MIHAS 2015 Exhibitors Manual
MIHAS 2015 Exhibitors Manual
MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE Dear Exhibitor, Greetings from MIHAS 2015! This exhibitor manual has been prepared to provide you with essential information and guidance. It includes all aspects of onsite management of your stand in our endeavour to ensure a pleasant and successful participation in MIHAS 2015. All exhibitors are encouraged to read the general information and stand fitting regulations. For your convenience, the order forms are collated separately from the Manual. Please take time to review this Manual carefully, taking note of appropriate deadlines and responsibilities. It should be the Exhibitor’s priority to nominate one person to co-ordinate and plan their participation, liaise with the Organiser, and adhere to the required deadlines. The Exhibitor Checklist and Exhibition Operations Schedule on Pages (viii & ix) are a useful start. Our aim is to provide good service. Please return your completed order forms on time. We will do our best to assist you with your planning and please do not hesitate to contact the Operations Team if you have any queries. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and co-operation and wish you a successful participation. Yours sincerely, The Organiser Mohd Shukri Abdullah Malaysia International Halal Showcase TA BLE O F C O N TEN TS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE SUBJECT PAGE Welcome Note from MIHAS SECRETARIAT Table of Contents SECTION I – I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N Acknowledgement Important Contacts General Information Exhibitors Checklist Exhibition Operation Schedule Maps to MIHAS 2014 Public Transportations to MIHAS 2014 Loading Maps and Schedule Evacuation Route Rules and Regulations SECTION II – O R D E R F O R M S ORDER FORM 01 ORDER FORM 2-A ORDER FORM 2-B ORDER FORM 03 ORDER FORM 04 ORDER FORM 05 ORDER FORM 06 ORDER FORM 07 ORDER FORM 08 ORDER FORM 09 ORDER FORM 10 ORDER FORM 11 ORDER FORM 12 ORDER FORM 13 ORDER FORM 14 ORDER FORM 15 ORDER FORM 16 ORDER FORM 17 ORDER FORM 18 MIHAS PUBLICITY 1 MIHAS PUBLICITY 2 - Show Directory Free Listing Exhibitors’ Badges / Passes Exhibitors’ Badges / Passes Product Index Advertisement In The Trade Directory Show VIP Invitation Visitor and International Buyer Invitations Standard Shell Scheme Booth Fascia Board Non-Official Contractor Performance Bond Furniture on Rental Electrical Fittings Freight Forwarder Heavy / Large Exhibits Hotel Reservation Ground Handling General Insurance Miscellaneous Booth Activity Products Sponsorship .… i ii - v vi - vii viii ix x xi xii - xv xvi - xvii xviii - xxii .… 1 .… 2 .… 3 .… 4 .… 5 …. 6 .… 7 .… 8 .… 9 .… 10 .… 11 .… 12 - 15 .… 16 - 18 .… 19 - 22 .… 23 .… 24 - 25 .… 26 .… 27 .… 28 .… 29 .… 30 .… 31 .… .… .… .… .… .… .… .… .… SECTION III – P A Y M E N T F O R M PAYMENT FORM 1 - PICO International (M) Sdn Bhd SECTION IV – K U A L A L U M P U R C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E APPENDIX C-402a APPENDIX C-402d APPENDIX C-402I APPENDIX C-402f APPENDIX C-402g - Audio Visual Telecommunications Internet Services Water and Compressed Air Potted Plants and Flowers ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE Please return / fax this form to MIHAS Secretariat immediately upon acceptance of this manual. I, acknowledged that I have received the Exhibitor’s Handbook. Thank You. COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS POSTCODE STATE / COUNTRY TELEPHONE NO. FACSIMILE NO. E-MAIL WEBSITE SIGNATURE: COMPANY STAMP / SEAL: BOOTH NO.: DATE: – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Johar Mizan Rizal Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: joharmizanrizal@halal.org.my i IMPORTANT CONTACTS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE HOSTED BY MINISTRY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE & INDUSTRY (MITI) Block 10, Government Offices Complex, Jalan Duta, 50622 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.6203.3022 Website : www.miti.gov.my Fax Email : 00603.6203.2337 : N/A ORGANISED BY MALAYSIA EXTERNAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MATRADE) (The Trade Promotion Agency of The Government) Menara MATRADE, Jalan Khidmat Usaha, Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.6207.7077 Fax : 00603.6203.7037 / 7033 Website : www.matrade.gov.my Email : info@matrade.gov.my IN PARTNERSHIP WITH HALAL INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (HDC) 5.02, Level 5, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Persiaran Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.7965.5555 Website : www.hdcglobal.com Fax Email : 00603.7965.5500 : N/A MANAGED BY SHAPERS MALAYSIA SDN BHD Level 8, West Wing, Menara MATRADE, Jalan Khidmat Usaha Off Jalan Duta, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.6203.4433 Website : www.halal.com.my www.mihas.com.my Fax Email : 00603.6203.4422 : enquiry@halal.org.my VENUE PROVIDER EXHIBITION SERVICES (CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD) Kulala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.2333.2888 Website : www.klccconventioncentre.com Fax Email : 00603.2333.2729 : exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com ii IMPORTANT CONTACTS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Wisma PICO, 19-20, Jalan Tembaga SD5/2, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.6275.5990 Website : www.pico.com.my Person-in-Charge : Ms. Nicole Lee Fax Email : 00603.6275.6366 : nicolelee@pico.com.my OFFICIAL FREIGHT FORWARDER CURIO PACK SDN BHD 160-1, Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, 41100 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tel : 00603.3372.2828 Website : www.curiopack.com.my Person-in-Charge : Mr. Ngiam Chong Terk Fax Email : 00603.3373.0055 / 3963 : ctngiam@curiopack.com.my OFFICIAL TRAVEL & TOUR AGENT MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD No.112-1, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.2142.7177 Website : www.mptravel.com.my Person-in-Charge : Ms. Elliss Goh Fax Email : 00603.2145.6520 : ellissgoh@mptravel.com.my PREFFERED AIRLINE MALAYSIA AIRLINES BERHAD 3rd Floor, Administration Building 1, Mas Complex 4, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, 47200 Subang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.7846.3000 : 1300.88.3000 within Malaysia Promo Code : MIHASDL Website : www.malaysiaairlines.com.my iii IMPORTANT CONTACTS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE OTHER RELATED INFORMATION CENSORSHIP BOARD Bahagian Kawalan Penapisan Filem dan Penguatkuasaan. Blok D1 & D2, Kompleks D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8886.3000 Website : www.moha.gov.my Fax : Email : bhg_c@moha.gov.my LICENSING DEPARTMENT Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya, Persiaran Perpaduan, USJ 5, 47610 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8026.3131 Website : www.mpsj.gov.my Fax : 00603.5637.6585 Email : mpsj@mpsj.gov.my IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT Headquarters of Department of Immigration Malaysia, (Ministry of Home Affairs) Level 1-7(Podium), No 15, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 2, 62550 Putrajaya, Malaysia Tel : 00603.8880.1000 Website : www.imi.gov.my Fax : 00603.8880.1200 Email : pro@imi.gov.com.my ROYAL MALAYSIAN CUSTOMS Ibu Pejabat Kastam Di Raja Malaysia, Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan, No. 3, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2, 62596 Putrajaya, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8882.2300 / 2500 / 2100 Website : www.customs.gov.my Fax : 00603.8889.5899 / 5884 Email : kastam@customs.gov.my ROYAL MALAYSIA POLICE Polis Di Raja Malaysia, Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman, 50560 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.2262.6222 Website : www.rmp.gov.my Fax : 00603.2070.7500 Email : rmp@rmp.gov.my iv IMPORTANT CONTACTS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE OTHER RELATED INFORMATION AIRPORT LIMO (M) SDN BHD Depoh Airport Limo, Jalan Dagang off Jalan Pekeliling, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), 64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8787.3030 Website : www.klia.com.my Fax : 00603.8787.3587 Email : info@airportlimomalaysia.com KUALA LUMPUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BERHAD Level 6, Sapura at MINES, No.7, Jalan Tasik, The Mines Resort City, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8942.2121 Website : www.klia.com.my Fax : 00603.8942.1010 Email : N/A MALAYSIA TOURISM PROMOTION BOARD 17th Floor, Menara Dato’ Onn, Putra World Trade Centre, 45, Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.2615.8188 Website : www.tourism.gov.my Fax : 00603.2693.5884 Email : enquiry@tourism.gov.my TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE, KUALA LUMPUR Visitor Service Centre, International Arrival Hall, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), 64000 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.8776.5647 : www.tourism.gov.my Website Fax : 00603.8776.5722 Email : ticklia@tourism.gov.my v GENERAL INFORMATION MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHO WCASE CONVENTION CENTRE Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. All public areas, inclusive of foyers, Registration Counters, Meeting Rooms, Organisers Office, Restrooms, Hospitality Lounges and Exhibition Halls are designated as NON-SMOKING ZONES. NO OUTSIDE FOOD may be brought into the centre. Exhibitors must abide by the Food Act 1983 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and the centre FOQESH guideline. ADMISSION Admission for professionals, trade and business visitors are by invitation and registration only. Those below the age of 18 years will not be permitted to enter the trade show. MIHAS Secretariat reserves the right to refuse admission to those who do not abide without further explanation. These apply also during the build up and tear down period. EXHIBITION HOURS Exhibitors must open their booths during the designated exhibition hours of 10:00am – 7:00pm on show days. EXHIBITORS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO CLOSE THE BOOTH OR REMOVE ANY OF THEIR EXHIBITS, DISPLAYS OR MERCHANDISE FROM THE HALL DURING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE DESIGNATED EXHIBITION HOURS. REMOVAL OF ITEMS Exhibitors are allowed to remove hand carried items only after 7:00pm on 4th April 2015. No contractors will be allowed into the hall to remove any items on 4th April 2015. Contractors are only allowed to remove items between 10:00am – 6:00pm on 5th April 2015. Removal of items by contractors on 4th April 2015 after 7:00pm may be allowed under exceptional circumstances, only in the event that the existing exhibitor has a flight scheduled after 7:00pm on the 4th April 2015 itself or the morning of the 5th April 2015. In such cases, the Exhibitor must produce the relevant flight documents. DRESS CODE Visitors are requested to be decently attired. Please note that admission will not be permitted to visitors with slippers, sleeveless attire and/or shorts. FOR SAFETY REASONS, THOSE BELOW THE AGE OF 18 YEARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE EXHIBITION HALL DURING THE BUILD-UP AND TEAR DOWN PERIOD. INSURANCE – PUBLIC LIABILITY Exhibitors are strongly advised to purchase Public Liability Insurance to protect themselves against claims for bodily injury and/or property damage to third parties or persons arising from an occurrence happening in connection with the Exhibitors business activities. DEMONSTRATION AND PRESENTATION For any promotional activities involving mobility demonstration and/or presentation, please contact MIHAS Secretariat for further details. OFFICIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS AND CONTRACTOR MIHAS Secretariat has appointed Official Providers and Contractors for various services to ensure efficient and regulated build up and dismantling. PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD - OFFICIAL STAND FITTING CONTRACTORS Wisma PICO, 19-20, Jalan Tembaga SD5/2, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel : 00603.6275.5990 Fax : 00603.6275.6366 Unless otherwise stated, a) Exhibitors may appoint their own stand-building contractors subject to approval from MIHAS Secretariat. b) Exhibitors are responsible for making their own arrangements for services directly with our Official Contractors. THE SERVICES OF OFFICIAL CONTRACTORS ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF EXHIBITORS AND MIHAS SECRETARIAT WILL ACCEPT NO LIABILITY IN RESPECT OF ANY CONTRACT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN EXHIBITORS AND SUCH CONTRACTORS FOR THE NEGLIGENCE OR DEFAULT OF ANY PERSON, THEIR SERVANTS AND AGENTS. vi GENERAL INFORMATION MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE We provide various of amenities inside the Exhibition Centre. 1. Male Musollah (Male Prayer Room) Hospitality Lounge 5, at Exhibition Hall 5. 2. Female Musollah (Female Prayer Room) Hospitality Lounge 4, at Exhibition Hall 4. 3. Press Conference Room Meeting Room 306, Level 3. 4. MATRADE Secretariat Office Organiser Office 4, at Exhibition Hall 4. 5. MIHAS Secretariat Office / Announcement Organiser Office 5, at Exhibition Hall 5. 6. First Aid Service Organiser Office 2, at Exhibition Hall 2. 7. MIHAS Exhibitors Service Counter / Lost & Found Exhibition Hall 4. 8. Media Registration Counter / Media Enquiry Exhibition Hall 1. 9. Technical Service Counter (Pico, Curio & etc) Registration Counter 4, Exhibition Hall 4. 10. Exhibition Service Counter (Venue Provider) Exhibition Hall 2, next to Registration Counter Hall 2. Services, amenities and facilities inside the convention centre. 1. Permanent Musollah / Prayer Room Concourse Level, opposite convenience Kiosk. 2. Permanent Musollah / Prayer Room Level 3, Centre Core next to Business Centre. 3. Permanent Musollah / Prayer Room Level 3, West Wing next to Plenary Theatre. 4. Money Changer (Bureau De Change) Concourse Level, Near Starbucks Coffee. 5. Automated Teller Machine (ATM / MEPS) Concourse Level. 6. Public Telephone (Coins and Prepaid Cards) Concourse, Ground Floor and Level 1. 7. Convenience Kiosk (PUSRAWI Group Holdings) Concourse Level, Centre Core, Opposite ATM Machines. 8. F&B Outlets – Starbucks, Kenny Rogers & etc Concourse Level, Centre Core. 9. Parkview Deck Café Level 1, Centre Core. 10. Business Centre – Internet, Fax and etc Level 2, Centre Core (Closed on Sunday and Public Holiday). For more information, please contact MIHAS Secretariat at 603 6203 4433 vii EXHIBITOR CHECKLIST MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAY SIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE IMPORTANT DEADLINES FORM NO. ORDER FORM RETURNED TO PRIORITY DEADLINE 01 Show Directory Free Listing MIHAS Secretariat Compulsory 13/02/15 2-A/2-B Exhibitors’ Badges / Passes MIHAS Secretariat Compulsory 13/03/15 03 Products Index MIHAS Secretariat Compulsory 13/02/15 04 Advertisement In Trade Show Directory MIHAS Secretariat Optional 13/02/15 05 VIP Invitation MIHAS Secretariat Optional 13/03/15 06 Visitor / International Invitation MIHAS Secretariat Optional 13/03/15 07 Standard Shell Scheme Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 08 Fascia Board Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Compulsory 13/03/15 09 Non-Official Contractor Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 10 Performance Bond Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 11 Furniture on Rental Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 12 Electrical Fittings Pico International (M) Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 13 Freight Forwarder Curio Pack Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 14 Heavy & Large Exhibit Curio Pack Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 15 Hotel Reservation MP Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 16 Ground Handling MP Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 17 General Insurance – Public Liability Tokio Marine Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 18 Miscellaneous MIHAS Secretariat Optional 26/02/15 PRIORITY DEADLINE MIHAS PUBLICITY NO. DESCRIPTIONS RETURNED TO PUBLICITY 1 Booth Activities MIHAS Secretariat Optional 26/02/15 PUBLICITY 2 Products Sponsorship MIHAS Secretariat Optional 26/02/15 PRIORITY DEADLINE KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE NO. DESCRIPTIONS RETURNED TO 402a Audio Visual Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 402d Telecommunications Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 402I Internet Services Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 402f Water and Compressed Air Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 402g Potted Plants and Flowers Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Optional 13/03/15 viii EXHIBITION OPERATION SCHEDULE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE SET-UP / BUILD-UP PERIOD DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTIONS 30th March 2015 Monday 12:00noon – 10:00pm Move in for Non-Official Contractors ONLY 31st March 2015 Tuesday 10:00am – 10:00pm Exhibitors Move In / Set Up. Delivery of displays and exhibits IMPORTANT NOTICE! All Sub Contractors / Lorries must display the vehicle permit and queue up at Vehicle Waiting Area which st located at Jalan Stonor on the 31 March 2015. Kindly refer to the Loading Maps and Schedule at Page Number xii and xiii. ACTUAL EXHIBITION DAY DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTIONS 1st – 4th April 2015 Wed - Saturday 10:00am – 07:00pm Open for TRADE VISITORS ONLY 1st – 4th April 2015 Wed - Saturday 09:00am – 10:00am 07:00pm – 08:00pm Replenish Hour (1 hour before the exhibition start and 1 hour after the exhibition close) TEARDOWN / DISMANTLING PERIOD DATE DAY TIME DESCRIPTIONS 4th April 2015 Saturday 07:00pm – 10:00pm Removal of hand carried items or exhibits ONLY Disconnection of electrical supply Collection of rented items by official contractor 5th April 2015 Sunday 10:00am – 06:00pm Moving out exhibits for Non-Official Contractors IMPORTANT NOTICE! All Sub Contractors / Lorries must display the vehicle permit and queue up at Vehicle Holding Area which th located at Jalan Stonor on the 5 April 2015. Kindly refer to the Loading Maps and Schedule Page Number xii and xiii. VEHICLE PERMIT Vehicle Permit will be issued by the MIHAS Secretariat to each exhibitor to enter the loading areas. The vehicle permit must be displayed on the windscreen to facilitate inspections.The permit is ONLY VALID for use at the specified time and date indicated on the permit. st Vehicle permit is required ONLY when your van or lorry require access to loading dock on 31 March th and 4 April 2015. Drivers failing to present the above 2 (two) permits will NOT be allowed to enter the loading areas. Please find VEHICLE PERMIT at Page Number xiv. ix MAP TO MIHAS 2015 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE MAP TO MIHAS 2015 x MAP TO MIHAS 2015 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONS MAP TO MIHAS 2015 KLCC NOTE: 1. You can travel by public transportation such as monorail, commuter, taxi and public bus. Either way, you can also drive to the location as hourly-rate carparks are available. 2. Map may also be downloaded from our Official Website at www.mihas.com.my. xi LOADING MAPS AND SCHEDULE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE **MAP (Vehicle Holding Area) BOOTH NUMBER FROM A01 B01 C01 D01 E01 TO A119 B118 C130 D138 E135 LOADING BAY ENTRANCE HALL 5 HALL 4 HALL 2 HALL 1 HALL 6 KINDLY PROCEED TO THE RIGHT LOADING BAY ACCORDING TO YOUR BOOTH NUMBER. YOUR COOPERATION WILL ALLOW THE TRAFFIC TO RUN SMOOTHLY. THANK YOU. Example: LOADING HALL 5 : Booth number starts with A01 – A119 (e.g. A18, A45, A60, A85, A115, A119) Booth number starts with B01 – B118 (e.g. B05, B21, B38, B59, B78, B115, B118) LOADING HALL 4 : LOADING HALL 2 : Booth number starts with C01 – C130 (e.g. C05, C11, C24, C43, C62, C95, C120) LOADING HALL 1 : LOADING HALL 6 : Booth number start with D01 – D138 (e.g. D03, D26, D63, D75, D90, D116, D125) Booth number start with E01 – E135 (e.g. E03, E26, E63, E75, E90, E102) IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! ALL EXHIBITORS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CLOSE THEIR STANDS DURING THE EXHIBITION PERIOD. 4th APRIL 2015, SATURDAY. 07:00PM – 10:00PM - ONLY HAND CARRIED ITEMS WILL BE ALLOWED. 5th APRIL 2015, SUNDAY. 10:00AM – 6:00PM - REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS AND TEARDOWN BOOTHS. xii LOADING MAPS AND SCHEDULE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWC ASE This is to facilitate your move in/out and stock replenishment throughout MIHAS 2015. Please refer to the schedule below. LOADING BAY ENTRANCE 31st MARCH 2015 EXHIBITORS MOVE IN SCHEDULE 1st - 4th APRIL 2015 REPLENISH TIME MORNING 1st - 4th APRIL 2015 REPLENISH TIME EVENING 4th APRIL 2015 EXHIBITORS MOVE OUT SCHEDULE HALL 1 10:00am - 10:00pm 9:00am - 10:00am 7:00pm - 8:00pm 7:00pm - 10:00pm HALL 2 10:00am - 10:00pm 9:00am - 10:00am 7:00pm - 8:00pm 7:00pm - 10:00pm HALL 4 10:00am - 10:00pm 9:00am - 10:00am 7:00pm - 8:00pm 7:00pm - 10:00pm HALL 5 10:00am - 6:00pm Replenish at Hall 4 Replenish at Hall 4 7:00pm - 10:00pm HALL 6 10:00am - 10:00pm 9:00am - 10:00am 7:00pm - 8:00pm 7:00pm - 10:00pm IMPORTANT: th All Exhibitors are advise to hand-carry all their goods and valuable equipment on the 4 April 2015 to avoid from over-night or stolen and missing. st On the 31 March 2015 after 6:00pm, However Exhibitors at Hall 5 are still allowed to move in via loading bay at Hall 4 as scheduled. Loading bay at Hall 5 will be closed for the Link-way tunnel which connecting the Hall 5 to Hall 6. Therefore, please plan your schedule to avoid from congestion. st rd Loading Bay at Hall 5 will be closed from 1 April to 3 April 2015 throughout MIHAS 2015. Anyhow, th on the 4 April 2015 the dismantle of the Link-way will start from 7:00pm onward. Loading bay shall th resume for move out on 4 April from 7:00pm to 10:00pm at Hall 5. th Please be informed that the Hall 1 move out or tear down is on 4 April 2015 from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Exhibitors who are located at Hall 1 are required to remove all their items, belongings or structure build or missing items during move out period. Therefore, you are urge to man and monitor your booths during this period. For assistance, please contact or liaise with our official contactor. Please be reminded that, all power supply will be disconnected and collection of rental items by our th official contractor PICO will be done on 4 April 2015. Please ensure there are no valuable belonging or equipment left over-night at the booth. Should you require extending the power supply, kindly make arrangement with our official contractor. The Organiser shall not be held responsible for missing or loss items by the exhibitors during the move in/out, anyhow, we may assist you to lodge a report at the Security Counter. xiii LOADING MAPS AND SCHEDULE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre vehicle holding area is located at No.6, Jalan Stonor, and open space car park. The lot is 300 meter from the Convention Centre in order to facilitate move-in and move-out during exhibitions / events at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. MOVE-IN/ OUT PROCEDURES:- Control point will be set up at the check-point at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, only the vehicle with; a). Vehicle Permit pre issued by the organizer AND b). Trip Pass issued at the Vehicle Holding Area by the Traffic Marshal. 1. Organiser will pre-issue a vehicle permit to each exhibitor for entering the vehicle holding area on the move in st th (31 March 2015) and move out (5 April 2015). * Refer page xv for the Vehicle Permit 2. The permit must be displayed on the vehicle’s windscreen to facilitate inspection and is only valid at the specified date and the time indicated on the permit. 3. The vehicle holding area is open one hour prior to the pre-scheduled move-in / out time until all the move in / out activities finished. 4. All vehicles MUST first report to the Vehicle Holding Area before proceed to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre loading dock. (Refer to **MAP - Vehicle Holding Area at page xv). 5. Upon arriving at the vehicle holding area, the driver MUST first present the Vehicle Permit issued by the organizer, queue up and wait for further instruction given by the traffic marshal from the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The waiting time at the vehicle holding area may vary and would depend on the total number of vehicles, move in / out speed and the prevailing traffic condition. 6. A Trip Pass will be issued to the drivers during build-up day(s) at the vehicle holding area by the Traffic Marshal. The driver must then proceed to Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Loading docks with; a) Vehicle Permit b) Trip Pass issued at the Vehicle Holding Area 7. Drivers failing to present the above 2 documents will NOT be allowed to enter the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre loading docks area. IMPORTANT NOTE: 1. Exhibitors & Contractors shall adhere to the move in/ out procedures. Any vehicles arriving directly to the check-point will be denied entry. 2. Kindly follow the signages along the roadside which will direct you to the holding area. 3. Kindly advise your delivery person to the respective location as to avoid any inconvenience or misunderstanding. 4. Please be advised that during move in/ out, individuals are strictly prohibited from wearing slippers or short pants inside the exhibition halls. Minor below the age of 18 years old will not be allowed entry. 5. Please take note that the exhibition hall is a non-smoking zone area and no outside food is allowed inside the exhibition hall. 6. Contractor badges can be collected at the Registration Counter at Hall 5. Counter will only open at 9:00am. Each badges will be charged RM5.00 which is refundable once all badges are returned. 7. Please be advised, that all sub-contractors shall wear the “contractor badges” at all times during move in/out. NO. DESCRIPTION TIME DATE INVOLVED PARTIES 1. Build Up Day 12:00noon – 10:00pm 30/03/2015, Mon Sub Contractor 2. Build Up Day 10:00am – 10:00pm 31/03/2015, Tues Sub Contractor & Exhibitor 3. Replenishment 9:00am – 10:00am & 7:00pm - 8:00pm 01/04/2015, Wed Exhibitor Only 4. Replenishment 9:00am – 10:00am & 7:00pm - 8:00pm 02/04/2015, Thurs Exhibitor Only 5. Replenishment 9:00am – 10:00am & 7:00pm - 8:00pm 03/04/2015, Fri Exhibitor Only 6. Replenishment 9:00am – 10:00am 04/04/2015, Sat Exhibitor Only 7. Removal of Exhibit (Hand Carried Items) 7:00pm – 10:00pm 04/04/2015, Sat Exhibitor Only 8. Tear Down 10:00am – 6:00pm 05/04/2015, Sun Sub Contractor and Exhibitor xiv LOADING MAPS AND SCHEDULE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE xv EVACUATION ROUTE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE EXHIBITION HALL 1 AND HALL 2 LAYOUT EXHIBITION HALL 4 AND HALL 5 LAYOUT xvi EVACUATION ROUTE MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE OVERALL EXHIBITION HALL LAYOUT HALL 6 xvii RULES AND REGULATIONS MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE EXHIBITION 1. Venue Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 00603 2333 2888 Fax: 00603 2333 2800 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. All public areas, inclusive of foyers, Registration Counters, Meeting Rooms, Organisers Office, Restrooms, Hospitality Lounges and Exhibition Halls are designated as NON-SMOKING ZONES. 2. M O V E I N AN D M O V E O U T P R O C E D U R E S 4. No vehicle shall access directly to the Centre. Kindly proceed to the check – point during build up & tear down. Please refer page xii and xv for a copy of Vehicle Holding Area move in / out procedures & the map access to Vehicle Holding Area. 5. Moving In of Exhibits Exhibitors may appoint a forwarding agent of their choice for the clearance and transportation of their exhibits to the exhibition premises. However, only the Official Freight Forwarder, Curio Pack Sdn Bhd will be allowed to lift and transfer exhibits which require mechanical assistance into the exhibition premises. Exhibition Date and Time The Exhibition will be opened daily from Wednesday, 1st April 2015 to Saturday, 4th April 2015. The exhibition hall is open to Exhibitors from 9:00am – 8:00pm on show days. The Exhibition hall is open strictly to Trade Visitors from 1st April – 4th April 2015 and official opening hours are 10:00am – 7:00pm. Exhibitors must open their booth during the designated exhibition times of 10:00am – 7:00pm on show days. Exhibitors are not permitted to close their booth or remove any of the exhibits, displays/merchandises from the hall during the exhibition hours. Exhibitors must arrange for an authorised representative to be present at the booth to receive and position the delivered exhibits. The Event Organiser will not accept any delivery on behalf of the Exhibitors. For exhibits above the height of 2.44m or exceeding 2,000kg in weight should notify the Official Freight Forwarder by 13th March 2015. (Please refer to Order Form 14) 6. Moving Out of Exhibits While the Event Organiser maintains security surveillance at all times, Exhibitors are reminded that exhibits/goods are at most risk during exhibition period. Exhibitors should also ensure that their booths are not left unattended until all personal properties and portable exhibits have been removed and rented items have been collected by appropriate suppliers. 7. Replenishment of Exhibits Exhibitors are only allowed to move-in exhibits/stocks one hour before the exhibition starts. Movement of exhibits/stocks in the hall during exhibition’s opening hours is strictly prohibited. ADMISSION 1. Only registered professionals, trade and business visitors will be allowed admission into exhibition halls during the show opening hours. 2. All exhibitors and visitors should be decently attired. Please note that visitors wearing slippers, singlets, t-shirts or shorts will NOT be permitted. 3. Minors below the age of 18 will not be allowed admission throughout the exhibition days from 1st April to 4th April 2015. 4. For safety reasons, minors below the age of 18 will not be allowed to accompany exhibitors nor visitors into the exhibition halls from build-up to teardown period. 5. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry of any visitors at their own discretion, notwithstanding the possession of an official entry pass. S T AN D CO NS TRU C TI ON 1. Official Booth Contractors The Event Organiser has appointed official contractors for various services so as to ensure efficient and regulated build-up and dismantling. (Please refer to Order Form 7 & 8) 2. Standard Shell Scheme The maximum height to which a shell scheme may be built in a breakout block is approximately 2.5metres. The entrance doors are 1.8 metres wide and 3.0 metres high while the ceiling height in these rooms is 3.0 metres. A space of at least 0.6 metres is required above the shell scheme to accommodate the fire sprinklers. 3. Special Design / Bare Space Approval Guidelines 3.1 Exhibitors with “Space Only” sites may make arrangements with a contractor of their choice for the construction of booths. The name of the contractor together with a dimensional drawing showing the proposed design of the booth must be submitted to the Event Organiser before 13th March 2015. The contractor must abide by the terms laid down by Event Organiser. (Please refer to Order Form 9 & 10) M O V E I N AN D M O V E O U T P R O C E D U R E S 1. Move in Date and Time Sub-Contractors will be allowed to move in on 30th March 2015, 12:00pm – 10:00pm Sub-Contractors, Agents, Suppliers and Exhibitors will be allowed to move in on 31st March 2015, 10:00am – 10:00pm. (Please refer to the Exhibition Operation Schedule) 2. Sub-Contractors Pass/Badges Sub-contractors shall obtain their Pass/badges before entering the exhibition halls. Amount of RM5.00 per badges will be imposed (refundable once badges is returned) to each badges required. Counter Badges will be open from 10:00am – 6:00pm. 3. Control point will be set up at the check-point of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, only the vehicle with the; i) Vehicle Permit pre-issued by the organiser AND ii) Trip Pass issued at the vehicle holding area by the traffic marshal 3.2 Dimensional design plans, including cross-sectional and elevation views, must be submitted to the Centre for all stand structures or design EXCEEDING 3.0 METRES in height or stands designed to support weights other than light advertising material no later than 14 days prior to the Event move-in date. The MAXIMUM STAND HEIGHT ALLOWED IS 6.0 METRE. xviii LICENSES S T AN D CO NS TRU C TI ON 3. Special Design / Bare Space Approval Guidelines 3.3 Design plans must include details of the construction materials and the methods to assemble. 3. As inspectors might visit the site, please keep a copy of the censorship certificate in hand during the exhibition. For direct enquiries, you can contact Film Censor Board (Lembaga Penapisan Filem). 3.4 Stand structures or designs which are not approved, must be altered or removed. Exhibitors or their appointed contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred with regards to the necessary alterations. 3.5 Double-Storey or multiple-storey structures, the Centre requires the Exhibitors or the stand builder to provide drawings showing all features, including access, egress points and stairways. Full dimensional drawings are required to be submitted together with a copy of the structural engineer’s certificate. 3.6 The structure engineer’s certificate must be submitted to the Centre at least 7 days prior to the event build up. The Centre reserves the right to refuse the buildup on site if the certificate is not received within the stipulated deadline. 4. Stand or Booth Lighting installation regulations The Centre’s general regulations for lighting installation in the stand or booth are as follows; 4.1 Lightings must be industry-approved. High-powered lights must be 1.0 metre away from any flammable materials. 4. 1. Failure to Exhibit Any organisation which, having signed a contract for exhibition space, fails to exhibit on actual day for any reason and has not been released from the Contract by the Event Organiser shall be liable for the full amount stated in the contract plus any additional costs incurred by the Organiser. These terms cannot be opposed under any circumstances. 2. National Pavilion / Group Stands Contracting parties for pavilion or group stands are responsible for ensuring that all Exhibitors within their group are fully aware of, and agree to abide the Terms and Conditions and obey the Rules and Regulations of the Exhibition. 3. Subletting of Stands Exhibitors must not transfer, dispose of, part with or otherwise sublet the whole or any part of their site, whether for financial consideration or otherwise. Exhibitors must, if they are acting as agent, distributor or licensee, state at the time of contract the names of the principals to be represented. This does not prohibit Exhibitors from displaying the products of a principal for whom they become agent, distributor of licensee after the time of contract, with the prior written permission from the Event Organiser. 4. Force Majeure The Event Organiser shall not be liable for any reason of cancellation or part-time opening of the exhibition by the exhibitors, either as a whole or in part, for any nonperformance of their obligations under this contract for any amendments or alterations to all or any of the Rules and Regulations of the Exhibition in each case to the extent that such occurrence is due to any circumstances not within their control. 5. Payment Terms and Conditions Exhibitors will not be allowed to occupy their space or stands until the Event Organiser has received full payment. These terms cannot be varied under any circumstances. 6. Cancellation of Exhibition Space In all cases of an exhibition space being cancelled at the exhibitors’ will, all deposits and payment(s) will be forfeited automatically by the Event Organiser. 7. Promotion during the Exhibition Exhibitors are reminded not to place stickers, signs, buntings or posters anywhere in the hall other than within their own stand space. Likewise, Exhibitor’s representative(s) may not be permitted to distribute brochures or circulate any advertising material along the gangways or near the entrances. 4.4 All temporary spotlights or the like have to have a minimum gap of 300mm from the partitions or combustible goods. Every spotlight shall be equipped with a guard attached to the lamp holder or the handle. 4.5 Lighting and or lighting equipment intended to be connected to the mains supply must be tested and tagged. All lighting and or lighting equipment must be switched off and disconnected from the mains supply prior to leaving. 5. Stand Cleaning - During the exhibition days, the Event Organiser will be responsible for the daily cleaning of stand carpets and gangways. During the build-up and dismantling periods, independent registered contractors appointed by Exhibitors are responsible and a representative must be presented at all times for the build up or removal of their own stand building/dismantling materials and rubbish. The Event Organiser and the official contractor will not take any responsibility for any damages or losses occurring in the absence of the exhibitor’s representative during the booth build up and teardown. LICENSES 1. 2. Demonstrations and Presentations By the governing laws of Malaysia, any promotional activities involving games, competitions, quizzes or entertainment, will need a permit from the Licensing Department (Jabatan Pelesenan). Gambling is strictly prohibited. Films and Video Tapes By governing laws of Malaysia, all films and videotapes, even if they originate from Malaysia, MUST obtain the approval of the Censor Board. Clearance takes about six weeks but Exhibitors are advised to send their films in good time with a covering note indicating “For exhibition purposes”. License for Special Telecommunications Facilities A license from Telecommunication Authority of Malaysia (Jabatan Telekom Malaysia) is necessary for the display or demonstration of any telecommunication equipments. Exhibitors should apply directly from Ketua Pengarah of Suruhanjaya Komunikasi & Multimedia. EXHIBITS 4.2 All lightings must be at least 2.2 metres above floor level or protected in an approved way to prevent accidental burning. 4.3 Where halogen tube lights are to be used, the globe unit must be protected with safety glass or a cage to minimize the risk of explosion and fire. The lamp must not exceed the design capacity of the lamp holder. Films and Video Tapes Exhibitors should get this arranged by their local agents to handle these procedures on their behalf. xix EXHIBITS 8. 9. EXHIBITS Halal Certification Exhibitors shall provide a valid Halal Certificate from an authorised governing body. This is an exceptional, for participants from OIC countries with Muslim population exceeding 90% and a statutory declaration is required. 12. Food and Beverage Sampling 9.1 Foods 9.1.1 Solid food portions should be no larger than “BITE SIZE” (85gm) 9.1.2 Samples must be offered in such a manner as to avoid being handled by the public. E.g. apportioned with toothpicks pre inserted. 9.1.3 Antiseptic sanitizers’ dispensers should be available for visitors. 9.1.4 Eating utensils provided by the exhibitors must be the disposable type such as paper plate. Used eating utensils must be the disposable type and must not be re-used. The centre discourages the use of polystyrene plate or containers which cannot be recycled in accordance with our commitment to Green Globe. 13. 1. 12.1 Naked lights and lamps, or temporary gas. Explosives, petrol, dangerous gases or highly inflammable substances. 12.2 The usage of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) gas cylinders is not encouraged. However adhere the safety regulations, if exhibitors still wish to use LPG for cooking demonstration; 2 12.2.2 One cylinder per appliance with fixed piping or gas hose not less than 1 metre long to connect with the cylinder. 12.2.5 Gas cylinders may need to be removed from inside the venue at the end of each day. 12.2.6 Gas cylinders shall not be stored inside the exhibition halls or dock areas. 12.2.7 A licensed or certified person will perform all gas fitting work. Cylinders shall be tested, approved for use and stamped as per MS1165. Storage Direct arrangements for the storage of empty and nonusable cartons and cases should be made with the official stand contractors or freight forwarders. Otherwise, Exhibitors must arrange for these to be transported back to their own premises before the first day of show (1st April 2015). Exhibitors and their staff will NOT be allowed into the exhibition hall after the show hours. If Exhibitors’ displays are very valuable or sensitive and should they wish to hire security personnel to attend to the stand exclusively during off show hours, please contact the Event Organiser for security services. For security and safety purposes, movement of exhibits in or out of the hall during show hours is not permitted. 3. Security guards will patrol the exhibition site in general but their duties will not include specific attention to individual stands. 4. Limitation of Liability - The Event Organiser shall not be liable for the safety of Exhibitors, their assistants, agents, contractors or invitees during the exhibition nor for any exhibits, articles or other properties brought into the exhibition by Exhibitors, their staff, agents, contractors or invitees or members of the public. 5. Limitation of Liability - The Event Organiser shall not in any event be held responsible for any restrictions or conditions which prevent the construction, completion, alteration or dismantling of stands or the entry, sitting or removal of exhibits, or for the failure of any services or amenities provided by the hall owner or other third parties. 6. Exhibitor’s Insurance All Exhibitors are advised to ensure that all goods are adequately insured including third party risk as the Event Organiser, Forwarders and Site Handling Agent cannot be held responsible for any damages or loss of any total or partial of goods whilst in their care. NOT 12.2.1 A 4.5kg CO or 9kg dry chemical fire extinguisher is to be provided by the exhibitors for each appliance using LPG. Gas cylinders and connections are to be protected from accidental damage and impact. 2. 12.2.1 The total capacity shall not exceed one 14kg cylinder per demonstration or display. Dangerous Materials – The following are ALLOWED into exhibition hall. 12.2.4 All personnel in the exhibition hall must wear identification badges at all times. Exhibitors’ passes and Temporary Work Passes are available from the Exhibitors’ Registration Counter. Temporary Work Passes will be imposed with a minimum deposit of RM5.00 each which is refundable upon return of the passes on the same day. Exhibitors are strictly prohibited from exchanging passes and badges. The Event Organiser will confiscate all such badges and passes with no further reasons provided. (Please refer to Order Form 3) 11.2 No motors, engines, contrivances or power-driven machineries may be used without adequate protection against fire risk. All pressure valves or equipment under pressure must conform to safety standards and regulations. Approval for its use is highly required. 12. Fire and Safety Regulations Dangerous Materials – The following are NOT ALLOWED into exhibition hall. Empty gas cylinders cannot be connected during the exhibition hours of an event. SECURITY 11. Operating Machineries or Exhibits 11.1 Moving machineries must be fitted with safety devices and these safety devices may be removed only when the machines are not in operation and not connected to the power source. 11.3 All machineries or exhibits specifications must be submitted to Event Organiser for approval. The Event Organiser reserves the right to determine the acceptance sound level and extent of demonstrations for operating exhibits in the event of justifiable complaints from other Exhibitors. 12.2.3 The centre reserves the right to remove all gas cylinders from the site should any of the above conditions are not obeyed. 9.2 Beverages 9.2.1 Drinking utensils, such as paper cups must be the disposable type and must not be reused. 10. Pirated Exhibits Under no circumstances and due to regulation laws of Malaysian copyright Act, neither pirated nor unlicensed exhibits are allowed to be exhibited in the exhibition. Fire and Safety Regulations …Continue Overleaf Page xx SECURITY 7. Exhibitors shall ensure that they are fully covered by insurance and take out public liability and comprehensive protection as the Event Organiser will not be responsible for the safety of all that have been brought into the venue by the exhibitors, their agents, sub-contractors and visitors. Exhibitors are strongly advised to remove from the venue all portable and valuable items at the end of each day when the exhibition closes. All of these items must not be left unattended during the opening hours of the event. All laptops are required to have an anti-theft lock installed. (Please refer to Order Form 17) – Public Liability 8. Loss of Property The Secretariat do provide lost and found counter inside the Exhibition Hall 2. Anyhow, the security department deals with all reported incidents of theft as well as items that are lost or found. Any inquiries regarding lost and found items should be directed to the centre’s Securities Services which is located at the Concourse Level or please contact +603 2333 2888 extension 2327. O N -SI TE SE RVICES AN D F AC ILI TIES 1. Furniture and Electrical Fitting for Rental A range of items are available for hire from the Official Contractor PICO International (M) Sdn Bhd. (Please refer to Order Form 11 and 12) 2. Water Supply Water supply is available in the exhibition halls of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Common wash area is available during show day and is located at Utility Room 2 at Hall 2 and Utility Room 4 at Hall 4. (Wash area may not be available during build up as we need time to do the piping and installation)(Please refer to Order Form Appendix C - 402f) Water inlet and washing areas are provided throughout exhibition and build up days. Exhibitors may locate the washing areas at Utility Room 2 at Hall 2 and Utility Room 4 at Hall 4. The washing areas are beside the both loading docks area. Restrooms are strictly prohibited to be used for washing or refilling or etc. 3. 4. Audio Visual Equipment Due to security purposes, external rented audio visual equipments are not allowed. Exhibitors are advised to rent these equipments from Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd. Kindly use the attached forms. (Please refer to Order Form Appendix C - 402a) Potted Plants & Flower Arrangements NO outside plants are allowed into the hall. Exhibitors can rent directly from Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd. (Please refer to Order Form Appendix C - 402g) O N - S I T E S E R V I C E S AN D F AC I L I T I E S 8. VIP Invitations In addition to the general circulation of visitors’ invitation cards, MIHAS Secretariat will also be extending personal VIP invitation cards to Exhibitors, selected customers or potential customers. (Please refer to Order Form 4) 9. Parking Spaces Hourly-rate car parks are available at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The car park is an auto pay car park. Convention Centre Parking Rates: First 2 hours or part thereof Every subsequent hour or part thereof Lost Ticket Fee Entry between 7:00pm to 10:00pm Entry between 10:00pm to 6:00am : RM 4.00 : RM 3.00 : RM 50.00 : RM 8.00 : RM 4.00 Special Rates Early Bird Rate (First Come First Serve Basis) The car park is managed by KLCC Parking Management Sdn Bhd and rates are subjected to chance without prior notice, PLEASE VISIT www.klccconventioncentre.com for more info 10. Media Facilities The Media Village at the Hall A in the exhibition area will be managed throughout the exhibition by qualified PR Consultants. Exhibitors may submit their press releases there at any time during the exhibition. 11. Hall Management’s Special Conditions All Exhibitors are bound by the following conditions as laid down by the hall management of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre 11.1 No rodent, pest or vermin into the exhibition hall is allowed. 11.2 The hall owner / MIHAS Secretariat have the right to refuse entry to the facilities of any person whose presence is, in the reasonable opinion of the hall management, undesirable. 12. Food & Beverages 12.1 Cafeterias and snack/drink counters will be setup in the exhibition hall. Catering services are available for booths upon reservation. 12.2 No outside food may be brought into the centre. Exhibitors must abide by the Food Act 1983 and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and the centre FOQESH guidelines. 13. Unforeseen Occurrences In the event of any occurrence not foreseen in these Rules and Regulations, the decision of the Event Organiser shall be final. 5. IT and Telecommunications Public telephones are located at strategic locations. Telephone and Internet access can be installed in the booths. Reservation will be given based on “first come, first serve” basis. Please refer to Order Form Appendix C - 402I & 402d) 14. First Aid Service First aid room is located at Hall 2, Medical Room (Organiser Room 2) with on standby paramedics and ambulance in case of emergency. Wheelchairs are available for use by Exhibitors or Visitors on a firstcome-first-serve basis. In case of emergency, please contact the Secretariat located at the Exhibition Hall 5 or please call +603 2333 2900. 6. Manning of Booth (Please refer to Order Form 18) The booth must be manned at all times. Exhibits must be displayed during exhibition hours. Exhibitors must not participate in any activities that in the opinion of the Event Organiser, likely to cause annoyance to visitors or other Exhibitors. A contact of professional human resource company will be provided to Exhibitors who require more personnel in to man their booth. 15. Prayer Rooms Prayer rooms are available at Hall 5 or Male and Hall 4 for Female Musollah (Hospitality Lounge 4 and 5). Prayer mats, slippers and ablution wash area are provided in the prayer rooms. Prayer rooms are also available for exhibitors’ convenience at the Convention Centre located at the Centre Core and Level 3, West Wing. 7. Visitors’ Invitations Exhibitors will be provided with invitation cards. These cards are for you to mail to existing and potential customers and are strictly for distribution to the members of trade only. (Please refer to Order Form 5) 16. Business Centre The Centre located at Level 2, Centre Core provides facilities such as internet, fax, photocopy, etc. Charges apply. Operation Hours: 8:00am – 6:00pm (Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays) xxi O N - S I T E S E R V I C E S AN D F AC I L I T I E S 18. Visa Every visitor to Malaysia planning for a temporary stay or any other purposes must obtain a pass from the immigration department at the point of entry. The types of passes issued are as follows: 18.1 Social Visit Passes This is issued solely for the purpose of tourism or social visits. No fee is payable for this pass if the period does not exceed three months. Social Visit Passes may be issued at the point of entry provided the visitors meet certain requirements. The application should be made in advance to Malaysian Immigration Office, preferably through a sponsor resident in Malaysia. Holders of this visa are not permitted to engage in any employment, business or professional occupation in Malaysia. O N - S I T E S E R V I C E S AN D F AC I L I T I E S 18. Visa Every visitor to Malaysia planning for a temporary stay or any other purposes must obtain a pass from the immigration department at the point of entry. The types of passes issued are as follows: 18.2 Business Visit Passes This is issued for the purpose of doing business in Malaysia, e.g. business negotiations, meetings or business house inspections. It cannot be used for employment purposes, supervising installation of machineries or construction of factories. No fee payable for this visa if the period of stay does not exceed three months. xxii ORDER FORM 0 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE S H O W D I R EC T O R Y F R E E L I S T IN G Exhibiting Company: Booth No. : Person In Charge: Tel No. : Designation: Fax No. : Address: Mobile No. : E-mail : Postcode: Website : State / Country: Facebook : Signature, Company Stamp & Seal: Twitter : Date : It is COMPULSORY to submit this form with the Official Contract Form. Please fax both forms to the MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th February 2015. Each contracted stand in the exhibition is entitled to a FREE insertion of a 100-word editorial text describing the company’s products/ services in MIHAS 2015 Trade Show Directory. Exhibitors are encouraged to fully utilise the 100-word content rather than submitting a short text. However, please DO NOT EXCEED the given limit. Words in excess will be edited out without further notice. Please note that the content should not be presented in the form of an advertising copy i.e. no paragraph headings, random capital letters (except when necessary), italics, bold prints, underlines, exclamation marks,etc. Submissions received after the mentioned deadline is NOT GUARANTEED inclusion in the Trade Show Directory. Text must be written in English. File format must be in Microsoft Office Word document only. Please email a soft copy of the contents to migawati@halal.org.my The organiser reserves the right to not include any submissions received after the specified deadline in the trade show directory. Kindly be informed that the organizer reserves the right to print or publish the above information in the trade show directory, newsletter, website and other materials where we deem suitable. – Please Keep a Copy for your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person In Charge: Ms. Migawati Ismail Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: migawati@halal.org.my 1 ORDER FORM 2-A MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE E X H I B I TO R S ’ B A D G E S / P A S S E S Exhibiting Company: Booth No. : Person In Charge: Tel No. : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No. : Mobile No. : Email : It is COMPULSORY to submit this form with the Official Contract Form. Please fax both forms to the MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. APPLICATION AND DEADLINE Exhibitors’ Badges are strictly for staff manning the Exhibition booths. Only contracted companies are eligible to apply for these badges. For security reasons, no persons will be allowed into the exhibition grounds without the appropriate badges. COLLECTION OF BADGES Exhibitors’ badges can be collected from the Exhibitors Registration Counter at Hall 5 of the exhibition hall. Non-Official Contractor Exhibitors : 30th MARCH 2015, MONDAY. 12:00pm – 10:00pm : 31st MARCH 2015, TUESDAY. 10:00am – 10:00pm BADGES ENTITLEMENT Exhibitors will be provided with five (5) badges for each 9 sq. metre exhibition space and additional badges requested will incur a fee of RM5.00 per badge (non-refundable). Staff who will be assisting on site during non-exhibition hours will be given a Temporary badge at RM5.00 per badge (refundable when badges are returned on the same day). Contractors’ badges will be issued directly by the MIHAS Secretariat at the Registration Counter at Hall 5 (Entrance facing Mandarin Oriental Hotel). NO. TYPE OF BADGES FEE (IN RM) REFUNDABLE NONREFUNDABLE 1. ADDITIONAL EXHIBITOR BADGES RM 5.00 2. CONTRACTOR BADGES RM 5.00 DESCRIPTIONS Non-official contractors – Please Keep a Copy for your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person In Charge: Mr. Johar Mizan Rizal Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: joharmizanrizal@halal.org.my 2 ORDER FORM 2-B MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE E X H I B I TO R S ’ B A D G E S / P A S S E S Exhibiting Company: Booth No. : Person In Charge: Tel No. : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No. : Mobile No. : Email. : It is COMPULSORY to submit this form with the Official Contract Form. Please fax booth forms to the MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. PLEASE COMPLETE THE TABLE BELOW: Names to be printed on the EXHIBITOR BADGES 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] 6] 7] 8] 9] 10 ] NOTE: Exhibitors will be provided with five (5) BADGES for each 9 sq. metre exhibition space and additional BADGES requested will cost RM5.00 per badge (non-refundable). Names to be printed on the ADDITIONAL EXHIBITOR BADGES 1] 2] 3] 4] 5] – Please Keep a Copy for your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person In Charge: Mr. Johar Mizan Rizal Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: joharmizanrizal@halal.org.my 3 ORDER FORM 03 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE P R O D U C T I N D EX Exhibiting Company: Booth No. : Person In Charge: Tel No. : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No. : Mobile No. : Email : It is COMPULSORY to submit this form with the Official Contract Form. Please fax both forms to the MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th February 2015. ISLAMIC CAPITAL & FINANCIAL SERVICES HALAL NON-FOOD PRODUCTS 001 [ ] Banking Services 018 [ ] Aromatherapy & Perfumery 002 [ ] Financial Institutions 019 [ ] Cosmetic 003 [ ] Financial Products & Services 020 [ ] Toiletries & Body Care 004 [ ] Insurance Services (Takaful) 005 [ ] Islamic Unit Trust 006 [ ] Stock Exchange Market FOOD PROCESSING & PACKAGING MACHINERIES 007 [ ] Syariah-based Companies 021 [ ] Food Processing Machinery 022 [ ] Product Packaging 023 [ ] Serving Equipment [ ] Utensils / Kitchenware Others Others 024 HALAL CONSUMABLES & PREMISES Others 008 [ ] Beverages 009 [ ] Confectioneries 025 [ ] Government Agency 010 [ ] Frozen Food 026 [ ] Halal Certification & Classification Body 011 [ ] Herbal & Health Care Products 027 [ ] Islamic Promotion & Development 012 [ ] Hotel, Restaurants & Franchise 013 [ ] Pharmaceuticals 028 [ ] 014 [ ] Poultry, Meat & Dairy 015 [ ] Preserved Fruit & Vegetable GOVERNMENT AGENCIES & ASSOCIATIONS Association Trade Development Council Others ISLAMIC RELATED PRODUCTS & SERVICES Products 016 [ ] Processed & Ready-to-eat Products 029 [ ] Halal Park Developer 017 [ ] Raw Food Materials 030 [ ] Islamic Based IT Support & Services [ ] Islamic Publication 031 Others Others NOTE: - 1. 2. Each contracted stand in the exhibition is entitled to a free insertion of Product Listing and Industry Group of the company in MIHAS 2015 Trade Show Directory. This index, in which the exhibitors will be grouped into various product categories, will assist trade visitors to identify your company’s products/ services. If any of your products do not fall under the listed categories, kindly specify on the “Others” column provided. Please take note that a new heading for these products is not guaranteed. – Please Keep a Copy for your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person In Charge: Mr. Johar Mizan Rizal Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: joharmizanrizal@halal.org.my 4 ORDER FORM 04 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE ADVERTISEMENT IN THE T R A D E S H O W D I R E C TO R Y Exhibiting Company: Booth No. : Person In Charge: Tel No. : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No. : Mobile No. : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th February 2015. PRINT ORDER 10,000 Copies WHY ADVERTISE IN THE MIHAS DIRECTORY? 1. The directory will be distributed to all invited VIPs including those who will be specially flown in to visit the show. 2. The directory will be given out to all trade visitors who register at the Visitor Registration Counter (more than 10,000 or more potential buyers and customers). 3. The directory will be circulated to 44 Matrade Offices worldwide and also to all relevant bodies such as the Prime Minister’s office, Government agencies, Embassies and others. 4. With minimal investment, you can tap into the growing global Halal market and you stand to gain a whole lot more. ADVERTISE TODAY! Artwork Specifications Format Size of Directory Full Page Resolution Material Deadline Cancellation Clause : Soft copy in PDF : 150mm (H) x 210mm (W) – A5 Size : Trim 135mm (W) x 190mm (H) Bleed 160mm (W) x 220mm (H) : High Resolution >600dpi : 13th February 2015. : There will be NO REFUND of payment upon cancellation. ADVERTISING DESCRIPTION(S) FULL COLOUR Run On Page (ROP) Full Page PLEASE TICK () USD 1, 250 NOTE(S): All bookings MUST be accompanied with full payment. Cross Cheque payable to: PAYABLE NAME : MIHAS TIJARI SDN BHD ACCOUNT NO. : 8 00000 558 140 Swift Code : CIBBMYKL Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad, Menara UAB, No.6, Jalan Tun Perak, 50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The advertiser must provide and send all materials to MIHAS Secretariat for compilation. Soft copy of artwork may be submitted via email to syahidaselamat@halal.org.my or in a CD sent to MIHAS Secretariat. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person In Charge: Ms. Norsyahida Selamat Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: syahidaselamat@halal.org.my 5 ORDER FORM 05 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE VIP INVITATION Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. In addition to the general circulation of visitor invitations, the MIHAS Secretariat will also be extending personal VIP invitations to the Exhibitors’ selected or potential customers. NOTE(S): 1. The MIHAS Secretariat will issue VIP Badges only to VIP Visitors. 2. The selection of VIP Visitors is subject to the approval of MIHAS Secretariat. 3. The supply of VIP badges cannot be guaranteed if the order form is received after 13th March 2015. 4. Visitors who are selected as VIP Visitors will be informed via post or Email or Fax. 5. All exhibitors, principals, distributors and joint venture partners will not be given VIP Badges. Please complete the table below: We would like to invite the said person to the MIHAS Opening Ceremony; 1] Name : Designation : Company Name : Mobile No. : Mailing Address : Telephone No. : Facsimile No. : Email Address : Vehicle Plate No. : Type of Vehicle : Colour of Vehicle : Name : Designation : Company Name : Mobile No. : Mailing Address : Telephone No. : Facsimile No. : Email Address : Vehicle Plate No. : Type of Vehicle : Colour of Vehicle : 2] – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Kamal Ariffin Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: kaml@halal.org.my 6 ORDER FORM 06 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE V I S I T O R / I N T E R N A T I O N A L I N VI T A T I O N S Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. Exhibitors will be provided with Free Visitor / INTERNATIONAL Invitations (10 invites. per company) for distribution to existing and potential clients. These invitations are STRICTLY for the members of trade, not to public and children under 18 years old. We require additional cards! NOTE: 1. Exhibitors are requested not to use visitor’s cards for their own staff. Please use “ORDER FORM 2-B” to request your staff badges. 2. Invitation cards can be collected during Exhibitors Briefing at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre or at Secretariat Office, MIHAS Secretariat, Level 8, West Wing, Menara MATRADE, Jalan Khidmat Usaha off Jalan Duta, 50480 Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 3. Postal services will not be provided. However, on certain circumstances that require postage, exhibitors will have to bear the delivery costs. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Muhammad Fauwaz Fitri Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: fauwaz@halal.org.my 7 ORDER FORM 0 7 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE S T A N D A R D S H E L L S C H E ME B O O T H Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile : No Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. MIHAS has specially designed an upgraded shell scheme package for contracted exhibitors. 13amp power point BOOTH SPECIFICATION(S) 2.5metre height partition on both back and side walls complete with white laminated panel aluminum frame 300mm Aluminum framed fascia board with Exhibitor’s name 2 units. of 40W fluorescent tubes mounted behind fascia board. 2 units. of folding chairs 1 unit. of information desk 1 unit of 13amp power point (NO MULTI-PURPOSE PLUG AND/OR EXTENSION ARE ALLOWED) Concrete floor is covered with needle-punch carpet. Maximum exhibit height on Shell Scheme is 2.44m Standard shell scheme does not come with 24-hours electrical supply. Exhibitors are advised to place an advance order before the deadline to avoid disappointment or surcharge. All stand/booth electrical circuits, other than those with a 24-hour supply, shall be switched off as soon as the closing of each event day. The stand/booth electrical supply will be switched off by the Centre at an agreed time. 8 ORDER FORM 0 8 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE F A S C I A BO A R D Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile : No Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. NAME OF EXHIBITOR: Name of company as it should appear on fascia board. Maximum length 20 Letters. NOTE: 1. Nailing, drilling and any other modifications on the shell scheme panel is STRICTLY prohibited. Any damages to the panels will be charged to the exhibitors. 2. Bare space consists of SPACE ONLY with NO spotlights, folding chairs, information counter, power point or needle punch carpet. 3. Stand Boundaries and Design Restrictions; No Exhibitor may place any display material and exhibit or allow the dividing wall or any part of their stand design and fittings beyond their contracted boundary. 4. Additional Graphic or logo on the fascia board is chargeable. Kindly check with our official contractors. Should there be any additional graphic, logo or sticker on the fascia board without permission, the Event Organiser has the right to remove without further confrontation or notice. 5. Fire Regulations; All materials used in stand construction must be properly fireproofed to normal international standard and also in accordance with local regulations. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Tel: +603.6275.5990 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nicole Lee Fax: +603.6275.6366 Email: nicolelee@pico.com.my 9 ORDER FORM 09 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE N O N - O F F IC I A L C O N T R A C TO R Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. The Following Company will be our contractor for stand building and/or other display works. Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Non-Official Contractors is required to pay a Non-Refundable ADMIN FEE (A) and Refundable DEPOSIT (B) to Official Contractor. (A) Admin Fee Charges RM20.00 Per Square Meter (Non-Refundable) to Independent Contractors who are constructing for their Exhibitor’s Booths; NO 1.) PARTIC ULAR Admin Fee to Construct / Decorate Special Stand (Non-Refundable) PER SQUARE METRE SQUARE METRE AMOUNT (IN RM ) RM 25.00 GRAND TOTAL NOTE: 1. Bare space consists of SPACE ONLY with NO spotlights, folding chairs, information counter, power point or needle punch carpet. 2. Stand Boundaries and Design Restrictions; No Exhibitor may place any display materials and exhibits or allow dividing wall or any part of their stand design and fittings beyond their contracted boundary. 3. All stand design MUST be in full dimension and submitted to the Organiser. Failing which, organiser or official contractor has the right to stop, refuse, reject and disallowed exhibitors from entering the exhibition hall. 4. The maximum stand height allowed is 6.0 metre. 5. Fire Regulations; All materials used in stand construction must be properly fireproofed to normal international standard and also in accordance with local regulations. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Tel: +603.6275.5990 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nicole Lee Fax: +603.6275.6366 Email: nicolelee@pico.com.my 10 ORDER FORM 1 0 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE P E R F O R M A NC E B O N D Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. B) Non-Official Contractors who will be constructing for their Exhibitor’s Booths will need to pay a PERFORMANCE BOND DEPOSIT according to the size of the exhibit booths (Refundable). NO PARTICULARS 1.) Deposit for size booths not exceeding than 36sq.metre 2.) Deposit for size booths exceeding than 36sq.metre SQUARE METRE AMOUNT (IN RM) 36sq.m 3,000.00 Above 36sq.m 5,000.00 PLEASE TICK () For Non-Official stand Construction Booth (refundable) NOTE: 1. Bare space consists of SPACE ONLY with NO spotlights, folding chairs, information counter, power point or needle punch carpet. 2. Stand Boundaries and Design Restrictions; No Exhibitor may place any display material and exhibit or allow dividing wall or any part of their stand design and fittings beyond their contracted boundary. 3. All stand design MUST be in full dimension and submitted to the Organiser. Failing which, organiser or official contractor has the right to stop, refuse, reject and disallowed exhibitors from entering the exhibition hall. 4. The maximum stand height allowed is 6.0 metre. 5. Fire Regulations; All materials used in stand construction must be properly fire proofed to normal international standard and also in accordance with local regulations. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Tel: +603.6275.5990 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nicole Lee Fax: +603.6275.6366 Email: nicolelee@pico.com.my 11 ORDER FORM 1 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE F U R N I TU R E O N R E N T A L Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. ITEMS CODE PRICE/UNIT (IN RM) Sofa Blue Sofa Black Sofa Folding Chair Bar stool Bar stool with high back Serena Bar stool Oscar Bar stool Black Leather Arm Chair Easy Arm Chair Secretary Chair Savanni Chair Medium Back Office – PU Aluminum Chair Plastic Club Chair Coat Hanger Folding Door Wooden Door Bunting Stand Dustbin (normal) Ceiling Grid Display Board Refrigerator (Medium) Refrigerator (Small) AU01A SF01 SF02 EC08 BS02 BS03 BS04 BS05 CC05 EC01 EC05 EC02 EC03 EC04 EC06 CH01 DR02 DR01 BT01 DS01 CH01 BR01 EE01 EE02 85.00 85.00 150.00 25.00 85.00 85.00 95.00 110.00 80.00 80.00 85.00 95.00 250.00 70.00 65.00 75.00 120.00 250.00 90.00 10.00 90.00 120.00 450.00 400.00 QUANTITY TOTAL (IN RM) TOTAL GST 6% GRAND TOTAL – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 12 ORDER FORM 1 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE F U R N I TU R E O N R E N T A L Please contact our OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR, PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD should you have any further inquiries at +006.03.6275.5990. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Priority will be given to advance orders. 2. Late orders (received after 13th March 2015) will be imposed a 30% surcharge, subject to availability and 50% surcharge will be imposed for on-site orders. 3. Notice of cancellation must be given by 25th March 2015. Failing which, 50% of the total payment due shall be forfeited. 4. A 50% surcharge will be imposed for all on-site orders. Payable in Cash or Credit Card only. 5. All orders must be accompanied with full payment. Orders payment received after 13th March 2015 will be considered void and surcharge will be imposed. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 13 ORDER FORM 1 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE F U R N I TU R E O N R E N T A L Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. ITEMS CODE PRICE/UNIT (IN RM) Information Desk Information Counter 2 tier Counter Curve Counter Curve Table Lockable Cupboard Low Show Case High Show Case Low Display Cube Medium Display Cube Tall Display Cube Crystal D3 Low Round Table Tall Round Table Plastic Round Table Aluminum Table Square Table White Formica Coffee Table Glass Top Coffee Table System Racking Shelf-flat or slope Brochure Rack Barricade V tape Barricade Belt Tape PF01 PF01A PF01B PF01C PF01D PF03 PF02 PF04 PF07B PF07A PF07 CT01A ET06 ET06A RT01 RT02 PF12 PF11 CT01 PF08 PS08 AS03A ES10 ES10A 75.00 80.00 250.00 320.00 280.00 85.00 210.00 400.00 65.00 75.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 120.00 70.00 80.00 95.00 60.00 80.00 350.00 65.00 120.00 75.00 80.00 QUANTITY TOTAL (IN RM) TOTAL GST 6% GRAND TOTAL – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 14 ORDER FORM 1 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE F U R N I TU R E O N R E N T A L Please contact our OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR, PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD should you have any further inquiries at +006.03.6275.5990 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Priority will be given to advance orders. 2. Late orders (received after 13th March 2015) will be imposed a 30% surcharge, subject to availability and 50% surcharge will be imposed for on-site orders. 3. Notice of cancellation must be given by 25th March 2015. Failing which, 50% of the total payment due shall be forfeited. 4. A 50% surcharge will be imposed for all on-site orders. Payable in Cash or Credit Card only. 5. All orders must be accompanied with full payment. Orders payment received after 13th March 2015 will be considered void and surcharge will be imposed. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 15 ORDER FORM 1 2 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE E L E C T R I C A L F IT T I N G S Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. ITEMS Spotlight Long Arm Spotlight Halogen Spotlight Halogen Long Arm Spotlight Halogen Downlight Halogen Floodlight Halogen Long Arm Floodlight Metal Halide (complete set) Fluorescent Light 13 Amp Single phase (24 hours) 13 Amp Single phase 15 Amp Single phase 15 Amp Three phase 30 Amp Single phase 30 Amp Three phase 60 Amp Three phase Lighting Connection without wiring – per lighting SPECIFICATION PRICE/UNIT (IN RM) 100 watt 100 watt 50 watt 50 watt 50 watt 300 watt 300 watt 70 watt 10-36 watt 240 volt 240 volt 240 volt 415 volt 240 volt 415 volt 415 volt Max. 100watt 90.00 95.00 100.00 115.00 105.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 60.00 110.00 90.00 150.00 350.00 400.00 760.00 1,500.00 90.00 QTY. TOTAL (IN RM) TOTAL GST 6% GRAND TOTAL NOTE: 1. Catalogue is provided at page number 18. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance. Priority will be given to advance orders. 2. Late orders (received after 13th March 2015) will be imposed a 30% surcharge, subject to availability and 50% surcharge will be imposed for on-site orders. 3. Notice of cancellation must be given by 25th March 2015. Failing which, 50% of the total payment due shall be forfeited. 4. A 50% surcharge will be imposed for all on-site orders. Payable in Cash or Credit Card only. 5. All orders must be accompanied with full payment. Orders payment received after 13th March 2015 will be considered void and surcharge will be imposed. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 16 ORDER FORM 1 2 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE E L E C T R I C A L F IT T I N G S RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL FITTINGS: POWER SUPPLY AND LIGHTINGS Supply Voltage : 415 volts 3 phase 4 wire systems with neutral point solidly earthed or 240 volts single phase 2 wire systems. Both subjected to a variation of 5%. Frequency : 50Hz with a variation maintained within 1% Power Factor : Not less than 0.85 lagging Neon Lights : Usage of neon lights is subjected to the approval from MIHAS Secretariat. 24-HOUR ELECTRICAL SUPPLY 24-Hour supply of electricity is available for battery chargers, refrigerators or other equipments. The Exhibitors shall advise the official contractor of this at the time of placing order for the stand/booth electrical supply. The Official contractor will notify the exhibitors of the means by which the 24-hour supply will be provided. STAND/BOOTH ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION REGULATIONS Exhibitors are required to comply with the centre’s electrical connection regulations as follow; 1. All electrical installations at the stand/booth must be carried out by the Official Contractor. 2. Each stand/booth is allocated with a 13amp switch socket outlet to cater for most exhibitors’ requirements. However, should it be necessary to plug in a laser printer, computer, refrigerator, coffee machine and other similar equipments, additional electrical outlet will be required. 3. Each electrical point provided is intended for one item of equipment or machine on display. The use of multiple socket outlets is strictly prohibited to avoid any overloading as this may lead to a trip in the incoming power supply and cause inconvenience to the other exhibitors. 4. Continuity and impedance tests shall be performed on all electrical installations by the event organizers approved electrical contractor. 5. No electrical installations and fittings may be suspended from the ceiling of the exhibition halls or fixed to any part of the building structure without permission from the Centre and if permitted, a fee will be levied. 6. Electrical cabling should be routed away from pedestrian walkway and taped down to minimize a tripping hazard. 7. Neon lighting is not permitted without prior approval from the Centre. 8. All stand/booth electrical circuits, other than those with a 24-hour supply, shall be switched off as soon as possible after the close of each event day. The stand/booth electrical supply will be switched off by the Centre after close of each event day at an agreed time. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS All electrical installation must comply with the existing Malaysian statutory requirements of the country including: 1. Starting arrangement of motors All motors must have independent automatic protection against excessive current surges using one of the following starters: i.) Up to 3HP Direct on-line ii.) 3 - 10 HP Start-Delta iii.) Above 10HP Auto Transformer 2. Exhibitors requiring special arrangements (e.g. different voltages and frequency or special connections to equipment) must gain approval from MIHAS Secretariat and be carried out by their own contractor. MIHAS Secretariat has appointed licensed engineers prior to turning on the electricity supply must test all electrical equipments. MIHAS Secretariat / Official contractor will not take any responsibilities of any failure due to connection done by outside contractors other than the official contractor. For further information or inquiries, please liaise with our Official Contractors PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD +006.03.6275.5990 – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 17 ORDER FORM 1 2 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE E L E C T R I C A L F IT T I N G S Please contact our OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR, PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD should you have any further inquiries at +006.03.6275.5990 – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD 18 ORDER FORM 1 3 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE FREIGHT FORWARDER Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to CURIO PACK SDN BHD at 006.03.3325.3666 before 13th March 2015. WE REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES Cranage / Forklift Offload [ ] Warehousing & Specialised Packing [ ] General Custom & Transport Consultancy [ ] Urgent Request Delivery [ ] Number of Cases : Approx. Weight (Kgs.) : Approx. Dimensions : Preferred Unloading Date : Description of goods / machineries: …Continue Overleaf Page – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – CURIO PACK SDN BHD Tel: +603.3325.3777 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Ngiam Chong Terk Fax: +603.3325.3666 Email: ctngiam@curiopack.com.my 19 ORDER FORM 1 3 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE FREIGHT FORWARDER NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For safety reasons and to avoid congestion in the exhibition hall, ONLY the official freight forwarder is allowed to work inside the hall. Please note that where mechanical handling (forklifts, cranes and pallet trucks) is required within the exhibition hall. Only the Official Freight Forwarder is all owed to operate these equipments. Neither exhibitors nor their appointed agents are allowed to use their own equipments for loading and unloading beside hand carry (by one person) and hand trolley (maximum dimension of 3 feet by 4 feet). Exhibitors may appoint their own freight forwarder but they must liaise with the Official Freight Forwarder for all arrangement of inward/outward movement, site handling, etc. Loading and unloading of exhibits are only to be operated at the designated loading bay of the respective area. Exhibitors are responsible for making their own arrangements for services directly with our official contractors. Building up and moving in after 1500 hours will not be entertained on 30th March 2015. The services of official freight forwarder are the convenience of Exhibitors, and MIHAS Secretariat will accept no liability in respect to any contract entered into between Exhibitors and such contractors for the negligence or default of any such persons, their servants and agents. ON SITE HANDLING: 1. Arrival of exhibits Cargoes, which are consigned directly to the exhibition site, should NOT arrive at the consigned address (exhibition hall) earlier than 30th March 2015 Exhibitors, their agents or contractors are responsible for the early installation of their heavy or large exhibits according to the move-in schedule provided by MIHAS Secretariat. 2. Exhibit Delivery Exhibits should only be delivered to the exhibition hall when the stand is ready. Exhibitors must arrange for an authorised representative to be presented at their stand to receive the exhibits. Neither MIHAS Secretariat nor the Official Freight Forwarder will be held responsible for any subsequent security of such items if there is no representative at their respective stand. 3. Exhibit Height and Weight Exhibitors should notify MIHAS Secretariat of any items of machineries over the height limit of 2.44m or exceeding 2,000kg in weight by 16th March 2015. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: There are several methods by which the shipments can be imported or temporarily imported to Malaysia for exhibition. 1. Temporary Import All dutiable items that are to be temporarily imported into Malaysia for the purpose of Exhibition can be exempted from the payment of Custom Duties. Cash or a Banker Guarantee is required by the Malaysian Custom for the temporary importation of Exhibition goods into Malaysia 3 weeks in advance written application of temporary import permit should be allowed. These Exhibition goods must be re-exported within 3 (Three) months from the date of arrival of goods in Malaysia. Otherwise, Custom Duties / Taxes will have to be paid. Goods may be sold during the exhibition but under NO circumstances can they be removed from the exhibition stand until Duties or Taxes have been paid and Permanent Customs Import procedures have been completed. 2. Permanent Import / Normal Permanent Import All dutiable items that are to be Permanently imported into Malaysia for the purpose of Sales during the exhibition, duties and Sales taxes must paid upon point of entry. Exhibits must be free from IMPORT LICENSE. 3. Diplomatic Permanent Import Exhibitors need to obtain a Diplomatic Right To Import Certificate from the respective Embassy. With this Certificate, exhibits can be permanently imported without Import Duty Payment. …Continue Overleaf Page 20 ORDER FORM 1 3 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE FREIGHT FORWARDER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ATA Carnet The procedure is straightforward and comprises: 1.1. Completion of the Official Application form and payment of the issuing fee. This contains a declaration in which applicants accept liability for non-repatriation of any goods and unconditional liability to reimburse all costs, etc. should the test of the ATA Carnet be breached. 1.2. The lodging of adequate security to cover duty etc. This security is for an amount equal to 50% of the value of the goods covered by the Carnet, or equal to the highest rates of duty and taxes applicable to the goods in any country of destination, and transit if applicable plus a further 10% whichever is the highest. The Chamber will advise applicants of the amount of security required. The security must be given in one of the following forms: i) CASH ii) Banker's Cheque iii) Bank Guarantee All such provisions of security are required to be valid for a minimum of six months from the date of issue. Bond Goods may be sold during the exhibition but under NO circumstances can they be removed from the exhibition stand until Duties or Taxes have been paid and Permanent Customs Import procedures have been completed. Normally, this Bond or Banker Guarantee is required only for Temporary Import and is 110% of the value of Custom Duties and Sales Tax. Diplomatic Guarantee Need to obtain a Letter of Guarantee from the respective Embassy. Packing Material The packing material e.g. case, carton, crate must be strong enough to withstand damage during transportation and repeated handling, include unpacking and should be suitable for repacking for sale or return movement after the Exhibition. Packing in cardboard cartons is not considered suitable for repeated handling, especially for valuable and delicate items. Any damage claims will be declined should the packaging be inadequate for the Exhibition. Container Storage/Demurrage Please note that any charges for container storage and demurrage/detention due to the Exhibitors’ request to do unstuff at later date, in their presence or at the site, will not be for the account of Curio Pack Sdn Bhd IMPORTS OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES: Importation of Food and Beverages into Federation of Malaysian is subject to Import Certificate & permit issue by the Malaysian Health Dept. Meat Products Under this category whether processed, chilled or frozen, only the countries approved by Jabatan Pertanian (Department of Agricultural), Wisma Tani, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, Kuala Lumpur, are allowed to export into Malaysia. The list will be provided upon request. However, Health Certificates, Certificate of Origin and Health Certificate issued by the relevant Health Authorities from the exporting countries are required to be sent to us at least two (2) weeks before shipment arrives in Malaysia. Kindly note that the approval of importation permits are at the sole discretion of Jabatan Perkhidmatan Haiwan (Department of Veterinary Services) Wisma Chase Perdana, Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur or the relevant Authorities to grant importation permits. Fresh & Aqua Products For fresh and frozen fish, permission will be granted by the Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia (Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia), Wisma PKNS, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, which is at their sole discretion. Health Certificate issued by the exporting countries, which should be faxed to the MIHAS Secretariat at least fourteen (14) days before the arrival of freight in Malaysia. 21 ORDER FORM 1 3 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE FREIGHT FORWARDER SHIPPING INSTRUCTION AS BELOW: 1. MUST direct consign to CURIO PACK SDN BHD B-2-20, Leboh Batu Nilam 2, Bandar Bukit Tinggi, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan For “MIHAS 2015” 1.1. Case Marking: MIHAS 2015 C/O: CURIO PACK SDN BHD NAME OF EXHIBITOR ………........................................................................... Stand Number; Gross Weight / Net Weight; Dimensions and Case Number KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. TO: KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2. The followings Original Document are required: 2.1. 2 copies of Bill Of Landing 2.2. 3 copies of Commercial Invoice to be given a value based on CIF and expressed in U.S. Dollars. 2.3. 3 copies of Packing List 2.4. Country of Origin and location of the cattle. 2.5. A write up Ingredient or catalog. 2.6. Health Certificate and other related certificates such as Sales Permit from Origin's recognised government department. All of the above mentioned documents MUST be in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Failure to comply with this instruction will cause unnecessary delays in Customs Clearance and may lead to additional expenses incurred. Do not MIX or SHIP alcoholic drinks or canned foodstuffs with your Exhibits or Stand materials as these items are subject to stringent Inspections by the Malaysian Customs / Health Authorities. 22 ORDER FORM 1 4 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA IN TERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE H E A V Y A N D L AR G E E X H I B I T S Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to CURIO PACK SDN BHD at 006.03.3325.3666 before 13th March 2015 Heavy Exhibits Large Exhibits : Any exhibits and / or packing cases exceeding 2,000kg : Any exhibits and / or packing cases exceeding 3.0m (L) x 1.5m (W) x 1.8m (H) Such exhibits must arrive on time for port clearance and reach the exhibition site on or by first day of build-up period. (Date: 30th MARCH 2015, first day of build up) If the exhibits fall under the above category, please complete the table below: ITEM DESCRIPTION(S) DIMENSION WEIGHT (KG) DATE OF ARRIVAL NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Our official freight forwarder or site installation contractors on site must handle all such exhibits, without exception. Only the appointed freight forwarder is allowed to operate lifting equipment and forklift on-site. There is no availability of storage for empty cartons / packing on site. Floor Loading Capacity – 600lbs/sq. ft (3,000kg/m2) Special arrangements, including the provision of a base plate (steel), may be required for any exhibits exceeding this limit. MIHAS Secretariat must be informed of any such exhibits and MIHAS Secretariat delivery schedule for heavy and large exhibits must be adhered to. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – CURIO PACK SDN BHD Tel: +603.3325.3777 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Ngiam Chong Terk Fax: +603.3325.3666 Email: ctngiam@curiopack.com.my 23 ORDER FORM 1 5 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE HOTEL RESERVATION Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD at 006.03.2145.6520 before 13th March 2015 IMPIANA HOTEL 13, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Facsimile Number : 006.03.2147.1100 Website : www.impiana.com Telephone Number : 006.03.2147.1111 Rating : 4 Star Hotel Room Rates : Deluxe (Single) RM406.00nett / Deluxe (Double) RM406.00nett (Inclusive Breakfast) Person-In-Charge : Ms. Amalia Omar HYATT KUALA LUMPUR 12, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Facsimile Number : 006.03.2182.1288 Website : www.kualalumpur.grand.hyatt.com Telephone Number : 006.03.2182.1234 Rating : 5 Star Hotel Room Rates : Grand Room RM650.00++ / Grand Double RM710.00++ (Inclusive Breakfast) Person-In-Charge : Ms. Alisya Abdullah TRADERS HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR Kuala lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur Facsimile Number : 006.03.2332.2672 Website : www.tradershotels.com Telephone Number : 006.03.2332.9834 Rating : 5 Star Hotel Room Rates : Deluxe City View King RM420.00++/Deluxe Garden View (Double) RM460.00++ (Inclusive Breakfast) Person-In-Charge : Ms. Rane NOVOTEL KUALA LUMPUR No.2, Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Facsimile Number : 006.03.2147.0820 Website : www.novotel.com Telephone Number : 006.03.2147.0888 Rating : 5 Star Hotel Room Rates : Single Deluxe RM360.00++ / Double Deluxe RM400.00++ Person-In-Charge : Mr. Karamjit Singh For other Hotel Listing and any further inquiries, kindly check with our Official Travel and Tours Agent. *The price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD Tel: +603.2142.7177 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Elliss Goh Fax: +603.2145.6520 Email: ellissgoh@mptravel.com.my 24 ORDER FORM 1 5 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE HOTEL RESERVATION Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD at 006.03.2145.6520 before 13th March 2015 MANDARIN ORIENTAL KUALA LUMPUR Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur. Facsimile Number : 006.03.2179.8699 Website : www.mandarinoriental.com Telephone Number : 006.03.2179.8657 Rating : 5 Star Hotel Room Rates : Deluxe RM630.00++ Club Deluxe RM945.00++ (Inclusive Breakfast) Person-In-Charge : Ms. Sophia Fong ROYALE CHULAN KUALA LUMPUR 5, Jalan Conlay, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Facsimile Number Telephone Number : 006.03.2688.9688 Rating : Room Rates : Person-In-Charge : 5 Star S.Apartment Website : www.theroyalechulan.com.my Superior Room (Single) RM650.00++/Grand Double (Double) RM710.00++ (Inclusive Breakfast) Ms. Siti Norlida Ghazali : 006.03.2688.9788 PNB DARBY PARK EXECUTIVE SUITES 10, Jalan Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Facsimile Number : 006.03.7490.3399 Website : www.pnbdarbypark.com Telephone Number : 006.03.7490.3566 Rating : 4 Star S.Apartment Room Rates : Bedroom Suites RM350.00nett / 2 Bedroom Deluxe RM700.00++ (inclusive breakfast) Person-In-Charge : Mr. Hadi Abdul Rahim PRINCE HOTEL & RESIDENCE No.12, Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Facsimile Number : 006.03.2170.8999 Website : http://www.princehotelkl.com/ Telephone Number : 006.03.2170.3888 Rating : 4 Star S.Apartment Room Rates : Deluxe (Single) RM390.00++ / Deluxe(Double) RM430.00++ Person-In-Charge : (Per room per night with 1 breakfast & 1 user of wired internet access) Mr. Rahman Ladja For other Hotel Listing and any further inquiries, kindly check with our Official Travel and Tours Agent. *The price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD Tel: +603.2142.7177 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Elliss Goh Fax: +603.2145.6520 Email: ellissgoh@mptravel.com.my 25 ORDER FORM 1 6 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE G R O U N D H A N DL I N G Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD at 006.03.2145.6520 before 13th March 2015. MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD is MIHAS 2015 Official Ground Handling; exhibitors may enquire for ground handling services provided; • • • • Airport Transfer Hotel Arrangement Air flight Ticket Chauffeurs For Terms and Conditions and Payment Terms, GUEST DETAILS Authorised Person : NRIC. No: Passport No.: Company / Organisation : No. Tel: Address : Mobile No.: Postcode : Fax No.: City : Country: Booth No.: ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE DETAILS Arrival Date : (dd/mm/yy) Departure Date : (dd/mm/yy) Arrival Time : (am/pm) Departure Time : (am/pm) Check In Date : (dd/mm/yy) Check Out Date : (dd/mm/yy) – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MP TRAVEL & TOURS SDN BHD Tel: +603.2142.7177 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Elliss Goh Fax: +603.2145.6520 Email: ellissgoh@mptravel.com.my 26 ORDER FORM 1 7 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE GENERAL INSURANCE Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to TOKIO MARINE SDN BHD at 006.03.7781.1586 before 13th March 2015 ABOUT PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Public Liability insurance is designed to protect businesses from the threat of being sued by members of the public. The basic concept of public liability is to protect your business in the event correct injury or death to a third party, it will also cover you in the event that you damage a third party’s property. Public liability is an essential cover that all businesses need; cover is relatively cheap and will cover you in the event that you are pursued by a third party. The definition for public liability insurance is as follows: The insurance of liability for accidental bodily injury or damage to the property of third parties. Here are a couple of examples of how a claim could arise: A plumber is fitting a sink and they do not tighten a bolt properly and that causes a flood damaging the clients' property. The plumber has acted negligently by not fastening the bolt properly. A person enters a shop and he/ she tripped on a wet floor that has no signage to warn that the floor is wet. Therefore, the person is eligible to sue the shop owner. Public liability insurance applies to all businesses as it is the most basic essential cover, although it will not stop your company being sued it will provide the financial backing in the event that there is a claim awarded against you. If you do not have public liability insurance and you get pursued for compensation you will be liable to pay the full amount of the claim, if you are not able to pay the compensation you will lose your business, home and any other assets that you have. Exhibitors are strongly advised to purchase Public Liability Insurance to protect themselves against claims for bodily injury and/or property damage to third parties or persons arising from an occurrence happening in connection with the Exhibitors’ business activities. Should you have any further inquiries, kindly liaise with our Insurance Agent Tokio Marine Sdn Bhd at +006.03.7781.1876 or +006.012.338.3365 Ms. Emily Chia. – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – TOKIO MARINE SDN BHD Tel: +603.7781.1876 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Emily Chia Fax: +603.7781.1586 Email: chiaemily88@yahoo.com 27 ORDER FORM 1 8 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE M I S C E L L AN E O U S Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 26th February 2015. A contact detail will be provided to you upon request. Please contact our contracted companies for a specific quotation. Please complete the table below: SERVICE REQUIRED NO. OF PERSONNEL BOOTH ATTENDANT/ RECEPTIONIST TRANSLATOR/ INTERPRETER PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES OTHERS (Please specify) – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Mr. Johar Mizan Rizal Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: joharmizanrizal@halal.org.my 28 MIHAS PUBLICITY 0 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE B O O T H AC T I V I T I E S Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. Onsite promotion is a crucial element to a trade show’s success. It is important that you choose a unique marketing approach that fits your show’s objectives. If you are planning to organise any activities or promotions, kindly fill in the form below. TYPE OF EVENT PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION MOU PRODUCT LAUNCHING/INTRODUCTION OTHERS: ........................................................................................................................... COMPANY BACKGROUND BELOW ARE THE DETAILS OF OUR BOOTH ACTIVITIES: – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT – PR & COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Norsyahida Selamat Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: syahidaselamat@halal.org.my 29 MIHAS PUBLICITY 0 2 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE PRODUCTS SPONSORSHIP Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to MIHAS SECRETARIAT at 006.03.6203.4422 before 13th March 2015. MIHAS Secretariat has a line-up official ceremonies and visitations during the four day event. These events will create opportunities to help your organisation achieve specific marketing objectives especially on product introduction or brand awareness targeting consumers and trade buyers. You are welcome to submit product samples or goodie bags for our team to distribute during MIHAS 2015 to the following:1. All visitors at MIHAS 2015 from 1st – 4th APRIL 2015. 2. More than 400 exclusive buyers identified by MATRADE offices worldwide who will be flown in for the 2day IBM business matching sessions. 3. Over the past six years, MIHAS have recorded on average more than 20,000 visitors from over 60 countries All visitors attending WHS official ceremonies. Opening Ceremony recorded a total of 1,200 attendees which includes exhibitors, international buyers, relevant authorities and agencies. NO. TYPE OF PRODUCT BRAND QTY. FUNCTION – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – MIHAS SECRETARIAT Tel: +603.6203.4433 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nor Azrin Shamsul Ambia Fax: +603.6203.4422 Email: azrin@halal.org.my 30 PAYMENT FORM 0 1 MIHAS 2015 THE 12TH MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL HALAL SHOWCASE PAYMENT FORM – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Exhibiting Company: Booth No : Person In Charge: Tel No : Signature & Company Stamp: Fax No : Mobile No : Email : Please fax this form to PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD at 006.03.6275.6366 before 13th March 2015. FORM NO ORDER FORM PLEASE TICK ( ) ORDER FORM 09 NON-OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR ORDER FORM 10 PERFORMANCE BOND ORDER FORM 11 FURNITURE AND REFRIGERATOR RENTAL ORDER FORM 12 ELECTRICAL FITTINGS RENTAL TOTAL COST (IN RM) GRAND TOTAL PAYMENT MODE Payment via Bank Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Name of Account : PICO International (M) Sdn Bhd If payment were to be made in USD, kindly use the below account number. Account Number : 800003733440 If payment were to be made in RM, kindly use the below account number; Account Number : 8003039011 Name of Bank Address of Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad : Bandar Sri Damansara, B-G-8,Block B Plaza Ativo, Jalan PJU 9/1 Damansara Avenue Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur. Swift Code : CIBBMYKL Please fax over bank in slip Please include all bank charges and exchange rate conversions. Payment via Cheque All cheques to be made in favour of PICO International (M) Sdn Bhd and crossed “Account Payee Only” Please enclosed your cheque details Cheque Number: (6 digits) Issuance Bank: Cheque Dated: Amount: (dd/mm/yy) RM – Please Keep A Copy For Your Records – PICO INTERNATIONAL (M) SDN BHD Tel: +603.6275.5990 Person-In-Charge: Ms. Nicole Lee Fax: +603.6275.6366 Email: nicolelee@pico.com.my 31 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE AUDIO VISUAL FORM JAN – MAR 2015 Please send the completed form with the payment information to: Exhibition Services Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2333 2603 Fax: +603 2333 2729 Email: exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com Event Name : Venue/Hall : Event Date : Booth Name : Booth No : Mobile : Designation : Onsite Contact Person : Billing Address Company : Attention : Address : City : Postal Code : State : Country : Tel : Fax : Email : Mobile : Daily Video Projection Incentive Rate* Standard Rate* 834.00 Onsite Rate* Projector 3,000 Ansi Lumens 695.00 Projector (LCD) – 6,500 Lumens 1,555.00 1,866.00 2,022.00 Unit x Days (Date Required) Total (RM) 904.00 Video Plasma / TV LCD TV 42” 645.00 Free Standing with Tall Stand LCD TV 50” 695.00 Free Standing with Tall Stand 774.00 839.00 Free Standing Table Stand 834.00 904.00 Free Standing Table Stand Portable Screen 6’ x 6’ Tripod Screen 375.00 450.00 488.00 7’ x 7’ Tripod Screen 375.00 450.00 488.00 8’ x 8’ Tripod Screen 430.00 516.00 559.00 DVD – PAL/NTSC 120.00 147.00 158.00 Video Recording – DVD (Inc Cameraman) 2,675.00 3,210.00 3,478.00 Video Player Subtotal Prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge * All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia TOTAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE RENDERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Notes • • • The equipment will be delivered to the exhibitor’s booth on the last day of the build-up. All equipment must be returned to the Centre in the same condition they were delivered. Lost or damaged equipment are subject to replacement or a repair cost is chargeable. EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402a - Audio Visual) Page 1 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE AUDIO VISUAL FORM JAN – MAR 2015 No refund will be made for order(s) cancelled for equipment installed and not used during the event. Please arrange with the booth contractor all the required power connections prior to build-up. The provision of the equipment and services are subject to availability. If require LCD TV with HDMI and USB connector, order must be submitted 14 days before build-up date. The completed order form must be submitted with a booth design / layout specifying the exact location(s) for the AV equipment and must be received by the Centre 14 days before the build-up date. • • • • • Terms and Conditions INCENTIVE RATES required that ORDER FORMS AND FULL PAYMENT or CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION form received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event move-in date. STANDARD RATES and ONSITE RATES will apply after the deadlines. ONSITE RATES applicable for each on-site order. Notice of cancellation must be given at least seven (7) days before the event date, failing which your payment are non refundable and will be forfeited. Refunds or overpayment will be processed by the Centre’s Finance Department 30 days after the show closing date. An invoice will be provided within fourteen (14) days after the show closing date. All prices are subject to 6% government tax and 10% service charge. The above price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. • • • • • • Payment • Payment option:- • • • All cheques or bank draft are to be made out to “CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD”. Only crossed cheques issued by Malaysian bank are accepted If payment made by telegraphic transfer, kindly forward via fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transaction slip. Banking details as follows:BANKING DETAILS Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad Account Number : 80-0104209-3 Account Name : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bank Address : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Swift Code : CIBBMYKL 50088 Kuala Lumpur • If payment is made by credit card, please fax or email a clear photocopy of the front and back of the credit card to +603 2333 2729. Failure to fulfil the above will result in unprocessed applications by both the Centre and the Card Company and your order(s) is deemed to be not valid. Personal Data: We use your personal data to provide better customer service. By providing personal data you have given us consent to process the same as per our Privacy Notice. For further information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice found on our webpage at http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/Our_Policy-@-Personal_Data_Protection_Act_2010.aspx Cash • Cheque/ Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer Credit Card CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORISATION I ____________________________________ NRIC/Passport No _______________________ , hereby authorise CONVEX MALAYSIA to process authorised charges to the following credit card:Credit Card details as follows:American Express MasterCard Visa Credit Card No : ID No : Expiry Date : Amount (RM) : Authorised Signature : / / For further information, please contact Exhibition Services on +603 2333 2603 I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions by duly signing this order form Name: For official use only (KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE) Date Received: Signature: Date: Company Stamp: EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402a - Audio Visual) Page 2 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORM JAN – MAR 2015 Please send the completed form with the payment information to: Exhibition Services Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2333 2603 Fax: +603 2333 2729 Email: exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com Event Name : Venue/Hall : Event Date : Booth Name : Booth No : Mobile : Designation : Onsite Contact Person : Billing Address Company : Attention : Address : City : Postal Code : State : Country : Tel : Fax : Email : Mobile : Telephone Service ( Per Connection for 4 Days) Incentive Rate* Unit Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Local Line (Installation Fee + Maximum 4 Days Usage) 518.00 622.00 673.00 Fax Line without Fax Machine (Installation Fee + Maximum 4 Days Usage) 518.00 622.00 673.00 Credit Card Line without Terminal Equipment (Installation Fee + Maximum 4 Days Usage) 518.00 622.00 673.00 IDD Direct Line (Installation Fee Only) 388.00 466.00 504.00 * Additional Usage (Phone/Fax/Credit Card) Above 4 Days 52.00 per day Line Relocation Charge N/A Total (RM) Day : N/A 377.00 Subtotal Prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge TOTAL * Deposit for Telephone Handset is RM1,500.00nett * Deposit for IDD Usage is RM2,500.00nett * All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia TOTAL Unused deposit balances are refundable SERVICES WILL NOT BE RENDERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Notes • • • • • • The completed order form must be submitted with a booth design / layout specifying the exact communication line location(s) and must be received by the Centre 14 days before the build-up date. All communication lines will be placed inside the booth if the exact location(s) are not given. Relocation charges will apply if the line(s) require shifting after installation has been completed. Due to the nature of the service and risk factors beyond the Centre’s control, the Centre cannot guarantee that the services will be free from any fault, error or interruption. The centre shall not be liable nor held responsible for any delay or failure in communication whatever and as a result of circumstances beyond the Centre’s control. Credit card machines and activation credit card lines will require prior notification to the Bank concerned, to be initiated solely by the exhibitor. The Centre will provide the direct telephone line for credit card terminals without going through the PABX or keyphone systems. EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402d - Telecommunications) Page 1 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE TELECOMMUNICATIONS FORM JAN – MAR 2015 • A deposit (as above) must be placed for IDD Direct Line usage and telephone handset. A deposit must be place for Local Line telephone handset. The deposit will be used to offset the loss of equipment or expenses incurred for overseas calls. A refund will be made upon receipt of full telephone bill payment. • The deposit shall be refunded via an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to your account within 14 working days of the centre's receipt of the duly completed and signed EFT form. No refunds will be made for services installed and not used during the Event. The rates charges are based on 4 days. The provision for all equipment and services are subject to availability. • • • Terms and Conditions • INCENTIVE RATES required that ORDER FORMS AND FULL PAYMENT or CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION form received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event move-in date. STANDARD RATES and ONSITE RATES will apply after the deadlines. ONSITE RATES applicable for each on-site order. Notice of cancellation must be given at least seven (7) days before the event date, failing which your payment are non refundable and will be forfeited. Refunds or overpayment will be processed by the Centre’s Finance Department 30 days after the show closing date. An invoice will be provided within fourteen (14) days after the show closing date. All prices are subject to 6% government tax and 10% service charge. The above price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. • • • • • Payment • Payment option:Cash • • • • • Telegraphic Transfer Cheque/ Bank Draft Credit Card All cheques or bank draft are to be made out to “CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD”. Only crossed cheques issued by Malaysian bank are accepted If payment made by telegraphic transfer, kindly forward via fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transaction slip. Banking details as follows:BANKING DETAILS Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad Account Number : 80-0104209-3 Account Name : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bank Address : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Swift Code : CIBBMYKL 50088 Kuala Lumpur If payment is made by credit card, please fax or email a clear photocopy of the front and back of the credit card to +603 2333 2729. Failure to fulfil the above will result in unprocessed applications by both the Centre and the Card Company and your order(s) is deemed to be not valid. Personal Data: We use your personal data to provide better customer service. By providing personal data you have given us consent to process the same as per our Privacy Notice. For further information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice found on our webpage at http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/Our_Policy-@Personal_Data_Protection_Act_2010.aspx CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORISATION I ____________________________________ NRIC/Passport No _______________________ , hereby authorise CONVEX MALAYSIA to process authorised charges to the following credit card:Credit Card details as follows:American Express MasterCard Visa Credit Card No : ID No : Expiry Date : Amount (RM) : Authorised Signature : / / For further information, please contact Exhibition Services on +603 2333 2603 I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions by duly signing this order form Name: For official use only (KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE) Date Received: Signature: Date: Company Stamp: EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402d - Telecommunications) Page 2 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE INTERNET SERVICES FORM JAN - MAR 2015 Please send the completed form with payment information to: Exhibition Services Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2333 2603 Fax: +603 2333 2729 Email: exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com Event Name : Venue/Hall : Event Date : Booth Name : Booth No : Onsite Contact Person : Mobile : Designation : Billing Address Company : Attention : Address : City : Postal Code : State : Country : Tel : Fax : Email : Mobile : Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Speed 2MB Single Access (Shared Throughout the Centre) WIFI (For Maximum 4 Days Usage) Incentive Rate* Unit Total (RM) Wireless-Single Access For general website surfing and email 116.00 checking. Not suitable for connection to server or online presentation. 139.00 151.00 Note: Wireless Internet (Single Access) will be disconnected if idle for 15 minutes. Speed 2MB Dedicated Access 4MB Dedicated Access 6MB Dedicated Access WIFI (Daily Rate) Incentive Rate* Standard Rate* Recommended for light users who need 1,685.00 access for emails, light surfing and social networking. 2,022.00 2,191.00 2,362.00 2,835.00 3,071.00 3,041.00 3,649.00 3953.00 (Maximum up to 4 users) Onsite Rate* Unit x Days Required Date Metro-E Internet Broadband Metro-E Internet Broadband Recommended for social networking, uploads and downloads video and light video viewing. Metro-E Internet Broadband Recommended for social networking, uploads and downloads video and light video viewing. Note: Wireless Internet (Single Access) will be disconnected if idle for 15 minutes. EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402l - Internet Services) Page 1 of 3 Form valid till Mar 2015 Total (RM) KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE Wired Internet Speed 2MB Dedicated Access 4MB Dedicated Access 6MB Dedicated Access (1 network port activation is provided) (Daily Rate) Incentive Rate* Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Unit x Days Required Date Total (RM) Unit Date Required Total (RM) Metro-E Internet Broadband Recommended for light users who need access for emails, light surfing and social networking. 679.00 815.00 883.00 1,628.00 1,764.00 2,443.00 2,647.00 Metro-E Internet Broadband Recommended for social networking, 1,357.00 uploads and downloads video and light video viewing. Metro-E Internet Broadband Recommended for social networking, 2,036.00 uploads and downloads video and light video viewing. Miscellaneous (Per Connection for One Time Charge) External Line Patching Line Relocation Charge Network Port Activation (Per Port) Incentive Rate* 656.00 N/A 166.00 Standard Rate* 798.00 N/A 199.00 Onsite Rate* 865.00 220.00 216.00 Subtotal Prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge * All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia TOTAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE RENDERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Fair Use Policy • • Heavy usage on the internet and excessive amount of data transfer will cause traffic congestion on the Centre’s network. Since broadband is on a best sharing basis and to ensure the user experience is not compromised, the Centre applies the Fair Use Policy in order to continue providing optimum internet experience to all guests. A dedicated internet leased line is recommended for any event where guests require a dedicated connection with 1:1 service and exclusive access to the bandwidth. Please order the dedicated internet leased line 14 working days prior to the event date. Notes • • • Metro E Description: This is a dedicated WiFi Metro-E internet type connection with pre-configured DHCP LAN (Local Area Network) and port address translation (PAT). There is NO firewall blocking in between the connection. The completed order form must be submitted with a booth design and super-imposed floor plan to clearly indicate the exact communication line location(s) and must be received by the Centre 14 days before the build-up date. All communication lines will be placed inside the booth if the exact location(s) are not given. Relocation charges will apply if the line(s) require shifting. Due to the nature of the service and risk factors beyond the Centre’s control, the Centre cannot guarantee that the services will be free from any fault, error or interruption. The Centre shall not be liable nor held responsible for any delay or failure in communication whatever and as a result of circumstances beyond the Centre’s control. All devices that are used on the network for internet access requires an IP Address that is assigned by the Centre’s IT Department. Wireless Internet (Single Access) will be disconnected if idle for 15 minutes. No refunds will be made for services installed and not used during the Event. • Late order(s) is subject to availability. • • • • • Terms and Conditions • • • • • • INCENTIVE RATES require that ORDER FORMS AND FULL PAYMENT or CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION form is received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event move-in date. STANDARD RATES and ONSITE RATES will apply after the deadlines. ONSITE RATES applicable for each on-site order. Notice of cancellation must be given at least seven (7) days before the event date, failing which your payment are non-refundable and will be forfeited. Refunds or overpayment will be processed by the Centre’s Finance Department 30 days after the show’s closing date. An invoice will be provided within fourteen (14) days after the show’s closing date. All prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge. The above price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402l - Internet Services) Page 2 of 3 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE Payment • Payment option:Cash Cheque/ Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer Credit Card • • • All cheques or bank draft are to be made out to “CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD”. Only crossed cheques issued by Malaysian banks are accepted If payment is made by telegraphic transfer, kindly forward via fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transaction slip. Banking details as follows:BANKING DETAILS : CIMB Bank Berhad Bank Account Number : 80-0104209-3 : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Account Name Bank Address Swift Code : CIBBMYKL 50088 Kuala Lumpur • If payment is made by credit card, please fax or email a clear photocopy of the front and back of the credit card to +603 2333 2729. Failure to fulfil the above will result in unprocessed applications by both the Centre and the Card Company and your order(s) is deemed to be not valid. Personal Data: We use your personal data to provide better customer service. By providing personal data you have given us consent to process the same as per our Privacy Notice. For further information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice found on our webpage at http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/Our_Policy-@-Personal_Data_Protection_Act_2010.aspx • CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORISATION I ____________________________________ NRIC/Passport No _______________________ , hereby authorise CONVEX MALAYSIA to process authorised charges to the following credit card:Credit Card details as follows:American Express MasterCard Visa Credit Card No : ID No : Expiry Date : Amount (RM) : Authorised Signature : / / For further information, please contact Exhibition Services on +603 2333 2603 I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions by duly signing this order form For official use only (KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE) Date Received: Name: Signature: Date: Company Stamp: EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402l - Internet Services) Page 3 of 3 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE WATER & COMPRESSED AIR FORM JAN – MAR 2015 Please send the completed form with the payment information to: Exhibition Services Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2333 2603 Fax: +603 2333 2729 Email: exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com Event Name : Venue/Hall : Event Date : Booth Name : Booth No : Onsite Contact Person : Mobile : Designation : Billing Address Company : Attention : Address : City : Postal Code : State : Country : Tel : Fax : Email : Mobile : Water & Drainage (Per Connection for One Time Charge) Incentive Rate* Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Continuous water supply and drainage with piping 2,119.00 2,543.00 2,755.00 Single water fill and drainage with piping 1,059.00 1,271.00 1,377.00 Grease Trap 589.00 707.00 766.00 Compressed Air (Per Connection for One Time Charge) Incentive Rate* Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* 1 HP 230V (13A) 80lit/min with 3/8” Hose Size 1,059.00 1,271.00 1,377.00 2 HP 230V (15A) 165lit/min with 3/8” Hose Size 1,177.00 1,412.00 1,530.00 3 HP 415V (30A) 265lit/min with 3/8” Hose Size 1,295.00 1,554.00 1,684.00 5 HP 415V (30A) 440lit/ min with ½” Hose Size 1,412.00 1,694.00 1,836.00 7 ½ HP 415V (30A) 630lit/min with ½” Hose Size 1,530.00 1,836.00 1,989.00 10 HP 415V (30A) 840lit/min with ½” Hose Size 1,648.00 1,978.00 2,142.00 15 HP 415V (60A) 1200lit/min with 2 x ½” Hose Size 2,589.00 3,107.00 3,366.00 Unit Total (RM) Unit Total (RM) Subtotal Prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge * All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia TOTAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE RENDERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED Please specify type of equipment to be connected for water/drainage/compress air here:- Notes WATER DRAINAGE • Piping for water supply is inclusive of cold water from floor trench to the exhibitor’s booth. The piping to the booth will be connected by the Centre. • Exhibitors are required to supply hose fittings suitable for the attachment. The dimension required is 25mm for the inlet connection and 40 mm for the drainage connection. • The piping for water supply from exhibitor’s booth to the equipment and/or machine can be connected by the exhibitor’s contractor or alternatively, arranged by the Centre at an additional cost. • For all hot food cooking which generates oily debris and/or effluence, a grease trap fixed to the drainage connection at the sink is mandatory. EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402f - Water & Compressed Air) Page 1 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE WATER & COMPRESSED AIR FORM JAN – MAR 2015 • • No refund will be made for services installed and not utilised during the Event. The completed order form must be submitted with the respective booth design plan and super-imposed trench floor plan (provided by Official Contractor) to clearly indicate the location for piping connection. COMPRESSED AIR • The type of compressed ait provided is dry air (with minimal industrial oil). • Oil-free compressed ait is available upon request. • No air compressor is allowed to be placed in the booth (or exhibition hall) due to noise disturbance; the air compressor must be placed outside at the loading bay. • The connecting hose from the air compressor to the booth must be piped through the floor trench. • No refunds will be made for services installed and not utilised during the Event. • The completed order form must be submitted with the respective booth layout plan. Terms and Conditions • • • • • • • INCENTIVE RATES required that ORDER FORMS AND FULL PAYMENT or CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION form received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event move-in date. STANDARD RATES and ONSITE RATES will apply after the deadlines. ONSITE RATES applicable for each on-site order. Notice of cancellation must be given at least seven (7) days before the event date, failing which your payment are nonrefundable and will be forfeited. Refunds or overpayment will be processed by the Centre’s Finance Department 30 days after the show closing date. An invoice will be provided within fourteen (14) days after the show closing date. All prices are subject to 6% government tax and 10% service charge. The provision for all equipment and services are subject to availability. The above price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. Payment • Payment option:Cash • • • • • Cheque/ Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer Credit Card All cheques or bank draft are to be made out to “CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD”. Only crossed cheques issued by Malaysian bank are accepted If payment made by telegraphic transfer, kindly forward via fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transaction slip. Banking details as follows:BANKING DETAILS Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad Account Number : 80-0104209-3 Account Name : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bank Address : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Swift Code : CIBBMYKL 50088 Kuala Lumpur If payment is made by credit card, please fax or email a clear photocopy of the front and back of the credit card to +603 2333 2729. Failure to fulfill the above will result in unprocessed applications by both the Centre and the Card Company and your order(s) is deemed to be not valid. Personal Data: We use your personal data to provide better customer service. By providing personal data you have given us consent to process the same as per our Privacy Notice. For further information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice found on our webpage at http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/Our_Policy-@-Personal_Data_Protection_Act_2010.aspx CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORISATION I ____________________________________ NRIC/Passport No _______________________ , hereby authorise CONVEX MALAYSIA to process authorised charges to the following credit card:Credit Card details as follows:American Express MasterCard Visa Credit Card No : ID No : Expiry Date : Amount (RM) : Authorised Signature : / / For further information, please contact Exhibition Services on +603 2333 2603 I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions by duly signing this order form Name: For official use only (KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE) Date Received: Signature: Date: Company Stamp: EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402f - Water & Compressed Air) Page 2 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE POTTED PLANTS & FLOWERS FORM JAN – MAR 2015 Please send the completed form with the payment information to: Exhibition Services Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2333 2603 Fax: +603 2333 2729 Email: exhservices@klccconventioncentre.com Event Name : Venue/Hall : Event Date : Booth Name : Booth No : Mobile : Designation : Onsite Contact Person : Billing Address Company : Attention : Address : City : Postal Code : State : Country : Tel : Fax : Email : Mobile : Incentive Rate* Potted Plants (4 Days) Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Large (5ft – 6ft) 33.00 40.00 43.00 Medium (3ft – 4ft) 28.00 34.00 36.00 Small (1ft – 2ft) 22.00 26.00 29.00 Incentive Rate* Floral Arrangements Standard Rate* Onsite Rate* Posie (Round) – Small 40.00 48.00 52.00 Posie (Round) – Medium 72.00 86.00 94.00 Long Arrangement (Low & Long) – Medium 66.00 79.00 86.00 Long Arrangement (Low & Long) – Large 90.00 108.00 117.00 Triangle Arrangement – Medium 66.00 79.00 86.00 Triangle Arrangement – Large 90.00 108.00 117.00 Pedestal Stand – One Tier 154.00 185.00 200.00 Pedestal Stand – Two Tiers 231.00 277.00 300.00 Orchid Plants 45.00 54.00 59.00 Unit Total (RM) Unit Total (RM) Subtotal Prices are subject to a 6% government tax and a 10% service charge * All prices are in Ringgit Malaysia TOTAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE RENDERED UNTIL FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402g - Potted Plants & Flowers) Page 1 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015 KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE POTTED PLANTS & FLOWERS FORM JAN – MAR 2015 Notes Potted plants and flowers are delivered to the booth on the last day of the build–up day. Potted plants are ordered on a 4 days basis. Late order is subject to availability. • • • Terms and Conditions INCENTIVE RATES required that ORDER FORMS AND FULL PAYMENT or CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATION form received a minimum of fourteen (14) days prior to the event move-in date. STANDARD RATES and ONSITE RATES will apply after the deadlines. ONSITE RATES applicable for each on-site order. Notice of cancellation must be given at least seven (7) days before the event date, failing which your payment are non refundable and will be forfeited. Refunds or overpayment will be processed by the Centre’s Finance Department 30 days after the show closing date. An invoice will be provided within fourteen (14) days after the show closing date. All prices are subject to 6% government tax and 10% service charge. The above price quoted is subject to change without prior notice. • • • • • • Payment Payment option:- • Cash Cheque/ Bank Draft Telegraphic Transfer Credit Card All cheques or bank draft are to be made out to “CONVEX MALAYSIA SDN BHD”. Only crossed cheques issued by Malaysian bank are accepted If payment made by telegraphic transfer, kindly forward via fax or email a copy of the telegraphic transaction slip. Banking details as follows:BANKING DETAILS Bank : CIMB Bank Berhad Account Number : 80-0104209-3 Account Name : Convex Malaysia Sdn Bhd Bank Address : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Swift Code : CIBBMYKL 50088 Kuala Lumpur If payment is made by credit card, please fax or email a clear photocopy of the front and back of the credit card to +603 2333 2729. Failure to fulfil the above will result in unprocessed applications by both the Centre and the Card Company and your order(s) is deemed to be not valid. Personal Data: We use your personal data to provide better customer service. By providing personal data you have given us consent to process the same as per our Privacy Notice. For further information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review our Privacy Notice found on our webpage at http://www.klccconventioncentre.com/Our_Policy-@-Personal_Data_Protection_Act_2010.aspx • • • • • CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AUTHORISATION I ___________________________________ NRIC/Passport No _______________________ , hereby authorise CONVEX MALAYSIA to process authorised charges to the following credit card:Credit Card details as follows:American Express MasterCard Visa Credit Card No : ID No : Expiry Date : Amount (RM) : Authorised Signature : / / For further information, please contact Exhibition Services on +603 2333 2603 I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions by duly signing this order form Name: For official use only (KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTRE) Date Received: Signature: Date: Company Stamp: EXHOD001 - Appendix C (402g - Potted Plants & Flowers) Page 2 of 2 Form valid till Mar 2015