965 Bulletin 01.24.2016.pub


965 Bulletin 01.24.2016.pub
130 Legris Avenue
West Warwick, Rhode Island
Diocese of Providence
Rev. Timothy J. Lemlin, Pastor
Mr. Bill Schofield, Deacon
Parish Offices:
Office Business Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Friday
Web Site:
Youth Ministry Office (Faith Forma'on):
Gina Vessella, Coordinator
Susan Vargas, Youth Minister
Grandma’s A%c ~ Parish Thri( Store
126 Legris Avenue, West Warwick; Hours of Opera'on:
Mon. 12:00-7:00, Wed. 12:00-6:00, Sat. 9:00-1:00
Intercessory Prayer Line:
Rev. George Allard, Pastor Emeritus
or 401.821.4307
Saturday: 2:45—3:30 PM
Or by calling Fr. Tim for an appointment.
Weekend Masses: Saturday:
4:00 PM
8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Daily Mass:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM
Bap'sms are celebrated the first weekend of each
month during any Mass at which the family usually
worships. Bap'sms must be scheduled several weeks
in advance. Contact Fr. Tim to make prepara'ons.
Diocesan requirements state that arrangements should
begin at least one year before desired date of marriage.
Contact Fr. Tim to make prepara'ons.
Prepara'on for RCIA, Rite of Chris'an
Ini'a'on for Adults, begins in October. Candidates are
prepared for sacraments at Easter. Contact the office
for more informa'on.
Adult Confirmation & Baptism:
Chaplains are available at the local hospital
during the day and in the evenings for emergencies.
Because of privacy issues you may have to ask to see
the priest. However, if you know you are going into
the hospital, or know of someone who could use a visit
today, please do not hesitate to call your parish priest.
Anointing of the Sick:
Drop in the Sunday collection basket or mail to the parish office and we’ll send you a registration package.
Dear Fr. Tim,
We are interested in becoming parishioners of Christ the King. Please send information and registration form to:
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City/Town: _____________________________ State ____________ Zip _____________________
, RI
There are Mass Inten'ons available for weekdays and
weekends. Call the office to save your inten'ons for the
Living or the Deceased.
Saturday, January 23: Vigil, Third Sunday, Ordinary Time
4:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 24: Third Sunday, Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. Therese Dube (†), Birthday Remembrance,
req. by the Dube family.
10:00 a.m. Alfred Carrier (†), Birthday Remembrance,
req. by the Carrier family
Monday, January 25: Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle
9:00 a.m. No Mass.
Tuesday, January 26: Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops
9:00 a.m. No Mass.
Wednesday, January 27: Weekday, Ordinary Time
9:00 a.m. No Mass.
Thursday, January 28: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and
Doctor of the Church
9:00 a.m. No Mass.
Saturday, January 30: Vigil, Fourth Sunday, Ordinary Time
4:00 p.m. James AyoMe (†), Seventh Anniversary, req.
by his wife and family.
Sunday, January 31: Fourth Sunday, Ordinary Time
8:00 a.m. Michael Compagnone (†), First Anniversary,
req. by the Paul RajoMe.
10:00 a.m. Eileen Larivee (†), FiKh Anniversary and
Gilbert Larivee, First Anniversary,
req. by family
This week’s Sanctuary Light burns for
Joseph D. Richard
The sanctuary light is available for
memorializing your loved ones in prayer.
Call the office to reserve your week.
Thank You!!!
January 16 & 17: $3,417.00
Second Collec7on, January 16 & 17,
Catholic University: $606.00
Second Collec7on, January 30 & 31:
Church in La'n America
Bible Study: We will not be mee'ng on
January 25th & February 1st. Mee'ngs will
resume February 8th. All are Welcome!!
Sunday, January 24
Faith Forma'on (All Grades)
Wednesday, January 27
Cub Scout 13 & Troop 31 Scout Mee'ngs
Parish Center
Parish Center
Christ the King Choir Rehearsals for the
Lent/Easter season will be held Sunday
mornings from 8:45-9:45am and some
Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm (subject to
change and availability) in the choir loK.
Schedule: January 24, 31;
February 7, 17, 21, 28; March 2, 9, 16
For more informa'on please see Regina aKer the Sunday
morning mass. All are welcome!
Coffee, Juice, and Donuts: Join us aKer Mass
Sunday morning for a hot cup of coffee, a
donut, and a liMle parish fellowship.
Boy Scouts of Troop 31 would like to Thank all
parishioners for their patronage with our annual
Christmas Tree Sales/Fundraiser. It was very
successful, and as always, it was much
appreciated!!! Your support will help the individual scouts
offset the cost of summer camp and other needs.
Statements of annual giving for tax
repor'ng purposes are available by calling
the church office at 401.821.9228 or
email request to ctkwwri@cox.net.
Just like you, your parish has bills to pay and
ministries to support, rain or shine. When it
snows on weekends, it greatly impacts our
budget. Thank you for making up missed
Sunday contribu'ons to your parish when the
winter weather keeps you home!
Readings for the Week of January 24, 2016
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2;
Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-18 or 9:1-22; Ps 24:7-10;
Mk 3:31-35
Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14;
Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7,
10-11; Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17;
Mk 4:35-41
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Cor
12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]; Lk 4:21-30
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Faith Forma7on News
January 24: Classes, All Grades
January 31: Classes, Grades 1-5
January 31: Family Event, Grades 6-10,
6:30PM in the Church hall
Some random thoughts by the pastor…
⇒ Please remember to complete a ‘Mass
Attendance Slip’ and hand it to Father at the
end of Mass each weekend. Additional Mass
slips are available in the back of the church. If
you attend Mass at another parish, just bring a
bulletin from that parish to class with you.
⇒ SNOW DAYS: We are part of the RI Broadcasters
Association for cancellation of Religious
Education/Faith Formation Classes. Listen to
most local radio stations (92 ProFM, Lite Rock
105, 93.3, etc…) or the three local TV stations
to see if classes are cancelled. You may also
visit our website for updates.
If you have any ques'ons, would like more
informa'on contact Gina Vessella at
gvessella.ctkww@gmail.com, call the parish
office at 401-821-9228, or visit our parish
website (ctkwwri.org)!
New Chorus in Town …
The Chorus of Kent County, is ready to welcome new
members for the 2016 Spring Season! Join us Thursday
evenings from 7:00-9:00PM beginning January 21st., West
Warwick High School (Music Room). For informa'on or to
join please contact us at chorusoXentcounty@gmailcom.
New member deadline is February 11th.
The Office of Life and Family is offering the To
Love and To Cherish program for married
Catholics. This free program provides topics/
discussions designed to enrich and strengthen
marriage in a sharing group environment. It will be
offered Mondays, February 22nd through March 21st,
7:00-8:30PM at St. Joseph Church (Rectory), 854
Providence St., West Warwick. For informa'on, contact
Peter MagnoMa at 401.421.7833, ext. 217.
The Store is stocked with plenty of new
merchandise. Stop in for great bargains on
clothing, toys, jewelry, books, sports items, electronics,
small kitchen appliances, etc…
Shop Hours: Monday, 12:00-7:00pm;
Wednesday, 12:00-6:00pm; Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm
Church of Christ the King has a new Website!
Visit: ctkwwri.org and check it out!
Our first reading (from Nehemiah) and our gospel
story (from Luke) agree on one point: TODAY God’s
promise is fulfilled in our hearing! The human
tendency (and what many of us have been taught) is
that God’s promise will be fulfilled at a later date…
some'me in the future, but not now! We connect
with the Parousia (when all stops exis'ng). Yet, God
creates us as one who is in union with God NOW.
What is the difficulty that prevents us from knowing
this reality? EGO: the person that we create and with
which we relate with the world around us. The EGO
relates in a business transac'onal way: rewards and
punishment; discipline and chaos; good and bad;
success and failure; 't for tat. God relates with love:
‘Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your
hearing.’ God is good.
Parish updates: We are on our way to having the
chairliKs installed in the stairwell nearest the parking
lot. Hopefully the liKs will provide the help that those
who have trouble climbing the stairs need. A couple
of dates to remember: Saturday, April 9th, we will
celebrate the Sacrament of Confirma'on with Our
Lady of Good Counsel Parish at their 4:00pm Mass;
Sunday, May 1st, we will celebrate The Sacrament of
(First) Communion at the 10:00 Mass; Sunday, May
15th, we will enjoy our annual May Breakfast. The
Lenten Season begins February 10th, with Ash
Wednesday. Finally, we will begin our annual Catholic
Charity Fund Appeal the first two weekends of Lent.
(We might receive mail regarding the Appeal before
these two weekends.)
fr. tim
St Joseph Catholic School, West Warwick, will be holding
an Open House on Sunday, January 31st, 12:00-2:00PM
and Thursday, February 4th, 5:00-7:00PM. For more
informa'on or to schedule a visit call 401.821.3450.
Theology on Tap (A Young Adult Ministry)
Grandma’s Attic
Parish Thrift Store
You never know what treasures you will find in
Grandma’s A)c !!!
24, 2016
If you are between the ages of 18 and 39, you are invited
to aMend this event. Wednesday, February 3, 2016,
6:00PM at Agaves Mexican Grill, 444 Quaker Lane,
Warwick. Fellowship at 6:00PM, Presenta'on with Q & A
at 7:00PM. Presenter: Rev. Joseph Upton. For more
informa'on, contact The Office of Faith Forma'on at 401278-4646 or email www.discovercatholicfaith.org.
Sports Collectors Show will be held on Saturday, February
6th at the West Valley Inn from 8:30AM-4:00PM;
Admission: $3 per person. Each year over 1800 dealers,
collectors and sports fans aMend the show. For more
informa'on, please call Thomas McDonough at
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