jan-15 - Lochwinnoch Online


jan-15 - Lochwinnoch Online
No 253 January 2015
Community newsletter produced by Lochwinnoch Community Council
What’s On & Dates for your Diaries
Village events, clubs, classes, etc are in the centre pages
A Happy New Year to all our members
and friends.
Happy New Year from the
Chatterbox team. We hope
2015 is a happy, healthy
year for everyone
The January meeting is on Wednesday
21st January 2015 at 7.30 in the
McKillop Hall.
For further information call Elma
Again well done!
Mo and Ro
A New Year - A Time to
Try Something New
Lochwinnoch Art Group
Charity shop—Help needed in our
busy charity shop on High Street. No
experience needed.
Our first meeting of 2015 will be held,
as usual, in the McKillop Institute's
Space Room between 7.30 - 9.30pm.
on Monday 19th January: Potted
Plants in an Interior.
housekeepers are needed to assist the
housekeeping team to keep the
Hospice clean and tidy.
Sketch and paint in your choice of
We do not meet again until February
but shall be very busy preparing for
our Exhibition, "Art in the Park".
This is held annually at the Castle
Semple Visitor Centre by the kind
invitation of the Clyde Muirsheil
Regional Park.
We would like to congratulate the
Calder Drama group for the great
show the put on in December. We
thought that they were all great and
the costumes were beautiful!
Well done, we know how much work
goes into putting on the production on
and off the stage!
The speaker is Mrs Margaret Dundas
“A Taste of Burns" an evening of poetry
and song.
We look forward to your company on
that evening.
Calder Drama
Kitchen—Helping in the busy
kitchen which provides meals for
patients and staff of the Hospice
Other volunteer roles available, please
call 01505 705 635 or email
for more information.
All are welcome to come to the "Open
Preview" - on Thursday 29th
January, 7.00 - 8.30pm.
Do try to come - and bring a friend!
The Exhibition will then be open
during the normal Visitor Centre
February, 17th.
Dance Club
The Lochwinnoch Country Dance Club
resumes after the Christmas break on
Tuesday 13th January and we would
love to invite new members to shake
off the winter lethargy and over
indulgence of the festive season. Join
us on Tuesday evenings at the
McKillop hall at 7.30. This friendly,
cheerful group are guided by Gill
Reynolds, an experienced and patient
tutor. We have a good laugh as well as
much needed exercise.
If you need more details, please call
Lorna Black 01505 843048
Elderly Forum
The Elderly Forum members' St
Andrew's Day lunch in the Three
Churches Inn was a great success. We
were joined by Douglas Alexander MP,
Councillors Andy Doig, Derek Bibby
and Chris Gilmour.
Compliments to the chef for the great
The table service was excellent and the
staff had taken the trouble to decorate
the dining area specially for the
The event was made even more special
when Sean and Margaret entertained
us playing with everyone joining in
with the singing.
There was a truly delicious birthday
cake for Gorman too. Thank you
Angela Law for baking it! There was
enough for all 50 of us too.
Thanks to all those listed below who
donated so generously to the raffle.
We plan do it all over again soon to
celebrate Burns - lunch not supper
The Tbar and Craft Group will be open
until 16th December, then having a
break and re-opening on 13th January
The ROAR lunch club will be closed on
Christmas Day and New Year's Day
opening again on Thursday 8th
January 2015.
The next Forum meeting is on
Thursday 29th January when we will
Raffle donation thanks to:
Douglas Alexander M.P.
Councillor Andy Doig
Councillor Chris Gilmour
Councillor Derek Bibby
Cut & Care
La Dolce Vita
Now & Then
Quirky Florist
The Brown Bull
The Corner Bar
The Gallery
The Heritage Butcher
The Junction
Wilsons' baker
....and all members and friends who
donated so generously.
Castle Semple Sailing Club
Round up of the year
The official season for Castle Semple
Sailing Club finished at the end of
October, followed by the end of
season work party early in November
for which the weather thankfully
stayed dry. An early start and some
keen workers meant a lot of hungry
people by lunchtime ready to
consume some hearty fare Commodore Arthur's soup was
consumed with gusto! After lunch we
had the prize giving and with the
work finished in sufficient time some
sailing took place in the afternoon.
At the end of November the Club's
AGM was held and Commodore
reported on another very successful
year for the club and everyone could
be justifiably happy with everything
which had been done.
Socially, we had our Christmas walk
followed by soup and mulled wine,
regular badminton at Johnstone
sports hub, ten pin bowling,
barbeques and the ceilidh.
Operations Manual and Sailing
Instructions had been updated,
membership is slightly up, 2 secondhand engines have been purchased,
meetings and training days had been
held with RYA Scotland, lots of SSAP
meetings had been held, lots of chain
had been gifted by Loch Lomond
Sailing Club, Duncan has obtained
brand new gear for lasers and toppers,
Tom built a new notice board at the
fence, press releases have been
frequent, the website and social media
are well established, the field fair in
April held jointly with other SSAP
clubs turned into a very windy event
but still managed to raise over £1,200,
and separately the club supported
Lochwinnoch Gala Day.
On the sailing front it was a year of
firsts: our first ladies helm event, first
topper team racing day, first trip to
the Nith Raid, first 10 hr race (which
turned in to only 8 hours due to the
appalling weather), first Bart's Bash
(with 28 boats taking part) and the
first year of the O'Neill Trophy, with
many thanks to O’Neill’s of Paisley for
sponsoring the trophy.
On top of all that we had our usually
winter series: 3 trophy events with
many thanks to our sponsors Cuccina
Munucci and Ian Brown Motors and
the Commodore's Trophy, the GP and
National 12 weekend, the Loch
Lomond weekend, training for the GP
Worlds, work parties and prize giving.
We expanded our series to 6 and the
results were split into Gold and Silver
The GP14 and National 12 weekend in
October was a success and we have
been asked to host the GP14 2015
Scottish Championships.
We last
hosted it in 1994 so it will return 21
years later, the year before our 50th
Caitlin Armstrong, 11yrs old,
was nominated in October by
Cllr Andy Doig for a Police
Scotland Recognition Award
She was
nominated in the "Young
Person" Award category: a
youngster whose outstanding
achievements have made a
anniversary in 2016 for which Jan Tytler is busy working
on a short history of the Club.
There was tough competition in this category but members
of the community who know Caitlin, or whose lives had been
touched by her, added their nominations. These included her
former school, Lochwinnoch Primary, parents of small
children who had been inspired by her efforts, local business
people, neighbours and community figures on whom she had
made an impact.
Many members contribute to the club in many ways often
unasked, Ray Wright has been quietly fixing doors, and
generally working on the premises, people have been
cutting grass, maintaining boats and engines, Graeme Hall
regularly keeps the website up to date and interesting for
us. Two people in particular, Jan Gordon being the race
officer and Marion Wright had shown great commitment to
the Club and they were presented with flowers as a thank
you at the AGM.
Caitlin found out just a week before the ceremony that she
had won the award which was to be presented along with the
other policing and community awards on 2 December at the
Wynd Centre in Paisley.
For more info see website: www/castlesemplesc.co.uk
Her first phone call was to her great pals Susan and Robert
Gilmour to fit her in for her "Audrey Hepburn" updo (she is
fascinated by Audrey Hepburn and wore a Hepburn style tea
-dress embellished with poppies as a tribute to Poppy
Scotland). Caitlin was received like a VIP and treated to a
salon session fit for a Hollywood Legend. Afterwards
Caitlin’s mum Donna popped along to Now and Then for a
necklace to compliment her outfit and her other great
friends Colin and Sue surprised Caitlin with a beautiful wee
heart shaped necklace. Donna said “Caitlin's award is for
her impact on the community, and this simply showed how
the community has responded to her in return - she would
never have achieved it without the support and
encouragement of this fantastic village
She was extremely nervous on arrival only to be gently
teased by Chief Inspector of Police Elliot Brown and fussed
over by every female officer in the room, resulting in her
declaring that the room was filled with "Uncle Pauls" Paul
being a greatly loved family friend and a police officer.
Hair we go!
On the 21st November Margaret Lee our friendly lollipop
lady helped to raise over £1200 for The Brain Tumour
The ceremony was wonderful and it was refreshing and heart
-warming to see this division of Police Scotland recognising
extraordinary achievements and exceptional performance of
their employees, there were so many stories of selflessness
and bravery, however, they all made it clear that Caitlin was
the star of the show and made her feel like the most special
little girl in the world.
Mrs McClymont who teaches at the school told her the
story of little Claudia Burkhill who passed away aged 8
after treatment for a brain tumour and shared her idea to
shave her head to raise awareness for the charity. Margaret
decided she would join Mrs McClymont in this challenge.
In front of all the children at a special assembly the two had
their heads shaved.
Cllr Andy Doig sat with her Dad, beaming like a proud uncle,
despite being heavily booked and having another
engagement overlapping the ceremony, he made sure he saw
his wee friend get her moment in the spotlight.”
Mrs McClymont would like to thank Margaret for her
support in this fundraising effort and thank everyone who
supported them both through very generous donations.
Anyone wishing to add their support can go to the
Justgiving website and search LesleyMcClymont for the
Clearly a night for Caitlin to remember but it resulted in
more work for her: a batch of her biscuits has been
commissioned by Police Scotland!
Thank you and well done!
Visit from Navy 177
Lochwinnoch Primary School
Car Safety
The Royal Navy Search and Rescue Sea King helicopter
dropped in one sunny afternoon in December. Based at
HMS Gannet in Prestwick, Navy 177 managed to find time
between rescue and training operations to visit the primary
school children who were waiting down at Viewfield Park.
The crew spoke to the children and collected letters which
they will pass on to Santa when they fly north. An exciting
afternoon. The Sea King helicopter has quite a presence at
close range.
Photos by Laura Telfer of Telfer Photography
(www.telferphotography.com) and Jane Fawcett
Cllr Derek
It is amazing how time flies. The year
2014 was a momentous one,
nationally, with the independence
It is fair to say that 2015 will by
comparison be quieter, although for a
local councillor I am sure a busy year
which is as it should be.
Locally, Lochwinnoch has had to
contend with the closure of the RBS
branch and the move of the post office
the effects of which are still to be fully
In addition, it is now a year since the
ending of the Slaemuir bus service
which resulted in the now hourly
service. As a bus user to and from the
village, I share absolutely the
frustration of the lack of progress in
replacing the service.
SPT have indicated that it will not run
a service on a route that already has a
commercial service; in our case Key
Once again however, I have asked for
the continuing social and community
impact of the reduction in service to be
taken into account, and for SPT to look
again at the needs of the village with a
view to an improved service.
In regard to the current service,
villagers have also raised the issue of
lack of synchronisation between train
and bus timetables and I have taken
this up with both Sectorial and Key
Village life goes on, and two of the
highlights of 2014 were another
magnificent gala day and the Race 2
The Games, a prelude to the
commonwealth games which was a
memorable and resounding success.
These are indicative of the many
people in all local organisations who
are committed to the continuation and
enrichment of village life, and to whom
the wider community are indebted.
I wish them all a successful 2015.
Thanks to the members of the Elderly
Forum for a splendid St Andrews day
lunch which I attended along with my
colleagues Councillor Chris Gilmour
and Douglas Alexander MP and which
was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Finally I am grateful to those villagers
who sent me their suggestions for the
programme for 2015/16, which I have
passed on to Council officers. I have
been advised that while there are
significant funding issues, there is an
intention that the needs of rural roads
and residential streets will feature
prominently, and I will continue to
advocate that this is the case.
My surgeries for 2015 will be at the
usual time the first Saturday of each
month at 9 00 am in the McKillop
Institute, except for January and July.
Meantime please contact me, anytime,
or phone 0300 300 1274 or 07534 156
A Happy New Year to everyone in
Best wishes,
Local Solicitors
Providing Personal Service
Whether you’re buying
or selling a home or are unsure
of your rights on any legal matter
the experienced team at JJ McCosh
will provide an individual
service from experts
with local knowledge.
Partner, and local resident,
Ian Briggs is more than happy to
consult at your home, and there is no
charge for the first meeting.
Feel free to get in touch to speak
to our team and see how we can help.
01294 832112
Derek Bibby
The Eat Lochwinnoch group, which
aims to promote the eating of healthy,
local foods, would like to thank
everyone who has supported the food
fayres that we have been organising
over the past year; these were aimed at
helping people to purchase from local
suppliers and reduce food miles.
However, for the time being at least,
we have decided to stop them.
It’s disappointing, we know, as they
added to the buzz of the village,
however, council licensing rules, along
with other factors were making it
difficult to continue.
We would like to thank Susie Herteleer
of LEAP in particular, for her tireless
work in support of the fairs, not least
in the time-consuming chasing of
potential stall-holders to convert them
from ‘interested’ to actually taking a
The small group of volunteers will
continue with other activities which
pursue our aims. If you, too, feel that
eating locally-grown or locally-sold
foods, using few food-miles, is the way
to go in the future then please join us
in our campaign to make this easier in
Lochwinnoch. Susie at LEAP can tell
you when we next meet.
In the meantime, don’t forget our local
shops stock a range of foods so that
you don’t have to leave the village to
get your cooking ingredients. For
example, as well as selling butcher
meat such as pork and bacon from
Ardrossan, The Heritage Farmers’
Shop also sells vegetables and cheeses,
oatcakes, eggs, butter, milk, balsamic
dressings, rapeseed oil, salad bags.
The Junction’s not just great for coffee
and a bite to eat – they also sell
cheeses, coconut milk, pasta, bread,
olives, herbs and spices, chick peas,
cannellini beans, capers, sea salt as
well, of course, as Fairtrade tea and
If you’re keen to eat organic fresh fruit
and veg then why not join LEAP’s
delivery service, where you place your
order online and it is delivered to
Heritage Farmers’ Shop for your
collection. Please contact Susie at
(Susie@myleapproject.org.uk or 01505
Cunninghame Choir
Robert Scarff Ltd
On Saturday 29th November 2014,
Cunninghame Choir performed its
second concert to commemorate 100
years since the start of World War 1.
Celebrating the extraordinary Christmas
Truce of 1914, which took place along
sections of the Western Front, the choir
performed a variety of songs and carols
from Britain, France and Germany to a
full house at Beith Community Centre.
Domestic & Commercial
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General Joinery Work
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All Trades Supplied
Free Estimates & Fully Insured
Tel/Fax 01505 842826
With enthusiastic musical direction
accompaniment from pianist Maciej
Granat, the appreciative audience heard
old favourites alongside some less oft
sung carols. A great selection of French,
Austrian and German carols, alongside
readings of eye-witness accounts gave
further dimension to the programme.
The audience were hearty in their praise
for the two soloists: Trevor Brawn (Die
Beiden Grenadiere) and Andrew Clifford
(My Bonnie, Bonnie Jean).
Mobile 07711 934627
Reg In Scotland 185968
Est. 1998
Lochwinnoch Library
Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday
10am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm
Wednesday 2pm-5pm, 6pm-8pm
Tel: 0300 300 1188
navigating online job sites. We will
also assist you to set up an email
account and register with online job
sites and Universal Job Match.
We can signpost you to learning
courses, basic computing classes,
literacy support services and benefits
and advice services. Benefits and
advice services available in the
community can be found here.
Renfrewshire Library Holidays:
Closed at 2.30pm on Wednesday 24
December and reopen on Tuesday 6
January 2015 at 10am.
Whether you're looking for jobs or
want to learn more about email and
attachments, the Get On! team is
here to help.
Bookbug sessions will restart on
Tuesday 13 January at 10am.
Keep fit and healthy in 2015 with
our wide collection of books. Pop in
for more details.
Online Services: Don't be stuck for
something to read over the holidays.
Why not use our free book download
service? Just head to our website and
click on the e books link. Our website
 Baroque composer and organist
Dietrich Buxtehude published his
cantata Mit Fried und Freud ("with
peace and joy") for his Father's
funeral - it finishes with a heartfelt
Klaglied for solo voice.
 Beethoven dedicated his short,
heartfelt, Elegischer Gesang (Elegiac
Song) to his friend and Viennese
patron, Baron Pasqualati, soon after
his wife died at the age of just 24.
 Howard Goodall's In Memoriam
Anne Frank was composed to mark
the fiftieth anniversary of the death
of diarist and writer Anne Frank in
Douglas Alexander MP
Paisley & Renfrewshire South
Renew your library books online at the
same web address.
Lochwinnoch’s MP – Can I help you?
If so, don’t hesitate to get to get in touch.
Contact me if you need assistance, details below, or
come to see me at a local advice surgery.
The Get On! project started in
Renfrewshire Libraries in April 2014
and provides assistance if you need
digital support with online job
Rehearsals for the Choir’s May concert
begin on Wednesday evenings from
January 7th. A truly unique programme
of music awaits, including a world
premiere performance!
Entitled In
Memoriam, the concert is based on
music written in memory of others. The
works span five centuries from the
Baroque period right up to the present
day, and specifically, 2014
2014 Mile End Mill, 12 Seedhill Road, Paisley, PA1 1JS tel: 0141 561 0333
mp@douglasalexander.org.ukd www.douglasalexander.org.uk
the Bergen-Belsen concentration
camp a few weeks before the end of
the Second World War in 1945.
 Sleep was commissioned by Julia
Armstrong in memory of her
parents who died within a few
weeks of each other after some fifty
years of marriage. This has become
known as one of Eric Whitacre's
signature works.
The absolute highlight of the
performance will be the world premiere
of a brand new work, Requiem,
composed in 2014 by Maciej Granat, a
hugely talented pianist who has been
involved with Cunninghame Choir for a
number of years as their rehearsal and
concert accompanist. Maciej is also an
established performer, teacher and
composer, who graduated recently with
Distinction from a Postgraduate
Diploma and Masters in Performance
from the Royal Conservatoire of
Maciej has been composing since his
early teenage years. He says:
“Requiem is definitely my most
personal composition. It is written in
memory of my aunt, Bozena Lanowska,
my mother's sister, who was also my
first piano teacher. She taught me for
ten years, since I was four. I believe
that all I am now, as a pianist, I owe to
her amazing approach, talent, hard
work, unbelievable patience and love.”
telephone Hannah Berry on 07932
guests and four drivers, and hosts must
have no more than a few steps at their
door, and a downstairs toilet.
Do You Love Afternoon Tea?
Margaret Oliver, West of Scotland
Development Officer for Contact the
Elderly, said:
Contact the Elderly is looking for people
in the Lochwinnoch area who love
afternoon tea, to host a tea party in
their home on a Sunday afternoon, once
or twice a year.
Contact the Elderly tea parties provide a
social lifeline for those aged 75 and over
who are lonely or isolated.
Volunteer drivers collect guests from
their homes and take them to volunteer
hosts’ homes, where everyone enjoys
spending time together chatting over a
home-made afternoon tea.
The group is welcomed by a different
host each month, but the drivers remain
the same, which means that over the
months and years, acquaintances turn
into friends and loneliness is replaced
by companionship.
The parties tend to welcome around six
Cunninghame Choir has been presented
with a unique opportunity to sing a
work written specifically for them. But,
unlike another commission, where the
composer might not know where an
amateur choir’s talents lie, Maciej
knows where and how Cunninghame
Choir have progressed and therefore
has crafted a piece of music that allows
their talents to shine. A concert not to
be missed!
In Memoriam will be performed at 3pm
on Sunday 10th May at Our Lady of
Perpetual Succour, Mitchell Street,
Beith, North Ayrshire.
A further performance of Maciej’s
Requiem is planned for June as part of
Glasgow’s West End Festival (date and
venue to be confirmed). Please check
CunninghameChoir for updates.
Rehearsals begin on Wednesday 7th
January 2015 at 7.30pm at Beith
Community Centre, Kings Road, Beith.
If you would like to join the choir and
be involved in this world premiere
concert, please get in touch via
“Our guests really enjoy the
monthly tea parties and to keep
them running we need more
volunteer hosts and guests.
“The time commitment is minimal
for hosts – one or two Sunday
afternoons in a year – but the
reward is immeasurable.
afternoon of tea, cake and chat
makes such a difference to our
guests, and hosting a tea party is a
chance for the whole family to
volunteer together.”
To find out how you can volunteer
with Contact the Elderly please get in
touch with Caroline McGinlay,
Scotland Volunteer Support Officer,
Caroline.McGinlay@contact-theelderly.org.uk or 0141 812 1555.
We specialise in vintage
& modern jewellery,
antiques, curios, art and
local crafts
Whether your passion is Downton or The Paradise, for
Upstairs or Downstairs you can add some vintage glamour to
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Find us just off the Largs Road on the outskirts of Kilbirnie
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Open 7 days 10.00am – 5.30pm
Telephone Greta on 01505 683 338
Great for Gifts or treat
Post code for Sat Nav KA25 7LQ
New Year – New You!
What New Year’s resolutions
have you made? If one of them is to get
fitter, LEAP can help you out! Our
Electric Bike is available to hire for up
to two weeks at a time ABSOLUTELY
We take £40 cash deposit, proof of
address and photographic ID, then you
can take the bike away for an arranged
period. On returning the bike in the
condition you hired it, you get your £40
Our electric bike is ideal if you haven’t
been on a bike for a while, or perhaps
due to poor health can’t pedal too far.
Alternatively, you might be considering
buying one for commuting, and want to
see whether it would work for you.
Whatever the reason, if you are
interested, please contact Scott at
scott@myleapproject.org for further
information and to book your hire.
Shorter hires are also available and are
FREE too.
LEAP Eco Shop
LEAP are now selling a variety of
reasonably priced draught proofing and
energy saving materials from our drop
in centres in Lochwinnoch and Bridge
of Weir , including draught excluding
strips, pipe lagging, chimney balloons,
low energy LED bulbs and all sorts of
things to make your home more
comfortable and keep energy bills
Please take a look at our window
display, get updates on our Facebook
page (LEAP-Local Energy Action Plan)
or drop in to find out more.
Car Club
The car club goes from strength to
strength! With a great membership base
in Lochwinnoch and the successful
launch of the Electric Vehicle the
future looks promising for the
continued growth and sustainability
of the club.
If you haven’t yet
considered how the car club might
work for you why not drop in and
discuss it with us. We still have
capacity for more members in
Lochwinnoch as well as in Kilbarchan
and Bridge of Weir.
Recently we have been asked by some
local residents about the number of
LEAP parking spaces in the McKillop
car park. The car club still only uses
two spaces; one ordinary car space, by
the entrance to the car park, and one
for the EV. The second space on the
right at the entrance to the car park is
now for general use, as the club’s
second Diesel vehicle has been moved
to Kilbarchan to launch the car club
We are working with Renfrewshire
Council to have the markings
delineating these spaces changed.
There are 2 bays marked out for the
EV, but only one of them is for the Car
Club car, the other is free to use for
anyone wanting to charge an EV on
the councils EV charging point.
Feedback from Lochwinnoch Club
members tells us that since the club
launched, 19 cars have either been
sold or not replaced because of
members using the Car Club instead –
that’s a lot of cars NOT filling up the
Car Park or lining the streets of the
Pop into one of our offices, or contact
Mike on 01505 842530 or email
Mike@myleapproject.org to find out
more about how you could drastically
reduce your costs of driving and still
have a car when you need it by using
the car club.
Money Saving Expert!
Recent Home Energy Checks have
helped one local resident save 30% on
their bill and remove a standing charge
that they did not have to pay anymore,
the energy company were still charging
them a rental charge that no longer
applied from when they had storage
heating. This is just one example of
ways the energy advisors can help you
out this January.
Beith Arts Sunday
50th Anniversary Year
Our last concert in 2014 was a group of
six first-class musicians, who call
themselves "Mr McFalls Chamber".
They played us a programme largely of
Polish tangos, and we were told the
background of this trend, which was
very interesting. The tangos played
were slower and sadder than the
S.American variety we know and have a
pathos about them which is an intrinsic
part of their character. They, and the
other items on the programme, were
played with great skill by the group. We
loved all of it, but it was the tangos and
their history which stayed with us. An
excellent and informative concert.
The first concert of 2015 will be a
return visit from our old friends "Coro
Alba". They will be singing solos, duets
and choruses from popular operas and
musicals, and we know from
experience that we will go home
humming our favourite song. This
group is a favourite with our audience,
and they will be just the thing on a
dreary winter afternoon to lift the
This concert, the fourth in our 50th
Anniversary Year Season, will be held
on Sunday, the 18th January 2015 at
2.30 pm in Beith Community Centre,
King's Road, Beith, KA15 2BQ. All are
welcome, prices are £11/£9 for adults,
£3 for students and children (pay at
the door). At the interval refreshments
will be available. New audience
members are very welcome, you will
find out audience very friendly and
chatty, and the committee members
will look after you.
Sue Woodcock
An eclectic collection of
Vintage crockery and props
for hire. Let us help create
a truly memorable event with
vintage style and charm.
W: carlysvintagecrockery.co.uk
E: carlysvintage@gmail.com
T: 07941 173 775
It will be a great concert - don't miss it!
Xmas Lights
I don’t know where ‘cwalker’ posting
on the village website Forum got the
idea that it is because of “those idiotic
atheists” that we aren’t having the
Xmas Lights. I haven’t heard of any
atheists”, to the lights going up!
It is because the hard work, done in
previous years by volunteers in the
village, was not appreciated by a few
people who complained, stupidly, that
the lights were not taken down quickly
enough in the New Year.
Do people not realise that it takes time
to organise everyone to be available on
the same day to do this?
Now, as an atheist myself, I object to
being called “idiotic”! This has nothing
to do with “idiotic atheists”, who
probably, like me, love the Xmas
Lights. I have sung with the local choir,
who rehearse and perform in the
church and I have never found this to
be a problem (not struck by lightning
I always thought that Xmas was about
giving, so perhaps next Xmas ‘cwalker’
would like to join me in volunteering to
bring back the Xmas Lights.
Sue Woodcock
Do you want the skills to help save a
BHF January and February 2015 FREE
Lead by Lochwinnoch and Howwood Heart Start
We have more dates available for the FREE two hour course in 2015
Wednesday January 7th
2-4pm Bowfield Hotel Howwood
Wednesday January 14th
7-9pm Masonic Lodge Lochwinnoch
Wednesday January 28th 7-9pm Bowfield Hotel Howwood
Wednesday February 11th 2-4pm Masonic Lodge Lochwinnoch
If you are inserted in attending contact Morag on morag.Thow@gcu.ac.uk or
01505 843183
The course is practical and deals with:
An unconscious casualty
Cardiac arrest
Suspected heart attack
Serious bleeding
Dr Morag Thow
NEW YEAR, Energy Savings!
For many of us a time where we feel the costs of heating our
homes ...looking for a new boiler, trying to stop a draft in the
house, lag freezing cold pipes, cut back on the bills or just want
to make a difference ... why not get professional, impartial
advice from our qualifies advisors?
Drop into the LEAP office or call 01505 842 530
What’s On
Lochwinnoch Golf Club,
Regular clubs, classes and groups
Advice Works—At the Library by
appointment only. Contact 0300
300 1238
Bokwa Fitness — Masonic Hall,
Thursdays, 7—8pm. Places limited.
Contact Rachel on 07795 100231 or
Boys’ Brigade—meets on Tuesday
evenings in the Parish Church Hall.
- Anchor Boys P1 to P3 (6pm—7pm)
- Juniors P4 to P6 (7pm- 8.15pm)
- Company P7 to S6 (7.45—9.30pm)
Tel Mark Brown 842209 or email
Girls Brigade—1st Lochwinnoch
Company, Wed evenings from 6pm
-9.15pm at the Parish Church Hall
for various age groups.
Hatha Yoga Classes with LauraJane
WednesdayMcKillop Inst 7pm-8.30pm. All
levels welcome. Tel: 07999 862
Workshops & Classes—For
details or to book a place, please
Tel Becky: 0141 8816700 or Libby
on: 01505 842604
Meet at Lochbarr
Football Club at 6.30pm.
details, Tel: 0141 887 1357 or
07947 763704
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
from 9.30-11.30am at the McKillop .
New children are always welcome.
Please contact Diane on 01505
843054, 07710 630828, dianecullen@hotmail.co.uk
Gymnastics—(for children from 18
months to 5yrs).
Fridays, from
10.15am - 1.45pm at the McKillop.
Tel Coby on Tel: 07729 051615
Mondays and Wednesdays from 9.30
- 11.30am, McKillop
Lochwinnoch Writers Group—
Monday from 2-4:15pm in the
Library. Contact 873581
Morag’s Keep Fit—Mondays and
Thursdays from 7pm, in the
McKillop Institute
Positive Thinking Group Meet
every 4th Wed in the Bridgend
Community Centre, Kilbirnie. Cost
£3.50 For further info telephone
Andrea on 07890 181 769
Calder Drama Club—Thursdays,
from 8pm-10pm McKillop Institute.
Calder UF Church—Food for
Thought. Last Monday of the month
7.30pm in church hall
Keep Fit—Improving With
Age classes—every Tues from 1011am at the McKillop. Tel 842 136
Children's Drama Workshops—
Thursdays in McKillop Hall 5-8yrs
4.30-5.30pm, 9-12yrs 5.30-6.30pm
Traditional dancing for you and
your little ones. Thursday 9.30am
McKillop Institute
Knitting Group—Mondays 10am
-12 noon (or longer) at The Loch
House, all levels welcome
Thursday from 11.45am PROMPT at
the McKillop Institute.
Scottish Country Dance Club—
Every Tuesday, from 7.30-9.30pm,
McKillop Inst.
Sequence Dance Class—Every
Wed 7.30-9.30 at Bowling Club
Scottish Slimmers—Thursdays,
7.30pm, McKillop Inst.
TaeKwon-Do—Fitness and Selfdefence classes for youths and
Tuesdays from 5-6pm,
McKillop and Thursdays from 7pm8pm at Lochwinnoch Primary
School. Tel: 01259 210716.
TaiChi—Masonic Hall, wed 11-12
noon, Thursday 6:45-7:45pm
Zumba—Lochbarr Centre, Wed
7pm - 8pm
Zumba by Cheryl.
Saturday morning 9.30am - 10.30
am Zumba then 10.30am - 11.00am
Metafit -both by instructress Toni
Zumbatonic for kids—Fridays
4-7 yrs 4-5.30pm, 8-14yrs 5.307pm, Lochbarr Centre. Toni
Drop-in T Bar—Lochwinnoch
Elderly Forum. McKillop Institute,
10-12 noon.
First Friday of Month—Semple
Tones host an open mike session at
J Quinn & son
Personal Service & Quality
Linda Margaret School of
Dancing—Tuesdays from 4pm8.45pm, McKillop Institute. For
details, Tel: 0141 581 9104.
Lochwinnoch Art Group—Meet
fortnightly on Monday evenings,
7.30pm, McKillop Institute.
Lochwinnoch Choral Society—
Rehearsals on Monday evenings,
Parish Church/ Hall. Juniors 7:158pm, and Seniors 8pm-9.15pm.
Holidays), meet at 10.30am at The
McKillop Institute.
Lochwinnoch Country Dance
Club—meets Tuesday evenings
7.30 in the McKillop Hall and new
members welcome
Club—For primary age children
every Mon, 5-7pm at the McKillop.
Tel Coby on: 07729 051 615.
Lochwinnoch Playgroup—For
children from 2.5—5 years, every
New Memorials
Cleaning & Renovations
Please Call 01505 68 5455
Mon & Fri 10am-5pm
Tue-Thur 10am-2pm
Sat By Appointment
Liathach Dog Training—(prebooking necessary). Anne Moss,
Tel: 01505 842367,
Additional Inscriptions
Krafty Kids—open to all Primary
School children 1.30—3pm in
small Parish Church room. For
bookings telephone Katharine
Billany on 01505 844 944 or 07947
075 622
Some activities may cease during
holidays, please check
Upcoming Events
 Wed Dec 31—Walk of Faith
starts 7pm from Auld Simon and
visitss the three churches in the
village ending at Our Lady of
Fatima where refreshments will be
Lochwinnoch Arts
Festival 2015 Early
 Wed
Jan 7—Heart Start
Course, 2-4pm, Bowfield Hotel,
Howwood, contact Morag on
 Wed
Jan 14—Heart Start
Course, 7-9pm, Masonic Lodge,
Lochwinnoch contact Morag on
 Sun
Sunday Concert, "Coro Alba"
singing solos, duets and choruses
from popular operas and musicals
2.30 pm in Beith Community
Centre, King's Road, Beith, KA15
2BQ. All are welcome, prices are
£11/£9 for adults, £3 for students
and children (pay at the door). At
the interval refreshments will be
 Mon Jan 19—Art in the Park
Open Preview at the Castle
Semple Visitor Centre 7 - 8.30pm.
Do try to come - and bring a friend
 Wed Jan 28th—Heart Start
Course, 7-9pm, Bowfield Hotel,
Howwood contact Morag on
 Wed Feb 11th—Heart Start
Course, 2-4pm, Masonic Lodge
Lochwinnoch contact Morag on
Advertising in Chatterbox
Some of the events for the 2015 Arts
Festival 19 till 29 March 2015
A. Standard size advert – 5cm x 13cm
(or 13cm x 5cm) layout - £30 per
B. Special (customised) advert –
7.5cm x 13cm (or 13cm x 7.5cm)
layout - £40 per month.
C. Quarter page advert – eg 13cm
wide x 12cm high layout - £45 per
D. Half page advert – 20cm x 14cm
(or 14cm x 20cm) layout - £90 per
E. Full page advert – 20cm x 28 cm £180 per month.
 Karine Polwart Scottish singer-
songwriter concert and Voice
workshop and local artists
 The Rose Room Jazz Band Swing
music and the style of the great
Django Reinhardt and Stephane
Grappelli the Gypsy Jazz genre
Art exhibition
Photography exhibition in
Glasgow theatre Guild
The Rock Choir and local singers
Susie Lamont pupils concert
e-mail : chat-advert@lochwinnoch.info
The Capitol Big Band
for further information.
A night at the Opera and other
classical music
 Celtic music workshops
 Writers Bernard McLafferty and
Dan Morrison
Catherine Mcphail
 Lochwinnoch Choral society
 Craft Fairs
 And more!!
Apologies but I am not able to send
cards again this Christmas.
I wish all my friends in the village a
happy Christmas and a healthy and
prosperous New Year.
 Thurs 19- Sun 29 March
Arts Festival
Rose Room
After lunch club activities for first few
weeks of 2015:
Susan Whyte—Gentle Exercise Thur
8 Jan
Harpist Pauline Vallance—Thur 15
Indoor Curling—Thur 22 Jan 2015
Elderly Forum—Thur 29 Jan
Jo James Storyteller—Thur 5 Feb
Joinery: All including Kitchens, Bathrooms, Flooring, Tiling, Garages, Sheds etc. Pain ng/Decora ng/Paperhanging. Fencing: Wooden & Metal. Ornamental Metalwork & Welding Monoblock/Slabbing & Gardening. FREE Es mates/Best Prices Tel: 07917 654 857 11
Thank You ‘Girls’!
Wildlife News
Windows on Wildlife
The Windows on Wildlife Project aims
to bring people closer to wildlife,
gaining a unique insight to the furry &
feathered inhabitants of Castle Semple
Country Park. Project Officer Hayley
Douglas gives us an update.
Event updates
Happy New Year from the Windows
on Wildlife Project. I hope the holidays
were enjoyable and you all got a
chance to relax and explore the woods
and loch. If you spotted any of the
animals please let me know. There are
a number of events running this
month. Firstly, the Big WoW Weekend
will take place on Sat 17th and Sun
18th January at Castle Semple Visitor
Centre between 10.00 - 16.00 hrs. It is
a free event with the chance to watch
all the recent footage from the animals
and birds that we have filmed over the
last couple of months.
Pop in and say hello. Swan Chats
continue this month and will take
place on Sun 25th January between
13.00 - 14.00 hrs. Again this event is
free and takes place at Castle Semple.
Please drop along at any time and see
what the swans like to eat and learn
about the different birds that inhabit
the loch at this time of year.
The badgers are still really busy in
the woods getting ready for the
winter. Tufty and Old Boy have been
taking turns at digging out the sett
and Tumble has been collecting
bedding. Rough seems to show an
interest in bedding collection but
gives up after a while and leaves the
gathered bedding for the others to
collect. He is still really playful and
will spend alot of time trying to get
the others to play. Tumble still joins
in but Mum and Dad are quick to tell
him off.
You may have heard about the baby
otter that was found in Kilbirnie and
taken to Hessilhead. The little cub
was found cold, wet and muddy and
was taken home by a couple of young
girls. She has been named Squeaky
and was too young to be out of the
holt. It’s possible that Squeaky’s Dad
is our very own dog otter Rob as we
believe Squeaky’s mum has the
territory next to the female we film.
We can’t be sure but the cub is in
safe hands and will remain at
Hessilhead until she is ready for
release in a years’ time.
More Info…
Details can be found on the Park’s
website www.clydemuirshiel.co.uk
wow@clydemuirshiel.co.uk. Footage
can be viewed on the Park’s Youtube
channel or on the WoW Facebook
page. Talks to groups can be
arranged and volunteer with WoW
by sending me an email.
For More Information Please
Hayley Douglas Windows on
Wildlife Project Officer – CMRP tel
01505 842 882 Ex 25.
When illness or infirmity strikes and
you need help with daily personal care
the Renfrewshire Council Home Care
Lochwinnoch ‘girls’ come to your aid
with sensitivity, discretion and a
cheery smile. They are wonderful.
Sheila Harris had the misfortune to
suffer a stroke while on holiday in
Spain. After hospital care in Spain and
Paisley she is now recovering at home.
Unfortunately, at present, her mobility
is still significantly limited by the
stroke and previous injury and she
receives help from husband John and
the Home Care Team.
Sheila says “I am so grateful to the
NHS for the care I’ve received and to
wonderful carers who come to me
every day. The ‘girls’ are so
encouraging and supportive, it is a
pleasure to get to know them and
cheering to see the different faces come
through the door. I can’t speak highly
enough of them.”
Those of us fortunate to be fit and well
don’t always appreciate the importance
of Council carers to the people they
care for. It is not just that they provide
assistance with activities such as
personal hygiene but for many, unlike
Sheila, the carer may be one of few, if
any, visitors they have.
In these days of cuts and threats of
greater cuts to come, let’s hope
villagers who need care can continue to
receive the care they need and that
carers receive the rewards they
Keep up the great work girls, you are
SVDP New Year Greetings
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul
would like to wish all parishioners
every peace, happiness and health for
the coming New Year.
C. Whyte
All Grades
M.STEWART Ph.D., BA (Hons)
01505 502357
07920 797 700
E-m[il, mg^st_w[rt@gm[il.]om
President S.S.V.D.P.
Howwood & Lochwinnoch
Cllr Andy Doig
2014 will go down in
history as one of the
years for the country
but the New Year also holds out big
opportunities for Scotland and for our
village communities like Lochwinnoch.
We have a new First Minister in Nicola
Sturgeon MSP and, having known her
since she was a young woman on the
SNP NEC, I am convinced she will
serve both the Scottish Government
and Scotland with distinction and
One young Lochwinnoch woman with
vision who has served her village with
distinction is Johnstone High 1st Year
pupil, Caitlin Armstrong, who has
raised massive funds for charities such
as Cancer McMillan Care, and Help for
To recognise her sterling work in
Lochwinnoch I nominated Caitlin for a
Police Scotland Recognition Award,
and I am delighted to say that Caitlin
has won one of the two Young Person’s
Awards and was presented with it in
At the last Economy and Jobs Board in
Renfrewshire Council the Scottish
Government showed its strong
Lochwinnoch by pledging a minimum
of £2 million for rural regeneration in
communities, through the EU backed
LEADER programme.
This represents the best kind of First
Foot that our villages could get for
2015, with significant investment to
enhance visitor and tourist amenities,
environmental improvements, and
crucial support for businesses and
social enterprises in the villages
promised over the next few years.
be represented on the steering body
for LEADER, to allow direct
administration Councillors voted it
Since the sad demise of the RBS
branch, and the move of the Post
Office into the Spar Store, in
Lochwinnoch, I have been lobbying
RBS, Spar, and PO regional
management to smooth out issues
that have arisen. I will continue to be
pro-active on this but I am also
promoting the idea of a Lochwinnoch
Credit Union, to provide real
community based financial services
for the village, if you want to support
this idea please contact me and we
can get a steering committee set up.
I very much want to make myself
available to local residents in
Lochwinnoch and please note my
Lochwinnoch advice surgery is on the
4th Wednesday of the month, at
7:30pm, in the McKillop Institute,
excluding July. However, I am
available at any time to constituents
who can call me on 07534 148224,
tweet me on CllrAndy4Ward8, or email me at
Meeting on the third Thursday of
the month from September to April,
In the Parish Church guild room at
Annual Membership is £8
New members and visitors are always
welcome. Charge for visitor is £2 and
includes tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.
 January 15th: Ailsa Turner. "Sir
David Wilkie - From Cults to
 February 19th:
Glenda White.
"David Stowe - A Sort of Amateur
 March 19th:
Dr Paul Maloney.
"Panto in Scotland - Your Other
National Theatre"
 April 16th:
Val Boa. "Clyde
Yours Sincerely,
Cllr Andy Doig (SNP)
John Delaney IFA
For a free initial consultation, without obligation, contact:
Calder lodge, Newton of Barr, Lochwinnoch PA12 4AR
Phone 842632
At the Board meeting I moved an
amendment that community councils
01505 844 801
07715 579 312
Lochwinnoch Historical
Positive Solutions (Financial Services) Ltd. is authorised and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered as a Limited
Company In England And Wales No. 3276760.
Chatterbox is produced and distributed on
behalf of Lochwinnoch Community
Council, with support and financial
assistance from local sponsors and
Lochwinnoch Community Council (LCC)
welcomes all entries for possible inclusion
for publication in print, web or audio
format or any way as thought
appropriate by the editorial team
All views are of individuals. The Editor
accepts no liability for errors or
Glacial Past
There is no need to
travel north to the Highlands to find
evidence that our landscape once lay
under a thick blanket of ice. Walks or
cycles around Renfrewshire will
provide evidence for the county’s
glacial history which reached its
maximum extent around twenty
thousand years ago and finally
disappearing from the Paisley area
about eight thousand years before the
On the cycle track between Kilbarchan
and Lochwinnoch stands a large
bicycle sculpture. Its wheels look like
millstones. The giant bicycle is
positioned on a low rock outcrop
termed a roche moutonneé or sheep
rock, so called because rocks of that
shape were thought to resemble sheep
lying in a meadow. Some people do
have incredible imaginations.
This rock, composed of volcanic basalt,
movement. Angular rock fragments
lodged in the base of the moving ice
striations. These run in line with the
cycle track and indicate that the ice
must have moved either from
Kilbarchan to Lochwinnoch or viceversa. However, it is known that the
main glacier came from the north
carving out a deep trench later to be
occupied by Loch Lomond. As the ice
moved shaping the roche moutonneé it
smoothed the Kilbarchan side--the
stoss side. It continued on its journey
plucking pieces of rock away from the
Lochwinnoch side--the lee side. This
particular roche moutonneé is not
exactly a text book example but thanks
to the overall smoothness and scratch
marks is interesting nonetheless.
A short drive up to the visitor centre
at Muirshiel takes you into a glen in
the Renfrew Heights. The hills,
especially around the Muirshiel
visitor centre, have a Highlands-in miniature feel. If you walk round to
the side of the centre opposite the car
park anticipating a picnic at one of
the tables there, take a look over
towards the lower hillside. There you
irregular mounds. The glaciologists
tell us that these hillocks are called
hummocky moraines admittedly not
a very technical- sounding name.
However, it all gets a shade more
“technical” when we discover that
this loose material is composed of
ablation till, a term which would
require more space to define along
with its opposite—lodgement till. The
mounds are made up of loosely
compacted deposits of clay, gravel,
and stones of all shapes and sizes.
This is the result of material
embedded in the base of the ice being
dumped onto the hillside and valley
floor during the last stages of glacier
decay. The hummocky moraine at
Muirshiel is seen to advantage in the
late afternoon when the setting sun
casts long shadows.
When the glacier was advancing it
must have been powerful enough to
pluck large boulders from the hillside
and carry them for considerable
distances. These are known as
erratics since they are erratically
scattered around the landscape and
generally originate from further
afield, i.e., they are “foreign” to the
immediate area. Renfrewshire has
probably one of the largest examples
in lowland Scotland of a glacial
erratic—the famous Clochoderick
Stone. However, this enormous boulder
is not particularly “foreign” being of the
same type of lava as the nearby Renfrew
Heights. Most boulders dumped by the
retreating ice are fairly rounded
suggesting that they were tumbled
around in the glacier for long periods.
Our very own Clochoderick stone is
fairly angular suggesting that it spent
little time inside the ice and therefore
was plucked from local bedrock.
Further Renfrewshire explorations
should reveal more evidence for past
glacial action especially post glacial
features such as the beds of former
Look out for flat marshy areas. A few of
these could of course be the remains of
disused reservoirs. One extensive flat
wetland can be seen between
Kibblestone Road and Howwood.
These possible former lake beds
peppered the ground close to the front
or snout of the retreating ice. The basal
rocks of Renfrewshire eroded by the ice
are to a large extent volcanic giving
hints of a violent volcanic past. If you
will excuse the cliché—that is another
Bryan Cromwell
Bryan, who lives in Lochwinnoch, is a
retired Geography/Geology lecturer.
He was also a part time Countryside
Ranger at Castle Semple Loch in the
mid-1970s working with the, now
retired, Senior Ranger Terry
Robinson. Terry had a bridge in
Parkhill Wood named after him-Terry's Bridge.
Inverclyde Windfarm application No
13/0199/IC - Erection of 8 wind turbines,
construction of access tracks and
ancillary development (including crane
hardstandings, cabling, transformers,
culverts), formation of borrow pit,
erection of
sub-station and control
Martyne Ferry
building, formation of car park and
temporary construction compounds on
land North And East Of Corlic Hill,
‘Predetermination hearing’ for this
application at Inverclyde Planning
Board on 5 November. This new system
requires the Planning department to
make a recommendation to the
Planning Board which makes a
recommendation to the full Council as
only they can make a final decision on
whether to allow or refuse the
At the meeting Planning Board
representatives of the developer as well
as: Kilmacolm Community Council,
Kilmacolm Civic Trust, Keep Corlic Wild
campaign (2 people), SYRP campaign (3
people), Inverclyde Ramblers Assoc’,
Glasgow Airport, Clyde Muirshiel
Regional Park (CMRP), and the Chief of
Inverclyde Planning department.
emphasised that 7.5 million passengers
passed through the airport in 2013,
there are 4,500 people working at the
airport and their absolute priority has to
be the safeguard of passengers, aircraft
plus people and property on the ground.
The airport objection was based on the
detrimental effect on the airport radar
system and with the impossibility of a
technical system of mitigating the radar
interference within 3 years (the time
limit allowed for a developer to
undertake a project after approval),
The unanimous decision of the Board
was to recommend refusal of the
application to the full Council which
takes place on 4 Dec. Other than the
developer, nobody addressed the
meeting in support of the application;
out of the 725 comments sent to
Inverclyde Planning Dept, in connection
with this application, only one was in
Inverclyde Council meet on 4
December. Before the meeting was the
unanimous recommendation by the
Inveclyde Planning Board that the
application be refused on the basis of
seven reasons. Three motions were put
down: 1, that the application be
accepted (4 votes); 2, that the
application be refused but only for one
reason, namely the detrimental effect on
Glasgow airport and overflying etc (12
votes); and 3, that the application be
refused for all seven reasons (14 votes).
We have to assume that the 12 voters
are unaware that it is important when
refusing an application, to have as
many reasons for refusal as possible
because of the possibility that the
developer may appeal to Scottish
Ministers. If that happens and a Public
Local Inquiry (PLI) is ordered,
Inverclyde Council can major on all
seven reasons.
Other News
Inverclyde windfarm meteorological
mast – the 70m / 230 ft mast was
blown over during the gale on 17th Oct
2014. This is the third meteorological
mast in the park to have been blown
over in gales. Fortunately, this has
been at night but just confirms what
we have always said, that from a safety
point of view they should not be
allowed in Parks.
Hunterston - Scottish Enterprise
continues talks with two potential
offshore turbine tenants at the third
berth of the Hunterston onshore test
site in Ayrshire despite “dampened
enthusiasm” due to lower than
expected Contracts for Difference
Other Applications Refused
Renfrewshire – Castlehill
Inverclyde – Scoggy Bank &
Applications Under Discussion or
Lodged (SYRP Objected To All )
Glasgow (just outside park) –
application by William Baxter to
Inverclyde Council (13/233/IC) for 1 x
75m turbine
South Hourat Farm , Dalry –
Screening opinion requested from
North Ayrshire Council (13/0187/EIA)
for 2 x max’ 126.5m turbines
Dykes Farm, Dalry – Screening
opinion requested from North Ayrshire
Council (13/0122/EIA) for 1 x 37m to
hub / 330KW turbine
Dykehead Farm , Dalry – Screening
opinion requested from North Ayrshire
Council (13/00706/EIA) for 2 x
turbines up to 35m high; one in CMRP
and one just outside
Plan Farm , Kilbirnie - Screening
opinion requested from North Ayrshire
Council (13/0616/EIA) for Solar PV
array with max capacity 5 MW
Blackshaw Farm , West Kilbride - on
Blackshaw Hill – Community
Windpower Ltd are preparing an
application for their biggest turbines yet
in CMRP. We expect an application
soon for 5 x 492ft / 150m turbines each
rated at 4 MW. These would be just
south of the Dalry/West Kilbride road
and would be adjacent to and slightly
north of, the existing Ardrossan
Skelmorlie Windfarm – Proposal for
either 21 or 16 x 3.5 MW turbines but no
further news. Probably gone away.
High Auchenleck Farm, Port
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Clyde Muirshiel
The Park’s campsite at Barnbrock was fully booked for the
duration of the Commonwealth Games. The office staff were
particularly impressed with the camaraderie of those staying
when the site suffered a power cut!
2014 Roundup
New Community Cycling Club Ride 63 had their first ride out!
10 hardy mountain bikers went round Parkhill Woods in the
Representatives from Europe and beyond visited Clyde
Muirshiel through the Xchange Scotland volunteer
programme to do conservation work and experience the best
of Scotland’s largest Regional Park.
We welcomed the Lochwinnoch Art Group for their annual ‘Art
in the Park’ Exhibition at Castle Semple.
Moth evenings at Park HQ Barnbrock Farm, run by the
Countryside Office team resulted in one of the most colourful
moths the ‘Merveille du jour’ aka ‘marvel of the day’ being
captured and photographed.
We revamped our Photographic Competition for Year of
Homecoming Scotland and tried something a little different so
we let you decide the winners via Facebook this year!
Planning began for the annual Scottish Multi-Class Regatta to
be hosted at Castle Semple in June 2015.
West Coast Paddlers held the first annual Flatwater
Symposium took place at Castle Semple.
The Sempill Clan gathered for Year of Homecoming and
visited the relics of the estate followed by a picnic overlooking
the loch.
We said goodbye to Charlie Woodward, Regional Park Manager
for the last 13 years.
Clyde Muirshiel and RYA Scotland hosted a joint thank you
evening reception for volunteers/ supporters/ sponsors at
Glasgow Science Centre for Race 2 the games and the
Commonwealth Flotilla.
Race 2 the games training began for many schools with
Kersland celebrating the donation of their very own access boat
by the Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce.
The WoW Project celebrated its second birthday and
completion of the project. It surpassed a number of its goals,
including the number of school children who saw footage,
experienced wildlife photography workshops and the number
of TV appearances on STV Glasgow.
Clydeside Orienteers came to Greenock Cut for their Nationals
- nearly 250 competitors took part!
Castle Semple features in Euan’s Guide, the online review site
for disabled access, we achieved 5 stars for our Sailability
credentials and facilities!
Greenock Cut volunteer Katy received the highest Saltire
Award for over 1500 hours work over 19 months!
Our new intern Jennifer started and was thrown straight in at
the deep end planning for our pre-Commonwealth Games
Legacy event Race 2 the Games in July!
Stargazing Evenings at Muirshiel Country Park got off to a
great start with 38 people enjoying a wonderfully clear night
in the deepest darkest hills of Renfrewshire!
University of the West of Scotland student placements started Lisa worked with the WoW project and Chris and David in the
Countryside Office doing GIS mapping and reptile surveys.
Planning began for a new exciting cycling festival for 26 April
2015 called ‘Pedal the Park’. It will contain an event village,
challenging sportive, family friendly and hand-biking
Three of the Park’s staff members, David Hill, Joanne McEwan
and Neil MacDonald completed a 700 mile Three Lighthouse
Challenge raising thousands for the local Sailing charity
Work started on the Semple Trail to install new ‘lookouteries’
interpretation points at several locations in Parkhill Woods
and beyond.
Park staff attended the John Muir Trust Conference for the
most up to date info on Scotland’s most important conservation
We expanded our range of products to include delivery of fully
accessible Duke of Edinburgh programmes.
Race 2 the Games training began for James Reid School, North
Ayrshire, with their own boat naming.
Senior Ranger Mike and Countryside Ranger Claire attended
the Scottish Countryside Ranger’s Association Ranger
Rendezvous 2014 at Culzean Castle. There were many useful
talks and workshops.
We received Race 2 the Games support from HRH The Princess
Royal, patron of RYA Foundation and Sailability and a recent
visitor said “I send all the competitors, volunteers and
supporters my best wishes for a most successful day on 2nd
July as you race up the River Clyde.”
We say goodbye and good luck to intern Jennifer who
successfully acquired a new permanent job thanks in part to
the experience gained at Clyde Muirshiel.
The Scottish Western Thoroughbred Vehicle Club visited
Greenock Cut Centre with a dazzling array of classic and
vintage cars.
The overall Photographic Competition winner was Ronnie
McFadyen with his entry ‘Butterfly on Flower’.
The week before Christmas we completed the Park’s 15th
Branching Out programme for mental health, the 3rd this year.
We look forward to next year’s starting in the Spring.
New purpose built toilet facilities opened at Lunderston Bay –
making the many school trips much easier!
Clyde Muirshiel’s Race 2 the Games event took place on the 2nd
July on the River Clyde and has been hailed as a huge success
by participants, partners and organisers.
Impressive Sightings this year: advocet, pied-billed grebe at
Loch Thom and nuthatch at Muirshiel in April.
Glasgow Commonwealth Games Baton Bearers included Park
staff – David Hill, Willie MacLeod, Kat Russell and Hayley
Douglas in recognition for Sailability and charity work plus
volunteer activities.
RSPB Lochwinnoch Reserve
December passed by in a flash, with lots of festivities at the reserve! This was the
first time we have sold Christmas trees at the reserve and we had a lovely day.
There were Christmas crafts, home baking and even Santa popped in to help us
out. Hopefully this year we will do it all over again!
If you have visited our Natural Play Area in the past few months you might have
noticed that it has been getting pretty muddy. We all love mud, but it’s nice to
keep your wellies on your feet! Our very hard working volunteers have been knee
deep in it, digging trenches, filling them with wood and then covering them over
with gravel, all in an effort to improve the drainage in parts of the play area. There
is still, of course, a mud pit and plenty of mud around, just not as much as before!
January is that exciting time of year when wildlife lists swing back to 0 and every
sighting is a brand new tick for the year. We start our new bird species list on the
reserve from January 1 so every single bird is a first for the year for the next couple
of weeks! We finished 2014 with over 120 species, which is amazing. This of course
includes a few rarities and first time records as well. A few of our top unusual
visitors this past year have been Slavonian grebe, gannet, long-tailed duck, little
egret, little ringed plover, ruff, bittern, whinchat, pied flycatcher, nuthatch and a
Siberian chiffchaff. Who knows what 2015 will bring, but we’re hoping some of
these beauties might reappear on our records this year too.
Photo by Zul Bha a
Whether you are a complete beginner
or an expert we would love you to get
involved in our Big Garden Birdwatch.
This is the biggest wildlife survey in
the world and anyone can take part
from their own back gardens or local
parks. The survey runs over the
weekend of 24-25 January and to get
involved you can register online at
www.rspb.org.uk . Otherwise pop into
the reserve and ask one of us for more
This survey is not only about birds. We
want to hear what other creatures visit
your garden too. Last years survey
found that sadly only 3% of people in
the UK witnessed red squirrels
regularly in their gardens, compared
with over 70% seeing grey squirrels.
With the help of over half a million
people, we can get a ‘snapshot’ of
wildlife all over the UK, so the more
people that join in, the more data we
can collect.
If you would like some tips on
attracting different birds to your
garden before the Big Garden
Birdwatch then we are holding an event
all day on Saturday 17 January. This
demonstration will have a whole range
of bird food and feeders on display and
knowledgeable staff on hand to answer
any questions you might have. Other
bird themed events this month are a
talk on Garden Birds over the last 35
years by Diane Lyons on Saturday 24
January, 3pm – 4pm and Birds for
Beginners on Saturday 31 January
11am – 1:30pm.
Li le egret by Mike Langman (rspb‐images.com)
January Events
Family Volunteering
Sat 10 Jan
1pm – 4pm
Fancy a bigger backgarden? RSPB
Lochwinnoch is YOUR reserve and
YOUR backgarden!
Come along for some quality family
time, whilst getting the chance to get
nice and muddy as well as doing
something great for nature! This is a
pilot programme and will initially only
run 6 months (Sep14 to Feb15).
Contact us for more information.
Please book in advance as spaces
are limited. Cost: FREE
Evening Talk: Wildlife in the
Loire by Dave Mellor
Wed 14 Jan
Dave Mellor is a former keeper of
natural history at Paisley Museum.
His regular visits over several years
have allowed him to build up an
interesting view of central France's
wildlife. birds, butterflies, animals and
plants as well as landscape, fossils and
rocks all make this a wildlife heaven.
Please book as places are
Cost: Adults: £5 (RSPB members
Ages: up to 14yrs (under fives must
be accompanied by a parent/
guardian). Cost: £2
Booking is not necessary. For more
info, please visit the Lochwinnoch
Wex website:
for a workshop session ideal for
beginners to birdwatching, to help you
learn more about common garden
birds and pick up tips and advice on
wildlife watching techniques. Then
head out into the reserve to put these
new skills into practise. Afterwards
enjoy a hot drink back at the centre.
Please book as places are limited.
Weekend Talk: Garden Birds
over the last 35 years by Diane
Lyons Sat 24 Jan
Cost: Adults: £5 (RSPB members
Children: £3 (Wildlife Explorers £2)
Diane Lyons is a local field teacher
and ecological surveyor, with a keen
interest in the Natural World. Her
talk will take you into the world of
the birds sharing our gardens. She
will speak about garden birds and
their ups and downs and how the
RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch has
helped our understanding over the
last three decades. Please book as
places are limited.
Binocular & Telescope
Demonstration Sat 31 Jan & Sun
1 Feb, All Day
Cost: Adults: £5 (RSPB members
Children: £3 (Wildlife Explorers
Birds for Beginners
Sat 31 Jan
11am – 1:30pm
Would you like to learn more about
the birds you see in your garden?
Join the team at RSPB Lochwinnoch
Children: £3 (Wildlife Explorers £2)
Attracting Birds to your Garden
– Demo Sat 17 Jan All day
Do you fancy knowing the best ways to
attract birds to your garden, or do you
have some other questions about
feeding our feathered friends? Come
along to the visitor centre at RSPB
Lochwinnoch Nature Reserve and find
out! There will be a variety of bird
feeds and feeders on display in the
knowledgeable staff on hand to
answer your burning questions, or
simply tell you about some of the
different options. Cost: FREE
Wildlife Explorer Group:
Sat 24 Jan
10am – 12noon
Come and join this fun children’s
nature activity group! Every session
has a different theme to do with
wildlife and the natural world, but all
sessions are informative, great fun and
involve a good chunk of time outside.
Come and peruse a range of telescopes
and binoculars, with knowledgeable
staff on hand to help you find the right
one for you! Cost: FREE
For bookings and further info:
Email. lochwinnoch@rspb.org.uk
Tel. 01505 842 663
RSPB Lochwinnoch
Largs Road
PA12 4JF
Community Safety Service
Antisocial behaviour, has been an
issue in some parts of the village.
Renfrewshire Council’s Community
Safety Manager, Maxine Bell, has
appealed for those observing antisocial
behaviour to inform the Antisocial
Team. They need villagers to get in
touch and it is important that more
than one person, if possible, gets in
corroboration of an offence.
There are new extended hours for the
Warden Service and the Noise Team
Warden Service - 07:00 - 22:00
seven days a week - 0300 300 0380
Noise Team - 08:45 - 16:45 Mon to
Thur. Fri 08:45- 16:00 then Friday
and Saturday night 20:00 - 02:00 07768 988 186
Antisocial Team
Investigator - Barrie Anderson - Mon
to Thur 08:45 - 16:45 , Fri 08:45 16:00 - 0141 618 5887.
Youth Officer - Sharon Waterson Mon to Thur 08:45 - 16:45, Fri 08:45
- 16:00 -0141 618 5871
Barrie Anderson
Community Safety ASIST
9 Clark Street, Paisley PA3 1RX
For All Your Garage Door Needs
Garage Doors • Remote Control Openers
Installation • Repairs • Spares
0141 950 1423
01505 842 176
01786 820 130
Roadhead, Lochwinnoch PA12 4JG
(10 mins from Glasgow Airport on A737)
garden, one from an unsecured
The Common Assault has been
Police are aware of the problem of
parking on the zigzags outside the
Spar shop. An on-the-spot fine will be
imposed on anyone caught parking
there. Parking next to a pedestrian
crossing endangers lives, particularly
those of children.
Walk of Faith
As every year, Christians in the village
will gather at Auld Simon at 7pm on
Hogmanay to walk round the village
visiting Calder UF Church, the Parish
Church and Our Lady of Fatima
Refreshments will be served at the last
church visited – this year, Our Lady of
Fatima. All welcome
Editorial and Copy for
RSPB Local Group
0141 618 5887
07810 128 674
Police Report
For the period 4 November to 2
December there were 4 crimes in the
1 Common Assault
1 Housebreaking
2 Incidents of theft: one from a
The next meeting of the Renfrewshire
Royal Society for the Protection of
Birds Local Group will be held on
Friday 15 January 2015 at 7.30 pm.
Let us have your stories, notices, news,
information, events and items of interest
– either hand-deliver them to the
Chatterbox drop-box in the Library or
preferably e-mail them to us at:
There will be an illustrated talk
entitled Clyde Area Birds, a 30 year
update by Iain Gibson.
Electronic submission with full colour
pictures are preferred.
The meeting will be held in the
McMaster Centre, Donaldson Drive,
Renfrew PA4 8LX. All welcome.
Tel: 01505 842632
Tel: 01505 614654

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