hours (12 to 36 hours depending on the operation stage). + Live video covering the legs during the mating operation. + Display of tensions in the mooring lines. + Vessel motions by gyrocompass. The above data are assessed for the decisionmaking at each step of the installation operation. In addition, contingency procedures are developed to cope with any abnormal situations that may arise. 1.2.1. Vessel docking Fig. 2. Typical fender and transition piece of the deck legs onto the jacket pile. * Deck Support units On top of the Topsides support frames at the interface with the deck, deck support units made of elastomeric pads are installed to provide a soft separation at the end of the loads transfer during the floatover and prevent any damage of the Topsides in case of re-contact. 1.1.3. Ballasting/de-ballasting system Powerful integrated or external ballasting system with suitable characteristics to perform float-over operations are required, i.e.: + Large flow rate (available on existing vessel). + Versatility. + Redundancy. + Centralised remote control. 1.2. Float-over operation The whole operation is monitored from a control The offshore installation starts by manoeuvring and mooring the vessel outside the jacket using typically a combination of 4 anchoring lines connected to anchors pre-tested. Then, the 2 ‘stern longitudinal crossed mooring lines’ are connected from the stern of the vessel to the furthest piles of the jacket, to allow an accurate control of the vessel’s stern while entering into the 1st row of the jacket (Fig. 4). By using winches on the deck, the vessel is moved into the jacket. Once the stern of the vessel reaches the 2nd row of the jacket, the 2 ‘bow longitudinal mooring lines’ attached to the first row of piles are connected to the vessel (Fig. 5). When the vessel stern reaches the last row of the jacket, the 2 ‘stern longitudinal crossed mooring lines’ are uncrossed. At the final position, the vessel is moored inside the jacket by the 4 longitudinal lines and 4 transversal lines are added to the external piles. This ensures an accurate positioning of the deck legs over the jacket legs (Fig. 6). 1.2.2. Transfer of loads and vessel separation At the beginning of the transfer phase, the deck is rested on the deck support units located on the top of PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 63 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION the deck support frames. Then by de-ballasting the vessel, the leg mating units in the topsides legs and centered by the entry cones, come into contact on the jacket legs. When about 50% of the topsides weight is transferred to the jacket legs, the wave induced vessel motions reduce. At this stage, the shock absorbers are at maximum compression, and the topside and jacket legs come into steel to steel contact. The transfer of the loads onto the jacket, along with the control of the location of the COG is performed by controlling the ballasting including the tide effect. At the end of the load transfer, a separation gap between the vessel and the deck is created between the bottom of the Topsides and the deck supports units and is used to prevent any risk of hard impacts. 1.2.3. Removal of the vessel Then, the vessel’s draft is adjusted, in order to keep a minimum under keel clearance above the jacket’s cross bracing of 1.5m and a safe freeboard of at least 1m. The vessel is retrieved from jacket with the assistance of tugs and the 2 bow mooring lines, leaving the deck supported on the jacket. Fig. 3. Typical guide cone with leg mating unit cial technology, called the UNIDECK®, which enables a very short installation time in these swell conditions (typically Hs = 1.5m in period of 10 seconds or Hs = 1.2m in period of 14 seconds), thereby ensuring a safe installation operation as well as limiting the risk of weather downtime. 2. Active float-over The technology combines ballasting and jacking to improve the stability of the heavy transport vessel during the transportation phase and uses jacking to provide a quick transfer of the integrated deck weight onto the pre-installed jacket in order to avoid high dynamic impact loads. Due to the long swell period conditions in West Africa, a conventional float-over by ballasting only is too slow and thus, not advisable because it causes excessive impacts between the topside and the jacket. In the 1990’s, Technip developed a spe- This technology, for which Technip acts as an installation contractor, has been implemented in West Africa with the COB-P1 production platform (9,500 tonne), the Amenam Kpono AMP1 (11,000 tonne) and AMP2 (9,600 tonne) platforms for TOTAL and the East 64 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Area Project GN compression platform (18,000 tonne) for EXXONMOBIL. 2.1. Jacking system The jacking system (Fig. 7) using hydraulic cylinder jacks is designed considering the following features: + Fully reversible operation. + High reliability and redundancy of all major components. + The jacking operation can be continued in case of failure of one jack or hydraulic power unit. + Capability to allow rapid ram retraction prior to barge removal. + Capability to continue lowering with damage to hydraulic pipes/connections or electrical failure. + Capability to achieve lowering in case of a total electrical failure. The hydraulic designed for: system is PETROVIETNAM topsides legs engage into the tops of the jacket legs, and a sufficient residual gap is left to avoid any hard impact. During the ballasting operation, a real time tide measurement is used to adjust the ballast plan. * Jacking until transfer of 50% of the load The installation of the topsides onto the jacket is performed by retracting the jack rods within approximately one minute, over the complete stroke (1.8m). The downwards motion has two effects: + It closes the residual gap. Fig. 4. Vessel mooring prior docking + A slow jacking or lowering at nominal speed of 60 mm/min. + A variable fast lowering up to a speed of 1,800 mm/min. + A synchronization of all the lifting axes in a window of less than 10mm in normal automatic mode (if one axis is outside the window the operation is stopped) to control and minimize the dynamic stress inside the topside structure. The automatic mode is used for the weighing, the load out operations and the installation on site (initialization, slow movements, normal lowering, rod extension for ballasting, and automatic cylinder return modes). 2.2. Operations 2.2.1. Topsides Weighing The weighing of the topside is the first operation performed with the jacking system where the actual weight and the location of the centre of gravity are measured with a very good accuracy. A second weighing of the topside is performed as well as a test of the jacking system at a high lowering speed over their full 1.8m stroke, just few days before the load out operation. 2.2.2. Load out During the load out operation, the jacking system is also used allowing a precise monitoring of loads and control per support in order to compensate for vessel trim and differential settlement. 2.2.3. Float-over The same methodology as the one for passive float-over methodology is used for vessel docking but prior entry into the slot, the topsides is elevated with the jacking system. At the final position, the vessel is typically moored inside the jacket by the 4 longitudinal lines and 4 transversal lines. * Contact between the topsides and the jacket By ballasting the vessel, the + It transfers part of the deck load onto the jacket and, as a consequence, the vessel moves upwards as the load on its deck is reduced. This resulted in the transfer of about 50% of the topsides weight to the jacket legs. During the quick (i.e. normal) downward stroke, stopping must be avoided. This step is considered as the practical no-return point (although the operation remains theoretically reversible) as it gets the topsides supported by the jacket in a safe configuration. At this stage, the vessel, the jacket and the topsides behave as a single body. * Continuation of load transfer After the 1st jacking down, the vessel ballasting continues. To prevent any relative motion between the vessel and the topside, the jacks are progressively extended and an additional 20% of the deck load is progressively transferred onto the jacket. PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 65 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION * Transfer of remaining load and vessel separation Finally, the jacks retracted a second time to quickly transfer 100% of the deck load to the jacket and to create a sufficient separation gap between the vessel and the deck to prevent any risk of further impact during vessel removal. 3. Mating Based on its extensive experiences for topsides’ float-over installation, Technip has in the early 2000’s adapted this proven methodology to semi-submersible units for their assembly by a mating operation of the topsides onto the lower hull. Fig. 5. Vessel docking In June 2006 in Brazil, Technip successfully carried out the mating of a topsides (comprising a ‘deck box’ plus modules) onto the hull (designated the ‘lower hull’) of a semi-submersible production facility. This was to be the most complex and critical operation of the project. ous de-ballasting. The topsides of 23,500 tonnes was fabricated in a dry-dock and lowered onto the FS1 barge, specifically built for the project. The integrated deck box consists of transverse and longitudinal primary steel grinders of both trusses and plated bulkheads. On the top of the deck box, the process, power generation and gas compression modules were installed by lifting before the mating operation. 3.2. Mating detailed engineering 3.1. Overall description of the operation A brief summary of the main steps of the mating operations is as follows: + Towing of the lower hull from shipyard to a sheltered area for mating site (Fig. 8). + Connection of the lower hull to pre-installed anchor lines at the mating site. + Ballasting of the lower hull to 40m draft. + Towing of the topsides on barge to mating site. + Barge entrance in between the lower hull columns (Fig. 9). + Positioning of the deck box openings above the lower hull guide cones with enough clearance. + De-ballasting of the lower hull to insert docking piles within deck box bottom flange. + Transfer of the topsides weight from barge to mating supports located at lower hull top, by continu- 66 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 + When 100% weight transfer is reached, ballasting of barge to increase clearance. + Barge withdrawal when clearance with topsides is satisfactory (Fig. 10). 3.2.1. Structural design * Dedicated barge for construction and mating The FS1 barge has been designed for construction and installation phases. On the barge, the grillage design allows an even distribution of the static and dynamic loads from the topsides to the main bulkheads of the barge by inserting underneath the lower deck, a shaped wooden cribbing. This dunnage shape takes into account the deformations applied by deadweight and ballasts to both deck box and barge when floating. During construction, the deck box is erected directly on the grillage with counter timbers. Before float out, those pieces are removed by jacking up and down the deck box. Finally, at float out stage, the deck box is resting on the dunnage curved shape, exhibiting a hogging deformation, ready for modules installation and mating. * Mating stools After complete weight transfer from the barge to the lower hull, the topsides is resting on 12 mating stools (Fig. 11). Each column is fitted with 3 mating stools, one in the inner corner, and the two others at mid distance of the inner sides. This allows the operation to be reversed at any time and to tow back to the PETROVIETNAM yard without any particular actions at mating site. To reach a satisfactory compromise between bending moment at column top and sagging of the deck, the load applied on each column is intended to be limited to about 40% on the inner corner stool and 30% on each of the other two. * Guide cone Located close to each inner corner-mating stool is a docking pile, typically a tube appropriately stiffened. At top of this pin, there is a 45 degrees cone for insertion within the corresponding hole of deck box flange. The docking pile is designed to withstand design internal loads generated by the relative deformations between the topsides and the lower hull, during de-ballasting if the gap is filled in. Moreover, the design takes into account the impact load at touchdown, and the dynamic loads during towing the assembled semi-submersible back to the yard for completion work. * Overall analysis The studies for the mating operation can be summarised as follows: + Relative displacements and deformations between the Topsides and the lower hull. + Specification and follow up of fabrication tolerances. + Definition of elastomeric pads and shimming for load spread at top of the columns. + Definition of butter pad thicknesses to be welded on docking pin allowing to minimise gap and internal load. + Calculation of expected deflections during de-ballasting sequences to control the applied loads during weight transfer. + Strength checking of mating stools and deck box. 3.2.2. Design of equipment * Lower mooring system During the mating operation, the lower hull is temporary moored at the mating site, by an 8 leg catenary mooring system made of wire and chain. Specific mooring procedures are developed to moor the hull at the mating site: Pre-installation on site, connection to the lower hull and then tensioning and equalizing the lines’ tension without the possibility of using mooring winches. The mooring system is also designed to maintain the platform on location after mating for spider deck installation. * Mooring system between barge and lower hull During the docking and mating operations, the barge is moored to the lower hull to provide good control of the relative displacements. The mooring consists of equipment that is sized to suit the barge and lower hull motion characteristics and the environment conditions of the site. The use of soft systems for the mooring lines plus the fendering system allows control of the positions with reasonable forces. The fairleads, sheaves and bollards are designed and sized to satisfy all possible configurations during entrance, mating and withdrawal of the vessel. * Fenders inside the lower hull Fig. 6. Vessel centered into the slot Fenders of the type used for jacket leg protection in conventional topsides/jacket float-over operations were installed on the lower hull columns to protect both the PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 67 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION Fig. 7. Typical jacking system arrangement between 2 substructures of the same row barge and the lower hull during the docking and mating. * Lower Hull ballasting/de-ballasting system The topsides mating operation is mainly done by de-ballasting the lower hull. For this purpose, the platform ballasting system is adapted with additional systems to supplement the permanent arrangement. In particular, the following modifications are required: + Connections to the ballast system of a number of compartments normally not used as ballast: Void tanks in columns, chain lockers, fresh water tanks, and diesel tanks. + Increased diameter of the bilge common line in the columns so that it can be used to ballast the void tanks. + Temporary centralised control room in one column. + Installation of temporary level transmitters in void tanks. + Additional control displays and software mating modules in the platform control system. * Barge ballasting/de-ballasting system The barge is ballasted simultaneously with the lower hull de-ballasted. The main purpose of the barge ballasting is to correct the deck eccentricity so that the barge will remain on an even keel after load transfer. * Ballasting/de-ballasting procedure and control About 30,000 tonne of water ballast are emptied during the load transfer, which took about 15 hours. The procedure is developed with successive phases of de-ballasting of columns and pontoons in order 68 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Fig. 8. Towing of the lower hull to mating site to maintain hull deflection and load applied on centering pile within allowable limit. 4. Catamaran float-over In November 2006, Technip successfully installed in catamaran configuration (Fig. 12) the first spar topside float-over for the Murphy Kikeh Dry Tree Unit (DTU). This installation was performed in 1330m water depth in open water in the South China Sea, offshore East Malaysia. The topside installation weight was 4000 tonne and the swell at the time of installation was Hs of 0.7m at periods of 7 - 8 seconds. Prior to Kikeh, the topsides of all other spars had been installed using heavy lift vessels, which have limitations in terms of both their maximum lifting capacity and their availability. The successful execution of the Kikeh topside float-over installation has established this method as a viable and cost-effective alternative to lift installation. It makes the catamaran float-over concept a PETROVIETNAM proven technology, promising a great future ahead by providing an economical solution particularly for spars requiring large topsides. 4.1. Float-over detailed engineering During the float-over approaching and mating operations, the catamaran system is designed for potential bumping with the spar hull through specially arranged fenders of different types and sizes (Fig. 13). To support the operation, the following structural design and analyses are carried out: + Design of the fender system on west side and east side. + Design of the stabbing pin and the shock cells. Fig. 9. Barge entrance in between the lower hull columns + Impact load calculation during collision between the barges and the fenders on the spar hull. + Impact loads on shock cells, legs and grillage. 4.2. Overall description of the operation The following steps are involved during the floatover operations: + The catamaran system is pulled toward the moored spar hull with typically six lashing lines. + The catamaran system is aligned with the spar hull by adjusting tension on the lashing lines (Fig. 14). + The spar hull rises when the ballast water is pumped out from its upper tanks. + The receptacle on the spar hull starts to impact the stabbing guides after the static gap is closed. For Kikeh, these impacts lasted for about 8 minutes before the motions were synchronized. Fig. 10. Barge withdrawal + The tie-down braces are removed when 20% to 60% of the topside weight is transferred from the barges to the spar hull. + De-ballasting on the spar hull continues until the pins on the grillage are pulled out from the locking plates of the forks, while the barges are pulled. Conclusion The float-over method is a well proven technology, has been applied for both fixed facilities and floating units and presents significant advantages over conventional derrick lift barge installations for an offshore field development. These advantages can be summarized as follows: + This method considerably reduces the cost of the Fig. 11. Detail of guide cone and mating stool PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 69 PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & CONSTRUCTION integration, pre-commissioning and offshore commissioning works by allowing full onshore completion and commissioning of the deck as compared to a multi-module lifted topsides, hooked up and commissioned offshore. + Minimizes the installation costs of large Topsides by utilizing a single transportation and installation means. + For floating units, it enables the fabrication of the integrated topsides in a conventional topside yard at a low level, when an integrated deck would be too heavy for an elevating system. Fig. 12. Catamaran configuration + It enables an integrated topsides installation when the deck would exceed the capacity of existing derrick barges. + As demonstrated by the successful installations of the decks onto the lower hull of the P52 semi-submersible, and onto the Kikeh spar, the viability of the float-over method on to floating substructures as well. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank our Clients and the management of TECHNIP for granting the permission to publish this paper. Reference 1. J.H. Sigrist and J.C. Naudin/TECHNIP. Experience in Float-over Integrated Deck-Design and Installation. Paper OTC 8121, presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, held in Houston Texas, 6-9 May 1996. Fig. 13. Catamaran System Approaching Spar Hull 2. J.H. Sigrist, P.A. Thomas and J.C. Naudin/TECHNIP. Experience in Float-over Integrated Deck-Flexibility of the concept. Paper OTC 8616, presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, held in Houston Texas, 1998. 3. C. Tribout, D. Emery, P. Weber /TECHNIP and R. Kaper/DOCKWISE. Float-Overs Offshore West Africa. Paper OTC 19073, presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, held in Houston Texas, 2007. 4. D. Emery, P. Weber, L. Ferron, P.A. Thomas and J.C. Naudin /TECHNIP. Mating of the Topsides onto the lower hull - P52 semi-submersible. Paper OMAE 2008 - 57869, presented at the Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering conference, held in Estoril, PORTUGAL, 2008. 5. Michael Y.H. Luo, Liyong Chen and David Edelson/TECHNIP. SPAR Topsides floatover installation-structural design and analyses. 70 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Fig. 14. Initial Alignment between Topside and Spar Hull PETROVIETNAM Permanent mode analyses for the distribution grid interconnection of a renewable energy Tran Khanh Viet Dung Vietnam Oil and Gas Group Abstract 1. Introduction The interconnection of renewable energies with the utility grid has been one of the most important R&D orientations for many years. Majority of the utilities in the world were not conceived to accommodate the large-scale distributed generators (DG). The first studies in the literature showed significant effects and impacts on the operation of the entire electric system. However, they were complex, long convergences or unable take into account the connected singlephase distributed generator. Moreover, the structure of the distribution networks depends on the country. The presence of single-phase DG in these networks involves impacts of the current, resulting in its voltage. These impacts are harmful to the equipment of the grid especially to the three-phase machines connected to the utility. As a consequence of the energy market’s rapid growth, the distributed (dispersed or decentralized) generator (DG) develops in several countries, on the basis of cogeneration’s unit, renewable energies or traditional production, installed by independent producers [1], [2]. Distributed generator systems are becoming more common as a result of the increased demand for electricity and the requirement to reduce the impact on the environment from traditional fossil and nuclear sources of power production. A study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) indicates that in 2015, 25% of new electric generator will be distributed [3]. They have a reverse power flow capability and are operated in parallel with utility power system. However, the DG’s interconnection influences on the electric distribution system because the utility grid was not conceived to accommodate the distributed generator. The first studies carried out on the introduction of this energy production form to large scales into the grid showed significant effects and impacts on the operation of the entire electric system: In order to contribute to the system service and the utility’s control, we present, in this paper, robust methods’ analysis for permanent modes of grid’s operation when multiple single-phase DGs connected to the distribution three-phase utility. These methods calculate power flows and unbalanced treatment. The analytical and simulation studies were performed in order to validate the accuracy of these methods. The results showed that these methods behave well. The impacts of voltage quality, the rate of unbalance are presented while comparing with the industrial software and the standard in use. Keywords: Renewable energy, distributed generator, distribution networks, impacts, voltage quality, unbalance, islanding, correlation function. + Modification of the power’s transit and the voltage quality [4], [5]; + Impact on the selectivity of protective systems [6], [7]; + Influence on the stability of the utility [8]; + Problems of unbalance and islanding [9] [12]. The presence of the single-phase DG in the networks, like their random distribution on the 3 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 71 POWR TECHNOLOGY phases, involves impacts of the current, resulting in impacts of the voltage. These impacts are harmful to the equipment of the utility especially to the threephase machines connected to the grid. Therefore, the regulations which limit these impacts are necessary and essential. In this context, in order to contribute to the system service and the utility’s control, this article presents some scientific contributions towards the interconnection of distributed generator to the electric distribution network. These contributions are aimed at developing a method to calculate power flow and unbalance treatment of the three-phase utility integrated with single-phase DGs basing on the approaches of impedance order reduction and identification of the power’s direction. 2. Electric power system & standards 2.1. Overview of the electric power system The electric system is structured in several levels and characterized by the voltages adapted to these levels [13]: are fed by three wires. Thus, according to the connection carried out, they can supply their machine under either 120V or 240V. Primary Feeder SUBSTATION Distribution transformers 120/240V 60 Hz 120/240V 60 Hz 120/240V 60 Hz Fig. 1. Distribution network with distributed neutral 2.2. Interconnection standards review + Transport networks up to Very High Voltage (VHV) carry the energy of the large production centres towards the consuming areas (from 150 to 800 kV). These networks are often inter-connected; Requirements for the performance of the DG’s interconnection have been clarified in the IEEE, UL, IEC and other “National Standards” worldwide. Table 1 specifies the voltage and frequency limits, and clearing times required by the IEEE Standard 1547 and the Canadian Standard Association (CSA) C22.2 No. 107.1-01 for the connection LV systems [18], [19]. + Repartition networks up to High Voltage (HV) manage, within the regional scales, the service road of the delivery points to the distribution (from 30 to 150 kV); Table 1. IEEE 1547 standard and the Canadian standard requirements for interconnection system response to abnormal frequencies and voltages + Distribution networks are the feeder systems of the whole of the customers, except for some important industrial customers which are fed directly by VHV and HV networks. Two under-levels are distinguished: Networks with Medium Voltage (MV: 3 to 33kV) and networks with Low Voltage (LV: 110 to 600 V). The distribution networks represent the link of the power system where the development of the DG is awaited the most. The structure of the distribution networks depends on the country where they are built. Our study is concerned with the particular structure of the distribution network [14] - [17]: + Principal feeder of the network is three-phase and the neutral is distributed. However, the MV distribution is single-phase (Fig. 1); + Low voltage levels LV are associated with short distance networks (i.e. 300 metres maximum) and with the harmonization of LV equipment. The costumers 72 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Canadian standard C22.2 No. 107.1-01 IEEE 1547 standard Frequency (Hz) f < 59.3 f > 60.5 Voltage (% of basic voltage) V < 50 50 ≤ V < 88 110 < V < 120 V ≥ 120 Clearing time (s) 0.16 0.16 Clearing time (s) 0.16 2 1 0.16 Frequency (Hz) Clearing time (cycles) f < rated - 0.5 Hz f > rated + 0.5 Hz Voltage (% of basic voltage) V < 50 50 ≤ V ≤ 88 110 ≤ V ≤ 137 V > 137 6 6 Clearing time (cycles) 6 120 120 2 3. Permanent mode analysis One of the most important permanent mode analyses is power flow. It allows the state of the network utility at a certain time to be known. A power flow’s study in a complex utility consists of determining, initially, the amplitude and phase of the voltage as well as the active and reactive injected powers. Knowing the voltage (amplitude and phase) and the injected (active and reactive) powers, we can then calculate the cur- PETROVIETNAM rents and powers in the lines and those provided by the sources. If we consider a utility containing “N” sets of bars, we will obtain “N” equations of power flow given by equation (1): n ⎫ * ⎧ = ⎨Y i V i − ∑ Yij V j ⎬V i j =i , j ≠ i ⎭ ⎩ Where S: Complex power S Network’s structure Data base * ii (1) Step 1 Step 2 Y: Grid’s admittance V: Voltage at node They are non-linear equations, therefore, it is necessary to use an iterative method to solve them. To date, there are two groups of method in the literature: Step 3 + Method based on the matrix form [20], [21]; Simulation real-time Matrix method Symmetrical component Network’s configuration MATLAB Environment + Method based on the network’s configuration [22], [23]. The iterative methods based on the matrix form are robust and applicable to all types of network (radial network, mesh network etc). However, they are sometimes complex and long convergences, especially in the case of DG’s massive insertion. Another method relying on the division of layers is also presented. This method uses the network’s configuration instead of the matrix form in its calculation. However, the weak point of this method is that it could not take into account the DG connected to the network and the authors only deal with problems of a single-phase network. With the aim of overcoming these drawbacks of the existing methods, we propose in this section a method which can be classified as one of the network configuration methods. This method is based on the approach of impedance order reduction and identification of the power’s direction which allows the calculation of power flows and unbalance treatment in a three-phase radial system integrated with singlephase DGs. Fig. 2 presents the diagram of the proposed method. This method is explained analytically and programmed in the Matlab environment. The validation of the method is carried out by comparing the computed power flow’s results obtained by the proposed method with those obtained by the industrial simulation software (EMTP, ETAP) which use the matrix form in their calculation. Power flow Method’s validation Impact study Unbalance treatment Fig. 2. Proposed method’s diagram 3.1. Impedance order reduction To calculate unbalances of current and voltage, the negative sequence should be known. This stage leads to the reduction of a complete matrix impedances (self and mutual) dimension of (5 x 5) to a symmetrical matrix component dimension of (3 x 3). The model representing the impedance orders of the distribution network application (3 wires of phase, 1 grounded neutral wire) is shown in Fig. 3. Va Ia Za Ib Zb Zab Vb Zac Zbc Vc Ic Zan Zc Zbn Zag Zcn In Zn Ig Zg Zcg Zng Ig Zg Zbg Fig. 3. Complete model of impedance orders PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 73 POWR TECHNOLOGY The complete matrix with the network’s self and mutual impedances is the matrix of the order (5 x 5) shown in equation (2): ⎛ Za ⎜ ⎜ Z ba Z = ⎜ Z ca ⎜ ⎜ Z na ⎜Z ⎝ ga Z ab Z ac Z an Zb Z cb Z bc Zc Z bn Z cn Z nb Z nc Zn Z gb Z gc Z gn Z ag ⎞ ⎟ Z bg ⎟ Z cg ⎟ ⎟ Z ng ⎟ Z g ⎟⎠ (2) This conclusion is important and makes it possible to reduce the matrix of a complete impedance (5 x 5) to the impedance order of (4 x 4). We can now present the reduced model in the form of Fig. 6. Va Zs Ib Zs Ic Zs Zm Vb Za, Zb, Zc: Self impedances (Zs) Ia Zn, Zg: Neutral and ground impedances Zm Vc Zij: Mutual impedances with i ≠ j (Zm) This basic model is simulated with Matlab/Simulink/Power Blockset (Fig. 4) to verify whether the return of the homo-polar current is essential via the neutral or the ground. Zm Z Z Z In Zn Fig. 6. Reduced model The nodal and mesh analyses give us the equations: Va = I a .Z s + (I b + I c )Z m − I n .Z + I n .Z n − (I a + I b + I c )Z Vb = I a (Z s + Z n − 2Z )+ I b (Z s + Z n − 2Z )+ I c (Z s + Z n − 2Z ) Vc = I a (Z s + Z n − 2Z )+ I b (Z s + Z n − 2Z )+ I c (Z s + Z n − 2Z ) (3) Fortescue’s transformation: ⎛ Va ⎞ ⎛ V1 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜V2 ⎟ = F .⎜ Vb ⎟ ⎜V ⎟ ⎜V ⎟ ⎝ c⎠ ⎝ 0⎠ (4) With matrix of transfer: ⎛1 a 1⎜ F = ⎜1 a 2 3⎜ ⎝1 1 Fig. 4. Simulation’s model of the complete impedance The obtained simulation results show that the homo-polar current returns mainly by the neutral (Fig. 5). (5) Operator a: 1 3 a=− + .i 2 2 80 (6) By combining equations (3) with the Fortescue’s transformation (4) and (5), we have equations (7): 60 Currents 40 (A) 20 0 Z ground 1/10*Z ground 1/100*Z ground Ground im pedances I total I return by neutral I return by ground Fig. 5. Homo-polar current returns 74 a2 ⎞ ⎟ a⎟ 1 ⎟⎠ PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 1 (Va + Vb + Vc ) = 1 (I a + I b + I c )(Z s + 3.Z n + 2.Z m − 6.Z ) 3 3 = I 0 .Z 0 ⇒ Z 0 = Z s + 3.Z n + 2.Z m − 6.Z V0 = 1 V1 = Va + a Vb + a 2Vc = I1 Z s + Z n 1 + a + a 2 − 2.Z 3 1 + a + a 2 + Z m a + a 2 = I1.Z1 ( ( ) ( ⇒ Z1 = Z 2 = Z s − Z m ) ( )) ( ) (7) PETROVIETNAM Start Finally: Network’s configuration Find the nodes ends Find the currents’s directions Z1 = Z s − Z m Z2 = Zs − Zm (8) Z 0 = Z s + 3.Z n + 2.Z m − 6.Z k = 0 (initial estimate ) We can obtain the matrix of impedance (3x3), positive Z1, negative Z2 and zero Z0 impedances which are then applied to our algorithm. V (0) i ( abc ) (0) S i ( abc ) (0) = V n ; I i ( abc ) = (0) V i ( abc ) (0) (0) ; I i ( 012 ) = F * I i ( abc ) 3.2. Identification of the power’s direction k=k+1 n The second contribution of the proposed method is concerned with the technique of identification of the power’s direction and the application of the reduced matrix impedance (order 3 x 3) in the calculations of power flow and the unbalance treatment. This technique includes three steps: Step 1 (0) S (0) i ( abc ) V (0) i ( abc ) (0) V i ( abc ) = V n ; I i ( abc ) = ∑i (k ) (k ) (k ) k =1 (k ) (k ) (k ) ΔV ij ( 012 ) = Finv * ΔV ij ( 012 ) ; V i ( abc ) = V (k ) j ( abc ) (k ) − ΔV ij ( abc ) ; k −1 k V i ( a b c) − V i ( a b c) < ε No (0) (k ) = 0 ⇒ I ij ( 012 ) ; ΔV ij ( 012 ) = I ij ( 012 ) * Z ij ( 012 ) ; k (0) Convergence ; I i ( 012) = F .I i ( abc ) Yes n Step 2 ∑i (k ) k = 0 ⇒ I ij ( 012 ) V i ( abc) ; I i ( abc) ; I ij( abc) ;Vi % = k =1 (k ) Step 3 (k ) (k ) (k ) (k ) ΔV ij ( 012) = I ij ( 012) .Z ij ( 012) ; ΔV ij ( abc) = Finv .ΔV ij ( 012) ; V (k ) i ( abc ) =V (k ) j ( abc ) − ΔV (k ) ij ( abc ) V2 I ; Ii % = 2 I1 V1 Stop ; Fig. 7. Algorithm flowchart of the proposed method SUBSTATION 115/23 kV, 50MVA 3.3. Algorithm flowchart N0 L1 The complete iterative calculation stages of the proposed method are illustrated in Fig. 7. L2 N1 3.4. Results validation N2 L12 L15 3.4.1. Specific distribution network’s application L13 N4 The modelled network includes a substation of 115kV/23kV, 50 MVA which feeds a zone of a city (Fig. 8). It is composed of a threephase overhead line 477 MCM ACSR, a three-phase underground cable 750 MCM Al and single-phase components 3/0 AWG AL. In general, the low voltage (LV) portion is short and each customer has a dedicated departure starting from the transformer. The principal artery of the network is three-phase with a part in the overhead line and a part in the underground cable. The network’s single-phase is in the underground cable and supply various transformers. The representation of the DGs interconnected to the utility is made with current sources and DG’s power factor FDG = 0.95. The phase and the amplitude of this source are selected in such a manner to have the desired injection of active and reactive powers. The loads are modelled by simple linear elements (resistances, inductances and capacitances) with power factor Fload = 0.98 and each load’s power = 25 kVA. L3 N6 N3 L4 N7 N17 Phase B L17 L14 N18 L11 L16 N8 N19 L5 N20 N5 L18 Phase B L6 N21 N9 L7 N22 N10 L19 L22 N13 L8 N11 L20 N23 L23 L9 N14 L21 N24 N12 L10 N25 L24 Phase A N15 L25 N16 Phase C Three-phase overhead line Three-phase underground cable Single-phase cable Lx: Line number x Ny: Node number y Fig. 8. Distribution network’s application PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 75 POWR TECHNOLOGY 3.4.2. Proposed method v.s. ETAP, EMTP’s simulations 3.4.3. Voltage quality & Unbalance treatment The power flow of the modelled network’s application were calculated using the proposed method and were compared with the results obtained using specific software of grid’s simulation ETAP, EMTP (Fig. 9, 10, 11). One of the most important impacts on the distribution network interconnection of a massively DG is the voltage quality. This factor must be controlled to satisfy the customers’ requirements. To determine the limit of the DGs’s integrated power and the geographical provision of the sources distributed in order not to exceed the thresholds provided by standards in use (IEEE standards), we present below (Fig. 12 and Fig. 13) the parametric modeling results obtained on the three phases of the network’s application with the given electric parameters. The results obtained are similar. The maximum errors on the current and the voltage are 2.15(%) and 1.78(%) respectively. Thus, the method can be used in the power flow study and calculation of impacts and unbalance treatment. 30 1,06 25 20 5 0 L1A L1B L1C L2A L2B Voltage (p.u) 1,05 Current (A) 15 10 1,04 1,03 1,02 1,01 1 Lines N1 6 N1 4 N1 2 N1 0 N8 N6 N4 N1 7 N2 4 N2 2 EMTP N2 0 ETAP N1 8 Method proposed 0,99 Nodes Fig. 9. Current in the three-phase lines (L1, L2) 25 Threshold Max Without DG DGs 25kVA all loads 11 DGs 25 kVA phase C 11 DGs 25 kVA at 11 nodes 11 DGs 25 kVA at node 17 11 DGs 25 kVA at node 16 20 Fig. 12. Voltage according to the DG’s geographical provision 15 Currents 10 (A) 5 16 N 14 N 12 N 8 10 N N N 6 4 N 17 N 24 N N 22 0,8 20 Fig. 10. Current in the single-phase lines (L3-L11) 0,9 0,85 N Method propose d 1 0,95 18 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 Lines N 0 Voltage (p.u) 1,1 1,05 Nodes 30 20 Cur ren ts (A) 10 Threshold Min DGs 25kVA all loads 11 DGs 25 kVA phase C 11 DGs 50 kVA phase C 11 DGs 100 kVA phase C 11 DGs 750 kVA phase C 11 DGs 500 kVA phase C Fig. 13. Voltage according to the DG’s power 0 L12 L14 L16 L18 L20 L22 L24 L ines Method proposed Fig. 11. Current in the single-phase lines (L12-L25) 76 Threshold Max Without DG PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 The unsymmetrical provision of the massive connection’s single-phase DG to the three-phase distribution network is the cause of the unbalance problems. The negative voltage sequence is harmful to the threephase machines connected to the utility grid. The regulation and a coherent technico-economic balance PETROVIETNAM results in limiting the ratio of negative voltage sequence to positive voltage sequence to 2% (IEEE standards). To deal with this problem, the symmetrical components (positive, negative and zero sequences) of the current and the voltage of network application were calculated parametrically according to DGs’s power and DSs’s provision. The rate of unbalance which is defined by the ratio of negative sequence and positive sequence was used to evaluate quantitatively the level of unbalance. I2 * 100(%) I1 I i (%) = (9) I2: Current’s negative sequence I1: Current’s positive sequence Vi (%) = V2 *100(%) V1 (10) network integrated with single-phase DGs. These methods contribute to the system service and the utility’s control. The theoretical analysis and modelisation of the proposed calculation algorithm were presented and validated with the specific software of grid’s simulation. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the developed method was used to calculate the voltage quality, to treat the unbalance. The parametric study was performed and the limit of the power and geographical provision of the integrated DGs in order not to exceed the thresholds provided by the standards in use (IEEE standards) was also presented. The results obtained show that these methods are reliable and they give satisfactory indices. Therefore, it is necessary to use these results in the grid’s service system in order to maximize integrated DG’s power and minimize the impacts on the grid. References V2: Voltage’s negative sequence V1: Voltage’s positive sequence Fig. 14 presents the rate of unbalance’s voltage of the network’s application according to the change of the DG’s power and provision. 2,5 2 Rate of imbalance 1,5 (%) 1 0,5 0 Without DGs 11 DGs 11 DGs 11 DGs 11 DGs 11 DGs DG 25kVA all 25 kVA 50 kVA 100 kVA 500 kVA 750 kVA loads phase C phase C phase C phase C phase C Case analysis Fig. 14. Rate of unbalance The results obtained show that the network’s voltage quality is within the allowed limit when the integrated DG’s power is low. However, the massive DG’s connection to one phase only is the most influenced case on the voltage quality and the unbalance of the grid (Fig. 12). The limit of the voltage quality and the rate of unbalance are reached when increasing the DG’s power until approximately 11% of the total power (50 MVA) (Fig. 13 and Fig. 14). Conclusion This paper presents specific methods to analyze permanent modes of the three-phase distribution 1. M. 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Under the contract with Zarubezhneft, Petrovietnam holds 49% shares of Rusvietpetro and can exploit oil in four lots with an area of around 807 km2. At the event, Vietnamese Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai said that Rusvietpetro would serve as a good example for future petroleum cooperation between Viet Nam and Russia. The Vietnamese Government pledges to attach importance and create every favorable condition for business activities of Petrovietnam with Russian traditional partners, asserted the Deputy PM. Meanwhile, Russian Deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky believed that the initial achievements of Rusvietpetro would create a solid foundation for Petrovietnam and Zarubezhneft to continue applying the cooperative model to Vietnam, Russia, and third countries. (source: VGP) '--.(/+)/!&).$,//&'$,/).%/)&/.,+*(" contract will be the foundation for the two sides to expand cooperation, including the exchange of experiences in crude oil trading and processing. The Deputy PM declared that the Vietnamese government supports the cooperation between Petrovietnam and TNK-BP in exploring and exploiting oil and gas in the two countries’ territories and in third countries. PV Oil General Director Nguyen Xuan Son said he hoped that after the signing, TNK-BP will continue to participate in oil processing, refinery and distribution in Vietnam . R ussia’s TNK-BP Oil Group will provide the first shipment of 100 tons of crude oil for the Petrovietnam Oil Corporation (PV Oil) via the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) in November this year. To this effect, a contract was signed between PV Oil General Director Nguyen Xuan Son and Deputy Chairman of TNK-BP’s Management Board Maksim Barskiy in Moscow on September 29 at the presence of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai. Speaking after the signing ceremony, Deputy PM Hai expressed his hope that the partnership between PV Oil and TNK-BP will further develop and harvest more results in the future. He stressed that the signing of the ESPO crude oil The contract was an initial step for the two companies to sign other agreements in order to boost cooperation and mutual investment, he added. According to Petrovietnam President Phung Dinh Thuc, Petrovietnam considers Russia a strategic area and with the contract, TNK-BP has become the third biggest partner of Petrovietnam and PV Oil, after Zarubezhneft and Gazprom. He informed that the first oil stream resulting from the cooperation between Petrovietnam and Zarubezhneft will run in the next several days. Petrovietnam has so far signed 20 oil and gas contracts with foreign companies, he added. (source: VNA) PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 79 NEWS '*#/'(+/,.*,&/*-+(%%.*#/-',--'%%/%,*$.*# &'$,/).%/!'"!/--+," crude oil with Bach Ho crude oil (Vung Tau) to supply raw material for Refinery processing oil and petroleum products. This is the first time that Vietnamese engineers and technicians installed successfully blending crude oil pump system at Dung Quat Refinery. This success brings economic efficiency for the Project and opportunity for developing of Refining and Petrochemical Industry of Vietnam as well. M r. Nguyen Hoai Giang - CEO of Binh Son Refinery and Petrochemical Co. (BSR) said that, the installation of the 2 pumps system for blending crude oil was finished by 10 engineers and technicians of Petrovietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC) at crude oil storage area of Dung Quat Refinery. This blending crude oil pump system installed in vertical direction was manufactured in Austria with worth 2 million US dollars. This pump system shall be used for blending sweet crude oil or sour CEO of BSR also said that, at present, the Refinery has blended imported sour crude oil that sulfur component higher than sulfur component of Bach Ho crude oil with Bach Ho crude oil in ratio of 20:80 for processing oil and petroleum products. From August till now, Dung Quat Refinery has imported total 350,000 tons of crude oil through five (5) tankers from Azerbaijan Republic and Malaysia for blending with Bach Ho crude oil for processing oil and petroleum products that supply demand of domestic market. Khoi Nguyen ,".*(&/ .# %.# +-/-(,+/.*/).%//#(-/.*$'-+& E nhancing safety during offshore oil and gas exploration and production was the main topic of a seminar, hosted by the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) in Ho Chi Minh City. Petrovietnam’s Vice President Do Van Hau recalled the Deepwater Horizon explosion which occurred in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, killing 11 people and triggering the largest-ever oil spill in the history of oil and gas exploration. The incident set off alarm bells throughout the industry and reminded management agencies and the oil and gas industry to re-examine safety in the sector, he said. Hau said that over the past 30 years, Petrovietnam and international contractors have spared no effort in ensuring the safety of their staff and the environment, stressing that there have 80 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 been no serious accidents so far. However, following the Deepwater Horizon incident, safety in offshore oil and gas production has become a special concern for the State and a priority task for the Vietnamese oil and gas industry. The delegates, including managers and representatives from oil and gas joint ventures and services companies from Vietnam and overseas, reviewed and recommended various measures to ensure safety in the industry. They also discussed the lessons learnt from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as well as its impacts on the international insurance market and the risk management measures and insurance policies used by oil and gas companies. (source: VNA) PETROVIETNAM - )&,/).%//#(-/-,'&.+/.*/-!)+%.# + A two-day meeting of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP) study group on security and safety of offshore oil and gas installations was held in the central city of Da Nang on Oct.7 - 8. CSCAP was established on June 8, 1993 in Kuala Lumpur with the aim of building and boosting trust and security cooperation among regional countries and territories via an informal diplomatic channel between scholars and research institutes. Participants at the workshop discussed challenges of the sector, especially during installation, operation and removal activities, and associated safety risks to the seaborne activities. Since its establishment, the organisation has hosted many workshops and conducted significant research on regional security. They also put forward measures to boost regional cooperation in order to ensure security and safety for oil rigs and offshore installations. Recommendations of its study groups will be transferred to formal diplomatic channels, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, for policy-making considerations. The workshop was jointly held by the Diplomatic Academy of Vientam and Singaporean and Australian CSCAP representatives. As a CSCAP member, Vietnam has implemented its duties with full responsibilities in the spirit of the CSCAP Charter. The hosting of the workshop, held for the first time, highlighted Vietnam ’s role in CSCAP as well as in regional cooperation to ensure security and safety for offshore oil and gas installations, and maritime safety. In the past three years, Vietnam was appointed co-chair of the CSCAP study group on countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and hosted three group meetings in Vietnam. It is expected to help enhance Vietnam ’s prestige in dealing with regional and global issues, showing the country’s active involvement in the international integration process. Vietnam has also proposed the establishment of study groups on water-source protection, the first meeting of which is expected to be held in early 2011. (source: VNA) .' )/ )&!)&(+,/ (*/ +$/ )*%'$,-/ ,")&(*$'")/*$,&-+(*$.*#/-/.+ //,+&).,+*("/(*$/ H anoi - 25th October 2010, Mizuho today concluded MOUs with Petrovietnam and PVFC, and it is anticipated that these MOUs will strengthen the relationship between all of the parties. Under the MOU with Petrovietnam, Mizuho will provide financial services for Petrovietnam’s investments by interfacing with the Japanese and global capital markets, syndication debt market, multilateral agencies and ECAs, providing financing in particular for Petrovietnam’s interest in the Nghi Son Refinery project. Through the MOU with PVFC, Mizuho and PVFC will focus on building close cooperative relationship between the financial institutions, sharing investment opportunities, and collaborating on bank- ing services and project finance. Mizuho has extensive experience in Vietnam, with the establishment of a Hanoi Branch in 1996 and a Ho Chi Minh City Branch in 2006. Mizuho is participating in Petrovietnam’s Nhon Trach 1 Power Plant syndication facility of 270 million USD and Petrovietnam’s Dung Quat refinery syndication facility of 250 million USD, and has committed to joining the syndication facilities for several of Petrovietnam’s subsidiaries. All parties look forward to working together in close cooperation under the MOUs, which represent a remarkable milestone in the relationship among the three entities. Ngoc Anh PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 81 NEWS Oil & Gas Prices in the Global Market Crude oil prices ($US/barrel) Week Crude oil grade Spot prices Brent Dated-UK Oct. 11-13 Oct. 4-8 Sep.27Oct.1 Sep. 20-24 Sep. 13-17 Sep. 6-10 Aug.30Sep.3 Aug. 23-27 80.04 80.52 76.53 74.86 75.28 73.93 72.77 70.88 OPEC Basket 83.43 84.09 79.96 78.33 78.57 77.00 75.43 73.13 Bonny Light-Nigeria Fateh-Dubai Minas-Indonesia Ural-Russia WTI-US Crude futures st Brent 1 (ICE) 84.88 80.72 83.85 82.43 82.31 85.61 80.63 83.88 83.15 82.37 81.45 76.59 79.88 79.11 78.33 79.87 75.38 78.22 77.68 74.03 80.24 75.96 78.67 78.43 75.51 78.65 74.61 77.21 76.73 74.65 77.13 73.63 75.95 75.27 73.88 74.91 71.27 73.98 72.75 73.13 83.95 84.13 80.82 78.53 78.76 77.68 76.24 74.23 WTI 1 (Nymex) 82.31 82.37 78.42 74.95 75.65 74.86 74.03 73.16 Term Crude Formulas Arab Lt-US-cif Arab Lt-EU -Med Arab Lt-Far East-fob 83.31 82.88 80.03 83.37 83.07 80.04 79.33 79.26 76.15 74.93 76.04 74.86 76.41 76.33 75.45 75.55 74.95 74.10 74.78 73.62 73.03 74.08 72.18 71.28 st Sources: PIW Market data provided by Reuters Oil products prices Grade Mogas 95-$/tone-Spot Rotterdam Naphta-$/barrel-FOB Singapore Gas Oil 0.5%S-$/barel-FOB Singapore FO 3%S-$/tone-FOB Singapore Oct’10* 742-766 80.5-83.5 92.5-93.3 475-477 Sep’10 686-715 73.3-76.5 85.5-88.8 442-452 Aug’10 660-730 72.0-74.0 84.2-91.2 440-473 Jul’10 675-702 67.5-70.5 82.5-86.8 430-454 Jun’10 688-710 70.0-72.8 82.0-85.5 433-443 * Note: For 18 st. days of Oct. Sources: Reuter. PIW LPG prices ($US/ton) Propane Algeria Saudi Arabia CP* South China (Spot) Japan (Spot.) Butane Algeria Saudi Arabia CP* South China (Spot) Japan (Spot) Oct’10 690.00 680.00 Oct’10 700.00 705.00 - Sep’10 640.00 630.00 685.88 687.31 Sep’10 655.00 650.00 709.57 711.00 Aug’10 Jul’10 Jun’10 May’10 Apr’10 Mar’10 605.00 675.00 639.67 647.19 580.00 625.00 586.55 593.50 575.00 670.00 656.66 665.07 650.00 725.00 710.85 718.45 640.00 725.00 732.29 735.43 700.00 730.00 738.80 743.41 Aug’10 Jul’10 Jun’10 May’10 Apr’10 Mar’10 600.00 595.00 656.93 659.60 640.00 625.00 607.00 612.18 610.00 670.00 662.10 668.68 715.00 715.00 710.95 715.40 660.00 715.00 719.86 723.00 705.00 715.00 710.96 715.57 * Notes: CP = Contract Price; Sources: LPGW 82 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 PETROVIETNAM Asia Pacific LNG prices ($US/mm BTU) Sources of Japan Import From Abu Dhabi - Alaska - Australia - Brunei - Indonesia - Malaysia - Oman - Qatar Average China Import - Australia - All sources South Korea Imp. - Qatar - Malaysia - All sources Aug’10 Jul’10 Jun’10 May’10 Apr’10 Mar’10 Feb’10 Avg/09 12.09 13.36 12.34 12.70 8.85 12.59 7.37 13.23 11.30 12.11 12.52 11.71 12.46 9.09 12.49 10.19 12.66 11.32 10.83 12.02 11.89 12.19 9.28 11.86 6.53 12.26 10.48 11.98 12.58 11.40 12.47 10.04 12.15 8.34 13.01 11.39 11.85 12.43 11.72 12.39 9.34 12.16 6.99 12.93 10.98 11.72 12.02 10.79 9.82 9.17 11.48 7.70 12.26 10.42 10.58 11.68 10.68 9.31 9.01 11.11 6.70 12.44 10.16 8.93 8.39 8.82 10.30 7.45 9.49 6.87 10.91 9.01 3.55 6.24 3.78 5.65 3.55 6.08 3.31 7.28 3.22 5.95 3.33 6.03 3.22 4.62 3.23 4.43 13.58 9.25 10.85 13.31 8.84 10.51 13.28 8.20 10.17 13.23 9.74 11.09 12.85 11.21 10.91 11.24 8.25 9.79 11.04 7.06 8.98 12.51 7.92 10.37 Note: cif corrected; Sources: WGI Natural gas prices ($US/mm BTU) ICE-London Contract Month Oct’10 Nov’10 Dec’10 Jan’11 Feb’11 Mar’11 Apr’11 May’11 Oct. 11 Oct. 4 Sep. 27 Sep. 20 Sep. 13 Sep. 6 Aug. 27 Aug. 23 7.56 7.85 8.05 8.01 7.84 7.71 7.67 7.34 7.65 7.93 7.91 7.71 7.66 7.60 6.95 7.36 7.79 8.07 8.06 7.82 7.71 7.56 6.55 6.97 7.44 7.78 7.76 7.51 7.40 - 6.56 7.09 7.55 7.90 7.86 7.62 7.43 - 6.42 7.06 7.56 7.82 7.77 7.54 7.35 - 6.32 6.98 7.44 7.75 7.69 7.47 7.22 - 6.50 7.15 7.66 7.90 7.85 7.63 7.33 - Oct. 11 Oct. 4 Sep. 27 Sep. 20 Sep. 13 Sep. 3 Aug. 30 Aug. 23 3.60 4.01 4.28 4.32 4.27 4.23 4.27 3.72 4.04 4.25 4.28 4.23 4.20 4.24 3.91 4.14 4.31 4.32 4.26 4.22 4.24 3.82 4.00 4.24 4.42 4.43 4.36 4.29 - 3.94 4.17 4.45 4.64 4.65 4.58 4.50 - 3.94 4.17 4.46 4.65 4.64 4.55 4.49 - 3.81 4.12 4.44 4.61 4.60 4.53 4.45 - 4.08 4.28 4.54 4.68 4.67 4.60 4.51 - Nymex-New York Contract Month Oct’10 Nov’10 Dec’10 Jan’11 Feb’11 Mar’11 Apr’11 May’11 Sources: WGI Offshore Facilities and Equipment Market Oil import freight cost ($=USD) From-To Cargo size Jul’10 dwt WS Persian Gulf-Japan 230,000 64 Persian Gulf-N.Europe 250,000 Persian Gulf-Houston Jun’10 Apr’10 WS $/th WS $/th WS $/th 1.60 104 2.59 80 1.98 100 2.50 45 1.40 62 1.94 55 1.71 70 2.17 250,000 52 2.18 68 2.88 57 2.40 62 2.65 W.Africa-N.Europe 125,000 87 1.47 114 1.93 130 2.19 119 2.00 W.Africa-Houston 125,000 76 1.73 107 2.44 123 2.79 116 2.65 65,000 131 2.71 128 2.65 150 3.11 146 3.03 N. Europe-Houston $/th May’10 Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd. OGJ PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 83 NEWS LPG Shipping rates Spot ($US/ton) nd Cargo size From-To 71,000 t Persian Gulf-Japan 44,000 t Persian Gulf-Japan 3,000 t Tee-Lisbon 1,800 t Tees-UK 1,800 t Tees-Lisbon st nd st nd st 2 .Hal. Sep’10 1 .Hal. Sep’10 2 . Hal. Aug’10 1 . Hal. Aug’10 2 . Hal. Jul’10 1 .Hal. Jul’10 35,00 34,00 34,00 31,00 34,25 36.00 35,00 34,50 34,50 33,00 36,25 38.00 67,00 69,00 69,00 71,00 71,00 71.00 44,00 47,00 47,00 50,00 50,00 50.00 88,00 90,00 90,00 95,00 95,00 95.00 ($US 1000/cal.month) nd 1st. Hal. 2 .Hal. Sep’10 Cargo size 75-78,000 m3 modern 3 75,000 m older 3 54,000 m 3 35,000 m 3 12-15,000 m 3 3,200m to West 3 3,200m to East Sep’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 nd 2 .Hal. Aug’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 1st .Hal. nd 2 .Hal. Jul’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 Aug’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 1st .Hal. Jul’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 220 nd 2 .Hal. Jun’10 700 700 700 600 500 225 215 -EA Gibson -LPGW North Sea offshore supply vessel dayrates (GBP) Updated: 13 October 2010 20:35 GMT Type Large AHTS Medium AHTS Small AHTS Large PSV Medium PSV Small PSV Tug 6 - 13 Oct 10,000-15,499 10,333-10,849 6941-8370 8750-16,016 6800-12,399 5308-5553 29 Sep - 6 Oct 8500-14,466 1137-14,142 6716-11,800 7500-18,082 7500-12,000 8000-10,000 5308-5533 22 - 29 Sep 9600-18,599 10,000-14,142 12,000-14,250 10,000-15,000 5308-5308 15 - 22 Sep 12,399-56,830 14,983-14,983 6533-6696 16,500-22,000 10,000-20,000 15,000-15,000 4083-8166 Source: Seabrokers, Stavanger West Africa ofshore supply vessel dayrates (USD) Updated: 04 August 2010 17:48 GMT Type Small AHTS 3900-6000 BHP (Pre 1990) Small AHTS 3900-6000 BHP (Post 1990) Medium AHTS 7000 - 9999 BHP Large AHTS 10,000 13,999 BHP V. Large AHTS 14,000 - 18,000 BHP PSV<1500 dwt PSV>2900 dwt Jun May Apr Mar 7250-8000 7250-8000 7250-8500 7500-9000 10,000-11,500 10,000-11,500 9500-11,500 10,500-12,500 12,000-16,500 12,000-17,000 12,500-17,000* 8000**-17,000 13,000-17,500 13,000-18,000 1350018000 14,000-17,500 22,500-26,500 22,000-26,000 13,500-23,500 14,000-24,000 9500-10,500 13,000-16,000 10,000-11,500 13,000-15,500 10,500-11,500 13,000-16,000 7500**-11,000 14,000-17,000 * From April going forward, rates reported on this size of AHTS are for post 1990 build vessels only ** Rates based on pre 1990 build tonnage Source: Chart Shipping, Barcelona 84 PETROVIETNAM JOURNAL VOL 10/2010 Collected and edited by Mai Trang