inside this issue pastor`s parable may 2015
inside this issue pastor`s parable may 2015
PASTOR’S PARABLE Pastor Henry We recently completed the six weeks Lenten journey and also celebrated the glorious resurrection of the Lord on Easter Sunday. One of the highlights of the Easter Sunday celebration at our churches was the Easter egg hunt. Each Easter Sunday, many children and parents from the community gather in anticipation for the time to begin the hunt. And many volunteers from our churches work very hard to make it happen. This year, the Duet Christian Education Team decided to make this event a chance to reach out to the families coming for the egg hunt. It turned out to be a wonderful opportunity for one of our ministry values: welcoming and outreach. In addition to the usual egg hunt preparation, the Education Team prepared a hand out with the children’s ministry information including our regular Sunday school, the music program, and Vacation Bible School. In order to promote our children’s ministry, the Education Team decided to purchase recyclable grocery bags and provided them as a free gift. The bag was designed with a slogan, “Bag It for God’s Planet”, and included our church names and address. It attracted everyone to stop by for the gift and flyers, and most left their contact information for follow up. I think this event was successful because the gift was something most people found interesting and useful. The recyclable shopping bags were seen as welcoming and inviting. It was possible because of the hard working people of our churches. The bag was indeed a great hit. Just imagine when people take our bags when they shop, the bag becomes a walking advertisement for our churches and ministries. When our ministry focuses on the needs of the people we serve, the outcome can be more exciting and effective. Because of the innovation and hard work of our church leaders, more people in our community learn more about the active children’s ministries at our church. Continue Page 2 Col. 1 Relying on God's faithfulness, we journey together seeking unity, inclusiveness, and renewed life in Christ, becoming a vibrant witness to God's love. MAY 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE CALENDARS FELLOWSHIP EVENTS LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES LECTIONARY PASTOR’S PARABLE PRAYER CONCERNS SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAY SCHEDULES UNITED METHODIST WOMEN PASTOR’S PARABLE (cont.) I want to thank our Duet Christian Education and Evangelism Teams for making this event possible. I thank Ken Redler for researching the source for the bags, Lea McGowan for the wonderful design, and Bob McGowan for processing the purchase. It would not have been possible without the hard work of the welcoming crew, including Linna Harnack and members of the Duet Teams. This event was a great example of how we are relevant and effective in meeting the needs of the community. I remember the Maundy Thursday reading of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and his reminder of his active service for the disciples. “I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you also should wash one another’s feet. I have given you an example. You should do as I have done for you. (John 13:14-15 NIRV) EGGTISTICS How many plastic eggs? 1,253 and they all disappeared in 3 minutes flat. How many Easter bunnies does it take to fill 1,253 plastic eggs? In the week prior to the main event, Cheyenne filled 300 eggs to earn three hours for her school volunteer time. On the Friday before Easter Sunday, volunteers gathered in Room 1 to fill 900 eggs. In about an hour the job was complete. We thank stuffers Gloria, Olivia and Serena; Bev, Lois, Ione, Anne, Jim, Carol, Nancy, and Ken. Cheryl and Jane kept the egg fillers supplied with empty plastic eggs, candy, and stickers. What did the egg hunters find inside those 1,253 eggs? Thanks to Cheryl, who cut sheets of stickers, each egg was stuffed with two Tootsie Roll candies and one sticker. That’s not all! Bags were filled with 50 eggs and ready for distribution on the lawn areas before worship on Easter Sunday. A group of youth volunteers then distributed the eggs. The hunting grounds were taped off by Ken, who then did crowd control. Everyone had so much fun, we know they’ll be back next year to do it all again. May it be a constant reminder for our everyday ministry. DUET MINISTRY TEAM VISION STATEMENTS Duet Education Team—Deepen and build our understanding of, and relationship with God by: nurturing faith, encouraging study of the Bible, teaching Christian history, tradition and discipleship, leading to a celebration of our relationship with God and all God’s children. Ken Redler, Chairperson Duet Evangelism Team—To joyfully share our growing relationship with the living God, and invite others to experience the exciting, transforming power of being a part of Christian Community. Bob McGowan, Chairperson Duet Fellowship Team—Strengthen and grow our Christian community by developing friendships, melding the congregations, and welcoming others into our fellowship. Mickey Lazaga, Chairperson Duet Social Ministry Team—In response to our calling to be God’s hands on earth we lovingly serve God’s children, sharing our resources as we serve, learn, teach, and advocate. Judy Williams, Chairperson Duet Worship Team—In worship we are drawing into a relationship with God and into God’s presence through praising, praying, listening, teaching, and receiving the sacraments. Dianne La Verne, Chairperson DUET Staff Senior Editors Pastor Henry Henry Kim, Pastor Peggy White, Pastor Production Editors Lea McGowan Matthew Ridgway Writers All the People Office Hours St. John: Tues, Wed, Fri, 930 am-130 pm Trinity & JV: Monday-Friday, 9 am-1 pm Available by Appointment DUET articles are due in the office by the 15th of every month. Page 2 THIS ‘N THAT YOU ARE IN OUR PRAYERS Our friends at St. John Lutheran Church: Art, Anne, Mark, Joan, and the Seiler-Garman family. Imagine NO Malaria. To date, our Malaria fund raising efforts have brought in more than $745. Keep those donations coming in to St. John and Trinity. Our friends at Trinity United Methodist Church: Jessica and her family, Melva, Pat, Clare (Dianne’s mother), and Ruth Wise. Guys, you are missing out if you don’t attend the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7 am in the Fellowship Hall. Made-to-order pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee, and juice are served (along with fresh biscuits from the kitchen of Bob Williams). You’ll enjoy lively conversation with several of the men from the Faith in Action Shelter. Attendance is averaging about 16 men. Try it, you’ll like it! We extend our sympathy to Alice Winkler”s family. Alice died on March 25, 2015. She was a long-time member of St. John’s. We pray for those who are or have been ill, those undergoing treatments, those recovering from surgery, and their caregivers; Duet Worship (formerly Joint Worship) will come again May 31, the last day of Sunday school for the children. Join us at 10 am for worship with fellowship following. all of God’s people, church members, our elderly and shutin friends, and our faraway friends; for those unemployed, looking for work, beginning new jobs, the under-employed, hungry, outdoor citizens, victims of violence, and struggling families; Did you notice? Thanks to a generous donor, there are new, comfortable folding chairs in the Sanctuary building— they even match the carpet color. The well-worn orangered folding chairs have been retired to other rooms on campus. for those affected by intense storms and earthquakes, especially in Nepal; and victims of fire and other disasters so that they might rebuild their communities and grow closer to one another; for empowering the church with grace, hope, and healing, in nations suffering from Ebola, experiencing turmoil or unrest, and those living under oppressive leadership; The Easter Pancake Breakfast was a hit with our visitors and friends on Easter Sunday. Thank you, Boy Scouts, for returning with this welcome tradition. We’re looking forward to next year! for all those who suffer from the burning fever, painful aches of malaria, and live in constant dread of the bite of deadly mosquitoes, that they find respite from their pains and that God fill their hearts with hope and assurance of a malaria-free future; Wondering what to do with those plastic Easter eggs? They can be recycled at church for next year’s Easter egg hunt. Drop them off in the church entry or in the office any time. for immigrants coming across our U.S. border, both unaccompanied minors and adults, that they receive humanitarian assistance from our government agencies charged with their care; Have you lost it? We have one brown tweed Irish motoring cap size 7-1/4; one tan White Sierra XL jacket; and one square electronic auto access key. Claim in the church office. police, firefighters, emergency care workers, safety personnel, and military personnel, especially those who have come home broken in mind, body, and spirit; Bag It For God’s Planet bags are available at church any time. Take them for you and give to your neighbors too. Get the word out that our churches are active in the community. the leaders of our cities, state, and nation, including Governor Brown, President Obama, and leaders throughout the world; guidance for the missions and pastors of St. John, Trinity, and The Very Good Korean Methodist Church; strength for our church leaders around the world, especially ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton; ELCA Bishop Holmerud; UMC Bishop Brown; and UMC El Camino Real District Superintendent, Kristie Olah. God, make this Easter season, our prayers and meditations, be a rich time for thanksgiving and growth. Holy God, bring to our minds and hearts the needs of the world and our fitting response. Amen. The Thursday night Duet Prayer Fellowship meets in the Library at 7 pm to pray for many people whose names are not published. You are welcome to join this small group to pray for spiritual growth and healing through prayer for others. Please contact Jane Dredge, Mickey Lazaga, or your pastor if you wish to have anyone added to our prayer list. Page 3 DUET CHRISTIAN EDUCATION WHERE TO BEGIN? Ken & Linna If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me. Jesus Christ Graduate Recognition Sunday On June 14, the second Sunday in June, the names of all of our graduates, e.g., those graduating from kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, vocation or community college and university, will be listed on an insert in our bulletins so all can become familiar with the advancement of our community’s young people. ...the poverty of the poor is not a call to generous relief action, but a demand that we go and build a different social order. Gustavo Gutierrez We can get started in several small ways: ⦁ Support smaller, locally owned businesses. ⦁ Reduce, reuse, and recycle so we don’t use more than our fair share of available resources. ⦁ Tip generously, and engage service staff in caring conversations. ⦁ Give often and generously to agencies that address problems of hunger and homelessness. Pastors Henry and Peggy will also want to give all those graduates present on that day a special blessing during worship. At 10:20 am, in the Fellowship Hall, the Duet Education Team plans to give a special recognition to those graduates from high school and above. Consider the relationship between low-priced goods and services, and many workers’ low wages. Kathryn Haueisen, retired ELCA pastor We hope to hear from those graduates about their future plans. To ensure the team has the names of all of the 2015 graduates, we are requesting all parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, to please give us the names of the graduates in your family as soon as possible. We need to have a complete list by May 15, not only for our planning purposes but also to publish the list in the June DUET. PROJECT DAY — EVERY FRIDAY Jane A special “thank you” to all those who helped fill over 1250 Easter eggs for the egg hunt! Come to Project Day any time after 9:30 am on Fridays, even if you do not have a project. Just relax and enjoy a treat with coffee or tea. Vacation Bible School (VBS) The Education Team has chosen “Hometown Nazareth” as the theme this summer. Our desire is to have children identify with Jesus as a child - what his hometown looked like, how the people dressed in that day, what type of activities and games were part of his early life, a house where Jesus was raised, and maybe meet his mother Mary who will tell them the stories of his birth and childhood. There will be shops in his hometown market place where our children will meet craftspeople of that day and participate in making the same crafts with which Jesus was very familiar as a child. There will also be a corral near the market place to introduce our children to the typical animals that Jesus saw and played with. In fact, it might be possible that during one of these VBS sessions, those animals may be real ones. But shhhh, we need to wait and see…. The warmer weather is not ending the scarf project. We have more yarn available and will continue to make scarves. CROP HUNGER WALK Judy The Church World Service CROP Hunger Walk took place in San Jose around the rose garden on April 19. Donations are still needed to support the hungry in our area. You can donate on line in support of St. John and Trinity’s teams. St. John Lutheran Church Obviously we are going to have a lot of fun. And we’ll need help! You might expect to be approached real soon and be asked to participate somehow. And if you do participate, you won’t regret it. Once again, we will have our VBS session back-to-back with the Summer BBQ. There will be five sessions, one every week on Wednesday evenings starting on June 24 and ending on July 22. As before, we will gather at 6:40 pm and end at 8:00 pm. Trinity United Methodist Church Page 4 DUET FELLOWSHIP TEAM EVENTS UNITED METHODIST WOMEN A Walt Bev Sunnyvale Singers. On Saturday, May 2 at 3 pm, the Sunnyvale Singers present for our enjoyment “War No More”, songs of lament and hope commemorating the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War. Welcome Back, Suad At our April 14 meeting, we were surprised and blessed with the presence of Suad, our UMW friend and former church secretary of many years, who has been gone for four months visiting family in Palestine. Suad shared beautiful pictures of her granddaughter’s wedding in Ramallah on January 4, 2015. But upon the heels of this celebration, all of us at the meeting witnessed a sobering event. Melva, as she was presenting the opening devotions, accidentally tripped and suffered a horrendous fall. The meeting was postponed, and Melva is presently recovering from bruises, a broken vertebrae, and a broken arm. This concert will benefit Sunnyvale Community Services. A free-will offering will be taken. Again we need finger foods for the reception after the concert. Summer Barbecues. On June 17 we will have the first of ten summer barbecues. Come and enjoy good food and fellowship. Invite your friends and neighbors to take advantage of this opportunity. Our prayers are all focused on concern for Melva. General Meeting—May 12 Ardys is scheduled for a program on “Methodist Terminology”, sharing her journey on becoming a pastor and explaining the Methodist ordination process. All are welcome—Tuesday, May 12, 9:30 am, Room 1. Ice Cream Social. On Sunday, June 14, the alwayspopular Ice Cream Social will be held in the sanctuary. Make your own ice cream sundae and then enjoy live big band music. You also have a good chance to win a cake or plate of cookies in the cakewalk. Bring your children or grandchildren as they always enjoy ice cream and winning cakes! Upcoming Potluck luncheon, June 9, 10 am—you don’t want to miss Vickie’s telling of her experiences with senior concerns. Other Events. The Fellowship Team is also working on events for later in the year including a San Jose Giants game and a visit to the De Anza Planetarium. FREE FRIDAY FLICK—MAY 8 THANKS to the Fellowship Committee, UMW, and Bill Fleig for organizing the set up of the canopies and all others who made the reception after the Music Festival a wonderful success. It was nice having the outside experience where everyone seemed to enjoy the weather (even the wind), the food, and time to socialize. I really want to say how much I appreciated all the hard work. Bob Are you ready for this one? William Powell and Myrna Loy star in I Love you Again (1940), a zany comedy about a boring business man—well, really a notorious con man. There’s something about blows to the head that change Powell’s personality. Curious? Mickey We’ll see Our Gang veterans Carl ‘Alfalfa’ Switzer and Mickey Gubitosi, aka Robert Blake, in a funny sequence with a group of surly kids. SANTA’S HELPERS After last month’s movie, we were still laughing on Sunday! This one promises to provide more laughs. Invite your family and friends for a fun Friday evening at the movies. Sharing of snacks before during and after the showing is always a highlight of the evening. Plan to come! Jane Come and join us the third Saturdays of May-June, September-November, at 9:30 am in Room 1. These workshops are two hours. We are working to fill 500 Santa Bags this year, our 24th and final year. Santa’s Helpers is an independent charitable organization operating out of our facilities. Page 5 A GIFT OF SERVICE TRINITY’S SUNDAY SCHEDULES GREETERS AND USHERS May 3 Ardys 10 Jane 17 Volunteer Needed 24 Volunteer Needed 31 Volunteer Needed June 7 14 21 28 Ardys Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed SCRIPTURE READERS May 3 Ardys 10 Jane 17 Volunteer Needed 24 Dianne La Verne 31 Volunteer Needed June 7 14 21 28 KIDS’ TIME May 3 10 17 24 31 Ardys Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Dianne La Verne Bob Jane Jane Dianne Volunteer Needed FELLOWSHIP TIME May 3 Board of Trustees 10 Education 17 Staff-Parish Relations 24 United Methodist Women 31 Duet Council & Men’s Fellowship June 7 Church & Society 14 Finance Committee 21 Nominations Committee 28 Evangelism NOTE: Trinity’s Fellowship Time hosts are responsible for making coffee and providing snacks after worship. Please be sure to clean up, empty the trash, and lock the doors after Fellowship Time. ALTAR FLOWERS May 3 10 17 24 31 Donor Needed The McBeth Family The McGowan Family The Noguera Family The Wilser Family ST. JOHN’S WORSHIP MINISTERS May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Walt & Carol, Jim, Chuck & Ruth, Refreshments: Sign up Needed! Jim, Sharon, Marsha, Mickey, Chuck & Ruth Refreshments: Sign up Needed! Seiler-Garman Family, Dennis, Toshiko, Sharon & Linna Refreshments: Sign up Needed! Jim, Mickey, Dorothy, Walt & Carol Refreshments: Sign up needed! Duet Worship Linda, Sharon, Chuck & Ruth Refreshments: Duet Council MAY 2015 LECTIONARY May 3 Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8 May 10 Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17 May 17 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17: 6-19 May 24 Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 31 Duet Worship Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 Page 6 MAY 2015 CALENDARS ST. JOHN & TRINITY Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship, 9:15 am and 11:00 am Duet Children’s Sunday School, 9:45 am (Room 2) Duet Youth Group, 9:45 am (Room 3, 2nd & 4th Sundays) Duet Children’s Music Time, 10:30 am (Chapel) May Events & Meetings 2 Sunnyvale Singers Benefit Concert, 3 pm 6 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am 8 Free Friday Flick, 8 pm 10 Mother’s Day 12 UMW General Meeting, 9:30 am 15 DUET Newsletter Deadline, 8 am Tuesday Praise Singers, 6:30 pm (Room 1) 16 Santa’s Helpers Workshop, 9:30 am 20 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am Wednesday Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am (1st & 3rd Wednesday) Project Group, 9 am (Fellowship Hall, 2nd Wednesday) Trinity Chime Choir, 6:30 pm (Sanctuary) Trinity Adult Choir, 7:30 pm (Sanctuary) 24 Pentecost Sunday, wear red 25 Faith in Action Shelter Meal 26 UMW Circle Meeting, 9:30 am Joint Venture Advisory Committee, 7:30 pm Thursday Duet Prayer Fellowship, 7 pm (Library) St. John Adult Choir, 7:30 pm (Sanctuary) 29-31 2015 ELCA Synod Assembly, Sacramento Friday Project Day, 9:30 am (Room 1) Study Group, 3:30 pm (Call the Office for location) Duet Council—May 11, 7:30 pm Education—May 5, 7:30 pm Evangelism—June 9, 6:30 pm Fellowship—May 12, 7:30 pm Social Ministry—May 4, 1:30 pm Worship—May 20, 11:30 am Monday Yard Birds Breakfast, 8:00 am Yard Birds Work on Campus, 9:00 am For details about any of these events please see our calendar at or You will find an electronic copy of the newsletter there. The Duet Ministry is on Facebook at Duet Ministry Team Meetings Listed in alphabetical order 2015 Duet Worship Schedules Duet Worship services are scheduled throughout the year. Please make a note on your calendar and join us for worship at 10 am on the fifth Sundays of 2015. ⦁ May 31 ⦁ August 30 ⦁ November 29 When you finish reading the DUET, please recycle responsibly. Page 7 St. John/Trinity Joint Venture 581 East Fremont Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94087-2743 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER BEFORE MAY 1, 2015 MAY/JUNE 2015 How to Contact Us Internet Email Telephone St. John 1-408-739-2625 Trinity 1-408-739-1601 Joint Venture 1-408-739-1601 Fax 1-408-739-2627 You’re Invited! May 2015 June 2015 May 2 Sunnyvale Singers Benefit Concert, 3 pm June 3 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am May 6 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am June 12 Free Friday Flick, 8 pm May 8 Free Friday Flick, 8 pm June 14 Big Band Concert & Ice Cream Social May 10 Mothers’ Day June 17 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am Summer BBQ, 6 pm May 20 Men’s Breakfast Fellowship, 7 am May 25 Memorial Day—Office Closed May 31 Duet Worship Service, 10 am June 2015 Articles Due May 15 June 24 Summer BBQ, 6 pm Vacation Bible School, 6:45 pm
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