Evangelist THE BRETHREN Vol 132, No. 2 Mar/Apr 2010 DEDICATED TO ADVANCING THE LIFE AND MINISTRIES OF THE BRETHREN CHURCH Celebrating 100 years of Argentine Missions Los 100 de la “IHA” (Iglesia de los Hermanos en la Argentina) The description of any excursion always focuses on common life factors: long flights, unfamiliar beds, cold showers, unique foods, and language barriers. But when God provides the opportunity to interact with brothers and sisters in the Lord in divine appointment, only speaking of spiritual impact and relationship will suffice. I had the privilege of journeying with Ken Hunn, Gary Diehl, Dale Stoffer—then we were joined by Ray and Marilyn Aspinall who served 31 years in Argentina—to participate with the Argentine Brethren in celebrating 100 years of mission in Argentina. It allowed me to proclaim from the depth of my soul “Estoy feliz de estar aqui!” (I am so happy to be here!) It was about relationship—relationship with our Lord and relationship within his Bride, no matter the language (Spanish, English or Japanese) or nation of origin. Our brothers and sisters in Argentina are anticipating God moving in ministry and mission in oneness with each other, with Brethren around the world, and with Christ. It was lived out in every interaction from the most formal to the most informal. We saw with eyes and heart how, while the facility for the Conference was in need of repair, the Ray and Marilyn Aspinall spirit and heart for God of the people made it shine like new. We were blessed and amazed at how the Lord orchestrated this time together. Each speaker spoke on topics that built on what came before and what was to come. Seven speakers from two countries—Ricardo Pereda, Dale Stoffer, Christian Terrazas, Ken Hunn, Gary Diehl (the US speakers ably assisted by Ray Aspinall), Walter Terrazas and Walter Romanenghi—lead by God into a unified whole of vision, mission, history and future beyond anything that could be scheduled. Charles F. and Pearl Yoder and family in 1928. Below is his Worship together was a blessing. Testimonies of God’s faithfulness tombstone in Cordoba, Argentina. In the center of the picture from the individual churches were humorous, artistic (from video presentations to drama to the Japanese fan dance by the ladies of is Norman Romanenghi, C.F.’s grandson. Nuñez in their kimonos), heartfelt, and filled with the sense that God has more mission in store for them. The singing was powerful—and not because of bands who were great and wonderful—but due to the worship of the congregation that rose above the amplification. The singing touched my heart and zeroed in on devotions of the days before in ways I could not understand and I started to cry, tears coming down both cheeks. There is a change of relationship dynamic that is being embraced by leadership from both the US and Argentina. No longer is there a big brother-little brother relationship but an establishment fully as brothers in the Lord in partnership in mission. To be part of conversations where that was being voiced in concrete ways and then to enter into devotions for the Conference from John 15, “…no longer call you servants… instead I have called you friends…” was remarkable. Time and again, in words expressed and in actions shown, our brothers and sisters in Argentina communicated they love us dearly and have a deep concern for us to go Lasting Impressions of the Argentine Brethren Church Rio Cuarto in central Argentina and As I write this, it has been just officially began their work in 1910. about two weeks since I returned They were deeply committed to the from Argentina after sharing in evangelistic mandate of the Lord and the centennial celebrations of the used a variety of means to spread beginning of Brethren work in that the gospel: door-to-door evangelism; country. Though some memories have open-air preaching; and a “Bible already faded, others remain indelibly Coach,” a converted model T Ford etched in my memory. I want to share truck that took the gospel on the three of these impressions with you. road and was eventually outfitted First, the Argentine Brethren Church with loudspeakers. Yoder also gained continues to carry on the spiritual DNA employment as a professor in a newly of its founder, Dr. Charles F. Yoder. The opened university in Rio Cuarto and Brethren work in Argentina was the impacted the lives of many students first successful mission field opened in this role. After restarting the work in by the Brethren Church. Previous Argentina following the 1939 division works in Persia, modern day Iran, and with the Grace Brethren, Yoder Montreal, Canada, eventually were and those who followed closed. Charles him made use of a new and his wife, generation of methods for Pearl, arrived in evangelism: youth camps Argentina with and a radio and music their two oldest ministry. children in 1909; Ingrained into the DNA a third child was of the Argentine church has born to them in been a significant missional Argentina. After perspective that continues conferring with to define the church today. other Protestant The Argentine Brethren were missionaries, Juan Carlos and Maria Miranda instrumental in beginning they settled in deep in the Lord. Several times, in direct conversations, individuals related their sense that the Lord was using the current economic struggles here to move us closer to him. The passion to come to the US by several of their younger leaders, not to sight-see but to minister, undergirded their desire for us to not take God for granted but to accept and embrace him in Word and Spirit. In word, in action, in relationship we sensed a New Day reinforcing a bond of all of us sharing in mission together, that we have God-given gifts to breathe into them and they have God-given gifts to breathe into us. They also have a heart for our youth and have made a commitment to pray for the youth of the United States. This was highlighted by the intentional focus one night of calling all the Argentine Brethren to make a year-long commitment to pray for the youth of the US. They brought Ken, Gary, Dale and me forward and the conference attendees surrounded us and laid hands on us to be conduits of this commitment back to the Brethren here, but also to stand in the gap for intercession. There are too many to people to thank them all by name, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the great service and hospitality shown to our team by José Rivero and José Luis Cavazza. Along with them, thanks to the great insights provided by Norman Romanenghi, grandson of C.F. Yoder. And thanks to the Outreach ministry and Advisory Board and people of Nappanee First Brethren Church who made my attendance at this historic and spiritual occasion possible. Dale R. Stoffer Brethren works in Paraguay, Chile, Spain, and, possibly in the near future, Uruguay. An Argentine national is leading the church in Colombia today, and, when another product of the Argentine Brethren Church, Juan Carlos Miranda, is factored into the equation, the churches in Peru, Mexico, and southern California need to be added to the list. The Argentine Brethren challenge us in the States by their example to keep our eyes and hearts focused on the worldwide mission fields that indeed are “white unto harvest.” A second impression of the Argentine church is the warmth and affection that are a part of both their culture and their church. The hugs and kisses that are lavished upon every member and visitor in the church family are an expression of the deep relational ties that bind the church together in Argentina. I was struck by the generous outpouring of hospitality that was showered upon those of us who came from the States for the celebrations. This genuine love that was expressed in so many tangible ways is certainly another challenge to us in North America. We need to remember that one of the most powerful testimonies that we are Jesus’ disciples is our love for one another (John 13: 34-35). My final impression of the Argentine Brethren was their vibrant worship. The broader church throughout Latin America has been impacted to varying degrees by the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. Our churches Tom Schiefer 3 in Latin America are no exception. It took me a while to get used to eating at eight or nine o’clock at night and then worshipping until after midnight (OK, I never did quite get used to this schedule). But time almost became no factor because of the Spirit-filled singing and dynamic preaching in their worship services. It is little wonder that the larger church is growing so rapidly throughout Latin America. Such worship testifies to the presence of the Spirit and to the receptivity of the hearts of the people. We in North America can again learn from the dynamic worship that draws people into a fresh encounter with the Lord. We have much to learn from our Christian brothers and sisters in the Southern hemisphere. If we were to mirror their missional heartbeat, their relational warmth, and their dynamic worship, the fourth century of the Brethren movement just might keep pace with the second century of the Argentine Brethren movement. Above: Marcelo Petracca, pastor of Ferrer Brethren Church; Walter Romanenghi (great-grandson of C.F. Yoder), pastor of Cordoba Brethren Church; José Rivero, National Coordinator of the Argentine Brethren Church 4 Passing the Torch Gary Diehl There are so many things I could say about the gracious, loving, special brothers and sisters I met in Argentina recently. I’ve never been kissed by so many people in one day before! Their warmth was an unexpected blessing, especially for a mostly introverted, somewhat emotionally reserved guy from Ohio. Their passion for deep relationships and their hunger for God was so evident as they worshipped together. We experienced wonderfully “Inspiring Worship” over the three days we were with them, even without fully understanding their Spanish. I saw in them a freedom to express their joys and their longings in the presence of the Almighty and one another. Oh Lord, how I pray I (and we) learn to be more like them in so many ways! One particular moment touched me deeply. As part of their celebration of 100 years of Brethren ministry, the leader of their pastors called the older pastors to one side of the front of the room, and he asked the youngest pastors to stand on the other side. He acknowleged the contribution of the older leaders to the work God has already done, and then challenged them to be willing to pass the baton of leadership on to the next generation of leaders. With praises, prayers, tears and laughter, each of the older men laid hands on the younger men as they blessed them for the work God is now placing into a new set of hands. The torch of leadership was passed, and everyone in the room knew we were witnessing something profound, special, and right Again, oh Lord, may it be so for us one day! For the sake of the work you have called us to, I pray we learn to be that intentional in the way we honor what was and truly empower what is to come. CHURCH PLANT How In the last Evangelist, Pastor Paul Stanley of Carson Oaks Community Church in Stockton, California related how they came to partner with Viseth and Socheata Hou to plant the Carson Oaks Cambodian Community Church. As I mentioned in the last article, we did not take this church plant lightly. We knew that for this to work, it was imperative that we hear from God on when and how to move. In our eyes we could have given several reasons as to why we should not undertake such a task at this time. First, in our district there are only two relatively small Brethren churches; Carson Oaks Community Church in Stockton and Northgate Community Church in Manteca. Secondly, we (COCC) had just built a new sanctuary and the Manteca church (Northgate), just called a new pastor and were beginning some renovations in their own church. So the natural response was to say we had no money to support such an endeavor. Nonetheless, we had partnered with Bill Ludwig to pray every day about this. When I say that, I mean that we really prayed about this EVERY DAY, and I know that folks back in Ashland were praying as well. Two things to understand in a church plant is that 1) God is never limited by our limitations, and 2) the foundation to doing anything in the Kingdom of God relies on you and your church praying regularly and with a unified vision. As we prayed in concert with BCNO and MissioChurch, the hand of God moved and a generous grant was given to help get this plant off the ground. At the same time, we decided to rearrange our budget both at Carson Oaks and Northgate to help the Hou’s have a regular pay package that would allow them to live here in Stockton. Both churches understand the idea of giving and supporting, and for years have been faithful in their giving to several outreaches sponsored by the Brethren Church. However at this point we needed to redefine where TING . . . pa r t 2 Can We Afford This? we could give and collaborating with the BCNO and making some tough decisions in our budgets allowed us to make the adjustments necessary to make this a reality. Understand that if you are considering a church plant, there is going to have to be some give and take with all who are involved and a willingness to perhaps redefine the priorities in your budget. If you are not aware, California is one of the most expensive places in America to live. What one may pay for a two bedroom apartment in Ohio or Indiana would be almost triple here in northern California, so finding affordable housing was a huge hurdle for us. Upon one of Viseth’s visits here, however, we discovered that there was an aunt on his father’s side who just happened to live in Stockton. They had never met, but at the encouragement of an uncle in Florida, we went to visit this woman and by the time the weekend was over she had offered to let Viseth and his entire family come and move in with her in her spacious home just minutes from the church! Transportation was another issue. The Hou’s had a car in Ashland but driving it to California was questionable and shipping it was expensive. As we prayed about this we discovered that one of the sisters at the Northgate church had a car that might be for sale because she had been told by her physician that she should quit driving. When Pastor Steve Cole told me about this we decided we would ask this saint if she would GIVE the car to the Hou’s. Understand that this was practically a brand new vehicle. It had so few miles the first oil change had not been done yet. We prayerfully asked this lady if she was willing to donate the vehicle and after a short time she told us yes! So now the Hou’s living and transportation problems were taken care of! God moving through the generosity of his people did not stop there. Over and over we saw him continue to provide to make this ministry happen. Cell phones were donated as well as people willing to cover the cost of a contract. Furniture was donated to allow this family to have beds to sleep on, as well as other household needs. This list goes on and on. While all of this was happening here in California, people continued to support and give to this mission back in Ashland. So far we have not found ourselves bogged down with our hands tied behind our backs financially. God Paul Stanley has provided for all of our needs and continues to do so. Early on as he began to do this he confirmed to my spirit that there was just no reason why we should not move forward with this church plant and I am confident that anyone reading this who is considering a church plant of their own will be blessed the same way! Please do not read and think that every aspect of this endeavor has been easy. There have been some trials and bumps in the road. Don’t think for a minute that if you decide to be a part of a church plant that the enemy will not rear his ugly head in the process. In the next article I will discuss some of that so that you are clear on the spiritual realities of launching a church plant. There is much more to this outside of money and buildings and staffing. I am sure that if you ask anyone who has done this they will tell you of the spiritual warfare involved. But know that if God calls you to this he will have his hand on you and the enemy will not stand a chance. So if you think church planting is in your future, I suggest you begin praying NOW, earnestly and with intention, and be prepared to see a new move of God in your life and in the life of your church! For Prayer, Thought, and Application * Do you feel as if God might be leading you and your church to something more? * Are you praying daily about what that could be? * Are you willing to redefine the priorities of your budget to pursue a vision of church planting? * Who can come alongside of you to help you discern your next steps? * What other fears hold us back fro pursuing God’s vision for us? 5 Covered in LOVE Katie Garner Walking up the dirt path leading to the shantytown of Lomas de Marchan (Peru), I feel drained from the grueling week and am asking myself why I didn’t just stay home that day. Then, from around the corner and up the hill, I hear my name being screamed from the mouths of my little friends. With arms flailing in the air, they jump up and down at the sight of the “gringa” coming to visit. Dust goes flying as happy feet come running toward me; I am attacked with hugs and kisses. A ten-second interaction with these kids restores my energy. I forget all about the latest drama or the newest difficulty in my life and I become a kid again. By the time I reach the top of the hill, word has spread that I have arrived and kids come skipping, jumping and running from all over. As I pick up the kids to give them hugs, my clothes are covered with dusty footprints, my clean white shoes are now a tan color and my cheeks are covered with sticky kisses from the lollipops that the kids have just eaten. In these moments when the world sees me covered in dirt and filthy from head to toe, I don’t see the dirt, grime and dust of the village, I see myself covered in love. Sometimes I wonder how I got to this point; to the place where these kids chose to accept me for who I am and chose to cover me with love. I think it truly reflects my desire to immerse myself one hundred percent into the life God called me to live. I often receive the comment from Peruvians “You are more Peruvian than us!” They are amazed at my language skills, my knowledge of Peruvian culture and often say if it weren’t for the color Lomas de Marchan: Pucusana Village 6 of my skin, they would think I had been born a Peruvian. In these moments, I see God’s faithfulness in answering prayer: he has allowed me to be saturated in my environment and truly experience what my Peruvian brothers and sisters experience; he has allowed me to learn to live as they live in order to be accepted culturally; and he has allowed me to understand how to share the message of the gospel by loving them deeply. Moving to Lima Peru two-and-a-half years ago (September 2007) came as a result of more than a five-year process as I finished high school and college and waited on God’s perfect My kids in Pucusana: Lomas de Marchan timing. Upon arriving it took awhile to build relationships and form networks. But now, I truly have found my niche and realize I am living my DREAM! My first priority at the moment is serving in the Brethren Church in Lima as a youth leader and the program director for the children’s program in Pucusana, an area where we serve shantytown communities. We seek to convey a message of hope and love to people living in extreme poverty by touching on both physical and spiritual needs. However, my love for the new led me to join two other ministry opportunities: Currently, I am a regular volunteer with a group called Word Made Flesh, a group dedicated to serving the street kids of Lima and those in extreme poverty. We build friendships and trust in order to show them that they, too, are worthy of God’s love. Also, last year I was truly blessed with the job of a lifetime serving as a translator with e3 Partners in Peru. This job gives me the opportunity to travel around Peru translating for missions teams as we help equip leaders, evangelize communities and establish churches. Translating gives me a great sense of accomplishment as I am passionate about bringing people together. As a North American living in a Peruvian world, these experiences allow me the privilege of bridging the gap not only between languages, but also between cultures. I never imagined I would be involved in these different areas of ministry. In each of these, I am learning that people need love. Relational ministry develops into friendship, which offers people a safe and loving place, and that’s where ministry begins. I don’t see myself doing anything truly unique or special; I am just choosing to live life among those who need to know about God’s love. To be honest there is nothing easy, predictable or comfortable about what I do and see every day. Daily I am exposed to lives that deal with abuse, drug addiction and extreme poverty. Ministry is dirty when you allow yourself to step out of the box and walk in the shoes of others. Some days I arrive home battered, broken, or heavyhearted, but even with these battle wounds I keep fighting. You know why? Every day I rest confidently in God’s love, for it is he who first loved me and placed in my heart this passion to love others. Every life is worth fighting for, and every life needs to know that there is hope! So we need to ask ourselves, are we allowing ourselves to move outside the box of idealistic ministry and strive for something more radical in our neighborhood, community or world? Please pray for the country of Peru and all that God is allowing me to accomplish through him. If one of you has the opportunity to come here to Lima to visit me, I apologize in advance if you find me with holes in my pants or little dirt handprints on the back of my t-shirt. It is not that I don’t want to be presentable to the world, it is just I am so happy to be able to showcase the fact that on that day, I was able to share about God’s love and, in return, was covered in love. Class activity time in Pucusana The kids I serve who work on the streets. Answering some questions Performing a skit with the Word Made Flesh staff 7 Looking Ahead It’s time again to think General Conference. It really is an institution, and I believe a good one at that. Sometimes called our annual Brethren reunion, we’ve planned for that extra time to re-connect as we always enjoy doing. And we’ve got some really insightful and helpful training opportunities planned in addition to the informative business sessions and additional updates on the progress of our combined efforts. Our main resource leader, Reggie McNeal, is a voice of clarity and vision for the church. He will combine some of his folksy humor with a laser-like challenge to engage our communities with the message of the Kingdom. The new CEO of CoachNet, Jonathan Reitz is uniquely equipped to help us focus our leadership skills. He brings a wealth of experience as a church planter and denominational leader that will help us understand some next steps in our journey and to sharpen one another as leaders. These are just a few reasons why it is vitally important that churches take time now to pray, identify key leaders, and then equip and empower them through their prayers and finances to join us for these days of celebrating how far our vision has taken us and to be equipped for the next leg of our journey. Here at the Brethren Church National Office we’ve accomplished our charge of planning for a time of transformation. The rest is up to you… Our General Conference experience is based on the idea of our key leaders coming together for a time of communication, relationship-building, and equipping for a NEW DAY. Your prayers and participation will make all the difference for the Brethren Church, for our communities, for now and for eternity. Ken 8 bpi Post-Easter Nonviolence Triad* *A group of three related things (1) as the Chinese occupied Tibet, many of the soldiers showed great cruelty in regard to the subjugated people. The most frequent object of their atrocities was the monks. So as the foreign forces invaded villages, the monks fled to the mountains. When the Chinese invaders arrived in a particular village, the leader of the village reported to the Chinese commander, “All the monks, hearing of your approach, fled to the mountains…all, that is, but one.” The commander became enraged. He marched to the monastery and kicked in the gate. There in the courtyard stood the one remaining monk. The commander glowered at him. “Do you not know who I am? I am he who can run you through with a sword without batting an eyelash.” The monk replied: “And do you know who I am? I am he who can let you run me through with a sword without batting an eyelash.” [Source unknown] Brethren Peace Initiative (2) That story sounds uniquely similar, does it not, as we have once again journeyed through the Lenten and Holy Week seasons. It sounds like something Jesus would say…and a whole lot like some things he did during Crucifixion Week: Then they came on Jesus—grabbed him and roughed him up. One of those with Jesus, (Peter), pulled his sword and, taking a swing at the Chief Priest’s servant, cut off his ear. Jesus said, “Put your sword back where it belongs. All who use swords are destroyed by swords. Don’t you realize that I am able right now to call to my Father, and twelve companies—more if I want them—of fighting angels would be here, battle-ready? But if I did that, how would the Scriptures come true that say this is the way it has to be?” [Matthew 26:50b-54 in The Message] (3) Some of our Brethren forebears answered the call of their Example/Master/ Savior, many suffering damage to body and property—and sometimes even death—for their nonresistant and nonviolent responses to threats and bodily harm. This is a part of our history: Brethren were told they should not go, or willingly allow their sons to go, to the muster (military training grounds). “Should a brother do so, he could not be in full fellowship with the church; for the Savior said to Peter, ‘Put up thy sword into its place; for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.’” [Reported in “Minutes of the Annual Meetings,” 1817, 1822, 1835, and quoted by Rufus D. Bowman in The Church of the Brethren and War.] Concluding Questions - nearly 200 years later: (1) What DO we think, say, and do in response today? (2) Is the directive to “put your sword back in its place” still valid today? (3) How are the followers of Jesus called to live in the presence of physical conflict? (4) What SHOULD we think, say, and do in response today? KEEPING PEACE IN MIND, Phil Lersch, Facilitator Brethren Peace Leadership Team Women’s Outlook Newsletter A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e Wo m e n’s M i s s i o n a r y S o c i e t y March/April 2010 Vo l u m e 2 3 , N u m b e r 4 The President’s Pen Dear Ladies, How often do you catch yourself thinking, “I really ought to .......” or “It would be nice if I ........” or “I should .....”? Quite quickly a multitude of excuses invade our thoughts, such as: “I’m sure I’ll feel more like doing that later, or next week”; or “I will consider doing that after the dishes are done or other household tasks are finished”; or “If it is not too late”; or “If I’m not so tired”; or “I really have to consider my needs more. I’ve been on the go too much lately and I think it would be better if I took care of myself more.” What wonderful blessings we forego by not doing what we ought! As Women Meant to Serve, we are to follow the example of the Proverbs 31 wife. She, without ceasing, is aware of those in need around her. She cares for her family, yes, but she also is aware of those in need around her and actively does something about it, verse 20. According to our WMS mission statement, we are asked to be tuned into activities that advance Christian womanhood; spread the principles of Christianity; and promote Christian culture. How better to reach the goals of the organization than to actively pursue and model what things Christ would have us do. When I was a child, one of my Sunday School teachers in Nappanee, Indiana, tried hard to encourage us students to be Christians in both word and deed. Over and over he would tell us of a way that he used to help himself to be more faithful in his service to others. I have used his plan many times to motivate myself. (Continued on page 12) Missionary Miscellany Missionaries in Malaysia, David and Jenny Loi are traveling in China until March 26. They asked for our prayers for: safety to and from China, within China, good health, and for the Chinese people to hunger and thirst for God’s words and then be receptive to the gospel. Please continue your prayers for the Lois and for the Chinese Christians and those about-to-be Christians. The FEBRUARY missionaries-of-themonth were Reggie and Julie Harvey, pastoring the United Community Brethren Church in Dayton, Ohio. Their correct e-mail address is: Julie told of God ministering through them: United Community Brethren Church continues to grow and reach out to those in need. Last year, several new programs were birthed and are flourishing. A Foundations class, which focuses on the basics of the Christian walk, was started. These classes take place Sunday mornings and are now a prerequisite of becoming a member of United Community. Our after-school program, for which we received a grant at last year’s National Conference, has really taken off! Not only do we offer educational assistance, but also Christian drama, praise dance, sewing, art, and physical activities. We also feed the kids dinner while they are here. The children have performed several times already and they are always an added blessing to our Sunday service. Our church is known for serving food! At almost every program we have, we serve food. As we feed them spiritually, we know there is a need for food in a lot of their homes, so we also feed them physically. We continue to feed the public on Thursdays and Sundays and offer additional food assistance through our food pantry. We also feed the women during our women’s ministry meetings; this was started again last fall. The women’s ministry is the one program that seems to have really sprung up in so little time! We have between 25-40 women at each of our monthly meetings. Our church is made up of the majority of women (a lot of them are single mothers), so it is such a blessing to see this program doing so well. We have been blessed so much these last twelve months. In addition to the grant given by the Brethren denomination, we have also received many volunteers and resources (material items) from a large church here in Dayton. They have helped out with volunteers and resources for our afterschool program, feeding ministry, youth department, and our latest blessing is they are in the process of painting and carpeting our whole upstairs (children’s church classrooms, hallway, and offices). This summer we will be reaching out to a really rough/povertystricken apartment community here in Dayton. They plan to financially fund and send volunteers to help put on a small carnival for this community, so we can reach out to the people here who need God in their lives. Planting United Community Brethren Church has proven to be strenuous financially through the years, with a new expense always arising (especially with maintenance, upkeep, and heating costs), but God continues to keep providing. We have been blessed to have so many people see what God is doing and want to help out: from the Brethren churches to the local church mentioned above, as well as several local businesses. We in turn have been able to help so many with God’s word and the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your continued prayers and support! (Continued on page 11) 9 District Doings In the January-February Newsletter activities of many societies were given. Those were varied and so interesting. In addition to those, two societies sent detailed reports which I want to share in their entirety. IN MILFORD, IN: In Aug., Sept., and Oct. we sold food/concessions at numerous auctions to raise enough money to buy apples, lots and lots. Toward the end of September, we picked bushels of those apples. The first Saturday in October we processed enough apples to make over 60 gallons of applesauce. In addition, we had a remaining amount of about 12 bushels of eating apples. A few weeks later, we made a very large amount of homemade noodles. We sent the entire amount of applesauce, eating apples, and noodles to Riverside Christian School (RCS) to feed the staff and students. Enough money was left to double our offering for the district fall rally and to buy supplies for November’s project. Our November meeting was at the Milford Middle School in the Home Economics room. We used their sewing machines and other equipment to sew lap robes for the older folks we would visit. In December we held a cooky and candy sale to raise money to send a gift to the staff at RCS and our annual gift to the Mirandas’ radio ministry. In February we held our outreach to the women of our church who are not WMS members. On Super Bowl Sunday, immediately after worship, all of the women of the church were invited to a light lunch and to make homemade noodles. For many, this was a new experience. The following Thursday, we held our usual meeting with those same women in attendance (giving them a chance to see what we do in a regular meeting), then one of the ladies gave a demonstration on how to make homemade easy Beef and Noodles. Each lady brought her own 10 kettle to cook in and we supplied the ingredients, including the noodles we made the previous Sunday. Our annual soup supper was in March, when we invited our husbands. We viewed a short video about World Relief and received an offering for that. We played “dirty bingo” and all the “prizes” were items for the church: copy paper, liquid hand soap, toys and books for the nursery, styrofoam plates and napkins for the kitchen, etc. During this month we also held a baked potato and ‘Bloomin Onion’ dinner to send unchurched children to Camp Shipshewana. At our regular meeting in April we had a demonstration of how our puppet ministry works. (We help them financially.) We actually put together a fairly easy puppet show, so we would understand what they do. We hope to recruit new members for their ministry, or find talented women who would enjoy helping them make the props for each monthly performance. In May we sold food at an auction to help with supplying what they need. During May, June, and July we have various fund raisers to help send as many women in our church as we can to the Women of Faith Conference in Indianapolis in August. CA CARSON OAKS, CA: Our ladies (in their 20s - 80s) truly enjoy the fellowship we share at our meetings. Our membership is 45 and the average attendance is 25. Those present write down their praises and prayer requests and put them in a basket. Then before our devotional lesson starts, each lady draws a paper. The praises and requests are read aloud and she continues to remember that lady in her daily devotions and prayer time, and is encouraged to stay in touch with a phone call during the month. To add fun to this, the hostess brings a small gift and usually the first name drawn receives the gift. We select a missionary project for each month. They were: Sept. Riverside Christian School Oct. Mexican food fund raiser with proceeds benefitting Hispanic Ministries (both US and international) Nov. Hosted a Thanksgiving breakfast with donations accepted for Home Missions — Pump House and Cross Bars Dec. Haven of Peace, a local women/children’s shelter. At our annual Christmas brunch, ladies brought gift cards from Target, Wal-Mart, and groceries to help with special needs. Also we held a cooky walk/boutique fund raiser. We sold homemade Christmas goodies, Chinese food, and gifts. Donations were given to two local missions — Hope Ministries and Lighthouse Village. Jan. Our 3rd annual crab feed to benefit international ministries. We sent much needed support to our Philippine ministries outreach, as well as other international missions, including Malaysia, India, and “love gifts” to the Philippine pastors’ wives. Feb. Hosted a Filipino food fund raiser to help Grace Tolentino’s mission work in the Philippines. Mar. Our most successful fund raiser is always the soup lunch. We shared the proceeds with World Relief and the Philippines. Apr. Easter breakfast with donations designated for our church building fund, helping pay down the principal on our mortgage loan for our new building. May Annual Mother-Daughter banquet and our traditional salad buffet supper (lots of delicious salads!). Following the program, we had a raffle with proceeds benefitting a female missionary, who is chosen at the June meeting. June Youth ministries and BYIC. We give scholarships to young women graduating from high school and sponsor a young person to our district Camp Berea. One member held a beauty night for young teens. They learned to cleanse and care for their skin, practiced putting on make-up. A devotional time stressed the importance of beauty within. (Continued on page 12) Women’s Outlook Newsletter Missionary Miscellany (continued) If you would like to see pictures and get more information about what’s going on here in Dayton at United Community, please visit our website at www.united The MARCH international missionaries-of-the-month are David and Cecilia Molina in Spain. They are foreign missionaries from the Argentine church. The national missionaries are Chris and Leigh Anne Rufener and Ben and Shannon Frank, leading the New Hope church in State College, Pennsylvania. Chris reported: First, we at New Hope wish to thank the WMS groups and individuals who have supported us through your prayers, encouraging notes, and financial assistance. And even more so, thank you for all of the work you are doing to advance Christ’s kingdom throughout the world. The last twelve months, since our last update, have been very exciting for New Hope. God has been doing some great things in our midst. One of the most exciting happenings was celebrating the 3rd anniversary of our Mothers of Pre-Schoolers (MOPS) ministry. Since the fall, we have been averaging 20-25 moms and 35-40 children at our bi-weekly meetings. Once a month an 8-member steering team meets together to pray and to plan for MOPS. During these times, the Lord has impressed upon them a specific goal for the year: that every mom in the group would grow one step closer to God (which fits with New Hope’s emphasis on living out the Great Commandment). And out of this goal, they have chosen a curriculum for the year entitled “Life on Planet Mom,” which focuses on helping moms develop their relationships with husbands, kids, friends, in-laws, extended family, and most important God. Please pray for their upcoming “Tea and Testimony” event on May 5. Not only will several women from the group share testimonies about what God is doing in their lives, but a gospel presentation will be given also. Since several women in the group are not Christians, please pray that this time will plant spiritual seeds in their hearts and lead them to salvation in Christ. A highlight in January was the start of a men’s ministry called “Band of Brothers.” Currently, we are hosting March/April 2010 bi-monthly social events, such as hiking, basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, board game nights, movie nights, etc. We hope this will begin to foster camaraderie between the men who choose to get involved and also help build momentum for the launch of a men’s study group this fall called “The Quest for Authentic Manhood,” a video curriculum by Pastor Robert Lewis. The study will help us closely examine our development as men and the wounds which often hold us back, as well as help us to discover the importance of male mentors, the importance of Dad, raising healthy sons and daughters, and the role of a man in marriage. Please pray with us that this group and the study will equip men to be the leaders God intends them to be in their homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and world. As many of you probably remember, one of our primary methods of discipleship at New Hope has been small groups. This year has been no different. Last summer we studied “Respectable Sins,” a great book by Jerry Bridges, in which he talks about the sins that we often tolerate as Christians. Through the fall and into March we did an inductive study on the Gospel of John and on March 16 the group will begin a study focused on the writings of C. S. Lewis. Finally, for the third time, we have been running a study on Penn State’s campus entitled “The Alpha Course,” a 12-week video curriculum focused on the foundations of the Christian faith. Through these groups we have seen several college and non-college adults grow in their walks with God and become better leaders for Christ’s kingdom. Another exciting development in the fall was starting a student organization on Penn State’s campus. The group is simply called “New Hope” and has a mission “to raise up a generation of Christian leaders who will follow Jesus to the ends of the earth.” Through the group we have had worship services on campus and have ministered to students from not only America, but also from foreign lands such as Africa and China. Perhaps the most exciting blessing since the launch of this organization was seeing a young man from Kenya give his life to Jesus. Please pray that he and all students that we will reach through New Hope would continue to grow in their walks with Jesus. In closing, we just want to say thank you again for your commitment to praying for us, helping to provide for the church financially through gifts from various WMS groups around the country, and for constantly encouraging us through notes, birthday cards, holiday cards, etc. Please continue to pray for us and our ministry at New Hope; that the Lord will use us to raise up disciples for His kingdom who can repeat the process in the lives of others. Chris Rufener. If you are interested in learning more about our ministry, feel free to visit our website @ The APRIL international missionaries are Italo and Rebecca Abuid in Peru, SA. You will remember they are building the orphanage to care for children in Puerto Maldonado. and were the recipients of our two-year project. Luis Angel and Zoraida Morillas serve the Brethren church in Lima, Peru, SA. The national missionaries-of-themonth are Bruce and Marylou Wilkinson, leading Pump House Ministries in Ashland, Ohio. Their report will be in the May-June Newsletter. April 25-May 1, 2010 s k n a Th r to Ou ers! e t n u l Vo 11 District Doings (continued) The President’s Pen (continued) July to be decided Aug. Ashland Theological Seminary Other missionary projects we have supported this year are: Maria Miranda’s radio ministry by Adopting a Radio Station; sponsored a female orphan at the India orphanage; project and thank offerings; Growth Partners; C-Ten Ministries; WMS Fun(d)raiser Calendar (we made up our own again this year and the ladies loved it)! The proceeds help a female missionary whom we select at the June meeting. In 2008 she was Sonia Antunez in Florida. Ladies, if you want additional information or specific details about any of these ideas, please contact the presidents: Debbie Beer in Milford and Carolyn Bennett at Carson Oaks. Their addresses are in the WMS Directory. He suggested that when we have an urge to perform an act of kindness, we should find a friend and ask that friend to hold us accountable for carrying out the task. He taught us, that often by ourselves, we are weak. We need the help of fellow Christians. Don’t just say to yourself, “I really should send a card to someone.” Instead, find a friend and say, “I am sending a card to ...... (name of the person) on ...... (name of day).” Then ask your friend to check up on you to make sure you carried the task through. For some reason when we are held to our word, our actions are generally more surely to follow. Try it! It works! In Colossians 3:23 (NIV) Paul wrote Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. This verse does not give us the option of deciding whether or not to do something. It does not allude to considering present conditions or how we are feeling. We are to reach out and meet the need. God will not only supply the extra strength we need, but He also will heap blessings beyond all limits imaginable. There are rewards in serving Him. To those of us who say, “I will send a card later”, or “I will visit later”, or “I will meet a need later”, may we be reminded that in James 4:14 (NIV) we are told that we do not even know what will happen tomorrow! Why would we want to lose a chance to receive the rewards awaiting us after doing “what we ought”! Love and blessings to you as we continue to serve Christ together. Joanne Kroft WMS National Financial Secretary HERE’S AN IDEA And here is a good idea from Cindy Hanson, reporting from the Women Meant to Serve in South Bend, IN. In January “we launched our new endeavor. It was a social meeting/ craft time with some developmentally disabled women in group homes near our church. The staff of these two homes wants their ladies to be out in the community more and to build social skills. The women loved dressing up and coming to the “Heart to Heart” meeting once a month. Our ladies came and spent time with them, helping with crafts to be used in the community, like nursing homes and other group homes. At our first meeting they learned how to tie knots on fleece blankets. All of this came about because of our church’s involvement with Luvability Ministries, which is worship experiences for the developmentally disabled.” Cindy’s idea was too good to keep until reporting next year. 12 The Editor’s Ending Dear Friends, Usually I’m not one to rush the calendar, but this is an alert: National Volunteer Week is April 25 May 1. Get on your mark, get set, and go to your choice where you want to help. Don’t expect credit or pay, but give your time and ability and perhaps even money to a reputable cause to benefit someone else. Inventor Charles Kettering said, “You have got to be a servant to somebody or something.” This is your opportunity to be a servant. Have you noticed how much we crave time and money? We want them both and yet we seldom have both at the same time. We use time to earn money, then we spend the money to make the most of our time -- conveniences and recreation. What a paradox! In the hymn “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee” Frances Havergal dedicated “My moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise.” In succeeding verses, she gave the Lord her hands and feet, her voice and lips, her silver and gold and intellect, her will and heart, and her love and herself “And I will be ever, only, all for Thee.” Following the Lenten season when we give up something for the Lord, let us rejoice in the resurrection of our Lord and give ourselves completely — without reservation — to Him. “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.” Your friend, Joan In Memory Alice N. Ingraham Alice Ingraham Alice Naomi Ingraham, 89, of Ashland, Ohio died Thursday, March 4, 2010 following an extended illness. She was born December 4, 1920 in Manteca, CA. Alice married M. Virgil Ingraham on June 14, 1941. Alice resided in Ashland since 1963, having previously lived in Nappanee, IN. She retired from Ashland University in 1985, having been a secretary in the science division. She was a devoted member of Park Street Brethren Church, involved in many activities including WMS, prayer chain, sewing circle, Thursday Bible Study and Sunday School class. Mildred E. Swihart Wayne and Mildred Swihart in 2000 Mildred E. Swihart, 92, Shipshewana, IN formerly of Silver Lake, IN and North Manchester, IN died at 8:26 p.m. March 3, 2010 in her residence. She was born February 4, 1918 in Kosciusko County, IN. On September 14, 1940 she married Wayne E. Swihart. He survives. She received a BS degree in elementary education, MA degree in Liberal Studies and specialist degree in reading. Mildred was an elementary teacher in Porter County and retired in 1986 from Valparaiso Community Schools. She began serving the church as pianist with West Eel River Church of the Brethren, Silver Lake, IN. She served the following with her husband, Wayne, student pastor at Congregational Christian, Ohio, Burlington Brethren, Tiosa and Mexico Brethren, Milford Brethren, Muncie Brethren and Mishawaka Brethren, retiring in 1986. She was a member of West Eel River Church of the Brethren, Silver Lake, IN, Porter I am the Resurrection and the Life She is survived by three daughters, Joann Coppes of Austin, MN, Evelyn Stewart of Abilene, TX, and Ruth Donaldson of Columbus, OH; twelve grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son Daniel, two grandsons, and her husband Virgil, who died on April 25, 2003. The funeral service was held on Tuesday, March 9 at Park Street Brethren Church with Dr. Arden Gilmer officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to Park Street Brethren Church. County Retired Teacher’s Association and State of Indiana Retired Teacher’s Association. One of her favorite hobbies was quilting. She is survived by her husband, Wayne Swihart, Shipshewana, IN; two sons, Thomas (Sharon) Swihart, Valparaiso, IN and David Swihart, Leesburg, IN; two daughters, Ann (Jack) Swihart Butts, Naples, FL and Nancy (Martin) Swihart McClintock, St. Louis, MO; two sisters, Ines Tracy, North Manchester, IN and Mrs. Gene (Marcile) Ranstead, Wabash, IN; eleven grandchildren, and eleven great grandchildren. A funeral service was held on March 13, 2010 in North Manchester, IN with Rev. Paul Tinkel officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to West Eel River Church of the Brethren, 799 W. State Road 14, Silver Lake, IN 46982 or the Alzheimer’s Association, 50 E. 91st St., Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240. 13 122nd General Conference July 19 - 22, 2010 Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio Reggie McNeal: Reggie McNeal enjoys helping people, leaders, and Christian organizations pursue more intentional lives. He currently serves as the Missional Leadership Specialist for Leadership Network of Dallas, TX. Reggie’s past experience involves over a decade as a denominational executive and leadership development coach. He also served in local congregational leadership for over twenty years, including being the founding pastor of a new church. Jonathan Reitz: Jonathan Reitz is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CoachNet Global. After a 15-year career in the broadcasting business, Jonathan entered full time service to the church. Since then, he has worked with hundreds of leaders, congregations and organizations in a variety of areas, including: leadership development and training; coaching and coach training; stewardship and generosity; church health and multiplication. He has worked as a generosity coach, as a church planter, speaker and workshop presenter, and as a strategic planning partner for congregations and denominations across North and South America. He’s also a huge fan of the TV show “Lost”, both for entertainment and the spiritual conversations it engages. The guy on the left will give his annual Spiritual State of the Church message, the guy in the middle will ask great questions that will make us think about next steps in mobilizing our congregations to transform communities, the guy on the right will challenge and inspire us all to do our part to multiply new Brethren churches.” In addition to most all of the familiar events we’ve come to expect, we remind you that again this year we are emphasizing that General Conference is dedicated to developing transformative leaders who will return to their congregations having been inspired and further equipped to impact their communities. We encourage all congregations to work together to identify, empower, and both prayerfully and financially support key leaders to come together as delegates equipped to lead in a NEW DAY. Last year's conference delegates received a proposal presented by the Florida District that would change some aspects of our denominational structure. 2009 Moderator Tom Schiefer appointed a task force made up of the Polity Committee, Florida District Pastor Dave Stone, and two members from the Executive Board to study this proposal and bring back recommendations to this year's conference. This task force affirmed much of the original proposal and formulated recommendations on how it should be implemented. This new proposal with implementations, frequently asked questions, and a cover letter by current Moderator Ron W. Waters has been mailed to each Brethren pastor and moderator. This information can also be seen on our website, These proposed changes have been considered and discussed at length by both of our current Ministries Councils and have been affirmed by our Executive Board as well. Delegates are asked to prayerfully come prepared to discuss and vote on the proposal. Some advantages of the proposal are: W L E A N OS P O R * It provides for direct election, by General Conference delegates, to the Executive Board. Currently districts nominate individuals for the Councils, and the Councils themselves select Executive Board representatives from among the newly elected class. The proposed process would be much more gift-specific and intentional. P * At the present time usually only elected individuals who serve on Councils are empowered to accomplish denomination-wide ministry. With this proposal, anyone with discernable gifting and passion for particular ministry within our vision and values can join with a few others in a more flexible and cost-efficient task force form to work on identified objectives critical to our mission. 14 2010 General Conference Registration Monday, July 19 - Thursday, July 22, 2010 Ashland, OH - Ashland University All General Conference participants must submit this registration form. Early Bird Registration is June 1. (Register online at Name(s): ________________________________________________________ Home Phone:_________________________ Address:____________________________________________ City, State, Zip:_____________________________________ First time Attendee? (Please check here) - 2010 General Conference The 2010 General Conference will be hosting Reggie McNeal, a visionary author and speaker who helps people, leaders and Christian organizations pursue more intentional lives. Reggie McNeal has authored numerous books over the past decade, but will be focusing on his latest book Missional Renaissance. Reggie will spend part of our General Conference week unpacking three important shifts that church leaders must make to engage the missional movement and then offer suggestions for a different scorecard to reflect missional ministry. General Conference will also provide an opportunity for you and your church leadership to reflect on Reggie’s presentations, hear about the latest MissioChurch activities, new developments in Coaching and coach training, Global Partner highlights, Ashland Theological Seminary updates. We will engage in the business of the Church as the Brethren Church looks to change structures to become more effective for the life-transforming work God has for us. We look forward to this week as a time to reconnect with friends across the nation and a time to reconnect with the vision and mission that God has for us, both collectively and personally. REGISTRATION Registration fee for 2010 General Conference is $25.00 per household. Registrations submitted before June 1 qualify for an early bird rate of $15.00 per household. Total for Registration: $_____________ CREDENTIALS Delegate credentials are obtained from your pastor. A limited number of district and cooperative credentials are available through your district organizations. Credentials do not need to accompany your registration but need to be submitted by June 1. If you are not attending as a church or district delegate, please complete the following Non Delegate section. Non Delegate(s) $15.00 per person/ per day No. of people _____ x No. of days attending _____ = Total for Non Delegate(s): $_____________ HOUSING Housing is available on the campus of Ashland University in the dormitories (no air conditioning) for attendees of General Conference 2010. There are several area hotels that are available. We recommend that you make arrangements for housing as soon as possible to assure your stay. Housing at Ashland University includes a linen packet for sheets, towels and washcloth. Some area hotels offer a discounted rate if you mention “Brethren Conference” while booking your reservation. Number of rooms per day: S ___ M ___ T ___ W ___ TH ___ Cost per room is $45.00 per night. Please list the name(s) of who will be in this room: ________________________________________________________________________________ I prefer to be on a floor with: Women’s restroom/shower _____ Men’s Restroom/shower_____ Total for Housing: $_____________ Continue on other side 15 15 2010 General Conference Registration (Continued)... SPECIAL EVENT RESERVATIONS Reception and Fellowship—Brethren Ministry Wives Free Event x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ Ladies Luncheon $10.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ Ashland Theological Seminary Dinner $12.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ MissioChurch BBQ $12.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ Global Luncheon $12.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________ Monday, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Sandberg Leadership Center Room 103 Tuesday, 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Upper Convocation Center Tuesday, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Upper Convocation Center Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Ashland University Quad *Combined event with Engage Conference* Thursday, 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Upper Convocation Center Total for Special Events: $_____________ Kid’s Conference & Nursery No nursery or kids conference will be available for General Conference 2010. For youth 12 years old and older, be sure to check out the Engage Conference also happening on the campus of Ashland University, July 19 - 22. Engage 2010 The Engage Conference (formerly known as BYIC Convention) will be gathering youth, young adults and advisors from around the country; connecting together for a time of passionate worship, relevant teaching, transformational training and celebration as we share our lives together as the followers of Jesus Christ and as Brethren. If you have students in your family, church or community, we encourage you to have them check out Engage 2010 and invite you to join us during part of the week. Information can be found on the Brethren Church website ( Registration Fee : $_____________ Non-Delegate Fee (if applicable): $_____________ Housing: $_____________ Special Event Reservations: $_____________ Total Registration Fee: $_____________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Registrations sent before June 1 qualify for the Early Bird Registration rate of $15.00 per household, after June 1 Registration is $25. Delegate credentials can be obtained from your pastor, district or organization. Please submit your credential before June 1. Updated information regarding 2010 General Conference can be obtained by visiting our website: PLEASE MAIL REGISTRATIONS AND FEES TO: Brethren Church General Conference 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805 16 Please select your payment type: □ I am paying by check which is enclosed. Please make checks payable to Brethren Church. □ I am going to pay by credit card. Please bill me via email: E-Mail________________________________ □ I will be paying the full amount before July 1. Please send a bill to the following address (if different from registration address): Name: __________________________________ Address:_________________________________ City:_____________________ State:_____ Zip: __________ ENGAGE Registration Form July 19 – 22, 2010 Ashland, oh First Time Attendee? □ First Name ____________________ Last Name ___________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State _______ Zip Code ______________ Phone (_______) ________ - __________ Birthday ____ / ____ / 19____ Email __________________________________T-Shirt Size (adult sizes) _______ Male □ Conference Cost □ $280 Early Bird ENGAGE □ $325 Regular ENGAGE □ $350 The Day of ENGAGE (postmarked before May 15) (postmarked before June 15) Female □ What church do you attend? ___________________________________________ ENGAGE Conference Students: Who is your adult sponsor?: __________________________________________________ You must have an adult sponsor of the same sex and at least 22 years of age who is registered with the ENGAGE Conference in order to attend. If you submit this registration form without a sponsor, please add $30 to your payment. This cost will pay the way for your sponsor for the week. PAYMENT INFORMATION Conference Fee: ___________ No Sponsor (add $30.): ___________ (Required if no advisor is listed) Linens ($10.00): ___________ (Optional) Total Due: ___________ Amount Enclosed: ___________ Please complete the billing box so we know how you will be paying. Adult Sponsor Cost □ $280 Early Bird ENGAGE □ $325 Regular ENGAGE □ □ $350 The Day of ENGAGE (postmarked before May 15) (postmarked before June 15) FREE—I’m registering 10 students by May 15! Adult Sponsors Only List the students you are sponsoring: (up to 8) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ***A $50.00 fee will be imposed on any cancellations or payment transfers for ENGAGE Conference 2010.*** Please select your payment type: □ I am paying by check which is enclosed. Please make checks payable to: ENGAGE Conference. □ I am going to pay by credit card. Please bill me via E-mail: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ □ I will be paying at conference Continued on other side Send form to: ENGAGE Conference 524 College Avenue Ashland, OH 44805 17 2010 ENGAGE Conference Medical Form Legal Name________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age ____________ Birthday _______________________ Social Security Number _____________-___________-_____________ Emergency Contact Information Name of Parent(s) / Guardian(s)_______________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone _________________________________________ Evening Phone _____________________________________ Alternate Contact: (Name) ____________________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Insurance information Insurance Company ________________________________________________________________________________________ Policy and/or Group Number ________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any medical conditions, recent illnesses or operations, any medications you currently take and any known allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Release, Authorization to Treat, Conduct and Publication: I hereby authorize a representative of The Brethren Church, or the 2010 ENGAGE Conference to authorize administration of medical treatment to this participant when medical treatment is deemed necessary. I understand that all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by The Brethren Church. I understand that in the event medical intervention is necessary every attempt will be made to contact the person(s) listed above. I further release, indemnify, hold harmless and further discharge The Brethren Church, Inc,. its employees and members, and the ENGAGE Conference for any and all damages, losses or injuries sustained by participants resulting from applicant’s participating in the ENGAGE Conference . This extends to and applies to, and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated and unsuspected injuries, damages, losses and liability, and consequences in substance that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries or damages which are unknown or unsuspected to exist at the time, to person executing such release are hereby expressly waived. I understand that by breaking ay rules or guidelines during the week of ENGAGE Conference 2010, I may be sent home at my own cost, regardless of cost or time remaining of Conference. Any photographs taken during the week maybe used for promotion purpose via print, video and web, a written request to exclude participant must be on file prior to ENGAGE Conference. 2010. Participant’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________ DAte Signed: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be sure to check out the website for updates on ENGAGE Conference 2010. 18 July 19 - 22, Ashland University I like words. Words are powerful. They have movement, both in stirring the soul and the imagination. Words impact. They reveal and expose. Words are important; they are necessary. ENGAGE. Now, there is a word full of movement, power and impact. When I hear or see the word ENGAGE I’m moved. I think of connecting or plugging in. My mind envisions a joining of hands and oneness of purpose. ENGAGE! What does that word say to you? What images come to your mind? In your world today, there is much to ENGAGE, isn’t there? You live in a time ripe with opportunity; some good some not. It can be a daily struggle to know where and with whom to ENGAGE. You have this voice over here saying one thing, while the voice over there is saying another. Who do you listen to? Where do you ENGAGE? Taylor Mason Entertainment Honestly, sometimes the pressure to ENGAGE can be so great, we reverse and withdraw. Often times though, we discover that withdrawing doesn’t work well. Do you know why? We were not made to withdraw; rather we were made to ENGAGE. God has hardwired us with the desire to ENGAGE with one another; with him. This summer you have an exciting opportunity to ENGAGE in a way like never before. ENGAGE Conference is an opportunity for you to take one week out of your summer and really ENGAGE all that God has for you. Things like friends old and new, intimate opportunities of worship, challenging messages and of course loads and loads of fun and excitement. Since convention 2009, more than just a name change has taken place (did you notice we’re not referred to as BYIC Convention anymore?). A renewed focus and desire has happened as well. Sure we want ENGAGE Conference to be fun, to be a break from the norm, to provide you with something to do this summer. But we also want ENGAGE Conference to be a pocket of time, a carved out space where you have the intimate opportunity to ENGAGE the Living God. Pastor Paul Stanley Evening Speaker Chris Folmsbee, Youth Workers’ Speaker God has a plan for you this summer. God desires for you to learn and know what it means to LIVE DEEP. But in order to fully discover this plan you have to ENGAGE. Join us July 19-22, 2010 on the campus of Ashland University for ENGAGE Conference 2010 and learn what it means to LIVE DEEP in God. For more information contact your youth leader or visit us online at www. and while you’re online, if you’ve not yet become our Fan, swing on over to Facebook and do so ( Brethren-Youth-In-Christ/132054714793). Sing Love, Sing, Worship Band 19 The Brethren Evangelist (SSN 0747-4288) is published six times a year by The Brethren Church, Inc., 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792 (telephone: 419-289-1708; email:; fax: 419-281-0450. Authors’ views are not necessarily those of The Brethren Church. Subscription rates: Sent free to Brethren Church members; $15.00 per year to others. Member, Evangelical Press Association. Postage: Paid at Ashland, Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Brethren Church, 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792. March/April 2010, Vol. 132, No. 2 The Brethren Church 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805 Periodical Postage Paid at Ashland, OH 44805 The 122nd General Conference of the Brethren Church July 19 - 22, 2010 Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio Ken Hunn, Executive Director Jonathan Reitz Chairman & CEO of CoachNet Global Reggie McNeal Missional Leadership Specialist Leadership Network Grace Community Church Worship Band Winchester, Virginia Registration forms inside: also available at Bill Ludwig Church Planting Coordinator Gary Diehl , Church Health & Resource Specialist