May 2016 - Wesley United Methodist Church


May 2016 - Wesley United Methodist Church
Volume 8, Issue 4 ~ May 2016
Sunday, May 1 ~ 9:15 a.m.
Special Sunday School Program: Not Worth Saving
 Ann Joyner has written a book, Not Worth Saving; How a Severely Handicapped
Boy Transformed Lives, and she will join the Wesley Church family during the
Sunday School hour to discuss her experiences as the mother of a child with
disabilities. Her words will echo what we at Wesley Church have been living out in
our Starlight Ministry for over thirty years — each person is a child of God. Please
plan to attend.
Sunday, May 1 ~ 3 p.m.
Celebration of the Ministry of Tom Salsgiver
Wesley United Methodist Church, 130 West Third Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1709
 God has graced the clergy and laity of the Lewisburg District for the last eight
years with the leadership of Tom Salsgiver. On Sunday, May 1, all are invited to
be part of a service of thanksgiving for Tom’s ministry among us. A mass choir
comprised of clergy and laity from the district will offer one of Tom’s favorite
anthems, and Mr. Dan Stokes, a renowned musician and clinician will be at the
organ. It will be a meaningful and inspirational time of worship in celebration of
Tom’s ministry as the Lewisburg Area District Superintendent. Don’t miss it!
Sunday, May 8 ~ 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Mother’s Day
 The second Sunday in May is when mothers everywhere are given special
recognition for the part they play in our lives. Worship at Wesley Church on this
day will honor all mothers in our lives.
Sunday, May 15 ~ 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Pentecost Sunday, Confirmands, & New Members
 On Pentecost Sunday, five young persons will be confirmed as full members of
Wesley Church during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Each of the following five
has put forth much effort into his or her responsibilities — including serving twice
in some capacity of the worship service (liturgist and/or sound tech): Arrick
Beagle, Makiah Brewer, Evan Long, Zach Thrush, and Kirsten Zanoline. Please
join Wesley Church in congratulating this year’s confirmands.
In addition to the Confirmation Class, eleven adults will also become official
members of Wesley Church. Each has been attending worship on a regular basis
and each has attended new member orientation. Please warmly greet and welcome
the following new members: Jeanne and Paul Bejger, Diane and Jonathan Else,
Kathleen Else, Dennis Frolich, Nichol and Kent Reinford, John Shoop, and Ellen
and Mark Wojtowicz.
Sunday, May 22 ~ 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Youth Sunday
 On Sunday, May 22, the Wesley congregation will be blessed by the
annual worship service presented by the youth of the church. These young
persons have many talents to share and bring and uplifting joy to Youth
Sunday. You won’t want to miss this special worship experience.
In This Issue Of
Wesley Tidings . . .
Sundays in May . . . . . . . . . . page 1
From Pastor Gary’s Desk
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 2 & 3
Church Camp, Scholarships, and
Graduate Sunday . . . . . . . . . .page 4
Intergenerational Ministry . . page 5
Christian Education News . . .page 6
Come, Hang Out at VBS. . . . page 7
Meet The Teachers, Moving Up,
and Nursery Opportunity . . . page 8
G.L.O.W. Youth Events . . . . page 9
120 Years of the Wesley Church
Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 10
Keeping Up With The Wesley
LAMs & Young Choirs . . . page 11
Making A Difference At Wesley
 Stop Hunger Now Thank You
 Letter Carriers Food Drive
 Campbell Label Reminder
 ARC Needs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12
Red Cross Blood Drive . . . .page 13
May Friendship Breakfast, Tea
Party, and UMW Meeting. . page 13
A Kansas Experience
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pages 14 & 15
Thank You Thoughts and Giant &
Weis Gift Cards . . . . . . . . . .page 15
Wesley Facts . . . . . . pages 16 & 17
From Pastor Gary’s Desk
By Gary D. Weaver, Pastor
Dear Friends of Wesley Church:
During the month of May, the global
United Methodist Church gathers. Every four
years, the United Methodist Church’s top
legislative body meets — this year, May 10 20, the General Conference of the church will
meet at the Oregon Convention Center, the
largest convention center in the Pacific
Northwest. General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United
Methodist Church which meets once every four years. The conference can
revise church law, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public
policy and economic issues.
I ask that you pray for this body of individuals as they gather, work
and worship. As is often the case, it will be a defining gathering of United
Methodists. Several major issues face delegates to the 2016 General
Conference. As they prayerfully consider the global impact of United
Methodism, many topics of conversation and debate will arise. Among the
many issues of conversation will be:
Restructuring the General Church. Delegates will consider a
number of proposals to restructure the ministries of the general
General Agencies of the Church. The General Board of Global
Ministries is developing legislation to establish a new unit on
global health for the mission agency. The strategy for a new
international program, tentatively called “Abundant Health: Our
Promise to Children,” would take into account intersections with
the other denominational areas of focus, including ministry with
the poor, developing principled Christian leaders, and creating
new and renewed congregations.
Central Conferences and Jurisdictions. Delegates also will
consider proposals from the North Texas and Central Texas
conferences for a U.S. central conference. The Northeastern
Jurisdiction is proposing organizing the church into four continent
wide “connections” for Africa, Asia, Europe and North America
as part of its wide-ranging “Global Connection Plan.”
Church Bulletin Board . . . . page 18
Bishops. The Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders has
Staff at Wesley Church . . . .page 19
approved a petition calling for limited tenure for bishops and
changing the relationships of retired bishops from the Council of
Bishops to an annual conference.
Knoebel’s Church Picnic . . page 19
The Wesley Church Mission &
Purpose Statements . . . . . . .page 20
Worship/Office Times . . . . page 20
Ordained/Licensed Ministry. The 2013-16 Ministry Study
Commission, formed by the 2012 General Conference, is
proposing significant changes in the ordination process for elders
and deacons and standards that are more rigorous for local pastors.
The Maypole Custom . . . . . page 20
New Hymnal. Discipleship Ministries is proposing a new hymnal
May Calendar
VBS Registration Form
Secret Pal Reveal
that would use digital technology to provide music and worship
resources, customizable to meet the needs of different faith
Revised Social Principles. At the request of the General
Wesley Tidings, page 2
From Pastor Gary’s Desk, continued
Conference and the Connectional Table, the General Board of Church and
Society is continuing to develop revised Social Principles for a worldwide
Human Sexuality. Numerous annual conferences and other groups are
petitioning General Conference on the denomination’s stance and statements
on sexuality. Many propose either removing or adding less-restrictive
language to the Social Principles.
Abortion. Several petitions ask The United Methodist Church to withdraw from membership in the
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
Disabilities. Several petitions address the needs and equitable treatment of persons with disabilities.
Sustainable and Responsible Investments. A number of petitions address issues of investment strategies.
Racism/Xenophobia. The General Commission on Religion and Race is submitting numerous proposals on
use of diverse languages in the United States, ethnic ministry plans, ongoing acts of repentance for racism
and responsibilities for eradication of racism at all levels of the church.
Immigration. The General Board of Church and Society is seeking to amend and readopt “Welcoming the
Migrant to the United States” and to continue the work of the United Methodist Task Force on Immigration.
Economics and Finance. The General Board of Church and Society has submitted two pieces of legislation
dealing with justice in the world of economics: “A Call for Just Tax Structures” and “A Call for Faithful
Lending Practices.” The latter decries predatory lending practices that affect the poor.
Budgeting for the Global Church. Of every dollar given in the offering, approximately:
85 cents stays in the local church to pay salaries and provide a building for worship, hymnals,
heat and air conditioning, vacation Bible school resources and more.
7 cents goes to district, annual and jurisdictional conferences to provide camps and retreats,
continuing education for laity and pastors, confirmation rallies, new-church starts and more.
6 cents goes to “designated giving” such as The Advance, World Service Special Gifts,
church wide special Sundays and other causes.
2 cents goes to the general church. That is where, together, we help build new churches,
prepare clergy and lay leaders, provide continuing education for pastors, send students to
college and seminary, pay missionary salaries, expand Bible studies, serve with other faith
traditions through interdenominational and ecumenical work, ensure financial oversight and
accountability of church funds, engage in diverse life-changing ministries and more.
The General Commission on Finance and Administration and the Connectional Table are proposing a budget of
$611.4 million to support apportioned general funds for 2017-20.
As your pastor, and a believer in the larger United Methodist Church, I call on your prayers, because all the
above, and so much more, happens within a ten day period. For discernment, grace, holy conferencing, and global
Christian unity we pray.
Be Blessed,
Did you know . . .
 United Methodist bishops attend the (UM) General Conference but cannot vote. Different
bishops serve as presiding officers during the conference. Other bishops cannot speak unless
permission is specifically granted by the delegates.
Wesley Tidings, page 3
Campers and Students, Take Note
Hurry, Register For Camp
It’s not too late to register for
summer church camp,
but hurry! “Power Up Living In The Spirit” is
the theme for 2016,
experiences await the
Information and registration forms are available
at For those with questions or
those needing assistance, additional materials are
available in the Christian education office.
Once again, Wesley Church is happy to offer
scholarship assistance to children and youth from its
church family. Applications for assistance to cover one
third of the camp fees are available in the Christian ed
office (located in the education wing) or in the camping
display in the Third Street narthex. Please complete these
before May 22, 2016, so there is no delay in your
Applications for the Wesley United Methodist
Church Scholarship Program are now available in the
church office. This scholarship is largely made possible
by gifts from Mrs. Grace Keller, Mrs. Alice Magee, and
Dr. C. Stuart Edwards — along with some more recent
The Wesley Scholarship is provided to assist
students in defraying the cost of post-secondary
education. To be eligible, persons must be active
members of Wesley and enrolled in an accredited
college, university, or vocational/technical school.
The deadline to apply for this year’s Wesley
Scholarship is May 31, so students should allow enough
time to request the required letters of recommendation
for the scholarship packet. Absolutely no applications
will be accepted after this time. Persons interested in
obtaining a scholarship application should stop at the
church office.
Wesley Church is proud of all its 2016 graduates and can’t wait to recognize each one at
church on Sunday, May 29. During the 10:30 a.m. worship service on that day, graduates
of high school, college, or any other institutions of higher education will be recognized
for their achievement.
So that no one is missed, graduates are asked to supply the church office with the information regarding
this milestone in their lives. The information you provide will be included with the Graduate Recognition edition of
the Sunday worship folder on May 29 and will be published in the next issue of Wesley Tidings. To help the church
office receive the proper statistics, graduates are asked to provide the information required by completing this form
and placing it in the Sunday offering plate or by mailing it or bringing it to the church office. Thanks for helping to
make this a meaningful celebration for all Wesley graduates.
Graduate’s Full Name . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . Graduating School
Parents of Graduate: ___________________________________________________________________________
College Degree (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________
Future Plans (further education [school and major area of study] or employment): __________________________
Wesley Tidings, page 4
Intergenerational Ministry Opportunities
By Kelly Kocher-Ross, Coordinator of Intergenerational Ministries
Secret Pals
Wesley Church currently has a great secret pals program and would love to see it continue.
There is an opening for a Secret Pals coordinator(s) for 2016 - 2017. If you have a heart for students
and LAMS needing encouragement throughout the year, and a gift for administration and creativity,
you are wanted — and many will be blessed. For additional information, please contact me or call the church office.
Save the date — June 5, 2016
Secret Pal Reveal will take place on Sunday, June 5, following the 10:30 worship service. Enjoy a light
lunch and fellowship as secret pals from this past year are revealed. See the insert, and return your R.S.V.P. by May 27.
Memorize 50 verses in 39 weeks . . . multiple leaders needed. Find out how you can be a leader and a
participant of a small group of two - twelve people.
Did we mention a contest? We kick off on September 4 and celebrate and compete in groups and individuals on
June 4, 2017. That’s right! We will work toward the first ever “Scripture Memory Bowl.” Brackets and fantasy
football will pale in comparison. We are inviting other groups from surrounding churches. Come to the informational
meeting May 15 at 12 noon, and enjoy a light lunch. Questions can be directed to Bob Hewlett and/or to me, Kelly
Ignite Sunday Group
Looking for a Sunday group to grow in fellowship and understanding of God’s word? Join the Ignite Sunday
group. The young adult class meets Sundays 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. in the basement level, room 2B. The leader,
Alex Brooks, is guiding a study on “Who and Why Jesus”.
Introduction Card Contest
Calling all artists! May 1 - 15 your drawings on the 3 ½” x 2” business card will be
collected. Entries will be displayed on May 22, and members and friends of Wesley will vote on
their favorite. These cards will be used in the late summer and fall. More details will unfold in the
upcoming months. Contact me for more information.
Contact the Intergenerational Ministries office for information regarding:
 Secret Pals, the Secret Pal Reveal, and/or the introduction card contest.
 Ignite or 50/39
Contact the Intergenerational Ministries office about these or other areas of interest to you.
Call Kelly Kocher-Ross, coordinator of intergenerational ministries at the church office at 570.784.1407,
or E-mail
Wesley Tidings, page 5
Look What’s Happening!
By Beth Mauk, Director of Christian Education
Exciting News From The Christian Education Department
FLAT Jesus Is Coming Soon!
As a child growing up, many of you may have participated in the Flat Stanley
project. All of the Wesley children will have an opportunity to do a similar
experiment with a cardstock copy of Jesus. In late May, each child will be given a
flat Jesus to color and personalize. He may be taken on a family vacation, or He
may just journey around town with the child and photographed at all of the places
they visit together. (Jesus is always with us). Photographs can then be E-mailed to
me (, and a video presentation will be made to show in
the fall. Additionally, Jesus may be left behind on our travels as a reminder that Jesus is alive in
our hearts, and we hope that He lives in the heart of any person that finds Him. Hopefully the
person who finds a flat Jesus would respond to us and let us know that they love Jesus too via
Wesley’s Facebook page or in a personal letter to the church. Names should not be placed on Jesus
anywhere to protect our children, but each Jesus will be numbered for identification purposes. It
will be fun to see where Jesus travels.
Praying In Color
Challenge Accepted
Four of our children
embraced the Lenten prayer
challenge this year. Congratulations to Ever Reinford, Alarik
Reinford, Willa Mae Paul, and Ellilah Paul who prayed each day
throughout Lent and colored as they prayed. We are so proud of them.
We are NUTS about KIDS in the Christian Education
Department but not all of our kids can have nuts!
Several of our children (and we bet adults, too) have allergies to nuts. Because
we, at Wesley Church, don’t ever want to have a medical emergency, we are requesting that all
food donations be nut free. To help keep our kids (and others) safe, please check the ingredients of
all donations you might provide — breakfast bars, cereals, cookies, etc. Most of the children carry
epi pens, and Wesley is blessed to have church members with medical training should a need arise.
Contact the Christian education department for information regarding:
 Flat Jesus and/or any other Sunday School opportunities for children and youth.
 “Cave Quest: Following Jesus, The Light of the World” Vacation Bible School
Contact the Christian ed office about these or other areas of interest to you.
Call Beth Mauk, director of Christian education at the church office at 570.784.1407,
or E-mail
Wesley Tidings, page 6
Summer is quickly approaching, so you will want to register your children to “hang out” for a week at
Wesley Church’s “Cave Quest” Vacation Bible School. Cave Quest will be held this year from Sunday, June 26
through Thursday, June 30, 2016. Registration forms are now available — and one is included with this newsletter.
Additional forms will be included with the Sunday worship folders and at various locations throughout the church. In
addition, registration can also be completed online at All
children from toddler age to Grade 6 are invited to be part of “Cave Quest.”
Volunteers are still needed to staff Bible School in all areas. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to
interact with the children and watch them as they are surrounded by God’s Word and experience the love He has for
all of us. Please contact me, Beth Mauk, if you are interested in this wonderful mission opportunity. You’ll be glad
that you did.
If you love to decorate, Julie Millard and her team would welcome your help with the VBS preparations.
Julie’s ideas are once again fantastic, and the church is so blessed to have her leadership in this area. We have a great
big beautiful church to transform into fun caves, so decorating will start on June 19 and continue throughout the week
in order to have everything is ready on June 26. Volunteers will also be needed to tear down decorations after the last
day of Bible School. Please contact Julie (570.387.6760), or let me know if you are interested.
Volunteer to help with “Cave Quest” Vacation Bible School.
Contact Beth Mauk, director of Christian education, at 570.784.1407 or E-mail
Last Chance to Pre-order the VBS Cave Quest Music CD
Because the VBS songs are lively and spirited — and fun for young and old alike
— many families enjoy having a copy of the music their children learn at Bible School. For
this reason, so that families can have them in advance, copies of the Sing and Play Rock
Music CD will be ordered on May 6, 2016. If you would like to have a copy, they can be
purchased for $6.99 each (checks should be made payable to Wesley United Methodist Church).
Please complete this form if you are interested, and drop it off at the church office or see Beth
Mauk in her office in the education wing.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________
Number of CDs: ________________ Total amount due: ________________
Wesley Tidings, page 7
Meet The Teachers
Wesley Church continues to be blessed by individuals who
are dedicated to serving the children of the congregation in the
Sunday School classroom and, thus, teachers of these young
persons are featured as part of the Christian education news within
these pages. This month’s featured Sunday School teachers are
Tana Cooper and Steve Bercher, from Grades 3 - 5.
Steve has grown up in Wesley Church, and he continues to
attend each week with his parents Jane and Brian and girlfriend,
Olivia Fry. In his spare time, Steve enjoys watching and playing all
types of sports in addition to exercising. Steve can also be found in
his place of employment at Dick’s Sporting Goods in Selinsgrove,
Tana Cooper grew up in Danville. She graduated from
Bloomsburg State College with a degree in elementary education
and Marywood College for library certification. Tana grew up attending the Methodist Church and joined the church
when she was 13. However, she did not come to a true understanding of the Gospel until she was 23 when, through
discussions with a kind and caring neighbor, that she came to accept Christ as savior. Tana has worked with
students in Sunday School at Jerseytown UMC and now at Wesley and feels it is a privilege and true joy to study
and discuss spiritual truth with our students. Tana says, “I take it very seriously because they are the future of our
church!” Tana, and husband, Dave, have three grown sons and seven grandchildren.
“Moving Up” Sunday Scheduled for May 29
Wesley Church wants to celebrate each milestone in the life of its children and plans are now underway for a
“Moving Up Sunday” to be held on May 29, 2016. If your child is changing grades for the next school year,
he/she may also transition to a new Sunday School class. If this is the case, you will be notified prior to
the date so your child is in church to be recognized for this accomplishment.
A Great Mission Opportunity For Everyone
Working in the church nursery is fun! It’s also satisfying to know that you have
fulfilled an important mission of Wesley Church and helped show God’s love. There
is nothing like a big hug on a Sunday morning from a sweet child. If you are
interested in this quick, easy, and fulfilling mission project, please contact one of the
church’s nursery coordinators, Melanie Hosler (570.356.2651) or Glenda Kowalski (570.784.1161). If everyone in our
church volunteers, each person only needs to serve one time. How cool would that be? A very special thank you to
everyone who has served this year. All of you are appreciated.
Did you know . . .
Brent Salsgiver is the dean for Camp Ignite?
It’s for Grades 7 - 12 and takes place Sunday, July 31 - Friday, August 5.
Those who take part will go back to their roots this week. Campers will set aside social pressures, discover that the
past does not define us, and they will focus on the God who made us and the Savior who loves us. Campers are
gathering at Wesley Forest to ignite a fire in their lives for Jesus, for community, for friendship. Throw in all the
awesome summer fun that always happens at camp, and it will be an unforgettable experience. Interested youth
should go to to sign up or for additional details.
Wesley Tidings, page 8
By Janet and John Bodenman
G.L.O.W. Co-Leaders
The month of May will bring a flurry of extra special activities for
G.L.O.W. There’s a meeting for those are part of this year’s mission team
to Hurricane, West Virginia; there’s a reception for the Confirmands;
Youth Sunday, and to top it off, there’s the annual scavenger hunt that
takes place all around town — plus, there’s a lot more. Youth, check out the highlights
below and plan to be part of all of the May events. Remember: G.L.O.W. activities are open to all youth in Grades 6 - 12
— and, don’t forget to bring a friend.
Sunday, May 1 ~ 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. ~ in the church social room
2016 Hurricane, West Virginia, Mission Team Meeting
Mission team members: this is a mandatory meeting. Lunch will be provided.
Sunday, May 1 ~ 6:30 - 8 p.m. ~ in the sanctuary
Worship Your God
Calling all youth and confirmands . . .
Sunday, May 8, Mother’s Day
No G.L.O.W. ~ Pamper your mother!
Pentecost Sunday, May 15 ~ 8 - 10:30 a.m. ~ Coffee Café
Between the morning worship services, G.L.O.W. will fete the Confirmation Class members with a reception.
G.L.O.W. — Wear red for this special day.
Sunday, May 15 ~ 6:30 - 8 p.m., in the sanctuary
G.L.O.W. Practice for Youth Sunday
Youth in the skit and in the flash mob should plan to attend.
Sunday, May 22 ~ 7:30 - 11:30 a.m., Wesley sanctuary
Youth Sunday
G.L.O.W. Youth will lead the morning worship services and will enjoy a meal together between services.
Sunday, May 22 ~ 6:30 - 8 p.m., all around town
Third Annual Scavenger Hunt
This year’s scavenger hunt will be even harder. Game on! Bring your phone or camera. Prizes will be awarded.
Make your own sundaes tonight, too.
No G.L.O.W. meeting on the evening of May 29
Honor those who have given their lives for your freedom.
Wesley Tidings, page 9
120 Years of the Wesley United Methodist Church Building
By Robert Dunkelberger, Wesley Church Historian
The church corner
stone located at the
base of the bell
tower on the
northeast corner of
the building
While the 8 and 9 are still there, over time the 1 and 6
have been lost from the 1896 date.
The former church building that was built along Murray
Avenue and dedicated in 1857. This photograph was
taken just a few months before it was torn down.
This is the first in an occasional series
documenting 120 years since the construction of our
beautiful church building. This article concerns the
laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist
Episcopal Church in Bloomsburg on May 3, 1896. Plans
for a new building for a growing congregation had begun
in earnest the preceding year, with the ground breaking
ceremony held on October 26. Work then started on the
foundation as the basement was dug out, although the
contract for the building itself wasn’t awarded until
December 19. Since part of the site for the new structure
was occupied by the 1857 building, located at the rear of
the lot along Murray Avenue, it had to be torn down.
Work on this project began with the steeple on March
18, 1896.
May 3 was a nice spring day, and at 3:30 that
afternoon an estimated 2,000 people gathered at the
corner of Market and West Third Streets. They were
standing on dirty and dusty roads which, as was the case
with all streets in Bloomsburg at that time, had yet to be
paved. The ceremony was led by the church’s pastor,
Benjamin C. Conner, and in a demonstration of religious
solidarity, all the other Protestant pastors of the town
were present, with the exception of one who was delayed
getting to the ceremony. They took turns with prayers,
scripture readings, and addresses.
The church choir led the large crowd in the
singing of two hymns from the section of the 1878
Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the
erection of churches. The first was #859, Laying the
Foundation, with the beginning line of “O Lord of hosts,
Wesley Tidings, page 10
whose glory fills,” and the second #861, God’s Guardian
Presence, began with “This stone to thee in faith we
lay.” A number of those present had been at the 1857
dedication of the old building, and a few even
remembered the erection of the first church, a frame
structure, twenty years before that.
The corner stone, taken from the quarry of C.E.
Yorks, featured in raised lettering “First M.E. Church,
Bloomsburg, 1896.” A copper box was put in the stone,
in which were placed a Bible, church hymnal, book of
discipline, conference minutes, and the history of
Methodism in Bloomsburg; copies of Methodist and
local newspapers; the names of individuals involved with
the church and building project; a photograph of the old
church and one of the temporary tabernacle being used
for services; and a catalog and newspaper from the
Bloomsburg State Normal School. While these were all
copies of published or printed material, two unique
handwritten items were also included: the original class
book of the congregation from 1832 and the subscription
book for the first church from December 17, 1836.
The ceremony concluded with the doxology
being sung and benediction given by The Reverend H.
Johnson of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the
African-American church in Bloomsburg, which opened
in 1870 and for many years was located on West First
As a fitting conclusion, the Bloomsburg Daily
newspaper ended its coverage of the ceremony with the
following: “The day was all that could be desired, the air
pleasant, the sun occasionally breaking through the
clouds and sparkling on the fresh green foliage; even the
little feathered songsters seemed to chirp from their
perches in the tops the praises of their creator. It was
certainly a memorial day for Methodism in Bloomsburg
and will be looked back to with pleasure in coming years
by many who witnessed the ceremonies.”
Keeping Up With The Wesley LAMs & Young Choirs
By Cynthia Willis, LAMs Visitation Coordinator and Director of Young Choirs
The LAMs Ministry announces
the LAM of the Month for May
Marian Huffnagle
In years past, Marian served as Wesley’s kitchen coordinator.
She now lives in Philadelphia to be near her daughters.
Thank you, Marian!
Holy Communion at
Geisinger-Bloom Health Care
Worship at
Brookdale Assisted Living Center
Residents and Visitors Welcome!
All Welcome!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
2:30 p.m.
2 p.m.
Worship leaders are: Sandy Cooper,
Joe Darlington, and Kathy Finnerty.
Worship leaders will be
Rod Erwine and Ben Willis.
In celebration of Pentecost Sunday,
the Sacrament of Holy Communion will be available the week of May 15.
Children’s Choirs . . .
The Young People’s Choirs will sing during the 10:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, May 15. The song
will be entitled “Questions.”
On Sunday, May 22, the Young People’s Choir will join the Sanctuary Choir to sing “He is Mine.” The
presentation will include hand drums played by members of Wesley during the singing of this Swahili song from
Choir Camp Coming This Summer
Set your calendars for July 18 - 21 from 10 - 11 a.m.
Choir Camp, this year, will include making guitars.
Everyone, ages 5 - 10, is welcome.
Choir Camp takes place in Wesley’s gymnasium.
Those who attend have fun singing silly songs together.
For additional information,
call the church office at 570.784.1407.
Wesley Tidings, page 11
A Stop Hunger Now Thank You
Making A Difference At Wesley Church
The Silent Auction benefiting the Stop Hunger Now event was a great success.
The Wesley Church family donated wonderful personal items, and the merchants in
Bloomsburg and Danville were very generous in providing some terrific contributions.
Thank you for the sixty item donations and the gracious bidding.
The Evangelism Team wishes to thank you also for supporting the hoagie sales
which benefited the Stop Hunger Now event.
Labels for Education Reminder
For the past forty-two years, Campbell has offered Labels for
Education which has contributed more than $110 million in school supplies to
tens of thousands of schools across the U.S. Last year saw participation in
Labels for Education decline considerably. Thus, the company sadly made the very difficult decision to
wind down the program. The program will, however, continue as is through August of this year (2016).
Until then, there will be no change to the bonus offer calendar or the participating products.
Please note: if you have labels to contribute to the Labels for Education program, please be sure to
deposit them in the collection container located in the Market Street vestibule or the corresponding drawer
in the Donation Station — or drop them off at the church office — August 1, 2016 is the absolute last day
that labels will be accepted. Wesley’s label coordinator, Mollie Harris reports that Box Tops for Education
will also no longer be collected. Thank you for your support of Labels for Education over the years.
The Animal Resource Center
is in dire need of
Bleach and Friskies Cat Food.
Please bring any donations to the second floor office at
the end of the hallway under the rose window.
Thank you on behalf of the animals who can not speak for themselves.
Wesley Tidings, page 12
May Friendship Breakfast, May 6
Church Women United will sponsor the
annual May Friendship Breakfast on Friday, May 6,
at 9:30 a.m., at The First English Baptist Church
(700 Millville Road, Bloomsburg). The topic for this
year’s gathering is: “Finding Grace at the Table.” A
continental breakfast will be provided. There is a one dollar contribution
for each guest, and a May friendship offering will be taken. Please plan to
attend, and invite a friend to join you.
Red Cross
Blood Drive
sponsored by
Wesley UMW
Tea Party
Whether you are a mom or daughter or both, Willa Mae Paul
invites you to put on your prettiest outfit and attend a Mother
and Daughter Tea on Saturday, May 7. It will take place from
10 - 11:30 a.m. in the Coffee Café. Willa Mae asks you to bring
canned goods for The Bloomsburg Food Cupboard to “help feed
others as we are fed.” If you would like to attend, please
R.S.V.P. to the church office (570.784.1407). Help others, and
enjoy a time of fellowship and fun.
June 29, 2016
1 - 6 p.m.
in the Wesley gym
Did you know that . . .
every two seconds someone in
the U. S. needs blood?
one donation can help save or
sustain up to three lives?
UMW May General Meeting
Thursday, May 12, at 12 noon
The May general meeting of the Wesley
United Methodist Women will be an informal time
starting with a bagged lunch and social time that will
be followed by business, devotion, and the special
program, “Getting Ahead” presented by Judy Ryan.
“Getting Ahead” is an outreach sponsored by AGAPE
for building resources for a better life.
Please prayerfully consider
giving blood during the Wesley
blood drive on June 29.
It’s not too early to make an
appointment to give —
and there’s a good chance you
will be able to schedule a time
that is best for you.
For additional facts and
information — or to schedule
your appointment,
go to or
Wesley Tidings, page 13
A Kansas Experience
By Eileen Thomas, Administrative Assistant
Your Wesley Church administrative assistant
once again had the distinct pleasure of attending the
annual conference of PAUMCS (Professional
Association of United Methodist Church Secretaries) —
this time around the location was Wichita, Kansas. The
weather was mostly sunny and mild with those Kansas
winds kicking up every now and then. Those who
attended did not lack for an uplifting experience, and it
proved to be that from beginning to end.
The PAUMCS gals were thrilled that Moses
Kumar, general secretary and treasurer at GCFA
(General Council on Finance and Administration)
greeted us to open the conference. His remarks were
followed by an invigorating message by Reverend Dr.
Nanette Roberts who led the opening worship service.
This service included Holy Communion and the offering
of our gifts to Ember Hope, a nonprofit faith-based
agency committed to developing innovative programs
that inspire change in at-risk youth and families.
Of course, one of the main
attractions of this conference
was the presence of Adam
Hamilton along with his
administrative assistant, Sue
Thompson. As you might guess,
everyone thoroughly enjoyed
the combined presentation they
offered as our first workshop of
the conference. Both were down
to earth and shared a like work
ethic. A few years ago, Sue
wrote a book entitled, The Ministry of Administrative
Assistants and, of course, I purchased a copy.
That evening, we all hopped on buses that took
us to First United Methodist Church in Wichita where
we joined members of the congregation for Adam’s
presentation on his book Making Sense of the Bible.
Afterwards, there was an opportunity to purchase some
of Adam’s books and, you guessed it, I bought a couple
more including his latest, Half Truths. Not only did I buy
the books, but Adam was present to meet and greet us —
which he did very cordially — and he signed all of the
books all of us purchased. What an impressive
Our next workshop presenter was Bishop Scott
Jones who provided us with a closer look at The United
Methodist Church. Bishop Jones is the resident bishop of
the Great Plains Area of The United Methodist Church.
He shared insights about what some of The United
Methodist characteristics are — missional, sacramental,
Wesley Tidings, page 14
connectional, transformational, diverse, and evangelical.
He also discussed some aspects of the upcoming General
Conference of which Pastor Gary spoke in his column
this month.
The third workshop of the Wichita conference
was given by Reverend Dee Williamston. Reverend
Williamston currently serves as the Salina District
Superintendent in the Great Plains Conference. She is a
encouraged us to “open
our mouths and tell our
story.” She shared several
presentation, but the most
moving was that of
Sojourner Truth who was
born into slavery and who later became an abolitionist,
women’s right’s activist, and preacher.
Our closing worship was led by Reverend Kent
Rogers, the pastor of First United Methodist Church
which we visited for the Adam Hamilton talk earlier.
Reverend Rogers was an in-your-face kind of a pastor
whose topic for the closing worship service focused on
being Christlike.
In the midst of all this, we had a couple of great
devotion leaders — Reverend Rick Just , senior pastor at
Asbury UMC in Witchita got us off to a rousing start on
Friday — and Reverend Dr. Linda Louderback, Wichita
West District Superintendent, who provided an
inspirational start to the final day of the conference.
We were also treated to an outing to the Prairie
Rose Opera House where we enjoyed lunch, a show, a
horse drawn wagon ride, and a chance to visit a cowboy
museum. The food was good and the entertainment was
— well, it was entertaining.
On the final day of the conference, some of us
took part in a mission project for Ember Hope. We
assembled backpacks for children of various ages and
made cards to go with them. The gifts that we brought
with us to the conference were some of the items
included with the backpacks.
I once again roomed with my buddy, Elizabeth,
from Ohio, and we had a great time catching up with one
another. Elizabeth had flown in earlier in the week and
had rented a car. During some free time, we went in
search of, and found, the Nifty Nut House. There we
found just about every kind of nut, candy, dried fruit, and
popcorn that you could think of — and we both came
home with quite a bit of each. Later, our friend, Brenda,
joined us for a trip to the Kansas Sampler where each of
us bought a few Kansas souvenirs to bring home with us.
A Kansas Experience
complete without
a gathering of those in the Advance
Certification Class of which I was a
part. There were five of us in
attendance at this conference, and
we chatted for quite some time on
Friday evening after the PAUMCS
business meeting. It is always
wonderful to see those with whom
we have become so close since our
classes back in 2003.
The theme throughout this
conference was “The Wizard of
Oz,” and the Great Plains
secretaries were generous in
providing favors at all of our meals
— all of them based on some item
or aspect of this classic film — all
of them so nice.
As always, this trip
wouldn’t be possible without the
support of my church family —
especially Pastor Gary and the Staff
Special thanks to them and to my
co-workers who helped see that my
work was able to be accomplished
prior to my departure.
Thank You Thoughts
Dear Friends at Wesley:
Thank you for the many kind expressions of concern,
comfort, and support during my recent hospitalization and
recovery. Your prayers have sustained both Rod and I
during difficult moments.
“God is our refuge and strength.” Psalm 46: 1
God bless all of you.
JoAnne Erwine
Dear Wesley Friends:
Blessed are those who share their spirit, kindness, caring prayers,
visits, and cards since I had open heart surgery.
God bless,
Bob Beyers and Norma
Giant Food Stores
& Weis Markets Gift Cards
Please remember that you can still purchase Cash for
Causes gift cards for Giant Food Stores and Weis Markets that will help
G.L.O.W. earn cash for this year’s mission trip to Hurricane, West
Viriginia. Everyone buys groceries, and you can help this fundraiser. Gift
cards are available every Sunday morning, in the Coffee Café. Cards are
available in amounts of $25, $50, or $100 — and you get dollar for dollar
what you spend.
Here is an example of what the youth will earn: $500 of gift cards
= $25. The profit for the youth is 5%. This is an easy way to support the
youth. The cards can be purchased with cash or checks. Checks should be
made to Wesley United Methodist Church and in the memo line write –
Cash for Causes.
Cash for Causes will be an ongoing fundraiser so you can purchase
cards on Sunday mornings or E-mail or call Sue ( or
570.387.0402 or 570.594.1914) to let her answer questions or get gift cards
to you.
What is a home?
 A world of strife shut out — a world of love shut in.
 The only spot on earth where faults and failings of fallen humanity are hidden under the mantle of charity.
 The father’s kingdom, the children’s paradise, the mother’s world.
 Where you are treated the best and grumble the most.
~ Anonymous
Wesley Tidings, page 15
May Greeters/Ushers/8 a.m.
LAMs May Birthdays
May 1 ~ Bonnie Fiedler and Diane Van Horn
May 8, Mother’s Day
~ Becky Kovach and daughter, Audrey Kovach
Pentecost Sunday, May 15 ~ Malinda and Burt Price
and Linda Boyer
May 22 ~ Youth Sunday
Mary 29 ~ Maxine and Terry Werkheiser
Gloria Parker ~ May 5
Bloomsburg Health Care Center
211 East First Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Wesley Facts and Figures . . . And other things!
May Ushers/10:30 a.m.
Nancy Coy ~ Donna Flick ~ George Flick
Ronald Sheatler ~ Wanda Sheatler
Robert Snyder ~ Pat Weir ~ Patty Welliver
The May greeter list for 10:30 a.m.
was not available at the time of publication.
May Sound Technicians
May 1 ~ Makiah Brewer, 8 a.m.; John Stone, 10:30 a.m.
May 8 ~ Cynthia Willis, 8 a.m.; Steve Karaffa, 10:30 a.m.
May 15 ~ John Stone, 8 a.m.; Phil Burrell, 10:30 a.m.
May 22~ Cynthia Willis, 8 a.m.; Steve Karaffa, 10:30 a.m.
May 29~ Makiah Brewer, 8 a.m.; Phil Burrell, 10:30 a.m.
May Projectionists
Entire month at 8 a.m. ~ Tanner Kocher
and Doug/Audrey Kovach, 8 a.m.
May 1, 15, and 29 ~ Wesley Powell, 10:30 a.m.
May 8 ~ Elizabeth Staley, 10:30 a.m.
May 22 ~ Josh Flook, 10:30 a.m.
May Altar Guild
Madelyn Miller
Mary Ann Schalles
Thoughts from Mothers
Polly Stark ~ May 12
The Highlands,
2000 Cambridge Avenue, Apt. 286
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Dawn Zeisloft ~ May 13
29 Perry Avenue
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Zella Mae Meade ~ May 25
Grandview Nursing Home
49 Woodbine Lane
Danville, PA 17821
Elaine Carpitella ~ May 29
304 Country Lane E
Orangeville, PA 17859
Priscilla Search ~ May 31
78 Old Reading Road
Catawissa, PA 17820
May Acolytes
May 1:
Hanna Everhart, 8 a.m.
Maggie Hosler, 10:30 a.m.
May 8:
Abby Burrell, 8 a.m.
Elizabeth Bodenman, 10:30 a.m.
May 15:
Spencer Ross, 8 a.m.
Jenna McCreary, 10:30 a.m.
May 22:
Hanna Everhart, 8 a.m.
Evan Long, 10:30 a.m.
May 29:
Audrey Kovach, 8 a.m.
Kirsten Zanoline, 10:30 a.m.
When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.
~ Sophia Loren
The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are
no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.
~ Jessica Lange
Wesley Tidings, page 16
May Nursery
May Liturgists
May 1:
Marg Laytar, 8 a.m.; Arrick Beagle, 10:30 a.m.
May 1:
Eileen Thomas
~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Melanie Hosler
Elizabeth Bodenman
~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Beverly Wintersteen
Sierra Karaffa
~ Toddler/Pre-School,
10:30 a.m.
May 8:
Becky Kovach
~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Cassie Jones
Elizabeth Staley
~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Susan Hill
Wesley Powell
~ Toddler/Pre-School,
10:30 a.m.
May 15:
Jennifer Anderson
~ Combined, 8 a.m.
~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Kathy Heddens
John Bodenman
~ Toddler/Pre-School,
10:30 a.m.
May 22:
Missy Everhart
~ Combined, 8 a.m.
~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Glenda Kowalski
Adria Unger
~ Toddler/Pre-School,
10:30 a.m.
May 8, Mother’s Day:
Allison Burrell, 8 a.m.; Zach Thrush, 10:30 a.m.
May 15, Pentecost/Confirmation:
Confirmation Class Members at both 8 a.m and 10:30 a.m.
May 22, Youth Sunday:
Youth will lead the worship service and will serve as the liturgists at both services.
May 29, Graduate Sunday:
Cynthia Willis, 8 a.m.
Elizabeth Bodenman (2016 High School Graduate), 10:30 a.m.
May Children’s Chat Leaders
May 8: William Bodenman and Keith Nissen
May 22: Olivia Fry and Steve Bercher
Please note . . .
The next issue of Wesley Tidings will be a combined
June/July publication.
The deadline to submit information for this issue is
Friday, May 13.
Please keep this in mind when submitting articles for the June/July Tidings.
Sunday Worship Folder Deadline
The deadline to submit information to be included
in the Sunday worship folder is
noon on the Tuesday prior to the corresponding Sunday.
Please be prompt.
May 29:
~ Combined, 8 a.m.
Melanie Hosler
Maggie Hosler
~ Infant, 10:30 a.m.
Elaine Spicher
Lauren Spicher
~ Toddler/Pre-School,
10:30 a.m.
Wesley Tidings, page 17
You may not always end up where you thought you were going,
but you will always end up where you’re meant to be.
Feasting & Fellowship
Members of the Wesley Church family dine out together on the third
Sunday of the month, and you are invited, too. The next “Feasting and
Fellowship” dining event will take place on Sunday, May 15, at May’s Drive-In
Restaurant west of Bloomsburg on Route 11.
Beginning May 1, you may sign up for this month’s Feasting & Fellowship by using the
mission bulletin board in the hallway, and you may sign up just prior to the start of 10:30 worship on
May 15. As worship begins, May’s will be called to give them a heads-up on how many will be coming.
Please plan to dine out on Sunday, May 15, and watch for details about the June Feasting &
Fellowship location.
Wesley Tidings, page 18
Reverend Dr. Gary D. Weaver
Minister of Music:
Patricia W. Gensemer
Administrative Assistant:
Eileen D. Thomas
Director of Christian Education:
The Staff at Wesley Church
Beth Mauk
LAMs Visitation and
Director of Young People’s Choir:
Cynthia Willis
Director of Intergenerational
Kelly Kocher-Ross
Financial Secretary:
Cindy Williams
Technology Coordinator:
Wade Joline
Choir Accompanist:
Mondo Bowman
William Laudermilch
Kitchen Coordinator:
Louise Grove
Wedding Hostess:
Donna Gillaspy
To make a reservation, please contact Allison and Phil
Burrell (387.1122 or — or use this
form to sign-up. Completed forms may be placed in the
Sunday offering plate.
Name: __________________________________________
Number of people attending: _______________________
Number of adult Bargain Night tickets needed: ________
Number of child (under 48”) Bargain Night tickets
needed: _________
Wesley Tidings, page 19
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania ~
The Mission of Wesley Church is to:
KNOW Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
GROW in faith through worship, prayer, and study.
GO . . . in service to Christ and His world.
The Purpose of Wesley Church is to create disciples who serve Jesus Christ.
Sunday Worship at Wesley
8 a.m. ~ Early Worship and 10:30 a.m. ~ Worship and Praise Celebration
9:15 a.m. ~ Sunday School ~ Classes for all ages.
Nurseries available during worship and Sunday School times.
The Wesley Church Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m.
Telephone: 570.784.1407 . . . . . . Fax: 570.784.7937
The Custom of the Maypole
In honor of the month of
May, you will find all the colors
of the maypole, and more,
throughout this issue of Wesley
Tidings. May God grant you a
colorful month of blessings.
The Maypole is a tall, garland-festooned pole. Maypole dancing is a form of folk
dance from Germany, England, and Sweden. There are two forms of Maypole
dancing — the most popular consists of dancers that
perform circle dances around the pole. In the second,
dancers move in a circle, each holding a colored ribbon
attached to a much smaller pole. As they move around the
pole, the dancers intertwine their ribbons either in a web
around the pole or to plait it to the pole, itself. To unravel
the ribbons, the dancers retrace their steps.
Historians believe the first maypole dance originated as part
of Germanic pagan fertility rituals. Originally, the dancers
danced around a living tree. While dancers usually perform
this dance in the spring on May 1 or May Day, those in
Sweden perform it during their midsummer celebrations.
The second kind of maypole dance, with origins in the 18th
Century, began as a traditional or artistic dance popular in
Italy and France. Eventually, traveling dancing troupes
performed it in London theaters, thus bringing this
traditional dance to larger audiences. An English teacher
training school adopted the maypole dance and soon it had
spread across most of central and southern England. The
dance became part of the repertoire of physical education for
girls and remained popular in elementary schools in both
England and the United States well into the 1950s.
May 2016
“Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you . . .” Mark 5: 19 NRSV
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Ignite
9:15 “Not Worth Saving”
10:30 Worship
3:00 Salsgiver Farewell
5:45 G.L.O.W.
7:00 Starlight
1:00 Wesley Quilters
5:30 Joyful Ringers
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Ignite
10:30 Worship
7:00 Starlight
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Ignite
10:30 Worship
11:30 Feast & Fellowship
12:00 50/39 Info
6:30 G.L.O.W.
7:00 Starlight
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Ignite
10:30 Worship
2:00 Brookdale
6:30 G.L.O.W.
7:00 Starlight
8:00 Worship
9:15 Sunday School
9:15 Ignite
10:30 Worship
7:00 Church Council
1:00 Wesley Quilters
11:00 Wesley Staff
11:00 Women’s Circle
6:30 Disciple I
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Bells In Bloom
7:00 Board of Trustees
7:00 Cancer Support
7:00 Men of Wesley
11:00 Crusaders at
Muffin Man
1:00 Wesley Quilters
6:30 Bells In Bloom
7:00 Finance/Stewardship
11:00 Wesley Staff
11:00 Women’s Circle
6:30 Disciple I
7:00 Staff Parish
303300 11:00 UMW Team
9:30 May Friendship
10:00 Mother/
Daughter Tea
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Southern Baptist
Deadline to submit
information for the
June/July issue of
Wesley Tidings.
10:30 Friendship Meal
Sponsored by
Shiloh Bible Church
Letter Carriers’
Food Drive
2:30 Holy Communion
at Bloom Health
Care Center
7:00 Sanctuary Choir
12:00 UMW General Mtg.
5:00 Young People’s Choir
7:00 Sanctuary Choir
12:00 National Day of
5:00 Young People’s Choir
7:00 Sanctuary Choir
11:00 Wesley Staff
11:00 Women’s Circle
6:30 Disciple I
1:00 Prayer Shawl
10:30 Friendship Meal
First English Baptist
11:00 Wesley Staff
11:00 Women’s Circle
6:30 Disciple I
10:30 Friendship Meal
Items in red = noteworthy events
Items in blue = events located outside the church