(WRACS) - New Supercompactor
(WRACS) - New Supercompactor
Waste Receipt Assay Characterisation Supercompaction (WRACS) - New Supercompactor Dounreay Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Dounreay's Low Level Waste (LLW) drum crushing plant (WRACS) suffered a major, non-repairable mechanical failure in August 2011. DSRL sourced a replacement supercompactor from AWE that was surplus to requirements. This provided DSRL with significant savings in terms of cost and schedule. Key Facts • Local firm Simpsons' used two cranes to lift the 45 tonne compactor into place through a roof hatch in the building. • The operations team continue to assay, characterise and store the LLW drums produced by site decommissioning operations whilst the supercompactor replacement project is ongoing. Interior of facility Supercompactor • Over 15,000 assayed drums were in storage by the time the new supercompactor started compacting. • The new supercompactor started processing drums in July 2015. • Supercompaction reduces the volume of LLW disposal; typically by a factor of five. • Compacted waste (referred to as 'pucks') are placed in ISO containers and grouted for emplacement in the new LLW Disposal Vaults. The old Supercompactor was successfully packaged for disposal as a bulk package. Pucks being loaded into an ISO container Supercompactor being lowered into place Supercompactor being loaded through facility roof Drum Puck Produced by DSRL Communications Department - ©2015 Produced by DSRL Communications Department - ©2015
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