English Program 2016 - Norsk Litteraturfestival


English Program 2016 - Norsk Litteraturfestival
The Norwegian Festival
of Literature 2016
Dear festival visitors, Welcome to six
days of festival activities! Some 400
authors and artists will be taking part
in more than 200 events! Whether you
are coming specifically to experience
Linn Ullmann, Richard Ford, Ariana
Reines or Compagnon, or are planning
to take things as they come, you can rest
assured that the Lillehammer festival will
provide you with good experiences and
pleasant people. You have made a good
decision! You are welcome! We hope you
will have a wonderful time!
For this year’s festival the USA is the region
in focus and there is a reason for this.
Norwegian books are selling like never before
on the other side of the Atlantic, while the
awareness of American literature is growing
due to increased access, both digitally and in
terms of language. It is therefore our pleasure
to present a series of American authors who
each in their own fashion exemplify something
new within the wealth of literary flora.
In the course of the week you will meet
new stars from both poetry and prose. The
poets Ariana Reines, Julian T. Brolaski and
CAConrad are big new names in American
poetry, a genre which in recent years has
been just as much about staging of the
self as literary style. Rebecca Dinerstein,
Alexandra Kleeman and Frank Bill are
extremely diverse prose authors, but what
they have in common is that they write from
the inside of a reality available only through
literature. A number of Richard Ford’s short
story collections and novels are available in
Norwegian translation. He is one of the USA’s
most prominent authors and we are looking
forward to welcoming him back. Are you
among those who had the chance to experience him at the Norwegian Festival of Literature in 2005? Regardless, this spring you will
again have the opportunity.
We are also putting the spotlight on the
refugee crisis faced by Norway and the rest
of Europe. What is the background of the
refugee crisis? What are the refugees fleeing
from and what are they coming to? What is
taking place in the debate climate, what is
happening to us and what is in fact correct
and sustainable? The festival has more
questions than answers, and that is why we
have invited experts and writers who have
in-depth expertise on the complex issues. We
are looking forward to interesting discussions
and hopefully proposals for solutions. The
refugee theme is a leitmotif running through
this year’s programme. Follow The Asylum
March 2016, from Trondheim to Lillehammer,
take part in the debate about
radicalisation or hear a presentation of persecuted writers from Norwegian Cities of
Since the last festival, the Lillehammer cinema
has been refurbished and expanded to house
5 theatres. The Viksjø facade from 1963
has been restored and wishes the audience
welcome. We will celebrate with a diverse and
interesting film programme. Before we watch
the prize-winning documentary The Look of
Silence, we will meet Joshua Oppenheimer in
conversation with Ivo de Figueiredo through
Skype. Another documentary that will be
shown is The Book of Conrad. This is a true
crime documentary about hate crime in the USA,
and an author’s search for the truth.
The programme for children and young
people is varied and comprehensive. And for
adult spectators interested in children and
young people’s literature, there is enough on
the programme to fill no less than two whole
festival days. But remember: the Norwegian
Festival of Literature is also Lunch in the park,
the Critics Seminar, The Translator’s Hour and
the Non-fiction Seminar. It is the writers you
meet on the pedestrian street, the atmosphere
at Teltet just before the taps are closed for
Marit Borkenhagen Festival Director
Mathias R. Samuelsen Artistic Adviser
Anne-Thea L. Haavind Head of Pegasus
Annette Seglem Festival Coordinator
The opening
Take part in a sensual and poetic journey
where Norway and the world, literature and
other forms of artistic expression meet.
Participants include Laila Bokhari, Aasne
Linnestå, Maja S. K. Ratkje, Stian Carstensen
and Nama Jafari. Read more on p. 8
the night, the burgers or the wraps you buy
from the food truck on the Stortorget square,
the words flooding out of the loudspeakers,
the trees lush with green leaves and all of the
people. We have been looking forward to this
for a long time. At long last it’s time for the
The festival winds down as Lars Saabye
Christensen reads a selection of his own poems
in interaction with Mathias Eick on the trumpet
and Eyolf Dale on the grand piano.
Read more on p. 18
Laila Bokhari
Lars Saabye Christensen
Book of Conrad
The poet CAConrad describes his upbringing
as follows: “born on 1 January in 1966, son of
a single white trash mother who taught him
how to shoplift from stores and sell flowers
on the side of the road.” Today he is one of
the USA’s most important poets and will come
to Lillehammer with literature and a film. The
film is a documentary about how he returns to
Tennessee to solve the murder of his ex-lover.
Read more on p.10
Alexandra Kleeman
Garden party and closing
at Teltet
Come along into the still-light summer evening
for a barbecue, wine, readings and music in
the garden of the Nansen Academy. Beate
Grimsrud, Karolina Ramqvist and Birger Emanuelsen will give readings. Later you have but to go
with the flow as it moves on to the tent on Litteraturtorget where we will round off the evening
with Brødet & Eselet.
Read more on p. 11
New American prose
Rebecca Dinerstein and Alexandra Kleeman are
both under the age of 30, but with their respective novels they have reached countless readers.
It is not difficult to see that themes such as
loneliness, dependency and distance describe
central moods in the last adult generation who
experienced 11 September.
Read more on p. 16
IS – the world’s most
dangerous terrorist
Cecilie Hellestveit in conversation with the two
IS experts Michael Weiss, American author
and journalist, and Petter Nesser, Norwegian
terrorism researcher.
Read more p. 10
Coeur de Leon in
Some books are formative for an entire generation. They stand out as an expression of their
time and as a reminder that the world is in
movement, or perhaps not. Ariana Reines’ Couer
de Leon, named after a cheap camembert
brand, is precisely such a book. It is half feminist
manifesto and half a blog of woes from the
mid 2000s. It is not without reason that Lena
Dunham enthusiastically cites the book. Here in
Europe it has also become an important work.
Meet Reines in conversation with a Norwegian
and a Danish poet who have a strong relationship to the poem. Read more on p. 14
During Banknatta it simmers and boils
both inside and out at Kulturhuset Banken.
Ferdigsnakka LIVE takes the stage with Rebecca
Dinerstein, Vigdis Hjorth, Liv Kølzov, Hanna Dahl
and Christelle Ravneberget in collaboration with
Bendik Hovik Kjeldsberg, Nils Martin Larsen and
Emilie The Duke. Dance into the early hours of
the morning to the music of the marvellous live
band Broen, followed by dj Vogt and Kleiva.
Read more on p. 16
Pub hopping
Saturday evening you can join two Norwegian
hinterland authors of the highest calibre, Levi
Henriksen and Christer Mjåset, for pub hopping.
The outing will go from Haakons Pub, via Paddys
and Nikkers for readings and exuberant stories,
and finish with a concert by Levi Henriksen and
The Babylon Badlands at Teltet on Stortorget
Read more on p. 17
The Look of Silence
Read more on p. 12
New American poetry in
25 MAY | 12:00-12:50 PM | CAFÉ STIFT
American poetry has in recent years really
taken off and this is something that can
also be noticed here in Norway. A changing
of the generational guard is underway.
Meet artistic adviser and poet Mathias R.
Samuelsen in conversation with three people
who have picked up the baton: Anna Kleiva,
Gunnar Wærness and Leif Høghaug. These
individuals are responsible for translations
of three American poets to be featured at the
festival, Ariana Reines, CAConrad and Julian
T. Brolaski. NOK 120
John Williams mini seminar
25 MAY | 6:00-7:00 PM | TELTET
John Williams wrote only three novels, but
each of these, despite their historical bent,
exemplified the decade in which they were
written: Stoner from the 1950s, Butchers
Crossing from the 1960s and Augustus
from the 1970s. This small but dramatically
strong body of work has been published in
Norwegian translation in recent years. A
translator, a bookseller and an author have
each read their respective John Williams novel
and each of them will present a book report.
These three people have not been chosen
solely because of their roles in Norwegian
literature, but also because they possess
expertise as readers that can shed light upon
the books in a wholly unique manner! And
not least, a Norwegian edition of Augustus
will be launched, the Pulitzer prize winning
novel that is the final work of Williams’ literary
production. Mathias R. Samuelsen will guide
Thea Selliaas Thorsen, Terje Thorsen and Hans
Petter Blad through the conversation. NOK 120
Literature salon
with young prose
25 MAY | 6:00-6:50 PM | STORGATA 135
A literature salon featuring three young
authors well worth becoming better acquainted
with: American Rebecca Dinerstein, Norwegian
Maria Navarro Skavanger and Heidi Sævereid.
NOK 120
About America in
Knut Ofstad on Bill Frank
26 MAY | 12:00-12:50 PM | SØNDRE PARK
It’s called “speaking from the heart”. Frank
Bill is an author who writes in the same way:
without refinement, grammatically dubious,
but on the other hand, almost carnal: violent
and inelegant – wholly in keeping with the
people and events he describes. His Norwegian
translator Knut Ofstad will speak about
Frank Bill’s books from the heart and possibly
other organs. Organised by: The Norwegian
Association of Literary Translators | Free of
27 MAY | 8:00-8:40 PM | CAFÉ STIFT |
The American poet and novelist Charles Bukowski
has been an inspiration for countless authors
and musicians. His raw and sincere narrative
style and not least the person Bukowski himself,
created a universe that fascinated readers
all over the world. Actor Torstein Andersen has
combined a number of Norwegian translations,
done by Geir Nergaard, in the monologue
Været er varmt på baksiden av klokka mi. (“The
Weather is Warm on the Back of My Watch”)
This performance, filled with misery, humour
and bittersweet descriptions of reality will be a
segment in this year’s edition of Banknatta! NOK
350 for the entire evening
The Sunlit Night
28 MAY | 12:00-12:50 PM
Rebecca Dinerstein’s one-year stay in Northern
Norway brought about her first poetry
collection Lofoten in 2012. Now she has also
written a novel about art, love and cultural
collisions, inspired by the people and nature
in the north. With a good-natured humour
and a New Yorker’s amazed take on everything
from the midnight sun and wildflowers to
Norwegian turns of phrase and traditions,
she makes this part of Norway new for us. She
shares her joy over the subtleties of language
with her translator, Ingrid Haug, and here
they talk about how The Sunlit Night became
Sol hele natta. Organised by: The Norwegian
Association of Literary Translators | Free of
The American connection
28 MAY | 12:00-12:50 PM | KUNSTMUSEET
In 2015 two thick novels were published, both of
which have art and a relocation from Norway
to the USA as a backdrop: Johan Harstad’s Max,
Mischa og Tetoffensiven, (“Ma, Mischa and
Leading the Charge”) and Magnet by Lars Saaby
Christensen. Why is the nation on the other side of
the Atlantic so important? Why does it constantly
appear in Norwegian literature? Two of Norway’s
most important and most beloved authors in
conversation with John Erik Riley, who is an author
himself and a connoisseur of American literature.
NOK 120
The Norwegian
literary canon through
American eyes
28 MAY | 4:00-5:00 PM | START AT
The American author Rebecca Dinerstein
has previously lived for a couple of years in
Norway, has learned the Norwegian language
and is fond of Norwegian literature. Before the
start of the Norwegian Festival of Literature,
she will stay in Lillehammer and work in
Sigrid Undset’s writer’s study at Bjerkebæk,
to absorb the literary atmosphere that
permeates the city. Through a guided tour,
which leads us from one quotation stone to
the next in the city streets, the American will
give us her perspective on a selection of works
from the Norwegian canon. Free of Charge
Rebecca Dinerstein
The American presidential
28 MAY | 3:00-3:50 PM | LILLEHAMMER
Many in this corner of the world are really
curious about what is wrong with the
American conservatives, and during the
pre-election period, one can really wonder
about the current state of affairs in the
United States. Commentator and journalist
Frank Rossavik has written the book Blant
republikanerne (“Among the Republicans”),
which tries to explain to Norwegian Social
Democrats how it is possible that half of the
American population votes for gun-crazy
Christian fundamentalists. And who is better
suited to discuss this with Rossavik than
the USA expert, marathon runner and crime
novelist Hans Olav Lahlum. NOK 120
Milk and brown cheese
29 MAY | 2:00-2:50 PM | CAFÉ STIFT
Rebecca Dinerstein and Tore Stavlund are two
new but extremely different authors. But when
it comes to dairy products, they both have
an opinion to share. Dinerstein has written
an ode to Norwegian brown cheese that was
published in The New Yorker, and this past
winter Stavlund’s book MELK, en romoddysé
(“MILK, a space odyssey”) was published. Both
are thus well equipped, each from their own
perspective, to explain what our breakfast
table says about us and how Norwegian dairy
products are experienced by outsiders. Kristin
Fridtun leads the conversation about milk
and brown cheese’s cultural significance in
Norway and in the USA. NOK 120
she spoke in support of the cause of Norway
throughout the five years of the war. Guided
tour every day – once an hour – from 10:30 am
to 3:30 pm (except for 1:30 pm)
Two Nobel laureates in literature have close
ties to the Lillehammer region. Bjørnstjerne
Bjørnson created a European urban home
at the Aulestad farm in Gausdal and Sigrid
Undset built her own beautiful Bjerkebæk just
on the outskirts of the city of Lillehammer. A
number of festival events are scheduled to
take place at Bjerkebæk and Aulestad. Be sure
to make time for the guided tours!
Spring Tour
of Bjerkebæk
og Aulestad
home – Aulestad
Bjørnson and Ibsen
hand in hand
Sigrid Undset’s
home – Bjerkebæk
Poetic garden stroll
Sigrid Undset lived side by side with flowers
and nature her whole life. She created her own
large and lush rock garden at Bjerkebæk. In
novels, articles and letters, she paints flowers
and nature in words enabling us to visualise
both. Garden stroll at Bjerkebæk every day at
1:30 pm during the festival.
In the world of books
Sigrid Undset created her home Bjerkebæk in
two log houses in Lillehammer. Here she wrote
the great novels about Kristin Lavransdatter
and Olav Audunssøn for which she received
the Nobel Prize. She was a single mother of
three, and she often had to do her writing
during the night. Before the war she spoke out
against the Germans and was therefore forced
to flee the country. She went to America where
They were in the same class at school, they
both became authors and Norway’s biggest
celebrities. They married two childhood
friends. On top of all of this, Ibsen’s son
married Bjørnson’s daughter. The wedding
was held in Bjørnson’s study at Aulestad!
Guided tour of Aulestad every day at 1:30 pm
during the festival.
In Bjørnstjerne’s home
“But peace is not so precious, as that his will
man shows.” Bjørnson lived by his own words.
He spoke out for the cause of freedom and
justice – at home in Norway and in Europe.
The word and the pen were his weapons. He
was a nation builder and a Nobel laureate.
Aulestad inspired him and under Karoline’s
firm management it became a hospitable
urban European home. Here we move more
than a hundred years back in time, but the
Bjørnsonian activism is always current.
Every day – once an hour – from 10:30 am to
3:30 pm (except for 1:30 pm)
Tuesday 24 May
Tuesday 24 May
Exhibition opening:
Ester Maria Bjørneboe
5:00-6:00 PM | GALLERI ZINK
Welcome to an exhibition opening featuring
Esther Maria Bjørneboe. In the painting
exhibition “Re-novasjoner” she has worked on
the basis of something she recognises as a
cause, or origin for the pictures. It is a matter
of memories of events, spaces and works that
over time have had a direct impact on and
significance for her choice of direction as an
artist and her interest in the abstract image.
The exhibition will be opened by Anna Lydia
Svalastog with a musical segment by the artist
duo Brødet & Eselet.
Free of charge | The exhibition will hang
until 12 June
Nama Jafari
Opening performance
Come along on a journey into the classroom
and out into the unknown. From Pakistan,
Romania, Afghanistan, Syria or Iran, and
perhaps to Norway? Through words, images,
dance and music, artistic experiences await,
along with a glimpse into the life and dreams
of people who for various reasons have left
everything behind to establish a life in exile.
Laila Bokhari tells of her father, Yawar Bokhari,
who left Punjab and was the first Pakistani
resident of Lillehammer. He travelled a long
distance and met with a lot of adversity before
his business dream, which eventually also
financed a school in Pakistan, came true. At
this school, girls learn to take the floor and we
learn about what education means to Sania
Bob Dylan
Bibi, who is 17 years old and a college student
at LAMS. Meet also Zaki Amini, a young
refugee from Afghanistan, who tells a thought
provoking story from his own life. Stian
5:00-6:00 PM | TELTET | VORSPIEL
Carstensen and bass player Finn Guttormsen
Gisle Selnes has written Norway’s first
are accompanied by Giani Lincan on the
true in-depth exploration of Dylan from an
cimbalom, an outstanding musician who
academic perspective. We combine this with
was a refugee from Ceaușescus, Romania.
Bob’s 75th birthday! Meet Elistabeth Eide,
Together they also challenge young dancers
professor at the Institute of Journalism and
of Dance Project to a battle. Lillehammer’s
Media Studies, in a conversation with Selnes
City of Refuge Author, Iranian Nama Jafari,
led by Fredrik Wanderup. And afterwards
reads his own poetry, and Aasne Linnestå and
there will be a Dylan DJ. In other words,
Maja Ratkje with Guro Skumsnes Moe, Håvard
the perfect start for the festival. Come and
Skaset and Kristin Andersen create a musicalcelebrate Dylan’s birthday with us.
poetic expression on the theme of “refuge”.
NOK 120
Awarding of the Dobloug Prize.
Bukkene bruse på badeland
NOK 300
Dylan 75!
25 May
The Mystery of Life
10:00-10:45 AM | TYRILI |
Bibi Sania
The rag mat that created
a school
The heading could have been taken from a
fairy tale. The story is indeed magical but
is also a part of our reality and our times. It
is the story of Lillehammer’s first Pakistani
resident, many years of futile struggle, an
idea that joins Norwegian and Pakistani
handicraft traditions, a business dream that
came true and culminated in Yawar Bokhari’s
establishing the school LAMS in Pakistan.
Meet author and terrorism researcher Laila
Bokhari, who is currently making headlines
with the book Arven etter far (“My Father’s
Legacy”), 17 year old Sania Bibi who is a
The mystery explained
How was the children’s book The Mystery of
Life created? Will the son of Messi also become
a good football player? Where did the first
living creatures on earth come from? What is
DNA and why is it so often mentioned in crime
series? Why do we get goose bumps? How can
one manage without a backside?
Wednesday 25 May
Dutch Jan Paul Schutten and Floor Rieder
come to Lillehammer with explanations for
everything that led up to creating the world we
live in today. About the age of the earth and
the universe. About Darwin and birds. About
what DNA is, and how the human body is still
like a mackerel. A programme event for all
those who find joy in life’s incredible diversity!
13−15 years of age | Free of charge
The event will be in English
student at LAMS, Sajida Nawab who is a
teacher at the school, and headmaster
Fouzia Tabassum. Dag Hareide will lead the
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
In the prize-winning European best seller by the
Dutch Jan Paul Schutten and Floor Rieder we
find an answer to everything that has led up to
creating the world we live in today. About the
age of the earth and the universe. About Darwin
and birds. About sexual selection and the
survival of the fittest and about how the human
body is still like a mackerel. Here four billion
years are presented on 160 pages.
The conversation is led by Hilde Østby.
Organised by: NFF – The Norwegian
Non-fiction Writers and Translators
Organisation | NOK 120
The event will be in English
The Cloud Crew strikes
12:00-2:50 PM | SØNDRE PARK | THE
The British author David Mitchell in
conversation with his Norwegian translator
Stian Omland about the work with Mitchell’s
monumental Cloud Atlas from 2004. The
collaboration between Mitchell and Omland,
with time, evolved into a large team project
in which translators of the book from many
countries worked together with the author
and one another to find solutions to the many
challenges the novel represented with its six
= Program items for children and teenagers
interlinked narrators, from 1850 to a remote,
post-apocalyptic future. Meet the book, the
author, the translator and The Cloud Crew!
Organiser: The Norwegian Association of
Literary Translators | Free of charge
The event will be in English
Wednesday 25 May
In the film The Book of Conrad, he is followed by
a film team back to his home town in the South
to investigate what truly happened to his former
lover Earth. The latter’s body was found burned
beyond recognition, with his hands handcuffed
behind his back, but the police nonetheless
dismissed the case as a suicide. This is a true
crime documentary about hate crime in the USA,
and an author’s search for the truth.
In collaboration with Lillehammer Filmklubb |
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
Sofi Oksanen
Yu Hua
Yu Huas Kina
With the book Brothers, Yu Hua reached many
readers in Norway. This year he is making
headlines with the novel The Seventh Day, and
it is our pleasure to be hosts for this brilliant
Chinese author. The French newspaper
Libération wrote about Brothers that it
“takes us from laughter to tears, from jokes
to tragedy, from barbarity to globalisation,”
in short, a book encompassing just about
everything. Would you like to come along on
a half-century’s journey through China? Here
you will receive an impertinent and amusing
perspective on the enormous country that can
only be fully described through its fantastic
literary tradition. Yu Hua in conversation
with his translator and interpreter Harald
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The conversation will be interpreted
from Chinese into Norwegian
The truth behind the poetry
Morgenbladet journalist Ellen-Sofie Lauritzen will
discuss the documentary The Book of Conrad
with the American poet CAConrad. CAConrad is
one of North America’s most important poets and
a pronounced voice for “a different USA”.
The vulnerable
human being
Sofi Oksanen and Beate Grimsrud meet
for a conversation about the vulnerable
human being in the city, and in the world in
general. In their literary works they have both
described human beings in critical situations.
These Scandinavian star authors meet now for
the first time and compare their novels. The
conversation moderator will be Mette Karlsvik.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
Ticket sales online, at the festival office
and festival bookstore close one hour
before an event, and open one half-hour
before the event at the door.
Reed more p. 20
IS - the world’s most
dangerous terrorist network
8:00-8:50 PM | TELTET
Since America will be our guest at the festival,
we thought it would be appropriate to
present a medley of Norwegian and American
literature. We will feature highlights from the
programme and present these in the best
Norwegian-American style! Gunnar Wærness
will repeat last year’s success, Maja Lunde
will read from The History of Bees, a novel
published last year that quickly became an
international bestseller, Alexandra Kleeman
gives us an excerpt from the novel You Too
Can Have A Body Like Mine, and the poet
CAConrad will conclude the entire event.
Hostess for the evening: Ellen-Sofie Lauritzen.
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
Wednesday 25 May
The American journalist Michael Weiss, in
collaboration with Syrian analyst Hassan
Hassan, has written ISIS: Inside the Army
of Terror, one of the major works written
about IS so far. Terrorism researcher Petter
Nesser from Norway is making headlines with
Islamic Terrorism in Europe: A history, which
is the most comprehensive review of Islamic
terrorism in Europe. Meet them in conversation
with Cecilie Hellestveit from the International
Law and Policy Institute.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
Late night literature
The Nansen Academy
A garden party
for everyone!
This year as well the Nansen Academy
extends an invitation to a garden party in
the academy’s lovely surroundings. There
will be refreshments, mingling and readings!
Readings with a Nordic profile by Beate
Grimsrud, Karolina Ramqvist and Birger
Emanuelsen. The band Svarte svingende will
provide the music.
In collaboration with
The Nansen Academy | NOK 120
Brødet & Eselet
10:00 PM-1:00 AM | TELTET
The cabaret duo Gunnar Wærness and Henrik
Skotte open a show with a bang that will leave
you happy and confused. It is not easy to
define what Brødet & Eselet actually are, but
at the very least it’s certain that the concerts
are always sharp, amusing and thoughtprovoking.
After the concert Teltet will be open until
01:00 AM | NOK 120
Thursday 26 May
ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror
The forgotten war crime
Thursday 26 May
The Look of Silence is the sequel to the
prize-winning film The Act of Killing, in which
Joshua Oppenheimer travels to Indonesia to
investigate the virtually forgotten genocide
of the 1960s. Because charges were never
brought against the executioners, they willingly
agree to do interviews and recreate the horrors
for which they were partially responsible. The
documentary has attracted attention all over
the world, not just because of its shocking
contents, but also because of the unique film
editing, done by Danish Niels Pagh Andersen.
In The Look of Silence the focus is instead on
the victims of the tragedy, those who were
spared, got away or were left behind. The film
depicts their meeting with the executioners. A
conversation between Ivo de Figueiredo and
Joshua Oppenheimer on Skype. The film will be
shown after the conversation.
In collaboration with Lillehammer Film Club
and The Norwegian Film School | NOK 120
The conversation will be in English
The rag mat that
created a school
11:30 AM-12:15 PM | TYRILI
The heading could have been taken from a
fairy tale. The story is indeed magical but is
also a part of our reality and our times. It is the
story of Lillehammer’s first Pakistani resident,
many years of futile struggle, an idea that
joins Norwegian and Pakistani handicraft
traditions, a business dream that came true
and culminated in Yawar Bokhari’s establishing
the school LAMS in Pakistan. Meet author and
terrorism researcher Laila Bokhari, who is
currently making headlines with the book Arven
etter far (“My Father’s Legacy”), 17-year-old
Sania Bibi who is a student at LAMS, Sajida
Nawab who is a teacher at the school, and
headmaster Fouzia Tabassum.
13–15 years of age | Free school
performance | The conversation will be in
The USA’s role in IS
Michael Weiss, who in collaboration with the
Syrian analyst Hassan Hassan, has written
ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, one of the major
works written about IS so far, explains the role
played by the USA in the battle against the
terrorist group. What will change after the
election in 2016, and how did it all begin?
Can the USA’s three previous wars in the
Middle East be a factor behind the
emergence of the terrorist group?
NOK 120 | The lecture will be in English
The Bjørnson lecture:
The Women’s War
12:00-1:30 PM | HIL
Finnish Sofi Oksanen has reaped international
acclaim. Her books have been translated into
more than 20 languages since her literary debut
with Stalinin lehmät (“Stalin’s Cows”) (2003).
In 2010 she received the Nordic Council’s
literature prize for the novel Purge. In 2013 she
received the Swedish Academy’s Nordic Prize,
and Helsingin Sanomat named Purge the best
Finnish novel of the 2000s. This year’s novel,
Norma, is a dark family drama spotlighting
human trafficking and the exploitation of
women in the world today. Oksanen’s work as
an author is characterised by a strong social
commitment. She has addressed themes such as
family relationships, eating disorders, anxiety,
violence and occupation. Introduction by Birgit
Bus from the Nansen Academy 11:30 AM via
Skysstasjonen to Lillehammer University College
(HiL). Return around 1:45 PM. Free of charge.
In collaboration with Lillehammer University
College (HiL), The Nansen Academy and
Lillehammer museum | Free of charge
The lecture will be in English
Keynote speaker:
David Mitchell
3:00-3:50 PM | CAFÉ STIFT
The three American poets on the programme
meet their Norwegian translators, and we
are presented with readings in English and
Norwegian. Essentially the best from the USA
and the best from Norway: Ariana Reines
and Anna Kleiva, CAConrad and Gunnar
Wærness, Julian T. Brolaski and Leif Høghaug.
Booksales and signing | NOK 120
Parts of the event will be in English
Thursday 26 May
Of Mitchell’s seven novels, two have been
short-listed for the Man Booker Prize. From
the time of his literary debut in 1999 with
Ghostwritten, he has consistently published
critically-acclaimed novels and contributed
short stories to the world’s leading literary
journals. For Norwegian readers he is perhaps
best known for the book Cloud Atlas which
was made into a film starring Tom Hanks in
the leading role. The book caused a sensation
among critics and in academia; the American
literature critic legend Fredric Jameson
described the novel as a new sci-fi version of
the historical novel and that it was “defined by
its relation to future fully as much as to past”.
Not a bad reference! Mitchell is currently
making headlines with the novel Slade House
which immediately moved onto the Top 10
list of the world-famous industry publication
Publishers Weekly. He is moreover the year’s
Future Library art project author. Don’t miss
out on David Mitchell’s lecture about ghosts!
NOK 120 | The lecture will be in English
New American poetry
Rebecca Dinerstein
Richard Ford
Dark Eastern Destinies
Sofi Oksanen will be featured here in a
discussion with Eastern Europe expert Aage
Borchgrevink about Oksanen’s focus on
women’s identity and their lives in the former
Soviet states. How does one live branded as
a whore? How does one live with oneself?
Oksanen’s female characters fight for selfunderstanding and self-respect when they
are confronted with the idolisation of beauty,
eating disorders, harassment and trafficking.
How does one avoid passing on pain to
subsequent generations? The audience will be
invited to ask questions.
In collaboration with Lillehammer University
College (HiL), The Nansen Academy and
Lillehammer museum | NOK 120 | The
discussion will be in English
Linn Ullmann
Literary gala
The year’s gala will give you both something
new and something you knew you liked.
With Rebecca Dinerstein as compère, we
invite the public to a formal session with Linn
Ullmann and Richard Ford, in conversation
with magazine editor John Freeman. They
both have a lengthy and well-recognised
literary production to their names, and one of
the things they have in common is that they
have written about mothers, Ullmann in the
autumn’s book De urolige (“The Register of
Disquiet”) and Ford in the essay “My mother,
in memoriam”. The literary challenges such
a theme brings to the writer’s desk is one of
the topics they will talk about. But before
we get that far you will meet the crème de la
crème of American poetry, friend of Norway,
Ariana Reines and the poet referred to as his
generation’s Allen Ginsberg, CAConrad! It is
all framed in, as is geographically fitting, by
Julian T. Brolaski’s old time country music.
Book sales and signing | NOK 300
The event will be in English
Coeur de Lion in Scandinavia
12:00-12:50 PM | LILLEHAMMER
In 2007 the long-poem Coeur de Lion was
published in the USA, and since then this book
has become a generation-defining publication
that unequivocally put Ariana Reines on the
map as a poet. The book was translated into
Norwegian and Danish last year, and in that
context we want to find out what influence
it has had in the Scandinavian countries.
Translator Anna Kleiva and Ariana Reines in
conversation with Danish Caspar Erik.
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
Julian T. Brolaski
Julian and Rio
11:00 PM-1:00 AM | TELTET
Friday 27 May
Julian T. Brolaski is not just one of the most
gifted poets in the USA these days, he is also
among those spearheading the new queer
country music movement. Together with the
backing band Rio Bravo from Gjøvik, he will
serve up old time country in the tradition
of Hank Williams. The rumours on the
Lillehammer prairie claim that the audience
will both dance and weep! NOK 120
Friday 27 May
Freeman’s own
11:00-11:50 AM | CAFÉ STIFT
John Freeman, former editor of Granta, started
his own magazine last year: Freeman’s Own. In
this journal he has combined submissions from
some of the world’s leading authors. This is a
project worth following and at Café Stift you
will experience a presentation that will make
you want to take part in the journey.
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
David Mitchell
Mitchell Meets Lunde
The successful author David Mitchell is
predominantly known for the novel Cloud
Atlas, which was also made into a film. When
Maja Lunde wrote the critical and sales
success Bienes historie (“The History of Bees”),
she found great inspiration in precisely this
novel. Magazine editor John Freeman will lead
the way when Mitchell and Lunde meet for a
conversation about the writing process and
influences. Book sales and signing
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
A poetry tour of images
in slow motion
Poetry and photography. Experience the
exhibition SaKte bilder (“Images in slow motion”)
with a selection of the festival poets. Actress Eline
Holbø Wendelboe performs texts by these poets,
chosen by Mathias R. Samuelsen and Janeke
Meyer Utne. In collaboration with Lillehammer
Kunstmuseum | NOK 50
Richard Ford
about life with Frank
Frank Bascombe would most prefer to live a
peaceful and retiring life in the suburbs. Over
the years he has popped up in book after book
by the American author Richard Ford. In Ford’s
most recent novel, Let me be Frank with you,
which will be released in Norwegian this spring,
he is sought out by old friends, an ex-wife and
complete strangers – and perhaps he needs
these people just as much as they need him?
Ellen-Sofie Lauritzen talks with Richard Ford
about Frank and in particular his last book
which is set in a hurricane-ravaged USA.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
From Indiana to
3:00-3:50 PM | GALLERI ZINK
An abundance of
persecuted voices
3:00-4:30 PM | TELTET
Presentation of City of Asylum
Writers in Norway
In Norway there are more than 50 authors,
writers and artists who are so-called City of
Asylum writers. All of these individuals have
experienced persecution, censorship, gag
orders, and other threats as a result of their
form of expression. For this reason they have
been invited to and granted asylum in one of
the 14 Norwegian Cities of Asylum for writers
under persecution and in this manner have
reclaimed their freedom of expression. City
of Refuge writers in Norway come from more
Capitalism under scrutiny
4:00-4:50 PM | LILLEHAMMER
Professor of Economics Anwar Shaikh has
taught political economics at The New School in
New York for more than 40 years and is currently
making headlines with his latest and important
work Capitalism. Competition, Conflict, Crisis.
The book takes to task the way the discipline of
economics is taught in universities around the
world, and offers a wholly innovative model that
Shaikh hopes will provide the foundation for a
more realistic teaching approach in this field.
The objective, in a time of crises and increasing
inequality, is to provide a better understanding
of how capitalism actually works. Shaikh will be
interviewed by Ola Innset, a research fellow in
history and an author.
In collaboration with Manifest magazine
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
Friday 27 May
Terje Thorsen meets Frank Bill for a
conversation about hard core prose. The
universe of Bill’s short stories are far afield from
the universe frequented by most Norwegians,
but from cartoons, films and television series
Norwegians do have a relation to the America
he depicts. What is frightening is that where
the author comes from, this is reality. It is no
exaggeration to state that Frank Bill’s books are
a real punch in the stomach.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
than 20 different countries and are more than
merely political refugees. They represent
the countless independent, critical and
creative voices fighting for democracy and
a humane society, and who for that reason
are persecuted, imprisoned and killed. This
afternoon at Teltet, the audience will hear an
abundance of persecuted voices.
In collaboration with Norwegian PEN | Free
of Charge | The event will be in Norwegian
and the native languages of the writers
Digital nostalgia
Many Norwegian readers learned of the French
literature professor Antoine Compagnon
through the book A Summer with Montaigne.
Now he is back with a book about what it
would have been like had Baudelaire, Proust
and Montaigne had a social media presence.
The book is composed, in the same way as A
Summer with Montaigne and A Summer with
Proust, of 40 short pieces which reflect upon
the digital reality, sewing it all together with
classical French literature. The lecture is based
on the recent Norwegian edition of Petits
spleens numeriques (“Digital melancholy”).
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
Hot off the press
American prose
Ferdigsnakka LIVE
5:00-5:50 PM | TELTET
Ellen Sofie Lauritzen will speak with Rebecca
Dinerstein and Alexandra Kleeman about
their latest novels. The two rising literary stars
from New York have each in their own way
described addiction and love within different
traditions of the novel. Kleeman writes in the
tradition of Margaret Atwood and Dinerstein
in the tradition of Paul Auster, but the themes
converge on a number of points.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
Again this year we will take it away with
Ferdigsnakka LIVE! The concept mixes
new Norwegian literature and music, in a
revision of the audio book that has had a
profound impact on the way we think about
the performance of literature. The literature
will be performed by Hanna Dahl, Christelle
Ravneberget, Liv Køltzow, Rebecca Dinerstein
and Vigdis Hjorth. The soundscape is supplied
by Bendik Hovik Kjeldsberg, Nils Martin Larsen
and Emile The Duke.
During Banknatta it will simmer and boil both
inside and out at Kulturhuset Banken. Join in
cheering on the best poetry slammers from
Norway, Sweden and Denmark who will give
their all in Holbøsalen. In Festsalen you can
experience an extraordinary concert when
Ferdigsnakka LIVE takes the stage featuring
Hanna Dahl, Christelle Ravneberget, Liv Køltzow,
Rebecca Dinerstein and Vigdis Hjorth in interaction with Bendik Hovik Kjeldsberg, Nils Martin
Larsen and Emile The Duke. Hear Liv Gulbrandsen tell the story of Knausgård’s My Struggle,
volume by volume, and experience Torstein
Andersen’s Bukowski monologue, before finally
jumping into a wonderful closing with Broen.
Friday 27 May
Min kamp 1-3 19:00
Cafè Stift
(My Struggle 1−3) Poetry Slam 20:00Holbøsalen
Cafè Stift
Ferdigsnakka LIVE21:00 Festsalen
Min kamp 4-6
Cafè Stift
(My Struggle 4−6)
DJ Vogt og Kleiva 00:30Festsalen
NOK 350 for the entire evening
The bank director of the night: CAConrad.
Broen has gained a large and enthusiastic
following through its exuberant mixture of
Britpop, hip-hop, acid punk, Paul Simon, the
spoken word and West African rhythms. When
Heida Karine Jóhannesdottir Mobeck (tuba),
Hans Hulbækmo (drums), Marianna S.A. Røe
(vocalist), Lars Ove Fossheim (guitar) and Anja
Lauvdal (synth) enter the stage, the audience
finds their way to the dance floor.
DJ Vogt og Kleiva
Anna Kleiva returns to Gudbranddalen to DJ
for us. She has brought along her author friend
Stina Vogt, and together they make up DJ-Vogt
og Kleiva.
Saturday 28 May
Paper marbling workshop
9:00-12:00 AM AND 12:30 PM-3:30 AM
Take part in a paper marbling workshop and
receive an introduction to the handicraft
related to classical book design! It takes many
years to learn paper marbling, but through
this practical workshop you will receive a
quick introduction with a focus on experimentation and learning-by-doing. When the
workshop is over, you will leave with all the
basic knowledge and inspiration you need to
begin on your own. The workshop will be led
by Apen Apen, a project group established by
Thomas Kjellberg, Mats Omland and Steinar
Be sure to wear clothing that won’t mind a
bit of paint splatter | NOK 600
A spring day with
Surrealism after Saddam
2:00-2:50 PM| CAFÉ STIFT
Ten years ago author and filmmaker Hassan
Blasim left post-Saddam Hussein’s Iraq as
a refugee to seek asylum in Finland. From
there he has written books that have been
successful in a number of languages, and
this spring the novel The Corpse Exhibition
is available in Norwegian. Blasim’s mixture
of humour and darkness, absurdity and
gravity puts him in the tradition of Kafka and
Daniil Kharms. In other words, a legacy that
should interest many Norwegian readers. In
conversation with Ane Nydal.
Book sales and signing | NOK 120
The event will be in English
Pub hopping
09:00 PM-01:00 AM | HAAKONS, PADDYS,
Join author buddies Levi Hendriksen and
Christer Mjåset for an evening of pub
hopping. The evening will be concluded with
a concert by Levi Henriksen’s band, in our
elegant Spiegeltent. Levi Henriksen & Babylon
Badlands take listeners along on a furious
journey with the rock music that changed their
lives when they were young men, and which
now, considerably further north in life, has
proven to be a life-long love. That is precisely
the leitmotif of “The Best Band in Heaven”. The
songs are about the powerful feelings that
are mobilised the first time one really listens
to music and feels that the world will never be
the same again, the almost Old Testament-like
recognition of how important rock is for the
feeling of identity. But wait, there’s more! With
lyrics like «Jeg lærte å bøye både hode og
knær/Mamma fødte meg i en bakevjyeby. Alt
jeg ikke ble det ble jeg her/Mamma fødte meg
i en bakevjeby» (“I learned to bow my head
and knees/ Mama birthed me in a backwater
town. Everything I never was, I became it here/
Mama birthed me in a backwater town”), the
band penetrates the heart of another of rock’s
important core themes: this business of not
fitting in and simultaneously yearning to get
Saturday 28 May
Fredrik Wandrup pays literary homage to the
best-selling French author and professor of
literature Antoine Compagnon. Fortunately
they will both speak in English for the
occasion! Compagnon, whose book A Summer
with Montaigne became a surprise best seller,
explains the background of the project and
perhaps he has theories of his own about why
the book became so popular!
NOK 120 | The event will be in English
Hassan Blasim
Sunday 29 May
Sunday lunch
1:00-1:50 PM | SØNDRE PARK
Hungry? For literature, for spring, for food?
If you come to the park at lunchtime, you will
have the chance to enjoy the festival’s final
readings in the park by Frank Bill, Tomas
Espedal, Hassan Blasim and Tore Stavlund.
Introductions by Ane Nydal.
Free of charge | Parts of the event will be
in English
A hundred and one poems
Alexander Rybak
Who’s that trip-trapping
over my bridge? 12:00 noon-3:00 PM | MAIHAUGEN
Sunday 29 May
A Day of Trolls at Maihaugen
Bring along the entire family for a day full
of theatre, dance and workshops! Alexander
Rybak and Dennis Storøy will assemble the
hordes at Dansarvollen with their production
about Trolle og den magiske fela (“Trolle and
the Magic Fiddle”). Before this, Gry Moursund,
the illustrator responsible for the popular
Bukkene Bruse på badeland (“The Billy Goats
Gruff at Swimland”) and Bukkene Bruse vender
tilbake (“The Return of the Billy Goats Gruff”),
will teach you how to draw trolls, Lisa Aisato
will talk about Tambar, while Ove Røsbak will
speak about his book Trollstenen (“The Troll
Stone”). There will be dance and theatre by
Gausdal Kulturskole and Fron Kulturskole, and
the trolls Trollgeir and Onkel Nut will put in an
appearance, played by Helena Klarén and
Henrik Slåen. Organised in collaboration with
Maihaugen and Teater Leven.
For the whole family | Standard ticket to
Maihaugen | Free of charge with Festival Pass
The festival winds down as Lars Saabye
Christensen reads a selection of own poems
accompanied by Mathias Eick on the trumpet
and Eyolf Dale on the grand piano. The
concert is based on Hundre og ett dikt (“A
Hundred and One Poems”), in which the poet
Jan Jakob Tønseth has made a selection from
a series of Lars Saabye Christensen’s poetry
collections. Eick and Dale’s melodious music
creates a framework for Christensen’s texts
which will impress and bring joy to old and
new readers and listeners.
NOK 300
Mathias Eick
Slow Motion
Lisa Aisato
Birds and fishes and
everything in between
Lisa Aisato is one of Norway’s foremost
illustrators and in 2015 was named one of
Norway’s ten best authors under the age
of 35. She is also the children’s literature
project “Boklek” author for this year and has
been travelling this spring through Oppland
county meeting preschool children. During the
festival, Aisato will exhibit illustrations from
several of her books, including En fisk til Luna
(“A Fish for Luna”), Odd er et egg (“Odd is an
Egg”) and Fugl (“Bird”).
Free of charge | In collaboration with
Galleri Zink | The exhibition will hang until
12 June
Ester Maria Bjørneboe
Paper marbling, or the art
of painting on water
Marbled paper is best known from book covers
and the end paper of old books, but it has also
been used to decorate the inside of cans, for
packaging medicine, as pictures on the wall
and as wallpaper. Suminagashi or “floating
ink” is the marbling of paper with water and
ink to transform it into something colourful
and organic. The technique arose in Japan as
far back as in the 13th century. Marbled paper
has a history from East Asia, Central Asia and
the Islamic world, Europe and the USA. The
paper marbling works have been created by
Apen Apen, a project group formed by Thomas
Kjellberg, Mats Omland and Steinar Borø.
Free og charge
Hallvard Blekastad –
Norway of Old in Paris
Gausdølen Hallvard Blekastad (1883–1966)
was a storyteller, gatherer of words and visual
In the painting exhibition “Re-novasjoner”
Ester Maria Bjørneboe has worked on the basis
of something she recognises as a cause, or
origin for the pictures. These are memories of
events, spaces and works which over the years
have had a direct impact on and significance
for her choice of direction as an artist and her
interest in the abstract image
Free of charge | Organiser: Galleri Zink
The exhibition will hang until 12 June
artist who continued to educate himself
throughout his entire life – in Gausdal, in
Norway and in Europe. He remained loyal to
his Norwegian roots, but was also inspired by
European art, such as the work of Cézanne and
Free of charge | Organiser: Aulestad
Images in slow motion
– Contemporary
The exhibition gives a perspective on
Norwegian art photography at a time when
the digital image’s ephemerality dominates.
The artists participating in the exhibition
renew in different ways the idea of what is
specific to photography. Through different
means they create delays in the experience
of the images so a silence and space for
reflection arises. The exhibition includes
the presentation of a photography book in
collaboration with Forbundet Frie Fotografer
(Norway’s National Organisation of
Photographers) and Fotogalleriet.
Curators: Christine Hansen and Janeke Meyer
Free of charge | Organiser: LIillehammer
Kunstmuseum | The exhibition will hang
until 11 September
Food trucks
Don’t miss the hamburgers at GoGrilla or the
wraps at VegetarKarnevalen. You find them at
Stortorget next to the Spiegeltent.
International Publisher
During the Norwegian Festival of Literature
in Lillehammer, the Norwegian Publishers
Association and NORLA invite foreign publishers
to attend a seminar about Norwegian literature
and publishing. Publishers from Italy, Spain,
France, Great Britain, USA and Canada will
Organisers: The Norwegian Publishers
Association and NORLA | Financed by the
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | For
invited guests only
Practical Info
The festival and press office is located at
First Hotel Breiseth, right by the train station,
entrance from Jernbanegata. Open 23 May
3:00-6:00 PM, 24 - 28 May 9:00 AM−8:00 PM,
29 MAY 12:00 noon -3:00 PM.
TEL: 61 24 77 24 / 970 11 516
Tickets can be purchased in a number of
1. Ticket sales close one hour before an event,
and open one half-hour before the event at the
2. Click on «Program 2016» on our website
www.litteraturfestival.no/en and find the
event you want to attend. Select “kjøp billett”
(buy ticket).
3. If you have a smart phone you can
upload the app eBillett and add Norsk
Litteraturfestival (Norwegian Festival of
Literature) as a site.
4. Find Norwegian Festival of Literature (Norsk
Litteraturfestival) on Facebook and click on
the symbol for eBillett (eTicket).
5. Buy a ticket at the festival bookstore
Gravdahl Bokhandel on Storgata in
6. Buy a ticket at the festival office at First
Hotel Breiseth
7. Buy a ticket at the door
We are a big festival in a small city, so book
your hotel room early!
Our festival hotel:
First Hotel Breiseth 61 24 77 77
Other hotels:
Scandic Victoria Hotel 61 27 17 00
Mølla Hotell 61 05 70 80
Clarion Collection Hammer Hotel 61 26 73 73
Radisson Blu Lillehammer Hotel 61 28 60 00
Birkebeineren Hotel & Apartments 61 05 00 80
Youth hostel:
Lillehammer Vandrerhjem Stasjonen 61 26 00 24
Festival pass NOK 1500 (students NOK 750. )
Day pass NOK 550.
When you arrive at the event venue, you
show your eTicket on your mobile phone or
on paper, and the organiser will verify by
scanning the QR code. (If you don’t have
your ticket with the QR code, you can pick up
your ticket at the festival office at First Hotel
Breiseth by giving your credit card number.)
* Passes must be traded in for a wristband at
the festival office.
*The pass entitles the bearer to admission to
all programme events, capacity permitting
and unless otherwise specified.
*You can secure a ticket for NOK 10 through
the eBillett service. A number of tickets will
always be reserved for audience members
with a festival pass and/or sales at the door.
You must show your wristband along with the
discount ticket at the door.
Half of our programme events are free of
charge, and most of these are for children.
See the price information for each individual
programme event.
Entrance is free of charge for certified
companions upon presentation of an
approved companion certificate, but you
may also send an email to annette.seglem@
litteraturfestival.no. The accompanied
individual purchases an ordinary ticket.
All programmes for children and young people
are free of charge. The events are open to the
general public, but registration is necessary
for school classes and groups. Registration at
The programme may be subject to change.
The organisers cannot be held responsible
for any errors or omissions in the programme
information. Our website pages are updated
on a regular basis.
The festival bookstore Gravdahl will offer the
sale of books for signing where indicated.
Laila Bokhari. Photo: Iffit-Qureshi, Alexandra
Kleeman. Photo: Graham Webster, Rebecca
Dinerstein. Photo: Nina Subin, Nama Jafari.
Photo: Bente Fagerlund, Linn Ullmann. Photo:
Agnete Brun, Richard Ford. Photo: Arild Vågen,
Hassan Blasim. Photo: Katja Bohm
Practical Info
61 24 71 66 | post@litteraturfestival.no |
PO Box 4, NO-2601 Lillehammer | www.
Thanks to all our partners!
Main Partners:
Government contributors:
A large thank you goes to:
All of the volunteers, all collaborators, all of the venues and eateries and all
others who have helped make the festival possible. Thank you for your support.
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