The Action - Caro Chamber of Commerce
The Action - Caro Chamber of Commerce
Caro Chamber of Commerce The Action February 9 - Downtown Task Force Meeting - 8 a.m., Chamber Building February 16 - Chamber Board Meeting - 7:30 a.m. - Municipal Building February 17 - After Hours - NorthStar Bank February 26 - Citizen of the Year Dinner March 9 - Downtown Task Force Meeting - 8 a.m., Chamber Building March 16 - Chamber Board Meeting - 7:30 a.m. - Municipal Building January 17 - After Hours - Caro Community Hospital Endowment Foundation/JJ Jamokes January/February 2011 157 North State Street, Caro, MI 48723 The Caro Chamber of Commerce Cordially invites you to attend the 42nd Annual Dinner Honoring Caro’s 2010 Citizen of the Year Saturday, February 26, 2011 At the Knights of Columbus Hall, Caro Featuring 6:00 p.m. Table Top Tour and Cocktails 6:30 p.m. Presentation Ceremony by Chamber 7:30 p.m. Dinner prepared by Knights of Columbus$25 plus Cash Bar in advance per person $10.00 persons 12 years and under Nominations have been made and committees are meeting to make the difficult decisions of selecting Citizen of the Year, Jr. Citizen of the Year and Merit Winner for 2010. Plan to come to this event and help us honor some very special Caro citizens. Tickets may be purchased from the Chamber office or from any of the Chamber directors (see page 2). GINGERBREAD VILLAGE The sounds of sleigh bells are gone for another year but the warm memories of Caro’s 2010 Gingerbread Village still linger. The 2010 Gingerbread Village festival began on Thursday evening with the Taste of Caro at the Brentwood. (continued on page 6) MAGICAL MOMENTS BRIDAL SHOW I BELIEVE IN MICHIGAN Several members gathered at the Chamber office to greet Coach George Morse before his 5-mile run through Caro and enjoyed some coffee and donuts while they visited. George was an encouragement to our small business owners. He ran 5 miles through Caro and stopped at 7 businesses on the way through. Many businesses are featured on his video of our community. This video may be viewed on his website at: The video is also on the Chamber website. George asked that once a month we find a place on his blog we have never been before and visit that place. If several hundred people would do that, it would have a huge impact on those area businesses. He says, “Local businesses are the strength, the heart and soul of a community. They provide jobs for the local citizens, and they provide tax revenues for the cities to provide services.” Morse says this is not a story about him - he is just the “Paul Revere” for Michigan small business, going far and wide to share his message of “I believe in Michigan!” The Magical Moments Bridal Show was a great success with over 160 in attendance. Thirty eight brides-to-be with their family and friends visited with a great variety of vendors including caterers, wedding cake specialists, photographers, jewelers, entertainers and DJs, event venues, exercise facility and massage therapist, florists, make-up artists and limousine and bus services. Josephine Spaulding and her staff at Town & Country Bridal did a great job with the fashion show presenting new styles for everyone in the bridal party. Mix 92.1 was on hand broadcasting live to provide music and entertainment. A list of brides-to-be was provided to all the participating vendors. This tool will further assist businesses get their information out to those brides-to-be. (continued on page 6) The Action Page 2 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT FRAMEWORXZ “Growing …to serve you better” Caro Chamber of Commerce 157 North State Street Caro, MI 48723 (989) 673-5211 FAX: (989) 673-2517 E-MAIL: WEB: 2010-2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Susan Rickwalt-Holder Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems VICE PRESIDENT Mark Strzelewicz Caro Veterinary Clinic TREASURER Jim McLoskey Tuscola County Economic Development Corp. SECRETARY Sandra Gutierrez Happy Feet Floor Gallery DIRECTORS Tony Budreau Independent Bank Joddy Ehrenberg Centennial Title Insurance, Inc. Sandy Gaudreau Thumb Area Big Brothers and Big Sisters Meggen Jensen The Advertiser Brent Morgan City of Caro Mike Parker With The Grain Mark Ransford Ransford Funeral Home Christine Trisch Heritage Hill Robin Vollmar Northstar Bank CHAMBER STAFF Brenda Caruthers Chamber Administrator Crystal Pitcher Davenport University Work Study Student DISCLAIMER - The flyers and other advertisements included with this publication are provided by COC as a general service to our members and the community. Owner: Thom & Karla Bardwell Phone: 989-550-7648 Address: 3540 North Hurds Corner Road Caro, MI 48723 Website: Business Began: 2002 Business Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Other times by appointment Number of Employees: 2-3 Business offers the following merchandise/services: Picture matting and framing, shadow boxes, etc., photography and note cards, and picture frame moldings for hobbyists and frame shops. Pride themselves in offering a family business that provides craftsmanship and quality in all their products. Significant changes. They have had growth locally and nationally through distributions and frame shops. In the future they plan to continue their growth in both local framing and nationally through distributions and frame shops. NEW “HANDS ONLY” ADULT CPR David Luebbert of the American Red Cross is offering to teach a class at your location FREE on the New “Hands Only” Adult CPR. This would be approximately a 1-hour class with basic information that can save a life. Classes are limited to 20 people. If you or just a few of your employees are interested and would like to join other Chamber members for a class, please let the Chamber office know and we’ll work out a time to schedule a class. See insert for more information, instructor authorization and contact information. This Newsletter may also be viewed on our website: 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 Anchor Cove Outreach Church is a non-denominational community based church established for the purpose of reaching Tuscola County with the hope and love of Jesus Christ. They are a contemporary, multi-ethnic, spirit-filled, casually-dressed church for individuals of all ages. Their heart is to help individuals and families find the Hope, Love, and Purpose that only Jesus Christ can fulfill. Anchor Cove also provides a community food pantry to help those in their occasional time of need (by appointment only). Anchor Cove Outreach Church is pioneered by David and Kiley Wilczynski and is located directly across from Walmart at 1116 E. Caro Road. Anchor Cove is a church plant of Old Town Christian Outreach Center in Saginaw, Michigan. The Wilczynskis will soon be leading their first service in their new building, and we will let you know the date when it is set. We welcome Anchor Cove Outreach Church to the Caro Chamber of Commerce! Pictured is Terry Eddy of U-FIX-It, Inc. located in Vassar at 707 East Huron Avenue. Terry opened his mechanic repair facility at this location and has been there for 31 years updating and using the latest computer hardware and software to diagnose your vehicle problems. At U-Fix-It, they know how busy you are and want to help keep your vehicle in top condition. They try to make your service experience hassle free. Terry and his 3 full-time certified mechanics use only the best professional quality parts. They offer free service reminders - when it is time for maintenance, they remember for you! They are happy to offer early bird and night-owl drop box service and local shuttle service to your home or office. U-Fix-It hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Terry may be contacted at 989-823-8951. See his website at The Action Page 3 Chickie’s 81 Smoke House will soon open their doors at 373 North State Street (previously Tina’s Corner Café). Rich & Brenda Hewgley are the proud owners and have had over 20 years experience in the restaurant business. Chickie comes from the nickname of one of their daughters. Rich & Jen Potts are the managers of the restaurant. They have previously been in cooking competitions as Pott’s Pit. The new business will feature breakfasts and lunches Sunday - Wednesday from 6 a.m. 3 p.m. Thursday - Saturday they will be open from 6 a.m. 8 p.m. and will also feature barbeque such as pulled pork sandwiches, chicken, ribs and brisket. They will also have fish & fries on Friday nights. They will provide carry-out service for dinners and for bulk amounts. Catering is also available big or small - orders may be picked up or they will come to you. Free WI-FI is available in their facility. Check out their Facebook page daily for their specials. Stop in soon to visit their newly renovated facility. They may be contacted at 989-672-FOOD (3663). Pictured at the First Dollar Presentation (left to right) are owner Rich Hewgley, Chamber Director Robin Vollmar of NorthStar Bank, Chamber Director Mike Parker of With the Grain, owner Brenda Hewgley, Managers Jen & Rich Potts, and Chamber Executive Director Brenda Caruthers. DOWNTOWN TASK FORCE by Margie Sylvester The year 2010 brought many festivals and activities to Downtown Caro. Among them, at the end of the year, were The Gingerbread Village which was a huge success and Coach George Morse with his “Thousand Mile for Michigan.” There was a nice turnout for Coach Morse and we thank Pete from PJ O’Brien’s Catering & Party Rental for the coffee and donuts. The new year brought us the Caro 150 Winter Fest with an open house in Downtown Caro. Many businesses were open late Friday night and there were special and activities for everyone. We wish everyone a Happy & Healthy New Year! Our Vision: “Our vision is to be the foremost voice for area businesses and organizations. We exist to provide leadership and to serve and represent our members. We maintain a strong presence in the community by organizing or assisting in activities that benefit the citizens and the business sector. The Chamber actively engages our members to be involved in the community and provides opportunities to socialize, exchange ideas and network.” The Action 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 ABOUT OUR MEMBERS Star Vision Center Expansion Doubles Office Size While Remaining in Downtown Caro Location Progress on the expansion of Star Vision Center in downtown Caro continues in earnest, as owner Dr. Carol Starling and her staff eagerly anticipate completion of an approximate doubling in size of the previous office space. While in the same convenient location in downtown Caro, the increase in space will support a number of exciting patient-focused improvements, including: Dr. Carol Starling, owner of Star Vision Center and general contractor, Dan Ulfig (DANCO Construction of Cass City), are shown in the early days of Star Vision Center’s expansion project in downtown Caro. 1. An enlarged and fully renovated patient/guest waiting area to improve not only patient comfort but also provide an enhanced level of patient privacy. 2. Improved accessibility for patients requiring mobility assistance such as manual or powered chairs (wheelchairs/“scooters”). 3. A specialized exam room and equipment eliminating the need to move patients from their wheelchairs or “scooters” for eye exams and other testing procedures. 4. Reduced wait time for appointments. Another aspect of the expansion is the rehabilitation of a vintage building in downtown Caro. Previously, in 1993, Dr. Starling took an aging building at 170 North State Street and transformed it into an attractive new professional office - Star Vision Center. The current project encompasses work at both 170 and 174 North State Street (adjacent buildings) that will result in an even more thorough rehabilitation than what took place in 1993. Once completed, these two buildings will appear to be one, with a large amount of open space improving patient access and ease-of-use while, at the same time, helping improve efficiency for Dr. Starling and her staff. With completion expected in early 2011, the new Star Vision Center will help downtown Caro remain a commercial destination for people throughout Michigan’s “Thumb” region. Dr. Starling and the entire Star Vision Center staff are proud to continue providing their patients with the best in professional vision health services. On the right side of this photo is the Star Vision Center location at 170 North State Street. On the left is 174 North State Street into which the new Star Vision Center expansion is taking place. VG’s Introduces No Cost Prescription Drug Program VG’s Grocery with 16 stores in Southeast Michigan announced the introduction of VG’s FREE select antibiotics, Prenatal Vitamins, and Diabetes Medications offered through all 13 VG’s Pharmacies as part of the new yes Rewards program starting Sunday, January 9, 2011. VG’s new program will provide relief and peace of mind to thousands of Michigan families struggling to make ends meet during tough economic times. The program will offer select free antibiotics, free prenatal vitamins, and free diabetes medications in addition to $4/30 day and $10/90 day supplies of nearly 300 generic medications to all members of the yes Rewards program. VG’s also offers free assistance with Medicare and Medicaid billings, and VG’s pharmacists are available to meet with patients to answer questions and consult on potential drug interactions or side effects and other over the counter therapies. How the Program Works: All VG’s yes Rewards Pharmacy members are eligible for free select antibiotics, prenatal vitamins and diabetes medications when they bring their physician’s prescription to a VG’s Pharmacy. They will receive up to a 14-day supply of qualifying generic antibiotic medications absolutely free or up to a 90 day supply of select diabetic medications or prenatal vitamins. There is no limit on the number of prescriptions a yes Rewards member can fill, and the program covers new prescriptions and refills. Members also earn 25 yes points for each prescription filled that is not part of the free program or those prescriptions paid for by Medicare, Medicaid, or Government-funded program. How to sign up for yes Rewards: Stop in any VG’s Store and sign up using the in store kiosk, or you can sign up at your convenience online at You can also sign up to receive email notices of specials, in store promotions, and special events – plus you can earn even more rewards points through email. The Action 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 Page 5 About Our Members (continued) VG’s Customers Say “Yes” to Next Generation Grocery Savings yes Rewards Program Saves Money, Offers Weekly Free Products VG’s Stores, with 16 locations in Southeast Michigan, announced today the introduction of yes Rewards, a new customer loyalty program that takes saving money on groceries and prescriptions to a whole new level. yes Rewards offers savings on groceries and prescriptions – PLUS the opportunity to earn points on purchases and redeem those points for free grocery items or reduced prices on select items throughout the store. By selecting products from the list of over 80 available each month, customers can earn FREE groceries just by shopping with yes Rewards. Customers earn 50 points with weekly accumulated purchases of $50, 100 points with $100 purchased and 150 for all purchases of $150 points or more. yes Rewards loyalty program is no cost to the customers. Alan Hartline, Executive Vice President Merchandising and Marketing for Spartan Stores, notes, “yes Rewards is truly the next generation in consumer savings. Unlike other programs, VG’s yes Rewards combines discounts with the opportunity to earn free groceries, save money on fuel and medications, and join specialty programs like our Baby, Milk, and Caesar Clubs. Plus, the yes Rewards offers its email members double points when spending $50 or more in one week, plus email notices twice a week with FREE products and discounts. It truly is a saving management system, with in-store kiosks to check points and sign up for yes email, find out about daily and weekly special deals, or be notified about product recalls or upcoming Community S h a r e p r o m o t i o n s . ” VG’s will officially launch the yes Rewards program January 9, 2011 with a one million points sweepstake contest, which runs through March 19, 2011. Every time customers swipe their yes Rewards card, they are entered to win. There will be over 800 total sweepstakes winners with prizes valued at more than $5,000 in free groceries. There will be five 1,000-point winners per week per store, one 10,000-point winner per store, and one 50,000-point grand prize winner. VG’s associates will be on hand in all 16 stores to help customers sign up. TINA’S CORNER CAFÉ/CATERING Tina Ruschke is announcing a change in her business. She is no longer at Tina’s Corner Café, but has gone full-time into the catering business. She will be cooking for the Moose Club every Friday evening from 4 - 7:30 p.m. The menu will be the same as the Café on Friday evenings - fish! There will be cod, white fish, jumbo shrimp, wing dings, macaroni & cheese, baked potatoes, fries and rice. The cost will be $7.99 for a meal or $9.99 for all you can eat. This is open to the public and carry outs are available. Tina is available as always to cater your parties and occasions such as wedding receptions, rehearsal dinners, graduations, After Hours, birthdays, anniversaries, funeral dinners, business meals. Large or small, Tina will work with you to help you plan and to meet your needs. She can be reached at of 989-670-5629 to schedule an event or for more information. SERVPRO Luke Nickens wants to let everyone know that Servpro is a Shaw flooring dealer now! They are selling carpet, hardwood flooring and laminate flooring. They buy directly from the mill in Georgia and are the only restoration company in the area who is also a Shaw dealer. They decided to get into this so they could pass the savings along to their customers. If you plan on doing any remodeling to your home and need any type of flooring offered by Shaw, give Luke a call and he will bring the samples to your door or you can stop into their office on the corner of M-24 and M-46. Check out and if you see something you like, give Luke a call and he will get you a great deal. If you find something you like that is not Shaw and they don’t have it he will contact their Shaw representative and they will get something to match from the mill. Servpro wants to provide you with the best flooring for the money. They are also offering a free first carpet cleaning with the purchase of new carpet whenever you’re ready to have it cleaned. Contact Luke at 989-673-7680. THE OVEN Ross & Linda Downing opened The Oven at 604 South State Street in May of 2008 and they are excited about the growth and expansion of their business. They are happy to announce they are purchasing the building that is currently The Brickhouse. Ross says they will be moving their restaurant and plan to have the same atmosphere as they do now. They will be combining their current menu with some of the favorite items of The Brickhouse. Linda says, unfortunately, they are not taking the ice cream to the new location which will be a disappointment to some customers. They want to assure their customers though, they will not be changing much. Their atmosphere will be the same - just at a different location. The are still serving meals and ice cream at their present building during their current hours. Their goal is to be moved the first part of March and their new hours will be Monday Thursday 11 a.m. - 11 p.m., Friday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. They may be reached at 989-673-2285. Our Mission: “The mission of the Caro Chamber of Commerce is to create a positive and productive environment where business can grow and prosper, while enhancing the quality of life in the Caro area.” 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 The Action About Our Members (continued) THUMB AREA BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS Sandy Gaudreau writes: Retire . . . isn’t that what older people do? How on earth can I retire - I’m not an old . . . wait a minute, I AM ONE OF THOSE OLDER PEOPLE!!! Hey, when did that happen?? WOW! The years sure have flown by and I can hardly believe that I’m going to retire. I remember my first day coming to work for Big Brothers Big Sisters. I hardly knew anyone in Caro . . . Nervous? Scared? You bet! But, it didn’t take long for me to realize what a friendly caring community I had the good fortune to land in! I have been truly blessed with many opportunities, to learn so much, meet so many wonderful people, and best of all, to help make a positive difference in the lives of so many children. It has been quite the ride and I want to say thank you to everyone for these many years of friendship, not just to me, but to Big Brothers Big Sisters, to my staff and to the children we serve. As I leave, I know that the agency is being left in good and capable hands. Linda Radick Harrington is not only my colleague but my friend. I know that under her leadership, she and our dedicated staff will continue to provide the children of Tuscola, Huron and Sanilac counties with the best possible one-to-one mentoring program. The Big Brothers Big Sisters commitment to both children and the community will continue. I ask that you extend the same warm helping hand to Linda as you have to me for the past 22 years. Thank you all for being a wonderful part of my life! GREGORY BRINGARD, ATTORNEY Gregory Bringard’s law office has recently moved its location to the next block to 367 North State Street. Business is as usual and his contact information is the same. He can still be reached at 989-672-2400. TUSCOLA COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A pro-business attitude for the past and future will be in the air for the annual meeting of the Tuscola County EDC. “The EDC was pleased to be involved with a large number of projects last year that resulted in 428 jobs being created or retained. Even though the overall economy is still slow, we need to take some time to celebrate our success stories that have had a positive impact on all parts of Tuscola County,” said Board Chair Don Beavers. Jim McLoskey, EDC Director, says, “The EDC has many tools in its tool box to help with business start-ups and expansions in retail, manufacturing, service, commercial and agricultural processing. We are fortunate to have a consistent and long track record of working with local units of government to plant the seeds of growth in our communities.” He also states he appreciates working in cooperation with the Caro Chamber of Commerce to grow and improve our business community. To learn more about any of the free services, call the Tuscola County EDC at 989-673-2849. 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 (Gingerbread Village - continued from page 1) Great food and beverages were provided by many area restaurants at this popular event, along with a surprise visit from the king of rock and roll. Friday evening the streets of Caro were alive and bustling with music, carriage rides, fine art and fun. At Gingerbread Central the Gingerbread family and Santa and Mrs. Claus greeted hundreds of anxious children ready to sit on Santa’s knee and tell him all of their special requests for Christmas. Saturday and Sunday were busy as well with a baking contest, Cookies with Santa and Friends that included a magic show, photos with Santa Claus and gifts, a free children’s movie at the Strand Theater, folks “Gingerbread Jammin” at the Arrowhead and the Thumb Area Big Brothers Big Sisters Holiday Home Tour featuring five of Caro’s loveliest homes decorated for the holidays. Stories, crafts, cookies and gingerbread houses were on every child’s mind. The Thumb Area Center for the Arts Community Christmas Concert embraced the true spirit of the holidays and a lovely Christmas Tea provided by Town and Country Bridal, The Broken Tea Pot, and Garden Gate Bed and Breakfast brought the festival to a close. Our most heartfelt thanks to everyone who volunteered, attended, or participated in any way in making the 2010 Gingerbread Village festival a glowing success. (Bridal Show - continued from page 1) We want to thank everyone that helped make this event a success; Kristine from Barb's Hair Gallery, Michael from Innovations, Amber from Eclipse, Laura from LC Makeup Artistry, Melissa from Taylor Photography, Pete from PJ O'Brien's, Dick from Caro Rental, and all the vendors that participated. We hope this event will continue to grow and help promote our local businesses! Bridal Show Vendors for 2011: Breaking Level Films Cakes to Di 4 Caro Rental (donated trailer) Catering By Touch Of Class Curves of Caro Gardens At Grice's His Hand Keepsake & Memorial Jewelry JD Productions Kimberlee's Floral Mary Kay Cosmetics Midnight Madness Mix 92.1 MJ's Kupcakery Moments Captured PJ O'Brien's Catering Spectrum Entertainment Taylor Photography Town & Country Bridal FACEBOOK - The Caro Chamber now has a FaceBook page. Please become a fan. Feel free to post your comments. We’ll be glad to hear from you! 157 North State Street, Caro. MI 48723 The Action Page 7 $$ MEMBER-TO-MEMBER DISCOUNTS $$ AFLAC - RYAN SAVOIE 703 Washington, Suite 250, Bay City, MI 989-325-0739 Ask about discount ARTIGIANO LLC 3085 W. Gilford Road, Caro, MI 989-673-8490 10% Discount ARROWHEAD GOLF CLUB 2017 Gun Club Road, Caro, MI 989-673-2017 2 for 1 Green Fee & 10% Discount in Club House BELL-WASIK, INC. 1014 E. Dayton Road, Caro, MI 989-673-6126 10% Discount on Service BER-WA-GA-NA CAMPGROUND 2601 West Sanilac Road, Vassar, MI 989-673-7125 10% Discount BULLET AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE CENTER 403 N. State Street, Caro, MI 989-672-CARS (2277) 15% Discount, except for oil changes CARO CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 765 N. State Street, Caro, MI 989-673-5559 10% Discount on 60 minute massage CARO DRUGS 1525 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-672-1080 20% Discount CURVES 1243 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-673-4888 No Set-up Fee DOST FARMS 9987 Overton, Reese MI 989-239-4129 5% Discount FRAMEWORXZ 3540 N. Hurds Corner Road, Caro, MI 989-550-7648 10% Discount H & R BLOCK 1184 Cleaver Road, Suite 300, Caro, MI 989-673-3257 10% Discount HAPPY FEET FLOOR GALLERY 526 S. State Street, Caro, MI 989-670-7747 10-20% Product Discount MAPLE GROVE VETERINARY CLINIC 1710 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-673-7387 $10 off office call THE GENERAL’S Countryside Plumbing Service 8292 Cargill Road, Brown City, MI 989-761-7188 10% Discount on Labor MUFFLER MAN 751 S. State Street, Caro, MI 989-673-6263 10% Discount THE OVEN 604 S. State Street, Caro, MI 989-673-2285 10% Discount - Dine-in only NARAYAN MEDICAL CLINIC 1004 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-672-8700 10% Discount on Fitness & CashBased Medical Equipment THUMB AREA TOURISM COUNCIL 1111 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-672-0323 15% Discount on Membership Fee PIZZA HUT 815 S. State Street, Caro, MI 989-673-4548 Free 2-liter pop with purchase of a medium or large pizza THUMB COOLING & HEATING 837 South State Street, Caro, MI 989-673-4948 5% Discount RUMMEL INSURANCE AGENCY 1018 E. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-673-4169 Up to 15 % Discounts S & B AUTO REPAIR 176 Columbia Street, Caro, MI 989-673-3808 10% Discount on total bill except for oil changes SERVPRO 3465 Mertz Road, Caro, MI 989-673-7680 10% Discount on Carpet Cleaning STATE STREET FITNESS 160 N. State Street, Caro, MI 989-672-0787 Reduced Sign-On Fee SUNNSATIONAL TANNING AND EMBROIDERY 1425 W. Caro Road, Caro, MI 989-673-7866 $5 off tanning purchase with lotion TAYLOR PHOTOGRAPHY 516 N. Almer Street, Caro, MI 989-529-35578 Free 8x10 photograph THUMB OFFICE SUPPLY 779 S. Van Dyke Road, Bad Axe, MI 989-269-8122 10% Discount (excluding sale items) THUMBS UP DIRECTORY 9545 W. Fairgrove Road, Reese, MI 989-220-5920 20% Discount TLC INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 660 N. State Street, Caro, MI 989-672-1133 15% Discount WILL’S GREENHOUSE 3605 Apache Road, Vassar, MI 989-673-6451 Will pay Sales Tax on Purchases WITH THE GRAIN 3085 W. Gilford Road, Caro, MI 989-673-8490 Ask About Discounts WORTH’S MARKET 4730 Main Street, Millington, MI 989-871-2101 10% Discount THE GARDENS AT GRICE’S 2560 Mertz Road, Caro, MI 989-673-8733 10% off Hall Rental *Employees of your business may need to show I.D. *Other stipulations may apply; please check with each member. Offering special discounts or money-saving packages to other members brings new business through your door, increases word-of-mouth advertising, and establishes a business-to-business connection with other Chamber members. Contact the Chamber office to register your Memberto-Member Discount benefit and we’ll promote it for you! The Chamber number is 989-6735211, and our e-mail is The ACTION Caro Chamber of Commerce 157 North State Street Caro, MI 48723 CARO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AFTER HOURS Don’t miss these evenings of fun, refreshments, and networking with other businesses in the area! In December, Heritage Hill hosted the last After Hours in 2010 with a very enjoyable evening. The facility is so inviting and comfortable, the food so superb, and the staff so friendly and caring, some of our members would like to move in, but they just don’t meet the age requirements yet! If you haven’t seen this assisted living facility stop in, meet Christine and her staff and ask for a tour. In January, Tri County Equipment hosted the first After Hours of 2011 at their awesome facility at 415 Biebel Road (M-24). Our members enjoyed tours of the large, well-equipped building and getting acquainted with their knowledgeable and friendly staff. The food, networking and socializing were great! UPCOMING AFTER HOURS Thursday, February 17, 2011 NorthStar Bank 1100 East Caro Road Caro, MI 48723 Thursday, March 17, 2011 Caro Community Hospital Endowment Foundation 401 North Hooper Street Caro, MI 48723 Mark these dates on your calendar and plan to attend to meet our wonderful Chamber members. The Action THANK YOU TO OUR 2011 RENEWING MEMBERS Aflac Amy Grace Gierhart, Attorney at Law Anderson,Tuckey, Bernhardt & Doran Arshad Aqil, M.D. Back Alley Fibers Bell-Wasik Big Acre Stores Big Boy Restaurants Brentwood Brentwood Graphics Caro Area District Library Caro Chiropractic Clinic Caro Family Physicians Caro Health Plaza Caro Publishing Caro Rental Caro Transit Authority Caro Veterinary Clinic Carter Lumber Company Centennial Title Insurance Agency CenturyLink Chemical Bank City of Caro Collon Funeral Home Community First Title Agency Consumers Energy Countryside Storage Cumings Memorial Curves Dairy Queen - Caro De-J’s Party Store Debut Automotive Design Dental Health Care Ed Mantey and Sons Edward Jones Financial Ellsworth, Rex & Carol FrameWorxz Fabiano Brothers Fowler Center, The G.F. Rolka Enterprises Gambles Do It Yourself Hardware Gerry’s Distributing Co. Gregory H. Bringard, Attorney Garden Gate Bed & Breakfast Great Lakes Lift Great Start Tuscola GreenStone Farm Credit Services Hartel, Lota Heritage Hill Hofmeister Law Office Human Development Commission Infinite Creative Services JJ Jamokes Kappen Tree Services Kenneth Tiseo, DDS Kingsway Inn Knights of Columbus Law Office of Renee Wood Lighthouse List Psychological Services MacFarlane Trucking Majestic Construction Majestic Plumbing & Heating Majestic Sky Link McDonald’s McPherson Family Restaurant Medler Electric Company Michigan Sugar Company Michael Misko, DDS Mike’s Advanced Heating Mobile Medical Response Monchilov Excavating Moore Motor Sales Muffler Man Narayan Medical Equipment Northwest Energy NorthStar Bank NovoPrint USA Osentoski Realty & Auctioneering Oven, The Pat Curtis Chevrolet - Cadillac Pete’s Auto Sales Pizza Hut Poet Biorefining R&S Tool & Die Ransford Funeral Home Real Estate One - Caro Rex Binder Sales Russell Transport Self Serve Lumber & Home Center Signature Bank Six L’s Inc. Star Vision Center Starbrite Restaurant State Street Fitness State Street Pharmacy Stephen Khoury, M.D. Stephens & Moore Strand Theatre Sugar Creek Apartments Taylor Photography Team One Credit Union Thumb Area Center for the Arts Thumb Cellular Thumb Graphics Thumb Meat Market Thumb Office Supply TLC Insurance Agency Town & Country Bridal Tri-County Equipment Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems Tuscola County EDC Tuscola County Fair Association Tuscola County Medical Care Facility Unionville Funeral Chapel Valley Title Agency White Chiropractic Health Center Wills Greenhouse WLEW Woody’zzz Motel Worth’s Market Worxz Consulting HOME & BUSINESS SHOW The Caro Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring the SECOND ANNUAL HOME & BUSINESS SHOW on May 14, 2011, at the Tuscola County Fair Grounds. We are anticipating the event to be outstanding and hope you will place this event on your schedule. Many of you will chose to be a sponsor for this event. Benefits of sponsorship ($300) include the following: ● A 10’ x 10’ space inside the Merchants building or a space outside the building. ● 8’ table and 2 chairs. ● An interview on the radio during the remote by WIDL (your option). ● An educational seminar or demonstration – 1 hour or less (your option). ● Your logo on all advertising we do for the show. ● Your business will be mentioned on the radio advertising. For businesses not being a sponsor, the fee is $100.00 for a booth for non-Chamber members and $80.00 for a booth for current Caro Chamber members. In order for us to have your logo and business listed on our advertising, we must have your registration by April 1, 2011. On the back of this insert you will find the registration form. Please return the form and fee no later than April 1, 2011. Checks should be made payable to the Caro Chamber of Commerce. For more information, contact the Chamber office or go to the Caro C h a m b e r we b s i t e a t CARO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE nd 2 Annual Home & Business Show Tuscola County Fair Grounds Saturday May 14, 2011 – Noon to 7 p.m. I will participate in the Second Annual Home & Business Show to be held on Saturday, May 14, 2011, at the Tuscola County Fair Grounds. Enclosed is my registration fee for the event. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO ATTEND. The Caro Chamber reserves the right to accept or reject any application. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT PLAINLY NAME OF BUSINESS:_____________________________________________TELEPHONE:__________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:_________________________________STATE:____________ZIP:______________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________CELL PHONE____________________________ I WOULD LIKE TO RESERVE THE FOLLOWING: SPONSORSHIPS ______ $300 for each 10’X 10’ space inside the Merchants Building. ______ $300 for each space outside the Merchants Building. BOOTH RENTAL ______ $100 for each 10’X 10’ space inside the Merchants Building. ______ $80 for each 10’X 10’ space inside the Merchants Building for current Caro Chamber members. ______ $100 for each space outside the Merchants Building. ______ $80 for each space outside the Merchants Building for current Caro Chamber members. All displays must allow for wheelchair accessibility. My booth will include_______________________________________________________________________________________ Spaces________________Table_____________Chairs___________Electrical____________ Amount enclosed_______________________ I understand that Michigan State Sales Tax, 6%, must be collected from all sales. I further understand that I am responsible for the payment of this tax to the Michigan Department of Treasury, Lansing, MI. Upon registration, I assume all responsibility for any product loss or injury, or for any loss or injury arising from the use of this space. Vendors will be held liable for any damage done to the Fair Ground property. I am enclosing a copy of my insurance liability coverage. SIGNATURE OF DISPLAYER____________________________________________________________ Return to: Caro Chamber of Commerce Home & Business Show 157 North State Street Caro MI 48723 Please make checks or money orders payable to: CARO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Do not send cash. Please return with payment by April 1, 2011. The return deadline is April 1, 2011. Your early return will be appreciated. For further information, call the Caro Chamber at 989-673-5211 or fax to the Caro Chamber office at 989-673-2517. Our e-mail address is
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