Memories from Memories from Memories from
Memories from Memories from Memories from
MemoryBook_Cover2013_Layout 1 5/6/13 11:15 AM Page 1 Memories Class from the Class of 50 th 1963 Reunion May 9-11, 2013 Class of th 50 1963 Reunion May 9-11, 2013 To the Class of 1963: On behalf of the Reunion Committee, it is our privilege to welcome you to the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1963 of Saint Joseph’s University. This three-day Reunion was designed with you in mind. There will be relaxed, on-campus social activities, and we will conclude by participating in the Commencement ceremonies with the Class of 2013, this is truly a highlight of the event! There is much to see and much to talk about. Most of us came to Saint Joseph’s College directly from high school. Others were employed full-time and still managed to persevere through our studies to a successful conclusion. After graduation, we went our separate ways. We traveled different paths and encountered different challenges. The common denominators are our time at Hawk Hill and our friends from more than 50 years ago. The campus today is dramatically different from the one that we knew. The geographic boundaries are greatly expanded, and many additional buildings are in place. A landmark pedestrian bridge joins the Philadelphia side of the campus with the Merion side. We are excited to be able to tour the James J. Maguire ’58 Campus, the John R. Post ’60 Academic Center and the Cardinal John P. Foley Campus Center — the places where today’s students are creating memories they’ll cherish for a lifetime. We dedicate this Reunion to the 87 members of the class who are no longer with us. Their memory will be celebrated Friday with a Memorial Mass offered for the repose of their souls. We hope that this Memory Book will help to bring back memories of days gone by. Come back with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear. Go Hawks! 1963 Reunion Committee [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 2 [ Class of 1963 ] 3 50 T H C LASS OF 1963 R EUNION C OMMITTEE H ONOR ROLL FOR 2012-2013 as of May 2, 2013 Saint Joseph’s University gratefully acknowledges the time and commitment of the volunteers listed below. Special thanks to those who have demonstrated their leadership by participating in the class gift. Barbelin Society member with a gift of $1,000 or more C OMMITTEE M EMBERS H ARRY C OSGROVE B OB P RESTON T ONY C OSTANTINO L EONARD Q UINN MR. GEORGE W. ADAMS ROBERT S. DESIMONE, PH.D. MR. DAVID J. BARNARD MR. ROBERT J. DOLE, JR. MR. CHARLES P. BOWES MR. HUGH E. DONAHUE MR. JOSEPH J. BOYLE MR. JAMES A. DONEGAN MR. JOSEPH A. BRADY E. GERALD DONNELLY, JR., ESQ. EDWARD J. BUTTON, PH.D. MR. THOMAS J. DOYLE P ETE D AVISSON D ICK S MITH W ILLIAM K RITZLER E D T RAINER MR. FRANK C. CAMPBELL, JR. MRS. HELEN M. FALLON B OB PALESTINI A NDRE P. VAN PARYS MR. LEONARD A. CEBULA CARMEN F. FIORAVANTI, PH.D MR. JOEL G. CHANITZ MR. JAMES J. FORSYTH, JR. ALBERT CHINAPPI, JR., D.D.S. MICHAEL J. FRANK, PH.D. MR. THOMAS J. CLARK MS. MARYELLEN A. GIBBONS MR. JOHN G. CLEVELAND MR. THOMAS M. GILL MR. JOSEPH A. COLEMAN JAMES C. GORMAN, PH.D. MR. HARRY J. COSGROVE, JR. MR. JOSEPH A. GOTHIE MR. ANTHONY F. COSTANTINO MR. JOHN R. GRAHAM MS. PATRICIA A. CULKIN MR. WILLIAM GUMMERE III MR. JOHN J. DABAGIAN MR. JOSEPH G. HARGRAVES MR. J. PETER DAVISSON, JR. MRS. MARIE HARRIS MR. ROBERT J. DESIDERIO MR. JOHN D. HOHMAN B ERNIE P EKALA A NDREW [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 4 VON E SCHENBACH [ Class of 1963 ] 5 MR. JAMES F. KELLY MR. JOSEPH J. REILLY MRS. MARY C. KIBELSTIS MR. FREDERICK J. ROSNER MR. JOSEPH J. KIRBY MR. DOUGLAS M. RYAN MR. RICHARD J. KOSCO MR. STANLEY P. SARAT WILLIAM R. KRITZLER, PH.D. MR. ARMAND P. SAVINO MR. JAMES M. LABOUBE MR. DONALD M. SHANNON MR. JOSEPH T. LEHMAN MR. JOHN A. SIMKISS, JR. MR. LOUIS M. MAGUIRE MR. JOSEPH T. SIXEAS MR. LOUIS C. MARINO RICHARD V. SMITH, ESQ. MR. EDWARD J. MCKELVEY EDWARD P. SZUSZCZEWICZ, PH.D. The following members of the Class of 1963 MR. JOSEPH S. MCLAUGHLIN, JR. MR. JAMES F. THOMPSON have invested in the promise to future generations MR. JOSEPH G. MCQUILLAN MR. DAVID A. TIERNO MR. ANDREW W. MEYER JOHN F. TOTON, M.D. MR. WILLIAM C. MILLER MR. JAMES M. TOZAR MRS. BERNADETTE F. MIRON MR. JOSEPH M. TRACEY MR. JAMES P. MURRAY MR. EDWARD J. TRAINER MR. RAYMOND F. NEILL, JR. MR. ANDRE P. VAN PARYS C LASS MR. JOHN G. VANDER-GAST, JR. 1963 I GNATIAN C IRCLE M EMBERS at Saint Joseph’s through their estate plans. MR. M RS . R OBERT R. D I J OSEPH AND M R . E DWARD J. K ELLEHER DR. AND M RS . D AVID A. M IRON M ARY R. M ONTAGUE , DSW MR. DR. MR. JEREMIAH J. ORTNER OF M RS . F RANCIS J. O SBORNE AND AND MR. M RS . R OBERT H. PALESTINI AND M RS . T ERRENCE J. S MITH MR. FRANCIS J. OSBORNE RICHARD W. VASSALLO, M.D. WILLIAM R. OTT, PH.D. ANDREW C. VON ESCHENBACH, M.D. MR. AND M RS . E DWARD J. T RAINER ROBERT H. PALESTINI, ED.D. MR. JOSEPH J. WARD DR. AND M RS . A RTHUR J. W ILSON MR. LOUIS F. PAUZANO, SR. ARTHUR J. WILSON, M.D. BERNARD A. PEKALA, M.D. MR. FRANCIS J. WINKEL The Ignatian Circle honors those who have provided a gift MR. RODMAN P. PIERCE III JAMES WONG, M.D. to Saint Joseph’s through their estate plan. Gifts that qualify for membership ROBERT M. PRESTON, PH.D. MR. THOMAS J. WYNNE, JR. MR. LEONARD A. QUINN MR. MR. AND AND M RS . D AVID A. T IERNO M RS . T HOMAS J. W YNNE , J R . include bequests, trusts and other lifetime gifts. For more information, please contact: Anat Becker, Director of Gift Planning, 610-660-1968 [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 6 [ Class of 1963 ] 7 M EMORIES S HARED BY THE C LASS OF 1963 Edward Button My College years were the first time in my life that I realized that I wasn’t so special. I had always excelled in everything. At St. Joe’s everyone excelled. I was just another individual. If I could return to the College in 1963 for just one day, I would not change a thing. It was a great experience and I loved it. I hated all the philosophy courses. However, in future life, they proved to be the most important part of my education, having taught me to think. John Cleveland Some of my favorite memories include: Dr. James Dougherty’s Poli-Sci classes, Big 5 basketball, earning my letter sweater and of course, the Barflies intramural team. I would probably change my major. I was a good, but not excellent, scientist. I might have done better in education or public service. The College had great influence on my life, especially, the logic course in junior year which served me very well during my career. Frank C. Campbell, Jr. If I could return to College for just one day, I would stay clear of magistrates and their wives. Art Berrodin, Al Westhoff, Tommy Gill and Mike Henry would agree. Some of my favorite memories of the College were the friendly atmosphere, the excellent education and my fellow classmates. One of the biggest influences Saint Joseph’s College had on my professional life was that I was fully prepared to work for a national CPA firm in accounting. Harry Cosgrove Some of my memories of the College were my classmates, the small campus and the cardboard college. One of the biggest influences Saint Joseph’s College had on my personal and professional life were the courses I had in Religion and Philosophy, as well as my major in Political Science which was influenced by President Kennedy. If I could return to the College in 1963 for just one day I would have taken more exotic languages. James Donegan Some of my favorite memories include: attending classes in the barrack-like buildings built during the war years and marching down City Ave. following a key basketball victory. The four years at the College instilled in me that there is no excuse for hard work, always being true to oneself and doing what is right. James Gorman The most memorable moments for me were being stranded on a muddy road in upstate New York with the SJU crew team on its way back from a rowing match against Syracuse. The relationship I established with Fr. Emory Ross, S.J., impacted my life in the greatest way. Edward J. Hendrick Some of my favorite memories of the College include riding to school each day with two car pool pals—Rich O’Neill and Paul Boland, both of whom were in ROTC. I was not but, as I drove, had to wait. So, I joined the Marching Band and, as Drum Major, led many a SJC contingent in Philly parades. Thereafter, I snuck into the ROTC for three plus years just to avoid sitting around and waiting for the car trip home! I went full-time and worked two jobs on the side — so there was not a lot of time for extras during those four years. However, I learned to balance a lot of parallel demands and to meet a host of deadlines. The corporate world never seems very demanding after that experience. During senior year, I came on campus during exam week without a tie. Fr. Joe Geib, S.J. — [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 8 great friend and daily breakfast companion — threw me off campus until I could find a tie. He was a Dean of Men until the last moment. Eight years of Jesuit training and no slack for even a day! It was a great experience. Steve Heumann A significant memory has been the wisdom imparted by my German professor Dr. Joseph Kowacic. Unfortunately, wisdom can be lost on college juniors. In his cultured and elegant way, he frequently urged his students to take time while in college to explore in depth literature, theatre and his beloved opera. Most of us dismissed those ideas, believing we never had enough time. He knew, and stated clearly, that we would find ourselves with even less time after graduation. I was among the doubters. But of course he was right. I’d placed more of a premium on basketball while ignoring arts and culture. I later discovered which of the two would have a more profound impact on my life and learning. For four years I’d spent much of my free time in the cafeteria, the Fieldhouse and the Palestra. Fortunately for me, Dr. Kowacic’s words, wisdom and admonition eventually sank in and have echoed throughout my life far longer than any bull session or game has. [ Class of 1963 ] 9 lead to and that the phrase, “life gets mighty precious when there is less of it to waste,” from the Bonnie Raitt’s “Nick of Time” is about as accurate as anything I have learned and know. From the perspective of 50 years, I’d strongly encourage everyone not to have angst about career, the future, where they will land in twenty years, etcetera, but rather to live each day to the fullest and figure out what you can to help others. Failure, or near-failure, in several classes early in my freshman year startled me. My college days nearly ended soon after they started. Those early failures became a lesson that strongly influenced me. Success cannot be assumed. It had to be earned. Skills needed to be acquired and honed. And second chances can happen with hands hard and open to change. Being prepared with skills but also taking advantage of the lucky breaks that can occur is the sine qua non of a life. I learned from my failures at St. Joe’s. I understood the value of diligence even if I didn’t practice it adroitly at St. Joe’s. Postgraduation I learned that the “real world” away from a college campus provides opportunities to excel, or fail, on merit. And luck does play a role as well. In addition, the Jesuit mantra of “service to others” was deeply instilled in me, probably without realizing it while on campus. Unquestionably, with the knowledge that I possess today, I would want to encourage my classmates to know that life has few straight lines, that for most it is almost impossible to really know what the SJU education would After nearly 45 years of marriage, three daughters and four grandchildren, after job successes and failures, after nearly twelve years of retirement, there was no way any of it could have imagined in 1963 but it is liberating to know that almost anything is possible. We all should take heart in that. John D. Hohman From drink to drink to think (not necessarily in that order), my four years at Saint Joseph’s University, nee College, were some of the best years of my life. My memories of that period are too long to even begin to enumerate but there are a few pleasant thoughts. Father Emory, S.J. (The Silver Fox), the guys in Quirk Hall and my roommate, Bob Madigan, for four years…my biology major classmates for 1 ½ years and my fellow English majors for 2 ½ years. The Palestra games preceded by the New Deck and watching Jimmy Lynam dribble a basketball faster than most players could run. The shuffle board machine at “The Liner” and all that went with winning. More memories like the weekends on campus, taking the bus “L” downtown for great restaurants, McGillin’s Olde Ale House, and Friday afternoon performances at the Academy of Music, stand out in my mind. Falling in love [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 10 with Carol Ann Welsh during the rehearsals of “Romeo and Juliet” at Immaculata (we will be married 49 years in September) and have three great sons, one of whom graduated from SJU, along with ten wonderful grandkids. Knowing in retrospect the value of my Jesuit education at Saint Joe’s and how well it prepared me for graduate school, a career in hospital administration and life in general…two great statements, A.M.D.G. and “The Hawk Will Never Die!” My best regards to the class of ’63, and I hope to see many of you at our 50th reunion. Some of the greatest lessons I have learned include: having graduated with 162 credits covering both science courses and the liberal arts combined in a Jesuit education. I would not change a thing. One cannot change the past so why think about doing so. Jim Kelly My favorite memory was in our sophomore year; new classrooms (Bellarmine), a new library, a new Cafeteria, and the Student Union were all complete. Great Teachers — I had Mr. Dan DeLucca for four straight years. I had Dr. Jack Ramsay for education class as well. Some of my other favorite memories include: Jack Dunn (soccer coach), freshman orientation, Junior Week, the Pep Rallies, marching down City Ave to WCAU after winning the MAC Basketball Championship and helping to tear down the Cardboard College. memories include: cutting a class to go to a basketball game. The learning environment at the College made me question and not to accept the norm. In retrospect I would have signed up for more business courses. Joseph Kirby My favorite memory of the College was my eight years of study there. The SJC experience fully influenced my life in accounting. Joseph Lehman The Big Five basketball enthusiasm with the Hawk, drum and fan noise. I also enjoyed our class knocking down the WWII era wooden building with sledge hammers and no headgear to make room for new buildings. SJ physics department optics lab catching fire during an experiment — no damage. I remember intramural baseball and basketball with my classmates. My SJU experience influenced me through providing me with a great foundation in ethics, logic and religion. Mary C. Kibelstis The cardboard college — sitting in class and watching the rain come down through the ceiling in the middle of class and everyone just ignoring the puddles and the heat in the summer. More [ Class of 1963 ] 11 Joseph G. McQuillan One of my favorite memories of the College was Father Wallner’s last philosophy lecture on sex and procreation prior to the Christmas Holidays. The class sat mesmerized for 15 minutes after he threw on his cape, said “Gentlemen, I am done,” and left the room. Another one of my favorite memories is from cross country. Our freshman cross country team lost every meet. The day prior to the MAC Championships, Coach George Bertlesman walked us over the Cobbs Creek course, instructing us how to run every part, while pumping us up. We were so psyched; we swept the championships the next day! My third favorite memory is of John Lieb ’62. He virtually won the MAC track championships by himself in ’62 while sucking on oxygen between races. The Physics Cooperative education work-study program impacted my professional career along with the Jesuit’s emphasis on philosophy, logic and language which gave me solid foundations for problem solving and business negotiations. I would spend more time interacting with faculty; commuters had limited time for face to face discussions. Alice Manley I have fond memories of Father Michael Smith, S.J. and his inspirational teachings. My international economics class had moments of humor when Mr. Leonard told us his wife went into labor at Korvette’s in King of Prussia. My husband-to-be and I shared the class and we were in competition for the best grade. I’ve always been happy and proud to have graduated from Saint Joseph’s University as it gave me a sense of accomplishment. I completed my college courses in three years. In retrospect, I feel it is better to take four years to prudently savor the college experience. The College would go on to influence me greatly in my life. The moral and ethical standards that were set and expected of each student coupled with the lesson that failure was not finality, but only a learning experience for the next challenge in life. If I could return to 1963 for just one day, and could afford it, I would probably choose to stay on campus. Frank J. Osborne Exiting the “E” bus at 54th and City Line in September 1959, with feelings of apprehension and intimidation battling the awe and realization that I was about to be a college student, marks some of my prominent memories. Feeling uncomfortable, yet proud, to wear a “dink,” seeing and greeting many new faces, amazement as to how many “city kids” were in the same boat as me. I wondered if all of the St. Joe’s Prep Class of 1959 went to the College. Skipping ahead to June 1963, with many wonderful and indelible memories, leaving this time in a 1952 Ford (having graduated from that same “E” bus), I was confident that I was well prepared and ready to meet, greet, and make my mark in the world, away from Hawk Hill. [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 12 I have two very clear and significant influences from the College. The first, a five credit mandated Logic course taught by Father Frank Wallner as a junior. The second was an Ethics course taught by Father Mike Smith which I took as Senior. If I could go back to the College for just one more day, I would work harder at establishing more long term relationships among my classmates. William Ott Some of my favorite College memories include: Painting BBAABBA (Best Buddies Are Always Best Buddies Always) on the “cardboard” college with my BBAABBA friends the night before the building was pulled down by the student body and bulldozed. Chuckwagon; Murray’s Deli; the “Automat” at Horn & Hardart’s; getting “served” at the Mainliner; Palestra games; getting “a dollar’s worth” of 26 cent/gal gasoline; mandatory AFROTC for two years (good growth/citizenship experience); beatniks at the Artists’ Hut; Sid Mark and FM jazz music. 1959-60: all classes and functions were in one building (Barbelin); including library, cafeteria, barber shop, and an unheated bay of probably 50 toilets we called “the crystal palace.” 1959: wearing dinks; revolting against the sophs during freshmen orientation week with a charge up the hill from Finnesey Field. 1961: memorable basketball, with #3 finish in NCAA tournament against the likes of Jerry Lucas and Oscar Robertson; the sadness in the “new” cafeteria (like someone had died) on the day we first heard reports of SJC involvement in the pointshaving scandal. NOEL nights at the Fieldhouse featuring the SJC glee club and participating women’s colleges, e.g. Holy Family and Immaculata Glee Club concerts and associated mixers at nursing schools and women’s colleges throughout the year. I was able to advance in my life because the College broadened my experience as piano accompanist and soloist for the glee club for 4 years; Coop experience at RCA Camden and physics courses convinced me to go to grad school for a “deeper dive.” If I could go back to the College in 1963 for one day, I would ask for more advanced physics courses to serve as better preparation for graduate school. I would ask for a career counseling center and job placement center to be initiated; they did not exist at SJC in 1963. Colonel John Scott Visually, I recall that military barracks served as academic classroom buildings. A small campus with few permanent buildings relative to what the campus has become. No female students. I did not have a female professor. As a commuter student, I had limited social intercourse, boarders and other commuters were at the margin [ Class of 1963 ] 13 of my campus and academic experience. I was the only black student in my class. I did not know the two other enrolled black students and cannot say for certain that there were two other black students enrolled. I did not know whether there were women or black students in the evening program. I was rejected as a try-out for SJC crew because of my race. The boathouse which did not belong to SJC had a racial segregation policy. I took rejection with equanimity but declined to try-out for SJC basketball when invited. Philadelphia had an active street-ball culture, all of the best players of the city; college and professional participated. At the time, SJC did not offer athletic scholarships and mine did not require that I participate in athletics or any activity. This question cannot be answered as an exclusive influence of SJC. During my ten-year stop-out, I engaged life pursuits that would typically and advisedly have followed SJC graduation. Those pursuits were worthy, except that I accomplished them in eccentric order. SJC ROTC disposed me toward military service. While stopped-out I qualified as a Master Navigator; Command Pilot and Squadron Commander, retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel with thousands of flying hours and numerous combat decorations. My vocation and reason for stopping out was marriage and family. When this stop-out returned to SJC the first person he saw was Father Mike Smith who said “I knew you’d be back.” I needed sixty hours which I completed in two years. My professional and personal life is not severable as this question assumes. Returning to SJC, I was not the teenager who left. Warfare affects you. I had matured, was motivated with no youth left to waste. My family’s support was indispensable because besides school, I held a managerial position and flew for the Air Force as school and professional demands permitted. I kept up the two jobs and school pace through Law School. Thanks SJC! This question is as difficult for me as the preceding two. When my children ask me what I would do differently if I could relive my life or change the past, I always say, “make different mistakes.” Worse yet, were I to have my present knowledge, that is, of the future while at SJC any day in 1963, I am confident that the mistakes I would make would be more grave than decisions of simple ignorance and immaturity as a teenage student at SJC. This response reflects my considered convictions having picked up a Master’s in Catholic Theology somewhere along the way. Joseph Tracey My most cherished memories include the morning Dr. Jim Dougherty returned to his political science class from Washington, DC, during the Cuban Missile Crisis to a loud, standing ovation; Mr. John Burke’s English classes — always entertaining; Fr. Hunter Guthrie, S.J. and his [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 14 philosophical approach to life; Fr. Emory Ross, S.J., Dr. Michael Boland, Mr. Dan DeLucca. Any memory would have to include the Palestra and the Big Five and Quaker City games and Bo Boyle’s shot, as time ran out on the #1 ranked Bowling Green University. My fondest memories are those of the three years I played baseball for St. Joe and Al Brancato (deceased) and the life-long friendships I now have with many of my teammates. My saddest memory was witnessing the removal of the Final Four trophy from the Student Union Center by NCAA officials. The one thing I would have done differently, if given the opportunity, would have been to opt out of Dr. Gerrity’s European History class after the first day (enough said). Richard W. Vassallo, M.D. I remember living on campus in Barry Hall as a growth experience. I looked forward to lively discussions in the cafeteria and heated exchanges and mentoring from the Jesuits, especially Fr. Geib and Fr. Coniff. There were several SJC experiences that influenced my personal and professional life. I met my wife of 46 years there. I prepared for acceptance to medical school and learned invaluable moral and ethical standards for living. If I had the opportunity I would not change anything about my experience at SJC. One of the best decisions I ever made was to take an athletic track scholarship to SJU. I feel my experiences there are lasting formation that I could never replace. Alfred J. Westhoff My best memories of St. Joe’s revolve around the friends we made and the good times we had. Of course we did study to prepare ourselves for our future careers. In addition to our majors (mine was accounting) we received a broad approach to the philosophies. We spent many nights at the Palestra (always a good time—win or lose), and that was when the Big Five was basically a Philadelphia playground tournament. Among my best memories were the weekends spent at the Jersey shore in houses we rented with our friends. Our beach was 14th St. and nights were spent in Somers Point. The part of SJC that influenced my life the most was my favorite teacher was Ed Sutula (who recently passed away) who I had for a tax course. He had a unique way of teaching, giving what he called quickies, short test at the start of most classes. But he did not always pick them up, but you had to be ready in case in did. He helped me to pick accounting as a major, and I am still working as a CPA today. If I could go back to those days, I would have gone directly from St. Joe’s to graduate school and earned my MBA. Then I would have continued my accounting career, but with the added background of the MBA studies. [ Class of 1963 ] 15 I N M EMORIAM The Class of 1963 would like to acknowledge those classmates who are no longer with us; they will be in our hearts and minds as we celebrate our 50th Reunion. James A. Agger Joseph C. D’Antonio Adrian Hornyckyj Joseph F. Menz Florence M. Payne Sister Helen Scanlon James T. Bell Gregory M. Delowery Gabriel P. Intano Daniel J. Micucci John D. Quinn Paul G. Schenk Paul J. Boland, Esq. Thomas J. Devenney William R. Jarrell Robert J. Novaria James J. Ridgway John H. Schott III Walter S. Bott Francis B. Doherty Anna C. Kearney Joseph C. O’Connor Edwin J. Robertson John A. Shelley, Jr. Vincent J. Braccili Henrietta Dolce Marie D. Kelly Joseph P. Oleary James R. Robie Joseph E. Slattery Francis T. Brandis Edward A. Eaise James O. King William B. O’Neill Sister Anntheodor Rosko John F. Slavin Anthony A. Brazina William A. Farrell, Jr. Joseph R. Kleiner Franklin F. Owings Stanley C. Rzepski, Jr. Herbert W. Snyder, Jr. Edward G. Burckley Margaret A. Flanagan Peter Knell Irving W. Packer Francis J. Salley Edmond A. Tambascia Joseph W. Burns John T. Foley Edward A. Krimmel Michael S. Callahan Gerald J. Forester John H. Kudzma, Esq. Anthony L. Callegari John P. Gallagher, Jr. Robert J. Kurian Patrick J. Campbell John K. Garvey Joseph J. Labree James T. Cavanaugh Joseph W. Gasiewski William J. Lucas Irving S. Colcher, M.D. Daniel F. Gayton Sylvester Lesser Francis W. Conway Gerald H. Gillin Francis X. Lynch Michael R. Cook Richard J. Gordy Joseph M. Mandes, Sr. Louis S. Croce, Esq. John F. Gormley John O. Mangan III Paul J. Croce Helen S. Graitcer John K. McCormick William H. Cross Joseph H. Grill, Jr. Patrick J. McGee Mary G. Crumlish Anthony S. Guza John E. McGrory Joseph D. Cunningham William J. Hawkins John L. McLane [ Golden Hawks 2012 ] 16 [ Class of 1963 ] 17 C LASS OF 1963 D IRECTORY A DOLF A NGERMEIER , P H .D. 860 Voshells Mill Star Hill Rd Dover, DE 19901-7613 302.697.1160 M R . D AVID J. B ARNARD 1069 Willoughby Lane Mount Pleasant, SC 29466-9036 843.216.6640 M R . W ILLIAM H. B ARNES 2737 Haven Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226-2337 609.814.0496 M R . C HARLES P. B OWES William E. Howe & Co, CPA’s 105 Chesley Drive Fl 1 Media, PA 19063-1754 610.284.1433 M R . PATRICK J. B OYLE 25 Church Street Willow Grove, PA 19090-3401 215.659.2137 M R . J OSEPH J. B OYLE 13276 SW 99th Terrace Miami, FL 33186-2228 305.380.1194 M R . T HOMAS R. B RISTOW 602 Trafalgar Court Dania Beach, FL 33004-5412 M R . R ICHARD F. B URKE 4017 Atlantic Avenue Atlantic City, NJ 08401-5910 E DWARD J. B UTTON , P H .D. 8008 Diving Cliff Lane Springfield, VA 22153-2525 703.440.1456 M R . R USSELL P. C AMPANARO 10 Bryce Road Voorhees, NJ 08043-1628 M R . F RANK C. C AMPBELL , J R . 552 W Wayne Avenue Wayne, PA 19087-3861 610.687.2202 M R . J OSEPH A. C ARROCCIO 30 Club Course Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29928-3132 843.363.2739 M R . M ARIO C AVALLARO 710 Georgetown Place Gilroy, CA 95020-6007 408.848.3084 M R . L EONARD A. C EBULA 8 Marsha Drive Delran, NJ 08075-5400 856.824.032 M R . J OEL G. C HANITZ 4962 Madison Drive Brookhaven, PA 19015-1023 610.874.7632 A NTHONY A. C HIURCO , M.D. 108 North Road Princeton, NJ 08540-2437 609.924.9631 M R . T HOMAS J. C LARK 719 Greythorne Road Wynnewood, PA 19096-2510 610.896.7951 M R . J. J OSEPH C LARKE 3911 Cloverhill Road Baltimore, MD 21218-1708 410.366.2023 [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 18 J OHN M. C LEARY, E SQ . 409 Bryn Mawr Avenue Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-2619 610.668.1979 M R . C HARLES C. C OGAN 508 E 4th Street Ocean City, NJ 08226-3912 M R . J OSEPH A. C OLEMAN 18810 Avignon San Antonio, TX 78258-4484 M R . J OSEPH L. C OLLINS 531 W Poplar Avenue West Wildwood, NJ 08260-2235 609.729.3757 M R . H ARRY J. C OSGROVE , J R . 2228 Bryn Mawr Avenue Ardmore, PA 19003-2905 610.642.2610 M R . E MILIO J. C OSIO 14728 SW 132nd Place Miami, FL 33186-7641 305.277.8856 M R . M ICHAEL L. C URRIE 1943 Stewart Avenue New Hyde Park, NY 11040-1625 516.352.2109 E. G ERALD D ONNELLY, J R ., E SQ . 147 Sherman Road Springfield, PA 19064-1911 610.328.2282 D R . J OSEPH W. E RKES 12 N Lyons Avenue Menands, NY 12204-2203 518.462.3204 M R . J OHN J. D ABAGIAN 35 N Linden Avenue Upper Darby, PA 19082-1028 610.449.7311 M R . E DWARD J. D ONNELLY 216 Flintlock Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026-4908 610.446.0714 M RS . A NNE M. E SSIG 3804 Reiff Place Reading, PA 19606-3115 610.779.0435 M R . J. P ETER D AVISSON , J R . 48 Toft Woods Way Media, PA 19063-4336 610.566.6235 M S . PATRICIA E. D ONOVAN , M.A., N.C. Villa Raffaella 917 S Main Street, Rm 212B Pleasantville, NJ 08232-3617 M RS . H ELEN M. FALLON 803 N Pennsylvania Avenue Yardley, PA 19067-2021 215.295.7802 M R . R OBERT J. D ESIDERIO 1516 Stanford Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87106-3728 M R . T HOMAS J. D OYLE 5 Emery Drive Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-3361 M R . J OHN P. F EENEY 23936 Meredith Ct Hollywood, MD 20636-2175 R OBERT S. D E S IMONE , P H .D. 9 Laurel Court Oakland, NJ 07436-2610 M R . R OBERT R. D I J OSEPH 1109 Lindale Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026-3221 610.446.1433 M R . W ILLIAM J. D UBLER , J R . 642 Maybank Loop The Villages, FL 32162-8781 M R . A LBERT J. D UCHNOWSKI 6542 Green Acres Boulevard New Port Richey, FL 34655-6031 M R . D ONALD E. D ION , S R . 267 Country Club Drive Telford, PA 18969-2286 215.896.5199 REVEREND PATRICK F. EARL, S.J. St. Peter’s Catholic Church 507 S Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202-1839 M R . A NTHONY F. C OSTANTINO 2205 Michener Street Philadelphia, PA 19115-4319 215.676.5441 M R . J OHN J. D IVITO 2138 Asbury Avenue Ocean City, NJ 08226-2727 MR. DONALD J. EGGLESTON, J R. 4704 Marshall Drive W Vestal, NY 13850-3930 M R . J OSEPH A. C OYLE , S R . 3102 Capri Drive Philadelphia, PA 19145-5772 215.334.6606 M R . H UGH E. D ONAHUE 14 Cooper Road Mendham, NJ 07945-3001 973.543.9117 HEDONAHUE@AOL.COM M R . T HOMAS E. E ISWERTH 2195 Monroe Drive Alpharetta, GA 30004-7497 678.366.7805 M R . J AMES A. D ONEGAN 430 Upper Gulph Road Strafford, PA 19087-5435 610.687.5174 M R . D ENNIS E. E LLIOTT 880 Centennial Road Martinsville, IN 46151-6102 765.349.6397 M S . PATRICIA A. C ULKIN 1474 Needham Circle Hatfield, PA 19440-4113 215.822.3066 [ Class of 1963 ] 19 M R . R OBERT P. F ENNELL 200 Hunters Trace Lane NE Atlanta, GA 30328-1753 770.393.9500 M R . J AMES D. F INNERTY 330 Rainier Blvd N Apt 204 Issaquah, WA 98027-3340 C ARMEN F. F IORAVANTI , P H .D 368 Brentwood Drive Pahrump, NV 89048-0851 419.352.2992 M R . J AMES J. F ORSYTH , J R . 360 Kerrwood Drive Wayne, PA 19087-2134 610.964.8133 M ICHAEL J. F RANK , P H .D. 203 Highpoint Court Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849-2439 973.663.6814 M R . C HARLES E. F RECH , J R . 1201 Concord Avenue Monroe, NC 28110-2907 M R . J OHN J. G ALLAGHER , J R . 316 20th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4533 310.545.2738 M RS . E SPERANZA P. G ALSHACK 799 Hoover Road Blue Bell, PA 19422-2015 215.643.0953 M R . W ILLIAM G UMMERE III 105 Manresa Court Aptos, CA 95003-5722 831.661.0128 M R . T HOMAS M. G ILL 1500 Seasons Point Court Apopka, FL 32712-2590 407.880.6754 A NTHONY J. G IORDANO , M.D. 119 Lafayette Road Apt 7 Coatesville, PA 19320-1230 M R . R ICHARD A. G LAVAN 325 Marne Avenue Haddonfield, NJ 08033-1003 856.428.0918 M R . J OSEPH S. G ORDESKY 6400 Three Lakes Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33437-4934 972.231.9987 J AMES C. G ORMAN , P H .D. 28 Hancock Street Boston, MA 02114-4101 617.723.3928 M R . J OSEPH A. G OTHIE 1364 Mark Drive West Chester, PA 19380-6214 M R . J OHN J. G OULD 7001 York Road Baltimore, MD 21212-1512 410.337.7127 S TANLEY L. G RABIAS , J R ., M.D. 1424 Dauphin Avenue Wyomissing, PA 19610-2116 M R . J OHN R. G RAHAM 2524 Preston Road Apt 1408 Plano, TX 75093-3574 972.613.4129 S ISTER PATRICIA M. J UDGE , M.S.B.T. 784 Columbus Avenue Apt 5L New York, NY 10025-5916 M R . T HADDEUS J. K URPIEWSKI 6700 Colonial Court North Wales, PA 19454-3730 M R . L AWRENCE R. M ARPLE , J R . 5 Anders Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-1001 856.424.9591 M R . N ICHOLAS A. M ICOZZIE 6 S Springfield Road Clifton Heights, PA 19018-2234 610.284.2812 M R . J OSEPH G. H ARGRAVES 37 Brookwood Drive Apt D Rocky Hill, CT 06067-2737 860.563.3258 M R . E DWARD J. K ELLEHER 1128 Gibbsboro Road Voorhees, NJ 08043-2227 856.627.4892 M R . J OSEPH T. L EHMAN 445 Brookview Court Branchburg, NJ 08876-3801 908.526.8015 M R . R AFAEL C. M ARQUES 1820 SW 104th Avenue Miami, FL 33165-7328 R EINHOLD A. H ELLER , P H .D. 1325 Linden Road Homewood, IL 60430-1914 708.799.2905 M R . J AMES F. K ELLY 253 Sagamore Road Havertown, PA 19083-3911 610.449.4661 M RS . B ERNADETTE F. M IRON 3277 Old Barn Road W Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082-3718 904.543.9543 M R . J OSEPH F. L EIBRANDT, J R . 522 School House Lane Willow Grove, PA 19090-2821 215.659.5123 M R . E DWARD J. H ENDRICK , J R . 6645 Butterfield Ridge Drive Las Cruces, NM 88007-8945 M R . J OHN J. K ENNY 610 W Santa Inez Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010-6870 650.558.9051 J OSEPH R. H EPPLER , P H .D. 1931 SW 83rd Avenue Davie, FL 33324-5230 M R . T HOMAS J. H ERRON 228 Rutledge Avenue Rutledge, PA 19070-2119 M R . M ICHAEL F. H OGAN , S R . 1638 Christine Lane West Chester, PA 19380-6609 610.692.5610 M R . J OHN D. H OHMAN 2234 Seitz Drive Lancaster, PA 17601-1968 717.299.4021 JACKHOH@VERIZON.NET M R . O RVILLE W. J ONES Ec 805 Greenhill Condominiums 1001 City Avenue Wynnewood, PA 19096-3990 M RS . E DDA R. K ERPER 7701 Flourtown Avenue Apt 1 Glenside, PA 19038-8011 M RS . M ARY C. K IBELSTIS 3775 Fox Run Drive Allentown, PA 18103-9211 M R . J OSEPH J. K IRBY 34407 Anns Choice Way Warminster, PA 18974-3388 M R . R ICHARD J. K OSCO 758 Lakepointe Centre Drive O Fallon, IL 62269-3073 G EORGE T. K OTCH , E SQ . 109 Connor Court Burlington, NJ 08016-4206 609.747.8588 W ILLIAM R. K RITZLER , P H .D. Lockheed Martin Corporation 199 Bortons Landing Road Moorestown, NJ 08057-3054 315.736.1928 M R . A NDREW F. K ULANKO 9442 Kilimanjaro Road Columbia, MD 21045-3937 410.730.6822 [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 20 M R . B ARTHOLOMEW L O 10235 63rd Drive Forest Hills, NY 11375-1541 718.897.4465 M R . J AMES F. LYNAM 451 Steeplechase Drive Media, PA 19063-1960 610.565.8694 R OBERT R. M ADIGAN , M.D. 5301 Rio Vista Lane Knoxville, TN 37919-8939 865.558.3452 M R . H ARRY M. M AGRISI 208 Kathy Drive Yardley, PA 19067-1704 M R . L OUIS M. M AGUIRE 99 Harriet Road Churchville, PA 18966-1485 215.322.1775 M R . A RTHUR E. M ALCARNEY 218 Nod Hill Road Wilton, CT 06897-1717 203.762.5319 M R . L OUIS C. M ARINO 2025 Eagle Way Hatfield, PA 19440-3723 215.368.6298 M R . G EORGE A. M AZEFFA PO Box 2051 Pocono Pines, PA 18350-2051 570.643.4057 M R . D ONALD E. M C C ARRON 95048 Seawalk Court Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-5695 904.277.8943 D R . G ERARD F. M C D ADE 101 Frost Lane Newtown, PA 18940-2010 215.968.5987 M R . B ERNARD J. M C D EVITT 294 Wexford Court Aston, PA 19014-1266 610.358.2710 PATRICK J. M C D ONOUGH , E SQ . 93 Pine Grove Avenue Summit, NJ 07901-2436 908.522.1121 M RS . M ARGARET A. M C G REAL 8000 Seminole Street Philadelphia, PA 19118-3955 215.242.4473 M ARY R. M ONTAGUE , DSW 8580 Verree Road Apt 480 Philadelphia, PA 19111-1376 215.742.0869 M R . J OSEPH F. M ULLIGAN 613 Manor Drive Horsham, PA 19044-3410 215.672.5933 M R . N ORRIS D. M URPHY 161 2nd Avenue Phoenixville, PA 19460-3825 M R . E DWARD J. M URRAY 53 Le Forge Court Chesterbrook, PA 19087-1223 610.725.8647 M R . J AMES P. M URRAY 528 Spruce Lane Villanova, PA 19085-1806 610.525.2667 M R . R AYMOND F. N EILL , J R . 921 Park Place Apt 809 Ocean City, NJ 08226-4048 M R . J OSEPH G. M C Q UILLAN 1300 Dillon Road Fort Washington, PA 19034-1716 215.542.1357 M R . J AMES F. O’B RIEN 37 Wallace Road Branford, CT 06405-5729 203.483.0542 M R . A NDREW W. M EYER 15 Sunrise Drive Warren, NJ 07059-5034 908.604.6574 J AMES P. O’H ARA , M.D. PO Box 1358 Point Reyes Station, CA 760.866.1903 [ Class of 1963 ] 21 M R . R ICHARD E. O’N EILL 4617 Westford Circle Tampa, FL 33618-8357 M R . F RANCIS J. O SBORNE 111 Durham Court Maple Glen, PA 19002-2854 215.782.1326 W ILLIAM R. O TT, P H .D. 19125 N Pike Creek Place Montgomery Village, MD 20886 301.926.238 R OBERT H. PALESTINI , E D .D. 901 N Penn Street Unit R202 Philadelphia, PA 19123-3124 215.873.0223 M R . A LEXANDER G. PANZANO 601 W Valley Forge Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1570 610.265.5581 G ERALD M. PARSONS , P H .D. 6443 Westminster Court Lincoln, NE 68510-2363 M R . L OUIS F. PAUZANO , S R . 2510 S Cleveland Street Philadelphia, PA 19145-3706 215.334.8021 B ERNARD A. P EKALA , M.D. 46 E Riding Drive Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-2707 856.428.7743 M R . L AJOS B. P ERESZTEGY 500 S Catalina Avenue Redondo Beach, CA 90277-4156 310.308.0934 M R . E DWARD J. P ETKO 8713 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19128-1124 215.482.7640 M R . J OSEPH W. P ETTIT 6500 Tabor Avenue Apt 2506 Philadelphia, PA 19111-5332 M R . R ODMAN P. P IERCE III 146 Bala Drive Somers Point, NJ 08244-1312 R OBERT M. P RESTON , P H .D. 37278 Fox Drive Ocean View, DE 19970-3843 302.537.5855 M R . L EONARD A. Q UINN Stone Spring 2 Stone Barn Court Newark, DE 19711-7486 302.709.0103 M R . J OHN M. R AUGHLEY 812 S Phipps Woods Court Glen Mills, PA 19342-2243 610.361.8402 M R . J OSEPH J. R EILLY 3819 Pheasant Hill Drive Allentown, PA 18104-9687 610.391.9121 SRETAL@AOL.COM M R . M ICHAEL J. R ICKS 22 Club View Drive Bath, NY 14810-9705 M R . A RMAND P. S AVINO 542 W Shore Drive Brigantine, NJ 08203-2422 609.266.8969 M R . N ICHOLAS H. T ROIANO 129 65th Street Sea Isle City, NJ 08243-1420 609.263.2970 J OHN C. S COTT, E SQ . PO Box 2604 Wintersville, OH 43953-0604 740.275.4505 R AYMOND C. S WEENEY J R ., P H .D. 132 S Taft Avenue Chalfont, PA 18914-2426 215.822.3007 R USSELL P. S EDA , M.D. 41715 Winchester Road Ste 206 Temecula, CA 92590-4854 951.296.0795 M RS . G ERALDINE S YLVESTER 40 Peyton Street Trevose, PA 19053-6514 215.357.5031 M R . J OHN G. VANDER -G AST, J R . 5819 Kinglet Lane Charlotte, NC 28269-7114 704.948.4246 M R . D ONALD G. S ENDI 1411 Candlewycke Drive Middletown, PA 17057-2923 717.939.8553 E DWARD P. S ZUSZCZEWICZ , P H .D. 14499 Chamberry Circle Haymarket, VA 20169-2685 R ICHARD W. VASSALLO , M.D. 984 Princess Drive Yardley, PA 19067-4542 215.493.6894 M RS . J OAN S. TAGGART 105 Stable Road Norristown, PA 19403-2656 610.539.0646 M ICHAEL B. VATH , E SQ . 299 Venetian Drive Easton, PA 18040-7930 610.252.4244 M R . D ONALD M. S HANNON 231 Saddle Drive Furlong, PA 18925-1019 215.345.0198 M R . J OHN A. S IMKISS , J R . 320 Boot Road Malvern, PA 19355-3314 M R . J OSEPH T. S IXEAS 58 Tweedstone Lane Willingboro, NJ 08046-3807 609.871.4594 J OHN D. R OSELLA , P H .D. 582 Sterling Street Newtown, PA 18940-1825 R ICHARD V. S MITH , E SQ . 449 Montgomery Avenue Apt 209 Haverford, PA 19041-1758 484.416.3334 M R . D OUGLAS M. RYAN PO Box 429 Hanalei, HI 96714 310.455.0011 M R . T ERRENCE J. S MITH 24587 N 115th Place Scottsdale, AZ 85255-5743 480.342.8524 M R . S TANLEY P. S ARAT 131 Vineyard Drive Rochester, NY 14616-2007 M R . S TANLEY J. S UWALA 2582 Mallard Lane Gilbertsville, PA 19525-9200 610.970.2917 [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 22 M R . W ILLIAM G. S WEENEY 170 Lakeside Road Apt C1 Ardmore, PA 19003-3223 610.642.2339 M R . J AMES F. T HOMPSON 25 Montowese Drive Meriden, CT 06450-7411 203.238.3755 M R . A NDRE P. VAN PARYS 162 Woodland Road New Canaan, CT 06840-5831 203.966.0116 M R . WALTER D. V EASY 5805 W Harmon Avenue Spc 214 Las Vegas, NV 89103-4859 520.622.8166 WALTVZ@HOTMAIL.COM M R . J AMES M. T OZAR 7500 New Suffolk Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952-1919 631.298.4174 M R . F RANCIS V OLZ 46 Mermaid Drive Manahawkin, NJ 08050-1849 609.978.0780 M R . J OSEPH M. T RACEY 355 Prospect Street Apt 5 Bridgeport, PA 19405-1627 610.761.1275 A NDREW C. V ON E SCHENBACH , M.D. 163 Sarasota Circle S Montgomery, TX 77356-8406 936.597.8370 M R . E DWARD J. T RAINER 216 Bruce Road Washington Crossing, PA 18977 215.493.8931 V INCENT J. WALSH , J R ., E SQ . 330 Colket Lane Wayne, PA 19087-5401 610.989.9071 M R . V INCENT E. T RAINER 5071 Wells Court Mays Landing, NJ 08330-2633 609.432.9824 M R . J OSEPH J. WARD 234 Hemlock Drive North Wales, PA 19454-1727 215.3628.699 [ Class of 1963 ] 23 M R . T HADDEUS WASKIEWICZ 195 Iron Hill Road Doylestown, PA 18901-2033 215.348.3066 E DGAR WATSON , J R ., P H .D 82 S Lake Street Grayslake, IL 60030-1540 847.223.6188 F RANCIS D. W EINERT, P H .D. 8034 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11432-1331 718.380.5723 M R . A LFRED J. W ESTHOFF, J R . 135 Park Place Media, PA 19063-2054 610.891.8555 M R . E DWARD E. W HITE 544 E Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125-3331 A RTHUR J. W ILSON , M.D. 1901 Chatsworth Drive Germantown, TN 38138-2666 M R . F RANCIS J. W INKEL 124 S Schuylkill Avenue Norristown, PA 19403-3144 610.539.1374 J AMES W ONG , M.D. 2610 Keiser Boulevard Reading, PA 19610-3333 610.373.2609 M R . T HOMAS J. W YNNE , J R . 1657 E Boot Road West Chester, PA 19380-6001 [ Golden Hawks 2013 ] 24