urban planning | architecture | engineering | interior design


urban planning | architecture | engineering | interior design
BURO II & ARCHI+I | urban planning | architecture | engineering | interior design
Rue J. Jordaensstraat 18a, B-1000 Brussel | T +32 2 641 88 00 | F +32 2 640 53 55 | E info@b2ai.com | www.b2ai.com
Hoogleedsesteenweg 415, B-8800 Roeselare | T +32 51 21 11 05 | F +32 51 22 46 74 | E info@b2ai.com | www.b2ai.com
Bellevue 5, B-9050 Ledeberg [Gent] | T +32 9 210 17 10 | F +32 9 210 17 19 | E info@buro2.be | www.buro2.be
BURO II & ARCHI+I burgerlijke vennootschap onder de vorm van cvba | Maatschappelijke zetel Brussel | BE 0834.075.680 | RPR Brussel
Creating unique space through a holistic approach.
The strength of the process.
The process is a path that is explored. The answer to the question is not known
in advance, which leads to unique solutions and a diversity of projects.
Participation: the client as partner.
The client’s requirements are the starting point. The process is participatory:
the client takes part in the process in which a network of strategic partners
is engaged.
The different disciplines necessary for responding to the question are brought to bear.
This approach results in the firm’s team concept and the in-house professionalism
and expertise. All of these aspects come together in a project-level synthesis.
context and
ecology and
technical value
Our projects and buildings ‘transcend’: they are more profound, more surprising, more functional, more sustainable or more
profitable than expected.
Frequently they combine these properties. Such projects are grown. They are the result of a search from various perspectives and take
into account various environmental factors. They are the result of the confrontation between ideas and expertise, between research and
expectations, between emotion and reason.
Our values
Societal value: BURO II & ARCHI+I gives space to society
Space has a social significance. Sustainability in all its facets: re-use, social integration, win/win aspects for municipalities, etc. Building
means bringing actors together.
Experiental value: BURO II & ARCHI+I gives space to the client
Each project starts with the client and his dreams and expectations. This journey is a collective journey: the client is involved, invited
and challenged. The client is a partner. Creativity is a process in which the answer to the question is not known in advance. This results
in customisation, in project specific solutions.
Building is living, experiencing and making dreams become reality.
Building technical value: BURO II & ARCHI+I gives space to expertise
BURO II & ARCHI+I has the essential key expertise in-house. True expertise, however, looks beyond its boundaries. Based on the
conviction that one plus one can equal three, we create teams of experts that take projects to a higher level due to the individual skills,
the professional knowledge of the team members and the team’s intense collaboration. We call on the expertise of professionals from
other disciplines, such as historians, sociologists, economists, artists and others. Both locally and internationally.
Building means building up expertise for today and for the future.
Economical value: BURO II & ARCHI+I gives space to feasibility
Projects are not only developed in a spatial and social context, but also in an economic one. In tandem, we strike a balance between
dream and reality, between your own desires and what is feasible. A good project is a project that is achievable and feasible for all
parties concerned. Building is planning, optimising, calculating and measuring.
BURO II & ARCHI+I wants to realize projects by an attitude of alertness, responsibility, social engagement, respect and participation.
From a to z
BURO II & ARCHI+I applies these principles to a wide range of projects. Being a multi-disciplinary firm, we have our own internal
departments for urban planning and landscape design, architecture, engineering, interior design, project management, and quantity
surveying. A tight corporate organisation and the internal availability of all of the core competencies contribute to an integrated result.
Urban Planning
Interior Design
Policy plans, master planning,
urban projects, development
plans, landscape design, urban
Design, research and planning,
construction surveillance
and budget management,
projectmanagement and
quantity surveying
Stuctural and technical
engineering, EPB,
sustainability, energy
and construction
Total concepts, interior
architecture and design,
research, planning
Industrial buildings
and offices
Offices, banks and industrial buildings
Commercial buildings
Retail, hotels and restaurants and showrooms
Public buildings
Municipal offices, sports halls, retirement and nursing homes, hospitals, schools ...
Mixed projects
Buildings with mixed private and public functions
Housing projects
Private housing and housing projects
BURO II & ARCHI+I: a reliable partner with more than 30 years of experience, both
locally and internationally.
BURO II was founded in Roeselare in 1979 by Hendrik Vermoortel. ARCHI+I architecture and engineering techniques was founded in
1983 by Philémon Wachtelaer.
In 2011, BURO II & ARCHI+I merged to the new company BURO II & ARCHI+I cvba to create a solid group of approximately 140
associates, spread over offices in Roeselare, Gent and Brussels.
Partners in the office are Rita Agneessens, Geert Blervacq, Tom Vandorpe and Pieterjan Vermoortel.
Hendrik Vermoortel and Philémon Wachtelaer are members of the Board of Directors. As CEO, Rita Agneessens leads BURO II &
ARCHI+I and is also responsible for the intake of new projects. Geert Blervacq guides the operational flows, Tom Vandorpe is design
manager and Claude Labeeuw oversees the construction site. Along with the CFO they are the management team.
At the start of a project, a project director, a design architect and a project architect are appointed. The project director is the point of
contact for the client. The design architect and the project architect follow the project throughout the execution. They both monitor
the project from A to Z and are jointly responsible for the coordination of the internal disciplines. Integrated Design (ID), under the
leadership of Herman Jult, promotes the development of expertise and the consistency of the work.
The client receives a guarantee of an integrated approach from the initial sketches.
Construction of a residential building
Delivered in 2008
15.600 m² above ground
This luxurious residential apartment complex sits on the historic site of the former military barracks of
Prince Albert.
It is situated in uptown Brussels, close to the Sablon, the Egmont Park, the Boulevard de Waterloo and the
Place Royale. This spectacular site lends itself to an exceptional building. The 52 apartments offer many
choices in terms of interior organization. The units look interiorly upon a lovely garden while the exterior
views are of the historic surroundings.
The building interacts with the urban movement due to the public spaces around it while offering a refuge
of peace inside.
Renovation and building of a group of apartment buildings for social housing
Benelux Aluminium Award 2011 - laureate category housing projects - social housing
Foyer Laekenois
In progress
62.000 m² overgrounds
BURO II & ARCHI+I in temporay association with A33 – T.V. Architectenbureau Jan Maenhout/ Van den Bergh
– T.V. Essa/Estraco – N.V. SWK and with architect Wessel De Jonge as extern consultant
© Xavier Claes
This project includes everything from urban planning all the way through to project completion for 1,029
modernist apartment units.
Waterbassin / Watervallei
Bestaande gebouwen
Ontworpen gebouwen
The site was a modernist icon in the 1960’s, it was created for the World’s Fair in 1958.
It was inspired by the idea of people being completely surrounded by nature, and living in a garden.
The focus was on adapting to the complex needs of today and being prepared for what tomorrow may
The project was publically funded by SLRB.
© Xavier Claes
Construction of commcercial space and offices
Brussels Europa nv, Rue de la Loi 107, B-1040 Brussels
Rue de la Loi 107, B-1040 Brussels
In study
45.517 m² above ground / 5.485 m² underground
Energy Performance [EPB]
K-peil: K30
This project is situated in the heart of Brussels in the European Quarter at a strategic junction of Wetstraat
and Etterbeeksesteenweg. In the vicinity there are the buildings of the European institutions, including
Berlaymont and Charlemagne, with their own distinctive volumes and architectures.
The project seeks to blend in with the urban fabric by creating a high-quality environment and assuring
a coherent and dynamic organisation of public space. The base integrates into the surroundings and the
tower adds to a new skyline in Wetstraat. This very lively spot at the heart of the European Quarter has
nearby bus, train and metro services.
The programme contains 45,517 m² of built-up surface (3,369 m² of net floor space) and consists of a mix
of offices, shops and dwellings. The offices face Wetstraat while the shops and apartments look towards
Etterbeeksesteenweg – where the entrance to the underground car park is located - and Lalaingstraat.
The height difference of 8 metres between Wetstraat and the lower-lying Etterbeeksesteenweg has been
bridged by wide and inviting outdoor stairs – creating a kind of urban link – to the lower shops or the
higher offices. The public space is being configured as a small park.
The unity of the building is assured by three interlinking volumes. The volume sizing is based on the profiles
of nearby buildings and merges into the urban landscape. There is a roof terrace on each of the first
two volumes. The facades are made of a regular grid of double-height windows, set in a second skin of
expanded metal.
The offices benefit from maximum natural daylight. To meet the client’s requirement for an energy-efficient
building, a facade system was developed that is adaptable according to orientation. The basic element for
the structure of the facade system remains the same. The result is a functional, ecological and energyefficient facade.
The choice of materials took into account acoustic and insulating properties. But other sustainability
considerations also played a role with a view to use and possible re-use in the future. A ‘K’ value of 30 has
been set in order to meet the insulation standard for a passive building.
Dossche Mils & Bakery nv, Tolpoortstraat 40, 9800 Deinze
Tolpoortstraat, Deinze
Initial study 22 August 2006
BURO II & ARCHI+I | Urban Planning
The “Molens van Deinze” (Mills of Deinze) are an important part of Deinze’s industrial heritage. The city
wishes to redesignate this industrial site, a strategic spot in the urban residential fabric of Deinze, as a mixed
housing project.
The site offers more possibilities than just living: the region will be made accessible, and will thus become an
actual part of the urban fabric and the urban architectural pattern.
There will be a public park and a path along the banks of the river Leie.
The project has been guided by the Flemish Urban Policy and a Spatial Implementation Plan created the
spatial possibilities for making the project possible.
Province of West Flanders - Abdijbekestraat 9 - 8200 Sint-Andries (Brugge)
City of Roeselare - Stadhuis - Botermarkt 2 - 8800 Roeselare
Start project: 14th January 2009 - End of study: 29th November 2010
BURO II & ARCHI+I in association with Ulrich Keppler
The village of Oekene lies in the transitional area between the city of Roeselare and the surrounding open
space. A number of large-scale developments around Oekene - such as the embedding of a hospital, the
creation of a suburban wood, the further development of an office complex, the possible incorporation
of an events hall or the development of industrial parks - may have a major impact on the village that
currently still retains its ‘village’ character and fulfils mainly a residential function. This matter concerns a
spatial impact, an impact on mobility and on the liveability of the village and the presence of amenities.
By means of a survey among the local residents, numerous different interventions have already been
formulated and some development opportunities have been suggested. The residential function was
repeatedly found to be the central consideration and while some developments were regarded as an
opportunity they were also seen as a potential threat. The city and provincial authorities wished to
integrate all of these possibilities, opinions and concerns in a cohesive master plan usable to harmonise the
village with the future large-scale developments with a view to assuring liveability, uniqueness and identity.
The master plan outlines a targeted picture for Oekene in the longer term (2025-2030) based on a global
vision and various development scenarios.
An important principle when preparing the master plan was communication with and participation of the
local residents and the various stakeholders.
The city of Roeselare and the province of West Flanders commissioned BURO II & ARCHI+I to produce the
master plan. Ulrich Keppler was engaged as the traffic expert.
Request for proposal: quotation of design - laureate
Bekaert nv, Bekaertstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem
Esserstraat 2, B-8550 Zwevegem
Completed on March 8, 2013
3.508,30 sqm
Energy Performance [EPB]
E-peil: E70 - K-peil: K23
Temporary Association BURO II & ARCHI+I and Sileghem & Partners
Bekaert nv is the market leader in the metal industry: high-tech metal processing, high-tech materials and
coatings based on metal fibre and fibreglass.
The new administrative building is built on a site in Zwevegem, near the Bekaert Technology Center (BTC)
site. The architects have opted in favour of a campus model for the building, thus prioritizing the synergy
between the new project and the BTC. The building’s implantation, the design of the surrounding area as
well as the architectural approach are all conceived in function of this synergy.
The building will be situated across the street pattern, partly positioned in parallel to the buffer pond
corresponding with the rhythm of the buildings in the Esser industrial zone, partly connected to the ETC
buildings. The result is a playful element in the design.
The program consists of two levels with a rooftop level. The building is made up of two office zones that
are positioned at an angle. The zone between both volumes is used for the entrance and the lobby with
a footbridge. The office zones are on the facade side (in function of the view, air and light). The fixed
cores are in the middle zones, i.e., formal and informal meeting spaces, open spaces and internal vertical
circulation. Open spaces and skylights create opportunities for night-time ventilation and also introduce
natural light into the middle section of the building. The third level has been designed as a penthouse
with a multipurpose room with rooftop terrace. The aim was to strike a balance in the architectural plans
between transparency and privacy, while respecting auditory comfort. Separate work units alternate with
clusters for small groups and larger landscape offices.
The client appreciates the infrastructure’s flexibility, which has been designed in function of the alternating
occupation: the finish has been adjusted accordingly. A thermal building envelope, providing for proper
insulation, night-time ventilation and other controllable techniques contribute to a longer lifecycle and
limited complexity. The result is a building with a qualitative, powerful and simple architecture with a
relatively high degree of craftsmanship and finish, which offers optimal comfort, is flexible, sustainable and
energy efficient with target coefficients of E60 and EPC30.
Master plan and design for 300 residential units along the canal in Hasselt
Kolmont nv Woonprojecten nv / Willy Tans nv, Havermarkt 45, 3500 Hasselt
Kempische Kaai, 3500 Hasselt
In progress
Approx. 288 living units and 876 m² commercial/offices
11.297m² [grounds] + 34.760 m² [above-ground] + 13.890 m² [below-ground]
Phase 1: 8.807 m² [59 units and 3 units commercial/offices]
Phase 2: 8,669 m² [77 units]
Phase 3: 8,867 m² [82 units]
Phase 4: 9,177 m² [64 units]
BURO II & ARCHI+I and Urban Planning in collaboration with Libost-groep nv [techniques] and Stubeco
[stability], Bureau Bouwtechniek nv [Energy-saving construction and sustainability], Milieu and bouwconsult
bvba [safety advisor]
This project in Hasselt is sited in an inner-city redevelopment zone where a former industrial site north of
the centre is being redeveloped around a canal basin.
The design stems from a master plan. It will optimise the orientation and views of residential units. A
recessed quayside along the waterfront will allow pedestrians and cyclists to move between the different
zones. A bridge near the area’s pivotal square will link this route to the other side of the canal basin. This
will create a loop-like route for the entire area. The section from the pivotal square to Singel will be filled
mainly by residential functions.
The buildings form part of an urban axis that includes buildings of a former gelatine factory. Open inner
areas will retain transparency towards the area to the rear. An alternation of buildings and open spaces will
serve as connecting zones and as peaceful spots.
The architecture is open and light and displays a rapport with the water. The scale of the project has been
made unobtrusive by fragmenting the volume and by the glazed embodiment of luxurious penthouse
apartments with double-height rooms. The inner gardens open out to the canal and to the area to the rear.
The project will be carried out in four phases. The first phase is the creation of 60 residential units and a
few commercial premises on a new square being built by the city authorities.
International competition - laureate
Town of Knokke-Heist - Alfred Verweeplein 1 - 8300 Knokke-Heist
Seafront Canadaplein - Knokke-Heist
Design phase
50.000 sqm [excluding underground carpark]
Steven Holl Architects [New York, USA] in collaboration with BURO II & ARCHI+I
A balanced partnership was developed in the frame of the Casino project in Knokke, between Steven Holl
Architects (New York) and Flemish architect’s firm, BURO II & ARCHI+I, in order to develop the concept and
for the concept’s future implementation. BURO II & ARCHI+I was chosen, due to the available competencies
and the guarantees as regards continuity of the firm’s approach and adherence to the concept. Whereas all
work will initially be centred in New York, with support from Roeselare, during the design phase, Roeselare
will take over in the implementation phase, under the New York office’s supervision.
The design was inspired by a panel of Magritte’s ‘Le Domaine Enchanté’ (The Enchanted Realm), a mural
that was specifically created for the existing Casino in Knokke. In the mural, a ship is telling a story to a
The current Casino, which was designed by Leon Stynen in 1925, will be renovated and partially restored to
its original programme: an open house facing the boardwalk.
A new, thin and high glass volume or tower will be built above the existing Casino. From a distance, it
will be easily recognizable as a gigantic billowing sail suspended from two giant masts. The trilogy will be
completed with a hybrid porous bridge connecting the building to the boardwalk and La Réserve and the
Scharpoord cultural centre, which are situated behind it. The white perforated walls refer to the scales
featured in the mural.
The renovated Casino building will be used again as a Casino, which has been refurbished and adapted to
the requirements of a modern Casino. It will also comprise a number of exhibition spaces and public areas.
The glass tower configuration will include a hotel and nightclub, a spa and a number of private residential
apartments. At the top of the tower a rooftop restaurant and terrace will be built so everybody can enjoy
the splendid view of Knokke-Heist, the sea and the hinterland.
The bridge volume will be used as a congress centre. A number of commercial and catering functions will
be integrated in the project in strategic locations. The design allows for a redistribution of the functions in
line with market demand as well as the real estate developer’s requirements.
Decathlon Benelux nv, Noorderlaan 53, 2030 Antwerpen
NV Ansimmo, Victor Cornestraat 64, 7700 Moeskroen
Hoek A. Hansstraat – Groenestraat – N36 Roeselare
Completed on September 28, 2010
4.000 m² [retail space] + 850 m² [staff room and storage]
Energy performance [EPB]
K level: K32
This shop is based on an innovative sustainable concept. The building is characterised by a small footprint,
intelligent use of sunlight, the use of renewable energy with solar panels and an attractive appearance.
We interpret the building as a concrete table on which a bright white shop volume has been placed. The
shop is lifted above the ground, with the parking area extending under the building. That results in major
optimisation of the use of the available ground.
Stairways and lift are grouped in a free-standing, light-giving tower that rises up through the table. It is
the eye-catcher that visitors use to get to the shop. Between the tower and the shop, visitors cross a large
open space that can be seen as a kind of public commons where sports can be played.
A great deal of attention was devoted to the use of sunlight in the shop. The north-south orientation of
the shed roofs, the northern light enters the shop evenly. These south-facing roof surfaces are also ideal for
placing solar panels. Using this type of roof also results in a powerful architectural impression.
This design is a clear translation of Decathlon’s ambitions. With this sustainability design, the shop in
Roeselare sets a major example for future shops of the Decathlon chain.
Flanders Business School, Korte Nieuwstraat 33, 2000 Antwerpen
Korte Nieuwstraat 33, Antwerpen
Completed on September 15, 2011
1.608,07 sqm
BURO II & ARCHI+I and BURO Interior in collaboration with Architectenbureau De Vloed
The building project concerns two 19th century buildings on the corner of the Sint-Katelijnevest and the
Korte Nieuwstraat. These buildings form a whole and are connected on each floor. They have been listed
since 1981. The buildings are currently vacant and are in a precarious condition.
Bordering the unique and historic 19th century Jesuit chapel, FBS wants to build an entirely new
infrastructure that meets the most modern requirements of executive education, with an auditorium,
cafetaria, conference accommodation, a coffee and business corner, office space, etc.
The preservation of the original vacant space and the historic outside walls form the conceptual basis
together with the auditorium and its break rooms. The circulation from and to the auditorium becomes a
substantial part of the architecture that externalises FBSs dynamic and creative entrepreneurship. The break
rooms engage with the original outside walls and the unique vacant space in the building, resulting in
interesting fields of tension and perspectives.
The starting point of the design concept is the preservation of the uniqueness of the listed building: the
original intermediate floors, historic vacant space, ventilation of the canals and the 19th century façade.
Prijs Bouwmeester 2012 - category ‘care’ - laureate
Awards of Belgian Architecture 2011 - laureate Isolation Award
Awards of the Belgian Architecture - laureate Energy Award - 2007
Open Call Flemish Building Master - laureate
Realisation in the social field with financial help by VIPA
Realisation with regards to sustainable building, application of energetic concept ‘Passive House,
application of ecologic materials
Ministery of the Flemish Com. - Dept. support and operations - Koning Albert II-laan 35 - 1030 Brussel
Sint-Andreaslaan 5 - 8730 Beernem
Completed on December 6, 2010
3.097 sqm
BURO II & ARCHI+I and BURO Interior In collaboration with Cenergie and Landscape architect Denis Dujardin
half-open cells
independent living
cafetaria - industrial kitchen consultation
sports hall
closed living groups
The sports hall is the second phase of the master plan and follows completion of the school. It was decided
in close consultation with the municipality to give the sports infrastructure twofold usage by making it
available to the youth institution and by letting it form part of the municipality’s public sports infrastructure.
The building occupies an important place in the urban environment. Its proportions are based on those of
the adjacent shed that will be thoroughly renovated in the third phase of the master plan. It will be given (in
part) a public and central purpose.
The location of the sports hall - between the busy St.-Andreaslaan and the ‘straight path’ on the site of the
youth institution - is an important fact symbolically and physically. This is because the building personifies
a ‘bridge’ or a transition between a temporary stay in the youth institution and a return to public life and
mainstream society. Sports are an essential element of the programmes for providing guidance to the
young people. Sport acts as a catalyst for reducing stress factors and it eases a gradual transition towards
life outside the institution.
The sports hall has two entrances: a public entrance on the street side and a secure access - close to the
school - that provides a fast interchange between lessons and sports.
During school hours the girls use the sports accommodation, while the sports hall is open to the public for
the municipality’s residents mainly in the evening and at the weekend.
Like the school, the sports hall has been designed as a passive building. Additional thermal insulation and
smart orientation of the facade areas and glazing make it possible to deliver a significant added value in
terms of energy. These matters have been enhanced by sinking parts of the building into the site.
All required technical facilities have been provided for sports. The clearance of 9 metres allows different
sports, such as badminton, tennis, volleyball, handball, indoor soccer, squash and dancing. A cafeteria looks
out over the sports hall. Behind the building there is a fitness centre adjacent to an inner patio.
At the front on the street side there is extra height for a climbing wall, while the roof serves as an outdoor
sports field enclosed by transparent steel screens.
Public competition - laureate
Gezondheidszorg oostkust VZW Knokke - Graaf Jansdijk 162 - 8300 Knokke-Heist
Kalvekeetdijk - Natiënlaan - 8300 Knokke-Heist
Design phase
42.400 sqm
Architecture: Temporary association AAPROG - BOECKX - BURO II & ARCHI+I
Technology: Ingenium [Brugge]
Stability: Greisch [Angleur-Luik] and S.C.E.S [Brugge]
Construction physics: Daidalos [Leuven]
Sustainable building: EVR-architecten [Gent]
Landscape architecture: Paul Deroose [Jabbeke]
Front and façade technology: Van Santen&Associés [Lille France]
Interdisciplinary coordination: Marleen Wynants [Brussel]
The temporary association AAPROG - BOECKX - BURO II & ARCHI+I won the ambitious competition of vzw
Gezondheidszorg Oostkust for a new hospital in Knokke-Heist at the Belgian coast. The grounds where the
hospital will be built, is 20 hectares large. The new health care facility contains a hospital, a rehabilitation
centre, a care hotel, an outpatients’ clinic, lecture halls, public events’ spaces and a helicopter landing
platform. The challenges and ambitions of the new hospital go from being original, highly functional and
future-oriented to sustainable and in any case, conserve the rural character of the environment.
The new hospital seemingly levitates above the landscape and is dominated by nature and light as far as
the technical rooms below the ground floor. The transition between outside and inside, between the care
facilities and the public spaces is almost seamless resulting in an inviting and inspiring context of care. The
design is a striking example of “living architecture”: sustainable design and construction with a special eye
for integration in the natural landscape, ecological energy and used materials.
Project Planning Degroote nv, p/a Troonstraat 60, 8400 Oostende
Hoogstraat 6-8, 8000 Bruges
Completed on February 2010
10.207 sqm
BURO II & ARCHI+I [architecture] & BURO Interior [layout study restoration and new construction]
Interior architect Frederic Declercq [restoration and facility construction]
With its central location and rich history, this site is of major importance to the World Heritage City of
Bruges. Tourism is an important engine of the local economy. The conversion of this building into a hotel
with conference facilities will finally, after many years, remove an eyesore from the Hoogstraat.
The project consists of two parts: the renovation of the three historic buildings on the Hoogstraat and a
new development on the Groene Rei.
The modern development replaces a property of little value built in the 20th century. The new addition to
the cityscape of Bruges is conceived as a bronze treasure chest set with gems. The architectural form of a
box with a chamfered roof can also be found in the Bruges Belfort (which houses a treasury as well as the
town accounts).
The new hotel development will comprise 118 hotel rooms and 9 seminar rooms and provide underground
parking for 38 cars.
International competition - laureate
World Architecture Festival Awards 2008 - Barcelona – Laureate category ‘Civic’
Staalbouwwedstrijd 2008 - Nomination category E: International projects
Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center Project Construction Office
No.1039-1045, Bai Yun Ave. South
Guangzhou - China
Guangzhou - China
Taken into use in January 2007
272.000,00 sqm
Laureate category ‘Civic’ at the World Architecture Festival Awards 2008
BURO II & ARCHI+I and Design Institute of CITIC (China) [architectural design]
Laurent Ney & Partners [structural design]
Ingenium nv [technical design]
Daidalos [energy and acoustics]
TTAS bvba [technical theatre design]
Denis Dujardin, Stefaan Thiers [landscape design]
Van Santen & Ass. [Frankrijk] [façade engineering]
Lens°Ass [interior design]
The local authority of Guangzhou decided to develop a congress centre at the edge of the historical
landscape of the Baiyun Mountains. The new congress centre will function as generator for the further
urban development of the city of Guangzhou.
The congress centre is integrated in a system of physical and visually open connections between the city
and the mountains. The primary principle is the merging of landscape and building. The ‘fingers of nature’
penetrate the site; the mountains are brought into the city.
The concept is an open modular system of flexible spaces. Functions are grouped through the horizontal
and vertical modulation. The horizontal modules house general services, foyers, catering exhibition space,
VIP areas, offices… The vertical modules are meant for specific facilities, including a congress hall for 2500
Public competition - laureate
Municipality Ieper - Grote Markt 34 - 8900 Ieper
Vanhaerents nv - Oude Gentweg 81 - 8820 Torhout
Alheembouw nv - Roeselarestraat 209 B - 8840 Oostnieuwkerke
Stationsplein-Fochlaan-Goesdamstraat - 8900 Ieper
Completed on April first, 2011
9.069 m² [public] + 5.380 sqm [private]
BURO II & ARCHI+I and BURO Interior in collaboration with Boydens [techniques] - Establis [stability] TTAS [theater techniques] - Eva-international [acoustics]
The design of the new cultural centre in Ieper was based on transparency and openness to stimulate
encounters. This PPS project combines a number of commercial and cultural functions such as a heater, a
youth centre, offices and rehearsal spaces. With its glass entrance hall, clear lay-out and transparent skin,
the building seeks to provide an open interface for staff, performers, visitors and neighbourhood residents.
The building’s skin is made of perforated copper that will gradually discolour.
The building is situated on a plinth. This has created a platform facing the newly renovated station square
that can serve as a terrace for the café and multifunctional hall. This outdoor space can also be used for
open air performances. The plinth slopes to form an entrance via the central hall. This path provides the
experience of both an architectural and urban stroll.
The project is intended to act as a catalyst in upgrading the station area that has been marked for urban
Open competition - laureate
City council Poperinge - Grote Markt 1 - 8970 Poperinge
Veurnestraat 69 - 8970 Poperinge
Completed on February 8, 2006
1.639,18 sqm
BURO II & ARCHI+I and BURO Interior
This new public building is open and transparent. It is a pleasant attraction point and a flexible workplace
that hopes to anticipate on future evolutions. The brick volume connects the city centre with the large
adjoining city park. Those who have the time can take a book into the park, which can also function as a
location for literary and other events.
Joinery Awards 2012 - laureate category aluminum
CBS Invest nv, Industrieweg 74, 8800 Roeselare [phase 1 to phase 3]
Stadsbestuur Roeselare, Markt, 8800 Roeselare [phase 4]
Noordstraat - H.Horriestraat in Roeselare
Completed on Mai 23, 2008 [phase 1] - Design phase [phase2 + phase 3 + phase 4]
Phase 1: office 1.870 m² [4 floors + underground parking 784 m²] [21 parkings]
Phase 2: bloc A: 3.139 m² [4 floors to 5 floors];
bloc B: 7.619 m² [4 floors to 6 floors]; underground parking: 22.176 m² [ -1 en -2]
Phase 3: bloc C: 8.702 m² [4 floors to 7 floors] + bloc D: 6.971 m² [4 floors to 6 floors]
Phase 4: 7.460 m²
BURO II & ARCHI+I en collaboration with architects B.A.U. and Extensa [external adviseur], Stedec [stability]
[phase 1, 2 and 3]
Phase 1 : Bank office KBC Palo
Phase 2 : 2 apartment complexes with underground parking -1 & -2
Bloc A: 10 apartments + 3 penthouses with 5 commercial spaces
Bloc B: 27 apartments + 9 penthouses with 7 commercial spaces
Phase 3 : 2 apartment complexes
Bloc C: 51 apartments with 13 commercial spaces
Bloc D: 40 senior apartments with 12 commercial spaces
Phase 4 : Knowledge center
A new multifunctional project with a hotel, shops, offices, exhibition rooms and flats and service flats will
be developed on the site of the former Bank of Roeselare, near the Grote Markt.
The existing tower building of KBC will be transformed and extended into an urban knowledge centre
and library. The public building will have a transparent gavel and will be an open house, a meeting place
for all ages, a public information forum. A pleasant and broad shop – a walking street crossing the project
will create a new link between the Noordstraat and the H. Horriestraat. An underground parking will be
foreseen. The PPS-project will contribute to the livability of the core city of Roeselare.
General tender - laureate
Restotel nv, Koningin Astridlaan 7, 8400 Oostende
Hotel Thermae Palace, Koningin Astridlaan 7, 8400 Oostende
Design phase
22.500 sqm
Temporary association BURO II & ARCHI+I - Ro Berteloot
BURO II & ARCHI+I, architects Ro Berteloot, Ingenium nv, VL Development
The temporary association BURO II & ARCHI+I – Berteloot was commissioned to prepare a master plan for
the existing Thermae Palace complex in Ostend. The commission covers production of a master plan for
the interior and development of an organisational chart for the building. The master plan must make a link
with other projects in the vicinity of this listed monument.
One of the objectives is to create a bond between the spa and wellness facilities of the complex and the
sea. This is a precondition for this architectural jewel to do justice to ‘the Queen of Belgian seaside resorts’.
Among other things there will be a relaxation area in the existing gallery plus jacuzzis, terraces and seating
elements on the seafront.
An active inner patio surrounded by activated walls within an opened-up building and clearly arranged
circulation flows form the basis of the architectural concept. The original galleries will be restored to
their original glory, with the association with the sea as the prime consideration. There will be maximum
restoration of the original symmetrical structure of the rooms and the building.
The modernised Thermae Palace will house a wellness facility with swimming pool, sauna and treatment
rooms, plus a hotel with 160 rooms, a conference centre with 14 (combinable) meeting rooms, a restaurant
and bistro facilities. Circulation flows will separate the different streams of visitors.
All engineering facilities will be commensurate with the comfort classification laid down in the decree
covering establishments offering overnight accommodation. Plans will be based on the trias energetica
model to reduce the demand for energy, make the fullest possible use of renewable energy and meter and
monitor the building’s energy performance.
The interior will be given a facelift that will do even greater justice to the original art deco elements.
The interior will ooze the serenity and tranquillity of this unique location and will offer everything that a
relaxing environment needs.
Fidias Awards 2011 - AINB - laureate Eco Label Professional
Valcke Prefab Beton nv, A. Rodenbachtstraat 30, 8908 Vlamertinge
A. Rodenbachstraat 72, 8908 Vlamertinge
Completed on September 30, 2010
2.881,59 sqm
Energy performance [EPB]
E level: E67 - K level: K30
BURO II & ARCHI+I, BURO Interior and Urban Planning en collaboration with Daidalos-Peutz [building
physics] and Pieter Vanrenterghem [landscape design]
The cement silos and large production hangers rising from the flat landscape surrounding Vlamertinge are
landmarks of Valcke’s precast concrete industry.
The office building stands detached on Valcke’s company grounds, though it was situated and designed to
fit into the environmental and scenic context.
The building’s sloping roof is constructed as a green roof and appears to pull a green landscape over the
building. The various recesses in the wall (as a patio or entrance hall) seem to draw the surroundings into
the building.
The well-insulated facades, intelligent daylight systems, natural ventilation and night-time air conditioning
ensure that this high-quality building has a low energy bill. The intelligent system of admitting daylight
makes it possible to work anywhere without artificial light. The exterior space acts as an extension of the
surrounding landscape. New canals also act as detention and/or infiltration basins for rainwater, and divide
the various meadows. Parking spaces for staff and visitors are constructed in part as green car parks which
are bordered by pollard willows. In a world premiere, Valcke had the opportunity to use a new type of
cement: oversulphated cement from near Holcim, (known as Cemroc), which only emits 80 kg CO2 per ton
of manufactured cement during the production process, whereas traditional cement emits approximately
1.400 kg CO2 per ton. This cement is a pale shade of white when it hardens, and its surface also has an
extra self-cleaning capacity.
Daylight enters this monolith building through ribbon windows placed at varying heights. The visibility lines
are continued in every aspect of the architecture, interior and technologies.
The large open space contains three detached volumes that accommodate private functions. This large
open space is an interpretation of the company’s philosophy as well as being necessary for the night-time
air conditioning. A deliberate choice was made to restrict the package of materials, which consists of
concrete, cast floors and stained wood work.
Competition by invitation - laureate
Award - Building of the year - selected [2004]
Awards of the Belgium Architecture - Energy Awards [2005] - nominated categorie non-residentional buildings renovation
Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management School - Reep 1 - 9000 Ghent
Hoek Reep - Seminariestraat - 9000 Ghent
Completed on September 2003
12.777,64 sqm
BURO II & ARCHI+I [architecture], BURO Interior [interior] in col. with arch. Romain Berteloot [restauration]
Until recently, the ‘Great Seminar’, a neo-gothic building dating from the start of the twentieth century,
conveyed a monastery-like inaccessibility through its closed character. Only the front façade was oriented
to the outside world. The reorganization of the building as the new campus for the Vlerick Management
School opens the site to the public.
The impact of the intervention was kept as subtle as possible. Preliminary review had shown that
existing building concept, with two large courtyards, remains a good basis for a sustainable and
economical renovation. It sufficed to excavate the courtyard and add an underground level to facilitate
the reorganization of the building and to integrate the new functions and services. This concentrated
intervention leaves the remaining wings free from drastic renovations. Thus, the chapel now serves as
restaurant and conference space, the corridor adjacent to the library (that kept its function) became a
reading room.
On the campus square, landscaped in collaboration with the artist Panamarenko, the newly trained
managers – the gods of our globallized society – find a daily reminder that it is not cold economis realisme
but rather dream and imagination that lead to Nailati Efil (an Italian way of Life).
DWELLING S. IN W. [2009]
Completed on June 17, 2009
BURO II & ARCHI+I and BURO Interior
Residence S. was designed for a three-child family. The design was strongly influenced by the site and
the trees and bushes on the property. The residence, a 72 m long beam was oriented on a north-south
line to structure the property in a westerly (more public) access zone and an easterly (private) garden with
swimming pool.
The volume of the residence has been placed between two horizontal concrete platforms. One of them
forms a base that lies in the garden and the other is a slender edge to the roof with glass or wooden walls
in between.
The triptych-like sequence to the living areas (children/living and dining areas/parents) is reflected in
the façades. The different parts are connected to the specific outside areas: the sitting room with the
introverted patio, the living areas with the elongated patio, the kitchen with the open patio and the master
bedroom with the southern patio.
This internal differentiation is carried on through into the Buro Groen garden design: a restful flower
garden has been placed opposite the master bedroom; an open grassy area, play yard and copse are
aligned with the living areas; and the willow copse borders on the children’s bedrooms. The open park
environment is bordered by an existing, protective belt of alders, with additional, regionally indigenous
greenery. On the property itself, an imaginary diagonal axis has been set out along both the house and the
The detailed finishing and the refined design give the sober and dynamic unity its proper place in the green
surroundings. The consistency of the design and use of materials unites the home and garden. The subtle
play that is created in this way, stimulates the curiosity of passers-by and also creates a unique environment
for family life.
Care Campus with innovative care concept - Partly with financial intervention with VIPA
Nomination for the first IWT Innovation Awards [Innovation by Science and Technology]
Prijs Bouwmeester 2012 - category ‘care’ - nomination
Care for Life cvba - Slachthuisstraat 68 - 2300 Turnhout
Halingenstraat - 3806 Velm
Completed on September 3, 2010 [phase 1]
Design phase [phase 2]
20.200 sqm aboveground & ca 6.100 sqm underground facilities
Care for Life develops, builds and operates innovative residential and community projects for young and
old as a fitting response to the challenges presented by an ageing population. TRIAMANT Haspengouw
at Velm near Sint-Truiden is the pilot project. The vision of seamlessly-overlapping accommodation, care
and welfare was translated spatially into a master plan. Art historian Mimi Debruyn examined how carefree
residential accommodation and life in the fast lane could be embedded in an historical castle and park
Central to the master plan was the castle complex that stands as a rural landmark. The fully renovated
castle houses a Grand Café, 8 guest rooms for tourists requiring care and a few residential units. The first
phase of Triamant has already been completed following the construction of 42 sheltered accommodation
units, 37 flats (for business or residence), 6 mansions, a wide range of care services/facilities and a variety
of shared amenities (including a local shop with a post office counter and lottery ticket sales point, care
centre with physiotherapy, fitness room, swimming pool, etc.). The second and third phases will include
construction of another eight entities for normal small-scale residential occupancy (with a total capacity
of 86 dwelling units), 41 flats, an activities centre and five family dwellings as high-quality new-builds. All
the residential units are completely accessible to wheelchair users and quickly and easily adaptable to the
changing needs of occupants or changing family circumstances.
The spatial challenge in this project was to unite autonomy with the provision of care and social interaction
and to do so in an ecologically responsible manner. Intensive cooperation between Care for Life and
BURO II & ARCHI+I resulted in a project that successfully translated the different elements of the vision
– social interaction, openness, accessibility and participation – into a sustainable design. TRIAMANT
Haspengouw is a concept for lifelong residency where people will come together, meet each other, inspire
each other, help each other and live together in a community. In due course around 350 people will be able
to call Triamant their home.