disCoveR waddesdon
disCoveR waddesdon
Rothschild Collections disCoveR waddesdon spRing/summeR 2015 a RothsChild RenaissanCe The new Waddesdon Bequest Gallery at the British Museum showcasing a collection of 16th-century and 17th-century treasures whose home was formerly at the manor. Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild bequeathed the contents of the smoking Room, his ‘Renaissance museum’ to the museum in 1897. this year, his collection is re-displayed and re-imagined in a splendid new space, supported by the Rothschild Foundation. an exhibition at the manor and a number of special events celebrate the moment. welCome TO WADDESDON waddesdon manor was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild between 1874 and 1885 to display his outstanding collection of art and to entertain the fashionable world. It combines the finest 18th-century French decorative arts and magnificent English portraits and Dutch Old Master paintings with one of the finest Victorian gardens in Britain, famous for its parterre and ornate working Aviary. It was bequeathed by the Rothschild family to the National Trust in 1957 and is now managed by a family charitable trust under the chairmanship of Lord Rothschild. Today, the Manor continues its great tradition of entertainment and hospitality. There are events celebrating food and wine, and a changing programme of exhibitions and special interest days to entice visitors of all ages. Our 2015 carpet bedding is based on the Smoking Room velvet-bordered mirror pictured left. Find out more in this brochure, follow us on or at above: Ferdinand and poupon, his favourite poodle, relaxing in the Baron’s Room, 1897 photo: John Bigelow taylor © the national trust, waddesdon manor 1 eXhiBitions & installations in the house 25 March - 25 October Jane wildgoose: Beyond all pRiCe ‘old works of art are not…desirable only for their rarity or beauty, but for their associations, for the memories they evoke, the trains of thought to which they lead, and the many ways they stimulate the imagination and realise our ideals.’ Ferdinand de Rothschild, Bric-à-Brac, 1897 This installation by artist Jane Wildgoose reflects upon Ferdinand’s words about the associations, memories and stimulus to the imagination that old objects may evoke. Archival material from Waddesdon and mourning jewellery from other public and private collections is set against the wider context of the cult of mourning during the 19th century, and complemented by new works by Jane Wildgoose using hair as an enduring symbol of loss and mourning, memory and bequest. BaRon FeRdinand de RothsChild’s ‘RenaissanCe museum’: treasures from the smoking Room at waddesdon In the late 1880s Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild ordered the creation of a ‘New Smoking Room’ in the Bachelors’ Wing at Waddesdon. The room would contain his ‘Renaissance Museum’, objects made of precious materials in the manner of princely collections of the 16th and 17th centuries. Ferdinand bequeathed most of this collection to the British Museum where it remains as the Waddesdon Bequest. To celebrate a new display of the Bequest at the British Museum funded by The Rothschild Foundation from June 2015, this exhibition at Waddesdon will bring out of store the furnishings that surrounded the precious objects in their original setting. the RiChes oF the eaRth waddesdon is full of objects that celebrate the wealth of the earth. A trail around the House highlights some of these riches - earthenware and porcelain clays worked into vessels and sculptures, rocks mined from the earth and made into jewellery, caskets and chimney-pieces, minerals and plants transformed into dyes and pigments in paintings and tapestries, and furniture of rare woods, resins, stones and metals - as well as allegorical representations of these elements. An accompanying exhibition examines materials, techniques and their appeal to collectors. waddesdon at waR Continuing from 2014, this exhibition marks the centenary of the First World War, and reflects on the experience of the family and staff at the time. It reveals a picture of Waddesdon through those who fought and those who managed the House and Estate during the dark war years. For events linked to these exhibitions see pages 6, 7 and 8. hair-work flowers © Jane wildgoose. 2 01296 653226 Circle of Johann heinrich Köhler, (detail) orpheus and the animals c 1720. ‘Renaissance’ jewellery from the Collections of Baron Ferdinand and Baron edmond de Rothschild. troops moving through waddesdon village; Courtesy of ivor gurney. 3 eXhiBitions IN THE COACH HOUSE aRt IN THE GARDEN ResistanCe is FeRtile simon peRiton June - October From June 2015 two sculptural bedding installations designed by artist simon periton will appear on the parterre, continuing the tradition of threedimensional bedding begun by alice de Rothschild. For events linked to this exhibition see page 7. henry moore, drawings for sculpture, 1937. inv. hmF 1325. photo: michel muller, the henry moore Foundation archive. Reproduced by permission of the henry moore Foundation. saving a CentuRy: CeleBRating the viCtoRian soCiety 25 March - 24 May, 10-5 A photographic exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Victorian Society. The exhibition explores the battles it has won and lost, from Crystal Palace and the Euston Arch, to the Foreign Office and some of our greatest country houses and industrial buildings. henRy mooRe: FRom papeR to BRonze 100 dRawings King and queen hill aRChes 17 June - 25 October, 11-5 the exhibition charts the life and art of henry moore (1898 -1986) through a selection of 100 drawings from the collection of the henry moore Foundation. 4 henry moore, sheep grazing in long grass i, 1981. inv. hmF 81(310). photo: Brian Coxall, the henry moore Foundation archive. Reproduced by permission of the henry moore Foundation. Although best known as a sculptor, Moore was a prolific and talented draughtsman. Throughout his career drawing represented a way to observe and learn about nature and a means to develop sculptural ideas. Starting with figure studies made as a student in Leeds, the exhibition showcases some of Moore’s best known twodimensional works, as well as rarely exhibited mid-career and late works. It also includes two major sculptures, King and Queen and Hill Arches. daRning the land: sewn philippa lawRenCe May - October in this contemporary response to waddesdon’s textile collections, philippa lawrence reimagines the land as fabric, and swathes of flowers as running thread. Philippa’s work, replanted for 2015, is inspired by unseen elements of the collections. This delightful planting connects the inside and outside of the House, and honours those who have tended it over the years. new aCquisition By the RothsChild Foundation Joana vasConCelos: CandlestiCKs From 17 April a major new addition to the collection, and part of our contemporary programme, a pair of sculptures by portuguese artist Joana vasconcelos will be installed on the north Front. above: simon periton, Charger © the artist, courtesy sadie Coles hq, london Below: artist’s impression © Joana vasconcelos The exhibition is curated by Sebastiano Barassi, Senior Curator, The Henry Moore Foundation. The Foundation is a leading art charity, set up by the artist in 1977 to increase public enjoyment of the visual arts. It looks after Moore’s former home and grounds, organises exhibitions of his work worldwide, runs the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds, and gives grants to arts organisations. For events linked to this exhibition see page 8. 01296 653226 5 spring special interest day: Fine Cell work House and Power House Friday 24 April 10.30 - 4.00 Join us for a study day exploring the work of charity, Fine Cell Work, set up in 1997 to train prisoners in needlepoint skills so that they can earn money from making cushions, quilts and bags. There will also be an opportunity to see historic textiles from the collection at Waddesdon. £50. Includes lunch. above and below: © Richard Bryant/ thomas gainsborough, the pink Boy, 1782. smoking Room thomas gainsborough, sophia Charlotte digby, lady sheffield, 1785-1786. ColleCtion events House and Garden admission prices also apply to all Collection events unless otherwise stated. (Free admission for NT members) windmill hill archive public open afternoons Windmill Hill Every Friday from 3 April Between 2.00 and 4.00 Open every Friday afternoon until 23 October for you to view, the Archive is five minutes’ drive from the visitor car park or you can reach it on foot. May be closed on certain Fridays for private events, check with bookings office for confirmation. Admission is free to Windmill Hill. Normal admission charges apply to Waddesdon Manor. Curtains up Once a Month 12.00 - 4.00 In a collection as fragile as ours, we have to manage light levels carefully, but the first Wednesday in every month becomes a red letter day as we open an additional set of blinds in each room in rotation. Not only will you see the interiors in daylight, you will be able to enjoy views of the garden from the House, as Baron Ferdinand intended. 6 open FuRnituRe month House Friday 1 - Sunday 31 May study sessions: the waddesdon archive at windmill hill: plans, pictures and little ditties Behind the scenes tour House Friday 3 April, 8 May, 5 June, 3 July, 7 August, 4 September and 2 October 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Learn about life at Waddesdon, explore where servants worked and lived and find out how we use these areas in the House today. Windmill Hill Thursday 14 May and 16 July 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Learn more about the history of the Estate from the records in the Archive with Head Archivist, Catherine Taylor and Assistant Archivist, Nicholas Donaldson. £15. £15. waddesdon at war exhibition tour House Friday 10 April, 12 June, 11 September 10.45 to 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Head Archivist, Catherine Taylor, to look at the impact of the First World War on Waddesdon with a specific focus on the Gardens. £15. New for 2015 For the first time ever, you can see the Elephant Automaton in the East Gallery working on the first Thursday in the month, at 1.00. See the website for details and to book your entry to the house. 01296 653226 ‘Renaissance museum’ exhibition tour House Friday 29 May, 31 July and 9 October 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Senior Curator, Rachel Boak, to learn more about the extraordinary objects once used to furnish the Smoking Room. study sessions: the waddesdon archive at windmill hill: working at waddesdon Windmill Hill Thursday 25 June and 8 October 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Head Archivist, Catherine Taylor and Assistant Archivist Nicholas Donaldson, to learn more about the lives of those who lived and worked at Waddesdon £15. £15. study sessions: British portraits at waddesdon artist’s tour: simon periton House Thursday 11 June 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Senior Curator, Juliet Carey, for the chance to look at portraits in the collection by Gainsborough, Reynolds and Romney. Power House and Parterre Wednesday 1 July 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Simon Periton for an introduction to his work and his inspiration for the threedimensional bedding designed for Waddesdon, with a chance to view Resistance is Fertile in his company. £15. £15. 7 henry moore exhibition tour From paper to Bronze 100 drawings King and queen hill arches Coach House Thursday 2 July and 17 September 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Senior Curator, Juliet Carey, for a tour of the exhibition. £15. Normal Gardens admission charges apply. Riches of the earth exhibition tour House Thursday 9 July and 10 September 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Senior Curator, Juliet Carey, to discover the riches of the earth and the marvellous works of art into which they were made. £15. artist’s tour: Jane wildgoose Power House and House Wednesday 9 September 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join artist Jane Wildgoose for an introduction to her exhibition Beyond All Price with a chance to view the installation in the Green Boudoir in her company. £15. autumn special interest day: the drawings Cabinet at waddesdon manor House Wednesday 23 September 10.30 - 4.00 Associate Curator, Ulrich Leben, will present some of the principal works from the collection and give an introduction to its history, comparing design drawings at Waddesdon with existing works of art. £50. Includes lunch. autumn special interest day: high tech for high life House Thursday 24 September 10.30 - 4.00 8 Associate Curator Ulrich Leben will discuss a selection of unusual materials used in the manufacture of furniture,using examples from the collection. Family & OTHER EVENTS £50. Includes lunch. specialist study sessions: illuminated manuscripts House Wednesday 7 October Morning session 10.30 -12.30 Afternoon session 2.00 - 4.00 Manuscript specialist, Sally Dormer, examines two examples from the important collection of illuminated manuscripts in each session. £40 for one session £70 for two. autumn special interest day: Furniture migrations House Thursday 8 October 10.30 - 4.00 Associate Curator Ulrich Leben will present the histories of a selection of pieces and explain how they relate to furniture in museums worldwide. enjoy a fantastic family day out! there are lots of things to explore and discover: learn about the history of the family, the gardens and the aviary and try something new. stargazing evening Colourscape Manor Restaurant Saturday 21 March 6.00 for a 6.30 dinner - 10.30 Join the Wycombe Astronomical Society for an evening looking at the night sky. Includes two course dinner and lecture. North Front Wednesday 1 - Sunday 12 April 11.00 - 4.00, last entry 3.30 Colourscape is a large and extraordinary labyrinth of colour and light. Enter a new world where you can explore intense light, colour and space in 66 interlinked chambers, and encounter unusual musical experiences during your journey! Returning for 12 consecutive days following its debut last summer, Colourscape is for visitors of all ages and promises an experience you will never forget. £40 includes £5 donation to the Wycombe Astronomical Society. £50. Includes lunch. £4 Adults, £2 Children ages 0-16. Suitable for all ages. Maximum capacity of 90 visitors at a time, admission up to 30 minutes, there may be a queue at busy times. study sessions: Rubies and Rogues: the smoking Room Jewels House Wednesday 21 October 10.45 - 12.15 (coffee on arrival 10.15) Join Curator Phillippa Plock to explore the changing fortunes of Renaissance jewels in the Collection. Cadbury easter trails North Front Friday 3 - Monday 6 April 10.00 - 4.00 Are you an Eggsplorer? £15. £3 per trail. special interest day package The Five Arrows Hotel Enjoy your Special Interest Day combined with an overnight stay at the Five Arrows Hotel. £109 based on two people sharing includes dinner (up to £25pp), bed and breakfast and a glass of fizz. To book please call the hotel direct on 01296 651727. (SID attendees only; subject to availability). spring activities Gardens admission prices also apply to all family and other events unless otherwise stated. (Free admission for NT members) Stables Courtyard Saturday 28 March - Sunday 12 April (excluding Easter Bank Holiday w/end) 11.00 - 3.00 £1 per trail; £2 per activity. 01296 653226 9 “the tales of Beatrix potter: peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny” quantum theatre Company Gardens Saturday 8 August 6.00 A magical evening designed to appeal to the whole family. £14 Adult, £10 Child, £42 Family, Under 3s FREE. pirate weekend Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 August 11.00 - 4.00 Fancy dress strongly encouraged! Additional charges apply to some activities. summer nights Film screenings Gardens Friday 4 September Singin’ in the Rain (U) Saturday 5 September Into the Woods (PG) Gates open from 6.30, films start around 8.00 A festival of outdoor film, Summer Nights is organised by QUAD, Derby’s centre for art and film. Shown on a large outdoor screen, bring a picnic and make a night of it. seasonal photography workshops with stuart Bebb “twelfth night” with the lord Chamberlain’s men meet mimi the mynah and Friends Gardens, Education & Learning Room, Stables Friday 3 April - Spring Friday 26 June - Summer Friday 24 July - Summer Friday 18 September - Autumn 10.30 - 5.00 Learn how to get the best out of your camera with local professional photographer, Stuart Bebb Gardens Saturday 25 July 7.30 Performed in open air, an all-male cast perform Shakespeare’s much-loved comedy. Aviary Wednesday 12 August 2.30 - 4.00 Join us for a very special behind the scenes glimpse of our Aviary. No adults allowed! £85. Includes lunch. Race for life aylesbury Waddesdon Estate Sunday 17 May From 10.00 Run through the beautiful Waddesdon Estate and raise money for Cancer Research UK. Find out how to register £18.50 Adult, £10 Child. £5 per child. Children’s activities Stables Courtyard Wednesday 5 - Monday 31 August (excluding Mondays & Tuesdays) 11.00 - 4.00 Join us for summer fun. Additional charges apply to some activities. Behind the scenes at the aviary Aviary Wednesdays 5, 19 and 26 August 2.30 - 4.30 Join the Aviary team for a fascinating tour behind the scenes. £15. plant it, grow it, eat it! Stables Courtyard Saturday 23 - Sunday 31 May including Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 May 11.00 - 3.00 Launching our ‘50 things’ summer, join us for a week of gardening fun. “treasure island” with the pantaloons £2 per child. £14 Adult, £10 Child, £42 Family, Under 3s FREE. 10 “pride and prejudice” with the pantaloons Gardens Saturday 29 August 6.00 A delightful and innovative adaption of Jane Austen’s witty, romantic story. £14 Adult, £10 Child, £42 Family, Under 3s FREE. Chilli Festival Aviary Glade Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 September 10.00 - 5.00 Find everything for the chilli fanatic or novice. There will also be live music from salsa band, Latin Fiesta. Gardens Friday 7 August 6.00 A tale of treasure and treachery on the high seas. 01296 653226 £12. £10.50 early bird ticket if booked six weeks in advance. heritage open day with our local community and emergency services North Front Saturday 12 September 10.00 - 5.00 Admission is free to House and Gardens. The local emergency services will also join us in the Gardens. parkinson’s uK spooky sprint Waddesdon Estate Saturday 26 September 7.00 Take on the Spooky Sprint - a race in the dark with only a head torch to light your way. For more information visit 11 special afternoon teas with live music from gary mullins Manor Restaurant Sunday 4, 11, and 18 October Served at 12.00, 1.00, 2.30 and 3.30 Enjoy the Waddesdon afternoon tea experience accompanied by live music from local professional guitarist Gary Mullins. Champagne £23.50, Traditional £18.50, Children’s £8.00. Gardens admission charges apply. introduction to Rothschild wine Château lafite wine dinner The Five Arrows Hotel Friday 11 September 7.00 Enjoy a selection of Château Lafite wines and canapés on arrival, then a four course dinner hosted by Pete Tompkins, Waddesdon’s Wine Advisor. £85 per person. From £130 per person room package. Book on 01296 651727. Lounge suit. Food & wine wine loveRs’ weeKend Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 April Food and drink take centre stage this year at waddesdon. special events during our wine lovers’ weekends in april and september mark two of the three crucial stages in a vineyard’s year: ‘bud break’, the start of the new vintage, in the spring, and vendange - grape harvest - later in the year. Both weekends showcase Rothschild wines from around the world. supper in the manor Restaurant in June celebrates vineyards’ Fête de la Fleur when flowers are on the vine, and coincides with “Feast”, our new food festival, inspired by Ferdinand de Rothschild’s historical Baron’s treat. wine lovers’ dinner 12 Wine Cellars and Manor Restaurant Saturday 18 April 7.30 Champagne, canapés and Rothschild wine tasting in the Cellars, followed by an exquisite five course dinner with carefully selected wines to suit each course. £95 Black Tie. Booking essential. wine loveRs’ weeKend Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 September an evening of Rothschild Classics from Bordeaux Wine Cellars and Manor Restaurant Saturday 19 September 7.30 Enjoy wine tasting and canapés in the Cellars followed by a three course dinner in the Manor, served with carefully selected wines. £75. Lounge Suit. Booking essential. Bordeaux and Beyond, a taste of twenty wines Wine Cellars Sunday 19 April 12.00 Join us on a voyage of discovery sampling a selection of the Rothschilds’ extraordinary range, spanning six countries and five continents. £25. Gardens admission charges apply. 01296 653226 a tasting of Rothschild Classics from Bordeaux Wine Cellars Saturday 10 October 12.00 Join us for a formal tasting of eight Rothschild wines from estates across the world, plus an informative introduction to Rothschild history. £35. Gardens admission charges apply. Cheese and wine tasting with the Fine Cheese Company Wine Cellars Sunday 11 October 12.00 Wine and cheese is a match made in heaven; join us for a tasting of six Rothschild wines and six European cheeses. £20. Gardens admission charges apply. game dinner The Five Arrows Hotel Friday 16 October 7.30 Stay with us for this very popular event. Our package includes aperitif and canapés followed by a three course dinner with game from the Estate. £40 per person. £175 for two adults sharing. Book on 01296 651727. Wine Cellars Sunday 20 September 12.00 A wonderful opportunity to taste eight exceptional wines from eight Rothschild estates including the four main Bordeaux styles. £25. Gardens admission charges apply. 13 Feast weekend at waddesdon Come and enjoy food, drink and the pleasures of waddesdon in the first year of our brand new festival weekend! take a seat at our 150-metre long decorated table in front of the manor, bring your own picnic or choose from our 50 stallholders, and enjoy unusual and surprising experiences from our handpicked theatrical performers. 14 saturday 20 & sunday 21 June 10.00 - 5.00 taking inspiration from the historical “Baron’s treat” where Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild would welcome villagers and staff to the manor for an annual celebration, we invite you step into a different world for the day. Adults: £11. Children: £6. Family: £28. NT Members and under 5s free. Additional charges for entering the House 01296 653226 Feast aFteRnoon tea Feast evening suppeR Manor Restaurant Served at 12.00, 1.00, 2.30, 3.30 and 4.30 A special occasion for a special weekend, join us for a traditional afternoon tea of heavenly fancies and sumptuous savouries. Wine Cellars and Manor Restaurant Saturday 20 June 7.00 In conjunction with Feast and to coincide with one of the three crucial stages in the year of the vineyard “Fête de la Fleur”, we are hosting an opportunity to dine in the Manor Restaurant. The evening starts with a glass of Rothschild Brut NV Champagne followed by a four course dinner inspired by the summer months. Champagne £23.50 Traditional £18.50 Children’s £8.50 Plus Feast weekend Gardens admission charges. left: preparation for the Baron’s treat. Below clockwise: lobster à la Cart, anyone for tennis, last luggage porters and the troll’s Kitchen £55 Smart casual. Booking essential. 15 visiting waddesdon - main season musiC AT WINDMILL HILL & THE FIVE ARROWS HOTEL steven devine performs Bach Windmill Hill, Reading Room Saturday 16 May 7.30 Enjoy a sublime performance of the Bach “Goldberg” Variations for harpsicord. £16 Jazz at the Five arrows hotel Thursdays 18 June and 16 July 6.30 Enjoy classic jazz with a three course dinner followed by the concert in the Old Coach House. £42.50 per person. £169 per person room package. Book on 01296 651727. oxford Chamber music Festival summer weekend Windmill Hill, Reading Room Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 June 7.30 Join festival director Priya Mitchell and special guests for two chamber concerts in the spectacular setting of Windmill Hill. Flute and harp summer Recital with anna noakes (flute) and gabriella dall’olio (harp) Windmill Hill, Reading Room Saturday 18 July 7.30 Join international soloists Anna and Gabriella as they present a programme of romantic and dramatic music for flute and harp, including much-loved repertoire by Mozart, Piazzolla and Damase. £15. Windmill Hill, Reading Room Saturday 12 September 7.30 Following their Waddesdon debut last year, we are delighted to welcome back this vibrant and talented youth choir, showcasing the best young singers from Buckinghamshire aged 15-23. 16 house & gardens including wine Cellars 25 mar - 25 oct 2015: weds - sun & Bank holidays 12.00 - 4.00 weekdays / 11.00 - 4.00 weekends Family £18 £9 £45 Child: age 5-16 yrs, family: 2 adults, up to 3 children. * gift aid admission includes a 10% or more voluntary donation. if you are a uK taxpayer, then gift aid admission allows us to reclaim tax on the whole of the amount paid - an extra 25% national trust Charity Registration no. 205846 all proceeds go towards the upkeep of waddesdon manor location waddesdon is just off the a41 between aylesbury and Bicester, 20 minutes from J7 (northbound) and J9 (southbound) of the m40. Birmingham M1 A6 M6 M40 A5 Luton Bicester A44 A40 Aylesbury Vale Parkway Oxford Aylesbury A1 A418 M1 A41 A329 A420 M25 approximate driving times london 90 minutes Birmingham 75 minutes oxford 45 minutes aylesbury 15 minutes M40 A34 A404 London M4 Heathrow For more information please call the Dairy on 01296 653241 or The Five Arrows on 01296 651727. waddesdon manor near aylesbury Buckinghamshire hp18 0Jh Standing near the gates of the Manor, the Five Arrows Hotel has 16 bedrooms of great character and charm. Telephone 01296 651727 for reservations. Booking line: monday–Friday 10.00 - 4.00 01296 653226 email: 01296 653226 Child gardens, aviary, woodland playground, shops & Restaurant, wine Cellars 25 mar - 8 nov 2015: weds - sun & Bank holidays 10.00 - 5.00 £8 £4 £20 M5 The Dairy is a wonderfully romantic backdrop for the perfect wedding at any time of the year. It’s also a stunning venue for corporate or private parties and celebrations. The Five Arrows Hotel is licensed to hold wedding ceremonies for up to 70 - have this lovely country house hotel all to yourselves with an exclusive use package. Meetings, private parties and special celebrations can be arranged here too. adult Bachelors’ wing (included in house ticket) 25 mar - 25 oct 2015: weds - Fri 12.00 - 4.00 £15. shop, eat, paRty, sleep Eat in the atmospheric Manor Restaurant, once the Old Kitchen (reservations on 01296 653226) or the family-orientated Stables Café. Drinks, snacks and ice-creams are also available from the Coffee Bar and Summer House (when the weather allows). The Five Arrows Hotel’s restaurant serves a varied menu, using locally sourced and seasonal ingredients wherever possible. gift aid admission prices* Choral celebration with voice Bucks youth Choir £18. The Manor Shop has many exclusive products, and in the Wine Shop there’s a great range of Rothschild wines. Inspiring and creative toys, along with fudge made on-site and whipped ice-cream, make the Stables Shop, close to the Woodland Play area, a real draw for families. Free entry for national trust members and under fives. the house closes at 4.00, so we recommend entering by 2.30 (last tickets: 3.10). please book in advance for weekends and Bank holidays, to guarantee entry. Book free at or call 01296 653226 (£3 booking fee) weekdays 10.00 - 4.00. Information supplied to us is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and may be used by us to keep you informed of events we feel are of interest. If you would prefer not to be updated by our mailings, please write to the Marketing Department at Waddesdon Manor, fax: 01296 653212 or e-mail: Photography by: All People Photography, John Bigelow Taylor, Derek Pelling, Stuart Bebb, Pascale Cumberbatch, Mike Fear, Barry Keen, Hugh Palmer, Paul Watson and Jenny Welch. © The National Trust, Waddesdon Manor.
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disCovER WAddEsdoN
display his outstanding collection of art
and to entertain the fashionable world.
it combines the finest 18th-century
French decorative arts and magnificent
English portraits and dutch old Master