Studio Hop Time - Willmar Area Arts Council
Studio Hop Time - Willmar Area Arts Council
June. 2009 Issue # 41 Willmar Area Arts Council P.O. Box 165 Willmar, MN 56201 Our Office is located in the Willmar Education and Arts Center, Third Floor 611 SW 5th Street Willmar, MN 56201 320-231-8560 Studio Hop Time Janet L. Olney Administrative Assistant Board of Directors President – Susan Mattson President-elect – David Korsmo Treasurer – Bea Ourada Kristin Allen Helen Behrends Helaine Bolter Violet Dauk Ruth Fairchild Marcia Kleberg Keith Petersen Bonnie Smith Kay Thompson Doug Wilkowske The Willmar Area Arts Council Board meets monthly usually on the second Tuesday. Exact date, time, and location can be obtained by calling or e-mailing the Arts Council office. Arts Council and other community members wishing to address the Board may be listed on the agenda by calling or e-mailing the Arts Council office before the meeting. The formation of our Arts Council was made possible in part by the Southwest Minnesota Arts and Humanities Council (SMAHC) from an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Artspark – Becky Romosz Judy Foley Plan now to celebrate summer on Saturday, June 20, 10-5 and Sunday, June 21, 12-5 by filling up your car with friends and relatives for a trip through the 5th Annual Lakes Area Studio Hop. 30 artists using a wide variety of media will show their work, some will give demonstrations, at 19 participating studios. Watch for brochures with maps at local businesses or visit the website,, to get a map so you can plan your personal “hop” in advance. Prizes, goodies and give-aways you won’t want to miss are part of the fun. Be at the WEAC gallery at 7PM on June 5th for the opening of the Studio Hop exhibit and artists reception where you will get a sneak peek at works by participating artists and an opportunity to visit with them. The exhibit will be open at the gallery daily on weekdays and on weekends when other events are being held through the rest of the month. We can’t wait to see YOU at these events so don’t forget! Thanks to our ARTspark Sponsors 2 Page 2 2009 Membership (as of 5/15/09) Business Executive Gilbertson, Martinka & Martinka Business Patron Affiliated Financial & Insurance Services Inc. Holthusen, Madden & Assoc. Kandiyohi County & City of Willmar Economic Development Commission The Mikkelsen Collection, Inc. Patron Fred & Candy Anderson Helaine Bolter Joel & Marianne Brenckman Sharon Broman Jeanette & Alan Carlson Rick & Norma Conway Gary & Nancy Geiger Sheila Gemar Raeanna & Walt Gislason Bill Linder Susan Mattson Sandy McCartney Ehlers Suzanne Meyerson Marvin & Suzanne Napgezek Dennis & Ruthanne Neeser Palmer & Dee Norling Marie & Tim Ostby Rebecca Romosz Bob & Dee Rosenbrook James & Cindy Firkins Smith Roger & Kay Strand Business Sponsor Family Eye Center Janning ENT Center North American State Bank Sponsor Eunice Buchanan Hans & Janet Dahl Bob & Patti Dols Dave & DeeAnna Dorsey Larry & Pauline Duininck Ruth Fairchild Connie Feig Kendall & Doug Fenstra Mike & Sandy Gardner Bernice Grabber Tintes Jodi Fonkert & Mike Hanson Joan & Harris Hinderaker ARTspark A Word from Our President… Welcome to the Willmar Area Arts Council newsletter! We are pleased to announce the completion of our new website at Check out the current calendar of events, the updated artist registry, the Art on Loan program, the gallery, and more. In the future, you’ll even be able to access the ArtSpark electronically. A big thank you to Jason Zook for his work designing and developing the new website! Coming in the next few months will be some of our most compelling events and thanks to your memberships and the donations from our community partners, we can continue to bring them to you. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit artist studios in the area at the Studio Hop June 20 and 21. Then, September 19 brings the downtown community festival Celebrate Art! Celebrate Coffee! In addition, we’ve provided assistance to the Willmar Junior High to bring the author of Touching Spirit Bear; we’ve given funds to the Willmar High School to enable fifty-five students to attend the opera Pinocchio; we’ve assisted with projects of Friends of the Library; we’ve coordinated artist residencies in the schools; our volunteers assemble the Small Works Silent Auction and other exhibits at the Willmar Education and Arts Center (WEAC); and we will assist with funding for the Teen Summer Reading program at the Willmar Public Library. There is still time for you to join us in supporting our art initiatives! Just complete the membership form in this newsletter and you’ll be part of the recognition of our 2009 members and our community partners. In addition, the Arts Council and the Board of Directors welcome your input! Let us know how we can serve the West Central Minnesota art community in ways that are more effective and efficient by contacting either Janet Olney or me at (320) 231-8560 or Thank you very much for your support! Susan Mattson , Willmar Area Arts Council President Page 3 3 -3ARTspark Sponsor Mark & Beth Johnston Glenn & Julie Joplin Judith Kasper Earl & Betty Knutson Mary & John Lindstrom Burt & Toots Lundberg Lyle & Melissa Mangen Dorothy Timm Meili Rand & Donna Middleton Kathy Nedrelow Sandra Nelson Gabrielle Olson Randall & Mary Jo Patton Jacob & Ruth Polta Kevin & Joan Quinn Brad & Cheryl Schmidt Connie Spartz Kerry Texley Kay Thompson Vernon & Carol Olson Thorstad Kevin & Sandi Unger Alan & Laura Welle Mary Lou Werner Friend Ron Adams Kristin Allen Helen Behrends Karen Bell Betsy Bonnema Al & Lylas Boonstra Gordon & Lois Bos Ann Bosch Nancy Carlson Marti Carlson-Twite Donna Jean Carver Mary Chalmers Della Conroy Violet Dauk George & Dorothy Davies Ric & Sharon Dubois Odelia Eckhart Craig & Lynn Edwards Nicolle B. Erickson Audrey & Richard Falk Loretta Fenske Robert & Judy Foley Rev. Robert & Mrs. Friedrich Bobbi & Larry Gates Ruth Gauquie Megan Gilles Bill Gossman John & Donna Haines Don & Linda Hanson Linda Hanson WILLMAR AREA ARTS COUNCIL EXHIBITION COMMITTEE I would like to start by introducing myself. My name is Violet Dauk and I am elected to the position that Eunice Buchanan has held, chairman of the Exhibition Committee. I live in New London and am primarily a watercolor artist, but also work in oils, fine art jewelry and ceramics. I have also taught private art classes for youth the past 15 years. Since taking over the position in January I have been meeting with Eunice and the Exhibition Committee to put together plans for the coming year. We have completed the schedule of artists for WEAC Gallery. Along with the artists shows are the June Studio Hop, and the November Small Works Auction. The Art-on-Loan project is one that we have decided to put special emphasis on. This program provides businesses the opportunity to display artwork by local artists. Businesses need to be members of the Willmar Area Arts Council to participate in this program. We feel this program is beneficial to both the business and the artist alike. I have also been meeting with the Jason Zook and the web-site design committee. It is exciting to see the Willmar Area Arts Council web-site coming together. There are two pages on the web-site highlighting projects our committee is responsible for: the Gallery and the Art-on-Loan pages. Check them out for more information on exhibitions and the Art-on-Loan program. A new opportunity we will be taking advantage of has been presented to us by the Kandi Mall. They will be providing the Willmar Area Arts Council a place for a permanent sign near Kmart. Minnesota State Arts Board A Call to Artists A representative of the Minnesota State Arts Board will be in Willmar June 1 to present a grant information session for artists. The workshop, presented in partnership with the Willmar Area Arts Council, is your opportunity to learn about grant opportunities for artists, the grant review process, and to help you prepare your application with one-on-one support. The Information Session will be Monday, June 1, at the Willmar Public Library, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Individual appointments with a program officer to work on your application are available the morning after the session at the Arts Council office. To register for the workshop or to schedule an individual appointment call (800) 866-2787 or register online at: 4 Page 4 Friend Greg Harp Mary Ann Hodapp Shayann Hoffer Stephanie Hoffman Eileen Huberty Fred & Kathryn Hund Julia Iverson Phyllis Jacobson Marcia Kleberg David Korsmo Stephen & Connie Medin Joanne Meierhofer Colleen Thompson & James Michels Greg Minkel Katie Morgan Patricia Nelson Janet Olney Jean Opitz Bea Ourada Tammi Joy Parsons Charlene Paulson Florence Pendergrast Robert Pritchett Steven & Dawn Renquist Ann Marie Schaefer Darrel & Sharon Schuetze Bonnie Smith Michele Steffen Carol Steffensen Roxanne Stotko Carolyn & John Swanson Kris Swanson Jesse Texley Monica Villars Kathy Vruwink Connie Wanner Clarence Welch Kim Wendlandt Irene Whitmyre Bob Whitney ARTspark BOARD BIOS Doug Wilkowske Doug was an elementary teacher in White Bear Lake and Willmar for 34 years before retiring in 1999. He is married to Mary (Norman) and they have two sons, Chris (and Hannah), a hydrologist in Salt Lake City, Utah and Andy (and Erika), an opera singer in St. Paul. They have two lovely granddaughters. He has been active in the Barn Theatre on stage and the board of directors and in the past directed children’s shows there. He has assisted Mary in small ways with Celebrate Art! Celebrate Coffee! for many years, directing the Children’s Art Tent on a couple of occasions. In 2003 Doug and a few enthusiastic volunteers founded E-quip Africa, a 501 (c) (3) dedicated to increasing learning opportunities in West Africa, specifically in the country of Ghana. E-quip Africa collects and refurbishes used computers and other items useful in schools and ships them by ocean container to Ghana. Bea Ourada I was born in Willmar and have lived in the area my whole life except while in college. I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota – Minneapolis campus – with a degree in business administration. I was the founding partner of Ronning and Baker, now owned and operated as Anfinson Thompson & Company PA. I taught accounting at Willmar Area Technical Institute (now Ridgewater College) for twenty years. I am active in my church, where I am treasurer-financial secretary. I chair the AAUW State financial examination committee and serve on the Fairview Cemetery Board. In my spare time I enjoy reading, knitting, and doll collecting activities. ART WARS ART WARS, an intermittent exhibition at Potato Eaters Gallery in Downtown Willmar confronts, exposes and celebrates the passionate differences in artists’ Community Partners Affiliated Community Medical Centers work. In a two-hour public exhibition, two artists critically interpret each other’s works and, in turn, offer excuses for their own perspectives. ART WARS seeks to Bremer Bank strengthen artists and art through open dialog and straight forward feedback while Christianson & Associates, PLLP also seeking to attract a big crowd of onlookers. Conway, Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP Many artists have already expressed excitement and anticipation about the ART CUB Foods WARS project. Photographer and multimedia artist Carissa Johnson and tattoo Dairy Queen artist Greg Benson became the first valiant participants on May 29th. At least Deidra's Espresso Café & Bakery three other artists are presently seeking "Worthy Opponents". DEMOinc If you are interested in participating in the ART WARS project or if you can Edward Jones imagine an interesting juxtaposition you'd like to witness, please contact Chalyn Elmquist's Jewelers Day at or call her at 320 237 4148. Gilbertson, Martinka & Martinka Page 5 5 -5ARTspark Community Partners Glacial Ridge Winery Heritage Bank Holiday Inn Jimmy's Pizza Johnson, Moody, Schmidt & Kleinhuzen, P.A. KDJS Radio KKLN - The Loon KWLM Lakeland Broadcasting Lynnea Pritchett McKale's Family Restaurant & Catering North American State Bank Northern Grounds Potato Eaters Gallery WalMart Walt's West Central Sanitation West Central Tribune Whitney Music Willmar Jaycees Willmar Friends of the Library Author Visit June 4, 2009 – 6:30 pm The Willmar Public Library is excited to be hosting New York Times Best Seller Author, Vicki Myron on Thursday, June 4, at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Ms. Myron will talk about her book Dewy, the Small-town Library Cat Who Changed the World." Hear about her current book, upcoming children's books and the upcoming movie about Dewey. The author will be happy to sign personal copies of her book. Copies of the book will also be for sale. Refreshments will be served. This event is sponsored by the Willmar Public Library, Friends of the Library and the Willmar Area Arts Council. WHITNEY MUSIC JAZZ n’ JAVA Every Thursday at Whitney Music Center at Jazz N’ Java Espresso Cafe, we host a musical event starting at 6:00 PM called Great Food, Great Music, Great Times. Most events feature special music and a community sing-along with the Great Times Band. Freewill pass-the-hat for musicians. Summer guest artists include: • Groovey Tuesday Jazz Combo, 6/4; • One Accord Choir, 6/11 • Sandy Peterson & Bev Barnes, vocal duets, 6/18 • Radivoje Spasojevic, guitarist, 6/25 • Jose Gonzalez, vocal/guitar, 7/2 • Guy Steverman, guitarist, 7/9 • Bev Barnes, vocalist, 7/16 Future artists to be announced. Come join the fun!! KANDI IS DANDY DAYS Come to Kandi Is Dandy Days Saturday, June 13th to support The Business Supper (5-7pm) and stay for the free concert! PhenomenAl Harmonica Player Clint Hoover and 12-string guitar Master "Papa" John Kolstad will play Old Time Blues, Rags and Jug Band Music at the tent west of the Kandiyohi Civic Center 432 North Atlantic Ave, 5-7:30 pm. Held rain or shine! Bring your own chair. 6 Page 6 ARTspark Prairie winds band Summer program The Prairie Winds Summer Band will once again have concerts in Willmar's Rice Park. Concerts will be held June 10, 17, 24 and July 1 at 7:30pm (except June 24 – 7:00pm) and are free. Just bring a lawn chair and enjoy familiar tunes by the band while eating free popcorn by Walt's Car Wash and water by Willmar Water and Spas. On June 10 the band will celebrate Dairy Days and June 24 Willmar Fests royalty will be present. The band will be directed by Dennis Benson. If you'd like to play with the band this summer contact Dennis at The Prairie Winds web site is “Mad Hatter’s Tea” ~ Fifth Annual Tea at the Sperry House Little crow photography club The Little Crow Photography Club meets the fourth Monday evening of each month at 7 p.m. at the Dethlefs Senior Center in Spicer, MN. We have informational programs and a monthly contest theme. In June we have a print (digital or film) contest and in December we have a slide contest. There are several filed trips planned – the next being June 23rd – Garden Flower Close-ups. For a complete list, please call 235-2853 or 235-9712 and a card of the 2009 events will be mailed to you. We continue to grow and welcome visitors and new members. Historical society Friday, June 12, 2009 ~ 1:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. The fifth annual "Tea at the Sperry House" will be held Friday, June 12, 2009, serving at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. A variety of tea and authentic treats made from century-old recipes will be served. Themed "Mad Hatter's Tea" guests are encouraged to wear silly, crazy, and unique hats. If guests do not own hats, KCHS has a variety of hats visitors could borrow and wear for the day. Cost is $16 per person (adults only), with proceeds to benefit KCHS. Only 16 people will be served for each of the two teas, so reservations will fill quickly! Stop at the KCHS museum to register or call 320-235-1881. Swedish Institute ~ Bus Trip Thursday, July 30, 2009 "Step into the heart of Swedish America.” The American Swedish Institute is a historic house, museum, and cultural center located near downtown Minneapolis. The 33-room mansion is a fine example of early 20th century chateauesque architecture. Graced with a majestic two-story grand hall, carved stone and woodwork, sculpted ceilings, and eleven floor-to-ceiling kakelugnar (Swedish porcelain tile stoves), the mansion is now a blend of period rooms and exhibit galleries. A smorgasbord, all you can eat buffet is included in the ticket price. “This classic three-course Swedish buffet is our most popular package. Start with an assortment of Swedish breads and cheeses, caviar cream eggs, two varieties of herring, and pickled beets. Continue with potato sausage rounds served with sweet mustard, peas, dilled potatoes, and of course, Swedish meatballs! For dessert, enjoy rice pudding with lingonberries, accompanied by pepparkakor, the traditional Swedish ginger cookie. Served with saft (berry juice), water, and coffee.” Tickets are $55 per person, which includes tour of the Turnblad Mansion, Smorgasbord all you can eat lunch, and Immigrant Trunk program. Please call (320)235-1881 in advance to reserve your ticket. Reservations must be paid by July 24, 2009. 2 Page 2 ARTspark North American Financial Center displays photography of Kelly Welch North American State Bank is excited to display a collection of photographs taken by Willmar photographer Kelly Welch. Welch’s photography will be on display at the North American Financial Center beginning July 2009. Welch’s collection will include a variety of subjects, styles, and themes. Subjects will include photos of children, a red steamy sunrise, fall leaves, and ice fishing; while his styles will range from realism to the abstract. The photographer will be rotating new photographs into his display every two months. His intention to have “something for everyone” as the exhibit is scheduled to run through December 2009. The photography exhibit will be on display in the lobby of the North American Financial Center at 2800 South First Street Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Members of the community are also invited to “Meet the Artist” at a community reception being hosted for Welch on July 14 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. North American is proud to celebrate the passion and talents of our flourishing arts community by establishing a Community Arts Showcase. As part of the Community Arts Showcase, North American State Bank will continue to present the work of selected artists, organizations, schools, and events in our area. North American State Bank | 2800 South First Street | Willmar, MN 56201 | 320.235.7000 Now serving a selection of fine wines Deer camp Page 3 3 -3ARTspark In a special limited engagement, The Barn Theatre is hosting DEER CAMP on June 13, 2009 with a 2:30 matinee and 7:30 evening performance. This popular musical comedy features two Willmar natives Doug Spartz, who wrote the music and Mike Johnson, as one of the performers. When four beerheads from Elmwood, MN head up north, the only ones safe in the woods are the deer! Tickets are $19.00 for adults, $17.00 for seniors (age 60+) and groups of 20 or more. Tickets are available at the Barn. Summer Season Tickets On Sale at $39.00 for overall savings of 15%! July 8-11, 15-18, 22-25, 2009 Reserve your seats for all three shows NOW !!! August 19-22, 26-29, 2009 September 16-19, 23-26, 2009 The Barn Theatre * 321 SW 4th St * Willmar , MN * 320-235-9500 * Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00 -4:00 pm or email: Summer Season tickets are still on sale. Purchase a ticket for $39.00 and save 15% on single ticket price for all 3 shows! Individual tickets of $15.00 Adult and $8.00 Student will go on sale to the public on June 15, 2009. We kick off the season with ANNIE beginning July 8, 2009 Tickets make great gifts for moms, dads, anniversaries and birthdays! One size fits all! Over 100 men, women and children filled the Barn Theatre lobby and stage for auditions on May 4 and 5th. Casting the roles of Daddy Warbucks, Annie, Miss Hannigan, Grace Farrell, Rooster, Lily, Bert, the Boylan Sisters, President Roosevelt, along with orphans, servants and Hooverville gang was a tremendous task to coordinate just the right mix. The production crew for ANNIE consists of director Nikki Bettcher Erickson, orchestra director Dennis Benson, vocal director Darcy Lease Gubrud, tech director Carol Olson, choreographer Charlie Olson, stage managers Becky Sorenson and Louanne Villnow, Joanne Meierhofer costumer and Heather Lorenson assistant to the director. For more information contact the Barn Theatre by phone #320-235-9500, email or website Our theatre is located at 321 SW 4th Street in downtown Willmar, MN (across from the Bethel Church clock tower) Our Box Office is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. 3 ARTspark -3- Page 3 ARTspark HOW CAN I BECOME A MEMBER OF WAAC? Please use this form to become a new member or to renew your membership for 2009. The Willmar Area Arts Council is a non-profit community oriented advocate for the arts. Help us enrich Willmar with color, design and music. Articles for the next ArtSpark should be sent to the WAAC, PO Box 165, Willmar, MN 56201 by May 15th, 2005 or email them to □ I prefer to receive ARTSpark electronically in the future. Articles for the next ArtSpark should be sent to the Willmar Area Arts Council, P.O. Box 165, Willmar, MN 56201 by August 10, 2009 or email them to
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