THE YEAR OF CULTIVATION - Center for the Arts Crested Butte
THE YEAR OF CULTIVATION OVER THE PAST YEAR, WE HAVE FOCUSED ON STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS with friends of the Center as well as actively creating new connections to advance arts and culture in the Gunnison Valley. This strategy aligns with our fundamental belief that the “Center is for everyone” and builds upon our mission “to expand and enrich the life of our community through the arts.” This has included regular conversations with the Gunnison Arts Center to develop shared membership benefits and cross-promotion of performances and workshops. We have also developed a dynamic relationship with the Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum in which we are jointly developing a vision for an expanded facility to serve as a focal point for all arts activities in the Crested Butte community. The Center is proud to serve in a leadership capacity for the Arts Alliance of the East River Valley and supporting the mission of making the Gunnison Valley a nationally recognized destination for the arts. In partnership with eleven non-profit organizations, the Arts Alliance meets monthly to formulate strategies that promote collaboration in the areas of marketing, joint ticketing and the development of vacation packages with lodging partners that include arts activities. We recognize that expanding the cultural experiences for our community and visitors will add greater value to the economy of the region. The Center is again participating in the Americans for the Arts “Arts & Economic Prosperity Study: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences.” It documents the key role played by the nonprofit arts and culture industry in strengthening our nation’s economy. This study demonstrates that the nonprofit arts and culture industry is an economic driver in communities — a growth industry that supports jobs, generates government revenue, and is the cornerstone of tourism. The Gunnison Valley participated in this study in 2005, providing evidence that the nonprofit arts and culture are a significant industry in Gunnison County — one that generates $6.35 million in local economic activity. We believe our community supports arts and culture to not only enhance the quality of life, but also to invest in economic well-being. We are also embarking on the exciting journey of expanding our current building in order to realize the vision of becoming a Community Arts Center with spaces for music, dance, visual arts workshops, an ADA accessible gallery, meeting room space, catering facilities and so much more! We kicked off the year with an educational campaign designed to help locals, tourists and second homeowners understand the critical function of the Center and the important impacts we make to enhance and improve the lives of those who enter our doors. The Center for the Arts is a powerful economic contributor to our community and the meaningful partnerships we have developed among the many non-profits will serve to strengthen the future sustainability of our community. On behalf of the Board of Directors, members of the staff, and myself, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such a dynamic and generous community. We look forward to “bringing the arts to life” for many years to come. JENNY BIRNIE Executive Director Cover Photo: Ballet Nouveau Colorado Photo by Nathan Bilow OUR MISSION The Center for the Arts, a home for arts and culture, offers engaging opportunities and educational experiences to enrich and expand the life of our community. HOW DOES THE CENTER MEASURE SUCCESS? IN DECEMBER 2010, THE CENTER FOR THE ARTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADOPTED A REVISED STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2011-2016. The plan includes four goals that are the anticipated major accomplishments in the next three to five years. For each goal, there are corresponding objectives that are the specific anticipated results. Progress on each for these goals will be reported every year in our annual report. BEST-IN-CLASS FACILITY Create a facility that is home to the region’s cultural organizations and recognized as “best-in-class” for visual and performing arts as well as other civic and cultural activities; offer the best place to access cultural resources in the region • By June 1, 2015, construction will have begun on an expanded facility. • By June 30, 2012, the Board of Directors will have initiated a capital campaign to support expansion of the current facility and also that includes establishment of an operating endowment. • By December 31, 2010, the Boards of The Center for the Arts and the Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum will have adopted a Memorandum of Understanding describing their intent to collaborate to support an expanded facility. STRATEGIC RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND GROWTH Acquire the financial resources to ensure a sustainable future to achieve our mission and realize the vision • By October 31, 2015, revenue from special fundraising events generated by pARTners will have increased by ten percent (10%) annually from each prior year, beginning with 2009 figures. • By October 31, 2015, income from ticket sales for the Winter Season will have increased by ten percent (10%) annually from each prior year, beginning with 2010 figures. • By October 31, 2011, the Center Board of Directors will have generated an additional $30,000 through securing three (3) new members in Founders’ Club (i.e., $7500 per year for four years). REMARKABLE HUMAN RESOURCES Become a top-tier choice for employment as well as Board and community volunteer service in the Gunnison Valley • By October 31, 2015, total compensation (including benefits) for all full-time employees will range within the top ten percent (10%) of all nonprofit organizations in the Gunnison Valley. • By October 31, 2011, the Board of Directors will have adopted a succession plan for staff. • By October 31, 2011, the Board of Directors will have established the Center Advisory Council. EXTRAORDINARY MISSION DELIVERY Provide an excellent year-round program that expands and enhances participation in the visual and performing arts • By October 31 of each year, surveys completed by customers and renters will have indicated at least a 90% satisfaction with Center programs and services. • By October 31 of each year, programs offered by the Center will have included one collaborative event with the Arts Alliance and at least four (4) film offerings per year. • By October 31, 2015, in collaboration with other nonprofit arts organizations, the Center will have inaugurated an annual festival. • By October 31, 2015, in collaboration with the Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum, the Center will have expanded programs specifically designed for children and families. Motown in The Mountains Photo by Nathan Bilow OUR VISION We envision The Center for the Arts as a captivating and welcoming place, truly unrivaled in Colorado. The Center brings people together to share, inspire, nurture, educate, and enjoy the arts and culture of our mountain community. Manitou Art Theatre Photo by Nathan Bilow A REPORT ON THE FISCAL YEAR NOVEMBER 1, 2009 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2010 We welcomed 26,261 people to the Center for outstanding performances and programs. There were 122 performances — 44 Center presentations, 78 rental performances, 79 rehearsals and 21 other uses. There were 23 visual arts programs — 19 shows in the Piper Gallery, plus 4 arts education programs spanning 9 days. COMMUNITY PRESENTERS Alpine Orthopedics Arts Alliance of the East River Valley Blackhole Productions Crested Butte Avalanche Center Crested Butte Community School Crested Butte Dance Collective Crested Butte Mountain Theatre Crested Butte Music Festival Crested Butte News Crested Butte Nordic Center Crested Butte School of Dance Crested Butte Search & Rescue Dansummer Ed Boardman Friends of Friends Productions High Country Citizen’s Alliance Hospice of the Gunnison Valley Kids Kount Little Red Schoolhouse Matchstick Productions Michael Marchitelli — Bayou in the Butte Public Policy Forum Reaman and Arnold Families The Cox Family Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum Western Pilates Yoga for the Peaceful THE CENTER PRESENTS STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 31, 2010 SUPPORT & REVENUE DONATIONS PROGRAM SERVICES GRANTS INTEREST FUNDRAISING EVENTS COST OF SALES NET BAR – PROCEEDS COST OF SALES NET IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL SUPPORT & REVENUE EXPENSES PROGRAM SERVICES MANAGEMENT & GENERAL FUNDRAISING DEPRECIATION TOTAL EXPENSES INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Manitou Art Theatre Meagan Tubb & Shady People Motown in the Mountains Nightmare on Elm Street Paddle to Seattle Paul Thorne Race Across the Sky Sambadende Suzy Bogguss The Bridge The Vagina Monologues Thread Count Tony Furtado U-47 Westside Story White Christmas 800 Thread Count Alpin Hong Alpenglow Youth Workshop — Sambadende Alpenglow Youth Workshop — Casey Prestwood & The Burning Angels Alpenglow Youth Workshop — Brad Lee Schroeder Asleep at the Wheel Aspen Santa Fe Ballet Boulder Acoustic Society Brad Lee Schroeder Carrie Rodriguez Casey James Prestwood & The Burning Angels CB’s Got Talent Chefs on the Edge Crooked Still Dan Coakley and Carter Falco Day of the Arts Drew Emmitt Band Eliza Gilkyson Family Fun Night George Winston Great American Taxi Honey Don’t Infamous Stringdusters Julia Bryan Band Local Musician’s Night $137,5391 $105,434 $27,000 $550 $173,985 $93,271 $80, 714 $30,773 $15,909 $14,864 $168,695 $534,796 $365,080 $148,783 $41,147 $31,807 $586,817 ($52,021) THE VISUAL ARTS David Wilcove J.C. Leacock Jennifer Rose John Bukaty Kyle Fleener Morgan Queal Nathan Bilow Rebecca Weil Sean Crossen Susan Anderton Suzanne Pierson WORKSHOP INSTRUCTORS Kim Frayer-Beading Meredith Nemirov — Watercolor Rebecca Susan Weil — Kids Art Camp GROUP SHOWS Artists of the West Elks Crested Butte Community School Stepping Stones Children’s Center Studio Art School PIPER GALLERY ARTISTS Adam Freed Anette Akselsen C. Lang Ingalls Colin Griffin SOURCES OF FUNDS DONATIONS PROGRAM SERVICES GRANTS FUNDRAISING EVENTS BAR, INTEREST & OTHER IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS 20% 20% 5% 15% 3% 32% USES OF FUNDS PROGRAM SERVICES MANAGEMENT & GENERAL FUNDRAISING DEPRECIATION 7% SOURCE OF FUNDS 62% 25% 7% 5% 5% 3% 5% 25% 62% 15% 32% 20% 20% USE OF FUNDS All Figures Audited by Johnson, Holscher & Company, P.C. PRESENTER It is with great appreciation that we thank the following individuals, businesses and foundations for their generous support of the Center for the Arts. Balie and Beverly Griffith Crested Butte Lodging & Property Management Crested Butte Mountain Resort Leadership Learning Systems Maxine and Jack Zarrow Family Foundation Nathan Bilow Photography The Pine Tree Foundation Town of Crested Butte PARTNER Arrangements, Catering & Events Tom and Linda Biery Crested Butte Arts Festival Crested Butte Music Festival Scott and Debra Duncan Margery Feldberg and Jeremy Levin Gunnison County Ren and Gloria Kern Ed and Judy Ligon Paul and Donna Witt William and Cynthia Peatross ADVOCATE Crested Butte Mountain Theatre Photo by Alex Fenlon Dick and Mary Allen Community Banks of Colorado The Crested Butte Bank CPC Solutions Gail and Jim Digate Tim and Christe Fretthold Jennifer and Gary Hartman Holbrook and Smith General Contractors Bill and Carolyn Huckabay George and Phyllis Mitchell Anthony and Randi Stroh Dick and Rodi Whiting Town of Mt. Crested Butte Carol Webb and Don Wemlinger Donna and Paul Witt BENEFACTOR Paul and Joy Adams Alpine Orthopaedics Artisan Rug Gallery Susan and Kevin Beltz Rick and Mary Bush Harvey Castro Richard and Marsha Cole Wayne F. and Leslie Collins Gus and Karen Comiskey Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley Sandy and Roger Dorf Frank and Linda Fialkoff Garlic Mike's Anne Hickman IBM Pat and Jane Jenevein Anne Lamkin Kinder Jim and Susan Lawhon Lewis & Associates Financial Services Margot Levy David and Patty Miller Jim and M.J. Miller Keely Murphy Poor Richard's Charitable Trust Bill and Carolyn Reimer Bill and Anne Ronai Jim Runner Elisabeth Sherratt Andy and Julie Shoup Nancy Siebert and John Zich Starr & Associates, P.C. Kate Tillery Marion Troske Ted and Sharon Troy Philip and Bo Warnick Collin Weston Memorial Fund Wynn and Leah Williams Bob and Nancy Yuskaitis SPONSOR Alison White Photography Alpengardener Ltd. Bruce and Debbie Alpern Clif and Kathy Barnhart Danek M. Bienkowski and Jo Ann Macy Clear Rivers Skin Care and Waxing Gus and Karen Comiskey Community Banks of Colorado Crested Butte Events Crested Butte Rotary Club John and Neva Dawson Sterling and Melinda Doster Harold and Sandra Duble Henry and Sandra Estess Randy and Rosemary Ewing Don Haver Jim and Ynette Hogue Donald and Cathey Humphreys Nita Kubricht Mark and Carol Lester Doug and Linda McDonald Chuck and Cathy McGinnis Milky Way Ken and Barbara Moffit David and Marj O'Reilly John and Diana Ralston William and Suzanne Sullivan Sunlit Architecture The Sign Guys and Gal Anita and Bill Vallett Merle and Marian Volding Waste Management Weisman Family Foundation ASSOCIATE Animal Hospital of Crested Butte Larry and Carol Barbour Benson Sotheby's International Realty David and Christine Baxter Fred and Sue Berry Larry and Debbie Brannian Morton and Miriam Brown Jack and Peggy Colby Reggie and Susie Coon Carol Denny Camp4 Coffee Ken and Marla Drucker Electrical Logic, Inc. Gil and Lynn Friedlander Rob and Marilyn Gentry Dr. Shawn Harvey Roger and Dot Henninghaus Jeff Hermanson Bob and Barbara Kauffman Jim and Ruth Keene Mavis and Wendy Kelsey Peter and Margaret Kennel Paul and Jackie Kingsbury The Last Steep Nick Lypps and Mary Frame Jane Meginnis Allan and Diane Miller Carolyn and Henson Moore Scott and Nora Murray Dennis and Victoria Myers David K. Owen Owens Property Management Maren Palmer Quick Draw Carpet Cleaning Gary and Fran Rainwater Rocky Mountain Trees and Landscaping Jerrie Runice Shondeck Financial Services James and Delrena Sides Lowry and Leila Smith Leland and Betty Stone Micharl and Laura Werner Joe and Becky Williams Clyde and Bitsy Wyant Rick and Annie Zander SUSTAINER Anonymous Acme Liquor Ron and Ruth Baker Colin and Diane Barnhart John and Melissa Belkin Joel Benisch Skip and Ruth Berkshire Stan and Diane Bienasz Matthew and Jennifer Birnie Roy and Toni Bliss Nick and Debbie Bradley Malla and Bob Brandenberger Bob and Susan Brickman Peter and Mary Jane Bridges Andrew Brown Roger and Linda Brown Gene and Martha Bryson Jeff and Beth Buehler William and Lenore Burke Richard and Martha Burr Fred and Nan Buxton Dacid Charnack Joseph and Marie Chocole David and Terry Clayton Greg and Margaret Connor Crested Butte Electrical James Crowell and Sterling Sightler Melissa Cunningham Perry and Melissa Lewis John and Jeri DeFeo Barbara Dehaemer Jack and Paula Dietrich Brett Dixon Dragon Sheet Metal Dave and Nancy Eleeson Dan and Laurie Goetz Marsha Goldstein and Robert Fine Gene and Debra Harmon Hugh and Kitty Harris Jerry and Pam Hassebroek Joan Heinz HVM Security Systems Tom and Karen Jensen David and Jody Jones Sarah Keene Tom and Ann Kelsey Anita King Pete Lawson and Gail Burford Steve Lewis and Kay Ruff Ken and Melanie Lodovico Jim and Susie Maclean Tom and Becky Mitchell Tom and Gail Moore Perry and Kathy Morton Bob and Parry Mothershead Daniel J. Murphy Nautilus Publications, LLC Charlie and Shelley O'Connor Jim and Sue Oates Lee and Linda Oleson Michael and Jeanette Peter PR Property Management Jim and Joan Prentice David and Bridget Ralston Dick and Sharon Renwick Gene Richardson David Rose and Ceil Murray Katheryn Ruff Henry L. Sanderson Dave and Betty Schneider Ben and Gayle Scott Kathy Segar Donald and Val Senter Chuck and Vicki Shaw John and Marsha Soucheray Judy Spinella and Pete Veruki Cathy Sporcich Storage One Ted and Martha Violett Tim and Wren Wirth Dr. Jay Wolkov Christopher and Heather Woodward PATRON Tom and Desse Anthony James and Karen Archer Paul and Mary Lou Blacharski Jules Bohnn Linda and Michael Boyd Mickey Brislin Mary Brown Lee and Kathy Cannon John and Bets Carrico Brian and Carol Dale Stephen and Susan Davis Ken and Eleanor Deacon David and Laura Ferenci Jim and Diane Fisher Joseph and Janice Forech Glena Galloway Douglas and Karen Gorman Barry and Rena Grossman Scott and Kristi Hargrove Melinda Hunter Gary and Elizabeth Keiser Polly Keller Barbara Kotler Fred and Linda Kremer Patsy and Paul Lea Tim and Andrea Lee Jack and Marlene Lintz Marcy Trent Long Kristy McFarland and James Lohr James and Jean McGill Uwe Meissner Ruth Miller Dr. Z Miller and Trilby Carriker John and Donna Mullins Franklin and Liz Myers Sammy and Therese Nagem Lee and Jay Renfrow Lee and Sis Schalon Debra Sporcich Randy and Joan Swift Julie Vlier and Rich Tocker Albert and Kathryn Vogel Chris Williams SUPPORTER Richard and Elizabeth Bond Rebecca Borchers Sarah Boynton Clayton Claassen Robert and Elizabeth Cooperman John and Maggie Dethloff Charley and Angie Dumas Marty and Kay Evans Don and Carolyn Holder Jay and Pam Jaynes William and Gloria Laemmel Chris and Kelli Mize Neil and Joan Windsor William Winkler In Honor of Mary Allen Clif and Kathy Barnhart Carolyn Huckabay Ben and Mary Gwen Hulsey Marj O'Reilly Heidi Sherratt-Bogart IN MEMORY OF Jim Kingsdale Aaron Kotler Bob Runice Peggy Ellington Traylor Collin Weston Motown in The Mountains Photo by Nathan Bilow THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS! Businesses that support the Center for the Arts programs and fundraising events. WINTER SEASON 2010 Crested Butte Lodging & Property Management Starr and Associates P.C. Bank of America Red Lady Realty The Princess Wine Bar / Coffee House & Western Design Co. Owens Property Management Crested Butte School of Dance SUMMER SEASON 2010 GOLD Crested Butte Lodging and Property Management Crested Butte Mountain Resort The Grand Lodge Leadership Learning Systems Maxine and Jack Zarrow Foundation ASSOCIATES Arrangements Catering and Events Crested Butte Arts Festival Crested Butte Music Festival El Pomar Foundation Gunnison County The Scott Duncan Family The Town of Crested Butte PATRONS Holbrook & Smith General Contractors Starr & Associates P.C. Red Lady Realty The Town of Mt. Crested Butte Yellowbook ADVOCATES Alpine Orthopaedics Artisan Rug Gallery Bank of America Bill and Cynthia Peatross George and Phyllis Mitchell IBM Lewis and Associates Financial Services Maxwell’s Restaurant Yoga for the Peaceful FRIENDS Alpengardener, Ltd. Blackline Entertainment Clear River Skin Care and Waxing Colorado Legacy Properties Community Banks of Colorado Crested Butte Events Crested Butte / Mt. Crested Butte Rotary Club Electric Logic Lighting, Inc. MEMBERS OF THE FOUNDERS’ CLUB Founders’ Club members made a four year financial commitment to support outstanding programs and performances at the Center. Ren and Gloria Kern Bill and Cynthia Peatross Malte and Pam vonMatthiessen Paul and Donna Witt Margery Feldberg and Jeremy Levin MEMBERS OF THE CENTER CIRCLE Center Circle members make a three year financial commitment to bring extraordinary artists to Crested Butte. Gothic Mountain Waste Solutions Milky Way Old Town Inn Owens Property Management Paradise Café Sign Guys and Gal Sunlit Architecture The Princess Wine Bar / Coffee House & Western Design Co. Waste Management Western Pilates SUPPORTERS Benson Sotheby’s International Realty Bob Huckins Construction Crested Butte Bank The Last Steep Little Red Schoolhouse Nancy Yuskaitis Jewelry Rocky Mountain Trees and Landscaping Shawn Harvey Dentistry Shondeck Financial Services The Animal Hospital of Crested Butte BEVERAGE SPONSORS ACLI-MATE Camp 4 Coffee Crested Butte Brewing Company Talk of the Town The Eldo Gifts Received November 1, 2009 through October 21, 2010. While great care is taken in creating this list, mistakes sometimes happen. We apologize in advance and appreciate your understanding. Mary and Richard Allen John and Melissa Belkin Mary and Rick Bush Marsha and Richard Cole Sandy and Roger Dorf Christe and Tim Fretthold The Collin Weston Memorial Fund Beverly and Bailie Griffith Jennifer and Gary Hartman Anne Hickman Bill and Carolyn Huckabay Anne Lamkin Kinder Susan Lawhon Leadership Learning Systems Margot Levy and Harvey Castro Tonie and Charles Mann David and Patty Miller M.J. and Jim Miller Keely Murphy Carolyn and Bill Reimer Cille and Mike Ribaudo Anne and Bill Ronai Jim Runner Nancy Siebert and Jon Zich Julia and Andy Shoup Randi and Tony Stroh Kate and Steve Tillery Marion Troske Sharon and Ted Troy Rodi and Dick Whiting Leah and Wynn Williams Bob and Nancy Yuskaitis Photo by Nathan Bilow BUILDING INDUSTRY NIGHT The Center for the Arts gives a big round of applause to our 2010 Alpenglow underwriters. Your support helps us keep Alpenglow a free event that brings our community together. Altitude Painting Bob Huckins Construction, Inc. B2 Building Science / Bulldog Remodeling Buzz, LLC Cement Creek Contractors Combined Timber Crafts, Inc. Crested Butte Builders, Inc. Crested Butte Electrical, Inc. Crossroads Construction & Inspection, Inc. Custom Property Management Diamond Blue Pool & Spa Dragon Sheet Metal Electronic Solutions Equity Builders & Remodel, Inc. Mountain Colors DBA Fitz’s Painting Get Bent, LLC Green Robin Builders & Design, Inc. H.V.M. Inc. Security Systems Hargrove Construction Lacy Construction Marr Corp. Construction Mountain Colors Paint & Design Parker Dirtworks, Inc. Pike Builders, Inc. Pinnacle Construction, Inc. Red Mountain Logworks Timberline Mechanical Contracting True Value Western Slope Fire & Safety Wright Angle Construction, Inc. UNIVERSITY NIGHT Anne Lamkin Kinder Bruce and Alice Ann Street Bruce and Debbie Alpern Carolyn Huckabay Henson and Carolyn Moore Jim and M.J. Miller Rick Bush Richard and Marsha Cole BOARD MEMBER NIGHT Cynthia Peatross Nancy Siebert Carolyn Reimer Gail Digate Kathy and Clif Barnhart Melissa Belkin Bob Yuskaitis Mary Allen Sarah Keene Randi Stroh Jennifer Hartman Don Haver Richard Cole Carolyn Spahn Debbie Brannian Sharon Renwick Jackie Kingsbury Marilyn Gentry CRESTED BUTTE SOUTH NIGHT Allie and Murphy Smith Alpengardener, Ltd. Barbara Lawyer Camp 4 Coffee Donna Novak Electrical Logic, Inc. Elk Avenue Dental Center Henning Electric Holly Emerson Krista and PJ Hilderbrandt Lenore and William Burke Little Red Schoolhouse Matthew and Jenny Birnie Melissa and John Belkin Peter Hylander Pioneer Plaza Randy Singelton Red Mountain Liquors Rocky Mountain Trees & Landscaping Steve and Susan Davis Twist Nutrition Uwe Meissner Waste Mangement Susan Widjeskog John and Brenda Ryan John Dietrich James Ray Spahn Photography Wildcat Dirtworks BUSINESS OWNERS NIGHT Ansley Interiors Buehler Communications, Inc. Bulldog Remodeling, LLC Cliggett & Associates, P.C Colorado Structural, Inc. Daniel J. Murphy David Leinsdorf Douglas B. Gorman Hegeman & Drewnowski P.C., CPA’s Interior Visions Law Offices of Elizabeth P.Appleton, P.C Nancy Bentson Essex, P.C. Resource Engineering Group, Inc. Schmueser Gordon Meyer, Inc. Sunlit Architecture ARTS ALLIANCE NIGHT Artists of the West Elks Crested Butte Arts Festival Crested Butte Mountain Theatre Crested Butte Music Festival Crested Butte School of Dance Gunnison Arts Center Mt. Crested Butte Performing Arts Center Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum AS OF 10/31/10 GAIL DIGATE President JENNIFER HARTMAN Vice President CAROLYN REIMER Treasurer Drew Emmitt Band 2010 Winter Season Photo by Nathan Bilow NANCY SIEBERT Secretary Mary Allen Melissa Belkin Heidi Bogart Jennifer Hartman Sarah Keene Cynthia Peatross Carolyn Spahn Randi Stroh Bob Yuskaitis EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Kathy Barnhart Andrew Gitin Phoebe Wilson KEY STAFF JENNY BIRNIE Executive Director JAMIE BOOTH Program Manager / Development Associate LAURA CASS Operations / Rentals Manager ED BOARDMAN Technical Director P.O. Box 1819 606 6th Street Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 (970) 349–7487 voice (970) 349–5626 fax
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