April 2015 - City of Rock Hill
April 2015 - City of Rock Hill
The OWLS Club, sponsored by the City of Rock Hill Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department, consists of adults over the age of 55 in Rock Hill and surrounding areas. The purpose of the group is to provide quality programs and activities through social gatherings, sports, games, and daytime/overnight trips to all seniors. There is no fee to join the group, simply call or email Katie Conley and express your interest. We look forward to seeing you at our next function! April 2015 Therapeutic Recreation & Senior Trip Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens Wednesday, May 6, 2015 DAILY PROGRAMS: W H AT, W H E N, W H E RE Monthly Meetings **APRIL 2 @ 12 PM** Mayflower Restaurant Bowling Thursdays @ 9:00 AM Strikers Family Bowling Center *Pay upon completion of games Cornhole Tuesdays 10:00 AM—11:30 AM Boyd Hill Rec Center Dominoes Mondays @ 1:30 PM Boyd Hill Rec Center Open Gym Table Tennis/Shuffleboard Mondays & Wednesdays Table Tennis 9:00-11:00 AM Shuffleboard 9:30-11:00 AM Boyd Hill Rec Center Stop and smell the roses on Wednesday, May 6 at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens. TR participants and Seniors will travel together for a beautiful day at the Gardens. After a group tour, you will learn some basic photography skills from PRT’s Wendy Waddle. Please bring any camera that you have, you can even use the camera on your phone. Also bring a picnic lunch, we can have lunch anywhere in the Garden. $20 per person, includes transportation, photography instruction, guided tour and entry fee. Time and location of departure TBD. Seating is very limited. Please register as soon as possible by contacting Katie Conley at 803-329-5626. (Photography Instruction is OPTIONAL. You do not have to bring a camera to participate.) Katie.Conley@cityofrockhill.com 803-329-5626 P.O. Box 11706 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Bocce Fridays @ 9:00 AM Boyd Hill Rec Center Pickleball 1st, 3rd & 4th Monday of month 6:00 PM—8:00 PM Northside Rec Center Thursdays 11:30 AM—2:30 PM Boyd Hill Rec Center Friday following 2nd Monday of month 11:30 AM– 2:30 PM Boyd Hill Rec Center All activities listed above are FREE unless otherwise indicated. COME SEE ME FESTIVAL APRIL 16-25, 2015 Mark your calendars! The 2015 Come See Me Festival is drawing near. Thursday, April 23 12:00 PM—1:30 PM Glencairn Garden Enjoy some lunchtime entertainment. Listen to the acoustic mix of Chris Holder as he takes us through time with music from the 60s to modern day. Bring a lawn chair and a picnic lunch. You may also want to wear a hat and sunscreen! No RSVP needed, just show up! TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2015 MANCHESTER MEADOWS LAKE SHELTER It’s time for our Springtime FUN DAY!!! Come out to the Manchester Meadow Lake Shelter on Tuesday, May 12 at 10:30 AM. Bring your favorite games and activities. We will also play some cornhole! At lunchtime, we will have hamburgers or cheeseburgers, snacks and drinks catered by Cherry Park Staff. To sign up, please pay $8 per person by Friday, May 1, 2015. Additionally, OWLS Member, Nancy Pate, has created and donated a spring wreath for raffle with all proceeds going to Meals on Wheels. REGISTER BY APRIL 22 BY CONTACTING KATIE AT 803-329-5626 WALKING OWLS NIGHT OWLS Every Friday 10:00 AM Galleria Mall Monday, April 20, 2015 6:00 PM O’CHARLEY’S Meet in the food court 2265 Cross Pointe Dr, Rock Hill, SC 29731 Please RSVP to Katie Conley GAMEDAY Friday, April 24, 2015 1:30—3:30 PM Boyd Hill Center Bring your favorite board/card game. Teach each other how to play! Also, keep in mind that you can attend OPEN GYM on Monday and/or Wednesday mornings (9 AM-11 AM) and play games at a table as well! BINGO Wednesday, April 22, 2015 3:00 PM—4:30 PM Emmett Scott Center $3 per person (1 card) $1 per person (each additional card) *special guest speaker providing some prizes OWLS C LUB M ONTHLY M EETINGS The OWLS Club holds meetings each month in an effort to keep members informed and updated on upcoming OWLS Club programs and events in the Rock Hill area. These meetings take place the first Thursday of each month (unless a National Holiday falls on that day, in which case you will be notified of a different date) at the Mayflower Restaurant on Celanese. The meetings begin at 12:00 PM. If you wish to have lunch at the Mayflower, it is best to arrive around 11:15 AM to find a seat and order your food before the meeting begins. At these meetings, you will also have an opportunity to sign up and pay for upcoming programs. You will see tables as you enter the designated meeting section with sign up sheets and volunteers ready to help you with this process. If you are a new member, this is also where you will find the OWLS Club membership form. See you at the Mayflower! QUIDDITCH WORLD CUP APRIL 11-12, 2015 Manchester Meadows It’s back! Come to Manchester Meadows the weekend of April 11-12, 2015 to see 80 teams from around the US compete for the World Cup! This event is the pinnacle of the season as well as the largest spectator event for the sport! Teams qualify through regionals and have the opportunity to compete at the World Cup to be crowned the World Champions. You do not want to miss this! Spend the day with your OWLS Club friends as we travel to Sharon and York, SC. Enjoy breakfast at the Sharon Grill, visit the Museum of Western York County, tour the Historic Hill Mercantile and travel home, but not before stopping in York to see the McCelvey Genealogy Center and a delicious lunch at the Garden Café. Before departing for Rock Hill, partake in a walking tour of historic York homes (exterior of the homes only, unless homeowners invite our group inside). SHARON & YORK, SC APRIL 29, 2015 2nd TRIP! $10 per person, includes transportation and activities (you are responsible for your breakfast and lunch). Seats are reserved to those on a current waiting list. Call to find out if more seating is available. A more detailed schedule and times will be determined. Schedule subject to change. NARROWAY PRODUCTIONS “SAMSON” FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015 “Samson” is NarroWay’s Newest Broadway Style Show and premiering this May! Don’t miss this show that is said to be “historical and unnervingly relevant!” $40 per person– Includes show, dinner and transportation. $35 per person if you provide your own transportation. We will depart at 5:30 PM from the City Hall parking lot. Register with full payment no later than May 15, 2015. Seating is limited. WOHLFAHRT HAUS DINNER THEATER “UNDER THE BOARDWALK” WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2015 “Back by popular demand! Carolina Beach Music is a beloved trademark of the Southeastern seaboard and is one of our all time favorites. Let Wohlfahrt Haus drift you away to the Carolina coast in “Under the Boardwalk”. This original production features the live music of our own WHDT beach band. If this show doesn’t have you shagging in the aisles then nothing will. It’s “SHAGTASTIC”!” The trip fee is $85, which includes motorcoach transportation, dinner, gratuity and the show! The deadline to register is Friday, May 22, 2015. Your opinion is important to us. If you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Katie Conley! We would love to hear your feedback on existing programs & trips or ideas for future activities. If you would like to receive newsletters via email, contact Katie with your email address. PAINTING PARTY THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 It’s back! Don’t miss this fun class! PRT’s very own and talented, Patti Panetti will instruct our participants on painting a spring themed watercolor painting. You do not have to be skilled at painting. This class is at a beginner level and all for FUN! PICTURES FROM THE MARCH 11 SHARON/YORK, SC DAY TRIP $20 per person/registration required.