March 3, 2013 - St. Barbara Parish


March 3, 2013 - St. Barbara Parish
Community of St. Barbara of Brookfield
Third Sunday of Lent
March 3, 2013
Parish Directory
Rectory: 4008 Prairie Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
Fax: 708-387-0103
E-mail: bulle
Parish Center: 4015 Prairie Ave.
Rev. Robert Casey, Pastor
Rev. Bolivar Molina, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael Ahlstrom, Resident
Rev. Larry Janowski, O.F.M., Weekend Celebrant
Deacon John Debnar
Deacon Dave Brencic
Sister Margaret Halligan, C.S.J., Pastoral Associate 485-1036
Pastoral Care Office: 4000 Forest Ave.
St. Barbara Food Pantry: 9300 W. 47th St.
Michelle Czmil, Religious Educa on
Religious Educa on Office: 8900 Windemere Ave.
Music Office: 4015 Prairie Ave.
Angela Lawler, Business Manager
Sister Mary Lou Pleitner, C.S.J.
Administra ve Assistant; Bulle n Editor
Weekday Masses: 8:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday
Rosary a er 8:00 a.m. Mass -Mon. through Sat.
Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:15 and 11:00 a.m.,
Spanish Mass: 12:30 p.m.
Reconcilia on: Saturday 8:45 to 9:30 a.m.
Bap sms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 2:30 p.m.
Spanish Bap sms: 2nd and 4th Sundays at 12:30 p.m.
Arrange beforehand, call the Rectory at 485-2900
Marriage Prepara on:
Call the Rectory for informa on
Eucharis c Adora on:
2:00– 9:00 p.m. every Monday
New Parishioners: Register at the Rectory
Rectory Office Hours:
Monday — Friday 9:00 a.m. — 8:00 p.m.
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Lent at St. Barbara….
A Time for Transforma on
Opportuni es for Prayer
Fridays of Lent: Sta ons of the Cross at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday of Lent (March 16th):
Soup and a movie at 6:00 p.m.
Pot Luck (March 9th) at 6:00 p.m.
Parish Mission (March 11th, 12th, 13th)
at 7:30 p.m.
Parish Reconcilia on Service: Wednesday,
March 20th at 7:00 p.m.
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
Page Two
Meet Fr. Robert Gielow, C.M.
Speaker at Parish Mission
March 11th, 12th, 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Fr. Robert Gielow was born in
LaSalle, IL in 1943. He attended St.
Vincent DePaul High School seminary
in Lemont, IL and graduated in 1961.
Fr. Bob entered the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers
novitiate in 1961. After two years as a novice, he
completed his college education at St. Mary’s Seminary
in Perryville, MO where he was awarded a BA degree in
Philosophy. Father Gielow completed his theology
studies at DeAndreis Seminary in Lemont, IL. He was
ordained in May, 1971.
After receiving a Master’s degree in Counseling from
Southwest Missouri State he joined the faculty of
Regina Cleri Seminary in Tucson, AZ. After four years in
Tucson, Fr. Bob joined the faculty at DePaul University
in Chicago, IL. During his eight years at the University,
he served as Director of Campus Ministry and as
Director of Athletics. After completing his Masters
degrees in Divinity and Religious Studies, he became
Director of Vocations for the Midwest Province of the
Vincentians He served in that capacity for four years.
Upon completion of a Masters degree in Pastoral
Studies at Loyola University in 1987, he joined the
Vincentian Parish Mission Team.
Magnificent Mission Meal
Saturday, March 9th a er the 5:00 p.m. Mass
Our third annual mid-Lenten mission potluck is
planned for Saturday, March 9th, a er the 5:00 p.m.
We’d like everyone, adults and children alike, to
bring your very favorite dish to share with friends
and neighbors.
We’ve had a wonderful ethnic dinner in the past,
and a successful St. Patrick/St. Joseph cuisine last
year. We’d love to have everyone represented this
me around.
There will be music and perhaps a raffle or two.
Best of all we will meet and greet Fr. Robert Gielow,
who will be our Mission Speaker the evenings of
March 11th, 12th, and 13th.
Mark this date on your calendar for a Magnificent
Mission Meal. At 3:00 p.m. we will begin accep ng
your delicious dona ons.
For more informa on call Joy at 485-2160 or the
Parish Office at 485-2900.
Lenten Food Drive
Giving to the food pantry provides food and
assistance to those who are hungry and in need in
our community. Right now the Food Pantry is in
need of bo les of fruit or vegetable juice and hot
Way of the Cross
Sta ons of the Cross, followed by Benedic on of the Blessed Sacrament, will be held at 7:30
p.m. Friday, March 8th, in Church. Join us as we remember Christ’s passion and death.
You are invited to a
“Reflec on on the 20 Anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church”
On Tuesday, March 19th, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., St. Barbara will be the host site for “Reflec ng on
the 20th Anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.” The Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry
of the Archdiocese of Chicago and Our Sunday Visitor are co-sponsoring this wonderful event here at our
parish. The reflec on and discussion will be led by Anne Comeaux. Anne has served as the Diocesan Director
of Religious Educa on for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia, and most recently as the
Director of the Office of Con nuing Chris an Educa on for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas. She
served on the Board of the Na onal Conference for Cateche cal Leadership (NCCL) and then was elected to a
three-year term as president of NCCL. The cost is a dona on to the Legacy of Faith Scholarship Fund (Make
check payable to OFCYM in the memo line indicate Legacy of Faith Scholarship Fund). For more informa on
or to R.S.V.P. please contact Juan Carlos Farías-González 312-534-8049, by fax 312-534-3801 or or visit our WEB: OFCYM 3525 South Lake Park
Chicago, IL 60653. Please register by Thursday March 14, 2013.
Third Sunday of Lent
March 3, 2013
Our Building Blocks
Last week I wrote to you about the
Four Spiritual Pillars: Personal Prayer and
Morals, Social Jus ce, Mellowness of
Spirit, and Communion with the Church.
These were based on the spiritual writer, Father Ron
Rolheiser in his book The Holy Longing. As you le
church you were invited to take a mini brick as a
reminder of your part in building up St. Barbara as a
transforming parish. Today I thought I might take
the suggested building blocks, wri en on the bricks
in the display at the back of church and symbolized
by the mini bricks, and give just one possible
example of how you can contribute to Parish
Transforma on here at St. Barbara.
Evangeliza on. Invite someone who does not
usually come to church to come to Mass with you.
Let them know why it is important for them to be
Catechesis. Read Rediscovering Catholicism (books
available at back of church). Be er yet come to the
discussions on Tuesday evenings.
Missionary Spirit. Reach out to someone you know
who has no faith at all. Ask what it is important to
them. Share why your faith is important to you.
Prayer and Worship. Make sure you have a me
and place set aside each day for personal prayer.
Review why public worship is also important to you.
Communion. Review why it is important to you to
be connected with other people of faith. Why is St.
Barbara as a parish important to you?
Page Three
Nuestros bloques de construcción
La semana pasada les escribí a ustedes acerca de los
cuatro pilares espirituales: Oración privada y
moralidad, Jus cia Social, suavidad de espíritu y
comunión con la iglesia. Estos se basaron en el escritor
espiritual, el padre Ron Rolheiser en su libro El Santo
anhelo. Al salir de la iglesia de St. Barbara se les invitó
a tomar un mini ladrillo como un recordatorio de la
parte que usted ene de edificar St. Barbara como
parroquia transformándose. Hoy pensé que podría
tomar las sugerencias escritas en los bloques de
edificar, que están en la exhibición en la parte de a
atrás de la iglesia y darles un posible ejemplo de cómo
usted puede contribuir a la transformación de la
parroquia aquí en St. Barbara.
Evangelización. Invitar a alguien que generalmente no
vienen a la iglesia para venir a la misa con usted.
Hágales saber por qué es importante para ellos estar
Catequesis. Leer el Catolicismo redescubriendo (libros
disponibles en la parte trasera de la iglesia). Mejor aún
vengan a las discusiones de los martes por la noche.
Espíritu misionero. Darle la mano a alguien que
conoces que no ene fe del todo. Preguntarles lo que
es importante para ellos. Comparta por qué su fe es
importante para usted.
Oración y adoración. Asegúrese de que ene un
empo y un lugar apartado cada día para la oración
personal. Pla que por qué el culto público también es
importante para usted.
Comunión. Diga por qué es importante para usted
conectarse con otras personas de fe. ¿Por qué es St.
Barbara como parroquia importante para usted?
Call to Holiness. All the bap zed (not just clergy
and religious) are called to holiness. What is your
prac cal plan to grow in holiness?
Llamado a la san dad. Todos los bau zados (no sólo
el clero y los religiosos) son llamados a la san dad.
¿Cuál es su plan prác co para crecer en la san dad?
Spiritual Stewardship. What are you doing for St.
Barbara besides coming to Mass and pu ng an
envelope in the basket? Does our Lord want you to
take another step to get involved?
Corresponsabilidad espiritual. ¿Qué haces para St.
Barbara además de venir a misa y poner un sobre en la
cesta? ¿Nuestro Señor quiere que dé un paso más
para involucrarse?
If everyone who reads this starts by doing just
one of the above, we will become a truly
transformed parish. If you need some help with any
of this, talk to one of our deacons or priests. God
bless your Lent.
Father Michael Ahlstrom
Si cada uno de nosotros empieza haciendo solo una de
las sugerencias anteriores, nos conver remos en una
parroquia verdaderamente transformada. Si necesitas
ayuda con esto, hable con uno de nuestros Diáconos o
sacerdotes. Dios bendiga tu Cuaresma.
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
Page Four
Mass Schedule
Pray for Our Sick and Deceased
Recemos por los enfermos y los que han fallecido
SUNDAY, March 3
Third Sunday of Lent
5:00(Sat)-+Thaddeus J. Krason (Family)
+Madelyne Lynch (Family)
7:30-Parishioners of St. Barbara
12:30 -+Natalio Llanas (Family)
+Irineo Verduzco (Family)
MONDAY, March 4
8:00-+ Armand DeMille (DeMille Family)
TUESDAY, March 5
8:00-+Edward Pleitner (Sr. Mary Lou)
FRIDAY, March 8
8:00-+John and Mary Halligan (Family)
5:00-+Cecila S cka (Ann Kosmider)
SUNDAY, March 10
Fourth Sunday of Lent
7:30-+Frank and Irene Benda
9:15–+Carol Natke (Girl Scouts)
11:00-Parishioners of St. Barbara
12:30 -Spanish Mass
May the healing hand of the Lord be with the sick:
Bobie Bowann, Theresa Brazda, Will Brennan,
Stefania Campo, Jean Clancy Carroll, Mary Ann Cebelinski,
Catherine Davidson, Dan Durmo, Jeanne Eineman,
Sharon Ermilio, Joanne Ferraro, Steven Fertaly,
Betty Franz, Blair Frieberg, Joan Griffin, Richard Higgins,
Rosemary Ivanic, Fran Janacek, Don Janes, June Jamros,
Pearl Jones, Julia Joslyn, Sophie kalinski, Lynn Krupicka,
Fr. Francis Lawlor, Laverne Mancini, Anthony Mase,
DeLene Mayers, Isabel Betty Mersereau, Thomas
Michelic, Hugh Noble, Sr., Mary Nugent, Dean Pederson,
Peg Peterson, Patricia Petrik, Louis Pizza, Rick Plunkett,
Mark Riedler, David & Michael Rovner, Thomas Sanchez,
John Schuster, Kevin Schultz, Becky Smith, Dan Spacek,
Robin Stuker, Judith Sweet, Grace Vaculik, Nina Wood
For our deceased, whom we remember and love:
Peter Bala, Naomi Johnston
Readings for the Week
2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30
Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9;
Mt. 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20;
Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23
Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17;
Mk 12:28-34
Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14
Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Liturgical Appointments for March 9—10
5:00 pm
Fr. Larry
Fr. Gielow
Fr. Bob
Fr. Mike
Dorothy Ball
Ray Perek
Eucharis c Ministers
Bread: Anne e Clemens, Tony Carey, Lydia Marthaler
Cup: Rick Molitor, Marie LeGros, Ann Linsner, Rich Slehofer, Elaine
Bartucci, Walter Moran
Marcia Schroeder Bread: Phyllis Lyons, Nicole Zapletal, Tracy Schroeder
Lisa Mackenzie Cup: Gladys Wheeler, Rose Zapletal, Michelle Zapletal, Carol Benda
Family Mass
Altar Servers
Angie Garcia
Diomond Dovel
David Sullivan
Daniel Brosnan
Joanie Brosnan
Bread: Alicia Mancini, Sheri Sauer, Jane Motycka
Cup: Deacon Dave Brencic, Therese Kourim, Roseanne Carlson, Barbara
Adella Miller
Joshua Pesek
Elijah Pesek
Giorgio DiPaolo Bread: Michelle Czmil, Sandra Gecan, Laura Mazman
Art Kovarik
Cup: Deacon John Debnar, Rich Kucera, Sue Kucera, Maria Espinosa
Ian Moran
Jamie Moran
12:30 pm Fr. Bolivar
Ministros de Comunion: Francisco, Rosaura Arellano y Miguel Velazquez
Altar Servers: Armando Medina, Carlos Mar
Third Sunday of Lent
March 3, 2013
Religious Educa on News
St. Barbara Parish
February 24, 2013
Total Weekly Offering ………………………...
First Fruits …………………………………………..
St. Mar n Sharing …………………………….…
Masses ………………………………………………..
Page Five
$ 7,151.85
$ 216.00
$ 50.00
Council of Catholic Women
The next General Mee ng of St.
Barbara Council of Catholic Women will
be held on Tuesday, March 5th, at 7:00
p.m. in the Parish Center. The business
will include Elec on of Officers followed by
refreshments and some serious "Crazy Bingo." All
members are encouraged to a end and bring a
friend as well.
The Spring Fling Cra Show & Bake Sale will be
held Saturday, March 16th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. in the Parish Center. Fi y cra ers will display
their handmade items for your shopping pleasure as
well as delicious homemade pastries. Admission is
FREE - Lunch will be available - Children are
welcome. The event is sponsored by St. Barbara
Council of Catholic Women and proceeds help
support our Church, Food Pantry, and other parishsponsored programs.
Calling All Bakers : St. Barbara Council of Catholic
Women is asking for your delicious home-baked
cakes, pies, cookies, breads, candies or your special
"Signature Item" for the annual Spring Fling Bake
Sale fundraiser to be held on Saturday, March
16th. Bakery can be brought to the Parish Center on
Friday, March 15th, between 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. or on
Saturday, March 16th, a er 8:00 a.m. Proceeds help
support our Church, Food Pantry and other parishsponsored programs. Please call Sylvia Gauthier at
485-1126 with any ques ons.
St. Barbara Council of Catholic Women is accep ng
nomina ons from the general membership for the
2013 Woman of the Year. Forward your name, your
nominee's name and reason for your selec on to
"CCW" and drop it off at the rectory by March 15th.
Reconcilia on Prayer Service: The Religious
Educa on program will be joining with the
community of St. Barbara in a parish-wide Lenten
Reconcilia on Prayer Service on Wednesday, March
The students will be a ending at the usual me,
6:00 p.m. Parents are encouraged to join their
children for this prayer service by walking over to
the church with them. To accomplish this, parents
should join their child in their classroom at 6:45
If you have more than one child in Religious
Educa on, please accompany your youngest child to
church. The prayer service begins promptly at 7:00
April Service Project Ac vi es: The cateche cal
team here at St. Barbara has planned a service
project ac vity the evenings of April 10th and 17th
at Religious Ed. We will be making peanut bu er
and jelly sandwiches for the people staying at local
shelters. In order for us to accomplish this, we need
to have the items on hand before the actual
sandwich prep begins. Your support is appreciated
in purchasing some of the grocery items. We are
hoping to collect 50-60 jars of peanut bu er and
jelly, 15 boxes of Ziploc sandwich bags, several rolls
of paper towels, a supply of plas c knives, and
disposable table cloths. If you would like to give a
monetary gi to be used toward the purchase of
bread, that would also be very much appreciated.
Please drop your donated item(s) in one of the
collec on bins in the Parent Room of the church.
Monetary dona ons can be dropped off at the
rectory. Ques ons, please contact the Religious Ed
Office at 708-485-4610 or email at Thank you for
your con nued support!
Mass A endance Coupon
March 3, 2013
Family Name: _____________________________
Grade(s): _________________________________
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
St. Barbara Phoenix Organiza on
St. Barbara Phoenix Organiza on, a support
group for the separated, widowed, and divorced,
will meet Thursday, March 14th at 7:30p.m. in the
Parish Center. On the Agenda is doing the sta ons
of the cross. For more details you can call Deacon
John Debnar at 708-579-3674.
Pancake Breakfast
Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 17th
from 8:00 12:30 p.m. for our Annual
Scout Pancake Breakfast and Bake Sale. Tickets in
advance are $5.00 ($20 max per family) or $6.00 at
the door($24 max per family). Children under 6 are
free. Tickets are available from any scout or by
calling Rich at 387-9229 or Julie at 705-1785.
The contracep ve mentality
encourages self-centeredness rather
than self-control, commitment, and
sacrifice for another. The la er
quali es are necessary for a
successful marriage, which remains the "most basic
and universal of human ins tu ons," and the place
where love and lives can flourish. Even today,
young adults see ge ng married as a "top
priority." But the conduct they are encouraged to
engage in undermines this goal.
--Susan E. Wills, JD, "Life Ma ers: Contracep ves and
Women's Well-Being", Respect Life Program
2012. See, issues and ac on, human
life and dignity, respect life program.
Page Six
Week of March 3—10 at St. Barbara’s
Monday, March 4
—2:00pm 9:00pm Eucharis c Adora on (Church)
—7:30pm 9:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 59 (Prairie A & B)
Tuesday, March 5
—10:00am 11:00am AA Mee ng (Rectory Clubroom)
—7:00pm 9:00pm Book Discussion (Prairie A & B)
—7:00pm 9:00pm CCW Elec ons (Prairie C)
—7:30pm 9:00pm Liturgy Board (Rectory Clubroom)
Wednesday, March 6
—10:00am 11:00am AL-ANON Mee ng (Clubroom)
—6:00pm 7:15pm Religious Educa on Classes (School)
—7:30pm RCIA Mee ng (Clubroom)
Thursday, March 7
—7:30pm 9:00pm E-Team Mee ng (Praire C)
—8:00pm 10:00pm AA Me ng (Prairie B)
Friday, March 8
—6:00pm 8:00pm Open Gym
Saturday, March 9
—6:00pm 9:00pm Magnificent Mission Meal (Gym)
Sunday, March 10
—7:00pm 8:30pm Venture Crew 1 (Prairie A)
Bulle n Ar cle Deadlines
Due Date
Monday, March 11
Wednesday, March 13
Tuesday, March 20
Monday, March 25
Bulle n Date
Sunday, March 17
Sunday, March 24
(Palm Sunday)
Sunday, March 31
Sunday, April 7
Interfaith Career Network
Your job search is made up of many parts, not the
least of which should be Networking. Please join us
for a suppor ve evening of networking on Thursday,
March 7th, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Meet with other job
seekers in our community. Expand your network with
1-2 roundtable sessions. Share leads, ideas and
informa on. Bring copies of your resume or a
handbill. If you don’t have one, come anyway. We can
provide you with how-to do ps and sugges ons. We
look forward to welcoming you at the First Bap st
Church, 20 North Ashland Avenue (across from the
west side of the La Grange Post Office). Please use the
Bell Avenue entrance. This program is open to all and
there is no charge to a end.
Coming Next Week:
March 11th — 13th
Next weekend, March 9th!
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