A prayer for pumpkin people
A prayer for pumpkin people
Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren 91 Valley Church Road Weyers Cave, VA 24486 (540) 234-9921 Email: pvcob.alive@gmail.com Web: pleasantvalleyalive.org “Proclaiming the Good News by being Christ in the world!” Sunday Schedule Contemporary Worship 8:45- 9:45 am Sunday School 9:50-10:50 am Traditional Worship 11:00 am Church Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 8:30am - 12:30 pm Our Staff Pastor Matthew P. Fike Assoc. Minister of Children & Youth Ministries Steve Spire Director of Music David Tate Director/Accompanist for Contemporary Service Saul Rodriguez Accompanist Phil Roberts Administrative Assistant Anne Bowman A prayer for pumpkin people After Liz Curtis Higgs wrote the popular children’s book The Pumpkin Patch Parable, people began using her analogies to say a prayer while carving their fall pumpkins. The pumpkin prayer, a Christian alternative to Halloween traditions, reminds people of all ages what God has done for us. Use it this fall when your family makes jack-o’-lanterns. When cutting off the top of the pumpkin, pray, “Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you.” See Proverbs 1:7 While removing the seeds and pulp, pray, “Remove the things in my life that don’t please you. Forgive the wrong things I do, and help me forgive others.” See Matthew 6:14-15 While making eyes, pray “Open my eyes to see the beauty you’ve made in the world around me.” See Psalm 104:24 While making the nose, pray, “I’m sorry for the times I’ve turned up my nose at your many gifts.” See James 1:17 While making the mouth, pray “Let everything I say please you.” See Psalm 19:14 While lighting the candle, pray , “Lord, help me show your light to others through the things I do.” See Matthew 5:16 After carving your pumpkins, display them as examples of how God’s love transforms us into new creations. See 2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone interested in placing flowers in the sanctuary in October please call Sharon James. Menieka Garber Jeanie Driver Ian Parkinson Eddie Meyerhoeffer Ben Garber Scott Holcomb Rollin Miller Harold Morris Stephanie Auville Kim Tate Tyler Mullins Amy Purdom Tyler Gaylor Carla Snow Craig Andrea Seese Ashley Holcomb Short Tara Bowman Warren Rodeffer Faye Wampler Travis Simmons Gabe Johnson Ann Shultz Wayne Armstrong Autumn Martin Bonnie Houff Saul Rodriguez Gerald Garber Will Houff Melanie James Jay Arehart Anne Bowman Evan Garber Gail Fifer Paul Wilson Pat Manning Forrest Ritchie Kirby Purdom 1 2 3 5 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 13 13 14 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 31 We will be starting practices for the Children's Christmas play on October 2 at 4:00. There are many different parts for the play. Please bring your children for this practice. Also, if you would be available to help with the play in any way (making costumes or props, helping to manage children, etc) please come to the practice. We need all the help we can get! Thanks!!!! Love Feast and Communion Sunday, October 2, 2011 6:45 pm Congregational Business Meeting 12 noon, Sunday, October 9th (after 11 AM Worship) (Normal worship schedule 8:45 am & 11 am) Potato Bar in Fellowship Hall hosted by Jubilee Class to benefit “Clean Up Buckets” Comfort Makers - Wed., October 12th, 9 am Valley Mission Dinner Group for October 15th Don & Jeannie Garber Jon & Pennie Garber Pat Randall Anna Smith October Nursery Helpers 11 am Worship 2 Hope, Alice, &/or Elaine 9 Linda Scrogham 16 Beth Childs 23 Teri Sumey 30 Barbara Glovier Sunday, October 9, 2011 Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren Free Will Offering to benefit Middle River Weekday Religious Education (WRE) Our Preschool could use some gently used plastic outdoor play equipment & riding toys. At the October 9, 2011 Congregational Business Meeting the Stewardship Focus Team is proposing an amendment to the budget to allow an expenditure of up to $20,000 to replace the current, unsafe playground equipment to make the area better and safer for children to play. Dorcas Circle Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:30 pm at church Women’s Fellowship Annual Dinner Meeting Hostesses: Maxine Shreckhise Doris Ann Slusser See “First Step” project notes and list included in this newsletter. Mark your calendars now: Thursday, December 1, 12 noon, Christmas Luncheon and December meeting in Fellowship Hall. Watch for date and details in your mailboxes and in October Sunday bulletins 5th Sunday Coffee has been moved to October 23rd (4th Sunday) (only for the month of October) “Karis in the Community” - Saturday, October 22 reaching out to the community with a day of service. This day will be focused on service while giving us a great opportunity to get the word out about the Karis ministry to the community it will serve. There will be a variety of opportunities to assist our neighbors from helping cut wood for needy families, putting together disaster relief buckets, extending a smile and a cookie to a shopper, and much more. You will have the opportunity to sign up for the service you choose. The day will begin at Karis with a simple breakfast and a prayer of blessing before heading out to the jobs. Please put this date on your calendar and watch for signup sheets in the narthex. If you have questions please see Bryan Wilson or any member of the Evangelism Focus Team. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Karis Plans are underway to open the Karis Gift and Coffee Shoppe at the end of October. Volunteer training will begin soon. Store hours will be Thursday & Friday 10am-6pm & Saturday 8am-4pm. If you are interested in serving as a store or coffee shop volunteer, please indicate on the signup sheets in the narthex how often and when you would like to volunteer. You may also call Anne in the church office with your availability. Report from NOAC 2011: The National Older Adult Conference was held at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina September 5-9, 2011. It is a Church of the Brethren conference offering inspiration, renewal, and community for adults 50 years or older. The theme was Passion and Purpose in a Changing World. The first keynote session was given by Robert Bowman (our former pastor) who spoke on "Living Between the Temples." He is still an excellent speaker. The last session was given by Susan Boyer "Everything Changes, Nothing Changes" from LaVerna, CA. Each day had multiple activities, such as a NOAC golf outing at Lake Junaluska golf course, early bird watching, a new walk as a form of meditation, service projects which made 470 school kits, 230 hygiene kits and collected $1200.00. Bus trips went to the Biltmore Estate, the Cherokee Indian village, and Smoky Mountain trail hike, a pontoon ride on Lake Junaluska, Tai Chi and watercolor miniatures were enjoyed. Interest groups were held in the afternoon with 14 choices each day. We took Challenges of the Church in Nigeria by Musa Mambula, Prayer and Action: Finding the Rhythm of God's Eternal Song" by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgraves, What is estate planning? by Ray Yenger and Emigrant trails of the Old West, 1840 by Lowell Flory. The different Brethren colleges had reunions. We enjoyed ice cream on Monday night given by the Fellowship of Brethren homes. A concert was given by Amy Yonanovich and Christyan Seay. They sang a mixture of opera and popular music. Mutual Kumquat, a musical group, sang hymn arrangements in the evening. Freeman Owle, a Cherokee storyteller, shared stories of the Cherokee way of life and how it is valuable to us today. The week was filled with worship, learning and fun. We hope many of you will attend the next NOAC. September 2-6, 2013 Nellie - Mark Flora In an update on National Older Adult Conference, the total offering received for the denomination’s Core Ministries was $26,174.33. Full news coverage of NOAC is at www.brethren.org/news/conferences/NOAC-2011 . Dorcas Circle First Step Project Once again the Dorcas Circle has selected First Step as its Christmas project. A complete list of needed items is on the following page. We will be collecting items in the marked box in the Open Door Sunday School classroom from October 16 through December 4, 2011. FIRST STEP: A RESPONSE TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE WISH LIST - 2011 Gift Cards: Martins, Food Lion, Wal-Mart, Target, Sheetz (gas), Hair Salons, Dollar General, Family Dollar, Kmart, JC Penney, Kohl’s, Ross, Roses, Restaurants, etc. Household Supplies: Trash bags (sizes: small bathroom, tall kitchen, large heavy duty) Toilet paper, Paper towels, and boxes of tissues Clorox/Lysol Disinfecting Wipe Liquid Hand Soap and Hand Sanitizer Dish Detergent Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaners ( including Oven Cleaner and Toilet Cleaner) and Sponges Wet and Dry Swiffers (can be generic brands) Laundry Baskets and Laundry Bags Laundry Detergent (for High Efficiency Washing Machines), Bleach, and Spray spot remover Silverware, Cups, Mugs, Plates, Bowls, Pots, Pans, Bake ware, Large Spoons, Can openers, and other kitchen items used for cooking and baking Disposable Gloves Coffee Pot, Pitchers (to use to make juice or Cool aide) and Ice cube trays First aid supplies (kits, antibiotic ointment, hydrogen peroxide, Band-Aids of all sizes) Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D) Flashlights Broom and dustpan Aluminum Foil and plastic wrap Storage bags (Ziploc all sizes) and Plastic Storage Containers (all sizes) Personal Supplies: Umbrellas and rain ponchos Diapers/Pull-ups size 5 & 6, Baby wipes Deodorant, woman’s shaving cream, and razors Baby and Adult Manicure sets Small sewing kits Nail files, Nail Polish and remover Underwear, bras, socks, nightclothes for women and children all sizes, Knee highs Hair care items (brush, comb, barrettes, clips, ponytail holders) Alarm Clocks Blank writing journals Office Supplies: Clipboards Pens, Pads of paper, Paperclips, Tape, Binder clips Multipurpose Copy Paper Postage Stamps Nonperishable food: Spaghetti and sauce Boxed macaroni and Cheese Ramen Noodles Cookies/graham crackers/animal crackers Crackers Dry milk Juice (bottles, packets, and boxes) and Cool aide packets Jell-O Pudding Bottles of water Ketchup, Mustard, Mayonnaise Canned tuna, Chicken, Soup Fruit Cooking oil Cake and Brownie Mixes Coffee, Coffee Filters, Tea bags Boxed Meals Sugar, Flour, Artificial Sweetener, Powder Creamer Rice, beans Spices, Baking Soda, Baking Powder Craft Supplies: Colored construction paper, patterned paper, cardstock, origami paper Tempera paints, water color sets, brushes Broad and Fine tip markers Jewelry Cord Assorted Decorative Beads Craft Wire (some plastic coated) Elmer’s Glue, glue sticks Air drying modeling clay Yarn, Embroidery floss, Needles Textured plates or Patterned Embossing molds Rolls of Embossing Foil Pastels Tie dye kits, 100% cotton t-shirts Beading Loom, Beading Needles, Beads (tiny ones) Fabric scraps, Unbleached muslin Plaster of Paris Gift cards to Michael’s Craft Store Bedding: Twin Size Mattress covers Small handmade blankets or quilts to give to children and adults entering the shelter Church Board Meeting - September 11, 2011 The Church Board met on September 11th at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Chairman, Chuck Flick, Glenda Ritchie, Cindy Wright, Don Landes, Anna Manikus, Wayne Wampler, Alan Landes, Sharon Reich, Millard Driver, Jackie Woolf, Pastor Matthew, Gary Huffman, Ann Schultz, Donna Tutwiler, Beth Gimbert, Neil Houff, Rhonda Harris, Dennis Miller, Johnny Garber, Keith Wilson and Steve Spire. NOTE: In August, a short business meeting was held to approve the motion that the Stewardship Focus team administer the terms for the line of credit extended to Karis for start-up costs. This motion was approved by the Board. Pastor Matthew led a short bible study on Matthew, Chapter 6:9-15. Minutes from the previous Board meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report – Alan Landes reported an equity of $81,245. Focus Team Reports: Stewardship – Dennis Miller – The budget for the 2012 is in the process of being prepared. Other notes: The line of credit for Karis has been completed. Chimney repairs at the Sexton house and the church are needed. Playground equipment for the PreSchool is estimated to cost around $20,000. The new refrigerator has been purchased for the kitchen. Paving repairs have been put on hold for one year. Fellowship – Glenda Ritchie – Fifth Sunday breakfast will be served in October. Ministry – Ann Shultz – Ann expressed her thanks to all those involved in the ministry program for college students. There was a great response for this ministry again this year with twenty-five letters recently sent to college students. Worship – Jon Garber – Thanked everyone for their help with Worship in the Grove. Discipleship – Wayne Wampler – Bible study “The Prodigal God” will begin soon and continue for six weeks. Life Development – Beth Gimbert – Beth stated that their focus team is working on a youth model for direction in developing programs for the youth. Old Business – Chuck reported that the Karis project is coming together nicely. New Business – The October Board/Focus Team meeting will be held on Sunday, October 2 nd at noon to approve the 2012 budget and the nominating committee slate. The Fall congregational business meeting will be held on October 9 th at 12:00 p.m. following the 2nd service. Motion was made to support the re-licensing of Gary Sheffer. Motion seconded and approved. Pastor Matthew reported that the “Upward Sports” basketball league will be headed by Anna Manikus and Cole Scrogham. Games will be held at South River Elementary School. On November 13th, Pastor Matthew stated that Randy Yoder of Brethren Disaster Benefit Trust would like the opportunity to come and talk to our congregation. Sunday School time will be made available for him to speak. Pastor Matthew requested that the fifth Sunday coffee be changed to the fourth Sunday for the month of October. On the fifth Sunday, Pastor Geordany of Haiti will be at Pleasant Valley to speak. Hope Chapel, the church planted by Pleasant Valley, will be moving from the Verona Fire Hall to Mt. Sidney in the Karis project building. Pastor Matthew raised the possibility of a core group from Pleasant Valley be formed to support Hope Chapel and asked that the Board members let him know if they have any suggestions for individuals who might be interested. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Jeannie Garber, Church Clerk Brothers and in Christ, could you lend us a hand? Within eyesight of Summit Church, a quiet couple has lived for years asking nothing of anyone. The husband has been diagnosed with diabetes and is on oxygen with COPD after working all his life in dusty conditions. The church has helped them several times as a need would become known and the church has been furnishing firewood for their winter heat for several years. The year 2010 was dreadful with the snow. When we opened the church lot we always opened the family’s fairly long driveway. After being at the home several times and getting a closer look at the dwelling and asking more questions it was determined the church and community needed to see if we could help their living situation. The approximately 24 x 26 ft house was built around 1951 by the lady’s father. Six children were raised in the home. The house is heated with a wood stove; cooking is on a wood fired range, and using a microwave or hot plate when possible. There is a cistern and an outhouse. They had been buying water to drink and cook with, using the cistern water for bathing and such. When the wood stove needs wood the gentleman leaves the house due to his oxygen and the closeness of the room and stove. A Community Project Committee at Summit was established in October 2010 to improve the living situation of the family, a goal of June 2011 was established to meet these needs. With the hiring of our pastor, Cole Scrogham, it was decided to allow the couple to use the parsonage for the winter, as the pastor requested to stay in his present home. The couple jointly owns 2.3 acres where the present dwelling is located. The committee reviewed the deed and secured the services of an engineering firm establishing and providing a plot layout for all permits. Permits have been acquired allowing a 2 bedroom home. The committee has determined that the purchase of a new singlewide mobile home will be the most cost and time efficient to resettle the couple. A new 16 x 48 mobile home, which will be handicap accessible has been quoted and will be ordered. A $50,000 budget has been proposed for the costs associated with the project. Which includes the cost of the mobile home, septic system, a 2000-gallon cistern, water pump, electrical connection, skirting, treated timbers for a front deck and a covered rear porch, which may become handicap accessible as may be required. Anyone wishing to help on this project may send donations to Summit Church of the Brethren, 314 Summit Church Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812 in care of the Community Fund Project. Contact Gary Shull at 540-487-4073 gor more information. Our church members pray that our friends and fellow Christians will join in seeing this project to fruition. Saturday, November 12th Weyers Cave Community Center FEATURING: (beginning 6:30 pm) The Moats Family, Heartland, Spring Hillbillies, and Due North SPONSORED BY SUMMIT CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN FREEWILL OFFERING FOOD SERVED: (starting at 5:00 pm) Fried Country Ham, Bar-B-Que, Hot dogs, French Fries, Coleslaw, Miscellaneous Desserts. Drinks The Tie That Binds - Father-Child Retreat - October 14-15, 2011 Join us on October 14th-15th at Brethren Woods for a weekend to get away and enjoy time together! Come on out to camp for a special retreat designed just for fathers (or other significant male figures) and one child (ages 4-12). Our time will include group games, a campfire, singing, snacks, recreation (including fishing!), Bible study, craft projects, nature exploration, and more! We promise a retreat with fellowship time for fathers, new friends for children, and the chance for father and child to grow closer together through individual, group, and pair activities. We’ll begin around 5:30 pm on Friday and plan to end around 3:30 pm on Saturday. Supper will be served on Friday evening as well as Saturday breakfast and lunch. We’ll have snacks (s’mores and banana boats) on Friday around the campfire! Lodging will be in the Woodland Retreat Center. All this for $70 per pair! Registrations are due by Wednesday, October 5th. Contact camp for registration form. OCTOBER 15th - FALL WORKDAY There’s wood to be chopped and woodsheds to fill! There’s buildings to clean and get ready for winter! And there’s special office projects and program assistance needed too! This important work (and maybe some more!) will take place on Saturday, Oct. 15th starting at 8:00am (hooray for coffee and donuts!) and ending about 3:00pm. We need YOUR help to make it all happen as we continue to care for this piece of God’s creation and prepare for all of the ministry that happens here! After a morning of work, we’ll enjoy a wonderful lunch break to fellowship together and then head back out for another hour or two. Please give us a call and let us know you’re coming so that we can have enough food for everyone, but, if you don’t, come on anyway! And don’t forget our 3rd Tuesday mid-week workdays each month! We’d love to have you join our growing group! Shenandoah District Conference – November 4-5 Join us on Friday night (Nov. 4th) and Saturday morning and afternoon (Nov. 5th) for the 2011 District Conference at the Mill Creek Church of the Brethren. Browse the camp display showcasing the many different aspects of Brethren Woods’ ministry, as well as upcoming events you won’t want to miss! Camp staff will be available throughout the conference to share and answer questions. Attend our insight session to be able to learn more about our “Renewing Our Faith…OUTDOORS” capital campaign that is currently underway. And don’t forget to pick up a “hot off the press” copy of our 2012 program calendar, rental information, event brochures, registration information for Winter Camp (in January!) and Seaside Escape (2012 Women’s Retreat!), and a little something to munch on during the sessions! See you there! For more information or registration forms for these program opportunities, contact Brethren Woods at 540-269-2741, camp@brethrenwoods.org, or on the web at www.brethrenwoods.org! The Disaster Ministries Coordinating Team reports that the Pulaski, VA, project, rebuilding after major tornado damage, is “moving right along.” Four houses are under construction, and a fifth likely will be started by the first of October. The expectation is to have all five under roof before cold weather sets in so that interior work can continue through the winter months. Volunteer needs are greatest for two one-week projects: Oct. 30-Nov. 5 in Ashland City, TN Dec. 4-10 in Pulaskii. For details and to get your name on the list for this valuable ministry, contact Jerry Ruff at 540-447-0306 or disastermin@shencob.org or Galen Halterman at 540-941-8425 or galenhalterman@aim.com October 5, 2011, 11am-1:00 pm $5.00 (carry-outs too) at Bridgewater Church of the Brethren Prepared and served by Waynesboro Church of the Brethren Menu: Pork tenderloin bbq on Martin’s Potato Roll, Cole slaw, Homemade applesauce, Potato chips, Super sweet garlic dill pickles, Cream pudding, Taste of bazaar cookies, Iced tea or coffee National Young Adult Conference 2012 A new e-mail address has been announced for those interested in next year’s National Young Adult Conference, to take place at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville on June 18-22. The address is NYAC2012@brethren.org . More information is at www.brethren.org/yac . Three Faiths … One God? Pastors for Peace in the Shenandoah District is hosting “Three Faiths … One God?” on Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Bridgewater Church of the Brethren. The relationship of Christianity to Judaism and Islam is crucially important at this time for churches. What is our relationship as Abrahamic faiths? How do Jews and Muslims practice their faith? Do you want to talk with men and women who are Muslim about their faith? Pastors for Peace invites us to examine our relationship to the Abrahamic traditions. Bridgewater College Professor William Abshire will present material on both Judaism and Islam, and there will be a significant period of interaction with leaders and families from the Islamic community in the Harrisonburg area. The event meets from 10:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Church of the Brethren. Lunch is served. The base fee for participation is $25. The student rate is $15. The event is open to the public, but registration is required. Mark your calendars and look for the flyer/registration form for this event through Shenandoah District communications. If you have questions, please contact David R. Miller, drmiller.cob@gmail.com. Mill Creek Church of the Brethren at 7600 Port Republic Rd., Port Republic, will host a Fall Family Festival and Vespers, Saturday, Oct. 1, 3-6:30 p.m. Children’s activities start at 3 p.m. The bluegrass band Loose Gravel will perform. A carry-in meal is scheduled for 5 p.m. with vespers at 6. Please join us for an evening of fun, good food and warm fellowship. Don’t forget your lawn chairs. The new Inglenook Cookbook project starts to simmer The Inglenook Cookbook has been a cherished tradition from generation to generation. The recipes contained in these cookbooks were tested in Brethren kitchens across America and selected for their value, excellence, and simplicity. The success of the series was its appeal to common people - those who embody the principles of simple living and value wholesome food. Now, more than a century after the first Inglenook Cookbook was published, Brethren Press is following the same tradition by publishing a new cookbook - one that will be created from your recipes. The new Inglenook Cookbook will be a sampling of the best of Brethren home cooking, but it can’t succeed without your help. So submit a copy of your “World Famous Squash Casserole,” or your dad’s “Death-by-Chocolate Cheesecake,” and together we can create a cookbook for a new generation. We want more than just recipes, though. Share those special memories of cooking and eating together. It might be a specific memory you attach to a favorite recipe, or your grandmother’s time-tested kitchen wisdom. It could be a thought you have about cooking tastefully, or a short poem you’ve written about sharing a meal. Be creative as you think of what you’d like to submit. Some of these memories will be included in our new cookbook. Collecting recipes and stories is only part of the work involved in creating this new cookbook. The recipes also need to be tested to ensure quality and completeness - part of the long-standing Inglenook philosophy. Do you enjoy cooking? Do you like trying new recipes? If so, go online and apply to be one of our Inglenook recipe testers. We will contact you when recipes are ready to test. To submit a recipe, to share a memory, or to apply to be one of our recipe testers, visit our website at www.inglenookcookbook.org. Don’t delay - submit your recipes by October 15, 2011. Our hope is that this cookbook will bring Brethren together in a way this age of technology can’t; through food. Whether from a farmhouse kitchen or a dorm hotplate, our church will be able to use the new Inglenook Cookbook to create scrumptious dishes that connect us to past, present, and future Brethren from all over the world. Antioch Church of the Brethren, as part of the Shenandoah Valley Coalition for Christ, is sponsoring a free Family Fun Festival for Christ, Oct. 14-16 at the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds. The weekend begins with a Youth Rally on Friday, Oct. 14, and continues with family events on Saturday and Sunday. For more information, contact Antioch Church of the Brethren at 540-459-3661. Parents, teachers, grandparents, and students (grades 4 and up) will not want to miss this! Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, M.Ed, author, speaker, and founder of AppLe St. (Applied Learning Styles) will be delivering a quick, entertaining, and practical seminar presentation entitled, “How Not To Hate School.” She will provide insight into the various learning styles and how you can help your student (and yourself) adapt. You will hear useful and practical ways to make school more about learning and less about simply surviving. Learn how some simple strategies can make a big difference! This FREE event will include the presentation followed by a dessert social, and will be held on Thursday, October 13 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Bridgewater Brethren Church, 420 College View Drive in Bridgewater. There is no charge to attend this event, however it is a fundraiser for Blue Ridge Christian School and an opportunity will be provided to make a taxdeductible contribution to the school. For additional information, please contact Blue Ridge Christian School at 540-828-2233. The Waynesboro Church of the Brethren will host Dr. Ken Heatwole, a member of the West Richmond (VA) Church of the Brethren, at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16. He will share pictures and stories from his recent trips to Haiti, where he provides medical care and supports Midwives for Haiti. Everyone is welcome Mon 3 10 17 24 31 Sun 2 9 16 23 30 25 18 11 4 Tue 26 19 12 5 Wed 27 20 13 6 Thu 28 21 14 7 Fri 29 22 15 8 1 Sat Youth Page Junior High Meeting Senior High Meeting The Junior High youth will meet at the church on The Senior High Youth will meet Sunday, October 9 & 23. Look for messages and bulletins Tuesdays, October 4 & 18 (6:45-8:15), for fellowship, yummy snacks, fun, groupbuilding, and for more details about when we’ll gather for fun, lessons on character (habits & attitudes). snacks, and Bible study. the new time. We’ll continue to try this new time; let Steve know whether this helps or not. OCTOBER 2011 S M T W T F Note S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Congrats Congratulations to 5 of our youth who were baptized August 28 in North River: Jordon Garascia, Sarah Flora, Will Houff, Ethan Flick, and Joseph Sumner. Thanks Thanks to all the helpers at the Houff F&F Love Feast All Youth are encouraged to attend and participate in the Love Feast service at church on Sunday, October 2, 6:45 pm. Those who are members are especially encouraged to participate in this service of feetwashing, agape meal, and communion. Helpers for WRE Concert Youth helpers are needed at church on Sunday, October 9, to usher and serve refreshments for the concert to benefit WRE. See Steve for more details and to sign up to help. Karis in the Community Youth are encouraged to help out with one of the many service projects on October 22. Signups and details are at the church. Dinner fundraiser. It was super busy, but went well. And thanks to everyone who helped out at Karis earlier in the month washing windows and cleaning up brush. Other: Senior High hike? Upcoming dates: November 6 – National Junior High Sunday November 19 – Senior High youth to Valley Mission December 4 – Children’s Christmas Play December 5 – hosting Western State This schedule and info subject to change. See Steve for signups and more info. Valley Highlights Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren 91 Valley Church Road Weyers Cave, VA 24486 Return Service Requested